高三英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(二十二)阅读理解词义

高三英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(二十二)阅读理解词义
高三英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(二十二)阅读理解词义

专题限时检测(二十二) 阅读理解词义猜测类之单词意义猜测题



(2015·徐州市高三考前信息卷)Sometimes, we really want a chocolate bar or a cool sparkling drink. We usually have one, perhaps thinking, “My body really needs it!” But are you sure it’s really a demand from your body? It might just be bacteria in your stomach “cheating” you into thinking that way, scientists say.

Our gut and stomach are home to 10,000 species of bacteria which get energy from our half-digested lunches. In return, they help us break down food and k eep harmful bacteria out, The Atlantic reported. But a recent article in US journal Bio Essays suggests that these bacteria might tell us what to do and demand certain kinds of foods. The article, written by researchers from the University of New Mexico and the University of California, San Francisco, says that bacteria in our gut and stomach change our eating behavior to increase their fitness. For example, bacteria that specialize in sugar make us want sweet food. If we don’t give them what they want, they worry our minds until we eat sweet foods. The bacteria have some strategies to make us “listen” to them, the article suggests. They may change the expression of our taste receptors, making certain foods taste better. They may release hormones to make us feel hungry. Or they may use the vagus nerve (迷走神经), which connects the stomach to the brain, to control our eating behavior. In other words, our brain and moods might be hostages held by a hijacker called bacteria.

Food Previous studies, however, told a d ifferent story. Craving is “all in our heads”,Science Daily once reported. When people desire a specific food, they keep imagining vivid images of that food, so that they have no brain power for any other task.

To reduce our desire for a chocolate bar, we need to focus our minds on other tasks, Science Daily said. For example, trying to imagine images of common sights or smells could kick those food images out of our minds. How about trying to imagine a rainbow instead? If that doesn’t work for us, at least we can use bacteria as a convenient excuse —“I need a can of soda, not for me, but for my gut bacteria!”

1.What do bacteria in your gut and stomach do, according to the article?

a.break down food

b.connect the stomach to the brain

c.block out harmful bacteria

d.change your eating behavior

A.ac B.cd C.abc D.acd

2.What are the bacteria’s strategies to make people satisfy their needs?

A.They may change the way that the vagus nerve works.

B.They may make people feel hungry and think some foods are tastier than others.

C.They may change people’s facial expressions when eating some foods.

D.They may release some hormones to disturb people’s digestion systems.

★3.The underlined word “Craving” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “________”.

A.imagination B.feeling

C.eagerness D.emotion

4.To reduce our strong desire for a specific kind of food, we are advised to ________ .

A.sing songs about rainbows

B.make ourselves full by eating other food

C.imagine images of more inviting foods

D.make our minds busy with other tasks


(2015·盐城三模)High-tech glasses developed at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis may help surgeons visualize cancer cells, which glow blue when viewed through the eyewear. Cancer cells are notoriously difficult to see, even under high-powered magnification. The glasses are designed to make it easier for surgeons to distinguish cancer cells from healthy cells, helping to ensure that no tumor cells are left behind during surgery.

“We’re in the early stages of this technology, and more development and testing will be done, but we’re certainly encouraged by the potential benefits to patients,” said breast surgeon Julie Margenthaler, MD, an associate professor of surgery at Washington University. “Imagine what it would me an if these glasses got rid of the need for follow-up surgery and the associated pain, inconvenience and anxiety.”

Current standard of care requires surgeons to remove the tumor and some neighboring tissue that may or may not include cancer cells. The samples are sent to a pathology(病理) lab and viewed under a microscope. If cancer cells are found in neighboring tissue, a second surgery is often recommended to remove additional tissue that is also checked for the presence of cancer.

The glasses could reduce the need for additional surgical procedures and following stress on patients, as well as time and expense.

Margenthaler said about 20 to 25 percent of breast cancer patients who have lumps removed require a second surgery because current technology doesn’t adequately show the extent of the disease during the first operation.“Our hope is that this new technology will reduce or ideally eliminate the need for a second surgery,” she said.

