1. 点击率:表示用户与某个内容的互动程度,即用户点击了广告、链接或其他行动的次数与实际编辑数的比率。
2. 互动率:表示用户与某个的内容交互程度,包括但不限于评论、分享、点赞等,互动率是互动次数与实际观看次数的比率。
3. 转化率:表示用户点击广告后转化为潜在客户或实际购买的比率,转化率是成功交易数与点击广告数的比率。
4. 浏览时间:表示用户在网站或社交媒体停留的时间,对于广告主来说,浏览时间给予了广告主对用户的兴趣和满意程度的反馈。
5. 阅读深度:表示用户在网站或社交媒体上阅读的内容深度。
6. 分享次数:表示用户分享某个内容的次数,分享次数是衡量用户对某个主题或广告内容的接受度的主要指标。
7. 留存率:表示用户在一段时间内保留对某个应用程序或网站的使用,留存率是在规定时间内仍然使用应用程序或网站的用户数与总安装量的比率。
8. 回访率:表示用户对某个网站或应用程序的回访次数,回访率是指用户在规定时间内回访网站或应用程序的次数与总访问次数的比率。
9. 活跃用户数:表示在规定时间内使用某个应用程序或网站的用户数量。
10. 行为转化:不同于广告业务,行为转化仅仅需要用户完成某个设定好的行为,而不是购买商品。
collaborative engagement的12中例子 -回复
collaborative engagement的12中例子-回复Collaborative engagement is a concept that emphasizes the importance of working together and sharing ideas to achieve a common goal. It involves active participation, open communication, and mutual trust among all involved parties. In this article, we will explore 12 examples of collaborative engagement and discuss how they can be applied in various settings.1. Teamwork in the workplace: Collaborative engagement is vital for effective teamwork in the workplace. It involves sharing knowledge, skills, and resources to accomplish tasks and solve problems together. This can be facilitated through team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and group projects.2. Agile project management: In the field of project management, collaborative engagement plays a significant role in the agile methodology. It emphasizes close collaboration between cross-functional teams, including stakeholders, developers, and customers. They work together in short cycles to deliver continuous value and adapt to changing requirements.3. Community involvement: Collaborative engagement extends beyond the workplace. It can be seen in community projects and initiatives, where individuals come together to address common issues and improve the quality of life for all members. This may involve organizing events, fundraising, or volunteering.4. Academic research: Collaborative engagement is crucial in the field of academic research. Researchers from different disciplines often collaborate to bring diverse perspectives and expertise to their work. This collaborative approach leads to innovative solutions and advancements in knowledge.5. Cross-sector collaborations: Organizations from different sectors, such as government, non-profit, and private sectors, can engage collaboratively to address complex societal challenges. By pooling resources, sharing expertise, and working towards a common goal, they can bring about positive social change.6. Online collaboration platforms: With the rise of technology, collaborative engagement has been made easier through online platforms. Tools like project management software, shared document repositories, and virtual meeting platforms enableindividuals and teams to communicate and collaborate effectively, regardless of their physical location.7. Co-creation with customers: Collaborative engagement can be seen in businesses that involve their customers in the development and improvement of their products or services. By seeking customer feedback, ideas, and suggestions, companies can create offerings that better meet their customers' needs and preferences.8. Interdisciplinary team collaboration: Collaborative engagement is essential when working in interdisciplinary teams, where individuals from different fields come together to solve complex problems. This promotes a holistic approach and encourages the integration of diverse perspectives for comprehensive solutions.9. Collaborative learning: In educational settings, collaborative engagement is beneficial for students' learning experiences. Group projects, discussions, and peer-to-peer learning activities encourage active participation, critical thinking, and knowledge sharing among students.10. Global collaborations: Collaborative engagement has no boundaries and can occur on a global scale. International organizations, governments, and individuals can collaborate to address global issues such as climate change, poverty, and healthcare. This allows for the sharing of resources, knowledge, and best practices across countries and cultures.11. Innovation and design thinking: Collaborative engagement is central to innovation and design thinking processes. By involving diverse stakeholders in brainstorming sessions, prototyping, and feedback loops, organizations can develop creative and user-centric solutions to challenges.12. Conflict resolution and negotiation: Lastly, collaborative engagement plays a crucial role in conflict resolution and negotiation processes. By promoting open communication, active listening, and finding common ground, parties involved can reach mutually acceptable agreements and maintain harmonious relationships.In conclusion, collaborative engagement is a multifaceted concept that applies to various fields and contexts. By embracingcollaboration, individuals and organizations can harness the power of teamwork, diverse perspectives, and shared goals to achieve desired outcomes. Whether it is in the workplace, academia, community projects, or global challenges, collaborative engagement facilitates improved problem-solving, innovation, and positive social change.。
Auditing:Engagement Planning
Engagement Letters
• When a new client is accepted or when an audit engagement continues from year to year, an engagement letter should be prepared. • Acts as a contract between auditor and client. • Serves as a means of reducing the risk of misunderstandings with the client and as a means of avoiding legal liability for claims that the auditors did not perform the work promised • Should include: – Objectives of the engagement – Management’s responsibilities – Auditors’ responsibilities – Any limitations of the engagement
Considering the Work of Internal Auditors
