秘密★启用前试卷类型:B 2023年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(二)地理本试卷共8页,19小题,满分100分。
八上英语期末综合测试卷二(含答案)一、选择题(每小题1分, 共8分)1. —What’s your for the weekend?—I want to have a trip with my family.A. resolutionB. planC. job2. —How do you like the soap opera?—I think the soap opera is . We can learn nothing from it.A. seriousB. enjoyableC. meaningless3. —Do you think humans will live on the moon?—No. But I think it’s for humans to live under the sea.A. possibleB. impossibleC. probably4. There a soccer game between your class and my class tomorrow.A. is going to haveB. is going to beC. will have5. —What are you going to do for the coming winter holiday?—I’m going to skating because I like walking on the ice freely.A. pick upB. take upC. take down6.—Mom, can I leave the chores till tomorrow?—I’m afraid not. You can’t today’s work till tomorrow.A. put offB. turn downC. give awayD. look up7. —I’m awfully sorry for bringing you so much trouble.—9 / 9A. Never mind.B. It’s a pleasure.C. Of course not.D. You are welcome.8.—Karl Marx is a great thinker. Do you know ?—In 1818.A. where he was fromB. when he was bornC. how he learned foreign languages二、补全对话(每小题1分, 共5分)根据对话内容, 从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。
15.月球本身( )(填“会”或“不会”)发光。
综合测试卷(二)(本卷满分100分,完成时间90分钟)姓名得分一、基础知识积累与运用(每小题2分,共10分)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音有错的一组是()A.长篙.(gāo) 着.陆(zhuó)深恶.痛绝(wù) 吹毛求疵.(cī)B.遒.劲(qiú) 栖.息(qī) 锲.而不舍(qì) 怏怏.不乐(yàng)C.訇.然(hōng) 馥.郁(fù) 繁弦.急管(xián) 引颈受戮.(lù)D.岿.然(kuī) 扒.窗(bā) 叱咤.风云(zhà) 流水潺潺.(chán)2.下列词语字形完全正确的一项是()A.端详寒喧梳装打扮毛骨悚然B.艾蒿逶迤郑重其事一如既往C.萧索慰藉诚惶诚恐搬师回朝D.雾霭炫耀苍海桑田贻笑大方3.依次填入下列横线处的词语正确的一项是()①这是一种不驯服的、对抗性的,是对世界上一切苦难的蔑视情感的迸发。
若要研究该疫苗在该地儿童中的接种效果,则______.A.该研究的样本是1000名易感儿童B.该研究的样本是228名阳性儿童C.该研究的总体是300名易感儿童D.该研究的总体是1000名易感儿童E.该研究的总体是228名阳性儿童【答案】D5.若要通过样本作统计推断,样本应是__________.A.总体中典型的一部分B.总体中任一部分C.总体中随机抽取的一部分D.总体中选取的有意义的一部分E.总体中信息明确的一部分【答案】C6.下面关于均数的正确的说法是______.A.当样本含量增大时,均数也增大B.均数总大于中位数C.均数总大于标准差D.均数是所有观察值的平均值E.均数是最大和最小值的平均值【答案】D7.某地易感儿童注射乙肝疫苗后,从中随机抽取100名儿童测量其乙肝表面抗体滴度水平,欲描述其平均水平,宜采用______.A.均数B.几何均数C.中位数D.方差E.四分位数间距【答案】B8.有人根据某种沙门菌食物中毒患者164例的潜伏期资料,用百分位数法求得潜伏期的单侧95%上限为57.8小时,其含义是:______.A.大约有95人的潜伏期小于57.8小时B.大约有5人的潜伏期大于57.8小时C.大约有5人的潜伏期小于57.8小时D.大约有8人的潜伏期大于57.8小时E.大约有8人的潜伏期小于57.8小时【答案】D9.以下说法中不正确的是______.A.方差除以其自由度就是均方B.方差分析时要求各样本来自相互独立的正态总体C.方差分析时要求各样本所在总体的方差相等D.完全随机设计的方差分析时,组内均方就是误差均方E.完全随机设计的方差分析时,F=MS组间/MS组内【答案】A10.两组数据中的每个变量值减去同一常数后,作两个样本均数比较的假设检验______.A.t值不变B.t值变小C.t值变大D.t值变小或变大E.不能判断【答案】A11.甲乙两地某病的死亡率进行标准化计算时,其标准的选择______.A.不能用甲地的数据B.不能用乙地的数据C.不能用甲地和乙地的合并数据D.可用甲地或乙地的数据E.以上都不对【答案】D12.以下属于数值变量的是______.A.性别B.病人白细胞计数C.血型D.疗效E.某病感染人数【答案】B13.以下关于样本的说法,不正确的是______.A.样本是从总体中随机抽取的B.样本来自的总体应该是同质的C.样本中应有足够的个体数D.样本来自的总体中不能有变异存在E.样本含量可以估计【答案】D14.以下属于分类变量的是___________.A.IQ得分B.心率C.住院天数D.性别E.胸围【答案】D15.在抽样研究中,当样本例数逐渐增多时_____.A.标准误逐渐加大B.标准差逐渐加大C.标准差逐渐减小D.标准误逐渐减小E.标准差趋近于0【答案】D16.某医院一年内收治202例腰椎间盘后突病人,其年龄的频数分布如下,为了形象表达该资料,适合选用_____.年龄(岁):10~20~30~40~50~60~人数: 6 40 50 85 20 1A.线图B.条图C.直方图D.圆图E.散点图【答案】C17.关于构成比,不正确的是_____.A.构成比中某一部分比重的增减相应地会影响其他部分的比重B.构成比说明某现象发生的强度大小C.构成比说明某一事物内部各组成部分所占的分布D.若内部构成不同,可对率进行标准化E.构成比之和必为100%【答案】B18.若分析肺活量和体重之间的数量关系,拟用体重值预测肺活量,则采用_____.A.直线相关分析B.秩相关分析C.直线回归分析D.方差分析E.病例对照研究【答案】C19.根据下述资料,样本指标提示_____.甲疗法乙疗法病情病人数治愈数治愈率(%)病人数治愈数治愈率(%)轻型40 36 90 60 54 90重型60 42 70 40 28 70合计100 78 78 100 82 82A.乙疗法优于甲疗法B.甲疗法优于乙疗法C.甲疗法与乙疗法疗效相等D.此资料甲、乙疗法不能比较E.以上都不对【答案】C20.若算得F药物=7.604,P<0.01;F区组=1.596,P>0.05.按α=0.05水准,则4种药物的抑瘤效果和5个随机区组的瘤重的推断结论分别为_____.A.药物组间瘤重不同,区组间也不同B.不能认为药物组间瘤重不同,不能认为区组间不同C.药物组间瘤重不同,但不能认为区组间不同D.不能认为药物组间瘤重不同,但区组间不同E.药物差别较大,不能认为区组间不同【答案】C二、多选题在A、B、C、D和E中选出一个最佳答案,将答案的字母填在相应下划线的空格里。
《内经》把相克关系称为____ ____。
5.下列关于“正宫”解释正确的一项是( D )。
A.词牌名,与"端正好”一样,它们都与音乐曲调有关。 B.曲牌名,与“滚绣球”一样,它们都与音乐曲调有关。 C.宫调名,与“一煞”等不同,它与演唱的内容有密切的关系,而 与音乐无关。 D.宫调名,与“耍孩儿”等不同,宫调是用来表示音阶的高低的, 而与内容无关。
就像秋日蝴蝶的羽翼一样脆弱,渐渐地被风和寒冷给摧折了。没 人记得他的本名,大家都叫他老哑巴。他有四五十岁的样子,出 奇的黑,出奇的瘦,脖子长长的,那上面裸露的青筋常让我联想 到是几条蚯蚓横七竖八地匍匐在那里。老哑巴在生产队里喂牲口 ,一早一晚的,常能听见他铡草的声音,嚓嚓嚓,那声音像女人 用刀刮着新鲜的鱼鱗, 又像男人抢着锐利的斧子在劈柴。我和小 伙伴去生产队的草垛藏猫时,常能看见他。老哑巴用铁耙子从草 垛接下一捆一细的草,拎到铡刀旁。本来这草是没有生气的,但 因为有一扇锄刀横在那儿,就觉得这草是活物,而老哑巴成了刽 子手,他的那双手令人胆寒。我们见着老哑巴,就老是想逃跑。可 他误以为我们把草垛蹬散了,他会捉我们问责,为了表示支持我 们藏猫,他挥舞着双臂,摇着头,做出无所谓的姿态。见我们仍 惊
“耍孩儿”民间曲调名。五十四字,平仄通协。“正宫”是宫调 名。宫调是古代戏曲、音乐名词。是音乐的各种调式,宫调不同, 音调就不同。
二、填空题(每空0.5分,共4分) 6.请将下面的空缺处补充完整。
(1)仁者不忧, 知者不惑 , 勇者不惧 。 (2)匪女之美,美人之贻为 。 (3)"昔我往矣, 杨柳依依 ,今我来思 ,雨雪霏霏 。”这 句名诗出自我国古代诗歌总集《 诗经 》中的《 采薇 》。
人教版四年级数学上册期末 总复习综合测试卷(二)(含答案)
人教版四年级数学上册期末总复习综合测试卷(二)一、单选题1.与算式30×600积相等的是()A. 30×300B. 60×300C. 15×2002.一个除法算式中,商是10,除数是20,余数最大是()A. 9B. 19C. 213.已知∠1+∠2=∠3,∠1+∠2+∠3=180°,则∠3是()A. 锐角B. 钝角C. 直角D. 平角4.小丽一步约走62厘米,她从学校到图书馆走了596步,学校离图书馆约有()米.A. 300厘米B. 300米C. 360米5.把一张平行四边形卡片剪一刀分成两个图形,下面几种情况中不可能出现的是()A. 两个三角形B. 两个梯形C. 一个平行四边形和一个梯形6.13□0000000≈13亿,□里最大可填()A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 47.两个数相除商5余7,被除数,除数同时乘10,余数是()A. 5B. 7C. 70D. 508.关于式子37□1698<3756361,□里最大能填()A. 6B. 5C. 49.比69999多一万的数是()A. 70000B. 169999C. 7999910.如图.从某村走到公路,以下表达正确的是()A. ①线路最短B. ②线路最短C. ③线路最短11.如图,以给出的点为端点,能画出()条线段.A. 5B. 6C. 无数条12.一个面积为2公顷的果园.如果每5平方米种一棵果树,那么这个果园一共可以种果树()棵.A. 400B. 4000C. 40000二、判断题13.一个三位数除以两位数,商一定是一位数或两位数.()14.直线比射线长.()15.从直线外一点到这条直线所画的线段中,垂直线段最短。
