Dance, Puppet, Dance




一共313首歌金宝贝一另新出11张环球宝贝,是一个为期12周的环球旅行,内容涉及游戏,音乐,舞蹈,民俗和来自金宝贝国际社区的活动1.African playground 非州背景音乐n Dreamland 亚洲梦境tin Playground拉丁背景4.World Christmas全球欢度圣誔节5.Music From The Coffee Lands来自咖啡国度的音乐6.Sing Along With Putumayo7.Kids Sampler8.Summer playground10.Dreamlands world11.French Kids Sampler金宝贝二金宝贝PLAY课的英文版音乐,一套1张CD全球早教第一品牌-gymboree金宝贝,是0-5岁幼儿最快乐分天地,有系统的开发幼儿潜能,提供寓教于乐的学习课程,包括育乐、音乐和美术。




金宝贝三金宝贝最近新出了六张音乐碟片6CD光盘编号7-10电子歌词和1-3岁训练方案电子书光盘编号13-23光盘编号1-6:金宝贝最近新出了六张音乐碟片Donny Becker,Janice Hubbard and Stephen Michael Schwartz are Parachute Express,a talented trio who will take your children on a colorful ride throughtheir own imaginations. Parachute Express songs encourage children to dance ang sing, play and pretendgiving them a chance to feel all the joy and wonder of childhood.内容目录如下CD-1. Friends, Forever FriendsFriends, Forever Friends Coconut CafeHopscotch A Mind of His OwnThe Cowboy Song Manners Make A Princess ShineIko-Iko Lunch Box RockThe Straw Ten Little Gymboree FriendsSnapshot TinkerboxerCD-2. Happy to be HereHappy to be Here When I Go to SchoolHigh-5-ious What Will I Take to the Moon?Smooth Movin' Boogie Express The Changing Garden of Mr. BellPolka-dots, Checks and Stripes Ups and DownsMy History Willy FalldownAs Long as We're Together Friendship ChainCD-3. Over EasyOver Easy Indian LullabyTie a Bow Living on a Planet I LoveWarm Wooly Blanket Fi-Fiddle-Diddle-I-AyBeddy Bye-Bye Grandpa JoeFloat, Drift and Dream Dreamin'Bobo's Bedtime My ShadowCD-4. Sunny Side UpRiggedy Jig Sunny Side UpAround the Block I Can Do ThatCan You Show Us? Doo-Wacka-DooFantasy Automobile Sing Along SongButterfly Goo-Goo-Giggly-i-oYou and Me Parade The Shapes GameBirthday Cake Bye Bye Pizza PieCD-5. Circle of FriendsCircus Song Circle of FriendsGood Morning, Neighbors Wiggle Your BonesDown on the Farm Red Means StopGoing on a Lion Hunt When I Build My HouseWhen You Come Over to My House La-La ManWalkin' in My Neighborhood Baby of MineCD-6. Feel the MusicKickin' the Can Feel the MusicThe Color Song I Like YouPut Your Finger On BubblesDance Puppet Dance World of Make BelieveGood Night, Moon Time to Get Ready to GoWho Am I? These Hands金宝贝 4光盘编号28-29:新到:1.新到碟片--- Music From the Coffee Lands II新到碟片2---Caribbean Playground光盘编号30-34:5张CD包含了Helen Doron Early Engliah的六大阶段30节课时的教学CD 英语宝贝Helen Doron Early Engliah各位家长,到过金宝贝早教中心的都会发现有一个独立于gymboree 课程体系之外,但又和金宝贝相配套的课程由外籍教师任教的English For Infants,它就是:6个月学英语,从Helen英语宝贝开始!新到:1.新到碟片--- Music From the Coffee Lands II专辑曲目:01. Ceumar (brazil) "Dindinha"02. Mario Rui Silva (Angola) "Nzaji"03. Geraldo Azevedo (Brazil) "Quem Muito Querido a Mim"04. Titico Y Los Caracoles del Amargue (Dominican Republic) "Atabal de Mi Negra"05. Correo Aereo (Mexico) "Fiesta Lianera"06. Sabah Habas Mustapha & The Jugala All Stars (indonesia/java) "Di Nagara Deungeun"07. Gigi (Ethiopia) "Guramayle"08. Jose luis martinez vesga (colombia) "Bunde Tolismense"09. Emeline michel (haiti) "Moso Manman"10. Kali (martinique) "monte la rivie"11. Denis tshibayi (vongo) "Nge Na Munu"2.新到碟片---Caribbean PlaygroundCaribbean Playground加勒比游乐场Putumayo省的孩子踏上了有趣的音乐邮轮前往加勒比游乐场,充满乐观的歌曲,透露出丰富多彩的生活气息,加勒比游乐场就是一个节日狂欢。



译林英语3AProject2Apuppetshow教案一、教学内容本节课选自译林英语3A教材Project2 “A puppet show”。


二、教学目标1. 能够听懂并准确说出故事中的重点词汇和句型。

2. 能够运用所学知识进行简单的对话创编和表演。

3. 培养学生的合作意识和创新能力。



四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、故事卡片、动词卡片、疑问词卡片、小熊玩偶。

2. 学具:学生用书、活动手册、笔、彩纸。

五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入(5分钟)利用小熊玩偶进行互动,引导学生用英语描述小熊的动作,如“Teddy is jumping/dancing”。


2. 例题讲解(10分钟)通过PPT展示故事情节,引导学生关注动词的现在时态。

分析疑问词的用法,如“Where is? What isdoing?”等。

3. 随堂练习(10分钟)分组活动,让学生根据动词卡片和疑问词卡片进行对话创编。


4. 小组活动(10分钟)学生分组,利用彩纸制作手偶,创编属于自己的puppet show。




六、板书设计1. 疑问词卡片:Where, What, Who, How, Why2. 动词卡片:jump, dance, sing, play, read3. 句型卡片:What is he/she doing? He/She is七、作业设计1. 作业题目:编写一个关于puppet show的故事,至少包含5个疑问词和5个动词。



教师的教学能力最终要转化为学生的学习能力,对高三学生而言,就是要通过 训练转化为学生的答题能力。一是严格限时训练。限时训练就是让学生在规定 时间内做完训练题目,既训练速度,又锻炼准确度。限时训练可短可长,可以 是课前十分钟,可以是一节课,但必须坚决做到即练即评,长期坚持,通过教 师评阅提升学生答题速度和效度,做到日日清,周周清,月月清,适应高考临 场答题要求。二是严格规范答题。要认真研究高考原题和高考答案,根据学生 的答题情况认真进行比对。要把学生在考试时的原生态答卷原汁原味地展示出 来,再让学生自己对照答案进行打分、评价,找出与标准答案的差距,小组内 相互交流、讨论,制定答题标准模板,保证将来一分不丢。三是突出变式训练 。对于临界生的典型错题或遗漏知识点,要进行变式训练,一题多变进行训练 ,把错题作为“母题”,至少进行一题五变以上,让学生写出每道题的解题思路 ,最后总结出此类变式的特点和解题入手点。
二是上好试卷讲评课。试卷讲评课是高三的主打课型,必须切实收到实效。首 先,要精确掌握考情。考试不过夜,打铁要趁热,每次考试以后,要对班级考 试情况了如指掌,充分了解易错点、易考点,这样讲评时,才能有所侧重,才 能有针对性地攻克重难点。其次,要规范讲评流程。针对错误率高或重点考察 的试题,教师引导出方法思路;再由学生个人进行自评自纠,小组讨论展示, 找出得分原因和失分原因,真正弄清楚解题思路。师生合作再对解题思路进行 再归纳总结,写到纸上记录下来,强化验证结果。三是克服“漏斗思维”。所谓“ 漏斗思维”,就是:今天正在学,突然有事不继续了,明天已经忘记一大部分, 后天想起来,继续学,但是忘记的一大部分似乎又需要重新开始,周而复始, 积累数月,结果是仅仅只有一点点的内容,而且是在同一个地方循环往复。对 于常错、常考的知识点,要经常复习,要不就如同漏斗一样慢慢溜掉。尤其是 对于已经进行过的专题训练、变式训练,不能认为进行过一次、两次就万事大 吉,要每隔2周进行“回头看”,把学生的易错题重新编辑,归类整理后附上分析 讲解印发给学生,克服漏斗思维,反复夯实专题训练的知识点。


养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。做题前, 要认真阅读题目要求、题干和选项,并对答案内容作出合理预测;答题时,切忌 跟着感觉走,最好按照题目序号来做,不会的或存在疑问的,要做好标记,要 善于发现,找到题目的题眼所在,规范答题,书写工整;答题完毕时,要认真检 查,查漏补缺,纠正错误。总之,在最后的复习阶段,学生们不要加大练习量。 在这个时候,学生要尽快找到适合自己的答题方式,最重要的是以平常心去面 对考试。英语最后的复习要树立信心,考试的时候遇到难题要想“别人也难”, 遇到容易的则要想“细心审题”。越到最后,考生越要回归基础,单词最好再 梳理一遍,这样有利于提高阅读理解的效率。另附高考复习方法和考前30天冲 刺复习方法。
the foreigners like you most.
As we all know, there is a variety of Chinese traditional culture which has gained
wide acceptance both at home and abroad. At first, Chinese traditional festivals can well
秧歌Yongko dance;rural folk dance和变脸fast mask-changing、皮影戏
shadow play等等。
➢ 餐饮文化food culture、传统建筑traditional architecture、中国功夫Kung
Fu(如:太极拳Tai Chi、武术martial arts)社交文语话题作文解题五步骤
➢ Step 1 读题审题、勾画信息 ➢ Step 2 罗列词汇、重点筛选 ➢ Step 3 罗列提纲、连词成句 ➢ Step 4 连句成篇、撰写文章 ➢ Step 5 检查修订



