fast food是什么意思


fast food

fast food
就我个人的观点认为,一方面,政府应该加强快餐的管理、大力扶持中 国特色餐馆。另一方面,消费者应形成健康的饮食习惯,加强孩子对快餐危害 的知识。
From my point of view, on the one hand, the government should strengthen the management, give aid to energetically Chinese restaurants. On the other hand, consumers should form a healthy eating habit, strengthen the child to fast food hazards knowledge.
快餐严重影响了我们的健康。 例如损害少年儿童智力、导致肥 胖和性早熟、氢化油导致慢性病、 致癌物质含量很高、“三高”、 “三低”营养失衡等等。
Although the foreign fast food health warnings can be heard without end, Chinese consumers seem to turn a deaf ear to. According to foreign fast food may bring a health crisis, domestic consumers really can be neglected? 尽管针对洋快餐的健康警示不绝于耳,中国 的消费者却似乎置若罔闻。针对洋快餐可能带来 的健康危机,国内消费者是否真的可以忽略不计 吗?
Fast food
Today, fast food once again finds itself at center stage in controversy surrounding its impact on public health 现在快餐食品又成了影 响大众健康争论的中心。

Fast food

Fast food

随着快餐行业的的急速发展, 传统的中式食物受到了极大的压 力。于是中式快餐出现了。相比 于西式快餐来说中员点了一份快餐之后,你的饮料一般是一份可乐。但我们 知道可乐也不是一种十分健康的饮料。说以我们最好把可乐换成别的饮料, 像是橙汁或是咖啡等。
Fast food
快餐是预先做的食物,如汉堡包、披萨等。 可以十分快速的提供给顾客使用。 全球最大的快餐店毋庸置疑是MacDonald’s 创于1954年,它在取得的巨大成功取决于 它紧跟时代的发展。正是他的成功才让越来越 多的人开始注意快餐业。
快餐现在几乎成了一些人生活中十分重要的 一部分。它的快捷,方便和便宜的价格是它主 要的优点。
That’s all .Thank you.
迫于压力,很多知名的快餐店都在往自己的菜单里添加更多的蔬菜和水果。他 们想借此来让人们觉得快餐也可以是健康的。
不管如何快餐 还是比传统食物 有着跟多的脂肪 盐分和糖分。现 代人正越来越肥 胖也跟快餐的流 行密切相关。 是时候到了拒 绝快餐的时候了。 多吃点蔬菜水果, 少吃点油炸食品。 这对你的健康有 好处。
快餐主要是由油炸食品构成的。比如说像炸鸡翅 ,炸鸡腿,炸薯条。它们大部分都制作便捷,这是 快餐店之所以能以如此高的效率为顾客服务的原因 之一。 便捷的制作过程,深受大众喜爱的口味,这些成 为了快餐风靡全球的主要原因。 但通常,我们称油炸食品为垃圾食品。吃快餐 所引起的健康问题已经吸引了大众的注意力。

