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【摘要】Objective To explore the clinical features of aggressive psychiatric patients in rural areas. Methods The gencral information and clinical data including name, gender, age, registered residence, course of disease, frequency of hospitalization, causes of hospitalization, diagnosis of psychiatric disorders, scores of BPRS and ADL, and coexist physical diseases were statistically analyzed in 125 rural aggressive patients who had been hospitalized during September to December 2010. Results The top causes of hospitalization were violent and aggressive behaviors
( 40.8% ) and harassment behavoirs ( 40.0% ). Schizophrenia ( 57.6% ), mental retardation ( 16.8% ), and mania ( 12.8% ) were listed as the top three psychiatric disorders. On admission, the rate of coexistence with hyponatremia/hypokalemia,anemia, malnutrition, infectious diseases, and traumas was 20.0%, 11.2%, 2.4%, 15.2%, and 13.6%,respectively. The causes of hospitalization and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders were significantly different between male and female patients ( P< 0.01 ). BPRS scores were significantly higher and ADL scores were lower in male patients than in female patients ( P< 0.05 and P< 0.01 ). The causes of hospitalization differed significantly between the first hospitalized patients
and the rehospitalized patients ( P < 0.01 ). Conclusions Rural aggressvie psychiatric patients have more severe psychiatric symptoms and mostly coexist physical diseases, and they should be treated and supervised more effecively.%目的了解农村肇事重性精神病人的临床特征。

9-12月收治的125例农村肇事重性精神病人的一般资料及临床资料包括姓名、性别、年龄、户籍、病程、入院次数、入院原因、精神疾病诊断、简明精神病量表( BPRS)及日常生活能力量表(ADL)评分、及合并躯体疾病等进行统计学分析。

果农村肇事重性精神病人人院原因以伤人毁物、骚扰他人行为具前列,分别占40.8%、40.0%;精神疾病诊断以精神分裂症、精神发育迟滞、躁狂发作占前三位,分别占57.6%、16.8%、12.8%;入院时合并低钠/低钾、贫血、营养不良、传染病及外伤者分别占20.0%、11.2%、2.4%、15.2%、13.6%;男女病人人院原因及精神疾病诊断构成比比较,差异均有极显著性( P< 0.01);BPRS量表评分比较男病人比女病人高,差异均有显著性(P< 0.05);ADL量表评分比较男病人比


【作者单位】510370 广州市精神病医院;510370 广州市精神病医院;510370 广州市精神病医院;510370 广州市精神病医院;510370 广州市精神病医院;510370 广州市精神病医院;510370 广州市精神病医院
1.柳江县农村地区重性精神病人管理治疗康复状况调查分析 [J], 顾开龙;陈秋明;黄信荣;黄荣秋
2.肇事肇祸精神病人特征分析 [J], 罗丽新;黄世伟;张海香;黄桂娇;李桂兰
3.重性精神病人肇事肇祸管控工作初探 [J], 戴碧铭;倪明;邱斌
4.重性精神病人肇事肇祸管控工作初探 [J], 戴碧铭;倪明;邱斌;
5.农村重性精神病人医疗保障工作取得进展 [J],
