如何回复英文论文编辑部的修改意见Response to Editor and Reviewer
如何回复英文论文编辑部的修改意见Response to Editor and Reviewer这是我的英文修改稿回复信Dear Editor,RE: Man uscri pt IDWe would like to tha nk XXX (n ame of Journ al) for givi ng us the opportunity to revise our manu scri pt.We tha nk the reviewers for their careful read and thoughtful comme nts on prev ious draft.We have carefully take n their comme nts into con siderati on in preparing our revisi on.which has resulted in a paper that is clearer, more comp elli ng, and broader. The followi ng summarizes how we respon ded to reviewer comme nts.Below is our res ponse to their comme nts.Thanks for all the help.Best wishes,Dr. XXXCorres ponding Author下面是如何对Reviewer的意见进行point by point回答:一些习惯用语如下:Revision —authors ' responseReviewer #1:Major comme nts4. 5. 6.1. 2. 3. The referee correctly no ted that our Ian guage about XXX was ambiguous.Therefore, we cha nged the text and the figures to emp hasize that ….To further support the concept that, we have an alyzed ….As depi cted in Supp leme ntary Fig. S1…As suggested by the reviewer we have emp hasized our observati ons of XXX in results and discussi on sect ions. We have added new findings (see above point) in Supp leme ntary Fig S. to support … As requested by the reviewer we have added a scheme (Suppl eme ntary Fig.) that summarizes … Minor comme nts 1. 2. 3.4.We have removed the word SUFFICIENT from the title. We have added and impro ved the scale bars in the figure 1 and 2. We have added statistics to Fig 5C. We have corrected the typ escri pt errors in the XXX p aragra ph. Reviewer #2: 1. 2. 3. 4. Because of the reviewer' s request, we have p erformed new exp erime nts to better clarify …The new Fig. shows that …This finding suggests that … As suggested by the reviewer we have added new data of XXX to clarify the point that … We agree with the reviewer that … Because of the reviewer ' s request we have used XXX to confirm that …The new data are depi cted in Supp leme ntary Fig . Because of reviewer ' s request, we have analyzed the efficiency of RNAi by qua ntitative RT-PCR the efficie ncy of RNAi. We have now added the new panel in Supp leme ntary Fig.Reviewer #3: 1. 2. 3. Because of the referee ' s comment, we have moved the panel of Fig. 5 into the new Figure 6 and we have added new exp erime nts to address The new Fig . 6 shows that …. In res ponse to the reviewerdepi cted in Suppp leme ntary Fig. We agree with reviewer that 's requests, we have studied ….The new data are ….However, a rece nt paper has show n that ….We have added this refere nee and mdified the sentence to un derl ineWe have changes Figure 1 with a picture that….The previous one was too week and the gree n fluoresce nee was lost duri ng the conv ersi on in PDF format.Because of review ' s request, we have changed as miosisiblepthe magn ificati on in orderto mai ntai n the same scale bar but also to p reserve details. The differe nee betwee n XXX and XXX is not statistically sig nifica nt. I n order to betterclarify this issue we cha nged the grap hics of our statistical an alysis in Fig.另外一篇5分杂志的回复: 1nd Revision -authors ' response Referee #1: We want to beg in by tha nking Referee #1 for writi ng that is gen erally in teresting and imp orta nt in the field. criticism and suggesti on. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer, as summarized below. 1. “ the finding in our manu scri pt ” We also appreciated the constructiv 2. 3. 4. Accord ing to the referee ' s suggesti on, the exp erime nt dem on strati ng exp erime nt, this result is p rese nted in the revised Fig.The referee suggests dem on strati ng that ….This exp erime nt was p erformed in XXX by comparing … The referee comme nts that it is un clear whether the effect of ….is due to ….T address the referee ' s comme nt, we revised Fig. and dem on strated that r ….To furthe confirm •….Two new data have been added in the revised Fig. In summary, the results in Fig. dem on strate that Thanks to the referee ' s comment, the wrong figure numbers were corrected in the revised manu scri pt. …;in the new Referee #2: We want to tha nk Referee #2 for con structive and in sightful criticism and advice. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer as summarized below. 1. 2. 3. 4. The referee recomme nds to show ….We p erformed the exp erime nt and its result is in cluded in the revised Fig. Accord ing to the referee ' s suggesti on, the exp erime nts in Fig. were rep eated several times and rep rese ntative data are in cluded in the revised Fig.Based on the referee ' s comment that, echoing comment #4 of Referee #1, above. As stated above, we have in cluded new results, which in clude: All minor points raised by the reviewer were corrected accordi ngly. 2nd Revision -authors ' responseWe would like to tha nk the referees for their thoughtful review of our manu scri pt. Webelieve that the additi onal cha nges we have made in res ponse to the reviewers comme nts have made this a sig nifica ntly stron ger manu scri pt. Below is our poin t-by-point res ponse to the referee ' s comments. Referee #1: Referee #1 request two minor editorial cha nges. Both cha nges have bee n made accord in gly in the revised manu scri pt. Referee #2:We sin cerely apo logize to Referee #2 for not comp letely address ing all of the p oi nts raised in the p revious res pon se. We have done so below and added additi onaldata in hopes that this reviewer will be supp ortive of p ublicati on.Referee #2 requests evidenee that ….According to the referee ' s suggestion, a XX assay was p erformed in XXX cells to dem on strate that ….The result is p rese nted in Fig.Page 17, “ the ” E3 was changed to “ an ” E3.Referee #2 asks whether ….We would like to note that we inv estigated ….in ourp revious study and found no evide nee that ….Therefore, in this manu scri pt we focused on 1.2. 3.。
