可以通过pip命令进行安装:```pip install nova```2.张量的创建与操作在NOVA中,我们可以使用`Tensor`类来创建和操作张量。
下面是一些常见的张量操作示例:```pythonimport nova as nv#创建一个张量x = nv.Tensor([1, 2, 3])print(x)#张量的形状print(x.shape)#张量的维度print(x.ndim)#张量的类型print(x.dtype)#张量相加y = nv.Tensor([4, 5, 6])z=x+yprint(z)#张量的逐元素乘法z=x*yprint(z)#张量的矩阵乘法a = nv.Tensor([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])b = nv.Tensor([[7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12]])c = nv.matmul(a, b)print(c)```3.动态图模式NOVA支持动态图模式,可以像普通的Python程序一样运行和调试代码。
下面是一个使用动态图模式的示例:```pythonimport nova as nvimport numpy as np#创建一个可训练的变量w = nv.Variable(np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float32))b = nv.Variable(np.array(4, dtype=np.float32))#输入张量x = nv.Tensor(np.array([5, 6, 7], dtype=np.float32))#计算模型输出y =, x) + b#打印结果print(y)#反向传播计算梯度y.backward#打印梯度print(w.grad)print(b.grad)```4.静态图模式除了动态图模式,NOVA还支持静态图模式,可以在构建计算图之后,通过调用`backward`方法一次性计算所有变量的梯度。
4. 分析站设置…………………………………………………………………….15 5. 分析样品………………………………………………………………………15
6. 数据分析及报告生成…………………………………………………………15
用户盘…………………………………………………………………………………………7 程序盘(升级/安装)…………………………………………………………………………7 NOVAWin2 程序光盘………………………………………………………………………..7
NOVA 4200-P 型仪器………………………………………………………………7 C. 使用简介…………………………………………………………………………12 1. 校准歧管体积………………………………………………………………….12 2. 校准样品管…………………………………………………………………….12 3. 样品制备………………………………………………………………………12
操 作 手 册
Part Number 05079 Rev A
NOVAWin2/2-P 2.1 版 操作手册
目录……………………………………………………………………………………2 A. 安全性……………………………………………………………………………..5 B. 安装……………………..…………………………………………………………7 带磁盘驱动的 NOVA 系列…………………………………………………………7
校管—氩气…………………………………………………………………………………………………………19 校管—二氧化碳和正丁烷…………………………………………………………………………………………19
OpenStackNova完整安装⼿册[Diablo最终版]OpenStack Nova安装⼿册作者: yz联系⽅式: Mail: atkisc@/doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html QQ: 949587200 ⽇期: 2011-11-27版本: v0.3⽹址: /doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html⽬录实验环境 (3)架构部署 (3)服务器系统安装 (3)控制节点安装 (4)NTP时钟服务安装 (4)MYSQL数据库服务安装 (4)RABBITMQ消息队列服务安装 (5)NOVA服务安装 (5)GLANCE镜像存储服务安装 (5)KEYSTONE、noVNC、Dashboard服务相关依赖包安装 (5)KEYSTONE认证服务安装 (5)/doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html PUTE扩展库安装 (8)OPENSTACKX扩展库安装 (8)PYTHON-NOVACLIENT扩展库安装 (8)QUANTUM模块安装 (9)OPENSTACK-DASHBOARD控制⾯板安装 (9)noVNC服务安装 (11)NOVA服务配置 (12)GLANCE镜像存储服务配置 (14)noVNC服务配置 (15)计算节点安装 (16)NTP时钟同步配置 (16)NOVA服务安装 (16)NOVA服务配置 (17)DASHBOARD使⽤基础 (20)建⽴Keypairs (20)建⽴安全组 (20)启动实例 (21)通过VNC连接实例 (22)为实例分配外⽹IP (23)实验环境硬件:DELL R410(1台)CPU:Intel(R)Xeon(R)*****************2内存:16GB硬盘:300GB⽹卡:Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5716 Gigabit Ethernet * 2DELL R710(1台)CPU:Intel(R)Xeon(R)*****************2内存:32GB硬盘:250GB⽹卡:Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethernet * 4系统:Ubuntu Server 11.04 x64Openstack版本:Diablo 4 release(2011.3)架构部署机器型号/主机名外⽹IP 内⽹IP 作⽤R410/r410-control1 控制节点R710/r710-compute1 计算节点1 实例⽹段为10.0.0.0/24,floating ip为60.12.206.114,实例⽹段桥接在内⽹⽹卡上,⽹络模式采⽤FlatDHCP服务器系统安装1.Ubuntu server 11.04 x64使⽤默认安装⽅式2.服务器外⽹使⽤eth03.服务器内⽹使⽤eth14.除apache及noVNC外,所有服务均监听内⽹IP控制节点安装NTP时钟服务安装1.安装NTP时钟同步服务器apt-get install -y ntp ntpdate2.同步时间/etc/init.d/ntp stopntpdate ntp.api.bz3.编辑/etc/ntp.conf,将⽂件内容替换为如下:restrict mask nomodifyserver ntp.api.bzserver # local clockfudge stratum 10driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift4.重启ntp服务/etc/init.d/ntp restartMYSQL数据库服务安装1.预设MYSQL数据库服务root密码为openstackcat << MYSQL_PASSWORD |debconf-set-selectionsmysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password password openstackmysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password_again password openstackMYSQL_PASSWORD2.安装MYSQL数据库服务apt-get install -y mysql-server3.更改MYSQL数据库服务监听内⽹⽹卡IPsed -i '/bind-address/s/' /etc/mysql//doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html f 4.重启MYSQL数据库服务/etc/init.d/mysql restart5.检测服务是否正常启动通过netstat -ltunp查看是否有tcp 3306端⼝监听如果没有正常启动请查看/var/log/mysql下相关log排错RABBITMQ消息队列服务安装1.安装RABBITMQ消息队列服务apt-get install -y rabbitmq-server2.更改RABBITMQ消息队列服务guest⽤户默认密码为openstackrabbitmqctl change_password guest openstackNOVA服务安装1.导⼊所需更新源echo 'deb /doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html /openstack-release/2011.3/ubuntu natty main' >>/etc/apt/sources.list2.导⼊服务密钥apt-key adv --keyserver /doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html --recv-keys94CA80414F1043F6495425C37D21C2EC3D 1B44723.更新APT源列表apt-get update4.nova-api、nova-network、nova-objectstore、nova-scheduler服务安装apt-get install -y nova-api nova-network nova-objectstore nova-schedulerGLANCE镜像存储服务安装1.安装glanceapt-get install -y glanceKEYSTONE、noVNC、Dashboard服务相关依赖包安装1.APT安装相关包apt-get install -y python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev python-pip swig git python-dateutil apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi python-numpy2.pip安装相关包pip install passlib sqlalchemy-migrate prettytable glance python-cloudfiles nose==1.0.0 Django==1.3 django-nose==0.1.2 django-registration==0.7 django-mailer mox nosexcoverKEYSTONE认证服务安装1.下载keystone认证服务程序cd /optgit clone https:///doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html /cloudbuilders/keystone.gitcd keystonegit checkout diablocd ..2.安装keystone认证服务cd keystonepython installpython develop3.建⽴keystone认证服务数据库mysql -uroot -popenstack -e‘create database keystone’4.为keystone认证服务数据库建⽴访问所需⽤户名mysql -uroot -popenstack -e“grant select,insert,update,delete,create,drop,index,alter on keystone.* to keystone@'localhost' identified by 'keystone'”5.建⽴keystone认证服务启动所需⽤户useradd -s /bin/bash -g nogroup -m -d /var/log/keystone keystone6.建⽴keystone认证服务配置⽂件存放路径mkdir /etc/keystone7.⽣成keystone认证服务配置⽂件cp /opt/keystone/etc/keystone.conf /etc/keystone/编辑/etc/keystone/keystone.conf,更改如下:default_store = sqliteservice_host = = = sqlite:///keystone.db更改为#default_store = sqliteservice_host = = = mysql://keystone:keystone@localhost/keystone8.⽣成keystone认证服务数据编辑/etc/keystone/,添加如下内容:#!/bin/bash# 建⽴tenant名为adminkeystone-manage $* tenant add admin# 建⽴属于admin tenant的⽤户名为admin密码为openstack的⽤户keystone-manage $* user add admin openstack admin# 建⽴管理员规则keystone-manage $* role add Admin# 建⽴keystone管理员规则keystone-manage $* role add KeystoneAdmin# 建⽴keystone服务管理员规则keystone-manage $* role add KeystoneServiceAdmin# 将管理员规则赋予admin⽤户keystone-manage $* role grant Admin admin# 将keystone管理员规则赋予admin⽤户keystone-manage $* role grant KeystoneAdmin admin# 将keystone服务管理员规则赋予admin⽤户keystone-manage $* role grant KeystoneServiceAdmin admin# 添加nova compute服务keystone-manage $* service add nova compute "Nova Compute Service"# 添加glance image服务keystone-manage $* service add glance image "Glance Image Service"# 添加keystone identity服务keystone-manage $* service add keystone identity "Keystone Identity Service" # 添加nova compute访问点keystone-manage $* endpointTemplates add RegionOne nova d% 1 1# 添加glance image访问点keystone-manage $* endpointTemplates add RegionOne glance t_id% 1 1# 添加keystone identity访问点keystone-manage $* endpointTemplates add RegionOne keystone 1 1# 为tenant为admin及admin⽤户建⽴⼀个名为openstack,过期时间为2015年2⽉5⽇0点的token keystone-manage $* token add openstack admin admin 2015-02-05T00:00# 为tenant为admin及admin⽤户建⽴⼀个类型为EC2的证书,其k ey和secret分别为admin⽤户的⽤户名和密码keystone-manage $* credentials add admin EC2 'admin' 'openstack' admin9.建⽴keystone认证服务启动脚本配置⽂件在/etc/init/下建⽴名为keystone.conf的⽂件,内容如下:description "Keystone API server"author "Soren Hansen "start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IF ACE!=lo)stop on runlevel [016]respawnexec su -c "keystone --config-file=/etc/keystone/keystone.conf --log-dir=/var/log/keystone --log-file =keystone.log" keystone 10.建⽴keystone认证服务启动脚本ln -sv /lib/init/upstart-job /etc/init.d/keystone11.启动keystone认证服务/etc/init.d/keystone start12.验证keystone服务是否正常启动通过netstat -ltunp检测是否有tcp 5000和35357端⼝的监听,如果没有,请查看/var/log/keystone下的相关⽇志排错/doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html PUTE扩展库安装1.下载/doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html pute扩展库cd /optgit clone https:///doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html/jacobian//doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html pute.gitcd /doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html putegit checkout mastercd ..2.安装/doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html pute扩展库cd /doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html putepython installpython developOPENSTACKX扩展库安装1.下载openstackx扩展库cd /optgit clone https:///doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html /cloudbuilders/openstackx.gitcd openstackxgit checkout diablocd ..2.安装openstackx扩展库cd openstackxpython installpython developPYTHON-NOVACLIENT扩展库安装1.下载python-novaclient扩展库cd /optgit clone https:///doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html /cloudbuilders/python-novaclient.git cd python-novaclientgit checkout diablocd ..2.安装python-novaclient扩展库cd python-novaclientpython installpython developQUANTUM模块安装1.下载quantum扩展库cd /optgit clone https:///doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html /openstack/quantum.gitcd quantumgit checkout stable/diablocd ..2.