In a study published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics, researchers noted that tumors as small as 1 mm in diameter (the thickness of about 10 sheets of paper) could be detected.

Ryan Fields, MD, a Washington University assistant professor of surgery and surgeon of Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center, plans to wear the glasses later this month when he operates to remove a melanoma from a patient. He said he welcomes the new technology, which theoretically could be used to visualize any type or cancer.

“A limitation of surgery is that it’s not always clear to the naked eye the distinction between normal tissue and cancerous tissue,” Fields said.“With the glasses developed by Samuel Achilefu, PhD, professor of Washington University, we can better identify the tissue that must be removed.”

5.The ultimate goal of developing the new technology is ________.

A.to distinguish cancer cells from healthy ones

B.to inspire hope for life in cancer patients

C.to make sure no cancer cell is left behind

D.to reduce the risk of cancer surgery

★6.The underlined word “eliminate” in Paragraph 5 is closes t in meaning to ________.

A.meet B.remove C.feel D.resist

7.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.The glasses are developed by Ryan Fields and Samuel Achilefu.

B.The glasses glow blue when finding tissues including cancer cells.

C.Tumors as small as 1 cm in diameter could be detected by the glasses.

D.Much remains to be done before the technology can be widely used.

8.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Special glasses help surgeons “see” cancer

B.A new technology has been used in surgery

C.Patients will benefit from a new technology

D.Cancer is no longer a threat to people


(2015·扬州中学高三检测)Rice wine has a history of more than 2,000 years as China’s favorite liquor and has been credited with having enhanced the health. But now native rice wine finds itself competing for market share with Western style fruit wine.

Both foreign traders and local producers have in recent months

observed a remarkable rise in the popularity of wine in China,

at least in the country’s more prosperous cities and coastal

regions. There are several reasons for this. One has been a

sustained effort by the Chinese government to limit the use of staple grains (主食) for things as frivolous as spirits or beer. Another has been a lot of reports filtering out (过滤) via Hong Kong and Taiwan, citing scientific findings about red wine’s good effects on health in general and manliness in particular. Mr. St. Pierre, who imports Western wines to China, says that his red wines outsell his whites by 20 to 1, leading him to conclude that Chinese drinkers are indeed choosing their beverages with good health in mind.

Mr. St. Pierre is toasting increases in sales of 25% a month. Carl Crook, another importer, recalls that, when he began selling wine in China four years ago, his clients were mainly “well-heeled and desperate expatriates (侨民)”. His company, Montrose, now sells more than 1,000 cases a month and expects sales to double this year, despite taxes and duties which add 121% to the price of imported wines. Its catalogue ranges from cheap Californian wines selling wholesale for 69 yuan per bottle, to Chateau Lafitte Rothschild.

Domestic producers are also cottoning on to the joys of the grape. A few Chinese wineries are increasingly successful, in both international competitions and the domestic market. China’s largest wine producer, Dynasty, has overcome quality control problems to produce a well-received 1995 Chardonnay. The Huadong Winery in Qingdao (a city still more famous for its beer) has also yielded a successful Chardonnay. Local bottling of foreign wines, local production, and if they materialize, long rumored cuts in tariff duties (关税) may soon help bring the joys of wine to greater numbers of Chinese.