望对大家有帮助 1.Dear Prof. XXXX,Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to XXXX (MS Number XXXX).We have checked the manuscript and revised it according to the comments. We submit here the revised manuscript as well as a list of changes.If you have any question about this paper, please don’t hesitate to let me know.Sincerely yours,Dr. XXXXResponse to Reviewer 1:Thanks for your comments on our paper. We have revised our paper according to your comments:1. XXXXXXX2. XXXXXXX2.Dear Professor ***,Re: An *** Rotating Rigid-flexible Coupled System (No.: JSV-D-06-***)by ***Many thanks for your email of 24 Jun 2006, regarding the revision and advice ofthe above paper in JSV. Overall the comments have been fair, encouraging and constructive. We have learned much from it.After carefully studying the reviewer’comments and your advice, we have made corresponding changes to the paper. Our response of the comments is enclosed.If you need any other information, please contact me immediately by email. My email account is ***, and Tel.is ***, and Fax is +***.Yours sincerely,Detailed response to reviewer’s comments and Asian Editor’s adviceOverall the comments have been fair, encouraging and constructive. We have learned much from it. Although the reviewer’s comments are generally positive, we have carefully proofread the manuscript and edit it as following.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Besidesthe above changes, we have corrected some expression errors.Thank you very much for the excellent and professional revision of our manuscript.3.The manuscript is revised submission (×××-××××) with new line and page numbers in the text, some grammar and spelling errors had also been corrected. Furthermore, the relevant regulations had been made in the original manuscript according to the comments of reviewers, and the major revised portions were marked in red bold. We also responded point by point to each reviewer comments as listed below, along with a clear indication of the location of the revision.Hope these will make it more acceptable for publication.List of MajorChanges:1).........2).........3).........Response to Reviewers:1).........2).........3).........Res ponse to Reviewer XXWe very much appreciate the careful reading of our manuscript and valuable suggestions of the reviewer. We have carefully considered the comments and have revised the manuscript accordingly. The comments can be summarized as follows:1) XX2) XXDetailed responses1) XX2) XX4.Dear editor XXWe have received the comments on our manuscript entitled “XX”by XX. According to the comments of the reviewers, we have revised our manuscript. The revised manuscript and the detailed responses to the comments of the one reviewer are attached.Sincerelyyours,XX5.Response to Reviewer AReviewer A very kindly contacted me directly, and revealed himself tobe Professor Dr. Hans-Georg Geissler of the University of Leipzig. I wrote him a general response to both reviews in January 2000, followed by these responses to specific points, both his own, and those of the other reviewer .Response to Specific PointsWhat follows is a brief and cursory discussion of the various issues raised by yourself and the other reviewer. If you should revise your judgment of the validity of the theory, these points will be addressed at greater length in a new version of the paper that I would resubmit to Psychological Review.Response to Specific Points- Reviewer A:In part (1) of your critique the major complaint is that no theory is presented, which was discussed above. You continue "Regrettably, not much attention is drawn to specific differences betweenthe chosen examples that would be necessary to pinpoint specificities of perception more precisely", and "if perceptual systems, as suggested, hler (Kindeed act on the basis of HR, there must be many more specific constraints involved to ensure special `veridicality' properties of the perceptual outcome", and "the difficult analytic problems of concrete modeling of perception are not even touched". The model as presented is not a model of vision or audition or any other particular modality, but is a general model to confront the alternative neural receptive field paradigm, although examples from visual perception are used to exemplify the principles discussed. The more specific visual model was submitted elsewhere, in the Orientational Harmonic model, whereI showed how harmonic resonance accounts for specific visual illusory effects. As discussed above, the attempt here is to propose a general principle of neurocomputation, rather than a specific model of visual, auditory, or any other specific sensory modality. Again, what I am proposing is a paradigm rather than a theory, i.e. an alternative principle of neurocomputation with specific and unique properties, as an alternative to the neuron doctrine paradigm of the spatial receptive field. If this paper is eventually accepted for publication, then I will resubmit my papers on visual illusory phenomena, referring to this paper to justify the use of the unconventional harmonic resonance mechanism.In part (2) (a) of your critique you say "it is not clarified whether the postulated properties ofGestalts actually follow from this definition or partly derive from additional constraints." and "I doubt that any of the reviewed examples for HR can treat just the case of hler: (1961, p. 7) "Human experience in the phenomenological sense cannot yet be treated with our most reliable methods; and when dealing with it, we may be forced to form new concepts which at first, will often be a bit vague." Wolfgang Kthe dog cited to demonstrate `emergence'. For this a hierarchy relation is needed." The principle of emergence in Gestalt theory is a very difficult concept to express in unambiguous terms, and the dog picture was presented to illustrate this rather elusive concept with a concrete example. I do not suggest that HR as proposed in this paper can address the dog picture assuch, since this is specifically a visual problem, and the HR model as presented is not a visual model. Rather, I propose that the feature detection paradigm cannot in principle handle this kind of ambiguity, because the local features do not individually contain the information necessary to distinguish significant from insignificant edges. The solution of the HR approach to visual ambiguity is explained in the paper in the section on "Recognition by Reification" (p. 15-17) in which I propose that recognition is not simply a matter of the identification of features in the input, i.e. by the "lighting up" of a higher level feature node, but it involves a simultaneous abstraction and reification, in which the higher level feature node reifies its particular pattern back at the inputlevel, modulated by the exact pattern of the input. I appeal to the reader to see the reified form of the dog as