2国际会议ICNC-FSDK 2012
2013 Ninth International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC) Measuring Low Sediment Concentrations and Vertical Distributions Based on B-Mode UltrasoundImagingZhimin Ma, Xianjian Zou, Shan SuSchool of Electronic Information, Wuhan UniversityWuhan, ChinaAbstract—Using B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus in the silt carrying flow, a new method of measuring low sediment concentrations and their vertical distributions is proposed in the model experimentation. Through the research of imaging signals of suspended sediment obtained directly by B-mode ultrasound in the water, the features of images such as imaging area concentration and grayscale area concentration of sand imaging spots are gotten, and a good relationship existed between the features and the actual sediment concentration is proved within certain realms, and then the relationship is used to measure unknown sediment concentrations after a rating curve is established by calibration test. The results demonstrate that the method is suitable for the measurement of sediment when volume concentration below 4.0 ‰ or about 10 kg/m3 by weight. With the advantages of direct observation, high sensitivity, good real-time and no disturbance, this method is especially suitable for the measurements of low sediment concentrations and the analysis of sediment dynamic migration in the river and port engineering model test.Keywords-B-mode ultrasound image; suspended sediment concentration; vertical distribution; grayscale area concentration, image measurement;I.I NTRODUCTIONThe measurement of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in a water column has long been important in the fluvial hydraulics, and the analysis of its vertical distribution is becoming more important in the research of sediment and model test [1-3]. Recently, some methods and their applications have made it possible to measure the sediment concentration and its vertical distribution in natural rivers and model tests. For example, the research of using Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) to measure suspended cohesive sediment concentration, and the use of Optical Back Scatter (OBS) in practice have aroused widespread interest [4]. Traditional methods of measuring sediment concentration do not work well for unsteady flow, and make it difficult to accurately reflect the sediment dynamic migration in real-time, especially the measurement of low sediment concentration and its vertical distribution.With the development of modern B-mode ultrasound imaging technology, the possibility of focusing images for small sands in the silt carrying flow has come true by using B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus. It can show suspended sediment clearly in the water with the advantages of direct observation, high sensitivity, good real-time and no disturbance [5]. Consequently, a new method is put forward to measure the sediment concentration and its vertical concentration based on B-mode ultrasound image after kinds of experiments. And a new experimental system is described to measure and analysis the suspended sediment in the river and port engineering model test.In this paper, our purpose is to give you a new idea that using B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus to observe the silt carrying flow. It is an easy way to solve the problem of measuring low sediment concentrations and their vertical distributions. This idea will be described clearly about how to work and how to use in the model river engineering test, and then some advice is given.II.M EASURING SYSTEM AND ITS PRINCIPLE An experimental system of B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus for the SSC is established, and it is made up of an Apogee1100 ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, an image acquisition card, a system computer, a mixer, a measuring volume and the software of analysis of SSC, as shown in Fig.1. In order to keep suspended sediment distribute equally as much as possible, the mixer