RK-Means Clustering K-Means with Reliability
请简述k-means算法的流程K均值聚类算法(k-means clustering algorithm)是数据挖掘中常用的一种聚类算法之一。
其中包括:修改初始中心点的选择方法,使用k-d 树等数据结构来加速簇分配过程,引入加权距离等。
Clustering中文翻译作“聚类”,简单地说就是把相似的东西分到一组,同Classification(分类)不同,对于一个classifier,通常需要你告诉它“这个东西被分为某某类”这样一些例子,理想情况下,一个classifier会从它得到的训练集中进行“学习”,从而具备对未知数据进行分类的能力,这种提供训练数据的过程通常叫做supervised learning(监督学习),而在聚类的时候,我们并不关心某一类是什么,我们需要实现的目标只是把相似的东西聚到一起,因此,一个聚类算法通常只需要知道如何计算相似度就可以开始工作了,因此clustering通常并不需要使用训练数据进行学习,这在Machine Learning中被称作unsupervised learning(无监督学习)。
r语言的kmeans方法R语言中的k均值聚类方法(k-means clustering)是一种常用的无监督学习方法,用于将数据集划分为K个不相交的类别。
该函数的基本用法如下:kmeans(x, centers, iter.max = 10, nstart = 1)-x:要进行聚类的数据集,可以是矩阵、数据框或向量。
- centers:指定聚类的个数K,即要划分为K个簇。
- iter.max:迭代的最大次数,默认为10。
- nstart:进行多次聚类的次数,默认为1,选取最优结果。
聚类结果:聚类的结果包含以下内容:- cluster:每个样本所属的簇的编号。
- centers:最终每个簇的质心坐标。
- tot.withinss:簇内平方和,即同一簇内各个样本点到质心的距离总和。
示例:为了更好地理解k均值聚类的使用方法,我们将通过一个具体的示例来进行演示:```R#生成示例数据set.seed(123)x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 0), ncol = 2),matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 3), ncol = 2))#执行k均值聚类kmeans_res <- kmeans(x, centers = 2)#打印聚类结果print(kmeans_res)```上述代码中,我们首先生成了一个包含两个簇的示例数据集x(每个簇100个样本点),然后使用kmeans(函数进行聚类,指定了聚类的个数为2、最后,通过print(函数来打印聚类的结果。
kmeans的聚类依据摘要:一、kmeans 聚类的基本原理二、kmeans 聚类的应用场景三、kmeans 聚类的优缺点正文:一、kmeans 聚类的基本原理kmeans(K-means)聚类是一种基于距离的聚类方法,其主要思想是将数据集中的点分为K 个簇(cluster),使得每个簇的内部点之间的距离尽可能小,而不同簇之间的点之间的距离尽可能大。
kmeans 聚类的具体步骤如下:1.随机选择K 个数据点作为初始聚类中心。
4.重复步骤2 和3,直到聚类中心的变化小于某个阈值或达到迭代次数限制。
二、kmeans 聚类的应用场景kmeans 聚类算法广泛应用于各种数据挖掘和分析任务中,例如:1.光伏和风力发电的典型场景分析。
通过kmeans 聚类可以找出光伏和风力发电的典型场景,从而优化能源配置和提高发电效率。
在市场营销中,通过分析客户的消费行为、偏好等数据,可以使用kmeans 聚类方法对客户进行细分,以便精准定位目标客户并制定有效的营销策略。
在自然语言处理领域,kmeans 聚类可以用于对文本进行分类,例如新闻分类、情感分析等。
三、kmeans 聚类的优缺点kmeans 聚类算法具有以下优点:1.算法简单易懂,实现起来较为容易。
3.对于一些特定的数据分布,kmeans 聚类可以得到较好的结果。
然而,kmeans 聚类也存在一些缺点:1.算法的收敛性无法保证。
2.对于某些数据分布,例如圆形分布,kmeans 聚类可能无法得到合理的结果。
k-means参数详解K-Means 是一种常见的聚类算法,用于将数据集划分成K 个不同的组(簇),其中每个数据点属于与其最近的簇的成员。
K-Means 算法的参数包括聚类数K,初始化方法,迭代次数等。
以下是一些常见的K-Means 参数及其详细解释:1. 聚类数K (n_clusters):-说明:K-Means 算法需要预先指定聚类的数量K,即希望将数据分成的簇的个数。
-选择方法:通常通过领域知识、实际问题需求或通过尝试不同的K 值并使用评估指标(如轮廓系数)来确定。
2. 初始化方法(init):-说明:K-Means 需要初始的聚类中心点,初始化方法决定了这些初始中心点的放置方式。
3. 最大迭代次数(max_iter):-说明:K-Means 算法是通过迭代优化来更新聚类中心的。
max_iter 参数定义了算法运行的最大迭代次数。
4. 收敛阈值(tol):-说明:当两次迭代之间的聚类中心的变化小于阈值tol 时,算法被认为已经收敛。
-调整方法:如果算法在较少的迭代后就收敛,可以适度增加tol 以提高效率。
5. 随机种子(random_state):-说明:用于初始化算法的伪随机数生成器的种子。
这些参数通常是实现K-Means 算法时需要关注的主要参数。
k均值分类(原创实用版)目录1.K 均值分类简介2.K 均值分类原理3.K 均值分类步骤4.K 均值分类应用实例5.K 均值分类优缺点正文1.K 均值分类简介K 均值分类(K-means Clustering)是一种基于划分的聚类方法,它是通过将数据集划分为 K 个不同的簇(cluster),使得每个数据点与其所属簇的中心点(均值)距离最小。
2.K 均值分类原理K 均值分类的原理可以概括为以下两个步骤:(1)初始化:首先选择 K 个数据点作为初始簇的中心点。
3.K 均值分类步骤K 均值分类的具体步骤如下:(1)确定 K 值:根据数据特点和需求确定聚类的数量 K。
(2)初始化中心点:随机选择 K 个数据点作为初始簇的中心点,也可以通过一定方法进行选择。
4.K 均值分类应用实例K 均值分类在许多领域都有广泛应用,例如在图像处理中,可以将图像划分为不同的区域,以便进行后续的处理;在数据挖掘中,可以将客户划分为不同的群体,以便进行精准营销。
5.K 均值分类优缺点优点:(1)简单、易于理解;(2)可以应用于大规模数据集;(3)不需要先验知识。
kmeans 文本聚类 原理
kmeans 文本聚类原理
k均值聚类的实现步骤1. 简介k均值聚类(k-means clustering)是一种常用的无监督学习算法,用于将数据集划分为k个不重叠的类别。
2. 算法步骤k均值聚类算法主要包含以下几个步骤:步骤1:初始化首先需要确定要划分的类别数k,并随机选择k个样本作为初始聚类中心。
3. 距离度量在k均值聚类算法中,需要选择合适的距离度量方法来计算样本之间的相似性。
假设有两个点A(x1, y1)和B(x2, y2),则它们之间的欧氏距离为:d(A, B) = sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)曼哈顿距离曼哈顿距离是另一种常用的距离度量方法,它表示两个点在n维空间中沿坐标轴方向的绝对差值之和。
假设有两个点A(x1, y1)和B(x2, y2),则它们之间的曼哈顿距离为:d(A, B) = |x2 - x1| + |y2 - y1|余弦相似度余弦相似度是用于衡量两个向量之间的相似性的度量方法,它通过计算两个向量的夹角余弦值来确定它们的相似程度。
假设有两个向量A和B,则它们之间的余弦相似度为:sim(A, B) = (A·B) / (||A|| * ||B||)其中,A·B表示向量A和向量B的内积,||A||和||B||分别表示向量A和向量B 的模长。
簇 聚类算法
簇聚类算法簇聚类算法(Clustering Algorithm)是一种无监督学习算法,它通过对数据集进行分析,将相似的数据点划分到同一类别(簇)中。
常见的簇聚类算法有以下几种:1. K均值聚类(K-means):K均值聚类是一种基于距离的聚类算法,它将数据点划分为K 个簇,使得每个数据点与其所属簇的中心点距离最小。
2. 层次聚类(Hierarchical Clustering):层次聚类是一种基于距离的聚类算法,它通过不断合并相近的数据点或簇来构建树状层次结构。
常见的层次聚类算法有凝聚层次聚类(Agglomerative Clustering)和划分层次聚类(Divisive Clustering)。
3. 密度聚类(Density-Based Clustering):密度聚类算法是一种基于密度的聚类方法,它通过计算邻域内的密度来划分簇。
常见的密度聚类算法有DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)、OPTICS(Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure)等。
4. 模型聚类(Model-Based Clustering):模型聚类算法基于统计模型来对数据进行划分。
常见的模型聚类算法有高斯混合模型(Gaussian Mixture Model,简称GMM)和隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,简称HMM)等。
k均值聚类(k-meansclustering)k均值聚类(k-means clustering)算法思想起源于1957年Hugo Steinhaus[1],1967年由J.MacQueen在[2]第⼀次使⽤的,标准算法是由Stuart Lloyd在1957年第⼀次实现的,并在1982年发布[3]。
简单讲,k-means clustering是⼀个根据数据的特征将数据分类为k组的算法。
分组是根据原始数据与聚类中⼼(cluster centroid)的距离的平⽅最⼩来分配到对应的组中。
object Atrribute 1 (x):weight indexAttribute 2 (Y):pHMedicine A11Medicine B21Medicine C43Medicine D54表⼀原始数据并且我们知道这些对象可依属性被分为两组(cluster 1和cluster 2)。
问题在于如何确定哪些药属于cluster 1,哪些药属于cluster 2。
k-means clustering实现步骤很简单。
然后k means算法执⾏以下三步直⾄收敛(即每个对象所属的组都不改变)。
图1 k means流程图对于表1中的数据,我们可以得到坐标系中的四个点。
1.初始化中⼼值:我们假设medicine A和medicine B作为聚类中⼼的初值。
2对象-中⼼距离:利⽤欧式距离(d = sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2))计算每个对象到每个中⼼的距离。
