ESEC 2008HS装片机Manua Downset的改造设计

备效 率 . 让一 个 工序 成 为瓶 颈 而影 响到 整条 生 产 线的 生产 周 期 , 为公 司技 术 人 员不得 不 面对 不 成
的 问题 。详 细描 述 了关 于 E E 0 8 S C 2 0 HS装 片机 的手 动 Do n e 的改造 计 划 。此 改善 旨在 提 高设 w st
a d m an e a c e s n e . h e u ti i d e e t g e p ca i n f rs v r l i s c n r ai n n i t n n ep r o n 1 T er s l S n e d m e i x e t t s a t e e a me ’ o f m t n o e t i o
b y mul — ry. t pa t i Ke wor : EC2 08 S; ebo de ; a ua wns t y ds ES 0 H Di n r M n l Do e
装 片 工 序 的设 备 使 用 率 一 直 是 企 业 各 个 工序 中最 高 的 ,这 与 不 间 断 的 点检 保 养 和 预 见性 维护
tee u p n f ce c n o t a ig s l a e u eteo eain df c l e f h e h ia h q ime t i in ya dc s vn sa l st rd c p rt i ut so etc nc l e s we o h o i i t
收 稿 日期 :0 2 0 . 6 2 1 —5 1
是 分不 开 的 。为 了使 装 片 设 备 使 用 率 继 续 保 持 较
高水 平 ,需 要 积 极 地 通 过 对 设 备 的 改 善 改 造 来 实
封 装 技 术 与 设 备

EDS-308Series8-port unmanaged Ethernet switchesFeatures and Benefits•Relay output warning for power failure and port break alarm •Broadcast storm protection•-40to 75°C operating temperature range (-T models)CertificationsIntroductionThe EDS-308Ethernet switches provide an economical solution for your industrial Ethernet connections.These 8-port switches come with a built-in relay warning function that alerts network engineers when power failures or port breaks occur.In addition,the switches are designed for harsh industrial environments,such as the hazardous locations defined by the Class 1Div.2and ATEX Zone 2standards.The switches comply with FCC,UL,and CE standards and support either a standard operating temperature range of 0to 60°C or a wide operating temperature range of -40to 75°C.All switches in the series undergo a 100%burn-in test to ensure that they fulfill the special needs of industrial automation control applications.The EDS-308switches can be installed easily on a DIN rail or in a distribution box.SpecificationsInput/Output InterfaceAlarm Contact Channels1relay output with current carrying capacity of 1A @24VDCEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports (RJ45connector)EDS-308/308-T:8EDS-308-M-SC/308-M-SC-T/308-S-SC/308-S-SC-T/308-S-SC-80:7EDS-308-MM-SC/308-MM-SC-T/308-MM-ST/308-MM-ST-T/308-SS-SC/308-SS-SC-T/308-SS-SC-80:6All models support:Auto negotiation speed Full/Half duplex modeAuto MDI/MDI-X connection100BaseFX Ports (multi-mode SC connector)EDS-308-M-SC:1EDS-308-M-SC-T:1EDS-308-MM-SC:2EDS-308-MM-SC-T:2100BaseFX Ports (multi-mode ST connector)EDS-308-MM-ST:2EDS-308-MM-ST-T:2100BaseFX Ports (single-mode SC connector)EDS-308-S-SC:1EDS-308-S-SC-T:1EDS-308-SS-SC:2EDS-308-SS-SC-T:2100BaseFX Ports (single-mode SC connector,80km)EDS-308-S-SC-80:1EDS-308-SS-SC-80:2Standards IEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)and100BaseFXIEEE802.3x for flow controlOptical Fiber800Typical Distance4km5km40km80kmWavelen-gthTypical(nm)130013101550TX Range(nm)1260to13601280to13401530to1570 RX Range(nm)1100to16001100to16001100to1600Optical PowerTX Range(dBm)-10to-200to-50to-5 RX Range(dBm)-3to-32-3to-34-3to-34 Link Budget(dB)122929 Dispersion Penalty(dB)311Note:When connecting a single-mode fiber transceiver,we recommend using anattenuator to prevent damage caused by excessive optical power.Note:Compute the“typical distance”of a specific fiber transceiver as follows:Linkbudget(dB)>dispersion penalty(dB)+total link loss(dB).DIP Switch ConfigurationEthernet Interface Port break alarmSwitch PropertiesMAC Table Size2kbitsPacket Buffer Size768KProcessing Type Store and ForwardPower ParametersInput Current EDS-308/308-T:0.07A@24VDCEDS-308-M-SC/S-SC Series,308-S-SC-80:0.12A@24VDCEDS-308-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC Series,308-SS-SC-80:0.15A@24VDC Connection1removable6-contact terminal block(s)Operating Voltage9.6to60VDCInput Voltage Redundant dual inputs,12/24/48VDCReverse Polarity Protection SupportedOverload Current Protection SupportedPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalIP Rating IP30Dimensions53.6x135x105mm(2.11x5.31x4.13in)Weight790g(1.75lb)Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit) Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:-10to60°C(14to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F) Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsHazardous Locations ATEX,Class I Division2EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AMaritime DNV-GLEMC EN55032/24Vibration IEC60068-2-6EMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1MHz:20V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFSafety UL508,UL60950-1,CSA C22.2No.60950-1 Shock IEC60068-2-27Freefall IEC60068-2-32MTBFTime255,528hrsStandards MIL-HDBK-217FWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x EDS-308Series switchInstallation Kit1x cap,plastic,for SC fiber port2x cap,plastic,for SC fiber port(-SC models)2x cap,plastic,for ST fiber port(-ST models) Documentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name 10/100BaseT(X)PortsRJ45Connector100BaseFX PortsMulti-Mode,SCConnector100BaseFX PortsMulti-Mode,STConnector100BaseFX PortsSingle-Mode,SCConnectorOperating Temp.EDS-3088–––0to60°CEDS-308-T8–––-40to75°C EDS-308-M-SC71––0to60°CEDS-308-M-SC-T71––-40to75°C EDS-308-MM-SC62––0to60°CEDS-308-MM-SC-T62––-40to75°C EDS-308-MM-ST6–2–0to60°CEDS-308-MM-ST-T6–2–-40to75°C EDS-308-S-SC7––10to60°CEDS-308-S-SC-T7––1-40to75°C EDS-308-SS-SC6––20to60°CEDS-308-SS-SC-T6––2-40to75°C EDS-308-S-SC-807––10to60°CEDS-308-SS-SC-806––20to60°C Accessories(sold separately)Power SuppliesDR-120-24120W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal88to132VAC or176to264VAC input byswitch,or248to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureDR-452445W/2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to50°C operating temperatureDR-75-2475W/3.2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureMDR-40-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with40W/1.7A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureMDR-60-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with60W/2.5A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureWall-Mounting KitsWK-46Wall-mounting kit,2plates,8screws,46.5x66.8x1mmRack-Mounting KitsRK-4U19-inch rack-mounting kit©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Jan30,2019.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
HMEE-008 冷压型模块

