
文章内容,从这6~7个选项中选出最恰当的5段 文字或5个标题填入文章的空白处。
考研英语分为了英语一和英语二,很多同学都在问两者的区别,在此把我从教育部内部 修订的英语大纲中两者的区别呈现给广大考研学子,助大家一臂之力。 一、两者各适用专业
(一)完全适用英语一的专业 1、所有学术硕士全部适用(十三大门类,110个一级学科); 2、8类(法律硕士含法学专业与非法学专业)专业硕士适用:临床医学(1051),口腔 医学(1052),公共卫生(1053),护理(1054),法律硕士(非法学专业)(035101),法律 硕士(法学专业)(035102),汉语国际教育(0453),建筑学(0851),城市规划(0853)。 (二)完全适用英语二的专业 7类专业硕士适用:工商管理(1251),公共管理 (1252),会计(1253),旅游管理(1254), 图书情报(1255),工程管理(1256),审计(0257)。 (三)选用英语一或英语二的适用专业 以下23类专业硕士,初试科目的外国语考试可选择使用英语一或英语二,选择权由招生 单位行使,考生不能选择初试科目。 金融(0251),应用统计(0252),税务(0253),国际商务(0254),保险(0255),资产评 估(0256), 社会工作(0352),警务(0353),教育(0451),新闻与传播(0552),出版(0553),艺术 (1351), 工程(0852),农业推广(0951),兽医(0952),风景园林(0953),林业(0954),军事(1151), 体育(0452),应用心理(0454),文物与博物馆(0651),药学(1055),中药学(1056) (四)不适用英语一或英语二的专业 学术硕士中的外国语专业及专业硕士中的翻译硕士(0551),初试外国语科目具体参照 相关规定执行,不使用英语一或英语二试卷。

2021英语一参考答案一、完形填空(共20分,每题1分)1-5:BADCD6-10:BCACD11-15:DABCA16-20:CDBDA二、阅读理解(共40分,每篇5题,每题2分)A节(共20分,每题2分)21. 答案:C。
根据文章第一段,提到了“a new study”和“the first time”,表明这是首次进行的研究。
22. 答案:D。
文章第二段提到了“the researchers found that”,说明研究结果表明了某些情况。
23. 答案:B。
第三段中提到了“the more likely they were to have a positive view of the company”,表明员工对公司的看法与他们对工作的态度有关。
24. 答案:A。
第四段中提到了“the study suggests that”,这表明研究提出了某种建议或观点。
25. 答案:D。
最后一段中提到了“the researchers say”,表明研究者提出了一些观点或结论。
B节(共20分,每题2分)26. 答案:B。
根据文章第一段,提到了“the first time”和“the new era”,表明这是一个新的开始。
27. 答案:C。
第二段中提到了“the most important thing”,表明这是作者认为最重要的事情。
28. 答案:A。
第三段中提到了“the first step”,表明这是第一步或首要的行动。
29. 答案:D。
第四段中提到了“the next step”,表明这是接下来的步骤。
30. 答案:E。
最后一段中提到了“the final step”,表明这是最后一步。
三、新题型(共10分,每题2分)31. 答案:F。
根据选项中的关键词“a new approach”,可以推断出这是关于新方法的描述。
32. 答案:C。
选项中的“the problem”与文章中提到的“the issue”相对应。

大学英语(1)复习资料I. V ocabulary (词汇:选择一个合适的词语并以适当形式填入相应的句子中,每个词只能使用一次)1. Many educators are giving up traditional methods of teaching in favor of more modern ________ .2. Both of Mr. Black‟s sons ________ their studies abroad now, once in France and the other in China.3. The people of Africa have successfully fought against _________ rule.4. Shall I just order beer, or is there some ________ drink you prefer?5. Our company _______ a close working relationship with a similar firm in France.6. A man of humble _______ , Lincoln eventually became President of the United States through his own efforts.7. He was burning with ________ to know what was happening.8. If you‟re looking for somewhere to rent, I think there is a _______ apartment in my buil ding.9. I could not tell whether he ________ from heat or from fear.10. The boy‟s teachers looked upon his worsening performance with _________ .1-5 approaches, pursue, colonial, sole, established6-10 origin, curiosity, vacant, was sweating, disapprovalII. Explanation (词组解释:用英语解释划线的词组)1 Ethal liked the gray row house right off and moved in a month later. She found a bunch of tough-looking young men hanging out on her stoop before long.2. I suggested that he could take the toy apart to see how it did work, but he refused it, and he never did work out the solution eventually.3 There were no more butterflies in my stomach after five years. I could handle whatever I found even if the case was one in which it was impossible to anticipate the problem in advance.4. Judging by the expression of the headmaster on his face, my answer not attaching much importance to his question made him unsatisfactory.5 I have never been able to track down the story that the American naturalist commands all the guests to join the game while the cobra made for the bowl of milk.1. immediately, wandering aimlessly or killing time2. separate the toy into pieces, find the answer to3. feeling of nervousness, ahead of time4. Forming an opinion based on, paying emphasis upon5. discover or search for, head/crawl forⅢ.Reading Comprehension(阅读理解:每题选择一个最佳选项)Passage AThis is what the police say happened beginning at 3:20 AM in the proper, tree-lined neighborhood. Twenty-eight-year-old Marissa Parry was returning home from her job as manager of a bar. She parked her car in a lot next to the local railroad station, locked the door, and started to walk the 100 feet to the entrance of her apartment. The entrance to the apartment is at the rear of the building as the front of the building contains small stores. The neighborhood was covered in a sleeping darkness.Miss Parry noticed a man at the far end of the lot, near a seven-storey apartment house. She halted, then, nervously, she headed up the street, where there is a police call box. She got as far as a street l ight in front of a bookshop, before the man grabbed her. She screamed, “Oh, my God, he stabbed me! Please help me!”. Lights went on in the ten-storey apartment house across the street. Windows were opened and voices spoke in the early-morning stillness. From one the upper windows in the apartment house, a man called down: “Let the girl alone!” The man looked up at him, shrugged(耸肩), and walked down the street toward a white car. Miss Parry struggled to her feet.Lights went on. The man returned to Miss Parry, stabbed her again. Miss Parry called out, “I‟m dying! I‟m dying!” windows were open again and lights went on in many ap artments. The man got into the car and drove away. Miss Parry staggered to her feet, and at the time a city bus passed. The man returned. By then, Miss Parry had crawled(爬行) to the back of the building where doors to the apartment house held out hope for afety. The killer found her at the second door, lying on the floor at the foot of the stairs. He stabbed her again—killing her.Fifteen minutes later, the police received their first call, from a man who was a neighbor of Miss Parry. In two minutes they were at the scene. The neighbor, a 70-year-old woman, and another woman were the only persons on the street. Nobody else came forward. The man explained that he had called the police after much thought. He had phoned a friend for advice and then he had gon e to the apartment of the elderly woman to get her to make the call. “I didn‟t want to get involved,” he told the police.1. When happen the murdering in proper neighborhood? ________A. at duskB. at noonC. at nightD. at dawn2. Why did Miss Parry head up the street when she found a man at the far end of the lot? ________A. calling the policeB. asking the help from the familyC. asking the help from the neighborsD. running away the scene3. Does the man calling the police immediately the killing took place? ________A. YesB. NoC. The passage doesn‟t mention it4. How many times did the man stab Miss Parry throughout the accident? ________A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five5. The author expresses the emotion of ________ to the killing case.A. sympathyB. indignationC. curiosityD. indifferencePassage BI‟m usually fairly skeptical about any research that concludes that people are either happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themselves than they were 50 years ago. While any of these statements might be true, they are practically impossible to prove scientifically. Still, I was struck by a report which concluded that today‟s children are significantly mor e anxious than children in the 1950s. In fact, the analysis showed, normal children ages 9 to 17 exhibit a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50 years ago.Why are America‟s kids so stressed? The report cites two main causes: increasing physical isolation—brought on by high divorce rates and less involvement in community, among other things—and a growing perception that the world is a more dangerous place.Given that we can‟t turn the clock back, adults can still do plenty to help the next generation cope. At the top of the list is nurturing (培育) a better appreciation of the limits of individualism. No child is an island. Strengthening social ties helps build communities and protect individuals against stress.To help kids build stronger connections with others, you can pull the plug on TVs and computers. Your family will thank you later. They will have more time for face-to-face relationships, and they will get more sleep.Limit the amount of virtual (虚拟的) violence your children are exposed to. It‟s not just video games and movies; children see a lot of murder and crime on the local news.Keep your expectations for your children reasonable. Many highly successful people never attended Harvard or Yale.Make exercise part of your daily routine. It will help you cope with your own anxieties and provide a good model for your kids. Sometimes anxiety is unavoidable. But it doesn‟t have to ruin your life.6. The author thinks that the conclusions of any research about people‟s state of mind are ________.A. surprisingB. confusionC. illogicalD. questionable7. What does the author mean when he says, “we can‟t turn the clock back” (Line 1, Para. 3)?A. It‟s impossible to slow down the pace of change.B. The social reality children are facing cannot be changed.C. Lessons learned from the past should not be forgotten.D. It‟s impossible to forget the past.8. According to an analysis, compared with normal children today, children treated as mentally ill50 years ago ________.A. were less isolated physicallyB. were probably less self-centeredC. probably suffered less from anxietyD. were considered less individualistic9. The first and most important thing parents should do to help their children is ________.A. to provide them with a safer environmentB. to lower their expectations for themC. to get them more involved sociallyD. to set a good model for them to follow10. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?A. Anxiety, though unavoidable, can be coped with.B. Children‟s anxiety has been enormously exaggerated.C. Children‟s anxiety can be eliminated with more parental care.D. Anxiety, if properly controlled, may help children become mature.Passage CIt was clearly the headmaster himself that opened the door. He was short and fat, with a sandy-colored moustache, a wrinkled forehead and hardly any hair. He looked at me with an air of surpris ed disapproval, as a colonel might look at a private whose bootlaces were undone. …Ah, yes. You‟d better come inside,‟ he grunted. The narrow, sunless hall smelled unpleasantly of stale cabbage; the walls were dirty with ink marks; it was all silent. …You‟d better sit down,‟ he said, and proceeded to ask me a number of questions: what subjects I had taken in my General School Certificate; how old I was; what games I played; then fixing me suddenly with his bloodshot eyes, he asked me whether I thought games were a vital part of a boy‟s education. I mumble something about not attaching too much importance to them. He grunted. I had said the wrong thing. The headmaster and I obviously had very little in common.The school was made up of one class of twenty-four boys, ranging in age from seven to thirteen. I should have to teach all subjects except art, which he taught himself. Football and cricket were played in the Park, a mile away on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. The teaching set up filled me with fear. I should have to divide the class into three groups and teach them in turn at three different levels; and I was dismayed at the thought of teaching algebra and geometry — two subjects at which I had been completely incompetent at school. Worse perhaps was the idea of Saturday afternoon cricket; most of my friends would be enjoying leisure at that time.I said shyly, …What would my salary be?‟ …Twelve pounds a week plus lunch.‟ Before I could protest, he got to his feet. He said, …Now, you‟d better meet my wife. She is the one who really runs the school.‟ This was the last straw. I was very young: the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity.11. The headmaster looked at the author disapprovingly ________ .A. because the latter had left his bootlaces undoneB. because the latter looked too nervousC. because the latter didn‟t show due respectD. as an officer look at a carelessly dressed soldier12. After the author was asked a number of questions, he concluded that the headmaster _______ .A. didn‟t like to play the same gamesB. believed the games was very key to a boy‟s educationC. attached great importance to artD. was a game fan13. The idea of Saturday afternoon cricket was even more discouraging because ________ .A. he had to walk a mile to get to the cricket fieldB. he wasn‟t good at playing cricketC. most of his friends would be free at that timeD. he didn‟t like to play little boys in public14. If the author had had a chance, he would have protested _________ .A. at the term offered by the headmasterB. about meeting the headmaster‟s wifeC. against having lunch at schoolD. about playing cricket on weekends15. We can infer that the author ________ at the end of the story.A. coul dn‟t decide whether he should accept the job or notB. had no choice but to accept itC. refused the job though he needed itD. accepted the job though he didn‟t like it 1-5 D C BBB 6-10 D B C C A 11-15 D B C A CⅣ. Translation (翻译)1. 妈妈上楼来查看我们这些孩子时,我转过身假装睡着了。