• Must obtain an understanding of a client’s internal audit department and its work • Audit efficiency can be realized when the two groups work together • Prior to using the work of internal auditors, external auditors should consider internal auditors’ objectivity and competence • Internal auditors should not be delegated tasks that require extensive professional judgment
Activities, engagement, and emotion in after-school
NEW DIRECTIONS FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, NO. 105, SPRING 2005 © WILEY PERIODICALS, INC.121Experience sampling methodology was used to mea-sure engagement during the after-school hours.Experiences that combined high levels of intrinsicmotivation with concerted effort and enjoyment weremore likely at after-school programs than elsewhere.7Activities, engagement, andemotion in after-school programs (and elsewhere)Deborah Lowe V andell, David J. Shernoff,Kim M. Pierce, Daniel M. Bolt,Kimberly Dadisman, B. Bradford BrownEXPERIENCES THAT ARE deeply engaging and enjoyable, engenderfull concentration, and present a balance between challenge and skill propel or push development forward.1For the past twenty years, researchers have sought to locate environments in which this combination of effort, skill, interest, and enjoyment is more likely.In one study of white middle-class youth, for example, Larson com-pared adolescents’ experiences at school, at home, and during struc-tured voluntary activities (organized sports and community service,for example) and found that these settings differed markedly.2Dur-ing classwork and homework, adolescents reported high levels of concentration and challenge but low levels of intrinsic motivation.While watching television and while hanging out with friends, students reported low concentration and effort but high intrinsic122PARTICIPATION IN YOUTH PROGRAMSmotivation. It was primarily during voluntary structured activities that youth reported experiencing high levels of intrinsic motivation and effort and concentration—the combination of engaging expe-rience that propels development forward.We have extended Larson’s work by conducting a research study focusing on the experiences of ethnically and economically diverse youth who attended after-school programs. These youth resided in three states and attended eight different middle schools. Some of the youth, whom we called program youth,participated in school-based after-school programs during at least part of the after-school hours. Others, whom we called nonprogram youth,did not.We were interested in two questions. The first pertained to the experiences of the program youth.We asked,“Do youth who attend after-school programs engage in different activities and experience different motivational and emotional states when they are at the after-school programs than when they are elsewhere?”“Elsewhere” was typically their own home, but could also be some-one else’s home, an outdoor space, or public buildings. The second question then pertained to the after-school time that program and nonprogram youth spend elsewhere. Here we asked, “Are there dif-ferences in how program and nonprogram youth spend their time when the program youth are not at the program?”This second question is important for several reasons. If program and nonprogram students differ in their activities, emotions, and motivation when they are elsewhere, that finding could suggest that program youth differ a priori in fundamental ways from youth who do not attend programs. These preexisting differences in motiva-tion, affect, and engagement could then account for ostensible pro-gram effects. Another possibility, however, is that participation in after-school programs has an impact on how youth spend their time even when they are not at the program. In that case, we would expect to see program youth become more productively engaged over the school year, even when they are elsewhere. A third possi-bility is that program and nonprogram youth do not differ in their experiences when they are elsewhere. In this third case, we would have evidence that differences observed at the program are more123ACTIVITIES, ENGAGEMENT, AND EMOTIONlikely explained by the program context, not by child differences. We considered each of these possibilities.A methodology for measuring engagementStudying activities, emotions, and engagement during the after-school hours is challenging. Activities occur in multiple locations, and it is difficult for observers to follow youth for extended peri-ods as they move from home to school to programs. T eenagers also spend considerable time alone and with unsupervised peers during the nonschool hours, situations that are fundamentally altered when an observer is present. Observers also have difficulty reliably seeing adolescents’ feeling states and motivation because youth are adept at masking these feelings.T o address these challenges, we used experience sampling methodology.3In this methodology, youth are equipped with log-books and watches that are programmed to signal at random times. When signaled, youth record their location, social partners, activ-ity, and feelings. The methodology is portable and adaptable; youth can be alone or with others at any location, including home, school, shopping malls or other public places, and after-school programs. They provide self-reports of their feeling states and experiences. In the study examined here, 191 middle school youth (52 per-cent male, 60 percent children of color, 47 percent poor or near-poor) wore watches that were programmed to beep thirty-five times during one week in the fall and thirty-five times during one week in the spring of the school year. Signals occurred at random times during the after-school hours, evenings, and weekends. At each signal, the youth recorded who was with them, where they were, and what they were doing. Using a four-point scale, they