简述k-means聚类算法k-means 是一种基于距离的聚类算法,它通常被用于将数据集中的对象分成若干个不同的组(簇),每个簇中的对象彼此相似,而不同簇中的对象则彼此差别较大。
该算法最早由美国数学家 J. MacQueen 在 1967 年提出,被称为“是一种对大规模数据集进行聚类分析的算法”。
K-means 算法的步骤如下:1. 随机选取 k 个中心点(centroid)作为起点。
这些中心点可以是来自于数据集的 k 个随机点,或者是由领域知识人员事先指定的。
2. 对于数据集中的每一个点,计算它和 k 个中心点之间的距离,然后将该点分配给距离最短的中心点(即所属簇)。
3. 对于每个簇,重新计算中心点的位置。
4. 重复步骤 2 和 3,直到中心点的位置不再发生变化或者达到了预设的最大迭代次数。
最终,k-means 算法会生成 k 个簇,每个簇中包含了若干个相似的对象。
使用 k-means 算法时需要注意的几点:1. 确定 k 值。
K 值的选择至关重要,因为它直接影响到聚类的效果。
如果 k 值过大,可能会导致某些簇内只有极少数的数据点,甚至完全没有数据点。
如果 k 值过小,则簇之间的差别可能会被忽略,影响聚类的精度。
因此,需要通过试错法和业务需求等多方面考虑,选择一个合适的 k 值。
2. 初始中心点的选取。
在 k-means 算法中,初始中心点的位置对聚类结果有很大的影响。
因此,有些研究者提出了一些改进方法,如 K-means++ 算法等,来优化初始中心点的选取。
3. 处理异常值。
由于 k-means 算法是基于距离的,因此对于离群点(outliers)可能会产生较大的影响。
总的来说,k-means 算法是一种简单而有效的聚类算法,可以应用于许多领域,如图像处理、自然语言处理、数据挖掘等。
1. 选择K个初始的聚类中心点。
2. 将数据集中的每个数据点分配到离它最近的聚类中心点所代表的类别中。
3. 根据分配给每个数据点的类别,重新计算每个类别的聚类中心点。
4. 重复步骤2和3,直到聚类中心点不再发生变化,或者达到预先设定的迭代次数。
5. 最终得到K个聚类中心点,以及每个数据点所属的类别。
合肥工业大学—数学建模组k-Means ClusteringOn this page…Introduction to k-Means Clustering Create Clusters and Determine Separation Determine the Correct Number of Clusters Avoid Local MinimaIntroduction to k-Means Clusteringk-means clustering is a partitioning method. The function kmeans partitions data into k mutuallyexclusive clusters, and returns the index of the cluster to which it has assigned each observation. Unlike hierarchical clustering, k-means clustering operates on actual observations (rather than the larger set of dissimilarity measures), and creates a single level of clusters. The distinctions mean that k-means clustering is often more suitable than hierarchical clustering for large amounts of data.kmeans treats each observation in your data as an object having a location in space. It finds apartition in which objects within each cluster are as close to each other as possible, and as far from objects in other clusters as possible. You can choose from five different distance measures, depending on the kind of data you are clustering.Each cluster in the partition is defined by its member objects and by its centroid, or center. The centroid for each cluster is the point to which the sum of distances from all objects in that clusteris minimized. kmeanscomputes cluster centroids differently for each distance measure, tominimize the sum with respect to the measure that you specify.kmeans uses an iterative algorithm that minimizes the sum of distances from each object to itscluster centroid, over all clusters. This algorithm moves objects between clusters until the sum cannot be decreased further. The result is a set of clusters that are as compact and well-separated as possible. You can control the details of the minimization using several optional inputparameters to kmeans, including ones for the initial values of the cluster centroids, and for themaximum number of iterations.Create Clusters and Determine SeparationThe following example explores possible clustering in four-dimensional data by analyzing the results of partitioning the points into three, four, and five clusters.Note Because each part of this example generates random numbers sequentially, i.e., without setting a new state, you must perform all steps in sequence to duplicate the results shown. If you perform the steps out of sequence, the answers will be essentially the same, but the intermediate results, number of iterations, or ordering of the silhouette plots may differ.王刚合肥工业大学—数学建模组 First, load some data:rng('default'); % For reproducibility load kmeansdata; size(X) ans =560 4 Even though these data are four-dimensional, and cannot be easily visualized, kmeans enables you to investigate whether a group structure exists in them. Call kmeans with k, the desired number of clusters, equal to 3. For this example, specify the city block distance measure, and usethe default starting method of initializing centroids from randomly selected data points.idx3 = kmeans(X,3,'distance','city');To get an idea of how well-separated the resulting clusters are, you can make a silhouette plotusing the cluster indices output from kmeans. The silhouette plot displays a measure of howclose each point in one cluster is to points in the neighboring clusters. This measure ranges from +1, indicating points that are very distant from neighboring clusters, through 0, indicating points that are not distinctly in one cluster or another, to -1, indicating points that are probably assignedto the wrong cluster. silhouette returns these values in its first output. [silh3,h] = silhouette(X,idx3,'city'); set(get(gca,'Children'),'FaceColor',[.8 .8 1]) xlabel('Silhouette Value') ylabel('Cluster')王刚合肥工业大学—数学建模组From the silhouette plot, you can see that most points in the second cluster have a large silhouette value, greater than 0.6, indicating that the cluster is somewhat separated from neighboring clusters. However, the third cluster contains many points with low silhouette values, and