water environment carrying capacity
保护水资源英语Protecting Water ResourcesWater is a precious resource that is essential for all life on Earth. It is important that we take steps to protect and conserve water resources to ensure a sustainable future. In this essay, I will discuss the significance of water conservation and propose some practical measures to protect our water resources.Firstly, water conservation is important to ensure asufficient supply of clean and safe water for future generations. With increasing population and economic development, the demand for water has been steadily rising, especially in industriessuch as agriculture, manufacturing, and energy production. As a result, many water sources are being depleted at an alarming rate. By conserving water, we can help to reduce the strain on these sources, allowing them to replenish naturally and be available for future use.Secondly, water conservation is crucial for the preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. Many ecosystems, such as wetlands, rivers, and lakes, rely on a consistent supply ofwater to support their unique plant and animal species. When water resources are mismanaged or e某ploited, these ecosystems can suffer greatly, leading to habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, and even the e某tinction of certain species. By conserving water and ensuring its sustainable use, we can helpto preserve these valuable ecosystems and maintain the delicate balance of nature.To protect water resources, we must adopt a multi-faceted approach that includes both individual and collective efforts.At an individual level, we can start by practicing simple yet effective water-saving habits. These include turning off taps when not in use, fi某ing leaks promptly, collecting rainwaterfor gardening purposes, and using water-efficient appliances. Moreover, we should be conscious of our water consumption habits, avoiding e某cessive use and unnecessary wastage. By makingthese small changes in our daily lives, we can contribute significantly to water conservation.On a larger scale, governments and water management authorities must play a key role in protecting water resources. They should implement strict regulations and policies to manage water usage in various sectors, promote the use of water-saving technologies, and invest in research and development for sustainable water management practices. Additionally, theyshould raise public awareness about water conservation and advocate for responsible water use through educational campaigns and initiatives.Furthermore, international cooperation is essential for protecting shared water resources, such as rivers and lakes that span across national borders. Countries should collaborate andnegotiate agreements to ensure equitable and sustainable use of these resources, taking into account the needs of all stakeholders and considering long-term environmental effects.In conclusion, protecting water resources is of utmost importance for a sustainable future. By conserving water and adopting responsible water use practices, we can ensure a sufficient supply of clean water for future generations, preserve ecosystems and biodiversity, and promote a more sustainable and resilient planet. Water conservation requires a collective effort from individuals, governments, and international organizations, and it is our responsibility to take action now before it is too late. Let us all work together to protect and preserve our precious water resources.。
汉英口译分类词汇--环境保护词汇(1)21世纪议程Agenda 21 (the international plan of action adopted by governments in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro Brazil(巴西里约), - provides the global consensus on the road map towards sustainable development)世界环境日World Environment Day (June 5th each year)世界环境日主题World Environment Day Themes环境千年-行动起来吧!(2000)The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!拯救地球就是拯救未来!(1999)Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!为了地球上的生命-拯救我们的海洋!(1998)For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas!为了地球上的生命(1997)For Life on Earth我们的地球、居住地、家园(1996)Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home国际生物多样性日International Biodiversity Day (29 December)世界水日World Water Day (22 March)世界气象日World Meteorological Day(23 March)世界海洋日World Oceans Day (8 June )联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会)United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)环发大会首脑会议Summit Session of UNCED 联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment Programs (UNEP)2000年全球环境展望报告GEO-2000;Global Environmental Outlook 2000入选"全球500佳奖" be elected to the rank of Global 500 Roll of Honor联合国人类居住中心UN Center for Human Settlements (UNCHS)改善人类居住环境最佳范例奖Best Practices in Human Settlements Improvement人与生物圈方案Man and Biosphere (MAB)Programme (UNESCO)中国21世纪议程China's Agenda 21中国生物多样性保护行动计划China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan中国跨世纪绿色工程规划China Trans-Century Green Project Plan国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)中国环保基本方针China's guiding principles for environmental protection坚持环境保护基本国策adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection推行可持续发展战略pursue the strategy of sustainable development贯彻经济建设、城乡建设、环境建设同步规划、同步实施、同步发展(三同步)的方针carry out a strategy of synchronized planning, implementation and development in terms of economic and urban and rural development and environmental protection (the "three synchronizes" principle)促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一bring about harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and environmental protection 中国环保基本政策the basic policies of China's environmental protection预防为主、防治结合的政策policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control污染者负担的政策"the-polluters-pay" policy强化环境管理的政策policy of tightening up environmental management一控双达标政策policy of "One Order, Two Goals":"一控":12种工业污染物的排放量控制在国家规定的排放总量The total discharge of 12 industrial pollutants in China by the end of 2000 shall not exceed the total amount mandated by the central government.;"双达标":1. 到2000年底,全国所有的工业污染源要达到国家或地方规定的污染物排放标准The discharge of industrial pollutants should meet both national and local standards by the end of 2000. 2. 到2000年底,47个重点城市的空气和地面水达到国家规定的环境质量标准 2. Air and surface water quality in all urban districts in 47 major cities should meet related national standards by the end of 2000.对新项目实行环境影响评估conduct environmental impact assessments (EIA)on start-up projects提高全民环保意识raise environmental awareness amongst the general public查处违反环保法规案件investigate and punish acts of violating laws and regulations on environmental protection环保执法检查environmental protection law enforcement inspection限期治理undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time中国已加入的国际公约international conventions into which China has accessed控制危险废物越境转移及其处置的巴塞尔公约Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal 关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer生物多样性公约Convention on Biological Diversity防治荒漠化国际公约Convention to Combat Desertification气候变化框架公约United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change生态示范区eco-demonstration region;environment-friendly region国家级生态示范区(珠海)Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region国家级园林城市Nationally Designated Garden City放射性废料积存accumulation of radioactive waste 有机污染物organic pollutants氰化物、砷、汞排放cyanide, arsenic, mercury discharged铅、镉、六价铬lead, cadmium, sexivalent chromium 城市垃圾无害化处理率decontamination rate of urban refuse垃圾填埋场refuse landfill垃圾焚化厂refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林protect forests from overexploitation森林砍伐率rate of deforestation水土流失water and soil erosion土壤盐碱化soil alkalization农药残留pesticide residue水土保持conservation of water and soil生态农业environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture水资源保护区water resource conservation zone海水淡化sea water desalinization保护珊瑚礁、红树林和渔业资源protect coral reefs, mangrove and fishing resource绿化祖国turn the country green全民义务植树日National Tree-Planting Day造林工程afforestation project绿化面积afforested areas; greening space森林覆盖率forest coverage防风林wind breaks (防沙林sand breaks)速生林fast-growing trees降低资源消耗率slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源develop renewable resources环保产品environment-friendly products自然保护区nature reserve野生动植物wild fauna and flora保护生存环境conserve natural habitats濒危野生动物endangered wildlife珍稀濒危物种繁育基地rare and endangered species breeding center自然生态系统natural ecosystems防止沙漠化(治沙、抗沙)desertification环境负荷carrying capacity of environment三废综合利用multipurpose use of three types of wastes先天与后天,遗传与环境nature-nurture美化环境landscaping design for environmental purposes防止沿海地带不可逆转恶化protect coastal zones from irreversible degradation环境恶化environmental degradation城市化失控uncontrolled urbanization温饱型农业subsistence agriculture贫困的恶性循环vicious cycle of poverty大气监测系统atmospheric monitoring system空气污染浓度air pollution concentration酸雨、越境空气污染acid rain and transboundary air pollution二氧化硫排放sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions悬浮颗粒物suspended particles工业粉尘排放industrial dust discharged烟尘排放soot emissions二氧化氮nitrate dioxide (NO2)矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气)fossil fuels: coal, oil,and natural gas清洁能源clean energy汽车尾气排放motor vehicle exhaust尾气净化器exhaust purifier无铅汽油lead-free gasoline天然气汽车gas-fueled vehicles电动汽车cell-driven vehicles; battery cars氯氟烃CFCs温室效应greenhouse effect厄尔尼诺南徊ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) 噪音noise (分贝db; decibel)化学需氧量(衡量水污染程度的一个指标)COD;chemical oxygen demand生物需氧量BOD; biological oxygen demand工业废水处理率treatment rate of industrial effluents 城市污水处理率treatment rate of domestic sewage 集中处理厂centralized treatment plant红潮red tide (rapid propagation of sea algae英语"气象"用语表达法1、气候种类山地气候mountain climate 恒风constant wind 微风breeze冬季季风气候winter monsoon climate 逆风headwind 台风typhoon季风气候monsoon climate 高气压high-pressure 锋面frontal edge亚热带气候sub-tropical climate 气团air mass 热浪heat wave高原气候plateau climate 闪电lightning 雾fog 海滨气候littoral climate 凉cool 霜frost极地气候polar climate 雪堆snowdrift 露dew 热带气候tropical climate 寒冷chilly 3、风的名称温带沙漠气候temperate desert climate 间歇雨intermittent rain 无风calm温带干燥气候temperate arid climate 大雨heavy rain 轻风light breeze热带季风气候tropical monsson climate 信风trade wind 微风gentle breeze大陆气候continental climate 天气预报weather forecast 和风moderate breeze沙漠气候desert climate 甘霖welcome rain 清风fresh breeze沿海气候coastal climate 冰柱icicle 强风strong breeze高地气候highland climate 西北风northwester 疾风near gale海洋气候marine climate 地形雨local rains 大风gale森林气候forest climate 狂风squall 烈风strong gale温带气候temperate climate 雨季rainy season 狂风storm湿润气候humid climate 雨点raindrops 暴风violent storm温带草原气候temperate grassy climate 东北信风northeast trades 飓风hurricane热带雨林气候tropical rainy climate 东南风southeaster 台风typhoon热带海洋气候tropical marine climate 风级wind scale 龙卷风tornado2、气象用语虹rainbow 4、浪的名称小雨light rain 阵雨shower 平静calm毛毛雨drizzle,fine rain 疾风gusty wind 微波rippled反常天气freakish weather 气旋cyclone 微浪smooth wavelets北风north wind 气压barometric pressure 细浪light seas冰ice 阴天cloudy day 小浪moderate seas冰点freezing point 雪花snow flake 中浪rough seas西南风southwester 晴clear 大浪very rough seas冷峰cold front 顺风favorable wind 强浪high seas低气压low-pressure 闷热天气muggy weather 巨浪very high seas雨量rainfall 雹hail 狂浪monster waves东北风northeaster 雷thunder 5、自然灾害东风east wind 滂沱大雨downpour 火山地震volcanic earthquake炎热scorching heat 暖锋warm front 海啸tidal wave风眼eye of a storm 零度zero 山崩landslide零度以下subzero。
以中波导航台天线为中心,半径500 m以内不得有110kV及以上架空高压输电线;半径150m以内不得有铁路、电气化铁路、架空金属线缆、金属堆积物和电力排灌站;半径120m以内不得有高于8m的建筑物;半径50 m 以内不得有高于3 m的建筑物(不合机房)、单棵大树和成片树林。
Unit6 carrying capacity 课文加翻译
Unit6 carrying capacity:earth’s bottom lineIt takes no stretch of the imagination to see that thehuman species is now an agent of change of geologicproportions. We literally move mountains to mine theearth’s minerals, redirect rivers to build cities in thedesert, torch forests to make way for crops and cattle,and alter the chemistry of the atmosphere in disposing of our wastes. At humanity’s hand, the earth isundergoing a profound transformation-one withconsequences we cannot fully grasp.没有一点点想象明白人类带来地理比例的变化,我们移山开采地球的矿物质,重定向的河流在沙漠中建造城市,为了农作物和畜牧烧森林来让路,并改变大气的化学处理的废物。
对于人类,地球正在经历一个深远的改变-这一结果我们不能完全控制.It may be the ultimate irony that, in our efforts tomake the earth yield more for ourselves, we arediminishing its ability to sustain lifeof all kinds,humans included. Signs of environmental constraintsare now pervasive. Cropland is scarcely expandingany more, and a good portion of existing agriculturalland is losing fertility. Grasslands have been overgrazed and fisheries overharvested, limiting theamount of additional food from these sources. Waterbodies have suffered extensive depletion and pollution, severely restricting future food production andurban expansion. And natural forests-which helpstabilize the climate, moderate water supplies, and harbor a majority of the planet’s terrestrial biodiversity-continue to recede.它可能是最终的讽刺,在我们努力使地球产量更多,我们正在消弱其维持生命的能力。
