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目录 (2)
简介 (2)
嵌合现象 (3)
适应性 (4)
核心基因组 (5)
实验室中的进化 (6)
抗生素耐药性和毒力 (6)
流行病与传播 (8)
微生物鉴定........................................................................................................................... ........................................
定向进化和生物工程 10生物燃料和生物修复 (11)
病毒 (12)
病毒检测与鉴定 (12)
疫苗生产 (13)
酵母 (14)
深入研究的微生物 (15)
大肠杆菌 (15)
金黄色葡萄球菌 (16)
链球菌 (17)
分枝杆菌 (17)
沙门氏菌 (18)
参考文献 (19)













2 这可通过几种机制发生,但最终结果是嵌合现





Joseph, S. J. and Read T. D. (2012) Genome-wide recombin ati on in Chlamydia tracho mati s. Nat Genet 44: 364-366 Rajendhran, J. and Gunasekaran P. (2011) Microbial phylogeny and diversity: small subunit ribosomal RNA sequence analysis and beyond. Microbiol Res 166: 99-110
2 Maiden, M. C. (1998) Horizontal gene ti c exchange, evolu ti on, and spread of an ti bio ti c resistance in bacteria. Clin Infect Dis 27 Suppl 1: S12-20
Gonzalez-Escalona, N., Strain E. A., De Jesus A. J., Jones J. L. and Depaola A. (2011) Genome sequence of the clinical O4:K12 serotype Vibrio parahaemol yti cus strain 10329. J Bacteriol 193: 3405-3406
Izumiya, H., Sekizuka T., Nakaya H., Taguchi M., Oguchi A., et al. (2011) Whole-genome analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium T000240 reveals the acquisi ti on of a genomic island involved in mul ti drug resistance via IS1 deri vativ es on the chromosome. An ti microb Agents Chemother 55: 623-630 适应性
3 Gerstein, A. C. and O tt o, S. P. (2011) Cryp ti c Fitness Advantage: Diploids Invade Haploid Popula ti ons Despite Lacking Any Apparent Advantage as Measured by Standard Fitness Assays. PLoS ONE 6:
4 Bachmann, H., Starrenburg, M. J., Molenaar, D., Kleerebezem, M. and van Hylckama Vlieg, J. E. (2012) Microbial domes ti ca ti on signatures of Lactococcus lac ti s can be
reproduced by experimental evolu ti on. Genome Res 22: 115-124
5 Comas, I., Borrell, S., Roetzer, A., Rose, G., Malla, B., et al. (2011) Whole-genome sequencing of rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains iden ti?es compensatory muta ti ons in RNA polymerase genes. Nat Genet 44: 106-110
6 Casali, N., Nikolayevskyy, V., Balabanova, Y., Ignatyeva, O., Kontsevaya, I., et al. (2012) Microevolu ti on of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in Russia. Genome Res 22: 735-745
7 Kvitek, D. J. and Sherlock, G. (2011) Reciprocal sign epistasis between frequently experimentally evolved adap ti ve muta ti ons causes a rugged ?tness landscape. PLoS Genet 7: e1002056
8 Moses, A. M. and Davidson, A. R. (2011) In vitro evolu ti on goes deep. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108: 8071-8072
9 Han, T. X., Xu, X. Y., Zhang, M. J., Peng, X. and Du, L. L. (2010) Global ?tness pro ?ling of ?ssion yeast dele ti
on strains by barcode sequencing. Genome Biol 11: R60 10 Eckert, S. E., Dziva, F., Chaudhuri, R. R., Langridge, G. C., Turner, D. J., et al. (2011) Retrospec ti ve applica ti on of transposon-directed inser ti on site sequencing to a library of signature-tagged mini-Tn5Km2 mutants of Escherichia coli O157:H7 screened in ca tt le. J Bacteriol 193: 1771-1776

