现代大学英语听力1 原文及答案(unit 1)

Unit 1 University LifeTaks 1ScriptOkay, Okay, let's begin. Hello, everyone. My name's Susan Hudson, and I'll be your teacher for this class, Intercultural Communication.Uh, to begin with, please take a look at the syllabus in front of you. As you all should know by now, this class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:50. We will be meeting in this room for the first half of the course, but we will be using the research lab every other week on Thursday in Room 405 during the last two months of the class.Uh, this is the text for the class, Beyond Language. Unfortunately, the books haven't come in yet, but I was told that you should be able to purchase them at the bookstore the day after tomorrow. Again, as you see on your course outline, grading is determined by your performance on a midterm and final test, periodic quizzes, uh, a research project, and classroom participation.My office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays, and you can set up an appointment to meet with me at other times as well.KeyA. Answer the following questions.1)What are the name of the teacher and the name of the course?Key: Susan Hudson and Intercultural Communication.2)When and where will the class meet for the first half of the courseKey: The class will meet in the room they are in now and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:50.3)Where can the students get the textbooks?Key: They can purchase the textbooks at the bookstore the day after tomorrow.4)When are the office hours?Key: The office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays.B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1)We will be meeting in this room for the first half of the course, but we will be using theresearch lab every other week on Thursday in Room 405 during the last two months of the class.2)Again, as you see on your course outline, grading is determined by your performance ona midterm and final test, periodic quizzes, uh, a research project, and classroomparticipation.Task 2ScriptLibrarian: Can I help you?Student: Yes. I am a bit confused. My sociology class is supposed to read a chapter in a book called Sociology and the Modern Age. According to the syllabus, the bookis in the library, but I haven't been able to find it.Librarian: Do you have your syllabus with you? May I see it?Student: Yes, uh... I put it in the front of my sociology notebook. Yes, here it is. Librarian: Let me see. Oh yes. Your professor has placed this book on reserve. That means you cannot find it on the shelves in its usual place. You need to go to a specialroom called the reserve room. It's down the hall and to the right.Student: I'm sorry—I still don't understand what you mean by on reserve.Librarian: You see, your professor wants everyone in the class to read the chapter. If one student removes the book from the library, it is likely that none of the otherstudents will have the opportunity to read it. So, your professor has insured thatall students have the opportunity to read it by placing it on reserve.Student: So, will I be able to find this book?Librarian: Yes, when a book is on reserve, a student can go to the reserve room and ask the reserve librarian for the book. The student can have the book for a few hours, andhe or she MUST read it in the library during that time. That way, the book stays inthe library, and all students have a chance to read it.Student: OK. Thank you. I understand now.Librarian: Will there be anything else?Student: No! I am on my way to the reserve room. Thanks again!KeyA. Answer the following questions.1)What's the student's problem?Key: According to the syllabus, the book he is looking for is in the library, but he couldn't find it.2)What's the meaning of "on reserve"?Key: That means the student cannot find the book on the shelves in its usual place.She/He needs to go to a special room called the reserve room.3)Why does the professor put the books on reserve?Key: The professor wants every one in the class to read the chapter. If one student removes the book from the library, it is likely that none of the other students willhave the opportunity to read it. So, the professor has insured that all students havethe opportunity to read it by placing it on reserve.B. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1)The student has the syllabus in his hand all the time. [ F ]2)The reserve room is down the hall and to the right. [ T ]3)Once the students find the book on reserve, they can read it for a very long time. [ F ]Task 3ScriptHello and welcome to the university library. This taped tour will introduce you to our library facilities and operating hours.First of all, the library's collection of books, reference materials, and other resources are found on levels one to four of this building. Level one houses our humanities and map collections. On level two, you will find our circulation desk, current periodicals and journals, and our copy facilities. Our science and engineering sections can be found on level three. You can also find back issues of periodicals and journals older than six months on this level. Finally, group study rooms, our microfilm collection, and the multimedia center are located on level four.Undergraduate students can check out up to five books for two weeks. Graduate students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two times.There is a 50-cents- a-day late fee for overdue books up to a maximum of $ 15. Periodicals and reference books cannot be checked out.The library is open weekdays, 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, and on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 8:30 pm. The library is closed on Sundays.KeyA. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1) Level one houses__________, ( c)a) current periodicals and journals b) our copy facilitiesc) our humanities and map collections d) our science and engineering sections2) Back issues of periodicals and journals older than six months are located on level ______. (c)a) one b) two c) three d) fourB. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape.Undergraduate students can check out up to five books for two weeks. Graduate students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two times. There is a 50-cents- a-day late fee for overdue books up to a maximum of $15. Periodicals and reference books cannot be checked out.The library is open weekdays, 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. and on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 8:30 pm. The library is closed on Sundays.Task 4ScriptRandall: Hi Faith. Do you have a minute?Faith: Sure. What's up?Randall: Well, I just wanted to go over the schedule for Wednesday's orientation meeting to make sure everything is ready.Faith: Okay. Here's a copy of the tentative s chedule. [OK] Now, the registration starts at 8:30 and goes until 9:15. [All right] Then, the orientation meeting will commence at 9:30.Randall: Okay. Now, we had planned originally for the meeting to go until 10:30, but now we have someone from the international center coming to speak to the students onextracurricular activities, so how about ending the meeting around 11?Faith: Fine. And, uh, then students will take the placement tests from 11:15 until noon [OK.], followed by 20-minute break before lunch. [OK.] And, immediately after lunch, we have reserved a campus shuttle to give students a 45-minute tour starting at 1:30. [Oh. OK.] We want to show students around the university, including the union building, the library, and the student services building.Randall: Great. Now, how about the oral interviews?Faith: Well, we're planning to start them at 2:15.Randall: Uh, well, teachers are going to be up to their ears in preparations, and they'll be hard pressed to start then.Faith: OK, let's get things rolling around 2:45.Randall: OK, here, let me jot that down. Uh, could you grab a pen off my desk?Faith: Right. Finding anything on your desk is like finding a needle in a haystack. [Oh, it’s not that bad.] Here, use mine.Randall: OK. And we'll need 150 copies of this programme guide by then.Faith: Hey. That's a tall order on such short notice! How about lending me a hand to put things together [OK.] by this afternoon so we don't have to worry about them? Randall: OK. And I think the manager has given the green light to go ahead and use the more expensive paper and binding for the guides this time.Faith: OK. So the interviews will go from 2:45 until, let's say, 4:30. [OK] I hope we can wrap things up by 5.Randall: Great. I think the bottom line is to keep things running smoothly throughout the day. Faith: I agree. I'll pass this schedule by the director for a final look.KeyA. Complete the following schedule according to the dialogue.1) Why do they change the ending time of the orientation meeting?Key: Because now they have someone from the international center coming to speak to the students on extracurricular activities.2) What do they want the students to see during the shuttle tour?Key: They want to show students around the university, including the union building, the library, and the student services building.C. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1)Uh, well, teachers are going to be up to their ears in preparations, and they'll be hardpressed to start then.2)Okay, here, let me jot that down. Uh, could you grab a pen off my desk?3)Finding anything on your desk is like finding a needle in a haystack.4)Great. I think the bottom line is to keep things running smoothly throughout the day.Task 5ScriptReceptionist: Good morning. Can I help you?Student: Yes, please. I would want to have some information about the... erm... the courses at Swan School.Receptionist: Is that a summer course you're interested in?Student: Yes. Yes, please.Receptionist: Yes. Fine. OK. Well, we have... erm... short intensive full-time courses during the summer.Student: Mm-mm. I would want to know the length of one course.Receptionist: Yes. Each course lasts for three weeks.Student: How many hours per week, please?Receptionist: Well, it's about 23 hours a week. Usually four and a half days each week.Student: You must have a lot of students in the class, haven't you?Receptionist: We have a lot of students in the school but in the classes only about between 12 and 14 students.Student: 12 and 14. Could you please give me the dates of the first and the second course?Receptionist: Yes, certainly. The first course begins on the 3rd of July and lasts until the 20th of July and the second course is from the 24th of July until the 10th of August.Student: What about the fees per course?Receptionist: Yes, each... each course costs £150 plus VAT, which is 15 percent, and a £5 registration fee.Student: And deposit, please?Receptionist: Yes. For each course we need a deposit of £20 and the £5 registration fee.Student: Oh thank you. Do we have to find our... our own accommodation? Receptionist: No, we can do that for you. We have a lady who arranges the accommodation for you with Oxford families.Student: How much does it cost?Receptionist: Well, you can choose to have bed and breakfast only which is £20 a week, or bed, breakfast and dinner which is about £27 a week.Student: £27. Thank you very much.Receptionist: You're welcome.KeyAnswer the following questions.1)What does the student want?Key: The student wants to have some information about the courses at Swan School.2)How long will a course last?Key: Each course lasts for three weeks.3)How many hours of classes are there in a week? And how many days?Key: It's about 23 hours a week. Usually four and a half days each week.4)What are the dates of the first and the second course?Key: The first course begins on the 3rd of July and lasts until the 20th of July and the second course is from the 24th of July until the 10th of August.5)What are the fees per course?Key: Each course costs £150 plus VAT, which is 15 percent, and a £5 registration fee.6)How much is the deposit for each course?Key: For each course the deposit is £20.7)Where will the students live?Key: A lady arranges the accommodation for the students with Oxford families.8)How much will the accommodation cost?Key: They can choose to have bed and breakfast only which is £20 a week, or bed, breakfast and dinner which is about £27 a week.Task 6ScriptEvery year, high school juniors and seniors from across the US take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT I)The SAT I is a three-hour exam that tests students' math and verbal skills. Most universities will not accept students without this test. It is also used to help decide how much financial aid should be given to each student.Scores range from 200 to 800 for each part. There is a total of 1,600 points. The test is held every year from October to June. But seniors must take it before December in order to include their scores in their university applications. The average total score for an American high school student is around 1,000.A poor SAT score can prevent a student from going to a good university. Students who want to go to one of American's best universities, such as Harvard or Yale, must score between 1,430 and 1,600.The test can be taken over and over again, but all the scores will appear on the students' records. However, unlike Chinese universities, the score is not the only thing needed. American universities also look at a student's subject grades, what they do outside of school, and their teachers' recommendations.In addition to the SAT I, some universities require high school students to take at least three SATⅡs. These one-hour exams can be taken in any subject, for example chemistry or French.KeyA. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1)Only the students who are going to graduate from high school will take the exam.[ F ]2)The SAT I is a three-hour exam that tests students' math and verbal skills. [ T ]3)The average total score for an American high school student is around 1,600. [ F ]B. Answer the following questions.1)How important is the test?Key: Most universities will not accept students without this test. It is also used to decide how much financial aid should be given to each student.2)How much should the score be for those who want to go to Harvard or Yale?Key: They must score between 1,430 and 1,600.3)What else will the American universities look at besides the score?Key: American universities also look at a student's subject grades, what they do outside of school, and their teachers' recommendations.4)What is the SAT II?Key: The SAT II is the one-hour exam that can be taken in any subject, for example chemistry or French.Task 7ScriptJapanese students need 12 years of study before entering universities.They choose the places they want to go and apply before January of their final year. The university entrance exam is a standard nationwide test held every year in January. It provides tests for 31 subjects in six subject areas: Japanese language, geography and history, civics, math, science and a foreign language. All national and public universities, as well as some private ones make use of this exam. But many places also have their own tests in February or later, before the new school year starts in April.In order to pass the exam for the best universities such as the National University of Tokyo, many students attend special preparation schools on top of their regular classes. These extra schools can last for one to two years between high school and university.Although every student has the chance of going to a Japanese university, only 50 percent of high school seniors actually choose further study.KeyA. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1)The Japanese students will apply for a university before ______ of their final year.(a)a) January b) February c) April d)July2)The university entrance exam provides tests for _______subjects in ____ subjectareas. (c)a) 30; 6 b) 30; 7 c) 31; 6 d)39;163)What kind of universities will make use of this exam? (d)a) All national universities. b) All public universitiesc) Some private universities. d) All of the above.4)How many high school seniors will choose further study? (c)a) All of them. b) More than halfc) Only half of them. d) Less than halfB. Answer the following questions.1) Why do many students attend the special preparation school?Key: Many students attend special preparation schools besides their regular classes, in order to pass the exam for the best universities such as the national University of Tokyo.2) How long do these extra schools last?Key: These extra schools can last for one to two years between high school and university.Task 8ScriptThe School was opened in 1955 and is part of a non-profit-making educational foundation. Its 200 students, from 30-40 countries, work in large, attractive buildings set in extensive, beautiful gardens, within easy reach of the centre of Cambridge. The School has dining rooms, a library, video filming studio, language laboratories, listening and self-access study centres, computres, as well as facilities for tennis, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton and football.General English classes are for students aged 17+. Complete beginners are not accepted. Students have classes for 21 hours a week. Other subjects available within the General English timetable include English for Business and English Literature. The cost of tuition, materials and books per term is £1,130. Accommodation is with local families. Lunch is provided in the School Monday to Friday. All other meals are taken with the family. There is a full range of social activities including excursions, discos and theatre-visits. The total cost of all non-tuition services is £670 per term. There are 3 terms of 10 weeks and summer courses of 9 weeks and 3 1/2 weeks.KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) What kind of school is it?Key: It's a non-profit-making educational foundation.2) Do they accept complete beginners?Key: No, complete beginners are not accepted.3) What other subjects within the General English timetable do they have?Key: Other subjects available within the General English timetable include English for Business and English Literature.B. Complete the following sentences with what your hear on the tape.1)Its 200 students, from 30-40 countries, work in large, attractive buildings set inextensive, beautiful gardens, within easy reach of the centre of Cambridge.2)The School has dining rooms, a library, video filming studio, language laboratories,listening and self-access study centres, computers, as well as facilities for tennis, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton and football.3)Students have classes for 21 hours a week.4)The cost of tuition, materials and books per term is £1,130.5)Lunch is provided in the School Monday to Friday. All other meals are taken with thefamily.6)The total cost of all non-tuition services is £670 per term. There are 3 terms of 10weeks and summer courses of 9 weeks and 3 1/2 weeks.Task 9ScriptThis school has a capacity of 220 students. It occupies a 19th century building in a quiet tree- filled square close to Victoria Station in central London.General courses, either in the mornings or afternoons, comprise 15 50-minute periods per week. We cater for a wide range of classes from beginners to advanced, enabling us to place students at the level indicated by the special entry test which all students take. There are usually no more than 14 students in a class. In addition to the 15 lessons, there are daily individual laboratory sessions and lectures on life in Britain at no extra cost.There are 8 classrooms, a multi-media learning centre, language laboratory, video, computer, lecture hall, canteen. We are open from January to December for courses of 3 to 14 weeks. There is a special 2-week Easter Course and Refresher Courses for overseas teachers of English in summer. Fees are approximately £46 per week for general courses. Accommodation can be arranged with selected families with half board. There is a full social programme and regular excursions.KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) How many students can this school have?Key: This school has a capacity of 220 students.2) Where is this school located?Key: It is located in a quiet tree-filled square close to Victoria Station in central London.3) What do they have besides the 15 lessons?Key: In addition to the 15 lessons, there are daily individual laboratory sessions and lectures on life in Britain at no extra cost.4) What kind of special courses do they have in summer?Key: There is a special 2-week Easter Course and Refresher Courses for overseas teachers of English in the summer.B. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1) This school accepts only beginners. [ F ]2) Generally speaking there are 24 students in a class. [ F ]3) Accommodation can be arranged with selected families with half-board. [ T ]Task 10This school, founded in 1953, is a non-profit making Charitable Trust. Situated in residential North Oxford, 3 km from the city centre, the College occupies a complex of purpose-built blocks and 14 large Victorian houses providing academic and residential accommodation. Facilities include an excellent library, video room, language laboratories, computer room, science laboratories, assembly hall and coffee bar.A particular benefit for the EFL student is the opportunity to live and study with native English speakers taking the two-year International Baccalaureate course, or courses at university level.All students are encouraged to participate in social and extracurricular activities including sports, horse riding, drama, art, crafts, photography, films, concerts and excursions.Academic Year Courses (21 hours per week) leading to all principal EFL examinations, concentrate on language with selected studies in Literature, Politics, History, Art History, and Computing. Most students live in college houses each supervised by a resident warden, but some prefer family accommodation.KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) What kind of school is it?Key: This school, founded in 1953, is a non-profit making Charitable Trust.2) Where is the school?Key: It is situated in residential North Oxford, 3 km from the city centre.3) What is the benefit for the EFL student?Key: A particular benefit for the EFL student is the opportunity to live and study with native English speakers taking the two-year International Baccalaureate course, orcourses at university level.4) What extracurricular activities do they have?Key: Their extracurricular activities include sports, horse riding, drama, art, crafts, photography, films, concerts and excursions.B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) Facilities include an excellent library, video room, language laboratories, computerroom, science laboratories, assembly hall and coffee bar.2) Most students live in college houses each supervised by a resident warden, but some prefer family accommodation.Task 11ScriptCindy Farrow is Andy and Kate Morgan's American cousin. She is 18 years old. She comes from California, on the west coast of the USA. She lives with her parents in San Francisco. She is a student at Berkeley College where she is studying modem languages. She wants to be an interpreter when she leaves university.She has many interests and hobbies. She loves reading, swimming and surfing but her favorite hobby is white-water rafting on the Colorado River. She thinks it's very exciting.At the moment Cindy is on her way to England to stay with the Morgans in Dover.。