perceived edges and surfaces that are not present in the input stimulus, as evidence for this reification in perception, which appears at the same time that the recognition occurs. The remarkable property of this reification is that the dog appears not as an image of a canonical, or prototypical dog, but as a dog percept that is warped to the exact posture and configuration allowed by the input, as observed in the subjective experience of the dog picture. This explanation is subject to your criticism in your general comments, that "the author demonstrates more insight than explicitly stated in assumptions and drawn conclusions". I can only say that, in Kuhn's words, sometimes it isonly personal and inarticulate aesthetic considerations that can be used to make the case.In the words of Wolfgang K?hler: (1961, p.7)"Human experience in the phenomenological sense cannot yet be treated with our most reliable methods; and when dealing with it, we may be forced to form new concepts which at first, will often be a bit vague."Wolfgang K?hler (K?hler 1923 p. 64)"Natural sciences continually advance explanatory hyptotheses, which cannot be verified by direct observation at the time when they are formed nor for a long time thereafter. Of such a kind were Ampere's theory of magnetism, the kinetic theory of gases, the electronic theory, the hypothesis of atomic disinte gration in the theory of radioactivity. Some of theseassumptions have since been verified by direct obser vation, or have at least come close to such direct verification; others are still far removed from it. But physics and chemistry would have been condemned to a permanent embryonic state had they abstained from such hypotheses; their development seems rather like a continuous effort steadily to shorten the rest of the way to the verification of hypotheses which survive this process"In section (2) (b) of your critique you complain that "there is no serious discussion of possible alternatives", and you mention Neo-Gibsonian approaches, PDP, Grossberg's ART model and Pribram's holographic theory. In the next version of the paper this omission will be corrected, approximately as follows. Gibson's use of the termresonance is really a metaphorical device, since Gibson offers no mechanisms or analogies of perceptual processes, but merely suggests that there is a two-way flow of information (resonance) between behavior and the environment. This is really merely a metaphor, rather than a model.The PDP approach does address the issue of emergence, but since the basic computational unit of the neural network model is a hard-wired receptive field, this theory suffers all the limitations of a template theory. The same holds for Grossberg's "Adaptive Resonance Theory", which also uses the word resonance metaphorically to suggest a bottom-up top- down matching, but in Grossberg's model that matching is actually performed by receptive fields, or spatial templates. The ART modeldemonstrates the limitations of this approach. For the only way that a higher-level detector, or "F2 node", can exhibit generalization to different input patterns, is for it to have synaptic weights to all of the patterns to which it responds. In essence, the pattern of synaptic weights is a superposition or blurring together of all of the possible input patterns to which the F2 node should respond. In top-down priming mode therefore that F2 node would "print" that same blurred pattern back at the lower "F1 node" level, activating all of the possible patterns to which that F2 node is tuned to respond. For example if an ART model were trained to respond to an "X"-shaped feature presented at all possible orientations, top-down priming of this node after training would "print" a pattern of allthose X-shaped features at all orientations superimposed, which is simply an amorphous blob. In fact, that same node would respond even better to a blob feature than to any single X feature. In the presence of a partial or ambiguous X-like pattern presented at a particular orientation, the ART model could not complete that pattern specific to its orientation. The HR model on the other hand offers a different and unique principle of representation, in which top-down activation of the higher level node can complete a partial or ambiguous input pattern in the specific orientation at which it appears, but that same priming would complete the pattern differently if it appeared in a different orientation. This generalization in recognition, but specification in completion, is a property that isunique to the harmonic resonance representation.Kuhn observes that the old paradigm can always be reformulated to account for any particular phenomenon addressed by the new paradigm, just as the Ptolomaic earth- centered cosmology could account for the motions of the planets to arbitrary precision, given enough nested cycles and epicycles of the crystal spheres. Similarly, a conventional neural network model can always be contrived to exhibit the same functional behavior of generalized recognition but specific completion described above, but only by postulating an implausible arrangement of spatial receptive fields. In this case that would require specific X-feature templates applied to the input at every possible orientation, any one of which canstimulate a single rotation-invariant X-feature node, to account for bottom-up rotation invariance in recognition. However in order to also account for top-down completion specific to orientation, top-down activation of the higher-level invariant node would have to feed back down to a set of top-down projection nodes, each of which is equipped with an X-shaped projective template at a particular orientation, able to project a complete X-shaped pattern on the input field. But the top-down completion must select only the specific orientation that best matches the pattern present in the input, and complete the pattern only at that best matching orientation. This system therefore requires two complete sets of X-feature receptive fields or templates, one set for bottom-uprecognition and the other set for top-down completion, each set containing X-feature templates at every possible orientation, and similar sets of receptive fields would be required for the recognition of other shaped patterns such as "T" and "V" features. This represents a "brute