安装quantum扩展库cd quantumpython installpython developOPENSTACK-DASHBOARD控制⾯板安装1.下载openstack-dashboard控制⾯板cd /optgit clone https:///doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html /openstack/openstack-dashboard.git cd openstack-dashboardgit checkout mastercd ..2.安装openstack-dashboard控制⾯板cd openstack-dashboard/django-openstackpython installpython developcd openstack-dashboardpython installpython develop3.建⽴openstack-dashboard控制⾯板数据库mysql -uroot -popenstack -e‘create database dashboard’4.为openstack-dashboard控制⾯板数据库建⽴访问所需⽤户名mysql -uroot -popenstack -e“grant select,insert,update,delete,create,drop,index,alter on dashboard.* to dashboard@'localhost' identified by 'dashboard'”5.配置openstack-dashboard控制⾯板cd /opt/openstack-dashboard/openstack-dashboard/localcp local_settings.py编辑,更改如下内容:DATABASES = {'default': {'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3','NAME': os.path.join(LOCAL_PATH, 'dashboard_openstack.sqlite3'),},}更改为DATABASES = {'default': {'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql','NAME': 'dashboard','USER': 'dashboard','PASSWORD': 'dashboard','HOST': 'localhost','PORT': '3306',},}OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL = http://localhost:5000/v2.0/OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_ADMIN_URL = http://localhost:35357/v2.0OPENSTACK_ADMIN_TOKEN = "999888777666"更改为OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL = “”OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_ADMIN_URL = “”OPENSTACK_ADMIN_TOKEN = "openstack"6.配置apachemkdir /opt/openstack-dashboard/.blackholechown -R www-data:www-data /opt/openstack-dashboard编辑/etc/apache2/sites-available/default⽂件,将内容替换为如下:WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/openstack-dashboard/openstack-dashboard/dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi WSGIDaemonProcess dashboard user=www-data group=www-data processes=3 threads=10 SetEnv APACHE_RUN_USER www-dataSetEnv APACHE_RUN_GROUP www-dataWSGIProcessGroup dashboardDocumentRoot /opt/openstack-dashboard/.blackhole/Alias /media /opt/openstack-dashboard/openstack-dashboard/mediaOptions FollowSymLinksAllowOverride NoneOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViewsAllowOverride NoneOrder allow,denyallow from allErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.logLogLevel warnCustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined7.建⽴openstack-dashboard控制⾯板数据库结构/opt/openstack-dashboard/openstack-dashboard/dashboard/ syncdb8.重启apache服务/etc/init.d/apache2 restart9.验证openstack-dashboard控制⾯板⾸先通过netstat -ltunp查看80端⼝的监听,其次通过浏览器访问web服务是否可以看到如下界⾯:如不成功请查看/var/log/apache/下错误⽇志noVNC服务安装1.下载noVNC服务cd /optgit clone https:///doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html /cloudbuilders/noVNC.gitgit checkout diablocd ..NOVA服务配置1.建⽴nova服务数据库mysql -uroot -popenstack -e‘create database nova’2.为nova服务数据库建⽴访问所需⽤户名mysql -uroot -popenstack -e“grant select,insert,update,delete,create,drop,index,alter on nova.* to nova@'192.168.1.%' identified by 'nova'”3.配置nova服务cp /opt/keystone/examples/paste/nova-api-paste.ini /etc/nova/api-paste.ini编辑/etc/nova/api-paste.init,更改如下内容:service_host = = = = 999888777666更改为service_host = = = = openstack编辑/etc/nova.conf,更改为如下内容#general--logdir=/var/log/nova--state_path=/var/lib/nova--lock_path=/var/lock/nova--verbose=True--use_syslog=False#nova-objectstore--use_s3=True--s3_host=************.1.2/nova--sql_idle_timeout=600--sql_max_retries=3--sql_retry_interval=3#glance--glance_host= work.manager.FlatDHCPManager --linuxnet_interface_driver=/doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.htmlwork.linux_net.LinuxBridgeInterfaceDriver4.建⽴nova数据库结构nova-manage db sync5.建⽴名为private,ip地址范围为10.0.0.0/24,⽹络id为1,主机数256个,桥接在eth1⽹卡,桥接卡名称为br1的实例⽹络段,并启⽤多nova-networknova-manage network create private 1 256 --bridge=br1 --bridge_interface=eth1 --mul ti_host='T'6.建⽴可分配的floating ipnova-manage floating create重启相关服务/etc/init.d/nova-api restart/etc/init.d/nova-network restart/etc/init.d/nova-objectstore restart/etc/init.d/nova-scheduler restart8.检测相关服务是否启动成功查看/var/log/nova/nova-api.log最下⽅是否有如下输出:2011-11-28 00:44:29,390 INFO nova.wsgi [-] Started ec2 on 00:44:29,390 INFO nova.wsgi [-] Started osapi on并通过netstat -ltunp查看是否有tcp 8773和8774的端⼝监听查看/var/log/nova/nova-network.log最下⽅是否有如下输出:2011-11-28 00:46:05,519 INFO nova.rpc [-] Connected to AMQP server on 00:46:05,520 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service network from (pid=7592) start /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/通过命令nova-manage service list查看是否有如下输出:nova-network r410-control1 nova enabled :-) 201 1-11-27 16:48:36查看/var/log/nova/nova-objectstore.log最下⽅是否有如下输出:2011-11-28 00:46:46,017 INFO nova.wsgi [-] Started S3 Objectstore on并通过netstat -ltunp查看是否有tcp 333的端⼝监听查看/var/log/nova/nova-scheduler.log最下⽅是否有如下输出:2011-11-28 00:47:59,789 INFO nova.rpc [-] Connected to AMQP server on 00:47:59,790 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service scheduler from (pid=7805) start /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/通过命令nova-manage service list查看是否有如下输出:nova-scheduler r410-control1 nova enabled :-) 201 1-11-27 16:48:40如上述有哪些服务没有成功启动请查看相关/var/log/nova下相关log排错GLANCE镜像存储服务配置1.建⽴glance镜像存储服务数据库mysql -uroot -popenstack -e‘create database glance’2.为glance镜像存储服务数据库建⽴访问所需⽤户名mysql -uroot -popenstack -e“grant select,insert,update,delete,create,drop,index,alter on glance.* to glance@'localhost' identified by 'glance'”3.配置glance镜像存储服务cp /opt/keystone/examples/paste/glance-api.conf /etc/glance/glance-api.confcp /opt/keystone/examples/paste/glance-registry.conf /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf编辑/etc/glance/glance-api.conf,更改如下内容:bind_host = = = guestservice_host = = = = 999888777666更改为bind_host = = = openstackservice_host = = = = openstack编辑/etc/glance/glance-registry.conf,更改如下内容:bind_host = = sqlite:///glance.sqliteservice_host = = = = 999888777666更改为bind_host = = mysql://glance:glance@localhost/glance service_host = = = = openstack4.重启相关服务/etc/init.d/glance-api restart/etc/init.d/glance-registry restart5.检测服务是否成功启动通过命令netstat -ltunp查看是否有tcp 9191和9292端⼝监听如果没有启动成功请查看/var/log/glance下相关log排错6.通过glance上传镜像glance add -H -A openstack name=win2k3 is_public=true < win2k3.img noVNC服务配置1.配置noVNC服务向/etc/nova/nova.conf添加如下内容:#nova-vncproxy--vnc_enabled=True--vncproxy_url=将计算节点ip和主机名对应关系添加到/etc/hosts⽂件内2.建⽴noVNC服务启动程序软链接ln -sv /opt/noVNC/utils/ /usr/bin/nova-wsproxy3.建⽴noVNC服务启动脚本配置⽂件在/etc/init/下建⽴名为nova-vncproxy.conf⽂件,内容如下:description "Nova VNC proxy"author "Vishvananda Ishaya "start on (filesystem and net-device-up IF ACE!=lo)stop on runlevel [016]exec su -c "nova-wsproxy 6080 --web /opt/noVNC --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf" nova 4.建⽴noVNC启动脚本ln -sv /lib/init/upstart-job /etc/init.d/nova-vncproxy5.重启相关服务/etc/init.d/nova-api restart/etc/init.d/nova-vncproxy start6.检测服务是否启动成功通过netstat -ltunp查看是否有tcp 6080端⼝监听如没启动成功请以前台模式启动并查找问题计算节点安装NTP时钟同步配置1.安装NTP相关命令包apt-get install -y ntpdate跟控制节点同步时间并写⼊硬件ntpdate –w2.将时间同步添加到计划任务echo ’30 8 * * * root /usr/sbin/ntpdate;hwclock –w’ >>/etc/crontabNOVA服务安装1.导⼊所需更新源echo 'deb /doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html /openstack-release/2011.3/ubuntu natty main' >>/etc/apt/sources.list2.导⼊服务密钥apt-key adv --keyserver /doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.html --recv-keys94CA80414F1043F6495425C37D21C2EC3D 1B44723.更新APT源列表apt-get update4.nova-network、nova-compute服务安装apt-get install -y nova-network nova-computeNOVA服务配置1.配置nova服务编辑/etc/nova.conf,更改为如下内容#general--logdir=/var/log/nova--state_path=/var/lib/nova--lock_path=/var/lock/nova--verbose=True--use_syslog=False#nova-objectstore--use_s3=True--s3_host=************.1.2/nova--sql_idle_timeout=600--sql_max_retries=3--sql_retry_interval=3#glance--glance_host= work.manager.FlatDHCPManager --linuxnet_interface_driver=/doc/39e7a08f6529647d272852f4.htmlwork.linux_net.LinuxBridgeInterfaceDriver--fixed_range=启动相关服务/etc/init.d/nova-network restart/etc/init.d/nova-compute restart3.检测服务是否启动成功通过命令netstat –ntap查看是否有类似如下连接状态:tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 29466/python tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 29466/python tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 29510/python tcp 0 0192.168.1.3:4423 ESTABLISHED 29510/python tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 29817/2 tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 29510/python tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT -tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 29510/python tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 29510/python tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 29466/python查看/var/log/nova/nova-network.log最下⽅是否有如下输出:2011-11-28 00:46:05,519 INFO nova.rpc [-] Connected to AMQP server on 00:46:05,520 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service network from (pid=7592) start/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/查看/var/log/nova/nova-compute.log最下⽅是否有如下输出:2011-11-28 17:06:24,491 INFO nova.rpc [-] Connected to AMQP server on 17:06:24,492 DEBUG nova [-] Creating Consumer connection for Service compute from (pid=31197) start/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/通过在控制节点执⾏nova-manage service list结果是否有如下输出(红字):Binary Host Zone Status State Updated_At nova-scheduler r410-control1 nova enabled :-) 2011-11-28 09:07:21nova-network r410-control1 nova enabled :-) 2011-11-28 09:07:21nova-compute r710-compute1 nova enabled :-) 2011-11-28 09:07:14nova-network r710-compute1 nova enabled :-) 2011-11-28 09:07:22通过管理员登陆dashboard,在SYSTEM PANEL⾯板通过左侧Services标签查看是否有计算节点nova-compute 和nova-network服务,并且颜⾊是否为绿⾊,如图:如上述有哪些服务没有成功启动请查看相关/var/log/nova下相关log排错。