the first contains a few points with negative values, indicating that those two clusters are not well separated.Determine the Correct Number of ClustersIncrease the number of clusters to see if kmeans can find a better grouping of the data. This time, use the optional 'display' parameter to print information about each iteration.idx4 = kmeans(X,4, 'dist','city', 'display','iter');iter phasenumsum115602077.4321511778.643131771.14201771.1Best total sum of distances = 1771.1Notice that the total sum of distances decreases at each iteration as kmeans reassigns pointsbetween clusters and recomputes cluster centroids. In this case, the second phase of the algorithm did not make any reassignments, indicating that the first phase reached a minimum after five iterations. In some problems, the first phase might not reach a minimum, but the second phase always will.A silhouette plot for this solution indicates that these four clusters are better separated than the three in the previous solution.[silh4,h] = silhouette(X,idx4,'city'); set(get(gca,'Children'),'FaceColor',[.8 .8 1]) xlabel('Silhouette Value') ylabel('Cluster')王刚合肥工业大学—数学建模组A more quantitative way to compare the two solutions is to look at the average silhouette values for the two cases.cluster3 = mean(silh3) cluster4 = mean(silh4) cluster3 =0.5352 cluster4 =0.6400Finally, try clustering the data using five clusters.idx5 = kmeans(X,5,'dist','city','replicates',5); [silh5,h] = silhouette(X,idx5,'city'); set(get(gca,'Children'),'FaceColor',[.8 .8 1]) xlabel('Silhouette Value') ylabel('Cluster') mean(silh5) ans =0.5266王刚合肥工业大学—数学建模组This silhouette plot indicates that this is probably not the right number of clusters, since two of the clusters contain points with mostly low silhouette values. Without some knowledge of howmany clusters are really in the data, it is a good idea to experiment with a range of values for k.Avoid Local MinimaLike many other types of numerical minimizations, the solution that kmeans reaches often depends on the starting points. It is possible for kmeans to reach a local minimum, wherereassigning any one point to a new cluster would increase the total sum of point-to-centroid distances, but where a better solution does exist. However, you can use theoptional 'replicates' parameter to overcome that problem. For four clusters, specify five replicates, and use the 'display' parameter to print out the finalsum of distances for each of the solutions.[idx4,cent4,sumdist] = kmeans(X,4,'dist','city',... 'display','final','replicates',5);Replicate 1, 4 iterations, total sum of distances = 1771.1. Replicate 2, 7 iterations, total sum of distances = 1771.1. Replicate 3, 8 iterations, total sum of distances = 1771.1. Replicate 4, 5 iterations, total sum of distances = 1771.1. Replicate 5, 6 iterations, total sum of distances = 1771.1. Best total sum of distances = 1771.1王刚合肥工业大学—数学建模组In this example, kmeans found the same minimum in all five replications. However, even forrelatively simple problems, nonglobal minima do exist. Each of these five replicates began from adifferent randomly selected set of initial centroids, so sometimes kmeans finds more than one local minimum. However, the final solution that kmeans returns is the one with the lowest totalsum of distances, over all replicates.sum(sumdist) ans =1.7711e+03王刚。
一般来说,可以通过观察数据的分布情况、经验或者使用一些评估指标来确定k 的取值。
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96IEICE TRANS.INF.&SYST.,VOL.E91–D,NO.1JANUARY2008PAPERRK-Means Clustering:K-Means with ReliabilityChunsheng HUA†∗,Qian CHEN†,Nonmembers,Haiyuan WU†a),and Toshikazu W ADA†,MembersSUMMARY This paper presents an RK-means clustering algorithmwhich is developed for reliable data grouping by introducing a new reli-ability evaluation to the K-means clustering algorithm.The conventionalK-means clustering algorithm has two shortfalls:1)the clustering resultwill become unreliable if the assumed number of the clusters is incorrect;2)during the update of a cluster center,all the data points belong to thatcluster are used equally without considering how distant they are to thecluster center.In this paper,we introduce a new reliability evaluation toK-means clustering algorithm by considering the triangular relationshipamong each data point and its two nearest cluster centers.We applied theproposed algorithm to track objects in video sequence and confirmed itseffectiveness and advantages.key words:robust clustering,reliability evaluation,K-means clustering,data classification1.IntroductionClustering algorithms can partition a data set into c groupsto reveal its nature structure.K-means(KM)[25]is a“Hard”algorithm that un-equivocally assign each vector in the data set into one ofc subsets,where c is a natural number.Given a data setX={x1,x2,...,x n},the K-means algorithm computes c pro-totypes w=(w c)which minimize the average distance be-tween each vector and its closest prototype:E(w)=ni=1(x i−w s i(w))2,(1)where s i(w)denotes the subscript of the closest prototype to vector x i.The prototypes can be computed iteratively with the following equation until w reaches afixed point.w k =1N ki:k=s i(w)x i,(2)K-means clustering has been widely applied to the image segmentation[22]–[24].Recently,it has also been used for object tracking[17],[18],[20].Fuzzy and possibilistic clustering generate a member-ship matrix U,where its elements u ik indicates that the mem-bership of x k in cluster i.The Fuzzy C-Means algorithm Manuscript received May2,2006.Manuscript revised December5,2006.