消化系统 英文版.ppt
医学消化系统课件:Maladies du tube digestif_1

Gastrite chronique
Une atteinte inflammatoire chronique de la muqueuse associé avec l’atrophie et la métaplasie.
Autoimmune Hp
Les étiologies les plus fréquentes :
Métaplasie intestinale
Metaplasia of small intestinal type
Métaplasie intestinale complet
Metaplasia of colonic type
Métaplasie intestinale
Type I stained blue (sialomucins+)
L’infiltrat inflammatoire principalment lymphoplasmocytaire L’atrophie de la muqueuse
Légère: infiltrat lymphoplasmocytaire dans une parti de chorion superficielle (anciennement: gastrite chronique superficielle) Avancé: infiltrat lymphocytaire atteint toute l’épaisseur de la chorion avec fréquentment l’atrophie de la muqueuse (anciennement: gastrite chronique atrophique)
● L’infection chronique par l’Helicobacter pylori (Hp).

Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Liver Gallbladder Pancreas
Accessory organs of the digestive system
The oral cavity
The teeth The tongue The palate
The colon has 3 divisions : the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the sigmoid colon. As fluid waste from the small intestine pass through various sections of the colon ,water is reabsorbed into body.
•The tongue manipulates food in the mouth during
mastication and deglutition.
•The palate the hard plate and the soft plate (the uvula
hanging from the soft plate)
Chewing and swallowing
•The teeth are used to cut ,tear and crush food into smaller
pieces. Each tooth consists of pulp, cementum and enamel.The teeth are classified incisors , cuspids and molars.

胃酸和蛋白酶的消化是形成胃溃 疡的主要因素,长期不良饮食习 惯、精神压力大、药物刺激等也
上腹疼痛、饱胀、反酸、嗳气等 是胃溃疡的常见症状,严重时可
药物治疗是胃溃疡的主要治疗方 法,同时需要改善饮食习惯和生
一种功能性肠病,表现为 腹痛、腹胀、排便习惯改 变等症状,但无器质性病 变。
通过胃酸和消化酶进一步分解 食物,并与消化液混合形成食 糜。
包括盲肠、结肠和直肠,主要 负责吸收水分和形成粪便。
口腔、胃和小肠等器官分 泌消化液,如唾液、胃酸、 胆汁和胰液,以帮助分解 食物。
消化道的肌肉通过蠕动运 动推动食物向下移动,促 进食物的消化和吸收。
神经系统和激素对消化系 统进行调节,控制消化液 的分泌、胃肠的蠕动以及 吸收过程。
口腔是消化系统的起始部分,主 要功能是咀嚼食物,为后续的消
口腔内有牙齿、舌、唾液腺等结 构,共同完成咀嚼和吞咽的动作。
口腔还是呼吸系统的入口,具有 感受味道的功能。
食管是连接口腔和胃 的管道,主要功能是 输送食物进入胃。
长时间久坐会影响肠道蠕动,增加消化系统疾病的风险,应尽量避免 长时间保持同一姿势。
chapter 13 消化系统

Among many causes of esophagus cancer, heavy alcohol consumption is a typical one. In Western nations, a majority of esophageal squamous cell carcinomas result from chronic alcohol abuse. Longterm heavy drinking irritates the lining of the esophagus, leading to inflammation (6_e_so_p_h_ag_it_is_____ ) that eventually may cause malignant changes in the cells.
Ascites 腹水 Gastrointestinal bleeding Abdominal mass 腹部肿块
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Vomiting of blood Cf. hemoptysis Usu. indicating upper GI bleeding 呕血
squamous cell su
Esophagus cancer
Another ring of muscle, the 5_lo_w_er_e_s_op_h_a_ge_a_l _sp_h_in_ct_e_r , sits at the junction where your esophagus and stomach connect. It opens to allow food into your stomach and then clamps shut so that corrosive stomach acids and digestive enzymes don't back up into the esophagus.
Ascites 腹水 Gastrointestinal bleeding Abdominal mass 腹部肿块
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Vomiting of blood Cf. hemoptysis Usu. indicating upper GI bleeding 呕血
squamous cell su
Esophagus cancer
Another ring of muscle, the 5_lo_w_er_e_s_op_h_a_ge_a_l _sp_h_in_ct_e_r , sits at the junction where your esophagus and stomach connect. It opens to allow food into your stomach and then clamps shut so that corrosive stomach acids and digestive enzymes don't back up into the esophagus.