Water is an essential element of life,playing a crucial role in the sustenance of all living organisms on Earth.It is a vital resource for various purposes,including drinking, agriculture,industry,and maintaining the natural environment.Importance of Water in Daily Life1.Hydration:Water is the primary source of hydration for the human body.It helps regulate body temperature,aids in digestion,and transports nutrients to cells.2.Health Benefits:Drinking sufficient water daily can prevent dehydration and reduce the risk of certain health issues such as kidney stones and urinary tract infections.3.Agriculture:Water is indispensable for farming.It nourishes crops,ensuring food security for the growing global population.4.Ecosystem Balance:Water bodies like rivers,lakes,and oceans are habitats for a diverse range of aquatic life.They also play a role in the water cycle,which is vital for maintaining the planets climate.Challenges in Water Availability1.Scarcity:In many parts of the world,access to clean water is a significant challenge. Droughts,poor infrastructure,and pollution contribute to water scarcity.2.Pollution:Industrial waste,agricultural runoff,and improper waste disposal have led to the contamination of water sources,affecting both human health and the environment.3.Inequality in Access:There is an unequal distribution of water resources globally,with some regions suffering from overallocation while others face severe shortages. Conservation Efforts1.Water Conservation:Individuals can contribute to water conservation by using watersaving appliances,fixing leaks,and being mindful of water usage in daily activities.2.Policy and Legislation:Governments can enact policies to protect water resources, regulate water usage,and promote sustainable practices.cation and Awareness:Raising awareness about the importance of water and the need for its conservation is crucial for encouraging responsible water use.Technological Innovations1.Desalination:Technological advancements in desalination can help convert seawater into freshwater,providing a solution for waterscarce regions.2.Recycling and Reuse:Technologies for recycling wastewater for agricultural and industrial use can help reduce the demand for fresh water.3.Smart Water Management:The use of smart technology in water management systems can optimize water distribution and reduce waste.ConclusionWater is a precious resource that must be cherished and protected.As the global population grows and climate change impacts water availability,it is more important than ever to adopt sustainable practices and technologies to ensure that water remains accessible and clean for future generations.By understanding the value of water and taking action to conserve and protect it,we can help secure a sustainable future for all.。
2010年5月CATTI二级笔译综合能力测试完型填空原文以及答案When We Talk About Privacy——by Ruth Suli UrmanWhen we talk about privacy issues with teenagers, what are we really talking about? Most importantly, trust. It's only natural for adolescents growing into their teen years, to want some privacy, some alone time, where they can think about who they are becoming, who they want to be and perhaps, just to relax and be out of earshot of the rest of the world. Teens, like adults, work hard too. And when we consider how much socializing they are forced to do, when they attend school all day, sometimes they just want to come home, go into their room, close the door and just listen to the music of their choice. As adults, it helps to remember not to take these things personally.We also need to remember that teenagers can experience "bad" days, too. In giving them the space to be irritable or sad, without demanding that they put on a cheerful face and façade - as we certainly can't expect anything from them that we don't expect from ourselves! - we are honoring their feelings, as we honor our own feelings.Keeping journals, having private conversations with their friends on the phone, and wanting some alone time is a teen's way of becoming who they are. They are slipping into their bodies, their minds, and their distinct individualities. It helps to remember what it was like to be a teen: the writing we may not have wanted to show our parents, the conversations with friends about "crushes," the times that we wanted to listen to The Beatles when our parents only wanted to hear classical music.It is helpful to think about how we want to be treated, as an adult. Remember: respect is earned, not taken for granted. In order to expect our teenagers to be respectful of us, we must be their teachers and their guides, so that they can mirror our behavior. They will give us back what we are giving them, even without consciously thinking about it. What happens if they "hole" themselves up and we never see their lovely faces? As a beginning, in balancing their alone time, we can reach out and make the time to gather the family together, such as meal times, to create communication. This way our children don't end up living their lives behind closed bedroom doors (where we miss out on their childhood years).Coming together as a family is important, too. There is an immense feeling of satisfaction knowing that we are not strangers to our children, and they are not strangers to us. If there is any concern about what they are doing when you are not with them, find a good time and place where they are comfortable (and you are feeling relaxed about talking) and tell them about your concerns. Life is a series of balances, and in the instance of privacy, we can balance that too. Let them know in a loving way how much you care and perhaps share one of your own teenage stories.In teaching them to balance their privacy needs, there is nothing wrong with asking them questions about where they are going, and expecting them to honor our house rules about curfew, etc. We are still the parents and if we decide we need more information about their friends, by all means, take notes on where they are headed off to, or better yet, offer to be a part of their lives, as much as they are willing to let you in: personally meet their friends' parents; become active in their school. It's a great way to find out about their friendships-which are invaluable to teens, and to foster a close relationship with our teenagers - especially if we come from a place of love and caring and not from a sense of snooping or spying.实务英译汉-必译题In the European Union, carrots must be firm but not woody, cucumbers must not be too curved and celery has to be free of any type of cavity. This was the law, one that banned overly curved, extra-knobbly or oddly shaped produce from supermarket shelves.But in a victory for opponents of European regulation, 100 pages of legislation determining the size, shape and texture of fruit and vegetables have been torn up. On Wednesday, EU officials agreed to axe rules laying down standards for 26 products, from peas to plums.In doing so, the authorities hope they have killed off regulations routinely used by critics - most notably in the British media - to ridicule the meddling tendencies of the EU.After years of news stories about the permitted angle or curvature of fruit and vegetables, the decision Wednesday also coincided with the rising price of commodities. With the cost of the weekly supermarket visit on the rise, it has become increasingly hard to defend the act of throwing away food just because it looks strange.Beginning in July next year, when the changes go into force, standards on the 26 products will disappear altogether. Shoppers will the be able to chose their produce whatever its appearance.Under a compromise reached with national governments, many of which opposed the changes, standards will remain for 10 types of fruit and vegetables, including apples, citrus fruit, peaches, pears, strawberries and tomatoes.But those in this category that do not meet European norms will still be allowed onto the market, providing they are marked as being substandard or intended for cooking or processing."This marks a new dawn for the curvy cucumber and the knobbly carrot," said Mariann Fischer Boel, European commissioner for agriculture, who argued that regulations were better left to market operators."In these days of high food prices and general economic difficulties," Fischer Boel added, "consumers should be able to choose from the widest range of products possible. It makes no sense to throw perfectly good products away, just because they are the 'wrong' shape."That sentiment was not shared by 16 of the EU's 27 nations - including Greece, France, the Czech Republic, Spain, Italy and Poland - which tried to block the changes at a meeting of the Agricultural Management Committee.Several worried that the abolition of standards would lead to the creation of national ones, said one official speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the discussions.Copa-Cogeca, which represents European agricultural trade unions and cooperatives, also criticized the changes. "We fear that the absence of EU standards will lead member states to establish national standards and that private standards will proliferate," said its secretary general, Pekka Pesonen.But the decision to scale back on standards will be welcomed by euro-skeptics who have long pilloried the EU executive's interest in intrusive regulation.One such controversy revolved around the correct degree of bend in bananas - a type of fruit not covered by the Wednesday ruling.In fact, there is no practical regulation on the issue. Commission Regulation (EC) 2257/94 says that bananas must be "free from malformation or abnormal curvature," though Class 1 bananas can have "slight defects of shape" and Class 2 bananas can have full "defects of shape."By contrast, the curvature of cucumbers has been a preoccupation of European officials. Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1677/88 states that Class I and "Extra class" cucumbers are allowed a bend of 10 millimeters per 10 centimeters of length. Class II cucumbers can bend twice as much.It also says cucumbers must be fresh in appearance, firm, clean and practically free of any visible foreign matter or pests, free of bitter taste and of any foreign smell.Such restrictions will disappear next year, and about 100 pages of rules and regulations will go as well, a move welcomed by Neil Parish, chairman of the European Parliament's agriculture committee. "Food is food, no matter what it looks like," Parish said. "To stop stores selling perfectly decent food during a food crisis is morally unjustifiable. Credit should be given to the EU agriculture commissioner for pushing through these proposals. Consumers care about the taste and quality of food, not how it looks."参考译文In the European Union, carrots must be firm but not woody, cucumbers must not be too curved and celery has to be free of any type of cavity. This was the law, one that banned overly curved, extra-knobbly or oddly shaped produce from supermarket shelves.在欧盟,市场出售的胡萝卜必须脆而不糠,黄瓜也不能太弯,芹菜一点空心都不能有。
保护水环境的英语English:Protecting the water environment is essential for the health and well-being of both humans and the ecosystem as a whole. There are several ways to protect the water environment, including reducing pollution from industrial and agricultural sources, implementing stricter regulations on waste disposal, and promoting the sustainable use of water resources. Additionally, creating and enforcing protected areas around water bodies, such as wetlands and riparian buffers, can help to preserve the natural habitat and filter pollutants before they reach the water. Education and awareness programs aimed at the public can also play a crucial role in promoting responsible water usage and the importance of preserving clean water for future generations. Overall, protecting the water environment requires a combination of legislative measures, technological advancements, community engagement, and individual responsibility to ensure the long-term sustainability of water resources.中文翻译:保护水环境对于人类和整个生态系统的健康和福祉至关重要。
和水资源保护相关的英文单词Water resources are becoming increasingly important in the world due to climate change, population growth, and economic development. Therefore, water conservation and protection are crucial to ensuring the sustainable use of water resources.Below are some key vocabulary related to water conservation and protection:1. Conservation - the careful use and management of natural resources, including water resources.2. Efficiency - using water resources in the most effective way possible, including reducing waste and minimizing losses.3. Irrigation - the process of providing water to crops during cultivation.4. Water scarcity - a situation where water is not available in sufficient quantities to meet the demands of a given area.5. Drought - a prolonged period of time where there is a significant shortage of rainfall.6. Desalination - the process of removing salt and other minerals from seawater or brackish water to make it suitable for human consumption or agricultural purposes.7. Groundwater - water that is present beneath the Earth's surface.8. Watershed - a geographic area that is drained by a river or other body of water.9. Pollution - the contamination of water resources by humans or natural sources such as chemical runoff, waste dumping or oil spills.10. Clean water - water that is safe for human consumption, free from harmful contaminants, and meets certain standards set by regulatory bodies.11. Water rights – the legal right to use water from a particular water source.12. Water usage - the amount of water used by individuals, industries, and agriculture.13. Water conservation technologies - technologies that help to conserve water, such as low-flow showerheads or drip irrigation systems.14. Water governance - the set of institutions, policies, and practices that govern the use and distribution of water resources. In summary, water conservation and protection are essential to ensure the long-term sustainability of water resources. By understanding these key terms and concepts related to water, individuals, industries and governments can work together to create a more sustainable future.。
inhalable particulate
collection of classified refuse
bio-degradation of refuse
refuse landfill
refuse incinerator
afforested areas
urban heat island effect
treatment of domestic sewage
atmospheric monitoring system
energy consumption per unit of GDP
sulfurdioxide emissions
sea water desalinization
environmental degradations
energy conservation and emissions reduction
no-hunting areas
throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags
Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region
Nationally Designated Garden City
accumulation of radioactive waste
• 健康、可持续开展特性:进化的产物;与环境的 协调和对环境变化的方应;人类的作用;
研究方法: 1.系统生态学 2.模型模拟 3.实验生态学
一个以昆虫为 主的生态系统
•根底理论研究 • 以结构和功能为根底。生态系统生产力; 自然生态系统的稳定性;生态系统管理;生态 系统的自维持模型;结合生态规划和生态设计。 •系统空间格局研究 • 生态系统、区域和全球等多层次;尺度转 换。
C.Tansley, A. G. 1935. The use and abuse of vegetational concepts and terms. Ecology, 16: 284-307
苏卡乔夫 Sukachev V. N. (1944):
地球外表的一个地段内,动物、植物、微 生物与其他地理环境组成的功能单元〔生 物地理群落,biogeocoenosis〕.
