【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit7 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit7 随堂小测(1069)1.每年三月的最后一个星期一是“全国中小学生安全教育日”。
H e llo, e ve r yo n e! T h e la s t Mo nd a y in Ma r c h e ve r y ye a r is N a tio na l Sa f e ty E d uc a tion Da y o f P r ima r y a n d M idd le S ch oo l S tu d en ts.A s mid d le s c ho o l s tu de n ts,we s ho u ldS a f e ty is ve r y i mp o r ta n t.We s ho u ld a lwa ys k e ep it in min d.Th a nk yo u!2.If yo u wo r k h a rd,yo u'll h a ve a(n) to p la y th e p ian o a t a co n c er t.()A.lice n s eB.ch an c eC.mis ta k eD.e x a mp le3.I d o n't h a ve a n y o the r.So I h a ve to d o it a lth ou g h I'm n o t willin g to.()A.me nu sB.ex a msC.ha b itsD.c h o ic e s4.I th in k th e y a r e th e b e s t f oo tb a ll p la ye r s.I will the m a ll th e time.()A.su pp o r tB.wa rnC.lo seD.win5.—Ho w d id yo u to g e t the co n ce r t tick e t,C a ro l?—With the he lp o f my c o us in.()A.c h oo s eB.ma n ag eC.f a ilD.re f u s e6.—B illy,wh y a r e yo u s till lyin g o n th e be d no w?—I've g o t a(n)he a d ac h e,Mo m.()A.d iff e r e n tB.ne r vo u sC.a wfu lD.sc a r y7.Te en a ge r s to d rive b e c au s e th e y a r e no t s e r iou s en ou g h.()A.sh ou ld a llo wB.sh o u ld be a llo we dC.sh o u ld n't a llo wD.sh ou ld n't b e a llo wed8.Th e o ld ma n wa s hu r t s o tha t th e d oc tor s a id it wa s ho p e le s s fo r h im to g e t b e tte r.()A.b a d lyB.ex a c tlyC.wide lyD.h e a vily9.P a r e n ts s h ou ld th e ir c h ild r e n to b e have we ll in pu b lic.()A.e d uc a teB.in viteC.ex pe c tD.a llo w10.M y f a the r d e c id e d to s mo k ing a nd d rin k in g b e c au s e h e wa n te d to k ee p h ea lth y.()A.k e ep a wa y f r o mB.ke ep in to u ch withC.f a ll in lo ve withD.lo o k f o r wa rd to11.M y c a r b r ok e d o wn o n th e wa y.I h a d to h a ve my c a r.()A.re p a irB.r ep a ir ingC.r ep a ir edD.to r ep a ir12.A n e w la w in N e w Yo rk a llo ws p e o p le to b r in g th e ir d og s to r es ta u r a n ts.So mep e op le11 e a tin g with d og s is g re a t.Th e y th in k tha t it's g o od f o r do g s.Th e y s a y o wn e r s d o n't h a ve to le a ve th e ir pe ts h o me alo n e o r in c a r s wh ile th e y e a t o u t.B u t s o me p e op le a re12 a bo u t ea tin g n ex t to d ogs.Th e y s a y d o g h a ir c a n c r ea te u n c lea nc o nd itio n s.A ls o,do g s c an a nn o y(烦扰) cu s to me r s13ba r kin g o r ma k in g a me s s.S h ou ld d og s be14 in r e s ta u r an ts?He r e is wh a t two s tu de nts th in k.YE S! A s lo ng as d o g s ar e we ll-b e h a ved an d c le a n,th e r e's n o 15 wh y th e y s h o u ld n't b e a llo we d in r e s ta u r an ts with the ir o wn e r s.W he n r e s tau r a n ts allo w d og s,p e op le c an s p e nd mo r e time with th e ir16.Th a t will ma k e th e m b o th ha p p ie r.If s o me o n e d o e sn't wa n t to e a t n ea r d og s,th e y c a n eat in th e in do o r p a r t o f th er e s ta u r an t.17th e y c a n go to a r es ta ur a n t th a t d oe s n't a llo w d og s.Vic to r ia Go n za le z,N o r th C a ro lin aNO! Do g s 18 b e a llo we d in r e s ta u r an ts.Th e y c a n ca u s e hea lth p ro b le ms.So me p e op le a re a lle rg ic(过敏的)to d og s,so b ein g a ro un d d o gs co u ld b e 19 f o rth e m.A lso,so me d o g s c ou ld a n no y c u s to me r s b y ju mp in g o n th e m o r s te a lin g th e ir f o o d.So me d og s mig h t e ve n hu r t c us to me r s.If th a t 20,r e s ta u r an ts ma y e n d u p lo s in g c u s to me r s a n d mo n e y.J o s h C r a me r,Wis c on s in(1)A.h o peB.th in kC.he a rD.se e(2)A.h a pp yB.su r eC.wo rr ie dD.h o ne s t(3)A.b yB.inC.onD.with(4)A.a llo we dB.ea te nC.dr a wnD.h id de n(5)A.timeB.p la c eC.pr o b le mD.re a s on(6)A.k id sB.pe tsC.cu s to me r sD.p a r en ts(7)A.B u tB.IfC.O rD.S o(8)A.wo u ldB.wou ldn'tC.sh o u ldD.sh ou ld n't(9)A.sa f eB.ea s yC.da ng e r ou sD.d iff ic u lt(10)A.h a pp en sB.r e ma in sC.f a ilsD.s to p s13.A r e yo u a TV lo ve r?Ca n yo u ima g in e livin g with o u t TV?We ll,yo u c o u ld g ive ita tr y.A g r o up o f A me r ic a n s f r o m T V-Tu r no ff N e two r k(网络) ha ve an ide a.Fr o m A p r il 19 t o 25,th e y a r e a s k in g ch ild r e n a ll o ve r th e wor ld to tu rn o ff th e ir TVs f o r o n e wee k.Th e y h o pe c h ild re n will f in d mo r e in te r e s tin g th in gs to d o.M a yb e th e y c a n r ea d s o me bo o ks,o r le a r n to s wim,o r p a in t a p ic tu r e.S in ce 1995,a bo u t 24 millio n p eo p le in A me r ic a h a ve ta ke n p a r t i n TV-Tu r n o ff Wee k.TV-Tu r no ff N e two rk sa ys wa tc h in g TV too mu c h c an b r in g c h ild re n b ig p ro b le ms withs c h oo l,he a lth a nd fa mil y.T h e y wa n t k id s to wa tc h le s s T V.W h a t d o yo u th ink?B ad f o r yo u r s tu d ie sA me r ic a n s c ien tis ts d id a s tu d y o f 1,300 child r e n.T he y wa tc h ed th e c h ild re n fo r fo u r ye a r s.T h e y s a y th a t if c h ild re n wa tc h lo ts o f TV,th e y d o n't d o we ll in s c ho o l.B ad f o r yo u r h e a lthS tu d ie s sh o w tha t wh en c h ild r en wa tch lo ts of TV,the y e a t mo r e u n he a lth y f o o d.Mo re c h ild r en a r e ge ttin g o ve r we ig h t.O ve r we ig ht c h ild re n be c o me ill mo r e e a s ily.Wa tc h ing to o mu c h T V is a lso ba d f o r th e ir e ye s.B ad f o r f a mil y lif eA bo u t 40% o f A me r ic an fa milie s wa tc h T V a t d in n e r time.T ha t mea n s th a t th e y d on't ta lkve r y mu c h wh e n th e y e a t to ge th e r.A ls o,too ma n y vio l e n t(暴力的)th in g sA n A me r ic an s tu d y s a ys th a t b e f o r e a c h ild tu r n s 18 ye a r s o ld,tha t c h ild will s e e 200,000 vio le n t th ing s o n TV.S o me k ids be c ome vio le n t in r e a l life.If yo u wa n t to lea r n mo r e ab ou t th is u nu s u a l we e k,yo u c a n go to th is we b s ite,w w w.tv tu rn o ff.o rg.(1)W he n is TV-Tu rn o ff We ek()A.Fr o m A p r il 19to 25.B.A n y we e k in A p r il.C.T he f ir s t wee k in Ap r il.D.It's n o t me n tio n e d.(2)W ha t do ch ild r en do du r in g th a t we e k?()A.T he y wa tc h T V mu ch le s s.B.T he y g o to th is we bs ite,w ww.tv t ur nof f.o rg.C.T he y r e a d s o me bo ok s,o r le a rn to s wim,o r p a in t a p ic tu r e.D.B o th A an d C.(3)Th e p a s s ag e te lls pe o p le if ch ild r e n wa tch to o mu c h TV,they ma y.()①be o ve r we ig h t②kn o w mo r e a bo u t the wo r ld③be we ak in s tud ie s④be c o me vio le n t in re a l lif eA.①②③B.①③④C.①②④D.①②③④(4)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g s en te nc e s is NOT tr u e a c co r d in g to the p a ss a ge()A.M illio n s o f pe op le h a ve ta ke n p a r t in TV-Tu r n o ff Wee k s in ce1995.B.T he web s ite ww w.tv t ur n of f.o r g c an tell yo u mo r e a bo u t TV-Tu rn o ff Wee k.C.C h ild re n in A me r ic a a r e n't a llo we d to s ee vio le n t th in g s on TV u n til th e y a r e18.D.Ab o u t th r ee f if th s of A me r ic a n f a milie s do n't wa tc h T V wh en the y h a ve d in n e r.参考答案1.【答案】:One possible version:Hello, everyone! The last Monday in March every year is National Safety Education Day of Primary and Middle School Students.As middle school students, we should keep safe all the time.But how can we keep safe? Here is some of my advice.Firstly, we should obey the traffic rules on the road.We may get hurt or lose our lives if we don't.Secondly, we'd better follow the school rules.If we meet school bullying, we should ask the teacher for help in time.Thirdly, we shouldn't open the door for strangers when our parents are out.We should call the police for help if we are in danger.Safety is very important.We should always keep it in mind.Thank you!【解析】: [高分句型一] We mustn't run through red lights when crossing the road. Don't play football on the road. when当......的时候,在这里用作介词。
人教版九年级英语下册作业课件 周周小测 Unit 11 周周小测

二、完形填空。(每小题2分,满分20分) (2022·四川达州)We feel angry or guilty (内疚的) about the things we did or did not achieve,about the things we cannot have,and many other things.It seems that everyone carries their own bad emotions (情绪).But neither guilt 11 anger can help us.Over time,they can be heavy weights on our 12 . These bad emotions don't do anything good for us 13 .So you might ask yourself—is it possible to put down this heavy burden (负担) and give yourself a 14 ? It is quite possible.Start by actually looking at your feelings.How do they get inside of us? Why do we carry them for so long instead of putting them down? Can we live 15 them?