• The small intestine is the region of the gut where nearly all of the chemical digestion of the nutrition components of food take place.
• It divided into 3 sections:1)the duodenum 2)the jejunum 3)the ileum
The stomach
It is composed of an upper portion called fundus,a middle section known as the body and a lower portion, called the antrum.
The cardiac sphincter relaxes and contracts to move food from the esophagus into the stomach ,whereas the pyloric sphincter allows food to leave the stomach when it sufficiently digested.
• The pharynx or throat ,is a passageway for food from the mouth to the esophagus and as a passway for air from nose to the windpipe.
As the stomach fills ,the rugae unfolded, exposing the digestive glands and stimulating them to secret digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid. These substances help transform food present to a semifluid substance.
• The small intestine is the region of the gut where nearly all of the chemical digestion of the nutrition components of food take place.
• It divided into 3 sections:1)the duodenum 2)the jejunum 3)the ileum
The stomach
It is composed of an upper portion called fundus,a middle section known as the body and a lower portion, called the antrum.
The cardiac sphincter relaxes and contracts to move food from the esophagus into the stomach ,whereas the pyloric sphincter allows food to leave the stomach when it sufficiently digested.
• The pharynx or throat ,is a passageway for food from the mouth to the esophagus and as a passway for air from nose to the windpipe.
As the stomach fills ,the rugae unfolded, exposing the digestive glands and stimulating them to secret digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid. These substances help transform food present to a semifluid substance.
双语医学课件-消化系统The Digestive

食物经过食道进入胃,胃酸和 消化酶开始对食物进行进一步 消化。
食物经过胃的消化后进入小肠, 小肠是主要的消化器官,通过 分泌多种消化酶对食物进行消 化。
大肠主要吸收水分和形成粪便, 同时也有一定的消化功能。
小肠是主要的营养吸收器官,吸收食 物中的水、无机盐、维生素和氨基酸 等营养物质。
营养物质被吸收后通过血液运输到全 身各处,供细胞代谢和维持生理功能。
口腔、食道和胃等器官负责摄 入和运输食物,确保身体获得
唾液、胃酸和消化酶等物质将 食物分解为小分子物质,如氨 基酸、单糖和脂肪酸等。
小肠通过绒毛吸收氨基酸、单糖 和脂肪酸等营养物质,并将其输 送到血液中,供身体细胞使用。
大肠主要吸收水分和盐,并形 成粪便,通过肛门排出体外。
包括食管癌、胃癌、结直肠癌等,早期症状不明显,晚期可能出现 消化道出血、肠梗阻等症状。
05 双语医学词汇
中文:食管 英文:Esophagus
英文:Stomach 中文:小肠
英文:Small intestine
中文:大肠 英文:Large intestine 中文:肝脏
双语医学课件2-消化系统The Digestive System

1. 功能上可分为三部分:十二指肠, 空肠和回肠
Small Intestine 小肠 Divided into 3 segments: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum 2. 腹膜是包裹在腹部器官和骨盆腔 上的一层浆膜 The peritoneum is the serous membrane surrounding the organs of abdomen and pelvic cavity.
Cardiovascular System: Major Vessels
1. renal artery 肾动脉 2.vertebral artery 脊椎动脉 3. subclavian artery 锁骨下动脉 4. aorta 主动脉 5. coronary artery 冠状动脉 6. celiac artery 腹腔动脉 7. superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜上动脉 8. lumbar artery 腰动脉 9. inferior mesenteric artery 肠系膜下动脉 10. gonadal artery 生殖腺动脉
Intrinsic nerves (内神经)
The submucosal plexus (Meissner plexus) What are the three nerve plexuses?
黏膜下层神经丛 (即迈斯纳exus (Auerbach plexus)
1.Three pairs of salivary glands
1 liter of saliva per day salivation 唾液分泌
1.Three pairs of salivary glands
1 liter of saliva per day salivation 唾液分泌

The large intestine is divided into 4 parts :cecum, colon,sigmoid colon,and rectum.
The cecum is connected to the small intestine by the ileocecal valve.
• The pharynx or throat ,is a long muscular tube that serves
as a passageway for food from the mouth to the esophagus and as a passway for air from nose to the windpipe.
• The small intestine is the region of the gut where nearly all of the chemical digestion of the nutrition components of food take place.
• It divided into 3 sections:1)the duodenum 2)the jejunum 3)the ileum
• The esophagus is a long muscular tube extending from the
pharynx to the stomach .Food is propelled by rhythmic contractions of muscles in the wall of the esophagus. This process is called peallowing
The large intestine is divided into 4 parts :cecum, colon,sigmoid colon,and rectum.
The cecum is connected to the small intestine by the ileocecal valve.
• The pharynx or throat ,is a long muscular tube that serves
as a passageway for food from the mouth to the esophagus and as a passway for air from nose to the windpipe.
• The small intestine is the region of the gut where nearly all of the chemical digestion of the nutrition components of food take place.
• It divided into 3 sections:1)the duodenum 2)the jejunum 3)the ileum
• The esophagus is a long muscular tube extending from the
pharynx to the stomach .Food is propelled by rhythmic contractions of muscles in the wall of the esophagus. This process is called peallowing
消化系统 英文版 ppt

