
As an artist, I am currently seeking models to participate in a series of live figure drawing sessions. These sessions are an integral part of my creative process and are essential for the development of my art. If you are interested in becoming a model, please consider the following details:1. Eligibility: Individuals of all body types, ethnicities, and ages are welcome to apply. I am particularly interested in capturing the diversity of the human form.2. Compensation: Models will be compensated for their time. The rate will be discussed during the initial interview and will be commensurate with industry standards.3. Schedule: Sessions will be held at my studio, located in the heart of the city. The schedule is flexible, but I prefer to work in the late afternoons and evenings, as well as on weekends.4. Responsibilities: Models are expected to maintain a variety of poses for extended periods, typically ranging from 5 to 30 minutes. Breaks will be provided between poses.5. Comfort: The studio is a comfortable and professional environment. Models are encouraged to bring any items that may help them feel more at ease, such as a book, music, or a blanket.6. Confidentiality: All models will be treated with the utmost respect, and their privacy will be strictly maintained. The artwork created during these sessions will not be used for any commercial purposes without the models consent.7. Application Process: To apply, please send a brief introduction about yourself, including your age, height, and any experience you may have as a model. Include a few recent photos that showcase your appearance from different angles.8. Contact Information: Interested applicants should reach out to me via email at or through the contact form on my website,.9. Deadline: The application process is ongoing, but I am particularly looking to fill positions for the upcoming month. Early applications are encouraged.10. Additional Opportunities: Models who excel in the figure drawing sessions may be invited to participate in more complex projects, such as themed art installations or collaborative exhibitions.I look forward to meeting and working with a diverse group of individuals who are interested in contributing to the world of art through their unique presence.。

Embarking on a new journey to challenge and pursue dreams is an exhilarating experience that can be both daunting and rewarding.Here is an essay that captures the essence of this endeavor:Title:Setting Sail on a New Journey of Dreams and ChallengesAs the sun rises over the horizon,casting a golden glow on the tranquil waters,I stand at the edge of the dock,gazing at the vessel that will carry me on my new journey.The wind whispers through the sails,beckoning me to embark on this voyage of dreams and challenges.It is a moment of reflection,anticipation,and excitement.The Call of the UnknownThe allure of the unknown is a powerful force that has driven humanity to explore new frontiers,from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of space.For me,this journey is not just about discovering new places but about discovering new aspects of myself.It is a call to adventure,to push beyond the boundaries of comfort and routine,and to embrace the uncertainties that lie ahead.Setting the CourseBefore setting sail,it is crucial to set a course.My journey is guided by a clear vision of what I aspire to achieve.This vision is not static it evolves as I learn,grow,and encounter new experiences.It is a compass that helps me navigate the tumultuous seas of life, ensuring that I stay true to my path,even when the winds of change threaten to steer me off course.Building the VesselThe vessel that carries me on this journey is not just a physical entity it is a representation of my skills,knowledge,and resilience.It is built with the timber of hard work,the sails of determination,and the hull of perseverance.As I sail through the challenges that lie ahead,I will continuously reinforce and upgrade my vessel,ensuring that it remains strong and agile.Navigating the StormsNo journey is without its share of storms.These challenges can be overwhelming,threatening to capsize the vessel and dampen the spirit.However,it is in these moments that the true strength of a sailor is tested.I will face these storms with courage and resolve,using the lessons learned from past experiences to navigate through the roughest of seas.Celebrating the JourneyWhile the destination is important,it is the journey itself that shapes us.Each day on this voyage is a new opportunity to learn,to grow,and to appreciate the beauty of the world around me.I will take the time to celebrate the small victories,the moments of joy,and the connections made along the way.Arriving at the ShoreAs the journey progresses,the distant shore comes into view.It is not the end of the voyage but a new beginning,a place where the dreams that were once distant become a reality.It is a time to reflect on the journey,to appreciate the growth that has occurred, and to look forward to the next chapter of life.In conclusion,embarking on a new journey of dreams and challenges is a courageous act that requires vision,strength,and the willingness to face the unknown.It is a voyage that will test the limits of ones capabilities and resilience,but it is also a journey that will lead to personal growth,fulfillment,and the realization of ones dreams.This essay encapsulates the spirit of embarking on a new journey,filled with dreams, challenges,and the pursuit of personal growth.。
seminar ppt

• zentralen Route:Auf der zentralen Route, die den
Gelben Fluss quert, soll Wasser aus dem DanjiangkouReservoir durch Tunnel und Kanäle in die Städte Beijing und Tianjin fließen.
• westliche Route :leitet durch den Bau riesiger
Staudämme und Stauseen an den Flüssen Tongtian, Yalong und Dadu Wasser aus dem Oberlauf des Jangtse in das Quellgebiet des Gelben Flusses.