WAIN 10-36HM DIN EN 60 664DIN EN 61 984接插件针数依据 EN 61 984 的电气数据 -额定电流 -额定电压-额定脉冲电压 -污染程度依据UL的额定电压绝缘电阻材料工作温度范围依据UL 94 的阻燃等级可拔插次数规范认证技术参数规范/认证插芯插针816A 400V 6kV 3600V ≥1010Ω聚碳酸酯-40℃...+125℃V0≥500材料表面处理接触电阻冷压连接 -mm 2 -AWG 铜合金镀银镀金≤1mΩ0.14-4mm 226-12400V 16A插芯HMEE-008 冷压型模块电流负载能力所受的限制主要来自包含接插针的接插体可承受的最大温度测试和控制过程依据DIN EN 60512-5电流负载能力M F 插芯公母型号HMEE-008-MC HMEE-008-FC 订货号129 008 010 ******* 008 020 0001冷压连接 冷压针需另外订购24B外壳带6个模块,导线截面: 2.5mm ²24B外壳带6个模块,导线截面: 1.5mm ²34.234.214.614.635.834.8冷压针接触电阻≤1mΩ镀银公CESM-0.37CESM-0.50CESM-0.75CESM-1.0CESM-1.5CESM-2.5CESM-3.0CESM-4.0CEGM-0.37CEGM-0.50CEGM-0.75CEGM-1.0CEGM-1.5CEGM-2.5CEGM-3.0CEGM-4.0订货号101 019 110 0301101 019 110 0401101 019 110 0601101 019 110 0801101 019 110 0901101 019 110 1001101 019 110 1101101 019 110 1201101 019 210 0301101 019 210 0401101 019 210 0601101 019 210 0801101 019 210 0901101 019 210 1001101 019 210 1101101 019 210 1201订货号101 019 120 0301101 019 120 0401101 019 120 0601101 019 120 0801101 019 120 0901101 019 120 1001101 019 120 1101101 019 120 1201101 019 220 0301101 019 220 0401101 019 220 0601101 019 220 0801101 019 220 0901101 019 220 1001101 019 220 1101101 019 220 1201母CESF-0.37CESF-0.50CESF-0.75CESF-1.0CESF-1.5CESF-2.5CESF-3.0CESF-4.0CEGF-0.37CEGF-0.50CEGF-0.75CEGF-1.0CEGF-1.5CEGF-2.5CEGF-3.0CEGF-4.016A 冷压针镀金更多16A冷压针请详情参见第13-04页.工具冷压钳退针器压接线径0.5-4mm ²型号TL02G 订货号198 001 001 0011适用范围16A冷压针型号TL01订货号198 001 000 0002压接线径:0.14-0.37mm ²请选择TL02冷压钳注意事项:冷压压接的工具关系到产品的品质稳定性,请选择我司认证的工具。

MB90540/540G/545/545G Series
(Continued) • UART 1 With full-duplex double buffer (8-bit length) Clock asynchronized or clock synchronized serial (extended I/O serial) can be used. • External interrupt circuit (8 channels) A module for starting an extended intelligent I/O service (EI2OS) and generating an external interrupt which is triggered by an external input. • Delayed interrupt generation module Generates an interrupt request for switching tasks. • 8/10-bit A/D converter (8 channels) 8/10-bit resolution can be selectively used. Starting by an external trigger input. Conversion time : 26.3 µs • FULL-CAN interfaces MB90540 series : 2 channel MB90545 series : 1 channel Conforming to Version 2.0 Part A and Part B Flexible message buffering (mailbox and FIFO buffering can be mixed) • External bus interface : Maximum address space 16 Mbytes • Package: QFP-100, LQFP-100

第二节主要技术指标1 工作电压:AC220V 50±1HZ;DC24V;2整机功耗:≤150W3 报警单机容量:a、总线回路最多可为32回路(01~32),每条总线回路最多可带254个地址编码单元;b、转接模块(火灾显示盘)回路号33;c、多线控制8组直控回路(34-41),每组可控制10-12个直控点;d、总线控制盘最多可带16个总线控制盘(42-57)。
4通讯容量:火灾显示盘64台;5 线制:无极性二总线;6 接点输出:一对常开输出接点接点容量为2A /DC24V7 使用环境:温度- 20℃~ +50℃相对湿度≤95%(温度40℃±2℃)第三节操作系统菜单结构第四节面板设置说明主控面板由液晶显示屏、指示灯区、直接控制盘(以下简称直控盘)、总线控制盘、键盘、打印机等几个部分组成(如图2所示)。
图2 JB-HM8000火灾报警控制器(联动型)面板示意图1 指示灯区说明●火警:此灯亮表示控制器检测到探测器处于火警状态。

3.1 引脚图 ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 引脚描述 ................................................................................................................................................... 6
迈克斯(Moxa)ToughNet TN-5524-8PoE系列Managed Ethernet交换