The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food, absorbing nutrients from the food, and ridding the body of waste products from the food. It is roughly nine meters long and begins at the mouth and ends at the anus.
The stomach is divided into the fundic, cardiac, body, and pyloric regions. The stomach has three layers of muscle: an outer longitudinal layer, a middle circular layer, and an inner oblique layer. The inner lining consists of four layers: the serosa, the muscularis, the submucosa, and the mucosa. The mucosa is densely packed with gastric glands, which contain cells that produce digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and mucus. The stomach is a multi-functional organ, it stores food, breaks it down and then empties it into the small intestine.
The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food, absorbing nutrients from the food, and ridding the body of waste products from the food. It is roughly nine meters long and begins at the mouth and ends at the anus.
The stomach is divided into the fundic, cardiac, body, and pyloric regions. The stomach has three layers of muscle: an outer longitudinal layer, a middle circular layer, and an inner oblique layer. The inner lining consists of four layers: the serosa, the muscularis, the submucosa, and the mucosa. The mucosa is densely packed with gastric glands, which contain cells that produce digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and mucus. The stomach is a multi-functional organ, it stores food, breaks it down and then empties it into the small intestine.
Gastrointestinal System(消化系统)影像学教学课件英文版

(3). This type of examination should be done by appointment,usually scheduled on the morning.
Chapter 10
(4). It requires preliminary preparation of the patient’s gastrointestinal tract fasting stomach on the day of examination and empty colon by cleaning enema for colon examination.
Chapter 10
However, generally only the stomach with the gastro-esophageal junction and the duodenum, part of the jejunum are investigated in detai1, complete examination of the esophagus and small bowel are usually performed only in cases with special pertinent problems and should be ordered separately .For examination of the colon barium enema is the best choice.
Section 2
2. Esophagus
(1). Basic tissue layers of the gut are ① mucosa ② submucosa ③ advenfitia ④ muscularis extemal
Chapter 10
(4). It requires preliminary preparation of the patient’s gastrointestinal tract fasting stomach on the day of examination and empty colon by cleaning enema for colon examination.
Chapter 10
However, generally only the stomach with the gastro-esophageal junction and the duodenum, part of the jejunum are investigated in detai1, complete examination of the esophagus and small bowel are usually performed only in cases with special pertinent problems and should be ordered separately .For examination of the colon barium enema is the best choice.
Section 2
2. Esophagus
(1). Basic tissue layers of the gut are ① mucosa ② submucosa ③ advenfitia ④ muscularis extemal

the Accessory Organs
Three pairs of major salivary glands (parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands) Saliva contains water, mucus and enzyme amylase. Functions It has a cleaning action on the teeth. It moistens and lubricates food during mastication and swallowing. It dissolves certain molecules so that food can be tasted. It begins the chemical digestion of starches through the action of amylase, which breaks down polysaccharides into disaccharides.
Functions secretion synthesis of bile salts synthesis of plasma protein storage detoxification excretion carbohydrate metabolism lipid metabolism protein metabolism filtering
The pancreas is located in the back of the abdomen, behind the stomach.
The pancreas makes pancreatic juices and hormones, including insulin. Pancreatic juices, also called enzymes, help digest food in the small intestine. Insulin controls the amount of sugar in the blood. Both enzymes and hormones are needed to keep the body working right.