3,4 例如抗生素压力下的微生物群体,对抗生素有耐药性的微生物将存活,即使它们长得更慢,且表现出较低的适应性。

5,6 适应性图谱描述了可能的突变轨迹,其中谱系以一种循序渐进的方式从低适应性区域的基因型向更高适应性的区域进化。




Eckert, S. E., Dziva F., Chaudhuri R. R., Langridge G. C., Turner D. J., et al. (2011) Retrospec ti ve applic ati on of transposon-directed inser ti on site sequencing to a library of signature-tagged mini-Tn5Km2 mutants of Escherichia coli O157:H7 screened in c att le. J Bacteriol 193: 1771-1776
Lee, C. Y., Kam Y. W., Fric J., Malleret B., Koh E. G. L., et al. (2011) Chikungunya Virus Neutraliz ati on An ti gens and Direct Cell-to-Cell Transmission Are Revealed by Human An ti body-Escape Mutants. PLoS Pathog 7:
Hietpas, R. T., Jensen J. D. and Bolon D. N. (2011) From the Cover: Experimental illumin ati on of a ?tness landscape. Proceedings of the N ati onal Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108: 7896-7901
Nair, D., Memmi G., Hernandez D., Bard J., Beaume M., et al. (2011) Whole-Genome Sequencing of Staphylococcus aureus Strain RN4220, a Key Laboratory Strain Used in Virulence Research, Iden ti?es Muta ti ons That A ?ect Not Only Virulence Factors but Also the Fitness of the Strain. J Bacteriol 193: 2332-2335








Laing, C. R., Zhang Y., Thomas J. E. and Gannon V. P. (2011) Everything at once: comp
arati ve analysis of the genomes of bacterial pathogens. Vet Microbiol 153: 13-26
11 Conrad, T. M., Joyce, A. R., Applebee, M. K., Barre tt , C. L., Xie, B., et al. (2009) Whole-genome resequencing of Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 undergoing short-term laboratory evolu ti on
in lactate minimal media reveals ?exible selec ti on of adap ti ve muta ti ons. Genome Biol 10: R118 12 Charusan ti , P., Conrad, T. M., Knight, E. M., Venkataraman, K., Fong, N. L., et al. (2010) Gene ti c basis of growth adapta ti on of Escherichia coli a ft er dele ti on of pgi, a major metabolic gene. PLoS Genet 6: e1001186 13 Barrick, J. E. and Lenski, R. E. (2009) Genome-wide muta ti onal diversity in an evolving popula ti on of Escherichia coli. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 74: 119-129 14 Harris, D. R., Pollock, S. V., Wood, E. A., Goi ?on, R. J., Klingele, A. J., et al. (2009) Directed evolu ti on of ionizing radia ti on resistance in Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 191: 5240-5252

11,12 因此,不同实验室中同一模式生物的基因组也可能相异,实验逐渐变得很难重复。





13 40,000多代后积累的突变数量似乎也没有饱和,这是值得注意的,也有些令人不安。




15 Chua, K. Y. L., Seemann, T., Harrison, P. F., Monagle, S., Korman, T. M., et al. (2011) The Dominant Australian Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clone ST93-IV [2B] Is Highly Virulent and Gene ti cally Dis ti nct. PLoS ONE 6: 16 Howden, B. P., McEvoy, C. R. E., Allen, D. L., Chua, K., Gao, W., et al. (2011) Evolu ti on of Mul ti drug Resistance during Staphylococcus aureus Infec ti on Involves Muta ti on of the Essen ti al Two Component Regulator WalKR. PLoS Pathog 7: e1002359 17 Toprak, E., Veres, A., Michel, J. B., Chait, R., Hartl, D. L., et al. (2011) Evolu ti onary paths to an ti bio ti c resistance under dynamically sustained drug selec ti on. Nat Genet 44: 101-105 由于细菌基因组的嵌合特性,它可从环境中快速获得抗生素抗性基因或毒力相关基因。




