
titanium tetrachloride;titanic chloride
LC50:400 mg/m3(大鼠吸入)
第1章 制冷剂与载冷剂

含有氯或溴的消耗臭氧物质一经排放到大气层,会逐步上升到 平流层。在那里,紫外线的辐射会将其中的氯和溴分解出来,形 成氯离子或溴离子。以氯为例,氯离子与O3作用后,会将O3中的 一个氧夺走,使臭氧成为氧,即:
Cl+O3→ClO+O2 从而丧失了对α、β紫外线的吸收能力。而生成的氧化氯极不稳定, 又能与大气中的游离氧相互作用,重新生成氯离子和氧分子:
估算气体的压缩因子,可用Redlich─Kwong方法通过 迭代求出:
Z 1 a'h (1 h) b'(1 h)
a'=0.4278Tcr2.5/(pcrT2.5) b'=0.0867Tcr/(pcrT) h=b'p/Z 大多数物质在低沸点下气化时,其摩尔熵增的数值
完全满足上述各种要求的制冷剂并不存在,各种制冷剂都是某 些方面较优,而另一些方面不足。应根据工程实际要求,在满足 特定要求的前提下,权衡取舍,找出最佳方案。
1.1.2 制冷剂代号与种类
工业中可用的每种制冷剂均有唯一的、 国际统一的代号,代号与种类是相关的。
制冷剂的代号和编号规则通用美国采 暖制冷空调工程师协会标准ASHRAES tandard 34─67的规定,此规定已被国 际标准ISO 817─1974和中国国家标准GB 7778─87所采用。这些标准规定了单一 制冷剂和混合制冷剂的国际通用代号。
ClO+O→Cl+O2 这样的循环链式反应使得Cl不断地与O3起作用,一个Cl可以破 坏近 105个O3分子,导致O3的分解速率远大于合成速率,致使大 气中的O3不断减少。 由于O3浓度的下降,到达地面的紫外线,特别是β紫外线将显著 增加。至1995年,高纬度地区上空O3浓度已下降了50%以上。 除消耗臭氧以外,消耗臭氧物质还会造成温室效应。

MSDS大全目录表1-001 乙炔气................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
表1-002 氧气.................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
表1-003 二氧化碳............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
表1-004 氢气.................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
表1-005 氩气.................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
表1-006 甲烷.................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
表1-007 四氢噻吩............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
表1-008 活性炭................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

NEN-EN12184:2009欧洲标准2009年9月ICS 11.180 10 取代EN12184:2006 电动轮椅、小型摩托车及其充电器-要求和试验方法本欧洲标准由欧洲标准化委员会于2009年8月27日批准。
最新的列表和有关这些国家标准的参考书目可向CEN管理中心或者任何CEN 成员申请获得。
由CEN成员翻译的并通知到CEN 管理中心的其他任何语言版本具有与官方版本同样的地位。
管理中心:马尼克斯大街17号,B-1000 布鲁塞尔CEN国家成员保留任何形式、任何方式的开发权。
参考号:EN 12184:2009:E目录页数前言---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5介绍---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------61.范围----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------72.引用标准----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------73.术语及定义-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------94.试验装置--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------95.种类级别--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------106.总体要求-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------107.设计要求-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------117.1脚支架,下肢支架和臂支架-----------------------------------------------------------------117.2充气轮胎---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------117.3安装前骨盆支架-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------117.4在机动车中用作座椅的轮椅-------------------------------------------------------------------117.5刹车系统---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.6飞轮装置---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.7组件质量---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.8电池外壳和电池盒--------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.9由乘员或者助手实行的操作-------------------------------------------------------------------137.10乘员操作的控制器-------------------------------------------------------------------------------137.11辅助控制组件,推手和手柄-------------------------------------------------------------------147.12充电连接器------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.性能要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.1总则-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.2脚支架,下肢支撑组件和臂支架---------------------------------------------------------------148.21要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.22测试-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------158.3静态,冲击和疲劳强度-----------------------------------------------------------------------------15 8.3.1要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 8.3.2测试-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 8.4刹车系统-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 8.4.1总体要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 8.4.2测试------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 8.5操作力------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 8.5.1要求--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 8.5.2测试----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 8.6辅助控制组件,推手和手柄---------------------------------------------------------------------------19 8.6.1要求----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 8.6.2测试----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.7充电连接器---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.7.1要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------208.8驱动特性性能------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.8.1总体-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8..8.2攀爬最高安全斜坡的能力-----------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.8.3地面不平坦性----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 8.8.4最大下坡速度----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 8.8.5动态稳定性-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 8.8.6越障-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 8.8.7静态稳定性-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.8.8最大速度-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.8.9距离范围-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.9表面温度--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.10耐燃性----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.10.1软垫复合部件----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.10.2发泡材料----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.10.3其他部件----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.11气候试验---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.12倾斜系统座椅调整--------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.12.1要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------248.12.2测试方法------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------249.电气要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.1总体要求---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.2控制器开关要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.3电源指示灯要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.4电路保护要求---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.5电池充电器要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.6充电指示器------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10制造商提供的信息要求----------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10.1总则--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10.2售前信息--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10.3用户信息--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 10.4服务信息--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2810.5标签--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2811.