Fast food

Fast food

美国人吃午餐和吃晚餐之前通常要喝点鸡尾酒,但在加利福尼亚州,人们大 都喝葡萄酒。吃主食之前,一般都要吃一盘色拉。炸磨茹和炸洋葱圈可作为开胃 食品,牛排、猪排和鸡(腿)为主食,龙虾、贝壳类动物以及各种鱼类甚至包括 淡水鱼被统称为海鲜。炸土豆条是深受人们喜爱而且几乎成了必不可少的食物。 另外应特别注意的一点,如有吃剩的食物,一定要打包带回家,以免浪费。
Roast beef turkey steaks Fried Chicken Pizzas(意大利式) 烘焰饼 Soft Drinks 软饮料 ketchup(蕃茄酱) sausage(香肠) Jelly(果子冻) butter黄油. Hot dog热狗
美国人吃饭用刀叉,而且他们的用餐方式是很有讲究的。一般 情况下,餐桌上摆放有一幅餐刀和两幅餐叉,外边的餐叉供你吃色 拉,里边的餐叉用于吃主食和其它点心食品,餐刀用来切肉食。如 果你两手并用,应左手握叉,右手握刀,而且一次握刀时间不能太 长。
for here or to go? what kind of drink?
It’s bad for your health!
胖子为洗起肥胖 2003年1月,英国《新科学家》杂志报道,快 餐可引起体内激素变化,使人上瘾。 2.导致“富贵病” 儿童期肥胖导致脂质和糖代谢异常, 使血脂、血糖及血压升高. 3.诱发癌症 “洋快餐”的多种食物中均含有大量丙毒----致癌毒素. 4.造成营养不良 如今的孩子爱吃甜食,喝饮料,很容易 引起孩子的饱腹感,到吃饭时食欲全无。 5.降低免疫力 长期吃洋快餐可使人体体液变为酸性,体 内酸碱失衡而危及免疫系统。 6.影响智力 爆米花、罐装食品或饮料含铅量高,血铅浓 度达到5~15微克/100毫升时,会引起儿童发育迟缓和智 力减退。

雅思高分作文Fast food句子解析

雅思高分作文Fast food句子解析

雅思高分作文Fast food句子解析1.Many people today frequent fast-food restaurants, because of the fast pace of life and irregular working hours. 译文:许多人如今经常光顾快餐店,因为快节奏的生活和不规律的工作时间。

主语:Many people谓语:frequent宾语:fast-food restaurants原因状语:because of the fast pace of life and irregular working hours2.Fast food can affect families adversely and also cause some problems at the societal level.译文:快餐对家庭产生了不利影响,同时也造成了社会问题。

主语:Fast food谓语:can affect, cause宾语:families,some problems状语:at the societal level3.The reliance on fast food rather than traditional diets has become a health issue in some societies, where the number of overweight people has increased dramatically.译文:对快餐的依赖,而不是传统饮食,给社会带来了健康问题,超重的人数急剧增长。

主语:The reliance状语:on fast food rather than traditional diets谓语:has become宾语:a health issue状语:in some societies,定语从句:where the number of overweight people has increased dramatically.4.It is not only because fast food is high in fat, sugar, salt and calories but also because fast food is served in large portions.译文:因为快餐不仅脂肪、糖、盐和卡路里的含量很高,而且分量很大。

最新精品作文:Fast Food(速食)_300字作文-精品作文

最新精品作文:Fast Food(速食)_300字作文-精品作文
My family likes fast food but we don’t eat at Western fast food restaurants very often. My mum says some fast food is bad for us. It is usually high in fat so it is not good for our health.

fast food英语作文

fast food英语作文

fast food英语作文快餐作为现代生活节奏加快的产物已经成为许多人日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。



Fast food as a product of the accelerated pace of modern life has become an indispensable part of many peoples daily lives. With its characteristics of speed convenience and economy it has quickly occupied the market. However the nutritional value and health issues of fast food have also attracted peoples attention.首先快餐的制作过程中往往使用了大量的油脂和调味品这使得快餐的热量和脂肪含量较高。



Firstly a large amount of oil and seasonings are often used in the production process of fast food which makes the calories and fat content of fast food relatively high. Longterm consumption of fast food can easily lead to health problems such as obesity hypertension and hyperlipidemia. In addition additives and preservatives in fast food may also have adverse effects on human health.其次快餐的营养价值相对较低。