hank you
Wasserhoch durren
Wasserumteilung von Süd- nach Noedchina
• drei Routen
1.östlichen Route :Wasser aus dem Mittel- und
Unterlauf des Jangtse über den bestehenden Großen Kanal Beijing-Hangzhou und andere parallel laufenden Wasserstraßen in die Städte Tianjin, Yantai und Weihai (in der Provinz Shandong) zu leicen

业精于勤,荒于嬉。 行成于思,毁于随。
第一学习如何上台做报告; 第二是帮毕业论文做一个暖身。 总之,就是训练学生论文相关的技巧, 训练 学生如何搜寻、研读与上台报告。 跟你本身要做的研究一点关系都没有。
培养研究生创新能力。 提升研究生全面的科研活动能力。 提高科学民主的学术讨论技能. 锻炼口头组织和表达能力。
研讨班结合研究生的专业课程学习、学 位论文工作,围绕本学科或相关学科领 域的前沿动态和最新进展、已取得的研 究成果等展开。 (一)英文论文: (二)中文论文: (三)学术报告:
由陈述者提前告知主题,然后由该人阐述其观点,其他人 围绕此主题展开讨论、提问或发表自己的观点。(每人都 应该事先对提前议题有所准备,一般以提问为主)。 要求陈述者要有详尽的阐述,另外评议者在被告知主题后, 也要做相关的准备,以便在讨论会上提问,指出不足,提 出修改意见。评议者在评价的同时也可以针对主题提出自 己的观点和看法。 自由讨论:由任何一人提出某个问题或观点,然后大家互 相讨论,发表自己的观点。在自由讨论阶段,要积极发言, 集思广益,培养和锻炼大家的发散性思维的能力和创新能 力,发挥合作精神。 参与形式:参与者轮流作报告人、主持人和评议人(每个 参与者都要轮过一遍。
每人选2篇论文,先进行中文, 每人选 篇论文,先进行中文,期间准备 篇论文 英文 讲解论文 为什么做这个研究-引言 为什么做这个研究 引言 怎样研究? 材料和方法 怎样研究?-材料和方法 主要结果? 结果与分析 主要结果?-结果与分析 有什么发现或创新-讨论 有什么发现或创新 讨论

BSM 577 Research MethodsResearch Proposal – Assessment GuidelinesThis document provides guidelines for the content, structure and presentation of the research proposal. The document is divided into three sections:1.The purpose and benefits of preparing the research proposal;2.The content and structure of the research proposal;3.Presentation and style.1.The purpose and benefits of preparing the research proposalThe research proposal is the starting point for the Masters dissertation and it discusses the essential features (e.g. aims and objectives, rationale, previous research, methodology, resources, time plan) of a research study that will be conducted in the future (this will be an actual project if you are planning to proceed to the MSc stage or a hypothetical one if you are not).There are three key purposes behind a research proposal:to present the research problem / issue;to relate the proposed research to other “key” research in thefield;to present a clear rationale and plan (e.g. researchmethodology, necessary resources) for the proposed research.A good research proposal will include descriptions of:what will be done (i.e. the research problem or specific area forinvestigation/exploration, aims, objectives)why it will be done (rationale and justification criticallydiscussing previous research)how it will be done (data collection and analysis methods)where it will be done (locations, organisations etc)to whom it will be done (research subjects, populations,samples)what the benefits of doing it arewhat resources are required (facilities, time, travel, costs)ethical issues related to the proposed researchthe time plan for completion of the different stages of theresearchWell-prepared proposals can be seen as ‘road maps’, indicating clearly the location from which a journey begins, the destination to be reached and the route to get there. As with a map, the proposal should also identify any potential1obstacles and ways to get round or through them (and contain contingency plans for dealing with a disaster!). It has been said that the test of a good proposal is that it is so clear and detailed that another researcher who has not seen it before should be able to pick it up and do the research without too much questioning. Having a clear framework like this also allows for minor adjustments as the research proceeds, without running the risk of losing the overall sense of direction and cohesion. The proposal becomes a working document which can be reviewed to monitor progress, can be refined as more knowledge is gained, can be adjusted to take account of problems as they arise, and finally can form the basis for the final research report or dissertation. Having considered the purpose and general nature of research proposals, we will now take a closer look at the content and structure of the research proposal you are required to produce for this module. The components are listed in broadly the order they would appear in the proposal.2.The content and structure of the research proposalOn submission the Research Proposal should be 4000 words in length (+/-400 words) and should include the following features: -1.The Provisional Title of your work – representing the research as itstands (although it might not be the title of any completed dissertation in the future).2.Table of Contents – This should include numbered headings and pagenumbers. The headings and subheadings should be numbered with a decimal numerical form (e.g. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 / 3.2.1, 3.2.2). The table of contents should also include figures and tables (where appropriate).3.Abstract – a short synopsis of the proposal (300-400 words). An abstractshould be considered as a brief summary of the Research Proposal document. In business, it is known as an ‘executive summary’ and it allows the reader to grasp the salient points of your research proposal quickly (e.g. briefly summarise the purpose of the research, the rationale and the methods). The abstract should not include any quotations or references.4.Introduction to the Research Problem – introducing the researchproblem within its context. This is usually a short section acting almost like an introduction to the whole proposal, outlining the general subject area, the background of the research and specific aspects of the topic to be investigated (e.g. what will be examined). In this section you should also explain briefly your rationale (argument) for conducting the proposed research: why it is important to research this topic? This could be supported by selective evidence of key literature. You will discuss your rationale and the literature in more detail in the literature review section.5.Aims and objectives – the aim will express the overall intention of theresearch while the objectives will express the various elements of2investigation necessary to achieve this aim. The aims and objectives for the research are an outline of exactly what you intend to examine. This is normally one or two general, overall aims, and with the objectives being the more detailed steps required in order to answer your question or solve your problem. The vital point about this section is that your objectives should be specific, measurable and achievable. Returning to the road map allegory, how will you know when you’ve got there if you don’t know where you’re going? It is standard to ensure that your aims and objectives stand out clearly in your Research Proposal, and are easily identified and located.6.Literature review and rationale – explaining the rationale (reasons,argument) for undertaking the research by relating it to relevant theory, practice and research already existing in the field. This section should be supported by a preliminary survey of the relevant literature which should critically discuss the key research studies in this area that have helped shape the underlying ideas for the proposed research and provide justification for the significance of the research problem.How important is the problem? What are the benefits of doing the study?Who will find it useful? What is already known by previous research? What gaps exist in our understanding of the research issue on the basis of existing research? How will the proposed research address these gaps?You are presenting a