should be kept run smoothly and suitable for the actual suspended sediment needs. The ultrasound detector of B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus touches the water at the surface of sand carrying flow, and collects imaging data of suspended sediment. The imaging data is transmitted by image acquisition card, and sent to the software for the analysis of SSCs. The software, which is written according to B-mode ultrasound images, receives the imaging data, and shows theresults by analyzing and processing as soon as possible.Figure 1. Experimental systemAs we all known, B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus is widely used in the medical world, and our hearts and kidneys and even the blood vessels are clearly shown by using it. The principle of measurement in this paper is the same. What makes it different is that the observed object is changed into suspended sediment in the water. The suspended sediment can be monitored very well with the help of modern B-mode ultrasound imaging technology. As high frequency ultrasound is sensitive to tiny particles with strong penetrability, it is possible to get images of sands in the water, and can follow the change of suspended sediment with direct observation, high sensitivity, good real-time and no disturbance if necessary, justas shown in Fig.2 and Fig.3.Figure 2.Volume concentration 1.0‰Figure 3. Volume concentration 3.0‰Fig.2 and Fig.3 show the change of volume concentration of suspended sediment from 1.0‰ to 3.0‰, and the particle size is about 0.21mm. There is an increasing trend of sand imaging area in the picture with the increase of volume concentration. From them, the message that using B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus can capture particles in the water and reflect the change of suspended sediment can be sure, and it can be used to measure the SSCs in the next section.III. E XTRACTING IMAGE FEATURESIn order to deeply understand the image features of suspended sediment obtained by B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, this section gives a comprehensive description of how to extract the features of B-mode ultrasound images, and also how to use them to measure the SSCs and their verticaldistribution based on kinds of model experiments. After a large number of experiments performed in the laboratory and river engineering model, two features, one is the imaging area concentration (IAC) and the other is the grayscale area concentration (GAC) in the pictures, clearly reflect a certain relationship with the actual SSC. They are extracted and used to establish the relationship between the features and the actual SSC through calibration tests.Facing with the image signals collected by B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, the signals are translated into images and then a whole preprocessing is necessary before extracting images features. The original image is processed by threshold segmentation, as shown in Equation (1), and then the objective image is gotten.(,),(,)(,)0,(,)f i j f i j T g i j f i j T ≥⎧=⎨<⎩ (1)As shown in (1), the threshold value T is f 90, it means avalue that 90 percent of pixels’ values in the imaging region are less than or equal to this value T. {f (i, j )} is the original image while {g (i, j )} is the objective image, f (i, j ) is the gray value of point (i , j ) in the original picture, g (i, j ) is the gray value of point (i , j ) in the objective picture.Taking plastic sands (PS) which is usually used in the model test and natural sands (NS) in the Yangtze River as examples, the calibration tests are carried out in the laboratory, as shown in the Fig.1. The frequency of B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus sets 5MHz while others keep the same as the first time when the sands images are clear and able to analyze. The measuring volume is 10L. After adding PS or NS 5ml to it each time, it becomes the volume concentration from 0.0‰ (tap water) to 5.0‰ when it is full of sands in the image. At the same time, keeping the mixer running