中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院大学英语 2 课程综合测试2一.Vocabulary and Structure(30 points)1 . Don’t you think that article still has much to be __D_____? .A. satisfiedB. examinedC. reviewedD. improved2. In the supermarket the customers felt it hard to ___B____the temptation to spend money on things that they didn’t really ________. .A. comfort; expectB. resist; needC. cause; wantD. relieve; wish3. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ____C___TV sets in 1998 as the year before.A. as twice as manyB. as many twiceC. twice as manyD. twice many as4. Since Linda is both diligent and smart, I never doubt that she will____B______. .A. successB. succeedC. successfulD. successor5. You can have the magazine_____B______ I finish reading it.A. in the momentB. the momentC. the moment asD. in the moment when6. _____C________, she knows a lot of things.A. A child as is sheB. As she is a childC. Child as she isD. Child as is7. You are supposed to write your composition every _C_____ line.A. oneB. aC. otherD. another8. It was in this house ___B___ the important meeting in history was held.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. in which9. Mrs. Brown as well as her children __A____ to go Paris on holiday next week.A. is B.are C.will D. will be10. We’ll_D__ what our country expects of us.A. keep up withB. put up withC. stand up toD. live up to11. The rain was heavy and ___B____the land was flooded.A. consistentlyB. consequentlyC. constantlyD. continuously12. Another issue _C_____the new republic is the problem of the education of its citizens.A. confiningB. confirmingC. confrontingD. contributing13. Some people consider it unwise to __B____themselves in a quarrel between husband and wife.A. participateB. involveC. combineD. associate14. When ___A____, he denied _______ anything illegal.A. questioned, doingB. being questioned, doingC. questioning, doingD. questioning, having done15.____D_____from the European continent, England had been in close contact with the outside world.A. Because cutting offB. While to be cut offC. Although cut itself offD. Even if cut off16. The actors have to __C_____ before they appear in front of the audience.A. cover upB. paint upC. make upD. do up17. The proposal _C__we start doing the experiment two days earlier has been agreed upon by all.A. whichB.whatC. thatD. of which18. The young people are ___B____ of their responsibility toward society.A consistent B. conscious C. considerable D. creative19. The more ___D___ you feel in yourself, the more chances you will stand to win the game.A. significanceB. sympathyC. fortuneD. confidence20. The days when he was ___D__ his best is already a thing of the past.A in B. on C. with D. at二.Cloze(20 points)Robert Edwards was blinded in a traffic accident. He was also a little deaf _21_ old age. Last week, he was taking a walk near his home when a thunderstorm came. He hid _22_ the storm under a big tree and was struck by lightning. He was knocked _23_ the ground and woke up some 20 minutes _24_,lying face down in water below a tree. He went into the house and lay down in bed. A short time later,he awoke;his legs felt _25_ and he was trembling,but,when he opened his eyes,he could see the clock across the room fading in and out in front of him. When his wife entered,he _26_ her for the first time in nine years. Doctors _27_ that he had regained his sight and hearing obviously from the flash of lightning,but they were unable to explain that. The only _28_ explanation offered by one doctor was that _29_ Edwards lost his sight as a result of trauma in a terrible accident, perhaps the only way it could be restored was by _30_ trauma.B21. A. because B. because of C. as D. sinceA22.A. from B. away C. against D. contraryD23.A. at B. in C. to D. onC24.A. late B. soon C. later D. afterB25.A. dying B. dead C. die D. being diedA26.A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. examinedC27.A. say B. thought over C. made sure D. agreed toB28.A. possibly B. possible C. probably D. mainlyD29.A. although B. because of C. even though D. sinceC30.A. others B. other C. another D. one other三.Reading Comprehension(20points)Passage OneA young man who lived in London was in love with a beautiful girl. Soon she became his girl friend. The man was very poor while the girl was rich. The young man wanted to send her a present on her birthday. He wanted to buy something beautiful for her, but he had no idea how to do it, as he had very little money. The next morning he went to a shop. There were many fine things there: rings, gold watches, diamonds—but all these things were too expensive. There was one thing he could not take his eyes off. It was a beautiful vase. That would be a wonderful present for his girl friend. He had been looking at the vase for half an hour when the manager asked what had happened to him.The young man told him everything. The manager felt sorry for him and decided to help him.A brilliant idea struck him. The manager pointed to the corner of the shop. To his great surprise the young man saw a vase broken into many pieces. The manager said, “I