III词义猜测 【命题特点】考查根据上下文推测生词和短语的能力,突出考查对语境的分析和把握的能力。【常见考法】 1. The underlined word “…”probably means____. 2. The word “…”used in paragraph “…”refers to/suggests____. 3. The phrase “…”in the sentence can be replaced by ____. 4. Which of the following is the cl osest in meaning to the word “…”? 5. What is the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph “…”? 6. By saying “…”, we mean_____. 7. What do you think of the expression “…”stands for? 8. The meaning of word “…”in the passage is related to_____. 一.通过定义或解释推测语义 有些概念性生词出现后,作者会给出它的定义、同位语、修饰性从句或是定语。这些修饰成分可以帮助我们推断出生词的语义 (1)定义句的谓语动词在文中多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define(下定义), represent, signify(表示,表明), constitute(指。。)等。 (2)解释则常用as you know, to be called, to mean, to refer to, that is(to say), in other words, namely 等词语以及同位语和定语从句来提示下文将前面的信息加以重复或解释。 (3)有时作者会用复述的形式来解释语义,而复述部分可以是词、短语或从句。 (4)还有下一些标点符号,如冒号、破折号、括号等都表示后文要继续解释说明前文。eg. 1. The powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid, that is, it could not be tasted, seen, or smelled. (无法察觉的,感觉不到的) 2. The Greek marriage was monogamous-----men and women were allowed only one spouse (配偶) at a time. (一夫一妻制) Exercises: 1. Pantomime refers to a short play in which no words are spoken. ____默剧,哑剧_______ 2. Anthropology is the scientific study of man. _____人类学______ 3. We will meet you in the foyer, the entrance hall of the theatre. ____门厅_______ 4. He began to shave his whiskers, which had grown thick on both cheeks(脸颊). ___胡须______ 5. Some computer scientists are developing artificial-intelligence machines that they say will think like people. ____人工智能_______ Test1 There is no cure(治愈)for Alzheimer’s. But a drug called ARICEPT has been used by millions of people to help their symptoms(症状). 61. What is ARICEPT?(C) A. A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s B. A medicine to delay signs of aging. C. A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. D. A medicine to cure brain damage. Test 2 Here is The Pines, whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou, wild boar and reindeer with surprising sauces. (1)According to the passage, The Pines is a ______. (D) A. place in which you can see many mobile homes

高三英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(二十二)阅读理解词义

专题限时检测(二十二) 阅读理解词义猜测类之单词意义猜测题 (加★的为单词意义猜测题,本卷限时23分钟) A (2015·徐州市高三考前信息卷)Sometimes, we really want a chocolate bar or a cool sparkling drink. We usually have one, perhaps thinking, “My body really needs it!” But are you sure it’s really a demand from your body? It might just be bacteria in your stomach “cheating” you into thinking that way, scientists say. Our gut and stomach are home to 10,000 species of bacteria which get energy from our half-digested lunches. In return, they help us break down food and k eep harmful bacteria out, The Atlantic reported. But a recent article in US journal Bio Essays suggests that these bacteria might tell us what to do and demand certain kinds of foods. The article, written by researchers from the University of New Mexico and the University of California, San Francisco, says that bacteria in our gut and stomach change our eating behavior to increase their fitness. For example, bacteria that specialize in sugar make us want sweet food. If we don’t give them what they want, they worry our minds until we eat sweet foods. The bacteria have some strategies to make us “listen” to them, the article suggests. They may change the expression of our taste receptors, making certain foods taste better. They may release hormones to make us feel hungry. Or they may use the vagus nerve (迷走神经), which connects the stomach to the brain, to control our eating behavior. In other words, our brain and moods might be hostages held by a hijacker called bacteria. Food Previous studies, however, told a d ifferent story. Craving is “all in our heads”,Science Daily once reported. When people desire a specific food, they keep imagining vivid images of that food, so that they have no brain power for any other task. To reduce our desire for a chocolate bar, we need to focus our minds on other tasks, Science Daily said. For example, trying to imagine images of common sights or smells could kick those food images out of our minds. How about trying to imagine a rainbow instead? If that doesn’t work for us, at least we can use bacteria as a convenient excuse —“I need a can of soda, not for me, but for my gut bacteria!” 1.What do bacteria in your gut and stomach do, according to the article? a.break down food b.connect the stomach to the brain c.block out harmful bacteria