学科交叉和交叉学科: •生态经济、 •生态法学、 •生态哲学 •….等
生物群落 + 环境
组成要素的作用: 一、生产者〔producer〕:
自养生物:植物和光合细菌 固定能量 环境改造 能量流动和物质循环的重要环节
二、消费者〔consumer〕的主要作用: 异养生物〔heterotroph〕
•MAB (Man and the Biosphere Programme)(1971)
•IGBP (International Geosphere – Biosphere Program) (1986)
• 有时空概念的复杂的大系统: 多等级;多维; 网状;复杂性高
Evaluation of WaterResourcesCarrying Capacity
School of Water Resources & Civil Engineering, Xinjiang Agricultural University
Urumqi City, Xinjiang Province, China
2012 International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Technology Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Vol.8
Principal Component Model and Application on Evaluation of Water Resources Carrying Capacity
1 Corresponding author: FENG LIU (1980- ), male, Lecturer,the majority on hydraulic, E-mail: wlmqlf1999@ 978-1-61275-026-2/10/$25.00 ©2012 IERI
1. Introduction
Water resources carrying capacity refers to a certain level of technical and economic and social production conditions, water can supply industrial and agricultural production, living and ecological environmental protection, water capacity, that is the largest water resources development capacity of water resources in this capacity can be Natural circulation and updates, and when people use the benefit of being human. At the same time, will not cause environmental pollution. Thus, a comprehensive evaluation of water resources carrying capacity in the basin of water resources to ensure the level of development level and industrial production, people living and ecological environment on the degree of water demand comprehensive analysis of various aspects of supply and demand, based on multivariate analysis after Evaluation and the conclusions reached. Carrying capacity of water resources is intended to reveal the water resources, watershed relationship between economic and population, rational use of water resources sufficient to enable synchronized economic development and water resources development, promoting social and economic development.
环境保护专业术语中英互译环境保护专业术语中英互译Environmental pollution 环境污染 Global warming 全球变暖Environmental destruction环境破坏 Environmental risk 环境风险Persistent organic pollutants 持久性有机污染物 Global warming全球变暖Acid precipitation 酸性降水 Volatile organic chemicals 挥发性有机化学品Renewable resources 可再生资源Sustainable development 可持续发展 Fabric filters 织物过滤器On-site monitoring 现场监测 Receiving water body贮水池On-site monitoring 现场监测 Resource reuse 资源再利用Eutrophication 富营养化 Aerobic composting 好氧堆肥Nonrenewable resources 不可再生资源Nitrification 硝化作用Cyclone precipitator 旋风除尘器Persistent organic pollutants(POPs) 持久性有机污染物Chlorohydrocarbon 氯化碳氢化合物Greenhouse effect 温室效应Volatile organic chemicals(VOC)挥发性有机化学品Fabric filters 织物过滤器Biodegradation 生物降解Eutrophication 富营养化Hazardous waste 危险废物Sanitary landfill 卫生填埋Sustainable development 可持续发展Powder activated carbon 活性炭粉末环境问题 environmental problem 水处理 water treatment 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide 一次污染物primary pollutant生物多样性 biological diversity 生活垃圾domestic waste 空气污染air pollution 可生化降解污染物biodegradable pollutant氮氧化物nitrogen oxides 化学需氧量(COD) chemical oxygen demandBOD Biochemical oxygen demand 颗粒物(PM) particulate matter一级处理primary treatment 二级处理secondary treatment资源回收 resource recovery 面源污染non-point source pollution二氧化硫 sulfur dioxide 臭氧层 ozone layer总悬浮固体(TSS) total suspended solid环境影响评价(EIA) environmental impact assessment声压级 sound pressure level 去除率 removal rateTP total phosphorus 光化学烟雾photochemical smog颗粒物(PM)- Particulate Matter环境影响评价(EIA)- environmental impact assessment背景噪声 background noise有害废物hazardous waste 二次污染物secondary pollutant。
水资源管理 英语
水资源管理英语Water Resource ManagementWater is essential to sustain life on earth, yet it is a finite resource that needs to be carefully managed to ensure its availability for future generations. Water resource management involves the planning, development, and management of water resources in a sustainable and equitable manner.Effective water resource management involves the integration of various aspects such as water quality management, water supply management, water demand management, and water conservation. It also involves the identification of potential risks and the development of strategies to mitigate them.Water quality management involves the protection and improvement of water quality through the control of pollution and the restoration of degraded water bodies. Water supply management involves the development and management of water supply systems to meet the increasing demand for water. Water demand management involves the management of water use to ensure that water resources are used in an efficient and sustainable manner. Water conservation involves the reduction of water use through the adoption of water-saving practices and technologies.Water resource management also involves the involvement and participation of various stakeholders, including government agencies, water users, and the public. It also requires the collaboration and coordination of different sectors such as agriculture, industry, and urban development. In conclusion, water resource management is crucial for the sustainable use and management of this vital resource. It requires a comprehensive approach that considers various aspects of water management, including water quality, supply, demand, and conservation. By managing water resources effectively, we can ensure their availability for future generations and address the challenges of water scarcity and pollution.。
水文学与水文地质学英文术语河流阶地: river terrace面源: area source线源: line source点源: point source非点源: non-point sourcegroundwater 潜水groundwater artery 地下水干道groundwater barrier 地下水堡坝groundwater basin 地下水盆地groundwater capture 地下水袭夺groundwater cascade 地下水小瀑布groundwater cement 潜水泥groundwater dam 地下水坝groundwater discharge 地下水排泄groundwater divide 地下分水界groundwater flow 地下径流groundwater inventory 地下水总量目录groundwater level 地下水位groundwater mound 地下水土丘groundwater province 地下水区groundwater recession 地下水后退groundwater recession curve 地下水后退曲线groundwater reservoir 地下水储集groundwater runoff 地下径流groundwater simulation 地下模拟groundwater spring 潜水泉groundwater table 地下水位group 群exploitable groundwater 地下水可开采量groundwater depression cone 地下水下降漏斗字段名英文名站码 station code站名 station name站别 station category流域名称 basin name水系名称 hydrometric net code河流名称 river name施测项目码 item code of obervation行政区划码 administration division code水资源分区码 code of water resources regionalization设站年份 year of station establishment设站月份 month of station establishment撤站年份 year of withdrawal of station撤站月份 month of withdrawal of station集水面积 drainage area流入何处 flowing-to至河口距离 distance to river mouth基准基面名称 name of fiducial datum领导机关 leading agency (administration agency)管理单位 administration站址 station location东经 longitude北纬 latitude测站等级 grade of hydrometric station报汛等级 grade of Flood-Reporting Station备注 note站点码 station point code站点名 station point name测流方法 observation method控水目的 purpose of control water project控水工程类型 control water project type控水工程代码 code of control water project控水工程运行规则 operation regulation of control water project 推流参数 parameter of discharge computation引水点名 Location name of pumping排水点名 Location name of surface drainage实际最大灌溉面积 maximum area of practical irrigation上界站站码 station code of upper boundary station至上界站河段长 length of reach to upper bound station下界站站码 code of lower bound station至下界站河段长 length of reach to lower bound station高差基数 base of difference in elevation流域水系码 codes of hydrographic net of a basin调查资料来源单位 office recording investigation data区码 code of zone区名 zone name区类 zone type水体总容量 total capacity of water bodies灌溉水田面积 area of rice paddy irrigated灌溉面积 irrigation area城市人口 urban population工业总产值 gross industrial output value水库和水闸控制面积 drainage area of reservoir or weir or sluice 调查面积 investigation area量算地图比例尺 scale of measured map连通试验可靠等级 reliability rank of connectivity pair test旁证资料可靠等级 reliability level of data witness面积成果合理性等级 reliability rank of area data直接上级区名 zone name of prime at first调查报告编号 investigation report number地理包含关系 geography contain relation站点类别 station point category年 year相关站码 correlative station code关系标识 relationship ID关系说明 relationship illustration主断面迁移号 migration numbers of main cross section断面名称 cross section name断面位置 location of cross section变动年份 changed Year变动月份 changed month变动日 changed day同系列标志 series marker变动情况 changed conditions水尺名称 gage name水尺型式 gage type水尺质料 material of gage自记台类型 type of stage recorder水尺位置 location of gage使用情况 use condition河段情况 river reach circumstance图类型 graph type图标题 graph title图 graphMIME类型 MIME type水准点编号 benchmark number水准点类型 benchmark type变动日期 date of Setup or change采用基面名称 adoption datum name冻结或测站基面以上高程 elevation above stationary datum绝对或假定基面以上高程 elevation above absolute or arbitrary datum 绝对基面名称 name of absolute or arbitrary datum水准点型式 benchmark style水准点位置 benchmark location引据水准点编号 number of benchmark from which elevation is measured 变动原因 cause of change工程名称 engineering name工程名称代码 engineering name code开始蓄水年份 begin storing water year开始蓄水月份 begining month of storing water校核洪水位 check flood stage校核库容 check storage capacity of reservoir设计洪水位 design flood stage设计库容 reservoir capacity corresponding to DSFLZ正常高水位 normal high water level正常库容 Normal reservoir storage死水位 dead pool level死库容 dead reservoir capacity溢洪道号 spillway number竣工年份 completion year竣工月份 completion month溢洪道长度 spillway length溢洪道堰顶高程 elevation of spillway crest溢洪道堰顶宽 width of spillway crest溢洪道设计最大流量 maximum designed discharge of spillway闸组号 gate group number孔型 type of sluice or hole孔数 count of sluice or hole孔高 sluice or hole height孔宽 sluice or hole width设计最大流量 maximum designed discharge of sluice or tunnel 翼墙型式 wing wall type墩头型式 type of pier head of sluice or tunnel堰顶闸底形状 shape of weir crest or sluice bed设计灌溉面积 design irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel工程地址 location of engineering控制面积 control area总库容 total reservoir capacity最大实灌面积 actually irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel 最大实引排水量 maximum volume of actual diversion or drainage 仪器口径 mouth diameter of rain gauge仪器精度 precision of rain gauge记录模式 recording mode获值模式 sensing mode绝对高程 elevation above absolute datum器口离地面高度 instrument height above ground非汛期观测段制 observation regime in nonflood season汛期观测段制 observation regime in flood season蒸发场位置特征 character of location of evaporation-gauging 仪器型式 type of instrument(equipment)附近地势 nearby topography四周障碍物 obstacles around station起时间 beginning time止时间 end time时间 time起始日期 beginning date旬起始日期 beginning date of a period of ten days月 month日期 date降水量 precipitation降水量注解码 remark code of precipitation降水日数 number of precipitation days降水日数注解码 remark code of number of precipitation days最大降水量 maximum precipitation最大降水量时段长 maximum precipitation duration最大日降水量 maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量注解码 remark code of maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量出现日期 occurring date of maximum daily precipitation终霜日期 date of frost disappearance初霜日期 date of frost appearance终雪日期 date of snow disappearance初雪日期 date of snow appearance终冰日期 date of ice disappearance初冰日期 date of ice appearance蒸发器型式 type of evaporation equipment水面蒸发量 surface