语言对比与翻译 物称与人称(9)
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3)The happiness---the superior advantages of the young women round about her, gave Rebecca inexpressible pangs of envy. (W. Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 丽贝卡看见她周围的小姐那么福气,享受种种优越 的权利,却有说不出的眼红。 4)The forty years, 1840-1880, brought almost ten million migrants to America. (P. Bromhead: Life in Modern America) 从1840至1880这四十年中,近一千万移民移居美国。 5)My good fortune has sent you to me, and we will never part. (H. Andersen: The Little Mermaid) 我很幸运,能够得到你,让我们永不分离吧。
(1)用抽象名词或无生命的事物名称做主语,谓语则是用 表示人的动作或行为的动词,如see, find, bring, give, escape, kill, deprive, seize, send, know, tell, permit, invite, take, drive, prevent…from等(称为有灵动词), 这种句式常带有隐喻或拟人的修辞色彩,语气含蓄,反映 了英美民族的幽默感。(英汉转换时一般人称代物称) 例如: 1)Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. 我兴奋得什么话也说不出来。 2)The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. (Joseph: English 3200) 我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没有。
• G. Leech和J. Svartvik(1974)指出: “Formal written language often goes with an impersonal style, i.e. one in which the speaker does not refer directly to himself or his readers, but avoids the pronouns I, you, we. Some of the common features of impersonal language are passives, sentences beginning with introductory it, and abstract nouns.”
6)No city on American soil had known such destruction. (H. Wouk) 在美国国土上,没有一座城市曾经遭受过如此严重 的破坏。 7)Friday started with a morning visit to the modern campus of the 22 000-student University of Michigan in nearby Ann Arbor, where the Chinese table tennis team joined students in the cafeteria line for lunch and later played an exhibition match. (China ·US ·Table Tennis) 星期五那天,中国乒乓球队一早就到安阿伯附近去 参观拥有两万两千名学生的密执安大学现代化校 园。他们和该校学生在校内自助餐厅排队取午餐, 然后举行了一场表演赛。
• Summery: • 英语用抽象名词而不用人称作主语的句子, 运用得当,可获得很好的修辞和表达效果, 读起来更有英语语感和“洋味”。 • 英译汉时,常要转换非人称主语为人称主 语或其他主语,这几乎是一条实用而有效 的原则。此外,还要采用其他的一些技巧, 例如:
①转换非人称主语,把英语的简单句拆成汉语的复 合句。 1)A very little encouragement would set that worldly woman to talk volubly, and pour out all within her. (Vanity Fair) 这老于世故的女人,只要人家稍微助她的兴,她便 马上滔滔不绝地把一肚子的话一股脑儿倒出来。 2)The sight of a tailor-shop gave me a sharp longing to shed my rags, and to clothe myself decently once more. (Mark Twain: The Million Pound Note) 我一看到一家服装店,心里就起了一阵强烈的愿望, 很想扔掉这身褴褛的衣服,重新穿的像个样子。
• 过分使用非人称表达法,会使文章显得“abstract and official”,甚至“cold and inhuman”。 • 上例如多用人称表达,则可显得不那么正式,也 较有“人情味” • The number of books in the library has been going down. Please make sure you know the rules for borrowing, and don’t forget that the library is for everyone’s convenience. So from now on, we’re going to enforce the rules strictly. You have been warned.
• 汉语中也存在“无灵主语”+“有灵动词”的搭配, 通常作为修辞手段:隐喻、拟人化。 • 无灵主语,即抽象名词、时间地点或事物名称做 主语。 • 例如: 1)北京目睹过许多伟大的历史事件。 Beijing has witnessed many great historical events. 2)星光很早以前就踏上了旅途。 The light from the stars started on its journey long long ago.
• 试比较: 1)Impersonal: It was noted that this office did not reply to the letter of July 22. Please be advised that apologies are hereby tendered. Human: We sincerely apologize for not replying to your July 22 letter. 2)Impersonal: Applicants for these positions must fill forms by August 1. Human: Please apply by August1. 3) Impersonal: The enclosed form from the accounting department has been sent for your signature. Human: Please sign the enclosed form.
3)A strange peace came over her when she was alone. 她独处时便感到一种特殊的安宁。 4)Not a sound reached our ears. (A. S. Hornby) 我们没有听到任何声音。 5)A great elation overcame them. 他们欣喜若狂。 6)Alarm began to take entire possession of him. (W. Thackeray) 他开始变得惊恐万状。 7)A must for all visitors to Detroit is a visit to an automobile factory. 凡是到底特律来的客人,一定会去参观汽车工厂。
• 以图书馆的一则通告为例:
It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly. Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules for the borrowing and return of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students. Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced. 近来已注意到本馆存书惊人地减少,此事令人关切。 现要求学生不要忘记借书还书规则,并考虑其他 学生的需要。今后凡借书逾期不还者,必将严格 按章处罚。
总之,汉语重人称,英语重物称,主要表现 在如何使用主语和动词上。
1.英语常用非人称主语,汉语常用人称主语 英语可用人称主语,也常用非人称主语表达。用后 者表达时,常注重“什么事发生在什么人身上”。 汉语则较常用人称主语表达,较注重“什么人怎么 样了”。如: 1)What has happened to you? 你出了什么事啦? 2)An idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到了一个主意。
物称与人称 Impersonal vs Personal
物体与人称 Impersonal vs Personal
• General introduction: 一.英语较常使用物称表达法, 即不用人称主语来叙述,而是表达客观事物 如何作用于人的感知,让事物以客观的口 气呈现出来,有些英语写作论著称之为: “the writer and the reader are out of the picture, hiding themselves behind impersonal language.”
• 尽管如此,非人称表达法仍是英语常见的 一种文风,尤其常见于书面语,如公文、 新闻、科技论著以及散文、小说等文学作 品。 • 英语非人称表达法的优点: 使叙述显得客观、冷静,结构趋于严密、紧 凑,语气较为委婉、间接。
二、汉语常用人称表达法 汉语较注重主体思维,该思维模式以“万物 皆备于我”作主导,往往从自我出发来叙 述客观事物,或倾向于描述人及其行为或 状态。当人称可以不言自喻时,常隐含人 称或省略人称。
• 以上为英译汉。汉译英时,用“物称”代替“人称”常是 一种有效的手段。 • 例如: 1)恕我孤陋寡闻,对此关系一无所知。 My total ignorance of the connection must plead my apology 2)近来忙于其他事务,未能早些负信,深感抱歉。 I am very sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from sending an earlier reply to your letter. 3)凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,我却受之有愧。 My conscience told me that I deserved no extraordinary politeness. 4)我怎么也想不起你的名字。 Your name obstinately escapes me.