HUAWEI华为 nova 4 用户指南
用户指南目 录基础使用常用手势1系统导航4手机克隆5锁屏与解锁5了解桌面6控制中心15打开应用常用功能24桌面窗口小工具24更换壁纸25截屏和录屏26调整音量33输入文本35多窗口37开关机和重启39充电39智慧功能智慧语音41智慧视觉45智慧识屏49智慧搜索52场景联动53智慧出行55服务中心55超级终端56手机投屏60多屏协同64华为分享72智慧打印76相机图库打开相机80拍摄照片80人像82夜景83大光圈83AI 摄影大师84变焦拍摄照片84全景拍摄85趣 AR85目 录动态照片87照片添加水印87文档矫正88专业相机88录制视频91慢动作录像92延时摄影93相机滤镜93相机设置94管理图库95编辑图片与视频100图库智能分类102时刻103应用联系人105电话108信息114畅连118日历134时钟139备忘录140录音机147电子邮件147计算器151手电筒151指南针152手机管家152设置搜索设置项157WLAN157移动网络158更多连接160桌面和壁纸168显示和亮度169声音和振动172通知和状态栏174生物识别和密码177应用和服务181电池181存储182安全183隐私188目 录健康使用手机191辅助功能195用户和帐户200系统和更新201关于手机207基础使用常用手势了解手机常用手势与快捷操作全面屏导航手势进入设置 > 系统和更新 > 系统导航方式,确保选择了手势导航。
指关节手势使用指关节前,请选择以下方式开启此功能(取决于您的机型):•进入设置 > 辅助功能 > 快捷启动及手势,开启截屏和录屏开关。
HUAWEI华为 nova 11 快速指南 说明书
在使用和操作设备前,为确保设备性能最佳,并避免出现危 险或非法情况,请查阅并遵循所有的安全信息。
• 请在温度 0℃~35℃ 范围内使用本产品,在 -20℃~ +45℃ 范围内存储本产品。
ᦊ͈Րሦ ᨥ О͉ᩆ ܳໄᐏᔭ ܳໄ̄ᔭᧉ
$S 7*
Ὁ᛫ᇨសదࠏྭ᠏ښសᦊ͈ਫ਼దک᠏ెந˗ᄊե᧚(ښک#5 ࠀᄊᬍ᧚᜶ර̿ʾǍ
Ὁ᛫ᇨសదࠏྭ᠏ᒰ࠶ښសᦊ͈ᄊ౽ʷک᠏ెந˗ᄊե᧚ᡔѣ (#5 ࠀᄊᬍ᧚᜶රἻ˅ᄬҒˊႍదੇྀᄊణ̽வ ವἻኀՌൗᄪ3P)4ૉ̾ဗδ᜶රǍ
如何快速迁移 旧设备数据旧设备Fra bibliotek新设备
• 【警告】如果更换不正确的型号的电池会有起火或爆炸的危 险。为了您的人身安全和保障产品正常运作,强烈建议您 到华为客户服务中心更换本设备电池。
• 请勿将电池暴露在高温处或发热产品的周围,如日照、取 暖器、微波炉、烤箱或热水器等。电池过热可能引起爆炸。
• 禁止将电池扔入火中,勿拆解、跌落、挤压或改装电池, 避免异物插入、穿刺电池或将电池浸入水或其它液体中, 避免电池遭受外部冲击和压力,以免引起电池漏液、过热、 起火或爆炸。
یڂՂˀՏἻֶ̗Իᑟˀӊᬔ˟ܱᄊ̿ʽਫ਼దᦊ͈Ἳឰֶ̗̿ ࠄᬅᩙᦡᎶ˞юǍ
వಖគЯߚ᛫ᇨֶ̗ښΎၹ࿄গʾᄊဗδΎၹర ᬍ˞ࣲǍ౽̏ᦊ͈˷ԻᑟదဗδΎၹరᬍಖគἻХဗ δΎၹరᬍ̿ಖគЯᄊߚ˞юǍ
NOVA 1.10简明教程Autolab NOVA软件介绍NOVA是通过USB通讯控制Autolab电化学工作站的软件。
它继承了Autolab GPES/FRA软件的优良特性,结合全球范围用户二十多年来对Autolab电化学工作站的使用经验,基于微软最新的.NET(框架)软件技术进行开发。
在本教程中,主要包括以下几方面的内容:·第一章NOVA及Autolab电化学工作站的安装方法·第二章Autolab硬件测试程序·第三章NOVA简明操作(截至至Cyclic voltammetry potentiostatic)·第四章Autolab硬件的保养(未完成)NOVA软件安装及Autolab驱动安装1 – Nova软件的安装1.1 –系统要求NOVA软件支持Windows Vista,Windows 7,Window 8及Windows 8.1(32位&64位)操作系统。
1.2 –软件安装注意:当安装NOVA软件时,请保证Autolab电化学工作站处于关闭状态。
华为 nova 2 用户指南
移动网络 WLAN 浏览器 蓝牙 多屏互动 VPN 通过 Huawei Share 快速分享文件 通过 USB 接口传输数据 44 46 48 49 50 52 53 53
支付保护中心 56 i
指纹识别 学生模式 安全设置
57 58 61
相机概览 拍照与录像 专业摄影 开启人像模式,拍摄美丽人像 录制慢动作视频 延时摄影,加快视频播放速度 为照片增加水印 有声照片,音像同步记录 管理拍照模式 设置相机参数 浏览照片和视频 整理相册 编辑照片 编辑视频 设置图库 63 63 67 68 68 69 69 69 70 70 72 72 74 76 77
1 2 3
通过双向 USB Type-C 数据线连接至待充电的设备。 在本机上,从状态栏处向下滑动,打开通知面板,然后将 USB 连接方式设置为反向充电。 在待充电的设备上,将 USB 连接方式设置为仅充电。
反之,将本机 USB 连接方式设置为仅充电,将待充电的设备的 USB 连接方式设置为反向充电,也 可为本机充电。 充电注意事项
打开 打开
设置,点击通知和状态栏 > 电量百分比显示方式,选择电池图标外或电池图标内,在选 4
l l
首次使用前,请先仔细阅读包装盒中的快速指南,正确插入 SIM 卡。 长按电源键开机后,请按屏幕提示完成初次设置。
l l
了解电池状态 您可以通过设备状态指示灯或屏幕上的电量图标判断当前的电池状态。 状态指示灯 红色闪烁或常亮 电池图标 电池电量状态 电池电量小于 4% 3
HUAWEI华为 nova_用户指南
专业相机 长截屏 录制屏幕视频 学生模式 护眼模式 DTS Headphone:X 音效 1 2 3 4 6 6
了解手机外观 插入或取出 SIM 卡和 microSD 卡 给手机充电 开机和关机 7 7 8 9
通过华为云服务导入数据 通过备份应用导入数据 通过电脑导入数据 更换新手机,克隆旧手机数据 在手机和电脑之间传输数据 从旧手机中复制联系人 10 11 13 15 16 16
通过备份应用备份和恢复数据 更换新手机,克隆旧手机数据 通过电脑备份和恢复数据 恢复出厂设置 升级手机 124 125 125 126 127
查看文件 分享文件 128 129 iv
新建文件夹 重命名文件 复制、移动或删除文件 压缩或解压缩文件 批量过滤小图片 将私密文件锁到保密柜
129 129 129 130 130 130
锁定或解锁屏幕 触屏操作 状态图标和通知图标 28 29 30 i
主屏幕 截取手机屏幕画面 通知 指纹识别 访问应用程序 个性化您的手机 输入文本
31 36 38 43 45 48 51
快速搜索设置项 快速回拨电话 指关节截屏 快速查找联系人 快速将名片信息添加到联系人 通过扫描二维码快速添加联系人 熄屏快呼,在黑屏状态下快速拨打电话 口袋模式,让您不再漏接电话 熄屏快拍,捕捉精彩瞬间 使用魅我,拍出更美的自己 使用延时摄影,加快播放速度 拍摄照片,智能识物 录像中拍照 快速找到应用程序 WLAN+,自动连接信号最佳的网络 戴着手套也能操作手机 快速调整系统音量 使用悬浮按钮替代常用按键 自动对齐桌面图标 防止口袋内的手机误操作 54 54 54 56 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 62 63
NOVA NX-T复位器安装与操作说明书
NOVA NX-T Recloser Installation and Operation InstructionsDISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThe information, recommendations, descriptions and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted. Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser.THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or other-wise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recom-mendations and descriptions contained herein. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.ii InstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018CONTENTSDISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii SAFETY FOR LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iv SAFETY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iv Safety instructions (iv)PRODUCT INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Introduction (1)Acceptance and initial inspection (1)Handling and storage (1)Standards (1)Quality standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Description (1)RATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Removing recloser from service (10)RECLOSER OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Vacuum interrupter (11)Mechanism tripping and closing (11)Junction box (12)Electronic control (12)Manual Operation of Energized Recloser (12)3-phase trip/3-phase lockout or 1-phase trip/3-phase lockout (13)1-phase trip/1-phase lockout (13)Lockout indication (13)Automatic operation (13)Contact position indicator (13)Mechanical interlock feature (13)INTEGRATED VOLTAGE SENSING OPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Auxiliary switch (17)Terminal options (17)Mounting hanger (17)Integrated voltage sensor option (6 sensors) (18)SERVICE INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Service requirements (18)Frequency of inspection (18)High-potential withstand tests (18)Withstand test results (20)Troubleshooting (20)iiiInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018Safety for lifeEaton meets or exceeds all applicable industry standards relating to product safety in its Cooper Power™ series products. We actively promote safe practices in the use and maintenance of our products through our service literature, instructional training programs, and the continuous efforts of all Eaton employees involved in product design, manufacture, marketing, and service.We strongly urge that you always follow all locally-approved safety procedures and safety instructions when working around high-voltage lines and equipment, and support our “Safety For Life” mission.Safety informationThe instructions in this manual are not intended as a substi-tute for proper training or adequate experience in the safe operation of the equipment described. Only competent technicians who are familiar with this equipment should install, operate, and service it.A competent technician has these qualifications:●Is thoroughly familiar with these instructions.●Is trained in industry-accepted high- and low-voltage safe operating practices and procedures.●Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, and ground power distribution equipment.●Is trained in the care and use of protective equipment such as arc flash clothing, safety glasses, face shield, hard hat, rubber gloves, clampstick, hotstick, etc.Following is important safety information. For safe installa-tion and operation of this equipment, be sure to read andunderstand all cautions and warnings.This manual may contain four types of hazard statements:Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, ifnot avoided, will result in death or serious injury .Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if notavoided, could result in death or serious injury .Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury .NOTICEIndicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in equipment damage only .Safety instructionsFollowing are general caution and warning statements that apply to this equipment. Additional statements, related to specific tasks and procedures, are located throughout themanual.Hazardous voltage . Contact with hazardous voltage will cause death or severe personal injury . Follow all locally-approved safety procedures when working around high- and low-voltage lines and equipment .G103 .3Before installing, operating, maintaining, or testing this equipment, carefully read and understand the contents of this manual . Improper operation, handling, ormaintenance can result in death, severe personal injury, and equipment damage .G101 .0This equipment is not intended to protect human life . Follow all locally-approved procedures and safety practices when installing or operating this equipment . Failure to comply can result in death, severe personal injury, and equipment damage .G102 .1Power distribution and transmission equipment must be properly selected for the intended application . Itmust be installed and serviced by competent personnel who have been trained and understand proper safety procedures . These instructions are written for suchpersonnel and are not a substitute