Unit 1Goodbye SongGood-bye teacher Good-bye friends.Good-bye; good-bye; good-bye.I’ll see you tomorrow.Good-bye; good-bye; good-bye.Let’s Have Fun SongLook and point. New things to think about.Look and point. New things to talk about.Look and smile. Are you readyLet’s have fun. Fun with ___.YAY.Hand Signal Chant1;2;3; Children; Children Look at me.1;2;3; Children; Children Listen to me.My ClassWhat is this What is this It’s a table. It is a table. What is this What is this It’s a chair. It is a chair.Is this a table Is this a table No; No; No; No; No; No; It’s a puppet. It is a puppet.What is this What is this It’s a shelf. It is a shelf. What is this What is this It’s a crayon. It is a crayon. Is this a crayon Is this a crayon No; No; No; No; No; No; It’s paper. It is paper.Action Game SongStand up; please. Walk; walk; walk. Walk; walk; walk. Jump; jump; jump. Jump; jump; jump.STOP; look at me. STOP; look at me.March; march; march. March; march; march.Dance; dance; dance. Dance; dance; dance.STOP; look at me. Sit down quietly.Let’s Start WorkingAre you ready Are you ready Let’s do this.Look; look; look.Are you ready Are you ready Let’s do this.Are you ready Are you ready Let’s do this. Look; look; look .Are you ready Are you ready Let’s do this. Yes; Yes; Yes. Ready; set; Go Ready; set; Go Shape Chant CircleCircle; circle; circle It is a circle.Circle ; circle; circle Find the circleA circle is a shape that I see everywhere.Look I see one thereColor Song RedRed; red This color is red.Red; red This color is red.Amazing ChantLook; look; look. This is amazing.Yes; Yes; Yes. This is Big FunLook; look; look. This is amazing.My GardenThis is my garden. This is my garden. This is my tree. This is my tree. Grass; flowers; ladybugs... All for me This is my garden. This is my garden. This is my tree. This is my tree. Grass; flowers; ladybugs... All for me Unit 2My bodyWhat is this It is a nose. NOSEWhat is this It is a mouth. MOUTHWhat are these They are eyes. EYESLa; la; la; la; la. La; la; la; la; la. What are these They are ears. EARSWhat are these They are feet. FEETWhat are these They are hands. HANDSClap; clap; clap; clap; clapClap; clap; clap; clap; clapSh Sh ShLet’s be quiet Sh Sh....Please. look at meLet’s be quiet Sh Sh....Please. look at meLet’s be quiet Sh Sh....Please. look at meBody SongEyes and ears and nose and mouth.Jump up and down and turn around.Eyes and ears and nose and mouth. Wiggle; wiggle; wiggle with me. yeah. Wiggle; wiggle; wiggle with me.Shape Chant SquareSquare; square; square It is a square.Square; square; square Find the square A square is a shape that I see everywhere. Look I see one thereColor Song YellowYellow; yellow This color is yellow. Clap; clap; clap; clap; clap.Yellow; yellow This color is yellow. Clap; clap; clap; clap; clap.Actions Song:All together; boys and girls.Stand up. Sit down. Turn around.March and clap. Jump and dance.All together; boys and girls.I fly like this:Butterflies fly; and so can I.Look at me.Butterflies fly; and so can I.I fly like this.Ladybugs fly; and so can I.Look at me.Ladybugs fly; and so can I.I fly like this.FamiliesSome families are big. Some families are small. It doesn’t matter--We love them all.Some families are big. Some families are small. It doesn’t matter--We love them all.It doesn’t matter--We love them all.Unit 3My familyWho is this Who is thisThis is my mother; mother; motherThis is my father; father; fatherWho is this Who is thisThis is the baby --wah; wah; wah; wahThis is the baby --wah; wah; wah; wahWho is this Who is thisThis is my brother; brother; brotherThis is my sister; sister; sisterWho are they Who are theyThey are my grandparents---Clap; clap; clap. This is my big familyShape Chant TriangleTriangle; triangle; triangle It is a triangle. Triangle; triangle; triangle Find the triangle A triangle is a shape that I see everywhere. Look I see one thereColor Song BlueBlue; blue This color is blue.Clap; clap; clap; clap; clap.Blue; blue This color is blue.Clap; clap; clap; clap; clap.We Love BugsBugs; bugs; we love bugs.Bugs; bugs; we love bugs.We see flowers; and we see trees.We see dirt; and we see bees.We love the sun; and we love to sing. But most of all we love one thing Bugs; bugs; we love bugs.Bugs; bugs; we love bugs.We see flowers; and we see trees.We see dirt; and we see bees.We love the sun; and we love to sing. But most of all we love one thing Bugs; bugs; we love bugs. We love bugs. Bugs; bugs; we love bugs.Bugs; bugs; we love bugs.Around the CircleStand up; please Let’s make a circle. Watch me turn to walk in a circle.Are you readyWalk around the circle.Walk; walk; walk; walk...STOPJump around the circle.Jump; jump; jump; jump. STOP.Down; down; down we go...Up; up; upNow we are ready to start againMarch around the circle.March; march; march; march...STOPDance around the circle.Dance; dance; dance; dance. STOPLaugh; ha; ha Laugh; laugh; ha; ha ha; ha Wave like this.Hug your partner.Now sit down.Unit 4Target Song “My Toys”Part 1 Part 2T: What do you want T: What do you wantWhat do you want What do you want C: I want a doll; please. C: I want a ball; please.Yes; yes; yes Yes; yes; yesI want a doll; please. I want a ball; please.T: What do you want T: What do you wantWhat do you want What do you wantC: I want a car; please. C: I want an airplane; please.Yes; yes; yes Yes; yes; yesI want a car; please. I want anairplane; please.T: What do you want T: What do you wantWhat do you want What do you want C: I want a truck; please. C: I want a teddy bear; please.Yes; yes; yes Yes; yes; yesI want a truck; please. I want a teddy bear; please.Thank you; thank you; thank you. Thank you; thank you; thank you.I Want ChantLook A teddy bear. A teddy bear; a teddy bear; I want a teddy bear; please.Look A doll. A doll; a doll; I want a doll; please.Look A boat. A boat; a boat; I want a boat; please.Look A puppet. A puppet; a puppet; I want a puppet; please. Look A game. A game; a game; I want a game; please.Look A train. A train; a train; I want a train; please.I Fly Like ThisButterflies fly; and so can I. Look at me.Butterflies fly; and so can I. I fly like this.Ladybugs fly; and so can I. Look at me.Ladybugs fly; and so can I. I fly like this.Big and SmallBig; big; big This is big This is smallBig; big; big This is big This is smallShape Chant RectangleRectangle; rectangle It is a rectangle Rectangle; rectangle Find the rectangleA rectangle is a shape that I see everywhere Look I see one thereColor Song GreenGreen; green This color is green clap 5xGreen; green This color is green clap 5xSharing is FunLet’s play with my car. You and me. You and meWe can play together. Sharing is funLet’s play with my doll. You and me. You and meWe can play together. Sharing is funFly Like a BirdLet me see you fly. Fly like a bird. Let me see you fly. Fly in the sky so high.Fly; fly; fly like a bird. Fly; fly; fly like a bird. Fly; fly; fly like a bird.Let me see you fly.Let me see you hop. Hop like a rabbit. Let me see you hop. Hop in the grass so green.Hop; hop; hop like a rabbit. Hop; hop; hop like a rabbit. Hop; hop; hop like a rabbit.Let me see you hop.Let me see you swim. Swim like a fish. Let me see you swim. In the ocean blue.Swim; swim; swim like a fish. Swim; swim; swim like a fish.Swim; swim; swim like a fish.Let me see you swim.Unit 5Target Song “My Lunch”Part 1 Part 2It is time for lunch It is time for lunch It is time for lunch It is time for lunchLet’s sit down and eat Let’s sit down and eatLook in your lunch box -- Look in your lunch box --What do you see What do you seeI’ll tell you and please tell me I’ll tell you and please tell meWhat do you have What do you haveI have a sandwich. I have carrots.What do you have What do you haveI have an apple. I have milk.What do you have What do you haveI have a lemonade. I have a cookie.Mmmm MmmmI am hungry Let’s eat I am hungry Let’s eatWe are hungry Let’s eat We are hungryLet’s eatCircles in the AirI see triangles. I see squares. I see circles. In the air.I see triangles. I see squares. I see circles. In the air. Orange and PurpleThis crayon is orange; Orange; orange What else is orangeLet’s think; think; thinkThis crayon is purple; Purple; purple What else is purple Let’s think; think; thinkI love orange and purpleColors ReviewYellow; orange; blue; and green. Blue and green; blue and green.Yellow; orange; blue; and green. Colors Colors ColorsYellow; orange; blue; and green. Blue and green; blue and green. Yellow; orange; blue; and green. Colors Colors ColorsAmazing ChantLook. Look. Look This is amazing Yes. Yes. Yes This is Big FunLook. Look. Look This is amazing Yes. Yes. Yes This is Big FunThe Wiggly DanceAre you ready to clap your hands Are you ready to stamp your feetAre you ready to shake your arms Let’s all do it now.Are you ready to wiggle Wiggle; wiggle; wiggle. We’re doing the wiggly dance.Are you ready to close your eyes Are you ready to jump up high spoken: Let’s jumpAre you ready to spin around Let’s all do it now.Are you ready to wiggle Wiggle; wiggle; wiggle. We’re doingthe wiggly dance.Are you ready to wiggle Wiggle; wiggle; wiggle. We’re doing the wiggly dance.Unit 6Time for School ChantTime to get up Are you ready to go to school NoTime to get up Let’s stretch Stretch Stretch StretchPut on your pants. Put on your T-shirt. Put on your socks and shoes.Are you ready to eat Eat an apple. Drink some milk.Wash your face. Brush your teeth. Comb your hair. Put onyour sweater.Are you ready to go to school Yes Good-byeTarget Song “My Clothes”Part 1My store is open Come on and play with me My store is open. What do you wantI want a skirt. I want a skirt; please. I want a sweater. Iwant a sweater; please.I want pants. I want pants; please. Here you are Here you are Thank you Thank you Thank youPart 2My store is open Come on and play with me My store is open. What do you wantI want shoes. I want shoes; please. I want socks. I want socks; please.I want a T-shirt. I want a T-shirt; please. Here you are Here you areThank you Thank you Thank youBrown and PinkThis crayon is brown; Brown; brown What else is brown Let’s think; think; thinkThis crayon is pink; Pink; pink What else is pink Let’s think; think; thinkI love brown and pinkAnd Purple; TooI see red; and I see blue. I see orange and purple; too.I see red; and I see blue. I see yellow and purple; purple; too.I see colors everywhere Do you see them; tooI see colors everywhere The sun is yellow. The sky is blue.I see red; and I see blue. I see yellow and purple; too.I see red; and I see blue. I see orange and purple; purple; purple; too.Rain SongLook It’s raining Look It’s raining Listen to the rain Pitter; patter; pitter; patter. Listen to the rainLook It’s raining Look It’s raining Listen to the rain Pitter; patter; pitter; patter. Listen to the rainRun Close the door I’m wetNumber Song: OneOne One One That is the number 1 That is the number 1I see one book -- 1. I see one crayon -- 1. One for meUnit7Let’s Have Fun SongLook and point.New things to think about. Look and point.New things to talk about. Look and smile.Are you readyLet’s have fun.Fun with ______. YAYTarget Song “Animals”Let’s go to the pet store. OKLet’s have fun.Let’s go walking.Please don’t runWhat do you seeI see a bird. LookWhat do you seeI see a fish. LookWhat do you seeI see a cat. LookBird; fish; catLet’s go see the pets Let’s go to the pet store. OKLet’s go walking.Please don’t runWhat do you seeI see a dog. LookWhat do you seeI see a puppy. LookWhat do you seeI see a kitten. LookBird; fish; cat; dog; puppy; kitten I love them allNumber song: TwoTwo Two TwoThat is the number 2That is the number 2I see two books- 1;2.I see two crayons- 1;2.One for you and one for me… 1;2 Big and SmallBig; big; big.This is smallBig; big; big.This is bigThis is smallI Like ColorsBrown; pink; purple; green;Orange; red; and blue.I like green. I like orange.I like red. And youBlack and WhiteBlack; white. Black; white. What color do you see White; black. White; black. Now; what do you seeUp and Down ChantPut your arms upPut your arms downUp; up; up.Down; down; down.Amazing WormsWorms are just amazingThey live in dirtThey like to wiggle; wiggle.That is how they moveWorms are just amazingThey live in dirtThey live to wiggle; wiggle.That is how they moveUnit8My WorldThe people where I live-they help me. Tell me the helpers that you seeI see firefighters.WhoFirefighters.WhoFirefighters.I see police officers.WhoPolice officers.WhoPolice officers.WhoI see bus drivers.WhoBus drivers.WhoBus drivers.How many helpers do you seeLet’s count.One; two; three.The people where I live-they help me. Tell me the helpers that you seeI see dentists.WhoDentists.WhoDentists.I see doctors.WhoDoctors.WhoDoctors.WhoI see nurses.WhoNurses.WhoNurses.How many helpers do you see Let’s count.One; two; three.Action Game SongStand up; pleaseWalk; walk; walkWalk; walk; walkJump; jump; jumpJump; jump; jumpSTOP Look at me.STOP Look at me.March; march; marchMarch; march; marchDance; dance; danceDance; dance; danceNumber Song: ThreeThree Three ThreeThat is the number 3That is the number 3I see three books-1;2;3.I see three books-1;2;3.One for you; one for you; and one for me 1;2;3.Fuzzy CaterpillarFuzzy CaterpillarWalking in the gardenI see all the colorsOn your hat;Your body;Your shoes.Oh Good griefI see red; I see yellow;I see orange; I see purple.I see brown; and I see pinkI see black; and I see white.What a funny thing you areYou walk and walk and walk and walk and walk. BUT… you never get to farPlants GrowPut a seed in the dirt …Watch it growWater the plant. Give it sun…Oh; look. I see green.Up it growsUp; up; upUp; up; upPop A flower growsPut a seed in the dirt …Watch it growWater the plant. Give it sun…Oh; look. I see green.Up it growsUp; up; upUp; up; upPop A flower growsWatch Them GrowFlowers; flowers; flowers;All in a row.Flowers; flowers; flowers; Watch them grow.Flowers; flowers; flowers; All in a row.Flowers; flowers; flowers; Watch them grow.。