can help you. I shall order my servant to pack it and take it to your girl friend. When he enters the room, he will drop it.”On the birthday of his girl friend, the young man was very excited. Everything happened as had been planned. The servant brought in the vase, and as he entered the room, he dropped it. There was horror on everybody’s face. When the vase was unpacked, the guests saw that each piece was packed separately.31. The story took place in __B____.A. FranceB. EnglandC. GermanyD. the United States32. Which of the following is true? AA. The young man’s family was poor while the girl’s was rich.B. A rich young man fell in deep love with a beautiful girl.C. The young man loved the girl but the girl did not love him.D. The young man had enough money to buy a beautiful vase for his girl friend.33.Why did the young man want to buy a present for the girl? CA. He wanted to give her a Christmas present.B. He fell in love with her.C. Her birthday was coming soon.D. They were going to get married.34. The shop manager was ___B___.A. very rich and kind – heartedB. sympathetic and cleverC. kind but did nothing for the young manD. curious about the young man’s problem35. Who do you think packed each piece separately? BA. The managerB. The servantC. The girlD. The young manPassage TwoNonverbal communication has to do with gestures, movements, and closeness of two people when they are talking. The scientists say that these gestures, movements, and so forth have the meaning our words do not carry.For example, the physical distance between two speakers can be important. North Americans often complain that South Americans are being “pushy” because they tend to stand close to the North American when speaking, whereas the South American often considers the North American to be “cold” or “distant” because he keeps a greater distance between himself and the person he is speaking to. In the Middle East it is considered flirtatious(调情) for a woman to allow a man to look at her in the eye. This “eye contact”provides another example of what we’re calling nonverbal communication. A social psychologist has observed that there is more eye contact between people who like each other than there is between people who don’t like each other. The length of time that the person whom you are speaking to looks at your eyes indicates the amount of interest he has in you rather than the amount of interest he has in the thing you are talking about.36. Nonverbal communication includes all forms listed below except __C______.A. gesturesB. body distanceC. talksD. eye contact37. While talking, the South Americans tend to ___B______.A. talk loudlyB. be close to each otherC. keep a certain distance between themD. push each other38. While they are talking, the North Americans tend to ____C____ .A. talk loudlyB. be close to each otherC. keep a certain distance between themD. be cold39. It would be considered ____D____ in the Middle East, if a woman allows a man to look at her in the eye.A. politeB. impoliteC. acceptableD. unacceptable40. More eye contacts may indicate all of the following except that __B______.A. people like each otherB. people are interested in the topicC. people are interested in each otherD. people want to keep talking四.Translate the following sentences into English.(15 points)41. 杰克才开始工作了三个月,经验尚不足,所以让他独立完成这项任务是有困难的。
A.-3B.2C.-1D.+24.转动长方形EFMN (如图),生成圆柱。
(单位:cm)三、解方程或比例 8.解方程。
2123x ÷= 214232x x += 152.40.8x =9.解方程或解比例。
281223x += x -85%x =750 0.911:69x =10.解方程。
①3:217x = ①15%1530x -= ①5556812x x -=四、脱式计算11.用递等式计算,能简算的要写出简算过程 ×4.6+5.4× 201.8×65-6.5×20183.8×99+3.8 -125×0.4×8×25×17-1÷-+-0.16+4÷23.19+2.4+2.81+14.624×(+)÷+×7.32×4.8+0.52×73.2五、填空题12.一种商品原价150元,打八折后是( )元。
14.某商场二月份比一月份的营业额少60万元,一月份营业额是二月份的120%,二月份营业额是( )万元,按营业额的5%缴纳营业税,二月份应交营业税( )万元。
一、单项选择题:本题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.下列说法正确的是()A.静摩擦力一定不做功,滑动摩擦力一定做负功B.做圆周运动的物体,其加速度一定指向圆心C.绕地球做圆周运动的空间站内物体处于完全失重状态,是因为站内重力消失D.物体的速度发生变化,其动能可能保持不变2.如图,半径为R的地球仪上,P点为赤道与0°经线的交点,Q点为赤道与东经90°经线的交点,一只小虫从P点沿0°经线向南爬行t时间到南极点,然后又沿东经90°经线向北爬行t时间到Q点,则()A.小虫的位移等于2RB.小虫的位移等于4RC.从P到南极点的平均速度大小等于从P到Q全过程平均速度大小的2倍D.从P到南极点的平均速度与从P到Q全过程的平均速度大小相等3.如图甲,儿童将一个石子以初速度0v从Q点竖直向上抛出,然后用同一只手沿着图乙中的QP路径迅速捡起P处的石子,该手又沿着PQ路径回到Q点,迅速捡起Q处的石子,同时将抛出的石子在落地前接住.已知某次游戏中P、Q相距40cm,儿童手移动的平均速率为2m/s,不计空气阻力,不计抓石子的时间和手的高度,重力加速度210m /s g =,则0v 至少为()A .1m/sB .2m/sC .3m/sD .4m/s4.蹦床运动训练中,教练将压力传感器安装在图甲的蹦床上。