for adequate training and experience in safety procedures . Failure to properly select, install, or maintain power distribution and transmission equipment can result in death, severe personal injury, and equipment damage . G122 .2iv NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018Product informationIntroductionEaton's Service Information MN280087EN provides installation, operation, and service instructions for its Cooper Power™ series NOVA NX-T recloser.Read this manual firstRead and understand the contents of this manual and follow all locally approved procedures and safety practices before installing or operating this equipment.This recloser is used in conjunction with Eaton's Cooper Power series NX-T recloser control. Refer to Service Information MN280088EN Form 6 NX-T, Microprocessor-Based Pole Mount Recloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions or Service Information MN280089EN Form 6 NX-T/LS, Microprocessor-Based Recloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions.Additional informationThese instructions can not cover all details or variations in the equipment, procedures, or processes described nor provide directions for meeting every possible contingency during installation, operation, or maintenance. For additional information, please contact your Eaton representative.Acceptance and initial inspectionEach recloser is completely assembled, tested, and inspected at the factory. It is in good condition when accepted by the carrier for shipment. Upon receipt, inspect the shipping container for signs of damage. Unpack the recloser and inspect it thoroughly for damage incurred during shipment. If damage is discovered, file a claim with the carrier immediately.Handling and storageBe careful during handling and storage of the recloser to minimize the possibility of damage. If the recloser is to be stored for any length of time prior to installation, provide a clean, dry storage area.Eaton recommends transporting NOVA NX-T reclosersin the closed position to maximize the operational performance of the unit.StandardsNOVA NX-T reclosers are designed and tested in accordance with:IEEE Std C37.60™–2012IEEE Std C37.90.1™–2012IEEE Std C37.90.2™–2004ANSI® C37.90–1989Quality standardsISO 9001 Certified Quality Management SystemDescriptionThe NOVA NX-T recloser system consists of three single-phase reclosers. Each recloser consists of an interrupting module, with an embedded current transformer, and mechanism mounted to an aluminum head casting. Each mechanism and interrupter assembly is mounted to a thermoset polymer enclosure suitable for pole or substation mounting. The interrupter modules utilize outdoor cycloaliphatic-epoxy-encapsulated vacuum interrupters.The NOVA NX-T recloser system is controlled by asingle microprocessor-based recloser control that can be programmed for three operating modes.●Single-phase trip, Single-phase lockout●Single-phase trip, Three-phase lockout●Three-phase trip, Three-phase lockoutRefer to Service Information MN280088EN Form 6NX-T, Microprocessor-Based Pole Mount RecloserControl Installation and Operation Instructions or Service Information MN280089EN Form 6 NX-T/LS, Microprocessor-Based Recloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions for a description of the control operation.1NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018Ratings and specificationsCheck recloser ratings prior to installation.The recloser must be applied within its specified ratings. Check data plate ratings and compare with the systemcharacteristics at the point of application prior to installation. T able 1 through T able 5 list the ratings and specifications for the NOVA NX-T recloser.T able 1 . Voltage ratings (kv)Description15 kV 27 kV 38 kV Rated Maximum Voltage (kV, rms) 15.5 27.0* 38.0 Nominal System Voltage (kV, rms)14.4 24.9 34.5 Std Opt Std Opt Std Opt Rated Short-Duration Power-Frequency Withstand Voltage (kV, rms)50 50 60 60 70 70 Rated Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage (kV, peak)110125125150170170* Available with 29.3 kV rated maximum voltage. Short-circuit breaking current is limited to 12.5 kA in this rating configuration.T able 2 . Current ratings (amperes)Description15 kV 27 kV 38 kV Std Opt Std Opt Std Opt Rated Continuous Current (A)630800630800630800Rated Short-Time Withstand Circuit Current (kA)12.516*12.516*12.512.5Rated Peak Withstand Circuit Current (kA peak)32.541.632.541.632.532.5Rated Duration of Short-Circuit (s)333333Rated Short-Circuit Breaking Current (kA, sym)12.51612.51612.512.5Rated Symmetrical (Short-Circuit) Making Current (kA, sym)12.51612.51612.512.5Rated Line Charging Interrupting Current (A)225555Rated Cable Charging Interrupting Current (A)101025254040*Available for 630 A or 800 A continuous rating option.T able 3 . Mechanical ratingsDescription15 kV(110 kV BIL)15 kV(125 kV BIL)27 kV(125 kV BIL)27 kV(150 kV BIL)38 kV(170 kV BIL)Min. Mechanical/Electrical Operations Without Maintenance (C-O)10,00010,00010,00010,00010,000Mass (Weight) - kg (lbs), 1-ph recloser45 (100)50 (110)50 (110)54 (120)54 (120)Mass (Weight) - kg (lbs), 3-ph reclosers with frame213 (470)227 (500)227 (500)240 (530)240 (530)T able 4 . Duty cycleType Percentage of Maximum Circuit Interrupting Rating Minimum X/R Ratio Number of UnitOperations at 12.5 kA Number of UnitOperations at 16.0 kA NOVA NX-T15-204888845-55811211290-105173232Total 232Total 232T able 5 . Auxiliary switch ratingsVolts Amperes Up to 30 Vdc 5 A Up to 250 Vac5 AMinimum applicable load************2NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018Terminal Option Type A in. (mm)Eyebolt - (630 A)1/0 to 500 MCM Cable Range 3.25 (80) Eyebolt - (800 A)4/0 to 1000 MCM Cable Range 4.25 (108)Flat Pad - 2-hole (630 A max) 4.5 (114)Flat Pad - 4-hole (800 A max)4.75 (121)Rating - Creepage Distances 15 kV in. (mm)27 kV in. (mm)38 kV in. (mm)Terminal to terminal 41.5 (1052)41.5 (1052)41.5 (1052)Lower terminal to ground26.5 (673)30.5 (775)38.6 (980)B in. (mm)C in. (mm)NOVA NX-T 15 (110 kV BIL)24.1 (612)35.0 (889)NOVA NX-T 15 (125 kV BIL)26.3 (668)37.2 (945)NOVA NX-T 27 (125 kV BIL)26.3 (668)37.2 (945)NOVA NX-T 27 (150 kV BIL)30.2 (767)41.1 (1044)NOVA NX-T 38 (170 kV BIL)30.2 (767)41.1 (1044)otee:N All dimensions are inches (mm). Dimensions shown are approximate.Figure 1 . NOVA NX-T individual recloser dimensions3NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018PT Type C in. (mm)OIL 78.5 (1994)DRY83.6 (2124)otee:N All dimensions are inches (mm).Dimensions shown are approximate.* Center of gravity does not include PT and arrester mass.Figure 2 . NOVA NX-T in-line parallel site-ready configuration4NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018PT Type C in. (mm)OIL 78.5 (1994)DRY83.6 (2124)NOTE: All dimensions are inches (mm).Dimensions shown are approximate.* Center of gravity does not include PT and arrester mass.Figure 3 . NOVA NX-T in-line perpendicular site-ready configuration5NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018Figure 4 . NOVA NX-T tri-mount parallel site-ready configuration6NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018otee:are inches (mm).Dimensions shownare approximate.* Center of gravitydoes not include PTand arrester mass.Figure 5 . NOVA NX-T tri-mount perpendicular site-ready configurationData PlateRatingsFigure 6 . NOVA NX-T recloser data plates are located on the sleet hood1. Check the data plate ratings. Make sure the ratings oneach recloser data plate (see Figure 6) are correct for Perform high-potential withstand tests. Prior toFigure 8 . Cable with twist lock connector7. Make the high-voltage line connections. See Figure 9.Manual Open/Close Operating HandleOPEN/CLOSED Contact Position IndicatorFigure 11 . NOVA NX-T recloser operating levers andposition indicatorsFigure 14 . Form 6 NX-T system configuration screen representation for a 15 kV systemFigure 15 . Site-ready with wildlife guards17NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018Figure 16 . Wildlife guard unlatched around the top bushingskirtFigure 17 . T op wildlife guard latched around the top bushing skirtIntegrated voltage sensor option (6 sensors)The NOVA NX-T recloser is available with integrated voltage sensors for source- and load-side voltage sensing. This is accomplished by using a high-voltage resistor encapsulated within each interrupter module for source-side voltage sensing, and a load-side resistive sensor encapsulated in silicone rubber insulation connected to the recloser’s load-side terminal. The integrated voltage sensors and recloser control system support a voltage-sensing magnitudeaccuracy of ±2% and a phase-degree accuracy of ±1.5° over the full rated ambient temperature range of the recloser and control. The accuracy for this system applies when the following conditions are met:●Voltage range is greater than 50% to 100% of the rated maximum voltage of the recloser●Ratio of load-to-source voltage magnitudes is