smoothly is necessary for a well-distributed flow. The PS’s particle size is about 0.32mm while the NS’s is about 0.21mm in average. And the computed IAC or GAC per time in the next tables is the result of 50 images.A. The imaging area concentration (IAC)Described as above, the rate between the sand imaging area and the total area of per image is called as imaging area concentration (IAC). It is a percentage in per imaging area, and the IAC is calculated at the basis of objective image, as shown in Equation (2).00100%sd sd sd i all all allS N S NC S N S N ===× (2) Where C i is the IAC, S sd is the sand imaging area while S all is the total imaging area. N sd is the number of pixels in the sand imaging area while N all is the number of pixels in the total imaging area. S 0 is the area of per pixel.Tab.I is the computed results of the IAC about the plastic sands (PS) and the natural sands (NS) among the 50 images according to (2). The IAC is a percentage (%) while the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) is a permillage (‰). Fig.4 is the rating curve drawn according to Tab.I, showing the relationship between the IAC and the SSC of Tab.ITABLE I. R ELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE IAC AND THE SSCSSC/‰PS/% NS/% SSC/‰ PS/% NS/% 0.0 0.01 0.05 3.0 94.1 88.8 0.5 28.9 10.1 3.5 95.2 91.3 1.0 57.1 30.2 4.0 96.1 92.3 1.5 74.2 48.8 4.5 96.3 94.7 2.0 86.8 68.1 5.0 97.7 95.4 2.5 91.5 82.2 / / /Figure 4. Rating curve between the IAC and the SSCAccording to Tab.I and Fig.4, there is an obvious one-to-one correspondence between the IAC and the SSC about the PS and the NS. The increasing tendency of the rating curve is clearer, and also the measuring sensitivity is higher when the SSC is low. However, the increasing tendency will be slow and the measuring sensitivity will be drop quickly when the IAC is up to about 91%. At this time the volume concentration of PS is 2.5‰ while the volume concentration of NS is 3.5‰. As a result, the IAC can be suitable for the measurement of low SSC.B. The grayscale area concentration (GAC)Actually, the message of SSC is conveyed not only from the imaging area but also from the imaging intensity. According to (2), the computed IAC ignores the imaging intensity, and result in a faster IAC saturation and a smaller measuring range. Consequently, this paper takes the imaging intensity into consideration at the basis of the IAC. The imaging intensity is described as grayscale in the picture, and a new method of analysis SSC is called as grayscale area concentration (GAC), just as shown in Equation (3).0110(,)(,)100%255255sdsdN N n n g n n gall all allg i j S g i j S C S N S N =====×∑∑ (3)Where C g is the GAC, S g is the sand imaging intensity asthe same as total grayscale of pixels, n is an ordinal number corresponding to the n th number of marked points, and so g (i, j )n is the grayscale of nth point (i , j ) in the objective picture, S all , N all , N sd and S 0 is the same as above.Tab.II is the computed results of GAC about the PS and the NS among the 50 images according to (3). The GAC is also a percentage (%). Fig.5 is the rating curve drawn according toTab.II, showing the relationship between the GAC and theSSC.TABLE II.R ELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE GAC AND THE SSCSSC/‰ PS/%NS/% SSC/‰ PS/% NS/% 0.0 0.01 0.03 3.0 42.636.3 0.5 11.5 3.78 3.5 43.5 38.7 1.0 22.7 11.4 4.0 44.1 39.9 1.5 31.6 18.9 4.5 44.9 40.8 2.0 37.4 25.7 5.0 45.3 41.6 2.5 40.4 32.2 // /Figure 5. Rating curve between the GAC and the SSCAccording to Tab.II and Fig.5, a one-to-one correspondence between the GAC and the SSC is also existed about the PS and the NS, and the increasing tendency of the rating curve is clearer, and also the measuring sensitivity is higher when the SSC is low. Compared with the IAC, the increasing tendency will be slow and the measuring sensitivity will be drop quickly when the GAC is up to about 42%, at this time the volume concentration of PS is 3.0‰ while the volume concentration of NS is 5.0‰. However, the meaning of GAC 42% is not same as