Task 4【答案】1) The mayfly. A few hours.2) They just do two things: finding a mate and producing young.3) We could judge by its growth rings.4) It was kept for 152 years.Task 5【答案】A.People have different opinions on using animals for research.B.1) fora. was tried first on animals.b. is dependent onc. using unwanted animals.2) againsta. sufferb. unnecessaryc. the same rights3)a. cell cultureb. computer modeling.Task 6【答案】A.1) No.2) Because zoo officials want him to produce cubs w ith another female tiger, so they don’t want him to become too interested in this family.B.1) four months2) 13 kilograms3) horse meat, their mother’s milk.4) the National Zoo’s WebsiteC.1) c, 2) c, 3) bTask 7【答案】A.1) Cats have been more popular, because there are more pet cats in American homes.2) About 8,000 years3) They probably arrived in the United States from Europe.4) No.B.1)a) food especially prepared for catsb) other equipmentc) with images of catsd) in special burial grounds2)a) pleasureb) carec) being aloned) independentC.1) F, 2) F, 3) T, 4) F, 5) FTask 8【答案】Little Steve has a pet rabbit, Bunny. He plays with it every day after school. One day his mother sees that her little boy is holding Bunny by the ears. From time to time he gives the poor rabbit an angry shake and says: “How much is two plus two?”“Steve,” says his mother, “Why do you treat your poor little Bunny that way?”“Well,” explains Steve angrily, “Our teacher says that rabbits multiply very quickly, but this dummy can’t even add.”Task 9【答案】Most mammals live on land, but not all of them. Millions of years ago, some mammals went back to the sea and lived there. The legs of these animals disappeared, and after a long time they looked like fish. These animals became whales and dolphins.Whales and dolphins are still like other mammals in many ways. They are warm-blooded and they breathe air. They also have big brains. That is why they are more intelligent than fish. Whales have the biggest brains in the world. Their brain is bigger than the brain of a human being.Unit 3Task 1【答案】1) Her hobby is sky-diving. She jumps from an aeroplane and falls through the air. She opens her parachute only when she is very close to the ground.2) He wants to organize a band.3) To win.Task 2【答案】A.1) F, 2) F, 3) T, 4) TB.She was taught where to sit in the aeroplane, how to jump out, how to guide the parachute, and how to land safely on the ground.Task 3【答案】A.1) a, 2) cB.a – c – bTask 4【答案】A.Name: Matthew TreharneAge: 10Hometown: Cambridgeshire, in the east of EnglandAward: a black belt for karateTime of getting this award: this summerTime of starting practicing karate: 6 years agoReason practicing karate: He liked it and he wanted to be strongOther sport he plays: football and rugbyB.1) He gives his karate shows near his home in Cambridgeshire.2) He gives the money away.3) It was used to buy a heart ventilator, a special machine for people with weak hearts.Task 5【答案】1) On the wall. In his bath.2) They are constellations.3) Texas.4) Through writing, she could express herself and get her troubles out. She could write about things she is reluctant to say in front of people or some serious matters.5) The first prize in inter-school competitions.Task 6【答案】A.1) a, 2) b, 3) aB.1) F, 2) TTask 7【答案】A.1) b, 2) dB.1) Because the man was fishing in a small pool of rain-water about five centimeters deep.2) Joe also thought that he was out of his mind and he pitied him.3) He was trying to catch some people who are willing to offer him free drinks.4) Eight.Task 8【答案】A.1) d, 2) a, 3) bB.1) F, 2) FTask 9【答案】1) In the United States a university professor is granted a few months of freedom from his duties approximately every seventh year for travel or advanced study. This period of freedom from teaching is called a “sabbatical” leave.2) Some of the usual duties of a college president are giving speeches, dealing with the government and taking part in various social activities.3) Dr. Coleman started his sabbatical leave on a farm in Canada, hundreds of miles from his college. Getting up at 4:30 each morning, working 13 hours a day in fields and barns, he prepared himself physically for his next job, digging ditches, in Atlanta, Georgia. After that, the college president washed dishes in a Boston restaurant. During the last ten days of his leave, he worked as a garbage collector.By doing the hard manual labor, Dr. Coleman wanted to remind himself of the common things about people. Therefore he could com to life with the fact that he was just the same as everyone else, not the “powerful” person he might think himself to be after being the college president for too long.4) After two months of working with his hands, Coleman returned from his unusual sabbatical leave, convinced that the experience had been worthwhile. He had some good things to say about people who do hard physical work. He found that pride and satisfaction came chiefly in the form of praise from co-workers.Unit 4Task 1【答案】1) He stood up and rang the bell.2) He wanted to make sure that the driver heard him.3) The conductor came and shouted at him.4) The landlady told him that’s the signal for the driver to go on and only the conductor was allowed to ring the bell twice. That’s why the conductor got so annoyed.Task 2【答案】1) T, 2) F, 3) F, 4) F, 5) T, 6) TTask 3【答案】A.of, without, of,for, to, by, to, to, intofrom, withon, in, around, aboutB.1) school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When their children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school.2) they can save gasoline and it is easier for them to find parking places3) too many cars are on the road and have created many problemsTask 4【答案】1) T, 2) F, 3) T, 4) FTask 5【答案】A.1) c, 2) b, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c, 7) b, 8) cB.1) would have got up on time2) would have woken up James3) would have been on the plane that crashed4) would have lost his life in the crashTask 6【答案】A.1) 1964, the United States2) safety belts3) 404) about 155) 24B.1) They do not smoke while driving.2) They have had more education than non-users.3) They know someone who was injured (but not killed) in an automobile accident.C.the importance of using seat belts in drivingTask 7【答案】A.1) Miss Brown.2) Mr. Phillips was Miss Brown’s boss.3) He sounded very angry.4) He had been in a traffic jam for more than an hour.B.1) congested2) alternative routes3) South Circular Road4) broken down5) blown down, in useC.1)T, 2)F, 3)F, 4)F, 5)T1) He left home at the usual time and decided to use a new route.2) The traffic lights were out of order because of the storms last night.3) After that there was a breakdown.4) He ran out of petrol.5) He was in traffic jams for three hours.Task 8【答案】A.1) b, 2) a, 3) cB.a) It was chosen because the cost of energy is not so great as with a bus system.b) It was chosen because it is much easier to carry a greater number of passengers by train than by bus or car.c) It was chosen because the noise and pollution are not so great as with buses and cars.C.1) 12.5, above and below2) Germany, Canada3) Calgary4) 245) only one man6) separate7) 30 seconds8) open the doors themselves.9) automatic ticket machines (placed) on the platforms, zipcards10) get a $25 fineTask 9【答案】A.1) deaths and people injured2) drivers, pedestrians, and road conditions3) may cause drivers and pedestrians endanger lives through no fault of their own4) too many road signs, faulty traffic lights, sudden narrowing of a street, and congested parking5)a) drive too fast and without any consideration for othersb) think they are safe at the wheel even though they have drunk too much alcoholc) out of some curious sense of power, are incapable of understanding that their car is a lethal weapon if improperly used6)a) step off the pavement without first looking to the left or rightb) cross roads when the traffic lights are against themc) jump off a moving busB.Pedestrians, drivers and road conditions are all to blame for road accidents.Task 10【答案】1) 11, 2) Over 400, 3) Over 4,000, 4) $ 400, 5) 60 daysB.1) Most people are going to die from accidents caused by drunk drivers.2) Joe’s sister is worried because it’s getting late and he is drunk.3) The green Ford that Joe is driving is weaving from left to right.4) When Officer Williams asks Joe to walk along the white line, he can’t do it. Joe also fails the breath test.5) He’s going to appear in court next week. He is going to receive a $400 fine. The judge is also going to suspen d his license for sixty days.C.enjoying, family party, leave, stay, wait, drives, fine, slowly, had, drinksUnit 5Task 1【答案】A.1) a, 2) aB.1) T, 2) FTask 2【答案】A.1) c, 2) b, 3) aB.1) F, 2) FTask 3【答案】A.1) b, 2) cB.1) T, 2) F, 3) FTask 4【答案】Task 5【答案】A.1) F, 2) T, 3) T, 4) FB.1) c, 2) c, 3) b, 4) aC.family, 660, camping, 1499, first-class, swimming pool, night clubTask 6【答案】1) a, 2) b, 3) c, 4) a, 5) b, 6) c【原文】Two people were having dinner in the Waverley restaurant. Here is their conversation:Man: Are you enjoying your meal?Woman: I thought the soup was very nice.Task 7【答案】A.1) b, 2) d, 3) aB.Seven. He lost his way in the forest. He burned his steak. He was woken up by the noises made by the people next to him and couldn’t go back to sleep. The pouring rain soaked his tent and he ended up sleeping in his small car. He had all the food stolen. His car was stuck in the mud and he had a flat tire on his way home.Task 8【答案】1) It is beautiful and peaceful. There is food — fish, coconut and wild bananas. There is fresh water, too.2) The civilized life is too complicated. And the traveling also makes Buck sick.3) The weather is bad. The food is dull. The fresh water is not enough. There are too many insects. He has nobody to talk to and no books to read.4) Some matches, some insecticide, some modern tools such as a good axe, a saw, a hammer and some nails and a radio.Task 9【答案】A.1) c → e → a → b → d2) c → a → bB.1) F, 2) T, 3) T, 4) FUnit 6Task 1【答案】but not very small, the centre of the city, pets, dream of, living room, floors, bedrooms, dark, hobbies, swimming poolTask 2【答案】A.1) kitchen, bathroom, hall2) shops3) central heating112 pounds, first, Mary Jones, 41, 40414B.1) T, 2) F, 3) F, 4) FTask 3【答案】1) b, 2) c, 3) d, 4) dTask 4【答案】1) Electricity comes through an underground cable. Then a thin cable enters our home through a fuse box and a meter.2) The meter counts the units of electricity.3) No. Because they are normally under the floors or in the walls.4) Usually for refrigerators, cookers, water heaters and washing machines.Task 5【答案】1) b, 2) b, 3) a, 4) a, 5) cTask 6【答案】1) The Kienasts’ Housing Problem.2) It means five Children born of the same mother at the same time.3) They were too small to leave the hospital.4) T hey decided to add some extra rooms to the Kienasts’ house.5) 12.6) No. The neighbors want to help them.Task 8【答案】A.Social and economic, America’s housing system1.1) smaller houses or apartments2) rental housing3) cooperatives2. the rising energy prices1) cities2) less to heat and light3) underground3. economic factors1) the cost of houses getting higher and higher2) higher interestB.1) It is a way of solving housing problem and helping keep the cost low. In the cooperative, everyone buys a share of an apartment building. If a low-earning requirement is met, the buys can get a low-interest loan from the government.2) During the day, heat from sunlight is collected through windows on the south side of the house. At night, the windows are covered, and the collected warmth heats the home.Task 9【答案】A.1) Debate on Radio Time.2) Four guests are in the studio. James and Alice are from Sheffield; David and Louise are from a small village in Yorkshire.3) The topic is how living in town compares with living in the country.B.sTask 10【答案】Task 11【答案】to, are, of, is, in, for, to, to, of, or, of, toUnit 7Task 1【答案】1) They are Emma, Mark and Jane.2) Emma wants a joke book; Mark wants a model train, and Jane wants a radio.3) The joke book costs two pounds fifty. The radio costs twenty-seven pounds ninety-nine pence. We don’t know the exact price of the model train, but it must be very expensive.Task 2【答案】A.1) EmmaShe is going to bed now.2) MarkHe’s having a bath. Now he’s washing his feet and singing a carol.3) JaneShe is putting the last Christmas Cards on the table in the hall.4) Mr. PhillipsHe’s putting all the presents under the tree. He’s thinking about his busy day.5) Mrs. PhillipsShe’s preparing all the food for tomorrow’s mealsB.1) d 2) a 3) cTask 3【答案】A.read, drew, made, drank, had, flew, went, see, rememberB.1) a, 2) c, 3) bTask 4【答案】A. past, future, memories, hopes, fearsB. bTask 5【答案】A.1) There were only seven small houses to live in. So everyone had to squeeze in together. You might have had four or five extra people living with your family.2) Your house was dark inside. You couldn’t see anything out of the tiny windows because th ey were made from oiled cloth, not glass.3) The air was full of smoke from the fish-oil lamps and from the big fireplace, where something was cooking all day long.B.1) F, 2) FTask 6【答案】A.1) Because most of the water in England was polluted in the early 1600s. You could get very sick from it. But beer was safe because it has alcohol in it, and alcohol kills germs. So, that’s what people drank every day.2) Doing the laundry was a really big job in those days. First, the women had to make soap out of animal fat and ashes. That took a long time. Then the children had to carry water from the stream, so it could be boiled in big outdoor pots. After everything was washed, the laundry was hung on bushes to dry.B.1) F, 2) FTask 7【答案】yTask 9MUnit 8Task 1【答案】1) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation2) Association of Southeast Asian Nations3) European Union4) Food and Agriculture Organization5) International Atomic Energy Agency6) International Labour Organization7) International Monetary Fund8) North American Free Trade Agreement9) World Health Organization10) World Trade OrganizationTask 2【答案】1) recently attacked an elementary school2) have begun hunting crocodiles3) planting gardens on the tops of buildings4) resettle more than 125,000 people5) help rebuild Afghanistan6) 11 million dollars in aid for the Asian nation7)India has more than one billion people8) China’s population has increased to more than one billion two hundred millionTask 3【答案】News Item 1A.1) b, 2) c, 3) d, 4)aNews Item 2B.Lead: Thousands of demonstrators have forced the cancellation of the opening ceremony at the World Trade Organization meeting in the American city of Seattle, Washington.1) Ministers from 135 WTO member countries2) police, demonstrators3) big businesses, workers, the environment4) aid to farmers, labor rules, trade taxesC.1) They accused the WTO of protecting the interests of big business at the expenses of those of workers and the environment.2) The WTO is criticized by both poor countries and disadvantaged groups in the Western World. In News Item 1, the WTO faces the criticism particularly from developing countries that demand more concessions from developed nations in trade talks. In News Item 2, the WTO was accused of protecting the interests of big business at the expenses of those of workers and the environment.3) Yes. Throughout history, rich people and developed countries have benefited most from the existing international trade arrangements. Now it’s time for them to give more considerations for poor countries and people.As a leading actor in the process of globalization, the WTO should do more to reduce its negative impact on the poor and the environment.Task 4【答案】Mexico, 1989, America, economies, community, 21, two and one half thousand million, almost half, joint statement, terrorism, security, goodsTask 5【答案】A.1) Computer products, and particularly an operating system.2) The judge ruled that Microsoft company has acted a monopoly.3) Monopoly means blocking competition from other companies to gain control of the market.4) People who buy computer products.B.1) more than 500, 000 million2) operating3) the 9th4) blocking/ending/stopping5) harmedTask 6【答案】A.1) T, 2) F, 3) F, 4) T, 5) T, 6) TB.Judge Jackson’s rulings1) misusing, computer programs2) two smaller businessesThe Federal Appeals Court’s ruling s1) block competition2) reconsider3) fair/being fair, Microsoft and Bill GatesLegal e xperts’ comments1) the Federal government, Microsoft2)a) The Supreme Courtb) a new trial, the unresolved legal questionsc) negotiations, privatelyBill Gates’ responsethe situation, solutionProspects1) an agreement2) punished, pay moneyTask 7【答案】News Item 1A.1) It will send Destiny into Orbit.2) It is a scientific research laboratory.3) Destiny is the most technologically complex research center ever put into space.4) Over one billion dollars.5) It will last eleven Days.6) The will make three walks in space to attach the laboratory to the International Space Station’s Control Centre. News Item 2B.News Lead: The first laboratory has been connected to the International Space Station.1) launched, Wednesday, February 7th2) Destiny3) mechanical arm4) a linking device5) protective clothing, complete work.Task 8【答案】110 stories, employing, desks, collapse, figures, recovered, crashed, dead, searching, 800Task 9【答案】A.released, number one, terrorist attack, The RisingTask 10【答案】News Item 1A.1) A four-year exhibition of the work of the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh has opened in Amsterdam.2) It is one of his early drawings in water color, pencil and ink, depicting a woman carrying a child along a windswept road.3) A German art dealer acting for an anonymous collector.4) In 1883.News Item 2B.movie industry, directing, editing, released, Oscar, metals, statue, weighs, priceless, offers, earningUnit 9Task 1【答案】1) b, 2) a, 3) c, 4) c, 5) b, 6) a, 7) c, 8) b, 9) a, 10) bTask 2Task 3【答案】1) c, 2) a, 3) a, 4) a, 5) b, 6) a, 7) cTask 4【答案】1) F, 2) T, 3) T, 4) F, 5) F, 6) FTask 5【答案】1) b, 2) c, 3) b, 4) b, 5) aTask 6【答案】1) They never interfered with her plans too much and she was allowed to take up the career she wanted.2) She became independent financially. But she still stays with her parents a lot.3) Yes.4) She doesn’t always get along well with her parents.5) They treat her as a child and they try to control her.Task 7【答案】A. dB.1) A writer for the “Agony Column” in Flash magazine.2) Fifteen in two months’ time.3) Manchester.4) Quite a rough city.5) Christine.Task 8【答案】1) F, 2) T, 3) F, 4) F, 5)FTask 9【答案】holding a job, even tougher, playing cops and robbers, shot, yelled, slumped to the ground, ran over, had been hurt in the fall, bent over, It’s the only chance I get to restTask 10【答案】A.1) turn off the television2) feed the cat3) wash up dishes4) dry the dishes5) put away the dishes6) tidy the kitchen7) put out the cat8) lock all the doors9) turn out all the lightsB.1) She said she was going up to bed.2) She was sitting up in bed reading a book and eating chocolates.3) A gate banging downstairs.4) He had to go to shut the garden gate.Task 11【答案】1) b, 2) c, 3)a, 4)b, 5) bTask 12【答案】Main idea: are becoming more and more diverse1) Horizon Research Group, families in China’s cities are becoming more and more divers e, several generations under the same roof, a double-income-no-kids (DINK) family2)a) 48 percent, 1997, 37 percentb) one-person, linear, generational, 7.2 percent, 1 percentage point, six years agoc) 6.8 percent, 3.9 percentage pointsd) a married couple living with their parents, three generations, 6.4 percentage points, 49 percente) cohabitation, celibacy3) pluralistic society, diverse values, 1980s, 10,000, 60,000a 38-year-old businessman, a graphic designer, their two-person family is one of the happiest inthe world, have so many plans to do things together, we are two kids who like playing together, satisfied with, bother with children。

大学英语视听说听力原文第一部分:听力材料一、对话A: Hey, what are you doing this weekend?B: I'm planning to go to the park with my family.A: That sounds like fun. Are you going to have a picnic?B: Yes, we're going to bring some sandwiches and drinks.A: That sounds delicious. I hope you have a great time.B: Thank you. I'm sure we will.二、独白三、新闻四、故事Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emily. She lived in a small village with her family. One day, Emily found a lost puppy in the forest. She took the puppy home and took care of it. She named the puppy Max. Max became a part of Emily's family, and they loved each other very much. Emily and Max had many adventures together, and they were always happy.五、演讲Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to talk about the importance of education. Education is the key to success in life. It helps us to develop our skills and knowledge, and itopens up new opportunities for us. Education also teaches us how to think critically and solve problems. In today's world, education is more important than ever before. We need to invest in education and ensure that everyone has access to quality education.。
现代大学英语听力1 原文及答案(unit 1)