国风经典乐曲推荐英文作文English Response:Yunnan Folk Songs。

"Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon" (五彩云追月): Alively and cheerful melody that evokes the beauty ofYunnan's natural landscapes."Love Song of the Dai" (傣族情歌): A romantic ballad with a haunting and ethereal quality, showcasing the rich musical traditions of the Dai people.Cantonese Opera Arias。

"Farewell My Princess" (霸王别姬): A poignant and dramatic aria from the classic opera, depicting the tragic love story between Emperor Xiang Yu and his concubine Yu Ji."The Drunken Concubine" (贵妃醉酒): An enchanting andexpressive aria from the opera "The Drunken Concubine," featuring intricate melodic lines and virtuosic vocal techniques.Suzhou Pingtan (评弹)。

"The Legend of the White Snake" (白蛇传): Acaptivating tale of love, sacrifice, and the power of nature, narrated through melodic storytelling and accompanied by the soothing sounds of the pipa."The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" (三国演义): A historical epic recounting the events of the Three Kingdoms period, narrated in a captivating and engaging style.Beijing Opera Excerpts。



有弦的英语单词1. String- 释义:n. 线,细绳;一串,一行;弦;(乐器的)弦;(植物的)纤维,筋;vt. 悬挂;系;扎;用线(或细绳等)串,把……连在一起;给(乐器)上弦;使排成一列。

- 用法:作名词时,可表示具体的线状物,如“a piece of string (一根线)”;也可表示抽象概念,如“a string of pearls(一串珍珠)”。

作动词时,例如“She strung the beads together.(她把珠子串起来。

)”- 近义词:thread(线,细线,更侧重于缝纫用的线),rope(粗绳,比string粗)。

- 短语搭配:string up(悬挂;吊死);string along(欺骗;跟随);a string of(一系列;一连串的)。

- 双语例句:- I found a string in my pocket. Oh, it must have been there for ages. It's like a little mystery hiding in my pocket.(我在口袋里发现了一根线。



) - My guitar string broke. It was so frustrating! I was just about to play my favorite song.(我的吉他弦断了。


)- She tied a string around the parcel. It looked like she was imprisoning the parcel with that string, as if the parcel might run away otherwise.(她用一根绳子系住包裹。




