Morality of Stem Cells
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– The proposed NIH research will not create or clone human embryos.
– The fertilized eggs are used with permission of the parents who would otherwise discard them.
Morality of Stem Cells
Stem Cells
Definition of stem cells
– Stem cells are “pluripotent” cells that can produce many different kinds of cells. A fertilized egg is “omnipotent”, i.e. can produce all cells.
Importance of Stem Cells
Studies of human embryonic stem cells will lead to major advances in human biology
– Embryonic stem cell research will provide critical insights into mechanisms of cell differentiation, growth, and death.
– The facts that embryos will die anyway and that many people would benefit from the therapies do not justify killing embryos. The end does not justify the means.
Human embryonic stem cell therapies can save lives and restore function of people
– Human embryonic stem cell can replace damaged or lost cells
– These include diabetes, degenerative neurological diseases, demyelinative diseases, brain & spinal cord injury.
– These conditions are the most common and costly causes of disability in the United States.
Opposition to HESC Research
Killing human embryos is unacceptable
– A person’s own stem cells should be the best source of cells for transplantation
– Adult stem cells will eventually substitute for embryonic stem cells.
Embryonic stem cells come from embryos with recognizable body parts
– Embryonic stem cells come from blastocysts (2 weeks), little round balls of cells with no discernible organs or body parts.
– Several methods are now available to control growth of embryonic stem cells.
Adult stem cells
– Adult stem cells also have the capacity to produce many different cell types, including neurons.
– Many fertilized eggs have been stored beyond the time when they are suitable for producing embryos.
– Many parents do not want their eggs to be “adopted” by others.
Different kinds of stem cells
– Embryonic stem cells come from embryos (<6 weeks). Stem cells from blastocysts (2 weeks) are virtually “immortal”.
– Fetal stem cells come from fetuses (> 6 weeks) – Stem cells are present in some adult tissues, including
– Only fertilized eggs that were already been created for the purposes of in vitro fertilization are used.
– Availability of this source of stem cells should reduce current unrestricted creation and destruction of human embryos for their stem cells.
– The blastocysts are never implanted into a uterus.
– Embryos form only after the notochord appears at about 2 weeks. Embryos become fetuses at 6 weeks.
– Availability of human embryonic stem cells should reduce the current need for and use of human fetal tissues to treat Parkinson’s disease and other conditions.
– Embryonic stem cells may form tumors whereas adult stem cells have limited growth potential and are less likely to produce cancers.
Common Misconceptions
Embryonic stem cell therapies are not necessary
– Adult and other sources of stem cells, i.e. umbilical blood or bone marrow stem cells can be used.
– Many studies suggest that stem cells from these sources are beneficial in animal disease models
Both opponents and supporters of HESC research are unhappy with the ruling. Opponents believe that federal funding of human ESC research will open a Pandora’s box leading to baby and organ factories. Supporters believe that the restrictions will hold back crucial research that will benefit millions of people.
– Understanding stem cells may provide keys to why people age.
– Limitations on the study of human embryonic stem cell research will hold back biomedical research.
Embryonic Stem Cells
Adapted from the New York Times 18 December 2001
The Stem Cell Debate
On August 9, 2001, President George Bush announced that NIH will fund human embryonic stem cell (HESC) research for the first time. The research will be restricted to 72 cell lines derived from surplus fertilized embryos before August 9.
Current Situation
Current laws do not regulate embryo production or use by private companies
Researchers have recently found that they can create cloned embryos. Stem cells derived from such embryos have the same genes and are an ideal source of stem cells for transplantation. Congress, however, is considering a bill that would outlaw making of cloned embryonic stem cells.
brain, spinc vs. Adult Stem Cells
Embryonic stem cells
– Embryonic cells are pluripotent and virtually immortal.
– Embryonic stem cells can form tumors called teratomas.
More Misconceptions
Embryonic stem cells come from embryos that can become adults
– Thousands of fertilized eggs are being discarded from fertility and not being used for research or therapy
Human embryonic stem cell
The research will increase
research encourages abortions.
killing of human embryos.
– The proposed NIH research will use frozen fertilized eggs, not aborted fetuses.
– Use and study of human embryonic stem cells will require destruction of human embryos.
– Killing human embryos is unacceptable, no matter how much good such research will bring about.