

大学英语综合教程3Unit1课后答案 PPT

大学英语综合教程3Unit1课后答案 PPT
12.Why did the writer and his family choose to live in the country? Have they finally realized their dream? They choose to live in the country because they want to improve the quality of their lives. They have finally realized their dream.
3.The countryside also promises escape from the pollution of the city, somewhere to get some decent air to breathe far away from the smog.
4.From what we have heard we can see that the song is related to the theme of this unit – changes in the way we lives.
8.Insurance is important to an American family. How do the Dohertys cope with this problem? As for insurance, they have only bought a poor man’s majormedical insurance policy and the policy on their two cars.
9.How do the writer and his family manage to live on a comparatively low income in the country? They cut back their expenses without appreciably lowering their standards of living. For example: they patronize local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city. They still attend the opera and ballet but only a few times a year. They eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies.


2) be good enough but not very good
• Your work will get by, but try to improve it. 译:他买不起一件新大衣,但他可以穿旧大衣将就着过冬。 He can’t afford a new coat, but he can get by with his old one. 你的作文写得还行,但是你要注意一些拼写错误。 Your writing will get by, but pay more attention to the spelling mistakes.
effort, etc • It was a terrible journey but we finally made it.
3) to attend sth. • I am afraid I won’t be able to make it to your party
next week.
译:火车还有一刻钟就出发了,我们怎么也赶不上了。 你们都是聪明学生,你们可以学好英语,你们一定行!
He does odd jobs to supplement his family income. 6. freelance: n/ adj. /v/ adv a self-employed person, esp a writer or
artist, who is not employed continuously but hired to do specific assignments • She works freelance so she does not have a regular income . • The idea came from a freelance designer. 译:他厌倦了在办公室给老板打工,决定自己干。

综合教程3 UNIT 1BPPT教学课件

综合教程3 UNIT 1BPPT教学课件

turn up v. appear
❖ He's still hoping something (eg a job or a piece of good luck) will turn up.
❖ We invited her to dinner but she didn't even bother to turn up.
❖ 我父亲使我明白了努力工作的重要性。
❖ She impressed me as a scholar. ❖ 她给我留下了学者的印象。
❖ impress on给 ... 深刻印象, 使铭记, 使感 动
❖ The manager impressed on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records.
❖ 在期末联欢会上,学生惟妙惟肖地模仿起了教师
❖ impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的 ❖ His collection of paintings is the most
impressive. ❖ 他的绘画收藏令人叹为观止 ❖ impressionable adj. 易受影响的 ❖ The child is at an impressionable age. ❖ 这孩子正处于易受影响的年龄。
❖ The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.
❖ 美国的国会相当於英国的议会。
❖ I want a pen pal to correspond with. ❖ 我想要一个通信的笔友。


大学英语综合 教程第三册 unit1
Background Information
What do you think of country life? City life or country life ,which do you prefer?
Text Organization
The writer viewsself-reliant and satisfying one
Life in the country side is good yet sometimes hard After quiting his job, the writer's income was reduced, but he and his family were able to get by. A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the country.
fruits and vegetables. Our hens keep us in eggs, with
several dozen left over to sell each week. Our bees provide us with honey, and we cut enough wood to just about make it through the heating season. make it:succeed With the wood they cut, their family can succeed in getting through the cold winter.


• back-burner stuff (compound adjective) • standing at the corner of the Co-op (compound noun) • a sepia-coloured relative that no one can put a name to
Language in Use 1 Find more examples of each use of hyphens in the passage
We are all dying. 2 Rewrite the phrases using compound adjectives 3 Rewrite the sentences using It’s what / how … that … 4 Rewrite the sentences using It is / was not just that … but … 5 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions. 6 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese. 7 Translate the paragraphs into English.
It’s just what we do with our time, how we invest it, that ines where our lives may lead.
Language in Use
Rewrite the sentences using It’s what / how … that … 1 What other people think of us is determined by how we



Improve students' ability to communicate effectively in English.
Foster students' critical thinking and analytical skills.
Course outline
Unit 2
The Diversity of Culture
Analysis of the Key Points and Difficulties
in Unit 1 Learning
Learning focus
• Vocabulary and Grammar: This unit emphasizes the importance of vocabulary expansion and grammar comprehension. Students are expected to learn and understand a range of new words and phrases, as well as complex sentence structures.
The textbooks are designed to integrate seamlessly with digital teaching resources and platforms, providing teachers with a wide range of tools and resources.
To develop students' understanding of globalization and its effects, as well as their ability to analyze and evaluate complex issues related to globalization.