justification for doing the research. Thus it is essential to critically evaluate previous research and relevant theory, rather than just describe it. For example, you may be arguing that there isa significant gap in knowledge, or that this is a new issue for practitionerswhere there is little known, or that previous research is out of date.Furthermore, previous research may have been undertaken on a limited scale and you feel it would merit a wider focus; or the results from previous research may suggest a new or better approach which would yield more applicable results; there may be previous research but you feel it would be useful to examine the issue in a different/new/more up-to-date context.Your argument should be based on the relevant literature which you will incorporate in this section outlining relevant research, theory and practice already existing in the field, reviewed critically, identifying key ideas and sources and relating these to the proposed research. It is also a good practice, especially when there is a lot of theory developed in your area of interest, to indicate what specific approach/theory/framework you are proposing to use/test/apply as a basis for your research. In general, the literature review should relate to core recent (or historically significant) work (and you might need to set yourself a limit on how far back you are able to go – depending on resources, of course). It is not intended to be a detailed review of all relevant literature (save that for the Dissertation!), but should show that you are aware of what else is going on and can interpret it in relation to your own proposed research.37.Methodology – should outline the methodological steps necessary tofulfil the stated objectives. You should include a clear and detailed discussion of the research design and methods for sampling, data collection and analysis as appropriate. This section should also include your justification for the methods chosen, timescales, and show how the methods relate to the objectives. In fact you may find it useful to use your objectives as subheadings in the methodology section. You must include a theoretical discussion of the methodological approach you are proposing to use with references to the research methods theory but also show how you will conduct the research realistically and feasibly within the timescales, constraints and context of the research.For example if your chosen data collection method is a questionnaire, you should include information on the selection of research location and/or sample if appropriate (e.g. if your study involves a specific organisation/company you should include its name, your plans for contacting them and how you will seek permission). If you have already secured their permission and willingness to collaborate you should includea copy of any written statement/letter from them in an appendix. If it istoo early to know who will be involved you should indicate the kind of criteria you will use to select appropriate organisations or individuals and/or how you will construct your research sample if appropriate. You should include as much detail as possible on methods to be used to collect data. If you intend using a questionnaire for data collection, for example, you would need to include the following:what kinds of themes will be covered in the questionnaire andwhy?how many questionnaires will you distribute?to whom?how representative a sample will they be?how will you find these people?how will you clear access to them?what kind of response rate would you need?how will you get the questionnaires to them?how will they reply to you?when will you distribute the questionnaires?what sort of questions will you ask?do you intend to pilot the questionnaire?how do you intend analysing the results?what will you do if too few people reply?Your objectives and methods should also include consideration of the ways you will analyse and present your findings. Obviously, if you are using some kind of quantitative questionnaire, you will need to think about ‘coding’ your questions, so that they can be entered into a statistics package or spreadsheet. On the other hand, ff you are using interviews, you will have to think of the practicalities of coding interview transcripts thematically to enable you to analyse patterns emerging in the data. The point about this is that you need to think about how you will treat the data BEFORE you actually4devise your questionnaires or interviews, and you need to allow sufficient time for these stages in your plans. Although it is not necessary, you may wish to include a draft questionnaire in your proposal, usually in an appendix. However, it should be clearly marked as “draft at this stage – the final design and piloting of the instrument would take place as part of the research project itself. You will probably only have a very rough idea about your questionnaire or interview at the proposal stage.Methodology for Literature Searching -Although you will have conducted a preliminary review to support your rationale, a far deeper investigation into the literature will be required at the Masters level and, in some cases, may be the best or only way to carry out your research (especially if you are conducting a critical systematic review and analysis of earlier research as your main research). What search strategies (search terms, databases, journals) and inclusion/exclusion criteria are you going to use in order to identify relevant literature? Why have you chosen to focus on some studies, and why have you excluded others? For example you may have made the decision to include studies that have a focus on the U.K. only or research conducted after a certain date because currency of information is an important element in your review of the literature.8. Resource Requirements – this should identify and discuss essential and likely resource requirements, e.g. visits to organisations, equipment, access to computer facilities, any cost implications of surveys, travel to interview people, your own time, etc. If you intend to pursue the research, it is essential that permission from organisations likely to be involved in your research is granted at the proposal stage (although you may wish to contact them only when you have a clear idea of your plans for this research). This section should also outline your project schedule, the practical steps necessary to fulfil your given objectives. You should propose a realistic work schedule, identifying the stages and timescales of the research (e.g. for reviewing the literature, designing the data collection instruments, administering questionnaires/conducting interviews/focus groups, data analysis, writing up etc). You can present your action plan in the form of a Gantt chart or a table indicating start and finish dates of each component of your entire research process and be realistic in the timescale you are proposing.9. Ethical considerations – these should constitute a dedicated section where you demonstrate that you have considered/acknowledged potential ethical problems (e.g. anonymity, confidentiality, informed consent etc), discussing the specific steps you will follow to address them (please note that there are always ethical concerns in research but their level of significance may be