金宝贝56CD总目录:---------------------------------[01 Sing GYMBOREE][02 Gymboree Half Notes Disc1][03 Gymboree- Half Notes Disc 2][04 Gymboree Whole Notes Disc1][05 Gymboree Whole Notes Disc 2][06 Friends Forever Friends][07 Happy to Be Here][08 Over Easy][09 Sunny Side Up][10 Circle of Friends][11 Feel the Music][12 African Playground][13 Asian Dreamland][14 Latin Playground][15 World Christmas][16 Music of the Coffee Lands][17 Sing Along With Putumayo][18 Kids Sampler][19 Summer sampler][20 World Playground][21 Dreamland - World Lullabies][22 Hawaiian Playground][23 Animal Playground][24 Caribbean Playground][25 nds][26 Folk Playground][27 Brazilian Playground][28 New Orleans Playground][29 French Caribbean][30 Reggae Playground][31 Music From the Coffee Lands][32 Music From The Coffee Lands Ⅱ][33 French Playground][34 Celtic Dreamland][35 Music From The Wine Lands][36 One World, One Kid][37 Kids Sampler - Explore The World][38 Love Me Playful][39 Love Me Tender][40 Don't blink][41 Helen Doron Early English -1][42 Helen Doron Early English -2] [43 Helen Doron Early English -3][44 Helen Doron Early English -4][45 Helen Doron Early English -5][46 Baby's best start(适合3-22个月) -1][47 Baby's best start(适合3-22个月) -2][48 Baby's best start(适合3-22个月) -3][49 Baby's best start(适合3-22个月) -4][50 English for Infants(适合1-4岁) -1][51 English for Infants(适合1-4岁) -2][52 English for Infants(适合1-4岁) -3][53 English for Infants(适合1-4岁) -4][54 Sing GYMBOREE(加拿大版)][55 儿童古典音乐01][56 儿童古典音乐02]=================金宝贝56CD详细子目录:[01 Sing GYMBOREE]----------------------------------01 Sing Gymboree02 Let's Make a Circle03 Circle Time04 Clap Your Hands05 If You're Happy and You Know It06 Hey Mister Knickerbocker07 Wheels on the Bus08 Bells are Ringing09 I Can Wiggle My Fingers10 1-2-311 Jump For Me12 Ten Little Horses13 Head and Shoulders14 Tick-Tock15 Mulberry Bush16 Hey Mister Jumping Jack17 Loop-De-Lou18 Parachute Play19 Shake and Shake20 Pop-Pop-Pop!21 Popping Bubbles22 Bee Hives23 Oh Grizzly Bear24 Six Little Ducks25 Big-Eyed Owl26 Down by the Banks27 Stop! Look! Listen!28 Open Shut Them29 Gymbo Time30 We Take Our Little Hands[02 Gymboree Half Notes Disc1]--------------------------------------------------------01 It's Raining, It's Raining02 Los Elefantes03 Arre Cabalito (Hurry Little Pony)04 Baby Face05 When Dogs Get Up in the Morning06 Rocking' Robin07 Frere Jacques08 Allons Danser, Colinda (Come On, Let's Dance Colinda)09 Un, Deux, Trois10 Kumbaya11 A Ram Sam Sam12 Kokoleoko (The Rooster's Call)13 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star14 Lavender's Blue15 I See You16 Down, Down Baby17 Willowbee18 Head, Shoulders Baby19 Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay20 Ring a Round the Rosy21 Put Your Little Foot22 Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree23 It Don't Mean a Thing24 The Booglie Wooglie Piggy25 Hot Cross Buns26 Oliver Twist27 Sally Go 'Round the Sun28 I've Gotta Crow29 Bushel and a Peck30 Oh What a Beautiful Morning [03 Gymboree- Half Notes Disc 2]---------------------------------------01 Mango Walk02 Banyan Tree03 Bally Round & Round04 Tiger Rag05 I gGot a Letter06 A Tisket, A Tasket07 Hop, Old Squirrel08 She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain09 Let Us Chase the Squirrel10 March Along, John11 Gymboree Children12 March and Stop13 Baker's Man14 Wishy Washy WEe15 Scrapin' Up Sand16 Let's Catch a Rooster17 Old Macdonald18 Where is John-19 Paw, Paw Patch20 Do You Know the Muffin Man21 Frog In The Millpond22 John the Rabbit23 Love Somebody24 All Galoo Alee25 Little Red Caboose26 Who's That Tappin'-27 Oh, Mr. Sun28 Jane, Jane29 It's Raining, It's Pouring[04 Gymboree Whole Notes Disc1]----------------------------------------------01 El Coqui02 Matarile03 Rock Around The Clock04 Be-Bop-A-Lula05 Peppermint Twist06 J'entends Le Moulin (I Hear the Mill Wheel)07 The Crawdad Song08 La Volette09 Obwisana (The Rock Passing Song)10 Che Che Koolay11 Abiyoyo12 The Shoemaker's Song13 Sarasponda14 I Had a Little Nut Tree15 Grandma Moses16 Gonna Sing a Song17 Hambone18 Naughty Pussy Cat19 Stamping Land20 Did You Ever See a Lassie-21 Kitten Band22 Sing Sing Sing (With a Swing)23 Mary Wore a Red Dress24 Scotland's Burning25 This Old Man26 Aiken Drum27 Do-Re-Mi28 Gonna Build a Mountain29 Dites-Moi (Tell Me Why)[05 Gymboree Whole Notes Disc 2]--------------------------------------01 One Finger, One Finger02 Jane and Louisa03 Little Sally Water04 Here Comes a Bluebird05 Three Little Fishies06 Happy Feet07 Riding in the Car (The Car Song)08 Little Liza Jane09 Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow10 Rat a Tat, Rat a Tat11 The Ants Go Marching12 Going to Boston13 Goin' Over the Sea14 Little Honda15 Charlie Over the Ocean16 Down on Grandpa's Farm17 Old Brass Wagon18 I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee19 Bell Horses20 Ha Ha This A Way 21 Clap Your Hands22 Mighty Pretty Motion23 Bye n' Bye24 Skip To My Lou25 What Shall We Do-26 Miss Mary Mack27 Roll Over28 Tideo29 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe[06 Friends Forever Friends]--------------------------------01 Friends Forever Friends02 Hopscotch03 The Cowboy Song04 Iko Iko05 The Straw06 Snapshot07 Coconut Cafe08 A Mind of His Own09 Manners Make A Princess Shine10 Lunch Box Rock11 Ten Little Gymboree Friends12 Tinkerboxer[07 Happy to Be Here]-------------------------------------01 Happy to Be Here02 When I Go to School03 High-5-Ious04 What Will I Take to the Moon-05 Smooth Movin' Boogie Express06 The Changing Garden of Mister Bell07 Polka Dots, Checks and Stripes08 Ups and Downs09 My History10 Willy Falldown11 As Long as We're Together12 Friendship Chain[08 Over Easy]----------------------------01 Over Easy02 Tie a Bow03 Warm, Woolly Blanket04 Beddy-Bye-Bye05 Indian Lullaby06 Float, Drift and Dream07 Bobo's Bedtime08 Living on a Planet I Love09 Fi-Fiddle-Diddle-I-Ay10 Grandpa Joe11 Dreamin'12 The Shadow[09 Sunny Side Up]-----------------------01 Riggedy Jig02 Around the Block03 Can You Show Us-04 Fantasy Automobile05 Butterfly06 You and Me Parade07 Birthday Cake08 Sunny Side Up09 I Can Do That10 Doo-Wacka-Doo11 Sing-Along Song12 Goo-Goo-Giggley-I-Oh13 The Shapes Game14 Bye-Bye Pizza Pie[10 Circle of Friends]---------------------------------01 Circus Song02 Good Morning, Neighbors03 Down on the Farm04 Going on a Lion Hunt05 When You Come over to My House06 Walkin' in Neighborhood07 Circle of Friends08 Wiggle Your Bones 09 Red Means Stop10 When I Build My House11 La-La Man12 Baby of Mine[11 Feel the Music]--------------------------01 Kickin' the Can02 Color Song03 Put Your Finger On04 Dance, Puppet, Dance05 Goodnight Moon06 Who Am I-07 Feel the Music08 I Like You09 Bubbles10 World of Make-Believe11 Time to Get Ready to Go12 These Hands[12 African Playground]------------------------------01 Battu (Benin)02 Jambo Bwana (Kenya)03 Mbube (South Africa)04 Hello Hello [Congo]05 Sing Lo-Lo (Senegal)06 Kalimba (South Africa)07 Hendry (Madagascar)08 Munomuno (Uganda)09 Hoya Hoya (Ethiopia)10 Sangoma (South Africa)11 Laba Laba (Nigeria)12 Barco Di Papel (Cape Verde)13 Lange Mo (South Africa)[13 Asian Dreamland]------------------------01 Moon Boat02 Dokokade Yoruga Naita03 Kokoro Ni Dakarete04 Cradle Song05 Aka Tonbo06 Asadoya Yunta07 Om Ma Nye Bhe Mae Hum08 Lullaby09 Lullaby10 Amami No Komori Uta[14Latin Playground]--------------------------------------01 Guantanamera02 La Ara?a Picua (The Picua Spider)03 Lluvia de Estrellas (Rain of Stars)04 Mardi Gras Mambo05 Hanal Weech06 Rodopiou (She Twirled)07 Bomba le Le08 Chocolate09 De Bolón Pin Pon (Right Away)10 Yo Quiero (I Want)11 America Baila (America Dances)[15 World Christmas]------------------------------01 Nadal de Luintra02 Here We Come A-Wassailing03 Noite Para Festejar04 Aguinaldo Jibrao05 Diciembre06 