AInformation You Can Trust—A Guide to Our Editorial ProcessOur goal at wikiHow is to deliver trustworthy articles that engage our readers and meet their informational and emotional needs.For18years,we’ve been committed to our step-by-step teaching model and continue to create the best how-to experience on the Internet.We’ve helped millions of people solve problems,learn new skills,and feel supported in the ordinary and complex moments of life.Our Expert TeamwikiHow partners with over1,000experts from a wide range of fields to ensure our content is accurate and based on well-established research.●MENTAL HEALTH,Chloe Carmichael,Licensed Clinical PsychologistLicensed Clinical Psychologist.Specializes in relationship and stress.●PETS,Brian Bourquin,Veterinarian(兽医)and Clinic OwnerOwner of Boston Veterinary Clinic,specializing in primary and emergency care.●DIY,Joy Cho,Founder&Creative DirectorFounder and Creative Director of lifestyle brand and design studio.Authored three books and consulted for creative businesses around the world.●PERSONAL STYLE,Dedra Allen,Cosmetologist(美容师)CEO of Jdoah Beauty Salon.Over30years of experience as a licensed cosmetologist.Meet more of wikiHow’s1700+experts>>Our Editorial ProcessOur content is created and edited by real and seasoned professional writers so that our users are served the most original,helpful,and accurate information possible at wikiHow.CONTENT CREATION ACCURACYREVIEWEXPERTINPUTTRACKEDANDUPDATEDArticles are created by our team of trained writers and our community of how-to and DIY enthusiasts.Article submissions arereviewed by ContentManagers to ensurethey arewell-researched.Articles are expandedand reviewed by anappropriate expert.Articles are tracked andupdated based on dataanalysis and feedbackfrom readers and thecommunity.21.What is the primary focus of wikiHow?A.To provide systematic schooling.B.To give detailed and practical advice.C.To make comments on current affairs.D.To share true stories of different people.22.If you intend to open a souvenir store,which expert might be most helpful?A.Chloe Carmichael.B.Brian Bourquin.C.Joy Cho.D.Dedra Allen.23.Which of the following teams is responsible for the reliability of articles?A.Trained writers.B.Content managers.C.Proper experts.D.Data analysts.BGrowing up as a kid in the UK,I was fascinated by insects.Wanting to protect them,I started building houses for ants,using little pieces of wood and leaves.I then moved on to making little cups and saucers from silver foil(箔纸)for the magical creatures.When seeing my work,my mother told me that the smaller I made things,the bigger my name would become.As the years went by,my designs became more complicated.Making sculptures isn’t actually enjoyable.I sometimes work for16hours a day without breaks,and it takes me up to three months to finish a sculpture.I have to hold my breath during the sculpting process.One time,a fly landed on a Cinderella carriage sculpture I was working on.The fly’s wings blew it away,and it was lost.I was heartbroken.Another time,I accidentally breathed in a microscopic Alice from Alice in Wonderland.Alice is now in the Wonderland forever.But it did give me the chance to make an even better one the second time around.My sculptures have taken me to incredible places.In2012,I met the queen,giving her a crown on the head of a pin.In2013,I received my first Guinness World Record for creating the smallest sculpture by hand,a24-carat gold motorbike that fitted inside a hair.In2017,I beat my record with a sculpture of a human fetus that measured0.078mm by0.053mm.I was diagnosed with autism(自闭症).In school,my teachers had pointed me out as an example of failure;now,I see my autism as a gift.It’s pushed me to be the best I can be.I hold workshops in schools for children with neuro(神经的)problems,sharing my story and helping them create their own miniature figures.The microscopic world has always been my happy place.I’ve tried to make bigger sculptures,but small is best for me.We need to appreciate the little things in life.Small things can also be mighty,too.24.What drove the author to make tiny sculpture at the beginning?A.His interest in insects.B.His desire to make a name.C.His dream of setting a record.D.His awareness of wildlife protection.25.Which of the following can best describe the author’s sculpting process?A.Eventful and enjoyable.plex and frustrating.C.Money-wasting but entertaining.D.Time-consuming but fulfilling.26.How does the author deal with his autism now?A.He receives medical treatment.B.He takes full advantage of it.C.He regards it as the source of failure.D.He shares it and asks help from others.27.What message does the author mainly convey through the text?A.Great art comes at a cost of loss.B.Childhood experiences sculpt a career.C.Minor things in life can carry weight.D.Hard work contributes to great achievements.CA study,led by University of Essex and University of Chicago,found that employees in remote settings generate fewer and lower-quality innovative ideas compared to those working full-time in the office.The findings also apply to those in hybrid settings where employees get the best of both worlds,spending some days in the office and some at home.While remote and hybrid working arrangements can enhance employees’work-life balance,many business leaders have voiced concerns over innovation suffering with these new work modes.Interestingly, the CEO of Zoom,the leading online communication application,recently required employees work more from the office,specifically mentioning a decline in innovation.The new research finds their concerns seem to stand on solid ground.“Innovation in the workplace can occur through random,informal‘watercooler’conversations between employees,such as when they are chatting over coffee time,”explained lead researcher Dr.Christoph Siemroth.