also rated their responses to seven questions:1.How much choice do you have about this activity?2.How important is this activity to you?3.Is it interesting?124PARTICIPATION IN YOUTH PROGRAMS4.Do you enjoy what you are doing?5.How hard are you concentrating?6.Are you using your skills?7.Do you wish you were doing something else?Their answers reflected three factors: concerted effort (chal-lenge, skills, and concentration), intrinsic motivation (enjoyment, choice, and interest), and importance (a stand-alone item). Youth also reported, using a four-point scale, their feeling states with respect to eleven emotions (happy, proud, excited, relaxed, sad, angry, worried, scared, stressed, bored, and lonely), which were consistent with three factors that we labeled positive emotions, neg-ative emotions, and apathy.FindingsThe youth responded,on average,to thirty-three of the thirty-five signals in the fall and thirty-three of the thirty-five signals in the spring,for a total of12,143reports.Of these experiences,4,846 occurred after school between school dismissal and6:00P.M.During these after-school hours,program youth(n=160)reported partici-pating in an after-school program for at least one signal.They responded to4,089signals during weekday afternoons between school dismissal and6:00P.M.;1,030of these signals occurred when they were at a program,and3,059occurred when they were not at a program.Nonprogram youth(n=31)responded to759signals dur-ing the weekday afternoons.All of these signals by definition occurred when students were not at a program or structured activity.The upper half of T able 7.1 shows the proportions of time that program youth spent in different types of activities while at the after-school program and the proportions of time in these activities when the program youth were elsewhere during the after-school hours. Asterisks in column 5 indicate when these proportions were significantly different. As shown in the table, we found pervasive dif-ferences. In particular, program youth spent higher proportions of time in academic and arts enrichment, organized sports and physi-125ACTIVITIES, ENGAGEMENT, AND EMOTION Arraycal activities, community service, and homework while they were at the program than elsewhere. They spent less time eating and watch-ing TV while at the program than elsewhere. These differences in activities have important implications for youth development because there is evidence that adolescents who participate in struc-tured activities such as community service and organized sports engage in less antisocial behavior like shoplifting, getting drunk,destroying things, fighting, and skipping school;4are less likely to126PARTICIPATION IN YOUTH PROGRAMSdrop out of school or be arrested;5and obtain higher ratings of pos-itive social behaviors from teachers and higher achievement test scores.6Watching TV and eating, in contrast, are implicated in increased risks for obesity and weight-related health problems.7T able 7.1also shows that when not at the program during the after-school hours,program youth engaged in activities at sim-ilar rates as nonprogram youth.Significant differences emerged for only two activities(see column6).In comparison to non-program youth,program youth spent less time snacking/eating and more time socializing with peers when they were elsewhere. In analyses not shown in the table,we did notfind changes from fall to spring in adolescents’activities when they were else-where,suggesting that these differences may be child(not pro-gram)effects.The lower half of T able 7.1 reports the adolescents’ ratings of engagement and emotion during the after-school hours. Once again, asterisks in column 5 designate significant differences in pro-gram youths’ experiences at the program and elsewhere. Program youth reported feeling more intrinsically motivated and putting forth more concerted effort, and experienced their activities as more important, at programs versus elsewhere. Program youth also reported feeling less apathy and more positive emotions at after-school programs than elsewhere. When elsewhere, however, pro-gram and nonprogram youth did not differ significantly in their feelings of intrinsic motivation, concerted effort, or positive emo-tions (see column 6).Finally,we considered the likelihood of youth experiencing four combinations of feeling states during the after-school hours.The first combination consisted of high choice in conjunction with high rson posited that this combination of motivational states is important for the development of initiative because it com-bines intrinsic motivation with concerted effort.8The second combination was a high degree of choice of the activity but low con-centration,a combination consistent with leisure and relaxation.The third combination consisted of low choice and high concentration, a combination of feeling states that is often reported during the127ACTIVITIES, ENGAGEMENT, AND EMOTION school day.Thefinal combination consisted of low choice and low concentration,which occurs when individuals are disengaged.As shown in T able 7.2, program youth were almost twice as likely to experience high choice in combination with high concen-tration while they were at the after-school program (40 percent of the time) than elsewhere (21 percent). They also were more likely to experience low choice and high concentration at programs ver-sus elsewhere, which occurred primarily when they were getting homework help. When the program youth were elsewhere, the high choice and low concentration combination (consistent with leisure and relaxation) was more likely (52 percent of the time ver-sus 34 percent of the adolescents’ time at programs). Nonprogram youth did not differ in their combined feelings of choice and concentration from program youth when elsewhere. Low choice in combination