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen07 All I Want for Christmas08 O Cometido09 We Three Kings10 Fireside Ki Ho'alu11 King No Klokka[16 Music of the Coffee Lands]----------------------------------------01 Guajira Bonita02 Soltarlo03 Wasuze Otya-04 Maria Lando 05 Noites Claras06 Below the Bassline07 Hanzvadzi08 Dilema09 Esa Noche10 Gabby Kai11 Kothbiro12 Este Son13 La Milonga de Ricardo en Cha-Cha-Chá[17 Sing Along With Putumayo]------------------------------------01 Bling Blang02 Bananaphone03 Man Gave Names to All the Animals04 Old MacDonald Had a Farm05 Love Train06 Don't You Push Me Down07 Red, Red Robin08 Bushel and a Peck09 Bellybutton Song10 Michael, Row the Boat Ashore [#]11 You Are My Sunshine12 I Will Be Your Friend[18 Kids Sampler]---------1 Votez Zouk (Caribbean Playground)2 Nyanpi Matilda (Waltzing Matilda)3 La Marmotteuse (World Playground 2)4 I Will Be Your Friend (Sing Along With Putamayo)5 Numi Numi (Dreamland)6 Bomba Le Le (Latin Playground)7 Battu (African Playground)[19 Summer sampler]--------------------------01 Mama Africa02 El Estuche03 Lina04 Salao de Beleza05 Sabroso Como El Guarapo06 Mujer Divina07 Galo Negro08 Wassiye[20 World Playground]---------------------01 Fatou Yo02 La Mariposa03 Three Little Birds04 Nyanpi Matilda05 Home by Barna06 Mardi Gras Mambo07 Tik Tik Tak08 Bongo Bong09 Boom Boom Tarara10 Bon Jour Pra Você11 Zichronot M'Africa12 Just Keep Goin' On[21 Dreamland - World Lullabies]---------------------------------01 Na?ma02 Ny Fitiavako an'I Mama03 A Lullabye04 Thula Mama05 Arriba del Cielo06 Yi-Rrana07 Lá Vai Alguém08 Cradle Spell of Dunvegan09 Numi Numi10 Cradle Song11 Canción Para Dormir a un Ni?o12 Durme, Durme13 Lullaby[22 Hawaiian Playground]-----------------------------------01 Right On02 Holoholo Ka'a03 Moloka'i Slide04 The Cockeyed Mayor of Kaunakakai 05 Pule O'o06 Come to Hawaii07 Po La'ila'i08 Pi'i Mai Ka Nalu09 Local to the Max10 Toad Song[23 Animal Playground]------------------------------01 Animal Crackers02 No More Monkeys03 Nella Vecchia Fattoria04 Aves05 The Littlest Birds06 The Three Bears07 Cantiga do Sapo08 L 'Otorhinocéros09 Bigi Kaiman10 Don't Ever Step on a Snake11 Eagles12 If a Dinosaur Was My Friend13 Mbube[24 Caribbean Playground]----------------------01 Great Big Boat02 Jamaica Farewell03 Tambou Dan Tche Nou04 Three Little Birds05 Coconut Woman06 Panama07 Little Anancy08 Bomba Te Traigo Yo09 Pa 'Piye Sou So M10 Reggae Dancin'11 Votez Zouk [#]12 All Aboard[25 nds] ----------01 Saginow02 Picking Flowers03 Hangama Hai Kyon Barpa04 For Julia05 Utuwaskarap06 Gerizler Basi07 Afshari08 Anggopanku09 The Empress10 Kang Mando[26 Folk Playground]------------------------------------01 This Old Man02 Sheep03 Just Kidding04 Got No Strings05 It's All About How You Look at It06 Hop Up Ladies07 Froggie Went A-Courtin'08 Fill It Up09 Roller in the Coaster10 Polly Wolly Doodle11 Crawdad12 Just Look Up[27 Brazilian Playground]-----------------------------------------------------------------------01 Pancada [My Nutty Car]02 Tum Tum Tum03 Morena [Dark-Skinned Girl]04 Coco Sacudido [Shaken Coconut]05 Al?...Al? [Hello, Hello]06 êh! Sanfonero [Hey Sanfonero]07 Forró No Escuro [Forró in the Dark]08 Tem Fila [There's a Line]09 Se a Alegria Existe [If Happiness Exists]10 Xote das Meninas (Ela Só Quer) [Xote of the Girls (She Only Wants)]11 Samba Dos Animais [Samba of the Animals]12 Expresso 2222 [Express 2222]13 Marinheiro Só [Lonely Sailor] [28 New Orleans Playground]---------------------------------01 Choo Choo Ch'boogie02 They All Ask'd for You03 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner04 Second Line05 Skip to My Blues06 Ya Ya07 I Like It Like That08 Whole Lotta Lovin'09 Ain't Got No Home10 Row Row Your Boat11 When the Saints Go Marchin' In[29 French Caribbean]-----------------------01 Mandolin02 Mi Se La03 Pa Manyen Fanm Nan04 Parfum Des Iles05 Ki Demon Sa-a06 Man Biswenw'07 Moso Manman08 Kanpe Sou Yon Bit09 Ayiti (Bang Bang)10 Re'te'(Live version)[30 Reggae Playground]-----------------------------01 Rootsman Dread02 Turning World03 Le Vieil éléphant04 Let's Dance05 Mon Petit Bonhomme06 Pat Gulipat07 Here Comes the Sun08 Mouse in the House09 Ying Yang10 As Meninas Dos Meus Olhos11 Reggae Lullaby12 Harambe13 Take Me Home Country Roads[31 Music From the Coffee Lands]------------------------------01 Dindinha02 Nzaji03 Quem é Muito Querido a Mim04 El Atabal de Mi Negra05 Fiesta Lianera06 Di Nagara Deungeun07 Guramayle08 Bunde Tolismense09 Moso Manman10 Monté la Rivié11 Nge Na Munu[32 Music From The Coffee Lands Ⅱ]----------------------01 Ceumar (Brazil)02 Mario Rui Silva (Angola)03 Geraldo Azevedo (Brazil)04 Titico y Los Caracoles del Amargue (Dominican Republic)05 Correo Aereo (Mexico)06 Sabah Habas Mustapha & The Jugala All Stars (Indonesia_Java)07 Gigi (Ethiopoa)08 Jose Luis Martinez Vesga (Colombia)09 Emeline Michel (Haiti)10 Kali (Martinique)11 Denis Tshibayi (Congo)[33 French Playground]----------01 Chatouiller Le Ciel Avec Toi02 Lutece03 Wonderful04 Dominique Dimey Clic05 Bonjour Bonjour06 Monsieur Bibendum07 Lile Maurice08 Le Matin En Patins09 Petit Francais 10 Sensation (Bidi Bom Bom)11 Croque12 La Petite Monnaie[34 Celtic Dreamland]----------------------01 Casadh An Tsugain02 Dream Angus03 Goodnight And Joy04 An Fhideag Airgid05 The Doves Return06 Cagaran Goalach07 Eilean M Araich08 A Phluirin Mhilis09 When Jupiter Sleeps10 Ye Banks And Braes[35 Music From The Wine Lands]-------------------01 Tita (France)02 Si E Spento Il Sole (Italy)03 Puerto Claridad (Spain)04 Velho Fado (Portugal)05 Look Left (USA)06 Para El Dolor (Spain)07 Sin Luna (Argentina)08 O Cafes (Greece)09 Hombre Pequenito (Chile)10 Dentro La Tasca Di Un Qualunque Mattino (Italy)11 Liebe (Germany)12 Streetbeat (South Africa)13 Headless (Australia)[36 One World, One Kid]----------------------------------------------------------------1 Skyler Pia - Introduction2 Tete Alhinho - Barco Di Papel (Cape Verde)3 Trevor Adamson - Nyangi Matilda4 Polo - Petit Francais (France)5 Desmond Dekker - Jamaica Farewell (Jamaica)6 Los 50 De Joselito - La Arana Picua (Columbia)7 Eric Bibb And Needed Time - Just Keep Goin On8 Skyler Pia - So Long[37 Kids Sampler - Explore The World]--------------------1 Fatou Yo2 Clic-Clac...3 Mumbles4 Love Train5 Guantanamera6 Pa 'Piye Sou Do M'7 Mbube (Lion)8 Yi-Rrana[38 Love Me Playful]------------------------------------01 A Happy Song02 Booglie Wooglie Piggy03 Our Pony, Macaroni04 Rhyme Time- Mother Goose Suite05 Happy Rag06 I've Been Working on the Railroad07 Toyland08 Peekaboo, It's My Baby!09 Kebe Mama10 Bake You a Cake (Pattycake)11 Puppets!12 Take Me Out to the Ballgame13 Itsy Bitsy Medley14 Pretty Bubbles!15 Hush, Little Baby16 Birdie-o Waltz[39 Love Me Tender]-------------------------------01 Love Me Tender02 Go to Sleepy03 Ally Bally04 Sail, Baby Sail05 Cradle and All06 Over the Rainbow 07 Summertime08 Do, Do, Fais Do Do09 Nino Querido10 Boysie11 All the Pretty Little Horses12 Edelweiss13 Sleep, Baby Sleep14 Brahms Lullaby[40 Don't blink]---------------------------01 Don't Blink02 Something 'bout a Circle03 Right Foot, Left Foot04 Let's Go05 Razzmatazz06 I Like Trucks07 Chicken Pox Party08 I'm Making Breakfast09 The Giving Tree10 Sailing11 Gotta Lotta Love12 Clean Up Crew13 Dress Up Queen14 Pioneer Baby[41 Helen Doron Early English -1][42 Helen Doron Early English -2][43 Helen Doron Early English -3][44 Helen Doron Early English -4][45 Helen Doron Early English -5][46 Baby's best start(适合3-22个月) -1][47 Baby's best start(适合3-22个月) -2][48 Baby's best start(适合3-22个月) -3][49 Baby's best start(适合3-22个月) -4][50 English for Infants(适合1-4岁) -1][51 English for Infants(适合1-4岁) -2][52 English for Infants(适合1-4岁) -3][53 English for Infants(适合1-4岁) -4][54 Sing GYMBOREE(加拿大版)][55 儿童古典音乐01][56 儿童古典音乐02]。



