广告翻译修辞 方法 举例11-38页精选文档

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

夸张(hyperbole) Citibank 银行广告--A word to wealth 一言致富
对偶(antithesis) Budget 出租车:Big thrills. Small bills 大刺激,小花费
Methods of Translation
直译法(Literal Translation) 直译,就是在翻译过程中,把句子视为翻译的 基本单位,同时考虑语篇和语境的制约,保留 原文句子结构和修辞,努力再现原文的形式、 内容和风格(同上),也就是把原文的语法结 构转换为译文语言中最接近的对应结构,词汇 做到一一对应。
The structural characteristics and rhetoric in advertisieng
Sentences should be short, simple powerful,impressive.
Use appropriately Simile, metaphor, personification, pun, alliteration, etc, All sorts of figure with concise and vivid humorous.
直译法举例: 例1:眉笔广告
Our eyebrow pencils are as soft as petals 眉笔像花瓣一样柔和。 例2:Challenge the limits.(SUMSUNG) 挑战极限。 例3:Unlike me,my Rolex never needs a rest.(劳力克斯手表) 与我不同,劳力克斯从不需要休息。
In China, much of the documentation, brochures and suchlike created by producers or providers, is written in a very polite way with long and flowery descriptions. In the West the same is brief and to the point. The western audience simply will not read long glowing descriptions of your product, and are not impressed by elaborate descriptions, extravagant claims, or of the awards that have been won from agencies that are unknown outside China.
增补型翻译(Supplementary Translation)
这一类翻译指译者在翻译过程中,出于一定的目的, 适当增加了译文的内容。包括两种情况,其一是对原 文某些关键词的词义进行挖掘、引申和扩充,将原文 的深层意思加以发挥或使其隐含意思凸现,所以译文 的意义明显超出原文,是典型的超额翻译。其二是出 于中文习惯上的考虑,比如汉语里的四字成语,言简 意赅、寓意深刻、内涵丰富,所以在广告用语中常常 会看到对仗工整的成语
下面主要阐述英语广告中常用的修辞手段及翻译 。常用修辞手法有:
明喻 (simile)、隐喻(metaphor)、拟 人(personification)、 双关(pun)、押韵(rhyme) 设问(rhetorical question)等。
隐喻(metaphor) 瑞士EBEL的手表广告“EBEL, the architects of time.” EBEL手表,时间的缔造者 推销酒的广告
押韵(rhyme) 饮料广告“Flash. Dash. Classic
splash.”--尾韵 闪光、炫耀、经典的飞溅 Pepsodent 牙膏广告 “Wonder where the yellow went.”--
头韵 黄斑牙到哪里去了?
Hi-fi Hi-fun Hi-fashion only from Sony.(高保真,高乐趣,高时尚 ,只来自索尼。)(索尼音响的广告)
套译法就是套用现成的英语或汉语中的 成语或俗语或典故来翻译广告,易学易 记,给人留下深刻的印象。
套译法举例 A Mars a day keeps you work,
rest and play.(Mars chocolate) 一天一块玛斯巧克力,让您工作像工作,娱
乐像娱乐。 (这条广告让人联想起两条非常熟悉的成语
It’s a moment you planned for. Reached for.
Struggled for. A long-awaited moment of
success. Omega, for this and all your significant
moments. 这是你计划的时刻,期望的时刻,争取的时刻,长
久等待的成功时刻。欧米茄,记下此刻,和所有重要 时刻。(使用省略句)
Catch that Pepsi spirit. Drink it in. 喝百事饮料,感受百事精神!(使用祈使句)
Characteristic of rhetoric
英语广告中,广告撰稿人为了生动有趣地宣传商 品的特征,形象逼真地描述消费者使用商品后的 感受,常常运用多种修辞手段,以增强语言的表 达效果,加强消费者对商品的印象,最终达到商
意译法(Free Translation)
如果用直译法处理,译文不忠于原文,或不能 为目标读者所接受,在这样的情况下,译者不 得不舍弃或改变原文的形式或修辞,使用目的 语的习惯表达法,或运用读者易懂的切合原文 意思的词语,并选用恰当句式来传达原文的涵 义和精神,通常取原文内容而舍其形式,容许 译者有一定的创造性,但原文的基本信息应该 保留
例如: Coca—Cola is it. 还是可口可乐好!(使用简短句)
Introducing FITNESS magazine. It’s about health, it’s about exercise, it’s about your image,
your energy, and your outlook. 向你推荐《健康》杂志:说健康,说锻炼,说形象
创译法(Creative Translation)
创译指有一定创造性的翻译,但不是纯粹的创 作。创译要求译者有丰富的知识、大胆的想象 和拓展性的思维方式,译者不局限于字面意思 ,善于挖掘深层涵义,同时大胆地加入其个人 创造。.
例1:Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚)
“Sophisticated, sweet-to-drink Pink Lady.” 高级、 可口的粉红佳人
比喻(analogy):Featherwater:light as a feather.(法泽瓦特眼镜:轻如鸿毛。)
拟人(personification) 花卉公司的广告
“Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart.”
例2:A great way to fly. 新加坡航空,飞越万里,超越一切。(新加坡航空
) 例3:Quality Services for Quality Life.
(康乐及文化事务署) 凝聚新动力 文康展新姿 例4:Good to the last drop!(雀巢咖啡)
滴滴香浓,意犹未尽! 例5:It happens at the Hilton.(Hilton)
意译法举例 例1:文字处理机
This word processor plays a tune of deep feeling whenever you are typing 输入千言万语,奏出一片深情 例2:We’re not in the computer business. We’re in the results business.(IBM) 唯我电脑,成效更高。 例3:Every time a good time.(McDonald’s ) 分分秒秒欢聚欢笑。(麦当劳)
英特拂劳拉的鲜花倾诉衷肠 Interflora 鲜花是发自内心的表达 “The world smiles with Reader’s
Digest.” 《读者文摘》为世人带来欢笑
双关(pun) 一则面包广告“She’s the nimblest girl
around. Nimble is the way she goes. Nimble is the bread she eats. Light, Delicious, Nimble” 她是周围最轻捷聪慧的女子。轻捷是她的举 止特点。Nimble 是她食用的面包。松软 味美,Nimble “摩尔”牌香烟广告“I’m More satisfied” ‘摩尔’令我更满意
So what is advertising translation?
It is a translation of advertising in order to sell a standardized product to local and not local consumers with different languages and cultures.
When a new product enters a market,a sales promotion or advertisement can effectively help consumers learn more about the product.
Differences beween China and West
Ask for More.(摩尔牌香烟的广告)
设问(rhetorical question) “The Economist?” “Isn’t that a peculiar name for a journal
that also discusses America, Britain, Europe, science & technology, world politics, books plus arts, current affairs… along with business, finance and economics?” “《经济学家》?” “这不是一家杂志的专用名称吗?它讨论美国、英国 、欧洲、科学技术、世界政治、书籍、艺术、时事 ……还有商业、财政和经济。”
增补型举例 Beyond your imagination.(Korean Air) 意想不到的天空。(韩国航空) Elegance is an attitude.(Longines) 优雅态度 真我性格 (浪琴表) Taking the lead in a Digital World.( SUMSUNG) 领先数码,超越永恒。(三星电子) Anytime (Global Express, Logistics & Mail) 随时随地,准时无误。(TNT 快递服务)
Advertising Translation

by: 月尔比叶,左维伟,王
Байду номын сангаас
"Advertising" is a word comes
from Latin,meaning"yelling".It is said that,in the ancient time ,the Rome businissman competing with each others and hire some people shouting in the city streets,in order to attract customers to buy their goods.