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默写48个国际音标 笔试部分(90分) I . Read and ChooSe.(找出下列划线部分发音不同的选项
( ) 1. A. home B. Often C. nose D. go (
)2. A. make B. CaVe C. Cake D. PaIaCe (
)3. A. third B. they C. With D. them ( )4. A .please B. teacher C. great D. eat
( )5. A. floWer B. knoW C. hoW D. noW
II. Read and choose.( 选择正确的答案) (15分)
)1. My brother ofte n home at 5:00. A. come B. comes C. to come D. Coming (
)2. You shouldn ' t a mess at home. A. make B. to make C. maki ng D. makes (
)3. Different people have differe nt . ______ A. hobby B. the hobby C. hobbies D. a hobby (
)4. Some boys of Grade SiX enjoy music. __________ A. listen to B. listens to C. listening D. listening to ( )5. Would you like another cake?--- , I ______ ' m hungry.
A. Yes, please.
B. You ' re welcome.
C. I like cakes.
D. No, thanks. St (
)6. China, Children ' S Day is JUne ' 1 . A. In, in B. in, at C. In, on D. at, on (
)7. The Weather is cold and it . _______ A. SnoW B. SnoWy C. SnoWing D. SnoWS (
)8. the Weather today? It ' S Windy. A. What ' S B. What C. HoW ' S D. HoW (
)9. What time did your Un cle last Tuesday? A. to get home B. get home C. got home D. get to home (
)10. There are ViSitOrS come to ViSit Beiji ng every year. A. thousa nds of B. millio n Of C. hun dred of D. thousa nd (
)11. Can you tell me to get to the Great Wall A. Where B. how C. WhiCh D. Whe n ( )12. Go Straight and turn Ieft the SeC Ond CroSSing.
A. in
B. at
C. for
D. With
)13. One of the to Work by
B. Woma n, go
C. Woma n, goes
D. Wome n, go
t CUt doWn trees and WaSte Water.
A. too many, too many
B. too many, too much
A. Wome n, goes )14. We shouldn
C. much too, too many
D. too much, too many
( )15. WhiCh is the CaPitaI of FranCe ? .
A. Lon do n
B. PariS
C. WaShi ngt On
D. Beiji ng III. Fill in the bla nks With the PrOPer forms of the give n WordS.(
) 1. My Pare nts usually ( go ) to work by bike.
2. You ( be ) not at home last week.
3. We (ViSit ) the Mi ng Tombs next week.
4. Look! The ChiIdren ( SWim ) in the SWimming pool.
5. We shouldn ' t make the Water . ( clean )
IV. Change the Sentences.( 句型转换)(10 分)
1. We did experime nts last Mon day.
(否定句) We ___________ XPerimentS IaSt Monday.
2. Sally Will go to Sha nghai by PIa ne next Week.
(就划线部分提问) _____ Ily go to Sha nghai n ext Week?
3. My father goes to Work at 7:00 every morning.
(—般疑问句) _______ father to Work at 7:00 every morning?
4. WhiCh is the Way to the bank ?
(同义句) Can I the Park ? _____
5. lear ned, We , kind , to , be , frien dly , and , PeoPIe , other , to ,(.)
(连词组句) V. Reading COmPrehension.( 阅读理解)(30 分)
(A )
I WaS Very happy yesterday . My good friends and I took a bus to the TemPIe of HeaVe n. It
' Place. It ' S Very nice and beautiful. We made a neW friend there.
Her name is Sally. She ' S from England. She Came to school When She WaS six. Her hobby is draWing and Painting. She ' S polite to people and She ' S kind to animals. We met a reporter there and She intervieWed us. She asked US some questi ons. Fin ally We took some photos together.
Choose the PrOPer an SWers.
)1. My friendsand I Went to the TemPIe of HeaVe n _____ A. by train B. by bike C. by bus D. by pla ne ( )2. Sally comes from . _____
A. En gla nd
B. Ch ina
C. AmeriCa
D. FranCe
()3. What does Sally like to do ?
A. Sally likes playing the Piano.
B. Sally likes Singing and dancing.
C. Sally likes draW ing and Pain ti ng.
D. Sally likes groW ing floWers.
)4. We met ther ________ A. a teacher B. a doctor C. a reporter D. a policema n ( )5. What did We do together?