the IAC 91%, and they need a further analysis.C. The comparison of featuresIn this section, in order to get some insight into the difference between the IAC and the GAC, the date in the Tab.I and Tab.II are normalized and shown in the Fig.6. It will give us a better understanding about them because of the date uniformity and comparability.Figure 6. Comparison diagram of normalized featuresThrough analysis and comparison in the Tab.I, Tab.II and Fig.6, the relationship between the SSC and the two characters is clearer. When the normalized value is up to 95% in the Fig.5, we can think it is saturated in the picture. For this reason, we can see the corresponding actual volume concentrations of SSC are 3.0‰, 3.5‰, 3.5‰ and 4.0‰ when the IAC of PS, the IAC of NS, the GAC of PS and the GAC of NS are up to about 95%. It is obvious that the measurement range of GAC is wider than the IAC’s, and also the measurement sensitivity of GAC is better.Thus, the method whose corresponding relationship established between the SSC and the GAC is obviously better than the one whose relationship established between SSC and IAC, and it has a higher sensitivity and a better anti-saturation ability. Therefore, this paper adopts the GAC. According to the corresponding relationship between the SSC and the GAC, the unknown SSC and its vertical distribution can be measured in this paper.IV.R ESULTS AND DISCUSSIONIn this section we present general experimental conditions in the model tests, and show the measuring results of plastic sands (PS) in the laboratory. The PS’s particle size is 0.32mm and has been already described in the above. It is taken as an example to show the application of this method. Fig.1 is the experimental system. Tab.II is the calibration results of grayscale area concentration (GAC). Fig.5 is the rating curve of GAC. The relation of calibration can be described as a fitting formula or a table just as the correspondence between the GAC and the SSC shown in the Tab.II. This paper takes the last one. It is shown as a correspondence table, and the Lagrange interpolation method is used as an addition to calculate the missing data in the table.Therefore, the method of measuring SSCs described in this paper is follow. Firstly, the sands imaging signals are gotten by using B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, and they are sent to a computer. Secondly, the sands imaging signals are translated into images, and the GAC of images is calculated. Lastly, the measuring result is shown or computed according to the table established by calibration test before and the Lagrange interpolation method.A.Sediment concentrations and their vertical distributionsAbout the measurement of suspended sediment in the model, researchers are more concerned about the vertical distribution and dynamic changing process of the SSC [6]. According to the features of B-mode ultrasound images and the method of calculating the GAC, the space distribution of SSCs in the measured region can be obtained easily and quickly. For example, as shown in the Fig.7, the measured region in images is divided into several layers from top to bottom as needed, the GAC of each layer is calculated, and then we can get the vertical distribution of SSCs according to the table or the rating curve. In the Fig.7, marked pots represent the suspended sediment, on the right of the picture shows the vertical distribution of SSCs. It changes along with the water depth and shows the sediment concentration of each layer. Fig.7 is one of the vertical distributions of the SSCs along with the waterdepth at a time.Figure 7. A vertical distribution of SSCs along with the depth To further illustrate the vertical distribution of SSCs, this paper takes the measured value (MV) according to (3) in comparison with the real value (RV) according to actual volume of sands above, shown in the Tab.III. The data comes from one of above experiments and should be measured at the same time after the silt carrying flow is stable. The Fig.8 is drawn at the basis of Tab.III, and some discuss