测试报告-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2812 表格-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 13图表------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32 附录A(信息性的)质量超过100KG的测试假人的建议------------------------------------------36 A.1总则-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 A.2结构-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 A.3加速器安装--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 A.4设计目的-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37 附录B(信息性的)电动轮椅尺寸和操作空间的建议-----------------------------------------------45 B.1具体尺寸-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.1.1准备使用时的尺寸--------------------------------------------------------------------------------45B.1.3离地间隙--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.2操作空间--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.2.1转向直径-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B2.2换向宽度------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.3速度设置-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 附录C(信息性的)推荐设计特点----------------------------------------------------------------------47C.1引言-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2总体建议-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.1防倾斜装置--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.2组件质量-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.3配件和工具--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.4轮胎-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.5轮胎充气方法-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.6表面温度--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -47 C.2.7乘员坐入或者离开轮椅------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----48 C.2.8耐尿失禁污染-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.9最大安全斜坡指示-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.10镜子---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.11头部支撑----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.12意外释放刹车制动器和飞轮装置---------------------------------------------------------------48 C.3性能特征建议-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.1电气故障的指示--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.2电池和电池盒-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.3照明-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.4控制机能反馈-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.5飞轮报警-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.6最大速度-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 附录D(信息性的)推荐的座椅设计---------------------------------------------------------------------50 附录E(信息性的)操作力-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.1建议--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.1.1推手力--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.1.2轮圈力--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.2轮圈电助力轮椅的操作测试-------------------------------------------------------------------------51 附录F(信息性的)相对于原先版本EN12184的技术改变--------------------------------------52 F.1第一版本(1999)与第二版本(2006)的技术改变------------------------------------------52 F.2相对于第二版本(2006)的技术改变-------------------------------------------------------------53 附录ZA(信息性的)此欧洲标准与1993年6月14日颁布的关于医疗设备的理事会指令93/42/EEC中的基本要求的之间的关系。

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Address input 0. Connect directly to VCC or ground. Address input 1. Connect directly to VCC or ground. Active-low reset input. Connect to VCC through a pullup resistor, if not used. Serial data 0. Connect to VCC through a pullup resistor. Serial clock 0. Connect to VCC through a pullup resistor. Serial data 1. Connect to VCC through a pullup resistor. Serial clock 1. Connect to VCC through a pullup resistor. Serial data 2. Connect to VCC through a pullup resistor. Serial clock 2. Connect to VCC through a pullup resistor. Serial data 3. Connect to VCC through a pullup resistor. Serial clock 3. Connect to VCC through a pullup resistor. Ground

Reference number ISO 15484:2008(E)INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15484First edition 2008-08-01Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Product definition and quality assuranceVéhicules routiers — Matériaux de friction pour garnitures de freins — Définition du produit et assurance qualitéISO 15484:2008(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed butshall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2008All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerland--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)Contents PageForeword (iv)Introduction (v)1Scope (1)2Normative references (1)3Terms and definitions (2)4Symbols and abbreviated terms (2)5Product quality preplanning and test plan (3)5.1General (3)5.2Procedure (3)5.3Phases of product quality preplanning (4)5.4Test plan (4)6Checks and requirements — Brake lining complete (8)6.1General (visual, dimensional and material checks) (8)6.2Physical properties (9)6.3Corrosion (backing plate and shoe surface treatment) (12)6.4Friction performance passenger cars (12)6.5Friction performance commercial vehicles (13)7Documentation in the lining data sheet (LDS) (14)8Ongoing production monitoring (14)Annex A (informative) Example of lining data sheet (LDS) (15)Bibliography.....................................................................................................................................................20--` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---ISO 15484:2008(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 15484 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles , Subcommittee SC 2, Braking systems and equipment .