evaporation水面蒸发量注解码 remark code of evaporation最大日水面蒸发量 maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量注解码 remark code of maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量出现日期 occurring date of maximum daily evaporation最小日水面蒸发量 minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量注解码 remark code of minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量出现日期 occurring date of minimum daily surface evaporation 观测高度 observation height气温 air temperature气温注解码 remark code air temperature平均气温 average air temperature平均气温注解码 remark code of average air temperature最高气温 maximum air temperature最高气温注解码 remark code of maximum air temperature最高气温日期 date of maximum air temperature最低气温 minimum air temperature最低气温注解码 remark code of minimum air temperature最低气温日期 date of minimum air temperature水汽压 vapour pressure水汽压注解码 remark code of vapour pressure平均水汽压 average vapor pressure平均水汽压注解码 remark code of average vapor pressure水汽压力差 difference of vapour pressure水汽压力差注解码 remark code of difference of vapour pressure平均水汽压力差 average vapor pressure difference平均水汽压力差注解码 remark code of average vapor pressure difference 风速 wind velocity风速注解码 remark code of wind velocity平均风速 average wind velocity平均风速注解码 remark code of average wind velocity闸上水位 stage in Sluice Upstream闸上水位注解码 remark code of upsluice stage闸下水位 down sluice stage闸下水位注解码 remark code of downsluice stage坝上水位 stage behind dam坝上水位注解码 remark code of the stage behind dam水位 stage水位注解码 remark code of stage平均水位 average stage平均水位注解码 remark code of average stage最高水位 maximum stage最高水位注解码 remark code of maximum stage最高水位日期 occurring date of maximum stage最低水位 minimum stage最低水位注解码 remark code of date of minimum stage最低水位日期 date of minimum stage保证率 reliability of stage保证率水位 reliability stage保证率水位注解码 remark code of reliability stage流量 discharge平均流量 average discharge平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge最大流量 maximum discharge最大流量注解码 remark code of maximum discharge最大流量日期 date of maximum discharge最小流量 minimum discharge最小流量注解码 remark code of minimum discharge最小流量日期 date of minimum discharge蓄水量 Reservoir Storage径流量 runoff径流量注解码 remark code of runoff径流模数 runoff modulus径流深 runoff in depth最大洪量时段长 duration of maximum flood volume最大洪量 maximum flood volume泥沙类型 sediment type含沙量 sediment concentration平均含沙量 average sediment concentration平均含沙量注解码 remark code of average sediment concentration最大含沙量 maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量注解码 remark code of maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量日期 date of maximum sediment concentration最小含沙量 minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量注解码 remark code of minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量日期 date of minimum sediment concentration平均输沙率 average sediment discharge平均输沙率注解码 remark code of average sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率 maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率注解码 remark code of maximum average of daily sediment discharge 最大日平均输沙率出现日期 occurring date of maximum average of daily sediment discharge输沙量 sediment runoff输沙量注解码 remark code of sediment runoff输沙模数 sediment runoff modulus采样仪器型号 model number of sampling instrument采样效率系数 efficiency coefficient of sampling上限粒径 upper limit particle size平均沙重百分数 average percent of sediment weight中数粒径 median particle diameter平均粒径 average particle diameter最大粒径 maximum particle diameter水温 water temperature水温注解码 remark code of water temperature平均水温 average water temperature平均水温注解码 remark code of average water temperature最高水温 maximum water temperature最高水温注解码 remark code of maximum water temperature最高水温日期 occurring date of maximum water temperature最低水温 minimum water temperature最低水温注解码 remark code of minimum water temperature最低水温日期 date of minimum water temperature冰情注解码 remark code of ice condition河心冰厚 ice thickness at river center岸边冰厚 Thickness of Border Ice冰上雪深 snow depth on ice岸上气温 air temperature on bank解冻日期 date of ice break up封冻日期 ice freeze up date上半年封冻天数 number of actual freeze up days in first half of year下半年封冻天数 number of actual freeze up days in second half of year终止流冰日期 end date of ice run开始流冰日期 beginning date of ice run河心最大冰厚 maximum ice thickness at river center河心最大冰厚出现日期 occurring date of the maximum ice thickness at river center 岸边最大冰厚 Maximum thickness of border Ice岸边最大冰厚出现日期 occurring date of maximum thickness of border ice最大流冰块长度 maximum length of ice floe最大流冰块宽度 maximum width of ice floe最大流冰块冰速 maximum velocity of ice floe断面平均冰速 average ice flow velocity at cross section最大冰上雪深 maximum snow depth on ice最大冰上雪深出现日期 occurring date of maximum snow depth on ice春季最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量注解码 remark code of maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量日期 occurring date of ice discharge in spring冬季最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量注解码 remark code of occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter 冬季最大冰流量日期 occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter春季总冰流量 gross ice discharge in spring春季总冰流量注解码 remark code of gross ice discharge in spring冬季总冰流量 gross ice discharge in winter冬季总冰流量注解码 remark code of ice discharge in winter年总冰流量 yearly total ice discharge年总冰流量注解码 remark code yearly total ice discharge平均冰流量 average ice discharge平均冰流量注解码 remark code of average ice discharge总冰流量 total of ice discharge总冰流量注解码 remark code of total of ice discharge最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge最大冰流量注解码 remark code of maximum ice discharge最大冰流量日期 date of maximum ice discharge潮别 tidal type潮位 tidal level潮位注解码 remark code of tidal level潮差 tidal range历时 duration潮流量 tidal discharge潮量 tidal volume潮输沙率 tidal sediment discharge潮输沙量 tidal sediment runoff平均高潮潮位 average high tidal level平均高潮潮位注解码 remark of average high tidal level stage最高高潮位 Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位注解码 remark code of Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位出现时间 occurring time of Maximum high tidal stage最低高潮位 minimum high tidal stage最低高潮位注解码 remark code of minimum high water level最低高潮位出现时间 occurring time of minimum high tidal stage平均低潮潮位 average low tidal level平均低潮潮位注解码 remark of average low tidal level最高低潮位 maximum low tidal stage最高低潮位注解码 remark code of maxiumm low tidal stage最高低潮位出现时间 occurring time of maximum low tidal stage最低低潮位 minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位注解码 remark code of minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位出现时间 occurring time of minimum low tidal stage平均涨潮潮差 average of flood tide range平均涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of average of flood tide range最大涨潮潮差 maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差(高潮)时间 time of maximum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差 minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差(高潮)时间 high tidal time of minimum flood tidal range平均落潮潮差 average ebb tide range平均落潮潮差注解码 remark code of average of ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差 maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差注解码 remark code of maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差 minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差注解码 remark code of minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of minimum ebb tidal range平均涨潮历时 average flood tidal duration平均涨潮历时注解码 remark code of average of flood tidal range最长涨潮历时 maximum flood tidal duration最长涨潮历时注解码 remark code of maximum flood tide duration最长涨潮历时(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum flood tidal duration 最短涨潮历时 minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时注解码 remark code of minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时(高潮)时间 high tidal time of minimum flood tidal duration平均落潮历时 mean ebb tide duration平均落潮历时注解码 remark code of mean ebb tide duration最长落潮历时 maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时注解码 remark code of maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal duration 最短落潮历时 minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时注解码 remark code of minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时(高潮)时间 high tidal time of Minimum ebb tidal duration逐时平均潮位 hourly average tidal stage逐时平均潮位注解码 remark code of hourly average tidal stage平均潮差 average tide range平均潮差注解码 remark code of yearly average tide range平均历时 average tidal duration平均历时注解码 remark code of average tidal duration施测日期 beginning date of measurement测次号 observation number垂线号 numbers of typical verticals起点距 distance from initial point河底高程 river bed elevation河底高程注解码 remark code of river bed elevation测时水位 stage during observation测时水位注解码 remark code of stage during observation垂线方位 vertical azimuth断面名称及位置 cross section name and location测次说明 note引用施测日期 date of quoted observation引用测次号 number of quoted observation引用起始起点距 beginning distance from initial point引用终止起点距 end distance from initial point岸别符号 bank symbol痕迹类型 trace type日 day时 hour分 minute点编号 point code点详细位置 point detailed location点东经 point east longitude点北纬 point north latitude点高程 point elevation点参数 point parameter指认人及印象 witness man's impression目击和旁证可靠等级 reliability rank of witness痕迹和标志物可靠等级 reliability level of trace or flag估计误差范围 estimation error range调查日期 investigation date起始年 beginning year起始月 beginning month起始日 beginning day起始时 beginning hour起始分 beginning minute终止年 end year终止月 end month终止日 end day终止时 end hour终止分 end minute雨情描述 description of rainfall information重现期 Recurrence Interval重现期统计截止年 cut-off year of statistics of recurrence interval目击和水痕可靠等级 reliability rank of witness or trace承雨器障碍物可靠等级 reliability level of rain collector barrier before rainfall 承雨器雨前可靠等级 reliability level of rain collector before rainfall承雨器漫溢渗漏可靠等级 reliability level of loss quantity of rain collector seepage or overflow水位可靠等级 reliability level of stage推算流量方法 method of discharge computation水流边界 flow boundary推算流量资料可靠等级 reliability level of data used in discharge computation推算流量方法可靠等级 reliability level of method of discharge computation推算流量成果合理性等级 reliability level of discharge computation次水量 water volume of one flood水情描述 description of hydrological information流量施测号数 number of discharge observation测流起时间 beginning time of flow measurment测流止时间 end time of flow measurement测流方法 Method of flow measurement基本水尺水位 base gage stage流量注解码 remark code of discharge断面总面积 total of cross section area断面过水面积 wetted cross-section area断面面积注解码 remark code of cross section area断面平均流速 average flow velocity at a cross-section断面最大流速 maximum flow velocity at a cross-section水面宽 top width断面平均水深 Average water depth at cross section断面最大水深 maximum water depth水浸冰冰底宽 ice bottom width水浸冰冰底平均水深 ice bottom average depth水浸冰冰底最大水深 ice bottom maximum depth水面比降 surface slope糙率 roughness时段类别 category of interval水量类别 category of water quantity水量 water quantity水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity年实测水量占比 percent of observation water-quantity in total水量计算方法可靠等级 reliability level of estimation method of water quantity 水量成果合理性等级 fitness rank of water quantity data起时间闸(坝)上水位 upstream stage of beginning time起时间闸(坝)上水位注解码 remark code of upstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位 downstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位注解码 