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Homemade wind-heat cough diet recipe

Spring and summer heat cough multiple wind, wind-heat cough diet is most effective. Then you know the wind-heat cough therapeutic side what it? Here I will introduce eight wind-heat cough diet, have this symptom friends try.

Wind-heat cough manifested as Kesheng heavy sound with phlegm, sputum thick, volume, yellow, severe or turn green; streaming yellow nose; afraid of the wind, sweating, cough, sore throat, dry mouth, dry stool, urine yellow or less accompanied by fever. Suitable dispersing heat, through the lung cough therapeutic side.

Wind-heat cough diet

Wind-heat cough diet should eat pears, figs, watermelon, green olives, mint, Panda Hai, honeysuckle, Jichi Singery replenishing goods, such as longan, angelica, pepper, vinegar, beef, lamb, donkey, horse and so on.

1, fritillary stewed pears. Pears rearward shank transverse incision, digging in the middle of nuclear sugar into 2 to 3, 5 to 6 fritillary (Fritillaria want to crack into the end), to fight the good fight of the pears in a bowl, on steaming pot about 30 minutes, twice for the baby to eat. This Fangyou Run lungs, cough, phlegm role.

2, water chestnuts, lily soup. 30 grams of water chestnuts, lily 1 g, l a Sydney, crystal sugar. The water chestnuts, peeled and smashed, Sydney skin shredding to the core, three mixed, add boiling water add sugar and cook until Shulan thick soup. Can be nourishing yin, Huatanzhike. Treatment of cough, phlegm, thick yellow sputum, throat disadvantaged, especially for chronic bronchitis can see phlegm disease situation.

3, pear porridge. 1 fresh pear, chopped with skin, put the casserole, add water, boiling for 30 minutes, to the residue and washing clean rice congee with 50 grams, you can warm clothes.

4, Sang Ju almond tea. 10 grams of mulberry leaves, chrysanthemum 10 grams, 10 grams of almonds (peeled and mashed) together into the pot, add boiling water for 20 to 30 minutes, the juice can be transferred to 15 grams of honey, warm clothes.

5, loofah nectar drink. Clean loofah spend 10 grams, into the cups, with boiling water, cover the lid stew soaked for 10 minutes, and then transferred to honey, hot clothes.

6, licorice mint drink. 5 g mint leaves, licorice 1, sugar, water amount. Ready for raw materials, will be washed with water mint leaves, licorice slices spare; into 1000 ml of water, add licorice and mint leaves boiled, high heat for 3 minutes after adding the right amount of sugar and stir until melted; sub-simmer Two minutes later, remove mint leaves and licorice, and the rest of the sauce over the gauze filtered residue, let cool and serve. With mint with licorice Jianshui taking, to detoxify, relieve symptoms of cough and throat.

7, Lei Pui soup. Pear 100 g (Wash pitted, sliced), Fritillaria 6 grams (mashed), bellflower 10 grams, put together the casserole boiling for 20 minutes, then add chrysanthemum 10 grams, cook for 10 minutes to slag take juice, add sugar amount, you can warm clothes.

Wind-heat cough diet

8, boiled radish water. White radish washed, cut 4 to 5 slices into a small pot, increase the bowl of water, after the fire to boil, then simmer for 5 minutes instead. And other water cooler and then give the baby to drink, this party treat wind-heat cough, dry nose and throat, dry cough with little phlegm effect is good.

Other wind-heat cough foods

1, Fei son, cold, to heat, phlegm, cough, but you can only eat 1 to 2, eat a lot of stomach will be uncomfortable.

2, watermelon, cold, fever can cure everything for summer eating.

3, loquat, cool, can lungs and phlegm, cough, vomiting yellow purulent suitable for people to eat.
