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circuit 电路;环道
circuit breaker 断路器
circular footing 圆基脚
circular ventilation shaft 圆形通风井
circulating water pump 循环水泵
circulation 通道;环流;浚通
circulation area 通道地方
circulation mode 循环模式
circulation staircase 供往来用的楼梯
circumferential road 环形道路
cistern 水箱;冲厕水箱
City Beautification Scheme 美化市容计划
city main water meter 总供水管水表
civic centre 文娱中心
civic design 建筑设计
Civil Aviation Ordinance height restriction 《民航条例》高度限制
Civil Engineer 土木工程师
Civil Engineering Conditions 土木工程规条
civil engineering contract 土木工程合约
Civil Engineering Department [CED] 土木工程署
Civil Engineering Department Standard Drawing 土木工程署标准图
Civil Engineering Department Technical Circular 土木工程署技术通告
Civil Engineering Graduate 见习工程师
Civil Engineering Office [Civil Engineering Department] 土木工程处〔土木工程署〕
Civil Engineering Works Index 土木工程目录
civil service public housing quota 公务员公共房屋配额
civil works 土木工程
cladding 骨架外墙;覆盖层;面板
claim of ownership 拥有权申索
clamp 夹钳
class A site 甲类地盘
class B site 乙类地盘
class C site 丙类地盘
classification and index test 分类及指标试验
clay 黏土
clay field pipe 瓦管
clay mineral 黏土矿物
clayey silt 黏质粉土;黏质粉沙
clayey soil 黏性土壤
cleaning eye 通管孔;通渠孔;清理孔clear effective length 净有效长度clear glass 透明玻璃
clear height 净高;净高度
clear lacquer 清漆
clear opening 净开口
clear sheet glass 透明平板玻璃
clear space 净空间
clear span 净跨距
clear width 净阔度
clearance 清拆;清拆行动;相距空间Clearance Application Form 清拆申请书clearance category 清拆安置类别clearance distance 净距离
clearance gauge 测隙规
clearance of site 清理地盘;清理工地clearance operation 清拆行动clearance programme 清拆计划clearance space 间隙空间
cleared site 清理妥当的地盘
clearee 受清拆影响人士
clearway 禁止上落客货区
cleat 夹具
cleavage 劈理
Clerk of Works 工程监督
clevis U形夹
client brief 设计纲要;设计概要
client project brief [Government Property Agency]委托部门工程计划纲要〔政府产业署〕
close fitting cover 紧合封盖
close fittings 紧合配件
close-boarded platform 密合封板平台
closed aqueduct 封闭式输水管道
closed area 禁区
closed cell elastomeric insulation 密封微孔泡沫橡塑隔热材料closed cell polyethylene foam backer rod 密封微孔聚乙烯泡沫垫棒
closed end 不能通行的一端
closed position 闭合的位置
closed—circuit television [CCTV]闭路电视
closed—circuit television door-telephone 闭路电视门口对讲机
closed—circuit television monitor 闭路电视监察器closed—circuit television security and intercom system 防盗
closing error 闭合差
closure of premises 封闭楼宇
coach park 旅游车停车场
Coalition Fighting for Rehousing of Urban Squatters in Urban Areas 木屋居民争取市区安置大联盟
coarse aggregate 粗砂石
coarse ash tuff 粗粒凝灰岩
coarse screening 粗筛
coastal habitat 海岸栖息地
coastal protection area 沿岸保护区
coastal waters 海岸水域
coat 保护层;涂层
coating material 涂盖物质
cobble 卵石;鹅卵石
cockloft 阁楼;“阁仔”
cockloft-type block [temporary housing area] 双层房舍〔临时房屋区〕
Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment 《最低限度之消防装置及设备守则》
Code of Practice for Safe Use of Lifts and Escalators 《升降机及电楼梯安全使用守则》
Code of Practice for the Provision of Means of Escape in Case of Fire 《提供火警逃生途径守则》
Code of Practice on Access for the Disabled to Buildings 《伤残人士进出建筑物守则》
Code of Practice on Fire Resisting Construction 《抗火结构守则》
Code of Practice on Inspection and Maintenance of Water Carrying Services
Affecting Slopes 《检查及维修对斜坡有影响的地下排水渠及水务设施的须知便览》
Code of Practice on Wind Effects Hong Kong 《香港风力影响守则》
Codes of Practice on Structural Use of Steel and Structural Use of Concrete 钢材的结构用途及混凝土的结构用途作业守则
co-disposal landfill 共同处理堆填区
cofferdam 围堰;围堰坝
cohesive force 黏合力;凝聚力
cohesive soil 黏性土
coil 线圈;簧圈;盘管
cold applied preformed material 冷铺预制材料