大学英语全新版综合教程ppt课件 Book3 Unit1-8

大学英语全新版综合教程ppt课件 Book3 Unit1-8

7.spray v: to make a stream of small drops of liquid come out of a small tube or several small holes ★spray sb. with sth. spray sth. on/ over sth. eg:她把香水喷在身上. n: liquid which is forced out of a special container in a very small drops eg: hair spray( spray which you put on you hair to keep it tidy) insect spray(spray used for killing insects)
6. supplement: v: to add sth., especially to what you earn or eat , in order to increase it to an acceptable level ★supplement by/ with n: ①sth. that you add to sth. else to sth. improve it or make it complete ②an additional part at the end of a book, or a separate part of a newsthe supplement to (of×) the book
Text A
Questions 1)why do so many migrant workers move from the country to the city? 2)why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs, even in the countryside? 3)In your opinion, which is better, living in the country or city?



Unit 1: Changes in the way we live
• • • • • •
Brain Storming
Better education Better health care Higher living standard Stunning entertainment Convenient transportation More working opportunities
• • • • • • Low income Underdeveloped Remote & backward Hard manual labor Inconvenience in life Not well-informed of the outside world
Pre-reading Tasks
• • • • • • • Noise Air pollution Heavy traffic Overpopulation High crime rate/ divorce rate Fierce competition and stress Indifference in interpersonal relationship
Unit 1: Changes in the way we live
Brain Storming
City Life vs. Country Life
The glamour of cities:
The Brooklyn The Ferris Colosseum Bridge/ The Eiffel Tower/ New CCTV Wheel (The Statue of (罗马古竞技 Arc de Building London Eye) Liber现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责

综合教程 第三册 第一单元ppt 上课课件

综合教程 第三册 第一单元ppt 上课课件

Text I structure analysis
What kind of writing? How many episodes/ incidents? How many parts?
Text I structure analysis

Para 1. introduction The uneasiness with her identity as a freshman
Unit 1 Fresh Start
Book III
Unit 1
1. pre-reading questions 2. structure analysis 3. language points 4. vocabulary exercises 5. translation exercises 6. text II
Text I structure analysis
6 After class I decided my stomach (as well as my ego) needed a little nourishment, and I hurried to the cafeteria. 7 In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one had noticed. 8 For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room.
Text I structure analysis



In the way we work (Para.7-10)
In the past
At present
Father worked and mother stayed at home until at least the children went to school
Most mothers go to work
现代生活的某些现实无法改变。其一是大多数家庭需要 父母两个人的工资收入。其二是许多人必须得去较远处 上班或上学。可是,非得为此改变一切吗?我们非得在 这一过程中丧失原有的家庭erican Family Life: The Changing Picture
➢ Say something about today’s Chinese family life (with supporting Pictures)
➢ Say something about the old-fashioned Chinese family life in your memory
➢ Which do you prefer? Would you like to go back to the old days?
While reading
Organization of the text
An image of typical old-fashioned American family life (Para.2-4)
Not today’s American family life. A. F. L. has
changed (Para.5-6)
In the way we work (Para.7-10)
In the way we eat (Para.11-14)


I shouldn’t have worried. After the first week, Stevie had my staff wrapp finger. Within a month my trucker regulars had adopted him as their officia After that I really didn’t care what the rest of the customers thought. 我的担心是多余的。第一周过后,史蒂维就抓住了我每位员工的心。不足一个月, 机们就正式认定史蒂维为卡车司机休息站的吉祥人物。自此以后,我不再介意其他
The author was worried about hirin because he was mentally handicap the author wasn’t sure how some fault-finding customers would reac
The author’s worries vanished when he found that Ste pleasing, hardworking and very attentive, and conseque popular with the author’s staff and regular customers.
Thank you
Parts.4-10: Would i not want a driver to do the same if my mother or father had called for a cab?
Paras.16-20: I respect the old lady's wishes and drive through the city centre.Passing through s old houses, she told me that she was wo or living.

综合英语3 (第二版)unit 1教学PPT

综合英语3 (第二版)unit 1教学PPT

9 I made my way through the food line and tiptoed to a table, where I collapsed in relief.安心坐下 Suddenly I heard a crash that sounded vaguely familiar. I looked up to see that another poor soul had met the fate that I’d thought was reserved for only me. I was even more surprised when I saw who the poor soul was: the very composed, very upper class football player I’d seen just days before (though he didn’t look quite so composed wearing spaghetti on the front of his shirt). My heart went out to him as people began to cheer and clap as they had for me. He got up, hands held high above his head in a victory clasp, grinning from ear to ear. I expected him to slink out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned around and began preparing another tray. And that’s when I realized I had been taking myself far too seriously.