英语1复习资料复习一1—e 2---d 3---c 4---b 5---a一.Match the phrases with Chinese translation.1. be filled with a. 和…分享2. get involved in b. 结果却…3. in terms of c. 在…方面4. only to do d. 参与某些活动5. share ... with e. 充满No final decision has been _________taken, but it seems likely that the two companies could merge in the near future.The girl was very upset because she could not get these coffee _________out of the new carpet. They said that they would innovate with persistence to________ the product in the coming year. April sunlight_________ over the water, dancing across snow-covered fields.I got a free_________ of eye shadow. Could you show me how to use itIt is generally accepted that giving advice at the right time has to________ a great deal of intelligence.Have you found the small symbols on this map which denote________places and museumsThe freshmen were recommended to read the book which was filled with _________insights.It was the old lady’s eightieth birthday, and she was sitting in a chair_________ by her children and grandchildren.三.Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage.Change the form where necessary.filled with 2. were blown away 3. In terms of 4. thought to himself involved in窗体顶端Under the influence of the drug his mind _________various strange images.Some freshmen said that they_________ by that concert._________ finance, the old company has a great advantage.He_________ that he would never talk with that guy any more.If you_________ the controversy (争论), you may burn your fingers.四.Choose the right word from the brackets to fill the blanks.2. responsibly3. incredible4. diversityThere are some _________places in this area, which attract tourists every day. (historic They trusted Stephen to behave_________ while they were abroad.(responsible That’s the most _________coincidence (巧合) I’ve ever heard of! (incredible diversity definite 一1—e 2---d 3---c 4---b 5---adeliberate a. 悲惨的hollow b. 偶然碰见obstacle c. 障碍,妨碍stumble d. 中空的tragic e. 故意的二. Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.1. accomplish2. Ambition3. obstacles4. dominates5. seemingly6. vision7. solutions8. releasing9. individuals10. ideal2. _________is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to achieve a particular end or condition.3. Women today have the chance to pursue their own careers, but still have to overcome many_________ to gain real equality.4. That school _________in baseball. This has been the third time they have won the National Youth Championship in the 21st century.5. There is_________ nothing we can do to stop the plans from going ahead. But we can at least prevent the situation from getting worse.6. _________is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to achieve a particular end or condition.7. Women today have the chance to pursue their own careers, but still have to overcome many_________ to gain real equality.8. That school_________ in baseball. This has been the third time they have won the National Youth Championship in the 21st century.9. There is_________ nothing we can do to stop the plans from going ahead. But we can at least prevent the situation from getting worse.10. There is_________ nothing we can do to stop the plans from going ahead. But we can at least prevent the situation from getting worse.三. Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.三on 2. seek out out with with窗体顶端Researchers have_________ a drug that may help patients with Parkinson’s disease. This may be one of the great discoveries of the century in medicine.There are so many applicants. How can we______ a really good person for the job?Does everyone know what to do if a fire_________ This question should be asked often.4. It was my daughter’s birthday and she invited several of her good friends to the party. The air was_________the sound of children’s laughter.5. The festivities _________a huge fireworks display. Following that, there would usually be dance parties or other activities.四. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the underlined words with their synonyms you have learned in this unit.四1. employment 2. opportunities 3. advantages 4. expenses5. accommodation(s)1. Most of this year’s graduates of our university have found jobs. ___________Your new job provides you with a lot of chances to travel around the world. ___________We should not always consider our own gains first. ___________Many people offered to pay the fees through university for the disabled young man. ___________ The International Convention Center provides top-quality hotel rooms for conference participants. ___________复习三一.Match the phrases with Chinese translation.一1—e 2---d 3---c 4---b 5---a1. apart from a. 积极投身于…2. check out b. 沉浸于3. hang out c. 闲荡;厮混4. immerse oneself in d. (在旅馆)办理退房手续,结账后离开5. throw oneself into e. 除…外二. Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.二, , , , ,, , , ,1. The sort of music he listens to varies, but it __________to be popular music.2. Language is the medium of __________ , and when we learn a foreign language, we are exposed to a culture quite different from ours.3. Scientific discoveries are often __________to industrial processes.4. I hope you are not getting __________listening to me.5. Can you __________ me two good seats for the concert6. This is a __________amusing film. You'll regret if you miss it.7. He gave a __________answer to my request. I felt quite confused and disappointed.8. She was annoyed by the young man's impolite __________.9. Ever since that unhappy incident, I have tried to __________any further conflict with him.10. The driver __________the traffic light, and as a result, he ran into another car.三. Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.三out, 2. check out, 3. giving out, 4. threw herself into, 5. immersed myself in1. They normally __________in the pub to kill time.2. I’ve been trying to __________ the restaurants in my new neighborhood to find the best one.3. Bob took a part-time job __________ handbills (传单) for a cosmetic (化妆品) company.4. Back from the holiday, she eagerly __________ the production of a new film.5. I __________ work so as to stop thinking about her.四. Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word in the brackets.四 2. United 3. dramatist 4. volunteer 5. flourishing1. The American space agency has drawn up a shortlist of ten research projects that will form the basis of an __________ program to explore the planet Mars next year. (ambition)2. As the saying goes, “ __________ we stand, divided we fall.” (union)3. Eugene O'Neill wrote more than 35 plays and was the first American __________ awarded a Nobel Prize for Literature. (drama)4. I am retired and now working as a __________in an organization helping orphans. (voluntary)5. Compared to some other developing countries, the cell phone market in China is __________ . (flourish)复习参考Test one 参考一1—e 2---d 3---c 4---b 5---a二,三filled with 2. were blown away 3. In terms of 4. thought to himself involved in四 2. responsibly 3. incredible 4. diversityTest Two 参考一1—e 2---d 3---c 4---b 5---a二1. accomplish 2. Ambition 3. obstacles 4. dominates 5. seemingly6. vision7. solutions8. releasing9. individuals10. ideal三on 2. seek out out with with四 1. employment 2. opportunities 3. advantages 4. expenses 5. accommodation(s)Test Three参考一1—e 2---d 3---c 4---b 5---a二, , , , ,, , , ,三out, 2. check out, 3. giving out, 4. threw herself into, 5. immersed myself in四 2. United 3. dramatist 4. volunteer 5. flourishing。