different depending on the specific research project). In order to familiarise yourself with this aspect of the research process, you are encouraged to consult the university’s Research Ethics policy at:/files/Ethics_leaflet_version2.pdf. The proposal must be accompanied by a signed and completed Ethics Review form BSM 5775Research Methods (SPER form) which sets out any ethical considerations pertaining to the research.10. Conclusion - The Research Proposal should finish with a brief finalstatement summarising the above points and/or adding any extra relevant information and a reminder of the potential value in undertaking the research.11. References – It is essential that you cite the works which you have usedto prepare your proposal. You need to provide the full reference details of works from which you have quoted or to which you have referred within the proposal. In line with the School’s policy citations should adhere to the Harvard format but, in certain circumstances following guidance of the supervisor, an alternative system may be used. Guidelines on citation according to the Harvard style are available on the library webpage at:/library/howto/page.cfm?pge=2553112. Bibliography – The bibliography lists the full reference details for itemswhich you have read but to which you have not referred directly in your text.Therefore there will be no citation in your text. Such items would include background reading.13. Appendices - these may include any material which support theproposal (e.g. sample questionnaires, interview schedules, coding sheets, Gantt chart detailing stages and timescales). This is not included in the word count.3.Presentation, Structure, Citation and Writing StyleAny Research Proposal needs to be professionally presented. Professional presentation is part of convincing a reader and/or examiner that you have a professional approach to your work.You should use the font Verdana, point size 11 and your work should be one-and-a-half- or double-spaced. Use bold style or a larger font size for headings. Consider numbering your sections, as this makes it easier for the reader to keep track. There is normally no need to start each section on a new page (although references, bibliography and appendices should have their own pages). You should include page numbers in the table of contents and the main body of your work. Prelims (i.e. table of contents, abstract) should use Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.); the main body of the Proposal should use Arabic numerals (1,2,3,4, etc.) as explained earlier in this document. Headers and footers are a matter of personal preference – their presence is not mandatory.You should adopt a formal writing style and use the third person (e.g. you can refer to yourself as the ‘researcher’). Try to keep it clear without assuming that the reader has pre-existing knowledge and expertise in the subject (for example, always make sure you explain abbreviations in the first instance, offer appropriate definitions etc).6All of this is good preparation for the style and standard of presentation you will adopt at the writing up stage of the research.Assessment CriteriaYour submission will be assessed on the basis of the following marking schedule:Criteria and weighting 70%+60-69%50-59%40-49%35-39%<35%Introduction to the ResearchProblem/ Aims and Objectives(20%)Literature Review andRationale (30%)Research Methodology (30%)Resource Requirements andEthical considerations (10%)Presentation, Structure,Citation and Writing Style(10%)7。

研讨会英文Seminar: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Attending Academic ConferencesIntroduction:Attending academic conferences and seminars has become an integral part of the research and academic community. It provides a platform for scholars, researchers, and professionals to share their knowledge, exchange ideas, and collaborate on innovative projects. In this seminar, we will explore the benefits and challenges associated with attending academic conferences, emphasizing the importance of active participation and networking for professional growth and enhancement.Benefits of Attending Academic Conferences:1. Knowledge Sharing: Academic conferences offer an opportunity for professionals from diverse backgrounds to disseminate their research findings, present papers, and discuss emerging trends and issues in their respective fields. By attending conferences, researchers can gain valuable insights into the latest advancements, methodologies, and theoretical frameworks within their areas of interest.2. Networking: Conferences provide a conducive environment for networking with peers, scholars, and experts in various fields. These networking opportunities give attendees the chance to establish professional connections, exchange contact information, and explore potential collaborations. Networking can lead to meaningful collaborations, joint projects, and even job offers.3. Publication Opportunities: Many conferences offer the opportunity to present original research work and publish papers in conference proceedings or affiliated journals. Publishing in well-regarded conference proceedings can enhance an individual's academic profile and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge within the academic community. Additionally, these publications can serve as a platform for future academic endeavors, such as grant applications and citations.4. Professional Development: Attending conferences allows researchers to enhance their professional development by staying updated with the latest trends and advancements in their field. Moreover, conferences often include keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops conducted by renowned professionals. Participating in such sessions can broaden one's knowledge, refine research methodologies,and gain practical skills that can be applied to future research projects.Challenges of Attending Academic Conferences:1. Cost and Funding: One of the major challenges associated with attending academic conferences is the financial burden. Registration fees, travel expenses, accommodation, and other related costs can be substantial, especially for researchers with limited institutional support. Securing funding and managing finances are crucial aspects to consider when planning to attend conferences.2. Time Management: Academic conferences usually span over a few days, requiring attendees to manage their time effectively. Balancing conference sessions, networking opportunities, and personal commitments can be challenging. Researchers need to prioritize attending sessions relevant to their interests and establish a schedule to maximize their conference experience.3. Competition and Acceptance: With a large number of researchers applying to present their work at conferences, getting acceptance can be competitive. Presenting at renowned conferences can enhance one's reputation and academic standing. However, the selection process can berigorous, requiring high-quality research and compelling abstracts to stand out from the crowd.4. Language Barriers: International conferences attract participants from around the world, resulting in a diverse community. While this diversity brings various perspectives, it can pose a challenge for non-English speakers. Overcoming language barriers, both in understanding presentations and effectively communicating research, can be a hurdle that researchers need to tackle at academic conferences.Conclusion:Attending academic conferences offers numerous benefits for researchers and scholars, ranging from knowledge sharing, networking opportunities, publication prospects, and professional development. However, it also comes with challenges, such as financial constraints, time management, competition, and language barriers. To maximize the benefits and overcome these challenges, it is essential for researchers to plan and prepare meticulously, focusing on active participation, networking, and presenting high-quality research. By investing in conference attendance, researchers can pave their way towards personal, academic, and professional growth.。