with low concentration,a feeling state consistent with disengagement,was reported at almost one-quarter of the signals when the youth were not at the after-school programs.128PARTICIPATION IN YOUTH PROGRAMSConclusionFrom these analyses, we conclude that school-based after-school programs provide youth with substantially different opportunities and experiences than they would otherwise have. Y outh spend more time doing sports, art and academic enrichment, community ser-vice, and homework at programs versus elsewhere. They devote less of their after-school hours to watching TV and eating. While engaging in these activities at programs, they experience more intrinsic motivation, put forth more concerted effort, and feel less apathetic, underscoring the potential of after-school programs as a positive developmental context. The potential import of after-school programs was underscored by our analyses of the time that youth spent elsewhere. For the most part, the after-school hours of the program and nonprogram youth did not differ when they were elsewhere. Both program and nonprogram youth spent their unstructured time watching TV, eating, and socializing with peers. In these unstructured settings, the youth reported feelings of apa-thy and disengagement. The similarities in these experiences while elsewhere point to the program context rather than child differ-ences as the reason that high-quality after-school programs are linked to positive youth development. Finally, these findings sup-port the utility of expanding the conceptualization of program par-ticipation to consider time in specific activities and the feeling states that accompany those activities. As these findings demonstrate, it is possible to reliably assess engagement by asking adolescents about their feelings and experiences. In our study, we used experi-ence sampling to measure motivation, effort, and emotion. In other projects, however, we have questionnaires or surveys to assess engagement more globally. Both approaches provide windows onto student engagement that can be used in program evaluations. Notes1.Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow.New York: HarperCollins.rson, R. W. (1994). Youth organizations, hobbies, and sports as devel-opmental contexts. In R. K. Silbereisen & E. Todt (Eds.), Adolescence in con-129ACTIVITIES, ENGAGEMENT, AND EMOTIONtext: The interplay of family, school, peers, and work in adjustment(pp. 46–65). New York: Springer-Verlag.3.Csikszentmihalyi,M.,&Larson,R.(1987).Validity and reliability of expe-rience sampling method.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,175(9),526–536.4.Mahoney,J.L.(2000).School extracurricular activity participation as a mod-erator in the development of antisocial patterns.Child Development,71,502–516.5.Mahoney, J. L., & Stattin, H. (2000). Leisure activities and adolescent antisocial behavior: The role of structure and social context. Journal of Adoles-cence,23,113–127.6.Casey, D. M., Ripke, M. N., & Huston, A. C. (in press). Activity partic-ipation and the well-being of children and adolescents in the context of wel-fare reform. In J. L. Mahoney, R. W. Larson, & J. S. Eccles (Eds.), Organized activities as contexts of development: Extracurricular activities, after school and com-munity programs.Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.7.American Academy of Pediatrics. (2003). Prevention of pediatric over-weight and obesity. Pediatrics,112(2), 424–430.rson, R. W. (2000). Toward a psychology of positive youth develop-ment. American Psychologist, 55(1), 170–183.deborah lowe vandell is the Sears Bascom Professor in Education at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.david j.shernoff is an assistant professor in the Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations at Northern Illinois University.kim m.pierce is a research scientist at the Wisconsin Center of Edu-cation Research at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.daniel m.bolt is an associate professor in the Department of Educa-tional Psychology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.kimberly dadisman is a researcher at the Wisconsin Center for Edu-cation Research at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.b.bradford brown is a professor of educational psychology at the Uni-versity of Wisconsin, Madison.。
Exercising is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle,and it is something that everyone should incorporate into their daily routine.Here is a detailed English essay on the importance of exercising regularly and how it can benefit our physical and mental health.Title:The Significance of Regular ExerciseIntroductionIn todays fastpaced world,its easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, often neglecting the importance of physical activity.However,the benefits of regular exercise are undeniable,and it is crucial to make time for it in our schedules.This essay will explore the various advantages of exercising and how it can improve our overall wellbeing.Body1.Physical Health BenefitsCardiovascular Health:Engaging in regular physical activity strengthens the heart and improves blood circulation,reducing the risk of heart diseases.Muscle and Bone Strength:Exercise helps in building and maintaining strong muscles and bones,which is particularly important as we age.Weight Management:Regular workouts can help in maintaining a healthy weight,which is essential for preventing obesity and related health issues.Immune System:A robust immune system can be maintained through exercise,which helps the body fight off infections and diseases more effectively.2.Mental Health BenefitsStress Relief:Exercise is a natural stress reliever,as it releases endorphins,the bodys natural mood elevators,which can help in reducing anxiety and depression. Improved Sleep:Regular