综合英语教程 3- Unit 01 课件

综合英语教程 3- Unit 01 课件

be hungry for be fond of be devoted to be thirsty for care for have a great/strong/
huge crush on someone a young girl’s crush on someone
Book 3-Unit 1
one’s age look old/young elderly middle-aged in one’s thirties/
forties/fifties…, teenage adolescent
in the springtime
of life
fslike hate be indifferent to don’t care for be disgusted with be uninterested in
Book 3-Unit 1
look like somebody resemble take after
somebody have someone’s
eyes/nose/hair… remind someone of
someone else
be similar to bear a resemblance
Book 3-Unit 1
Negative adjectives:
arrogant dishonest difficult narrow-minded boring loathsome unpleasant selfish rude cowardly self-loving
cocky boastful vain greedy prejudiced cruel patronizing mean pretentious jealous hostile self-admiring
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I. Lead-in Activities II. Text Organization III. Text Analysis IV. Writing Styles
Lead-in Activities
1. Why do so many people leave rural areas to urban cities in China?
weeding strawberries,
killing chickens,
retiling the back roof,
making improvements on the outdoor toilet,
spraying the orchard,
painting the barn,
planting the garden,
vt. add to sth. in order to improve it (followed by with)
• The college student supplemented his ordinary income by writing some essays.
• The doctor suggested supplementing my diet with vitamins E and A.
2. Why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs, even in the countryside?
3. Why are tourists willing to pay to spend a day in a farmer’s house and enjoy their food?
4. In some developed countries like USA and Britain,why do people usually move from cities to the countryside?”
5. What kind of life do you prefer?Why?
Para 5 Q: What does the writer do in between the chores mentioned
above? A: He manages to spend 50 to 60 hours at the typewriter or
doing reporting for the freelance articles.
合着渡日 • It is a bit hard for the old couple to get
by on a small amount of money. • I can't get by on such a small income. • 靠这么微薄的收入我无法过活。
• * 过得去
• My work got by.我的工作勉强过得去。
Part Two 4-7
Part Four 12-15
Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard.
After quitting his job, the writer’s income was reduced, but he and his family can manage to get by.
• Eg. “I am not a super smart guy” as put forward by Jack Ma, founder and CEO of Alibaba, “but I believed I can make it.”
Para 3 Q: Why is this kind of life satisfying? A: (See Para. 4)
and tough. Good: a self-reliant and satisfying life. Tough: full of chores and hardships, less income, fewer luxuries
Part Three (Paras 12-15) Reflections on the author’s country life Tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made it
• * follow esp. in order to catch, kill, or defeat
• The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.
vt. make into a pile
• Once the last few people had left the hall, the caretakers began stacking the chairs.
Para 6
Q: Why is the author’s first winter in the country unforgettable?
A: Though buried in deep snow, they kept warm inside burning their own wood, eating their own apples and loving every minute of it. (A tough but happy life)
A: Three Parts? Four Parts?
Three Parts?
Part One (Para. 1) A general introduction The author realizes his dream of writing and living on a farm.
Part Two (Paras. 2-11) Goodness and toughness of country life Life of farming and writing in the country can be both good
New College English Integrated Course 3
Unit 1: The Changes in the Way We Live
Text A: Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life
Outline of Classroom Instruction
possible for the family to live a happy life in the country.
Four Parts?
Parts Paragraphs
Main Ideas
Байду номын сангаас
Part One 1-3
The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant and satisfying one.
vt. force out liquid in small drops upon (followed by with)
• Mr smith used to spray the flowers
with water in the afternoon.
• I’ll have to spray the roses with insecticide to get rid of the greenfly(蚜虫).
wicked :
adj. evil or bad
• That was wicked of him. • I have such a wicked toothache.
• The sentence means that you must continue with your work or other activity that you should be doing, not rest.
Drag: 施力者在地面或表面上缓慢而沉重地把东西拖过一段距离,常使 人想到主动或被动的阻力。
• You might drag a heavy box across the ground if you couldn’t lift it.
Pull: • 朝任何方向移动,一般后接副词或副词词组表示移动方向。 • They pulled hard but the rock remained immovable
Para 5
in between
• We had two lessons this morning, but there was some free time in between.
vt.strive to gain or accomplish
• He is pursuing his studies at the university.
Q: What does his wife do meanwhile? A: His wife pursues her own demanding schedule. (Please underline the relevant phrases and try to translate them.)
Living in the country vs.
Living in the city
• Which do you prefer?
• Which does the author prefer?
Text Organization
Q: How many parts can the text be divided into?
Para 4
Q: How tough is the good countryside life ?
A: Bad weather (30 below and 95 above),