人教英语选修11Unit1Warming up and reading课件 (1)
高二 Senior Two
注重持续性学习习惯的加强,英语思维能力及语言意识的纵 深化发展,注重句子写作和片段写作,英语书法练习
高三 Senior Three
更加注重精深学习,加大英语词汇学习,阅读训练,写作的 深度和广度,培养独立英语思维能力,辨别能力,提高做题 的准确度,注重话题式写作,英语书法练习
“I met my soulmate. She didn’t.”
好好学习 天天向上
Work Harder than Ever!
“Strangers. Friends. Best friends. Lovers. Strangers.”
“Strangers. Friends. Best friends. Lovers. Strangers.”
“Sorry soldier, shoes sold in pairs.”
Dream Big! Anything Is Possible!
grateful innovative
If you do not leave me, we will die together.
The New Term Begins
Introduction agey
5 more?
高二:必修5---选 修6、 7、8模块 高一:必修 1—4模块
人教英语选修11Unit1Using Language课件 (3)
Zhuhai c_o_v_e_r_s__a_n_a_r_e_a_o_f__1_,7_1_0__s_q_u_a_re__k_il_o_m__e_te_r_s_.
• 珠海是中国第二大港口城市。 Zhuhai_i_s_t_h_e_s_e_co_n_d__la_r_g_e_st_p_o_r_t_c_it_y_i_n_C_h_in_a.
交通便利,有飞机飞往全国各地。 _I_t’_s_c_o_n__v_e_n_ie_n_t_f_o_r_y_o_u__to__ fly to other places.
Something Special
自20世纪80年代以来,珠海发生了巨大的变化。 _G_r_e_a_t_c_h_a_n_g_e_s__h_a_v_e_t_a_k_e_n__p_la_c_e__in Zhuhai since 1980s. 珠海在1980年成为中国最早的经济特区之一。 Zhuhai __b__e_c_a_m_e____one of the earliest special economic zones in China in 1980.
• …is famous for… • the biggest river/ the longest coastline • garden city 珠海在珠三角洲中海岸线最长。
Zhuhai has _th_e__lo__n_g_e_s_t_c_o_a_s_t_li_n_e in the Pearl River Estuary.
The Predicate Structure
1. Zhu Hai is situated in the southwest of the Pearl River.
• Zhu Hai, ___s_it_u_a_te_d__in__t_h_e____ s_o_u__th_w__e_s_t _o_f_t_h_e_P_e_a_r_l_R_i_v_e_r_
• 珠海是中国第二大港口城市。 Zhuhai_i_s_t_h_e_s_e_co_n_d__la_r_g_e_st_p_o_r_t_c_it_y_i_n_C_h_in_a.
交通便利,有飞机飞往全国各地。 _I_t’_s_c_o_n__v_e_n_ie_n_t_f_o_r_y_o_u__to__ fly to other places.
Something Special
自20世纪80年代以来,珠海发生了巨大的变化。 _G_r_e_a_t_c_h_a_n_g_e_s__h_a_v_e_t_a_k_e_n__p_la_c_e__in Zhuhai since 1980s. 珠海在1980年成为中国最早的经济特区之一。 Zhuhai __b__e_c_a_m_e____one of the earliest special economic zones in China in 1980.
• …is famous for… • the biggest river/ the longest coastline • garden city 珠海在珠三角洲中海岸线最长。
Zhuhai has _th_e__lo__n_g_e_s_t_c_o_a_s_t_li_n_e in the Pearl River Estuary.