IntroductionTN-5524-8PoE SeriesThe ToughNet TN-5500 series M12 PoE managed Ethernet switches are designed for railway applications, such as rolling stock, and wayside installations. The TN series switches use M12 and othercircular connectors to ensure tight, robust connections, and guarantee reliable operation against environmental disturbances, such as vibration and shock. The TN-5524-8PoE series Ethernet switches provide 24 Fast Ethernet M12 ports with 8 IEEE 802.3af compliant PoE (Power-over-Ethernet) ports. The PoE switches are classified as power source equipment (PSE) and provide up to 15.4 watts of powerper port, and can be used to power IEEE 802.3af compliant powered devices (PDs) (such as surveillance cameras, wireless access points, and IP phones). Models with an extended operating temperature range of -40 to 75°C are also available. The TN-5500-PoE seriesEthernet switches are compliant with mandatory sections of EN 50155, covering operating temperature, power input voltage, surge, ESD, and vibration, as well as conformal coating and power insulation, making the switches suitable for a variety of industrial applications.• Advanced PoE management function• IPv6 Ready logo awarded (IPv6 Logo Committee certified)• Leading EN50155-compliant PoE switches for rolling stock applications• DHCP Option 82 for IP address assignment with different policies • EtherNet/IP and Modbus/TCP industrial Ethernet protocol supported• Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain (recovery time < 20 ms @ 250 switches), RSTP/STP , and MSTP for network redundancy • IGMP snooping and GMRP for filtering multicast traffic• Port-based VLAN, IEEE 802.1Q VLAN, and GVRP to ease network planning• QoS (IEEE 802.1p/1Q and TOS/DiffServ) to increase determinism • IEEE 802.3ad, LACP for optimum bandwidth utilization• TACACS+, SNMPv3, IEEE 802.1X, HTTPS, and SSH to enhance network security• SNMPv1/v2c/v3 for different levels of network management • RMON for efficient network monitoring and proactive capability • Bandwidth management prevents unpredictable network status • Lock port allows access by only authorized MAC addresses • Port mirroring for online debugging• Automatic warning by exception through email, relay output • Line-swap fast recovery• Automatic recovery of connected device’s IP addresses•LLDP for automatic topology discovery in network management software• Configurable by web browser, Telnet/serial console, CLI, and Windows utility• Panel mounting installation capabilityTechnologyStandards:IEEE 802.3af for Power-over-Ethernet IEEE 802.3 for 10BaseTIEEE 802.3u for 100BaseT(X) IEEE 802.3x for Flow ControlIEEE 802.1D-2004 for Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1w for Rapid STPIEEE 802.1s for Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1Q for VLAN Tagging IEEE 802.1p for Class of Service IEEE 802.1X for AuthenticationIEEE 802.3ad for Port Trunk with LACPSoftware FeaturesManagement: IPv4/IPv6, SNMP v1/v2c/v3, Telnet, LLDP, Port Mirror, Syslog, RMON, BootP, DHCP Server/Client, DHCP Option 66/67/82, TFTP, SMTP, RARP, HTTP, HTTPS, SNMP inform, Flow Control, Back pressure flow controlFilter: 802.1Q VLAN, Port-Based VLAN, GVRP, IGMPv1/v2, GMRP, Static MulticastRedundancy Protocols: STP/RSTP, MSTP, Turbo Ring v1/v2, Turbo Chain, Link AggregationSecurity: RADIUS, TACACS+, SSL, SSH, Port Lock, Broadcast Storm Protection, Rate LimitTime Management: SNTP, NTP Server/Client, IEEE 1588v2 PTP (software-based)Industrial Protocols: EtherNet/IP, Modbus/TCPMIB: MIB-II, Ethernet-like MIB, P-BRIDGE MIB, Q-BRIDGE MIB, Bridge MIB, RSTP MIB, RMON MIB Group 1, 2, 3, 9Switch PropertiesPriority Queues: 4Max. Number of VLANs: 64VLAN ID Range: VID 1 to 4094IGMP Groups: 256InterfaceFast Ethernet: Front cabling, M12 D-coded 4-pin female connector, 10/100BaseT(X) auto negotiation speed, F/H duplex mode, and auto MDI/MDI-X connectionConsole Port: M12 A-coded 5-pin male connectorAlarm Contact: 2 relay outputs in one M12 A-coded 5-pin male connector with current carrying capacity of 3 A @ 30 VDCPower RequirementsInput Voltage: 24 VDCOperating Voltage: 16.8 to 30 VDC Input Current: 8.4 (max.) @ 24 VDC Overload Current Protection: Present Connection: M23 connectorReverse Polarity Protection: PresentPhysical CharacteristicsHousing: MetalIP Rating: IP40 protection (optional protective caps available for unused ports)Dimensions: 390 x 132 x 122.3 mm (15.35 x 5.20 x 4.81 in)Weight: 3,506 g (7.73 lb)Installation: Panel-mounting kitEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature: -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)Storage Temperature: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% (non-condensing)Altitude: 2000 mPlease contact Moxa if you require products guaranteed to function at higher altitudesStandards and CertificationsSafety: UL/cUL 508EMI: FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A, EN 55032 Class A EMS:IEC 61000-4-2 ESD: Contact: 6 kV; Air: 8 kV IEC 61000-4-3 RS: 80 MHz to 1 GHz: 20 V/m IEC 61000-4-4 EFT: Power: 2 kV; Signal: 2 kV IEC 61000-4-5 Surge: Power: 2 kV; Signal: 2 kV IEC 61000-4-6 CS: 10 V IEC 61000-4-8Rail Traffic: (for panel-mounting installations) EN 50155*, EN 50121-4, EN 45545-2*This product is suitable for rolling stock railway applications, as defined by the EN 50155 standard. For a more detailed statement, click here: /doc/specs/EN_50155_Compliance.pdfShock: EN 50155, IEC 61373Freefall: IEC 60068-2-32Vibration: EN 50155, IEC 61373Note: Please check Moxa’s website for the most up-to-date certification status.MTBF (mean time between failures)Time: 663,533 hrsStandard: Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period: 5 yearsDetails: See /warrantyOrdering InformationOptional Accessories (can be purchased separately)Power Cords, M12 Connectors, Protective Caps: See the EN 50155 Switch Accessories datasheet for detailsMXview: Moxa industrial network management software with 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, or 2000 nodesEDS-SNMP OPC Server Pro: OPC server software that works with all SNMP devicesABC-01-M12: Configuration backup and restoration tool for TN series managed Ethernet switches, 0 to 60°C operating temperatureM12 ConnectorsM12/M23 CordsEN 50155 Switch AccessoriesCBL-M12D(MM4P)/RJ45-100 IP671-meter M12-to-RJ45 Cat-5C UTP Ethernet cable with IP67-rated 4-pin male D-coded M12 connectorM12D-4P-IP68Field-installable M12 D-coded screw-in sensor connector, 4-pin male, IP68-ratedM12X-8PMM-IP67-HTGField-installable M12 X-coded crimp type, slim design connector, 8-pin male, IP67-ratedCBL-M23(FF6P)/Open-BK-100 IP671-meter M23-to-6-pin power cable with IP67-rated 6-pin female M23 connectorCBL-M12XMM8P-Y-300-IP673-meter M12-to-M12 Cat-5 UTP Ethernet cable withIP67-rated 8-pin male X-coded crimp type M12 connectorCBL-M12XMM8PRJ45-Y-200-IP672-meter M12-to-RJ45 Cat-5 UTP Ethernet cable with IP67-rated 8-pin male X-coded crimp type M12 connectorCBL-M12XMM8P-Y-100-IP671-meter M12-to-M12 Cat-5 UTP Ethernet cable withIP67-rated 8-pin male X-coded crimp type M12 connectorCBL-M12(FF5P)/OPEN-100 IP671-meter M12-to-5-pin power cable with IP67-rated 5-pin female A-coded M12 connectorM12A-5P-IP68Field-installable M12 A-coded screw-in sensor connector, 5-pin female, IP68-ratedM12 IP67 Protective CapsM23 ConnectorsA-CAP-M12F-MMetal cap for M12 female connectorA-PLG-WPM23-01M23 cable connector, 6-pin female, crimp typeA-CAP-M12M-MMetal cap for M12 male connector。

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板 处
是 即插 即用的 完整 系统 ,配有 MI— L
统的主要规格与特色请参见下表 :
搭 载 英特 尔C r T 2 Du 与A o oe M o t m 处 理 器 ,满 足 不 同性 能 等 级 需 求
符 L _1G见 ( 动与冲击测试 )、 M_ 8O圭 范 震
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美 国博纯推 出MD S S 回流干燥样气脱水 系统
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标 。其 使 用 强 固型机 箱 外壳 ,通过 传 导 式 散 热 , 不 需 要 额 外 安 装 风 扇 或 散 热 孔 进 行 导 热 。 凌 华 科 技 产 品
HC-08 蓝牙串口通信模块 用户手册 V2.0

⑴ 指令集总
AT 指令 (小写 x 表示参数)
1 AT
7 AT+NAME=xxxxxxxxxxxx
峰值电流超过 30mA(4dBm 时),由于纽扣电池的放电电流小,如要使用纽扣电池供
电,射频功率最好设定为-6dBm 或者-23dBm。
10 修改串口波特率指令
x 是串口波特率代号,y 是校验位代号,如下表所示:
产品介绍 HC-08 蓝牙串口通信模块是新一代的基于 Bluetooth Specification V4.0 BLE 蓝牙协议的
数传模块。无线工作频段为 2.4GHz ISM,调制方式是 GFSK。模块最大发射功率为 4dBm, 接收灵敏度-93dBm,空旷环境下和 iphone4s 可以实现 80 米超远距离通信。
例: 发送:AT+BAUD=19200 返回:OK19200 模块串口波特率修改为 19200bps,校验位和原来的一样 发送:AT+BAUD=4800,E 返回:OK4800,EVEN 模块串口波特率修改为 4800bps,偶校验 发送:AT+BAUD=? 返回:4800,EVEN 显示模块当前串口波特率和校验位。 注:V2.0 版本软件串口波特率设置马上生效,无需重新上电!
义隆中文资料 EM78P447S中文

8位 OTP 微控制器
产品规Байду номын сангаас书
版本 1.7
本文内容是由英文规格书翻译 而来,目的是为了您的阅读更 加方便。它无法跟随原稿的更 新,文中可能存在翻译上的错 误,请您参考英文规格书以获 得更准确的信息。
IBM 为一个注册商标,PS/2 是 IBM 的商标之ㄧ.。
4.5 复位和唤醒 ..................................................................................................... 16
4.5.1 复位................................................................................................................... 16 4.5.2 状态寄存器的 RST, T, 和 P 的状态 ....................................................................... 20
Elan Korea Electronics Company, Ltd.
301 Dong-A Building 632 Kojan-Dong, Namdong-ku Incheon City, KOREA Tel: +82 32 814-7730 Fax:+82 32 813-7730
义隆电子(香港)有限公司 九龙观塘巧明街 95 号世达中心 19 楼 A 室 电话:+852 2723-3376 传真:+852 2723-7780

第 3 章:输入文本 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
文本输入方法 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 使用 (QWERTY) 键盘输入文本 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 使用符号 / 数字模式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
硬件连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 电脑连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 存储卡 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 附件连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 软件连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 浏览器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wi-Fi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 蓝牙 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 虚拟专用网 (VPN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 27 27 28 29 29 30 30 30

