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1.break(形容词)_________2.thin(比较级) ___________3.luck(形容词)___________4.long(名词)____________ 5.pay(过去式)_________ 6.success(动词)__________7. stop(现在分词)_________8.owns(同义词)__________9.far( 最高级)__________ 10.twenty(序数词) _______
B)补全单词 (5)
1.This house c_____(花费) a lot of money.
2.They p_______ (付款)twenty dollars for the T-shirt.
3.Bill Gates is a famous American b__________.(商人)
4.If you pass the f______ (最后)examination, we will give you a certificate.
5.The highest hotel is l________(位于) on the top of Jin Mao T??ower.
C) 选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的选项. (5)
( )1. I have to go home on foot, for my bike was broken.
A. must B. may C. be able to D. can
( )2.The woman spends a lot of money on clothes.
A. buys…for B. costs C. pays…for D. spends…in
( )3. His uncle is so rich and owns quite a few houses.
A. sells B. has C. costs D. needs
( )4. There are almost 50 students in my class.
A. most B. nearly C. together D. all
( )5. LiLei often takes care of the old granny.
A. look over B. look for C.looks up D. looks after
二. 用所给词的适当形式填空.(10)
1.We need_______(make) some advertising.
2.He’s hungry, he needs something ________(eat)
3.Thanks for _______(shop).
4.What about______(go) swimming.
5.The bag is_______(fill) with the rice.
6.Tom does his homework as__________(careful) as Lucy.
7.It is_______(hot) today than yesterday.
8.Do you have enough________ (buy) all of these things.
9.I have a best friend_______(name) Mary.
10.Please take turns ________(sing)
( )⒈Li Ming can play soccer without_____ for an hour.
A to stop B stop C stopping D stopped
( )⒉Riding a bike backwards is______ unusual record,
A an B the C / D a
( )3.Li Ming said he had____ to tell us.
A something important B important something
C anything important D important anything
( )4.She eats too much, so she becomes_____.
A fat and fat B fatter and fatter
C the fatter and the fatter D more and more fat
( )5. This glass is full_______ water.
A. of B. with C. in D. on
( )6.Let’s go shopping, ________?
A. will you B. shall we C. won’t you D. don’t you
( )7. It is important ____us ___help people in need.
A. to, to B. for, to C. to, for D. for, for
( )8.The woman ________ two dollars for the fruit.
A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take
( )9.The policeman told the little boy _______ football in the street. It’s dangerous.
A. not play B. not playing C. not to play D. to play
( )10. I don’t have _________ to do the work.
A. time enough B. money enough
C. enough time D. not enough
( )11. Beijing has ____ many buses that there is often a traffic

jam in rush hours.
A. so B. such C. very D. too
( )12. –Merry Christmas! --__________.
A. Thank you B. The same to you
C. Not at all D. You’re welcome
( )13.why don’t you _______ fishing with us ?
A. to go B. go C. goes D. going
( )14. It’s time for class. Please stop _______.
A. talking B. talk C. say D. speak
( )15. I bought a new dictionary and it ____ me 30 yuan.
A. paid B. spend C. took D. cost
( )16. It’s time for us ______ supper.
A. have B. to have C. has D. had
( )17. We must ____ to improve our English.
A. do our well B. do our best
C. do one’s better D. do one’s best
( )18. This is ____ an interesting movie that we all like to watch it.
A. so B. too C. such D. very
( )19. Mary won in the ____ race last week.
A. woman’s 400-metres B. women’s 400-metre
C. woman’s 400-metre D. women’s 400-metres
( )20 —I won the high jump yesterday.
A. It’s a small thing. B. That’s all
C. Good luck D. Congratulations to you!
( )21.Which subject is______, PE or art?
A interesting B most interesting
C more interesting D the most interesting
( )22.Lucy is one of_____ in our school.
A the beautiful girl B the beautiful girls
C the most beautiful girl D the most beautiful girls
( )23.My father likes to play___ football. He doesn’t like to play___ piano.
A the, the B /, the C a, a D /, a
( )24. Since we have walked for two hours, let’s stop _.
A. to have a rest B. have a rest
C. and had a rest D. having a rest
( )25. He often feels lonely(孤单), because he has _—_______friends.
A. a little B. a few C. few D. little