†The authors are with the Faculty of System Engineering, Wakayama University,Wakayama-shi,640–8510Japan.∗Presently,with the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Re-search,Osaka University.a)E-mail:wuhy@sys.wakayama-u.ac.jpDOI:10.1093/ietisy/e91–d.1.96(FCM)[1],[2],[16]is the most popular fuzzy clustering al-gorithm.It assumes that the number of clusters c,is known as a priori,and minimizesE f cm=ci=1nk=1u mikx k−w i 2,(3)subject to the n probabilistic constrains,ci=1u ik=1;k=1,...,n,(4)here,m>1is the fuzzifier.FCM provides the matrices U and W(W=(w1,w2,...,w c))that indicate the membership of each vector in each cluster and the center of each cluster respectively.The conditions for local extreme for Eqs.(3) and(4)are,u ik=⎛⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝cj=1m−1d2ikd2jk⎞⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠−1,(5) andw i=nk=1u mikx knk=1u mik.(6)In many applications of K-means or FCM clustering, the data set contains noisy ing the above cluster-ing methods,every vector in the data set is assigned to one or more clusters,even if it is a noisy one.These clustering methods are not able to distinguish the noisy vectors from the rest vectors in the data set,and those noisy vectors will attract the cluster centers towards them.Therefore,these clustering methods are sensitive to noise.A good K-means (or C-means)clustering method should be robust so that it can determine good clusters for noisy data sets.Several ro-bust clustering methods have been proposed[3]–[15],and a comprehensive review can be found in[3].The Noise Cluster Approach[4]introduces an addi-tional cluster called noise cluster to collect the outliers(an outlier is a distant vector from all the clusters).The distance between any vectors and the noise cluster is assumed to be the same.This distance can be considered as a threshold.If the distance between a vector and all the clusters is longer than this threshold,it will be attracted to the noise cluster thus classified as an outlier.When all the c clusters have about the same sizes and the size is known,the noise clusterCopyright c 2008The Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication EngineersHUA et al.:RK-MEANS CLUSTERING:K-MEANS WITH RELIABILITY97approach is very effective.When the clusters have different sizes or the size is unknown,this approach will not perform well because it only has one threshold and there is not a method tofind a good threshold value for a given data set.The Possibilistic C-Means Algorithm(PCM)[5],[6] computes a matrix of possibilistic membership T.The el-ement t i j of T indicates the possibilistic membership of vec-tor x j belongs to i th cluster.Although PCM seems better than FCM and hard K-means clustering approach,it often finds identical clusters.Jolion[13]proposed an approach called the General-ized Minimum V olume Ellipsoid Method(GMVE).In the GMVE approach,onefinds a minimum volume ellipsoid that covers(at least)h vectors of the data set X.After that, itfinds the best cluster by reducing the value of h gradu-ally.This approach is computationally expensive and needs to specify several threshold parameters.Moreover,when the cluster shapes to be detected cannot be described by ellip-soids,this approach would not work.Chintalapudi[10]proposed an approach called Credi-bility Fuzzy C-Means method(CFCM).It assigns a cred-ibility value for each vector x k according the ratio of the distance between it and its closest cluster to the distance between the farthest vector and its closest cluster.If the farthest outlier is much farther than the rest outliers,this approach will assign high credibility values to most of the outliers.In this case,CFCM would not work well.2.RK-Means Clustering2.1ReliabilityBoth the K-means and fuzzy C-means clustering(FCM)al-gorithm(including its extensions)assume that the number (c)of the clusters of a data set is known.In the real world, a data set may contain many noisy vectors and the number of clusters of it is often unknown.The noisy vectors and the data vectors that do not belong to any of the assumed clusters are often very distant from any of the c prototypes (thus called outliers),so it would not be meaningful to as-sign