精选全文完整版可编辑修改Unit 3 Living Legends教学设计一、教学内容本节课的主题是“选择你最喜欢的运动员”,文本提供了活动的情境,即某杂志社请读者来信选举自己心目中的体育界的传奇,要求学生着眼于杂志文章语篇信息理解,通过问题引导学生梳理为什么郎平和乔丹是masters,他们树立了什么样的榜样,在此基础上让学生总结评选标准推荐自己心目中的传奇人物,并给出推荐的理由,并运用所学语言谈论自己心目中的传奇人物。
二、课时目标1. 通过文章的图片,标题及副标题,猜测语篇的主旨大意并通过语篇结构猜测文本类型。
2. 通过速度查读细读,及对比阅读,获取有关郎平和乔丹的成就;并深入阅读理解传奇人物的标准和品质。
3. 阅读并理清语篇每部分的脉络,初步感知如何谈论或写作传奇人物。
4. 通过中外语言对比,在文本的语境中理解语篇的语言手段,例如,排比,拟人,引言等。
5. 通过语篇话题的词块语言输入及本节课形成的传奇人物评判标准,学会选择并分享自己的传奇人物。
三、教学过程Activity 1 Activate background information about legends.本活动为学生扫清词汇障碍,并阐释legends真正含义,实现课时教学目标5作铺垫。
1. Talk about legends based on title.Q1: What does legend mean?Q2: What kind of people can be legends?[设计意图]从标题入手,学生阐释legends真正含义,引出主题背景,激活学生已知信息,并引导自主提问,形成阅读期待。
Activity 2: Read to predict.本活动旨在通过指导阅读前猜测的技能,落实课时教学目标1。
1. What is the text mainly about?Q1: What can you see in the colorful picture?Q2: Have you noticed there are two more titles---subtitles: Lang Ping and Michael Jordan?Q3: What is the passage mainly about based on the pictures, title and subtitles?[设计意图]教师提问引导,在兴趣及问题的引领下进行“听说读写看”的整体阅读,读后师生共同得出文章的主旨大意。

CONTENTSAbstract (1)Ⅰ Introduction (2)ⅡGeneral Assumptions (3)ⅢKey Terminology (3)ⅣModel Development.......................................................................... (3)4.1 (4)4.1.1 (4)4.1.2 (4)4.1.3 (4)4.2 (5)4.2.1 (5)4.2.2 …………………………………................................................................ .64.2.3 (9)4.3 (9)4.3.1 (9)4.3.2 (10)4.3.3 (10)4.4 (10)4.4.1 (10)4.4.2 (10)4.4.3 (10)4.5 (13)4.5.1 (13)4.5.2 (13)4.5.3 (13)ⅤStrengths and Weakness (14)ⅥConclusion (15)ⅦReferences (16)ⅧAppendix (16)TITLEAbstract♦In our essay, we first develop a basic model to account for the fundamental but important phenomena in baseball game and then three improved models for some details. When developing the basic model, in order to analyze overall hitting process clearly, we focus on simplifying the practical problem into a mechanical model.We resolve basic model through three steps, each step considering one important part of the model that greatly impacts our searching for the “sweet spot”. After resolving the basic model, we begin to revise the model to make it more practical.♦Before resolving the basic model, we establish a criteria for evaluation-the proportion of effective energy transmission r, a criteria used to determine at which spot of the bat the maximum proportion of energy output by human is transferred to the ball. Our three steps are designed as follows:⑴In our first step, we mainly investigate the action process between the simplified baseball bat andbaseball. Ignoring other influencial factors, we find one “sweet spot”.⑵In our second step, our focus moves to the relationship between the hand and the bat. Ignoringother influencial factors, we find another “sweet spot”.⑶In our last step, we integrate merits of each “sweet spot ” in above two steps so that we find out a“sweet spot zone”. Then we figure out the variation of r in “sweet spot zone”and find the maximum r.♦After resolving the basic model, we revise our model in three aspects to make it more practical.⑴In our first improvement, we restore the simplified line and particle with objects of different shapeand find out the “sweet spot”after revision.⑵In our second improvement, we consider the shape change of the baseball bat when the bat hits theball and also calculate the lost energy consumed by the shape change of bat made of different material.After revision, we find that the position of the practical “sweet spot”should be a bit more closely than that of “sweet spot”calculated in basic model to the thin end of the bat.⑶In our last improvement, we take into account the vibration that might also impact our searchingfor the “sweet spot”.After detailed analysis, we calculated the lost energy consumed by vibration when the ball hits different spot on the bat and figure out that the position of the practical “sweet spot”should also be a bit more closely than that of “sweet spot”calculated in basic model to the thin end of the bat.♦ⅠIntroductionOn the softball field, hitters usually attempt their best to hit the baseball.In addition to the physical strength the player applied to the baseball, the hitting spot also has great influence on our searching for the sweet spot. Usually, according to the moment of momentum theorem, it seems that the fat end of the baseball bat should be the best hitting spot. However, this is known to be empirically incorrect. Experienced player usually chooses a spot called “sweet spot”to be the best hitting spot, at which the maximum power is transferred to the baseball, thus the hit ball travelling the longest distance. Howard Brody(1989) conducted a series of experiments and investigated that vibration of the baseball would affect the choice of the best hitting spot. Rod Cross(1998) proved that both center of percussion and vibration of the bat affect the searching for the sweet spot through a series of experiment. However, none of scientistshas given a theoretical method to find out the solution. In our essay, we attempt to find out and explain that the sweet spot does not lies on the end of the bat.ⅡGeneral Assumption♦The baseball and baseball bat are assumed to move at uniform velocity. Air friction and gravity can be neglected♦The direction of the velocity of the particle is assumed to collinear that of the linear veloc ity of the action point.♦Baseball bats made of different materials are assumed to attain identical energy after accelerated by human.