HLXC交叉连接矩阵卡XDM-1000产品系列的核心是具有功能强大的高容量4c/4/3/1无阻塞HLXC交叉矩阵卡,有以下几种板卡类型:HLXC192 –具备192 VC-4等效交叉容量(4c/4/3/1) (30 Gbps).HLXC384 –具备384 VC-4等效交叉容量(4c/4/3/1) (60 Gbps),注意HLXC384支持每个槽位32 STM-1的容量(12 x 32 = 384)。
HLXC768 –具备768 VC-4等效交叉容量(4c/4/3/1) (120 Gbps) ,注意HLXC768支持每个槽位64 STM-1的容量(12 x 64 = 768),和更新的TMU-L和xMCP-B板卡配合使用。
XDM采用两个相同的HLXC交叉矩阵卡,支持硬件冗余,支持1+1保护,两块卡同时完成交叉连接和节点同步功能,I/O接口卡切换到备用HLXC的切换时间小于50 ms,与此类似,备用TMU接管时钟控制而不中断业务。

Hi-SCOM产品型号表:序号型号描述非网管型工业以太网交换机1HIES-1050A非网管超薄型工业以太网交换机 5x百兆电口 10/100TX2HIES-1050非网管工业以太网交换机 5x百兆电口 10/100TX3HIES-1041FX-MM非网管超薄型工业以太网交换机 4x百兆电口 10/100TX + 1x百兆光口 100FX(多模SC接口)4HIES-1041FX-SS非网管超薄型工业以太网交换机 4x百兆电口 10/100TX + 1x百兆光口 100FX(单模SC接口)5HIES-1042FX-MM非网管超薄型工业以太网交换机 4x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x百兆光口 100FX(多模SC接口)6HIES-1042FX-SS非网管超薄型工业以太网交换机 4x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x百兆光口 100FX(单模SC接口)7HIES-1080A非网管超薄型工业以太网交换机 8x百兆电口 10/100TX8HIES-1080非网管型工业以太网交换机 8x百兆电口 10/100TX9HIES-1062GT非网管型工业以太网交换机 6x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x 千兆电口 10/100/1000TX10HIES-1062FX-MM非网管型工业以太网交换机 6x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x百兆光口 100FX(多模SC接口)11HIES-1062FX-SS非网管型工业以太网交换机 6x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x百兆光口 100FX(单模SC接口)12HIES-1062GF-MM非网管型工业以太网交换机 6x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x千兆光口 1000SX(多模SC接口)13HIES-1062GF-SS非网管型工业以太网交换机 6x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x千兆光口 1000LX(单模SC接口)14HIES-1082GP非网管型工业以太网交换机 8x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x千兆SFP15HIES-1162GC非网管型工业以太网交换机 16x百兆电口 10/100TX +2x千兆COMBO(千兆电口/千兆SFP)16HIES-1050-M12非网管型工业以太网交换机 5x百兆电口10/100 TX , M12/IP67网管型工业以太网交换机1HIES-3080网管型工业以太网交换机 8x百兆电口 10/100TX2HIES-3062GT网管型工业以太网交换机 6x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x千兆电口 10/100/1000TX3HIES-3062FX-MM网管型工业以太网交换机 6x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x百兆光口 100FX(多模SC接口)4HIES-3062FX-SS网管型工业以太网交换机 6x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x百兆光口 100FX(单模SC接口)5HIES-3062GF-MM网管型工业以太网交换机 6x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x千兆光口 1000SX(多模SC接口)6HIES-3062GF-SS网管型工业以太网交换机 6x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x千兆光口 1000LX(单模SC接口)7HIES-3082GP网管型工业以太网交换机 8x百兆电口 10/100TX + 2x千兆SFP8HIES-3073GC网管型工业以太网交换机 7x百兆电口10/100TX + 3x千兆COMBO(千兆电口/千兆SFP)9HIES-3162GC网管型工业以太网交换机 16x百兆电口10/100TX + 2x千兆COMBO(千兆电口/千兆SFP)10HIES-3242GC网管型工业以太网交换机 24x百兆电口 10/100TX+ 2x千兆 COMBO(千兆电口/千兆SFP)11HIES-3242GC-E网管型工业以太网交换机(增强版) 24x百兆电口 10/100TX +2x千兆COMBO(千兆电口/千兆SFP)简易网管型工业以太网交换机1HIES-2050-M12简易网管型工业以太网交换机 5x百兆电口10/100 TX , M12/IP672HIES-2050A入门级网管超薄型工业以太网交换机 5x百兆电口10/100 TX3HIES-2060简易网管型工业以太网交换机 6x百兆电口10/100TX4HIES-2042FX-MM简易网管型工业以太网交换机 4x百兆电口10/100TX + 2x百兆光口100FX(多模SC接口)5HIES-2042FX-SS简易网管型工业以太网交换机 4x百兆电口10/100TX + 2x百兆光口100FX(单模SC接口)6HIES-2042PA简易网管型工业以太网交换机 4x百兆电口10/100TX + 2x百兆SFP简易网管型PoE工业以太网交换机1HIPS-2042TX简易网管型 PoE 工业以太网交换机 4x百兆PSE电口10/100TX + 2x百兆电口2HIPS-2042FX-MM简易网管型 PoE 工业以太网交换机 4x百兆PSE电口10/100TX + 2x百兆光口(多模SC接口)3HIPS-2042FX-SS简易网管型 PoE 工业以太网交换机 4x百兆PSE电口10/100TX + 2x百兆光口(单模SC接口)网管型PoE工业以太网交换机1HIPS-3082GC网管型PoE工业以太网交换机 8x百兆PSE电口10/100TX + 2x千兆COMBO(千兆电口/千兆SFP)千兆网管型PoE工业以太网交换机1HIGPS-3244GP千兆网管型PoE工业以太网交换机 24x千兆PSE电口10/100/1000TX+ 4x千兆SFP全千兆工业以太网交换机1HIGS-1050A千兆非网管超薄型工业以太网交换机 5x 千兆电口10/100/1000TX2HIGS-1041GPA千兆非网管超薄型工业以太网交换机 4x千兆电口10/100/1000TX+ 1x千兆SFP3HIGS-3044GC 千兆网管型工业以太网交换机 4x千兆电口10/100/1000TX + 4x千兆COMBO (千兆电口/千兆SFP)4HIGS-3044GP千兆网管型工业以太网交换机 4x千兆电口 10/100/1000TX + 4x千兆SFP 5HIGS-3244GP千兆网管型工业以太网交换机 24x千兆电口10/100/1000TX + 4x千兆SFP 工业无线接入点1HIAP-6002-WA工业无线接入点, 符合IEEE802.11 a/b/g2HIAP-6002-WA+工业无线接入点, 符合IEEE802.11 a/b/g, 1× PoE PD口3HIAP-6002-WG工业无线接入点, 符合IEEE802.11 b/g4HIAP-6002-WG+工业无线接入点, 符合IEEE802.11 b/g , 1× PoE PD口5HIAP-6701-WA+工业IP67户外无线接入点 ,符合802.11 a/ b/g, 1× PoE PD口6HIAP-6701-WG+工业IP67户外无线接入点 ,符合802.11 b/g, 1× PoE PD口工业无线路由器1HIAR-7002-WA工业无线VPN路由器, 符合IEEE802.11 a/b/g2HIAR-7002-WA+工业无线VPN路由器, 符合IEEE802.11 a/b/g, 1× PoE PD口3HIAR-7002-WG工业无线VPN路由器, 符合IEEE802.11 b/g4HIAR-7002-WG+工业无线VPN路由器, 符合IEEE802.11 b/g, 1× PoE PD口网络管理软件1Super-Vision Pro M50工业网络监控管理软件,支持50个节点(IP地址)2Super-Vision Pro M100工业网络监控管理软件,支持100个节点(IP地址)3Super-Vision Pro M200工业网络监控管理软件,支持200个节点(IP地址)4Super-Vision Pro M500工业网络监控管理软件,支持500个节点(IP地址)5Super-Vision Pro M100工业网络监控管理软件,支持1000个节点(IP地址)。