Small intention function
Based on providing basic information, further emphasize the importance of digestive system health and encourage users to take positive actions to maintain their digestive system health. This includes but is not limited to choosing healthy food, maintaining appropriate exercise, and avoiding unhealthy lifestyle habits.
Structure of the Esophagus
The Esophagus is a multiple tube that connects the south to the Stomach and is responsible for transporting food from the south to the Stomach
Gastric Cancer
Functional Disorders
Small intent and Large intent
Help users understand the basic concepts and functions of the digestive system.
Introduce the various organs of the digestive system and their functions.
The Stomach is located in the upper abdomen, between the esophagus and the small intention
Based on providing basic information, further emphasize the importance of digestive system health and encourage users to take positive actions to maintain their digestive system health. This includes but is not limited to choosing healthy food, maintaining appropriate exercise, and avoiding unhealthy lifestyle habits.
Structure of the Esophagus
The Esophagus is a multiple tube that connects the south to the Stomach and is responsible for transporting food from the south to the Stomach
Gastric Cancer
Functional Disorders
Small intent and Large intent
Help users understand the basic concepts and functions of the digestive system.
Introduce the various organs of the digestive system and their functions.
The Stomach is located in the upper abdomen, between the esophagus and the small intention

pancreas ▪produces enzymes to digest proteins & starch
stomach ▪kills germs ▪break up food ▪digest proteins ▪store food
Absorption in the SI
• Much absorption is thought to occur directly through the wall without the need for special adaptations
• Function
– produces bile
• bile stored in gallbladder until needed • breaks up fats
– act like detergents to breakup fats
bile contains colors from old red blood cells collected in liver =
• Bile emulsifies lipids (physically breaks apart FATS)
• Bile is a bitter, greenish-yellow alkaline fluid, stored in the gallbladder between meals and upon eating is discharged into the duodenum where it aids the process of digestion.
• Rectum- solid wastes exit the body.
You’ve got company!
stomach ▪kills germs ▪break up food ▪digest proteins ▪store food
Absorption in the SI
• Much absorption is thought to occur directly through the wall without the need for special adaptations
• Function
– produces bile
• bile stored in gallbladder until needed • breaks up fats
– act like detergents to breakup fats
bile contains colors from old red blood cells collected in liver =
• Bile emulsifies lipids (physically breaks apart FATS)
• Bile is a bitter, greenish-yellow alkaline fluid, stored in the gallbladder between meals and upon eating is discharged into the duodenum where it aids the process of digestion.
• Rectum- solid wastes exit the body.
You’ve got company!

肝是人体内主要的代谢器官,具有合成、分解、代谢和排泄 等多种功能。肝能够合成蛋白质、脂肪和糖原等物质,同时 还能将食物中的有毒物质进行分解和转化,以减少对机体的 损害。
胆囊主要功能是储存胆汁,胆汁由肝脏分泌,通过胆管流入 胆囊。在消化食物时,胆囊通过收缩将胆汁排入肠道,帮助 消化脂肪。
由于胃酸反流导致食管黏膜炎症,引 起烧心、胸痛等症状。
由于食管裂孔扩大,导致胃或其他腹 腔脏器进入胸腔,引起胸痛、呼吸困 难等症状。
食管黏膜上皮细胞异常增生导致的恶 性肿瘤,与长期吸烟、饮酒、遗传等 因素有关。
04 胃
口腔溃疡是一种常见的口腔黏膜疾病,表 现为口腔黏膜的疼痛性溃疡,通常与饮食 、免疫等因素有关。
舌炎是指舌头部位的炎症性疾病,常见症 状包括舌头疼痛、红肿、味觉障碍等。
03 食管
食管是由肌肉和黏膜组成 的管状结构,连接咽部和 胃部。
食管长约25厘米,分为颈 部、胸部和腹部三个部分。
分泌唾液、胃酸、酶等 消化液,帮助分解食物。
通过收缩运动将食物与 消化液混合,促进消化。
通过循环系统将营养物 质输送到身体各个部位。
通过排泄系统将废物排 出体外。
02 口腔
牙齿是口腔的主要组成部分, 用于咀嚼食物,并具有保护口
唇和颊是口腔的入口和出口, 具有保护口腔内部结构和协助 发音的功能。
The primary functions
Ingestion Digestion Absorption Elimination
Anatomically, the digestive system consist of a 30-foot long, mucous membrane-lined tube beginning with mouth and ending with the anus
As the stomach fills ,the rugae unfolded, exposing the digestive glands and stimulating them to secret digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid. These substances help transform food present to a semifluid substance.
The oral cavity
The teeth The tongue The palate
Chewing and swallowing
•The teeth are used to cut ,tear and crush food into smaller
pieces. Each tooth consists of pulp, cementum and enamel.The teeth are classified incisors , cuspids and molars.
The primary functions
Ingestion Digestion Absorption Elimination
Anatomically, the digestive system consist of a 30-foot long, mucous membrane-lined tube beginning with mouth and ending with the anus
As the stomach fills ,the rugae unfolded, exposing the digestive glands and stimulating them to secret digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid. These substances help transform food present to a semifluid substance.
The oral cavity
The teeth The tongue The palate
Chewing and swallowing
•The teeth are used to cut ,tear and crush food into smaller
pieces. Each tooth consists of pulp, cementum and enamel.The teeth are classified incisors , cuspids and molars.
消化系统 英文版