remark code of downstream stage of beginning time最大流量出现时间 Occurring Time of Maxmum Discharge实测蓄水变量 observed water storage调查蓄水变量 investigation storage实测灌溉还原水量 observed restoring water quantity in irrigation调查灌溉还原水量 restoring water quantity of investigation in irrigation水平梯田拦蓄地面径流量 surface water runoff catched by level terraced field工业生活还原水量 restoring water quantity of industrial water or domestic water 实测工业生活还原水量 observed water quantity of industrial water or domestic water 区内除涝排水量 water quantity of waterlogging control in zone实测区内除涝排水量 observed water quantity of waterlogging control in zone跨流域引水量 water quantity of interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水量 observed water quantity of interbasin transfer跨区回归水量 return flow in cross zone实测跨区回归水量 observed return flow in cross zone跨区回归水量测算方法 estimation method of return flow in cross zone跨区溃坝水量 water quantity of cross zone dam-break实测跨区溃坝水量 observed water quantity of cross zone dam-break跨区溃坝水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone dam-break 溃坝还原水量 restoring water quantity in dam-break跨区分洪水量 water quantity of cross zone flood diversion实测跨区分洪水量 observed water quantity of cross zone flood diversion跨区分洪水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone flood diversion分洪还原水量 restoring water quantity of flood diversion跨区决口水量 water quantity of cross zone branching实测跨区决口水量 observed water quantity of cross zone branching跨区决口水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone branching 决口还原水量 restoring water quantity of bursting暗河交换水量 exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量估算方法method of estimating exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量参证站相似程度 similar level of bench-mark station of exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量平衡程度 balance level of exchange water between underground rivers 跨区渗漏水量 water quantity of cross zone seepage浅层地下水还原水量 restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater实测浅层地下水还原水量 observed restoring water quantity of shallow underground water浅层地下水还原水量测算方法 estimation method of restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater深层地下水还原水量 restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater实测深层地下水还原水量 observed restoring water quantity of deep layer underground water深层地下水还原水量测算方法 restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater泉水出露量 capacity of spring总进水量 total inflow runoff总出水量 total outflow runoff降水总量 precipitation蒸散发总量 total evapotranspiration蓄水水面蒸发增损水量 water quantity extracted by evaporation on water surface出口水体起时间水位 stage of overflow water body at beginning time出口水体起时间蓄水量 storage of overflow water body at beginning time输沙率施测号数 number of sediment discharge observation测沙起时间 beginning time of sediment concentration measurement测沙止时间 end time of sediment concentration measurement测沙断面位置 location of cross section for sediment concentration measurement取样方法 sampling method断面平均含沙量 average sediment concentration at cross-section断面平均含沙量注解码 remark code of average sediment concentration at cross section 单样含沙量 index sediment concentration单样含沙量测验方法 observational method of index sediment concentration悬移质输沙率 suspended sediment discharge悬移质输沙率注解码 remark code of suspended sediment discharge推移质输沙率 bed load sediment discharge推移质输沙率注解码 remark code of bed load sediment discharge单样推移质输沙率 index bed load sediment discharge推移质平均底速 average velocity of bed load推移带宽度 width of bed load sediment discharge断面平均单宽输沙率 average sediment discharge in unit width at cross section垂线最大输沙率 maximum vertical sediment discharge垂线最大输沙率相应起点距 distance of maximum vertical sediment discharge from initial point单断沙码 code of index or cross sectional sediment起始施测号 begin observation number终止施测号 end observation number取样起时间 beginning time of sampling取样止时间 end time of sampling沙重百分数 sediment weight percent最大颗粒重量 sediment maximum particle weight最大颗粒起点距 distance from initial point where measuring the maximum particle 平均沉速 mean settling velocity施测水温 water temperature at measurement粒径分析方法 analysis method of particle side注解码 remark code沙量类别 category of silt-quantity沙量 silt-quantity沙量测算方法 estimation method of silt-quantity年实测沙量占比 percent of observation silt-quantity in total沙量测算方法可靠等级 reliability level of estimation method of silt-quantity沙量成果合理性等级 reliability level of silt-quantity data水量资料可靠等级 reliability level of water quantity source冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt实测冲淤量 observed sediment quantity of scour-silt灌溉挟沙量 silt-quantity taked through irrigation实测灌溉挟沙量 observed sediment discharge of irrigation工业生活挟沙量 sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活挟沙量 observed sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water 跨流域引水挟沙量 silt-quantity taked through interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水挟沙量 observed sediment quantity taked by interbasin transfer溃坝冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt in dam-break实测溃坝冲淤量 observed silt-quantity of scour-silt in dam-break分洪冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt in flood diversion实测分洪冲淤量 observed silt-quantity of scour or sedimentation in flood diversion 决口冲淤量 degradation or sedimentation in bursting实测决口冲淤量 observed sediment quantity of scour-silt in branching总进沙量 total inflow silt-quantity总出沙量 total outflow silt-quantity测次起时间 beginning time of observation测次止时间 end time of observation测验断面位置 location of cross section冰流量 ice discharge冰流量注解码 remark code of ice discharge断面平均疏密度 average ice compaction at cross section断面平均冰厚或冰花厚 average depth of ice or frazil slush at cross section敞露水面宽 open water width断面平均冰花密度 density of frazil slush at cross section冰花折算系数 adjustment factor of frazil slush测流断面位置 location of cross section代表垂线平均流速 average velocity on typical vertical潮流量注解码 remark code of tidal discharge代表垂线号 number of typical velocity vertical代表垂线流速 velocity of typical vertical潮流期编号 number of duration of tidal current潮流期起时间 beginning time of duration of tidal current潮流期止时间 end time of duration of tidal current测流前低潮潮位 low tidal level before flow measurement测流前低潮潮位出现时间 Occuring time of the low tidal level before flow measurement 高潮潮位 high tidal level高潮潮位出现时间 occurring time of high tidal level低潮潮位 low tidal level低潮潮位出现时间 occurring time of low tidal level开始落憩潮位 tidal level at beginning of ebb slack tide涨潮憩流潮位 flood slack tidal stage涨潮憩流潮位出现时间 occurring time of flood slack tide终止落憩潮位 tidal stage at end of ebb slack tide涨潮潮差 flood tidal range涨潮最大流速 maximum velocity of flood tide涨潮潮量 flood tidal volume涨潮潮量注解码 remark code of flood tidal volume涨潮潮流历时 flood tidal current duration涨潮平均流量 average discharge of flood tide涨潮平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge of flood tide落潮潮差 ebb tide range落潮最大流速 maximum velocity of ebb tide落潮潮量 ebb tidal volume落潮潮量注解码 remark code of ebb tidal volume落潮潮流历时 ebb tidal current duration落潮平均流量 average discharge of ebb tide落潮平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge of ebb tide净泄量 net outflow volume开闸时间 opening gate time关闸时间 closing gate time开闸前稳定水位 stable stage before sluicing闸上最高水位 Maximum stage in Sluice Upstream闸上最低水位 Minimum stage in Sluice Upstream闸下水位 Stage in Sluice Downstream水位差 stage difference有效潮差 effective tidal range一潮总水量 total water volume of single tide一潮总水量注解码 remark code of total water volume of single tide一潮历时 duration of single tide一潮平均流量 average discharge of single tide一潮平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge of single tide一潮最大流量 maximum discharge of single tide一潮最大流量注解码 remark code of maximum discharge of single tide自变量名 name of independent variable自变量值 value of independent variable调查报告标题 investigation report title调查项目 investigation item调查年份 investigation year编写年份 redaction year调查单位 investigation office主编单位 Chief editorial unit调查报告内容 investigation report contents调查报告格式 investigation report format表标识 table ID时间残缺记录编号 number of time deformity record字段标识 field identifier取值 value率定次序号 serial number of rating闸上水头 head in Sluice Upstream闸下水头 Head in Sluice Downstream闸门开启平均高度 operation height of gate opening闸门开启平均高度注解码 remark code of operation height of gate opening 闸门开启孔数 count of operation gate opening闸门开启总宽 total width of gate-openings平均堰宽 average width of weir闸孔过水面积 area of wetted cross section of gate openings实测流量 observed discharge实测流量注解码 remark code of observed discharge流态 flow regime流量计算公式编号 formula number of discharge calculation流量系数 discharge coefficient流量系数注解码 remark code of discharge coefficient水闸型式 weir and sluice type翼墙形式 wing wall type平均引水角 average driving angle闸上河宽 upsluice river width闸下河宽 river width in sluice downstream闸门型式 weir gate type闸底高程 elevation of sluice bottom堰顶高程 elevation of weir crest堰顶形状 shape of weir crest总孔数 total number of gate openings单孔宽 single gate opening width of weir gate单孔宽注解码 remark code of gate opening width of weir gate平均孔宽 average of gate opening width总孔宽 total width of gate opening闸门高度 gate height平均开度 average gate opening height闸墩厚 thickness of pier机组号 group number of machines站上水位 upstation stage站下水位 downstation stage站上水头 upstation head开机功率 electric power generated or consumed开机台数 count of machines in operation开机叶片角度 vane angle of machines in operation叶轮直径 impeller diameter实际转速 practical speed of revolution出水阀过水面积 wetted area of outlet valve效率计算公式编号 formula number of efficiency calculation效率值 efficiency value效率值注解码 remark code of efficiency value机型 machine type装机台数 count of machine出水管路断面面积 wetted area of pipe line cross section标定转速 rated speed of revolution单机额定功率 single rated power单机设计流量 single design discharge设计扬程 design lift驼峰底高 hump bottom elevation起排水位 begining pumping stage关系线类别 relation curve category线号 curve number因变量名 dependent variable定线数据起时间 beginning time of the data for determining a relation curve 定线数据止时间 end time of routing location data定线数据下限自变量值 routing location lower limit independent variable定线数据上限自变量值 routing location upper limit independent variable线参数表达式 curve parameter expression关系图名 chart name适用期起时间 beginning time of application适用期止时间 end time of application定线点据总数 amount of points for determining a relation curve定线方法 method of determining a relation curve系统误差 systematic error。