14 15 12 16 17
743388 1.1 kW Wash Pump For 380/50/3 220/50/3
RR-11-03 Retaining Ring
743309 Throttle Plate
743399 Lower Manifold/Shaft Assy
473984 Gasket- Manifold
473460 Nut- Manifold
67500-10 "O" Ring 22.4*3.55
538412 Clamp- Hose 50mm
542337 Clamp- Hose 60mm
743315-1 Clamp- Hose 75mm
743396 Hose Adapter- Wash Pump Inlet
743336 Clamp- Hose 14mm
743397 Piping- Wash Pump Drain
743446-3 End Cap- Rinse Arm
1 1 4 20 12 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 20 16 2 2 4
Freescale HCS08单片机原理及应用-指令集汇总

AIX #opr8i
Add Immediate Value H:X ← (H:X) + (M)
(Signed) to Index Register M is sign extended – – – – – – IMM
to a 16-bit value
AF ii
Mn ← 1
BSR rel
Branch Subroutine
PC←PC+0x0002; push (PCL); to SP←SP–0x0001; push (PCH); SP←SP–0x0001; PC←PC+rel
DIR (b0)
DIR (b1)
DIR (b2)
DIR (b3) DIR (b4)
Branch (Z)|(N⊕V)=1
if – – – – – – REL
93 rr
BLO rel
Branch if Lower (Same as BCS)
Branch if (C) = 1
– – – – – – REL
25 rr
BLS rel
Branch if Lower or Same Branch if (C|Z) = 1 – – – – – – REL
DIR (b5)
DIR (b6)
DIR (b7)
10 dd 12 dd 14 dd
16 dd 18 dd 1A dd
1C dd 1E dd
– – – – – – REL
Atmel SMART SAMA5D4系列720p硬件视频解码器和高级安全密钥应用说明书

Key Applications• Control panels for security, home automation, thermostats, etc.• Surveillance cameras• Industrial human-machine interface (HMI)• Fitness equipment, such as treadmills and exercise machines • Industrial and residential gateways •Smart grid infrastructureThe new Atmel ® | SMART SAMA5D4 series, expands the SAMA5 microprocessors family and targets IoT, Industrial and Consumer applications. It is ARM ® Cortex ®-A5-based, and adds a 720p resolution hardware video decoder and advanced security features. The chip has significantly better system performance using the ARM NEON ™ 128-bit SIMD (single instruction, multiple data) architecture extension and a 128kByte L2 Cache. The IC has advanced security features to protect the application software from counterfeiting, to safeguard software assets, and to securely store and transfer data.Key Highlights720p 30fps Video PlaybackThe SAMA5D4 series enables you to bring up to 720p 30fps video playback to your user interface applications using theembedded hardware video decoder that supports H264, VP8, MPEG4, and JPEG. This is complemented by an integrated TFT LCD display controller and resistive touchscreen interface.High-performance ArchitectureBased on the ARM Cortex-A5 core with the ARM NEON SIMD engine, the SAMA5D4 series is ideal for applications requiring high-precision computing and fast signal processing. This series of microprocessors delivers 945DMIPS at 600MHz and a 128kB of L2 cache improves the overall system performance. The SAMA5D4 also features a 32-bit wide DDR controller running up to 200MHz that can deliver up to 1408MB/s of bandwidth. It is configurable in either a 16- or 32-bit bus interface allowing you an optimum trade-off between performance and memory cost.Advanced SecurityThe SAMA5D4 series security features prevent cloning of your application, protects and authenticates software, and securely stores and transfer data. It allows unique on-the-fly encryption and decryption of software code from the external DRAM, and includes secure boot, tamper detection pins, and safe erasure of security-critical data. The part features the ARM TrustZone ® system-wide approach to security as well as advanced hardware encryption engines supporting private and public key cryptography.Lifetime CommitmentAtmel offers customers a 12-years lifetime commitment from the time of this product’s introduction.Memory Connectivity User Interface User Interface System SecurityControl User Interface42-ch DMADDR2, LPDDR, LPDDR2Controller 3 HS/FS/LS USB ports 3 Host or 2 Host +1 Device2 EMAC 10/100w/ IEEE15882 HS SDIO/SD/MMC 8 UART, 8 SPI ,4 TWI, Soft modemTFT LCD Controller with Overlays720p Video Decoder Camera Interface,2 I2SResistive TouchscreenController2 RC OSC, 2 xtal OSC, 2 PLL, Voltage Regulator Watchdog, POR, RTC Backup unit with8 kb SRAMRSA, ECC co-processor 3DES, AES, SHA, TRNGOn the fly DDR Encryption/Decryption 8x Tamper Pins, Secure Boot5-ch 10-bit ADC 4 x 16-bit PWM 9 x 32-bit Timers152 IOsSLC/MLC NAND Controllerwith 24-bit ECC External Bus Interface128 kb SRAM BootROM 512 Fuse Bits64-bit AXI/AHBCortex ®-A5SAMA5D4600 MHz2x32 kb L1 Cache 128 kb L2 CacheAtmel Corporation 1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T : (+1)(408) 441. 0311 F : (+1)(408) 436. 4200 | © 2015 Atmel Corporation. / Rev.: Atmel-45090B-SAMA5D4_E_US_092015Atmel,® Atmel logo and combinations thereof, Enabling Unlimited Possibilities,® and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation in U. S. and other countries. ARM,® ARM Connected ® logo and others are the registered trademarks or trademarks of ARM Ltd. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RE-LATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shallnot be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.EcosystemAtmel has created and supports a free Linux ® distributions available at and https:///linux4sam . With our commitment to the Linux open-source community, we provide full coverage of SoC peripherals in the Linux kernel as well as bootloaders such as AT91Bootstrap and U-Boot.Atmel offers a free graphics software development kit (SDK) based on Qt available at . This SDK includes demos, widgets, backgound images, a set of icons, and useful graphical elements. Using these proven elements, you can develop your own customized user interface.Atmel is now offering a free Android ™ port for the SAMA5D devices, available at /android4sam . Originally developed for mobile handset devices, Android is ideal for use in embedded applications such as control panels, smart watches, DECT phones, and more. Android comes with multimedia and connectivity stacks, graphical user interfaces and a comprehensive SDK.For RTOS, bare metal C or C++ designers, Atmel delivers the softpack, a set of around 40 C drivers that run on the SAMA5D4 evaluation kits and exercises all peripherals. The softpack is also very useful for board bring up as well asquick prototyping and available for download from the product page on the Atmel web site.All devices are -40°C to +85°C temperature range.* Security: On the fly encryption/decryption of DRAM, secure boot, tamper detection pins, secure key storage, ARM Trust Zone, hardware cryptography engines RSA, ECC, AES, 3DES as well as SHA and TRNGTo evaluate and prototype your application, Atmel provides a low cost evaluation kit. To ease your design process and reduce your time-to-market, Atmel collaborates with a global and expanding network of partners that deliver hardware, PMIC, memories, SOM (system-on-module), and software solution for the SAMA5D4 series of MPUs. For more information on our partners and the Atmel evaluation kit, you can visit /microsite/SAMA5SAMA5D4 Series Selector GuideFor more information on the SAMA5D4 series, go to /SAMA5D4。