The gallbladder is a pear-shaped sac that is attached to the visceral surface of the liver by the cystic duct. The principal function of the gallbladder is to serve as a storage reservoir for bile. Bile salts act as emulsifying agents in the digestion and absorption of fats. It is secreted from the intestine and specifically the duodenum.
The stomach is divided into the fundic, cardiac, body, and pyloric regions. The stomach has three layers of muscle: an outer longitudinal layer, a middle circular layer, and an inner oblique layer. The inner lining consists of four layers: the serosa, the muscularis, the submucosa, and the mucosa. The mucosa is densely packed with gastric glands, which contain cells that produce digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and mucus. The stomach is a multi-functional organ, it stores food, breaks it down and then empties it into the small intestine.
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The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food, absorbing nutrients from the food, and ridding the body of waste products from the food. It is roughly nine meters long and begins at the mouth and ends at the anus.
Kids have 20 teeth, but by the time they are fully grown, they should have 32 teeth (some people do have less!).
The esophagus is the second step to digestion and closely follows the oral cavity – once swallowing has initiated.
The digestive system consists of the: the alimentary tract mouth, pharynx , esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum and anus the accessory organs salivary glands, liver, gall bladder and pancreas
The stomach is divided into the fundic, cardiac, body, and pyloric regions. The stomach has three layers of muscle: an outer longitudinal layer, a middle circular layer, and an inner oblique layer. The inner lining consists of four layers: the serosa, the muscularis, the submucosa, and the mucosa. The mucosa is densely packed with gastric glands, which contain cells that produce digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and mucus. The stomach is a multi-functional organ, it stores food, breaks it down and then empties it into the small intestineh, or oral cavity, is the first part of the digestive tract. It is adapted to receive food by ingestion, break it into small particles by mastication, and mix it with saliva. The lips, cheeks, and palate form the boundaries. The oral cavity contains the teeth and tongue and receives the secretions from the salivary glands.
The small intestine consists of three sections. duodenum, jejunum and ileum which attaches to the first portion of the large intestine.
Function digestion, and absorption . The small intestine finishes the process of digestion, absorbs the nutrients, and passes the residue on to the large intestine.
The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are accessory organs of the digestive system that are closely associated with the small intestine.
The large intestine is made up of three portions: the ascending, transverse and descending colon. It is the portion of the digestive system most responsible for absorption of water from the indigestible residue of food. The ileocecal valve of the ileum (small intestine) passes material into the large intestine at the cecum. Material passes through the ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid portions of the colon, and finally into the rectum. From the rectum and anus, the waste is expelled from the body.
Kids have 20 teeth, but by the time they are fully grown, they should have 32 teeth (some people do have less!).
The esophagus is the second step to digestion and closely follows the oral cavity – once swallowing has initiated.
The digestive system consists of the: the alimentary tract mouth, pharynx , esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum and anus the accessory organs salivary glands, liver, gall bladder and pancreas
The stomach is divided into the fundic, cardiac, body, and pyloric regions. The stomach has three layers of muscle: an outer longitudinal layer, a middle circular layer, and an inner oblique layer. The inner lining consists of four layers: the serosa, the muscularis, the submucosa, and the mucosa. The mucosa is densely packed with gastric glands, which contain cells that produce digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and mucus. The stomach is a multi-functional organ, it stores food, breaks it down and then empties it into the small intestineh, or oral cavity, is the first part of the digestive tract. It is adapted to receive food by ingestion, break it into small particles by mastication, and mix it with saliva. The lips, cheeks, and palate form the boundaries. The oral cavity contains the teeth and tongue and receives the secretions from the salivary glands.
The small intestine consists of three sections. duodenum, jejunum and ileum which attaches to the first portion of the large intestine.
Function digestion, and absorption . The small intestine finishes the process of digestion, absorbs the nutrients, and passes the residue on to the large intestine.
The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are accessory organs of the digestive system that are closely associated with the small intestine.
The large intestine is made up of three portions: the ascending, transverse and descending colon. It is the portion of the digestive system most responsible for absorption of water from the indigestible residue of food. The ileocecal valve of the ileum (small intestine) passes material into the large intestine at the cecum. Material passes through the ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid portions of the colon, and finally into the rectum. From the rectum and anus, the waste is expelled from the body.