them a cluster number for K-means algorithm or a high membership value to any of the c clusters for FCM.We attempt to decrease the outlier sensitivity in K-means clustering by introducing a new variable reliability to distinguish an outlier from a non-outlier.Since outliers are distant from any of the c prototypes,the distance between a data vector and its closest prototype should be taken into ac-count in order to tell whether the vector is an outlier or not. Existing methods such as noise cluster approach[4]or cred-ibility fuzzy C-means algorithm use that distance to tell an outlier from a non-outlier.However,the distance between a data vector and its nearest cluster center can not be a mea-sure of outlier by itself.To tell if a data vector is an outlier or not,one should consider both the distance between a data vector and its nearest cluster center and the structure of the cluster centers,that is the distance between cluster centers.As shown in Fig.1,where w1and w2are twoclusterFig.1Introduce the concept of reliability. centers,and x1and x2are two data vectors.In thefigure, if we only look at the distance from a vector(x1or x2) to its closest cluster center(w1),we can only say that x2 is closer to w1than x1.However,no conclusions can be drawn from the value d11and d21as which of the vectors is more like an outlier.By considering the shape of the trian-gle x1w1w2and x2w1w2,that is the relation among three distances(d11,d12,d w12),and the one among(d21,d22,d w12),we can say that x1should be considered as an outlier while x2should not be.In this paper we denote the data set as X,its n vectors as{x k}n k=1and the cluster centers w i,i=1,...,c.We define reliability for a data vector x k asR k=w f(xk)−w s(x k)d f k+d sk,(7) whered k f= x k−w f(x k) ,d ks= x k−w s(x k) ,(8)f(x k)and s(x k)are the subscript of the closest and the sec-ondly closest cluster centers to vector x k:f(x k)=argmini=1,...,c( x k−w i ),s(x k)=argmini=1,...,c,i f( x k−w i ).(9)The farther x k is from its nearest cluster center,the lower is its reliability.The value of this reliability is not determined by the distance between x k and its nearest clus-ter center itself.Instead,it is determined by using the dis-tance between the two nearest cluster centers to measure how distant that x k from the two nearest cluster centers.This makes the reliability evaluation becoming more reasonable than only use the distance from a data vector to its nearest cluster center.2.2Degree of ReversionFor each data vector,fuzzy C-means algorithm computes c memberships that indicate the degrees of the vector belong to the c clusters.This is computationally expensive,espe-cially for real-time video image processing.In this research,98IEICE TRANS.INF.&SYST.,VOL.E91–D,NO.1JANUARY2008we use a simple method to evaluate the degree of a vectorbelongs to its closest cluster to achieve realistic clusteringthan“hard”techniques while keeping the computation costto be low.The degreeμk of a vector x k belongs to its closestcluster is computed from the distance from it to its closest(d k f)and the secondly closest(d ks)cluster centers:μk=d ksd k f+d ks,(10)Since R k–the reliability of x k–indicates how reliable that x kcan be classified,the possibility that x k belongs to its closestcluster can be computed as the product of R k andμk.t k=R k∗μk.(11)2.3RK-Means Clustering AlgorithmRK-means clustering algorithm partitions X by minimizingthe following objective function:J rkm(w)=nk=1t k x k−w f(x k) 2,(12)The cluster centers w can be obtained by solving the equa-tion∂J rkm(w)∂w=0(13)The existence of the solution to Eq.(13)can be proved eas-ily if the Euclidean distance is assumed.To solve this equa-tion,wefirst compute an approximate w with the following equation:w j=nk=1δj(x k)t k x knk=1δj(x k)t k(x k).(14)whereδj(x k)=1if j=f(x k)0otherwise(15)Then w can be obtained by applying Newton’s algo-rithm using the result of Eq.(14)as the initial values.The RK-means clustering algorithm is summarized as follows:1)Initializationi)given the number of clusters c andii)given an initial value to each cluster center w i,i= 1,...,c.The initialization can be done by applying K-means or fuzzy c-means approaches,or performed manually.2)Iterationwhile w i,i=1,...,c do not reachfixed points,Doi)calculate f(x k)and s(x k)for each x k.ii)update w i,i=1,...,c by solving Eq.(13).3.Object Tracking Using RK-Means AlgorithmThe RK-means can be used for realizing robust object track-ing in video sequences.