force" approach to achieving invariance, which although perhaps marginally plausible in this specific example, is completely implausible as a general principle of operation of neurocomputation, given the fact that invariance appears to be so fundamental a property of human and animal perception. However, as Kuhn also observes, a factor such as neural plausibility is itself a "personal and inarticulate aesthetic consideration" that cannot be determined unambiguously by the evaluativeprocedures characteristic of normal science.With regard to Pribram's Holographic theory, the concept of a hologram is closely related to a standing wave model, since it too works by interference of waveforms. The difference is that the hologram is "frozen in time" like a photograph, and therefore does not exhibit the tolerance to elastic deformation of the input, as does the standing wave model. Neither does the hologram exhibit rotation invariance as does the standing wave in a circular- symmetric system. However holograms can in principle be constructed of dynamic standing waves, as Pribram himself suggests, and this concept then becomes a harmonic resonance theory. The present proposal is therefore closely related to Pribram's approach, whichwill be discussed in the next version of the paper.The discussion of alternative models was indeed a significant omission in the version of the paper you reviewed, the next version will include such a discussion, which in turn will help to clarify the operational principles of the HR theory, and distinguish it from alternative approaches.In section (3) of your critique you propose that "notions like the receptive field concept are approximate descriptions of facts", and you propose a dualistic approach involving two forms of representations in the brain which are of different and complementary nature. While I do not dispute the anatomical facts of the shapes of neuron and the function of synapses, it has never been demonstrated that a neuron actually operates as a spatialtemplate, that theory arose as an explanation for the neurophysiological response of "feature detector" cells in the cortex. However the noisy stochastic nature of the neural response, and its very broad tuning function seem to argue against this view. My own hunch is that the feature detector behavior is itself a standing wave phenomenon, which is consistent with the fact that the response function of V1 cortical neurons resembles a Gabor function, which is itself a wavelet. However this issue is orthogonal to my main point, which is that whether or not some neurons behave as spatial templates, the limitations of a template theory suggest that the Gestalt properties of perception (emergence, invariance, reification, multistability) cannot be accountedfor in that manner, and that some other significant principle of computation must be invoked to account for the Gestalt properties of perception.In section (4) you complain that there is no discussion of the limitations in the scope of HR. For example merely to reflect outside reality does not contribute to the problem of conscious awareness of these objects. However this issue is not unique to HR, it is a general philosophical issue that applies just as well to the alternative Neuron Doctrine model. But the Neuron doctrine itself cannot even plausibly account for the reflection of outside reality in an internal representation, due to the problems of emergence, reification, and invariance, which is why the Neuron Doctrine suggests a more abstracted concept of visualrepresentation, in which the visual experience is encoded in a far more abstracted and abbreviated form. Therefore although HR does not solve the "problem of consciousness" completely, it is one step closer to a solution than the alternative. The philosophical issue of consciousness however is beyond the scope of this paper, which is a theory of neural representation, rather than a philosophical paper. I enclose a copy of my book, "The World In Your Head", which addresses these philosophical issues more extensively.Professor Geissler's ResponseProfessor Geissler kindly responded to my letter in April 2000 to say that he agreed with nearly everything I had said. He then gave me advice about the presentation of the idea. He recommended that Ibegin by describing the Neuron Doctrine in detail, and then point out the limitations of the idea before presenting the Harmonic Resonance theory as an alternative. I re-wrote the paper following Geissler's advice, and I included some ideas from the above letter in the new version of the paper. However it was too late to resubmit it to Psychological Review since the editor who was handling the paper was leaving. Furthermore, I am becoming convinced that the proper medium for presenting radically new and different theories is the open peer review format of the Behavioral and Brain Sciences journal, which is where I submitted the revised version of this paper.6.Dear Dr. S. Heller,Attached please the revised manuscript " A Group-Decision Approach for Evaluating EducationalWeb Sites" submitted to computers & Education for possible publication. A file containing the revision summary is also attached. Your acknowledgement will be highly appreciated.Thank you.Sincerely yoursGwo-Jen HwangInformation Management DepartmentNational Chi Nan UniversityPu-Li, Nan-Tou, Taiwan 545, R.O.C.FAX: 886-940503178TEL: 886-915396558Response to Reviewers and EditorPaper#: SMCC-03-06-0056Title: On the Development of a Computer-Assisted Testing System with Genetic Test Sheet-Generating Approach[Reviewer 1 Comments]:____ The paper should be shortened.[Response to Reviewer 1]:The paper has been shortened to 24 pages by removing some redundant descriptions of genetic models andalgorithms; moreover, Sections 3 and 4 have been re-written to condense the entire paper.[Reviewer 2 Comments]:No innovative contribution was found both in the theory of genetic algorithms and in the application of them.[Response to Reviewer 2]:(1)_We have re-written the abstract and Sections 1 and 2 to explain the importance about the construction of a good test sheet. The major contribution of this paper is not in its technical part. Instead, we tried to cope with an important problem arising from real educational applications. Such a problem is known to be critical and has not been efficiently and effectively solved before.(2)_Since the innovative contribution of this paper might not be significant, we have re-written the paper as a technical correspondencebased on the editor's suggestion.[Reviewer 3 Comments]:Make the definitions, formulas, and other descriptions clearer and more precise, so that the revised paper will be improved in its readability and correctness.[Response to Reviewer 3]:Te mixed integer models and the genetic algorithms in Sections 3 and 4 have been re-written to make the definitions, formulas, and other descriptions clearer and more precise (please refer to Pages 6-17). Moreover, a colleague who is an English expert has carefully checked the paper to correct potential grammatical errors.。