大学英语一(1)单选题:1.When I first entered college as a freshman, I was afraid _______ I w as not able to do well in my studies.A. ofB. atC. butD. that2.I would have to make friends _____ them and perhaps also compete ____ __ them for grades.A. to…forB. with,withC. at…toD. to…to3.However, after a short period of time, I had my life ___________ control.A. inB. atC. underD. within4.I really was not certain what I would do with the years _________ me.A. in the front ofB. ahead ofC. out ofD. away from5.Louis’s father was a saddle maker who made items out ________ leather.A. fromB. byC. throughD. of6.It took the workers two years ___________ the bridge.A. buildingB. builtC. buildD. to build7.It suddenly came _________ me that Mary hates fish.A. forB. atC. towardD. to8.The news has already _________ all over the country.A. imitatedB. spreadC. shockedD. increased9.Women, _________ men, have the right to work.A. as soon asB. as long asC. as far asD. as well as10.I had to work hard to ____________ the other students.A. keep away fromB. keep up withC. keep backD. keep out多选题1.How did the author of A Transition Point in My Life manage his c ollege life?A. Set a study program.B. Buy some interesting books.C. Decide when to go to bedD. Go to class on time2.What mistakes did the writer of A Transition Point in My Life make at first?A. Taking his courses improperly.B. Using his time improperlyC. Staying in the dorm all dayD. Spending too much time making friends.3.What does Alexis Walton plan to do after his graduation after high school?A. Go to college.B. Pursue higher learningC. Begin a careerD. Make history in his family4.Devlin‘s Advice is written for the students _____________ .A. who have just finished their high school educationB. who have finished their college educationC. who have just entered collegeD. who were the freshmen in colleges5.Devlin‘s advice includes the pieces of _____________.A. being successfulB. enjoying your college lifeC. working hard at the subjects you don‘t likeD. taking college as the pre-life6.Braille was blind ________________.A. because he was born soB. because his father injured his eyes by accidentC. because he himself injured one of his eyes accidentally when he was threeD. because his good eye was infected and lost its sight7.How did Braille think about Charles Barbier‘s alphabet code?A. Complicated.B. The dashes took up much spaceC. UselessD. Slow to read8.According to Michael William, tomatoes were first found _____________ __.A. in North AmericaB. in Central AmericaC. in South AmericaD. growing wild in Peru9.Which of the following statement is true?A. A woman got fainted when biting a tomato.B. The courthouse tried the case whether tomatoes could be eatenC. Today‘s tomatoes are massively consumed at tables.D. Robert Johnson corrected the people‘s false attitude toward tomatoes.10.Flyer II was better than The Wright Flyer in that _____________.A. it had a stronger bodyB. its engine was more powerfulC. it could stay longer in the airD. it could change directions more easily是非题1.George is a very smart boy; he is one of the best student in hi s class.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)2.John was so comfortable and warm in bed that he didn’t want to get upY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)3.The boy said that he wanted to be a computer scientist when he g rew upY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)4.In additionally, I have something else to do this weekendY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)5.“他们把数学老师视为他们最好的老师“的译文:They looked upon their math teacher as their best friend.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)6.My finger was injured when I tried to collect the broken glass by hand.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)7.I don‘t think quarrels will ever lead to any good results.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)8.Wanted very much to read himself, Louis decided to create a better way of readingfor the blindY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)9.It is fitting that October 1, the birthday of the People’s Republ ic of China,is picked up as the National DayY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)10.He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow morning.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)大学英语一(2)一、单选题1.__________ of us know what has happened in that place. It is no use asking us sucha question A. Few B. A few C. Little D. A little2.I send you my best wishes on ___________ of your silver wedding anniversaryA. occasionB. caseC. the caseD. the occasion3.There are so many reasons to say thank you. You were always there when you were ________A. neededB. needingC. to needD. need4.The film reminded him __________ what he had seen in ChinaA. toB. forC. atD. of5.Nothing could keep their son _________ going abroad.A. forB. ofC. fromD. out6.She was running __________ outside her house, shouting for help.A. from and toB. to and fromC. up and downD. down and up7.I prefer to live in the countryside ___________ spend a lot of time travelling to work every dayA. instead ofB. would ratherC. rather thanD. to8.Believe it or not, our foreign teacher is quite _____________ cooking Chinese dishes.A. skill forB. skilled atC. well atD. nice on9.Mary _______ for the Normans for six months now. She _________ the Normans‘ rooms every dayA. works, cleansB. has worked, is cleaningC. has worked, cleansD. has working, clean10.While I was sitting there, I examined every part of the room with my eyes“ can be changed into__________.A.While I sat there, examining every part of the room with my eyesB.I sat there, examined every part of the room with my eyesC.While sitting there, I examined every part of the room with my eyesD.I sitting there, I examined every part of the room with my eyes二、多选题1.When Bob Burns was a boy, he occasionally had ____________ on his bodyA. bumpsB. scrapesC. inkD. cuts2.What does Bob Burns think of his mother?A. Gentle.B. Hard on her children.C. Best mother.D. Helpful.3.Wyverne Flatt‘s four grandparents wanted to arrange for each kid to be placed _____________.A. in the neighbourhoodB. in an orphanageC. with a different uncle and auntD. with themselves4.Why did the man‘s business become so welcomed?A.He brought pleasure to his children.B.He got pleasure from his children.C.He served the customers pleasantly.D.His service was excellent5.Which of the following phrases describe the characters of Lisa‘s mother?A. A bargain shopper.B. Shy.C. Loving to socialize.D. Tolerant.6.Which of the following are the basic skills for running?A. Speed.B. EnduranceC. BalanceD. Gravity7.How to use gravity pull to save one‘s energy when running?A.Lean forward enoughB. Swing arms long to keep balanceC. Keep the leaning position in the entire courseD. Jump at times8.In Exercise: What Can It Do for You, people believe that exercise can help them become ________A. attractiveB. relaxedC. tallerD. healthy9.You can become relaxed by ___________.A. not smokingB. exerciseC. positive attitudeD. good diet10.If you have decided to begin your walking routine, you should ________A.pay attention to the weatherB. choose proper shoesC. set practical goalsD. find a good place三、是非题1.He didn‘t speak for long, but everyt hing he said was around the pointY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)2.The monitor will be in charge when the teacher leaves the classroom.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)3. “The most difficult thing is to decide“ can be changed into “Not hing is so difficult as to decide“.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)4.During the winter I decided that I would grow tomatoes when summer cameY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)5.The odd couple‘s personalities are quiet different.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)6.Most sports require athletes to be skilled at both speed or endurance.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)7.She seems so quiet, but actual she likes to talk.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)8.Tom was hit by a car when he was crossing the streetY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)9.What about reducing stress by exercising?Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)10.The body doesn‘t really start burning its fat stores untill after 30 minutes of activity.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)大学英语一(3)单选题1.____________ the students request, the teacher has begun to give t hem more chances tospeak in class.A. To answer toB. To reply toC. In responsibility forD. In answer to2.The kid __________ his homework immediately after getting home from school.A. set upB. set toC. set offD. set out3.But I‘ve hidden a treasure in my orchard __________ you ___________.A. of,to findB. for,findC. of,findingD. for…to find4.The price was fair. And they ___________ the bargain delightedly.A. agreedB. deniedC. acceptD. struck5.I will pay you in pure gold ________ .A. to what I eatB. for what I eatC. to what do I eatD. for what do I eat6.He helped us entirely out of ________ , not for moneyA. kindB. kindlyC. kinderD. kindness7.After five miles, Tara felt tired and started to ___________A. leave behindB. keep behindC. stay behindlyD. fall behind8.Hurry up! Everyone is waiting ___________.A. for you finishing your make-upB. for you to finish your make-upC. for you to have finished your make-upD. for your finish9.It is part of a teacher‘s job _________ self-confidence _________ his or her students.A. to place ,onB. to put ,intoC. to instill,inD. to jam ,into10.Looking deep _______ his student‘s eyes, the teacher said seriously, “Tell me the truth.“A. atB. forC. ontoD. into多选题1.___________ believed it had always been a good orchard for years.A. The fatherB. One of the two sonsC. Both of the sonsD. Neither the father nor his two sons2.The treasure was supposed to have been hidden _____________ .A. right under the treesB. closely near the treesC. in the midway between two treesD. not too far from the t runks3.The orchard had a wonderful harvest after the father‘s death because __________ .A. the father had buried some treasure in itB. the weather was so favourableC. the two sons spent much time digging up the treasure without rea lizing they were in factcaring for the orchardD. no one disturbed them4.In The Golden Carambola Tree, the parents left ___________ to their two sons after their deathA. coinsB. goldC. housesD. land5.After exchanging(交换)his fortune with his younger brother, the greedy brother _________A. also found a chance to collect gold coins on the islandB. picked handfuls of coins for each piece of his fruitC. was brought home on the back of the phoenix successfullyD. had more than enough wealth, but he did not share it with his brother6.In Tracking Down My Dream, the writer __________.A. took part in a national meetB. took a 3200-meter raceC. had a strong desire to attend the sports meetD. fell be hind ever since the beginning7.The enthusiastic cheer at the ending of Ashley Hodgeson‘s race was _________ .A. for the boysB. for Ashley HodgesonC. as loud as the one for the first girl who passed the finish li neD. the loudest one she had ever heard8.The girl bumped into Ashley Hodgeson and said __________A. they were cheering for herB. Ashley Hodgeson had got courageC. she would have quit if she were Ashley HodgesonD. she would take Ashley Hodgeson as an example9.The world-class runner ___________ .A. was naughty(淘气的)in his boyhoodB. had suffered a serious burning injury when he was a boyC. his legs were nearly to be amputatedD. was trained to be a racing athlete by a doctor10.Socrates _________ .A. was the wisest of the townB. liked to teach his students by illustrationC. wanted to drown(溺死)the boyD. taught the boy how to survive when under water是非题1.This is the most difficult exercise he has yet done.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)2.I‘m tired of travelling; I ‘d like to settling down in a small town.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)3.We‘ d better start work straight away. Here, “straight away “means “directly off“.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)4.You will have to buy some new shoes as these are used up.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)5. Scientist are interested in finding out if or not the earth‘s temperature is beginning to riseY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)6. I often mistake her as her sister on the phone.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)7.This book is as more interesting as the one I read last week.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)8.Several of the students was absent.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)9.It is time you cleaned out the drawers(抽屉)of your desk.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)10.The book is worthy of 15 dollars.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)大学英语一(4)单选题1.At that moment, few people ___________ the danger ahead.A. were awaring ofB. were aware ofC. were aware thatD. were aware for2.When the ticket collector(查票员)asked him to show his ticket, he pretended to _______ itin his pocket.A. fumble atB. fumble toC. fumble onD. fumble f or3.Time is urgent. We must finish the work today _________.A. in the caseB. in caseC. in no caseD. in any case4.It is this picture ________ I want to show you.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. how5.How can she lead a full and happy life if she feels we blame he r _______ her sister‘s deathA. atB. onC. inD. for6.Professors can only______for you to create learning through your ownactions.A. make a platformB. work out a stageC. set the stageD. set aside a room7.Adjusting your learning style______your teacher ‘s will be to your advantage.A. toB. atC. forD. with8.We ______ an old friend when we were having dinner at a restauran t.A. went acrossB. came acrossC. went crossD. came cross9.He works hard only before examinations. In fact, he is very lazy__ ________.A. sometimesB. other timeC. at other timesD. at times10.Successful language learners ____________ make mistakes and try agai n.A. willingB. are toC. areD. are willing to多选题1.In the jail cell, Antoine de Saint-Exuppery ___________.A. thought he would be executed the next dayB. felt nervous and upsetC. fumbled for a cigarette in his pocketD. asked the jailer if he had a light2.Both the jailor and Antoine de Saint-Exuppery ______________ .A. were captured soldiers in the warB. had tears in their eyes when talking about their kidsC. loved their kids deeplyD. escaped from the jail3.In Blameless, Jane‘s family was quite different from Kathy ‘s in that ________ .A. they didn‘t think it was important to place blameB. they had more childrenC. Jane‘s parents thought blame was bad for the growing-up of their childr en, or even fortheir whole lifeD. their children could drive cars4.In A Lady Named Lill, Lill found it hard to get a suitable job because ______A. English was her second languageB. she was not brave enoughC. her education and skills were limitedD. there were a lot of typists(打字员)to compete with her5.We can use ______________ to express “for many times“.A. over and overB. again and againC. time and time againD. now and then6.You can learn effectively by _________ .A. following the procedure(步骤)of preview →class →review →study →B. learning activelyC. learning concentrativelyD. learning time-fully7.Effective study skills and strategies can help you ___________.A. become a successful studentB. know yourself betterC. bring yourself all over the worldD. use time effectively8.In Maintaining Progress in Your English Studies, you are suggested _____ after class.A. to meet and help one another with review and testingB. to share what you have found useful with othersC. to compare notes on things you found difficultD. to get different learning ways from friends9.According to Maintaining Progress in Your English Studies, you might have the positive feeling of_______ in your study.A. satisfactionB. interestC. stimulationD. frustratio n10.According to Successful Language Learners, which are true about act ive learners?A. They will repeat what they here.B. They are willing to make mistakesC. They will not give up when communication is difficultD. They never communicate with each other in the language they are learning是非题1.He called out to the waiter, “Please bring me a cup water to dr ink.“Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)2.Five hours of sleep are not enough.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)3.He survived the fire but has some serious burn injuries.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)4.A group of young people raced by on their bikes. One or two of them even showed off their skills by riding on only one wheel.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)5.“I‘m the least experienced of all the doctors here “can be translated into“我是这里经验不足的医生之一。