(see Fig.2).Because the most im-portant thing while object tracking is to classify the un-known pixels into target or background clusters,object tracking can be considered as a binary classification.There-fore,thefirst and second closest clusters in RK-means clus-tering algorithm will be replaced by the target and back-ground clusters.Since it is more important to tell if the unknown pixel belongs to the target cluster or not,thefirst closest cluster will be considered as the target cluster,and naturally second closest cluster is the background cluster.Each pixel within the search area will be classified into target and background clusters with the RK-means cluster-ing algorithm.Noise pixels that neither belong to target nor background clusters will be given low reliability and ig-nored.Pixels belong to the target group is farther divided into N target clusters,each of them describes the target pix-els having similar color.The pixels belonging to the back-ground clusters is also divided into m background clusters.We use a5D uniform feature space to describe im-age features.In the5D feature space,both the color and the position of a pixel is described by a vector f=[c p]T uniformly.Here c=[Y U V]T describes the color and p=[x y]T describes the position on image plane.In the5D feature space,we describe the target centers asf T(i)=[c T(i)p T(i)]T,(i=1∼N),N is the number of target clusters.Each target cluster de-scribes the target pixels having similar color.The back-ground pixels are represented asf B(j)=[c B(j)p B(j)]T,(j=1∼m),m is the number of the background clusters.An unknown pixel is described by f u=[c u p u]T.Thus we can get the subscript of the closest target and background cluster centers to f u as follows.s T(f u)=argmini=1∼N{ f T(i)−f u },s B(f u)=argminj=1∼m{ f B(j)−f u }.(16)Fig.2Explanation for target clustering with multiple colors.HUA et al.:RK-MEANS CLUSTERING:K-MEANS WITH RELIABILITY99(a)Inputimage.(b)K-means.(c)RK-Means:The red area has low reliability.Fig.3A comparative result of object tracking with the K-Means andRK-Means algorithms.Since f u is requested to be classified into target or back-ground clusters,it can be considered that only two candidateclusters(target and background clusters)exist while objecttracking.Therefore,obviously one cluster will be thefirstnearest cluster,and another will be the second nearest one.Because it is more important to check if f u is a target pixelor not,s T is considered as thefirst nearest cluster and s Bas the second nearest cluster.By applying s T and s B toEqs.(9),(8),the RK-means algorithm can be used to removethe noise data(as shown in Fig.3)and update the target cen-ters f T(i),i=1,...,N.Because the background clusters aredefined and selected from the ellipse contour and updatingbackground clusters with Eq.(14)will move them from theellipse contour,we update the background clusters(also theellipse contour)by the method mentioned in[17].4.Experiment and Discussion4.1Evaluating the Efficiency of RKMIn the following parts of this paper,we abbreviate the Hard(or conventional)K-means clustering as CKM,Fuzzy C-means as FKM and the reliability K-means as RKM.Toevaluate the proposed RKM algorithm,we compare it withthe CKM and FKM clustering under different conditions,inthe following illustrations the large“•”represents the targetcenter.In Figs.4,5,the initial value of K is two(onecluster(a)CKM.(b)FKM.(c)RKM.Fig.4Clustering with separatedclusters.(a)CKM.(b)FKM.(c)RKM.Fig.5Clustering with completely overlappedclusters.(a)CKM.(b)FKM.(c)RKM.Fig.6Clustering with missing cluster problem.is indicated by red,another by green),the position of ini-tial points is the same and all the algorithms run at the sameiterations.In Fig.4,since the distribution of two clusters is wellseparated,all methods give the similar good result.In Fig.5,the distributions of two clusters merge as onecluster.In such case,it is reasonable to consider them as onecluster.The CKM and FKM algorithm still brutally divide itinto two separated clusters.With Eq.(7),the proposed RKMcan gradually move the initial centers together and give theresult as shown in(c).Although the result of our RKMalgorithm works better than the CKM and FKM methods,the whole clustering procedure becomes unreliable.Thatis because the cluster centers tend to move together,thusEqs.(11),(7)will produce low reliability for each data item.In our future work,we consider the function of merging isnecessary for our RKM algorithm.Figure6shows a case where four clusters exist but theinitial value of K is three(hereafter we call the phenomenonlike this as the missing cluster problem).Here,the yellow“ ”denotes the initial position of cluster centers which ismanually defined,and the red“•”means thefinal clusteringresult.The CKM only puts one cluster center correctly andmakes the completely wrong results of the other two clustercenters.The FKM is heavily affected by the missing cluster,because it brutally allocates a membership to each input dataitem.With Eqs.(7),(11),our RKM correctly classifies theinitial three centers by giving an extremely low reliability tothe missing cluster.In Fig.7,we show the comparative experimental result100IEICE TRANS.INF.