Unit 1 University LifeTaks 1ScriptOkay, Okay, let's begin. Hello, everyone. My name's Susan Hudson, and I'll be your teacher for this class, Intercultural Communication.Uh, to begin with, please take a look at the syllabus in front of you. As you all should know by now, this class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:50. We will be meeting in this room for the first half of the course, but we will be using the research lab every other week on Thursday in Room 405 during the last two months of the class.Uh, this is the text for the class, Beyond Language. Unfortunately, the books haven't come in yet, but I was told that you should be able to purchase them at the bookstore the day after tomorrow. Again, as you see on your course outline, grading is determined by your performance on a midterm and final test, periodic quizzes, uh, a research project, and classroom participation.My office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays, and you can set up an appointment to meet with me at other times as well.KeyA. Answer the following questions.1)What are the name of the teacher and the name of the course?Key: Susan Hudson and Intercultural Communication.2)When and where will the class meet for the first half of the courseKey: The class will meet in the room they are in now and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:50.3)Where can the students get the textbooks?Key: They can purchase the textbooks at the bookstore the day after tomorrow.4)When are the office hours?Key: The office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays.B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1)We will be meeting in this room for the first half of the course, but we will be using theresearch lab every other week on Thursday in Room 405 during the last two months of the class.2)Again, as you see on your course outline, grading is determined by your performance ona midterm and final test, periodic quizzes, uh, a research project, and classroomparticipation.Task 2ScriptLibrarian: Can I help you?Student: Yes. I am a bit confused. My sociology class is supposed to read a chapter in a book called Sociology and the Modern Age. According to the syllabus, the bookis in the library, but I haven't been able to find it.Librarian: Do you have your syllabus with you? May I see it?Student: Yes, uh... I put it in the front of my sociology notebook. Yes, here it is. Librarian: Let me see. Oh yes. Your professor has placed this book on reserve. That means you cannot find it on the shelves in its usual place. You need to go to a specialroom called the reserve room. It's down the hall and to the right.Student: I'm sorry—I still don't understand what you mean by on reserve.Librarian: You see, your professor wants everyone in the class to read the chapter. If one student removes the book from the library, it is likely that none of the otherstudents will have the opportunity to read it. So, your professor has insured thatall students have the opportunity to read it by placing it on reserve.Student: So, will I be able to find this book?Librarian: Yes, when a book is on reserve, a student can go to the reserve room and ask the reserve librarian for the book. The student can have the book for a few hours, andhe or she MUST read it in the library during that time. That way, the book stays inthe library, and all students have a chance to read it.Student: OK. Thank you. I understand now.Librarian: Will there be anything else?Student: No! I am on my way to the reserve room. Thanks again!KeyA. Answer the following questions.1)What's the student's problem?Key: According to the syllabus, the book he is looking for is in the library, but he couldn't find it.2)What's the meaning of "on reserve"?Key: That means the student cannot find the book on the shelves in its usual place.She/He needs to go to a special room called the reserve room.3)Why does the professor put the books on reserve?Key: The professor wants every one in the class to read the chapter. If one student removes the book from the library, it is likely that none of the other students willhave the opportunity to read it. So, the professor has insured that all students havethe opportunity to read it by placing it on reserve.B. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1)The student has the syllabus in his hand all the time. [ F ]2)The reserve room is down the hall and to the right. [ T ]3)Once the students find the book on reserve, they can read it for a very long time. [ F ]Task 3ScriptHello and welcome to the university library. This taped tour will introduce you to our library facilities and operating hours.First of all, the library's collection of books, reference materials, and other resources are found on levels one to four of this building. Level one houses our humanities and map collections. On level two, you will find our circulation desk, current periodicals and journals, and our copy facilities. Our science and engineering sections can be found on level three. You can also find back issues of periodicals and journals older than six months on this level. Finally, group study rooms, our microfilm collection, and the multimedia center are located on level four.Undergraduate students can check out up to five books for two weeks. Graduate students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two times.There is a 50-cents- a-day late fee for overdue books up to a maximum of $ 15. Periodicals and reference books cannot be checked out.The library is open weekdays, 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, and on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 8:30 pm. The library is closed on Sundays.KeyA. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1) Level one houses__________, ( c)a) current periodicals and journals b) our copy facilitiesc) our humanities and map collections d) our science and engineering sections2) Back issues of periodicals and journals older than six months are located on level ______. (c)a) one b) two c) three d) fourB. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape.Undergraduate students can check out up to five books for two weeks. Graduate students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two times. There is a 50-cents- a-day late fee for overdue books up to a maximum of $15. Periodicals and reference books cannot be checked out.The library is open weekdays, 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. and on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 8:30 pm. The library is closed on Sundays.Task 4ScriptRandall: Hi Faith. Do you have a minute?Faith: Sure. What's up?Randall: Well, I just wanted to go over the schedule for Wednesday's orientation meeting to make sure everything is ready.Faith: Okay. Here's a copy of the tentative s chedule. [OK] Now, the registration starts at 8:30 and goes until 9:15. [All right] Then, the orientation meeting will commence at 9:30.Randall: Okay. Now, we had planned originally for the meeting to go until 10:30, but now we have someone from the international center coming to speak to the students onextracurricular activities, so how about ending the meeting around 11?Faith: Fine. And, uh, then students will take the placement tests from 11:15 until noon [OK.], followed by 20-minute break before lunch. [OK.] And, immediately after lunch, we have reserved a campus shuttle to give students a 45-minute tour starting at 1:30. [Oh. OK.] We want to show students around the university, including the union building, the library, and the student services building.Randall: Great. Now, how about the oral interviews?Faith: Well, we're planning to start them at 2:15.Randall: Uh, well, teachers are going to be up to their ears in preparations, and they'll be hard pressed to start then.Faith: OK, let's get things rolling around 2:45.Randall: OK, here, let me jot that down. Uh, could you grab a pen off my desk?Faith: Right. Finding anything on your desk is like finding a needle in a haystack. [Oh, it’s not that bad.] Here, use mine.Randall: OK. And we'll need 150 copies of this programme guide by then.Faith: Hey. That's a tall order on such short notice! How about lending me a hand to put things together [OK.] by this afternoon so we don't have to worry about them? Randall: OK. And I think the manager has given the green light to go ahead and use the more expensive paper and binding for the guides this time.Faith: OK. So the interviews will go from 2:45 until, let's say, 4:30. [OK] I hope we can wrap things up by 5.Randall: Great. I think the bottom line is to keep things running smoothly throughout the day. Faith: I agree. I'll pass this schedule by the director for a final look.KeyA. Complete the following schedule according to the dialogue.1) Why do they change the ending time of the orientation meeting?Key: Because now they have someone from the international center coming to speak to the students on extracurricular activities.2) What do they want the students to see during the shuttle tour?Key: They want to show students around the university, including the union building, the library, and the student services building.C. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1)Uh, well, teachers are going to be up to their ears in preparations, and they'll be hardpressed to start then.2)Okay, here, let me jot that down. Uh, could you grab a pen off my desk?3)Finding anything on your desk is like finding a needle in a haystack.4)Great. I think the bottom line is to keep things running smoothly throughout the day.Task 5ScriptReceptionist: Good morning. Can I help you?Student: Yes, please. I would want to have some information about the... erm... the courses at Swan School.Receptionist: Is that a summer course you're interested in?Student: Yes. Yes, please.Receptionist: Yes. Fine. OK. Well, we have... erm... short intensive full-time courses during the summer.Student: Mm-mm. I would want to know the length of one course.Receptionist: Yes. Each course lasts for three weeks.Student: How many hours per week, please?Receptionist: Well, it's about 23 hours a week. Usually four and a half days each week.Student: You must have a lot of students in the class, haven't you?Receptionist: We have a lot of students in the school but in the classes only about between 12 and 14 students.Student: 12 and 14. Could you please give me the dates of the first and the second course?Receptionist: Yes, certainly. The first course begins on the 3rd of July and lasts until the 20th of July and the second course is from the 24th of July until the 10th of August.Student: What about the fees per course?Receptionist: Yes, each... each course costs £150 plus VAT, which is 15 percent, and a £5 registration fee.Student: And deposit, please?Receptionist: Yes. For each course we need a deposit of £20 and the £5 registration fee.Student: Oh thank you. Do we have to find our... our own accommodation? Receptionist: No, we can do that for you. We have a lady who arranges the accommodation for you with Oxford families.Student: How much does it cost?Receptionist: Well, you can choose to have bed and breakfast only which is £20 a week, or bed, breakfast and dinner which is about £27 a week.Student: £27. Thank you very much.Receptionist: You're welcome.KeyAnswer the following questions.1)What does the student want?Key: The student wants to have some information about the courses at Swan School.2)How long will a course last?Key: Each course lasts for three weeks.3)How many hours of classes are there in a week? And how many days?Key: It's about 23 hours a week. Usually four and a half days each week.4)What are the dates of the first and the second course?Key: The first course begins on the 3rd of July and lasts until the 20th of July and the second course is from the 24th of July until the 10th of August.5)What are the fees per course?Key: Each course costs £150 plus VAT, which is 15 percent, and a £5 registration fee.6)How much is the deposit for each course?Key: For each course the deposit is £20.7)Where will the students live?Key: A lady arranges the accommodation for the students with Oxford families.8)How much will the accommodation cost?Key: They can choose to have bed and breakfast only which is £20 a week, or bed, breakfast and dinner which is about £27 a week.Task 6ScriptEvery year, high school juniors and seniors from across the US take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT I)The SAT I is a three-hour exam that tests students' math and verbal skills. Most universities will not accept students without this test. It is also used to help decide how much financial aid should be given to each student.Scores range from 200 to 800 for each part. There is a total of 1,600 points. The test is held every year from October to June. But seniors must take it before December in order to include their scores in their university applications. The average total score for an American high school student is around 1,000.A poor SAT score can prevent a student from going to a good university. Students who want to go to one of American's best universities, such as Harvard or Yale, must score between 1,430 and 1,600.The test can be taken over and over again, but all the scores will appear on the students' records. However, unlike Chinese universities, the score is not the only thing needed. American universities also look at a student's subject grades, what they do outside of school, and their teachers' recommendations.In addition to the SAT I, some universities require high school students to take at least three SATⅡs. These one-hour exams can be taken in any subject, for example chemistry or French.KeyA. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1)Only the students who are going to graduate from high school will take the exam.[ F ]2)The SAT I is a three-hour exam that tests students' math and verbal skills. [ T ]3)The average total score for an American high school student is around 1,600. [ F ]B. Answer the following questions.1)How important is the test?Key: Most universities will not accept students without this test. It is also used to decide how much financial aid should be given to each student.2)How much should the score be for those who want to go to Harvard or Yale?Key: They must score between 1,430 and 1,600.3)What else will the American universities look at besides the score?Key: American universities also look at a student's subject grades, what they do outside of school, and their teachers' recommendations.4)What is the SAT II?Key: The SAT II is the one-hour exam that can be taken in any subject, for example chemistry or French.Task 7ScriptJapanese students need 12 years of study before entering universities.They choose the places they want to go and apply before January of their final year. The university entrance exam is a standard nationwide test held every year in January. It provides tests for 31 subjects in six subject areas: Japanese language, geography and history, civics, math, science and a foreign language. All national and public universities, as well as some private ones make use of this exam. But many places also have their own tests in February or later, before the new school year starts in April.In order to pass the exam for the best universities such as the National University of Tokyo, many students attend special preparation schools on top of their regular classes. These extra schools can last for one to two years between high school and university.Although every student has the chance of going to a Japanese university, only 50 percent of high school seniors actually choose further study.KeyA. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1)The Japanese students will apply for a university before ______ of their final year.(a)a) January b) February c) April d)July2)The university entrance exam provides tests for _______subjects in ____ subjectareas. (c)a) 30; 6 b) 30; 7 c) 31; 6 d)39;163)What kind of universities will make use of this exam? (d)a) All national universities. b) All public universitiesc) Some private universities. d) All of the above.4)How many high school seniors will choose further study? (c)a) All of them. b) More than halfc) Only half of them. d) Less than halfB. Answer the following questions.1) Why do many students attend the special preparation school?Key: Many students attend special preparation schools besides their regular classes, in order to pass the exam for the best universities such as the national University of Tokyo.2) How long do these extra schools last?Key: These extra schools can last for one to two years between high school and university.Task 8ScriptThe School was opened in 1955 and is part of a non-profit-making educational foundation. Its 200 students, from 30-40 countries, work in large, attractive buildings set in extensive, beautiful gardens, within easy reach of the centre of Cambridge. The School has dining rooms, a library, video filming studio, language laboratories, listening and self-access study centres, computres, as well as facilities for tennis, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton and football.General English classes are for students aged 17+. Complete beginners are not accepted. Students have classes for 21 hours a week. Other subjects available within the General English timetable include English for Business and English Literature. The cost of tuition, materials and books per term is £1,130. Accommodation is with local families. Lunch is provided in the School Monday to Friday. All other meals are taken with the family. There is a full range of social activities including excursions, discos and theatre-visits. The total cost of all non-tuition services is £670 per term. There are 3 terms of 10 weeks and summer courses of 9 weeks and 3 1/2 weeks.KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) What kind of school is it?Key: It's a non-profit-making educational foundation.2) Do they accept complete beginners?Key: No, complete beginners are not accepted.3) What other subjects within the General English timetable do they have?Key: Other subjects available within the General English timetable include English for Business and English Literature.B. Complete the following sentences with what your hear on the tape.1)Its 200 students, from 30-40 countries, work in large, attractive buildings set inextensive, beautiful gardens, within easy reach of the centre of Cambridge.2)The School has dining rooms, a library, video filming studio, language laboratories,listening and self-access study centres, computers, as well as facilities for tennis, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton and football.3)Students have classes for 21 hours a week.4)The cost of tuition, materials and books per term is £1,130.5)Lunch is provided in the School Monday to Friday. All other meals are taken with thefamily.6)The total cost of all non-tuition services is £670 per term. There are 3 terms of 10weeks and summer courses of 9 weeks and 3 1/2 weeks.Task 9ScriptThis school has a capacity of 220 students. It occupies a 19th century building in a quiet tree- filled square close to Victoria Station in central London.General courses, either in the mornings or afternoons, comprise 15 50-minute periods per week. We cater for a wide range of classes from beginners to advanced, enabling us to place students at the level indicated by the special entry test which all students take. There are usually no more than 14 students in a class. In addition to the 15 lessons, there are daily individual laboratory sessions and lectures on life in Britain at no extra cost.There are 8 classrooms, a multi-media learning centre, language laboratory, video, computer, lecture hall, canteen. We are open from January to December for courses of 3 to 14 weeks. There is a special 2-week Easter Course and Refresher Courses for overseas teachers of English in summer. Fees are approximately £46 per week for general courses. Accommodation can be arranged with selected families with half board. There is a full social programme and regular excursions.KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) How many students can this school have?Key: This school has a capacity of 220 students.2) Where is this school located?Key: It is located in a quiet tree-filled square close to Victoria Station in central London.3) What do they have besides the 15 lessons?Key: In addition to the 15 lessons, there are daily individual laboratory sessions and lectures on life in Britain at no extra cost.4) What kind of special courses do they have in summer?Key: There is a special 2-week Easter Course and Refresher Courses for overseas teachers of English in the summer.B. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1) This school accepts only beginners. [ F ]2) Generally speaking there are 24 students in a class. [ F ]3) Accommodation can be arranged with selected families with half-board. [ T ]Task 10This school, founded in 1953, is a non-profit making Charitable Trust. Situated in residential North Oxford, 3 km from the city centre, the College occupies a complex of purpose-built blocks and 14 large Victorian houses providing academic and residential accommodation. Facilities include an excellent library, video room, language laboratories, computer room, science laboratories, assembly hall and coffee bar.A particular benefit for the EFL student is the opportunity to live and study with native English speakers taking the two-year International Baccalaureate course, or courses at university level.All students are encouraged to participate in social and extracurricular activities including sports, horse riding, drama, art, crafts, photography, films, concerts and excursions.Academic Year Courses (21 hours per week) leading to all principal EFL examinations, concentrate on language with selected studies in Literature, Politics, History, Art History, and Computing. Most students live in college houses each supervised by a resident warden, but some prefer family accommodation.KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) What kind of school is it?Key: This school, founded in 1953, is a non-profit making Charitable Trust.2) Where is the school?Key: It is situated in residential North Oxford, 3 km from the city centre.3) What is the benefit for the EFL student?Key: A particular benefit for the EFL student is the opportunity to live and study with native English speakers taking the two-year International Baccalaureate course, orcourses at university level.4) What extracurricular activities do they have?Key: Their extracurricular activities include sports, horse riding, drama, art, crafts, photography, films, concerts and excursions.B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) Facilities include an excellent library, video room, language laboratories, computerroom, science laboratories, assembly hall and coffee bar.2) Most students live in college houses each supervised by a resident warden, but some prefer family accommodation.Task 11ScriptCindy Farrow is Andy and Kate Morgan's American cousin. She is 18 years old. She comes from California, on the west coast of the USA. She lives with her parents in San Francisco. She is a student at Berkeley College where she is studying modem languages. She wants to be an interpreter when she leaves university.She has many interests and hobbies. She loves reading, swimming and surfing but her favorite hobby is white-water rafting on the Colorado River. She thinks it's very exciting.At the moment Cindy is on her way to England to stay with the Morgans in Dover.。

Miss Chen: Have you?
Mr. Song: I think so. May I ask where you live?
W: Well?
M: Well, sorry, but the place’s really busy. There were no other tables, so…Do you mind?
W: Well, I guess you can stay.
M: Thanks. By the way, my name’s Bradley. But you can call me Brad.
Mr. Song: Are you going to work now?
Miss Chen: No. I’m going to do some shopping for the weekend. What about you?
Mr. Song: I’m going to the airport to meet some friends from Beijing.
Lisa: Yeah, I did — but I wasn’t a very good student.
Bill: Me neither. What year did you graduate?
Lisa: Um, 1989.
Bill: Oh, that’s strange, me too. Do you remember Mrs. Rivers?
2. I’d like you to meet