阅读理解之词义猜测题 一,词义猜测类题目常见提问方式 1,The underlined word “__”in the passage means ____ . 2,What does “___”in the third paragraph stand for ? 3,3.The word/phrase “____” most nearly means ____. 4,4The word/phrase “___” could best be replaced by ____. 5,The word/phrase “__” in Line…,Para …refers to__. 6,Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase/word/sentence “____”? 7,What’s the meaning of “____” in Line …,Para …? 8,The author uses the word “____” to indicate(暗示)____? 二,技巧 技巧 1. 利用上下文,通过_________结构或________结构中的_____词、______词推测词义。反义词常见信号词有but 、yet 、while 、however、on the contrary 等。同义词常见信号词:and, or, namely, that is, that is to say,等。 1. Although the hazards of the trip were many --- for example , the unbearable heat , the lack of water, the possibility of getting lost , the presence of wild animal and poisonous snakes --- Collins nevertheless decided that she must go. A. safties B. destinations C. dangers D. pleasures 2. It will be very hard but also very brittle --- that is , it will break easily. A. breakable B. firm C. strong D. separate 技巧2 从句子或文段中找线索、信息词(如__________、________或________ 推测词义。常见的举例的提示词有for instance, for example, such as 等。 常用的解释性词提示词有that is, mean, stand for, namely, in other words, to be 等, 1. The herdsman , who looks after sheep , earns about 650 yuan a year . A. chief B. sheepherder C. merchant D. buyer 2. Japan has a problem many other countries would envy --- its workforce works too hard. Curing Japanese workers of disease "workaholism" is proving a difficult job , partly because many of them like work better than anything else , experts say. A. killer B. drinker C. jobnik D. secretary 技巧3 根据上下文___________结构(即___________句)及其语境,推断词义。文中常用解释性句子引出生词含义,有时用破折号,括弧来表示,或者用同位语、定语从句的形式出现。 1.Do you have any strong opinion on co-educational or single-sex schools ? A. co-operative educational B. separate educational C. boys and girls at the same school's educational D. individual educational 2. We live in a technological society where most goods are mass-produced by unskilled labor . Because of this , most people think that craft (手艺) no longer exists. A. large-scaled production B. small-scaled production C. bankrupt D. fortune hunting 技巧4 利用_______,巧解词义。


阅读理解专项突破 III词义猜测 【命题特点】考查根据上下文推测生词和短语的能力,突出考查对语境的分析和把握的能力。【常见考法】 1. The underlined word “…”probably means____. 2. The word “…”used in paragraph “…”refers to/suggests____. 3. The phrase “…”in the sentence can be replaced by ____. 4. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word “…”? 5. What is the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph “…”? 6. By saying “…”, we mean_____. 7. What do you think of the expression “…”stands for? 8. The meaning of word “…”in the passage is related to_____. 一.通过定义或解释推测语义 有些概念性生词出现后,作者会给出它的定义、同位语、修饰性从句或是定语。这些修饰成分可以帮助我们推断出生词的语义 (1)定义句的谓语动词在文中多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define(下定义), represent, signify(表示,表明), constitute(指。。)等。(2)解释则常用as you know, to be called, to mean, to refer to, that is(to say), in other words, namely 等词语以及同位语和定语从句来提示下文将前面的信息加以重复或解释。 (3)有时作者会用复述的形式来解释语义,而复述部分可以是词、短语或从句。 (4)还有下一些标点符号,如冒号、破折号、括号等都表示后文要继续解释说明前文。eg. 1. The powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid, that is, it could not be tasted, seen, or smelled. (无法察觉的,感觉不到的) 2. The Greek marriage was monogamous-----men and women were allowed only one spouse(配偶)at a time. (一夫一妻制) Exercises: 1. Pantomime refers to a short play in which no words are spoken. ____默剧,哑剧_______ 2. Anthropology is the scientific study of man. _____人类学______ 3. We will meet you in the foyer, the entrance hall of the theatre. ____门厅_______ 4. He began to shave his whiskers, which had grown thick on both cheeks(脸颊). ___胡须______ 5. Some computer scientists are developing artificial-intelligence machines that they say will think like people. ____人工智能_______ Test 1 There is no cure(治愈)for Alzheimer’s. But a drug called ARICEPT has been used by millions of people to help their symptoms(症状). 61. What is ARICEPT?(C) A. A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s B. A medicine to delay signs of aging. C. A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. D. A medicine to cure brain damage. Test 2 Here is The Pines, whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou, wild boar and reindeer with surprising sauces. (1)According to the passage, The Pines is a ______. (D) A. place in which you can see many mobile homes B. mountain where you can get a good view of the valley C. town which happens to be near the Banff National Park D. restaurant where you can ask for some special kinds of food