The Predicate Structure
1. Zhu Hai is situated in the southwest of the Pearl River.
• Zhu Hai, ___s_it_u_a_te_d__in__t_h_e____ s_o_u__th_w__e_s_t _o_f_t_h_e_P_e_a_r_l_R_i_v_e_r_
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
蓝色啊,蓝色,我的世界是蓝色的, 没有你,我的世界就成了蓝色的。 灰色啊,灰色,我的生活是灰色的, 你离开,我的心就变得那么冷了。 红色啊,红色,我的眼睛是红色的, 在床上,我孤独地为你而哭泣。 绿色啊,绿色,嫉妒的心是绿色的, 我怀疑过你的爱,那使我们分离。 我们见面的时候,阳光是那么灿烂! 如今,爱情死了,彩虹消失。 黑色啊,黑色,我的夜晚是黑色的, 想念你,在迷惘和孤独中想念你。 走了啊,走了,我们的爱情走了, 没有你,我的世界成了蓝色。
实物颜色词----指那些用实物名称来表 示色彩的词语。
金黄:gold/golden; 银白:silver; 雪白snow white 橙黄:orange; 乳白色milk 铅灰:lead-gray; 桔红:orange-red; 玫瑰红rose red 桃红:peach-pink;
在西方,人们常用颜色词表达内心情感,而 且极为重视颜色环境的情感反应与交际作用。 但由于英汉两个民族按照自己的文化内涵来解 读颜色词,所以对于色彩的描述和理解往往存 在许多差异。
Different countries have different cultures. Different colors have different meanings.
The Meanings and Translations of the Color Words
1.掌握颜色词的英体会中西方文化差异,感受语言的 魅力。
导入: Enjoy --- Love Is BlueLove Is Blue.mp3
人教英语选修11 Unit1 Using Language 课件
winter is about___B___.
A) 9°C B) 11°C C) 12°C D) 16°C
2. The city whose temperature changes from
about 6ºC to 12°C in winter is__B____.
A) A.L B) W.T C) C.H D) Q.T
3. From summer to winter the greatest change in
temperature(between highest and lowest) is
in___D___. A) A.L B) W.T C) C.H D) Q.T
4. The cities whose rainfall changes least from
New Zealand has a mild sea climate,while the north is subtropical.
eg. He leads an luxurious life, while his father lives by begging.
on it. • The restaurant is just off the main road. • 2.… many of New Zealand’s cities lie on a bay and have
natural, deep harbour. • Lie on: at the side of a river or area of water 在…(水)
house. • Don’t forget to sign the check. • Sign n. / v. • Traffic signs; • These are signs of something wrong.
人教英语选修11Unit1Learning about Language 课件 (1)
2. He immediately told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the pump. (attribute)
3. He became interested in two theories. (predicative)