ⅢKey TerminologyTable 1.Symbols.Symbols Description UnitsⅣModel Development4.1 Simplifying the situationIn order to address the problem, we need to simplify the hitting process. It is reasonable to abstract the process as follows: replacing the baseball bat with a single line, on which the mass is distributed uniformly, and substituting a particle for the baseball; fixing one end of the line so that the line can oscillate on the smooth ground freely; using the process that a baseball hits an oscillating rod to simulate the process that a baseball hits a bat.This is the basic and simplest model that we can extract from hitting process, based on which we can analyze the most basic motion of these two objects. However, we cannot ignore the importance of the elasticity, the vibration and the antihunt action, which might also have impact on our searching for the sweet spot.4.1.1 Basic ModelWe analyze the whole hitting process:Step oneAt the beginning of hitting, the particle moves at a fixed velocity to the line that is oscillating at a fixed angular velocity and linear velocity. The moment of the momentum of the overall system with respect to o is:1112o L m v d J ω=-+, (1) After the hitting, the particle and the line separate and move respectively. The moment of the momentum ofthe overall system with respect to o is2112o L m v d J ω''=+As exterior impulsive moment vanishes, we can then get:12o o L L =that is112112m v d J m v d J ωω''-+=+ (2) Given the material of the line and the particle, we can achieve the coefficient of the restitution between the line and the particle, a coefficient that will help us to achieve the relationships of the linear velocity of the line and the particle.1212v v k v v ''-=+ (3)22v d ω= , 22v d ω''= (4)Putting .Eq (1),(2),(3)and (4) together, we have junctions()221122121221233d m v l m v k v v v m d m l-+++⎡⎤⎣⎦'=+ (4) ()22111222222123133d k m v d km L m d m l m ωωω-+-+'=+ (5)When considering at which spot of the line the maximum power is transferred to the particle, we attempt to work out a spot at which the hit particle reaches the fastest velocity. Differentiating 1v 'with respect to d , we will achieve that when123d m ω=(6)the hit particle reaches the fastest velocity. We just define this spot as the spot of moment(SOM).Step twoIt is necessary for us to take the function of the hands into account if we want to simulate the hitting process exactly. At the instant of hitting the particle, the impulse of the particle will rotate the line unless the particle hits a specified spot on the line-the center of percussion(COP) at which the impulse will only move the translationally with no rotation. According to the momentum theorem()22221111122ox I m l m l m v v ωω''=--+ (7)If the particle hits the COP exactly, the momentum theorem o x I should be 0. Inserting .Eq (4) and (5) into .Eq (7)leads to equation:()()()1212212132062w k d l lm mvd d m l m ω+-+=+ (8)Because all of the parameters in .Eq (8)are greater than 0, only under condition that 320d l -= can the .Eq (8) result in a proper solution. Then we can know the position of the COP:23C O P d l =(9)Step threeAccording to the investigation of ……..(), if viewing hand as soft tissue, we can get the relationship between the force pressed on the tissue and the degree at which the hands ’ shape changes012aseF a-= (10)where♦ 0F represents the force pressed on hands♦ s denotes the relative displacement of the point on palm♦ b and c are constants which have been discussed in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!文献As the the force pressed on palm generates the relative displacement, the hand apply negative force on the line, thereby absorbing part of the energy transferred from our arms to the particle. We can easily figure out the lost energy through definite integral:100s w F ds =⎰(11)212ase asa-+-=At the instant of hitting, the energy transferred from the line to the particle is:22222221126w J m l ωω== (12)The energy achieved by the particle is:22011111122w m v m v '=- (13) To transfer the maximum proportion of power output from the human body to the particle, we define this proportion as12w p w w =+ (14)Plugging .Eq (4),(5),(10),(11),(12),(13) into .Eq (14),we have()()()2222211121222112222122231122310.3672as m d m v K l m v dl m K m v d m l mp easaωω-+++-++=-+-+空As the value of p varies when the hitting spot on the rod changes, the variation of p with respect to0d and K is pictured in Fig.14.1.2 Improvement ⅠWith the purpose of improving the practicability, we have to restore the single line and the particle with bodies of axisymmetry (In effect, both the baseball and the bat are axisymmetry). In this way, our model more closely resembles the real hitting process. In this situation, we regard the two bodies as rigid bodies. Unlike the moment of inertia of a line, the moment of inertia of the bat has to be calculated through definite integral. Since we cannot attain the equation of the generating line of the equation, here is an example to compute the moment of inertia of a circular cone to illustrate our methods.In practice, the motion state of an axisymmetrical body, the mass of which is distributed uniformly, is usually equivalent to that of its axis line, on which the mass of the body concentrates. However, the mass is unevenly distributed on the axis line. By computing the moment of inertia of the axis line, we will reach the same result as calculating the moment of inertia of the circular cone. Like circular cone, all of the axisymmetrical bodies can also be figured out in this way.4.1.4 Improvement ⅡAssume that the ball is completely elastic and the energy dissipation mainly stems from the deformation of the bat. As suggested by Adair (2002), the hitting between the bat and the baseball can be reasonably modeled by a ball and a flat without introducing large error. This collision can be simply described as Figure 1. Denoting by R the radius of the ball and by δ the depth of the indentation, the equation of the sphere, on the surface of contact, is[]222()r z R R δ++-= (14)Figure 1. The indentation by a baseball.For shallow indentations /1R δ and /1z R , where in the second inequality the coordinate z is meant to be on the indented surface. According to Asaro and Lubarda (2006), the distributed force takes theform1/2202()1r q r q a ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭ (15)The total hitting force is1/22200202213a r P q rdr a q a ππ⎛⎫=-=⎪⎝⎭⎰(16)The displacement of the indented surface is given as22212a r w R a ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭r a ≤ (17) or alternatively, in terms of the depth δ of the indentation,22rw Rδ=-r ≤ (18)Consequently, the energy bat E absorbed by the bat can be expressed as4200232d 55a bat q a a P E qwr r RRππ==⎰(19)4.1.4 Improvement ⅢBy employing the d ’Alembert ’s Principle, one gets the equilibrium equation:()()22,s s s F y x dx F F dx f x t dx t x ρ∂∂⎛⎫=-++ ⎪∂∂⎝⎭(20)where()x ρdenotesthe quality of the unit lengths F is shear force(),f x t is external excitation.Here the shear deformation and the rotation of the cross section are neglected. The small element satisfies the momentum balance which requires(),02s Mdx M dx M F dx f x t dxx ∂⎛⎫+---= ⎪∂⎝⎭(21)Droping the high order small quantity yieldss M F x∂=∂ (22)According to the mechanics of materials, the moment relates the deflection by:()()()2,,y x tM x t E I x x∂=∂ (23) Inserting .Eq (22) and (23) into (21) leads to:()()()()()222222,,,y x t y x t EI x x f x t x x t ρ⎡⎤∂∂∂+=⎢⎥∂∂∂⎣⎦(24)The dynamic equation (24) provides unified theoretical framwork for considering the vibration arbitrayrod or beam. When the rod is uniform, in both quality and shape, the .Eq (24) reduces to()()()4242,,,y x t y x t EIfx t xtρ∂∂+=∂∂ (25)Under our current interest, namely, the hitting between the baseball and the rod, the impulse reads()(),,0F x d tfx t δ⎧-=⎨⎩(26)Where F represents the impulse force By writing()()(),y x t x q t φ=we have()()()2200qt q t E I x ωφωρφ⎧+=⎪⎨''''-=⎪⎩(27) ()()()440x x φβφ-= (28)Obiviously, the solution of ()q t is()()sin q t A t ωθ=+ (29)The homogeneous solution of (27)is()1234cos sin cosh sinh x c x c x c x c x φββββ=+++ (30) Where ()1,2,3,4i c i =are constants which are yet to be determined by following boundary conditions:()()()()()00, 000EI K l l φφφφφ'''=-=⎧⎪⎨'''''==⎪⎩(31) From .Eq (31),we obtain the frequency equation()()()()()()c o s h s i n c o s s i n h 0K l K c o n s l E I l E I l l βββββββ+⋅+-= (32)If 0K =, .Eq (32) reduces tot a n t a n h l l ββ=(33)Normalizing .Eq (32)as:()()()()()00cosh cos sin cos sinh 0K l K l l l l βββββ++-=⎡⎤⎣⎦ (34)with 0K K EI β=Assigning K with a certain value ranged from 0 to 1, we attempt to find out the numerical solution offrequency.The variation of .Eq (34) with respect to l β is illustrated in Fig.1. As can be seen from the figure, the first two-oder frequencies are 3.87701 and 7.01587, respectively, when 0.1K =.