街舞poping基础动作Popping是Funk舞蹈和街舞(Street Dance)中的一种风格,最初的基本形式是借由各部位肌肉迅速地收缩与放松的技巧,使舞者的身体产生震动的感觉,这种技巧称作Pop,舞者会以多种不同的动作和姿势来配合歌曲的节奏进行舞蹈,Popping舞者又被称为Popper。



理论上人体的所有肌肉都是可以通过意识控制其运动的,作为一个popper 初期要学会大臂,小臂,手腕,腿,胸,肩,颈乃至背和胯部的pop,而popping高手能够pop的地方更多,甚至能控制某些部位的单块肌肉而不是肌肉群去pop。


Contorl:控制,分为三个方面,1.Breath Control:对气体的控制,分为Inside和Outside〔吸气和吐气〕,这两种方式的运用所产生的视觉效果是不一样的,比如说Ticking和Electric Shock是Outside和肌肉pop配合使用所产生的效果。


2.Body Control:身体的控制,即对身体控制力的把握,注重动作的表达性和张力。

3.Speed Control:速度控制,完成动作过程的时候要注重结合音乐作动作速度上的控制,这样可以在节奏上使动作看起来更有层次感。




舞龙小学英语作文The Dragon Dance is a traditional Chinese dance that is often performed during special occasions such as Chinese New Year or other festive celebrations. The dance involves a team of dancers who manipulate a long, flexible dragon puppet in a series of intricate and coordinated movements. The dragon is often accompanied by the beating of drums, cymbals, and gongs to create a lively and festive atmosphere.The Dragon Dance is believed to bring good luck and fortune, and it is also a way to ward off evil spirits. The dragon is a symbol of strength, power, and good luck in Chinese culture, and the dance is a way to invoke these positive qualities.The origins of the Dragon Dance can be traced back to ancient China, where it was performed as part of religious rituals and to celebrate important events. Over time, the dance became a popular form of entertainment and a way to bring communities together in celebration.In the modern era, the Dragon Dance is still a popular and important tradition in Chinese culture. It is often performed at public events, parades, and festivals, and it is also a common feature in Chinese martial arts performances. The dance requires skill, coordination, and teamwork, and it is a way for communities to showcase their cultural heritage and traditions.Overall, the Dragon Dance is a vibrant and exciting tradition that continues to be an important part of Chinese culture. It is a way to bring people together in celebration, to invoke good luck and fortune, and to honor the rich history and traditions of China.舞龙是中国的一种传统舞蹈,通常在特殊场合如中国新年或其他节庆活动中表演。



与娱乐有关的英语词汇1.Entertainment - 娱乐2.Music - 音乐3.Movies - 电影4.Television - 电视5.Theatre - 剧场6.Dance - 舞蹈7.Art - 艺术8.Sports - 体育9.Gaming - 游戏edy - 喜剧11.Drama - 戏剧12.Spectacle - 眼花缭乱13.Performance - 表演14.Concert - 音乐会15.Festival - 节日16.Exhibition - 展览17.Circus - 马戏团18.Magic - 魔术19.Puppetry - 木偶戏20.Opera - 歌剧21.Ballet - 芭蕾舞22.Cabaret - 卡巴莱23.Acrobatics - 杂技24.Karaoke - 卡拉OK25.Stand-up comedy - 单口喜剧26.Improvisation - 即兴表演27.Game show - 游戏秀28.Reality TV - 真人秀29.Talk show - 脱口秀30.Variety show - 综艺节目31.Radio - 无线电32.Podcast - 播客33.Music video - 音乐视频34.Live streaming - 直播35.Animation - 动画36.Cartoon - 卡通ic book - 漫画书38.Celebrity - 名人39.Paparazzi - 狗仔队40.Red carpet - 红毯41.Award - 奖项42.Fan - 粉丝43.Fan club - 粉丝俱乐部44.Autograph - 签名45.Encore - 加演46.Rehearsal - 彩排47.Script - 剧本48.Score - 乐谱49.Ticket - 票50.Stage - 舞台51.Set - 布景52.Props - 道具53.Costume - 服装54.Makeup - 化妆55.Special effects - 特效56.Director - 导演57.Actor/actress - 演员/女演员58.Singer - 歌手59.Dancer - 舞者60.Musician - 音乐家poser - 作曲家62.Choreographer - 编舞家63.Producer - 制片人64.Screenwriter - 编剧65.Cinematographer - 摄影师66.Editor - 编辑67.Audience - 观众68.Box office - 票房69.Popularity - 受欢迎程度70.Ratings - 评级71.Hit - 热门72.Blockbuster - 轰动一时的作品73.Sequel - 续集74.Remake - 翻拍75.Soundtrack - 原声带76.Lyrics - 歌词77.Dance floor - 舞池78.Guitar - 吉他79.Piano - 钢琴80.Drum - 鼓81.Violin - 小提琴82.Saxophone - 萨克斯管83.Ballet shoes - 芭蕾舞鞋84.Microphone - 麦克风85.Headphones - 耳机86.Festival-goer - 节日参与者87.Street performer - 街头艺人88.Magician's hat - 魔术师的帽子89.Circus tent - 马戏团帐篷90.Video game console - 游戏机91.Controller - 手柄92.Virtual reality - 虚拟现实93.Multiplayer - 多人游戏94.Board game - 桌游95.Puzzle - 拼图96.Card game - 纸牌游戏97.Sportsmanship - 体育精神98.Athlete - 运动员99.Coach - 教练100.Stadium - 体育场。