physical activity can contribute to better sleep patterns,which is essential for cognitive function and emotional wellbeing.Increased SelfEsteem:Achieving fitness goals can boost selfconfidence and improve ones selfimage,leading to a more positive outlook on life.3.Social BenefitsCommunity Engagement:Participating in group exercises or sports can foster a sense ofcommunity and provide opportunities for social interaction.Role Modeling:Engaging in regular exercise can set a positive example for others, especially children,encouraging them to adopt a healthy lifestyle.4.Economic BenefitsHealthcare Costs:A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise can lead to fewer medical expenses in the long run,as it helps in preventing various diseases. Productivity:Individuals who exercise regularly tend to have more energy and are more productive at work,contributing to economic growth.ConclusionIn conclusion,the benefits of regular exercise are multifaceted,extending beyond physical health to mental,social,and economic aspects of life.It is imperative that we prioritize physical activity in our daily routines to reap these benefits and lead a healthier, happier life.By making exercise a habit,we can not only improve our own wellbeing but also contribute positively to the wellbeing of society as a whole.。
翰威特 - 员工敬业度(Employee Engagement)
公司文化 Organisational Culture
可以将一个团队的成员与另一团队的成员区别开的集体程 序化的思想 The collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group of people from another 以及and 以及 预先使人们偏向于某种特定事态 Predisposes people to prefer one state of affairs over another
翰威特咨询公司 2
个人需求及承诺 Individual Priorities and Engagement
为何重视敬业度: 为何重视敬业度:企业经营的需求 Why Engagement Matters: Business Needs
客户价值驱动因素: 客户价值驱动因素: Customer Value Drivers: :
对公司文化产生影响的因素 Factors Influencing Organization Culture
公司发展历史及所有权 History and Ownership 领导 Leadership 规模 Size 产品/服务 产品 服务 Product/Service 技术 Technology 环境 Environment 人员 People 目的与目标 目的与目标 Goals and Objectives
教条 Normative 或 or 实用 Pragmatic
outreach and engagement statement -回复
outreach and engagement statement -回复什么是“外展和参与声明”以及为什么它对机构如此重要?外展和参与声明是指机构或组织明确表达其与利益相关方进行开放沟通和合作的承诺。
Playing games and doing homework are two distinct activities that serve different purposes and have different impacts on an individuals life.Here are some key differences between the two:1.Purpose:Games:The primary purpose of playing games is entertainment and enjoyment.They are designed to be engaging and fun,providing a break from routine activities. Homework:Homework is assigned to reinforce learning and to help students practice and understand concepts taught in class.2.Outcome:Games:The outcome of playing games is typically personal satisfaction,relaxation,or the achievement of ingame goals.Homework:The outcome of doing homework is academic improvement,better understanding of subjects,and preparation for future lessons and exams.3.Time Management:Games:Games can be timeconsuming and may lead to procrastination if not managed properly.They can be played at any time and for as long as desired.Homework:Homework requires time management and discipline.It often has deadlines and is a part of a structured educational process.4.Skill Development:Games:While games can develop certain skills such as problemsolving,strategic thinking,and handeye coordination,they are not typically designed to enhance academic skills.Homework:Homework helps in developing academic skills such as critical thinking, research,writing,and time management.5.Social Interaction:Games:Many games involve social interaction,either with friends or online communities,and can foster teamwork and communication skills.Homework:Homework is often an individual activity,though group projects can also be part of the educational process,promoting collaboration and teamwork.6.Mental Engagement:Games:Games can be mentally stimulating and require concentration,but they are generally designed to be enjoyable and not overly taxing.Homework:Homework requires focused mental engagement and can be challenging, requiring students to apply what they have learned in class.7.Reward System:Games:Games often have builtin reward systems that provide immediate feedback and gratification for achievements.Homework:The rewards for homework are typically longterm,such as better grades and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.8.Parental Involvement:Games:Parents may be involved in monitoring the type of games and the amount of time spent playing,especially for younger children.Homework:Parents often play a role in ensuring that homework is completed and may provide assistance or guidance when needed.cational Value:Games:Some games have educational value and can be used as a tool for learning,but this is not their primary function.Homework:Homework is directly tied to the educational curriculum and is designed to reinforce and expand upon classroom learning.10.Balance:Its important to strike a balance between playing games and doing homework.While games can offer relaxation and enjoyment,homework is essential for academic success and personal growth.Understanding these differences can help individuals allocate their time and energy effectively,ensuring that they enjoy leisure activities while also fulfilling their educational responsibilities.。
提升员工敬业度 Engagement 2.0-不仅仅是防火墙
Engagement 2.0 –不仅仅是防火墙如果让雇主重新思考雇佣关系的含义,如果让他们平行审视而非自上而下或自下而上地垂直考量,结果将会如何?在当今扁平化(而非阶梯式)的公司结构下,雇主们需要运用新的沟通模式来增进与雇员之间的接触,我们将这种新的沟通模式称之为“Engagement 2.0”这种新的沟通模式一来可以帮助雇主与雇员建立有效的沟通,进而增进合作默契,提升绩效,二来也能支撑整个公司及其高层的声誉。
engagement 翻译
engagement 翻译
1、Their engagement was announced in the local paper.
2、We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter.
3、He has a number of social engagements next week.
4、Her views are based on years of engagement with the problems of the inner city.
5、The general tried to avoid an engagement with the enemy.