Modbus RTU 操作员手册 固件版本号: ODOUM040
Modbus RTU 操作员手册
瑞士哈美顿博纳图斯公司版权所有。未经允许禁止以任何形式拷贝和储存本文档中的任何内容。 本文档中的内容可能会被修改,将不预先通知。 本公司保留修改技术参数的权利。公司尽可能确保本文档中的信息准确。如果发现信息有误,瑞士哈美顿博纳图斯公司将告知。此外, 瑞士哈美顿博纳图斯公司对由于本文档故障或其后果不承担任何责任。 本文档为瑞士哈美顿博纳图斯公司© 2013版权所有。
2 Modbus RTU中的VISIFERM DO命令..........................................14
2.1 概述
Modbus RTU基本信息
特定总线或网络上的Modbus协议映射介绍了协议数据单元的附加字段。启动Modbus交换的客户端创建Modbus PDU;随后添加域,建 立正确的通信PDU。
1.2.1 Modbus RTU:定义符合Modbus IDA标准
章节1.2中的定义为以下文档摘录: •• “Modbus串行线 – 规格和实施指南V1.02” •• “Modbus应用协议规范V1.1b” 更多详细信息请查询 .。
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CHAPTER 8BUDGETING FOR PLANNING AND CONTROLDISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. Budgets are the quantitative expressions ofplans. Budgets are used to translate thegoals and strategies of an organization intooperational terms.2.Control is the process of setting standards,receiving feedback on actual performance,and taking corrective action whenever actualperformance deviates from planned per-formance. Budgets are the standards, andthey are compared with actual costs andrevenues to provide feedback.3.Budgeting forces managers to plan, pro-vides resource information for decision mak-ing, sets benchmarks for control and evalua-tion, and improves the functions of communication and coordination.4.The master budget is the collection of allindividual area and activity budgets. Operat-ing budgets are concerned with the income-generating activities of a firm. Financial budgets are concerned with the inflows andoutflows of cash and with planned capitalexpenditures.5.The sales forecast is a critical input for build-ing the sales budget. It, however, is not nec-essarily equivalent to the sales budget.Upon receiving the sales forecast, man-agement may decide that the firm can dobetter or needs to do better than the fore-cast is indicating. Consequently, actions may be taken to increase the sales potentialfor the coming year (e.g., increasing adver-tising). This adjustment then becomes thesales budget.6. Yes. All budgets essentially are founded onthe sales budget. The production budgetdepends on the level of planned sales. Themanufacturing budgets, in turn, depend onthe production budget. The same is true forthe financial budgets since sales is a criticalinput for budgets in that category.7. An accounts receivable aging schedulegives the proportion of accounts receivablethat are, on average, collected in the monthsfollowing sale. It is important in creating thecash budget, since the sales on account forpast months can be multiplied by the appro-priate percentage to yield the amount ofcash expected.8.If the vice president of sales is a pessimisticindividual, one might expect that she or hewould underestimate sales for the comingyear. In your role as head of the budgetprocess, you might increase the budgetedsales figure to take out the individual bias. 9.If the factory controller is a particularly opti-mistic individual, it is possible that the costsfor direct materials, direct labor, and over-head could be underestimated. For exam-ple, an optimistic person might assume thateverything will go well (e.g., that there willbe no problems in obtaining an adequatesupply of materials at the lowest possibleprice). As head of the budget process, youmight allow for somewhat higher costs tomore accurately reflect reality.10.The learning curve is the relationship be-tween unit costs of production and increas-ing number of units. As time goes on, thenumber of units produced in a time periodwill increase and the cost per unit will de-crease. The budgets affected will be thedirect materials purchases budget, the directlabor budget, and the overhead budget.11.Small firms often do not engage in a com-prehensive master budgeting process. (Per-sonally, we believe that is a mistake. Thebudgeting process helps management morefully understand the business and helpsthem to plan for the coming year.) Evensmall businesses create cash budgets, how-ever, because cash flow is critically impor-tant. For example, it is possible to havepositive operating income, but negative cashflow (e.g., if sales on account are high, butcustomers are slow to pay). Negative cashflow could put a company out of business inshort order.12.The master budget has been criticized forthe following reasons: it does not recognizethe interdependencies among departments,it is static, and it is results rather than proc-ess oriented. These criticisms are especiallyapparent when companies are in a competi-tive, dynamic environment. When the envi-ronment changes slowly, if at all, the masterbudget would do a good job of both planningand control.13. A static budget is one that is not adjusted forchanges in activity. Using a static budget forcontrol can be a real problem. For example,suppose that the master (static) budget isbased on the production and sale of100,000 units, but that only 90,000 units areactually produced and sold. Further supposethat the budgeted variable cost of goodssold was $2,000,000, and that the actualvariable cost of goods sold was $1,890,000.It looks as if the company spent less thanexpected for variable manufacturing costs.However, the budgeted variable cost was$20 per unit ($2,000,000/100,000), and theactual variable cost per unit is $21 per unit($1,890,000/90,000). Not adjusting thebudget for changes in activity level can mis-lead managers about efficiency. 14. A flexible budget is (1) a budget for variouslevels of activity or (2) a budget for the ac-tual level of activity. The first type of flexiblebudget is used for planning and sensitivityanalysis. The second type of budget is usedfor control, since the actual costs of the ac-tual level of activity can be compared withthe planned costs for the actual level of ac-tivity.15.The activity-based budget starts with output,determines the activities necessary to createthat output, and then determines the re-sources necessary to support the activities.This differs from the traditional master bud-geting process in that the master budgetleaps directly from output to resources.Some of the resource levels are assumed tobe fixed. This makes them independent ofvolume changes and hides the drivers thatactually do affect the fixed resources. As aresult, the budget format does not supportthe creation of value and the thinking thatwould go into determining the sources ofwaste.CORNERSTONE EXERCISESCornerstone Exercise 8–11. StrikeSmart CompanySales BudgetFor the First QuarterJanuary FebruaryMarch Quarterball:PracticeUnits.................. 70,000 65,000 100,000 235,000price..........× $9.50 × $9.50 × $9.50 × $9.50 UnitSales................. $665,000 $617,500 $ 950,000 $2,232,500 ball:MatchUnits.................. 10,000 8,000 15,000 33,000price..........× $18.00 ×Unit$18.00 × $18.00 × $18.00Sales................. $180,000 $144,000 $ 270,000 $ 594,000 sales............$845,000 $761,500 $1,220,000 $2,826,500Total2. StrikeSmart CompanySales BudgetFor the First QuarterJanuaryFebruary March Quarterball:PracticeUnits.................. 70,000 65,000 100,000 235,000Unit price..........× $9.50 × $9.50 × $9.50 × $9.50Sales................. $665,000 $617,500 $ 950,000 $2,232,500 ball:MatchUnits..................6,000 4,800 9,000 19,800$18.00 × $18.00 × $18.00 price..........× $18.00 ×Unit86,400 $ 162,000 $ 356,400 Sales................. $108,000 $ball:TournamentUnits..................4,000 3,200 6,000 13,200Unit$40.00 × $40.00 × $40.00 price..........× $40.00 ×Sales................. $160,000 $128,000 $ 240,000 $ 528,000 sales............$933,000 $831,900 $1,352,000 $3,116,900TotalCornerstone Exercise 8–21. Production budget for practice balls:March January FebruaryUnit sales..................................... 70,000 65,000 100,000 Desired ending inventory........... 13,000 20,000 24,000needed.......................... 83,000 85,000 124,000 TotalLess: Beginning inventory......... 10,000 13,000 20,000produced...................... 73,000 72,000 104,000 UnitsProduction budget for match balls:January February MarchUnit sales..................................... 10,000 8,000 15,000 Desired ending inventory........... 1,6003,000 5,000needed.......................... 11,600 11,000 20,000 TotalLess: Beginning inventory......... 1,500 1,600 3,000produced...................... 10,100 9,400 17,000 Units2. In order to construct a production budget for April, you would need Maysales.This is due to the calculation of desired ending inventory, which is 20 percent of the next period’s sales.Cornerstone Exercise 8–31. Direct materials purchases budget for practice balls:Polyvinyl chloride panels: January FebruaryUnits produced..............................................73,000 72,000Direct materials per unit...............................