20.C 考查名词辨析。根据上文“Years of heaviness will be magically lifted!” 及“...you'll be much happier with your life.”可知,此处指放下重担后,人们会感觉 有更多的“力量”。
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit3 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit3 随堂小测(1069)1.B iss e ll is a villa g e in We s t S ah a r a.Be f o r e Ke n Le vin d is co ve r e d it,pe op le h e re tr ied ma n y ti me s to wa lk ou t o f th e d e se r t,bu t the y d id n't.H e as k ed eve r yo n e,bu t g o t the s a me a n s we r: n o ma tter(无论) wh ich d ire c tion yo u wa lk to wa rd s,yo u will r e tu r n to th e s ta r tin g p o in t.H o we ve r,Ke n Le vin wa lk e d n o r th wa r ds f r o m B is s e ll,a nd wen t out o f th e d e se r t th re e d ays a n d a ha lf la te r.Ke n Le vin wa n te d to kn o w wh y,so he a sk ed a villa g e r to be h is gu id e.He d id n't ta k e h is c o mp a s s a nd fo llowe d with o n ly a s tic k.Th e y wa lk e d a b ou t 800mile s d u r ing 10d a ys.O n the mo r n ing of th e 11th da y,th e y r e tu r n e d to B is s e ll.Ke n Le vin f in a ll y u n d e r s to od: th e pe o p le o f B is s e ll co u ld n o t wa lk o u t b ec a us e th e y d id n't k n o w the P o le S ta r(北极星).In th e de s e r t,if a ma n g o es o n ly b y h is f e e lin g,h e will wa lk in c irc le s o f a ll siz e s a n d the f ina l fo o tp r in t will p r ob a b ly b e a s ha pe o f tap e.Th e villa g e o f B is s e ll wa s in th e mid d le o f th e de s e r t with ou t a r ef ere n ce.S o it wa simp o s s ib le to wa lk o ut with o u t k n o win g th e P o le S ta r o r ta k ing a c o mp a s s.W h en Ke n Le vin le f t B is s e ll,h e to ok a yo u n g ma n na me d Gu te r l.He to ld h im h e c ou ld wa lk o u t o f th e d e se r t a s lo ng a s h e wa lk e d in th e d ir e c tion o f the P o le S ta r in th e n i g h t.G u te r l f o llo we d Ke n Le vin's a d vic e a nd s uc c e ed e d.(1)Ho w lon g d id it ta ke Ke n Le vin to wa lk ou t o f th e d e s e r t?()A.Ha lf a d a y.B.T h re e d a ys a n d a half.C.Ten da ys.D.E le ve n d a ys.(2)W ha t d id Ke n Le vi n ta ke with h im o n h is s e c on d tr y?()A.A c o mp a s s.B.A tap e.C.A s tick.D.A ma p.(3)W ha t do e s th e u nd er lin e d wo r d “r e f e re n ce”in P a ra g r ap h 3me an in C h in e s e()A.目的地B.说明书C.指示牌D.参照物(4)W ha t ca n we le a rn f r o m th e la s t p a r ag r a ph()A.Gu te r l be c a me ve r y r ic h.B.G u te r l wa lke d o u t of th e d e s e r t.C.G u te r l le f t B is s e ll with Ke n Le vin.D.Gu te r l kn e w h o w to u s e a co mp a s s.(5)W ha t is the pa s s age ma in ly a b o u t()A.Ho w to f in d th e P o le S ta r a t n ig h t.B.H o w Ke n Le vin d is c o ve r e d B is se ll.C.H o w to te ll d ir e c tion s with ou t a c o mp a s s.D.Ho w th e P o le S ta r he lp e d B is se ll villa g e r s wa lk o u t o f th e d es e rt.2.假如你是H a n M e ime i,你和几位朋友约定星期天去人民公园放风筝。

There was once a king who had a great palace with a wonderful garden. In the garden, there lived all kinds of animals. All of them enjoyed 1 there.There was only one thing that the king hated in the garden: an old tree in the centre of the garden. It was so old and dry. This made the king 2 angry that he finally asked some people to cut it down and turned the place into a swimming pool. However, after the tree 3 , the animals left the garden. 4 the animals, the garden was not so beautiful as before. The king was sad, 5 he didn’t know what had happened.A young man went to the king, and said he could explain what had happened. “This was 6 you cut the old tree down,” said the young man. “There were thousands of moths (飞蛾) which lived in the tree. Birds needed the moths 7 and then they produced waste for plants to grow. The plants then attracted many 8 animals to your garden. So your garden became very beautiful. But as you cut the tree down, the animals had to leave.”“Excellent!” said the king. “I’ll make you rich and you should try to make 9 garden beautiful again.”“I’m afraid it 10 many years to finish it because getting the balance of nature back needs many years,” said the young man.The king was sad, but all he could do was just wait.( )1.A. live B. living C. to live D. lived( )2.A. such B. such a C. so D. so a( )3.A. cuts down B. cut down C. is cut down D. was cut down ( )4.A. By B. With C. Without D. Of( )5.A. until B. but C. or D. so( )6.A. why B. if C. because D. before( )7.A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. eaten( )8.A. other B. others C. another D. the other( )9.A. me B. my C. mine D. myself( )10.A. took B. has taken C. will take D. is taking二.完型填空。

深圳九年级英语测试试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪个单词的发音与其他选项不同?A. catB. dogC. fishD. birdE. horse2. 选择合适的词语填空:I _______ my homework yesterday.A. doB. didC. doesD. doneE. doing3. 下列哪个句子是正确的?A. She don't like apples.B. He can to swim.C. They goes to school bus.D. We are watching TV now.E. I has a cat.4. 选择正确的时态:________ you _______ to the park last weekend?A. Did, goB. Does, goesC. Do, wentD. Does, wentE. Did, goes5. 选择合适的疑问词:________ is your favorite color?A. WhoB. WhatC. WhereD. WhenE. Why二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. "I like playing soccer" 是正确的句子。
( )2. "She didn't went to the party" 是正确的句子。
( )3. "He can sings very well" 是正确的句子。
( )4. "They are watching a movie at the cinema" 是现在进行时。
( )5. "Did you saw the news yesterday?" 是正确的过去时疑问句。
( )三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. I _______ (be) a student.2. He _______ (like) reading books.3. She _______ (go) to the library yesterday.4. _______ (you/do) your homework every day?5. We _______ (watch) a movie now.四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 简述一般现在时的用法。

B. save
C. continue
( C )6. A. slowly B. patiently C. quickly
( C )7. A. If
B. Till
C. When
( B )8. A. take out B. pick up C. put down
( A )9. A. shy
B. sad
C. satisfied
( A )10. A. laughter B. anger
C. silence
四、阅读理解 Every year thousands of young people in England
finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers.
Charlie began to sing and dance in front of hundreds of people. The audience enjoyed the performance very much and began to throw money. ______7____ Charlie saw this, he immediately stopped singing and announced to the audience that first he would ____8______ the money and then he would finish the song. The audience found this announcement especially funny and started to throw even more money onto the stage.
