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目前国际上广泛采用的美国供暖、制冷与空调工程师协会的标准ASHRAE standard55-2004和国际标准化组织的热环境分析评价标准IS07730:2005都是建立在Fanger的PMV-PPD模型之上的,这一模型以标准化实验室中人体热平衡模型为基础(ASHRAE 55-2004中已加入热适应性模型)。





接着笔者参考热舒适适应性理论,分别尝试了ASHRAE 55-2004的适应性模型,Fanger的PMVe扩展模型和姚润明的aPMV模型来研究室内外热环境参数对人体热感觉的影响。

结果表明,ASHRAE的热适应性模型对人员的代谢率,服装热阻以及室外气温有一定的要求,而目标地区的气候,人员的习惯不太符合;Fanger 的PMVe扩展模型对自然通风建筑的适用性良好,前提是合理选用期


【英文摘要】With the development of domestic economy and people’s living condition in China, occupants seek to ask for more from indoor thermal environment. When air-conditioning system comes to thousands of houses, however, there are plenty of families can not afford it in China, especially in those rural houses. Could natural ventilation houses in countryside satisfy occupants’thermal comfort?Both the two criteria
contain Fanger’s PMV-PPD model, which is based on the extensive experiments at well-controlled, extensive and rigorous laboratory environments. This approach seeks to capture people’s responses to the thermal environment in terms of heat balance between people and environment. Many researchers found the discrepancy between PMV-PPD model and occupants’ actual thermal sensation through field study. They claim that indoor thermal environment at natural ventilation buildings is influenced significantly by the outdoor climate, and the regression of neutral temperature on outdoor temperature is provided. ASHRAE sponsored such study too and attach the result into its criteria, which is 5.3 of ASHRAE 55-2004. Could this standard be applied in the natural ventilation buildings in countryside in China?At the time of China has been propelling the New Socialist Countryside Building Campaign, many creative measures to improve people’s houses are on the way. The writer organized a series of study, holding the two questions above. The team has studied the thermal environment in newly built houses in summer and winter at the Town of Xiao Yudong in Sichuan Province, and also the thermal sensation has been investigated at the same time. The PMV approach and TSV approach matches well when telling that local indoor thermal comfort in summer is good
while it is terrible in winter. People have to use furnace to keep warm. Although most people feel cool in winter, the houses still able to sustain a temperature difference of 4℃between the indoor and outdoor temperature. The discrepancy between PMV and TSV approaches occurs most in winter when the indoor temperature is too low. The PMV model overestimates people’s cold discomfort in winter.Then the writer tries to figure out the thermal comfort by the adaptive comfort standard in ASHRAE 55-2004. as well as the Fanger’s PMVe approach expanded from PMV model, and the Yao Runming’s aPMV model. It comes out that the adaptive comfort standard in ASHRAE 55-2004 is too limited in the ranges of occupants’ clothing insulation, metabolic rate, and outdoor climate, while local people’s habituation and climate don’t fit well, so the neural temperature and acceptable indoor temperature ranges provided by the standard go even wilder than the results of PMV model do. Surprisingly Fanger’s PMVe model shows wonderful ability when applying to the naturally ventilation buildings, as long as the expectation coefficiente is suitable. Yao’s aPMV approach works effectively to adjust PMV to TSV at hot days in summer and cold days in winter, while in the neural days, the method is not so reliable. So the writer concludes that the so called adaptive
comfort model which is only focused on the regression of neutral temperature on outdoor climate has too many limits in field study; Fanger’s PMVe approach works well in naturally ventilation buildings and the future research on thermal comfort should be based on Fanger’s PMV/PMVe approach, complied with actual thermal sensation investigation; it is an optional method to use Yao’s aPMV approach when the thermal comfort is terrible.
【关键词】农村住宅自然通风热舒适热适应性 PMV TSV
【英文关键词】countryside naturally ventilation thermal comfort adaptive comfort PMV TSV
6-7Abstract7-8第1章绪论11-16 1.1 论文
的提出及意义11-12 1.2 国内外建筑热舒适研究现状综述
12-15 1.2.1 国外建筑热舒适研究状况12-14 1.2.2
国内建筑热舒适研究状况14-15 1.3 本文的主要内容
15 1.4 本章小结15-16第2章人体热舒适的理论基
础16-31 2.1 人体热舒适的影响因素16-19 2.1.1 环
境因素16-17 2.1.2 人的因素17-18 2.1.3 其他因素
18-19 2.2 人体热平衡方程19-22 2.2.1 人体与环境
之间换热方式19-22 2.2.2 人体热舒适方程22 2.3 热
适应性理论22-24 2.4 室内热环境热舒适评价指标
24-29 2.4.1 PMV-PPD指标24 2.4.2 其他评价指标
24-26 2.4.3 ASHRAE评价标准26-29 2.4.4 ISO7730评价标准29 2.4.5 中国标准29 2.5 本章小结
29-31第3章室内外热环境现场调查31-37 3.1 引言31 3.2 室外气象参数测试方案设计31-32 3.3 室内热环境测试方案设计32-35 3.3.1 样本选择32-34 3.3.2 测试内容34-35 3.4 测试所需仪器35-36 3.5 本章小结36-37第4章热舒适现场测试结果分析37-52 4.1 室内外基本热环境37-38 4.2 人体主观热感受
38-39 4.3 服装热阻和新陈代谢率39-42 4.3.1 服装热阻40-41 4.3.2 新陈代谢率41-42 4.4 PMV-PPD模型预测结果42-44 4.5 TSV测试结果44-46 4.6 PMV和TSV 差异性分析46-48 4.7 围护结构热物理特性分析
48-50 4.8 新建建筑与临时板房热环境对比50-51 4.9 本章小结51-52第5章热舒适适应性分析52-61 5.1 引言52 5.2 热中性温度对室外温度的相关性
52-54 5.3 几种PMV修正模型54-60 5.3.1 PMVe模型54-56 5.3.2 aPMV模型56-60 5.4 本章小结
60-61第6章结论与展望61-63 6.1 结论
61-62 6.2 展望与建议62-63致谢63-64参考文献64-66附录66-68攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文