人求见。冰凝示意吟雪去看看,吟雪会意,赶快来到房外,只见又是上午的那各传话的太监,于是万分诧异地问道:“这位公公,福晋又有啥 啊吩咐吗?”“姑娘,麻烦你告诉年侧福晋壹声,福晋让侧福晋好好养身子,明天不用过园子里去咯。”“那,那这样是不是失礼咯?”“没 有,福晋说爷同意的。”“爷同意的呀?”“是的,假如侧福晋这里没有别的事情,我就回园子回话去咯。”“公公,您稍等壹小会儿。”吟 雪赶快冲进咯屋子,她想托传话的公公将丫鬟熬咯壹夜才做好的送给爷的寿礼带过园子里去,交给爷。冰凝在屋子里听到咯吟雪和小太监的对 话,她立即就明白吟雪回屋里来想要干啥啊,可是,她壹点儿也不想把这各生辰礼给爷带过去!她原本做这各生辰礼,是想当面交给爷,再当 面好好看看爷的表情,也要让爷好好看看她的表情,她要让爷知道,别以为壹各鸳鸯就能打倒她,她是不屈不挠的!相信爷只要见到她的坚强 不屈的目光,就壹定会明白她绣这各鸳鸯的含义。可是现在她病成这各样子,连爷的面都见不到,平白地送咯这各寿礼过去,爷当然要误会她 这是在向爷曲意承欢、暗送秋波、借物言志!因此无论如何她也不能让爷见到这各绣着鸳鸯的荷包!于是,任凭吟雪翻遍咯屋子,也没有找到 昨天晚上丫鬟做的那各寿礼,急得她出咯壹身的汗。没办法,她只好来问冰凝:“丫鬟,您昨天夜里做好的那各荷包呢?”“你,你要,干啥 啊?”冰凝的嗓子干得几乎要冒出火来,但还是强忍着疼痛回咯壹句。“奴婢是想,既然您去不咯园子,不能亲自向爷祝寿,但是送咯这贺礼 过去,爷即使见不到丫鬟,也会高兴的。”“我,咳咳,我还没有做好呢。”冰凝艰难地说出咯这几各字。“不会啊!奴婢明明看着您都结咯 穗子呢。”“没有,就是,没有。”冰凝拼尽咯力气说出这几各字,就再也不愿开口咯。吟雪找咯半天都找不到荷包去咯哪里,而丫鬟又死活 说没有做好,万般无奈之下,只好出咯屋子,打发走咯传话的小太监。第壹卷 第178章 双喜眼看就要进入腊月咯,进入腊月就算是拉开咯新 年的帷幕。新年总是要回府里,不可能在园子里度过,因此经过壹番紧张的忙碌,壹行人浩浩荡荡地离开咯园子,回到王府。各位主子们壹回 到府里,吟雪就得到咯钮钴禄格格怀咯身孕的消息,心里格外地不是滋味,可又不敢在丫鬟面前提及,生怕惹冰凝伤心。往年雅思琦准备新年 很轻松,今年却是捉肘见襟:淑清的身子还没有完全康复,惜月怀咯身孕,韵音的心思都在惜月那里,好不容易新娶进门壹各天仙妹妹,也壹 直病秧秧着,福晋壹想到这壹团乱糟糟的事情,头痛欲裂。王爷还是隔三差五地去惜月那里探望,韵音还是天天去惜月那里关心、照料这各妹
3. He became interested in two theories. (predicative)
人求见。冰凝示意吟雪去看看,吟雪会意,赶快来到房外,只见又是上午的那各传话的太监,于是万分诧异地问道:“这位公公,福晋又有啥 啊吩咐吗?”“姑娘,麻烦你告诉年侧福晋壹声,福晋让侧福晋好好养身子,明天不用过园子里去咯。”“那,那这样是不是失礼咯?”“没 有,福晋说爷同意的。”“爷同意的呀?”“是的,假如侧福晋这里没有别的事情,我就回园子回话去咯。”“公公,您稍等壹小会儿。”吟 雪赶快冲进咯屋子,她想托传话的公公将丫鬟熬咯壹夜才做好的送给爷的寿礼带过园子里去,交给爷。冰凝在屋子里听到咯吟雪和小太监的对 话,她立即就明白吟雪回屋里来想要干啥啊,可是,她壹点儿也不想把这各生辰礼给爷带过去!她原本做这各生辰礼,是想当面交给爷,再当 面好好看看爷的表情,也要让爷好好看看她的表情,她要让爷知道,别以为壹各鸳鸯就能打倒她,她是不屈不挠的!相信爷只要见到她的坚强 不屈的目光,就壹定会明白她绣这各鸳鸯的含义。可是现在她病成这各样子,连爷的面都见不到,平白地送咯这各寿礼过去,爷当然要误会她 这是在向爷曲意承欢、暗送秋波、借物言志!因此无论如何她也不能让爷见到这各绣着鸳鸯的荷包!于是,任凭吟雪翻遍咯屋子,也没有找到 昨天晚上丫鬟做的那各寿礼,急得她出咯壹身的汗。没办法,她只好来问冰凝:“丫鬟,您昨天夜里做好的那各荷包呢?”“你,你要,干啥 啊?”冰凝的嗓子干得几乎要冒出火来,但还是强忍着疼痛回咯壹句。“奴婢是想,既然您去不咯园子,不能亲自向爷祝寿,但是送咯这贺礼 过去,爷即使见不到丫鬟,也会高兴的。”“我,咳咳,我还没有做好呢。”冰凝艰难地说出咯这几各字。“不会啊!奴婢明明看着您都结咯 穗子呢。”“没有,就是,没有。”冰凝拼尽咯力气说出这几各字,就再也不愿开口咯。吟雪找咯半天都找不到荷包去咯哪里,而丫鬟又死活 说没有做好,万般无奈之下,只好出咯屋子,打发走咯传话的小太监。第壹卷 第178章 双喜眼看就要进入腊月咯,进入腊月就算是拉开咯新 年的帷幕。新年总是要回府里,不可能在园子里度过,因此经过壹番紧张的忙碌,壹行人浩浩荡荡地离开咯园子,回到王府。各位主子们壹回 到府里,吟雪就得到咯钮钴禄格格怀咯身孕的消息,心里格外地不是滋味,可又不敢在丫鬟面前提及,生怕惹冰凝伤心。往年雅思琦准备新年 很轻松,今年却是捉肘见襟:淑清的身子还没有完全康复,惜月怀咯身孕,韵音的心思都在惜月那里,好不容易新娶进门壹各天仙妹妹,也壹 直病秧秧着,福晋壹想到这壹团乱糟糟的事情,头痛欲裂。王爷还是隔三差五地去惜月那里探望,韵音还是天天去惜月那里关心、照料这各妹
人教英语选修11Unit1Using Language课件
D.having not been allowed
3.Sarah has decided ___ away on holiday this summer.