&SYST.,VOL.E91–D,NO.1JANUARY2008Fig.7Experiment when the given number of K is larger than the real number of clusters.Cluster1:red points;Cluster2:green points;Clus-ter3:blue points.All three clustering algorithms give the same results to Cluster1and3.They give different conclusion on Cluster2.Table1When the given number of K is larger than the real number of clusters,the clustering result of CKM,FKM and RKM for cluster2.The real center of cluster2is located at(230,80).Point1Point2Initial Given Position(285,140)(245,60)Result of CKM(240,75)(218,86)Result of FKM(238,75)(220,86)Result of RKM(235,84)(229,81)of the CKM,FKM and RKM in the case that the given initial number of K(K=4)is larger than that of the real input data (3clusters).In this image,the pink hollow“ ”is the initial given point and the solid“ ”of sky blue color,the red hol-low“◦”and the black“•”denote thefinal result of CKM, FKM and RKM clustering algorithms,respectively.In this experiment,three of the initial points are correctly located within the corresponding clusters,but one additional initial point is assigned to the right-top of cluster2.In such case, because both the CKM and FKM will allocate one data to one or several clusters without considering if the clustering process for such data is reliable or not,either of them will assign some data of cluster2to that additional initial point. Thus,their clustering result is heavily affected.As for the RKM algorithm,it becomes insensitive to the initial given points by evaluating the reliability of clustering data to the additional initial point.Andfinally,the additional cluster center is removed towards the real center of cluster2.Al-though the result of RKM when clustering data to cluster2 is not the perfect result,compared with CKM and FKM,the RKM gives the best result.Through Table1,we can see that there is just a little dif-ference between the result of CKM and that of FKM.Both of them are heavily affected by the additional given initial point(285,140)which is located out of cluster2.Although CKM and FKM try to merge the two given centers into one cluster,the performance of them is not satisfying.Contrast to CKM and FKM,although the proposed RKM doesnotFig.8Convergence of the CKM and RKM algorithms. really convert the two initial points into one cluster,it seems to merge them most successfully.4.2Convergence of the RKMOne important characteristic of the RKM clustering algo-rithm is whether it converges or not.As for this question,the objective function of RKM is a good index to check whether it converges or not.If the value of the objective function re-mains unchanged(or the changes are so small that such they can be ignored)after afinite iteration number,that denotes that the RKM algorithm converges.Otherwise,the RKM diverges.To perform this experiment of convergence,we apply the RKM to the IRIS dataset to check its convergence.The IRIS dataset has150data points.It is divided into three groups and two of them are overlapping.Each group con-tains50data points.Each point has four attributes.In Fig.8,because the objective functions of the CKM and RKM are different from each other,we can not say that the RKM converges better than the CKM,but we could say that the RKM algorithm could converge as well as the CKM algorithm.Since the RKM adds the reliability estimation to the clustering process,as the speed of convergence,it can converge faster than the CKM algorithm.4.3Object Tracking Experiment4.3.1Manual InitializationIt is necessary to assign the number of clusters when using the K-means algorithm to classify a data set.In our tracking algorithm,in thefirst frame,we manually select N points on the object to be tracked and use them as the N initial target cluster centers.We let the initial ellipse(search area)be a circle.The center of circle is put at the centroid of the N initial target cluster centers.We manually select one point out of the object and let the circle cross it.In the following frames,the ellipse center is updated according to the result of target detection.Here,we use m representative background samples se-lected from the ellipse contour.Theoretically,it is best to use all pixels on the boundary of the search area(ellipse contour)as representative background samples.However,HUA et al.:RK-MEANS CLUSTERING:K-MEANS WITH RELIABILITY101Frame010Frame145Frame285The missing target center and similar color of background make CKMfailed.In Frame305(a)CKM-based tracking.