“However,these‘productive accidents’are unlikely to occur when employees work from home.”The study followed over48,000employees from an Indian IT company,which has taken significant steps such as offering financial rewards to promote a culture where all employees see innovation as a key part of their job.The employees write up ideas about process improvements,cost-saving measures,or new products,which are then evaluated by the company.While the quantity of ideas didn’t change during the working from home period compared to working in the office,the quality of ideas suffered.During the later hybrid period,the quantity of submitted ideas fell and innovation suffered,particularly in teams which did not schedule when they worked at the office or from home.The findings imply that companies should take steps to regulate when employees are in the office. Innovation does not work well if half the team is in on Mondays while the other half is in on Wednesdays. Instead,set days when the whole team are expected in the office.While this limits the flexibility of hybrid work,research suggests that innovation benefits as a result.28.What do the underlined words“stand on solid ground”in paragraph2mean?A.Need solid proof.B.Be hard to believe.C.Be easy to understand.D.Have good reasons.29.What contributes to workplace innovation according to Dr.Christoph Siemroth?A.Favorable and relaxing company culture.B.Unplanned interaction among employees.C.Access to workplace facilities and resources.D.Professional training in promoting productivity.30.What can we learn about workplace innovation from the study?A.Remote workers generated ideas of high quality.B.Financial rewards could greatly boost innovation.C.The hybrid work mode delivered unsatisfying results.D.Working modes had no impact on the number of ideas.31.What is suggested for companies to improve innovation in the last paragraph?A.Allow more flexibility in work schedules.B.Encourage team work over individual work.C.Require full-time office work for all employees.D.Arrange time for collective presence of employees.DWhen it comes to balancing the needs of humansand the needs of nature,historically it was“develop orconserve”or“develop or restore”.However,nowconservation methods are increasingly focusing oncoexistence with nature and ecological resilience(恢复力).The traditional model in coastal protection is thatyou build some kind of hard,fixed structures like a seawall, but conventional seawalls can have negative effects on biodiversity,habitats,nutrient cycling and the environment at large.“In this case,coastal protection and biodiversity are really at odds,”says Carter Smith, who researches coastal restoration.That’s where living shorelines come in.Living shorelines incorporate plants and natural materials like sand and rock to stabilize coastal areas and protect them from storms while also creating more natural habitats and minimizing environmental destruction.Smith and his colleagues studied how living shorelines performed during multiple hurricanes and found that living shorelines had significantly less“visible damage or erosion”compared to sites with conventional storm protection infrastructure.In addition to living shorelines,predators(捕食者)also play important roles in restoring ocean ecosystems.“One of the best examples we have of top predators facilitating ecosystems are tiger sharks in Australia,”says Prof.Brian Silliman,one of Smith’s colleagues.When the sharks are around,sea turtles eat fewer sea plants.“It’s not because the sharks eat a lot of sea turtles but because they scare them toward the shoreline.”When physical stressors like climate change reach a certain point in a given ecosystem,wildlife can rapidly decline.But wildlife that is adjusted to coexisting with a top predator may have a higher stress threshold(阈值).In our ever-changing world,the ability to adapt is as important as ever.“I think there’s great optimism and opportunity here,”Silliman says.“There is so much that we can learn from nature,and the more we can learn to coexist and to integrate our society with thriving ecosystems,the better it will be for everyone,”Smith agrees.32.What is implied in paragraph1?A.The balance between humans and nature.B.The improvement in ecological resilience.C.A promising consequence of nature restoration.D.A shift in the environmental protection strategy.33.What’s the purpose of paragraph2?A.To present Smith’s research achievements.B.To demonstrate the significance of shorelines.C.To explain the function of conventional seawalls.D.To show the problem of old-fashioned protection.34.How do tiger sharks help restore the ocean ecosystem?A.By regulating sea turtles’behavior.B.By influencing sea turtles’population.C.By removing sea plants from their habitat.D.By preventing physical stressors occurring.35.What tone do Silliman and Smith take in the last paragraph?A.Skeptical.B.Cautious.C.Hopeful.D.Urgent.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
A.will visitB.visitC.visitedD.have visited
14.-- _______exciting news!