中考语文 词语的理解与运用练习题(含答案)

中考专项训练:词语的理解与运用 一、加点成语运用正确或错误的类型题 1.下列句子中加点成语运用不当 ..的一项是() A.聪明的重庆人因地制宜 ....,依山建楼,跨水筑桥,让重庆呈现一种独特的美。 B.晚上,我悠闲地在花园里散步,明亮的路灯戛然而止 ....,四周一片漆黑,原来是停电了。 C.课间十分钟,班上的“开心果”张晓松使尽浑身解数 ....,搞怪逗乐,整个教室充满了快活的气氛。 D.留学生易文婷对故乡的思念与日俱增 ....,收看央视国际频道成了她每天的必修课。 2.下列语句中加点的成语使用有误的一项是() A.在世界杯羽毛球女子双打决赛中,中国队的两位姑娘配合得天衣无缝 ....,获得冠军。 B.孩子向家长倾吐心声时,家长应洗耳恭听 ....,这是家庭沟通中特别需要注意的地方。 C.几经周折,老人终于回到了阔别三十年的故乡,长年漂泊在外的愁绪荡然无存 ....了。 D.杨绛先生为人谦逊低调,做学问孜孜不倦 ....,钱钟书先生评价她:最贤的妻,最才的女。3.下列句子中,加点的成语或俗语使用不恰当的一项是() A.在美丽乡村建设中,不能“眉毛胡子一把抓 .......”,要找准着力点,软硬兼施,内外兼修,使乡村既有颜值担当,更有内涵气质。 B.2016年4月4日,曹文轩问鼎世界儿童文学最高荣誉——国际安徒生奖。这标志着中国 儿童文学已经走向世界,也是中国文学多年发展指日可待 ....的结果。 C.家风是一种“软约束”,通过潜移默化 ....的影响,实现对家庭成员行为、作风、操守的有效约束。 D.中国历来不乏出色的工匠,如游刃有余 ....的庖丁,刻木成鸟的鲁班……他们不仅是工艺纯熟的技者,还是明法通道的智者。 4.下列各句中加点的成语,使用正确的一项是() A.京剧大师梅葆玖先生演技高超,他在传统京剧《霸王别姬》中扮演虞姬,演得惟妙惟肖 ....,活灵活现。 B.陈忠实老师看到出版社的工作条件很差,就自掏腰包两万元,为改善我们的工作条件尽 了一点绵薄之力 ....。 C.中国首个“4.0”产业园——潍坊国际创意港5月8日开园,国际机构争相入园,众多资 深创客也心无旁骛 ....。 D.与广袤的宇宙相比,人类只是沧海桑田 ....,极其渺小,只有遵循规律,按规律办事,才能实现“天人”和谐。 5.下列加点的成语使用不正确的一项是()