--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)IntroductionDrum and disc brake friction materials are important functional parts of the wheel brakes. They are pressed against the rotating brake drum or disc by a clamping force applied by the actuating mechanism of the brake during a braking operation. The kinetic energy of the vehicle is thereby largely transformed into heat. The brake pad or lining is of essential importance for the effectiveness and user comfort of the brake system. Disc brake pads consist of the friction material itself, the pad carrier plate and, in some cases, silencing parts, pad wear warning devices and retaining or guiding elements. The friction material is usually permanently bonded to the backing plate by a bonding process in which the friction material is subjected to both heat and pressure.Underlayers can be inserted between the friction material and backing plate to improve bond strength and other properties. Drum brake linings consist of the friction material itself, usually shaped to match the radius of the brake shoe onto which it is subsequently attached. The friction material is usually attached to the supporting brake shoe either by bonding or by the use of rivets. Conventional friction materials consist mainly of fibrous materials, bonding agents, anti-seize agents, metals and other fillers. The friction material type, and any backing plates, anti-noise measures, pad springs and pad wear warning devices, etc., are defined in the relevant figure.The basic aim of this International Standard is:⎯to ensure the product is verified and validated during all project phases for transfer into series production;⎯to increase product reliability and at the same time limit the cost of testing;⎯to identify the necessary test standards to equally cover brake performance and noise.Visibility of production spread and the opportunity to select parts for testing from assorted areas of compressibility are the main reasons for the statistical evaluation. The procedures described in this International Standard are based on ISO/TS 16949 and encompass the entire product quality preplanning process, from the definition phase up to the determination of parameters for series production. These are defined in this International Standard as phases 1 to 7.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`-----`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15484:2008(E)Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Product definition and quality assurance1 ScopeThe procedures in this International Standard apply to disc brake pads and drum brake linings for motor vehicles and describe systematic processes for the quality assurance of such brake linings.In conjunction with tolerance ranges, the test methods and results described in this International Standard permit a rapid assessment of disc brake pads.Uniform handling of the procedures through various phases ensures that the quality assurance requirements are clearly understood and that a global implementation is possible in the relationship between customers and suppliers.This International Standard relates to the completed friction material and is applicable during product development to the quality assurance of ongoing series production, focussing on the “component” friction material. It is advisable that tests with apparent “system” character be avoided.Raw material checks and processing control are outside the scope of this International Standard.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 2812-1, Paints and varnishes — Determination of resistance to liquids — Part 1: Immersion in liquids other than waterISO 6310, Road vehicles — Brake linings — Compressive strain test methodISO 6312, Road vehicles — Brake linings — Shear test procedure for disc brake pad and drum brake shoe assembliesISO/PAS 22574, Road vehicles — Brake linings friction materials — Visual inspectionISO 26865, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Standard performance test procedure for commercial vehicles with air brakesISO 26866, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Standard wear test procedure for commercial vehicles with air brakesISO 26867, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Friction behaviour assessment for automative brake systemsISO 27667, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)JASO C458-86, Test procedure of pH for brake linings, pads and clutch facings of automobilesJIS D 4311, Clutch facings for automobileJIS D 4421, Method of hardness test for brake linings, pads and clutch facings of automobilesSAE J2598, Automotive disc brake pad natural frequency and damping testSAE J2694, Anti-noise shims: T-Pull test1)SAE J2707, Wear test procedure on inertia dynamometer for brake friction materialsSAE J2724, Measurement of disc brake friction material underlayer distribution3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1density--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ρratio of the mass to the volume of the friction material under normal conditions3.2porosityPrelative volume proportion of cavities in a materialNOTE This includes open or enclosed pores of any size, shape and distribution.4 Symbols and abbreviated termsSymbol Definition Unit ρdensity g/cm3ρnet absolute or real density without pore volume g/cm3m a pad mass in air for density measurements gm w pad mass in water for density measurements gV pad volume for density measurements cm3P porosity %T R roomtemperature °Cp B brakepressure kPaM d torque NmW B padwear mm/gW s discwear mm/gµcoefficient of friction —1) In preparation.ISO 15484:2008(E)5 Product quality preplanning and test plan5.1 GeneralThe test requirements for the various phases are defined in the different test plans for passenger cars and commercial vehicles in 5.4.The development phase of prototypes (phases 1 to 4) describes the systematics and tests used in the manufacture of brake linings from tools not yet meeting series standards. The end of phase 4 is the technical product release.The production transfer and initial sampling (phases 5 and 6) describes the required scope of testing for the assessment of the initial production series with the tools and processes intended for the series.The validation of the manufacturing process is proven by documentation and assessment of the results during initial series production (phase 6).The test volume during the continuing series production monitoring (phase 7) lies within the responsibility of the pad manufacturer and is documented in the control plan (CP) which also includes the details for the in-process inspection as well as for the incoming inspection of purchased parts like raw materials, backing plates, shims and accessories.Based on the level of in-process controls, the test efforts on the final product should be minimized and some tests, such as friction tests, may not be needed for each single batch. In any case, the frequency and sample size has to be defined in the CP.The chemical-physical brake lining data of the tests listed below include performance and/or characteristic data which result from a process chain. Any requirements of process capability indices and statistical process control need to be agreed between the customer and the supplier. Agreed tolerances, however, have to be respected.5.2 Procedure5.2.1 General procedureThe approval of brake linings is made by vehicle testing and a concurrent determination of its properties by the test standards listed here.The manufacturer of brake linings ensures that the parameters, the composition and the monitoring of the specified process parameters are maintained by regulated and auditable procedures.The determination of performance data via the test standards listed here at the end of this process chain and comparison with the tolerance serves as confirmation that the prescribed procedures were correctly performed. The time delay between processing and testing does not permit process intervention such as SPC (statistical process control).Determination of performance data on completed brake linings during a batch test serves as continuing proof of conformity and permits the observation of trends.The tolerance range for these data is determined as described in 5.2.2 to 5.2.5 below. 5.2.2 Prototyping — Customer samples (phase 4)Initial specification of tolerances are determined from the values of the batch tests of the prototype sampling. The assessment takes account of the data of the variant then approved. The tolerances arising from the approved prototypes are registered in the lining data sheet (LDS).--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)5.2.3 Specification/validation (phases 5 and 6)Results are obtained from the batches of the product transferred to series production, under the condition that the composition, the process, the brake, disc or drum and geometry are determined and comply with the state of the series. The results are verified with the customer. Variations to the tolerances shall be agreed with the customer and results shall be recorded on the lining data sheet (LDS). Specifications of tolerance are agreed with the customer viewing the data, using statistical analyses as appropriate.5.2.4 Series monitoring (phase 7)The ongoing surveillance of the series production (phase 7) shall be in accordance with the test frequencies and sample size which are fixed in a control plan by the manufacturer based on the process controls on series production.5.2.5 Review of toleranceA review of the tolerance following a number of batch tests to be determined can be performed by the friction material manufacturer and the customer.5.3 Phases of product quality preplanningThe phases of product quality preplanning are shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 — Phases of product quality preplanning5.4 Test plan5.4.1 GeneralSeparate test plans are made for passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The test plans differentiate four basic categories of tests:a) general;© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved5b) physical properties; c) corrosion;d) inertia dynamometer tests.This International Standard defines preferred test procedures. Because of established databases and practices, alternative and regional tests are accommodated in the test plans. The companies working in another region should respect local practices. The future goal is the complete harmonization of the test procedures.5.4.2 Test plan for passenger car disc brake padsThe test plan for passenger car disc brake pads is shown in Figure 2. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE Tests with new linings from inner or outer sideF General process/machine tests with new linings from inner or outer side (n/n), not for each part numberG All pads for noise dyno testsH Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 Evaluation of statistical distribution; samples for further tests to be derived from statistical distribution3 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number ! Separate for inner and outer pads. PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The a.m. sampling quantities are the sufficient requirements. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 2 — Test plan for passenger car disc brake padsCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---6© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved5.4.3 Test plan for passenger car drum brake linings/lined shoesThe test plan for passenger car drum brake linings/lined shoes is shown in Figure 3. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE General process/machine tests with new lined shoes, not for each part numberF Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 If applicable3 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number !PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The sampling quantities stated for brake linings are the minimum requirement. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 3 — Test plan for passenger car drum brake linings/lined shoesCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved75.4.4 Test plan for commercial vehicle disc brake padsThe test plan for commercial vehicle disc brake pads is shown in Figure 4. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE Tests with new linings from inner or outer sideF General process/machine tests with new linings from inner or outer side (n/n), not for each part numberG All pads for noise dyno testsH Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number ! Separate for inner and outer pads. PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The sampling quantities stated for brake pads are the minimum requirement. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 4 — Test plan for commercial vehicle disc brake padsCopyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---8© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved5.4.5 Test plan for commercial vehicle drum brake liningsThe test plan for commercial vehicle drum brake linings is shown in Figure 5. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE Tests with new leading or trailing segments or anchor or cam block G Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number !PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The sampling quantities stated for brake linings are the minimum requirement. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 5 — Test plan for commercial vehicle drum brake linings6 Checks and requirements — Brake lining complete6.1 General (visual, dimensional and material checks)6.1.1 Visual inspectionBrake linings shall exhibit no faults which could impair their function. The brake linings are inspected in the “as supplied” condition. The characteristic features for the visual inspection are defined in ISO/PAS 22574. 6.1.2 Underlayer distributionThe test method shall be in accordance with SAE J2724.Copyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved96.1.3 DimensionsThe dimensions of the brake linings which are to be tested shall comply with the appropriate current part drawing.6.1.4 MaterialThe brake lining manufacturer shall ensure and document the uniformity of material quality. The batch data of the approved initial samples are taken as a reference for all production batches. Potential test procedures in addition to raw material test results and certificates can be: ⎯ thermogravimetric analysis (TGA); ⎯ thermomechanical analysis (TMA); ⎯ pyrolytic gas chromatography (PGC); ⎯ differential-scanning-calorimetry (DSC); ⎯ electronic-differential-X-ray (EDX). This list does not exclude other test techniques.The material of the pad backing plate, the insulating shim, the retaining spring and the pad wear warning device shall comply with relevant drawing instructions.6.2 Physical properties6.2.1 Density of determinationThe density of friction materials is determined by the water displacement method. The procedure is based on the Archimedes principle. This states that a body fully immersed in water will exhibit an apparent loss of mass equivalent to the mass of the displaced water. Because 1 cm 3 of water weighs one gram at 4 °C, the loss of mass in water can be regarded as a numerical value equivalent to the volume. The density is therefore equal to the quotient of the mass in air and the mass of the displaced water.The test method in accordance with JIS D 4417 may be used as an alternative. ApparatusA suitable underfloor weigher, by means of which the mass of the sample can be weighed in grams within a tolerance of 0,1 % and to whose weighing facility a thin wire, light wire basket or clasp can be attached without any adverse effects on the result.A water vessel in a size which allows the sample to be completely immersed in the water, without coming into contact with the bottom or side walls of the vessel. Sample preparationThe friction material can be used wholly or in part for determining the density.Cut-out parts should have a minimum mass of 5 g. Rough surfaces shall be flat and smooth, to prevent the formation of bubbles when immersed in water. Care shall be taken that the samples are free from possible underlayer or bonding residue.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---10© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved6.2.1.4 ProcedureThe test is carried out at a temperature of (23 ± 2) °C. The water used is free from any suspended particles. Approximately 0,01 % of a wetting agent is added to the water in the water vessel in order to reduce its surface tension. If the water is visibly contaminated, it shall be replaced.First, the mass of the sample in air (m a ) shall be determined. Then the sample shall be completely immersed into the water by means of a wire, in a light wire basket, or using a clasp, and in the water its mass (m w ) shall be measured following an immersion period of 10 s. Ensure that no air bubbles adhere to the sample. CalculationThe density, ρ, is calculated as follows:aa w m m m ρ≅−aV m ρ=a wwaterV m m ρ=−(1)wherem a is the pad mass in air; m w is the pad mass in water; Vis the pad volume. Test reportState the density figure for each product as a single numerical value to the nearest 0,01 g/cm 3. If portions (parts) of a pad are measured, the average of three sample results shall be taken as the density of the product. 6.2.2 Porosity of determinationThe measured density of the friction material is compared to the calculated density. The measured density is based on either the specific gravity of the sample or dimensional measurements to determine the sample volume and mass. The calculated density is based on the density of each of the brake lining components and the mass proportion in the formulation.The test method in accordance with JIS D 4418 may be used as an alternative. Sample preparationIf the sample volume is to be determined by dimensional measurements, it shall be ground with flat parallel sides which allow acceptable thickness, length and width measurements to the nearest 0,1 % of the nominal sizes.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved116.2.2.3 Procedure Inspect the part for adequate grind. Measure the sample length, width and thickness, each to the nearest 0,1 %. the mass of the sample to the nearest 0,1 %. Obtain the real density and the mass percentage of each raw material in the formulation. Do not include any fugitive materials such as solvents. CalculationThe porosity, P , is calculated as follows:net 1100%P ρρ⎛⎞=−× ⎜⎟⎝⎠(2)whereρ is mass/(length × width × thickness);ρnet is the absolute or real density without pore volume, calculated from a weighted average of the realdensity of the pad lining components. Test reportReport porosity to the nearest 0,1 %. 6.2.3 pH-indexThe test method shall be in accordance with JASO C458-86. 6.2.4 Cold and hot compressibilityThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6310. 6.2.5 Swell and growthThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6310.The test method in accordance with SAE J160 may be used as an alternative/regional test. 6.2.6 Thermal transmissionThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6310. 6.2.7 Shear strengthThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6312. 6.2.8 T-pull test (bonded insulator)The test method shall be in accordance with SAE J2694.Constant cross-head speed is an alternative to constant ramp load.Copyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。