重画图4.2 Model ⅡBecause wood has been removed from the bat and replaced by some substance with a s maller density than the wood, not only is the bat lighter, but the center of the gravity of the bat moves closer to the thin end. Since center of percussion(COP) and is relavant to the center of the gravity , the COP also movesJ M α=212t t ωαϕα=⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩22αϕω⇒= We can get the mechanical energy of the bat:212E J ω=122E J J αϕαϕ=⋅=E Mϕ= Model Ⅲ4.ⅤStrengths and WeaknessesStrengths♦Our basic model’s strength is that we consider the whole process of energy transmission, energy from hand to bat to baseball.♦We view the palm of the hand as soft tissue and consider the shape change of the hand so that we can model the strengths the hand press on the bat.♦The improvement in basic model take into account the energy loss from vibration, and we develop the “simple support and spring” model to model the function of human hand.♦We consider and compute the lost energy consumed by the shape change of the bat.WeaknessesSince neglecting the data of several parameters in the model, we have difficulty in deducing a perfect solution. We introduce some examples so as to illustrate our method.ⅥConclusionⅦReferencesⅧAppendix。
Addendum 1 DLS Seminar-a 07Q2 - v1

尽量找出7个要求 尽量找出 个要求
Strive for approximately 7 needs
重新变换你们的角色 – 现在你们是负责开发新椅子的一个设 计团队
Re-cast yourself – you are now a design team responsible for developing a new chair
Working as a group organize the ideas by subassembly or part family on a flip chart
7. 将每个团队分成两个分队, 每个分队选出一个系列来推敲 将每个团队分成两个分队,
Each team splits into two sub-teams. Each sub-team selects one family group to refine
© 2005TBM Consulting Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
练习步骤 (续) Exercise Steps (continued)
8. 每个分队都选出一个最终建议 Each sub-group select a final proposal
使用价值比表 Use value ratio work sheet
DLS © 2005TBM Consulting Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
9. 对新椅子进行设计评审 Perform design assessment on new chair design
零件数量 Part count 估计装配时间 Estimated assembly time
高职英语2 第三版 课后四五答案

UNIT 1 invitation etiquette4. Fill in the blanks with the proper words given below, changing the form if necessary guideline seminar executive uphold notations timing likely reception5. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 美国人一般早早就安排好他们的退休生活。
Americans usually make plans for their retirement well in advance.2) 他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手。
They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers.3) 我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话。
I’ve heard from your references that the employer had called them.4) 请告诉我们具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备。
Would you please inform us the exact date so that we can make proper arrangements.5) 我们对出席派对人数的估计与实际来的人数相差了一大截。
Our estimate of how many people would show up at the party missed by a mile.Our estimate of the number of people who would show up at the party missed by a mile.6) 只要不成为阅读负担,你的报告可以包括足够多的细节。

研讨会英语作文万能模板Seminar English Essay Universal Template。
A seminar is an event where a group of people come together to discuss a specific topic or issue. It is usually organized to provide information, share ideas, and promote discussion among participants. Seminars can cover a wide range of topics, from academic research to professional development, and can be organized by educational institutions, businesses, or other organizations.The purpose of a seminar is to create an environment where participants can learn from each other and engage in meaningful discussions. The format of a seminar typically includes presentations by speakers, followed by Q&A sessions and group discussions. This allows participants to gain new insights, ask questions, and exchange ideas with others who share their interests.One of the key benefits of attending a seminar is the opportunity to learn from experts in the field. Speakers at seminars are often leading authorities on the topic being discussed, and their presentations can provide valuable insights and information. This can be especially beneficial for students, professionals, or anyone looking to expand their knowledge in a particular area.In addition to learning from experts, seminars also provide a platform for networking and building connections with others who share similar interests. Participants can meet and interact with like-minded individuals, exchange contact information, and potentially form valuable professional relationships. This can be particularly advantageous for those looking to advance their careers or collaborate on future projects.Furthermore, seminars can serve as a catalyst for generating new ideas and fostering innovation. By bringing together individuals with diverse perspectives and experiences, seminars can spark creative thinking and inspire new approaches to solving problems or addressing challenges. This can be particularly valuable for businesses and organizations seeking to stay ahead of the curve in their respective industries.Another important aspect of seminars is the opportunity for personal and professional development. Participants can gain new skills, knowledge, and insights that can help them advance in their careers or academic pursuits. Seminars often include workshops or training sessions that provide practical, hands-on experience and guidance, allowing participants to apply what they have learned in a real-world context.In conclusion, seminars are an invaluable platform for learning, networking, and professional development. Whether it's for academic enrichment, career advancement, or simply expanding one's horizons, seminars offer a wealth of opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. By attending seminars, participants can gain new knowledge, connect with others in their field, and contribute to the exchange of ideas and innovation. As such, seminars play a crucial role in fostering a culture of learning and collaboration in various domains.。

Seminar教学法在肿瘤药理学课程中的应用肿瘤药理学(oncological pharmacology)是研究抗肿瘤药物与机体相互作用规律及其机制的一门科学,为临床合理用药防治肿瘤提供基本理论的医学基础学科。