联合国全球水资源状况报告英文版**English Content:**The United Nations Global Water Resources Report, published annually, offers a comprehensive overview of the state of the world's water resources, highlighting both the achievements and challenges faced in water management, conservation, and sustainability. This year's report,titled "The Global Water Resources: Trends, Challenges, and Solutions," focuses on the evolving dynamics of water scarcity, climate change impacts, and the role of innovation in addressing these pressing global issues.Water scarcity, a phenomenon that has been on the rise in recent decades, is a central theme of the report. With the global population growing and urbanization rates accelerating, the demand for freshwater resources is increasing exponentially. This, coupled with the effects of climate change, such as changing rainfall patterns and melting glaciers, is leading to a significant imbalance between supply and demand. The report underscores the need for urgent action to conserve existing water resources and enhance water use efficiency.Climate change, another significant concern addressed in the report, is altering the hydrological cycle, leading to extreme weather events like floods and droughts. These events not only affect water availability but also pose a threat to water security and sustainability. The report emphasizes the need for adaptation strategies that can mitigate the impacts of climate change on water resources. Innovation, on the other hand, offers hope in addressing these challenges. The report highlights several innovative approaches, including water conservation technologies, water reuse systems, and smart water management solutions, that are being implemented around the world to improve water use efficiency and sustainability. These solutions not only help in managing water scarcity but also contribute to climate resilience.The report also calls for a strengthened global partnership in water resources management. It emphasizes the need for collaboration between governments, international organizations, the private sector, and communities to ensure sustainable water management. By working together, the report suggests, we can ensure thatwater resources are used efficiently, equitably, and sustainably, meeting the needs of present and future generations.In conclusion, the United Nations Global Water Resources Report provides a valuable platform for understanding the complexities and challenges surrounding water resources. It serves as a call to action, urging all stakeholders to take urgent measures to conserve, protect, and sustainably manage the world's most precious resource. By embracing innovation, collaboration, and sustainability, we can ensure that water remains a source of life and prosperity for all.**Chinese Content:**联合国全球水资源状况报告英文版深度解析联合国每年发布的全球水资源状况报告,为世人提供了一个全面了解全球水资源现状的窗口,其中不仅展示了水资源管理、保护和可持续性的成就,也揭示了所面临的挑战。
抽水蓄能专业英语词汇(英汉)索引A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZA(to be)abide by 遵守a(de)scend 升(降)abandon 废弃abbreviation 缩写ability of withstand seism 耐受地震能力abrasion-resistant 耐磨abrupt 突然absorber 吸附装置absorptance 吸收比abut(ting) 毗邻AC (Assembling Check) 安装检查AC input reactor 交流输入电抗器AC sampling module 交流采样模件acceleration 加速度accessible 可进入accommodate 容纳;使适应accounts for 含量为acetylene 乙炔acoustic 声波acquisition 征地activate 激活active power 有功功率adapt to 适应adaptability to 适应能力adhesiveness 附着性adjacent to 附近adjustable current limiting resistor 可调式限流电阻admission 允许进入adverse influence to 对……不利于adverse 不利的AECR (Automatic Excitation Current Regulator) 自动励磁电流调节aeration 通风通气affiliate 隶属affix 粘贴afforest 绿化AGC (automatic generating control) 自动发电控制aggregate 骨料aggregating 密集aging 老化AGM (air gap measurement) 气隙测量AI (analog input) 模拟量输入air compressor 空压机air condition 空调air cooler 空气冷却器air gap 气隙air gap monitoring system 气隙监测系统air housing 风洞air purification device 空气净化装备Air reservoir 储气罐alarm cycles 告警呼叫周期algorithms 算法alias 别名化名aligne 对齐成一线altitude 海拔alignment 校正alkali 碱alleviate 缓和allot 分派alloy steel 合金钢along with 随着Alternate 替补,侯选alternating current 交流altitude 海拔altitude difference 交差aluminum alloy 铝合金aluminum spacer 铝制撑条ambient temperature 环境温度ambiguity 含糊、不明确amendment 修改件amicably 友善ammeter 电流表amortisseur bar 阻尼条amortisseur ring 阻尼环amortisseur ring connector 阻尼环接头amortisseur ring pulling rod 阻尼环拉杠amortisseur winding 阻尼绕组amortisseur 阻尼环amortization 分期偿还ample 足够amplitude 振幅amplitude coefficient 振幅系数analog input ( AI) signals 模拟量输入信号analog output ( AO) signals 模拟量输出信号analogue signal 模拟信号analysis 分析anchor bar 锚杆anchorage 锚固ancillary 辅助的、副的ancillary to 附属Anionic(Cationic) 阴/阳Anneal 退火annealed copper 退火软铜annual forced outage ratio 年强迫停运率annual leakage rate 年泄漏率annuity 年本息anti wear plate 抗磨板anticipate 预期anti-corona layer 防晕层anti-corrosion copper earthing terminals 防锈铜接地端子anti-interference capacity 抗干扰能力anti-pumping 防跳跃anti-water hammer 防水锤AO (analog output) 模拟量输出Apparent 明显Appearance 外观application software 应用软件application tools 应用工具approved products 定型arbitrary 仲裁;公断arc contact 弧触头arc contact 电弧触头arc extinguishing chamber 灭弧室architecture 体系;结构archived as-built drawings 档案竣工图argil 陶土argon arc electrical welding method 氩弧焊方式argon arc electrical 氩弧arm 支臂arm fabricated type 支臂组合式armature 电枢armored layer 铠装层array of 一批arrestor 避雷器art design 工艺设计artesian 干线artesian 自流井自喷井artificial 人工as pertains to 部分asbestos 石棉asbestos product 石棉制品as-built 竣工ascertain 查明aspire 追求assembling stress 装配应力assembly 装配assignment 转让assume 承担assumption 假定asymmetrical fault 不对称故障asymmetrical short circuit 不对称短路asymmetry 不对称asynchronously 同步atmospheric over voltage 大气过电压attenuation 衰减attenuator 衰减器attest 证明attorney 委托audible alarming system 音响报警系统AFC(automatic frequency control unit) 自动频率控制ALR(automatic load regulator) 自动负载调节器auspices(under the ~of )赞助领导automatic alarm device 自动告警系统automatic bi-directional self-balancing follower 自动双相自平衡跟踪装置automatic blow-off valve 自动排气阀automatic elements 自动化元件automatic excitation current regulator 自动励磁电流调节器automatic excitation regulating system 自动励磁调节系统automatic phonetic alarming system 语音电话自动告警系统automatic signal identification 自动识别automatic synchronizing device 自动准同步装置(A VR)automatic thermostatic heater 自动恒温控制加热器automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调节器automatic water spray system 自动喷水系统automatically 自动地autonomous 自发auxiliaries 附属设备A VC (automatic voltage control) 自动电压控制A VR (automatic voltage regulator) 自动电压调节axes 轴axially 轴向axonometric 轴侧法azimuth 方位角B(BDS)Bid Data Sheet 投标资料表(naval)brass 黄铜(oriented)(pre-split)blast (定向)(予警)爆炸(to be)Bound to 一定B/L bill of lading 提货单Babbit metal 巴氏合金back-to-back starting method 背靠背起动方式baffle 缓冲板balance weight 平衡重锤balancing weight 平衡重锤/配重balustrade 栏栅balustrade 护栏balustrade 拉杆banking fire 压火barracks 营房barrier 隔板屏障base plate 基础板base settlement 基础沉降BCDI/BCDO (BCD code input/output) 码输入/输出be galvanized 镀锌be polished 抛光be updated 升级bearing 轴承bearing capacity 承载能力bearing lubricating system 轴承润滑系统bearing pad 轴瓦bearing support 轴承支架bellow 波纹管bellow 伸缩bench 形成台阶beneficiary 受益方BER (Bit Error Rate) 误码率berm 马道between opened gap 断口间Bevel 斜角Bifurcation 分枝岔管BIL (lightning impulse withstand voltage) 雷电冲击耐受电压blank endorse 空白背书blister 泡block cylinder 封堵缸体block diagram 框图block stone 块石block 封堵blockage 阻塞blow-off valve 排气阀bolt 螺栓bolts 螺栓book-type 笔记本boom 吊臂booster pump 增压泵borrowing 取土动土bottom plate 底板bottom ring 底环bound separately 独立成册brace 支撑拉条bracket 盖板机架braid 辫子brake piston 制动活塞brake ring 制动环braking friction 制动摩擦braking shoe 制动瓦braking system 制动(停机)系统branch circuit 分支回路brazed joint failure 机械损伤brazing machine 焊机breach 不履行breaking capacity 开断容量breaking load current 开断负荷电流breaking ring 制动环breast walls 防浪墙breather 吸潮器bridge crane 桥式起重机brightness 亮度broach 拉刀brochure 小册子bronze 青铜bruise 擦伤brush holder 刷握buchholtz 瓦斯buckle (由于压力热力)变形buffer layer 缓冲层buffer 缓冲器Bulkhead for water pressure test 涡壳试压封堵盖bulkhead gate 检修闸门bulkhead 堵头bulkhead 堵头burden 负载bus coupler 母联busbar circuit breaker 母联断路器busbar tunnel 母线洞bus-coupler 母联bushing 套管bushing axis 套管轴bushing conductor 套管导体bushing 套管bus-tie 母联butterfly spring 蝶形弹簧buzz 蜂鸣by-pass disconnector 旁路隔离开关C(to be)conversant with 熟练cable 电缆cable clamps 电缆卡具cable conduits 电缆管cable connector 电缆接线器cable general layout 电缆总布置图cable joint 电缆接头cable metal protection sheathes 电缆金属护层cable monitoring device 电缆监测装置cable rack and fittings 电缆架及紧固件cable seal-ends 电缆终端cable trays 电缆桥架calcification 钙质calculation capability 运算能力calibration 标准校正caliper 卡钳call 调用calorimetric 卡cantilever 悬臂capacitance cone 电容锥capacitive current 电容电流capacity tariff 容量价capacity 容量capillary 毛细管capital investment 固定资产投资carbon brush 碳刷carbon steel 碳素钢cards frame 插件框架cards 插接板carrying capacity 载流能力cash trees land 经济林cashier’s or certified check本票或保付汇票casing 外壳cast epoxy bushing 环氧模压绝缘套管cast steel 铸钢catalogue cuts 样本摘要catalogue cuts 样本摘要categorization 范畴化caterpillar crane 履带布cavern 洞室cavitation 空蚀cavity 洞CBFP(circuit-breaker failure protection) 断路器故障保护CD-Recorder device 可刻写光盘设备center column 中心柱center frame for measuring the circularity of rotor 转子测圆架center frame for measuring the circularity of stator 定子测圆架center hub upper and lower disc 中心体上、下园盘center hub vertical rib & supporting plat 中心体立筋、撑板central control building 中控楼central control room 中控室central controller of protective relaying information 继电保护信息集中管理器centrifugal force 离心力centrifuge 离心certify 证实change over 切换channel automatic changeover 通信自动切换char 炭黑characteristic 特性chassis 底盘check valve 逆止阀chipper 铲头工具chisel 凿chock 垫木chopped wave 截波chopped 载chord 衍铉chromaticity 色度CIECC (China international engineering consulting company)CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本加保险费、运费CIP [Carriage and Insurance Paid to (place)] 运费和保险费付至(地点) circuit breaker 断路器circuit transformer 电流互感器circular broach 圆拉刀circular hoisting track 环形吊轨circulation fund 流动资金circumferential speed 圆周速度civil works 土建clamping fixture 夹具clarification 澄清classification 分类clear width 净宽clearance 间隙clearance customs 清关clearance 间距clockwise 顺时针CMT(Commissioning and Maintenance Test)CNAO(China National Audit Office ) 中国国家审计署cockle 折皱codes 规程cofferdam 围堰cohesion 粘合力内聚力cold rolled silicon steel sheet 冷轧硅钢片cold-roll silicon steel sheet of grain orientation with high magnetic conductivity 导率高的晶粒取向冷轧硅钢片collar 滑转子打眼collate 比照collector assembly 集电装置collector ring 集电环collision 碰collocate 布置collusive 勾结color photo jet printer 彩色照相喷墨打印机combinational screen wall 组合屏幕墙combined axial load 组合轴向荷载combined tangential and radial key 径,切向复合键combined/intersection network 组合/交汇网combustion chamber 燃烧室commence 开始commissioning 试运行commitment fee 承诺费common mode noise attenuation 共模抑制communication interface 通信接口communication optic fiber cables 通信光缆communication processor and controller 通信处理器及控制器communication protocol 通信规约commutation diode 硅整流二级管commutation diode 整流comparison 比较compartment(alize) 分割小室compatibility 兼容性compatible to 匹配compensating the displacement 位移补偿competent 有能力的competitiveness 竞争性compile 汇编编写compliance with 依照comply (with)满足compo insurance 工伤保险component of negative sequence current 负序电流分量composite video port 复合视频接口composite 混合复合compound materials 复合材料comprise 组成compulsory 强制性的concavity 凹computer supervisory and control system 计算机监控系统conceived 设想concentricity 同心度concise 简明concrete floor 混凝土楼板concrete foundation 混凝土基础concrete pole 水泥杆concrete Pump Truck 砼泵concurrently 同时发生concurs with 同意condensation 收缩condenser mode 调相工况condenser mode 调相condenser operation 调相conducting ring 导电环conductivity 导电conductor 导体conductor screening 导体屏蔽conductor temperature 线芯温度conduit 管道confidential 秘密configuration 外形、轮廓、布置、配置configuration drawing 配置图configuration software 组态软件configuration 配置confiscate 被征用conflict 矛盾conflict 冲突conformity to 附合congregate 组装conical 锥connecting bolt between main shaft and runner 主轴与转轮连接螺栓connecting bolt for shaft coupling flange 转轴连接法兰螺栓connecting cable 连接电缆connecting pipe 连接管路connecting studs 接线柱connecting terminals 接线端子connection wires 连接导线consecutive 联续consecutive 连续consent 同意、一致conservation of water and soil 水土保持conservative 保守consigne 委托consignee 收货人consistency 一致性consistent with 一致console 控制台console 台面conspicuous 连续constant frequency and constant voltage 恒频恒压constant 常数constitute 