× 0.7 × 0.7 Direct materials for production............... 51,100 50,400 Desired ending inventory*............................ 5,040 7,280Totalneeded.............................................56,140 57,680 Less: Beginning inventory**........................ 5,110 5,040materials purchases..................... 51,030 52,640 Direct*Desired ending inventory = 0.10 × next month’s production needs; Januaryending inventory = 0.10 × 50,400 = 5,040; February ending inventory = 0.10 ×(104,000 × 0.7 sq. yd.) = 7,280**Beginning inventory for January equals ending inventory for December= 0.10 × 51,100 = 5,110Cornerstone Exercise 8–3 (Concluded)Bladder and valve: January FebruaryUnits produced..............................................73,000 72,0001 Direct materials per unit...............................× 1 × Direct materials for production............... 73,000 72,000 Desired ending inventory*............................ 7,200 10,400 needed.............................................80,200 82,400 TotalLess: Beginning inventory**........................7,300 7,200 materials purchases..................... 72,900 75,200 Direct*Desired ending inventory = 0.10 × next month’s production needs; January ending inventory = 0.10 × 72,000 = 7,200; February ending inventory = 0.10 × (104,000 × 1) = 10,400**Beginning inventory for January equals ending inventory for December= 0.10 × 73,000 = 7,300Glue: January FebruaryUnits produced..............................................73,000 72,000 Direct materials per unit...............................× 3 × 3 Direct materials for production............... 219,000 216,00031,200 Desired ending inventory*............................ 21,600needed.............................................240,600 247,200 TotalLess: Beginning inventory**........................ 21,90021,600purchases.....................218,700225,600 materialsDirect*Desired ending inventory = 0.10 × next month’s production needs; January ending inventory = 0.10 × 216,000 = 21,600; February ending inventory = 0.10 × (104,000 × 3) = 31,200**Beginning inventory for January equals ending inventory for December= 0.10 × 219,000 = 21,9002. If the desired ending inventory percentage increases, then more must be or-dered to satisfy the increased need for materials on hand.1. Number of wrong numbers = Total calls × Percent= 5,000 × 0.10 = 500Number of answering machine calls = Total calls × Percent= 5,000 × 0.15 = 750Number of alumni contact calls = Total calls × Percent= 5,000 × 0.75 = 3,750Minutes for wrong numbers (500 × 3)........................... 1,500 Minutes for answering machine calls (750 × 2)............1,500Minutes for alumni contact calls (3,750 × 10)...............37,500minutes..................................................................40,500Total60÷ 60 Minutes per hour..................................................... ÷ student hours.. (675)Total15÷ Number of students..................................................... ÷Total hours per volunteer (45)3 ÷ 3 Hours per night......................................................... ÷of calling (15)nightsTotal2. Minutes for wrong numbers (500 × 1) (500)Minutes for answering machine calls (750 × 0) 0Minutes for alumni contact calls (3,750 × 8).................30,000minutes..................................................................30,500Total60÷ 60 Minutes per hour..................................................... ÷ student hours........................................................ 508.33Total15÷ Number of students..................................................... ÷Total hours per volunteer............................................... 33.893 ÷ 3 Hours per night......................................................... ÷ Total nights of calling...............................................11.301. Direct labor hours = Budgeted unit × Budgeted direct labor hours per unit= 160,000 × 1.5 = 240,000 direct labor hours Variable overhead = Supplies + Gas = $264,000 + $60,000 = $324,000Variable overhead rate = ($264,000 + $60,000)/240,000= $1.35 per direct labor hourBudgeted fixed overhead:labor........................................................ $180,000 IndirectSupervision.......................................................... 75,000onequipment................................ 60,000 Depreciationthe building.............................. 45,000onDepreciationspecial equipment............................... 12,000 RentalofElectricity............................................................. 32,400 Telephone............................................................. 4,300 service........................................... 1,200 LandscapingOtheroverhead.................................................... 50,000overhead...................................... $459,900Totalfixed2. Overhead BudgetFor the Year Budgeted direct labor hours....................................240,000$1.35Variableoverhead rate............................................. ×variableoverhead.................................... $324,000Budgeted459,900 Budgeted fixed overhead.........................................overhead.................................... $783,900TotalbudgetedFixed overhead rate = $459,900/240,000 = $1.92 per direct labor hourTotal overhead rate = $783,900/240,000 = $3.27 per direct labor hour3. Overhead BudgetFor the Yearlabor hours*................................... 225,000directBudgetedoverhead rate............................................. ×$1.35Variableoverhead.................................... $303,750variableBudgeted459,900 Budgeted fixed overhead.........................................Totaloverhead.................................... $763,650budgeted*Budgeted direct labor hours = 150,000 × 1.5 = 225,000Fixed overhead rate = $459,900/225,000 = $2.04 per direct labor hourTotal overhead rate = $763,650/225,000 = $3.39 per direct labor hour1. Unit costs:materials..................................... $1.67Directlabor............................................ 0.56DirectOverhead:Budgeted variable overhead..........0.72overhead............... 1.80fixedBudgetedTotal cost per unit......................................$4.75Total ending inventory cost = Units ending inventory* × Unit cost= 31,000 × $4.75 = $147,250*Units ending inventory = Beginning inventory + Units produced – Units sales= (16,000 + 300,000) – 285,000 = 31,0002. If the number of units sold increases to 290,000, there will be 5,000 fewer unitsin ending inventory, and the cost of ending inventory will decrease to $123,500 (26,000 units in ending inventory × $4.75).Cornerstone Exercise 8–71. Budgeted direct materials = $1.67 × 300,000 = $501,000Budgeted direct labor = $0.56 × 300,000 = $168,000Budgeted overhead = ($0.72 + $1.80) × 300,000 = $756,000501,0002. Direct materials..................................................... $Directlabor............................................................ 168,000756,000Overhead...............................................................Totalmanufacturing cost..................................... $1,425,000 Add: Beginning inventory, finished goods*....... 76,000Less: Ending inventory, finished goods............. 147,250Cost of goods sold............................................... $1,353,750*Beginning finished goods inventory = 16,000 × $4.75 = $76,0003. If the cost of beginning inventory of finished goods was only $4,750, the costof goods sold would decrease to $1,282,500.1. Hair-AgainMarketing Expense BudgetFor the Year Ended December 311 Quarter2 Quarter3 Quarter4 TotalQuarter Budgeted unit sales............. 5,000 15,000 40,000 35,000 95,000 Unit variable expense*.........× $0.45 × $0.45 × $0.45 × $0.45 × $0.45 Total variable expense.........$ 2,250 $ 6,750 $18,000 $15,750 $ 42,750 Fixed marketing expense:Internet ads........................$ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 30,400 Television time...................10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 Telephone operators.........4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 16,000 Travel.................................. 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 12,000Total fixed expense.............. $24,600 $24,600 $24,600 $24,600 $ 98,400 Total marketing expense.....$26,850 $31,350 $42,600 $40,350 $141,150 *Unit variable expense = Selling price × 3% Commission ($15 × 0.03 = $0.45)2. If the cost of television time rises to $15,000 in Quarters 2, 3, and 4, the fixedmarketing expense in those quarters will be $5,000 higher, as will the total marketing expense. There will be no impact on variable marketing expense.Cornerstone Exercise 8–91. Green Earth Landscaping CompanyAdministrative Expense BudgetFor the Summer MonthsJuly August TotalJuneSalaries........................................