cold applied roofing 天台防水薄膜层冷敷工程
cold applied waterproofing 冷施工防水工程
cold milling 刨去路面旧沥青
cold reduced steel wire 冷轧钢丝
cold storage 冷藏库
co—lessee 共同承租人
collapse 崩塌;坍塌
collapse load 损毁荷载;破坏荷载
collapse state 损毁状态;破坏状态
collapsible cantilever platform 可摺悬臂平台collapsible gate 摺闸;“榄闸”
collar 套圈;轴环;水平拉杆
collective fire policy 集体火险单
collective household 集体住户
collective insurance 联合保险;集体保险Collector of Rates 差饷征收官
Collector of Stamp Revenue 印花税署署长collector well 集水井
collet 套爪;筒夹
colluvial deposit 崩积土层
colluvial soil 崩积土
colluvium 崩积物;崩积土
colonnade 柱廊
Colour Advisory Panel 色系谘询小组
colour code 颜色代号;色码
colour consultant 色系顾问
colour contrast banding 色彩分明的带状图案
coloured cement 颜色水泥
columbarium 骨灰库;骨灰龛
column analogy 柱比法
column bracket 柱托
column cap 柱帽
column capital 柱帽
column footing 柱基脚
column frame 柱架
column head 柱帽;柱头
column pile 柱桩;端承桩
column strip 柱带
columnar joint 柱状节理
combined dead load 组合恒载
combined footing 联合基脚
combined rental/HOS development 租住公屋/居屋综合发展计划combined rental/HOS estate 租住公屋/居屋综合屋
combined supermarket/wet market 超级市场兼湿货街市combined unit 合并单位
come—forward rate 提出申请比率
commencement date 施工日期;动工日期
commencement of tenancy 租赁开始生效;租约开始生效commencement of the contract 合约工程展开
Commercial and Non-domestic Tenancy Management Information System 商业及非住宅租务资料系统
Commercial and Non—domestic Tenancy Management Information System User Manual 《商业及非住宅租务资料系统使用手册》commercial building 商业建筑物;商业楼宇;商业大厦commercial centre 商业中心;商场
commercial centre design guide 商场设计指南
commercial circuit 回环商场
commercial complex 商场
commercial entertainment building 商业娱乐大厦
commercial explosive 商业用爆炸品
commercial facility 商业设施
commercial guesthouse 商营宾馆
commercial kitchen equipment [public works category] 商业厨房设备〔公共工程类别〕
commercial land 商业用地
commercial podium 商业平台
commercial premises 商业楼宇;商业单位
Commercial Properties Committee [Hong Kong Housing Authority]
commercial property statistics [Hong Kong Housing Authority]商业楼宇统计〔香港房屋委员会〕
commercial space 商用地方
commercial spine 商业地带
commercial tenancy 商业租约;商业单位租用权
commercial tenant 商业租户;商户
Commercial Tenants' Handbook 《商户手册》
commercial unit 商业单位
commercial use 商业用途
commercial/communal facility 商业/公用设施
commercial/residential development 商住混合发展Commissioner of Mines 务处处长
Commissioner of Rating and Valuation 差饷物业估价署署长Commitment Transfer Register 换地权益书簿
committed category [long term housing strategy]需承担安置类别〔长远房屋策略〕
Committed Urban Development Area 新界市镇指定发展区Committee of Review, Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation)Ordinance 业主与租客(综合)条例检讨委员会
Committee on Allocation and Standards of Vacant Flats [Hong Kong Housing
Committee on Planning and Land Development 规划及土地发展委员会
common area 公用地方
common corridor 公用走廊
common enclosure wall 公用围墙
common ownership 同一拥有权
common part 公用部分;公用地方;公有产业
common property 分权共有物业
common room 公共休息室
common use 共同使用
common waste pipe 共用废水管
Communal Aerial Broadcast Distribution System 公共天线分布系统
communal area 公用地方
communal bathroom 公用浴室
communal drain 公用排水渠;共用排水渠
communal facility 公用设施
communal foul sewer 公用污水渠;政府污水渠
communal letter box stand 公用信箱架
communal living 院舍式服务
communal property 公共产业
communal septic tank 公用化粪池
communal service 公用供水系统
communal sewer 共用污水渠
communal toilet 公用厕所
communal TV/FM aerial 公共电视/超短波天线系统communal water closet 公用厕所
community and welfare premises 社区及福利用途楼宇community facility 社区设施
Community Involvement Project 社区参与计划community use 社区用途
compact grouting 压实灌浆