添加活动的作文英语Title: The Significance of Adding Activities。
In today's fast-paced world, the inclusion of extracurricular activities has become increasingly imperative in the realm of education. The essence of education extends beyond the confines of textbooks and classrooms, encompassing holistic development and experiential learning. Therefore, the integration of activities is paramount for fostering well-rounded individuals equipped with diverse skills and competencies.Firstly, engaging in extracurricular activities cultivates vital life skills essential for success in various facets of life. Through participation in sports, arts, or community service, individuals learn the value of teamwork, leadership, and time management. These activities provide a platform for individuals to harness their talents, explore their interests, and develop crucial interpersonal skills, which are indispensable in navigating thecomplexities of the modern world.Moreover, extracurricular activities serve as acatalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. By stepping out of their comfort zones and embracing new challenges, individuals embark on a journey of self-exploration, where they uncover hidden talents, strengths, and passions. Whether it's conquering stage fright through drama club performances or honing problem-solving skills in robotics competitions, these experiences empowerindividuals to realize their full potential and shape their identities.Furthermore, the inclusion of activities fosters a vibrant and inclusive school culture, promoting diversity, tolerance, and mutual respect among students. Participation in multicultural events, debates, or environmental initiatives nurtures empathy, cultural awareness, and global citizenship. By celebrating differences andfostering a sense of belonging, schools become nurturing environments where every individual is valued and empowered to thrive.Additionally, extracurricular activities play a pivotal role in enhancing academic performance and motivation. Numerous studies have demonstrated a positive correlation between participation in activities and academic achievement. Engaging in activities provides students with opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge in practical contexts, reinforcing learning and retention. Furthermore, extracurricular involvement instills a sense of purpose and motivation, as students strive to balance their academic responsibilities with their passions and interests.Furthermore, the integration of activities promotes holistic well-being by addressing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of development. Regular physical activity not only improves physical health but also enhances cognitive function, concentration, and mood. Creative pursuits such as music, art, or writing serve as therapeutic outlets for self-expression and stress relief, promoting emotional resilience and mental well-being. Moreover, community service initiatives instill a sense of altruism and civic responsibility, fostering empathy andsocial cohesion.In conclusion, the addition of extracurricular activities is paramount for nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped with the skills, values, and experiences necessary for success in the 21st century. By providing opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and community engagement, activities enrich the educational experience and contribute to the holistic development of students. Therefore, schools should prioritize the integration of diverse and inclusive activities into their curriculum, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to flourish and realize their full potential.。
Respecting differences is a cornerstone of a harmonious society.In an increasingly globalized world,where people from diverse backgrounds and cultures interact,it is essential to embrace and celebrate these differences.Here are some key points to consider when discussing the importance of respecting differences for a harmonious coexistence:1.Understanding Cultural Diversity:Recognizing that each culture has its unique customs,traditions,and values is the first step towards respecting differences.This understanding helps in fostering an environment of acceptance and appreciation.2.Promoting Tolerance:Tolerance is the willingness to accept behaviors,habits,and opinions that are different from ones own.It is a fundamental aspect of respecting differences and contributes to social harmony.3.Encouraging Openmindedness:Being open to new ideas and perspectives is crucial.It allows individuals to learn from one another and grow collectively.munication and Dialogue:Open and respectful communication is key to bridging gaps between different groups.Dialogue helps in dispelling stereotypes and misconceptions.cation and Awareness:Educating people about the importance of diversity and its benefits can lead to a more inclusive society.Awareness campaigns and educational programs play a vital role in this regard.6.Legal Protections:Laws that protect individuals from discrimination based on race, religion,gender,or other factors are essential to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.7.Inclusive Policies:Governments and organizations should implement policies that promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for all,regardless of their differences.8.Celebrating Diversity:Organizing events and festivals that celebrate the diversity of a community can help in bringing people together and promoting a sense of unity in diversity.9.Personal Responsibility:Each individual has a role to play in respecting differences.It starts with being aware of ones own biases and working towards overcoming them.munity Engagement:Actively participating in community activities that involve people from different walks of life can help in building relationships and understandingamong diverse groups.In conclusion,respecting differences is not just about tolerating others it is about valuing and learning from the rich tapestry of human experiences.A society that respects its diversity is more likely to be peaceful,innovative,and prosperous.By embracing our differences,we can achieve a harmonious coexistence that enriches us all.。
collaborative engagement的12中例子 -回复
collaborative engagement的12中例子-回复“collaborative engagement的12种例子”是一个非常有趣和广泛的话题。
在这篇文章中,我们将一步一步回答关于collaborative engagement的12个例子,从而帮助读者更好地理解和应用这一概念。
首先,让我们先来了解一下collaborative engagement的定义和重要性。
Collaborative engagement是指通过合作和参与来促进人与人之间的互动和合作的过程。
通过有效的collaborative engagement,人们可以更好地共享知识、交流意见、解决问题、创造机会,并实现共同的目标。
接下来,让我们进入正题,回答12个关于collaborative engagement 的例子。
第一个例子是教育领域中的collaborative engagement。
在学校或大学中,教师和学生可以通过小组讨论、合作项目和互动课堂等方式来促进collaborative engagement。
第二个例子是工作场所中的collaborative engagement。
在一个团队中,成员可以通过定期的会议、团队项目和跨部门合作来实现collaborative engagement。
第三个例子是社区中的collaborative engagement。
在一个社区中,居民可以通过社区会议、志愿者活动和合作项目来促进collaborative engagement。
第四个例子是艺术和文化领域中的collaborative engagement。
Paul J. Meyers
This cartoon appeared on November 4, 1871 after Chicago’s Great Fire of 1871. Make a list of five emotions this cartoon attempts to provoke.