第一套试题Part I. Vocabulary (20 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.1. In the wife’s eyes, his ___B__ to their marriage life is far from perfect.A) requirement B) commitment C) participation D) reflection2. In the event of SARS, some __C___ it while others lost their courage to do anything about it.A) came up to B) lived up to C) faced up to D) caught up to3. Experts have ___C__ with some effective measures to prevent the disease from spreading.A) caught up B) put up C) come up D) kept up4. If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to ___C__ the skills they need to succeed.A) require B) inquire C) acquire D) enquire5. As a result of his hard work, he has gained ___A___ to the Beijing University.A) access B) commitment C) opportunity D) reward6. With the supplies of nurses below __D___, the local government decided to recruit(招募)volunteers.A) acquirements B) assignments C) commitment D) requirements7. Only when one is _B_____ of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.A) critical B) aware C) visual D) effective8. It is better for you to be __C___ about its consequences before you take any action.A) positive B) absolute C) critical D) favorite9. As an ideal ___A__ to the spread of SARS, this medicine is now in great demand.A) barrier B) commitment C) challenge D) access10. When her business goes wrong, she tends to __C___ for advice.A) get access to B) come across C) reach out D) speak up11. The most important for us now is to __B___what is to be done next.A) allow of B) reflect on C) feel like D) remind of12. It is best to __D___ wear through friction in designing the parts of every machine.A) have insight into B) come up with C) allow for D) reflect on13. Good habits of living have proved to be of much __B___ to our health.A) barrier B) benefit C) immunity D) commitment14. Now that we have learned to see things __D___, we can find that there are two sides toanything in the world.A) in part B) from a perspective C) on their part D) in perspective15. As a(n) ___B__ job, it requires much time and commitment and persistence.A) unwilling B) demanding C) embarrassing D) frustrating16. The __B___ to be better than others drives him to work harder than before.A) uniqueness B) eagerness C) awareness D) effectiveness17. For your study to stay in a ___A___ cycle, you must keep up with the progress of the course.A) virtuous B) virtual C) visual D) vital18. Anyone that goes against the social order is __C___ to answer for his action.A) possibly B) probably C) likely D) normally19. There is much that can be done about the accidents __C___ from carelessness.A) arose B) arisen C) arising D) arise20. __B___ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.A) Dislike B) Unlike C) Alike D) LikingPart II. Reading comprehension (40 points)Directions: In this section there are four passages. Each passage is followed by five questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the best answer.Passage 1On a practical level, teachers need a wide variety of skills and abilities. They have to be ready to spend many hours at home planning their lessons and preparing homework. They have to be well organized in class, patient with students, able to appear bright and interested even if they are in fact tired or unhappy, and lively enough to control a group of young people for almost 200 days a year. Outside the classroom, they may have to prepare teaching materials, to choose books to use as texts, to help organize the work of other teachers, or to organize spare time activities for students.If you think that you have all the necessary qualities, you may feel that you would like to be a teacher. One way to decide, if you live in the United States, is by joining a club for future teachers, such as Student Action for Education. Clubs like this give advice about your field, and also allow you to watch teachers at work, attend meetings and experiment with teaching methods and equipment. You could also talk with the job advisor at your school or university. Finally, you could try teaching a younger student or becoming an advisor at a summer camp for children. Any activity in which you are dealing with children will help you decide whether you have a calling for teaching.21. The first paragraph is mainly about ____A____.A) how to plan lessons and prepare homeworkB) how to help organize the work of other teachersC) various skills and abilities teachers needD) how to prepare teaching materials22. The second paragraph is mainly concerned with ___B_____.A) the ways of deciding one's future employmentB) the ways to decide whether teaching should be one's future employmentC) joining a club for future teachersD) talking to an advisor when choosing future employment23. According to the author, a teacher should show a firm mind ___D_____.A) that suffers only from tirednessB) that suffers only from unhappinessC) that suffers only from unusual tiredness or unhappinessD) that is able to control tiredness and unhappiness24. Student Action for Education is ____A____.A) a summer camp for childrenB) an activity at a summer campC) a club for future teachersD) a club for job advisors25. Which of the following does the author suggest to a person who wants to be a teacher? ___C_____.A) Watching teachers at work, or organizing students' spare time activitiesB) Preparing and correcting homework, experimenting with teaching methods and equipmentC) Joining a future teachers' club, talking with job advisors, or working with childrenD) Planning lessons, or attending teachers' meetingsPassage 2There are different ideas about pets in different parts of the world. In most cultures, animals are in a worse position than human beings. In some cases, however, people treat their pets like members of their families, or perhaps better. In the United States and Europe, there are special shops that sell clothing and food for cats and dogs.In many countries of the world, there is special food for pets. It is common for big markets in many places to sell cat food and dog food. However, in a small town in France, there is a special restaurant for dogs. Dogs are the only customers. There is seating for twenty of them. The dogs choose from a variety of dishes on the menu.Of course, in most parts of the world, pets don't live in such wealth and comfort. People treat their pets in a more practical way. People own cats and dogs because they keep away mice and other unwanted animals. Owners have some loving feelings for their pets, but they do not see them as equal to family members. In most places in the world, there isn't any special clothing or fine food for animals. There aren't any special restaurants for dogs.Pets around the world live in a great variety of ways, just as people do.26. According to the passage, in most countries ___A______.A) people treat their pets like members of their familiesB) there are special shops that sell clothing for dogs and catsC) animals are in a worse position than human beingsD) pets such as dogs and cats are very popular27. According to the passage, there are _____A______.A) restaurants for dogs in every city in FranceB) no dogs or cats that wear clothingC) some people who treat their pets far better than they treat their childrenD) many owners of dogs and cats in the United States and Europe28. For many people, pets may have a more practical function because ____B_____.A) cats and dogs can be used to keep away miceB) pets are often useful companions for old peopleC) pets can sometimes be sold to make moneyD) some pets may show loving feelings for their owners.29. In your opinion, which of the following sentences is probably true? ____D_____.A) Dogs and cats like to wear expensive clothing.B) Many people visit the dog restaurant in France.C) People in every part of the world like to buy fine clothing for their pets.D) In some cases, animals have better food and clothing than people.30. The main idea of this reading passage is: ___C____.A) Dogs enjoy fine restaurantsB) A rich cat can afford to go to any restaurantC) People treat pets in very different ways in different parts of the worldD) It is stupid to have special food and clothing for animalsPassage 3What makes Americans spend nearly half their food dollars on meals away from home? The answers lie in the way Americans live today. During the first few decades of the twentieth century, canned and convenience foods freed the family cook from full-time duty at the kitchen range. Then, in the 1940s, work in the wartime plants took more women out of the home than ever before, setting the pattern of the working wife and mother.Today about half of the country’s married women are em ployed outside the home. But, unless family members pitch in with food preparation, women are not fully liberated from that chore. Instead many have become, in a sense, prisoners of the completely cooked convenience meal. It is easier to pick up a bucket of fried chicken on the way from work or t take family out for pizzas, or burgers than to start opening cans or heating up frozen dinners after a long, hard day.Also, the rising divorce rate means that there are more single working parents with children to feed. And many young adults and elderly people, as well as unmarried and divorced mature people, live alone rather than as part of a family unit and don’t want to bother cooking for one.Fast food is appealing because it is fast, it doesn’t require any dressing up, it offers a “fun” break.31. American women left home to work in large numbers because of____D_____.A) the improved living standardB) the increase in food priceC) the need of wartime industryD) the modernization of the kitchen32. The phrase “pitch in” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to___A______.A) “offer help and support”B) “eat with good appetite”C) “offer compliment”D) “disagree with”33. What is a working mother’s best choice if she does not have ti me to prepare dinner for the family according to the passage? ___C____.A) Making a meal out of canned food.B) Buying some chicken on the way home and frying it.C) Taking the family to dinner at a pizza place.D) Heating up frozen dinners.34. Which of the following groups of Americans are most likely to cook their meal at home? ___B___A) Single working mothers.B) unmarried mature people.C) elderly people living alone.D) Unemployed women with family.35. What is this passage mainly about? ___C_____.A) Women’s liberation in America.B) Changes in the American family during Word War II.C) Reasons for the popularity of fast food in America.D) Rising divorce rate in America today.Passage 4The earth is not the only body that travels around the sun. With it are eight other planets (行星), fellow members of the sun's family.Two of them are nearer while the other six are farther from the sun than the earth is. The farther they are, the longer trips they make around the sun. People noticed long ago that these traveling bodies moved around in the sky in fixed paths. It is a force called gravity (重力) that holds them in their paths.We know that every little bit of matter in the universe (宇宙) pulls upon every other bit of matter. Because the sun is so large, the pulls between the sun and the planets are thus great. If it were not for these pulls, the planets would fly off into space. In the same way there exists a pull between the earth and the moon, which keeps the moon traveling in its orbit (轨道) around our planet, the earth. Gravity holds you to the earth’s surface, and pulls back to it the ball which you throw into the air. Of course, the ball also pulls on the larger earth but the earth is so much larger that the pull is not noticed.Now remember that large bodies bring to bear a greater pull on any body than smaller ones which contain less material. But each object in the universe, no matter how small, pulls on all other objects to some degree.36. The earth is ____A______ in the sun family.A) one of the nine fellow membersB) bigger than two of the other bodiesC) smaller than the other bodiesD) nearer than two fellow members37. These traveling bodies _____D_____.A) make much longer trips when they travel around the sunB) have the same traveling pathsC) have their paths changed a bitD) move along certain paths around the sun38. The gravity of every matter in the universe ____A______.A) worksB) makes it fly off into spaceC) keeps the object travelingD) holds it to the surface39. The pull makes the ball ____A______.A) you throw into the air fall back to the earthB) go up into the skyC) fly around the bodyD) none of the above40. Which of the following is TRUE? ____C______.A) The smaller matters fly off into space.B) We do not notice the pull of the moon.C) The larger the bodies are, the greater their pull is.D) The moon travels around the earth because it's nearer to the earth than the other fellowmembers in the sun's family.Part III. Cloze (10 points)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. Fill in the blanks by selecting proper words given below. You may not use any of the words more than once.Useful words: A) interested, B) frustrating, C) comfortable, D) valuable, E) post, F) virtual, G) rewarding, H) insights, I) embarrassed, J) communicate, K) benefit, L) medium, M) explanation, N) information, O) minimumGood communication is the key to success when learning online. You should take the opportunity to get to know your teacher and classmates through email and by participating in Internet discussions. This will lead to a more positive and (D) learning experience.It’s true that learning the technology needed to tak e part in a class can at times be (B). For example, you may need to ask how to (E) your assignment on the Web. But, don’t worry! If you have a problem, ask for help. There is no such thing as a stupid question, so there is no need to be intimidated or (I). Sharing (N) and answers freely is what makes the Internet such a great medium for learning.Online classroom teacher Mike Roberts was asked about what he thought the greatest (K) of online learning is. “As a teacher, I need the students to ask questions s o that I know what areas of my lessons need further (M). That is what is great about teaching and learning over Internet. In an ordinary classroom, time is limited, so students seem to ask the (O) amount of questions possible. But in the (F) classroom, students are always asking questions. They really seem to feel (G) asking me for the information that they need. They also share a lot of valuable ideas with each other in a way that you don’t usually see in a regular classroom.”Part IV. Translation (20 points)Directions: Translate the following five sentences into English and Chinese.1.对于网络课程,学生不仅可以选择何时何地地学习,在回答问题之前他们还可以有时间思考答案。

1. Your High-School Classmates
Work in groups and tell your group members: 1) how many of your high-school classmates are enrolled in
universities, colleges or institutes; 2) the location of the institutions; 3) what their majors are.
Reality —trபைடு நூலகம்e.
>> Teachers
Expectations —old, gray-haired and wearing thick glasses; strict and formally dressed.
Reality —not true because many teachers are very young,
normal university / teachers’ college polytechnic institute / institute of technology institute of finance and economics institute of chemical engineering medical university agricultural university university of science and technology junior college / community college
—Just as what I dreamed of—a huge campus with magnificent modern buildings, green trees, blooming flowers and a river flowing around. —Contrary to what I expected, it’s an old campus, large though, with grey buildings like huge match-boxes, little grass, and a few big trees.