回复审稿意见的礼貌用语英语English:"Dear Reviewer,Thank you very much for your thoughtful and detailed comments on our manuscript. We greatly appreciate the time and effort you have dedicated to reviewing our work. Your feedback is invaluable, providing us with crucial insights and guidance to improve the quality of our paper. We have carefully considered each of your suggestions and have made the necessary revisions accordingly. Our responses to your specific points are outlined below. Please let us know if there are any further changes or clarifications required. Once again, thank you for your constructive criticism, and we look forward to your feedback on our revised manuscript."中文翻译:"尊敬的审稿人,非常感谢您对我们稿件的深思熟虑和详细的评论。
如何回复修稿信件模板Dear Editor,We are pleased to answer the questions of the reviewers’and the manuscript (Manuscript number...)) has also been extensively revised according to the comments (resubmitted online). Question #1:Answer:Question #2:Answer:Best wishes,Sincerely yours,Name在修回时,最头痛的是如何满足个别revewer的"不可实现"的要求。
Dear editor:Thanks a lot for having reviewed our manuscript.Now we have revised the manuscript according to the revewers'Thanks a lot for having revewed our manuscript. Now we have revised the manuscript according to the reviewerscomments.Most of the revisions are in the manuscript.Some explanations regarding the reisions of our manuscriptare as follows.Dear Prof.XXXX,Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to x0.x (MSNumber x000).We have checked the manuscript and rewsed it according to the comments. We submit here therevsed manuscript as well as a list of changes.lf you have any question about this paper, please don't hesitate to letme know.Sincerely yours,Dr. xXxxXResponse to Reviewer 1:Thanks for your comments on our paper. We have revsed our paper according to your comments:1.xxxXXXX2.xxXXXX或Dear editor:Thanks a lot for having reviewed our manuscript. Now we have rewised the manuscript according to the reviewers'comments.Most of the revisions are in the manuscript.Some explanations regarding the revisions of our manuscriptare as follows.。
如何回复审稿人意见审稿回复The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020如何回复英文论文编辑部的修改意见Response to Editor and Reviewer这是我的英文修改稿回复信Dear Editor,RE: Manuscript IDWe would like to thank XXX (name of Journal) for giving us the opportunity to revise our manuscript.We thank the reviewers for their careful read and thoughtful comments on previous draft. We have carefully taken their comments into consideration in preparing our revision, which has resulted in a paper that is clearer, more compelling, and broader. The following summarizes how we responded to reviewer comments.Below is our response to their comments.Thanks for all the help.Best wishes,Dr. XXXCorresponding Author下面是如何对Reviewer的意见进行point by point回答:一些习惯用语如下:Revision —authors’ responseReviewer #1:Major comments1.The referee correctly noted that our language about XXX was ambiguous. Therefore,we changed the text and the figures to emphasize that …. To further support theconcept that, we have analyzed …. As depicted in Supplementary Fig. S1…2.As suggested by the reviewer we have emphasized our observations of XXX inresults and discussion sections. We have added new findings (see above point) in Supplementary Fig S. to support…3.As requested by the reviewer we have added a scheme (Supplementary Fig.) thatsummarizes…Minor comments1.We have removed the word SUFFICIENT from the title.2.We have added and improved the scale bars in the figure 1 and 2.3.We have added statistics to Fig 5C.4.We have corrected the typescript errors in the XXX paragraph.Reviewer #2:1.Because of the reviewer’s request, we have performed new experiments to betterclarify… The new Fig. shows that… This finding suggests that…2.As suggested by the reviewer we have added new data of XXX to clarify the pointthat…3.We agree with the reviewer that … Because of the reviewer’s request we have usedXXX to confirm that… The new data are depicted in Supplementary Fig .4.Because of reviewer’s request, we have analyzed the efficie ncy of RNAi byquantitative RT-PCR the efficiency of RNAi. We have now added the new panel in Supplementary Fig.Reviewer #3:1.Because of the referee’s comment, we have moved the panel of Fig. 5 into the newFigure 6 and we have added new exper iments to address …. The new Fig. 6 shows that….2.In response to the reviewer’s requests, we have studied…. The new data are depictedin Suppplementary Fig.3.We agree with reviewer that…. However, a recent paper has shown that …. We haveadded this reference and modified the sentence to underline….4.We have changes Figure 1 with a picture that…. The previous one was too week andthe green fluorescence was lost during the conversion in PDF format.5.Because of review’s request, we have changed as much as possible the magnificationin order to maintain the same scale bar but also to preserve details.6.The difference between XXX and XXX is not statistically significant. In order tobetter clarify this issue we changed the graphics of our statistical analysis in Fig.另外一篇5分杂志的回复:1nd Revision –authors’ responseReferee #1:We want to begin by thanking Referee #1 for writing that “the finding in our manuscript is generally interesting and important in the field.” We also appreci ated the constructive criticism and suggestion. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer, as summarized below.1.According to the referee’s suggestion, the experiment demonstrating…; in the newexperiment, this result is presented in the revised Fig.2.The referee suggests demonstrating that…. This experiment was performed in XXXby comparing…3.The referee comments that it is unclear whether the effect of ….is due to …. Toaddress the referee’s comment, we revised Fig. and demonstrated that…. To further confirm…. Two new data have been added in the revised Fig. In summary, the results in Fig. demonstrate that….4.Thanks to the referee’s comment, the wrong figure numbers were corrected in therevised manuscript.Referee #2:We want to thank Referee #2 for constructive and insightful criticism and advice. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer as summarized below.1.The referee recommends to show…. We performed the experiment and its result isincluded in the revised Fig.2.According to the referee’s suggestion, the experiments in Fig. were repeated severaltimes and representative data are included in the revised Fig.3.Based on the referee’s comment that, echoing comment #4 of Referee #1, above. Asstated above, we have included new results, which include:4.All minor points raised by the reviewer were corrected accordingly.2nd Revision –authors’ responseWe would like to thank the referees for their thoughtful review of our manuscript. We believe that the additional changes we have made in response to the reviewers comments have made this a significantly stronger manuscript. Below is our point-by-point response to the referee’s comments.Referee #1:Referee #1 request two minor editorial changes. Both changes have been made accordingly in the revised manuscript.Referee #2:We sincerely apologize to Referee #2 for not completely addressing all of the points raised in the previous response. We have done so below and added additional data in hopes that this reviewer will be supportive of publication.1.Referee #2 requests evidence that …. According to the referee’s suggestion, a XXXassay was performed in XXX cells to demonstrate that …. The result is presented in Fig.2.Page 17, “the” E3 was changed to “an” E3.3.Referee #2 asks whether…. We would like to note that we investigated ….in ourprevious study and found no evidence that …. Therefore, in this manuscript we focused on ….。
其次,是回信的格式问题,要注意在开头写上文章的基本信息,比如manuscript tracking number, title, author 等。
如何回复英文论文编辑部的修改意见Response to Editor and Reviewer这是我的英文修改稿回复信Dear Editor,RE: Manuscript IDWe would like to thank XXX (name of Journal) for giving us the opportunity to revise our manuscript.We thank the reviewers for their careful read and thoughtful comments on previous draft. We have carefully taken their comments into consideration in preparing our revision, which has resulted in a paper that is clearer, more compelling, and broader. The following summarizes how we responded to reviewer comments.Below is our response to their comments.Thanks for all the help.Best wishes,Dr. XXXCorresponding Author下面是如何对Reviewer的意见进行point by point回答:一些习惯用语如下:Revision —authors’ responseReviewer #1:Major comments1.The referee correctly noted that our language about XXXwas ambiguous. Therefore, we changed the text and thefigures to emphasize that …. To further support the concept that, we have analyzed …. As depicted in Supplementary Fig. S1…2.As suggested by the reviewer we have emphasized ourobservations of XXX in results and discussion sections. We have added new findings (see above point) inSupplementary Fig S. to support…3.As requested by the reviewer we have added a scheme(Supplementary Fig.) that summarizes…Minor comments1.We have removed the word SUFFICIENT from the title.2.We have added and improved the scale bars in the figure 1and 2.3.We have added statistics to Fig 5C.4.We have corrected the typescript errors in the XXXparagraph.Reviewer #2:1.Because of the revi ewer’s request, we have performed newexperiments to better clarify… The new Fig. shows that…This finding suggests that…2.As suggested by the reviewer we have added new data ofXXX to clarify the point that…3.We agree with the reviewer that … Because of thereviewer’s request we have used XXX to confirm that…The new data are depicted in Supplementary Fig .4.Because of reviewer’s request, we have analyzed theefficiency of RNAi by quantitative RT-PCR the efficiency of RNAi. We have now added the new panel inSupplementary Fig.Reviewer #3:1.Because of the referee’s comment, we have moved the panelof Fig. 5 into the new Figure 6 and we have added newexperiments to address …. The new Fig. 6 shows that…. 2.In response to the reviewer’s requests, we have studied….The new data are depicted in Suppplementary Fig.3.We agree with reviewer that…. However, a recent paper hasshown that …. We have added this reference and modified the sentence to underline….4.We have changes Figure 1 with a picture that…. Theprevious one was too week and the green fluorescence was lost during the conversion in PDF format.5.Because of review’s request, we have changed as much aspossible the magnification in order to maintain the samescale bar but also to preserve details.6.The difference between XXX and XXX is not statisticallysignificant. In order to better clarify this issue we changed the graphics of our statistical analysis in Fig.另外一篇5分杂志的回复:1nd Revision –authors’ responseReferee #1:We want to begin by thanking Re feree #1 for writing that “the finding in our manuscript is generally interesting and important in the field.” We also appreciated the constructive criticism and suggestion. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer, as summarized below.1.Accordi ng to the referee’s suggestion, the experimentdemonstrating…; in the new experiment, this result ispresented in the revised Fig.2.The referee suggests demonstrating that…. This experimentwas performed in XXX by comparing…3.The referee comments that it is unclear whether the effectof ….is due to …. To address the referee’s comment, werevised Fig. and demonstrated that…. To further confirm….Two new data have been added in the revised Fig. Insummary, the results in Fig. demonstrate that….4.Thanks to the referee’s comment, the wrong figure numberswere corrected in the revised manuscript.Referee #2:We want to thank Referee #2 for constructive and insightful criticism and advice. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer as summarized below.1.The referee recommends to show…. We performed theexperiment and its result is included in the revised Fig.2.According to the referee’s suggestion, the experiments in Fig.were repeated several times and representative data areincluded in the revised Fig.3.Based on the referee’s comment that, echoing comment #4of Referee #1, above. As stated above, we have includednew results, which include:4.All minor points raised by the reviewer were correctedaccordingly.2nd Revision –authors’ responseWe would like to thank the referees for their thoughtful review of our manuscript. We believe that the additional changes we have made in response to the reviewers comments have made this a significantly stronger manuscript. Below is our point-by-point response t o the referee’s comments.Referee #1:Referee #1 request two minor editorial changes. Both changes have been made accordingly in the revised manuscript.Referee #2:We sincerely apologize to Referee #2 for not completely addressing all of the points raised in the previous response. We have done so below and added additional data in hopes that this reviewer will be supportive of publication.1.Referee #2 requests evidence that …. According to thereferee’s suggestion, a XXX assay was performed in XXX cells t o demonstrate that …. The result is presented in Fig.2.Page 17, “the” E3 was changed to “an” E3.3.Referee #2 asks whether…. We would like to note that weinvestigated ….in our previous study and found noevidence that …. Therefore, in this manuscript we focused。
如何回复英文论文编辑部的修改意见Response to Editor and Reviewer这是我的英文修改稿回复信Dear Editor,RE: Manuscript IDWe would like to thank XXX (name of Journal) for giving us the opportunity to revise our manuscript.We thank the reviewers for their careful read and thoughtful comments on previous draft. We have carefully taken their comments into consideration in preparing our revision, which has resulted in a paper that is clearer, more compelling, and broader. The following summarizes how we responded to reviewer comments.Below is our response to their comments.Thanks for all the help.Best wishes,Dr. XXXCorresponding Author下面是如何对Reviewer的意见进行point by point回答:一些习惯用语如下:Revision —authors’ responseReviewer #1:Major comments1.The referee correctly noted that our language about XXX was ambiguous.Therefore, we changed the text and the figures to emphasize that …. To furthersupport the concept that, we have analyzed …. As depicted in Supplementary Fig.S1…2.As suggested by the reviewer we have emphasized our observations of XXX inresults and discussion sections. We have added new findings (see above point) in Supplementary Fig S. to support…3.As requested by the reviewer we have added a scheme (Supplementary Fig.) thatsummarizes…Minor comments1.We have removed the word SUFFICIENT from the title.2.We have added and improved the scale bars in the figure 1 and 2.3.We have added statistics to Fig 5C.4.We have corrected the typescript errors in the XXX paragraph.Reviewer #2:1.Because of the reviewer’s request, we have performed new experiments to betterclarify… The new Fig. shows that… This finding suggests that…2.As suggested by the reviewer we have added new data of XXX to clarify the pointthat…3.We agree with the reviewer that … Because of the reviewer’s request we have usedXXX to confirm that… The new data are depicted in Supplementary Fig .4.Because of reviewer’s request, we have analyzed the efficiency of RNAi byquantitative RT-PCR the efficiency of RNAi. We have now added the new panel in Supplementary Fig.Reviewer #3:1.Because of the referee’s comment, we have moved the panel of Fig. 5 into the newFigure 6 and we have added new experiments to address …. The new Fig. 6 shows that….2.In response to the reviewer’s requests, we have studied…. The new data aredepicted in Suppplementary Fig.3.We agree with reviewer that…. However, a recent paper has shown that …. Wehave added this reference and mo dified the sentence to underline….4.We have changes Figure 1 with a picture that…. The previous one was too weekand the green fluorescence was lost during the conversion in PDF format.5.Because of review’s request, we have changed as much as p ossible themagnification in order to maintain the same scale bar but also to preserve details.6.The difference between XXX and XXX is not statistically significant. In order tobetter clarify this issue we changed the graphics of our statistical analysis in Fig.另外一篇5分杂志的回复:1nd Revision –authors’ responseReferee #1:We want to begin by thanking Referee #1 for writing that “the finding in our manuscript is generally interesting and important in the field.” We also appreciated the constructive criticism and suggestion. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer, as summarized below.1.According to the referee’s suggestion, the experiment demonstrating…; in the newexperiment, this result is presented in the revised Fig.2.The referee suggests demonstrating that…. This experiment was performed in XXXby comparing…3.The referee comments that it is unclear whether the effect of ….is due to …. Toaddress the referee’s comment, we revised Fig. and demonstrated that…. To furthe r confirm…. Two new data have been added in the revised Fig. In summary, the results in Fig. demonstrate that….4.Thanks to the referee’s comment, the wrong figure numbers were corrected in therevised manuscript.Referee #2:We want to thank Referee #2 for constructive and insightful criticism and advice. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer as summarized below.1.The referee recommends to show…. We performed the experiment and its result isincluded in the revised Fig.2.Acc ording to the referee’s suggestion, the experiments in Fig. were repeated severaltimes and representative data are included in the revised Fig.3.Based on the referee’s comment that, echoing comment #4 of Referee #1, above. Asstated above, we have included new results, which include:4.All minor points raised by the reviewer were corrected accordingly.2nd Revision –authors’ responseWe would like to thank the referees for their thoughtful review of our manuscript. We believe that the additional changes we have made in response to the reviewers comments have made this a significantly stronger manuscript. Below is our point-by-point response to the referee’s comments.Referee #1:Referee #1 request two minor editorial changes. Both changes have been made accordingly in the revised manuscript.Referee #2:We sincerely apologize to Referee #2 for not completely addressing all of the points raised in the previous response. We have done so below and added additional data in hopes that this reviewer will be supportive of publication.1.Referee #2 requests evidence that …. According to the referee’s suggestion, a XXXassay was performed in XXX cells to demonstrate that …. The result is presented in Fig.2.Page 17, “the” E3 was changed to “an” E3.3.Referee #2 asks whether…. We would like to note that we investigated ….in ourprevious study and found no evidence that …. Therefore, in this manuscript wefocused on ….。