compacted concrete 压实混凝土
compacted refuse 经压实的垃圾
compacting fraction value 致密化分数值;致密化分式值compaction pile 压实桩
compaction test 压实试验;压实测试
compactor 压土机
Companies Registry 公司注册处
comparable land 可用作比较的土地
comparative estate value 屋之间的比对价值comparative tendered amount 比对投标工程费
comparison method of valuation 比较估价法
compartment 分隔室;隔室
compartment wall 分隔墙
compassionate rehousing 体恤安置
compatible land use 协调土地用途;相配土地用途
compatible use 协调的用途;相配用途
compensatory landscaping 补偿美化
complete overhaul 全面大修
completed works 已完成的工程
completely decomposed granite 全风化花岗岩;全风化花岗岩层completely decomposed volcanic rock 全风化火山岩;全风化火山岩层
completely weathered granite 全风化花岗岩;全风化花岗岩层completely weathered volcanic rock 全风化火山岩;全风化火山岩层
completion 落成
completion by stages 分期完成
completion certificate 竣工证明书;完工证明书
completion date 竣工日期;完工日期;落成日期
completion of works 竣工;完工
complex 综合建筑物
complex flat 复式住宅单位
compliance criterion 遵从准则;依从准则
component design 组件式设计;组件设计
component quarterly index 成分季度指数
composite beam 复合梁;组合梁
composite building 综合用途建筑物;综合用途楼宇
composite commercial/residential building 综合商业住宅楼宇composite development 综合发展
composite foundation 复合基础;复合地基
composite industrial building 综合工业楼宇;混合式工业楼宇composite labour wage 综合工资
Composite Lower Score Threshold 较低总得分
composite pile 复合桩;混合桩
composite sandwich construction 复合夹层结构
composite steel plate 复合钢板
Composite Target Quality Score 目标品质总得分
composite wall 组合墙
composite window 复合窗
comprehensive category 必须安置类别
Comprehensive Development Area 综合发展区
Comprehensive Estate Offices Improvement Programme 屋办事处全面改善计划
comprehensive means test 全面入息审查
comprehensive redevelopment 综合重建
comprehensive redevelopment area 综合重建区Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme 整体重建计划compressed air tunnelling method 压缩空气开挖隧道法compressed straw 经压缩的草制纸板
compressibilty [soil or rock]压缩性〔泥土或岩石〕compressible filler 压缩填料;压缩搀合料
compressing tool 压挤工具
compression and recovery test 压缩和复原试验compression index 压缩指数
compression joint 承压缝;承压接缝
compression load 压缩荷载
compression reinforcement 抗压钢筋;受压钢筋compression test 抗压测试
compressive category 必须安置类别
compressive failure 压缩塌毁;压缩毁坏;压缩损毁compressive strain 压缩应变
compressive strength 抗压强度;抗压力度
compressive stress 压应力;抗压应力
compulsory acquisition 强制征用;强制收购产业compulsory purchase procedure 强制收购土地程序
compulsory rehousing category 必须迁置类别
computable business area 认可营业地方;可供计算特惠津贴的营业地方
Computerization of the New Territories Land Registers 新界土地登记册电脑化计划
computerized automatic concrete cube crushing machine 电脑化混凝土立方块压力试验机
computerized fire alarm transmission system 电脑化火警警报传送系统
computerized land register 电脑土地登记册
computerized map 电脑绘制地图
computerized mapping and survey project 电脑化绘图及测量计划Computerized Memorial Day Book 电脑版注册摘要日志computerized queuing system [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 电脑化队列系统〔香港房屋委员会〕
computerized road opening works management system [Highways Department]
concealed conduit 暗线导管
concealed piping 隐蔽喉管
concealed wiring 隐蔽电线
concentrated load 集中载重;集中荷载
concept plan 概念图则
conceptual design 方案设计;概念设计
conceptual layout 概念规划
Concern Group on Temporary Housing Policy 临屋政策关注组concessionary grant of Government lease 以优惠条件批出政府租契
concessionary rent 优惠租金
concessionary right [small house] 优惠权;丁权〔小型屋宇〕concessionary term 优惠条款;优惠价格
concierge service [estate]屋大厦管理员服务
Concierge Service Scheme 大厦管理员服务计划
concord block 康和式大厦
concord block type 1 [C1] 康和一型大厦
concord block type 2 [C2]康和二型大厦
concourse 汇合处;广场。