A.don't go B.to not go C.not going D.not to go
1. _K_n_o_w__in_g_ (know) his address, I had no difficulty in finding his house.
考点一:谓语动词和非谓语动词的使用原则 1.____ many times,but he still couldn't
understand. A.Having been told B.Having told C.He had been told D.Though he had been told 2.____ many times,he still couldn't understand it. A.Having been told B.Having told C.He had been told D.Though he had told
outside. (lose)
类似结构:be dressed in / be lost in be occupied in /be located in be absorbed in/ be devoted to be concerned about / be faced with be equipped with / be seated
2.Our worry is your depending too much on him.
人教版高中英语选修11:Finding the correct perspective_课件1
And what will you do?
Group work
1、Are you content with your daily life? Why or why not?
2、What is your most serious worry as a student? And what are your learning strategies?
3、What are your hopes?
CHALLENGING STU源自ENT MYTHS1、The most successful students have no worries in exams.
2、Only students who work day and night will succeed. 3、I won’t be successful in the future if I don’t go to a key university.
Finding the correct perspective
Warming up
• parents’ quarrel • do less well than your friends in tests • the death of a close relative
When suffering these situations, how do your feel?
6、Guoqing had failed five times till his determination was rewarded. ( F ) 7、Having read about Guoqing. I decided to change my attitude. ( T )
Task time
Group work
1、Are you content with your daily life? Why or why not?
2、What is your most serious worry as a student? And what are your learning strategies?
3、What are your hopes?
CHALLENGING STU源自ENT MYTHS1、The most successful students have no worries in exams.
2、Only students who work day and night will succeed. 3、I won’t be successful in the future if I don’t go to a key university.
Finding the correct perspective
Warming up
• parents’ quarrel • do less well than your friends in tests • the death of a close relative
When suffering these situations, how do your feel?
6、Guoqing had failed five times till his determination was rewarded. ( F ) 7、Having read about Guoqing. I decided to change my attitude. ( T )
Task time
人教高中英语选修11 U1 Using Language A (共20张PPT)
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?
Cross-culture marriage
• How can we avoid or handle cultural conflicts?
Strategies on how to guess word meaning, get main idea, find details,
Skimming Scanning Detailed reading Critical reading
analyze writer’s
Thank you!
• Most Recent Arrivals
• The Future
Main idea: The immigration history of California
• Task3: Please read the text to complete the Timeline about California.
• Task 1: Please observe the text quickly to find out its structure.
Induction(分—总)? Deduction(总—分)?
Deduction and Summery (总—分—总)?
• Task 2: Please read the first paragraph to find out the topic sentence of it.
The Spanish
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?
Cross-culture marriage
• How can we avoid or handle cultural conflicts?
Strategies on how to guess word meaning, get main idea, find details,
Skimming Scanning Detailed reading Critical reading
analyze writer’s
Thank you!
• Most Recent Arrivals
• The Future
Main idea: The immigration history of California
• Task3: Please read the text to complete the Timeline about California.
• Task 1: Please observe the text quickly to find out its structure.
Induction(分—总)? Deduction(总—分)?
Deduction and Summery (总—分—总)?
• Task 2: Please read the first paragraph to find out the topic sentence of it.
The Spanish
人教英语选修11Unit1Learning about Language课件
It can be used as Preparatory Subject or Preparatory Object
• 1. look for more information about usage of it from grammatical books after class, especially in some adverbial clauses. And do the following exercises printed on the paper.
Summary 1
can be used as personal pronouns (人称代词), referring to the person, animal or matter mentioned above,
or the person who you are not sure of gender.
It can be used as impersonal
pronouns (非人称代词)to talk about time, date, distance or weather and so on.
Summary 2
Summary 3
“It” can be used in the subject or object position to stand for the infinitive(不定式)or a clause.