英语二邀请信作文Dear Recipients NameI hope this letter finds you in the best of health and high spirits. It is with great pleasure that I extend to you an invitation to attend the upcoming English II seminar which promises to be an enlightening and engaging event for all participants.Event DetailsDate Insert DateTime Insert Start Time to Insert End TimeVenue Insert Venue Name and AddressTheme Insert Theme of the Seminar if anyPurpose of the SeminarThe English II seminar is designed to provide a platform for English language enthusiasts educators and learners to come together and share their knowledge experiences and insights. The primary aim is to foster a deeper understanding of the English language its nuances and its everevolving nature.Program Highlights1. Keynote Speech We are honored to have Keynote Speakers Name a renowned Experts Field who will be delivering a thoughtprovoking keynote speech on Topic of the Speech.2. Interactive Workshops Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a series of interactive workshops led by experienced facilitators. These workshops will cover a range of topics including List a Few Topics.3. Panel Discussion A panel of experts will delve into Topic for Panel Discussion offering diverse perspectives and encouraging open dialogue among attendees.4. Cultural Exchange The seminar will also feature a cultural exchange segment where participants can share and learn about different cultures through language.5. Networking Opportunities Ample time will be provided for networking allowing youto connect with fellow attendees and establish valuable professional relationships.Why You Should AttendGain new insights into the English language and its teaching methodologies.Enhance your communication skills through interactive sessions.Discover innovative tools and resources for language learning and teaching.Network with professionals in the field of English language education.RSVPWe kindly request you to confirm your attendance by RSVP Deadline by replying to this email or calling Your Contact Number. Please include the names of any additional guests you plan to bring as space is limited.We look forward to your presence at the English II seminar. Your participation will undoubtedly contribute to the richness of the discussions and the overall success of the event.Warm regardsYour NameYour PositionYour OrganizationYour Contact Information。

Climbing to the summit of a mountain is not merely a physical challenge it is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and a pursuit of excellence.The endeavor to conquer the highest peaks is a journey that tests ones physical endurance,mental fortitude, and the ability to adapt to the most extreme conditions.The allure of highaltitude climbing is multifaceted.It offers a unique perspective on the world,allowing climbers to see the curvature of the Earth and to witness the sunrise from a vantage point that few ever experience.The sense of accomplishment that comes with reaching the summit is unparalleled,as it is a direct result of overcoming the numerous obstacles that the mountain presents.Preparation for such an endeavor is crucial.Climbers must train rigorously to build the necessary strength and stamina.They must also familiarize themselves with the specific challenges of the mountain they intend to climb,including its weather patterns,terrain, and potential hazards.This preparation often includes learning technical skills such as rock climbing,ice climbing,and the use of specialized equipment.The journey to the summit is fraught with difficulties.Climbers must navigate treacherous paths,often in the face of extreme weather conditions such as blizzards,high winds,and freezing temperatures.The thin air at high altitudes can lead to altitude sickness,which can be debilitating and even lifethreatening if not properly managed.The mental fortitude required to push through these challenges is immense.Climbers must maintain focus and determination in the face of fatigue,fear,and the knowledge that a single misstep could have dire consequences.The camaraderie among climbers,often forged in the shared experience of hardship,can be a powerful motivator to continue the ascent.Once the summit is reached,the climber is rewarded with a sense of achievement that is deeply personal and profound.The view from the top is a reminder of the vastness of the world and the smallness of human concerns in comparison.It is a moment of reflection and gratitude for the opportunity to have experienced such a challenge and to have emerged victorious.The descent from the summit is often as challenging as the ascent,requiring careful navigation and a continued focus on safety.Upon returning to base,climbers carry with them not only the memories of their journey but also a renewed sense of what is possible when one dares to push the boundaries of their own capabilities.In conclusion,climbing to the summit of a mountain is a metaphor for the challenges thatwe all face in life.It is a pursuit that requires preparation,perseverance,and the courage to confront our own limitations.The lessons learned from such an endeavor can be applied to all aspects of life,reminding us of the importance of setting goals,facing our fears,and never giving up on our dreams.。

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邀请别人来参加学术研讨会的英语作文Invitation to Academic SeminarDear Professor/Colleague,I am pleased to invite you to participate in an upcoming academic seminar on [topic]. This seminar will be held on [date] at [location]. The theme of the seminar is [theme], and we believe that your expertise in [specific area of expertise] would make a valuable contribution to the discussions.The seminar will feature presentations from leading scholars in the field of [topic], as well as opportunities for participants to engage in discussions and network with colleagues. We hope that the seminar will provide a valuable forum for the exchange of ideas and the development of collaborations.We are particularly interested in your research on [specific research area], and we believe that your insights would greatly enhance the discussion at the seminar. Your presence would be greatly appreciated, and we are confident that your participation would enrich the academic dialogue at the event.We are also pleased to inform you that we will cover your travel and accommodation expenses for the duration of theseminar. Additionally, a stipend will be provided to all participants to cover any incidental expenses.Please kindly confirm your participation by [deadline]. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email address] or [phone number].We look forward to welcoming you at the seminar and engaging in meaningful discussions with you.Thank you for considering our invitation.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。
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II. 态度测量和满意度调查-内容提要 态度测量和满意度调查-
外部满意度调查 客户满意度信息 合作者满意度信息 代理商满意度信息 对产品的满意度 对服务的满意度
内部满意度调查 内部客户满意度信息 协作部门满意度信息 员工工作满意度情况 对工作本身 对主管和同事 对个人发展 对薪资福利 对工作环境
– 企业营销环境 – 产品流程 – 顾客导向的营销体系
I. 市场研究的作用和方法-内容提要 市场研究的作用和方法-
– 消费者、顾客信息 消费者、 – 产品信息:功能、价格、外观... 产品信息:功能、价格、外观... – 渠道分析 – 媒体行为研究 – 竞争者信息 – 行业趋势分析 – 政策和法规资料
II. 态度测量和满意度调查-内容提要 态度测量和满意度调查-
三、态度测量的方法 开放式调查 封闭式问卷 利克特量表
联 想 电 脑公司
北京博思咨询公司, 北京博思咨询公司,市场研究部 1999.5
联想电脑公司与北京博思咨询公司于1999年5月6日就市场研 联想电脑公司与北京博思咨询公司于1999 1999年 究和专项调查等方面进行了沟通, 究和专项调查等方面进行了沟通,并探讨了有关业务合作与 服务的可能性。 服务的可能性。 为增进联想有关部门工作人员对调研技术的了解,促进相关 为增进联想有关部门工作人员对调研技术的了解, 工作的系统开展, 工作的系统开展,北京博思咨询公司与联想电脑公司发展规 划部信息中心共同组织调研技术交流会,建议时间为1999 1999年 划部信息中心共同组织调研技术交流会,建议时间为1999年6 月第一周。 月第一周。
I. 市场研究的作用和方法-内容提要 市场研究的作用和方法-
– – – – – –
定性研究方法 定量研究方法 多方法组合 研究程序 质量控制 数据统计和分析
II. 态度测量和满意度调查-内容提要 态度测量和满意度调查-
企业知名度和美誉度 企业形象及品牌形象联想 企业价值观理解度和认同度 品牌知名度和美誉度 品牌形象与企业理念的符合度及接纳度 产品质量与品牌形象的符合度及美誉度 服务质量与品牌形象的符合度及美誉度 形象整合与改进建议
调研技术交流会拟办两期,主要内容是: 调研技术交流会拟办两期,主要内容是: 1、市场研究的作用和方法 2、态度测量和满意度调查 研讨交流时间: 研讨交流时间: 每期一个单元: 每期一个单元: 3-5小时左右
I. 市场研究的作用和方法-内容提要 市场研究的作用和方法-