构成组成任命constrainedly 勉强constraint 强制construction substation 施工变电所construe解释consumable 易耗件contaminate 污染contaminate 弄脏contaminate 弄脏contamination 污染contingency 偶然意外continuous charging capacity 持续充电容量continuous reactive output 持续无功出力contracted 承包contradiction 矛盾contrary to 相反contrast 对照contrast 对比度control cable 控制电缆control cubicle 控制柜control mode selector switch 控制权选择开关control panel 控制盘control protection cable 控制保护电缆control switch for unit start/stop 机组启、停控制开关convene 召开convener 召集人convenient 便利的converge 汇聚conversion accuracy 转换精度convexity 凸conveyance 输送cool state 冷态cooler 冷却器cooling system 冷却系统cooling tube of cooler 冷却器冷却管cooper lugs 铜鼻子coordination 协调copper busbar 铜排copper earthing screw 铜质接地螺钉copper flexible braid 铜编织线copper lug 铜鼻子copper pigtails 铜辨子copper strand wires 铜绞线copper strip 铜片copper wire 铜线core end plate 齿压板core number 芯数corollary 辅助配套corona inception 起晕corrosion 腐蚀corrosion-resistance 抗腐蚀能力corruption 腐败counter clockwise 逆时针counter measures 对策countersign 会签counterweight 配重coupler 电容耦合器coupling flange 连接法兰coupling surface 法兰接合面coupon 附单CPM (Critical Path Method) 关键路径法CPM (critical path method) 关键路径法CPU (Central Processing Unit) 中央处理器CPU redundant CPU冗余crack 裂缝cracking 龟裂crank 曲柄crank shaft box 曲轴箱crawler Hydraulic Pressure Forward Excavator 履带式正铲挖掘车crawler-type Surface Hydraulic Drill Rig 履带式露天钻creepage 漏电crest 脊criteria 标准criterion 尺度标准依据critical speed 临界速度critical speed 临界转速cross section 截面cross-check 仔细检查cross-link polyethylene insulation (XLPE) 交联聚乙烯cross-section 截面CRT 屏幕显示器crushed stone 碎石CSCS (computer supervisory and control system) 计算机监控系统CT’s (Current transformers) 电流互感器cubicle 柜cultural relics 文物culture 放养current balancing factor 均流系数current carrying area 过流面积current carrying capacity 载流量current density 电流密度current limiting reactor 限流电抗器current 气流current-carrying 载流量cursor 光标cushion layer 过渡层(垫层)cushioning 缓冲custody 监护保管OLTC (on-load tap changer)有载调压D(as-built)drawing 竣工(partial)discharging 局部放电dacron 涤纶dam crest 坝脊面dam site 坝址damping winding 阻尼绕组damping 阻尼damp-proof 耐潮的damp-proof measures 防潮措施DAQ(Data Acquisition System) 数据采集系统data acquisition 数据采集data acquisition and processing 数据采集与处理data buffer 数据缓冲data light processing projector 数字光处理投影机data sampling 数据采样database management system 数据库管理系统database 数据库DC Dimensional Check 尺寸检查DC (Dimensional Check) 尺寸检查DC 220V distribution cable 直流220V配电电缆DC distribution panel 直流分配电屏DC field flashing circuit 直流起励回路DC flat-wave reactor 直流平波电抗器DC resistance 直流电阻De-aerate 除气debugging 调试debugging terminal 调试终端debugging 调试debur 去毛刺decompose 分解deduct 扣除de-excitation 灭磁deficiency 缺陷deficit 抵债definite time 定时deflection 挠度deflection / deformation 变型degrade 瓦解de-ionize 去离子delineate 描写deliver inductive reactive power 发送感性无功demagnetize 消磁demarcation 勘测demonstrate 论证denominate 给…命名denotation 表示dense 密集dependability 可靠性deposit 料场depreciation 折旧费贬值depression 凹地deprive 剥夺derivative 派生derivative 微分derive 获得deriving from 由…造成de-sicator 干燥器designation 标记destination port 目的港detecting leakage 检漏deterioration 变质detriment 损害deviation 偏差devoman 泥盆纪dewater 压水DI (digital input) 数字输入dial indicator 百分表dialect 方言diaphragm 横膈膜dielectric dissipation factor test 介质损失角测量试验dielectric loss angle 介电损失角dielectric loss 介质损耗dielectric resistance 绝缘电阻dielectric strength test 介电强度试验dielectric 介质diesel generator 柴油发电机differential initiation 微差起爆differential mode noise attenuation 常模抑制differential protection 差动保护differential settlement 变形digital input ( DI) signals 数字量输入信号digital multimeter 数字万用表digital output ( DO) signals 数字量输出信号dike 堤堰坝dilatancy 膨胀diluted 冲淡dip(ped) 倾向(浸)dipped 浸direct axis and quadrate axis 直轴与横轴disburse 支付disc type 圆盘式discharge arcing 晕带discharge counter/ recorder 放电记数器discharge ring 泄流环disconnector 隔离开关disconnector of starting circuit 起动回路隔离开关discrepancy 不符discrete 分立的discretion 处理权限dispute 争议discriminates 区别dismantle 拆装dismantling 拆卸dispatch 调度dispatching calibre 配电能力displacement 位移display picture generation 画面生成disposition 配置dissipation 驱散distinction 区别distinctive seasons 四季分明distinguishability/resolution 分辨率distortion 畸变distribution room 配电室distribution transformer 配电变压器disturbance 扰动diversion 引水divert 转移dividend 分红利divulge 泄漏DLP (Data Light Processing Projector) 数字光处理器DMD (digital micro mirror device) 数字微反射器DO (digital output) 数字量输出dominant 支配double coil, two position electromagnetic valve 双线圈两位电磁阀dovetail (key bar)燕型橛dovetail pin 燕尾销dowel pins 定位销down-land 丘陵draft tube lower liner 尾水管下部里衬draft tube 尾水管[(upper /lower) liner] 尾水管[(上/下部)里衬drain valve 排水阀drainage ditches 排水沟drainage 排水draw ring 牵引环, 拉延环drawing software 图形软件DRC (Digital protection relay checkout device). 数字式保护校验仪dredge 疏竣dressing stick 整形棒drift 漂移driving vibrator 单钢轮振动压实机droop characteristic 调差特性DSCR(debt service coverage rate)偿债保证比DSP(digital signal processor) 数字信号处理DTV (draft tube valve) 尾管阀门dump truck 自卸车dumping 缓冲duplicable 可复制的duplicate bus input circuit 双总线输入回路duplicate channel digital oscillograph 双通道数字型示波器duplicate trip coil 双跳闸线圈durable 耐用的dust catcher 粉尘吸附装置dust collecting system 粉尘收集系统DVD-ROM 光盘驱动器dyke of 岩脉dynamic balancing 动平衡dynamic stability 动态稳定性dynamometer 测力计功率计Eearthing current-return wires 接地回流导线earthing grids 接地网earthing steel flats 接地扁钢earthing switch 接地开关earthing terminal 接地端子eccentricity 偏心度eccentricity 偏心ECDC (East China Power Dispatch Center) 华东网调ECIDI (East China Investigation and Designing Institute) 华东勘测设计研究院ecologic 生态eddy current displacement transducer 涡流位移传感器eddy loss 涡流损耗eddy 涡流EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) 电子数据交换EDR (equalizing discount rate) 等值折扣率/调整贴现率education tax 教育税EIA (environmental impact assessment) 环境影响评估elasticity 弹性elasticity 椭圆率elbow 肘管electric braking device 电气制动装置electric breaking breaker 电制动断路器electric clearance 电气间隙electric fan 电动风机electric firing method 电触发方式electric gear shifting 电子换档electric interlock 电气闭锁electric output 电气输出electric quantity transducer 电量变送器electric saw 电锯electric spray valve 电动喷雾阀门electrical braking device 电气制动装置electrical contacts 电接点electrical interlock 电气闭锁electrical magnetic force 电磁力electrically independent, single-pole normally-open and normally-closed contact circuit单极双掷、电气独立的接点电路electric-magnetic performance 电磁性能electro-corrosion resistant property 耐电腐蚀能力electro-corrosion 电腐蚀electrolytic 电解electrolytic aluminum alloy 电解铝合金electrolytic copper 电解铜electro-magnetic environment 电磁环境electromagnetic hydraulic valve 电磁液压阀electromagnetic interference 电磁干扰electromagnetic shield 电磁屏蔽electromagnetic starter 电磁启动器electromagnetic valve 电磁阀electro-magnetic wave disturbance 电磁波干扰electromanetism compatible anti-interference test 电磁兼容抗扰度试验electrostatic filter 静电过滤器electrostatic plate 静电板elevation of runner center line of pump-turbine 设备安装高度eligibility 合格ellipticity 椭圆度elongation 延伸elongation 延伸embedded part 预埋件emboss 压花emergency shutdown circuit 紧急停机电路EMF (electro-magnetic flux) 电磁通量EMS (Energy Management System) 能源管理系统emulsification 乳化EN(European Standard) 欧洲标准ENAA (Engineering Advancement Association of Japan) 日本项目促进协会enamel 搪瓷珐琅encapsulate 用胶囊包装enclosed metal cubicle 封闭金属柜enclosure 外壳encoder 编码器end connector 端部接头end hoop of winding 定子绕组的端箍endanger 危及endurance duration 承受时间endurance 耐久/承受energizing pick-up type 带电动作型energy dissipation 消能English edition 英文版epidemic prevention 防疫epoxy encapsulated 环氧浇注epoxy resin 环氧树脂epoxy resin infusion capacitance type 环氧树脂浸渍电容式equalized load 平衡负荷equalizing beam 平衡梁equidistantly 等距离equilibrium 平衡平静equity investment 资本金equivalent 等值erection bay 安装间erection pedestal 安装支墩ergonomically 人类工程学erode 腐蚀escalate 逐步上升escape of oil fumes from the bearing 轴承油雾溢出essential software 基本软件ETD method 检温计法ethernet 以太网ethics 道德EUR (European EUPO) 欧元evacuation 抽出evaporation 蒸发even order harmonic voltage component 偶次谐波电压含有率even order 偶次even 均匀evenness 均匀度excitation control panel 励磁控制盘excitation cubicle 励磁柜excitation grounding detector 励磁接地探测器excitation over-voltage relay 励磁过电压继电器excitation panel 励磁盘excitation power supply 励磁电源excitation regulator 励磁调节器excitation system loss 励磁系统损耗excitation transformer 励磁变压器exciter transformer 励磁变exciting circuit conductor 励磁回路导线execution 执行exert 发挥expansion bolts 膨胀螺栓expansion cards 扩展插件expansion joint 伸缩节expediently 方便expert system interfaces 专家系统接口expiration 期满exponential [数]指数extende 加深extension 延伸节extinguishing device 灭火装置extract active power 吸收有功extruded semi-conducting compound 挤包半导体化合物EXW (Ex factory, ex works or ex warehouse) 出厂、出车间或出仓库eye ring of balancing beam 平衡梁套环F(empirical ) formula 经验公式(proper)frequency 固有频率3-D FEA 三维有限元fabrication 制造factice 油膏factory Acceptance Test (FAT) 工厂验收实验failure mode 容错模式fatigue (fault) 疲劳faucet 旋塞fault retrospection reviews 事故追忆fault signal 故障信号fault tolerance 容错fault treatment method 故障处理方法FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人FD(Flaw Detection)探伤fender-guard 防护(保险杠) ferromagnetic 铁磁ferrule 金属包头festoon 区域fiber-optic connector 光导纤维连接FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers) 国际咨询工程师联合会field erection 现场安装field pole 磁极field test 现场试验field 磁场filtration 过滤final two years 最后两年finance indicator 经济指标financing 融资findings 调查结果finite element method 有限充分价位finite element method 有限充分价位fire-extinguishing 消防fire-retardant 阻燃firewall 防火墙FIRR (Finance Internal Return Rate) 财务内部收益率first-pole-to-clear 首相开断系数fissure 裂缝fitting 附件fixture 固定体flake (成)薄片flame-retard 阻燃flange 法兰flashing circuit 起励flashover. 闪烙flaw 缺陷flexible connection 软连接flexible fixing 挠性固定flicker 闪烁float gauge 液位计floating point calculation 浮点运算能力floppy disk driver 软盘驱动器flow production method 流水作业法flowmeter 流量计fluctuation 波动flush 冲洗flush-type 嵌入式flux 焊药FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货FOR (forced outage ratio) 强迫停运率formality 手续formula 公式fortify 防御forward voltage drop 正向压降foundation 基础foundation bolt 基础螺栓fracture 碎frame wall 机座壁francis 混流fraud 欺诈frequency transducers 频率变送器frequency 频率fret 使发热front-end fee 启动费frontispiece 插页FRR (fault retrospection reviews) 事故追忆Fs (safety factor)保安系数full wave 全波full-face steel lining 全断面钢衬full-graphic color VDU 彩色显示器functional keyboard 功能键盘fundamental wave 基波fuses 熔断器fusion 熔化Ggable 山墙gall 擦伤galvanize 电镀galvanized steel structure 镀锌钢结构gang 联动gantry 门架gapless arrestor shunted with capacitor 与电容器并联的无间隙避雷器gas pipe 油管gas protection 瓦斯保护gas relay 气体继电器gasket 垫片gateways 远动网关gauge 规,计,表,样板gauge 标准尺、量表GCB (generator circuit breakers) 发动机出口断路器GCC(General Conditions of Contract) 通用合同条款gear operation mechanism 联动操作机构GECH II (General Electric Canada Hydro International Inc)GECI (General Electric Canada Inc)GECII (General Electric Canada International Inc)GEEN (General Electric Energy)generation surplus 窝电generator 发电机generator mode 发电工况generator terminal voltage overshoot 发电机机端电压超调量generator voltage circuit equipment 发电机电压设备generator/motor circuit breaker control switch 发电电动机断路器控制开关generator/motor-transformer block 发电电动机-变压器单元geometrical 几何的geomorphology 地貌geotextile filter 滤土工布gland 密封压盖glare 弦光glossary 汇编glossy 有光泽的got rid of from 排除govern 服从government sponsored social insurance fund 社会统酬governor pressure oil pipes 调速器压力油管路GPS (satellite synchronizing clock system) 卫星同步时钟系统grace period 宽限期gradation(grade) 级配grade ability 爬坡grain orientation 晶粒方向grand Canal 大运河granite 