--Yes, the 12-year-old boy in Beiingwas saved after the successful heart transplant.
A.opposite B.How C.see D.Both E. again F. What G. the same
Mr and Mrs Smith married thirty years ago. They have lived in34.house since then. Mr Smith goes to work at eight o'clock every morning from Monday to Friday and his wife works as a housewife at home.35.of them enjoy their roles very much.
3.My uncle looks forward towith my cousins on weekyingD.stays
4.Don’t watchTV programmes. It's not good for you.
A.You can swim in the swimming pool at any time every day.
B.The Basketball Court is open from 1:00 p.m. -- 5:00 p.m. every day.
七年级数学(上册)期末综合测试卷二(含答案)一¡选择题(30分)1、下面的数中,与-3的和为0的是()A. 3;B. -3;C. ;D. ;2、据报道:在我国南海某海域探明可燃冰储量约有194亿立方米,194亿用科学记数法表示为()A. 1.94×1010;B. 0.194×1010;C. 19.4×109;D. 1.94×109;3、已知x<0,y>0,且,则x+y的值是()A. 非负数;B. 负数;C. 正数;D. 0;4、若与的和是单项式,则的值为()A. 1;B. -1;C. 2;D. 0;5、在解方程去分母真情的是()A. ;B. ;C. ;D. ;6、有苹果若干,分给小朋友吃,若每个小朋友分3个则剩1个,若每个小朋友分4个则少2个,设共有苹果x个,则可列方程为()A. 3x+4=4x-2;B. ;C.;D. ;7、一个两位数,个位数字与十位数字之和是9,如果将个位数字与十位数字对调后,所得新数比原数答9,则原来两位数是()A. 54;B. 27;C. 72;D. 45;8、已知某种商品的售价为204元,即使促销降价20﹪仍有20﹪的利润,则该商品的成本价是()A. 133;B. 134;C. 135;D. 136;9、如图,已知直线AB、CD相交于点O,OA平分∠EOC,∠EOC=100°,则∠BOD的度数是()A. 20°;B. 40°;C. 50°;D. 80°;10、已知2001年至2012年某市小学学校数量(所)和在校学生数(人)得两幅统计图(如图①,图②),由图得出如下四个结论:①学校数量2007~2012年比2001~2006年更稳定;②在校学生数有两处连续下降,两次连续增长的变化过程;③2009年的大于1000;④2009~2012年,各相邻两年的学校数量增长和在校学生人数增长最快的年份学校数(所)20012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201202004006008001000120014001600135411971044897791605437418417408409415年份在校学生数(人)200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012430000440000435000445000450000455000460000465000470000475000············467962448960456515447971458542458729456192452143445192453897465289472613图图x y 2134567812345678x y 2134567812345678图图都是2011~2012年;其中,正确的结论是( )A. ①②③④;B. ①②③;C. ①②;D. ③④;二、填空题(24分)11、绝对值大于2.6而小于5.3的所有负数之和为 。
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1、在C#中,下列代码运行后,变量c的值是( ) (选择一项)int a = 15,b=10;float c = (float)a/b;A、0B、1C、D、52、C语言中,scanf()函数可以使用()格式说明符接受单字符型变量的值。
(选择一项)A、%cB、%dC、%fD、%s3、下列IP地址中,属于C类IP地址的是( ).(选择一项)A、 B、 C、 D、、下面代码使用HTML元素的ID属性,将样式应用于网页上的某个段落:<P id=”firstp”>这是第一个段落</P>下面选项中,( )正确定义了上面代码引用的样式规则. (选择一项)A、<STYLE TYPE=”text/css”>P#firstp{color:red}</STYLE>B、<STYLE TYPE=”text/css”> #firstp{color:red}</STYLE>C、<STYLE TYPE=”text/css”>.firstp{color:re d}</STYLE>D、<STYLE TYPE=”text/css”>{color:red}</STYLE>5、有如下一组数据:25,15,5,为了把该组织数据按升序排序,如果采用冒泡排序法,需要比较( )次.(选择一项)A、1B、2C、3D、46、在C语言中,下列代码的输出结果是()(选择一项)void main(){int i=0,j=10;for(i=0;i<j;i++,j--){if(j==10){printf(“%d,%d\n”,i,j);j--;}j++;}printf(“%d,%d”,i,j);}A、0,10B、0,10C、10,10D、9,119,9 10,107、GB,MB,KB,byte 是计算机存储器容量的计量单位,请问10240KB相当于()MB。
(选择一项)A、<FRAMESET COLS=”100,50%*,2*,*”>B、<FRAMESET COLS=”100,7*,*2*,*”>C、<FRAMESET COLS=”100,50%,2*,*”>D、<FRAMESET COLS=”100,50%,*,*”>11、下面列表对应的代码是()。