1.one 英 [wʌn] 美 [wʌn] n. 一;一个;一体
2.two 英 [tuː] 美 [tuː] num. 二;两个
3.three 英[θriː] 美[θriː] num. 三;n. 三;三个
4.four 英 [fɔː(r)] 美 [fɔːr] num. 四
5.five 英 [faɪv] 美 [faɪv] num. 五
6.six 英 [sɪks] 美 [sɪks] num. 六
7.seven英 ['sevn] 美 ['sevn] num. 七
8.eight 英 [eɪt] 美 [eɪt] num. 八;n. 八人划船队
9.nine 英 [naɪn] 美 [naɪn] num. 九
10.ten 英 [ten] 美 [ten] num. 十

英语1必考题英语1(1)交际用语判断对错1.how old is the manager ? he is 35 years old right2.what do they do ?they work in a bank right3.would you like some crisps? wrong4.how much does the flat cost amonth? wrong5.could you sign the register please? right6.how do I get to the bus station?you take the number 38 bus right7.what does he look like? wrong8.what’s the weather like in shanghai? wrong9.what do you think of your new job right10.excuse me .where is the bus stop please ? right11.How are you feeling?Ifeel much better.Thank you. right12.How was your day yesterday?I’ve got a bad cough/ right13.Why don’t we have a barbecue?That’s a good idea. right14.What time does the Swimming Pool close?On Tuesday. wrong15.What was the party like?It was great. right16.What are your parents doing right now?My mother is retired.My father is a manager. wrong17.Can I help you?Yes. I’d like to rent a flat. right18.Could I speak to Harry,please?He’s not in, I’m afraid. right19.what do you think of the internet? I think it’s very useful right.20.How much oil do you need? It costs about 50 pounds. wrong词汇与结构1 he -(works)--for an it company2 I have coffee (at)-breakfast time.3(His) name is wanghua4.she is (the )only accountant in may son’s company.5 Maria often has a walk with( her) parentsin the morning.6 (Have)you got any family?7 he’s responsible(of)-the central computer system.8 the busincess banking department is on (the second)floor.9 wang li is (planning)a new marketing campaign at the moment.10 polly enjoys (playing) the guitar in a band in her free time.11 there(are)three plants in the crners of the room12 I work in(the)it department of (a)arge bank13 what (does)“nr” mean?14 I sometimes go to the pub (on)- Friday.15(These)people are my friends.(Those)people are my husband/s friends.16my husand doesn’t(like shopping)‘ but I like it very much.17 (Where)are you from? I’mfrom nanjing18 he(is having)-lunch in the canteen right now. 19(How many) children has his brother got?20(what is)singapore like? It’s small and well-organised.21 How many(oranges)would you like to buy?22 I don’t need (any) coffee, thanks.23 (How much) rice do you want to buy?24 I (don’t need )buy any wine.25 It(is raining)heavily here at this moment26 I haven’t got a car.Neither (have)I27he can(speak) good English.28what about Wednesday evening? Sorry,(I’m too busy)then.29 I’m interested(in)cooking.30 it often(snows)-in winter in the north of china 31(Would you like to)come to dinner tonight? 32 I don’t need(any )mineral water, but I’d like (some)tea, thanks33 I am not keen(on)sports.34 you can paint the walls and (put up)posters. You can do what you want.35 I prefer watching tv.(so)do I36 how much does it cost (by)bus?37 the area is too dirty. Yes, I agree, it’s (notclean enough)38 he goes to work (on)foot but comes back home(by)taxi.39 how about(taking)-a taxi?40 (Are there)-any yoga classes in the evenings?41.Which is (longer )the yangtze river or the yellow river ?42.I’m (making)a list of things to buy43.Rose is experienced ( at)training44.She is making (herself)a cup of coffee45.when are you(leaving) london (for )paris46.I think there will (be )50 people at tomorrow ‘s orders47. carlos ( has to) serve the drinks and take the orders48.Hurry up we don’t have (enough)time49.I’ll give (the man the book)50.I am not feeling very well I(need) to see the doctor51.Tim (is going to )make a cake for the party52.She ( was) a teacher in shanghai last year53 my housewarming party is (differentfrom)mary’s54.(why don’t we )prepare everything today?55. I have an english class ( three times)a week56.chris usually go to the gym (at )the weekend57.I ’m bad at spelling .but jane is (worse)than me58.(which)of these two books do you prefer ?59. The classrom is not big enough for 50 students yes Iagree It’s (too small)60.I work in (an )office in shanghai61.There (are )four children in the picture62.we often have ( our)supper at home63.(was)chris worried about the presentation last week?64.This is my new watch It was a present (from)my wife65.Paul is in (a)canteen on (the )third floor66.I don’t want (any )tea ,thanks67. Lily and Lucy are (reading )a picture –book in their room68. I have two brothers One is adriver (the other )is a policeman69.(How)do I get to the bus station?70.She is (faster )than him71.. I ’m sorry she’s not in .would you like to (leave)a message?72.He goes to work (on)foot but comes back home (by)taxi73.My aunt (enjoys cooking)for her friends at home74.(why) do you prefer watching TV?75. Rose is (much more easy going) than frank76.He is (trave lling) on the 6 o’clock train on Friday evening77. I think the parks are lovely .so (do )I78.(How much )wine do you need for the party?79. When (is she flying )for lindon?80.He (lives ) in beijing but his parents (live )in Hangzhou句型转换一般疑问句1.He is a manager, Is he a manager ?2.She usually goes to work by bus .Does she usually go to work by bus ?3.There are fifty students in the class. Aer there fiftystudents in he class?4.They have a large house. Do they have a large house?5.He’s currently working on TV ad vertisements. Is he currently working on TV ad vertisements否定句1.You can smoke in the bedrooms. You can’t smoke in the bedrooms.2.It usually snows in winter in Ireland 。

2、阅读理解:110-115分钟(60分,Part A为40分,其余各占10分)Part A:传统阅读理解70-75分钟(考试重点),Part B:新题型,20分钟,Part C:翻译20-25分钟。
3、作文:50分钟(30分,考试重点)Part A:小作文,15分钟;Part B:大作文,35分钟。

区别:考研英语一和英语二的区别区别之一:适用专业1.完全适用英语一的专业⑴所有学术硕士全部适用(十三大门类,110个一级学科)⑵8类(法律硕士含法学专业与非法学专业)专业硕士适用:临床医学(1051)口腔医学(1052)公共卫生(1053)护理(1054)法律硕士(非法学专业)()法律硕士(法学专业)()汉语国际教育(0453)建筑学(0851)城市规划(0853)2.完全适用英语二的专业7类专业硕士适用:工商管理(1251)公共管理(1252)会计(1253)旅游管理(1254)图书情报(1255)工程管理(1256)审计(0257)3.选用英语一或英语二的专业金融(0251)应用统计(0252)税务(0253)国际商务(0254)保险(0255)资产评估(0256)社会工作(0352)警务(0353)教育(0451)新闻与传播(0552)出版(0553)艺术(1351)工程(0852)农业推广(0951)兽医(0952)风景园林(0953)凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!第 3 页 共 8 页林业(0954)军事(1151)体育(0452)应用心理(0454)文物与博物馆(0651)药学(1055)中药学(1056)4.不适用英语一或英语二的专业学术硕士中的外国语专业专业硕士中的翻译硕士(0551)【初试外国语科目具体参照相关规定执行,不使用英语一或英语二试卷】考研英语一和英语二的区别区别之二:考察目标1.语言知识的考查——语法知识英语一考生应能熟练地运用基本的语法知识。