between 0.5 and 2.0, inclusive●Phase angle difference between load and source voltages is no greater than 30 degreesThe load-side voltage sensor can be installed at the factory, or can be installed in the field as a service kit. When installed, the load-side top terminal is connected to the recloser load-side terminal, and the end of the sensor is securely connected to the recloser tank head. The load-side sensor connections are made within the recloser tankhead and transmitted to the frame’s integrated junction box through a single cable using Eaton’s MIL -DTL -38999 Series IV connector system.A single 37-pin control cable is used to bring source and load voltages to the Form 6 NX-T control, in conjunction with other control cable signals including TRIP and CLOSE, recloser status, and current values. The control cable uses Eaton’s MIL -DTL -38999 Series IV twist-lock cable connector design.Service informationService requirementsThe NOVA NX-T recloser has been designed with aminimum mechanical life of 10,000 operations. The NOVA NX-T recloser requires minimum routine inspection to check for physical damage and verify proper operation.It should not be necessary to access the mechanism of the NOVA NX-T recloser.Frequency of inspectionBecause these reclosers are applied under widely varying operating and climatic conditions, service intervals are best determined by the user based on actual operating experience. However, solid-insulated, vacuum-interrupting reclosers should be inspected every ten years.High-potential withstand testsNOVA NX-T reclosers are carefully tested and adjusted at the factory to operate according to the published data. Each recloser leaves the factory ready for installation, but to ensure there was no damage during transportation, Eaton recommends high potential withstand tests before installation.To verify the dielectric integrity of the recloser, the following tests and equipment are recommended:High-voltage test set – Must be capable of supplying suitable voltages for determining the dielectric withstand capability of the recloser. Sensitive circuit breakers should be included to prevent damage in the event of a flashover.Notee: Test results for NOVA NX-T reclosers equippedwith voltage sensing options may be influenced by the sensing resistor, especially if DC high-potential testing is performed.18NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 201819NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018Withstand test resultsThe high-potential withstand tests provide information on the dielectric condition of the recloser and the vacuum integrity of the interrupters.If the recloser passes the closed-contacts tests but fails the open-contacts test, the cause is likely to be in the inter-rupter assembly.If a recloser fails the closed-contacts test, the cause is likely to be a diminished electrical clearance or failed insulation.If the recloser does not pass either the Open or Closed High-Potential Test, contact an authorized service center or your Eaton representative.otee:N Test results for NOVA NX-T reclosers equippedwith voltage sensing options may be influenced by the sensing resistor, especially if DC high-potential testing is performed.Module flashover serviceIf a NOVA NX-T recloser module was exposed to an external flashover, an inspection process is recommended to assure proper operation of the recloser. Should the NOVA NX-T recloser exhibit external flashover attributes (carbon tracking or discoloration), the following procedure is recommended:1. Bypass and remove the recloser from service asdescribed in this manual.2. Confirm the dielectric strength of the recloser byperforming high-potential withstand test. Refer to the High-potential withstand tests section of this manual.3. Inspect the housing and lifting lugs for damage thatmay affect electrical and/or mechanical performance. If there is damage to either the housing or lifting lugs they must be replaced or repaired.4. Inspect module for damage to the terminals. Removeany damaged terminals and replace.5. Inspect module for damage to the module conductorrods (0.63” diameter threaded rods on top and side of module for affixing terminals). If there is damage to the module rods, the module must be replaced. Contact an authorized service center or your Eaton representative.6. Inspect the operating rod for damage. Check themodule surface and major and minor sheds forcracks, holes, and major chips. If damage is present, the module must be replaced. Contact your Eaton representative.7. If no damage is found, clean the module with isopropylalcohol and a scratch-free, nylon scouring pad to remove any carbon deposit.8. Before returning to service confirm electrical operationby opening and closing the recloser with a control. Confirm the dielectric strength of the recloser byperforming a high-potential withstand test. Refer to the High-potential withstand tests section of this manual.TroubleshootingIf the NOVA NX-T recloser does not perform as described in the Recloser operation section of this manual, the follow-ing information may assist in troubleshooting.Unit will not close●Make sure the yellow manual operating handle is completely up (returned to the CLOSED position). ●Check all cables for proper connection.●Check the condition of the battery located in the control cabinet. Refer to Service Information MN280088EN Form 6 NX-T Microprocessor-Based Pole MountRecloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions or Service Information MN280089EN Form 6 NX-T/LS Microprocessor-Based Recloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions for the battery testing procedure.Unit will not open●Check all cables for proper connection.●Check the condition of the battery located in the control cabinet. Refer to Service Information MN280088EN Form 6 NX-T Microprocessor-Based Pole MountRecloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions or Service Information MN280089EN Form 6 NX-T/LS Microprocessor-Based Recloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions for the battery testing procedure.20NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 201821NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018Figure 20 . NOVA NX-T recloser, integrated junction box, and control connections22NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018his page is intentionally left blank.T23NOVA NX-T RecloserInstallatIon and operatIon InstructIons MN280087EN March 2018Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United StatesEaton’s Power Systems Division 2300 Badger Drive Waukesha, WI 53188United States/cooperpowerseries© 2018 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. MN280087EN March 2018KA2048-0754 Rev 00Eaton is a registered trademark.All trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.For Eaton‘s Cooper Power series productinformation, call 1-877-277-4636 or visit:/cooperpowerseries.。
任务五 Nova的手工安装与配置
[root@controller ~]# yum -y install openstack-nova-api openstack-nova-cert openstack-nova-conductor openstack-nova-console openstack-nova-novncproxy openstack-nova-scheduler python-novaclient执行上述安装命令成功后,我们可以看到成功标志,所有Nova依赖包都安装完成,如图1所示:图1 Nova依赖包安装完成反馈结果步骤二:创建Nova数据库并添加授权首先,用root用户登录MySQL数据库,命令如下。
[root@controller ~]# mysql -uroot -p000000登陆后,我们首先创建Nova数据库,命令如下。
NOVA HELIX 接收器安装手册说明书
1. Remove the cover from the enclosure using a flat screwdriver .Use a 6mm drill bit to open the required cable entry hole.Centurion Systems (Pty) Ltd 14532Mounting surfaceDrill bitCable saddleCable19. Output Configuration18. Non-Volatile Latches (Sticky Latches)Link Learning is the learning process associated with fitting a plastic link over the J1 pin and the common (middle) pin on the receiver in order to learn remote buttons into memory. Learning buttons using this method will also grant buttons master privileges. There are two primary types of erase that pertain to all the receiver variants:• Transmitter Memory Erase • Settings Memory EraseThe procedure to perform the erase operation is documented below:.1. Start with the receiver powered up.2. If a particular channel compartment must be erased (in otherwords, if all the remote buttons associated with a particular channel must be erased), then fit the channel jumpers that select the desired channel.3. If the entire memory must be erased (or the Settings Memory mustIf a button has been demastered, it can be remastered. There are two methods to achieve this, namely:Link Learn Remastering1. To remaster a remote, start by entering Link Learn Mode. Forreference follow steps 1 and 2 in the Link Learning section 2. To remaster buttons associated with a specific channel, fit thechannel jumper links for that channel. With links fitted, only buttons associated with a selected channel can be remastered. All other buttons will register on the receiver , but will not be processed.Bulk DemasteringSince all remotes that are added to a receiver are always