(选择一项)值日表·星期一张三·星期二李四·星期三王五A、<ol>值日表<li>星期一张三</li><li>星期二李四</li><li>星期三王五</li></ol>B、<ul>值日表<li>星期一张三</li><li>星期二李四</li><li>星期三王五</li></ul>C、<ul><li><值日表</li><li>星期一张三</li><li>星期二李四</li><li>星期三王五</li></ul>D、<ol><li><值日表</li><li>星期一张三</li><li>星期二李四</li><li>星期三王五</li></ol>12、#include<>void main(){int n=3;switch(n){case 1:p rintf(“!”);break;case 2:printf(“”);break;default:printf(“$”);}}在C语言中,执行上面程序后,输出是( ). (选择一项)A、!B、C、$D、无输出13、在c语言中,下列代码的输出结果是( ).(选择一项)void main(){printf(“%1.0f\n”,sqrt(4));}A、0B、2C、4D、1614、已知下列C语言代码的输出结果是2008年是闰年,已知闰年的判定规则是:能被4整除但不能被100整除的年份,或能被400整除的年份。
(选择一项)void main(){int i=2008;if(空白处){p rintf(“%d年是闰年”,i);}getchar();}A、(i%4==0‖i%100!=0)&&i%400==0B、!(i%4==0 && i%100==0‖i%4!==0)C、i%4==0 && i%100==0‖i%4!==0D、(i%4==0 && i%100!=0)‖i%400==015、分析下面的C语言程序:void main(){int n;scanf(“%d”,&n);if(n<10)printf(“%d\n”,n++);elseprintf(“%d\n”,n--);}如果从键盘上输入9,则输出结果是()。
(选择一项)double x=;double y=floor(x);printf(“%.0f”,y);A、98B、99C、100D、10117、在SQL Server 2005中,要查找eatables 表中item_desc 字段的值以“CHOCO”开头(如CHOCOLATE、CHOCOPIE)的所有记录。
(选择一项)A、select * from eatables where item_desc LIKE “CHOCO”B、select * from eatables where item_desc =“CHOCO_”C、select * from eatable s where item_desc LIKE “CHOCO%”D、select * from eatables where item_desc LIKE “%CHOCO”18、十进制数10的十六进制数表示是:()(选择一项)A、1B、AC、BD、1619、下列列举的功能中,计算机能都实现的有()。
(选择一项)1.数据输入2.数据输出3.数据处理4.数据存储A、1、2 B3、4 C、1、2、3 D、1、2、3、420、执行以下C语言代码段后,m的值为()。
(选择一项)int a[3]={1,2,3};int m,*p;p=&a[0];m=(*p)*(*(p+1))*(*(p+2));A、1B、6C、9D、1521、要在表单中添加提交按钮,实现在用户单击“提交”按钮时,自动将表单提交到ACTION 属性中指定的位置。
(选择二项)A、<FORM METHOD=”POST” ACTION=<INPUT TYPE=”button” VALUE=”提交”NAME=“b1”></FORM>B、<FORM METHOD=”POST” ACTION=<INPUT TYPE=”reset” VALUE=”提交”NAME=“reset1”></FORM>C、<FORM METHOD=”POST” ACTION=<INPUT TYPE=”submit” VALUE=”提交”NAME=“submit1”></FORM>D、<FORM METHOD=”POST” ACTION=<INPUT TYPE=”submit” VALUE=”提交”NAME=“b1”></FORM>22、在C语言中,为了使下列代码的输出结果是21,在空白处应该填写的代码是()。
(选择二项)void main(){int *p;int num[5]={10,20,21,40,50};p=num;p++;printf("%d",空白处);getchar();}A、(*p)+1B、++pC、*(++p)D、p+2023、MS-DOS可用于组织和使用储存在磁盘中的信息,DOS命令( ) 用于创建一个新目录. (选择一项)A、mkdirB、deleteC、renD、cd24、使用C#开发的Windows应用程序中可以构建一个包含多个窗口的主窗体,我们称之为MDI 父窗体,以下关于MDI父窗体的特点描述错误的是( ) . (选择一项)A、启动一个MDI应用程序时,首先显示父窗体B、每个应用程序界面都只能有一个MDI父窗体C、MDI子窗体可以在MDI父窗体外随意移动D、关闭MDI父窗体时,所有子窗体会自动关闭25、在WinForms窗体中,为了禁用一个名为btnOpen的Button控件,下列做法正确的是( ). (选择一项)A、 = true;B、 = false;C、= false;D、= true;26、C#语言是一种面向对象的语言,C#语言中声明类的关键字是( ). (选择一项)A、usingB、classC、namespaceD、Main27、在C#中,下列代码的运行结果是( ). (选择一项)using System;class Test{static void Main(){string name = “";foreach(char c in name){(c);}A、输出: nameB、输出:C、编译出错,存在语法错误D、输出: cccc28、在SQL Server2005数据库的聚合函数中,函数( )返回表达式中的平均值. (选择一项)A、AVGB、SUMC、MIND、COUNT29、在C#语言的程序中,数据类型转换分为隐式转换和( ) 转换. (选择一项)A、自动B、手动C、强制D、显式30、在C语言中,定义带参数的方法时,参数可以为一个或多个,多个参数之间使用( )符号进行分隔. (选择一项)A、;(分号)B、,(逗号)C、空格符D、-(连字符)31、在C#中,要向控制台打印输出"Welcome to Space!” 并自动换行,可以实现此功能语句是( )(选择一项)A、("Welcom to Space!");B、("Welcom to Space!\t");C、 ("Welcom to Space!");D、("Welcom to Space!