is given about them.TABLE III. V ERTICAL CONCENTRATIONS ABOUT THE MV AND THE RV Depth/cm MV/‰ RV/‰ Depth/cm MV/‰RV/‰2.5 0.120.11 16.3 0.730.665.3 0.120.13 19.1 0.940.898.0 0.140.17 21.8 1.351.2210.8 0.20 0.25 24.6 1.671.8813.6 0.47 0.41 27.3 4.274.34Figure 8. Comparison of vertical distributions about the MV and the RVFrom the data in the Tab.III, the MV is approximately equalto the RV. According to Fig.8, the curve of MV is nearly the same as the curve of RV. Consequently, the method describedin this paper can well measure sediment concentrations and their vertical distributions, and the measured results can be expressed more quickly and directly.B.Sources of measurement uncertaintyOur proposed method is verified through experimental study in the laboratory, and the measured data need a further study to keep it work as well as described in consideration of various changed situations. In the river engineering model test, the factors which affect the accuracy of measurement are mainly from two aspects. On the one hand, the factors come from the test object’s properties, such as the material quality, the particle size. On the other hand, they come from the conditions of the test itself, such as the water flow rate. Some experiments have been carried out in this paper, as shown inthe Fig.9 and Fig.10.Figure 9.Particle size 0.21mmFigure 10. Particle size 0.37mmThey are some experiments about particle size, and Fig.9 is 0.21mm while Fig.10 is 0.37mm. From them, we can see the bigger the particle size, the larger the imaging spots, and also the greater the corresponding measurements according to the IAC or GAC. The influences of particle size and grading distribution mainly affect the sand imaging area.As shown in the Tab.II and Fig.5, the data of the GAC is different at the same SSC, and the rating curves of PS and NS are also different under the same experimental conditions. The influences of material quality mainly affect the corresponding and the rating curves. Different materials may match different rating curves and lead to different resultsIn fact, the particle size, grading distribution and material quality have effect on the measured results which contact and contain each other, and it is difficult to sort out their internal connections. These factors are common and also exist in other measuring methods of SSCs. They connect each other and easily change with actual situations. In order to simplify this cumbersome process, we usually adopt the common method in sediment concentration measurement field. That is the specialized object with the specialized calibration test [7]. Consequently, it is necessary for this method to go on a specialized calibration test before measurement, especially when the measuring object is changed.V.C ONCLUSION AND OUTLOOKBy theoretical analysis and experimental validation, a new method of measuring low SSCs and vertical distributions based on B-mode ultrasound imaging technology is feasible within certain realms, and it is easy to reflect the dynamic migration of sediment in the model test with the help of measuring system above.At the same time, this method should be taken more deep experimental study. For example, as shown as the above laboratory experiments, this method is only suitable for the measurement of sediment volume concentration below 4.0 ‰ or about 10 kg/m3 by weight. It is because that the focusing performance of B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus is not as good as optical methods and it leads to a bigger imaging spots of particle and a faster saturation and also a smaller measuring range.In conclusion, the measuring accuracy and stability of this method will be deeply improved with the help of specialized B-mode ultrasound diagnostic apparatus and more effective image processing methods, and also the system of measuring SSCs will be advanced. With the advantages of direct observation, high sensitivity, good real-time and no disturbance, this method will be a new way of measuring SSCs and analyzing vertical distributions in the river and port engineering model test.R EFERENCES[1]Judith A. Bamberger, Margaret S. Greenwood, “Measuring fluid andslurry density and solids concentration non-invasively,” Ultrasonics, vol.42, pp. 563-567, 2004.[2]H.S. Han, S.S. Li, C.J. 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本附件ZB型要求,在何种条件下和解释可以声称什么样的符合程度推定合格评定附件二,第五和第六的指令包括监管过程的描述由认证机构所开展的活动,都是EN ISO 13485标准的范围之外,因此,不包括本标准。