中文名称 环氧七氯 二丙烯草胺 烯丙酰草胺 土菌灵 氯甲硫磷 苯胺灵 环草敌 联苯二胺 杀虫脒 乙丁烯氟灵 甲拌磷 甲基乙拌磷 五氯硝基苯 脱乙基阿特拉津 异噁草松 二嗪磷 地虫硫磷 乙嘧硫磷 西玛津 胺丙畏 密草通 除线磷 炔丙烯草胺 兹克威 艾氏剂 氨氟灵 皮蝇磷 扑草净 环丙津 乙烯菌核利 β -六六六 甲霜灵 毒死蜱 甲基对硫磷 蒽醌 δ -六六六 倍硫磷 马拉硫磷 杀螟硫磷 对氧磷 三唑酮 对硫磷 二甲戊灵 利谷隆 杀螨醚 乙基溴硫磷 喹硫磷 反式氯丹 稻丰散 吡唑草胺 苯硫威 丙硫磷 整形醇 狄氏剂
序号 内标 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50, 51 52 53
丁草胺 乙菌利 巴毒磷 碘硫磷 杀虫畏 氯溴隆 丙溴磷 氟咯草酮 . 噻嗪酮 0,p-滴滴滴 异狄氏剂 己唑醇 杀螨酯 0,p-滴滴涕 多效唑 盖草津 抑草蓬 丙酯杀螨醇 麦草氟甲酯 除草醚 乙氧氟草醚
endrin hexaconazole chlorfenson 2,4,-DDT paclobutrazol methoprotryne erbon chloropropylate flamprop-methyl nitrofen oxyfluorfen
腐霉利 杀扑磷 氰草津 敌草胺 噁草酮 苯线磷 杀螨氯硫 杀螨特 乙嘧酚磺酸酯 萎锈灵 氟酰胺 pp-滴滴滴 乙硫磷 硫丙磷 乙环唑-1 乙环唑-2 腈菌唑 禾草灵 丙环唑 丰索磷 联苯菊酯 灭蚁灵 麦锈灵 氟苯嘧啶醇 甲氧滴滴涕 噁霜灵 胺菊酯 戊唑醇 氟草敏 哒嗪硫磷 亚胺硫磷 三氯杀螨砜 氧化萎锈灵 顺式-氯菊酯 反式-氯菊酯 吡菌磷 氯氰菊酯 氰戊菊酯 溴氰菊酯 茵草敌 丁草敌 敌草腈 克草敌 三氯甲基吡啶 速灭磷 氯苯甲醚 四氯硝基苯 庚烯磷 六氯苯 灭线磷 顺式-燕麦敌 毒草胺 反式-燕麦敌 氟乐灵 氯苯胺灵 治螟磷 菜草畏
Interzone 954 Black Part A 化学品安全技术说明书

化学品安全技术说明书应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::Interzone 954 Black Part A化学品的推荐用途和限制用途Interzone 954 Black Part A GHS化学品标识:产品代码:EAA959+44 (0)191 469 6111 (24H)制造商International Paint Ltd.Stoneygate Lane Felling GatesheadTyne and Wear NE10 0JY UKTel: +44 (0)191 469 6111 Fax: +44 (0)191 438 3711**************************本安全技术说明书责任人的e -mail地址:安全技术说明书根据 GB/ T 16483-2008 和 GB/ T 17519-2013易燃液体 - 类别 3皮肤腐蚀/刺激 - 类别 2严重眼损伤/眼刺激 - 类别 2A 皮肤致敏物 - 类别 1致癌性 - 类别 2危害水生环境一长期危险 - 类别 3危险性类别:信号词:警告危险性说明:易燃液体和蒸气。
象形图:防范说明GHS标签要素物质或混合物的分类根据 GB13690-2009 和 GB30000-2013戴防护眼镜、防护面罩。
事故响应:如接触到或有疑虑: 求医/就诊。

化学品安全技术说明书产品名称: 八氟丙烷按照GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519 编制修订日期: 2019年7月15日最初编制日期: 2019年7月15日版本: 1.0第1部分化学品及企业标识化学品中文名:八氟丙烷化学品英文名:Octafluoropropane企业名称:企业地址:邮编:传真:联系电话:电子邮件地址:企业应急电话:产品推荐及限制用途:主要用作半导体电子元件的等离子蚀刻剂和电介质气体,还用作喷雾剂、深冷剂、热交换器的传热介质等第2部分危险性概述紧急情况概述:内装高压气体;遇热可能爆炸。
GHS危险性类别:加压气体类别液化气体标签要素:象形图:警示词:警告危险性说明:H280 内装高压气体;遇热可能爆炸防范说明:预防措施:——无事故响应:——无安全储存:—— P410+P403 防日晒。


749814-7 Product DetailsHome | Customer Support | Suppliers | Site Map | Privacy Policy | Browser Support© 2008 Tyco Electronics Corporation All Rights Reserved SearchProducts Documentation Resources My Account Customer Support Home > Products > By Type > D Subminiature > Product Feature Selector > Product Details749814-7Active Standard Cable ConnectorsAlways EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of Compliance)Product Highlights:?Connector Kit?Product Series = HDE-20 (IDC)?Number of Positions = 9?Shielded?ReceptacleView all Features | Find SimilarProductsCheck Pricing &AvailabilitySearch for ToolingProduct FeatureSelectorContact Us AboutThis ProductQuick LinksDocumentation & Additional InformationProduct Drawings:?RECEPTACLE KIT, SIZE 1, 9 POS, METAL SHELL, UNASSEMB...(PDF, English)Catalog Pages/Data Sheets:?None AvailableProduct Specifications:?Connector, AMPLIMITE HDE-20, Insulation Displacement(PDF, English)?Accessories, Cable and Clamp Assemblies, Shielded, A...(PDF, English)Application Specifications:?AMPLIMITE HDE-20 IDC Connectors(PDF, English)Instruction Sheets:?AMPLIMITE Connector HD-20 Shielded Cable Clamp Kits(PDF, English)?AMPLIMITE High Den. (HDE-20) Insulation Displacement...(PDF, English)CAD Files:?None AvailableList all Documents Additional Information:?Product Line InformationRelated Products:?ToolingProduct Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)Product Type Features:?Product Type = Connector Kit?Product Series = HDE-20 (IDC)?Number of Positions = 9?Shielded = Yes?Gender = Receptacle?Wire Termination Type = InsulationDisplacement Crimp (IDC)?Mating Connector Lock = With?Mating Connector Lock Type = Mounting Holes ?Shell Size = 1?Shell Type = Full Metal Shell?Grounding Indents = Without?Grade = Standard?Cable Clamp Type = One-Piece Quick Snap?Grommets = With?Screws and Retainer Clips = With?Body Material = Polypropylene?Cable Support Gate Material = Polypropylene?Shell Material = Steel?Retainer Clip Material = Stainless Steel?Strain Relief Clip Material = Stainless Steel?Screw Material = SteelMechanical Attachment:?Mounting Screw Material = Steel?Mounting Screw Plating = Zinc?Screw Plating = ZincTermination Related Features:?Solder Tail Contact Plating = Tin Body Related Features:?Wire Range (mm²[AWG]) = 0.15 -0.40 [26-22]?Cable Insulation Diameter (mm [in]) = 4.70 –8.13 [0.185 –0.320]?Cable Exit Angle = 180°?Shell Plating = Tin over CopperContact Related Features:?Contacts = With?Contact Mating Area Plating Material = GoldFlash?Contact Size = 20?Contact Material = Phosphor Bronze, Brass Housing Related Features:?Housing Material = Nylon, Polyester GF?Housing Flammability Rating = UL 94V-0?Housing Color = BlackIndustry Standards:?RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELVcompliant?Lead Free Solder Processes = Not relevant forlead free process?RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always wasRoHS compliantPackaging Related Features:?Packaging Method = Bulk?Packaging Quantity = 100Other:?Brand = AMPProvide Website Feedback | Contact Customer Support。

Ac=合格判定数Re=不合格判定数制定:周伟光审核: 批准: 制定日期:2008-11-05MIL-STD-1916 抽样标准一、前言为强调过程品管与持续不断改进的重要性,美军于1996 年推出新版的抽样标准:MIL-STD-1916,用以取代MIL-STD-105E作为美军采购时主要选用的抽样标准。
本标准的目的在鼓励供应商建立品质系统与使用有效的过程控制程序,以取代最终产品的抽样方式,希望供应商远离以AQL(Acceptable Quality Level)为主的抽样计划,而以预防性的品质制度代替它,故本标准之愿景在建立不合格过程改进之制度,而非最终检验品质之水准。
MTL-STD-1916 与MIL-STD-105E抽样标准不同之处,主要有以下几点:1、抽样计划以单次抽样(含加严、正常及减量)为主,删除双次与多次抽样,抽样以“0 收1 退”(ZBA Zero Based Acceptance)当做判定标准,强调不允许不良品之存在。
4、对计数、计量及连续性抽样作业均可适用(分别有三种抽样表),不再像以往MIL-STD-105E仅限于计数值抽样,MIL-STD-414 仅限于计量值抽样与MIL-STD-1235 仅限于连续性抽样(以上标准美军均已废止)。
6、MIL-STD-1916 强调供应商品质系统的建立,以预防为主,而MIL-STD-105E强调顾客的抽样技术,避免接收不合格件。