英语听力Unit1How's your college life?Listening in--Task1Good morning,everyone.I'd like to welcome you to City University.I'm Betty Russell and I work in the International Students' Office.I have some important information for you.First,you must enroll by August28th.Pick up your ID card at our office.Then,you'll need to pick up a library card so you can borrow books from the library.Show them your ID card in the library and they will do it for you.You may be thinking about the sports facilities at our school.There's no charge for students,but of course you'll have to show your ID card when you go there.Concerning medical assistance,the university has its own health center,and all services are free for enrolled students.Listening in--Task2John:Hi,Lisa.How's life on campus?Lisa:Hi,John.Oh,not so bad.Pretty good in fact.John:ls that what you think?I mean,do you like living on campus? Lisa:Yeah,l enjoy living here because there are so many people around and it's easy to make friends.What about you?Have you ever lived in a dorm before?John:No,this is my first time.Lisa:I think you'll find it quite convenient.The library,labs,sports center and other facilities are right on campus.John:That's true.The atmosphere here is different.But I guess living in town has its advantages too,like being close to the shopping center.You know,our university is so far from downtown.Lisa:But imagine commuting to classes...I mean,you would have to get up so early to get to class on time.And then going home would take so much time.John:Yeah,but what about the food here?It seems like it's the same thing in the cafeteria every day.Lisa:Well,I think the food here is OK,and if you want a change,you can eat out once in a while.John:True.Listening in--Task3There was a student who wanted very much to gain admission to a study course.He was smart enough to get through the written test and appear for the personal interview.Since the boy answered all the questions correctly,the interviewer decided to corner him."Tell me your choice," said the interviewer to the boy."I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult.Which option would you prefer?Think before you make up your mind."The boy thoughtfor a while and said,"My choice is one really difficult question." "Well,you have made your own choice!"said the interviewer."Tell me: Which comes first,day or night?"The boy was jolted first but he thought for a while and said,"It's the day,sir.""Why?"asked the interviewer.He was smiling."Sorry,sir,but you promised me that you would only ask me one difficult question!"Admission to the course was thus secured.Further listening and speaking--Task1University life is a new and different experience for me.First of all,living at the university gives me a sense of responsibility,of being on my own.My parents aren't around to say,"No,you're not going out tonight."I decide everything for myself.Being around lots of friendly people is another aspect of university life that I enjoy.When I arrived on campus for my first day,I was a bit confused about where I was going.An upperclassman noticed me and asked,"Are you a new student?"When he found out I was looking for my dorm,he said,"Oh,just follow me;that's where I'm going."Now,I can really say that I feel comfortable in the dorm becausethere are so many friendly people around to talk with.Finally,I love having Fridays off;I would not be able to deal with five days of classes in a row.How did I do it in high school?I love sleeping in on Fridays.I'm sort of a party animal;it seems like I go out every Thursday night.It alsoseems like I don't get home until early the next day!My head hits the pillow and I don't move until Friday afternoon.Further listening and speaking--Task2Though it makes up50%of everyday communication,listening,it seems,is the least taught subject.Listening is more than just hearing:it requires understanding.In an educational setting,listening effectively is critical.Effective listening helps us do our assignments well,and take better notes.Doing these activities well results in better learning and,most of the time,in good grades.In a professional setting,listening is also critical.When you receive an oral message,your response must be correct.If you fail to listen to customers or clients,you may lose THEIR business,and YOUR job!In a personal setting,listening deepens your relationships.When we listen to someone,we say"You are important" without ever speaking a word.When we fail to listen,not only do we not receive the message,but we send the message that we are just plain dumb.Unit2Do you work out?Listening in--Task1I first saw Yao Ming back in1997.Nike had just signed a contract to sponsor the Shanghai Sharks.We had a little party to introduceourselves and to meet the players.A few of US were there when the team walked in.They looked normal;most of them were about6'4"or so.Then,a thin,baby-faced guy came in.He was about7'5".We were all amazed.We couldn't believe his size.And when he started hitting three-pointers,we were really blown away!Our guys in the U.S.didn't believe that there was a Chinese kid that tall.To convince them,we had to bring him to a Nike camp in Paris that summer.Yao had always played against kids who were older than him.This was the first time he was competing with players his own age.Del Harris,then the Lakers coach,was at the camp.He fell in love with Yao Ming.He was telling everybody,"I got to have a picture with that kid.One day he's going to have a real impact on the NBA."Listening in--Task2More and more people today are realizing the importance of regular physical exercise.Physical exercise can make you strong and healthy.By doing some form of physical exercise every day,your level of energy will increase and you will sleep better at night.There are many different forms of physical exercise that suit the various tastes and needs of different people.Take track and field events,for example.Throwing the javelin can strengthen your arm and upper body.The long jump and high jump can strengthen your legs.Basketball,football and volleyball are alsogood forms of exercise.Be careful when choosing the right type of exercise for yourself.If your heart is weak,for example,you should start with light exercise.If you are overweight,know your limits.Don't overdo it.Listening in--Task3One day,a grandfather went golfing with his grandson.The young man was really good and the grandfather was just giving him tips.They were on Hole8and there was a tree in the way.The grandfather said,"When I was your age,I would hit the ball right over that tree." So,the grandson hit the ball and it bumped againstthe tree and landed close to where it had started."Of course,"added the grandfather,"when I was your age,the tree was only three feet tall."Further listening and speaking--Task1Sports are very important in the U.S.,for both spectators and participants.Many people have jobs where they sit for most of the day,So when they have free time,they like to take part in more physical activities.Both team sports and individual activities are popular.Youth sports are usually played either in local clubs or in schools.Most major league sports recruit their players from college or high school teams.Spectator sports are also a major part of American culture.ManyAmericans watch sports weekly,if not daily.Thousands of people attend professional and college sporting events to cheer on their local lions more choose to watch on TV and root from their own living rooms.On TV,American football,baseball and basketball are the most popular sports.Soccer has a long way to go before it is on the same level as the"big three".Although there is some overlapping,football is played in the fall,basketball in the winter and baseball in the spring and summer.American professional teams are privately owned and generally situated in major cities,so they have a large fan base to draw from.There's no government involvement in these leagues.Further listening and speaking--Task2A businessman entered a hotel and placed his umbrella in the stand.Before going upstairs,he tied a card to his umbrella.The card said:"N.B.-This umbrella belongs to a champion heavyweight boxer.Back in ten minutes."In about20minutes he returned,but the umbrella was gone.The card,however,was still there,and on it someone had written: "P.S.-Umbrella taken by a champion long-distance runner.Won't be back at all."Unit3Tell me about your friends.Listening in--Task1I have a picture that sits on my desk in my bedroom.When I have trouble studying,or I'm worried about an exam,I just take a look at it.It is a picture of my best friends.It was taken years ago when we were in high school.It reminds me of the good times we've shared and the support their friendship still gives me today.Even though our lives have gone in different directions,the bond we created has kept us close.We update each other about what's been going on through text messaging,Facebook,and Twitter.I often get e-mails with a joke for the day,or words of comfort about some problems in my life.My friends have shown up for surprise birthday parties,and one of them even traveled two hours from the other end of town just to watch my first English speech contest.Our friendship has carried me through a lot of difficult experiences,and has enriched the good ones.It is the kind of friendship that outlasts disagreements,changes,and separation.Listening in--Task2As a foreign student,I have a number of problems.The biggest one is meeting people.I feel confident about my ability to cope with problems in my studies,but I'm not comfortable making friends with other students,especially local ones.Perhaps I'm worrying unnecessarily,but I find it difficult to talk to them.The primary reason is the language barrier.My English is quite standard and formal,and although that helpsme with my academic work,I have trouble understanding other students when they are just chatting.It seems I really need informal,colloquial English.Besides,there's the cultural gap.That's why it's so difficult for overseas students and native English-speaking students to really get to know each other.I really want to overcome this difficulty.I guess the best way to begin is to start talking about coursework that we share,and then I could suggest going for a cup of tea or coffee.Over coffee we could get to know each other.Another way would be to join a club on campus,because that immediately gives us something in common with other people there.Further listening and speaking--Task1One day,I saw a kid from my class walking home from school.His name was Robert.It looked like he was carrying all of his books.I thought to myself,"Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday?" Then,I saw a bunch of kids running toward him.They ran at him,knocking all his books out of his arms.His glasses went flying.He looked up and I saw terrible sadness in his eyes.My heart went out to him.As I handed his glasses,there was a big smile on his face.I helped him pick up his books.We talked all the way home,and I carried his books.Monday morning came,and there was Robert with the huge stack of books again.Over thenext four years,we became best friends.On graduation day,Robert gave aspeech on behalf of the class.He said,"I am here to tell you a story."l just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met.He had planned to kill himself that weekend.He talked of how he was carrying his stuff home."Thankfully,"he said,"my friend saved me from doing the unspeakable."Not until that moment did I realize that sometimes,with one small gesture,you can change a person's life.Further listening and speaking--Task2You may have a lot of friends and expect your friendships to last a lifetime.However,not everybody can make lifelong friendships.Friends sometimes misunderstand each other.For one thing,you may want your friends to be near at hand,but also you need your independence and privacy.For example,when one of your friends comes asking if it is all right to spend the evening at your house,sometimes you just say"no"to him or her because it is not convenient for you.Unfortunately,not all your friends understand this type of independence.Some people believe that friends can ask for any favor and the answer should always be "yes".Also,misunderstanding sometimes occurs when you ask for help.You may expect your friends to help you no matter what the circumstances are.But the fact is,your friends may not always drop everything to satisfy each of your needs.This may make you angry with them and your friendship could fade.The most important thing for youand your friends is to always show understanding and respect for each other.Unit4How's the weather today?Listening in--Task1We all know that people cannot control the weather.However,we can predict important short term changes in the weather.This is called weather forecasting.Many people rely on the weatherperson to provide that information,but one method of weather forecasting is simply to use your eyes and your brain.For example,if you see a rainbow in a rainy evening,it means that the weather will soon be clear and fine.Sometimes distant objects such as hills and tall trees appear very clear and near;this means that there is a lot of water vapor in the air.It is usually a sign of rain.If fog appears around sunrise,then the day will be warm.If the sunset is mostly red,then the following day will be fine.Clear,twinkling stars at night are also a sign of fine weather.Listening in--Task2M:Hey,Jane!Does everyone know what time to meet us this weekend for the picnic?W:Yeah.They'll all be here at11sharp!I've got all the food and drinks for the barbecue,and Tom is bringing the grill.M:OK.I've got that old net;we can use it for beach volleyball.W:Oh,I forgot to tell you.I've invited Class Two and Three as well.We'll be able to have a volleyball match,one class against the other.That'll be great fun.M:Did you check the weather?I hope it's going to stay nice for the weekend.We can't have a picnic in the rain.W:No worries!I watched the weather forecast last night,and the weatherperson said it's going to be fine——maybe a little cloudy,but DEFINITELY no rain!(Next morning)M:What terrible weather!It's raining buckets!W:There's no way we can go out in that.The weatherperson is useless——I hope they had a picnic today,too.M:I don't know what's happened with the weather these days.When I was little,we never had this much rain in the summer.W:l agree.And have you noticed that winter is warmer now as well?We always used to get snow in January.Now winter is more like spring! M:You're telling me.I bet it's all the pollution and the hole in the ozone layer that's changing the weather.W:Oh,global warming and all that.M:I guess we'll have to take a rain check on the picnic.Listening in--Task3A film crew was on location deep in the desert.One day an old man went up to the director and said,"Tomorrow,rain."The next day it rained.A week later,the old man went up to the director and said,"Tomorrow,storm."The next day there was a hailstorm."This old man is incredible,"said the director.He told his secretary to hire the old man to predict the weather.However,after several successful predictions,the man didn't show up for two weeks.Finally the director sent for him."I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow,"said the director,"and I'm depending on you.What will the weather be like?"The old man shrugged his shoulders."Don'tknow,"he said."The radio broke!"Further listening and speaking--Task1You may not believe that our mental energy varies from season to season,but some people think that it does.Research has shown that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.Scientists have discovered that cool weather helps creative thinking much more than warm weather does.Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking.People seem to be a lot sharper in spring than they are in any other season.One reason may be that in spring,people's mental abilities are affected by the same factors that bringabout great changes in nature.Fall is the next best season,then winter.Summer seems to be the best time to take a long vacation from thinking.This does not mean thatall people are less intelligent in summer than they are during the rest of the year.It does mean,however,that the mental abilities of most people tend to be lowest in summer.Be aware of these facts,and you will make the most of your talents.Further listening and speaking--Task2Although he was a qualified meteorologist,Hopkins ran up a terrible record of forecasting for the TV news program.He became something of a local joke when a newspaper began keeping a record of his predictions and showed that he'd been wrong almost three hundred times in a single year.That kind of notoriety was enough to get him fired.He moved to another part of the country and applied for a similar job.One blank on the job application asked the reason for leaving his previous position.Hopkins wrote,"The climate didn't agree with me.'Unit5What's your favorite food?Listening in--Task1Eating habits in America really get a lot of criticism.But the truthis,it depends on where in America you look.In big cities,people are becoming more health-conscious every day.This is shown by what foods they buy in supermarkets,and what restaurants they eat in.There is now a big push for"green"foods that are grown naturally.In cities like New York and Chicago,restaurants offer new and healthy styles to stay ahead of the competition.However,these habits contrast with those in America's heartland.Here,people tend to eat more traditional and fattier,such as breakfasts of eggs,bacon,sausages,toast and other greasy,but delicious foods.Fast food chain restaurants such as McDonald's and the Olive Garden,which serve cheaper food,draw a lot of customers and are popular in most places.Listening in--Task2W:John,I'm really hungry!M:Just get anything you want;it's on me today.I'm thinking about a hamburger and some chicken McNuggets.W:Thanks.That sounds good.I love the milk shakes here.M:Me,too.McDonald's has a really special formula.W:Right.And no matter where you go in the world,you can always see similar menu items and the same high level of quality in McDonald's. M:It's true.They also do well because of diversity.I mean,they selldifferent products according to people's tastes and preferences in different areas.W:Right.Like the Spicy Chicken Sandwich and Seafood Soup that they sell in China.They could never sell that here!M:But I've heard that McDonald's is really losing market share in the States now,and has closed some restaurants.W:Yeah.It's just so difficult to stay competitive when there are so many fast food chains in the States.I mean there are KFC,Pizza Hut,and A&W, just to name a few.M:It seems that they're doing better overseas,'cause they're really able to sell American culture.W:Yeah.They use all the media they can,and they do a good job.Further listening and speaking--Task1Food is national and international.Many people like their own national dishes and a variety of foreign ones.You can find European and Asian restaurants in most large cities.You can find Italian,French,Chinese,and Mexican restaurants in New York,Washington,San Francisco,and many other cities in the United States.You might also find Greek and Middle Eastern restaurants in some American cities.American hamburgers and hot dogs are popular in Tokyo and Paris.In almost every country you will findrice,potatoes,eggs,bread,soup,meat,vegetables,milk,fruit,and other basic foods.People just cook them differently in different countries.People all over the world also prefer different things to drink.The English drink a lot of tea,and the French drink a lot of wine.Americans prefer coffee,milk or soda.German beer is now completely international.Children are often very conservative about new foods.In the United States they often prefer to eat thesame three or four dishes:hamburgers and French fries,hot dogs,fried chicken,and ice cream.Further listening and speaking--Task2I've always ordered my soft drinks in a simple way.For example,I might say"A Coke,please."Lately,though,this hasn't seemed to work.Servers now often respond,"Regular Coke,Diet Coke or Coke Zero?"Or,they may say:"I'm sorry,we don't have Coke.We have Pepsi,Diet Pepsi,Dr.Pepper,7-Up,Hartridges,Virgin Cola,Sprite,and Red Bull."Exhausted by listening to the long list of soft drinks,I thought I'd make life easier.So one day I simply asked the snack bar staff at a cinema for a"dark,cold,carbonated drink".The young man behind the counter smiled and asked,"Yes,sir,and would you like a long,thin,cylindrical plastic sucking device with that?"Unit6Being healthy felt great!Listening in--Task1lf you're a young lady in your twenties,you may either be on a diet or wondering which diet to follow.Indeed,people are so concerned with their appearance that the word"diet"has lost its original meaning.It now has the same meaning as"weight loss diet".There was a time when women bound their waists to have a nice figure.Then came Twiggy,a British supermodel most famous in the1960s,and since then everyone has wanted to look like a twig.Because of this trend,many diets have become popular.Very often you meet young girls who look weak enough to blow away in thewind,yet they are still talking about diets!However,extreme diets can lead to health problems.Many such dieters may end up with very serious eating disorders.Princess Diana suffered from an excessively strong appetite;Karen Carpenter,a popular singer of the1970s,died of loss of appetite.You should know that looking good is important but not when it comes at the risk of your healthor your life.Better eating habits and proper exercise are all you need to be fit and look good.Listening in--Task2(D=Doctor,male;S=Student,female)D:Hello,I'm Dr.Black.How're you feeling?S:I'm not feeling well,doctor.D:What seems to be the problem?S:I don't know.I just feel tired all the time.I want to sleep all day.I'm not interested in studying or being with people.D:How long has this been going on?S:Almost one month now.D:Are there any other symptoms?S:I'm just tired.D:DO you have many friends?S:I don't really have many here.I'm an international student.D:I imagine that many things in your life here are different from your life at home.S:Yeah,my life's changed a lot.Food,customs,socializing...Even body language and gestures are all different from what I'm used to in my own country.D:How long have you lived here?S:Almost three months now.It seems much longer;it's a struggle for me to get used to the new way of life here.D:Hmm.Well,let's check you over.(a few minutes later)Well,I don't see anything physically wrong with you.Your heart is strong.Your lungs are clear.Your blood pressure is normal.S:Then what do you think is wrong with me,doctor?D:Your problem seems to be culture shock.Sometimes when people move to a new location,especially a new country,they experience culture shock. Sometimes this culture shock can be serious,and people become very depressed.I suggest that you try to spend some time each week with people from your own culture.S:But my teachers tell me to speak English all the time.D:I understand,but right now we need to deal with your symptoms.Follow my advice,and you'll feel better.S:How long does this last?D:Culture shock lasts for a while and then begins to disappear.The length of time varies from person to person.If you aren't feeling better in two or three weeks,please call me again.Further listening and speaking--Task1While every university in America have their own policies and creates their own rules,most provide some type of medical service or health insurance for students,especially large universities.If students have a cold,or other illnesses,they can see a doctor,and they may also seek medical advice on a range of issues.Free testing for STDs such as HIV is a major part of disease prevention——sharing important information about the epidemic is alsoimportant.If students need a major operation or procedure,they must seek outside assistance,but the school may help them to make the arrangements.Smaller universities and colleges are not likely to provide in-depth medical assistance;they usually deal with small problems in housing,and assist students in taking care of major issues off campus.Universities and colleges without student housing do not offer medical services.Further listening and speaking--Task2There's nothing gradual about the flu.It hits you like a hammer.One minute you're feeling fine,and the next you can be shivering,burning up,and then shivering again.In minutes,your legs become weak and your body aches in places that have never hurt before.Influenza can break out so suddenly that people can sometimes say,"It hit me at exactly nine last night."But whether the flu strikes at night or on the bus to school,there's just one thing a victim wants to do:lie down in bed.A healthy person can fight off the flu in three to five days,though coughing and tiredness can last two more weeks.An attack of the flu is often followed by another illness.Doctors recommend that old people,or people of any age with heart or lung problems,get a flu vaccine every year.Because flu viruses change all the time,a new vaccine must be prepared each year to protect against future attacks.Unit7How much does it cost?Listening in--Task1Malls are popular places in the United States.People like malls for many reasons.They feel safe because malls have private security guards and sometimes even police stations.Parking is usually free,and the weather inside is always fine.The newest malls have beautiful rest areas with waterfalls and large green trees.The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota.It covers4.2million square feet.It has350stores,eight nightclubs,and a seven-acre park!There are parking spaces for12,750cars.About750,000people shop there every week.The first indoor mall in the United States was built in1965in Minnesota,but now malls are like town centers where people come to do many things.They shop,eat foods from all over the world,and see movies at theaters.Some people even get their daily exercise from the new sport of"mall walking".Others go to malls to meet friends.In some malls,people can see a doctor or a dentist and even attend church.Basically,people can do just about anything in malls.Listening in--Task2W:Hey,Don,online shopping is so popular nowadays.Where is a good place to buy electronics online?。

大学英语听说教程1听力原文Unit 1 ListeningPart 11. W: Good morning, can I help you?M: Yes, I'd like to inquire about the English courses offered here. W: Sure, we have various levels of courses tailored to different needs. Let me give you a brochure.2. M: How was your weekend?W: I had a really great time. I went hiking with my friends in the mountains.3. W: Hi Tom, I haven't seen you for ages! How have you been?M: I've been pretty busy with my job. How about you?4. M: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest post office is? W: Sure. Go straight down this street and you'll see it on yourleft-hand side.5. W: Did you hear about the Eastern Music Festival happening next month?M: Yes, I heard about it. I'm planning to go and enjoy some live performances.Part 2Passage 1Just picture this: You're walking down the street, coffee in hand, feeling good and confident. Suddenly, you trip and spill your coffee all over yourself. Embarrassing, right? But don't worry,everyone has unpleasant experiences like this sometimes. The key is to handle them with grace. Instead of panicking or feeling ashamed, try to stay calm and remember that accidents happen to everyone. Clean yourself up, laugh it off, and move on. People around you will admire your composure.Passage 2Feeling stressed out? Taking a walk outdoors may be just what you need. According to a recent study, spending time in nature can reduce stress and increase happiness. When you're surrounded by nature, your brain enters a state of relaxation, allowing you to focus better and be more creative. So next time you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, take a break and go for a walk in the park. You'll come back feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever challenges come your way.。

2024年6月大学英语四级考试听力原文(第1套)News Report OneSix people had to move away from their home to another place after a fire broke out in a building on Main Street Saturday, officials said.Firefighters responded to the three-story building shortly after 1 p.m. for a reported structure fire, according to Norwalk Deputy Fire Chief Adam Markowitz.Markowitz said crews encountered heavy smoke coming from the second floor when they arrived.A team of about 25 firefighters then spent about 25 minutes extinguishing the flames.Officials described the structure as a mixed-use building that features commercial businesses on the first floor and residential on the second and third floors.Town records list four apartments in the building.Due to smoke and heat damage, the four apartments were declared uninhabitable, and the six residents had to move to another place, officials said.No injuries were reported in connection with the fire.The Norwalk Fire Marshal is investigating the cause and origin of the fire.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.Question 1. Why did the six residents have to find another place to stay?Question 2. What does the news report say the Norwalk Fire Marshal is doing?News Report TwoA new study has cast doubt on historic research suggesting that the season or month of someone's birth is associated with an increased risk of certain mental health conditions.The study looks at symptoms of anxiety and depression among more than 70,000 older adults in Europe.A number of past studies have found the link between season of birth and mental health diagnoses.Researchers have suggested that such links could arise from various things.These include nutrient intake, sun exposure, climate, and disease exposure varying across the course of the year.However, evidence has been mixed.More recent studies have suggested that factors such as social class or economic background have more to do with these diagnoses than month of birth.Overall, the new study found no significant relationship between participants' month of birth and symptoms of depression or anxiety.There was some variability in some countries.In Poland, depressive symptoms fluctuated a little depending on birth month.In the Czech Republic, the same was true of anxiety symptoms.But on the whole, there was no systematic pattern.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.Question 3. What have a number of past studies found about season of birth?Question 4. What did the new study find about the relationship between participants' month of birth and symptoms of depression?New Report ThreeGenetic researchers in China have made a clone of a star police dog.The clone was born in a laboratory in Beijing in December.Tests show that the clone and her mother are almost identical genetically.The mother dog helped solve multiple murders and many other crimes.The clone has already performed better than traditionally bred dogs on several tests.If the clone continues to perform as well as expected, it could mean a huge reduction in the training time for police dogs, which usually takes about five years.The ultimate goal of scientists is to produce clones of talented police dogs that can be trained in months instead of years.However, this goal is not yet possible due to the current costs of the technology.This is not the first time a clone has been made of a star police dog.In South Korea, six clones began working with the police in 2008.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.Question 5. What do the researchers' tests show about the cloned dog?Question 6. What is the scientists' purpose in cloning police dogs?Question 7. Why does the news report say the scientists' goal is not yet possible?Conversation OneTom, did you see the article online about the new TV series based on the book The Three Body Problem?A colleague mentioned the book, but I've been so busy writing my thesis that 1 haven't been able to read for pleasure in months.Well, sounds like if you're going to read anything for fun, this is the book.It's written by a Chinese science fiction writer.I can't remember his name, but he's written three books in all, and The Three Body Problem is the first in the series.I don't want to say too much and spoil it for you, but it's definitely got some amazing technological and sociological concepts in it.It does sound like it would suit my taste, but if they are making a TV series based on it now, I don't know if I should read the book or watch the show first.I think it's better to read the book first.It's rare for the show or movie to be better than the book.And then, you just end up ruining the book for yourself, if the show isn't very good.When is the show supposed to start?I'm a bit overwhelmed with the amount of data I still need to collect to finish my thesis.But I still need to relax sometimes.I can't remember exactly.It's pretty soon, and it's going to be quite long.There are 24 episodes.Well, maybe you could download an electronic copy of the book and try to read it before the show starts.That's a good idea.And then, maybe we can watch the series together.Thanks for the tip, Alice.W: No problem.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Question 8. How did the man get to know about the book The Three Body Problem?Question 9. What does the woman say she can't remember about the book's author?Question 10. What does the man have to do to finish his thesis?Question 11. What will the man most probably do first after the conversation?Conversation TwoHello, good afternoon.I have an inquiry to make.It's about the vegetarian food festival you are holding on the 19th of August at the Newcastle City Hall.Yes, of course. My name's Philip How can I help you?It says on your website that you are still looking for vendors, and I grow organic vegetables on my farm, as well as doing my own home baking.Would I be able to sell both the vegetables and items baked from them at the festival?That's exactly the type of thing we are looking for.We're getting close to the deadline, however.Do you prefer to fill out an application on the web, or to print it out and fill it in by hand and then post it back to us?Remember that you will have to have all your certificates to hand when you are filling out the forms, as the standards are high and they'll be carefully checked before anyone will be able to sell their produce at the event.I should be fine with doing it on your website, and I already have all my certificates, as we run a small farm shop too.But can you give me your details anyway?Sure. Please address it to the Organic Organization, Vendor Applications, 112 Queens Road, Newcastle, Northumbria.The postcode is NU 29 3LJ.Remember that the closing date is next Tuesday, the 28th of June.That's absolutely wonderful.Thank you so much for your help. Goodbye.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Question 12.Why does the woman call the man?Question 13. What is the man still looking for?Question 14. What does the man say they are getting close to?Question 15. What does the man finally ask the woman to remember?Passage OneSupporters call it "wild camping"; opponents call it "illegal camping".What both sides accept is that there has been a boom in the past few months, with increasing numbers of visitors pitching their tents on any bit of land they fancy in the UK.In part, this reflects the fact that official campsites have been wholly or partially closed, or are overflowing in a summer when fewer people are going abroad.It is also cheap, at a time when many are worried about what the economic future holds.But it may also be an expression of a desire for going outdoors- a response to the months of lockdown.Most of the coverage of the boom in wild camping has been negative.Camping in public parks has now been banned for August and the early part of September because campers dump litter, human waste, and even their tents on the grassland.Similar action has been taken even in Scotland, where camping is usually permitted on most of its open land.Clearly there have to be rules.It would make sense that wild campers need to ask for permission to camp from landowners, especially outside Scotland, where the law is farmore restrictive.It would be common sense for people to use small tents and leave no trace of their visit.They have been attracted by a patch of land this close to wilderness, and it is their responsibility to keep it that way.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.Question 16. Why has wild camping become popular in the UK?Question 17. Why is camping banned for part of the summer in public parks?Question 18. What does the speaker suggest campers do?Passage TwoImagine boating down the Amazon River, minding your own business calmly keeping an eye out for alarmingly large snakes- and a curious pink dolphin appears to swim alongside.While this may seem like a mythical creature, pink dolphins do exist in the Amazon region.The Amazon river dolphin is a giant among its species.It can measure up to 2 meters long and weigh around 204 kilograms.Size isn't the only thing that sets the Amazon river dolphin apart.Thriving in South American rivers and temporary lakes caused by seasonal flooding, this freshwater dolphin is sometimes shockingly pink.Although born gray, males of the species are easily identified as they enter adulthood by a decisive pink shade.Their unusual coloring is believed to be the result of scar tissue from dolphin fights-- whether play-fighting or a serious bid for a mate.The deeper the pink, the more attractive the males are believed to be, and the older the male, the more pink it will have.There's also a theory that this color helps the dolphins more readily blend in with their surroundings.During heavy rains, rivers along the Amazon rainforest turn a pink shade, and with it male dolphins are harder to detect.The Amazon wetland system, fed by the Amazon River, is a crucial place for pink dolphins to breed, and since 2018 has been granted internationally protected status.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.Question 19. What does the passage say about pink dolphins?Question 20. What is the unusual coloring of pink dolphins believed to originate in?Question 21. What has become of the Amazon wetland system since 2018?Passage ThreeIn a new Merrill Lynch/Age Wave survey, a full 70% of the early adults said they received financial support from their parents in the past yearand 58% said they couldn't afford their current lifestyles without it.The most common types of financial support include cell phone plans, food, school costs and car expenses.Parental financial support of early adults, said Ken Dychtwald, CEO of Age Wave, is "the new normal".But 64% of the young adults surveyed said parents' financial support to children age 25 to 34 is "a bad thing", because it makes those kids dependent.By contrast, only 29% thought supporting men and women age 18 to 24 is bad; the remaining 71% thought that assistance "helps the adult children get ahead".Dychtwald believes the young women and men surveyed were saying that by 25 younger adults ought to be financially independent.In fact, the respondents said, financial independence defines adulthood."Financial independence is something they were struggling with and challenged by. And it scared them a bit," Dychtwald said.One big reason they're struggling is attributed to college loans, of which the average amounts to $37,000.Many of the parents have taken on college loans for the kids, too, sometimes at the expense of their own finances.In the survey, 60% of early adults define financial success as being debt-fee.Whether that's likely, or even possible, anytime soon, is anyone's guess.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.Question 22. What do we learn from a new survey by Merrill Lynch/Age Wave?Question 23. Why did most young adults in the survey say financial support to children aged 25 to 34 is a bad thing?Question 24. What did the respondents in the survey say regarding financial independence?Question 25. What is one big reason young adults are struggling?。