Unit1Short conversations1. A. In a bar.B. At home.C. In the office.D. At a cinema.2. A. Jack Kilby is not very well-known.B. Jack Kilby invented something great.C. Jack Kilby is famous for his invention.D. Jack Kilby did not win the Noble Prize.3. A. Charlie Chaplin’s films are too serious.B. Charlie Chaplin’s films are very creative.C. Charlie Chaplin’s films can’t be understood easily.D. Charlie Chaplin’s films can’t be compared with other films.4. A. The car.B. The phone.C. The computer.D. The light bulb.5. A. Bob remembered all his lines.B. Bob performed very naturally.C. Bob should be proud of himself.D. Bob should have performed better. Keys:BABDDLong conversations1. A. Read J.K.Rowling’s first book.B. Go to buy a new Harry Potter book.C. Watch BBC news about J.K.Rowling.D. Take her cousin to see a new Harry Potter movie.2. A. At a cafe.B. On a train.C. At a cinema.D. In a bookstore.3. A. She won’t write any mo re books.B. She will write more magic stories.C. She hasn’t said anything about her future plans.D. She said she would work on more serious subjects.4. A. J.K.Rowling’s secret.B. J.K.Rowling’s writing plan.C. A new book by J.K.Rowling.D. An interview with J.K.Rowling.Keys:DBCDUnit 2Short conversations1. A. He was taking care of someone.B. He had planned to do something else.C. He was expecting someone to call him.D. He had to handle something unexpected.2. A. Performing in the play Hamlet.B. Writing a term paper on Hamlet.C. Making a presentation on Hamlet.D. Discussing Hamlet with her professor.3. A. He doesn’t want to learn to play music.B. He doesn’t have time to listen to music.C. He doesn’t know how to appreciate music.D. He doesn’t know which type of music he likes.4. A. Their different college lives.B. Their different study methods.C. The man’s spare time activities.D. The women’s plan after graduation.5. A. He is glad that the woman has read the notice.B. He is surprised that the woman never goes to parties.C. He thinks it is ridiculous that the woman is studying so hard.D. He thinks the scholarship is the result of the woman’s hard work.Keys:DBCADLong conversationsA.Because he likes the sunny weather.B.Because he wants to challenge himself.C. Because it can help solve his sleeping problem.D. Because it can help him forget all his troubles.A. To go sailing.B. To go surfing.C. To go to the beach.D. To go to her nephew’s.A. Going to visit relatives.B. Enjoying the warm sun on the beach.C. Building sand castles with her niece and nephew.D. Playing in the sand and jumping in the waves.4. A.Surfing in the sea.B. Collecting seashells.C. Building sand castles.D. Jumping in the waves.Keys:DCBCUNIT 3Short conversationsA. The band was terrible.B. The weather was cold.C. He was too sick to go.D. He went to the concert before.A. She didn’t go to the interview at all.B. She preferred to talk about the interview later.C. She didn’t feel like talking about the interview.D. She looked forward to having the interview.3. A. He will apologize to his roommate.B. He will give the bicycle back right now.C. He will give a call to the woman tonight.D. He will play computer games with his roommate.4. A. Having a happy family.B. Planning a reunion party.C. Looking for exciting jobs.D. Meeting former classmates.A. He totally understands the woman’s situation.B. He feels very sorry for the woman’s roommate.C. The woman shouldn’t keep pets in her dormitory.D. The wo man shouldn’t quarrel with her roommate.Keys:CCBDA Long conversationsA. She is going to have a lot of vanilla ice cream.B. She won the spelling competition at her school.C. She is going to the state capital for a competition.D. She spelled “excellence” correctly, but others didn’t.A. His family moved to Sacramento to settle down.B. His family bought him a new suit and a new tie.C. He went to Sacramento for a spelling competition.D. He won the first prize in the state spelling competition.A. To make him feel better after he lost the first prize.B. To apologize for not buying him some ice cream.C. To wish him good luck in the next competition.D. To congratulate him on winning the first prize.A. Red.B. Blue.C. Green.D.Yellow.Keys:BCADUnit 4Short conversations1. A. By car.B. By taxi.C. By train.D. By plane.2. A. 10:45.B. 10:40.C. 10:35.D. 10:30.3. A. The No. 46 bus will be canceled soon.B. The No. 46 bus is better because it is faster.C. The No. 28 bus doesn’t have very good service.D. The No. 28 bus doesn’t go to her house anymore.4. A. He is surprised that more people are buying their own cars.B. He is surprised that more people are taking the bus than the subway.C. He understands why people drive instead of taking the subway.D. He understands why it’s getting difficult to find a parking space.5. A. The direct train going to London will leave in 2 hours.B. The direct train going to Manchester will leave in 2 hours.C. The indirect train going to Manchester will leave in 1 hour and 50 minutes.D. The indirect training going to London will leave in 2 hours and 10 minutes.Keys:CBDDALong conversations1. A. 4 hours.B. 2 hours.C. 1.5 hours.D. 45 minutes.2. A. At 8.B. At 7.C. At 6.D. At 5.3. A. She can either read or rest a little on the train.B. She can read and respond to emails on the train.C. She can travel to many different parts of the city.D. She can go shopping on her way home from work.4. A. He can take the train to the old part of the city.B. He can save a lot of money when ha takes the train.C. He can save 20 minutes to go to work with the train.D. He can take the train to the airport instead of driving.Keys:CBDDUnit5Short conversations1. A. Because he will have a visitor.B. Because he will attend a conference.C. Because he will have to go to New York.D. Because he will have to stay on the farm.2. A. They have agreed on a rough vacation plan.B. They have agreed on where to go on vacation.C. They have agreed on when to go for the vacation.D. They have agreed on when to have another discussion.3. A. She has bought too many gifts.B. She shouldn’t shop for a full day.C. She has used too much space for the gifts.D. She shouldn’t spend too much money on gifts.4. A. They need to hire another cleaner.B. The man needs to find another job.C. They don’t have enough money for a vacation.D. The man doesn’t know how to ask his boss for a raise.5. A. The woman is going to hold a party on the beach.B. The woman is inviting the man to join her family holiday.C. The woman’s family will have a holiday on the beach.D. The woman’s family will attend a university celebration.Keys: ADACCLong conversations1. A. She liked playing an interesting game.B. She enjoyed seeing many of her old friends.C. She enjoyed wearing her Halloween costume.D. She liked the decora tions in Jason’s front yard.2. A. None of her friends likes Jason.B. None of Jason’s guests is young.C. She wants to go to Linda’s party.D. She went to Jason’s party last year.3. A. The party will last four hours.B. Six people will attend the party.C. They will have huge bags of candy.D. They will play a new game called “Guess Who”.4. A. Go to Jason’s party.B. Go to Linda’s party.C. Attend both Jason’s and Linda’s parties.D. Celebrate Halloween with her parents. Keys:DCDCUnit 6Short conversations1. A. Go to a bar. B. Start a project.C. Go to a movie.D. Work in the office.2. A. She is watching her diet. B. She is not eating healthily.C. She is losing some weight.D. She is not doing any exercise.3. A. 3 p.m. B. 6 p.m. C. 7 a.m. D. 10 a.m.4. A. She will relax herself. B. She doesn’t need a rest.C. She will take care of herself.D. She doesn’t have time to rest. 5. A. He wonders why John works and studies so hard.B. He thinks he balances work and study as well as John.C. He thinks that i t’s good for John to work 20 hours a week.D. He wonders how John succeeds both in study and work.Keys:CBDBDLong conversationsA. Because she did it in college.B. Because she wanted to be tough.C. Because her sister did it and liked it.D. Because her sister said it was good for her.A. Last year.B. In college.C. Last week.D. In high school.A. Boring.B. Scaring.C. Exciting.D. Interesting.A. Because she fears that a big fish might eat her.B. Because she fears that she would get lost in lakes.C. Because she doesn’t want to scare away small fishes.D. Because she doesn’t like swimming with many people.Keys:CBAAunit 1Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once.*Given the chance to show his ability, he regained _____and began to succeed in school.*It is so difficult to _____ the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.*It was about 30 seconds before Alex_____ form the water; we were quite scared.*We often_____ that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.*There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may_____ a threat to social stability.*After a(n)_____physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.*It is well known that China is a country with rich natural_____ and a very big population.*Some people believe that the earth can_____ enough food to support at least twice its present population.*Sam_____ the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.*A bee that has found honey is able to_____ to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words form the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.A. attain F. fascinating K. fulfillB. pursue G. available L. qualifyC. raise H. passion M. virtuallyD. classify I. acquire N. fashionableE. especially J. sample O. prosperousUniversity students come form different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to 1)_____them roughly into there groups :those who have a(n) 2)_____for learning, those who wish to 3)_____a bright future ,and those who learn with no definite purpose.Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they 4)_____their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen, working ona new program,5)_____day and night, because they find some computer programs6)_____,and they dream of becoming a “Bill gates”one day.Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more 7)_____future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to 8)_____knowledge form all of the resources which are 9)_____to them, and finally, to succeed in the futurejob market.Thirdly ,there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, finish homework, enjory life on campus, but don’t want to 10)_____anything new or challenging .they have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives.Translate the following paragraph into EnglishUnit 2*He has a special feeling for the brilliant birds, and each spring he eagerly a ___(等待;等候)their return.*Thanks to the e____(效率;效能)of air transport, everyone is free to go anywhere at any time.*John believes that the d___(捐赠物;捐助)of food to the hungry is more helpful than giving money.*Mary was a careful speaker; every word seemed to have been p____(修改;润色)before it was allowed to escape through her lips.*When she heard it was snowing in the city they were going to, she s____(填满;装满)two more sweaters into her bag.*During our stay in Europe we visited many places of h ___(基于史实的;历史的)interest, including several castles.*The wedding ceremony of my sister was a very e___(情绪激动的;情感的)experience for our family.*He was e___(使尴尬;使窘迫)when he discovered that he didn’t have enough money to pay for the red wine he had ordered.*The local government is pressed to find new places to d___(倾倒;丢弃)waste, *The new system designed to c___(控制;抑制;约束)harmful emissions(排放物) from factories will be put into use soon.1.Awaits2. efficiency3.donation4.polished5.stuffed6.historical7.emotional 8.embarrassed 9.dump 10.curbParents and teenagers have different or even opposite things to worry about. For example, while a mother might have a ha rd time understanding why her teenagers’ room is always a(n) 1——of dirty stuff, the teenagers are more worried about their next exams and may think it is 2——for their mother to insist on keeping a clean room. It is therefore important for you to 3 ——the differences and learn to communicate with your teenagers properly. 4——your teenagers may say nothing and shut you out of their personal lives. Their refusal to talk with you may even create 5——stress in your life.Learning effective ways to communicate can 6——the situation of a difficult relationship, 7——the stress of your life, and lead to a friendly relationship with your teenagers. First, you should learn to discuss serious problems in daily conversations. So, important topics, such as driving a vehicle and building a(n) 8——relationship,could be dealt with through daily conversations.Second, learn to be an active listener. Many parents are so 9——with their work that they could hardly take some time for their 10——children. Spend your time listening carefully to what your children like to talk about, and make sure your children feel they are being taken seriously. This will increase the chances of good communications.A.emotionalB. overwhelmedC. curiousD. reverse E .reduce F. romantic G.embarrassmentH. awkwardness I. parental J. beloved K. ridiculousL. appreciate M. cultivate N. Therefore O. OtherwiseG K L O A D E F B JUnit 31. To make companies c____________(竞争性强的;有竞争力的)in the market,we have to be more creative and productive.2. People are beginning to realize that to t____________ (使改观;使变形;使转化) nature at will is the biggest mistake that man has ever made.3. It is difficult to conclude what a(an) t____________ (典型的;有代表性的) student does in his spare time because every student has different interests.4. A month ago I wrote to the store complaining about its bad service,but I haven’t gotten a(an) r____________ (回答,答复;反应,响应) yet.5. Some of your suggestions have been a____________ (采用;采纳;采取),but others have been turned down as they are not workable.6. All of a sudden, he lost his interest in engineering, and f____________(把...