此外,以往最常用的MIL-STD-105E抽样标准,使用的查检表上就有加严、正常及减量等对应查检表数十个,在运用上并不是很方便,而MIL-STD-1916 所使用的表格(含计数、计量及连续性抽样),就只有4 个,在使用的简便性上,已有大大的改善。

5804中⽂资料Combining low-power CMOS logic with high-current and high-voltage bipolar outputs, the UCN5804B and UCN5804LB BiMOS II translator/drivers provide complete control and drive for a four-phase unipolar stepper-motor with continuous output current ratings to 1.25 A per phase (1.5 A startup) and 35 V.The CMOS logic section provides the sequencing logic, DIRECTION and OUTPUT ENABLE control, and a power-on reset function. Three stepper-motor drive formats, wave-drive (one-phase), two-phase, and half-step are externally selectable. The inputs are compatible with standard CMOS, PMOS, and NMOS circuits. TTL or LSTTL may require the use of appropriate pull-up resistors to ensure a proper input-logic high.The wave-drive format consists of energizing one motor phase at a time in an A-B-C-D (or D-C-B-A) sequence. This excitation mode consumes the least power and assures positional accuracy regardless of any winding inbalance in the motor. Two-phase drive energizes two adjacent phases in each detent position (AB-BC-CD-DA). This sequence mode offers animproved torque-speed product, greater detent torque, and is less susceptible to motor resonance. Half-step excitation alternates between the one-phase and two-phase modes (A-AB-B-BC-C-CD-D-DA), providing an eight-step sequence.The bipolar outputs are capable of sinking up to 1.5 A and withstanding 50 V in the off state (sustaining voltages up to 35 V). Ground-clamp and flyback diodes provide protection against inductive transients. Thermal protection circuitry disables the outputs when the chip temperature is exces-sive.Both devices are rated for operation over the temperature range of -20°C to +85°C. The UCN5804B is supplied in a 16-pin dual in-line plastic batwing package with a copper lead frame and heat-sinkable tabs for improved power dissipation capabilities; the UCN5804LB is supplied in a 16-lead plastic SOIC batwing package with a copper lead frame and heat-sinkable tabs.FEATURESI 1.5 A Maximum Output Current I 35 V Output Sustaining VoltageI Wave-Drive, Two-Phase, and Half-Step Drive Formats I Internal Clamp DiodesI Output Enable and Direction Control I Power-On ResetI Internal Thermal Shutdown CircuitryBiMOS II UNIPOLARSTEPPER-MOTOR TRANSLATOR/DRIVERAlways order by complete part number, e.g., UCN5804B .Data Sheet 26184.12C*5804115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-********BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTORTRANSLATOR/DRIVERTRUTH TABLEDrive Format Pin 9Pin 10Two-Phase L L One-Phase H L Half-Step L H Step-InhibitHHTYPICAL INPUT CIRCUITDwg. EP-021-4TYPICAL OUTPUT DRIVERDwg. EP-010-5INCopyright ? 1987, 2000 Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.5075100125150510A L L O W A B L E P A C K A G E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N I N W A T T STEMPERATURE IN °C43225Dwg. GP-049-2A5804BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTOR TRANSLATOR/DRIVER/doc/a3712eddb9f3f90f76c61b7c.htmlELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at T A = 25°C, T J ≤ 150°C, V DD = 4.5 V to 5.5 V (unless otherwise noted). Limits CharacteristicSymbol Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Units Output Leakage Current I CEX V OUT = 50 V—1050µA Output Sustaining Voltage V CE(sus)I OUT = 1.25 A, L = 3 mH 35——V Output Saturation VoltageV CE(SAT)I OUT = 700 mA — 1.0 1.2V I OUT = 1 A — 1.1 1.4V I OUT= 1.25 A— 1.2 1.5V Clamp Diode Leakage Current I R V R = 50 V —1050µA Clamp Diode Forward Voltage V F I F = 1.25 A — 1.53.0V Input CurrentI IN(1)V IN = V DD —0.5 5.0µA I IN(0)V IN = 0.8 V —-0.5-5.0µA Input VoltageV IN(1)V DD = 5 V3.5— 5.3V V IN(0)-0.3—0.8V Supply Current I DD 2 Outputs ON—2030mA Turn-Off Delay t ON 50% Step Inputs to 50% Output ——10µs Turn-On Delayt OFF 50% Step Inputs to 50% Output ——10µs Thermal Shutdown TemperatureT J—165—°CTIMING CONDITIONSA. Minimum Data Set Up Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 nsB. Minimum Data Hold Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 nsC. Minimum Step Input Pulse Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 µsDwg. W-110AONE PHASE HALF STEPOOUTPUT ENABLEOUTPUT C OUTPUT DCLOCK115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-50005804BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTORTRANSLATOR/DRIVERWAVE-DRIVE SEQUENCEHalf Step = L, One Phase = H Step A B C D POR ON OFF OFF OFF 1ON OFF OFF OFF 2OFF ON OFF OFF 3OFF OFF ON OFF 4OFFOFFOFFONTWO-PHASE DRIVE SEQUENCEHalf Step = L, One Phase = LStep A B C D POR ON OFF OFF ON 1ON OFF OFF ON 2ON ON OFF OFF 3OFF ON ON OFF 4OFFOFFONONHALF-STEP DRIVE SEQUENCEHalf Step = H, One Phase = LStep A B C D POR ON OFF OFF OFF 1ON OFF OFF OFF 2ON ON OFF OFF 3OFF ON OFF OFF 4OFF ON ON OFF 5OFF OFF ON OFF 6OFF OFF ON ON 7OFF OFF OFF ON 8ONOFFOFFONAPPLICATIONS INFORMATIONInternal power-on reset (POR) circuitry resets OUTPUT A (and OUTPUT D in the two-phase drive format) to the on state with initial applica-tion of the logic supply voltage. After reset, the circuit then steps according to the tables.The outputs will advance one sequenceposition on the high-to-low transition of the STEP INPUT pulse. Logic levels on the HALF-STEP and ONE-PHASE inputs will determine the drive format (one-phase, two-phase, or half-step). The DIRECTION pin determines the rotation se-quence of the outputs. Note that the STEP INPUT must be in the low state when changing the state of ONE-PHASE, HALF-STEP, or DIRECTION to prevent erroneous stepping.All outputs are disabled (off) when OUTPUT ENABLE is at a logic high. If the function is not required, OUTPUT ENABLE should be tied low.In that condition, all outputs depend only on the state of the step logic.During normal commutation of a unipolar stepper motor, mutual coupling between the motor windings can force the outputs of the UCN5804B below ground. This condition will cause forward biasing of the collector-to-substrate junction and source current from the output. For many L/R applications, this substrate current is high enough to adversely affect the logic circuitry and cause misstepping. External series diodes (Schottky are recommended for increasedefficiency at low-voltage operation) will prevent substrate current from being sourced through the outputs. Alternatively, external ground clamp diodes will provide a preferred current path from ground when the outputs are pulled below ground.Internal thermal protection circuitry disables all outputs when the junction temperature reaches approximately 165°C. The outputs are enabled again when the junction cools down to approxi-mately 145°C.5804BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTOR TRANSLATOR/DRIVER/doc/a3712eddb9f3f90f76c61b7c.htmlTYPICAL APPLICATION L/R Stepper-Motor DriveThe products described here are manufactured under one or more U.S. patents or U.S. patents pending.