大学英语教材原文听力听力材料1:Hi, I'm Sarah. I'm from Canada. I'm majoring in English literature. Today, I want to talk about the importance of reading in learning a new language. Reading is an essential part of language acquisition as it helps improve vocabulary, comprehension, and language fluency. When we read, we encounter new words and phrases, and through context, we can understand their meaning. This expands our vocabulary and allows us to express ourselves more accurately in writing and speaking. Additionally, reading exposes us to different writing styles and genres, which enhances our understanding of the language's cultural aspects.听力材料2:Greetings! My name is John, and I'm a linguistics major from the USA. Let's discuss the benefits of listening to original English materials. Listening to authentic English content, such as podcasts, interviews, and speeches, helps improve our listening skills and understanding of natural language usage. By listening to native speakers, we become familiar with various accents, intonations, and pronunciation patterns, which greatly aids our ability to communicate effectively. Moreover, listening to original materials exposes us to different topics and ideas, broadening our knowledge base and critical thinking skills.听力材料3:Hello, everyone! I'm Maria, an English language education student from Brazil. Today, I want to emphasize the importance of integrating listening and reading skills for language learning. By combining these two skills, learners can reinforce their understanding of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures. Listening to English materials while simultaneously reading the text allows us to make connections between written words and spoken language. This fosters a deeper comprehension of the language and promotes overall language proficiency.听力材料4:Hey, I'm Chen Wei, a student from China. Let's talk about strategies for enhancing listening comprehension. Firstly, it is crucial to engage in regular listening practice. This can be done by listening to podcasts, audio books, or watching movies and TV shows in English. Secondly, taking notes while listening and reviewing them afterward helps improve retention and understanding. Lastly, it is beneficial to listen to materials with varying difficulty levels, gradually challenging ourselves to understand more complex content. With consistent effort and practice, our listening skills will undoubtedly improve.听力材料5:Greetings, I'm Kavita from India. I would like to discuss the significance of using technology to enhance listening skills. In today's digital age, there are numerous online platforms and applications specifically designed to improve listening comprehension. These resources provide access to authentic listening materials, interactive exercises, and instant feedback. Utilizing technology in language learning not only makes the process moreengaging but also allows learners to practice at their own pace and convenience.听力材料6:Hello, my name is Ahmad, and I come from Jordan. Let's explore the role of group discussions in improving listening skills. Participating in group discussions provides an opportunity to actively listen to others' ideas, opinions, and perspectives. It enhances our ability to comprehend different accents, intonations, and speech patterns in a real-life context. Engaging in discussions also encourages us to respond and express our own thoughts, enhancing our overall communication skills and confidence in using the English language.总结:以上是几位来自不同国家的大学生对于大学英语教材原文听力的观点和建议。

2024年6月大学英语六级听力原文(第1套)Conversation OneThank you for meeting with me, Stephen, at such a short notice.Not a problem, Margaret.Now please give me some good news. Have you agreed to my last proposal?I have indeed and I wish to sign the agreement, pending one small change to be made a contract.Margaret, we've been through this for almost a year now, back and forth making alterations.Are you sure you want to make a sponsorship deal for your clients or not?I ask this because frankly, some people at my end are running out of patience.I understand your concerns, but as I'm sure you understand, we hold our clients' best interests to be of the utmost concern.We therefore comb through the fine details of all contracts.Rest assured we all appreciate your firm's patience.Okay, fine. So what changes do you wish to make?Essentially, we would like the new deal to exclude the Middle East. That's all.The Middle East? Why?My client has a couple of other prospective marketing deals from companies in the Middle East.Those offers, should they materialize, would exclusively employ my client's image in the Middle East only.Therefore, in order to avoid any conflict, we would need to ensure that both marketing campaigns do not overlap geographically.What business sector in the Middle East are we talking about here?Real estate. Well, that should be okay then.So long as the product is very different from our food and beverage market, there should be no conflict of interest.Nevertheless, I will have to run this through my people.I don't foresee any problem, though.The Middle East is a negligible market for us.But I still need to check this with a couple of departments.Question 1. What does the woman say she will do?Question 2. What does the man say about some people he represents?Question 3.What reason does the woman give for the new deal to exclude the Middle East?Question 4. What does the man say about the Middle East?Conversation TwoNext, we have a special science-related new story. Paula Hancock isat the Denver Observatory.Paula, what is the big story over there?Hi, John. Yes, all the astronomers on site here are very excited.In fact, space enthusiasts all across North America and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere will be congregating on mountain tops tonight to watch the night's sky.Why? What's the big event? Is there an eclipse happening soon?Tonight, the Earth will come into close proximity with the Oppenheimer comet.It is the closest our planet has been to such a phenomenon in over 100 years.For this reason, it is expected that thousands of people will gaze up at the sky tonight in order to see this formidable object.How far away is this comet? Will people be able to see it with the naked eye?The Oppenheimer comet will still be millions of miles away on the edge of our galaxy.But nevertheless, this is a relatively close distance, close enough for people to observe in good detail through a telescope.People will only see a blur without one.However, that does not mean one needs professional equipment.Even the most ordinary of telescopes should be conducive for people to observe and wonder at this flying object.Many of our viewers will be wondering how they too can take part in this once-in-a-lifetime event.Where will this comet be in the sky? How can people find it?The comet will be almost exactly due north, at 60 degrees above the equator.However, finding the comet is indeed very tricky.And scientists here have told me there are plenty of phone apps that will facilitate this.How fantastic! Thank you, Paula, for the information.Question 5.What does the woman say about all the astronomers at the Denver Observatory?Question 6.What do we learn from the conversation about the Oppenheimer comet?Question 7. What does the woman say people will only see in the sky without a telescope?Question 8.What do scientists at the Denver Observatory advise amateurs do to facilitate their observation?Passage OneDietary guidelines form the basis for nutrition advice and regulations around the world.While there is strong scientific consensus around most existing guidelines, one question has recently stirred debate: should consumers be warned to avoid ultra-processed foods?Two papers published today in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition outline the case for and against using the concept of "ultra-processed foods" to help inform dietary guidelines, beyond conventional food classification systems.The authors, Carlos Monteiro of the University of Sao Paulo and Arna Ostrup of Novo Nordisk Foundation, will discuss the issue in a live virtual debate, August 14th, during NUTRITION 2024 Live Online.The debate centers around a system developed by Monteiro and colleagues that classifies foods by their degree of industrial processing, ranging from unprocessed to ultra-processed.The system defines ultra-processed foods as those made using sequences of processes that extract substances from foods and alter them with chemicals in order to formulate the final product.Ultra-processed foods are characteristically designed to be cheap, tasty, and convenient.Examples include soft drinks and candy, packaged snacks and pastries, ready to heat products, and reconstituted meat products.Studies have linked consumption of ultra-processed foods, which are often high in salt, sugar, and fat, with weight gain and an increased risk of chronic diseases, even after adjusting for the amount of salt, sugar, and fat in the diet.While the mechanisms behind these associations are not fully understood, Monteiro argues that the existing evidence is sufficient to justify discouraging consumption of ultra-processed foods in dietary recommendations and government policies.Question 9. What question is said to have recently stirred debate?Question 10.How does the system developed by Monteiro and colleagues classify foods?Question 11.What is consumption of ultra-processed foods linked with, according to studies?Passage TwoBelieve it or not, human creativity benefits from constraints.According to psychologists, when you have less to work with, you actually begin to see the world differently.With constraints, you dedicate your mental energy to acting more resourcefully.When challenged, you figure out new ways to be better.The most successful creative people know that constraints give their minds the impetus to leap higher.People who invent new products are not limited by what they don't haveor can't do.They leverage their limitations to push themselves even further.Many products and services are created because the founders saw a limitation in what they use.They created innovation based on what was not working for them at the moment.Innovation is a creative person's response to limitation.In a 2015 study which examined how thinking about scarcity or abundance influences how creatively people use their resources, Ravi Mehta at the University of Illinois and Meng Zhu at Johns Hopkins University found that people simply have no incentive to use what's available to them in novel ways.When people face scarcity, they give themselves the freedom to use resources in less conventional ways because they have to.Obstacles can broaden your perception and open up your thinking processes.Consistent constraints help you improve the connecting unrelated ideas and concepts.Marissa Meyer, former vice president for search products and user experience at Google, once wrote in a publication on Bloomberg, "Constraints shape and focus problems and provide clear challenges to overcome; creativity thrives best when constrained."Question 12.What do psychologists say people do when they are short of resources?Question 13. What does the passage say about innovation?Question 14. What did a 2015 study by Ravi Mehta and Meng Zhu find?Question 15.What did Marissa Meyer once write concerning creativity?Recording OneDifferent people use different strategies for managing conflicts.These strategies are learned in childhood.Usually, we are not aware of how we act in conflict situations.We just do whatever seems to come naturally.But we do have a personal strategy, and because it is learned, we can always change it by learning new and more effective ways of managing conflicts.When you get involved in a conflict, there are two major concerns you have to take into account: achieving your personal goals and keeping a good relationship with the other person.How important your personal goals are and how important the relationship is to you affect how you act in a conflict.Given these two concerns, five styles of managing conflicts can be identified.1. The turtle.Turtles withdraw into their shells to avoid conflicts.They give up their personal goals and relationships.They believe it is easier to withdraw from a conflict than to face it.2. The shark.Sharks try to overpower opponents by forcing them to accept their solution to the conflict.They seek to achieve their goals at all costs.Sharks assume that conflicts are settled by one person winning and one person losing.Winning gives sharks a sense of pride and achievement.Losing gives them a sense of weakness, inadequacy, and failure.3. The teddy bear.Teddy bears want to be accepted and liked by other people.They think that conflict should be avoided in favor of harmony, and believe that conflicts cannot be discussed without damaging relationships.They give up their goals to preserve the relationship.4. The fox.Foxes are moderately concerned with their own goals and about their relationships with other people.They give up part of their goals and persuade the other person in a conflict to give up part of his goals.They seek a solution to conflicts where both sides gain something.5. The owl.Owls view conflicts as problems to be solved.They see conflicts as improving relationships by reducing tension between two people.They try to begin a discussion that identifies the conflict as a problem.By seeking solutions that satisfy both themselves and the other person, owls maintain the relationship.Owls are not satisfied until a solution is found that achieves their own goals and the other person's goals, and they are not satisfied until the tensions and negative feelings have been fully resolved.Question 16.Why does the speaker say strategies for managing conflicts can always be changed?Question 17.What is said to affect the way one acts in a conflict?Question 18. Of the five styles the speaker discusses, which views conflicts as problems to be solved?Recording TwoThe genetic code of all 1.5 million known species of animals and plants living on Earth will be mapped to help save species from extinction andboost human health.Scientists hope that cracking the genetic code of plants and animals could help uncover new treatments for infectious diseases, slow aging, improve crops and agriculture, and create new bio-materials.In Britain, organisations including the Natural History Museum, the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew and the Wellcome Sanger Institute have joined forces to sequence Britain's 66,000 species of animals and plants.Dubbed the Darwin Tree of Life Project, it is expected to take 10 years and cost 100 million pounds.Once completed, all the information will be publicly available to researchers.Many scientists believe that Earth has now entered the sixth mass extinction, with humans creating a toxic mix of habitation loss, pollution and climate change, which has already led to the loss of at least 77 species of mammals and 140 types of birds since 1500.It is the biggest loss of species since the dinosaurs were wiped out 66 million years ago.Scientists say that sequencing every species will revolutionize the understanding of biology and evolution, bolster efforts to conserve as well as protect and restore biodiversity.Dr. Tim Littlewood, head of Life Sciences Department at the Natural History Museum said, "Whether you are interested in food or disease, the history of how every organism on the planet has adapted to its environment is recorded in its genetic makeup.How you then harness that is dependent on your ability to understand it.We will be using modern methods to get a really good window on the present and the past.And of course, a window on the past gives you a prospective model on the future."Sir Jim Smith, Director of Science at Wellcome said, "Try as I might, I can't think of a more exciting, more relevant, more timely, or more internationally inspirational project.Since 1970, humanity has wiped out 60 percent of animal populations.About 23,000 of 80,000 species surveyed are approaching extinction.We are in the midst of the sixth great extinction event of life on our planet, which not only threatens wildlife species, but also imperils the global food supply.As scientists, we all realize we desperately need to catalogue life on our fragile planet now.I think we're making history."Question 19.What do scientists hope to do by cracking the genetic code of plants and animals?Question 20. What do many scientists believe with regard to Earth?Question 21.How does Sir Jim Smith, Director of Science at Wellcome, describe the Darwin Tree of Life Project?Recording ThreeJohn Donne, the English poet, wrote in the 17th century, "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main."Now, a British academic has claimed that human individuality is indeed just an illusion, because societies are far more interconnected at a mental, physical, and cultural level than people realize.In his new book, The Self Delusion, Professor Tom Oliver, a researcher in the Ecology and Evolution group at the University of Reading, argues there is no such thing as "self", and not even our bodies are truly "us".Just as Copernicus realized the Earth is not the center of the universe, Professor Oliver said society urgently needs a Copernican-like revolution to understand people are not detached beings but rather part of one connected identity."A significant milestone in the cultural evolution of human minds was the acceptance that the Earth is not the center of the universe, the so-called Copernican Revolution," he writes.However, we have one more big myth to dispose of: that we exist as independent selves at the center of a subjective universe.You may feel as if you are an independent individual acting autonomously in the world; that you have unchanging inner self that persists throughout your lifetime, acting as a central anchor-point with the world changing around you.This is the illusion I seek to tackle. We are intimately connected to the world around us."Professor Oliver argues there are around 37 trillion cells in the body but most have a lifespan of just a few days or weeks, so the material "us" is constantly changing.In fact, there is no part of your body that has existed for more than ten years.Since our bodies are essentially made anew every few weeks, the material in them alone is clearly insufficient to explain the persistent thread of an identity.Professor Oliver claims that individualism is actually bad for society, and only by realizing we are part of a bigger entity can we solve pressing environmental and societal problems.Through selfish over-consumption we are destroying the natural world and using non-renewable resources at an accelerating rate."We are at a critical crossroads as a species where we must rapidly reform our mindsets and behavior to act in less selfish ways," he said."So let's open our eyes to the hidden connections all around us."Question 22. What is indeed just an illusion according to Professor Tom Oliver?Question 23. What does Professor Tom Oliver think of the idea that we exist as independent selves at the center of a subjective universe?Question 24. Why does Professor Tom Oliver claim that the material "us"is constantly changing?Question 25. How can we solve pressing environmental and societal problems according to Professor Tom Oliver?。

