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Some definitions
1 Language is an abstract system of signs. (Saussure)
Language is an activity which consists of listening, speaking, reading and writing. (Halliday)
A number of grammatical inflections begin to appear
2 Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. (Wardhaugh)
Definition of Language Acquisition
Language acquisition includes first language acquisition and second language acquisition.
An interactionist view of language acquisition
The interactionist view holds that language develops because of the complex interplay between the human characteristics of the child and the environment in which the child develops.
Stages in Child Language Development
The pre-linguistic stage 前语言阶段(3-10 months) The one-word stage 独词阶段 (12-18 months) The two-word stage 双词阶段(18-20 months) The Multiword stage (telegraphic speech)多词句阶段 ( 2-3 years)
Imitation and practice are preliminary, discrimination and generalization are keyis theory.
pick out words/patterns generalize them to new contexts
A behaviourist view of language acquisition (B.F. Skinner)
Traditional behaviorists view language as behavior and believe that language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation.
First language acquisition refers to the child’s acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community. Second language acquisition refers to the acquisition of a second language subsequent to his native language.
Sounds are related to meanings
A single form can function as a phrase, a concept or a sentence (e.g. “more” might mean “Give me more candy”).
Theories of Child Language Acquisition
A behaviourist view of language acquisition An innatist view of language acquisition An interactionist view of language acquisition
create new forms or new uses of words figure out how the forms are used by adults
An innatist view of language acquisition (Noam Chomsky)
Chomsky believes that language is somewhat innate, and that children are born with a Language Acquisition Device (LAD), which is a unique kind of knowledge that fits them for language learning.
The Multiword stage Between 2-3 years old
Produce a large number of utterances Develop some sentence-building capacity
Can order some forms correctly
I want milk
The two-word stage (18 to 20 months)
Child’s vocabulary moves beyond 50 distinct words
Combinations appear: baby chair, doggie bark, mommy eat, dirty sock.
According to this view, children are born with potentialities for acquiring any language, but also with knowledge of the nature of the world and specifically with knowledge of the nature of language. This knowledge is universal.
Special properties of caretaker speech: slow rate of speech, high pitch, rich intonation, shorter and simpler sentence structures, frequent repetition, paraphrasing and limited vocabulary. In addition, the topic is closely related to the child’s current surroundings, activities and needs.
What’s crucial in children’s language acquisition is the modified language suitable for children’s capability.
Caretaker speech (motherese) 保姆式语言 (亲情语言) It is simple, modified speech used by parents, babysitter etc. whey they talk to young children who are acquiring their native language.
It is important for children to be exposed to comprehensible language. Only when the language is modified and adjusted to the level of children’s comprehension, do they process and internalize the language items.
Telegraphic speech: a simplified form of speech used during the early stages of language acquisition. It is limited to a noun and a verb and usually contains little to no grammar. It is characterized by only the most essential words to get the point across, such as “dog running” instead of “the dog is running.”
The pre-linguistic stage
This stage is simply called ‘cooing’ (咕咕的叫)and ‘babbling’.(咿呀学语) Cooing: 3 months old Babbling: 6 months old
The one-word or holophrastic stage
Critical Period Hypothesis
It is a period in one’s life from about age two to puberty, during which the human brain is most ready to acquire language naturally and effortlessly and without explicit instruction, a period that coincides with the period of brain lateralization for language functions.