fast food翻译

fast food翻译

fast food翻译















主食快餐的名词解释英文可以分为几个关键词,如Fast Food、Convenience Food以及Staple Food,下文将逐一解释。

1. Fast Food (快餐)Fast food是主食快餐的最常用的英文表达。

Fast food一词中的fast表示“快速”的意思,food表示“食物”。





2. Convenience Food (方便食品)Convenience food是主食快餐的另一个常用英文表达。






3. Staple Food (主食)Staple food是指人们日常生活中主要依赖的食物,一般是提供人体能量和基本营养的主要来源。




fast food术语

fast food术语

fast food术语

2. 汉堡包 - 由一个烤面包夹着一个肉饼、生菜、番茄、奶酪等其他配料的食品。

3. 炸鸡 - 一种用面糊或面包糠覆盖的鸡肉,然后用油炸至金黄色的食品。

4. 热狗 - 一种由烤面包夹着一根香肠的食品,通常配上腌黄瓜、酸菜、芥末酱等调料。

5. 薯条 - 一种切成条状的马铃薯,通常油炸至金黄色的食品。

6. 可口可乐 - 一种碳酸饮料,由可乐树皮、咖啡因、糖和其他调味品混合制成。

7. 薯饼 - 一种把马铃薯泥压成薄饼,然后油煎至金黄色的食品。

8. 奶昔 - 一种冰冻的奶制品,由牛奶、冰淇淋和其他调味料混合制成。

9. 鸡块 - 一种由鸡肉切成的小块,通常油炸至金黄色的食品。

10. 披萨 - 一种由饼皮、番茄酱、奶酪和其他配料混合制成的

- 1 -。

fast food英语作文优秀范文

fast food英语作文优秀范文

fast food英语作文优秀范文快餐基本上在全世界都很受欢迎,人们尤其是小孩青少年喜欢快餐。

今天为大家带来fast food英语作文,欢迎大家学习!Fast food is becoimg more and more popular in China,especially among children and teenagers.Today,it's cretainly difficult to think of any other single thing that representthe fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food.There are several reasons for its popularity.Firstly,it is very convenient and saves a lot of time.The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal-saving time,and fast food well serves this purpose.You just go into a fast food restaurant,order you food,and your food is ready in no time.You can either eat it there or take it away.Secondly,its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants,the excellent service,and the guaranteed quality of food.As far as I am concerned,on the one hand,in terms of nutrition,fast food is far from satisfactory.It usually destroy a balanced diet and is low in nutrional value.On the otherhand,although cooking at home is time-consuming and the following washing-up tiresome,it offer healthy and delicious meals your body like and needs.Fast food is only a good choice when you are in hurry and it once in a food英语作文篇二Fast food has flooded in our lives nowadays. Concerning fast food, different people have different attitudes.Some hold that fast food is necessary in our society while others argue that fast food is harmful to our health. As far as I am concerned, fast food is necessary but not a must in our lives.On the one hand, fast food is necessary in our today’s society. Although fast food is not as nutritious as home-made food, it is a good replacement when we are in hurry and have no enough time to prepare food by ourselves. It can help us to save much time. In addition, fast food is cheaper but various and we can taste different kinds of food by using less money.On the other hand, however, fast food is not a must. Fast food can be used to replace our home-made food sometimes, but we should not eat it very often. Compared with home-made food, the nutrition provided by fast food is far less. Therefore, eating fast food only can not provide enoughnutrition for our growth. Besides, the problem of food security is another factor we should consider when eating fast food.In a word, fast food is necessary sometimes in our lives, but we can not eat it very often. At the same time, to fit for the need of people, fast food restaurants should develop and provide more and more nutritious food and strengthen the supervision of food food英语作文篇三Life pace moves very fast these days. People don't like to waste time on their breakfast and lunch except their business luncheon and family occasions. They always have their meals out of or in their offices. With this kind of new custom, fast food is getting more and more popular. You may rind McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, hainburger shops everywhere. In recent years, fast food rushes into China, and Chinese young people begin to be fond of it. But is anything popular a good one? The answer is No.It's reported that fast food is unfit particularly for children who need more nutrition for their growth, for there is little nutrition in it. If you always have it, your health will be badly affected. Unfortunately, there are still many people spending much money on fast food, with anidea that they areenjoying themselves in a new life food英语作文篇四Fast food is quite popular in China these years.Many people, mainly children and teenagers, like to have fast food for their meals. Why is fast food so welcomed by people? I think there are three reasons.First of all, fast food is very convenience. With busy lifestyles, people tend to rely on fast food to save their time. Besides, we can either have our meals in the restaurant or take it home, which means we have more choices than waiting in the crowded common restaurant only. What's more, the environment of the fast food resaurant such as the small coffee shops is clean and comfortable, which often creates a romantic and elegant atmosphere.However, just like every coin has two sides, fast food also has its own drawbacks. For example, compared with vegetables and fresh fruits, fast food contain little nutrients that are good for our health. Instead, fast food like hamburgers and French fries are rich in fat, and we will easily put on weight if we eat woo much of them. That's why we have more overweight children than before.In conclusion, although fast food is delicious and convenience, we should eat them neither too often nor toomuch in order to keep ourselves in good health.。