集中于) his attention on learning a foreign language.7. If a company decreases health benefits for its employees, they should increase salaries to c____________(补偿,弥补;赔偿) the workers.8. I failed to pass the exam although I had worked very hard. I should a____________(分析,剖析) the causes of my failures.9. When you do yoga, try to r____________(控制,管理;调整,调节) your breathing. Don’t breathe too fast and make sure you breathe only through your nose.10. It was difficulty to e____________(估计,估算) how many people had been wounded in the earthquake.competitive 2. transform 3. typical 4. response 5. adoptedfocused 7. compensate 8. analyze 9. regulate 10. EstimateThere have been increased demands for higher education to provide students with better courses and more opportunities. To deal with this 1 issue,colleges and universities are turning to the Internet for quick 2 to its rich educational resources.Now the Internet has been accepted as the 3 technology to many other methods in colleges and universities. Many teachers now routinely 4 their teaching materials online. A growing number of schools offer at least some 5 courses over the Internet.There are two different models of making use of the Internet for higher education. The first model 6 to improve existing courses by using the Internet. This model provides high-speed Internet 7 to all students, faculty, and staff. While this model uses the Internet, it doesn’t 8 many changes, and it keeps most existing institutional structures unchanged.A different, more revolutionary model regards the Internet as 9 to an important change in higher education, for it is believed that the Internet can 10 teacher-centered instruction into student-centered learning. This, as a result, will bring change to our university education.A. requireB. acquireC. indispensableD. referredE. connectivityF. undergraduateG. transmitsH. accessI. seeksJ. complexK. accountable L. preferred M. creativity N. post O. transformJ H L N F I E A C OUnit 4Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once.advocate involve confine respond subsequentdistinct intense fulfill circumstance reconcile*Fortunately, the accident didn't ______ many people, for there was little traffic at that hour.*She ______ her ambition of becoming a fashion designer after years of hard work. *They kept on trying their best to develop their business, but in such ______ market competition, they had no idea if success would come along one day.*As music plays a important role in our life, many music teachers and educators ______ taking up a musical instrument at a young age.*This rule should be entirely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any ______.*My daughter was shy, she was afraid to ask questions, ______ to questions in class, or talk with other children.*I got from him only a letter, which was put on my office desk; ______to the receipt of this letter I have never heard from him.*The duties to provide services for children in need are not ______ to the local social services department.*We pray that all nations be______ and that all people around the world live in peace.*He suggested a small but ______ improvement on our former plan, I really appreciate it.1. involve2. fulfilled3. intense4. advocate5. circumstance(s)6.respond7. subsequent 8. confined 9. reconciled 10. DistinctFill in the blanks by selecting suitable words form the word bank. You may not useany of the words more than once.A. involveB. showeredC. pushedD. employingE. advocateF. remarkableG. intenseH. commitmentI. require J. hailed K. focusing L. applyingM. tragedy N. tender O. fulfillmentIn January 2011, Daniel Hernandez saved congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ li fe in a mass shooting in Tucson .He kept her alive by___1___ pressure to her wounds and speaking __2___words of sympathy until medical people arrived. He was___3___ as a hero by the public .Although his devotion to public service is__4____, in his book They Call Me a Hero: A Memoir of My Youth, Hernandez insists that the is not a hero. Hernandez said that he initially resisted the idea of writing a book about his experience on that day of enormous____5__. “I had been___6___ by a few publishers after the inc ident”, he said. “I thought heroes sh ould be people who make a lifetime___7___ to helping others.”However, Hernandez, now a school board member, had come to realize that he would be interested in writing a book___8___ on his public service. “As a young official, I have faced some big challenges, and I want young people o know that they need to face challenges and__9____ themselves in their communities.”When asked if he had any plan with a second book, Hernandez said his major purpose at present was to continue to serve his community and pursue his passion as a___10___ for education. “But I’m not going to say no”, he said.L N J F M C H K A EFill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. Each expression can be used only once.in sb.’ words / in the word s of sb. count on make sense ofreserve for shield from call on sum up relate toin need be/get caught up in*She held her hand above her eyes to______ them______ the sun so that she could see more clearly the man in front of her.*The boy studied the signs for over an hour, but still could not______ them, so he turned to his teacher for help.*They ______ the developed countries to commit more money to protecting the environment.*We will continue to care for those______ and work to establish a society that is generous and prosperous.*Many people______ careers and raising kids so that they forget that their marriages also need to be taken good care of.*My most favorite program is the one that deals with scientific subjects that ordinary people can______.*Finally, I would like to______ by saying that it has been a tremendous pleasure to work with you all.*He is a person that you can always______ when you need help.*Betty loves reading. ______, “Reading is most wonderful thing in the world.”*This restaurant is very popular because it has some separate, smaller rooms______ families with small children.shield … from 2. make s ense of 3. called on 4. in need5. are/get caught up in6. relate to7. sum up8. count on9. In her words 10. reserved for11.Translate the following paragraph into English.Unit 5Words in use1. The ______ conference which I attend every year is going to be held in London in January next year.2. According to the terms of your______, you must give three months' notice if you intend to leave this company.3. We were honored that so many people of ______ and talent were present to discuss the issues.4. The local government has been providing ______ support to them, without which they couldn't have been so successful.5. The secret agent promised that the information he ______ was obtained from reliable sources.6. Whether ______ or professional, American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the US. It attracts a total attendance of over 40 million and is watched by many more millions on television each year.7. Shops try to meet the DIY (do-it-yourself) fashion by offering consumers parts and hardware which they can ______ at home.8. I wonder how she will ______ to the news if I tell her she is not going to get a raise this year.9. It was ______ that the professor's lecture failed to impress the students as some of them had left before it was over.10. We all admitted that the trip was worthwhile after we saw a(n) ______ palace and a fantastic museum.1.annual2.contract3.distinction4.substantial5.furnished6.amateur7.assemble8.react9.apparent 10.magnificentFor several centuries, cricket (板球) has been a very popular sport in England. It has been enjoyed by both professional and 1) ______ players. This super-popular game is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of 11 players. It can provide you with health benefits like building 2) ______, balance, and physical fitness. But for a team sport, cricket also places 3) ______ players under unusual pressure because every team player is 4) ______ of each other.Cricket might have started in early 16th-century England. Written records 5) ______ evidence of a game known as creag being played by Prince Edward at Newenden, Kent in 1301; and it is possible, 6) ______ no hard evidence, that this was a form of cricket. By the end of the 18th century, cricket had 7) ______ into a national sport ofEngland. The growth of the British Empire led to cricket being played abroad and by the mid-19th century the first international 8) ______ were held. Cricket has had a(n) 9) ______ impact on popular culture in England. It has had an influence on the vocabulary of the English language, with such phrases as that's not cricket 10) ______ to describe unfair behavior in general.1K 2D 3C 4B 5H 6O 7F 8M 9A 10GUnit 6Controversial assess resolve decrease alter abandon indicate undermine compromise conventional1.Studies______that children who often take part in cooperative programs benefit a lot more than other children.2.They are such a(n)______family—they must have been shocked when their son dyed(染) his hair pink.3.Testing students by examinations has long been regarded as a reliable way to _____ studengt’s ability.4.Many power stations have been modernized to give off less pollution, or they were moved fursher away from the living areas in order to ____the damage.5.Unemployment has come down sightly ,but this does not _____the fact that it is still a major problem .6.Mr.Smith is not doing well ;the doctor told us that several colds _____his health.7.The best way to dear with problems at home is to talk things out calmly and try to reach a(n)_______.Darwin’s theory of evolution remains________partly because it challenges the religious belief that God created man .It was reported the president had_____to fight if war was necessary ,even if meant destroying his chances of re-election.I had to _____one of my email accounts as it was filled with junk mail.五.1.You can often come up with a(n)____to a ddifferent angle or thinking about it in another way.2.These days we are so accustomed to instant communication that it is hard to imagine the excitement when cables(电缆)were used for the____of telegraph message in the 19th century.3.A country’s future _____depends ,to a degree, upon the quality of education of its people.4.I understood that my primary goal had to be the_____of a new bond between the students and me.5.Some schools offer teachers_____working hours, recognizing their need to balance work and private life.6.He was______with his business matters and didn’t ha ve time to think about a hoilday.7.When he was young ,he used to copy the style of a famous artist, so there waslittle_____in his early works.8.Due to increased _____,the past decade saw great economic growth in China.9.For the purpose of_____,we labeled each sample with a number.10.My husband did not like traveling, so it took me a great deal of_____to make him go on a trip to Africa with me.11.In many cultures, eggs are an obvious symbol of new life, and the newborn chicks are a lovely_____of new growth.12.Every time you respond to your baby’s cries with comfort and love ,you’are showing to him that his word is safe. This helps him develop a strong sense of_____. Banked cloze六.withdrow B.decline C.interfering D.burning promising F. Reliable G.opporturnity H.schedules I.decrease J. Generate mitting. L.contrasting M. Consisrent N.flexible O.circumstances.Nowadays college education cost is rising sharply. More and more college studets have to work in order to 1)______income to suppore themselves. But how can you prevent working from 2)_____with your study?Firstly, plan your class and work 3)______as far ahead as possible. Arrange your classes in a way so that you have one or two days for work.Secondly, use time well instead of 4)______the midnight oil. Studying late until midnight may make you tired and take a(n)5)______toll on your health .Use those 10 mintutes waiting for the bus to read a few more pages. If yourjob has a lot of downtime(自由支配时间),use th e 6)______to do school assignments form other students .Thirdly, set a goal for your academic performance. You’ll probably have to 7)_____your work hours, or even, if possible and necessary, 8)_____from the workforce to be successful in study. After all,it is not a good idea to risk 9)_____your student career with part-time jobs.Fourthly, inform all your professors, teaching assistants and employers about your situation so that they can be 10)_____as well. Winning their support is the best way to keep them on your side.Expressions in use七.*The new government has committed to _____emissions of greenhouse gases.*My parents do not object to my taking part-time jobs,but they remind me not to let them_____my school work.*Anger,worry,disappointment,these negative emotions____your heart,brainand body.*If a person adopts an unhealthy lifestyle,he will surely be _____developing disases. *Most people were ready to give up on him when he ___ of school,but later he returned and earned his degree.*Drinking too much can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure,which____can lead to heart attack or stroke.*Low-cost airlines are emerging all over Asia;this will _____the development of the。