Unit 11.Okay, okay, let’s begin. Hello, everyone. My name’s Susan Hudson and I’ll be your teacher for this class, Intercultural Communication.Uh, to begin with, please take a look at the syllabus in front of you. As you all should know by now, this class meets on Tuesdays from 3:15 to 4:50. We will be meeting in this room for the first half of the course, but we will be using the research lab every other week on Thursday in Room 405 during the last two months of the class.Uh, this is the text for the class, Beyond Language. Unfortunately, the books haven’t come in yet, but I was told that you should be able to purchase them at the bookstore the day after tomorrow. Again, as you see on your course outline, grading is determined by your performance on a midterm and final test, periodic quizzes, uh, a research project, and classroom participation.My office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays, and you can set up an appointment to meet with me at other times as well.2.Librarian: Can I help you?Student: Yes. I am a bit confused. My sociology class is supposed to read a chapter in a book called Sociology and the Modern Age. According to the syllabus,the book is in the library, but I haven’t been able to find it.Librarian: Do you have your syllabus with you? May I see it?Student: Yes, uh...I put it in the front of my sociology notebook. Yes, here it is. Librarian: Let me see. Oh yes. Your professor has placed this book on reserve. That means you cannot find it on the shelves in its usual place. You need to goto a special room called the reserve room. It’s down the hall and to theright.Student: I’m sorry—I still don’t understand what you mea n by on reserve. Librarian: You see, your professor wants everyone in the class to read the chapter. If one student removes the book from the library, it is likely that none of theother students will have the opportunity to read it. So, your professor hasinsured that all students have the opportunity to read it by placing it onreserve.Student: So, will I be able to find this book?Librarian: Yes, when a book is on reserve, a student can go to the reserve room and ask the reserve librarian for the book. The student can have the book for afew hours, and he or she MUST read it in the library during that time. Thatway, the book stays in the library, and all students have a chance to read it. Student: OK. Thank you. I understand now.Librarian: Will there be anything else?Student: No! I am on my way to the reserve room. Thanks again!3.Hello and welcome to the university library. This taped tour will introduce you to our library facilities and operating hours.First of all, the library’s collection of books, reference materials, and otherresources are found on levels one to four of this building. Level one houses our humanities and map collections. On level two, you will find our circulation desk, current periodicals and journals, and our copy facilities. Our science and engineering sections can be found on level three. You can also find back issues of periodicals and journals older than six months on this level. Finally, group study rooms, our microfilm collection, and the multimedia center are located on level four.Undergraduate students can check out up to five books for two weeks. Graduate students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two times. There is a 50-cents-a-day late fee for overdue books up to a maximum of $15. Periodicals and reference books cannot be checked out.The library is open weekdays, 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, and on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 8:30 pm. The library is closed on Sundays.4.Randall: Hi Faith. Do you have a minute?Faith: Sure. What’s up?Randall: Well, I just wanted to go over the schedule for Wednesday’s orientation meeting to make sure everything is ready.Faith: Okay. Here’s a copy of the tentative schedule. [Okay.] Now, the registration starts at 8:30 and goes until 9:15. [All right.] Then, the orientation meeting will commence at 9:30.Randall: Okay. Now, we had planned originally for the meeting to go until 10:30, but now we have someone from the international center coming to speak to thestudents on extracurricular activities, so how about ending the meetingaround 11?Faith: Fine. And, uh, then students will take the placement tests from 11:15 until noon [OK.], followed by 20-minute break before lunch. [OK.] And, immediately after lunch, we have reserved a campus shuttle to give students a 45-minute tour starting at 1:30. [Oh. OK.] We want to show students around the university, including the union building, the library, and the student services building.Randall: Great. Now, how about the oral interviews?Faith: Well, we’re planning to start them at 2:15.Randall: Uh, well, teachers are going to be up to their ears in preparations, and they’ll be hard pressed to start then.Faith: Ok, let’s get things rolling around 2:45.Randall: Ok, here, let me jot that down. Uh, could you grab a pen off my desk? Faith: Right. Finding anything on your desk is like finding a needle in a haystack.[Oh, it’s not that bad.] Here, use mine.Randall: OK. And we’ll need 150 copies of this program guide by then.Faith: Hey. That’s a tall order on such short notice! How about lending me a hand to put things together [OK.] by this afternoon so we don’t have to worry about them?Randall: OK. And I think the manager has given the green light to go ahead and use the more expensive paper and binding for the guides this time.Faith: OK. So the interviews will go from 2:45 until, let’s say, 4:30. [OK.] I hopewe can wrap things up by 5.Randall: Great. I think the bottom line is to keep things running smoothly throughout the day.Faith: I agree. I’ll pass this schedule by the director for a final look5.Receptionist: Good morning. Can I help you?Student: Yes, please. I would want to have some information about the…erm…the courses at Swan School.Recep tionist: Is that a summer course you’re interested in?Student: Yes. Yes, please.Receptionist: Yes. Fine. OK. Well, we have…erm…short intensive full-time courses during the summer.Student: Mm-mm. I would want to know the length of one course. Receptionist: Yes. Each course lasts for three weeks.Student: How many hours per week, please?Receptionist: Well, it’s about 23 hours a week. Usually four and a half days each week.Student: You must have a lot of students in the c lass, haven’t you? Receptionist: We have a lot of students in the school but in the classes only about between 12 and 14 students.Student: 12 and 14. Could you please give me the dates of the first and the second course?Receptionist: Yes, certainly. The first course begins on the 3rd of July and lasts until the 20th of July and the second course is from the24th of July until the 10th of August.Student: What about the fees per course?Receptionist: Yes, each…each course costs £150 plus V AT, which is 15 percent, anda £5 registration fee.Student: And deposit, please?Receptionist: Yes. For each course we need a deposit of £20 and the £5 registration fee.Student: Oh thank you. Do we have to find our…our own accommodation? Receptionist: No, we can do that for you. We have a lady who arranges the accommodation for you with Oxford families.Student: How much does it cost?Receptionist: Well, you can choose to have bed and break fast only which is £20 a week, or bed, breakfast and dinner which is about £27 a week.Student: £27. Thank you very much.Receptionist: You’re welcome.6.Every year, high school juniors and seniors from across the US take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT 1).The SAT 1 is a three-hour exam that tests students’ math and verbal skills. Most universities will not accept students without this test. It is also used to help decide how much financial aid should be given to each student.Scores range from 200 to 800 for each part. There is a total of 1,600 points. Thetest is held every year from October to June. But seniors must take it before December in order to include their scores in their university applications. The average total score for an American high school student is around 1,000.A poor SAT score can prevent a student from going to a good university. Students who want to go to one of America’s best universities, such as Harvard or Yale, must score between 1,430 and 1,600.The test can be taken over and over again, but all the scores will appear on the students’ records. However, unlike Chinese universities, the score is not the only thing needed. American universities also look at a student’s subject gra des, what they do outside of school, and their teachers’ recommendations.In addition to the SAT 1, some universities require high school students to take at least three SAT IIs. These one-hour exams can be taken in any subject, for example chemistry or French.7.Japanese students need 12 years of study before entering universities.They choose the places they want to go and apply before January of their final year. The university entrance exam is a standard nationwide test held every year in January. It provides tests for 31 subjects in six subject areas: Japanese language, geography and history, civics, math, science and a foreign language. All national and public universities, as well as some private ones make use of this exam. But many places also have their own tests in February or later, before the new school year starts in April.In order to pass the exam for the best universities such as the National University of Tokyo, many students attend special preparation schools on top of their regular classes. These extra schools can last for one to two years between high school and university.Although every student has the chance of going to a Japanese university, only 50 percent of high school seniors actually choose further study.8.The School was opened in 1955 and is part of a non-profit-making educational foundation. Its 200 students, from 30-40 countries, work in large, attractive buildings set in extensive, beautiful gardens, within easy reach of the centre of Cambridge, The School has dining rooms, a library, video filming studio, language laboratories, listening and self-access study centres, computers, as well as facilities for tennis, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton and football.General English classes are for students aged 17+. Complete beginners are not accepted. Students have classes for 21 hours a week. Other subjects available within the General English timetable include English for Business and English Literature. The cost of tuition, materials and books per term is £1,130. Accommodation is with local families. Lunch is provided in the School Monday to Friday. All other meals are taken with the family. There is a full range of social activities including excursions, discos and theatre-visits. The total cost of all non-tuition services is £670 per term. There are 3 terms of 10 weeks and summer courses of 9 weeks and 3 1/2 weeks.9.This school has a capacity of 220 students. It occupies a 19th century building in a quiet tree- filled square close to Victoria Station in central London.General courses, either in the mornings or afternoons, comprise 15 50-minuteperiods per week. We cater for a wide range of classes from beginners to advanced, enabling us to place students at the level indicated by the special entry test which all students take. There are usually no more than 14 students in a class. In addition to the 15 lessons, there are daily individual laboratory sessions and lectures on life in Britain at no extra costThere are 8 classrooms, a multi-media learning centre, language laboratory, video, computer, lecture hall, canteen. We are open from January to December for courses of 3 to 14 weeks. There is a special 2-week Easter Course and Refresher Courses for overseas teachers of English in summer. Fees are approximately£46 per week for general courses. Accommodation can be arranged with selected families with half board. There is a full social programme and regular excursions.10.This school, founded in 1953, is a non-profit making Charitable Trust. Situated in residential North Oxford, 3 km from the city centre, the College occupies a complex of purpose-built blocks and 14 large Victorian houses providing academic and residential accommodation. Facilities include an excellent library, video room, language laboratories, computer room, science laboratories, assembly hall and coffee bar.A particular benefit for the EFL student is the opportunity to live and study with native English speakers taking the two-year International Baccalaureate course, or courses at university level.All students are encouraged to participate in social and extracurricular activities including sports, horse riding, drama, art, crafts, photography, films, concerts and excursions.Academic Year Courses (21 hours per week) leading to all principal EFL examinations, concentrate on language with selected studies in Literature, Politics, History, Art History, and Computing. Most students live in college houses each supervised by a resident warden, but some prefer family accommodation.Unit 21. 1) They live in Africa and India. They have four legs and a tail. They are very big and very strong. They are intelligent, too. They have a trunk and some of them have tusks. They sometimes live for 70 years.2) They live in Africa and Asia. They are brown. They have arms and legs, but they don’t have a tail. Their arms are very long and they have big ears. They are good climbers. They are very intelligent, too.3) They live in Africa. They are very tall. They have four legs, a tail and a very long neck. They eat leaves and twigs. They can run very fast. They are brown and white.4) They live in very cold countries. They have wings, but they can’t fly. They are good swimmers. They eat fish. They are blue and white or black and white.5) They live in Australia. They are red or gray. They have short front legs, long back legs and a very long tail. The back legs and the tail are very strong. They can run very fast. The females carry their young in a pouch.6) They live in Africa. They have four legs and a tail. They have a beautiful coat withblack and white or brown and white stripes. They eat grass and plants.7) They live in very cold countries. They have four legs. They are very big and very strong. They have a white coat. They can swim. They eat seals and fish.2. The fastest animal on land is the cheetah. It can run at a speed of about 100 kilometres an hour. The fastest bird in the world can fly at 170 km/h, and the fastest fish can swim at more than 100 km/h.Human beings are not very fast. The fastest man in the world can only run at about 40 km/h.Many animals can run faster than this. But most animals run on four legs. Four legs are better than two, aren’t they? Why do we onl y have two legs?Scientists say that we are more intelligent than other animals because we stand on two legs, so we can use our hands for other things. We can pick things up with them. We can use tools. Human beings have used tools for millions of years. That is why our brains have developed. That is why we have become the most intelligent animals in the world.In the past few years, we have made all kinds of machines. We have made cars, ships, aeroplanes and spacecraft. In these machines we can travel faster than any animal—by land, by sea, or by air. We can even go to the moon. No other animal has ever done that!3. A: You know, we’re studying dinosaurs in science class.It’s really interesting.B: Oh, yeah? Hey, have you learned why the dinosaurs disappeared?A: Well, no one knows for sure.B: I thought it had something to do with the climate. The temperature might have gotten cooler and killed them off.A: Yeah, that’s one theory. Another idea is that they may have run out of food.B: Uh-huh. And you know, there’s even a theory that they could have been destroyed by aliens from outer space.A: That sounds crazy to me!4. For the shortest life, the first prize must go to the mayfly, which typically lives only a matter of a few hours after it emerges from its shell. Few mayflies live to see the sun rise again. These creatures devote their whole lives to a single desperate mission: finding a mate and producing young. They don’t even have functional mouths and stomachs. They simply have no time to eat. In fact they have no time for anything else.The record-holder for the longest life may be the Arctic clam, one of which lived quietly underwater for 220 years. However it did not have any birth certificate to prove this. One could only judge by its growth rings.If you insist on better documentation, the oldest animal ever was probably a tortoise that died in 1918. It had been captured already full-grown in 1766, nine years before the American Revolution began and it died 152 years later as World War I came to a close5. Every year about 17 million animals are used in Laboratory experiments. But in many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we have the right to use animals in this way?People who are for using animals in research argue that the use of animals in medical research has many practical benefits. Animal research has enabled researchers to develop treatments for many diseases, such as heart disease and depression. It would not have been possible to develop vaccines for diseases like smallpox and polio without animal research. Every drug anyone takes today was tried first on animals.Future medical research is dependent on the use of animals. Which is more important: the life of a rat or that of a three-year-old child?Medical research is also an excellent way of using unwanted animals. Last year, over 12 million animals had to be killed in animal shelters because no one wanted them as pets.However those who are against it point out that the fact that humans benefit cannot be used to justify using animals in research any more than it can be used to justify experimenting on other humans. Animals suffer a lot during these experiments. They are forced to live in small cages, and they may be unable to move.Much of the research that is carried out is unnecessary anyway.Animals have the same rights as humans do— to be able to move freely and not to have pain or fear forced on them. Researchers must find other ways of doing their research, using cell culture and computer modeling. There should be no animals in research laboratories at all.6. Visitors to the National Zoo in Washington D. C. can see three new young tigers. The rare babies met the public for the first time late last month. Chip O’Neal tells us about them.The mother tiger sat nearby on the grass as her babies rolled, chased and bit each other playfully. Then Korenchy also jumped into the games. Her cubs were born at the zoo four months ago. They are called Mike, Eric and Chrisy. The new young tigers at the National Zoo each weigh about 13 kilograms. Their fur is dark orange with black stripes. They eat horse meat and drink milk from Korenchy.Korenchy and her babies are Sumatran tigers. Sumatran tigers came from the Indonesian island of Sumatra. They are now in danger of disappearing from the earth. Fewer than 500 of these tigers remain in the world. That includes about 60 living in zoos in North America.Korenchy came to the National Zoo from the Jakarta Zoo in Indonesia. The girl was part of the Sumatran Tiger Species Survival Program. Korenchy has given birth to live cubs three tines. The father of her new cubs is Rokan, a Sumatran tiger who arrived two years ago from another zoo. Korenchy and Rokan had their babies the natural way instead of the scientific method often used to produce young animals in zoos.A wire fence separates Rokan from his babies. Zoo workers who care for Rokan say he reaches through the fence to wash the cubs with his tongue. They say this means he recognizes Mike, Eric and Chrisy as his cubs. However, zoo officials are hoping that Rokan will produce more cubs with another female Sumatran tiger at the zoo, so they do not want him to become too interested in this family.The National Zoo hopes to keep the Sumatran tiger cubs for at least 18 months beforesending them to other zoos. That is about the age when most tiger cubs in the wild leave their mothers. The National Zoo has placed cameras in the Sumatran tigers’ living area, so people with computers can see them. To do this, use your computer to find the National Zoo’s Website at www. /natzoo.7. An old expression says, “Man’s best friend is his dog.” Today, however, it seems that cats have replaced dogs as the most popular pets in American homes.Americans have more than 62 million pet dogs. But even more cats— more than 64 million — live in American homes.These pet cats may have long hair or short hair. They are different colors and sizes. Some are costly animals that take part in competitions. Many more are common American mixtures of several kinds of cats.Most house cats live a good life. They are not expected to work for their food. Instead, they rule their homes like furry kings and queens. They wait for their owners to serve them.Americans are increasingly serious about their cats. These concerns have made the care of cats into big business.Each year, cat owners buy tons of food especially prepared for cats. They buy toys and other equipment. They buy jewelry and clothes for themselves with images of cats on them. Some owners even bury their dead pets in special burial grounds.Humans have loved and respected cats for centuries. Scientists have evidence that cats and people lived together as long as 8000 years ago. The small house cat was once a highly honored animal. In ancient Egypt, for example, people who killed a cat could be punished by death.Early in American history cats were not treated as gods, however. They probably arrived in the United States with settlers and traders from Europe. These cats worked. They killed rats and mice.Sometimes, Americans mistreated their cats. During the early days of the nation, religious extremists believed that some cats were working for the devil. Black cats were especially suspected of being evil.Later, American families who had enough food began taking cats into their homes. People cared for the cats because the animals gave them pleasure. The cats thanked people for feeding them by making a purring sound. This pleasant noise usually means a cat is happy.Animal experts offer several reasons why cats have become so popular as house pets. They say cats need less care than dogs. And cats do not seem to suffer as much as dogs from being alone if the owners are away.Still, millions of other people do not like cats at all. They say dogs are better and more loving pets. They say cats do not have much feeling. They believe cats stay with people only to be fed. Cat owners defend their pets against such criticism. They say cats are just much more independent than dogs.A student of animal medicine explains the situation this way: dogs follow you around — they want you to talk to them and play with them a lot of the time. Cats like more space and more privacy — this does not mean they do not love their owners.。

大学英语教材1听力原文Unit 1Part 11. Woman: Excuse me, is this seat taken?Man: No, you can sit here if you'd like.2. Man: Do you know what time the library closes today?Woman: I'm not sure, but I think it closes at 9 p.m.3. Woman: Can you help me carry these bags upstairs?Man: Of course! I'll give you a hand.4. Man: Would you like some more coffee?Woman: No, thanks. I've had enough for now.5. Woman: Where did you go on your vacation?Man: I went to Hawaii. It was amazing!Part 26. Woman: What do you think of the new restaurant in town?Man: I haven't been there yet, but I've heard good things about it.7. Man: Have you seen my glasses? I can't find them anywhere.Woman: Did you check the bathroom? You often leave them there.8. Woman: Can you believe the price of gas these days?Man: Yes, it seems to keep going up every week.9. Man: How was the movie you saw last night?Woman: It was really entertaining. I highly recommend it.10. Woman: What are you going to wear to the party tomorrow?Man: I'm not sure yet. I might wear a suit if it's a formal event.Unit 2Part 11. Man: Did you hear about the new professor in the Chemistry department?Woman: Yes, I heard he's very knowledgeable.2. Woman: Are you going to the football game this weekend?Man: No, I'm not really interested in sports.3. Man: Could you please turn down the music? It's too loud.Woman: I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was bothering you.4. Woman: What time is our meeting tomorrow?Man: It's at 10 a.m. in Conference Room A.5. Man: I heard there's going to be a campus tour for new students. Are you going?Woman: Yes, I think it's a great way to get to know the campus.Part 26. Woman: Have you finished reading the novel for class?Man: No, I'm only halfway through. It's quite long.7. Man: Are you free this Saturday? I want to go shopping.Woman: I have plans in the morning, but I should be free in the afternoon.8. Woman: Have you tried the new café on campus yet?Man: No, I haven't had the chance. Is it any good?9. Man: What do you think of the new professor? I find her lectures boring.Woman: Really? I actually find them quite engaging.10. Woman: Can you help me with this math problem?Man: Sure, let's work on it together.。
大学英语专业听力教程 Unit 1 原文+答案

Exercise B:
Driving Carefully
I. Look out for pedestrians
A. Drive carefully at crowded shopping streets.
B. Drive carefully near a bus stop.
C. Drive carefully near a parked mobile shop.
II. Look out for the young, the old and the disabled
A. Three out of four pedestrians killed or seriously injured are either under fifteen or over sixty.
Section Two Listening comprehension
Part 1 Dialogues
Dialogue 1 Making Arrangements
Tapescript and key
Mum: Hello.
Tessa: Hi, Mum. It’s me. How are you?
Dialogue 2 Fast Food Survey
A: Excuse me, do you mind answering a few qeestions?
B: No.
A: Um firstly, do you ever eat fast food?
B: Yes, yes, I do.
新通用大学英语综合教程第三册听力原文Unit 1

新通用大学英语综合教程第三册听力原文Unit 1Lesson 1ListeningPart 1 A Business Meeting in ThailandTERESA: Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Teresa Segovia, from Santiago, Chile. Sawatdee-Kaa. SURAT: Where did you learn the wai?TERESA: Actually, a Thai friend in Chile taught me.SURAT: Sawatdee-Khrab. Nice to meet you, Ms. Segovia. I’m Surat Leekpai.TERESA: Nice to meet you, too. But please call me Terri.SURAT: And please call me Surat. It’s easier to say than Leekpai!TERESA: Do you mind my asking you the custom here? Are most people on a first-name basis? SURAT: At company meetings in English, absolutely. In general, though, it’s probably best to watch what others do. You know what they say: “When in Rome ...”TERESA: M-hmm ... “do as the Romans do!”Part 2 EtiquetteConversation 1A: Excuse me. I’m looking for Dr. Guerra.B: I’ll get him. But call him Manuel. Everyone uses first names here.A: OK, thanks.B: By the way, I’m Julia.A: Nice to meet you. I’m Neil.Conversation 2A: Hi, I’m Denise Pei.B: Hello, I’m Dani el Hoffman.A: Nice to meet you. By the way, how would you like to be addressed?B: Mr. Hoffman is fine, thanks.Part 3 Being Culturally LiterateCALL 1 Arturo and Jettrin [F1=British, M1=Thai, F2=Arabic, M2=Nepalese, M3=Spanish]F1: Good morning, world. This is Millicent McKay in Brussels with today’s worldwide Cultural Literacy Update. If you’re new to the program, here’s the format: in the studio three people take your phonecalls and answer your questions about etiquette in their countries. Today’s gue sts are Jettrin from Thailand, Nadia from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, and Sujeet from Nepal. We’re all first-name here, so let me welcome Jettrin, Nadia, and Sujeet.M1: Sawatdee Khrab, Millicent. Good morning! I’m Jettrin from Thailand.F2: Hello. It’s nice to be with you. I’m Nadia from Dubai.M2: And good morning, Millicent, Jettrin, and Nadia, Sujeet from Nepal.F1: OK. Let’s get started. I see our first caller is on the line. Hello, Arturo from Montevideo. You’re on the air.M3: Good morning — a ctually, good evening. It’s 10:30 at night here in Montevideo. Here’s my question: I’m traveling on business to Thailand next month, and I’ll be working with Thai business managersfrom my company. What should I know?M1: Hello, Arturo. Jettrin here. Just a couple of things: First a taboo: Don’t touch anyone’s head, not even a child’s.M3: Hmm? Well, I don’t ordinarily touch people’s heads, but if you don’t mind my asking, what’s wrong with touching someone’s head?M1: Well, we believe the head is where the person’s soul lives. So it’s very disrespectful and offensive to touch a person’s head.M3: Any other tips?M1: Well, when you are seated, be sure not to cross your legs in such a way that others can see the bottomof your foot.M3: Actually, I knew that. But don’t worry. It’s good to be reminded. I do have one more specific question before I hang up.M1: Sure. What’s that?M3: In Uruguay it’s customary to shake hands, and I know Thai people greet each other with the wai. Will it seem impolite for a foreigner to do the wai? —and what happens if I don’t do it right? Will that be offensive?M1: Absolutely not! Just put the palms of your hands together on your chest and bow slightly. Say “Sawatdee —khrab.” For the women listening, you say “Sawatdee-kaa.” You will warm our heartswith that. Don’t worry if you don’t do it exactly the way Thais do it. And don’t worry about the pronunciation. Have a wonderful trip to Thailand. Try to do some sightseeing. And taste our wonderful food!M3: Thanks so much.F1: Thank you, Jettrin and Arturo for a good lesson in cultural literacy. Let’s take a break and then another call.CALL 2 Hiroko and Nadia [F3=Japanese]F1: Welcome back, listeners. This is Millicent McKay with a worldwide town meeting, answering allyour question s about do’s and taboos around the world. Let’s say hello to Hiroko from Osaka, Japan. Hiroko, you’re on the air.F3: Thank you, Millicent. My husband and I are going to Dubai. He’s a banker and has business there,but I’m going with him as a tourist. I’m very interested in all kinds of culture, and I understand Dubaiis very different from Japan. I have three questions.F2: Hello, Hiroko, Nadia on the line.F3: Thanks, Nadia. If I’m alone, can I walk on the street or drive a car?F2: Absolutely. As a woman traveler, you will have no difficulty getting around, even if you are alone. You can drive, and as long as you dress modestly, you can wear whatever you like.F3: Second question: I don’t speak any Arabic.F2: Again, no problem. As you know, Arabic is the official language of Dubai, but English is commonly used in tourism and commerce.F3: You speak very good English, Nadia. Where did you learn it?F2: I actually am an English teacher. I learned my English in the United States, at the University of Wisconsin.F3: And my last question: I’m an amateur photographer. Will I be able to take pictures in Dubai?F3: Well, yes, but you should know that it is considered offensive to take pictures of Muslim women here. F2: Oh. I’m glad I asked. What about pictures of men?F3: Well, yes, just be sure to ask permission.F3: I don’t know how to thank you. I’m really looking forward to the trip!F1: We’ll be right back with our final call.CALL 3 Javier and Sujeet [M4=Mexican]F1: I think we have time for one more caller. Javier from Mexico City! Welcome to the show. How can we help you?M4: [Mexican accent] I’m going to Nepal next month on an international trek. I will be staying with a Nepalese family for a weekend, and I want to be sure I don’t offend anyone. Mexico is v ery differentfrom Nepal.F1: Well, ... Let’s ask Sujeet to comment.M2: Hi, Javier. Let’s talk about table manners. First of all, Nepalese don’t usually use spoons, forks, or knives.M4: No? So how do the people eat? How will I eat?M2: Well, your hosts w ill eat with their right hand, never the left hand. But I’m sure they’ll provide you with spoons and forks. If they are welcoming foreigners into their home, they’ll want you to be comfortable. But remember one important taboo: Beef is strictly forbidden as a food in both Hinduand Buddhist homes. Our typical food, however, is wonderful and very flavorful and healthy.M4: That’s great, because I’m Mexican, and we have great food in Mexico, too. I love good food when I travel. Sujeet, I’m very interested in culture but I don’t know much about Hinduism and Buddhism.What can you tell me?M2: Well, if you visit a Hindu temple or a Buddhist shrine, you must remove your shoes. Or, if you prefer,you can wear open sandals. Check first; in some Hindu temples, non-H indus can’t enter. And, very important, don’t take leather things near the temple. And if you want to take picture, be sure to askbefore using your camera.M4: Thanks so much. I feel very prepared now.M2: My pleasure.F1: Well that’s all we have time for today. Until next time, this is Millicent McKay in Brussels, reminding you that in today’s world cultural literacy is an essential survival skill.Part 4 Understanding CulturePassage 1 How Casual Is Too Casual?Thirty years ago, most people in the Unite d States, Canada, and Europe didn’t think about what to wear to work in an office. Men always wore suits and ties. Women wore suits or conservative skirt outfits.But in the 1990s, that started to change.It began with “casual Fridays”. During the summer, some companies invited their employees to “dress down” or wear more casual clothes to work on Fridays. The policy quickly became popular with employees. After this, it didn’t take long for employees to start dressing more casually every day of the week.Many employees welcomed the new dress policy and the more comfortable work environment thatcame with it. Etiquette had definitely changed, and suits and ties were rarely seen in many offices. Some employees went as far as wearing jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers to the office.Then some people began to change their minds about casual dress at work. Many managers felt that casual dress had led to casual attitudes towards work. Now the etiquette for dress in many companies is beginning to change back again.Passage 2 The Origin of SaluteThe origin of the hand salute is uncertain. Some historians believe it began in late Roman times when assassinations were common. A citizen who wanted to see a public official had to approach with his right hand raised to show that he did not hold a weapon. Knights in armor raised visors with the right hand when meeting a comrade. The practice gradually became a way of showing respect and, in early American history, sometimes involved removing the hat. By 1820, the motion was modified to touching the hat, and since then it has become the hand salute used today.Passage 3 Cultural MisinterpretationsMr. Wang, the Chairman of Board of Directors of a Chinese firm, told a story on CCTV program “Dialog”of how he once almost lost a valuable Canadian employee working for him in Vancouver. He emailed everyday to the Canadian, inquiring for the index number he was most concerned about. To his great astonishment,his Canadian employee turned in his resignation after a week. Mr. Wang was puzzled how he could do that to him as he gave such great attention to his job. A Chinese employee would have been more than happy if his or her boss had showed such great concern for him or her. He then found out that, unlike Chinese employees, the Canadian took what meant great concern to Chinese as distrust. But Mr. Wang assumed unconsciously that the Canadian was more similar to his Chinese employees than he actually was and treated him just as he treated any Chinese employee.Lesson 2Part 1 EtiquetteConversation 1A: Hey, Sophia. I’m making beef for dinner. Would you like to come over?B: Thanks, Mark, but I don’t eat beef. There are rules against it in my culture.A: OK. Well maybe some other time. I can make chicken.B: Sounds good!Conversation 2A: What time are you going to dinner?B: The reservation is for 8:00, so I’ll get to the restaurant after that.A: No! In this culture it’s impolite to arrive late. You should be there no later that 8:00.Conversation 3A: Hi, I’m Elizabeth Flores, the new Eng lish teacher.B: Hello, I’m Patricia Small. I’m a teacher here, too. I’ll introduce you to everyone. How do you want the students to address you?A: What’s customary here?B: Well, in our culture it’s very impolite for a student to call a teacher by his or her first name.A: Then Ms. Flores is fine.Part 2 AddressingNicole: Hi, I’m Nicole Best. Nice to meet you.Todd: Nice to meet you, too. I’m Todd Vernon. Do people usually call you Nicole, or do you prefer Nikki?Nicole: At work I prefer Nicole, but all my friends call me Nikki.Todd: You use first names in your office? That’s great. My office is so formal. Everyone uses a titleand their last name.Nicole: I know what you mean. At my last job, everyone called me Miss Best, and that seemedreally strange.Part 3 Nonverbal CommunicationPassage 1 Right on TimeEveryone knows that different cultures have different ideas about punctuality. But one country —Ecuador — is trying something new.A group called Citizens’ Participation has found that being late c osts the country about $724 millioneach year. They report that more than half of all public events, as well as many government appointments and social activities, begin late. The group is trying to make people aware of punctuality and reminding them to be on time. The government, including the Ecuadorian president, is supporting the effort. Hundreds of Ecuadorian organizations and companies have signed agreements to be on time. Posters have been put up that remind people, “If you’re late, someone else is waiting.” One newspaper prints a list of government officials who arrive to events late.The campaign has generally been well-received by the Ecuadorian people and it seems to be working. Many businesses have reported that more meetings are now beginning on time.Passage 2 Seating ArrangementCulture influences the manner and meaning in seating arrangements.In the United States, they tend to talk with those opposite them rather than those seated or standing beside them. This pattern also influences how they select leaders when in groups: in most instances, the person sitting at the head of the table is chosen as the leader. Leaders usually are accustomed to being somewhat removed physically from the rest of the group and consequently choose chairs at the ends of the table.In China, seating arrangements take on different meanings. The Chinese often experience uneasiness when they face someone directly or sit on the opposite side of a desk or table from someone. It makes them feel as if they are on trial.Passage 3 Eye Contact Is Also a LanguageThe study of communications sent by the eyes is also a way of communication. What the eyes communicate often depends on the culture. In the United States, it is usual for people to maintain eye contact. If a person tries to avoid eye contact in a conversation, the other person may think that person is dishonest. In some Asian cultures such as Japan, students will often avoid making eye contact with their instructors as a sign of respect.Students in a business communication class at a Mid-South university were asked to test the concept of gaze and eye contact in the United States by maintaining steady eye contact with a person in the car next to them when they stopped at a traffic light. Responses varied from obscene gestures to making faces to returningthe gaze. Students concluded that US persons are very uncomfortable with prolonged eye contact.In other cultures, there is little direct eye contact. The Japanese direct their gaze below the chin; they are uncomfortable with maintaining direct eye contact throughout the conversation. People in China andIndonesia also lower the eyes as a sign of respect, feeling that prolonged eye contact shows bad manners.。