专题一阅读理解(词义猜测题) 一、知识链接 英语的一个显著特点是它庞大的词汇数量。即使一个拥有上万单词量的人在阅读英语读物中 也难免会遇到生词。如果每遇到生词,就查阅词典,不但会降低阅读速度,而且往往使阅读 变得索然无味。据调查,影响人们阅读理解的,首先是词汇。因此学习并掌握一些猜测生词 词义的方法,对排除阅读时某些生词的干扰,降低生词率是十分必要的。任何一个实词,只有在一定的上下文中才能表示一个确定的词义。NMET阅读理解中猜测词义的考查内 容既可以是文中的生词,也可以是熟词新义、短语或句子。但都要求考生根据上下文线索(即具体语境)作出推断。此类题的提问形式一般有: 1. Which of the following is nearest/closest in meaning to"... "? 2. The underlined word, means_______. 3. The underlined phrase, means_______. 4. The underlined sentence, means_______. 二、真题演练 (一)典型例题 例1、 T-shirts out; uniforms in School uniforms are becoming more and more popular across the U. S. A. That's no surprise, because they offer many benefits. They immediately end the powerful social sorting and labeling (标记) that come from clothing. If all students are dressed in the same way, they will not pay too much attention to their clothing, and some of them will not be laughed at for wearing the "wrong” clothes. Some people are against the strict rule of school uniforms, but they do not realize that students already accept a kind of rule-- wanting to look just like their friends. The difference is that the clothing students choose for themselves creates social barriers; school uniforms tear those barriers down. In Paragraph 1, the word "benefits" probably means________. A. tasks B. messages C. differences D. advantages 变式练习 Wildlife belongs to everyone and not to the gunners alone. Although most people do not shoot, they seem to forgive shooting for sport because they know little or nothing about it. The only answer, then, is to bring the truth about sport shooting to the great majority of people.


如何猜测阅读理解题中的生词词义 词汇是阅读理解的基础的基础。我们必须掌握教材中所学所有的单词和词组;了解构词法知识,如熟记一些常见的前缀、后缀,以及词语的合成和转化等;并且要进行大量的课外阅读扩大自己的词汇量。尽管如此,在阅读中还是不可避免会遇到生词或者熟词生义,因此,我们必须学会如何猜测词义。任何一个词语,在一定的上下文中只能表示一个确定的词义。据此,我们可以尽可能地利用上下文来猜测词义,即从已知推求未知,也就是用我们所熟悉的词或短语来猜测我们不熟悉的词的词义。猜测词义时,我们可以从以下几个方面来考虑: 一、根据定义或解释猜测词义 A person who is skilled at making or repairing wooden objects is called a carpenter. What does the word “carpenter” mean in Chinese? A.诗人 B.木匠 C.厨师 D.伐木工人 通过理解定语从句的意思,能猜出carpenter是B“木匠” A bag is useful and the word “bag” is usef ul. It gives us some interesting phrases(短语). One is “ to let the cat out of the bag”. It is the same as “to tell a secret”…. Now when someone lets out (泄漏) a secret, he “lets the cat out of the bag.” John “lets the cat out of the bag” means he ______. A. makes everyone know a secret B. the woman bout a cat C. buys a cat in the bag D. sells the cat in the bag 在这篇文章里,“let the cat out of the bag”虽然是一个新出现的短语,但紧接着后面就给出解释It is the same as “to tell a secret”根据这一解释,我们就可判断出正确答案应为A。 二、根据情景和逻辑进行判断 As they go around town, the police help people. Sometimes they find lost children. They take the children home. If the police see a fight, they put an end to it right away. Sometimes people will ask the police how to get to a place in town. The police can always tell the people which way to go. They know all the streets and roads well. In the text, “put an end to” means “______”. A. Stop B. Cut C. Kill D. fly 根据文章所提供的情景,如果警察看到有人在打架,他们肯定会去制止。因为制止打架斗殴是警察的职责。根据这一推理,答案应该是A。 三、根据并列或同位或对比关系猜测词义 There is a place on our earth where hot water and steam come up under the ground. It is on a large island in the Pacific Ocean. The island is North Island in New Zealand. What does the word “steam” mean in Chinese? A.自来水 B.大气 C.冰川 D.蒸汽 从语法上看,steam和hot water是并列关系,我们就以断定这两种东西是相关的,是同一类物质。在所给第四个选项中只有“蒸汽”有这种可能。 Though Tom’s face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains grubby. What does the word “grubby” mean in Chinese? A.干净的 B.白皙的 C.肮脏的 D.整齐的 和clean意思相对的是“肮脏的”,因此可猜出句中grubby的意思是“肮脏的”

