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六堡茶属于黑茶类袁 产自广西省梧州市苍梧 县袁已有 1500 多年的历史遥 康熙时期的叶苍梧县 志曳 中就有关于六堡茶品质的记载院野味醇隔宿而 不变袁茶色香味俱佳冶[1]遥 六堡茶具有独特的槟榔香 味和浓郁的地域特色[2]遥 近年来袁黑茶中的微生物 成为海内外学者研究的热点袁 金花菌是黑茶特别 是茯砖茶中的优势菌袁其使茯砖茶口感香醇袁散发 出 淡 淡 的 菌 花 香 袁深受 人 们 喜爱 [3]遥 陈 椽 [4]提出袁金 花菌能够分泌淀粉酶催化茶叶中的淀粉转化为单 糖袁还可分泌氧化酶催化多酚类化合物氧化袁从而 消除茶叶枝梗的粗老气味袁使茶汤呈红棕色袁滋味 也更加醇厚并带有甜味遥 研究表明袁野金花菌冶也是 六堡茶的优势菌[5]遥 欧惠算等[6]在六堡茶中分离纯 化得到的金花菌通过分子生物学方法对菌株进行 DNA 序列分析袁并通过构建系统发育进化树分析 得出该金花菌为阿姆斯特丹散囊菌遥 研究表明阿 姆斯特丹散囊菌类能产生降低血脂的活性物质[7]遥
Abstract院 In order to explore fermentation mechanism of Eurotium amstelodami in Liupao Tea袁 single strain liquid fermentation experiment was carried out to analyze the change patterns of physical and chemical indicators of the tea with different fermentation time. Results showed that during the entire process of liquid fermentation袁 tea polyphenols袁 flavonoids袁 free amino acids袁 soluble sugar content decreased with the extension of fermentation time by 47.14% 袁 41.23% 袁 45.60% and 47.14% 袁 respectively. The caffeine content increased with the extension of fermentation time by 28.00%. Content of theaflavins increased and then decreased袁 thearubigins displayed an overall downward trend袁 while theabrownins displayed an overall upward trend. Content of catechins was declining袁 EGCG袁 GCG袁 ECG almost were undetectable in the late fermentation袁 gallic acid and the non ester type catechins content showed a trend of increasing and decreasing. Compared with that of CK袁 there was extremely significant difference 渊p<0.0001冤. The results showed that the Eurotium amstelodami played a key role in the transformation of tea quality components in the fermentation process of Liupao Tea袁 which could provide theoretical basis to improve the processing technology and quality of the Liupao Tea.
Study on the Influence of Eurotium Amstelodami on the Quality Composition of Liupao Tea
中国茶叶加工 2019渊2冤院45-50
阿姆斯特丹散囊菌对六堡茶品质成分的 影响研究
欧惠算 1袁 张灵枝 2袁 王维生 1
渊1.广东省粤东高级技工学校袁广东汕头 515041曰2.华南农业大学园艺学院袁广东广州 510642冤
摘 要院为探明阿姆斯特丹散囊菌在六堡茶发酵过程中的作用机制袁进行了六堡毛茶单一菌株液态发酵实 验袁分析不同发酵时间六堡茶理化指标的变化规律遥 结果表明袁整个液态发酵过程中袁茶多酚尧黄酮类尧游离氨基 酸尧可溶性糖的含量均不断降低袁与发酵前相比袁分别降低了 47.14%尧41.23%尧45.60%尧24.83%袁而咖啡碱含量呈 动态增加的趋势袁与发酵前相比袁总量增加了 28.00%曰茶黄素含量先增加后减少袁茶红素含量呈总体减少的趋 势袁而茶褐素含量呈总体增加的趋势曰儿茶素总含量下降袁酯型儿茶素 EGCG尧ECG尧GCG 在发酵后期几乎检测 不到袁没食子酸与非酯型儿茶素的含量都是呈先增加后减少的趋势袁且与空白对照相比袁均有极显著性差异渊p< 0.0001冤遥 结果证明在发酵过程中袁阿姆斯特丹散囊菌对六堡茶品质成分的转化产生了关键作用遥 研究结果可以 为改善六堡茶的加工技术及提高茶叶品质提供理论基础遥
OU Hui-suan1袁 ZHANG Ling-zhi2袁 WANG Wei-sheng1
渊 1. East Guangdong Senior Technical School袁 Shantou 515041袁 China曰 2. College of Horticuture袁 South China Agricultutal University袁 Guangzhou 510642袁 China 冤
Keywords院 Eurotium amstelodami曰 Liquid fermentation曰 Liupao Tea曰 Quality components
收稿日期院2018-05-21袁修改日期院2019-01-04 作者简介院欧惠算渊1991-冤袁女袁广西柳州人袁硕士袁研究方向为茶文化与茶叶生化遥