Test 1Part APassage 1:Catherine's mother was an energetic woman full of life and love before she got cancer. It pained Catherine to see her mother suffer and become someone who depends entirely on others. Catherine tried hard to find a way to give her mother something to look forward to. Then one night last August an idea occurred to her. She would write a letter to the local newspaper, telling people how much she loved her mother and asking them to send her their best wishes. The letter was published and within weeks her mother had received about 500 loving caring cards and letters. Catherine was so excited to see that her mother's old spirit returned. Her mother fought against her disease until she died in October. Today the letters have become a treasured memory and a constant source of inspiration for Catherine.Question:What does the passage mainly tell us?Passage 2:The nuclear family generally consists of a husband, a wife and children. However, if there are no children, then the husband and wife are the nuclear family. If you put two or more nuclear families together, then you have an extended family. For the most part, in an extended family a married couple lives with either the husband's parents or the wife's parents. But the couple may also live with aunts, uncles, cousins and others who are not blood relations.The extended family pattern is favored in some countries. For example, as a rule, people choose to live in extended families in Africa and Japan. In other countries, the nuclear family pattern is favored. In these countries, where people can choose the pattern they want, they normally choose to live only with their nuclear family.Question:What can we learn from the passage?Passage 3:In some industrialized countries, the majority of elderly people don't see their children on a regular basis due to the fact that they move so often. Then do you know what percentage of theelderly live in the same household with their children, or live within ten minutes of their children by car? The answer is 60 percent of the elderly do. However, even though they may live close to their children, they do not see their children very often. They do not see their brothers and sisters or other relatives often either because the nuclear family is so strong in these countries. But there are some elderly people who live with their children. They are living with their children because they are sick. Otherwise they would live on their own. Luckily, there are some offices and programs that take care of the elderly for families that no longer care for old people.Question:How does the speaker feel about the life of the elderly people in some industrialized countries?Part BPassage:Imagined for centuries, space exploration began over forty years ago when the former Soviet Union launched the first satellite, Sputnik 1, on 4th October 1957 into space. If Sputnik had not been launched, the modern space age might never have begun.Sputnik, which means 'fellow traveler ' in Russian, was as small as a football and was powered by battery. Compared to today's technology, it was very simple. But its effect was earth-shattering. After its launch, things began to happen quickly. Before long the Russians were sending dogs and monkeys into space and then, in April 1961, the first human being was sent into space -- a Russian cosmonaut called Y uri Gagarin.These Russian successes pushed the Americans into action and thus the 'space race' began. In 1961, President Kennedy said that America would begin a program to put a man on the moon. On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong stepped on the surface of the moon. At this historic moment he said: 'This is one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.'Part CM: I think after all the noise in the city a quiet walk in the woods can be very restful.W: Y ou're right there. I feel the same.M: Look, it's so pretty when the leaves are changing color. I'm glad we decided to come here. W: Changes in nature always make things so beautiful. In the spring, the green grass and leaves make everything seem new. In the autumn when the leaves turn red, yellow and brown, the woods are full of color. No wonder autumn is also called fall. When leaves fall on the ground, they cover it like a blanket.M: Actually tree leaves turn color because in the autumn days are shorter than in the summer, and the number of daylight hours decreases. I'm sure this does not sound very romantic, but it's scientifically accurate.W: Scientifically accurate or not, I just enjoy looking at the trees that can have a dozen different shades of color in the sunlight.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the dialogue you've just heard.1. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?2. Why do tree leaves change color according to the man?Part DPassage 1In the United States many have been told that anyone can become rich and successful if he works hard and has some good luck. When one becomes rich he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, he still wants people to think that he is. That's what 'keeping up with the Joneses' is about. The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American named Arthur Momand. Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things to keep up with their neighbors; they try to look as rich and as successful as their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it 'keeping up with the Joneses', because 'Jones' is a very common name in the United States. 'Keeping up with the Joneses' came to mean keeping up with the people around you. Momand's series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. That is one reason why they read the 'right' books, go to the 'right' universities and eat in the 'right' restaurants.Every city has an area where people want to live because others will think better of them if they do. And there are 'Joneses' in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses, because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.1. What does the expression 'Keeping up with the Joneses' mean according to the passage?2. What does the speaker think of the practice of 'keeping up with the Joneses'?Passage 2Ozone is a form of oxygen. It is found in the air we breathe and in the upper atmosphere. Near Earth, ozone in the air is a danger to life. It is a pollutant. But between ten and fifty kilometers up in the atmosphere, ozone protects life on Earth. Ozone forms in the atmosphere through the action of radiation from the sun. Ozone blocks harmful radiation from reaching Earth. Scientists say a decrease in ozone and an increase in the harmful radiation will cause many more cases of skin cancer. And it will harm crops, animals and fish.Ozone problems first became known in 1985. British scientists reported that ozone levels in the Antarctic atmosphere near the South Pole fell sharply each year in October and November. 1987 was the first year that a huge hole developed in the ozone layer above the Antarctic.A recent study of the atmosphere over the Arctic area near the North Pole showed extreme thinning of the ozone. Officials from the American space agency said the latest study is a result of the largest campaign yet to measure ozone amounts and changes in the Arctic area. NASAresearcher Paul Newman said some of the measurements show ozone in the Arctic decreased about sixty per cent between January and the middle of March. These measurements are similar to the ozone losses observed in this area a few years ago.Other studies have shown that man-made chemicals were destroying ozone in the atmosphere. An international agreement halted production of the most harmful chemicals. The new findings support the idea that recovery of the ozone layer may be delayed.1. Where can ozone be found useful to life according to the passage?2. When did ozone problems first become known?3. What is the passage mainly about?重点单词及词组Part Bexploration 探险Sputnik 人造地球卫星historic 历史性的Part Cin nature 实际上,本质上Part Doxygen 氧atmosphere 大气,空气upper 上面的pollutant 污染物质。

英语教材听力原文大学University English Textbook Listening PassagesUnit 1Listening Passage 1[Passage]Welcome to the University of Oxford! The University of Oxford is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world. It was established in the 12th century and has a rich history. Oxford is divided into several colleges, and each college has its own unique characteristics. Students at Oxford enjoy a diverse and stimulating academic environment, as well as access to world-renowned professors and researchers. The university offers a wide range of subjects for study, including arts, sciences, and social sciences. We take pride in providing our students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for successful careers in various fields.[Listening Questions]1. When was the University of Oxford established?2. What are the advantages of studying at Oxford?Unit 2Listening Passage 2[Passage]Hello, everyone! Today, we are going to discuss the topic of environmental issues. As the world continues to face challenges such as climate change and pollution, it's important for us to understand the impact of human activities on the environment and work towards finding sustainable solutions. In this unit, we will explore different environmental issues and their causes. We will also learn about the efforts being made by individuals, organizations, and governments to address these issues. By the end of this unit, you will have a better understanding of the importance of environmental conservation and what you can do to contribute to a greener and healthier planet.[Listening Questions]1. What is the topic of the lecture?2. What will students learn by the end of this unit?Unit 3Listening Passage 3[Passage]Good morning, class! In today's lecture, we will be discussing the topic of globalization. Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries around the world. It has had a profound impact on various aspects of our lives, including economics, culture, and politics. In this unit, we will explore the benefits and challenges of globalization, as well as its implications for individuals and societies. We will also examine the role of technology in facilitating globalization and the ways in which globalization has shaped the modern world. By the end of thisunit, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the complex phenomenon of globalization.[Listening Questions]1. What is the lecture about?2. What will students gain from studying this unit?Unit 4Listening Passage 4[Passage]Hello, everyone! Today, we will be diving into the fascinating world of literature. Literature encompasses a wide range of written works, including novels, poems, plays, and essays. In this unit, we will explore different literary genres and styles, as well as the techniques used by authors to convey their ideas and emotions. We will analyze a selection of important literary works from different time periods and cultures and discuss their significance. By the end of this unit, you will have a deeper appreciation for the power of literature and its ability to inspire and provoke thought.[Listening Questions]1. What is the focus of the lecture?2. What will students gain from studying this unit?Note: The above listening passages and corresponding questions are fictional and are provided as examples to demonstrate the format. The actual content of the passages in a university English textbook may vary.。

大学生英语教材听力原文Unit 1: Greetings and IntroductionsTrack 1: DialogueA: Hello, my name is Lisa. What's your name?B: Hi Lisa, I'm John. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you too, John. Where are you from?B: I'm from New York. How about you?A: I'm from Los Angeles. Are you a student here?B: Yes, I am. I'm studying English Literature. How about you?A: I'm studying Business Administration. It's nice to meet someone from the same university.B: Yes, it is. Let's exchange phone numbers and keep in touch.A: Sure, here's my number. Give me yours.B: Here you go. I'll send you a message later.Track 2: Vocabulary and Expressions- Greetings and Introductions- Hello, my name is... / What's your name?- Nice to meet you.- Where are you from?- I'm from...- Are you a student here?- Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.- What are you studying?- I'm studying...- It's nice to meet someone from...- Let's exchange phone numbers.- Keep in touch.- Give me your number.Unit 2: Daily LifeTrack 1: DialogueA: Good morning, Jenny. How are you today?B: Good morning, Tom. I'm doing great. How about you?A: I'm good as well. Are you busy today?B: Yes, I have a lot of assignments to finish. How about you?A: I have a part-time job in the afternoon, but I'm free in the morning. Do you want to grab some coffee?B: That sounds good. Let's meet at the café near the campus at 10 am.A: Perfect. See you there!Track 2: Vocabulary and Expressions- Daily Life- Good morning, how are you today?- I'm doing great. / I'm good as well.- Are you busy today?- Yes, I have a lot of assignments to finish.- I have a part-time job.- I'm free in the morning.- Do you want to...?- That sounds good.- Let's meet at...- See you there!Unit 3: Travel and TourismTrack 1: DialogueA: Hi Michael, I heard you just came back from a trip. How was it? B: Hi Sarah, yes, I went to Thailand. It was amazing!A: Which cities did you visit?B: I visited Bangkok, Phuket, and Chiang Mai.A: How was the food there? Did you try any local dishes?B: The food was delicious! I tried Pad Thai and Green Curry, they were fantastic.A: That sounds wonderful. I'll definitely consider visiting Thailand next time.B: You should! It's a beautiful country with friendly people.Track 2: Vocabulary and Expressions- Travel and Tourism- I heard you just came back from a trip. How was it?- I went to... / It was amazing!- Which cities did you visit?- I visited...- How was the food there?- Did you try any local dishes?- The food was delicious!- I tried...- That sounds wonderful.- I'll definitely consider visiting...- It's a beautiful country with...这是部分大学生英语教材听力原文,包括三个单元的对话以及相关词汇和表达方式。