关于皮影戏的英语书写作文80词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Shadow Puppetry: An Ancient Art Come AliveShadow puppetry is so cool! Puppeteers use their hands to make shadows of different characters on a screen. The shadows look like they're moving and talking. It's like magic! This art form started in China a long time ago. Puppet shows tell exciting stories from history or myths. Some puppets are delicate and beautiful, carved out of leather or wood. Others are funny and make you laugh out loud. I dream of becoming a master puppeteer one day and dazzling audiences with my shadow play!篇2Shadow Puppetry: A Mesmerizing Ancient ArtHi there! My name is Maya and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about shadow puppetry – an amazing traditional art form that has fascinated me ever since I saw a performance last year. Let me take you through my wonderfulexperience of watching these incredible moving silhouettes come to life!It was a warm summer evening when my parents surprised me with tickets to see a shadow puppet show. I had never heard of it before, but I was really excited to find out what it was all about. We entered a small, dimly lit theater and took our seats right in front of the stage.The show began with the beats of traditional Indonesian music filling the room. Suddenly, vibrant, colorful shadows started dancing across a large white screen. I was instantly captivated! The puppeteers were hidden behind the screen, expertly maneuvering the intricate leather puppets with rods and sticks.The stories they told through these bewitching silhouettes were incredible – tales of heroic princes, mythical creatures, and epic battles. One minute a funny clown character would have me giggling, and the next, a mighty warrior would be locked in a fierce fight, the shadows twisting and moving with such precision. It was like watching a living comic book or cartoon!What amazed me most was the incredible detail in the puppets. Each one was beautifully hand-crafted from lightweight leather, with movable joints and vibrant colors. Some weresimple and comical, while others were incredibly intricate with layers of articulated pieces. The puppet masters controlled them with a series of thin rods and sticks, their hands moving with lightning speed to create mesmerizing movements and expressions.Between acts, one of the performers came out and showed us how it all worked. He let me and some other kids have a go at bringing the puppets to life on the screen. It was so much harder than it looked! I had a new-found respect for the talent and skill of the puppet masters after struggling to make my puppet do even a simple walking motion.After the show, we got to meet the performers and see the puppets up close. The details were even more stunning –meticulously carved designs, shimmering fabrics, and ornate paints. I learned that the art of shadow puppetry has been practiced in Indonesia for over a thousand years, passed down through generations. Just holding one of those ancient puppets made me feel connected to that rich cultural history.On the way home, I couldn't stop talking about the magical performance we had witnessed. The seamless blend of drama, art, music, and dazzling visuals had me completely spellbound.Shadow puppetry is truly a special art form that has been delighting audiences for centuries.Now I can't wait to learn more about the different styles from around the world and maybe even try my hand at puppet making one day. Who knows, I might even become a shadow puppet master myself! For now, I'll just keep dreaming about those captivating silhouettes dancing across the screen, telling wondrous stories through shadows and light. What an incredible experience!篇3The Magic of Shadow PuppetsHi there! My name is Emma, and I'm going to tell you all about one of the coolest things I've ever seen – shadow puppetry! It's like regular puppets, but way more magical because the puppets are made from shadows. How awesome is that?Last month, my school had a special performance by a shadow puppet group. They came all the way from Indonesia, where shadow puppetry has been popular for centuries. When the lights dimmed and the show began, I was totally mesmerized.Behind a big screen, the puppeteers were moving these amazing leather puppets. From our side, we could only see the shadows cast by the puppets. But those shadows looked so alive! There were dancers, monsters, kings, and queens – a whole incredible world made from shadows.The puppets were so intricate and detailed. Some had movable arms, legs, even mouths that could open and close. The puppeteers were true masters, using rods and sticks to make the puppet shadows move in incredible ways. They could make a puppet walk, dance, fight, pretty much anything!But it wasn't just the puppets that were amazing. The backdrops were painted shadows too, creating beautifully detailed scenery. There were misty mountains, wild jungles, grand palaces – every scene looked like something out of a storybook. And the music! Traditional Indonesian gamelan music played throughout, adding even more magic and energy.The stories were spellbinding too. We saw classic folktales about heroes battling evil spirits, epic romances between princes and princesses, and even some funny, silly tales that had us all cracking up. The way the puppeteers made the shadows come to life was just jaw-dropping.At one point, there was an intense battle scene with swords clashing. I almost forgot I was watching shadows and not real people! The bravery and drama was so convincing. By the end, when good triumphed over evil, we were all cheering wildly.After the show, we got to meet the puppeteers and even try moving some of the simpler puppets ourselves. It was much harder than it looked! I have so much respect for how skilled those performers were to create such fluid, lifelike movements out of leather shadows.Shadow puppetry might have started centuries ago, but it's just as magical and mesmerizing today. Those vivid shadow characters and worlds really came to life before our eyes through the sheer talent of the puppeteers. It's an art form that combines skillful puppetry, beautiful storytelling, and visual wonder all in one. A night of shadow puppets is an experience I'll never forget!I can't wait until the next troupe visits our school. In the meantime, I've been practicing making my own simple shadow puppets at home. Who knows, maybe I'll be a master shadow puppeteer one day! For now though, I'm happy watching the incredible magic that happens when dazzling tales and characters emerge from simple shapes and shadows.篇4The Magic of Shadow PuppetryHave you ever seen a shadow puppet show? It's one of the coolest and oldest forms of storytelling! Shadow puppetry has been around for centuries, entertaining people with its mesmerizing movements and ancient tales.In a shadow puppet show, you have a bright light source behind a thin screen or curtain. Between the light and the screen, there are flat puppets made of leather, paper, or other materials. The puppeteers carefully move the puppets to make them look alive, creating amazing shadow figures on the screen.The puppets themselves are like little pieces of art. They are intricately cut out and painted with vibrant colors. Some are simple shapes, while others depict elaborate characters or scenery. The details are amazing – you can see the folds of a prince's robe, the curve of a dragon's scales, or the petals of a delicate flower.But the real magic happens when the puppets start moving! With the light behind them, the shadows come to life. A bird seems to flap its wings and take flight. A warrior pulls out his sword, ready for battle. A princess dances gracefully across thescreen. The puppeteers are like magicians, breathing life into these humble puppets through their skilled manipulation.Shadow puppetry has entertained people all over the world for ages. It originated thousands of years ago in ancient Asia, specifically in countries like China, India, and Indonesia. Different regions developed their own unique puppet designs, stories, and performance styles.In Indonesia, the shadow puppets are called "wayang kulit" and tell stories from Hindu epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata. The puppets are intricate and vividly colored, with movable arms. The shows can last all night, accompanied by a gamelan orchestra and singers narrating the tale.China has its own version called "pying xi," using puppets made of leather with jointed bodies to create fluid movements. The stories often come from folk legends or classic novels like Journey to the West.In Turkey, the art of shadow play is known as "Karagöz and Hacivat." Here, the two main puppets engage in hilarious banter and satirize society, intermixed with traditional folktales. The puppets have elongated shapes and energetic movements that make them seem full of life.No matter where it originated, shadow puppetry has enchanted audiences for generations with its creativity, humor, and dramatic storytelling. Imagine being a child hundreds of years ago, watching in awe as epic battles, fairy tales, or mythical beasts unfolded before your eyes through these dancing shadows. It must have seemed truly magical!Even today, shadow puppetry remains a beloved art form and a glimpse into ancient traditions. Puppeteers are keeping this craft alive, passing it down to new generations. Modern twists sometime blend video, music, or other multimedia into the shows.So if you ever get the chance to see a shadow puppet performance, don't miss it! Let yourself be swept away into a realm of myths and legends, brought to life by playing shadows. You may find yourself amazed that something so simple – a light, a screen, and cleverly shaped puppets – can create such captivating stories and imagery. That's the true magic of shadow puppetry!篇5Shadow Puppetry: A Magical World Behind the ScreenHave you ever been to a shadow puppet show? It's one of the coolest things ever! The puppets are so intricate and beautiful, and the way they move across the screen is almost like magic. My class took a field trip to see a shadow puppet performance last week and I've been absolutely fascinated by it ever since.The performance we saw told an ancient folk tale about a heroic prince who had to battle demons and monsters to save his kingdom. The puppets were made of leather that had been painstakingly cut into amazing shapes - animals, people, trees, and all kinds of mythical creatures. The colors were so vibrant, with bright reds, blues, greens and more.As the narrator told the story, the puppeteers behind the screen manipulated the puppets with rods and sticks. They made the characters walk, run, fight, and even dance across the large screen. The shadows created such lifelike movements that it was easy to get completely caught up in the story and imagine you were right there with the prince on his adventures.What I thought was really neat was how the puppeteers used different techniques to create special effects on the screen. At one point, they had a puppet of a dragon that appeared to be breathing fire by skillfully manipulating a separate red silkpuppet behind it. For a rainstorm scene, they shook sheets of aluminum behind the screen to create raindrops. My favorite was the battle scenes when they made the shadows grow larger and then smaller to seem like the fighters were moving closer and farther away. So creative!After the show, we got to go backstage and see how everything worked up close. The puppets were even more amazing when you could examine all the tiny details carved into the leather up close. The puppeteers showed us the different rods and methods they use to coordinate the puppets' movements. It was incredibly intricate!I loved learning about the history of shadow puppetry too. It has been around for over a thousand years, starting in ancient China, India, Turkey and Greece. Can you imagine people entertaining each other with these amazing shadow shows so long ago, before television, movies, or even books were invented? The stories were passed down orally for generations.Each culture developed their own distinct style of puppets, puppeteering techniques, and stories over the centuries. In Indonesia, shadow puppets are made from buffalo hide and the shows can last all night, accompanied by gamelan orchestras. In China, the puppets are shorter and move in a more staccatorhythm. It's amazing how the same art form could evolve into so many different rich traditions around the world.After seeing the performance, I've been working on making my own shadow puppets at home. I cut shapes out of construction paper and use popsicle sticks to make them move behind a bedsheet "screen" I hang over my bedroom door. My puppets aren't nearly as good as the professional ones, but putting on little shows keeps me endlessly entertained. Who knows, maybe I'll run away and join a shadow puppet troupe when I grow up!For now, I'm just in awe of the skill and showmanship that goes into real shadow puppet performances. The way the puppeteers bring the figures to life through movement and storytelling is simply magical. Watching a great shadow play is like being transported to a different world, one that manifests right before your eyes through just light, shadows, and the incredible dexterity of the puppeteers. I'll definitely never forget the first time I experienced the wonder of shadow puppetry!篇6Shadow Puppetry: A Magical Art FormHave you ever been to a shadow puppet show? It's one of the coolest things ever! The puppeteers use these really neat flat puppets made from leather or paper to create amazing stories right before your eyes. As the puppets move behind the screen, their shadows come to life in a mesmerizing dance of light and darkness.Shadow puppetry is an ancient art form that has been around for centuries in many different cultures. It originated in Asia, especially places like China, India, Indonesia and Turkey. Each region developed its own unique puppet designs and storytelling traditions over many generations.The puppets themselves are like little works of art. The best ones have such intricate, delicate cutout designs. Some look like humans or animals, while others depict fantastical creatures from myths and legends. My favorites are the demons and monsters with crazy exaggerated features! The puppeteers often paint vibrant colors on the puppets too so their shadows really pop on the screen.While the puppets are awesome, the real magic happens when the master puppeteers bring them to life through expert manipulation. Using rods and sticks, they move the puppets around fluidly to act out dramas, dances, and folk tales. Thepuppeteers have to position the puppets at just the right angles to get the shadows looking perfect on the screen. It's like the puppets are dancing in sync with their shadows. So cool!The shows usually have a live musical accompaniment too, with traditional instruments providing a rhythmic backdrop to the puppet performance. The music, coupled with the ethereal shadows, really immerses you in the mythical world being portrayed on the screen. It feels like being transported to a different realm.My class went to see an Indonesian shadow puppet show last year and I was completely transfixed the entire time. The stories were all based on classic Hindu epics and centered around heroic warriors, divine beings, and their battles against evil forces. The climactic fight scenes were so epic with puppets wielding swords and supernatural powers! The shadows made everything look bigger than life.Shadow puppetry is the ultimate combination of artistry, storytelling, and theater. The level of skill and coordination required by the puppeteers is mind-blowing. Yet the magic of shadow play has been delighting audiences for ages. When the house lights go down and the screen illuminates, you can't helpbut be swept away into a captivating realm of shadows and stories. It's an experience like no other!。