/n");32、在C#开发的Windows应用程序中,有一个类名为Form的窗体,下列代码能够正确把该窗体显示为模式对话框的是( )(选择一项)A、Form f = new Form(); (); = true;B、Form f = new Form(Dialog);C、Form f = new Form(); ();D、Form f = new Form(); ();33、在C#开发程序中,选项中能够在屏幕上输出以下文本的语句是( ) . (选择一项) 10*10 = 100A、({0}*{1}={2},10,10,100);B、("{0}*{1}={2},10,10,10*10");C、string number = ("{0}*{1}={2}",10,10,10*10); (number);D、string number = ({0}*{1}={2},10,10,10*10); (number);34、DataSet是中用于存储从数据库检索到的数据的对象,下列关于DataSet的说法错误的是( ) . (选择一项)A、在DataSet中可以包含多个DataTableB、DataSet可以简单地理解为一个临时数据库C、在与数据库断开连接后,DataSet中的数据会消失D、DataSet实际上是从数据源中检索到的数据在内存中缓存35、在C#中,下列代码的运行结果是( ). (选择一项)using System;namespace TestApplication{public class Test{static void Main(){int x = 6;switch(x){case 6:case 7:("今天是周末");break;case 1:("今天是星期一");break;case 2:("今天是星期二");break;default:("你完成任务了吗");break;}}}}A、编译出错B、输出:今天是星期一C、输出:今天是星期二D、输出:今天是周末36、如图是Windows Server2003中资源管理器的搜索界面,要在D盘中搜索所有文件名中包含music且扩展名为mp3的文件,在光标处应输入的字符是( ) (选择一项)A、*music*.mp3B、music*.mp3C、*D、mp3.*music*37、用C#开发控制台应用程序时,如果需要程序接收用户输入的整型数字,则应当使用以下( )语句实现.(选择一项)A、int i = ().int();B、int i = int());C、int i = ();D、int i = ());38、在SQL Server2005数据库中,有students(学生)表,包含字段:SID(学号),SName(姓名),Grade(成绩).现查找所有学员中成绩最高的前5名学员.下列SQL语句正确的是( ). (选择一项)A、SELECT TOP 5 FROM students ORDER BY Grade DESCB、SELECT TOP 5 FROM students ORDER BY GradeC、SELECT TOP 5 * FROM students ORDER BY GradeD、SELECT TOP 5 * FROM students ORDER BY Grade DESC39、在C语言中,下列代码的运行结果是( ).(选择一项)void main(){int a = 1,b = 2 ,c = 3;if(a<0)if(b<0)c = 10;elsec = 20;printf(“%d”,c);}A、输出:10B、输出:20C、输出:3D、编译报错40、在SQL Server2005数据库中,客户表customers包含字段:客户编号cid和名称cname,订单表orders包含字段:客户编号cid,如果需要通过查询获得有订单的客户的名称,下面查询语句中( ) 可以实现该需求. (选择一项)A、SELECT from customers LEFT JOIN orders ON =B、SELECT from customers INNER JOIN orders ON =C、SELECT from customers RIGHT JOIN orders where =D、SELECT from customers JOIN orders WHERE =41、分析下面的C语言字段,编译运行后的输出结果是( )(选择一项)for (int i = 0; i<6 ;i++){int k = ++i;while(k<5) {printf(“%d”,i);break;}}A、024B、02C、13D、12342、在c#中,下列代码的运行结果是( ).(选择一项)using System;class Test{public static void ShowArr(int[] arr){for(int i =0; i<;i++){(arr[i]);arr[i] = arr[i]*2;}}static void Main(string[] args){int[] arr = new int[]{2,4,6};ShowArr(arr);ShowArr(arr);}}A、123123B、123246C、2464812D、24624643、使用访问数据库,某程序员编写了如下几行代码,你觉得错误的应该是( )行.(选择一项)OleDbCommand oleCmd = new OleDbCommand(); 2 CET Framework为我们提供了两个重要的组件;数据提供程序和DataSet,以下对象中( )是.NET Framework数据提供程序的核心对象. (选择多项)A、ConnectionB、CommandC、DataReaderD、DataAdapter45、为了能够长时间保存一些数码照片,应该把数码照片文件保存在( )中(选择二项)A、ROMB、光盘C、硬盘D、内存46、在SQL Server2005数据库中,使用update语句更新数据库表中的数据,以下说法正确的是( ) (选择一项)A、每次只能更新一行数据B、每次可以更新多行数据C、如果没有数据项被更新,将提示错误信息D、更新数据时,必须带有WHERE条件子句47、在SQL Server2005数据库中,有一个book(图书)表 ,包含字段:bookId(图书编号),title(书名),pDate(出版日期),author(作者)等字段,其中( )字段作为该表的主键是最适当的.(选择一项)A、bookIDB、titleC、pDateD、author48、在HTML页面中,使用( )标签可以实现文字和图片的滚动效果. (选择一项)A、<HR>B、<PRE>C、<BR>D、<MARQUEE>49、在HTML中,( ) 标签用于在网页中创建表单. (选择一项)A、<INPUT>B、<SELECT>C、<TABLE>D、<FORM>50、在计算机的数制系统中,最常见的三种数制系统中不包括( ) . (选择一项)A、二进制B、五进制C、八进制D、十六进制1、C2、A3、A4、B5、C6、A7、B8、C10、C11、B12、C13、B14、D15、C16、B17、C18、B19、D20、B21、CD22、AC23、A24、C25、B26、B27、B28、A29、D30、B31、C32、D33、C34、C35、D37、D38、D39、C40、B41、C42、C43、C44、ABCD45、BC46、B47、A48、D49、D50、B。