最新高考英语阅读理解专题 猜测词义题 完整版

最新高考英语阅读理解专题指导-猜测词义题在阅读中我们经常会遇到许多生词。这时许多同学立即翻阅词典,查找词义。这样做不但费时费力,而且影响阅读速度、影响对语篇的整体把握。事实上,阅读材料中的每个词与它前后的词语或句子甚至段落都有联系。我们可以利用语境(各种已知信息)推测、判断某些生词的词义。近年来全国统一高考中加大了对考生猜词义能力的考查,因此,掌握一定的猜词技巧,对突破高考阅读理解、提高我们的英语语言能力都有非常重要的意义。 常见的题干有: 1) Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word? 2) The word... could best be replaced by. 3) In the... paragraph, the word... means (refers to). 4) According to the passage,... probably means. 5) The author uses the word... to mean. 猜测词义时,一般可利用以下四个方面的线索: 一是针对性的解释 针对性解释是作者为了更好的表达思想,在文章中对一些重要的概念、难懂的术语或高深的词汇等所做的通俗化的解释。这些解释提供的信息明确具体,所使用的语言通俗易懂,利用它们来猜测词义就非常简单。 1.根据定义(definition)猜测词义 如果生词有一个句子(定语从句或是同位语<同位语前常有 or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely, or other, say, i.g. 等>或是同位语从句)或段落来定义,或使用破折号,冒号,分号后的内容和引号括号中的内容加以解释和定义,那么理解这个句子或段落本身就是推断词义。定义常用的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered, to be, be called, define, represent, refer to, signify 等。


理解词语含义练习题 一、七岁那年,我终于拥有了上学的资格。可是我没有书包。那时,我们乡下孩子最常背的就是用花布拼成的花格子书包。……可我家里很穷,没有那么多的花布,我却执意非要不可。妈妈无奈,于是就东借西磨,好不容易攒够了做书包的花布。开学的前夜,妈妈把书包做好了。美丽的图案,细密的针脚——这真是一只可爱的书包!我还惊喜地发现,书包里面居然 还有一个夹层。这可是我们村独一无二的.. 设计啊! (1)试找出与“居然”相照应的两个词:①② (2)“居然”在此有何表达作用? 答案:(1)与“居然”照应的有“惊喜”和“独一无二”

(2)“居然”在此突出了“我”的惊喜心情。 二、……这种好事因为在台湾从未发生过,我十分高兴地去赴宴。原来菜都是校长家的厨师自己做的,清爽利落,很有家常菜风格。也许因为厨师是汕头人,他在诸色调料味中加了一碟辣酱,校长夫人特别声明是厨师亲自调制的。我嫌那辣酱稍甜,但还是区用了一些。因为一般而言广东人怕辣,这碟辣酱我若不捧场,全桌粤籍人士没有谁会理它。广东人很奇怪,他们一方面非常知味,一方面却又完全不懂“辣”是什么。我有次看到一则比萨饼的广告,说“热辣辣的”,便想跟朋友一试,朋友笑说:“你错了,‘热辣辣’跟辣没有什么关系,意思是指很热很烫。”我有点生气,广东话怎么可以把辣当作热的副词?仿佛辣本身

不存在似的……(文/张晓风) 在下面的选项中,任选两项,揣摩加点字“辣”的含义。 (1)辣酱() (2)辣妹子() (3)他的手段真够辣的() (1)像辣椒等有刺激性味道,或用辣椒做成的。(2)指从四处或湖南来的女孩子,或泛指性情泼辣、伶牙俐齿的女孩子。(3)很毒 三、《人生的另一种财富》 ④上学没几天,全班都知道了我是特困,因为我被安排住在便宜而破旧的老楼里。与众不同的我成为他们着重注意的人。他们用好奇和怜悯的眼光看我吃什么,穿什么,用什么。上学一年多,前后左右的惊异的目光,让我如万骨穿心。我经常找一个角落,狼吞虎咽地噎.进