15,16 新方法追踪微生物对实验室中持续抗生素压力的适应。



Howden, B. P., McEvoy C. R. E., Allen D. L., Chua K., Gao W., et al. (2011) Evolu ti on of Mul ti drug Resistance during
Staphylococcus aureus In fecti on Involves Mu tati on of the Essen ti al Two Component Regulator WalKR. PLoS Pathog 7: e1002359 Peleg, A. Y., Miyakis S., Ward D. V., Earl A. M., Rubio A., et al. (2012) Whole genome characteriz ati on of the mechanisms of daptomycin resistance in clinical and laboratory derived isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. PLoS ONE 7: e28316
Lieberman, T. D., Michel J. B., Aingaran M., Po tt er-Bynoe G., Roux D., et al. (2011) Parallel bacterial evolu ti on within mul ti ple p ati ents iden ti?es candidate pathogenicity genes. Nat Genet 43: 1275-1280
Thomas, J. C., Figueira M., Fennie K. P., Laufer A. S., Kong Y., et al. (2011) Streptococcus pneumoniae clonal complex 199: gene ti c diversity and ti ssue-speci ?c virulence. PLoS ONE 6: e18649
Harvey, R. M., Stroeher U. H., Ogunniyi A. D., Smith-Vaughan H. C., Leach A. J., et al. (2011) A variable region within the genome of Streptococcus pneumoniae contributes to strain-strain vari ati on in virulence. PLoS ONE 6: e19650
Lenski, R. E. (2011) Chance and necessity in the evolu ti on of a bacterial pathogen. Nat Genet 43: 1174-1176
Editorial, N. B. (2011) Outbreak genomics. Nat Biotechnol 29: 769
Croucher, N. J. (2009) From small reads do mighty genomes grow. Nat Rev Microbiol 7: 621 19 Reeves, P. R., Liu, B., Zhou, Z., Li, D., Guo, D., et al. (2011) Rates of muta ti on and host transmission for an Escherichia coli clone over 3 years. PLoS ONE 6: e26907 20 Harris, S. R., Feil, E. J., Holden, M. T., Quail, M. A., Nickerson, E. K., et al. (2010) Evolu ti on of MRSA during hospital transmission and intercon ti nental spread. Science 327: 469-474 21 Hendriksen, R. S., Price, L. B., Schupp, J. M., Gillece, J. D., Kaas, R. S., et al. (2011) Popula ti on Gene ti cs of Vibrio cholerae from Nepal in 2010: Evidence on the Origin of the Hai ti an Outbreak. MBio 2: 22 Mutreja, A., Kim, D. W., Thomson, N. R., Connor, T. R., Lee, J. H., et al. (2011) Evidence for several waves of global transmission in the seventh cholera pandemic. Nature 477: 462-465 23 Grad, Y. H., Lipsitch, M., Feldgarden, M., Arachchi, H. M., Cerqueira, G. C., et al. (2012) Genomic epidemiology of the Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreaks in Europe, 2011. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109: 3065-3070 24 Howden, B. P., McEvoy, C. R. E., Allen, D. L., Chua, K., Gao, W., et al. (2011) Evolu ti on of Mul ti drug Resistance during Staphylococcus aureus Infec ti on Involves Muta ti on of the Essen ti al Two Component Regulator WalKR. PLoS Pathog 7: e1002359



18 如今,即使是家庭19或医院20内的相对短期的传播也能追踪,爆发源也能确定。

21,22,23 这允许我们更快速更有针对性地应对爆发。


Reeves et al.26 report the transmission of a a uropathogenic E. coli clone that persisted for 3 years within a household, including a dog. The data imply at least 6 host transfer events.
Fi tti paldi, N., Beres S. B., Olsen R. J., Kapur V., Shea P. R., et al. (2012) Full-Genome Dissec ti on of an Epidemic of Severe Invasive Disease Caused by a Hypervirulent, Recently Emerged Clone of Group A Streptococcus. Am J Pathol Grad, Y. H., Lipsitch M., Feldgarden M., Arachchi H. M., Cerqueira G. C., et al. (2012) Genomic epidemiology of the Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreaks in Europe, 2011. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109: 3065-3070 Mutreja, A., Kim D. W., Thomson N. R.,
Connor T. R., Lee J. H., et al. (2011) Evidence for several waves of global transmission in the seventh cholera pandemic. Nature 477: 462-465
Gardy, J. L., Johnston J. C., Ho Sui S. J., Cook V. J., Shah L., et al. (2011) Whole-genome sequencing and social-network analysis of a tuberculosis outbreak. N Engl J Med 364: 730-739
25 Johnson, J. R., Clabots, C. and Kuskowski, M. A. (2008) Mul ti ple-host sharing, long-term persistence, and virulence of Escherichia coli clones from human and animal household members. J Clin Microbiol 46: 4078-4082 26 Reeves, P. R., Liu, B., Zhou, Z., Li, D., Guo, D., et al. (2011) Rates of mutation and host transmission for an Escherichia coli clone over 3 years. PLoS ONE 6: e26907



Avasthi, T. S., Devi S. H., Taylor T. D., Kumar N., Baddam R., et al. (2011) Genomes of two chronological isolates (Helicobacter pylori 2017 and 2018) of the West African Helicobacter pylori strain 908 obtained from a single p ati ent.
J Bacteriol 193: 3385-3386





Gibbons, H. S., Broomall S. M., McNew L. A., Daligault H., Chapman C., et al. (2011) Genomic signatures of strain selec ti on and enhancement in Bacillus atrophaeus var. globigii, a historical biowarfare simulant. PLoS ONE 6: e17836 Kvitek, D. J. and Sherlock G. (2011) Reciprocal sign epistasis between frequently experimentally evolved adap ti ve mu tati ons causes a rugged ?t ness landscape. PLoS Genet 7: e1002056