take turns give …back more than
is full of do my homework

1.There are ____ __ sixty students in our class.
2. –Do you often clean the blackboard?
--Yes, We__________ to clean it.
3. --May I Borrow your dictionary?
– Yes, but you must____ it___ as soon as possible(尽快).
4. --Shall we go and play football together?
--Sorry, I must_____________ first.
5.The bottle ___ water
1. LiLei did his homework at school yesterday. (否定句)
LiLei ______ _____ his home work at school yesterday.
2.Let’s go shopping, ?(完成反义问句)
3.It is time for lunch(同义句)
It is time _______ ______ lunch.
4. When he was 13 years old ,he began to swim. (同义句)
___ ___ ___ ___13, he began to swim.
7.How much is your cookies? (同义句)
What is______ ____ of your cookies?
8. This bottle is full of water. (同义句)
This bottle______ ______ _______ water.
Lei Lei : HI, Wei Hua. 1
Wei Hua: I’m going to the shop to buy a present for my mother.
Lei Lei: For her birthd

Wei Hua: No. 2
Lei Lei: Really? 3
Wei Hua: Yes, Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday in May. 4
Lei Lei: Good idea! She is going to be very happy to see my present.
Wei Hua: OK. 5
1: 2: 3: 4: 5:
A.Let’s go together.Why not buy something for your mother?
B.Don’t you know about it ? C. It’s Sunday tomorrow.
D Where are you going? E. Tomorrow is Saturday.
F. Tomorrow is Mother’s day.
Yang Liwei was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province in 1965. He became a pilot(飞行员) of the Chinese Air Force in 1987. It ____(1) him five years to become a spaceman. Yang Liwei was _____(2) into space by China’s Shenzhou V spacecraft at 9 a.m. _____(3) October 15th, 2003. It moved around the _____(4) fourteen times. He came back _____(5) at 6:23 a.m. the next day, making China the _____(6) country to successfully send a person into space after the former Soviet Union(前苏联) _____(7) the USA. Yang Liwei returned to the earth after a _____(8) trip to space. In space, Yang not only recorded _____(9) he saw but also showed China’s national flag and the United Nation’s flag to the people who watch on TV at home.
All of the Chinese people are _____(10) our first spaceman — Yang Lewei.
1. A. paid B. spend C. took D. cost
2. A. sent up B. send off C. sent away D. sent for
3. A. for B. in C. at D. on
4. A. moon B. earth C. star D. ocean
5. A. careful B. quick C. slowly D. safely
6. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
7. A. and B. or C. but D. then
8. A. 21 hour B. 21-hour C. 21-hours D. 21st hour
9. A. nobody B. somebody C. nothing D. everything
10. A. proud of B. full of C. speak highly of D. lose ourselves in

Moday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00—8:45 Maths Chinese English Maths Chinese
8:55—9:40 English Maths Chinese Chinese Computer
10:00—10:45 Art Physics Biology Politics Computer
10:55—11:40 P.E. English Maths Chemistry English
1:00—1:45 History Geography Physics History Maths
2:00—2:45 Music Chemistry P.E. English Biology
2:55—3:40 Chinese Class meeting Politics Chinese geography
( )⒈You have an art class on_____.
A Monday B Tuesday C Wednesday D Thursday
( )⒉You have_______ Chinese classes every week.
A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6
( )⒊---How long will you rest for lunch---break? ---___
A 60 minutes B 70 minutes C 80 minutes D 90 minutes
( )⒋You have____ classes only on Monday and Wednesday.
A art B music C biology D P.E
( )⒌You can send and receive e-mails from____ to____ in computer class on Friday.
A8:00, 9:00 B 8:55, 10:45 C 10:00,11:40 D 2:00, 3:40

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