全文约2000字:My Favorite Chinese Traditional Art FormHi friends! Today I want to tell you about my favorite Chinese traditional art. It's called shadow puppetry! Isn't that a funny name?Shadow puppetry is a really old art form that has been around for thousands of years in China. It uses flat puppets made from leather or paper that are held up behind a bright lamp. Then the shadows of the puppets are projected onto a screen and it looks like the shadows are moving and acting out a story!I just love watching shadow puppet shows. The puppets are so beautifully carved and painted with bright colors. The puppet masters are amazing too - they can make the puppet shadows move, dance, fight and tell the most exciting tales just by moving the puppets with sticks. It's like magic!My grandpa is a famous shadow puppet master. He has taught me how to operate some simple puppets and I'm gettingbetter at it every day. I hope one day I can become a great puppet master like him and keep this wonderful Chinese tradition alive.Shadow puppetry is so much fun to watch and perform. But it also teaches us important lessons about Chinese history, culture and values through the classic stories that are acted out. I'm proud that this unique art belongs to my Chinese heritage.If you ever get a chance to see a shadow puppet show, you have to go! I'm sure you'll be dazzled by the dancing shadows and brilliant artistry, just like me. Shadow puppetry is the best traditional Chinese art ever!篇2My Favorite Chinese ArtMy favorite kind of Chinese art is shadow puppetry! Shadow puppets are cool flat puppets that make shapes on a screen with a light behind them. The puppets move to tell exciting stories with music and sound effects.I love watching the puppets move and seeing the bright, colorful shadows dance across the screen. The puppet masters are so talented to make the puppets seem alive. Shadowpuppetry has been a Chinese tradition for hundreds of years, and I think it's an awesome way to experience the ancient stories and legends.As for the 2000 word article, here is an example that maintains an elementary-level tone and vocabulary:My Favorite Chinese Art: Shadow PuppetryYou know what's really neat? Shadow puppetry! It's an ancient Chinese art form that has been around for like, a million years. Okay, maybe not a million, but it's been traditions in China for a very long time. And in my opinion, it's one of the coolest, most awesome art forms ever!So what exactly is shadow puppetry? Well, it's kind of like a puppet show, but instead of regular puppets, there are these flat puppets made out of leather or colorful, transparent materials. The puppets are cut into really intricate, detailed shapes of people, animals, objects and more.Behind the screen that the shadows show up on, there's a bright lamp or lightsource. A talented puppeteer, called a "master," uses rods or sticks to move the puppets around in front of the light. This makes their shadows get projected onto the screen in front of the audience in big, vibrant shapes and colors!As the puppets move, the master also provides vocals, singing, music and sound effects to go along with the shadows. They use their voices and instruments to narrate stories, act out plays, sing folk songs and bring the flat puppet shadows to life through performance. It's like watching a movie, but animated by shadows instead of cartoon drawings!The stories they tell through shadow puppetry shows are usually folk tales, myths, legends or classics from ancient Chinese literature and culture. My favorite one is the epic Journey to the West, where the mischievous Monkey King and his friends go on crazy adventures fighting monsters and spirits.Watching shadow puppets moves is so mesmerizing and captivating. The puppet masters have to be super skilled and have studied for years to be able to manipulate the puppets so fluidly. They can make the shadows jump, hop, glide, dance and fight with precise movements paired with the vocal storytelling.When I watch a shadow puppet show, I feel totally transported into the mythical world unfolding on the screen through just shadows, sounds and the puppeteers' acting ability. The vibrant, shifting colors and the expressive shapes of the puppets are beautiful in a simple but imaginative way. Thisancient theatrical art lets your mind dream up the rest of the scenery and embrace the magic.I went to my first shadow puppet show on a field trip in second grade, and I was hooked from the start! I loved watching the shadowed characters come alive through the choreography and the rhythmic cues of clanging objects representing gongs and drums. The old-fashioned artistry fused with the gifted modern performances made me feel connected篇3我最喜欢的中国传统艺术形式是京剧!京剧非常有趣,演员们化着夸张的妆容,穿着漂亮的服装在舞台上表演。



小学生英语作文中秋节的传统舞龙舞狮(中英文翻译)The Traditional Dragon and Lion Dance in the Mid-Autumn FestivalThe Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important traditional Chinese festivals. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month in the lunar calendar, which usually falls in September or October. This festival is a time for family reunions and enjoying mooncakes while appreciating the beauty of the full moon. During this festive occasion, various traditional activities are held, and one of the most popular ones is the Dragon and Lion Dance.The Dragon and Lion Dance is a form of traditional performance that has a long history in China. It is believed to have originated during the Han Dynasty over 2,000 years ago. The dance is performed by a group of people who manipulate a long dragon or lion puppet using poles. The puppet is made of colorful fabric, often with intricate patterns representing good luck and fortune. The performers move the dragon or lion in a coordinated manner, creating an illusion of the creature dancing, twisting, and jumping.The Dragon and Lion Dance is not only a fun and entertaining activity but also carries symbolic meanings. In Chinese culture, dragons symbolize power, strength, and good luck, while lions represent bravery and protection. By performing the dance, people believe they can bring good fortune and ward off evil spirits, ensuring a prosperous and peaceful year ahead.During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon and Lion Dance is commonly performed in schools to celebrate the festive spirit and enhancestudents' understanding of traditional Chinese culture. Many primary school students are enthusiastic participants in the dance. They form teams and practice diligently to perfect their moves and coordination.In preparation for the dance, students learn about the history and significance of the Dragon and Lion Dance. They also study the basic steps and techniques involved in manipulating the puppets. This not only allows them to appreciate the cultural heritage but also helps develop their teamwork, physical coordination, and artistic expression.On the day of the performance, the students, dressed in colorful costumes, gather in the schoolyard. The vibrant dragon and lion puppets, each accompanied by a team of performers, stand ready for the dance. The beating of drums and clashing of cymbals create an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation.As the performance begins, the dragon or lion comes to life. It wriggles and rolls, guided by the skillful movements of the performers. The dancers synchronize their steps and gestures, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. The audience, including teachers, parents, and fellow students, cheer, clap, and immerse themselves in the lively rhythm of the dance.The Dragon and Lion Dance performance during the Mid-Autumn Festival showcases the creativity, teamwork, and cultural appreciation of the young students. It is not only a joyful celebration but also an opportunity for them to learn about their cultural roots. By actively participating in this traditional activity, they develop a sense of pride in their heritage and gain a deeper understanding of the significance of the festival.中秋节的传统舞龙舞狮中秋节是中国最重要的传统节日之一。



元宵节舞龙的英语作文英文回答:The Lantern Festival, or Yuanxiao Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the 15th day ofthe first lunar month. It marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations and is a time for family reunions, feasting, and enjoying traditional activities. One of the most iconic traditions of the Lantern Festival is thedragon dance.Dragon dancing is a form of Chinese folk dance that involves a long, colorful dragon puppet being manipulatedby a team of dancers. The dragon is made of silk or other fabrics and is adorned with elaborate designs and decorations. The dance is accompanied by drums, cymbals,and other traditional Chinese instruments.The dragon dance is said to bring good luck and prosperity, and it is often performed at festivals, parades,and other special occasions. The dragon is a symbol of strength, power, and wisdom, and it is believed that its presence can ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune.The dragon dance is a complex and demanding art form that requires a high level of coordination and skill. The dancers must be able to move in unison and manipulate the dragon puppet with precision. The dance is often passed down from generation to generation, and it is considered an important part of Chinese cultural heritage.中文回答:元宵节,又称上元节、小正月、元夕或灯节,是春节之后的第一个重要节日,是中国农历中的第一个月圆之夜,象征着新的一年的开始。

dance 怎么读

dance 怎么读

dance 怎么读
“dance”是一个英语单词,它的发音有两种,英式发音为/d ɑːns/,美式发音为/dæns/。




例如,在句子“She loves to dance at the disco.”中,“dance”表示在迪斯科舞厅跳舞的



例如,在句子“She danced gracefully on the stage.”中,“danced”表示她在舞台上优雅地跳舞;而在句子“The children danced with joy.”中,“danced”则表达了孩子们欢快地跳跃。


例如,“dance floor”指的是跳舞的场地,“dance music”则是指用于跳舞的音乐。










当然,跳舞的同时也可以随意去搭配你所想表现的动作Free style这是一种出神入化的舞步,它将各种类型的舞蹈混合在一起,随心所欲地表现,没有舞蹈风格的限定,脱离一般舞蹈的规范,可以说是一种个性化的街舞House随着House音乐,运用复杂而神奇的步伐表现的一种舞步,它可以加上拉丁舞的扭腰、武术的空翻、踢踏舞的基本步以及芭蕾的转圈,跳起来既可以十分优雅,也可以相当狂野街舞的名词B-BOY Breaking boy,boogie boy,只要是跳break的都叫b-boy。

CREW B-boy的团体。

BATTLE 个人或b-boy团体间的挑战(俗称飚舞)。

BURNED 专门用来指称在尬舞时被打败的团体或个人。

ROUTINES 由几个舞者一起连结或执行舞蹈动作。

PERFECTIONS 指的是一个b-boy最好的动作。

WACKED or WACK 当一个人做错了动作。

SLIDES 拉着自己滑过地板。


BITE 从别人那里偷学动作。

1990(***) B-boy倒立且旋转,然后随着身体重量的移转由一只手换到另一只手做动作,做到脚着地为止。

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