A. We in tervieWed people together.
B. We lear ned En glish together.
(10 分) S a famous
C. We took photos together.
D. We did experime nts together.
Sally ' S old grandfather lives With her. EVery morning he goes for a Walk in the Park and comes home
at half PaSt twelve for his IUnch. BUt Onemorning a police Car StOPPed near Sally ' S house at twelve o clock, and two policeme n helped her gran dfather to get out. One of them Said to Sally, “ The old man lost
his Way ( 迷路)in the Park and called US for help, so We Sent a Car to bring him home. ”
Sally WaS Very SUrPriSed ( 惊讶),but She thanked the policemen and they left.
“ But, grandfather, ” She asked, “ you go to the Park everyday for twenty years. How
did you lose your Way ( 迷路)?” The old man SmiIed and said, "I didn ' t lose my way. I WaS just tired and didn ' t Want to walk home. ”
Read and tick or cross. (阅读并判断正误)
( )1. EVery morning , Sally ' S old grandfather goes for a walk in the park.
( )2. Sally ' S grandfather usually comes home at twelve o ' clock for his IUnch.
( )3. One day ,two policemen helped Sally ' S grandfather to get home .
( )4. Sally WaS not surprised.
( )5. Sally ' S grandfather lost his Way , so he called the policemen for help.
(C )
Peking Man at Zhoukoudian is near Beijing. The bones of Peking Man Were found there. They lived
about 300,000 to 500,000 years ago. HiS head WaS like a mon key ' s. They did not know how to build
houses. They lived in the CaVeS of mountains because the CaVeS could stop the Wind and keep warm.
TheSe people hun ted wild ani mals for food. They USed the furs of the ani mals for clothes.
They did not know how to Write but they could draw .They drew the PiCtUreS On the sto ne walls
of their caves.
In the last few years, many CaVeS Where Peking Man lived have been found.( 已经被发现).The PiCtUreS are still there. They show how the animals and Peking Man lived in those early days. They
tell US things about Peking Man that We n ever knew before.
Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择正确答案)
( ) 1. BefOre men knew how to build houses, Peking Man IiVed in the CaVeS because . ____
A. the CaVeS could stop the Wind and keep Warm
B. the CaVeS could draw some PiCtUreS
C. the CaVeS could makes fire to cook
D. the CaVeS could make clothes from ani mals furs
A. the lives about ani mals.
B. the lives about ani mals and Pek ing Man .
( )2. CaVe PiCtUreS tell US . __________
A. the lives about ani mals.
B. the lives about ani mals and Pek ing Man .
C. how to keep Warm in the caves.
D. how to draw On the StoneS wall. (
)3. Did the Pek ing Man know how to Write and draw
( )4. Peki ng Man told StOrieS
( )5. The whole story is about
VI. Read and fill in the bla nks With the PrOPer words.(
Look at the blue pla net ! ThiS is our home. There are pla ins, mountains, rivers, l and
ocea ns On OUr pla net. There are all k trees, flowers, and grass On OUr pla net. There are all
kinds of W animals living together With us. Don ' t you Want to our planet beautiful? BUt SOmetimeS We do bad things to it .
We W too much water. We CUt dow n too many wild ani mals for our
food or clothes ............. We shouldn ' t do these things . We should S our PIanet because We
have Onlyone pla net.
VII. Writing .( 书面表达)(10 分)
Tree Planting Day, sunny, Classl Grade6, go to plant trees , dig holes , PUt the trees into the
holes, get water, Water the trees., pla nt many trees, be happy 上周日是植树节,天气晴朗,六年级一班的学生去植树
.他们有的挖坑,有的把小树苗放进坑里,有的去取 水,有的浇树,他们种了许多的树,他们很高兴.
请同学们根据以上图片,提示短语和中文提示以第三人称 ,用一般过去时态写一篇小短文 ,同学们可以根据自 己的想象,不必逐句翻译所给的中文提示 .要求字数不少于 50个单词.
A. Yes, they do .
B. Yes, they don
t. C. No, they could only draw. D. No, they didn 't. A. i n the walls.
B. in the houses.
C. by PiCtUreS
D. by Writi ng A. Pek ing Man and their draw ings. B. USing StoneS to kill ani mals for food.
C. stopp ing the Wind and keep ing warm.
D. how to draw PiCtUreS on the wall