九年级英语Unit 3测试卷(含答案)

九年级英语Unit 3测试卷题号一二三四五六总分得分一、听力-选择题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. 选出与所听句子内容相符的图片。
A. B. C.2. 听对话,选择正确的答案。
How is Tom going to Beijing this summer vacation?A. B. C.3. 选出与所听句子内容相符的图片。
A. B. C.4. 听对话,选答案Where can the girl see the bank when she gets off the bus?A. On her left.B. On her right.C. In the front.5. 听对话,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案。
What did the woman do?A. She had a match.B. She called her friends.C. She watched a match.6. 听句子,选择合适的应答句。
A. Thank you.B. I don't think so.C. Never mind.7. 听句子,选择合适的应答句。
A. I'm not sure.B. Don't be afraid.C. You're welcome.8. 听对话,选择正确的答案。
What was the woman's favorite food before?A. Noodles.B. Hamburgers.C. Ice cream.9. 听对话,选择正确的答案。
When will they meet for tea tomorrow?A. At 2:30 p. m.B. At 3:30 p. m.C. At 4:80 p. m.10. 听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. At the mall on Golden Street.B. At the mall on Zhongshan Street.C. At the mall on Garden Street.听对话,选答案11. How will the man get to the bookstore?A. By bus.B. By subway.C. On foot.12. What is next to the bookstore?A. A white building.B. A subway station.C. A zoo.听对话,完成下列题目。

实初集团2022学年第二学期阶段性质量监测试题卷(九年级英语)第一部分听力部分一、听力 (共 15 小题,满分 25分)第一节: 听小对话,回答问题。
(共5小题: 每小题1分,满分5分)1. What will the weather be like this weekend?A. Sunny.B. Windy.C. Rainy2. How is Eric going to the Stone Park?A. By car.B. By bus.C. By taxi.3. Why does Tom feel bad today?A. Because he's got a cough.B. Because he's got a fever.C. Because he's got a headache.4. What does Mr. King do?A. A doctor.B. A teacher.C. A manager.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a bank.B. In a library.C. In a museum.第二节: 听长对话,回答问题。
(共5小题: 每小题2分,满分10分)听下面一段较长对话,回答 6、7 两个问题。
6. What's wrong with the man's watch?A. It goes slow.B. It doesn't workC. Its glass is broken.7. Which watch did he take in the end?A. A grey one.B. A white one.C. A black one.听下面一段较长对话,回答第 8~10 三个问题。
8. What does Mike do first when his parents are out?A. He does his homework.B. He listens to music.C. He plays computer games.9. What does he usually eat for meals?A. Noodles.B. DumplingsC. Hamburgers.10. How does he feel about being home alone now?A. Unhappy.B. Unafraid.C. Uncomfortable.第三节: 听下面一段独白,回答问题。

九年级英语下册UNIT10测试题:一、听力部分(满分20分)Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确的应答语。
(每小题1分,满分5分)1. A. Winter. B. Chinese. C. Sunday.2. A. It’s bad. B. Thank you. C. You’re welcome.3. A. It’s dry. B. It’s exciting. C. It’s expensive.4. A. Go ahead. B. Sorry, he’s not in. C. This is Jane speaking.5. A. You’re right. B. Well done. C. Good idea.Ⅱ. 听短对话,选择正确的答案。
(每小题1分,满分5分)6. Where are they talking?A. At home.B. At a shop.C. At a restaurant.7. What is the girl doing?A. Taking pictures.B. Choosing a gift.C. Talking with her father.8.What is Jim going to do during the summer holiday?A. Read.B. See movies.C. Do a part-time job.9. How long does Tom usually stay in the library every day?A. One hour.B. Two hours.C. Three hours.10. When will the concert start?A. At half past six.B. At half past seven.C. In thirty minutes.Ⅲ. 听长对话,选择最佳答案。
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 11 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit 11 随堂小测(980) 1.—T he r e is le mo n o n the tab le.Wou ld yo u lik e to e a t it?—N o, th an k s.It's to o s ou r.E a ting it nee d s c ou r ag e.()A.a; aB.the; aC.a; /D.a n; /2.H is pa r e n ts a r e s tr ict h im.He is a ls o ha r d h ims e lf.()A.in; o nB.in; withC.with; o nD.with; with3.Kid s lik e r ea d ing s to r ie s wh ic h c a n ma k e th e m .()u ghB.to la ug hu gh in gu gh e d4.Th e yo u n g ma n ma d e ma n y mis ta k e s in h is wo r k, s o the ma n ag e r th e co mp a n y.()A.c a lle d h im inB.k ic k ed h i m o ffC.p ic k ed h im u pD.wo k e h im u p5.—I h ea r d th a t yo u we n t to Ch o ng q in g fo r a h o lid a y.D id yo u e n jo y yo u r s e lf?—We ll,.T he f oo d was de lic io u s b u t th e wea th e r wa s a wf u l.()A.a p iec e o f ca keB.of co u r s eC.ye s a n d n oD.n o p r ob le m6.“C a ro l wou ld r a th e r n o t g o to the co n ce r t.”me an s“.” ()A.C a ro l r ea lly wa n ts to go to th e c o nc e r tB.C a ro l do e s n't wa n t to go to th e c o nc e r tC.C a ro l wis h es s he cou ld go to th e c on c e r tD.C a ro l en jo ys g o in g to th e c on c e r t7.I d o n't wa n t to g o sh o pp in g.,I h a ve n't g o t an y mo n e y.()A.T he nB.H o we ve rC.B e s id e sD.In s te ad8.—M o m,I wa n t to bu y th is d ic tio n a r y.It is g oo d b u t n o t to o.—Le t me s e e.It is r e a lly a u s e f u l d ic tio n ar y.A nd th e p r ic e is .O K, I wi ll b u y it f o r yo u.()A.h ig h; lo wB.ex pe n s ive; ch e apC.h ig h; c h ea pD.e x pe n s ive; lo w9.M r.S mith h is ch ild r en is go ing to vis it th e Wo r ld P a r k.()A.No t on ly; b u t a ls oB.N e ith e r; no rC.B o th; a ndD./; ra th e r th an10.—I'm r e a ll y tir e d,M o m.—.Le t's h a ve a r e s t.A nd we c an d r in k so me wa te r an d e a t s o me th in g.()A.C o me o nB.B e c a re f u lC.You'r e r ig h tD.M e,to o11.No wa da ys, mo r e and mo r e te en a ge r s h a ve to o mu ch p r e s su r e.The y f in d the ir 1 a reg e ttin g he a vie r a n d h ou r s th e y s p e nd o n the ir ho me wo r k a r e be c o min g2.T h e y th ink th e y s h o u ld b e a llo wed to p r a c tice the ir ho bb ie s.Bu t th e ir p a re n ts th in k th e h ob b ie sc a n 3the ir s ch oolwo r k.S ho u ld pa re n ts a llo w the ir ch ild r e n 4the ir o wnd e c is ion s?Liu Yin g, a f if tee n-ye a r-o ld g ir l,is a s ing ing s ta r a t s ch o o l.S h e a lwa ys wa n te d to b e a p r o f e s s io n a l 5 wh e n s h e g r o ws up. 6 , h e r p a r en ts d o n't wa n t h e r to p ra c tic e s in g in g, be c au s e th e y th in k th e ir da ug h te r sh o u ld s tud y h a r d to g et g o od7an d g o to a g oo d u n ive r s ity.“Sh e ne ed s to s p en d mo re time8 he r ho me wo r k, b ec au s eit's9 to be c o me a p r o fe s s ion a l s in g ing s ta r.”s a ys h e r fa the r.B u t Liu Yingr e a lly 10 .“I k n ow my p a r e n ts 11 me.An d the y h o p e tha t I will h a ve a b e tte r lif e in th e f u tur e.But I a m 12 s in g ing.I s h o u ld be a llo we d to ma k e my o wnd e c is ion.On ly th e n will I h a ve a c ha n ce to13my d r e a m.”s a ys Liu Ying.D oc to r s s a y lo ts o f p res s u r e 14 b ad fo r c h ild r en's d e ve lo p me nt.So c ie ty s h o u ld pa y mo r e a tte n tio n to the he a lth o f te en a ge r s.P ar e n ts ha ve to o wn the15 a ttitu de(态度) to wa r d s the s tu de n ts' d e ve lo p me n t.A ltho ugh it's n o r ma l to wa n t s u c c es s f u l ch ild r e n, it'se ve n mo r e imp o r ta n t to h a ve h ea lth y a n d hap p y c h ild r e n!