added with master privileges, the HELIX offers users a facility whereby certaingroups of remotes, currently learnt into the receiver , can be demastered simultaneously. This is an important feature since having multiple mas-ters might at times be considered a security risk.To bulk demaster remotes, follow the procedure highlighted below:1. Ensure that there is no power on the receiver .Channel settings modify the way a receiver output responds when it is activated. The output can be configured to act as a latching output, a panic output or any combination thereof. A latching output provides the required drive logic for alarm or equivalent output functionality. Every button transaction associated with a latching output will toggle the current output state of the channel.In the case of multichannel receivers, channel settings are set on an output by output basis. To select a particular output, link the relevant output jumpers (channel jumpers). For example: To set output 1, place a link on channel jumper C1 only. To set channel 11 (a SS II device output), place links on channel jumpers C1, C2 and C4 (the binary combination of C1, C2, and C4 that results in 11 - b’1011’).Proceed as per the steps below to set the required output configuration for the specified output.1. Power down the receiver , and link the relevant channel jumpers toconfigure the respective receiver outputs. On multichannel variants, if no channel is specified via the channel jumpers, the system will not enter channel configuration mode.2. Link jumper J2, and power-up the receiver .3. After the firmware version number has flashed on the Status LED, thebuzzer will provide three short beeps to acknowledge the fact that the receiver is powering up in channel configuration mode.It is possible to disable the functionality associated with jumpers J1 and J2. Receivers are often placed in elevated environments to optimise the range of the receiver . Often, little or no attention is paid to securing the receiver . If the receiver unit is not secured it is possible for a perpetrator to access the jumpers on the receiver and learn a remote into the system without the knowledge or consent of the user . the HELIX range includes functionality to disable the jumpers. With a master remote, the jumpers may be re-enabled at any stage.The following procedure documents disabling the jumper interface on the HELIX range of receivers.1. At least one master transmitter must be learned into the receivermemory.2. Press and hold a master button for between 20 and 30 seconds. Thiswill cause the receiver to enter demastering mode; a single beep at 10 seconds must be ignored, and the button can be released upon hearing a long double beep after 20 seconds.3. While in this mode, fit the link between J2 and the middle pin. TheStatus LED will remain on as long as the pins are bridged.4. When jumper J2 is removed, both jumpers will be disabled and nofurther jumper operations may be performed.To re-enable the jumper interface, repeat steps 1 through 4 again.For further information and programming instructions pertaining to the various advanced features found on Helix receivers, please refer to the appropriate sections in the Helix Full Installation Manual, downloadable from our website .This is a special feature on all receiver variants that allows the receiver to restore its output state on power loss. When power is restored, the output will assume the state it last reflected prior to the receiver los -ing power . Normally a receiver that has latched channels will alwayspower-up with the channels unlatched; regardless of the output state of the channel prior to power loss. The sticky latch feature addresses this problem (in applications where it is seen as a problem), and restores the output state of the latch to its state prior to power-loss.system is not in Bulk Demaster Mode. Either because jumper J1 was not linked correctly before power-up, or because there are no buttons learnt into memory (or associated with the channel selected by the channel jumpers).5. To confirm the bulk demastering operation, jumper J1 must beremoved. If the receiver is powered down before the jumper is removed, the bulk demastering operation is not executed. This isuseful if the mode is entered accidently and no buttons must actually be demastered.Autolearn ModeAutolearn functionality allows the receiver to remain in Learn Mode for a maximum period of 7 days, after which it will automatically time-out. This is useful in cases where not all individuals who have been issued with remotes are present in order to learn their remotes into thereceiver’s memory. Multichannel receivers now support the ability to map buttons to channels during the Autolearn process. Power down the receiver prior to commencing the procedure for entering Autolearn Mode.1. Channel compartments configured for Autolearn must be blank.In other words, the entire Transmitter Memory need not be blank to enter Autolearn, only the relevant compartments. As a result, it is possible to enter Autolearn Mode multiple times; so long as the channels configured for the Autolearn session are blank.2. Fit the desired channel links for the channel that is intended for auto-learning. It is possible to omit channel links and enter Autolearn for channel 1, but only if the channel is blank. 3. Fit the link across J1 and power up the receiver . One of two possiblesituations will result:a. The selected channel (set via the channel jumpers) is blank.In this case the system enters the Autolearn Commissioning procedure. The receiver remains in this state while the link on J1 remains fitted. While in the commissioning state, the LED on the receiver remains on. Entry to the commissioning state is also signalled by a long beep from the buzzer . Continue to step 4.b. The selected channel (set via the channel jumpers) is not blank,or no channel has been selected (no channel links fitted). In this case the system enters Bulk Demaster Mode. Refer to the section with the title, Bulk Demastering, for more information on the behaviour of the system in this mode.4. Press a button on a transmitter to establish the button-to-functionality (channel) relationship. The transmitter that is used to establish the relationship is not learned into memory at this initial stage (although a button that is already learnt into memory may be used). It is purely used to establish the relationship between a button and the selected channel. The LED will turn off while a button ispressed. The LED will turn on again and the buzzer will sound briefly when the button is released. This confirms that the button has been successfully received and added to the association table.5. The last button that is pressed for a given channel will dictate thebutton-to-functionality relationship. For example, suppose button 1 is initially pressed and associated with a channel; channel 3 for argument’s sake. If button 2 is pressed subsequently, and it is the last button to be pressed during the channel 3 association process, then button 2 will ultimately be the button associated with channel 3.6. To add another channel to the current Autolearn operation, changethe channel links to the new channel of interest. Remember , onlychannels that are blank can be placed in Autolearn mode. If a channel that is not blank is selected via the channel jumpers, the LED will turn off on button press, but the receiver will not generate a beep when the button is released. This will signal that the channel is not blank and therefore that Autolearn may not be enabled for that channel.7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 to establish button-to-functionalityrelationships for all the (blank) channels of interest.8. Once the association table has been finalised, remove jumper J1.This confirms the mapping and enters Autolearn mode. The buzzer will beep four times to confirm the transition to Autolearn mode. While in Autolearn mode, the LED will remain on while the system is idle. When the correct transmitter button (only buttons registered in the association table are accepted) is pressed, the LED will turn off. When the button is released, the LED will turn3. To remaster buttons without regard for the channel they areassociated with, do not fit any links on the channel jumpers. This will inform the receiver that it must remaster any demastered buttons that are pressed while in this mode.4. With the learn link fitted, press and release a demastered button toremaster it. If a new button (button not learned into the system) is pressed in Link Learn Mode, it will be learned into the system (refer to the previous section, Link Learning for more information).5. The leading edge of the demastered button transaction isacknowledged with a short beep. This beep occurs irrespective of whether the button is mastered or demastered (in fact it will occur irrespective of whether the button is in memory or not).6. While the demastered button is held down, the LED will flash (64milliseconds on/448milliseconds off) to register that the buttontransmission is being received, and that the button is a demastered button. 