六堡茶属于黑茶类袁 产自广西省梧州市苍梧 县袁已有 1500 多年的历史遥 康熙时期的叶苍梧县 志曳 中就有关于六堡茶品质的记载院野味醇隔宿而 不变袁茶色香味俱佳冶[1]遥 六堡茶具有独特的槟榔香 味和浓郁的地域特色[2]遥 近年来袁黑茶中的微生物 成为海内外学者研究的热点袁 金花菌是黑茶特别 是茯砖茶中的优势菌袁其使茯砖茶口感香醇袁散发 出 淡 淡 的 菌 花 香 袁深受 人 们 喜爱 [3]遥 陈 椽 [4]提出袁金 花菌能够分泌淀粉酶催化茶叶中的淀粉转化为单 糖袁还可分泌氧化酶催化多酚类化合物氧化袁从而 消除茶叶枝梗的粗老气味袁使茶汤呈红棕色袁滋味 也更加醇厚并带有甜味遥 研究表明袁野金花菌冶也是 六堡茶的优势菌[5]遥 欧惠算等[6]在六堡茶中分离纯 化得到的金花菌通过分子生物学方法对菌株进行 DNA 序列分析袁并通过构建系统发育进化树分析 得出该金花菌为阿姆斯特丹散囊菌遥 研究表明阿 姆斯特丹散囊菌类能产生降低血脂的活性物质[7]遥
Abstract院 In order to explore fermentation mechanism of Eurotium amstelodami in Liupao Tea袁 single strain liquid fermentation experiment was carried out to analyze the change patterns of physical and chemical indicators of the tea with different fermentation time. Results showed that during the entire process of liquid fermentation袁 tea polyphenols袁 flavonoids袁 free amino acids袁 soluble sugar content decreased with the extension of fermentation time by 47.14% 袁 41.23% 袁 45.60% and 47.14% 袁 respectively. The caffeine content increased with the extension of fermentation time by 28.00%. Content of theaflavins increased and then decreased袁 thearubigins displayed an overall downward trend袁 while theabrownins displayed an overall upward trend. Content of catechins was declining袁 EGCG袁 GCG袁 ECG almost were undetectable in the late fermentation袁 gallic acid and the non ester type catechins content showed a trend of increasing and decreasing. Compared with that of CK袁 there was extremely significant difference 渊p<0.0001冤. The results showed that the Eurotium amstelodami played a key role in the transformation of tea quality components in the fermentation process of Liupao Tea袁 which could provide theoretical basis to improve the processing technology and quality of the Liupao Tea.
Study on the Influence of Eurotium Amstelodami on the Quality Composition of Liupao Tea
中国茶叶加工 2019渊2冤院45-50
阿姆斯特丹散囊菌对六堡茶品质成分的 影响研究
欧惠算 1袁 张灵枝 2袁 王维生 1
渊1.广东省粤东高级技工学校袁广东汕头 515041曰2.华南农业大学园艺学院袁广东广州 510642冤
摘 要院为探明阿姆斯特丹散囊菌在六堡茶发酵过程中的作用机制袁进行了六堡毛茶单一菌株液态发酵实 验袁分析不同发酵时间六堡茶理化指标的变化规律遥 结果表明袁整个液态发酵过程中袁茶多酚尧黄酮类尧游离氨基 酸尧可溶性糖的含量均不断降低袁与发酵前相比袁分别降低了 47.14%尧41.23%尧45.60%尧24.83%袁而咖啡碱含量呈 动态增加的趋势袁与发酵前相比袁总量增加了 28.00%曰茶黄素含量先增加后减少袁茶红素含量呈总体减少的趋 势袁而茶褐素含量呈总体增加的趋势曰儿茶素总含量下降袁酯型儿茶素 EGCG尧ECG尧GCG 在发酵后期几乎检测 不到袁没食子酸与非酯型儿茶素的含量都是呈先增加后减少的趋势袁且与空白对照相比袁均有极显著性差异渊p< 0.0001冤遥 结果证明在发酵过程中袁阿姆斯特丹散囊菌对六堡茶品质成分的转化产生了关键作用遥 研究结果可以 为改善六堡茶的加工技术及提高茶叶品质提供理论基础遥
OU Hui-suan1袁 ZHANG Ling-zhi2袁 WANG Wei-sheng1
渊 1. East Guangdong Senior Technical School袁 Shantou 515041袁 China曰 2. College of Horticuture袁 South China Agricultutal University袁 Guangzhou 510642袁 China 冤
Keywords院 Eurotium amstelodami曰 Liquid fermentation曰 Liupao Tea曰 Quality components
收稿日期院2018-05-21袁修改日期院2019-01-04 作者简介院欧惠算渊1991-冤袁女袁广西柳州人袁硕士袁研究方向为茶文化与茶叶生化遥