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关键词:图像去噪 小波变换 Radon 变换 脊波变换 阈值
Ima ge is an important carrier of the information as well as an important channel of acceeding informations. However, the ima ges are polluted by the noise or interferred by other non-target signa ls to different extents in ever y process of ima ge acquisition, transmission, and access. In order to obtain the ima ge informations more accurately, noise ima ge need to be denoised. Wavelet analysis is a new kind of frontier area. It has been attented extensively in signa l and ima ge de-noising while the wavelet analysis theor y is improving daily. This paper ma inly research on applica tion of the theor y of wavelet in ima ge de-noising,the ma in contents is as follows: In the previous three chapters of this paper, we introduce the status of ima ge de-noising ,the basic theor y of the waveletr analysis and the common ima ge-denoising algor ithms based on the wavelet transform. And we conclude the analysis and comparison about the three common methods of ima ge de-noising based on wavelet transform. In the forth chapter,beca use the algor ithm of ima ge de-noising based on orthogona l wavelet transform should make the Gibbs phenomenon and the common threshold usua lly cause the tendency of over strangled ing , we draw out the method of adaptive threshold ima ge denoising based on stationary wavelet transform .We give out the adeptive threshold by correcting the common threshold based on different scale and sub-band direction because the signa l and noise have different propagating character istics. We show that this algor ithm is reasonable and effective . In the fifth chapter, we introduce the rid gelet transform against the optima l basis of zerodimensiona l singula r objective function rather tha n the optima l basis of multi-dimensiona l objective function. Actually ridgelet is obtained by participating an orientation parpameter. The function of basis can describe the multi-dimensiona l singula r signa l along linear or hyperpla ne.We use ridgelet transform for ima ge denoising because the linear singula r of ima ge is express ed by less rid gelet coefficients.But noise do not have so significa nt coefficients.So we can obtain better effect by proposing the method of adaptive threshold ima ge de-noising based on rid gelet transform.We improve the common threshold according to the theory that the noise gradually weakened as the level of decomposition. Finally, we verify the effectiveness of this algor ithm by exper iments ,especia lly to the ima ge with features of linear singula rities.
1.1 图像去噪的意义及国内外研究现状............................................................................1 1.2 图像去噪效果评价........................................................................................................3 1.3 本文研究工作及组织结构............................................................................................4
入学时间: 2007 年 9 月 研究方向: 分 析 数学及其 应用 职 称: 教 授
论文提交日期:2010 年 4 月 论文答辩日期:2010 年 6 月 授予学位日期:
A Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of
Keywords: Ima ge Denoising ; Wavelet Transform ; Radon Transform ; Rid gelet Transform; Threshold

1 绪 论................................................................................................................ 1
2 小波分析基本理论............................................................................................ 6
Shandong University of Science and Technology
Zhang Qingwei
Supervisor:Professor Tao Changli
College of Information Science and Engineering
May 2010

本人呈交给山东科技大学的这篇硕士学位论文,除了所列参考文献和世所公 认的文献外,全部是本人在导师指导下的研究成果。该论文资料尚没有呈交于其 它任何学术机关作鉴定。
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I declare that this dissertation, submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master of Science in Shandong University of Science and Technology, is wholly my own work unless referenced of acknowledge. The document has not been submitted for qualification at any other academic institute.
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单位代码: 10424
学 位 论 文
张 庆 伟
申请学位级别:硕士学位 指导教师姓名:陶 常 利
专业名称:基础数学 职 称:教 授
山 东 科 技 大 学
作者姓名: 张 庆 伟 专业名称: 基础数学 指导教师: 陶 常 利
Signature: Date:

图像是信息的重要载体,是我们获取信息的重要渠道。然而,图像在获取、传输以 及存取过程中的各个环节均不同程度地受到噪声的污染或其他非目标信号干扰。为了更 准确地获取图像信息,需要对噪声图像进行去噪处理。 小波分析是一个新兴的前沿研究领 域,随着小波分析理论的日臻完善,它在信号及图像去噪领域受到广泛重视。本文主要 研究了小波变换在图像去噪方面的应用,主要内容如下: 首先在前三章主要介绍了图像去噪研究的现状,小波分析的基本理论及常用的基于 小波变换的图像去噪算法,并对常用的三种基于小波变换的图像去噪算法作了简要的分 析比较。 第四章针对正交小波阈值去噪后的图像会产生吉布斯效应,并且全局阈值均不同程 度的存在“过扼杀”倾向,考虑到信号与噪声在小波变换各尺度上具有不同的传播特性, 以及图像经二维三带分解后在不同尺度上具有三个子带方向(即水平、竖直及对角线三 个方向) , 给出了全局阈值依分解尺度与子带方向修正的自适应阈值,提出了一种基于平 稳小波变换的自适应阈值图像去噪方法,通过仿真实验验证了该算法的合理性,取得了 较好的去噪效果。 第五章针对小波仅为零维奇异目标函数的最优基,而非高维目标函数的最优基,介 绍了脊波变换。在本质上脊波是通过对小波函数添加一个表征方向的参数得到的,其基 函数能有效地描述沿直线或超平面的奇异性高维信号,利用脊波变换进行图像去噪是由 于图像的线奇异可以用较少的脊波系数表示, 而随机分布的噪声却没有如此显著的系数。 故对脊波系数做简单的阈值处理就可以得到较好的效果。本章根据噪声随分解层数的增 加而减弱的原理,针对全局阈值作了进一步的改进,提出了一种基于脊波变换的自适应 阈值图像去噪方法,并通过仿真实验证实了该算法的有效性,尤其是对于直线特征明显 的图像,效果更加明显。