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such departures from the detail specifications as may berequired to permit improvements in the performance, reliability, or manufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, the user is cautioned to verify that the information being relied upon is current.Allegro products are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support devices or systems without express written approval.The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no responsi-bility for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-50005804BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTORTRANSLATOR/DRIVERUCN5804BDimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)Dimensions in Millimeters(for reference only)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Lead thickness is measured at seating plane or below.4.Webbed lead frame. Leads 4, 5, 12, and 13 are internally one piece.5.Supplied in standard sticks/tubes of 25 devices.Dwg. MA-001-17A in18Dwg. MA-001-17A mm185804 BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTOR TRANSLATOR/DRIVER/doc/a3712eddb9f3f90f76c61b7c.htmlUCN5804LB(add “TR” to part number for tape and reel) Dimensions in Inches(for reference only)Dimensions in Millimeters(controlling dimensions)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Lead thickness is measured at seating plane or below.4.Webbed lead frame. Leads 4, 5, 12, and 13 are internally one piece.5.Supplied in standard sticks/tubes of 47 devices or add “TR” to part number for tape and reel.115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-50005804BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTORTRANSLATOR/DRIVERMOTOR DRIVERSFunctionOutput Ratings*Part Number ?INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FOR BRUSHLESS DC MOTORS3-Phase Power MOSFET Controller —28 V 39333-Phase Power MOSFET Controller —50 V 39323-Phase Power MOSFET Controller —50 V 76002-Phase Hall-Effect Sensor/Driver 400 mA 26 V 3626Bidirectional 3-Phase Back-EMFController/Driver ±600 mA 14 V 89062-Phase Hall-Effect Sensor/Driver 900 mA 14 V 36253-Phase Back-EMFController/Driver ±900 mA 14 V 8902–A 3-Phase Controller/Drivers ±2.0 A 45 V 2936 & 2936-120INTEGRATED BRIDGE DRIVERS FOR DC AND BIPOLAR STEPPER MOTORSDual Full Bridge with Protection & Diagnostics ±500 mA 30 V 3976PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±650 mA 30 V 3966PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±650 mA 30 V 3968PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±750 mA 45 V 2916PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±750 mA 45 V 2919PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±750 mA 45 V 6219PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±800 mA 33 V 3964PWM Current-Controlled Full Bridge ±1.3 A 50 V3953PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±1.5 A 45 V 2917PWM Current-Controlled Microstepping Full Bridge ±1.5 A 50 V 3955PWM Current-Controlled Microstepping Full Bridge ±1.5 A 50 V 3957PWM Current-Controlled Dual DMOS Full Bridge ±1.5 A 50 V 3972Dual Full-Bridge Driver ±2.0 A 50 V 2998PWM Current-Controlled Full Bridge ±2.0 A 50 V3952DMOS Full Bridge PWM Driver ±2.0 A 50 V 3958Dual DMOS Full Bridge ±2.5 A 50 V 3971UNIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR & OTHER DRIVERSVoice-Coil Motor Driver ±500 mA 6 V 8932–A Voice-Coil Motor Driver ±800 mA 16 V 8958Unipolar Stepper-Motor Quad Drivers 1 A 46 V 7024 & 7029Unipolar Microstepper-Motor Quad Driver 1.2 A 46 V 7042Unipolar Stepper-Motor Translator/Driver 1.25 A 50 V 5804Unipolar Stepper-Motor Quad Driver 1.8 A 50 V 2540Unipolar Stepper-Motor Quad Driver 1.8 A 50 V 2544Unipolar Stepper-Motor Quad Driver 3 A 46 V 7026Unipolar Microstepper-Motor Quad Driver 3 A 46 V 7044*Current is maximum specified test condition, voltage is maximum rating. See specification for sustaining voltage limits or over-current protection voltage limits. Negative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the output.?Complete part number includes additional characters to indicate operating temperature range and package style.Also, see 3175, 3177, 3235, and 3275 Hall-effect sensors for use with brushless dc motors.。
安全技术说明书 - LOCTITE LB 8150 SV ANTI-SEIZE 润滑剂

安全技术说明书 根据GB/T 16483-2008第 1 页 共 10 页LOCTITE LB 8150 SV ANTI-SEIZE 又名 ANTI-SEIZE TUBE REG. 767 250GM安全技术说明书编号 : 319621V 001.2修订: 15.04.2021 发布日期: 20.04.2021化学品中文名称: LOCTITE LB 8150 SV ANTI-SEIZE 又名 ANTI-SEIZE TUBE REG. 767 250GM推荐用途:润滑剂制造商/进口商/分销商代表公司汉高粘合剂科技(上海)有限公司中国(上海)自由贸易试验区张衡路928号2B (即1幢)105室 201204 中国上海市浦东新区中国电话: +86-21-2891 8000 传真: +86-21-2891 5137电子邮件:***************************生效日期: 15.04.2021应急信息: +86 21 2891 8311 (24小时)。
物质或混合物的分类根据GB 13690-2009 (化学品分类和危险性公示通则):危险分类危险类别 靶器官 皮肤腐蚀/刺激类别 2 严重眼损伤/眼刺激类别 1特异性靶器官系统毒性 – 反复接触类别 2 中枢神经系统 急性危害水生环境类别 2 对水生环境有慢性危害类别 3标签要素根据GB 15258-2009 (化学品安全标签编写规定):象形图信号词:危险危险性说明:H315造成皮肤刺激。

3.现场应急监测方法:4.实验室监测方法:滴定法(EPA方法 9252)气相色谱法,参照《分析化学手册》(第四分册,色谱分析),化学工业出版社5.环境标准:前苏联车间空气中有害物质的最高容许浓度 1mg/m36.应急处理处置方法:一、泄漏应急处理疏散泄漏污染区人员至安全区,禁止无关人员进入污染区,建议应急处理人员戴正压自给式呼吸器,穿化学防护服。

目 次
使用產品的注意事項 …………………… 4
……………………………………… 8
各部位名稱與主要功能 …………… 10
……………… 12
……… 13
………………… 14
………… 14
世界時間使用方法 …………………… 16
○請勿自行分解、改造本產品 ○請妥善保管,確保兒童無法接觸。
即使是標示了抗壓值的防水手錶,仍未經過各項潛水手錶必需 之嚴格檢查,不宜在從事水肺潛水、飽和潛水等活動之嚴苛環 境中配戴,請使用潛水專用手錶。
顯示世界各地區 的時間 …………………… 18
……………… 20
時區與時差 世界時間功能Q&A
……………… 22 ……………… 24
…………………… 25
………………… 26
……………………… 28
以電波收信來對時 ……………………… 28
ボタン A按、鈕BBについて
為了防止誤壓,按鈕B的設計無法直接用手指操作。 按鈕形狀會因設計需求而不同。
請用手指自下側按壓,或 使用前端尖細之物品按壓 凹槽。