花岗岩granite porphyry 花岗岩graphical interface support 图形界面支持graphical station 图形站gravity center 重心gravity moment 重力矩gravity retaining wall 重力挡水墙graze 擦伤groove 企口groove 坡口grotto 洞ground fault current 接地故障电流grouser 履带齿片GSI (Geological Strength Index) 地质强度指标guide bearing 导轴承guide bearing loss 导轴承损耗guide bearing pad 导轴衬瓦gully-originated depression 沟源凹地gushe 涌HHalogen 卤素hand compressed air driller 手风钻hand-cart switch 手车式开关handhole 手孔hardened and tempered 调质hard-fill dam 硬填坝hardness 硬度hardware 硬件hardwired link 硬布线连接harmonic analyzer 谐波分析仪harmonic wave test 谐波试验harmonic 谐波harmoniously 和谐地harness 治理harsh class 严酷等级harsh 严酷hatch 吊物孔head cover 顶盖headrace tunnel 引水洞heartfelt thanks 忠心感谢heat endurance lever 耐热水平heat sink 散热器heat-dissipating area 散热区域heat-dissipating 散热hereinafter the same 下同hexagon 六角hierarchical 分层等级high pressure oil lifting device 高压油顶起装置high strength punched thin steel sheet 高强度薄钢板冲片high voltage neutral bushing 高压中性点套管high-conductance 热导性hoist 卷扬机hoisting 起吊holder rack 支架holding company 控股公司hollow 空心homogeneous 均匀homogeneous 同类的、均匀的homologous to 相似horizontal acceleration 水平加速度hot set test 热延伸特性试验hot spot oil temperature 热点油温hot standby 热备用hot standby 热备用hot-dip galvanizing 热浸锌hub 轮彀humidity 湿度hydraulic hoist 液压启闭机hydraulic packing 液压、密封hydraulic thrust 水推力hydraulic wrench 液压扳手hydrogeology 水文地质hydrology 水文hydropower 水电hystersis 迟后IIBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) 国际复兴开发银行ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) 国际商会IDA (International Development Association) 国际开发协会ideal 理想identical 相同一致identification system 标识系统identification 区别IFB (Invitation for Bids) 招标邀请imitative operation test 模拟动作试验immune to 不受影响免除immunity 免除免疫impact 冲击impact 影响impair 损害妨碍影响impaired mode 容错impedance 阻抗impedance protection relay 阻抗保护继电器impedance voltage 阻抗电压impedance 阻抗impede 妨碍impeller 叶轮impending 迫近imperative 迫切imperfection 缺陷impervious(blanket)防渗(阻漏毡)implementation 实施impregnate 充填饱和impregnate 充填impulse withstand voltage 雷电冲击耐受电压In the light of 由于inadequate 不充足inaugurated 就职典礼incandescent 白炽的incidental 附带incineration 烧尽焚化火葬inclined cable shaft 电缆斜井inclinometers 倾斜仪inclusions 夹杂income tax 所得税incoming line circuit breaker 进线断路器inconsistent/consistent 不一致/一致increment 增量increments 增加incur 招至损失indemnify …….against(from)保护..避免indemnity 赔偿independent duplicate regulating channel 独立双调节通道index 指标indispensable for 必不可少的indispensable 不可缺少的,必不可少的indoor 户内induced current 感应电流induced voltage 感应电压induced 诱发inductance 电感industrial television monitoring system 工业电视监视系统inertia (GD2) 惯性inevitable 不可避免inferior to 次于infiltration 渗透infinite 无限inflation 膨胀率infrared temperature detector 红外线测温仪infrared 红外线infringement 违反ingress 进入inherent 固有inhibit 禁止initial corona discharge voltage 起晕电压initial cost estimate 投资估算initial 最初initiating 起动inlet line 进线inlet valve body 进水阀阀体inlet valve pressure oil pipes 进水阀压力油管路inlet valve rotor 进水阀活门inlet valve sealing ring 进水阀止水环。
Sustainable Water Management Strategies
Sustainable Water Management Strategies Water is a precious resource that is essential for all forms of life. However, with the increasing global population and the effects of climate change, the availability of clean and safe water is becoming a major concern. Sustainablewater management strategies are crucial in ensuring that this vital resource is conserved and used efficiently for the benefit of current and future generations.In this response, we will explore various sustainable water management strategies from different perspectives, including environmental, economic, and social aspects. From an environmental perspective, sustainable water management involvesprotecting and preserving natural water sources such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater. This can be achieved through measures such as watershed management, which focuses on maintaining the health of the entire watershed to ensure a sustainable supply of clean water. Additionally, the implementation of green infrastructure, such as rain gardens and permeable pavement, can help to reduce stormwater runoff and replenish groundwater supplies. By protecting and restoring natural water sources, sustainable water management strategies can help tomaintain healthy ecosystems and biodiversity. From an economic perspective, sustainable water management can lead to cost savings and economic benefits for communities and industries. For example, investing in water-efficient technologies and practices can help to reduce water consumption and lower utility costs for businesses and households. Furthermore, sustainable water management can createjob opportunities in industries such as water treatment, infrastructure development, and water conservation. By prioritizing sustainable water management, communities can also attract investment and support from environmentally conscious consumers and businesses. From a social perspective, sustainable water managementis essential for ensuring equitable access to clean and safe water for all members of society. This includes marginalized communities, indigenous populations, andlow-income households that may be disproportionately affected by water scarcityand pollution. Sustainable water management strategies should prioritize the needs of these communities and ensure that they have access to affordable and reliable water services. Additionally, community engagement and education are crucial for raising awareness about the importance of water conservation and encouragingsustainable water use behaviors. In conclusion, sustainable water management strategies are essential for addressing the challenges of water scarcity and pollution in a rapidly changing world. By considering environmental, economic, and social perspectives, communities and decision-makers can develop holistic and effective approaches to water management. Through the implementation of sustainable water management strategies, we can ensure that this precious resource is conserved and used efficiently for the benefit of current and future generations.。
大学专业英语阅读教程(给水排水与环境工程)单词总结part I Water resource and regislationunit 1 The Hydrologic Cycle1、hydrology 水文学、水文地理学2、hydrologic=hydrological3、hydrologic cycle 水文循环4、freshwater 淡水的、河水的5、fresh water 淡水、湖水6、precipitate 沉降、下沉7、evaporate 使蒸发、消失8、dewpoint 结露点9、droplet 小滴10、Ideal Gas Law 理想气体定律11、orographic 山岳的、山形的12、terrane 岩层13、convective 传送的、对流的14、schematic 示意的15、diagram 图表、图解16、hydraulic 水力的、水力学的17、precipitation 降水、降雨量、沉淀18、transpiration 蒸发(物)、植物蒸腾作用19、depict 描述、描写20、diagrammatically 用图解法地21、physical works 实际构筑物22、meterologist 气象学者23、hydrologist 水文学者24、hail (下)冰雹25、sleet 冰雪、雨加雪26、snowpack 积雪场27、thaw 解冻28、discard 丢弃、放弃29、environmental 环境的、周围的30、marketable 时宜销售的31、isolated 隔离的、孤立的32、Madison avenue 纽约麦迪逊大街unit 2 The World Fresh Water Resource33、integral 整体的、构成整体所需要的34、ecological 生态学的35、harbor 隐匿、庇护36、aquatic 水的、水生的、水憩的37、ecosystem 生态系统38、species 物种、式样39、aqueduct 沟渠、导水管40、desalinate 去处盐分、海水淡化41、arid 干旱的、贫瘠的42、iceberg 冰山、冷冰冰的人43、reverse 相反、颠倒、相反的、颠倒的44、aquifer (土壤)含水层、蓄水层45、rudimentary 根本的、未发展的46、malaria 疟疾、瘴气47、typhoid 伤寒症、伤寒的48、cholera 霍乱49、wetland 湿地、沼泽地50、habitat (动植物)的生活环境。
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2.2 Model solution Based on the cycle of energy and substance of ecological system at lake, ecological dynamics model of lake eutrophication has been set up. Therefore in this paper the author resolves these sets of differential equations using system dynamics model. In order to simplify the model, the subsystems of zooplankton subsystem and fish subsystem are ignored because the quantities of which are very small. System dynamics model is shown in figure 1.
ABSTRACT: In this paper, firstly the author sets up the eutrophication ecological dynamics model, which is simplified by system dynamics and the character in the model is determined according to the monitored data in Bosten Lake. Finally the plane two-dimensional eutrophication ecological dynamics model in lake is established to simulate the algae, TN, TP, which is proved to be very similar to the monitored value.
In China, Bosten Lake in Xinjiang is the biggest freshwater lake. It lies in Mongolia Bayinguoleng autonomous, and it is the lowest region in the desert oasis - Yanqi basin. The area of the lake is 968 km2 (at water level: 1047.5m), and the average water depth of the lake is 7.38m. With the rapid development of industry, agriculture and the population in Bosten basin, more and more pollutants as well as nourishments such as nitrogen, phosphor and so on are discharged into the lake, which leads to the growth of algae, the decreasement of transparency, the odour of waterbody that effecting severely on water supply, tourism, agriculture and other aspects concerning with the functions of the lake, which directly restricts the development of society and economy at Bosten Lake basin. Eutrophication has been described as a very important environment pollution problem in water pollution area in recent two or three decades because it has the characters of rapid development, difficult to be controlled, slowly to recover and great harmness. So it arises the attention step by step and becomes one hotspot of water pollution area. For comprehending the trend of eutrophication at Bosten Lake, in this paper the author sets up the ecological model of eutrophication and tries to find out how the lake eutrophication develops at Bosten Lake under different development aims.
Ecological model of eutrophication
2.1 Model setup According to Jфrgensen’s study at Glumsoe Lake in Danmark in the 1970s, this paper sets up the simplified ecological model of eutrophication. Jфrgensen’s model divides phosphor at lakes into phosphor of phytoplankton, ORG—P, dissolvable abiophosphor. Total phosphor includes organic phosphor and inorganic phosphor, that is grain phosphor and dissolvable phosphor. Nitrogen system in the water body can be divided into nitrogen of phytoplankton, grain nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen. Total nitrogen includes organic nitrogen and three kinds of inorganic nitrogen, namely grain nitrogen and dissolvable nitrogen (Zhang 1996; Dai & Wang 1990; Huang 2001; Jin2001).
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The model finds the answer taking four steps longer - kuta method which has a lot of advantages such as good stability, high calculate precision, etc.
Figure 2. The Simulation Result of Phytoplankton Biology Quantity
Total nitrogen of the lake simulation result is shown in figure 3. From figure 3 we can draw the conclusion that the relationship among the total nitrogen, dissolvable nitrogen and nitrogen in phytoplankton is very close , while gray nitrogen, nitrogen on the top of sediments can be ignored for their concentrations are very low.
The air temperature is shown in table 1. Table 1. the perennial average air temperature at the monitored station in each month in Hejing
Figure 1. Ecological Dynamics Model of Eutrophication at Lakes
Figure 3. the Simulation Result of Total Nitrogen at Lake
Total phosphor of the lake simulate result is shown in figure 4.