• 总之,信不信由你,高三(9)班是我校最好的 班级之一。
Bruce, if you want to save the world, you have to start trusting
What jobs can “it” do?
• 1. look for more information about usage of it from grammatical books after class, especially in some adverbial clauses. And do the following exercises printed on the paper.
Summary 1
can be used as personal pronouns (人称代词), referring to the person, animal or matter mentioned above,
or the person who you are not sure of gender.
It can be used as impersonal
pronouns (非人称代词)to talk about time, date, distance or weather and so on.
Summary 2
Summary 3
“It” can be used in the subject or object position to stand for the infinitive(不定式)or a clause.
• 总之,信不信由你,高三(9)班是我校最好的 班级之一。
Bruce, if you want to save the world, you have to start trusting
What jobs can “it” do?
人教英语选修11Unit2Learning about Language 课件 (2)
According to the clues, they can find out the suspects and see who is guilty. Their job is to catch the murderers and tell people the truth.
Qualities of a good detective
How do you feel about the murder?
Cruel Crazy
What should we do?
We should have the sense
of protecting ourselves.
Safety tips to protect yourselves against crime
Not for money Mental illness
Read TWO TERRIBLE CRIMES ARE SOLVED,and answer the following questions:
1.Mr Bahmad was killed because______. A. the killer robbed him of his money B. he robbed the killer of his wallet C. he attacked the killer and his girlfriend D. the killer was a person with a severe
1.受……影响 be affected by
the crime scene
3.采集血样 collect samples of blood
4.匹配的指纹 a matching print
Qualities of a good detective
How do you feel about the murder?
Cruel Crazy
What should we do?
We should have the sense
of protecting ourselves.
Safety tips to protect yourselves against crime
Not for money Mental illness
Read TWO TERRIBLE CRIMES ARE SOLVED,and answer the following questions:
1.Mr Bahmad was killed because______. A. the killer robbed him of his money B. he robbed the killer of his wallet C. he attacked the killer and his girlfriend D. the killer was a person with a severe
1.受……影响 be affected by
the crime scene
3.采集血样 collect samples of blood
4.匹配的指纹 a matching print
人教版高中英语选修11《Unit1 New Zealand》 课件 (共33张PPT)
◆ 1840年,毛利人和英国皇室在新西兰怀唐伊镇签 订了《怀唐伊条约》,内容包括:新西兰成为英国 殖民地;毛利人可保有自己的土地、森林与渔场; 享有英国国民之权利。 该条约奠定了毛利人与新移民之间的合作关系, 为毛利人和非毛利人共同居住在这个国家提供了依 据,该条约也奠定了新西兰英式政制的基础。
◆ 1852年新西兰取得一定的独立权,并成立了联合 国民大会。
◆ 1930-1949 由于第二次世界大战,大量德国犹太人及难民涌 入新西兰,华人税被废除。
◆ 1950-1969 荷兰及匈牙利人移民到新西兰,同时又有一些华 人从香港及印度尼西亚来到新西兰。
◆ 1970-1989 太平洋岛国相继独立,他们仍具有新西兰居住权。 同时大量华人从南亚涌入新西兰。
_C_h__ri_s_tc_h_u__rc_h_,__Q_u_e_e_n_s_t_o_w__n___ Ocean/sea__t_h_e__P_a_c_if_ic__O_c_e_a_n_________
A mild sea___s_u_b_tr_o_p_i_c_a_l _in__th__e_n_o_r_t_h____ rainfall__r_a_in__a_l_o_t____________________ season_tw__o_:_s_u__m_m__e_r_(_D_e_c_-_-_F_e_b_)_______
The Longest River in NZ The Waikato River 怀卡托河
The Largest Lake Lake Taupo 陶波湖
Three fourth of New Zealand is more than 200 meters above sea level.