(b)RKM-based tracking.Fig.9Comparative experiment with CKM and RKM under complex background.since there are many pixels on the ellipse contour(severalhundreds in common cases),the number of the clusters willbecome a huge one.This dramatically reduces the process-ing speed of pixel classification during tracking.In orderto realize real-time processing speed,we let m be a smallnumber.Through extensive experiment of tracking objectsof wide classes,we found that m=9is a good choice forfast tracking while keeping the stable tracking performance.Of the9points,8points are resolved by the8-equal divisionof the ellipse contour,and the9th one is the cross point be-tween the ellipse contour and the line connecting the pixelto be classified and the center of the ellipse center.The target in Fig.9is a hand.During tracking,the handfreely changes between the palm and the back.Although thecolors of palm and back of a hand look similar,they are notexactly the same colors.At the beginning of this compara-tive experiment,the hand is showing the palm,so the initialtarget colors are those of the palm.Such object is difficult102IEICE TRANS.INF.&SYST.,VOL.E91–D,NO.1JANUARY2008 Frame003Frame165Frame75Frame036Frame250Frame238Frame053Frame280Frame370In Frame053,the color was suddenly changed by theflash ofcamera.Frame083Frame358Frame495In Frame358,the target was partially occluded by anotherpedestrian.Frame110Frame361Frame673In Frame673,the target was blurred because of its high-speed movement.Fig.10Experiment result with the RKM tracking algorithm.The left column shows a case with thenon-rigid object.The middle column shows a result with scaling and occlusion.The right one showsthe experiment with illumination variance.for tracking because:1)many background areas have quitesimilar color to the target;2)the arbitrary deformation ofnon-rigid target shows different shape in the image.To eval-uate the performance of the CKM and RKM fairly,the twotracking algorithm are tested with the same sequence,giventhe same initial points,and both CKM and RKM are run atHUA et al.:RK-MEANS CLUSTERING:K-MEANS WITH RELIABILITY103the same iterations.As for the CKM-based tracking algorithm[17]in the left column,the tracking failed since frame285.In frame 285,the hand turned to show the back and the interfused background contained quite similar color to the initial target color(the color of the palm selected from thefirst frame). As mentioned in Fig.6(a),the CKM-based tracking al-gorithm greatly suffers from the missing cluster problem. Since the background interfusion and missing cluster hap-pened simultaneously,the CKM-based tracking algorithm mistakenly took the interfused background area that con-tains similar color to the target as the target area.So the search area was wrongly updated,which caused the CKM-based tracking algorithm to fail in frame305.As for the RKM-based tracking algorithm in the right column,as men-tioned in Fig.6(c),the RKM-based tracking algorithm is insensitive to the missing cluster problem by assigning the missing cluster with a low reliability.Therefore,in frame 285,the RKM-based tracking algorithm could correctly de-tect the target area and update the search area,which ensures the robust object tracking.We also applied the proposed RKM-based tracking al-gorithm to many other sequences.Figure10shows some ex-periment results,which indicates our tracking algorithm can deal with the deformation of non-rigid object,color variance caused by the illumination changes and occlusion.More-over,this tracking algorithm can also deal with the rotation and size change of the target.All the experiments were performed with a desktop PC with3.06GHz Intel XEON CPU,and the image size was640×480pixels.When the target size varied from 140×140∼200×200pixels,the processing speed of our algorithm was about9∼15ms/frame.5.ConclusionIn this paper,we presented a reliability-based K-means clus-tering algorithm which is insensitive to the initial value of K.By applying the proposed algorithm to object track-ing,we realized a robust tracking algorithm.Through the comparative experiments with the CKM-based tracking al-gorithm[17],we confirmed the proposed RKM-based track-ing algorithm can work more robustly when the background contains similar colors to the target.Besides object tracking,we also confirmed the pro-posed RKM clustering algorithm can be applied to image segmentation.AcknowledgementThis research is partially supported by the Ministry of Ed-ucation,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology,Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)(2),16200014and (C)18500131and(C)19500150.References[1]J.C.Dunn,“A fuzzy relative of the ISODATA process and its use indetecting compact well-separated clusters,”Journal of Cybernetics, vol.3,pp.32–57,1973.[2]J.C.Bezdek,Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Objective Function Al-gorithm,Plenum Press,New York,1981.[3]R.N.Dave and R.Krishnapuram,“Robust clustering methods:Aunified review,”IEEE Trans.Fuzzy Syst.,vol.5,no.2,pp.270–293, May1997.[4]R.N.Dave,“Characterization and detection of noise,”PatternRecognit.Lett.,vol.12,no.11,pp.657–664,1991.[5]R.Krishnapuram and J.M.Keller,“A possibilistic approach to clus-tering,”IEEE Trans.Fuzzy Syst.,vol.1,no.2,pp.98–110,1993. 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