1. Have a meal:进餐,吃饭
- Let's have a meal together. 我们一起吃饭吧。

2. Fast food meal:快餐
- I don't have time to cook, let's get a fast food meal. 我没有时间做饭,我们来吃快餐吧。

3. Healthy meal:健康饮食
- It's important to have a balanced and healthy meal. 均衡健康的饮食很重要。

4. Family meal:家庭聚餐
- We always have a family meal on Sundays. 我们每周天都有家庭聚餐。

5. Three-course meal:三道菜的正餐
- The restaurant offers a three-course meal for $50. 这家餐厅提供一份价格为50美元的三道菜正餐。

6. Pack a meal:打包饭
- I'm running late, can you pack a meal for me, please? 我时间有点紧,你能帮我打包一份饭吗?

Fast Food语法填空答案

Fast Food语法填空答案

Fast Food语法填空答案
(1)Fast food ________ (be) full of fat and salt;
fat than they need in their diet.
(2)Sarah says, "My dad thinks I should take the offer now. But at the moment, school ______(come) first. I don’t want to get too absorbed in modeling.
(3)Later, engineers ________(manage) to construct railways in a system of deep tunnels (隧道), which became known to the tube.
【答案】is comes managed


fast food的意思是“快餐”,表示一类食物,为不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式,表示客观事实,故填is。







【导语】快餐在我们的⽣活中经常出现,你对于快餐有怎样的看法呢?⼤家不妨写⼀篇关于fast food的英语作⽂描述⼀下吧。

以下是⽆忧考为⼤家精⼼整理的《fast food英语作⽂带翻译》,欢迎⼤家阅读,供您参考。

【篇⼀】 Fast food is quite popular in China these years.Many peoplemainly children and teenagerslike to have fast food for their meals.Why is fast food so welcomed by people?I think there are three reasons. First of allfast food is very convenience.With busy lifestylespeople tend to rely on fast food to save their time. Besideswe can either have our meals in the restaurant or take it homewhich means we have more choices than waiting in the crowded common restaurant only. What's morethe environment of the fast food restaurant such as the small coffee shops is clean and comfortablewhich often creates a romantic and elegant atmosphere. Howeverjust like every coin has two sidesfast food also has its own drawbacks.For examplecompared with vegetables and fresh fruitsfast food contain little nutrients that are good for our health. Insteadfast food like hamburgers and French fries are rich in fatand we will easily put on weight if we eat woo much of them.That's why we have more overweight children than before. In conclusionalthough fast food is delicious and conveniencewe should eat them neither too often nor too much in order to keep ourselves in good health. 翻译: 快餐在中国很受欢迎。

fast food英语作文120词

fast food英语作文120词

fast food英语作文120词Fast food has become a popular choice for many people due to its convenience and affordability. With our busy lifestyles, it's easy to see why fast food has become a staple in many of our diets.快餐因其便利和实惠,成为许多人的首选。


However, the convenience of fast food comes at a cost. Many fast food options are high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and calories, leading to an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, and other health problems. It's important to be mindful of our fast food consumption and make healthier choices whenever possible.然而,快餐的便利是有代价的。



In addition to the health concerns, the fast food industry has also been criticized for its environmental impact. The production anddistribution of fast food contribute to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and pollution. As consumers, we should be aware of the environmental consequences of our food choices and consider more sustainable options.除了健康问题,快餐业也因其环境影响而受到批评。