(1)A.sc ho o lsB.sc h oo lb ag sC.su g ge s tio nsD.re q u ire s(2)A.lo n ge rB.sh o r te rC.le s sD.fe we r(3)A.p u t d o wnB.pu t ou tC.ge t ou t o fD.g e t in th e wa y o f(4)A.ma k eB.to ma k eC.ma k ingD.ma d e(5)A.ru nn e rB.p la ye rC.s ing e rD.wr ite r(6)A.Ho we ve rB.T ho u ghC.B u tD.S o(7)A.jo b sB.bo ok sC.gr a de sD.d r e a ms(8)A.withB.fo rC.inD.o n(9)A.e a s yB.in te r e s tingC.po s s ib leD.d iff ic u lt(10)A.a g r ee sB.min d sC.d is lik e sD.d is a g re e s(11)A.c a r e a bo u tB.tak e a f te rC.loo k fo rD.lo o k lik e(12)A.a n g r y withB.se r io u s a bo u tC.so r r y f o rD.p le a se d with(13)A.mis sB.kn o wC.ac h ie veD.c h an g e(14)A.a r eB.we reC.isD.wa s(15)A.wro n gB.co r r ec tC.ha r dD.s imp le12.T he r e live d two b ro th e r s c a lled Sa m a n d To m.Th e y we r e twin s,bu t th e y we r ed iffe r e n t in s o me wa ys.S a m lo ve d s we e ts a n d To m lo ve d to e a t sp ic yf o o d s.Sa m wa s M o mmy's p e t a n d To m wa s D a dd y's p e t.W hile S a m wa sg en e r ou s,To m wa s g re e d y! As th e y g r e w u p,th e ir fa th e r wa n te d to g ive h is mo n e y to th e two s ons.He wa n ted to s h a re h is mo n e y e q u a lly.H o we ve r,To m d id no t a g re e.He wan te d mo r e mo n e y.T h e ir f a the r ha d a n ide a.H e d ec id ed to o rg a n ize a c o mp e titio n b e twe en the twob r o th e rs.A nd h e o rde r e d th e two so n s to walk a s lon g a s th e yc o u ld.T he y s h o u ld re tu rn h o me b e fo r e su n se t.W h o e ve r c o ve r ed the lo n ge r d is ta n ce an d re tu r n ed ho me b e fo r es u n s e t wou ld ge t mo r e mo n e y.T h e y d id n't c a r r y wa tc h e s to c a lcu late time.Bo th s ta r ted to wa lk a lon g wa y o n a s un n y d a y.S a m wa lk e d s lo wly a n d s tea d ily(稳定地).To m wa n te d to win, s o he sta r te d to ru n f a s t.It wa s n oo n an d S a m dec id e d to r e tu rn b a ck so th a t h e c ou ld r ea c h home o n time.Ho we ver,To m wa n ted to e a rn mo r e mo n e y.H e d id n o t tu r n h is wa y b ac k ho me e ve n in th e a f te r no o n.He k ep t wa lk ing o n.Un f o r tun a te ly,h e co u ld no t g e t h o me b e f o re su n s e t.H e lo s t th e c o mp e titio n.(1)A f te r r ea d ing the fir s t p a r ag r a ph,we ca n kn o w .()A.b o th S a m an d To m lik e d s we e tsB.S a m a n d To m lik e d th e s a me f oo dC.the ir pa r e n ts d idn't lik e To mD.S a m a nd To m h a d d iff e r e n t pe r s on a litie s(2)Th e u n de r lin ed wo rd“g re ed y”p r o b ab ly me a n s“”in Ch in es e.()A.慷慨的B.贪婪的C.无畏的D.听话的(3)W ho d e c ide d to o rga n iz e a co mp e titio n()A.T he twin b r o the r s' f a th e r.B.T he twin b r o th e r s' mo th e r.C.T he twin b r o the r s' p a r e n ts.D.T he twin b r o the r s.(4)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is TRUE a c co r d in g to th e p a ss a ge()A.T he twin b r o th e r s' f a th e r wa n ted to s ha r e h is mo n e y e q u a lly.H o we ve r,Sa m d id no t a g r e e.B.S a m c a r r ied a wa tc h b u t To m f o rg o t to ca rr y o n e,so To m c ou ld n't c a lc u la te time.C.W h oe ve r c o ve r ed the lon ge r d is ta nc e a nd r e tu r n ed h o me b e fo r e d in n e r wo u ld ge t mo r e mo n e y.D.W ho e ve r c o ve r ed the lon ge r d is ta nc e a nd r e tu r n ed h o me b e fo r e s u n s e t wou ld ge t mo r e mo n e y.(5)W ha t's th e b e s t title o f th e p a s sa g e?()A.A Fu n n y C o mp e titionB.Two Twin B ro th e r sC.A Wis e Fa th e rD.A R ich Fa th e r13.J e n n y h a s fo u nd it e a s y to ma k e a t sc h oo l.(f r ien d)14.It's a(n)me mo r y.I d o n't wa n t to me n tio n it a ga in.(hap p y)15.T he twin b o ys a r e n o t on ly o f th e s a me, bu t a ls o th e s a me h e ig h t.(we ig h)16.H is wo r d s ma d e me n o t to s ta y wit h h im.(wa n t)17.Ma r y ta lk e d to th e s h y g ir l s o th a t sh e wo u ldn't f e e l o u t.(le a ve)18.如今,中学生的学习时间长,压力大。
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit10 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit10 随堂小测(1069)1.Yo u a r e to typ e q u ic k ly wh e n ta lk ing to e a ch o the r o n QQ so th e o the r p e r so n d o e sn'tg e t bo r e d.()A.su gg e s tedB.su p po r te dC.tau gh tD.su pp o s ed2.Th e p la ne will f r o m B e ijin g Ca p ita l A ir po r t an d lan d in Lo n do n.()A.tak e o nB.tak e o ffC.tak e o u tD.tak e a wa y3.—A ll th e s tu d en ts we n t on the s ch oo l tr ip ye s te r d a y To m.W h y?—Be c au s e h e wa s ill.()A.e x ce p tB.be s ide sC.withD.b e s ide4.—Co u ld yo u g ive me s o me o n h o w to le a rn E n g lish we ll—Su r e.P r ac tic e mak e s p e r f ec t.()A.c h an c e sB.su g ge s tio nsC.r ea s on sD.e x cu s e s5.—M o m,le t's to se e A un t La u r a o n o u r wa y h o me.—G o od ide a.()A.d r op b yB.wa it fo rC.loo k fo rD.p a s s b y6.Sh e u s e d to in th e mo r n ing,bu t now s h e is u s ed to a t n igh t.()A.re a d; r e adB.r ea d; re a d in gC.r ea d ing; r ea dD.re a d in g; re a d in g7.P e o p le f r o m d iff e r e nt c o u n tr ies g r ee t e ac h o th e r d iff e re n tly.Re a d th is a r tic le to lea rn mo r e a b ou t the g re e ting11in d iff e r en t c u ltu r e s,an d ma ke su r e yo u g re e t p e op le in th e r igh t wa y n e x t time.F r an ceFr e n c h p e op le g r e e t ea c h o th e r with a h an d sh a k e,12 c lo se f r ie n d s k is s ea c h o ther o n b o th c h ee k s whe n the y me e t.13 d o th is wh e n the y me e t a n d b ef o r e the y le a ve e ac h o th e r.S o u th Ko re aIn S ou th Ko r e a,it is a14 o f r e sp ec t for pe o p le to b o w whe n gr e e tin g ea c h o th e r. A b o w is f o llo wed b y a h a n d sh a ke.W he n 15so me o n e's h a n d,it is po lite to s u pp or t th e r ig h t f o r ea r m(前臂) with th e le f t ha n d.H o we ve r,S ou th Ko r e a n wo me n do n o t s ha ke h a nd s16We s te rn me n; in s tea d,th e y b o w s lig h tly.B ra z ilKis s in g o n th e ch e ek is a(n)17wa y o f g re e tin g in B r az il.B u t in a f o r ma l 18 ,a h an d sh a ke is o f te n do n e to sh o w re s p ec t.M en sh o u ld s ha ke han d sb e f o re an d a f te r me e tin g,an d o n ce th e y h a ve19 e a ch o th e r we ll, a lig h t h u g is o f ten g ive n.Gh an aIn a s oc ia l s itua tio n,it's p o lite to g r e e t e ve r yo n e in the ro o m in G ha n a. A h a nd s ha k e is u se d in g r ee tin g,a n d th e p a lm(手掌) mu s t 20tou c h the p a lm o f th e o th e r.It'sc o n s ide r ed imp o lite to to u ch the ba c k of th e h a nd.(1)A.me a n in g sB.cu s to msC.pa r tie sD.c a r d s(2)A.soB.ifC.bu tD.b e ca u s e(3)A.T he yB.YouC.WeD.I(4)A.n o tic eB.tick e tC.su g ge s tio nD.s ig n(5)A.wa s h ingB.sh a k in gC.pr o te c tin gD.mo vin g(6)A.withB.fo rC.ofD.to(7)A.imp o liteB.co mmo nC.un wis eD.fa ir(8)A.s itua tio nB.co nd itio nC.po s itio nD.p e r iod(9)A.se e nB.se r ve dC.kn o wnD.wish e d(10)A.h ig h lyB.de ep lyC.ea s ilyD.d ir e c tly8.In th e USA, it is n o rma l f o r me n to s h a ke h a nd s wh en th e y me e t, b u t it is q u ite u n us u a lf o r me n to k is s whe n th e yg r e e t e a ch o th e r. Gr e e tin g s a r e ca s u a l—a h a nd s h ak e, a s mile a n d a“he llo”will d o ju s t f in e.T h e B r itis h o f te n s imp ly s a y “h e llo”whe n th e y me e t f r ie n d s. Th ey u s u a ll y s h a k e h a nd s o n ly wh e n th e y me e t f o r th e f ir s t time. S o c ia l k is s in g, o f ten ju s t a p ec k(轻吻) o n th e ch e ek, is c o mmo n in a n in f o rma l(非正式的) s itu a tio n be twe en me n an d wo me n a nd a ls o b e tweenwo me n wh o k no w ea ch o the r ve r y we ll.In J a pa n, th e c o mmo n g r e e ting f o r b o th me n an d wo me n is to bo w whe n th e y g r e e t so me o n e, in s te a d o f g ivin g a h an d s ha k e o r a hu g.H un ga r ia n s lik e to g ree t in a f r ie nd ly wa y—k is s e ac h o th e r on bo th c he ek s. Th e mo s tc o mmo n wa y is to k is s f r o m yo u r r ig h t to yo u r le f t. W he n me n me e t f o r th e f ir s t time,a h a nd s h ake is th e n o r m.In A lb an ia, me n s ha k e h a n ds wh en g r ee tin g o n e an o th e r. A k is s o n th e c he e k ma y b e a l s o c o mmo n if th e r e is a c lo s e re la tio n sh ip. Wo me n ma y s h a k e h an d s o r k is s ea c h o the r o n b o th c h e ek s.In A r me n ia, b y tr a d itio n, a wo ma n ne e ds to wa it f o r a ma n to o ff e r h is h a nd fo r a h an d s ha ke.B e twee n g oo d f r ie n ds a n d f a mil y me mb e r s, a k is s o n th e c h ee k a nd a hu g a r e a ls o c o mmo n.(1)In B r ita in,whe n two p eo p le me e t f o r th e f ir s t time,th e y u s u a lly .()A.h u gB.bo wC.sh a ke ha nd sD.k is s on the ch e ek(2)Th e u n de r lin ed wo rd“n o r m”me a n s“ ”in C h ine s e.()A.规范B.意图C.象征D.结果(3)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is TRUE a c co r d in g to th e p a ss a ge?()A.In J ap an, h u gg in g is a s co mmo n a s bo wing.B.In H un g a r y,p e op le u s u a lly k is s e a ch o th er o n th e c h ee k s f r o m le f t to r igh t.C.In A lb an ia,it is u nus u a l f o r me n to k is s if th e r e is a c lo s e r e la tio n s h ip.D.In A r me n ia,it is n ec e s s a r y f o r a wo ma n to wa it f o r a ma n to o ff e r h is h a nd fo r ah a nd s h ak e.(4)W ha t’s th e b es t title o f th e p a s sa g e?()A.C ou n tr ie s a nd C u ltur e sB.C u ltu re s an d P eo p leC.G r ee tin g Cu s to ms Ar o u nd the Wo r ldD.B od y La n g u ag e in D iff e r en t Cu ltu r e s9.根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章完整、通顺。