◆ 1852年新西兰取得一定的独立权,并成立了联合 国民大会。
◆ 1930-1949 由于第二次世界大战,大量德国犹太人及难民涌 入新西兰,华人税被废除。
◆ 1950-1969 荷兰及匈牙利人移民到新西兰,同时又有一些华 人从香港及印度尼西亚来到新西兰。
◆ 1970-1989 太平洋岛国相继独立,他们仍具有新西兰居住权。 同时大量华人从南亚涌入新西兰。
_C_h__ri_s_tc_h_u__rc_h_,__Q_u_e_e_n_s_t_o_w__n___ Ocean/sea__t_h_e__P_a_c_if_ic__O_c_e_a_n_________
A mild sea___s_u_b_tr_o_p_i_c_a_l _in__th__e_n_o_r_t_h____ rainfall__r_a_in__a_l_o_t____________________ season_tw__o_:_s_u__m_m__e_r_(_D_e_c_-_-_F_e_b_)_______
The Longest River in NZ The Waikato River 怀卡托河
The Largest Lake Lake Taupo 陶波湖
Three fourth of New Zealand is more than 200 meters above sea level.
人教版高中英语选修11课件 Unit 3 Finding the correct perspective 课件
As a student in Grade 3, what other worries do you have about your schoolwork or your future? Share with your partners and get some advice. Then report briefly.
Main Contents
Teaching material analysis Student analysis
Teaching, learning methods and teaching aids Teaching procedures
Blackboard design Teaching evaluations
Unit 3
Finding the correct perspective
Teaching contents
Text book version New Senior English For China, Student’s Book 11 By People’s Education Press Topic Finding the correct perspective
students’ mastery of new words and expressions.
Let them understand the main ideas of the text.
Ability objectives
(1) Enable students to use different reading skills to learn the passage, such as skimming and scanning. (2)Cultivate their other abilities, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing .
Main Contents
Teaching material analysis Student analysis
Teaching, learning methods and teaching aids Teaching procedures
Blackboard design Teaching evaluations
Unit 3
Finding the correct perspective
Teaching contents
Text book version New Senior English For China, Student’s Book 11 By People’s Education Press Topic Finding the correct perspective
students’ mastery of new words and expressions.
Let them understand the main ideas of the text.
Ability objectives
(1) Enable students to use different reading skills to learn the passage, such as skimming and scanning. (2)Cultivate their other abilities, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing .
人教高中英语选修11 U1 Using Language (共15张PPT)
Discussion: Work with your partner to come up with some suggestions about how to change the situation?
Your advice for Xiao Dong
To ask people their likes and dislikes To join in discussions
If you were Misive?
What is Miss Wang’s advice?
Listen to the tape and find out the information to fill in the blank.(p6)
Yours, Wang Fei
Reading 2
Read Xiao Dong’s letter on page 7. What is Xiao Dong’s problem?
He’s not good at communicating with people. He finds it hard to make friends with his classmates.
Listening text
Dear Lisa, There is nothing wrong with you and this boy being friends and studying together. Of course a boy and a girl can be good friends. Ending your friendship with this boy would be a stupid thing to do. You would lose a good friend and someone to study with.
人教英语选修11Unit2Learning about Language 课件
1. Who were the victims?
Mr Bahmad Stephen Dempsey
2. Who was the suspect?
Richard Leonard
Task 2:
Complete the text using the sentences and clauses below to fill in the gaps.
What can we know from this passage? A. Leonard’s girlfriend was given a sentence for not reporting Mr Bahmad’s being killed to the police
B. Richard Leonard had been in trouble with the police before he killed Mr Bahmad
C. Stephen Dempsey knew the killer
D. Stephen Dempsey was killed when he was fishing
On 18 November, Mr Bahmad, a __ta_x_i _ driver, was found stabbed to death in his car and he still had his wallet with money in it. The police found ___f_in_g_er_p_ri_nt__on his keys and blood stains in the car. On 21 December the torso of Stephen Dempsy was found in a __ri_ve_r_ .
Mr Bahmad Stephen Dempsey
2. Who was the suspect?
Richard Leonard
Task 2:
Complete the text using the sentences and clauses below to fill in the gaps.
What can we know from this passage? A. Leonard’s girlfriend was given a sentence for not reporting Mr Bahmad’s being killed to the police
B. Richard Leonard had been in trouble with the police before he killed Mr Bahmad
C. Stephen Dempsey knew the killer
D. Stephen Dempsey was killed when he was fishing
On 18 November, Mr Bahmad, a __ta_x_i _ driver, was found stabbed to death in his car and he still had his wallet with money in it. The police found ___f_in_g_er_p_ri_nt__on his keys and blood stains in the car. On 21 December the torso of Stephen Dempsy was found in a __ri_ve_r_ .