―Always strive for perfection, yet remain humble enough to accept the absolute best you can be with inner peace and personal satisfaction.‖
May 10, 1994 In South Africa, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is sworn in as the first black president of South Africa. As a teenager living in South Africa, how do you feel about this?
You are consulted on whether a limestone building or a quartzite building would better withstand the effects of acid rain.
What would be your response and why?
Write a list of 5 changes caused by this invention.
―There are 3 choices: you can either give up, give in, or give it your all!‖
1. 绩效管理与员工参与绩效管理是组织效能的一个重要方面(Cardy,2004)。
因为它是完成工作的关键过程,它被认为是管理人力资本的一个 “死穴”,因此是管理者的当务之急。
2. 广义的绩效管理尽管绩效评价是绩效管理的核心(Cardy,2004),但整个的过程包括所有的组织政策、实践以及设计特点,这些相互作用才创造了员工绩效。
活动目的英文作文Title: The Purpose of Activities: Enhancing Understanding and Engagement。
Activities serve as the lifeblood of human interaction and growth, offering a platform for individuals to connect, learn, and engage. Whether it's a team-building exercise, a cultural event, or a recreational pursuit, each activity holds a unique purpose that contributes to personal and collective development. In this essay, we delve into the diverse objectives of activities and their significance in fostering understanding and engagement.First and foremost, activities serve as powerful tools for fostering social cohesion and teamwork. Through collaborative endeavors such as group projects, team sports, or community service initiatives, individuals learn to communicate effectively, leverage each other's strengths, and navigate challenges together. These experiencescultivate a sense of unity and solidarity, fostering strongbonds among participants and laying the foundation for successful collaboration in various aspects of life.Moreover, activities play a crucial role in promoting cultural exchange and diversity appreciation. Events suchas international festivals, language exchanges, and multicultural workshops provide platforms for individualsto explore different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. By actively participating in such activities, individuals not only broaden their understanding of the world but also develop empathy, tolerance, and respect for diverse communities. This fosters a more inclusive and harmonious society where people celebrate differences rather than perceive them as barriers.Furthermore, activities contribute to personal growth and skill development. Whether it's mastering a musical instrument, honing athletic abilities, or refining artistic talents, engaging in structured activities allowsindividuals to cultivate their passions and talents. Beyond acquiring specific skills, participation in activities fosters qualities such as discipline, resilience, andperseverance, which are essential for success in all aspects of life. Moreover, activities provide opportunities for self-discovery and exploration, enabling individuals to uncover hidden talents, interests, and aspirations.In addition to personal development, activities also play a pivotal role in promoting health and well-being. Physical activities such as sports, yoga, and outdoor adventures not only improve physical fitness but also enhance mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Similarly, creative pursuits such as painting, writing, or gardening serve as therapeutic outlets forself-expression and emotional release. By incorporating regular activities into their routines, individuals can maintain a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle that nurtures both body and mind.Furthermore, activities serve as platforms for learning and knowledge acquisition outside traditional educational settings. Workshops, seminars, and conferences offer opportunities for individuals to expand their horizons, acquire new skills, and stay updated on industry trends anddevelopments. Moreover, interactive activities such as debates, simulations, and role-playing exercises promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. By engaging in intellectually stimulating activities, individuals cultivate a lifelong thirst for knowledge and personal growth.In conclusion, activities serve multifaceted purposes that extend far beyond mere entertainment or leisure. Whether it's fostering social cohesion, promoting cultural understanding, nurturing personal development, or enhancing well-being, activities play a vital role in enriching our lives and communities. By actively participating in diverse activities, individuals can broaden their horizons, forge meaningful connections, and embark on journeys of self-discovery and growth. Ultimately, activities serve as catalysts for understanding, engagement, and enrichment, shaping us into more enlightened, empathetic, and empowered individuals.。
英语活动流程策划方案Introduction:The English Language Workshop aims to enhance participants' communication skills in English through interactive and engaging activities. This comprehensive plan outlines the key objectives, target audience, schedule, activities, assessment methods, and expected outcomes of the workshop.Objectives:1. Improve participants' listening and speaking skills in English.2. Enhance participants' vocabulary and grammar knowledge.3. Develop participants' confidence in using English in everyday situations.4. Encourage active participation and interaction among participants.Target Audience:The workshop is open to individuals of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners of English. Participants may include students, professionals, or anyone interested in improving their English communication skills.Duration:The English Language Workshop will be held over a period of two weeks, with a total of 10 sessions, each lasting two hours. The workshop will be conducted in a classroom or online setting, depending on the participants' preference and availability.Session Plan:Session 1: Introduction and Icebreaker Activities- Welcome participants and introduce the workshop objectives and schedule.- Conduct icebreaker activities to create a comfortable and interactive learning environment. - Assess participants' current level of English proficiency through a short assessment test. Session 2: Listening Skills Development- Introduce different techniques and strategies for effective listening.- Engage participants in various listening exercises, such as audio clips, videos, and group discussions.- Provide feedback and guidance to help participants improve their listening skills.Session 3: Speaking Skills Enhancement- Discuss the importance of effective communication and confidence in spoken English. - Conduct role-play activities to practice real-life conversations and develop fluency.