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 13 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit 13 随堂小测(980)1.Th e y ma d e th e b o x o ld p ie c e s o f wo od.()A.u p o fB.fo rC.in toD.o u t o f2.Th e se k in d s o f me tho d s a r e ve r y u s e f u l.Ca n yo u co me u p with s o me ne w ?()A.me th odB.on eC.on e sD.it3.M o m,the ho te l is n o t ve r y mo d e r n, bu t it d o e s h a ve th e o f b e in g c lo s e to th e c ityc e n te r.()A.tr an s po r ta tionB.in sp ir a tionC.c re a tivit yD.a d va n tag e4.M o re an d mo r e p eo ple h a ve re a liz ed tha t we s ho u ldn't th e a n c ien t bu ild in gs inc itie s.()A.g e t o ffB.pu t o ffC.cu t do wnD.p u ll do wn5.C la ir e tho ug h t it mo r e to live in th e c it y,s o s h e mo ve d b ac k to th e c ou n tr ys id e.()A.p r od u ce dB.sp e n tC.pa idD.c o s t6.M os t o f u s a r e s tro ng ly a g a in s t an ima ls.()A.to hu n tB.hu n te dC.hu n tD.h u n tin g7.—A li ce,wo u ld yo u min d no t p la yin g the g u ita r?I on th e ph on e.—O h,s o r r y,Mo m.()A.ta lk e dB.ta lkC.wa s ta lk ingD.a m ta lk in g8.—W he r e is th e S ch oo l En g lis h Sp e e ch C on te s t go in g to b e h e ld to n igh t?—I'm n o t s u r e.Is it in th e h a ll ca n ho ld500 p eo p le?()A.wh e r eB.wha tC.tha tD.wh e n9.I le f t my wa lle t a t ho me,so I b o r ro we d s o me mo n e y f r o m Lis a to t h e me a l.()A.p u t u pB.pa y f o rC.tak e o ffD.wa it f o r10.D ick We s te r n f o o d, b u t h e h a s be e n C h in e s e f oo d s inc e h e mo v e d to Ch in a.()A.u s ed to e a t; us e d to e a tin gB.is u s ed to e a t; u s e d to e a tC.is u s ed to e a t; u s e d to e a tingD.u s ed to e a ting; u se d to e a t11.It wa s o n e o f th e h o tte s t da ys o f the d r y s e as o n.We h a d no t s e en r a in in a lmo s t a mo n th.I wa s in th e k itc he n 11 lu nc h wh en I s a w my s ix-ye a r-o ld s o n,B illy,wa lk in g 12 th e wo o d s.M inu te s a f te r h e d isa pp e a re d in to the wo od s,h e c a mer u n n in g ou t ag a in,towa r d s th e ho u se.T h is ac tivit y 13 fo r a n h ou r: wa lk c a re f u lly to th e wo od s,ru n ba c k to th e ho u s e.Fin a ll y,I c o u ldn't h e lp14 h im.In th e wo od s,I sa w th e mo s t a ma z ing s ig h t.S e ve r a l la rge15 a p pe a r ed in f r on t of h im.B illy wa lk e d r igh t up to 16 .An d I s a w a little d e e r lyin g on th e g ro u nd,s u r e ly ve r y 17 ,lif t its h e a d to d r in k the wa te r in m y b o y's c u p p ed h an d s.18 th e wa ter wa s g o ne,B illy ju mp e d u p to ru n b ac k to the 19 .I f o llo wed h im b a ck to a ta p.H e s a t th e re an d 20 th e tap,le tting the wa te r s lo wly f ill u p h is “c up”.Wh e nh e21 a n d b eg an to le a ve,I wa s th e re in f ro n t o f h im.“I'm 22 ,” h e sa id.“I k n o w.” I wa tc h ed th e mo s t b ea u tif u l he a r t wo rk in g so h a r d to sa ve an o the r lif e.Te a r s r a n do wn my f a c e.23 my te a r s b eg an to h it th e g r ou nd,th e y we r e s u dd e n lyjo in e d 24 o the r dr o p s.I lo ok ed up a t th e s k y.It wa s ra in in g.A ll I c an s a y is th a t the25 th a t c a me tha t d a y s a ve d o u r f a r m…ju s t lik e th e a c tion s o f on e little bo y s a ve d th e little d ee r.(1)A.b u yin gB.ma k ingC.se llin gD.tak ing(2)A.o nB.to wa r d sC.f ro mD.a t(3)A.s to p pe dB.co n s id e r edC.co n tro lle dD.we n t o n(4)A.lea vin gB.fo llo win gC.tak in gD.a s k ing(5)A.sh e epB.lion sC.tige r sD.d e e r(6)A.h imB.h ims e lfC.the mD.th e ms e lve s(7)A.a n g r yB.hu ng r yC.ho tD.th ir s ty(8)A.A f te rB.B e fo r eC.U n tilD.W he r e(9)A.fa mil yB.ro o mC.ho u seD.wo o ds(10)A.tu r n ed o ffB.tu rn ed onC.tu rn ed do wnD.tu r n ed up(11)A.p u t u pB.se t u pC.ga ve upD.s to o d up(12)A.n o t wa s tin gB.wa s tin gC.no t d r in k ingD.p la yin g(13)A.A sB.InC.U n tilD.A lon g(14)A.toB.fo rC.b yD.f ro m(15)A.windB.r a inC.sn o wD.c lo ud12.Wind p o we r is a ver y c le a n s ou r c e o f e ne rg y.T h is is h o w wind po we r wo r k s.Wind ma k e s win d mills(风车)s p in(旋转).W he n th e wind mills s p in,the y ma k ee le c tr ic ity.T h e n we c a n u s e th e e le c tr ic ity.A lo t o f p e op le th in k th a t win d p o we r is n e w, b u t th a t's n o t tr u e.Fo r th o u s a n d s o f ye a r s, p e op le ha v e u s ed wind to s a il bo a ts an d mo ve wa te r.We s till d o th o s e th in g s to d a y, b u t th e s e d a ys we mo s tl y u s e wind po we r to ma k e e le c tr ic ity.Win d p o we r is a ve r y p o pu la r so u rc e o f en e rg y.M o s t p eo p le th in k tha t we s ho u ld u se it mo r e a n d mo r e.Fir s t o f a ll,it's c le a n.Win d mills d o n't p o llute th e e n vir o n me n t a t a ll.Se c on d, we c a n us e wind p o we r f o r e ve r.A f te r a ll, we will a lwa ys h a ve win d.A lso, win d po we r is c he a p, a n d it's g e ttin g e ve n ch e a pe r.A lo t o f p e op le d o n't u n de r s ta nd wind po wer ve r y we ll.T he y b e lie ve th a t th e re a rep r o b le ms with wind powe r, b u t ma n y o f th o s e p r o b le ms a r e no t r e a l.Fo r e xa mp le, s o me p e op le s a y th a t wind mills a r e da n ge r ou s f or b ir d s.It u s ed to b e tr u e, b u t it isn't tr u e a n ymo r e.O ld wind mills k ille d b ir d s b ec a u se th e y s p u n ve r y f a s t.Ne w win d mills s p in s lo wly a n d th e y a r e n't d a ng e ro u s fo r b ir d s.H o we ve r, th er e a r e r eal p r ob le ms with win d mills.On e p r ob le m is th a t ma n y p e op le th in k win d mills a r e ve r y u g ly.T h is is a p r ob le m fo r p e op le, be c au s e wind mills a r e o f te n in ve ry p r e tty a r e a s.A ls o win d do e sn't b lo w a ll the time,s o we c an't u s e win d p o we r a ll th e time.Fin a ll y,win d mills a r e n o is y.Win d p o we r is b e co min g mo r e a nd mo r e c o mmo n.R igh t n o w, mor e th an 80 c ou n tr ie s u se win d po we r.A b ou t 2.5 p e r ce n t o f the wo rld's p o we r c o me s f ro m th e wi nd.Fo r s o me c o un tr ie s, th a t n u mb e r is a lo t h ig h e r.Wind po we r g ive s D en ma r k mo r e tha n 25 p e rc e n t o f its e lec tr ic ity.(1)Ne w wind mills d o n't k ill b ir d s be c au s e.()A.b ir d s d on't f l y n e a r th e mB.the y s p in s lo wlyC.the y a r e s h o r ter th an o ld win d millsD.n e w wind mills d o n't s p in(2), s o we CAN'T u s e wind po we r a ll the time.()A.Win d mills b r e ak a ll th e timeB.We c a n't u s e wind mills a t n igh tC.Wind mills a r e too ex p en s ive to u s e a ll the timeD.Win d d o es n't b lo w a ll th e time(3)W ha t do e s th e p a s sa g e sa y a b o u t wind p owe r?()A.M o s t p e op le d on't li k e it.B.It's g e ttin g c h ea p e r.C.D en ma r k do e sn't u s e it.D.It's g e ttin g mo r e e xp e n s ive.(4)W ha t is the be s t title f o r the p a s s ag e?()A.E xp en s ive Win d millsB.C he a p a nd C le an E ne rg yC.P o pu la r a n d C le a n Win d P o we rD.Da n ge r ou s B ir d s13.每年的3月22日是世界水日(Wo r ld Wa te r D a y)。

三、完形填空 Dear Michael,
I am glad to learn that you have been chosen to study in China. Your dream has come true!
