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【英文摘要】As cities grow, the domestic cities in order to alleviate the traffic situation, put forward by rail transit as the backbone, ground transportation as the main public transport system, and put into practice. Urban rail transit is fast, punctual, great volume, pollution, etc, but its suitable for roads with traffic flow, flexibility, accessibility and convenience in terms of poor, and ground transportation but can solve this issue, so with urban rail transit bus package is bound to become the future direction of development of urban public transport. Low-density rail transit network in the domestic context, rational planning of conventional rail transit line supporting public transport system can not only better for the track set sparse traffic, to meet the transport needs of commuters, but also for a fast, comfortable, balanced public transport system, and promote the sustainable development of urban transport advantages.This paper describes the ground rail and the characteristics of conventional bus and analysis of its technical characteristics, explain the need for
a combination of both; then combined rail and bus transport, surface characteristics and technical characteristics and analysis of rail transit line transit planning package principle, summed up the rail track supporting public transportation planning standards, and on this basis, from the division began to different types of regions, different regional rail lines and bus lines of the relationship of supporting public transportation rail transit line planning method, combined with rail transit line at home and abroad supporting planning case analysis, and analyze the status of existing problems and proposed should focus on this problem - the traditional four stages of France in the passenger flow forecasting process requires a lot of OD based on the data, work complicated process; and for this we should focus on solving the problems, the first resident population of the traffic cell and the number of social institutions surrounding the introduction of the two factors to the forecast model and disaggregate approach based on the four-stage method and the method based on disaggregate The Logit model is effective integration of the improved four-stage method obtained; Finally, do bus planning for rail transit in Chongqing urban rail transit line 6. And comparing on the original four-stages
method and the improvement four-stages method on the part of the prediction, for validate practical and efficacy of the improvement method.
【英文关键词】rail transit bus-supporting passenger flow prediction four-stage method 【目录】轨道交通线路公交配套规划研究摘要
3-4ABSTRACT4第一章绪论9-17 1.1 研究背
景9-10 1.2 国内外研究现状10-13 1.2.1 国外研究现状10-12 1.2.2 国内研究现状12-13 1.3 研究目的及
意义13-14 1.4 研究主要内容14-16 1.5 技术路线
17-25 2.1 轨道交通的特点17-19 2.1.1 轨道交通的
定义17 2.1.2 轨道交通的类别17-18 2.1.3 轨道交通的特点18-19 2.2 地面常规公交的特点19-21 2.2.1
地面常规公交的优势19-20 2.2.2 地面常规公交的劣势
20-21 2.3 轨道交通与地面公交技术特征分析
21-22 2.4 换乘的定义22-23 2.5 轨道交通与地面常
规公交配套的必要性及作用23-24 2.5.1 必要性
23 2.5.2 作用23-24 2.6 轨道交通与地面常规公交的接驳枢纽站的类型24 2.6.1 交通枢纽站24 2.6.2 组
团中心站24 2.6.3 社区中心站24 2.7 小结
24-25第三章轨道交通线路公交配套规划原则方法及实例分析25-37 3.1 轨道交通线路公交配套规划原则
25-26 3.1.1 配套公交线路的规划原则25-26 3.1.2 配套公交场站的布设原则26 3.2 轨道交通线路公交配套规划标准26-29 3.2.1 配套公交线路的规划标准
26-27 3.2.2 配套公交站的布设标准27-28 3.2.3 不同轨道交通站点地面公交的衔接布设标准28-29 3.3 轨道交通线路公交配套线路规划方法29-32 3.3.1 城市区域划分
29-30 3.3.2 轨道交通与常规公交线路的关系模式确定
30-32 3.3.3 不同关系模式下的配套公交线路的规划方法
32 3.4 轨道交通线路公交站点配套规划方法
32-34 3.4.1 不同区域轨道交通站点分类32-33 3.4.2 不同轨道站点配套公交站点的规划方法33-34 3.5 国内外公交配套规划实例分析34-35 3.5.1 汉堡34 3.5.2 东京34 3.5.3 上海34-35 3.5.4 北京35 3.6 问题总结分析35-36 3.7 小结36-37第四章轨道交通与公交的换乘客流量预测37-55 4.1 现有常用预测方法
37-49 4.1.1 指数平滑法37-39 4.1.2 吸引范围法
39-42 4.1.3 转移曲线法42-49 4.2 各类方法的优缺点分析49-50 4.2.1 指数平滑法49 4.2.2 吸引范围法49-50 4.2.3 四阶段法50 4.2.4 总结分析
50 4.3 改进的四阶段法50-54 4.3.1 交通小区客流发
生和吸引量预测模型50-51 4.3.2 客流分布预测模型
51 4.3.3 交通方式分担预测模型51-52 4.3.4 轨道交通站点客流量及换乘客流量预测模型52-54 4.3.5 方法创新点54 4.4 小结54-55第五章基于改进四阶段法的重庆市轨道交通线路公交配套规划55-81 5.1 研究背景
55-56 5.2 现状分析56-59 5.2.1 轨道六号线规划线路走向56-57 5.2.2 轨道六号线沿线公交现状分析
57-59 5.3 客流预测59-66 5.3.1 原有四阶段法客流预测59-61 5.3.2 改进的四阶段法客流预测
61-64 5.3.3 《轨道六号线二期工程可行性研究报告》中客流预测结果64-66 5.3.4 比较分析66 5.4 规划成果
66-81 5.4.1 骨干公交网络规划66-71 5.4.2 接驳公交线路规划71-77 5.4.3 沿线公交首末站(枢纽站)规划
77-79 5.4.4 沿线公交站点配套规划(以茶园组团为例)
79-81第六章结论与展望81-83 6.1 主要结论
81 6.2 论文的不足与展望81-83致谢83-84参考文献84-87在学期间发表的论著及取得的科研成果87。