7. When the demastered button is released, the receiver will completethe remastering operation and remaster the button. A single short beep will signal the end of the operation, confirming to the user that the button has been remastered. The LED will turn on again at the end of the operation.8. When jumper J1 is removed the receiver will exit Link Learn Mode.Master Learn Remastering1. To remaster a remote in this mode, start by entering Master LearnMode. 2. Only buttons that are associated with the channel of the masterbutton that entered Master Learn Mode can be remastered in this mode.3. Press and hold a demastered button for a minimum of 3 seconds toremaster it. If a new button (button not learned into the system) is pressed in Master L earn Mode for more than three seconds, it will be learned into the system (refer to the section, Learning Additional Transmitters for more information).4. This beep occurs irrespective of whether the button is mastered ordemastered.5. While the demastered button is held down within the demasteringwindow (minimum 3 seconds), the LED will flash (64 milliseconds on/448 milliseconds off) to register that the button transmission is being received, and that the button is a demastered button24. 6. Once the demastering period has elapsed (minimum 3 seconds), theLED will turn on and the buzzer will provide a single short beep. This serves as visual and audible confirmation that the receiver has learnt the button being pressed. The LED will turn on again at the end of the operation.7. Once remastered, the system transitions back to Master Learn Mode.Further buttons may be remastered by following steps 3 through 6.8. If no additional buttons are pressed within the 10 seconds MasterLearn Mode period, the receiver will automatically exit learn mode. This exit is signalled by an extended single beep. The Status LED will turn off and resume its responsibilities in normal mode. This beepoccurs irrespective of whether the button is mastered or demastered.C1C2C3C4J1J2C1C2C3C4J1J21. F it the link to J1 with poweron the receiver . On mul -tichannel receivers, fit the links on the channel jumpers to specify the functionality that is required for remotes that are to be learned into the system.If no channel jumpers are linked, the system defaults tolearning to channel 1.2. When jumper J1 is fitted, the LED will turn on as per Master LearnMode.3. Press a new button to learn it into the system.4. If the button is a new button, the LED will switch off while the but -ton remains pressed to confirm that the system has detected that a new transmitter button has been pressed. Once the button is released, a short double-beep will confirm that the button has been learned into memory.5. If the button is a demastered button, the LED will flash while thebutton is held down. Once the button is released, a short single beep will confirm that the button has been successfully remastered.6. Any additional remotes learned into memory are also given masterprivileges. Hence every button added to the receiver in this way automatically becomes a master for functionality with the channel specified by the channel jumpers.7. There is no timeout associated with Link Learning Mode. The re -ceiver will exit this mode once the link bridging jumper is removed from erased), then do not fit links to any of the channeljumpers.4. Fit a link bridging J2 and the common (middle) pin.5. The LED will flash 10 times to indicate that it is about to enter theerase procedure. The link may be removed at this early stage without the erase operation completing.6. After the LED has flashed 10 times, it will turn on. The proceduremay still be aborted at this late stage by removing power to the receiver .7. Remove the link across jumper J2 and the middle pin to completethe erase operation.8. The LED will switch off once the relevant memory section iserased. The receiver will return to normal operation after the erase operation completes.The property that differentiates the two erase operations is the state of the Transmitter Memory. If the memory is not blank (i.e. buttons are learnt into memory), then the receiver will perform the Transmitter Memory Erase operation. If, on the other hand, the Transmitter Memory is blank, then the Settings Memory Erase operation is performed.2. If the receiver is a multi-channel receiver , place links on the channel jumpers to select the channel that will be bulk demastered. All the buttons associated with this channel will be demastered. If all buttons (i.e. buttons asso -ciated with any channel) must be demastered, leave the channel jumpers unlinked.3. Fit the link across J1 andthe middle pin and power up the receiver . If the channel compartment pertaining to the selected channel is not blank (has a least one button, whether it is mastered or not, associated with the channel), then the receiver will enter Bulk Demaster Mode. If the entire memory is selected for demastering, then at least one button must be learntinto memory (on any channel) to enter Bulk Demaster Mode.4. Press and hold any master button that is learnt into the system forapproximately 3 seconds. The receiver will transition into Channel Configuration Mode. The receiver will proceed to flash in themanner indicated in Table 10 - One short flash and then a 1 second delay. Then two short flashes and a 1 second delay. Then threeshort flashes and a 1 second delay. Finally four short flashes and a 1 second delay. While jumper J2 remains bridged the flashing process repeats itself indefinitely.5. The link on J2 must be removed once the number of flashes on thereceiver matches the number of flashes that will set the required output configuration - refer to the table below.6. Once the output configuration has been set, it is possible to proceedto set the output pulse time. This step may be skipped by either waiting 5 seconds for the receiver to time out, or byremoving power from the board. In either of the two cases, the currently set output pulse time will be maintained.7. To adjust the relay output pulse time, fit the link across jumper J2again. Ensure that this is done before the 5 second timeout period elapses.4. After the firmware version number has flashed on the Status LED, theLED will begin to flash quickly to signal that the receiver has entered Bulk Demaster Mode. If the LED does not flash quickly then the。
腾达nova MW6全屋Mesh WiFi系统快速安装指南说明书
Whole Home Mesh WiFi System Quick Installation GuideConnect a single nova unit1. Power off your modem, and remove and reinstall its battery (if any).e the included Ethernet cable to connect a LAN port of your modem to the WAN port of any nova unit.Scan to download Tenda WiFi app...Q1: How can I set up a WiFi network without configuration?A1: If you use the Dynamic IP connection type, you can simply perform steps I, III, and V to connect the nova units. When all the nova units' LEDs light solid blue, your WiFi network is set up.A2: Verify that:You powered off your router before connecting it to the first nova unit. - Your modem/router can access the Internet and that the LED of the first nova unit is blue. If the LED is not blue, please verify that the connections of the nova unit are correct, and then use the Tenda Wi-Fi app to reconfigure it.- All other nova units are connected properly, powered on, and that their LEDs are not red.- Any devices connected to the nova units are configured to obtain IP addresses and DNS server addresses automatically.Q3: How can I change my SSID and password?A3: Perform step II to download and install the Tenda WiFi app, run the app, tap Settings in the lower-right corner, tap Wireless Settings , change your SSID and password, and tap Save . Then, you need to reconnect your mobile devices using the new SSID and password.Q4: How can I restore the factory settings of a nova unit?A4: Hold down its Reset button for about 6 seconds until its LED turns light blue. Its current SSID and password remain unchanged.Q5: How can I remove a nova unit from my WiFi network?A5: Hold down its Reset button for about 20 seconds until its LED turns white, or tap the nova unit on the Tenda WiFi app, tap in the upper-right corner, and choose Delete .Q6: Can I add new nova units to expand my network coverage?A6: Yes. You can purchase new nova units and perform the following procedure:(1) Place each new nova unit less than 45 feet from an original nova unit and power them on.(2) Run the Tenda WiFi app.(3) If the new nova units are detected, follow the on-screen instructions to add them. Otherwise, tap Settings in the lower-right corner, tap Add Nova , and follow the on-screen instructions to add them.- FAQQ2: What should I do if I cannot access the Internet after setting up my Wi-Fi network?Technical SupportShenzhen Tenda Technology Co., Ltd.6-8 Floor, Tower E3, No. 1001, Zhongshanyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China. 518052USA hotline: 1-800-570-5892Toll Free: Daily-9am to 6pm ESTCanada hotline: 1-888-998-8966Toll Free: Mon - Fri 9 am - 6 pm PSTWebsite: Email:*********************.cnHong Kong hotline: 00852-81931998Website: Email:*****************.cnCopyright© 2017 Shenzhen Tenda Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Tenda is a registered trademark legally held by Shenzhen Tenda Technology Co., Ltd. Other brand and product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Specifications are subject to change without notice.。