英语日常口语Unit25-Fast food

英语日常口语Unit25-Fast food

英语日常口语Unit25:Fast food本单元是关于快餐的对话Alice: Ooh, what’s that smell? Do I detect cheeseburger and fries? Michal, you disappoint me. What happened to all your resolve at New Year?Michal: I’m trying to give up fast food but it’s just so easy and cheap. I’m really beginning to run out of money so I can’t afford better food and I’m really missing my mum’s cooking and I don’t know how to cook the way she does and I miss my friends and I don’t have a job?Alice: Oh Michal, don’t cry. Come here pet, let me give you a hug.Helen: Michal! Alice! What the hell do think you’re doing?V ocabulary:fast food: food that’s convenient and quick to buy (for example, hamburgers, French fries) 快餐食品,即简便易买的食品,比如汉堡包和炸薯条等to run out of something (v, idiom): to not have any more of something 用完,耗尽(习惯用语)pet (adj, informal): term of endearment. If people know each other very well or if one person is much older than the other one, they might address each other informally using pet, love, dear or hen宠物,宝贝。



外研版(三起)四年级英语上册Module5短语和句型一、短语:1.want some rice要一些大米/米饭2.Chinese fast food中国快餐 food快餐4.No,thank you.(本文)不要,谢谢你5.Yes,please(本文)是的,请来一些。

6.look at this man看这个男人7.make noodles做面条 difficult 难的 England在英国10.make dumplings做饺子11.cook vegetables做蔬菜/做菜12.make cakes做蛋糕13.put it in the pan把它放在平底锅里14.make me a cake为我做蛋糕 fast as you can尽可能快的二、句型:1.Do you want some rice?No,thank you.你要一些米饭吗?不要,谢谢。

【Do you want....?是“你要一些.......?”这类一般问句要用助动词“do”。

Want.....是“要.....”;some rice一些米饭,some后面可跟可数名词的复数也可跟不可数名词。


在本文中,如果你不要这些东西,就用“No,thank you.”意思是“不要,谢谢你。


”】再如:Do you want some noodles?Yes,please.你要一些面条吗?是的,请来一些。



2.What is he doing?He`s making noodles.他正在做什么?他正在做面条。

【What is he doing?这是询问第三人称正在干什么?Be的形式用“is”。

】再如:What si Daming doing?He`s having rice.大明正在干什么?他正在吃米饭。

fast food英语四级作文中英文对照

fast food英语四级作文中英文对照

fast food英语四级作文中英文对照Fast food has become an indispensable part of modern people's life. It is convenient, delicious, and varied, which satisfies people's fast-paced life and diverse tastes.快餐已经成为现代人生活中不可或缺的一部分。


However, the popularity of fast food has brought about a series of health problems. Many fast food products are high in calories, unhealthy fats, and sodium, leading to issues such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.然而,快餐的普及也带来了一系列的健康问题。


In addition, the excessive consumption of fast food also affects the environment. The production and distribution of fast food contribute to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and pollution, which in turn harm ecosystems and human health.此外,过度消费快餐也影响了环境。


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fast food是什么意思
Western people like to eat in fast food restaurants. The food there is delicious and it comes quickly. Also, it is not too expensive, and the restaurants are always clean and bright. People can eat in it or take their food away. Chinese families love
to eat in fast food restaurants, too. There are two kinds of fast food restaurants in China,western fast food restaurants and Chinese ones. Western fast food restaurants sell hamburgers, fresh fries, fried chicken legs, chicken nuggets, drinks and so on. The Chinese fast food restaurants sell dumplings, noodles, spring rolls, and other Chinese snacks. Some fast food is usually with too much fat in it, not good for our health.
fast food的意思是快餐








snack;[食品] short order;quick meal
快餐 fast food,snack,fast food restaurant
快餐店 Fast food restaurant,Snack Bar,fast food
快餐厅 snack bar,Fast Food,Fast-food Restaurant