因此,法律的覆盖面要求只能被推定为在表ZB.1,ZB.2列出的程度和ZB.3如果应用到认证机构:•包含了必要的质量体系文件;•已审查和批准由认证机构,正确执行由制造商和应用程序中列出的承诺ZB.2 与93/42/EEC指令附件二者关系不遵守EN ISO 13485标准提供合格的推定,附件II的所有方面概述表ZB.1。
ZB.3 与93/42/EEC指令附件V的关系不遵守EN ISO 13485标准附件V的所有方面提供合格的推定,概述表ZB.2。
承办单位: 承办单位: 上海雅辉展览有限公司 【展品范围】环保购物袋、超市购物袋、无纺布袋、礼品袋、包装袋、彩印袋 展品范围】环保购物袋、超市购物袋、无纺布袋、礼品袋、包装袋、 塑料包装袋、食品包装袋、日用品包装袋、环保布袋、背心袋、折叠袋、 、塑料包装袋、食品包装袋、日用品包装袋、环保布袋、背心袋、折叠袋、手 张涛 提袋、纸袋、纸塑袋、塑料袋(PE,PP,PVC袋 复合编织袋、垃圾袋、 13564820380 电 提袋、纸袋、纸塑袋、塑料袋(PE,PP,PVC袋)、复合编织袋、垃圾袋、降解塑 料袋、生物降解购物袋、降解一次性餐饮具、环保塑料制品;无纺布制品、 86-21话:86-21料袋、生物降解购物袋、降解一次性餐饮具、环保塑料制品;无纺布制品、服 装袋、西装套、床上用品袋、广告围裙、鞋套、酒袋、广告袋、收纳袋、 34140960 装袋、西装套、床上用品袋、广告围裙、鞋套、酒袋、广告袋、收纳袋、包装 真:86-21购物篮、 传 真:86-21盒、购物篮、购物车等 材料及加工机械类:无纺布、不织布、牛津布、棉布、尼龙布、帆布、 51714666 材料及加工机械类:无纺布、不织布、牛津布、棉布、尼龙布、帆布、石头纸 牛皮纸;降解材料、降解母料、生物降解塑料、环保塑料、PP、PE料等 料等; 、牛皮纸;降解材料、降解母料、生物降解塑料、环保塑料、PP、PE料等; 各种制袋机械、无纺布制袋机、塑料机械、包装印刷机械、超声波制袋机等。 各种制袋机械、无纺布制袋机、塑料机械、包装印刷机械、超声波制袋机等。 支持单位: 上海市科学技术协会、 支持单位: 上海市科学技术协会、中国皮革和制鞋工业研究院 主办单位: 主办单位:上海市皮革技术协会 承办单位: 承办单位:上海福贸展览服务有限公司 展品范围:男鞋、女鞋、童鞋、运动鞋、雪地鞋、凉鞋、休闲鞋、拖鞋、 展品范围:男鞋、女鞋、童鞋、运动鞋、雪地鞋、凉鞋、休闲鞋、拖鞋、体育 用品、时装鞋、室内鞋、舞蹈鞋、保暖鞋、靴子、沙滩鞋、布鞋、工艺鞋、 用品、时装鞋、室内鞋、舞蹈鞋、保暖鞋、靴子、沙滩鞋、布鞋、工艺鞋、增 高鞋、特殊功能鞋、鞋垫、鞋油、 高鞋、特殊功能鞋、鞋垫、鞋油、鞋套等 采购商范围: 采购商范围: 鞋类进出口商、经销商、代理商、批发商、百货公司、商场、连锁店、 一、鞋类进出口商、经销商、代理商、批发商、百货公司、商场、连锁店、超 市、贸易公司等 欧盟、中东、东盟、美国、日本、法国、英国、德国、意大利、俄罗斯、 二、欧盟、中东、东盟、美国、日本、法国、英国、德国、意大利、俄罗斯、 澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、韩国、阿联酋、香港、 澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、韩国、阿联酋、香港、台湾等国家和地区的采购 商。
在卡夫北京DC开仓典礼上的讲话稿招商局物流集团有限公司总经理范建雄尊敬的戴乐娜女士、卡夫公司嘉宾、各位同事们:Dear Miss XXX, Kraft’s guests, and colleagues今天,是卡夫公司和招商物流一个值得纪念的喜庆日子,我们在这里庆祝由招商物流运作管理的卡夫北京DC隆重开仓。
招商物流与卡夫公司的合作始于2007年的成都D C的仓库操作与客户运输。
感谢北京DC的管理和操作团队,你们也在创造历史,开创先河!谢谢大家!2011年7月5日Speech on Kraft’s DC Opening CeremonyFan JianXiong, General Manager of China Merchants Logistics Today is a memorable day for Kraft and Merchant Logistics. We are here to celebrate the grand opening of Kraft Beijing DC, which will be managed by Merchant Logistics. On behalf of Merchant Logistics, pls allow me to send congratulation to Kraft DC’s opening, and warm welcome to all distinguished guests and colleagues.Merchant Logistics and Kraft started to cooperate in 2007 at the Chengdu DC warehouse operation and transportation. In the recent 5 years, Merchant Logistics and Kraft has been worked tightly. Starting from Chendu DC, we have served Guangzhou DC, Shenyang DC, Beijing DC and Wuhan DC gradually. The range of service has extended from warehouse management to door-to-door shipment and re-packaging. Both companies have made progress continuously and the business and operational convergence is always perfect.Today, China Merchants Logistics and Kraft has also established a strategic partnership. On such basis, we build mutual trust, mutual dependence and will learn from each other. I believe, as long as we follow principle of mutual benefit, our cooperation will go to a new level. The Kraft Beijing DC project takes 4 months from initiation to warehousetransfer to opening. During the project, all the project members and Kraft colleagues have contributed a lot. In limited time, we cleaned up the warehouse, finished relocation and procured mass amount of facilities in short time. We also have set up the whole management and operation team, finished large amount of warehouse transfer plan.Here, I wish Kraft's Beijing DC project success. Thank the management and operation of DC's Beijing team; you are making history, first of its kind!Thank you.。
供应商质量要求Last revision on 21 December 2020目的本要求为确定供应商与南京菲亚特之间关系的原则性文件,是作为每一个南京菲亚特供应商所必须遵守的。
formel Q理解
Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分) 产品诞生过程上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表上海XXX有限公司Formel Q第四版过程审核(A部分)检查表过程审核B 部分1.1 是否仅允许已认可的且有质量能力的分供方供货?资料准备和评审要点:★分供方质量能力证明(证书/评审报告) --- 生产部★分供方供货质量业绩评价表(质量/ 价格/ 服务) --- 生产部★合格分供方清单,潜在分供方清单 --- 生产部1.2 是否确保了采购件质量符合要求?资料准备和评审要点:★分供方评审报告 --- 质量部★与分供方签订的质量/技术协议 --- 技术部质量部1.3 是否对供货质量业绩进行了评价,出现与要求有偏差时是否采取了措施? 资料准备和评审要点:★与分供方联系或会议的记录 ---生产部技术部★分供方整改情况的跟踪和闭环情况 ---质量部★分供方评价 ---生产部1.4 是否与分供方就产品与过程的持续改进商定了质量目标并付之落实?资料准备和评审要点:★项目小组中应有专人负责与分供方的联系和对分供方的控制。
2012 Kraft Supplier Forum
清洁/ 消毒剂
清洁 计划
清洁指 导书
邻线 清洁
卫生清洁 控制
周期性 清洁 清洁 工具
地漏 清洁
2012 Kraft Supplier Forum
设备和工序的 名称
适当的清洁的 频率,顺序和 步骤 制定一份卫生清洁 指导书以指导员工 的操作,指导书要 包括
干 卫 生 清 洁
湿 卫 生 清 洁
2012 Kraft Supplier Forum
• 总卫生清洁计划表是通过一个系统来管理并追踪卫生清洁项 目和活动,可以包括各种类型的清洁计划。
• 形式不拘:
–Excel表;Access表 –并入ERP或SAP系统 主卫生清洁计划表
保洁性清洁 (办公,食堂)
2012 Kraft Supplier Forum
编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2012 卡夫供应商大会
清洁/消 毒剂 清洁 计划 清洁指 导书
邻线 清洁
卫生清洁 控制
周期性 清洁 清洁 工具
地漏 清洁
2012 Kraft Supplier Forum
可以帮助消除或降低化学方面的, 微生物方面及物理 方面的风险。 它的目标对象是生产设备,设施及厂房结构,环境 。 卫生清洁是实现食品安全和高质量产品的首要条件。 一条没有很好卫生清洁的生产线难以生产出安全,美 味的产品。
• 要有历史性回顾,以往采取的措施验证 • 要有合理的评价标准,与质量控制能力相匹配
• 按照系统分析方法
– 操作问题 – 流程问题 – 制度问题 – 机制问题 – – – – 执行 方法 责任 设计
• 后期验证
– 月度质量会议 – 年度质量会议
2012 Kraft Supplier Forum
2012 Kraft Supplier Forum
• 一对一(对外):单线联系 ,如客户与供应商之间,由 销售部门与采购部门接口。
生产 工程 沟通 沟通 沟通
• 一对多(对内):接口部门 将信息传递给相关部门,并 提出行动计划(4W+1H)。 • 多对一:相关部门根据 4W+1H的要求,完成对本部 门的要求,并在规定时间内 反馈给接口部门。
2012 Kraft Supplier Forum
一.投诉处理流程 二.不合格产品处理
2012 Kraft Supplier Forum
• 缺陷分类合理
– – – – 安全 非安全 经济 工艺
• 对比要有纵横
– 同类问题不同时期,同类问题相同时期 – 不同问题不同时期,不同问题相同时期
• 第一步;针对问题的9个提问
• 第二步;确定问题发生的地点、环节 和责任者。通过流程图确认是否按照 标准操作流程执行。
• 第三步;通过鱼骨图,分析人、机、 料、法、管理、测量等,哪些要素是 造成问题的原因。 • 第四步;问十个为什么,找到问题发 生的根本原因。 • 第五步;脑筋风暴,提出三种解决方 式。并将不同方式按照能力、可靠、 简便和成本等权重排序,进行综合评 价。 • 第六步:确定行动计划,包括责任者 与完成时间。并更新、评估和验证标 准操作程序。
SupplyOn 完整介绍
SupplyOn –供应商协同平台
© 2012 SupplyOn AG
SupplyOn 公司简介 产品质量先期规划/零件开发 APQP 采购询报价/文档管理 Sourcing/Document management 物流供应链 WebEDI/VMI 供应商索赔管理 (8D) Problem Solver
实际/目标流程分析 流程讲座 阶段一
概念与实施 内部系统集成
系统配置 模板创建 阶段二
● 专业的服务呼叫中心 ● 支持包含英文、中文等9种语言 ● 24 x 7 不间断服务 ● 优秀的客户满意度
上线概念 工厂/地区
上线 供应商上线
球 汽车制造业长周期项目综合管理
服 务
通过SupplyOn与供应商进行有效沟通 在采购和物流流程中应用质量管理 与供应商业务流程整合并及时进行供应商风险评估
标准化流程 提高整体运作效率
全球资源整合 降低TCO
逐步打造完美供应链 通过SupplyOn的完成超过全球3000个供应商连接 从2008年开始进行中国区项目开发,目前已经完成约800个供应商连接
© 2012 SupplyOn AG
APQP 标准流程
组件设计 与研发
流程设计 与研发
组件与过程 的验证
技术文档 范围成熟度评估 样件控制计划
普通无脂干酪块-8盎司,砖型 巴式杀菌,培养,热包装奶制品 巴氏灭菌,配方,冷藏,活性发酵
通常运作时间* (清洁循环的间隔时间) 延长运作时间 * (批准时间和日期)
无食品安全影响时, 此项目进作为可选项 保质期 (例如:保质天数,温度条件) 贮存和分销:(例如:普通环境、冷藏、冷冻、相对湿度、高原条件。)
盐(>10ppm在最终配方中)亚硫酸盐(>10ppm在最终 配方中)
原料全脂奶 乳酸发酵 奶油-甜味 奶油-巴杀 植物香精 三文鱼 返工料
牛奶蛋白 牛奶蛋白 牛奶蛋白 牛奶蛋白 牛奶蛋白 海鲜蛋白 牛奶蛋白,大豆蛋白,海 鲜蛋白
无 无 无 无 无
2010 Kraft Supplier Forum
卡夫表 E2 — 范例:过敏源交叉生产评估
是否对原料过敏原评估 E-1 表中确定的所有过敏 如果是“否” , 请确定控制机 原都在其成品包装上进行了标识?(这些要求适用 制 列出生产线上生产的所有产品, 于本表中所有在第一列中列出的产品) (__- CCP) 包括所使用的共用设备。例如: (__- PP) 返工罐,过滤器等) 是(列出过敏原) 否(列出过敏 原) 奶油芝士 牛奶 三文鱼,大豆 产品生产排序-PP, 设备清洁—CCP, 包装线换产-CCP, 返工处理-CCP, 标签的使用-PP 植物混合奶油芝士 牛奶、大豆 三文鱼 产品生产排序-PP, 设备清洁—CCP, 包装线换产-CCP, 返工处理-CCP, 标签的使用-PP
A 按照“食品过敏原类别一览表及地区过敏原要求-如适 用(见附件C)”列出所有含过敏原/亚硫酸盐的原料. 包含过敏原和/或亚硫酸盐(>10ppm在最终配方中) 通过换产带入的过敏原或亚硫酸盐(>10ppm在最终配 方中) 列出任何可能与产品接触或产品自身含有过敏原和/或亚 硫酸盐<10PPM 的加工助剂 B 列出原料或原料组成成分 中所确定的过敏原/亚硫酸 C 列出在非直接组成成分的原 料中所确定的携带过敏原/
日期Date10月24日星期一时间Time15︰0020:0009︰0009︰3013︰00内容Events梅赛德斯-奔驰xx国际时装周新闻发布会xx·2012春夏发布会2011xx时尚论坛——中意时尚峰会2011xx时尚论坛——VLOV·大学生辩论会(分组赛)媒体采访注册xx·xx2012作品发布会2011xx时尚论坛——VLOV·大学生辩论会(总决赛)Cabbeen Chic·卡宾2012春夏男装发布会2012Marisfrolg春夏时装发布会2012 NE·TIGER高级华服发布会梅赛德斯-奔驰呈现淑美赫·2012春夏时装发布会浩沙杯·首届中国瑜伽健身服装设计大赛新闻发布会xxxx·xx兔绒时装发布会xx和听xx·xx艳2012春夏时装发布会xx杯·2011xx内衣设计大赛才子·2012春夏男装发布会xx时尚集团十周年xx晚宴左岸·xxxx2012春夏男装发布会xx·xx2012春夏时装发布会xx·xx2012春夏时装发布会xx丽人·新闻发布会AS AUGUST SILK·郭宝宝2012春夏时装发布会维斯xx·xx2012春夏时装发布会xx杯·第6届xx运动装备设计大赛xx·xx2012春夏运动装发布会VLOV·xxxx2012春夏男装发布会SCFASHION·祁刚2012春夏时装发布会应大杯·第3届xx时尚皮装设计大赛应大杯·皮装设计大赛新闻发布会xx芸·xx2012春夏时装发布会POKER·xx2012春夏男装发布会麦包包·JAMIE MOORE 2012春夏新品发布会Garywat·屈汀南2012春夏时装发布会利郎·计文波时装发布会xx丽人·xx时装发布会名瑞杯·2011xx婚纱设计大赛xx杯·男装设计大赛新闻发布会GIOIA PAN·潘怡良2012春夏时装发布会秋冬国际成衣流行趋势讲座Zeng Fengfei ·曾凤飞2012春夏男装发布会地点VenuexxA座2楼多功能厅国家会议中心xx半岛酒店2xx宴会厅2ndD·PARKxx会所不拘讲堂D·PARKxx会所新闻中心D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所不拘讲堂D·PARKxx会所七九罐xx万达xxxxxx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所七九罐xxxx饭店D·PARKxx会所第一车间xx宴会大厅xx宴会大厅xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间xx宴会大厅xx宴会大厅xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所七九罐xx宴会大厅xx宴会大厅xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所不拘讲堂D·PARK北京会所第一车间中国国际时装周组委会xxxx内衣有限公司主承办单位Organizers 10月25日星期二25thOct.Tuesday 14︰3015︰3018︰0018︰3020︰0021︰0011︰0013︰0015︰0010月26日星期三26thOct.Wednesday 16︰0017︰3018︰0018︰3020︰3011︰0012︰0014︰00中国服装设计师协会/意大利时尚协会北京市经济和信息化委员会北京市经济和信息化委员会/中国服装设计师协会服装设计师杂志社xx国际时装周组委会xx株式会社/xx工作室北京市经济和信息化委员会/中国服装设计师协会服装设计师杂志社xxxx服饰有限公司xxxx菲尔时装有限公司NE·TIGER时装有限公司梅赛德斯-奔驰(中国)汽车销售有限公司/德国淑美赫服装公司中国服装设计师协会/浩沙集团xx昊天服装实业有限公司北京服装学院/北京楚和听香服装服饰有限公司中国服装设计师协会/欧迪芬国际集团才子服饰股份有限公司xx时尚集团xx佐岸服饰有限公司xx时尚集团xxxx服饰有限公司新疆维吾尔自治区妇女联合会/新疆库车县人民政府达利(中国)有限公司xx科曼维斯xx服饰有限公司中国服装设计师协会/乔丹体育股份有限公司东容(xx)有限公司xx森创服装有限公司中国服装设计师协会/天津应大国际服饰有限公司中国服装设计师协会/天津应大国际服饰有限公司杭州威芸服饰制作有限公司北京服装学院/扑克时尚(北京)时装有限公司嘉兴麦宝科技信息有限公司xxxx服饰设计中心利郎集团新疆维吾尔自治区妇女联合会/新疆库车县人民政府中国服装设计师协会/广东名瑞(集团)股份有限公司中国服装设计师协会/湖南圣得西实业有限公司北京潘怡良服饰有限公司xx服装设计师协会培训中心服装设计师杂志社/巴黎娜丽罗荻设计事务所厦门凤飞服饰设计有限公司10月27日星期四27th Oct.Thursdays 15︰4516︰3019︰0021︰0010︰3012︰0014︰0015︰4516︰3018︰3019︰3021︰0010︰3012︰0010月29日星期六14︰0014︰3015︰4510月28日星期五28th Oct.Friday18︰3019︰30TANYA 高级定制时装发布会旭化成·中国时装设计师创意大奖新闻发布会xx化成·xx时装设计师创意大奖——xx作品发布会L&XF·xx2012春夏男装发布会L&XF杯·第10届时装画大赛颁奖及新闻酒会xx美月2012春夏婚纱作品发布会xx·xx2012春夏男装发布会第20届xxxx杯休闲装设计大赛领秀(xx)新闻发布会领秀(xx)·xx2012春夏发布会EACHWAY·赵卉洲2012春夏时装发布会xxxx·xx2012春夏时装发布会xx·新闻发布会xx·xx2012春夏男装发布会Beauty Berry·王玉涛2012春夏男装发布会弄影·xx2012春夏时装发布会S·DEER刘丽丽2012春夏时装发布会邓皓2012高级定制发布会xx/xx·2012高级定制时装秀xx服装设计师协会第六次会员代表大会TORAY·中国时尚大奖2011年度评选酒会xx服装设计师协会七届一次理事会xx国际时装周2011年度理事会北服-莱佛士国际学院毕业生设计作品发布会MGPIN·毛戈平2012彩妆造型设计发布会贵之步女鞋·新闻发布会贵之步·2012春夏产品发布会狼道·xx奕群2012春夏牛仔装发布会WHITE COLLAR·2012春夏高级成衣发布会梅赛德斯-奔驰中国国际时装周2011年度颁奖典礼芭莎男士品位成功年度人物颁奖盛典暨梅赛德斯-奔驰中国国际时装周庆祝派对D·PARK北京会所第一车间xxA座18楼宴会厅xx宴会大厅xx宴会大厅xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所不拘讲堂D·PARKxx会所第一车间xx宴会大厅xx宴会大厅xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅798创意广场玫瑰之名xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间xxA座18楼会见厅xxA座18楼宴会厅xxA座18楼会见厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所不拘讲堂D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅xx宴会大厅D·PARK北京会所七九罐北京泰雅伊丽商贸有限公司xx国际时装周组委会旭化成株式会社/旭化成纺织株式会社中国国际时装周组委会旭化成株式会社/旭化成纺织株式会社上海沸森实业有限公司服装设计师杂志社xxLXF时装发展有限公司xxxx栊服饰有限公司xx(xx)有限公司中国服装协会/中国服装设计师协会真维斯国际(香港)有限公司xx领秀服饰有限公司xx领秀服饰有限公司艺之卉时尚集团xxxxxx服饰有限公司xxxx服饰有限公司xxxx服饰有限公司贝迪百瑞商贸(北京)有限责任公司上海弄影时装有限公司xx圣xx时装有限公司xx邓皓时尚服饰有限公司Maryma高级时装定制中心/北京肇达·张服装设计院中国服装设计师协会中国国际时装周组委会/东丽(中国)投资有限公司中国服装设计师协会/中国国际时装周组委会北服-莱佛士国际学院xx形象设计艺术学校xx贵之步实业有限公司xx贵之步实业有限公司xx狼道服饰贸易有限公司xx国际时装周组委会xxxx时装有限公司梅赛德斯-奔驰(中国)汽车销售有限公司/时尚芭莎杂志21︰0011︰0012︰0014︰0010月30日星期日15︰4516︰3017︰3019︰0021︰0011︰0012︰0014︰0010月31日星期一15︰45 16︰3017︰3019︰3021︰0009︰0011︰3013︰0013︰4011月1日星期二15︰00 16︰0017︰1018︰0020︰3011月2日星期三19︰00。
SQE 培训
Accepted Audits & Certifications (ongoing)
Target Freq. (years)
RTE Meats, Cheeses, RTE Raw Fruits/Vegetables
Kraft Audit
Kraft Audit
RTE Nuts/Seeds/Coconut, Retorted & Aseptic Products (Low Acid Canned Foods), RTE Dried Fruits & Vegetables, Cocoa/Chocolate/Confectionary, Herbs/Spices/Seasoning, Tea & Tea Products
Kraft Audit
Kraft Audit
Certifications or 3rd Party SQE Kraft Audit + Technical Validation 2
Egg Products; Fruit & Fruit Products; Dairy Products & Substitutes;
3rd Party SQE or
3rd Party SQE or
Audits may be required as result of a risk assessment
Notes: 1. Certifications include GFSI (SQF, BRC, IFS, Dutch HACCP, FSSC22000), and ISO22000 for year 2010 only 2. GMA-SAFE accepted for tiers 2, 3, 4 until further notice 11-March-2010 3. NSF Cook & Thurber and Silliker audits accepted for raw meat & raw meat products 4. AIB under review for grain& grain products 5. Where local regulatory considerations make a higher tier rating necessary, this must be documented in local procedures and notified to auditing – a lower tier rating cannot be applied. 4
1.2021中国茶和植物饮料发展研讨会中国饮料工业协会咖啡饮料分会成立大会暨2021中国咖啡饮料发展论坛预通知 [J],
通知 [J],
3.2018中国饮料工业协会理事会会议 2018中国果蔬汁产业峰会 2018中国双蛋白饮料技术交流会暨中国饮料工业协会蛋白饮料分会成立大会正式通知 [J],
4.2012中国饮料工业协会年会 2012中国特殊用途饮料发展研讨会正式通知 [J],
5.2012中国饮料工业协会年会 2012中国特殊用途饮料发展研讨会 2012中国饮料工业协会技术工作委员会大会会议预通知 [J],