HUAWEI华为 nova 6 SE 用户指南 说明书
已连接至 VPN 网络
更多未显示的信息 NFC 已开启 数据同步中 性能模式已开启 收到日程提醒
振动模式 免打扰模式已开启 数据同步失败 收到新邮件 健康使用手机已开启
打开快捷开关 从屏幕顶部状态栏下滑出通知面板,继续向下滑出整个菜单。
• 点击快捷开关,开启或关闭相应功能。 • 长按快捷开关,进入对应功能的设置页面。 • 点击 进入设置界面。 自定义快捷开关 点击 ,然后长按拖动快捷开关调整位置。
您可以根据需要添加、移动或删除桌面窗口小工具,包括一键锁屏、天气、备忘录预览、联系人、 日历等。
加到主屏幕。然后点击一键锁屏图标锁屏。 设置自动锁屏时间
进入 设置 > 显示和亮度 > 休眠,选择对应的屏幕自动休眠时长。 点亮屏幕 您可以通过以下方式点亮屏幕: • 按电源键点亮屏幕。
• 进入 设置 > 辅助功能 > 快捷启动及手势 > 亮屏,开启并使用拿起手机亮屏。
输入密码解锁 点亮屏幕后,从屏幕任意位置滑动,会出现密码输入面板。输入锁屏密码即可。 使用人脸解锁 点亮屏幕后,将手机对准人脸。手机会自动进行人脸识别校验,校验成功后即可解锁。 指纹解锁屏幕 用事先录入指纹的手指按压指纹感应区域,即可解锁。
HUAWEI华为 nova 11 用户指南 说明书
用户指南目 录基础使用常用手势1系统导航4手机克隆5锁屏与解锁5了解桌面7控制中心16打开应用常用功能26桌面窗口小工具26更换壁纸27截屏和录屏28调整音量36输入文本37多窗口40熄屏显示47开关机和重启48充电48智慧功能智慧语音51智慧视觉59智慧识屏63智慧搜索66场景联动67智慧出行69服务中心70超级终端71手机投屏78多屏协同81华为分享91智慧打印95相机图库打开相机99拍摄照片99人像102夜景102大光圈103AI 美拍104变焦拍摄照片104微距拍照105目 录全景拍摄105动态照片106照片添加水印107文档矫正107专业相机108录制视频110慢动作录像113延时摄影114微电影114相机滤镜115多机位模式115相机设置118管理图库119编辑图片与视频126图库智能分类129时刻130应用联系人132电话135信息142畅连145日历161时钟166备忘录167录音机174电子邮件174计算器178手电筒178指南针179手机管家179设置搜索设置项184WLAN184移动网络185更多连接189桌面和壁纸197显示和亮度200声音和振动203通知和状态栏206生物识别和密码208应用和服务213电池213目 录存储215安全216隐私222健康使用手机226辅助功能230用户和帐户240系统和更新241关于手机247基础使用常用手势了解手机常用手势与快捷操作全面屏导航手势进入设置 > 系统和更新 > 系统导航方式,确保选择了手势导航。
安装服务旨在帮助客户快速完成设备安装,保障业务快速部署。服务内容包含安装前 检查、硬件安装、单设备调试和设备验收。
运用专业知识与实践经验,快速完成网络建设 减少工程管理工作,使您可以聚焦资源于核心业务 由华为或华为认证服务合作伙伴提供高质量、规范的安装服务
机房环境设计、供电和散热评估; 网络设计服务(规划方案设计等),评估优化服务(网络拓扑、网络容量、网络保护 等优化); 业务与数据迁移实施等服务; 第三方硬件以及软件的安装配置; 非标准工作时间进行的服务; 服务内容中未列出的服务;
硬件安装: 根据要安装的设备配置,在机柜供电、散热、承重和线缆布置方面协助客户进行安装 规划; 协助客户开箱验货; 主设备机柜、机框和机柜内部组件的集成安装; 按照设计文档进行单板的安装,在空余槽位上安装假面板; 连接、布放电源线缆、接地线缆,并按照客户的需求扎线、布放标签; 连接、布放相关信号线缆(不包括客户侧的光纤、网线等业务线缆),并按要求扎 线、布放标签; 按照设计完成天馈系统安装; 检查硬件安装部分是否全部完成; 检查设备输入电压,设备上电,检查设备是否正常启动,指示灯状态是否正常;
3900系列基站 3012系列基站
服务特性服务范围描述 Nhomakorabea服务时间 安装前准备
在星期一至星期五(国家法定节假日除外)标准工作时间接受您的安装与启动服务请 求,并与您协商决定服务提供的时间; 服务实施时间应当在星期一至星期五(国家法定节假日除外);
NOV A安装手册目录chapter1 System Requirements chapter2 NOV A手动安装步骤2.1安装nova 相关软件包2.2 安装MySQL数据库2.3 进行网络环境配置2.4 创建工程并配置环境2.5 上传镜像并运行一个实例chapter3 配置Glance镜像服务器chapter4 安装Dashboard远程操作界面chapter5 使用Puppet部署OpenStack环境chapter6 FAQ 常见问题及解决办法chapter1 System Requirementsy硬件:x86系列机器,AMD处理器y操作系统::安装Ubuntu 10.04(LTS)版本y网络:官网推荐1000 Mbps,提供nova-network服务的节点需要配置两块网卡。
OpenStack支持以下三种网络架构:flat,DHCP,VLAN&DHCPy数据库:采用MySQL数据库y权限:需要使用root权限进行安装chapter2 NOV A手动安装步骤2.1安装nova 相关软件包y下载python软件包,完成后需要run update:sudo apt-get install python-software-propertiessudo add-apt-repository ppa:nova-core/releasesudo apt-get updatey安装Message Queue Server,Rabbit MQ及python dependencies:sudo apt-get install -y rabbitmq-serversudo apt-get install –y python-greenlet python-mysqldby根据节点的不同类型,选择安装所需要的nova-packages和dependencies:sudo apt-get install -y nova-common nova-doc python-nova nova-api nova- network nova-objectstore nova-scheduler nova-computey安装euca2ools 工具包:sudo apt-get install –y euca2ools unzip2.2 安装MySQL数据库OpenStack Nova的数据库有多种选择如MySQL 和 PostgreSQL,参照官方手册这里选用 MySQL。
华为nova 8 SE 快速指南 说明书
• 设备充电时,电源插座应安装在设备附近并应易于触及。 • 当充电完毕或者不充电时,请断开电源适配器与设备的连
接并从电源插座上拔掉电源适配器。 • 请勿在潮湿的地点(如盥洗池、浴缸或淋浴室附近)使用
ᦊ͈Րሦ ᨥ О͉ᩆ ܳໄᐏᔭ ܳໄ̄ᔭᧉ
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Ὁ᛫ᇨសదࠏྭ᠏ښសᦊ͈ਫ਼దک᠏ెந˗ᄊե᧚(ښک#5 ࠀᄊᬍ᧚᜶ර̿ʾǍ
Ὁ᛫ᇨសదࠏྭ᠏ᒰ࠶ښសᦊ͈ᄊ౽ʷک᠏ెந˗ᄊե᧚ᡔѣ (#5 ࠀᄊᬍ᧚᜶රἻ˅ᄬҒˊႍదੇྀᄊణ̽வ ವἻኀՌൗᄪ3P)4ૉ̾ဗδ᜶රǍ
یڂՂˀՏἻֶ̗Իᑟˀӊᬔ˟ܱᄊ̿ʽਫ਼దᦊ͈Ἳឰֶ̗̿ ࠄᬅᩙᦡᎶ˞юǍ
వಖគЯߚ᛫ᇨֶ̗ښΎၹ࿄গʾᄊဗδΎၹర ᬍ˞ࣲǍ౽̏ᦊ͈˷ԻᑟదဗδΎၹరᬍಖគἻХဗ δΎၹࣲᬍ̿ಖគЯᄊߚ˞юǍ
如何快速迁移 旧设备数据旧设备ຫໍສະໝຸດ 新设备浏览器扫码打开手机克隆
内部编码 96727445_01
音量键 USB Type-C 接口/耳 机接口 卡槽
电源键 屏内指纹
• 使用取卡针时,请注意安全,防止戳伤手指或损伤设 备。
• 请保管好取卡针,将其放置在儿童接触不到的地方, 防止儿童无意中吞食或戳伤自己。
• 请使用标准的 nano-SIM 卡,否则可能导致卡托 (槽)损坏或设备无法识别卡片。 • 如果您使用的 nano-SIM 卡与设备不匹配,请您联 系运营商处理。
Nova Kool公司交直流两用型冰箱安装说明及故障处理手册说明书
安装说明及故障处理手册交直流两用型2005年八月感谢您选用Nova Kool公司的制冷产品。
商品型号#商品序列号#购买日期:______________________________安装调试日期:___________________________经销商名称:_________________________________售后服务电话:00-1-604-523-6515分机号为104或在太平洋标准时间早上7:00至下午4:00间发送电子邮件至:********************NKF-04Rev-Aug17-05温度调节:所有Nova Kool制冷产品都配有不同类型的温度调节器,用来感应蒸发器(冷却台)的温度。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
NOV A安装手册目录chapter1 System Requirements chapter2 NOV A手动安装步骤2.1安装nova 相关软件包2.2 安装MySQL数据库2.3 进行网络环境配置2.4 创建工程并配置环境2.5 上传镜像并运行一个实例chapter3 配置Glance镜像服务器chapter4 安装Dashboard远程操作界面chapter5 使用Puppet部署OpenStack环境chapter6 FAQ 常见问题及解决办法chapter1 System Requirementsy硬件:x86系列机器,AMD处理器y操作系统::安装Ubuntu 10.04(LTS)版本y网络:官网推荐1000 Mbps,提供nova-network服务的节点需要配置两块网卡。
OpenStack支持以下三种网络架构:flat,DHCP,VLAN&DHCPy数据库:采用MySQL数据库y权限:需要使用root权限进行安装chapter2 NOV A手动安装步骤2.1安装nova 相关软件包y下载python软件包,完成后需要run update:sudo apt-get install python-software-propertiessudo add-apt-repository ppa:nova-core/releasesudo apt-get updatey安装Message Queue Server,Rabbit MQ及python dependencies:sudo apt-get install -y rabbitmq-serversudo apt-get install –y python-greenlet python-mysqldby根据节点的不同类型,选择安装所需要的nova-packages和dependencies:sudo apt-get install -y nova-common nova-doc python-nova nova-api nova- network nova-objectstore nova-scheduler nova-computey安装euca2ools 工具包:sudo apt-get install –y euca2ools unzip2.2 安装MySQL数据库OpenStack Nova的数据库有多种选择如MySQL 和 PostgreSQL,参照官方手册这里选用 MySQL。
y安装mysql-server :bashMYSQL_PASS=novaNOV A_PASS=notnovacat <<MYSQL_PRESEED | debconf-set-selectionsmysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password password $MYSQL_PASSmysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/root_password_again password $MYSQL_PASS mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server/start_on_boot boolean trueMYSQL_PRESEEDsudo apt-get install –y mysql-servery修改 MySQL 绑定地址,以便其他的节点服务器也能访问这个数据库:sudo sed -i 's/' /etc/mysql/fsudo service mysql restarty创建一个名为 nova 的数据库,配置数据库权限,并设置超级用户root 能够从任何 IP 访问的权限和密码:sudo mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_PASS -e 'CREATE DATABASE nova;'sudo mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_PASS -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'nova'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;"y设置数据库的密码:sudo mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_PASS -e "SET PASSWORD FOR 'nova'@'%' =PASSWORD('$NOV A_PASS');"y重启nova相关服务以便设置生效:restart libvirt-bin; restart nova-network; restart nova-compute; restart nova-api; restart nova-objectstore; restart nova-scheduler2.3 进行网络环境配置OpenStack提供三种网络架构,分别是flat,DHCP和VLAN(&DHCP),这里主要介绍了DHCP和VLAN模式的网络配置。
2.3.1 DHCP网络配置y配置nova.conf中的flag参数:vi /etc/nova/nova.conf参考配置如下:设置好Controller节点后,可直接将nova.conf复制到Compute和Network节点中。
y网桥配置:cd /etc/networkvi interfacesa. Controller节点参考配置如下:b. Compute节点参考配置如下:c. Network节点参考配置如下:修改完成后重新启动相关服务:sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart测试网络:ping 2.3.2 VLAN网络配置y配置nova.conf中的flag参数:vi /etc/nova/nova.conf--network_manager=work.manager.VlanManager(或者这项缺省即可)其他参数可以参考DHCP进行配置。
在VLAN模式下,nova-network服务和nova-compute服务是会根据mysql 数据库中的数据自动创建网桥。
y配置网络:nova-manage --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf network create 1 256进入nova数据库,配置新建network的ID等信息#mysql -u#user -p#password>select id, cidr from networks;>exit#mkdir vlan#cd vlan#vi update_networks.sh将下面的内容添加进去:if [ -z $1 ]; thenecho "You need to specify the vlan to modify"fiif [ -z $2 ]; thenecho "You need to specify a network id number (check the DB for the network you want to update)"fiVLAN=$1ID=$2cat > vlan.sql << __EOF_update networks set vlan = '$VLAN' where id = $ID;update networks set bridge = 'br_$VLAN' where id = $ID;update networks set gateway = '10.1.$VLAN.7' where id = $ID;update networks set dhcp_start = '10.1.$VLAN.8' where id = $ID;update fixed_ips set reserved = 1 where address in ('10.1.$VLAN.1','10.1.$ VLAN.2','10.1.$VLAN.3','10.1.$VLAN.4','10.1.$VLAN.5','10.1.$VLAN.6','10.1.$ VLAN.7');__EOF_然后执行这个脚本文件:#bash update_networks.sh2.4 创建工程并配置环境y查看各项服务是否成功启动:nova-manage service listy创建群组并授权:sudo addgroup nova chown -R root:nova /etc/nova chmod 640 /etc/nova/ nova.confy nova运行环境配置:/usr/bin/nova-manage db sync/usr/bin/nova-manage user admin <user_name>创建一个cloud管理员用户/usr/bin/nova-manage project create <project_name> <user_name>创建一个工程/usr/bin/nova-manage network create <project-network> <number-of-networks- inproject> <addresses-in-each-network>参考配置如下:/usr/bin/nova-manage db sync/usr/bin/nova-manage user admin bch此时会产生密钥:export EC2_ACCESS_KEY=6aa51bfd-6bfb-4a94-bf55-3c4bacc4d59a exportEC2_SECRET_KEY=aba78372-8a22-460c-af7e-d6da1ebf2eef/usr/bin/nova-manage project create bchproject bch为工程创建网络(如果之前有的话最好先删除):/usr/bin/nova-manage network create 1 128 100注意:(1)这里的网络参数要和nova.conf文件保持一致。