I can well remember that you ______1____ China for the first time when you were nine. Ever since you returned, you have been interested in Chinese culture and have put a lot of ____2______ into learning Chinese. When you first started to learn Chinese, I _____3____ it was nothing but a passing fad (一时的狂热). However, you didn’t ____4______ halfway,
( A )4. According to the passage, what happened to the kite after the string was cut? A. It fell to the ground in the end. B. It fell down at once. C. It became broken suddenly. D. It continued flying.
( B )1. How did the boy feel when he saw the
colourful kites?
A. Strange.
B. Happy.
C. Relaxed.
Unit 10Get Ready for the Future 单元小测(解析版)冀教版九年级英语全

A.findB.foundC.findingD.to find
考查非谓语动词。have difficulty (in) doing sth.“做某事很难”,空格处填动名词作宾语。故选C。
3.Our town has changed a lot, ________.
A.so he hasB.so has hisC.so is hersD.so has he
考查倒装句。“So+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语”,表示前者所述的肯定情况后者也适用,且前后主语不一致;“So+主语+助动词/be动词/情态动词”表示对上述情况肯定,即“确实如此”,且前后主语一致。根据上文Our town has changed a lot可知下文是他的城镇也是,这里用so+助动词+主语。这里是我们的城镇和他的城镇作比较;名词性物主代词his在这里指他的城镇。so has his“他的(城镇)也是”。根据题意,故选B。
—Don’t worry! I’ll _______ the main points at the end.
A. recordB. review
C. requireD. remember
考查动词辨析。record记录;review复习;request要求;remember记住。根据“Don’t worry!”可推断,应该是只“复习”要点。故选B。
人教版九年级英语下册作业课件 周周小测 Unit 10 周周小测

14.D 考查名词辨析。根据下文“...I would be welcomed by a smiling salesman...” 可知,此处指作者去“商店”。
15.A 考查连词辨析。根据句意可知,此处与上文之间存在着逻辑上的转折关系, 应用“but”连接。
英语 九年级下册 人教版
Unit 10 周周小测
一、单项选择。(每小题2分,满分20分) ( C )1.(2022·广西百色)Beijing,________ capital of China,is ________ city with a long history. A.the;the B.a;a C.the;a D./;the ( D )2.These volunteers cleaned the words and pictures ________ the wall. A.up B.with C.by D.off ( C )3.The Greens went out of ________ way to make sure every guest was satisfied with the party. A.they B.theirs C.their D.them
二、完形填空。(每小题2分,满分20分) When I first went to Britain,a lot of things seemed strange to me.For example, people drove on the left side of the road and many people carried a(n) __11__ all the time though it doesn't rain.There were also many other things that I found really surprising. The first thing I noticed was how __12__ British people were.When I got on the bus, the driver would __13__ me.When people got off the bus,they would say “Thank you” to the driver.When I went into a __14__,I would be welcomed by a smiling salesman who would say,“Can I help you?”

PEP初中9年级英语测验(答案及解析)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.He runs ______ (quick) than anyone else in our class.2.Every time I __________ (go) to the library, I __________ (see) my friend Sarah. She __________ (read) books about science, and I __________ (like) to read stories. We __________ (usually/talk) for a while before we __________ (leave) together.3.We __________ (can) visit the museum tomorrow if we __________ (finish) our work by noon.4.My friends __________ (invite) me to their birthday party. I __________ (be) so excited! I __________ (buy) a gift for them. I __________ (choose) a beautiful book because they __________ (love) reading. On the day of the party, I __________ (arrive) early to help them prepare. We __________ (have) a lot of fun together.5.My brother __________ (1) (go) to the park every Saturday. He __________ (2) (enjoy) playing basketball with his friends. Last week, he __________ (3) (win) the game, and everyone __________ (4) (cheer) for him. Next Saturday, we __________ (5) (visit) the park together.st Saturday, we __________ (1) a picnic at the park. The weather __________ (2) perfect for outdoor activities. We __________ (3) a lot of food and drinks, and we__________ (4) a great time. Some of us __________ (5) soccer, while others__________ (6) badminton. After playing for a few hours, we __________ (7) to sit down and __________ (8) some sandwiches. It __________ (9) a wonderful day.7.I __________ (1) (wait) for my friend at the bus stop when I __________ (2) (see) a woman who __________ (3) (look) lost. I __________ (4) (ask) her if she __________ (5) (need) help, and she __________ (6) (say) yes. I __________ (7) (guide) her to the nearest subway station.8.My brother __________ (always, forget) his homework, so my parents __________ (have) to remind him every day.9.I ______ (1) ______ (not, understand) what the teacher ______ (2) ______ (say) in class today. I ______ (3) ______ (feel) a little confused, so I ______ (4) ______ (ask) my classmate for help. He ______ (5) ______ (explain) the lesson to me, and after that, I______ (6) ______ (understand) everything.10.My mother __________ (1) (make) delicious cookies every Sunday. I __________ (2) (help) her sometimes, but usually, I __________ (3) (just/eat) them after they__________ (4) (bake).11.He __________ (not, finish) his homework before he __________ (go) to bed.12.Dstudied, will pass13.Every morning, I __________ (1) up at 7:00 AM. First, I __________ (2) my face and __________ (3) my teeth. Then, I __________ (4) breakfast. I usually __________ (5) some toast and __________ (6) a glass of milk. After that, I __________ (7) my schoolbag and __________ (8) to school at 8:00. I __________ (9) to school by bike, and it __________ (10) about 15 minutes. I __________ (11) school at 3:30 PM.14.It __________ (1) a lot last night, so today the streets __________ (2) very wet. I__________ (3) to wear my boots because the ground __________ (4) muddy. The sky__________ (5) still cloudy, and it __________ (6) to rain again soon. I __________ (7) like rainy days because I __________ (8) stay indoors and read books. Sometimes, I__________ (9) play games with my family. But I __________ (10) walk outside without an umbrella.15.If you ______ (study) harder, you ______ (pass) the exam.16.I __________ (1) __________ (never/see) such a good movie before. The film__________ (2) __________ (be) about a young girl who __________ (3) __________ (try) to find her missing parents. It __________ (4) __________ (make) me feel very emotional.17.I __________ (1) my homework at 5 p.m. every day. After that, I __________ (2) play with my friends. I __________ (3) like playing chess. We __________ (4) play together after school.18.Jack __________ (be) very busy these days. He __________ (study) for his exams, and he __________ (not, have) time to relax. Yesterday, he __________ (take) a breakfor the first time in two weeks. He __________ (feel) tired, but he __________ (also, feel) happy because he __________ (know) that his hard work __________ (pay) off.19.The teacher asked us to do the ______ (homework) before the weekend.20.I __________ (1) to the cinema tomorrow. My friends and I __________ (2) excited because we __________ (3) going to see a new movie. We __________ (4) all waiting in line when the film __________ (5) begins. It __________ (6) a fantastic experience!21.Next month, we __________ (visit) the zoo for a school tripWe __________ (already, organize) the schedule, and the teachers __________ (tell) us that we__________ (need) to wear comfortable clothes and bring lunchIf it __________ (rain), we __________ (change) the plan and __________ (go) to the museum instead.22.I __________ (1) __________ (be) to the museum several times before. Last time, I __________ (2) __________ (go) there with my friends. We __________ (3)__________ (have) a great time exploring all the exhibits. I __________ (4) __________ (be) especially interested in the dinosaur fossils.23.My favorite book is “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” I __________ (1. read) it last year, and I __________ (2. love) it so much that I __________ (3. read) it again this year. The main character, Tom, __________ (4. be) a very clever and adventurous boy.In the story, he __________ (5. get) into many exciting situations, such as finding treasure and escaping from danger. Tom __________ (6. have) a best friend called Huck Finn, and together they __________ (7. explore) the world around them. The book__________ (8. teach) me a lot about friendship and bravery, and it __________ (9. be) a very interesting read.24.I ______ (never/see) such a beautiful painting beforeWhen I ______ (visit) the museum last weekend, I ______ (be) amazed by the colors and detailsThe artist ______ (use) a unique technique, and the painting ______ (attract) a lot of visitorsAfter I ______ (spend) some time admiring it, I ______ (take) a picture and ______ (leave) the museum.25.I was in a hurry to catch the bus, so I ______ (forget) to bring my notebook to school this morningI ______ (not/realize) it until the first lesson startedFortunately, my friend ______ (lend) me hers, so I ______ (not/have) to worry about missing anything important.st weekend, my class __________ (1) a trip to the museum. We __________ (2) the museum at 9:00 a.m. The museum __________ (3) many interesting exhibits. We__________ (4) a lot about history and science. After visiting the museum, we__________ (5) to a nearby park for a picnic. The weather __________ (6) perfect, and we __________ (7) a wonderful time. We __________ (8) many photos