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: ( , ) Abstract Ladoped bismuth ferrite nanoparticles Bi1xLaxFeO3 x = 0 ~ 0. 40 were prepared by chemical , , , coprecipitation method and effects of the dopant concentration on the phase structure morphology optical , absorption adsorption and photocatalytic performance of the obtained products were investigated. The results , showed that with the increase of the La doping concentration the rhombohedral to orthorhombic phase transfor , mation in bismuth ferrite occurred the size of the catalysts decreased and the absorption edge had a slowly red , shift. Compared with BiFeO3 Bi1xLaxFeO3 showed an improved photocatalytic performance for degradation of ( ) Rhodamine B RhB under visible light irradiation. Bi0. 65 La0. 35 FeO3 had the best photocatalytic activity and , the degradation rate of RhB was higher than 85% as the catalyst was used at the fifth cycle. Moreover
中图分类号:O611. 6 文献标识码:A 文章编号: ( ) 10015051 2019 03029408
Preparation and photocatalytic properties of lanthanumdoped bismuth ferrite nanoparticles
, , , , LIANG Tianhua1 ZHAO Qiaoyun2 HU Jinghui1 FANG Yue1 , , ZHAO Yuling1 L Tianxi1 GONG Peijun1
( , , , ; 1. Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Advanced Catalysis Materials Zhejiang Normal University Jinhua 321004 China 2. Pre , , ) school Teacher Education College of Lishui University Lishui 323400 China
通信作者:宫培军 :
. Email skygpj@ zjnu. cn
第3 期 梁天华,等:镧掺杂铁酸铋纳米粒子的制备及光催化性能
Bi0. 65 La0. 35 FeO3 exhibited an antibacterial activity against E. coli as exposed to visible light. A scavenger ex
第 卷第期 浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版) , 42 3 年月 ( ) 2019 8
Vol. 42 No. 3
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University Nat. Sci.
Aug. 2019
: DOI 10. 16218 / j. issn. 10015051. 2019. 03. 009
梁天华1, 赵巧云2, 胡静慧1, 方 悦1, 赵玉玲1, 吕天喜1, 宫培军1
(1. 浙江师范大学“先进催化材料”教育部重点实验室,浙江金华 ; 321004 2. 丽水学院幼儿师范学 院,浙江丽水 323400)
摘 要:采用化学共沉淀法制备了镧掺杂铁酸铋纳米粒子(Bi1xLaxFeO3,x = 0 ~ 0. 40),研究了掺杂浓度对产 物的的晶物体相结结构构由、六形方貌晶、光系学转吸变收为性质正、交吸晶附系和,光催催化化剂性的能的粒影径响逐. 渐结果减表小明,吸:随收着带掺边杂缓浓慢度红的增移加;在,B可i1x见La光xFe下O,3
次时, Bi1x Lax FeO3
光的催降化解降率解仍罗高丹于明85B%(;R抑hB菌)圈的性实能验优显示于纯,BBi0i.F65eLOa30,. 3B5 Fi0e. O65 3L在a0.可35 F见eO光3 的下光对催大化肠活杆性菌最具佳有,抑在菌重活复性使;用借
助捕获实验证实了光催化过程中的主要活性氧物种是·OH,·O2- 和h + . 综上, 有望应用于光 Bi0.65La0.35FeO3 催化降解有机染料废水和光催化抑菌中.
; 收文日期: 修订日期:
作者简介:梁天华(1992—),女,河南光山人,硕士研究生. 研究方向:纳米复合材料.
· ,· periment revealed the major reactive species in the photocatalytic process were OH O2- and h + . In sum , mary Bi0. 65 La0. 35 FeO3 might be a promising material for photocatalytic degradation of organic dye in waste wa
中图分类号:O611. 6 文献标识码:A 文章编号: ( ) 10015051 2019 03029408
Preparation and photocatalytic properties of lanthanumdoped bismuth ferrite nanoparticles
, , , , LIANG Tianhua1 ZHAO Qiaoyun2 HU Jinghui1 FANG Yue1 , , ZHAO Yuling1 L Tianxi1 GONG Peijun1
( , , , ; 1. Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Advanced Catalysis Materials Zhejiang Normal University Jinhua 321004 China 2. Pre , , ) school Teacher Education College of Lishui University Lishui 323400 China
通信作者:宫培军 :
. Email skygpj@ zjnu. cn
第3 期 梁天华,等:镧掺杂铁酸铋纳米粒子的制备及光催化性能
Bi0. 65 La0. 35 FeO3 exhibited an antibacterial activity against E. coli as exposed to visible light. A scavenger ex
第 卷第期 浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版) , 42 3 年月 ( ) 2019 8
Vol. 42 No. 3
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University Nat. Sci.
Aug. 2019
: DOI 10. 16218 / j. issn. 10015051. 2019. 03. 009
梁天华1, 赵巧云2, 胡静慧1, 方 悦1, 赵玉玲1, 吕天喜1, 宫培军1
(1. 浙江师范大学“先进催化材料”教育部重点实验室,浙江金华 ; 321004 2. 丽水学院幼儿师范学 院,浙江丽水 323400)
摘 要:采用化学共沉淀法制备了镧掺杂铁酸铋纳米粒子(Bi1xLaxFeO3,x = 0 ~ 0. 40),研究了掺杂浓度对产 物的的晶物体相结结构构由、六形方貌晶、光系学转吸变收为性质正、交吸晶附系和,光催催化化剂性的能的粒影径响逐. 渐结果减表小明,吸:随收着带掺边杂缓浓慢度红的增移加;在,B可i1x见La光xFe下O,3
次时, Bi1x Lax FeO3
光的催降化解降率解仍罗高丹于明85B%(;R抑hB菌)圈的性实能验优显示于纯,BBi0i.F65eLOa30,. 3B5 Fi0e. O65 3L在a0.可35 F见eO光3 的下光对催大化肠活杆性菌最具佳有,抑在菌重活复性使;用借
助捕获实验证实了光催化过程中的主要活性氧物种是·OH,·O2- 和h + . 综上, 有望应用于光 Bi0.65La0.35FeO3 催化降解有机染料废水和光催化抑菌中.
; 收文日期: 修订日期:
作者简介:梁天华(1992—),女,河南光山人,硕士研究生. 研究方向:纳米复合材料.
· ,· periment revealed the major reactive species in the photocatalytic process were OH O2- and h + . In sum , mary Bi0. 65 La0. 35 FeO3 might be a promising material for photocatalytic degradation of organic dye in waste wa