根据已知G段落最后一句提到His three biggest predictions for the future have an epoch-making influence.他对未来的三大预言具有划时代的影响。
紧接着B段Let’s start with the big one,doomsday.首先是“末日”这个宏大的话题。
those months,运用代词指代关系定位法,浏览各个段落会发现只有B段落出现month这个关键词,并且D项中的关键词change,对应B项中的climate change。
浏览E项,迅速定位出关键线索点Besides the doomsday theory。
A段末句提到what would we do?,我们在几个段落中排查,发现C段落开头是提出做法的,并且C段落句首这句话中的rain,robot在A段末句都有出现。
接下来的段落应该是回答why提出的问题,F段首for one simple reason,与C段落构成逻辑上的起承转合。
并且F段首句中的Alpha Centauri在C段第一次出现。

大学英语1考试答案【篇一:大学英语1习题及参考答案1】txt>part i. for each of the following 20 incomplete sentences, there are 4 choices marked a, b, c and d. choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.1. tom asked____ you, but i told him nothing.a. forb. afterc. ofd. /答案:b2. as soon as i got _____, i felt sick.a. on board the shipb. on the board of the shipc. onto board the shipd. onto the board of the ship答案:a3. he doesnt care_____ what people think of him.a. aboutb. ofc. ford. to答案:a4. this cake_____ sugar, butter and flour.a. constitutesb. consistsc. composesd. contains答案:d5. i looked everywhere for my bicycle but had to go home without it______.a. on endb. in the endc. at the endd. by the end答案:b6.she was so ___ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.a、attractedb、absorbedc、drawnd、concentrated答案:b7.i’d rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than ___ a room with someone else.a、to shareb、to have sharedc、shared、sharing答案:c8.the two friends haven’t ___ with each other for 20 years.a、associatedb、communicatedc、been acquainted withd、been along with答案:b9.when i was making a list of guests for the party, her name didn’t ___ to me.a、existb、happenc、occurd、ake place答案:c10.i am ___ that he should get the post.a、amusedb、amazedc、amazementd、amazing答案:b11.john is ___ to visit her because they have completely different political views.a、likelyb、reluctantc、keend、eager答案:b12.one of his attributes is his ability to ___ to different working conditions.a、adoptb、adeptc、admitd、adapt答案:d13.unfortunately, ms. black was not ___ of the problems that were discovered finally by her boss.a、concernedb、awarec、interstedd、dependent答案:b14.i decided to put my watch under my pillow ___ someone tried to steal it at night.a、in no caseb、in any casec、in the case ofd、in case答案:d15.the team’s efforts to score were ___ by the opposing goalkeeper.a、fracturedb、flushedc、fluctuatedd、frustrated答案:d16.he couldn’t focus his attention ___ his homework.a、inb、onc、ford、off答案:b17.you shouldn’t ___ silly questions.a、keep on askingb、keep up askingc、keep from askingd、keep in asking答案:a18.the government are committed ___ the cause of improving the people’s living standard.a、tob、ofc、ford、away答案:a19.it’s ___ that the sick child needs food and sunshine.a、consciousb、obviousc、consistentd、plain答案:b20.the committee’s suggestions will be ___ immediately.a、implementedb、complementedc、supplementedd、complimented答案:apart ii. there are 1 reading passages in this part. each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. for each of them there are 4 choices marked a, b, c and d. you should decide on the best choice.todays students have grown up hearing more about bill gates than f. d. r., and they live in a world where amazing innovations are common. the current 18-year-olds, after all, were 8 when google was founded by two students at stanford; mark zuckerberg founded facebook in 2004 while he was at harvard and they were entering high school. having grown up digital, they are impatient to get on with life.the easiest way to foster kids like these is to check in on entrepreneurship education, in which colleges and universities try to prepare their students to recognize opportunities and seize them.a report published last year by the kauffman foundation,which finances programs to promote innovation on campuses, noted that more than 5,000 entrepreneurship programs are offered on two-and four-year campuses-up from just 250 courses in 1985. lesa mitchell, a kauffman vice president, says that the foundation is extending the reach of its academic influence, which used to be found only in business schools. now, the concept of entrepreneurship is blooming in engineering programs and medical schools, and even in the liberal arts. “our interest is in all the programs,” she says.“we nee d to spread out from the business school.”either as class projects or on their own, students in a varietyof majors are【篇二:12本科-学位英语考试题库-大学英语1卷-答案】英语1卷答案及评分标准--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------part i listening (共35分)section a: word recognition(每小题0.5分,共5分) 1-5ababb6-10 abbbasection b: listening strategy(每小题1分,共10分)11. expensive 12. club13. grammar 14. 1506 15. math16. confused 17. canada18. unbelievable 19. quality20. chatting section c: long conversations(每小题1分,共10分)conversation 1 21-25 accbaconversation 2 26-30 t f t t fsection d: spot dictation(每空1分,共10分) 31. operate 32. downtown 33. available 35. various36. designed 37. local 39. ride 40. tip 38. generally34. purchasingpart ii vocabulary(共15分)section a: multiple choice(每小题0.5分,共10分)41-45 cccba46-50 cbdda 51-55 adbca56-60 bcbab section b: banked cloze(每小题0.5分,共5分) 61-65 g b j h d66-70c a i e fpart iii reading comprehension(共30分)section a: timed reading(每小题1分,共10分) 71-75 cdaca 76-80 bccdbsection b: reading in depth(每小题2分,共20分) 81-85 dccac 86-90 abaabpart iv translation(每小题1分,共10分)91. 合理使用电脑软件92. 把握所学的运用于实践 93. 经指导找到合适的职业 94. 购买前往夏威夷的打折机票 95. 满怀新的勇气和决心 96. 照顾患病的孩子97. 一种激励学生的方式 98. 社会各个阶层的人们 99. 20到25岁之间的年轻人 100. 说服他们寻求治疗part v writing(共10分)略。

)2010-2011年第一学期大学英语(1)期末考试说明一、考试范围:《大学英语(1)》Lesson 1-10。
教材版本:《大学英语(一)》谢毅斌主编 2008年4月第一版。
二、考试题型:I. 单项选择题(Structure & Vocabulary)Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (每题1分,共50题)II. 辨错题Error Identification: Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. (每题1.5分,共10题)III. 完型填空Directions: For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. (每题1.5分,共10题)IV. 阅读理解Directions: Each passage is followed by ten statements. Please decide whether the statements are true or false. (每题2分,共10题)三、出题比例:课内占70%,课外30%。

2021 年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语一真题及答案Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A,B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when makingindividual decisions. At first glance this might seem like a strength that 1the ability to makejudgments which are unbiased by2factors. But Dr. Uri Simonsohn speculated that aninability to consider the big3was leading decision-makers to be biased by the dailysamles of information they were working with. 4 , he theorised that a judge 5 ofapperaring too soft 6 crime might be more likely to send someone to prison7 he hadalready sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day。
To 8 this idea, he turned to the university-admissions process. In theory, the9 of an applicant should not depend on the few others10randomly for interview during the sameday, but Dr. Simonsoho suspected the truth was11。

《大学英语1》复习题及答案一Translate the following Chinese into English:1. 我不知道怎么去市中心。
I don’t know how to get to the city center.2. 你工作越努力,收获就越大。
The harder you work, the more you will get.3. 她一到,我们就可以开始。
Once she arrives, we can start.4. 她在巴黎时学会了法语。
She picked up French when she stayed in Paris.5. 众人患难,无须犯愁。
The troubles of many are half a comfort6. 你现在准备得越充分,在考试中就越有信心。
The more preparations you make now, the more confidence you will have in the exam.7. 他的工作与动物有关。
His work has something to do with animals.8. 从她的口音判断,她一定是个北方人。
Judging by her accent, she must be from the North.9. 如果你们要她来,就事先通知她。
If you need her to come, inform her in advance.二Translate the following English into Chinese:1. A man should be judged by his deeds, not his words.判断一个人应根据他的行动,而不是他的言词。
2. The study of words is not merely something that has to do with literature.词汇学习不单单与文学有关。

1. Fortunately, the pilot survived the plane crash.2. He indicated the location of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map.3. Won’t you reconsider your decision to leave the club?4. The war interrupted the trade between the two countries.5. This is the original painting, and the others are copies.6. The witness stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith before.7. China is rich in natural resources .8. Beethoven didn’t give up on himself though his hearing began to weaken when he was 29.9. After a long journey, she felt weary and was eager to go back home.10. Tom failed to turn in his term paper on time, though he works very hard.1. The rescue workers were oblidged to cut off her leg before saving her out of the colapsed building.2. Tom’s parents pride themselves on their son as the greatest Olympic gold medal winner.3. The little girl is quite at ease in public.4. They did have a hard time when surrounded by the enemy for more than three months.5. The house is still in tiptop condition.6. In the heavy rain, the travelers were jolting along the muddy country road.7. Don’t worry. Mary will be as good as her word.8. The landlord wouldn’t let us keep a pet and threatened to raise the rent.9. Did you find your lodging for tonight?10. There was nobody but a few rough-looking countrymen drinking in the bar.1.In most colleges top students are qualified to apply for _scholarships to cover the tuition and living expenses.2. I was wondering when it would be possible for me to be _notified_of the job interview result.3. I’m calling in response to your want ad in New York Times dated July 24th.4. Be sure to send your job application before the deadline accompanied by three references .5. Did you say that you can’t type a letter for lack of _word-processing_ skills?6.Do you have a second or back-up plan if the first plan_falls through_?7. The three-year-old child managed to pull up a chair for his grandpa to sit on after a long trip.8. Do you really mean to cancel your holiday plan to save the money for a new car?9. You should have known that there wouldn’t be any tickets available_ for late arrivals.10.The manager assistant was speechless when the manager decided to send her to supervise a project in the northern part of the country.1. She listened to him sympathetically when he was telling his sad story.2. The bird flu drug has been rendered useless. The drug will no longer protect people in case of a worldwide bird flu epidemic.3. Don’t go and break this fragile heart. His hurting mind is in need of emotion.4. The number of pets abandoned by their owners in recent months has risen by 70% since the economic woes started.5. Towns and villages should be adapted to cope with the increasing number of floods.6. Grandma was in fine condition both physically and mentally after spending two months in the countryside.7. Regular exercise can not only make your mind and body stronger but also help rid you of the frustration that occurs at work.8. I am going to take a temporary job for the summer vocation.9. It is very dangerous to cling to outdated ideas and theories.10. Nowadays, people rely too much on computers to solve problems.A. Put the following sentences from the text into Chinese.Pay special attention to the italicized expressions.1. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.他把住宅借给我举办募款活动,为问题青少年项目筹备基金。
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Going to CollegeThere are things you’ve never dealt with before: living away from home, dealing with roommates, washing your own clothes…, but with a little preparation, you can build enough confidence to tackle any stress that comes your way.Living away from home tends to be the toughest adjustment for first-year students. You’ve had a job description that clearly tells you your role within your family all your life. Whichever role you fulfilled at home, when you’re gone, you’re not sure w here you fit in. It may seem like your family is doing fine without you, and you may feel sad about these changes.You may also feel homesick in your first weeks and months. The first thing you should know is that homesickness is very common. In fact, just about everyone experiences it at some point in his or her life. But you still may feel lonely or left out.Some students turn to alcohol, heavy partying, excessive sleep or smoking to deal with these sorts of problems. However, too much partying can result in a lot more problems and can seriously interfere with your ability to keep up with all your assignments, papers and exams, and that will only make matters worse.Try to identify your feelings and fears, and talk about what you’re going through. The sooner you deal with these issues, the sooner you’ll feel better. If you are homesick, it can help to call, write, or e-mail your parents, other family members, and friends from home to let them know how you’re doing and to tell them you miss them.Try to identify your feelings and fears, and talk about what you’re going through. The sooner you deal with these issues, the sooner you’ll feel better. If you are homesick, it can help to call, write, or e-mail your parents, other family members, and friends from home to let them know how you’re doing and to tell them you miss them.Who else can you talk to? First of all, that person sharing the dorm room with you. Roommates are great built-in buddies, and as first-year students themselves, they’re probably experiencing many of the same fears and worries that you’re dealing with.But what if you don’t get along with your roommateYour roommate might be as unlike you as the cafeteria’s mystery meat is from your mom’s pot roast.In some cases, that’s a good thing; opposites sometimes attract. And a different point of view may be what you need. But if you just don’t get along, there’s no reason to be mad. You’ll still have to spend the year together, so try to respect your differences.It can help to find someone you do feel understands you. On a campus with plenty of people of your age, chances are great you’ll find someone to talk to. And if you can’t wait for that, make a stop at the school counseling center. All universities have one, and first-year fears are something the counselors know well.上大学有些事情是你从未处理过的:独立生活、与室友相处、自己动手洗衣服等等。
1. Nobody can answer that question with complete_confidence atthis time。
2.I don’t want to eat here any longer: the food is bad but the priceis _excessive__3. Since we have identified the problem, now the question arises of how to overcome it.4. Without them you will not be able to fulfill__the tasks you have before you.5. In seniors’ groups there are more women than men because men_tend___ to die younger.6. They are not likely to __turn to_private sources for moneyat higher rates of interest.7. It is reported that eating too much often __results in__ sickness. 8. No matter who wins the election, he is going to have a(n)__tough___job to getmorepeopleemployed.9. We went to him for some advice on how to __tackle__the problem of air pollution.10.John loves Mary very much and is willing to _go through__fire and water for her.。