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•营销,财务/会计, •Performance
•Chapter 8 •第八章
•Chapter 9
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
Implementing Strategies 战略实施
“There is no “perfect” strategic decision. One always has to balance conflicting objectives, conflicting opinions, and conflicting priorities. The best strategic decision is an approximation—and a risk.”
在新的收购案中付出过多 • Falling behind competition in R&D
在研究开发的竞争中落后 • Not recognizing benefit of ITS in managing information
未能认识到信息技术系统对管பைடு நூலகம்信息的作用 • Anything else?
implementation? 所以要使实施最大程度地取得成功,我们应该学习些什么
? Question: How would you rate your business in terms of
successful strategy implementation? 问题:在成功实施战略方面,你怎么评价你所在的企业?
➢ Product, place, promotion, and price 产品,渠道,促销,价格
Market Segmentation

Characteristics & needs of consumers

Consumer similarities and differences
Used in strategy implementation 在战略实施中运用
• Particularly useful in small and specialized firms 对小型企业及专业化企业尤为有效
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Marketing Issues 市场营销问题
Market Segmentation 市场细分
• Product Positioning
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Marketing Issues 市场营销问题
Current Issues: 现有问题:
• Marketing via the Internet 透过互联网进行营销
• Consumer “profiling” 确认消费者“特征”
Important because: 重要,是因为
• Market and product development, market penetration, and diversification, all call for new markets or products
•Chapter 2 •第二章
•Long Term •Objectives •建立长期目标
•Chapter 5 •第五章
•Internal •Audit
•Chapter 4 •第四章
•Generate, •Evaluate,
•Select •Strategies •制定,评价 •及选择战略 •Chapter 6
Financial Budgets 财务预算
Limitations: 局限:
• Can be too detailed; cumbersome and expensive 可能太详细,太繁琐和太费钱
• Can be a substitute for objectives 可能成为目标的替代品
• Can hide inefficiencies 可能隐藏了低效率
• Figures can lie! (Recent worldwide scandals) 数字也会“撒谎”!(最近世界范围内的丑闻)
• Can be used as control instrument rather than to encourage strategic thinking and practice 可能会成为一个控制的工具而不是去鼓励战略性思维和实践
复习MBA课程中财务、会计和经济学中与战略管理的相关 的部分
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Finance/Accounting 财务/会计
Financial Budgets as strategies 财务预算也是战略
Types of Budgets:
– Capital budgets 资本预算
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Marketing Issues 市场营销问题
Market Segmentation

Firm can operate with limited resources.

Segmentation decisions directly affect marketing mix variables:
• Share 1 learning with the class 与全班分享以上的结果
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Finance/Accounting 财务/会计
Homework Task: 家庭作业:
Review MBA units on Finance, Accounting & Economics for their relevance to Strategic Management
– Expense budgets 费用预算
– Divisional budgets 部门/分公司的预算
– Variable budgets 可变预算
• Flexible budgets 灵活预算
• Fixed budgets
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Finance/Accounting 财务/会计
“没有“尽善尽美”的战略决策。人们总是要在相互矛盾的目 标、观点及重点之间进行平衡。最佳的战略决策只能是 近似合理的,而且总是带有风险的。“
—Peter Drucker— -彼得 杜拉克-
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Implementing Strategies 战略实施
“As market windows open and close more quickly, it is important that R&D be tied ever more closely to corporate strategy.”
”当市场之窗的开闭速度变得更快,将研发 同企业战略比以前更紧密地联系到一起就 显得尤为重要。“
—William Spenser— -威廉 斯宾塞-
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Implementing Strategies 战略实施
“Most of the time, strategists should not be formulating strategy but rather implementing strategies they already have.”
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Comprehensive Strategic Management Model
•External •Audit
•Chapter 3 •第三章
•Vision •&
• Mission • Statements •制定愿景和使命陈述
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Exercise 2 练习 2
• Is your business positioning itself in its markets? 你所在的公司有自己的市场定位吗?
• What would you recommend for more effective positioning? Discuss in your group 与小组的成员讨论,你会提供什么建议使公司的定位 更加有效。
• Avoid suboptimization 避免在各分市场间骑墙
• Don’t serve two segments with same strategy. 不要在两个细分市场中使用同样的战略
• Don’t position firm in the middle of the map. • 不要把公司定位在产品定位图的中间

Consumer group profiles
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Marketing Issues 市场营销问题
Market Segmentation 市场细分
Based on: 基于: • Geographic variables
地域差异 • Demographic variables
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Finance/Accounting 财务/会计
Business Valuation as Strategy 评估企业价值也是战略
Main approaches: 主要方法:
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Implementing Strategies 战略实施
Major problems: 主要问题 • Failing to segment markets appropriately
未能恰当地细分市场 • Paying too much for a new acquisition
• Analyse & share with the group, & then present main learnings to the class 请进行分析并小组讨论,然后和全班分享主要 心得。
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
Marketing Issues 市场营销问题
Market Segmentation 市场细分
”战略制定者的绝大多数时间不应该花费在制定战 略上,而应该花费在实施既定战略上。“
—Henry Mintzberg— -亨利 明茨伯格-
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Implementing Strategies 战略实施
10% of strategies are successfully implemented! 10%的战略是能成功实施的! So what can we learn about maximising successful
•Implement •Strategies: •Management
•Issues •战略的实施的
•管理问题 •Chapter 7
•Measure &
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Exercise 1 练习1
• What is your business doing about marketing in terms of the 4 Ps (product, price, promotion, place) 你所在的企业在营销的4P(产品,价格,促销 和渠道)方面是怎么做的?
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Marketing Issues 市场营销问题
Two Variables of Central Importance to Strategy Implementation:
• Market Segmentation 市场细分
人口差异 • Behavioral variables
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Marketing Issues 市场营销问题
Product Positioning as a Strategy Implementation Tool 产品定位作为战略实施的一个工具
• Look for “vacant niches.” 寻找“尚未开发的缝隙市场”