$ 9,600 $ 9,600 $ 9,600 $28,800Insurance.....................................2,500 2,500 2,500 7,500Depreciation................................3,700 3,700 3,700 11,100 services...................500 500 500 1,500AccountingTotal administrative expense $16,300 $16,300 $16,300 $48,9002. The increase in insurance rates at the beginning of July will increase the totaladministrative cost by $100 in July and August.1. Coral Seas Jewelry CompanyBudgeted Income StatementFor the Coming Year15,900,000 Sales........................................................... $ Less: Cost of goods sold..........................8,750,000 margin............................................. $7,150,000 GrossLess:expense.................................$2,800,000Marketingexpense......................... 675,000Administrative3,475,000income......................................$ 3,675,000OperatingLess: Income taxes (0.40 × $3,675,000)...1,470,0002,205,000 income................................................. $Net2. If Coral Seas Jewelry Company has interest expense of $500,000, there wouldbe no impact on operating income. Interest expense would be subtracted fromoperating income to yield income before taxes of $3,175,000. Income taxes would be calculated on income before taxes and would equal $1,270,000. Net income would decrease to $1,905,000.Cornerstone Exercise 8–111. Cash Sales Credit SalesSales (10% of total sales) (90% of total sales)Quarter Total3, current year $2,800,000 $280,000 $2,520,0004, current year 2,400,000 240,000 2,160,0001, next year 2,500,000 250,000 2,250,0002, next year 3,000,000 300,000 2,700,0003, next year 3,100,000 310,000 2,790,0004, next year 2,900,000 290,000 2,610,000Cornerstone Exercise 8–11 (Concluded)2. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4sales............................ $ 250,000 $ 300,000 $ 310,000 $ 290,000 CashReceived on account from:Quarter 3, current year a... 151,200Quarter 4, current year b.. 324,000 129,600Quarter 1, next year c........ 1,687,500 337,500 135,000Quarter 2, next year d....... 2,025,000 405,000 162,000 Quarter 3, next year e........ 2,092,500 418,500 Quarter 4, next year f........ 0 0 0 1,957,500 Total cash receipts.............. $2,412,700 $2,792,100 $2,942,500 $2,828,000 a$2,520,000 × 0.06 = $151,200b$2,160,000 × 0.15 = $324,000; $2,160,000 × 0.06 = $129,600c$2,250,000 × 0.75 = $1,687,500; $2,250,000 × 0.15 = $337,500; $2,250,000 ×0.06 = $135,000d$2,700,000 × 0.75 = $2,025,000; $2,700,000 × 0.15 = $405,000; $2,700,000 ×0.06 = $162,000e$2,790,000 × 0.75 = $2,092,500; $2,790,000 × 0.15 = $418,500f$2,610,000 × 0.75 = $1,957,5003. If Emerson’s percentage of uncollectible accounts rises to 10 percent, then nocash would be collected in the second quarter after the sale. The 10 percent of credit sales is bad debt expense; it never appears on the cash budget since it is never collected in cash. The following is the cash receipts budget using the new assumption.1Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4Quarter sales............................ $ 250,000 $ 300,000 $ 310,000 $ 290,000 CashReceived on account from:Quarter 4, current year.... 324,000Quarter 1, next year......... 1,687,500 337,500Quarter 2, next year......... 2,025,000 405,000 Quarter 3, next year......... 2,092,500 418,500 Quarter 4, next year......... 1,957,500 Total cash receipts.............. $2,261,500 $2,662,500 $2,807,500 $2,666,0001. Jilly CompanyBudgetCashFor the Month of Novembercash account................................................. $ 53,817 balance,BeginningReceived on account from sales in:($1,300,000 × 0.35)...................................................... 455,000October× 0.60)................................................... 1,650,000November($2,750,000Total cash available........................................................................$2,158,817Disbursements:Payments for purchases made in:($950,000 × 0.75).................................................... 712,500 OctoberNovember($2,750,000 × 0.25)............................................. 687,500 Salaries paid for work in:× 0.10)...................................................... 3,450 October($34,500× 0.90).................................................. 31,050 November($34,500Rent............................................................................................15,600Utilities.......................................................................................7,650taxes..................................................................... 4,760 EmploymentCustoms duty and shipping ($2,750,000 × 0.20)..................... 550,000 expenses................................................................ 37,400 cashOtherdisbursements.......................................................................$2,049,910TotalEnding cash balance......................................................................$ 108,9072. If Jilly Company faced a customs duty and shipping percentage of 25 percent,the cost of customs duty and shipping for November would be $137,500 high-er and the budgeted ending balance of cash would be negative. Since Jilly Company cannot have a negative cash balance, the company would have to explore other options such as finding ways to cut expenses or obtaining short-term financing.1. VariableCost Range of Production in UnitsUnit 210,000 220,000 230,000percosts:ProductionVariable:materials................ $3.40 $ 714,000 $ 748,000 $ 782,000 Directlabor....................... 1.30 273,000 286,000 299,000 Directoverhead:VariableSupplies........................... 0.23 48,300 50,600 52,900Maintenance..................... 0.19 39,900 41,800 43,700Power................................ 0.18 37,800 39,600 41,400 Total variable costs............. $5.30 $1,113,000 $1,166,000 $1,219,000 overhead:Fixed110,000 $ 110,000 $ 110,000 Supervision...................... $Depreciation..................... 135,000 135,000 135,000Otheroverhead................ 245,000 245,000 245,000490,000 $ 490,000 $ 490,000 Total fixed costs.................. $Total production costs........ $1,603,000 $1,656,000 $1,709,0002. Per-unit product cost @ 210,000 units = $1,603,000/210,000 = $7.63 (rounded)Per-unit product cost @ 220,000 units = $1,656,000/220,000 = $7.53 (rounded)Per-unit product cost @ 230,000 units = $1,709,000/230,000 = $7.43 (rounded)3. If maintenance cost rose to $0.22 per unit, then the per-unit cost would in-crease by $0.03 ($0.22 – $0.19) per unit.Cornerstone Exercise 8–141. Actual Cost Flexible Budget Cost VarianceDirect materials......... $ 741,250 $ 736,100 $5,150 U labor................ 282,500 281,450 1,050UDirectU Supplies..................... 50,050 49,795 255UMaintenance.............. 41,420 41,135 285Power......................... 37,000 38,970F1,970USupervision............... 110,250 110,000 250Depreciation.............. 135,000 135,000 0 Other overhead......... 245,250 245,000 250 Ucost.............. $1,642,720 $1,637,450 $5,270 U Total2. If Melton Company’s actual direct materials cost was $736,100, the variancewould be zero and the total variance would decrease by $5,150 and would be$120 U.EXERCISESExercise 8–15Shippen CompanyProduction BudgetFor the Third QuarterJuly August SeptemberTotal Unit sales.................................... 23,400 35,600 34,000 93,000 Desired ending inventory.......... 7,120 6,800 5,600 5,600 needed.......................... 30,520 42,400 39,600 98,600 Total4,680 Less: Beginning inventory........ 4,680 7,120 6,80032,80093,92035,280Unitsproduced...................... 25,840Exercise 8–16Company1. BerringSales BudgetFor the Year Ended December 31Q uarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Year1QuarterDeluxe:16,600 20,000 62,900Units............ 12,000 14,300Unit price.... × $40 × $40 × $40 × $40 × $40Sales........... $ 480,000 $ 572,000 $ 664,000 $ 800,000 $2,516,000Standard:92,000 91,600 362,000Units............ 90,000 88,400Unit price.... × $10 × $10 × $10 × $10 × $10Sales........... $ 900,000 $ 884,000 $ 920,000 $ 916,000 $3,620,000Total sales........ $1,380,000 $1,456,000 $ 1,584,000 $1,716,000 $6,136,0002. Berring Company probably asked the marketing vice president for salesquantity and price estimates. This vice president might have considered the level of the past year’s sales of the two products, the actions of competitors, status of customers, the state of the economy, and so on. However, the high demand for the standard could be due to deteriorating economic conditions and the desire of consumers to cut back on expenditures.。