高考英语阅读理解猜测词义题解题方法 对于高考生而言,英语词汇量还是很有限的,想要完全通读高考英语试卷,还要会猜测词义。 猜测词义时,一般可利用以下四个方面的线索: 一是针对性的解释 针对性解释是作者为了更好的表达思想,在文章中对一些重要的概念、难懂的术语或高深的词汇等所做的通俗化的解释。这些解释提供的信息明确具体,所使用的语言通俗易懂,利用它们来猜测词义就非常简单。 1.根据定义(definition)猜测词义 如果生词有一个句子(定语从句或是同位语同位语前常有 or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely, or other, say, i.g. 等或是同位语从句)或段落来定义,或使用破折号,冒号,分号后的内容和引号括号中的内容加以解释和定义,那么理解这个句子或段落本身就是推断词义。定义常用的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered, to be, be called, define, represent, refer to, signify 等。 例1.Do you know what a “territory” is ? A territory is an area that an animal ,usually

the male, claims(声称)as its own.(2005年湖北卷) [分析]由定义可推知,这里territory指的是:“动物的地盘”。 例2.In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S. today.(2005年浙江卷) [分析]由同位语an endangered wild cat我们很快猜出生词ocelots的义域:一种濒临灭绝野猫。 例3. Here is The Pines ,whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou ,wild boar ,and reindeer with surprising sauces . (2004年福建卷) According to the passage ,The Pines is a . A.place in which you can see many mobile homes B.mountain where you can get a good view of the valley C.town which happens to be near the Banff National Park D.restaurant


阅读理解词义猜测题 词义猜测题就是考查考生在阅读时不用查词典,仅仅通过上下文的意思就能猜测出生词词义的能力。突出考查考生对语境的分析和把握能力。考查的词有时为新词,有时为熟词新义。设问方式: 对单词意思的猜测: 1.The underlined word in the … paragraph refers to / means ________ 2.What does the word “….” In paragraph … stand for /mean? 3.“….” could best be replaced by which of the following? 4.the word “…..” is closest in meaning to _______________. 对短语意思的猜测 1.The expression /phrase “….” Means __________ 2.the underlined expression/ phrase in paragraph refers to / means _________ 3.“…” could best be replaced by which of the following? 4.the phrase “……” is closest in meaning to __________\ 对句子意思的猜测: 1.The sentence “…..” indicates that ______________ 2.The underlined sentence implies /means that ____________ 3.what does the underlined sentence mean? 4.By “….”, the author means that _____________. 对代词的意思猜测 What does the word “….” Underlined in the last paragraph refer to ? What does the underlined word refer to? 解题技巧: 1.根据单词的前缀或后缀猜测单词的意思 2.注意文章中能够解释生词的定义性语句 3.根据单词与文章其他部分的关系,通过对比、因果、比较等方法猜测词义。 4.根据同义词或近义词猜测词义 答题步骤 1.首先要认真阅读文章,对文章的内容有一个大体的了解,把握好文章的整体脉络。2.对题目中出现的要求考生猜测的短语、单词或句子的部分进行反复的阅读,力求从一下句或一些定义性的语句中找到有用的信息。 3.将猜出的单词、短语或句子的意思带入文中进行检验,看是否符合上下句的意思,文章上下是否衔接、连贯。 方法指导: 单词:对单词的意思猜测时要利用构词法、同义词、近义词、反义词或提示句进行猜测,并通过文章的大意来验证。 1. 根据上下文解释作出判断 根据短文中出现一个需猜测其意义的词或短语,在上文或下文出现其定义或解释,这就是判断该词或短语意义的主要依据。 例1 The reason for the size difference was easy to see. Once a subordinate fish grows to within 5-10% of the size of its larger competitor, it causes a fight which usually ends in the smaller goby being driven away from the group. More often than not, the evicted fish is then eaten up.(09湖南C) 66. The underlined words ―the evicted fish" in Paragraph 3 refer to _____.