to remember the day. At 4:00 p.m., we __________ (9) the park and __________ (10) home.st summer, I __________ (go) to a music festival with my friends. The weather __________ (be) sunny, and we __________ (arrive) early to get good seats. The first band __________ (perform) at 10 a.m., and their music __________ (be) amazing. After their performance, we __________ (take) a short break and __________ (grab) some snacks. In the afternoon, we __________ (watch) another band and __________ (dance) to the rhythm of the music. By the end of the day, we __________ (feel) tired but very happy.28.My father __________ (work) in a hospital, so he __________ (usually, wake) up early in the morningHe __________ (not, mind) getting up early because he __________ (enjoy) helping peopleHe __________ (say) that it __________ (be) a rewarding job. 29.I __________ (1. see) Tom at the bus stop this morning. He __________ (2. tell) me that he __________ (3. have) a great time at the concert last night. He __________ (4. go) with his friends, and they __________ (5. enjoy) the music very much.30.If I __________ (1) (know) you __________ (2) (need) help, I __________ (3) (come) earlier. But you __________ (4) (not/ask) for help, so I __________ (5) (think) everything __________ (6) (be) fine. Next time, please __________ (7) (tell) me if you__________ (8) (need) help.31.I __________ (1) (never/try) sushi before I __________ (2) (visit) Japan last summer. When I __________ (3) (arrive) in Tokyo, my friend __________ (4) (take) me to a famous sushi restaurant, where I __________ (5) (eat) sushi for the first time. At first,I __________ (6) (not/like) it, but after a few bites, I __________ (7) (begin) to enjoy it.32.I ______ (study) hard, so I’m sure I ______ (pass) the exam.33.I have ______ (many) books than you.34.I don’t like playing basketball, but my brother ________ (enjoy) it very much.35.My brother __________ (not, enjoy) playing sports, but he __________ (love) watching them on TVHe __________ (usually, watch) football matches on weekendsLast Saturday, he __________ (watch) a very exciting match between two great teamsHe__________ (say) it __________ (be) one of the best matches he __________ (ever, see).36.She ______ (play) basketball when I ______ (call) her yesterday.37.He __________ (work) in the garden when I __________ (call) him yesterday.38.My parents __________ (1) a new house last month. The house __________ (2) ina quiet neighborhood, and it __________ (3) very spacious. There __________ (4) a big garden behind the house, and we __________ (5) a swimming pool in the garden. I__________ (6) the new house very much, and I __________ (7) to invite my friends over to play. The house __________ (8) three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. It __________ (9) everything we need.39.Jenny is very busy this week because she ________ (study) for her final examsShe ________ (have) a lot of work to do every day.40.I ______ (never/visit) that museum before, but I heard it ______ (be) really interestingMy friend ______ (invite) me to go with her this SaturdayI ______ (look) forward to it because I ______ (love) history.41.My parents __________ (1) (not/give) me permission to go to the concert, but I__________ (2) (try) to convince them. I __________ (3) (tell) them that it __________ (4) (be) a great opportunity, and they __________ (5) (finally/agree) to let me go.42.If I __________ (1) (know) the answer, I __________ (2) (tell) you immediately. But since I __________ (3) (not/know), I __________ (4) (feel) a little embarrassed. I__________ (5) (try) to find the solution, but it __________ (6) (be) quite difficult. I__________ (7) (study) more in the future so that I __________ (8) (be) better prepared next time.43.Next week, we __________ (1) an English test. I __________ (2) study very hard for it. I __________ (3) review all the vocabulary and grammar points we __________ (4) learned in class. My teacher __________ (5) asked us to write an essay about our favorite book. I __________ (6) read the book again to make sure I __________ (7) remember all the important details. I __________ (8) practice speaking English with my friend, Tom, every day. We __________ (9) study together after school at the library. I __________ (10) to do well on the test.44.I __________ (study) English for five yearsI __________ (learn) a lot of new words, and I __________ (be) able to speak more fluently now.st weekend, my family __________ (decide) to go on a picnic. We __________ (pack) a lot of food, and we __________ (leave) early in the morning. When we__________ (arrive) at the park, the weather __________ (be) beautiful. We __________ (find) a nice spot under a tree, and we __________ (start) to eat. After lunch, we__________ (play) some games, and then we __________ (go) for a walk around the lake. It __________ (be) a wonderful day, and we __________ (have) a great time.46.If I __________ (1) __________ (know) about the concert earlier, I __________ (2) __________ (buy) tickets. But I __________ (3) __________ (forget) to check the schedule, so I __________ (4) __________ (miss) the show. I __________ (5)__________ (feel) really disappointed, but my friend __________ (6) __________ (tell) me that the next concert __________ (7) __________ (be) next month. I __________ (8) __________ (hope) to go this time, because I __________ (9) __________ (really)__________ (like) the band. I __________ (10) __________ (not want) to miss it again.47.We ______ (not, finish) our homework yet, so we ______ (stay) at home this evening.48.My friend Lily and I are planning a trip to the countryside next weekend. We will leave early in the morning and _______ (1) a bus to the nearest village. From there, we will walk to a beautiful lake that is surrounded by trees. We’re both very excited about the trip because we can enjoy the fresh air, see animals, and relax away from the noise of the city. However, we must remember to _______ (2) our bags with food, water, and a first-aid kit. The weather can change quickly in the countryside, so we’ll also _______ (3) to bring warm clothes.49.I __________ (1) (never/meet) him before. He __________ (2) (be) new to our school.50.I __________ (1) to the market yesterday to buy some fruits. When I __________ (2) there, I __________ (3) that they __________ (4) sold out of strawberries. I__________ (5) to another shop, and I __________ (6) some fresh strawberries there. After that, I __________ (7) home and __________ (8) a delicious fruit salad. It__________ (9) a great way to spend the afternoon. I __________ (10) to make it again next weekend.(答案及解释)。
Unit10单元小测-2021-2022学年冀教版九年级英语全册 (1)

Unit 10小测Ⅰ.单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)()1.Linda hopes to be a and manages a big company in the future.A.pilotB.reporterC.writerD.boss()2.We never doubt Bill is honest, because he never tells lies.A.thatB.ifC.whetherD.why()3.The rich merchant has a lot of money, but he thinks doesn’t mean happiness.A.looksB.wealthC.heightD.weight()4.The astronaut is so tired that he for eleven hours.A.has been asleepB.has fallen asleepC.has gone to bedD.has gone to sleep()5.As time , our friendship ends because of a misunderstanding.A.goes outB.goes byC.goes throughD.goes over()6.—Lucy, the advice you gave is really . Thank you very much.—You’re welcome.elessB.ordinaryC.valuableD.similar()7.To his dream, he practices tennis as much as possible every day.A.make trueB.achieveC.provideanize()8.we felt tired, we felt happy.A.Though; butB.If; butC.Though; /D.But; if()9.—I’ve got the job as a director at Radio Beijing.—! That’s good news!A.Go aheade onC.CheersD.Congratulations ()10.the class of 2018, I would like to thank you all.A.Stick out ofB.Take the place ofC.On behalf ofD.As a result ofⅡ.完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)Once there were three fish who were good friends in a lake. The first fish named Dina was very lazy, and she never prepared for the future. The second fish Lisa was lazy, too, but she was able to make some good 11at the last minute. The third fish Jack 12that it was always best to prepare for the future.One day, while the three fish were swimming and playing in the lake, they heard two 13 talking. One of them said, “I hear that there are many fish in the lake. Why don’t we come and 14some tomorrow?” The other agreed, “Sounds great. I love having fresh fish.”After the two men left, Jack told the other two: “Haven’t you just heard the two fishermen’s talk? They are planning to catch us. We must leave here and find another 15 place.”Lisa, the second fish, said, “I heard what they had just said, but it’s possible that they might not return. We can think about moving to a nearby lake 16we see them coming tomorrow.”Dina just said, “Oh! Let’s just forget it. We are happy here, so 17should we move to another lake? It may be far from here and who knows whether that place is safe or not?”Seeing no one would go with him, Jack decided to leave on his own.The next day, the two fishermen came. Lisa 18them and tried to swim away, but she was soon caught in the net. Lisa pretended to be dead. The two fishermen didn’t want dead fish, so they threw 19back into the lake. Dina was eating the grass in the water and didn’t see the fishermen, and they caught her 20.Are you the kind of people who always prepare for the future?