- Provide constructive feedback on pronunciation, intonation, and grammar usage. Session 4: Vocabulary Building- Introduce effective strategies for expanding vocabulary.- Engage participants in engaging vocabulary games, word association activities, and discussions.- Provide resources and suggest techniques for self-study and continuous vocabulary development.Session 5: Grammar Review and Practice- Review essential grammar rules and common mistakes.- Conduct interactive grammar exercises and quizzes.- Provide explanations and examples, followed by practice activities.Session 6: Group Discussions and Debates- Facilitate group discussions on various topics related to everyday life, current events, or specific interests.- Encourage participants to express their opinions, listen actively, and respond effectively. - Promote critical thinking and provide constructive feedback on participants' speaking skills.Session 7: Presentation Skills- Discuss the key elements of effective presentations.- Guide participants on structuring presentations, using visual aids, and engaging the audience.- Provide opportunities for participants to practice and deliver short presentations. Session 8: Cultural Awareness and Language Etiquette- Introduce cultural aspects of English-speaking countries.- Discuss language etiquette, commonly used idioms, and expressions.- Encourage participants to share their cultural experiences and learn from others. Session 9: Language Games and Team-Building Activities- Engage participants in language-based games, quizzes, and team-building exercises.- Foster a competitive and fun learning environment.- Encourage collaboration and communication among participants.Session 10: Project Presentation and Assessment- Assign a collaborative project for participants to prepare a group presentation.- Provide guidelines and expectations for the project.- Assess participants' performance based on communication skills, creativity, and effective use of English.Conclusion:The English Language Workshop aims to provide a comprehensive learning experience for participants to improve their English communication skills. Through interactive activities, discussions, and assessments, participants will gain confidence and proficiency in listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, and presentation skills. The workshop will help participants to effectively communicate in English, both professionally and in everyday life.。
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November 3, 1998
Clarence Birdseye marketed the first frozen peas. What impact did the advent of frozen food have on the family? List 5 ideas. Write two sentences about one of the five.
Write a list of 5 changes caused by this invention.
―There are 3 choices: you can either give up, give in, or give it your all!‖
A beaker contains two salt solutions divided by a membrane. The solution is higher on the left side of the beaker than the right. The membrane is permeable to water but not to salt. Which side of the beaker contains the more concentrated salt solution? Why?
Solve the following— Be prepared to show your work
d – (-12) = 18
October 21, 1960
Democrat John F. Kennedy and Republican Richard M. Nixon clashed in their fourth and final presidential debate. Write two sentences about what the U.S. would have been like if Kennedy had lost the debate.
Plants With Seeds
What are the advantages and disadvantages of an evergreen tree? Of a tree shedding and regrowing its leaves?
Make a short list for each
―Live in the present but plan the future!‖
November 3, 1998
Former pro wrestler Jesse ―The Body‖ Ventura was elected governor of Minnesota. Do you think pro athletes or actors/acficials? Make a list of 5 characteristics that you think elected officials should possess. Defend your answer with your list of criteria.
―When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get them, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either.‖
Leo Burnett
Why do you think the Speaker of the House is considered to be the second most powerful leader in the country?
Paul J. Meyers
This cartoon appeared on November 4, 1871 after Chicago’s Great Fire of 1871. Make a list of five emotions this cartoon attempts to provoke.
Moratorium--A term used by Erickson and Marcia to describe the adolescent’s delay in making the commitments normally expected of adults. Make a list of 5 commitments you think someone at least two years younger than you would not make.
On a certain tropical island, the wind typically blows in one direction only. Offshore from the island, coral reefs grow on the side that faces the wind but not on the side away from the wind.
―The best things in life are free; and,they are also priceless.‖ Jean Williams Brown, Associate Justice, Alabama Supreme Court
Explain the process that results in the formation of stalactites and stalagmites.
Can you think of another process in nature that produces shapes similar to stalactites?
―A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.‖
Erin Majors
―Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses . . . on your powers, instead of your problems.‖
Engagement Activities
Consider doing one of these before the program begins
―The only people that fail in their endeavors are those who quit prematurely or simply never try at all.‖
―It is reasonable to have perfection in our eye that we may always advance toward it, though we know it can never be reached.‖
Samuel Johnson
Wheel-shaped kite invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1908. Convinced that man would fly, Bell had been experimenting with kites for several years. Put yourself in the picture taken in 1908. Write two sentences describing the impact of flight on your life as you live in the early 1900’s.
You are consulted on whether a limestone building or a quartzite building would better withstand the effects of acid rain.
What would be your response and why?
―The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.‖
Eleanor Roosevelt
October 21, 1879 Thomas Edison invented a workable electric light at his laboratory in Menlo Park, NJ.
―Always strive for perfection, yet remain humble enough to accept the absolute best you can be with inner peace and personal satisfaction.‖
October 20, 1803 The U.S. Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase. As a senator who voted no for this action, what is your primary reason?
―Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great.‖ Mark Twain