lession1Jurg: Mrs. Scott ...Mrs. Scott: Yes?Jurg: I'm afraid I've had an accident.Mrs. Scott: Oh, dear, what's happened?Jurg: I've spilt my coffee.Mrs. Scott: Never mind. Here's a cloth.Klaus is using the launderette for the first time.Klaus: Excuse me, do you know how this works?Housewife: Yes. Put the washing inside ... shut the door ... the money goes in here, then when the machine starts you have to put the soap powder in through here.Klaus: Is that all?Housewife: Yes, you don't have to do anything else until the machine stops.Klaus: Thank you.Terry: Frank's getting married.James: Is he really?Terry: Yes he is.James: I don't believe it.Terry: It's true.James: Who's he marrying?Terry: A girl he met on holiday in Spain, I think.James: Good heavens ... where are they going to live?A: Do you love me?B: I'm very fond of you.A: Yes, but do you love me?B: Uh ... You mean a lot to me.A: Why won't you answer my question?B: What question?A: Do you love me? Come on! I want to know.B: I care for you very deeply. You know that.A: That isn't the same thing!B: What kind of answer do you expect?A: The truth! I want the truth!B: How can I possibly answer such a question?Do you remember Sally Green, the swimming star? She was the girl who broke all the records at the last Olympics. Where is she now? Last week our reporter, Tom Parker, went to see Sally in her Californian home.Tom: Is it true that you don't swim at all now?Sally: I'm afraid so. I'm too old.Tom: But you are only twenty!Sally: That's too old for a swimmer. If I swam in an international competition now, I wouldn't win. So I'dTom: But don't you enjoy swimming?Sally: I used to, when I was small. But if you enter for big competitions you have to work very hard. I used to get up at 6 am to go to the pool. I had to train before school, after school and at weekends. I swam thirty-five miles every week!Tom: But you were famous at fifteen. And look at all those cups.Sally: Would you like to polish them? It's true that I have some wonderful memories. I enjoyed visiting other countries, and the Olympics were very exciting. But I missed more important things. While other girls were growing up, I was swimming. What can I do now?There is a small shop at the end of our road. I buy my newspaper there every Sunday. This is the only shop that is open on a Sunday, so it is always very busy. They sell milk, eggs, biscuits, tea and coffee. You can get aspirins, toothpaste or a writing pad there. It is a nice little shop.This evening I am going to the cinema. I sometimes go with Beatriz, but this evening I am going alone. Beatriz is nice, but she talks a lot and when I go to the cinema I like to watch the film. The film I am going to is an old one, but it is very good. It is a Hitchcock film.lession2—I think a doctor should be a friendly person.—Yes. I agree.—Would you like some more potatoes?—I'm sorry I can't manage any more. Thank you.—Would you like something to drink?—Just coffee, please.—Are you sure?—Quite certain. Thank you.—What are you doing in New York?—I'm writing a story for YES magazine.—I see.—What are you doing in Cairo?—I'm visiting my parents.—Really!—I'm just on holiday.—Why are you in London?—I'm here on business.—Oh.—Thanks a lot for putting me up.—That's OK.—Do come and see me when you're in New York.—Sure. That'll be great.—Have you heard the news?—No.—There's been a terrible air crash.—Oh dear! Where was it?—A town called Banford.—Excuse me, how do you say that word, C-U-S-T-O-M-S?—Customs.—I see. Thank you.Male: Pubs? You must have good people. If the people are good, the pub will be good.Male: You must have a good landlord, and people with a sense of humor behind the bar. If the landlord is bad, the pub will be bad.Female: I love old pubs. If it's one of those modern places, I won't go in.Male: And a good pub must have good beer. If the beer's no good, people will look for another place. Female: I won't go if there isn't a garden. I have children, and if the pub doesn't have a garden or family room, we can't go in.My grandfather used to have a beautiful gold pocket watch. He wore it on a fine gold chain across the front of his waistcoat, and when I was small he promised to leave it to me in his will."When I'm gone," he said, "this is going to be yours."Unfortunately that will never happen now. About three months ago, my grandfather came up to London to visit us. The first Sunday morning after he arrived, my youngest son said he wanted to go to the park. "We'll do better than that," said my grandfather, "we'll go and feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square." So off they went. They got home about tea-time and my grandfather was looking very upset."My watch," he said, "it's gone. Someone must have stolen it while we were feeding the pigeons."live with my parents. My home is near the hotel, so I walk to work every day.There is some sugar, there is some coffee and there is a lot of tea, but there is not much jam. There are some tomatoes, but there are not any eggs or biscuits and there is not much milk. So we want jam, eggs, biscuits and milk.lession3Jurg: Mrs. Scott ...Mrs. Scott: Yes?Jurg: I'm afraid I've had an accident.Mrs. Scott: Oh, dear, what's happened?Jurg: I've spilt my coffee.Mrs. Scott: Never mind. Here's a cloth.Klaus is using the launderette for the first time.Klaus: Excuse me, do you know how this works?Housewife: Yes. Put the washing inside ... shut the door ... the money goes in here, then when the machine starts you have to put the soap powder in through here.Klaus: Is that all?Housewife: Yes, you don't have to do anything else until the machine stops.Klaus: Thank you.Terry: Frank's getting married.James: Is he really?Terry: Yes he is.James: I don't believe it.Terry: It's true.James: Who's he marrying?Terry: A girl he met on holiday in Spain, I think.James: Good heavens ... where are they going to live?A: Do you love me?B: I'm very fond of you.A: Yes, but do you love me?B: Uh ... You mean a lot to me.A: Why won't you answer my question?B: What question?A: Do you love me? Come on! I want to know.B: I care for you very deeply. You know that.A: That isn't the same thing!B: What kind of answer do you expect?B: How can I possibly answer such a question?Do you remember Sally Green, the swimming star? She was the girl who broke all the records at the last Olympics. Where is she now? Last week our reporter, Tom Parker, went to see Sally in her Californian home.Tom: Is it true that you don't swim at all now?Sally: I'm afraid so. I'm too old.Tom: But you are only twenty!Sally: That's too old for a swimmer. If I swam in an international competition now, I wouldn't win. So I'd rather not swim at all.Tom: But don't you enjoy swimming?Sally: I used to, when I was small. But if you enter for big competitions you have to work very hard. I used to get up at 6 am to go to the pool. I had to train before school, after school and at weekends. I swam thirty-five miles every week!Tom: But you were famous at fifteen. And look at all those cups.Sally: Would you like to polish them? It's true that I have some wonderful memories. I enjoyed visiting other countries, and the Olympics were very exciting. But I missed more important things. While other girls were growing up, I was swimming. What can I do now?There is a small shop at the end of our road. I buy my newspaper there every Sunday. This is the only shop that is open on a Sunday, so it is always very busy. They sell milk, eggs, biscuits, tea and coffee. You can get aspirins, toothpaste or a writing pad there. It is a nice little shop.This evening I am going to the cinema. I sometimes go with Beatriz, but this evening I am going alone. Beatriz is nice, but she talks a lot and when I go to the cinema I like to watch the film. The film I am going to is an old one, but it is very good. It is a Hitchcock film.lession4Sophie: Here's some coffee.George: Oh, fantastic ... er ... is there any sugar?Sophie: Sugar ... yes, of course ... here you are.George: Thanks ... er ...Sophie: What's the matter now?These: Er ... are there any chocolate biscuits?Sophie: No, there aren't.George: Oh ...Kathy: Where do you live?David: Near Victoria Station.Kathy: In a flat or a house?Kathy: What's your flat like?David: It's small and the building is old, but it's comfortable. It's very near my office.Christine: When did you buy that new necklace?Libby: I didn't buy it. It was a present.Christine: Oh, who gave it to you?Libby: A friend.Christine: Anybody I know?Libby: Don't ask so many questions.Tom and Anna saw a film yesterday.Tom: It was exciting, wasn't it?Anna: Yes, it was.Tom: Charles Bronson was good, wasn't he?Anna: Yes, he always is.Tom: I thought the girl was good too.Anna: Did you?Eustace: What are you doing?Luanda: I'm packing.Eustace: Why?Luanda: Because I'm leaving.Eustace: You're not.Lucinda: Yes, I am. I'm catching the first train tomorrow.Instance: But, I ...Luanda: ... and I'm not coming back.Eustace: Oh, oh ... where are you going?Lucinda: To ... to ... Hawaii.Eustace: Oh darling.Phillip: Excuse me, Mr. Jones. Can you help me?Mr. Jones: Of course. What's the problem?Pall: Well, I have to wear an overall but I can't find one.Mr. Jones: That's easy. Why don't you look in the cupboard besides the washbasin? You'll find one there.(sound of phone ringing)Jean: 7824145. Jean Williamson speaking.Tom: Oh, it's you, Jean. Sorry I had to rush off this morning. How are the boys?Jean: I'm taking them to the doctor at twelve o'clock, but I'm sure they're going to be all right.Tom: That's good. What about you?and some records for Paul.Tom: You spoil them. I'm going to open a savings account for them. They need to learn how to save money.My grandfather lives with us. He is seventy years old and I like talking to him. Every day I go for a walk with him in the park. My grandfather has a dog. The dog's name is Nelson. Nelson is old and he has very short legs and bad eyes. But my grandfather likes him very much.I have a small black and white television and I can get a good picture. But my brother has got a color television. It is bigger, heavier and more complicated than mine. My brother gets a better picture on his television than I do on mine. So when there is something very good on TV, I usually go and see my brother.lession5Instructor: Listen to these people. They are all taking things to be repaired. Of course, they want to know how much it will cost and how long it will take. Listen to their questions and write the answers you hear. Here is an example.Woman: How much will it cost to repair this typewriter?Male Assistant: About a pound.Woman: That's not bad. But how long will it take?Male Assistant: Only about a week.Instructor: Look at the answers the assistant gives his customer. The first answer is 'about a pound.' The second answer is 'about a week.' Now listen to these dialogues and write the missing words in your book. Dialogue A:Man: Can you give me an estimate to repair this bicycle?Female Assistant: I think it'll cost about twelve or thirteen pounds.Man: And how long will it take?Female Assistant: A fortnight, more or less.Dialogue B:Woman: Would you have a look at this television set, please?Female Assistant: Yes, of course. Hmmm. How long have you had it?Woman: About eight years. Can you tell me how much it'll cost to repair it?Female Assistant: Well, the set's very old. It'll cost about fifty pounds. It's cheaper to buy a new one.Dialogue C:Man: How much do you think it'll cost to repair this typewriter?Female Assistant: Let me see. It's a 1960 model. About twenty pounds, I'm afraid.Man: That's rather a lot. And how long will it take?Female Assistant: About a month.Man: Thank you. I'd like to think about it.but he needs a typewriter... Then he remembers his friend, Tony. Tony has several typewriters. Bob, the customer, has an idea. He meets his friends, Tony. Listen to their conversation.Dialogue D:Tony: Hello, Bob. What's that heavy parcel you're carrying?Bob: It's my old typewriter. I've just been to the shop. The assistant says it'll cost about twenty pounds to repair.Tony: That's rather a lot. What are you going to do?Bob: Well, you've got several typewriters. Could you lend me one?Tony: I'll have to think about it.Instructor: Frank and Peter want new bicycles. Petrol is very expensive so they both want to cycle to work. They are looking at advertisements.Frank: What about this Curzon bike. It's very cheap. Only eighty pounds.Peter: Yes, but the Anderson bike is even cheaper. It's sixty-five pounds.Frank: Hmmm. How old is the Anderson one?Peter: It's a 1977 model.Frankie: The Curzon is a 1979 model. It's newer.Instructor: Frank and Peter are still looking at advertisements. They can't decide which bike to buy. Peter: The Anderson bike looks very comfortable.Frank: Yes, but the Curzon looks bigger.Pedro: I don't want a big bike. I want a comfortable one.Frank: All right. The Anderson bike is good. But the Curzon is Better.Instructor: Do you remember Regine? Where does she come from? Is she married? Where does she work? Listen to Regine speaking.Regine: My name is Regine. I'm Gemp3an. I live in a small town. I'm not married. I live at home with my mother and father, my sister Heidi and my brother Rolf. I work in a department store. I sell writing paper, envelopes, ball pens, pencils and colored postcards. I walk to work every morning. I don't work on Saturday afternoon or Sunday and I have a three-week holiday in the summer.Instructor: Regine was seventeen then. Now she's twenty-two. Her life is very different. Listen to this television interview.Interviewer: Regine, at seventeen you worked in a big shop. Now you are the manager and you are only twenty-two. From seventeen to twenty-two. Five years to success. Can you tell us? The secret of your success?Regine: The 'secret', as you call it, is work. When I was seventeen, I lived at home. I walked to the shop every morning. I saved my money and I went to evening classes. I worked in a good department and I sold so much that I got a good commission. I really wanted to be a success. Now I'm the manager. Interviewer: Congratulations, Regine. But please tell us ... do you like your job? Are you happier? Regine: You are asking me two questions. The first answer is 'yes' and the second answer is definitely 'no'.Good afternoon, my name is Schwartz. That is S-C-H-W-A-R-T-Z and I come from New York. My wife and I would like a double room with a shower. I have our passports here. We are hoping to stay for about a week. I have a question. Do you know where I can get two tickets for the perfomp3ance at the theatre tonight?On my first day in London I felt hungry, so I went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. I waited for ten minutes, but nobody came to serve me. Then I saw that there were no waiters. The customers stood in a queue and got their food themselves. That was my first experience of a self-service restaurant.lession6—Is that Mr. Smith's son?—No, it isn't. It's Mr. Morgan's son.—Is he Irish?—No, he isn't. He is Welsh.—Is there any shampoo in the cupboard?—No, I'm sorry. There isn't any.—Is there any soap, then?—Yes. There is a whole pack of soap.—Where does Miss Sue come from?—She comes from Tokyo.—What language does she speak, then?—She speaks Japanese.—What does Miss Jenkins do?—She is a nurse.—Where does she work?—At the Westminster Hospital.—Do you like your manager?—Yes. He is nice and kind. Is yours kind, too?—No. Mine is rather a brute.—Oh, I'm sorry about that.—Is anyone attending to you, sir?—No. I should like to see some dressing gowns.—What sort are you looking for, sir?—I fancy a red, silk one.—Where are your parents now?—They are in Zagreb.—Is that in Austria?—No. It's in Yugoslavia.—Who is the girl by the door?—It's Jone Smith.—Is she a nurse?—No. She's a librarian.—My hat and coat, please. Here is my ticket. —Thank you, sir. Here they are.—These not mine. They are Mr. West's.—I'm sorry, sir. Are these yours?—Yes, they are. Thank you.—Whose handbag is that?—Which one?—The big leather one.—Oh, that's Miss Clark's.—What are you looking at?—I'm looking at some stamps.—Are they interesting?—Yes. They are very rare ones.—Where's Miss Green at the moment?—In her office.—What's she doing there?—She's typing, I think.—Are there any pencils in the drawer? —No, I'm sorry. There aren't any.—Are there any ball-point pens then. —Yes. There are lots of ball-points.—I need some oil, please.—Three pounds, please.—Thank you, sir.Instructor: Henry wants tickets for Romeo and Juliet so he tries to telephone the box of office. First he hears: (wrong number tone). He has dialed the wrong number. Then he tries again. (busy tone) Henry is fed up but he must get some tickets. He tries again and finally, he gets through.(sound of phone ringing, receiver picked up)Clerk: Cambridge Theatre. Box Office.Henry: Have you got any tickets for Romeo and Juliet for this Saturday evening?'Clerk: Which perfomp3ance? 5 pm or 8:30 pm?Henry: 8:30 pm please.Clerk: Sorry, that perfomp3ance is sold out.Henry: Well, have you got any tickets for the 5 pm perfomp3ance?Clerk: Yes, we have tickets at 4.50 pounds, 5.50 pounds and 6 pounds.Henry: I'd like to reserve two seats at 4.50 pounds, please.Clerk: Right. That's two tickets at 4.50 pounds. Saturday, 5 pm perfomp3ance. What's the name please? Henry: Bishop. Henry Bishop.Clerk: Thank you. You'll collect the tickets before 3 pm on Saturday, won't you?Henry: Yes, of course. Thank you. Goodbye.[NextPage]Clara: That number has been engaged for ages. Nobody can be that popular. I wonder if her number has been changed. I think I'll try again.(Sound of dialing and ringing tone.)Sue: 3346791.Clara: Is that you, Sue?Sue: Who's calling?C1ara: This is Clara. Clara Ferguson. Don't you remember me?Sue: Clara! Of course I remember you. How are you? I haven't heard from you for at least two years. What are you doing?Clara: Nothing very exciting. That's one reason I'm ringing. I need some advice.Sue: Advice. Hmm. That's a good one. I've just been sacked.Clara: There are the pips. Hang on, Sue.Clara: What do you mean ... you've just been sacked? Sue, you're the most successful woman I know. Sue: That's probably why I've been sacked. But let's talk about you. You said you needed some advice. Clara: I certainly do. I wanted to ask you about interviews. Have you had a lot of them?Sue: Yes, I have. Too many.Clara: So, could you tell me the sort of questions you're usually asked?Sue: Let me think. The first ten questions are almost always the same. I call them the 'whys', 'hows' and 'wheres'.(Sound of pips.)Clara: Not again. Don't go away, Sue. I've got one more coin.Clara: Are you there, Sue?Sue: Yes, I'm still here.Clara: Sorry, I didn't understand what you were telling me. Could you repeat it?Sue: It's very boring, but here you are:I'm always asked:Why I want to leave my present job?Why I am interested in the new job?How I intend to get to work?How long I intend to stay in the job?Where I live?Where I went to school?How much I'm paid in my present job?How much I expect to be paid in the new job?Oh yes. I'm always asked if I'm married.(Sound of pips.)Clara: That's it, Sue. No more coins. I'll write to you soon ... and many thanks.I am not going out with George again. Last week he invited me to go to a football match. I do not like football, so it was silly of me to say yes. We did not have seats, so we had to stand for two hours in the rain. I was cold and wet and I could not see a thing. So I asked George to take me home. He got very angry and said some very unpleasant things.Last week the sun shone and it got quite hot. I decided to put on my light grey summer trousers. But I got a shock. I could not put them on. They were too small. It is possible that they got smaller during the winter, but I do not think so. I am afraid I got bigger. So I am going to eat less and I am going to take more exercise. I am definitely going to lose some weight.lession7—Is that Mrs. Brown?—No, it isn't. It's Mrs. Bright.—Is she English?—No, she isn't. She is American.—Is there any cream in the refrigerator?—No. There isn't any, I'm afraid.—Is there any milk, then?—Yes, there is plenty of milk.—Where does Pedro come from?—He comes from Mexico City.—What language does he speak, then?—He speaks Spanish.—What does your friend do?—He is a bank clerk.—Where does he work?—At the Middleland Bank in Bimp3ingham.—Do you like your apple?—Yes. It's nice and sweet. Is yours sweet, too? —No. Mine is rather sour.—Oh, I'm sorry about that.—Can I help you, Madam?—Yes. I want to see some cardigans.—What size do you take, Madam?—About fourteen inches, I think.—Where is Susan now?—She is in Glasgow.—Is Glasgow in England?—No. It's in Scotland.—Who is the man over there?—It's Mr. Watson.—Is he a teacher?—No. He is a doctor.—My bag, please. Here is my ticket. —Thank you, Madam. Here's your bag. —This is not my bag. It's Mrs. Brown's.—I'm sorry, Madam. Is this yours?—Yes, it is. Thank you.—Excuse me. Is this your book?—No. It's not mine.—Whose book is it, then?—It's Pedro's, I think.—Whose bicycle is that?—Which one?—The old green one.—Oh, that's Robert's.—What are you looking at?—I'm looking at a photograph.—Is it interesting?—Yes, it's a picture of my girlfriend.—Are there any oranges in the kitchen?—No, I'm sorry. There aren't any.—Are there any bananas, then?—Yes. There are plenty of bananas.—I want some butter, please.—How much do you want, Madam?—Half a pound, please.—Thank you, Madam.1. I really need some new curtains but I'm afraid I can't sew.2. My problem is that I can't find a job. Managers always say my hair is too long.3. I do love listening to the radio but I'm afraid my radio isn't working.4. Just look at these shoes. They cost forty-five pounds last year and they have holes in them now.5. Do you know anything about cars? My car is using too much petrol.John Haslam is talking about his garden.You know, I don't really like the country. It's too quiet. There's not enough movement, not enough action, not enough to do. But I'm like most other people: I need some peace and quiet sometimes, and this little garden is my peace and quiet. It's big enough for me. During the summer I may spend three or four hours out here. But even in the winter I may come out here for an hour or two at the weekends, if the weather's good. It's a good place to sit with my typewriter. And it's a good place to sit with a book and a drink. And do you know something? I spend as much time out of the house now as I did when I lived in the country. Funny, isn't it?(Sound of radio playing. Telephone rings.)Betty: Listen, Mum. The phone's ringing. Can I answer it?Julie: Yes, of course. But please answer correctly.(Receiver being picked up.)Betty: (excited) Hello. This is Betty.Male V oice; (confused pause) Uh ... good evening. Is that 789-6 double 4 3?Betty: Yes, it is. Would you like to talk to my mother?Male V oice: Well ... I'd like to talk to Mrs. Henderson ...Betty: Just a moment. I'll tell her.Julie: Mrs. Henderson speaking. Who's calling please?Male V oice: This is Brian Murphy, Mrs. Henderson. I'm your new neighbor. I moved in yesterday. Julie: Oh, good evening, Mr. Murphy. Welcome to Oak Lane. Can we give you any help?Male V oice: Sorry to bother you, Mrs. Henderson, but I'd like to ask you some questions.Julie: I'm never too busy to help a neighbor, Mr. Murphy. What would you like to know?Male V oice: Well, first, could you tell me what time the milkman calls? And which day do the dustmen come? Who's the most dependable newsagent? (pause) Oh, yes ... where is the nearest police station? Julie: My goodness, Mr. Murphy. You have got a lot of questions. Look, I have an idea. Why don't you come to tea tomorrow afternoon? Then we can meet you and answer all your questions.Male V oice: That's very kind of you, Mrs. Henderson. What time shall I come?Julie: Any time after 3 o'clock. We look forward to meeting you. Goodbye.Male V oice: Goodbye, Mrs. Henderson.(Receiver being replaced.)Everything changes. Once a lot of people went to the cinema to see silent films. Then when talking pictures started nobody wanted to see silent films any more. But people still went to the cinema and everybody knew the names of all the great film stars. Now we have television. People sit at home night after night watching their favorite programs. But what is going to happen to the cinema?Dear Mr. Scott,Thank you for your letter of 15th January. You say that you telephoned our office five times in two days and did not receive a reply.I am sorry about this, but we have had problems with our telephone.Yours sincerely,D. Rentonlession9—I'm going to clean the blackboard.—But you can't do that.—Why can't I?—We haven't got a duster.—Did you walk to the match?—No. I went by car.—Did John go by car, too?—No. He cycled.—Hello, and how did you spend the holiday?—I played tennis till lunch time.—What did you do after lunch?—I went for a swim with John.—Hello, why aren't you playing tennis?—I haven't brought my racket.—You can borrow mine, if you like.—Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you.—What are those shirts made of?—They are made of cotton.—Are shirts always made of cotton?—No. They are sometimes made of wool or nylon.—I'm going to drink some of this milk.—But you mustn't.—Why not?—Because it's sour.—Excuse me, Madam, did you drop your glove?—I beg your pardon?—I said "Did you drop your glove".—Oh, yes, I did. Thank you so much.—Not at all. It's a pleasure.—Where have you been?—To the cinema.—Who did you go with?—I went with Jone Judge.—What can I do for you?—I have damaged my wrist, doctor.—How did you do that?—I fell on it while I was playing tennis.—What's wrong?—I have a pain in my chest.—Why not go and see your doctor?—Yes. That's a good idea. I will.—What are you going to do this evening?—I'm going to p1ay cards.—Are you going to play cards tomorrow evening, too?。
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W: Some learn from their parents, some from their friends... but if a person has never learned about love, his life is a waste.
Her father has provided for the family.
Her father is admirable.
W: You look at my father and see a tough man with a gun and blood on his hands. But I see him as a man who always provides for his family.
Q: What is the topic for the class?
Conversation 6
The importance of learning about love.
The people we love in our lives.
The age we find love in our lives.
M: Mom had a lot of love for you. If she were here now, she wouldn't judge you that way. She just would've been happy to see her kids and help them when she could.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
1. What are the two speakers talking about?
The woman's attitude toward her children.
Felt happy to look upon her children.
W: Sometimes I'm glad our mother isn't alive. I think if she could see the person I've become, she'd really be disappointed.
She always gets a second chance to do things right.
W: You know, I never understood why my parents kept giving second chances to my brother. He never does right by them.
She's never expressed her love to him.
W: I don't know what to say about your new girlfriend — she seems so cold, so distant.
M: Deep down, she's a loving person. The problem is that she didn't have a loving family like ours. So she doesn't know how to express love.
Love requires one not to give up on a person.
Her brother's nature keeps him from loving others.
Her parents have reasons for not quitting on her brother.
Play Sound 2. According to the man, what is wrong with the way the woman treats her children?
Q: What can we infer from the conversation?
Conversation 8
Shared all the love she had.
Stayed with them and helped.
Said she was disappointed in her daughter.
The impact of parents' relationship on their child.
Things a parent can learn about becoming loving.
The differences between the woman and her parents.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
Conversation 10
Wife and husband.
Employer and employee.
Father and daughter.
Mother and son.
W: I've been thinking about how I could teach my children to be more loving.
M: Sounds like a job for you and your husband. How about I give you some vacation time? You could take a family trip and talk more with your kids.
How our ideas of love began.
W: Excuse me! Have you already started class? Or am I on time?
M: I've already begun the lesson. We're talking about the meaning of love. Please take your seat.
Father and daughter.
Grandmother and grandson.
M: Pardon me. Um, why don't you teach us anything about love in class?
Байду номын сангаас
W: Well, love is important, but it's not a good topic for the classroom. You should learn about love from your parents or grandparents.
M: Whoa, wait a minute. I didn't say anything of the sort. I admire your father a lot.
Q: What does the man think about the woman's father?
Conversation 3
W: It's 10 o'clock! You're late again! I just don't know what to say anymore.
M: Sweetheart, love, darling, you should know that my being late has nothing to do with my love for you. Try to understand me.
M: I agree whole-heartedly. Thankfully, I learned about love from my parents at an early age.
Q: What are the speakers talking about?
Conversation 7
The man returns home late every day.
The man doesn't understand the woman.
The man doesn't love the woman anymore.
The man loves the woman though he is late again
M: Then you don't understand the nature of love. Love means never quitting on the one you love.
Q: What does the woman NOT understand?
Conversation 4
Q: According to the man, what's wrong with his new girlfriend?
Conversation 2
Her father is much too tough.
Her father is crazy about guns.
Q: What should the woman do for her parents?