()11.A.decisions B.excusesC.jokesD.suggestions()12.A.wondered B.believedC.explainedD.required()13.A.cooks B.farmersC.touristsD.fishermen()14.A.wash B.feed C.catch D.free()15.A.safer rger C.deeper D.cleaner()16.A.before B.if C.though D.since()17.A.how B.when C.why D.whether()18.A.followed B.controlledC.noticedD.warned()19.A.her B.themC.meD.him()20.A.luckily B.carefullyC.wiselyD.easilyⅢ.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题4分,满分20分)Chinese people’s English proficiency(熟练) has improved in the past few years, a report said. China’s English proficiency ranking rose seven places from 2018 to 40th among 100 countries and regions(地区), according to the 2019 English Proficiency Index of the Swedish education company Education First(EF). It has produced the report for nine consecutive(连续不断的) years.The company tested more than 2.3 million adults in 100 non-English-speaking countries and regions. China scored 53.44 out of 100 points, 1.5 points more than last year. For the first time, Chinese people’s English has reached a moderate level(中等水平) compared to other non-English-speaking countries.People with this English level can read literary(文学的) works and science articles in English. They can also express their views and discuss academic issues(学术问题) with others in English correctly, according to China’s Standards of English Language Ability, which was released by the Ministry of Education. Among all the non-English-speaking countries, adults from the Netherlands were the best English speakers with a score of 70.27. The country with the lowest score was Libya at 40.87.There are a few reasons for China’s rise in the ranking, said Jesper Knutell, executivevice-president of EF. The major reason behind the ranking rise is that Chinese people have a strong desire(渴望) to see and understand the world, which pushes them to study English.Also, they spend large amounts of time and money studying English in the long term(长期). In 2018, 300 million people in China were learning English, according to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The market was worth as much as 500 billion yuan.()21.China’s English proficiency ranked in 2018.A.40thB.47thC.53rdD.70th()22.Having a moderate level of English means people can.①read literary works and science articles in English②have a fluent conversation in English with a foreigner③write science articles in English④express their views in English⑤discuss academic issues with others in English correctlyA.①②③B.②③④C.①④⑤D.③④⑤()23.Among all the non-English-speaking countries, which country’s English proficiency ranked the highest?A.France.B.Germany.C.The Netherlands.D.Libya.()24.What is the main reason for China’s English proficiency ranking rise?A.The increase in the number of people learning English.B.The importance of learning English.C.The strong desire to see and understand the world.D.A huge investment of time and money.()25.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Chinese people’s English is becoming better and better.B.More and more Chinese people are learning English.C.English is becoming more and more important.D.People can teach themselves English.Ⅳ.词语运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

九上Unit 4 Topic 1重点短语:1.________________________. (不)被允许做某事2.________________________.允许某人做某事3.________________________.某人花费时间/钱在某事上4.________________________某人花时间做某事5.________________________为某人展示某物6.________________________由……制成(能看出原材料)________________________由……制成(不能看出原材料) ________________________由....组成________________________.被某人制造________________________.在某地被制造________________________.被制成什么7._____________________…被用来……(强调用途或作用)8.________________________…被用来……(强调目的)________________________…被用作……________________________被某人使用9.________________________据说8.____________发生10.________________________实现某人梦想11._______________________使某人梦想成真12.________________________在某人的一生中13.________________________.一种做某事新方式14._____________________…的结果13.________________________.嘲笑某人15.________________________做更多调查16.________________________找出,查明17.________________________效果很好18.________________________在做某事上效果好19.________________________只要20._______________________在任何时间21._________有时,间或__________每次,一次22.__________________一直19.________________________在任何地方20.______________________想出....的主意21.____________________列一张详细的列表词形转换:1._______ v.发明________ n.发明家___________ n.发明物2._________ v.想,认为,思考_________n.想法,看法,主意3.___________ v.想象___________ n.想象力,想象4.___________n.细节,详情___________ adj.详细的5.___________详细地(短语)5.___________v.探索,勘探___________ n.探险者,勘探者重点句型:1._______________________________?纸是由什么制成?2._____________________________它是由木头/木材制成的3.____________________________这条连衣裙是由棉制成的4._______________________________.我希望有一天我能进入太空。

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2.Let’s go shopping, ?(完成反义问句)
二. 用所给词的适当形式填空.(10)
1.We need_______(make) some advertising.
2.He’s hungry, he needs something ________(eat)
3.Thanks for _______(shop).
4.What about______(go) swimming.
A. buys…for B. costs C. pays…for D. spends…in
( )3. His uncle is so rich and owns quite a few houses.
A. sells B. has C. costs D. needs
A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take
( )9.The policeman told the little boy _______ football in the street. It’s dangerous.
A. not play B. not playing C. not to play D. to play
( )13.why don’t you _______ fishing with us ?
A. to go B. go C. goes D. going
( )14. It’s time for class. Please stop _______.
A. talking B. talk C. say D. speak
( )15. I bought a new dictionary and it ____ me 30 yuan.
A. paid B. spend C. took D. cost
( )16. It’s time for us ______ supper.
A. have B. to have C. has D. had
( )1. I have to go home on foot, for my bike was broken.
A. must B. may C. be able to D. can
( )2.The woman spends a lot of money on clothes.
5.The bag is_______(fill) with the rice.
6.Tom does his homework as__________(careful) as Lucy.
7.It is_______(hot) today than yesterday.
8.Do you have enough________ (buy) all of these things.
4.If you pass the f______ (最后)examination, we will give you a certificate.
5.The highest hotel is l________(位于) on the top of Jin Mao T??ower.
C) 选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的选项. (5)
( )4. There are almost 50 students in my class.
A. most B. nearly C. together D. all
( )5. LiLei often takes care of the old granny.
A. look over B. look for C.looks up D. looks after
A. so B. such C. very D. too
( )12. –Merry Christmas! --__________.
A. Thank you B. The same to you
C. Not at all D. You’re welcome
1.break(形容词)_________2.thin(比较级) ___________3.luck(形容词)___________4.long(名词)____________ 5.pay(过去式)_________ 6.success(动词)__________7. stop(现在分词)_________8.owns(同义词)__________9.far( 最高级)__________ 10.twenty(序数词) _______
4. --Shall we go and play football together?
--Sorry, I must_____________ first.
5.The bottle ___ water
五句型转换(15) ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
1. LiLei did his homework at school yesterday. (否定句)
A interesting B most interesting
C more interesting D the most interesting
( )22.Lucy is one of_____ in our school.
A the beautiful girl B the beautiful girls
2. –Do you often clean the blackboard?
--Yes, We__________ to clean it.
3. --May I Borrow your dictionary?
– Yes, but you must____ it___ as soon as possible(尽快).
( )⒉Riding a bike backwards is______ unusual record,
A an B the C / D a
( )3.Li Ming said he had____ to tell us.
A something important B important something
( )17. We must ____ to improve our English.
A. do our well B. do our best
C. do one’s better D. do one’s best
( )18. This is ____ an interesting movie that we all like to watch it.
( )24. Since we have walked for two hours, let’s stop _.
A. to have a rest B. have a rest
C. and had a rest D. having a rest
( )25. He often feels lonely(孤单), because he has _—_______friends.
( )10. I don’t have _________ to do the work.
A. time enough B. money enough
C. enough time D. not enough
( )11. Beijing has ____ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours.
9.I have a best friend_______(name) Mary.
10.Please take turns ________(sing)
( )⒈Li Ming can play soccer without_____ for an hour.
A to stop B stop C stopping D stopped
C the most beautiful girl D the most beautiful girls
( )23.My father likes to play___ football. He doesn’t like to play___ piano.
A the, the B /, the C a, a D /, a
B)补全单词 (5)
1.This house c_____(花费) a lot of money.
2.They p_______ (付款)twenty dollars for the T-shirt.
3.Bill Gates is a famous American b__________.(商人)
A. a little B. a few C. few D. little
take turns give …back more than
is full of do my homework
1.There are ____ __ sixty students in our class.
( )7. It is important ____us ___help people in need.
A. to, to B. for, to C. to, for D. for, for
( )8.The woman ________ two dollars for the fruit.
C anything important D important anything