Radakovits, R., Jinkerson R. E., Fuerstenberg S. I., Tae H., Se tt lage R. E., et al. (2012) Dr aft genome sequence and gene ti c transfo rmati on of the oleaginous alga Nannochloropis gaditana. Nat Commun 3: 686
Tremblay, P. L., Summers Z. M., Glaven R. H., Nevin K. P., Zengler K., et al. (2011) A c-type cytochrome and a transcrip ti onal regulator responsible for enhanced extracellular electron transfer in Geobacter sulfurreducens revealed by adap ti ve evolu ti on. Environ Microbiol 13: 13-23
27 Eckerle, L. D., Becker, M. M., Halpin, R. A., Li, K., Venter, E., et al. (2010) In ?delity of SARS-CoV Nsp14-exonuclease mutant virus replica ti on is revealed by complete genome sequencing. PLoS Pathog 6: e1000896 28 Murray, C. L., Oh, T. S. and Rice, C. M. (2011) Keeping Track of Viruses. Microbial Forensics (Second Edi ti on) 137-153 29 Yozwiak, N. L., Skewes-Cox, P., Stenglein, M.
D., Balmaseda, A., Harris,
E., et al. (2012) Virus iden ti?ca ti on in unknown tropical febrile illness cases using deep sequencing. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 6: e1485 30 Jiang, Z., Jhunjhunwala, S., Liu, J., Haverty, P. M., Kennemer, M. I., et al. (2012) The e ?ects of hepa titi s B virus integra ti on into the genomes of hepatocellular carcinoma pa ti ents. Genome Res 22: 593-601 31 Kriesel, J. D., Hobbs, M. R., Jones, B. B., Milash, B., Nagra, R. M., et al. (2012) Deep sequencing for the detec ti on of virus-like sequences in the brains of pa ti ents with mul ti ple sclerosis: detec ti on of
GBV-C in human brain. PLoS ONE 7: e31886 病毒



27 不仅突变更频繁地发生,许多拷贝也快速地产生。





29 这种检测能力引发了在肿瘤30和慢性病31中寻找病毒感染的兴趣。


Blasdell, K. R., Voysey R., Bulach D., Joubert D. A., Tesh R. B., et al. (2012) Kotonkan and Obodhiang viruses: African
ephemeroviruses with large and complex genomes. Virology 425: 143-153
Dunowska, M., Biggs P. J., Zheng T. and Perro tt M. R. (2012) Iden ti?c a ti on of a novel nidovirus associated with a neurological disease of the Australian brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Vet Microbiol 156: 418-424
Flaherty, P., Natsoulis G., Muralidharan O., Winters M., Buenrostro J., et al. (2012) Ultrasensi ti ve detec ti on of rare mu tati ons using next-genera ti on targeted resequencing. Nucleic Acids Res 40: e2
Jiang, Z., Jhunjhunwala S., Liu J., Haverty P. M., Kennemer M.
I., et al. (2012) The e?ects of hep atiti s B virus integ rati on into the genomes of hepatocellular carcinoma pa ti ents. Genome Res 22: 593-601
Kriesel, J. D., Hobbs M. R., Jones B. B., Milash B., Nagra R. M., et al. (2012) Deep sequencing for the detec ti on of virus like sequences in the brains of p ati ents with mul ti ple sclerosis: detec ti on of GBV-C in human brain. PLoS ONE 7: e31886 Tapparel, C., Cordey S., Junier T., Farinelli L., Van Belle S., et al. (2011) Rhinovirus genome varia ti on during chronic upper and lower respiratory tract in fecti ons. PLoS ONE 6: e21163 疫苗生产



常用的人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)变种T owne和AD169已广泛分布,并作为候选疫苗开发。



32 Bradley, A. J., Lurain, N. S., Ghazal, P., Trivedi, U., Cunningham, C., et al. (2009) High-throughput sequence analysis of variants of human cytomegalovirus strains Towne and AD169. J Gen Virol 90: 2375-2380
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酿酒酵母(S. cerevisiae)菌株DBY10147经过约188代硫酸盐有限的连续培养后,分离出一个菌株,开展深度测序。




34 参考基因组中的任何错误和遗漏都将设计成基于这些基因组的芯片或tiling芯片。

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例如,长期连续采样的耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)(ST225)的D NA序列让研究人员能够估计,ST225在1990年左右开始分离(1987至1994年),而欧洲分




36 宿主跳跃是遗传适应的最明显例子之一。



37 Lowder, B. V., Guinane, C. M., Ben Zakour, N. L., Weinert, L.
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肠道沙门氏菌(Salmonella enterica)血清型的测序证明了全基因组测序的许多优势。

39,40,41 它也作为一个反面教材,说明了目前表型鉴定(如血清型和噬菌体型)的欺骗性。






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