望对大家有帮助1.Dear Prof. XXXX,Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to XXXX (MS Number XXXX).We have checked the manuscript and revised it according to the comments. We submit here the revised manuscript as well as a list of changes.If you have any question about this paper, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Sincerely yours,Dr. XXXXResponse to Reviewer 1:Thanks for your comments on our paper. We have revised our paper according to your comments:1. XXXXXXX2. XXXXXXX2.Dear Professor ***,Re: An *** Rotating Rigid-flexible Coupled System (No.: JSV-D-06-***)by ***Many thanks for your email of 24 Jun 2006, regarding the revision and advice of the above paper in JSV. Overall the comments have been fair, encouraging and constructive. We have learned much from it.After carefully studying the reviewer’ comments and your advice, we have made corresponding changes to the paper. Our response of the comments is enclosed.If you need any other information, please contact me immediately by email. My email account is ***, and ***, and Fax is +***.Yours sincerely,Detailed response to reviewer’s comments and Asian Editor’s adviceOverall the comments have been fair, encouraging and constructive. We have learned much from it. Although the reviewer’s comments are generally positive, we have carefully proofread the manuscript and edit it as following.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)Besides the above changes, we have corrected some expression errors.Thank you very much for the excellent and professional revision of our manuscript.3.The manuscript is revised submission (×××-××××) with new line and page numbers in the text, some grammar and spelling errors had also been corrected. Furthermore, the relevant regulations had been made in the original manuscript according to the comments of reviewers, and the major revised portions were marked in red bold. We also responded point by point to each reviewer comments as listed below, along with a clear indication of the location of the revision. Hope these will make it more acceptable for publication.List of Major Changes:1).........2).........3).........Response to Reviewers:1).........2).........3).........Response to Reviewer XXWe very much appreciate the careful reading of our manuscript and valuable suggestions of the reviewer. We have carefully considered the comments and have revised the manuscript accordingly. The comments can be summarized as follows:1) XX2) XXDetailed responses1) XX2) XX4.Dear editor XXWe have received the comments on our manuscript entitled “XX” by XX. According to the comments of the reviewers, we have revised our manuscript. The revised manuscript and the detailed responses to the comments of the one reviewer are attached.Sincerely yours,XX5.Response to Reviewer AReviewer A very kindly contacted me directly, and revealed himself to be Professor Dr. Hans-Georg Geissler of the University of Leipzig. I wrote him a general response to both reviews in January 2000, followed by these responses to specific points, both his own, and those of the other reviewer .Response to Specific PointsWhat follows is a brief and cursory discussion of the various issues raised by yourself and the other reviewer. If you should revise your judgment of the validity of the theory, these points will be addressed at greater length in a new version of the paper that I would resubmit to Psychological Review.Response to Specific Points- Reviewer A:In part (1) of your critique the major complaint is that no theory is presented, which was discussed above. You continue "Regrettably, not much attention is drawn to specific differences between the chosen examples that would be necessary topinpoint specificities of perception more precisely", and "if perceptual systems, as suggested, hler (Kindeed act on the basis of HR, there must be many more specific constraints involved to ensure special `veridicality' properties of the perceptual outcome", and "the difficult analytic problems of concrete modeling of perception are not even touched". The model as presented is not a model of vision or audition or any other particular modality, but is a general model to confront the alternative neural receptive field paradigm, although examples from visual perception are used to exemplify the principles discussed. The more specific visual model was submitted elsewhere, in the Orientational Harmonic model, where I showed how harmonic resonance accounts for specific visual illusory effects. As discussed above, the attempt here is to propose a general principle of neurocomputation, rather than a specific model of visual, auditory, or any other specific sensory modality. Again, what I am proposing is a paradigm rather than a theory, . an alternative principle of neurocomputation with specific and unique properties, as an alternative to the neuron doctrine paradigm of the spatial receptive field. If this paper is eventually accepted for publication, then I will resubmit my papers on visual illusory phenomena, referring to this paper to justify the use of the unconventional harmonic resonance mechanism.In part (2) (a) of your critique you say "it is not clarified whether the postulated properties of Gestalts actually follow from this definition or partly derive from additional constraints." and "I doubt that any of the reviewed examples for HR can treat just the case of hler: (1961, p. 7) "Human experience in the phenomenological sense cannot yet be treated with our most reliable methods; and when dealing with it, we may be forced to form new concepts which at first, will often be a bit vague." Wolfgang Kthe dog cited to demonstrate`emergence'. For this a hierarchy relation is needed." The principle of emergence in Gestalt theory is a very difficult concept to express in unambiguous terms, and the dog picture was presented to illustrate this rather elusive concept with a concrete example. I do not suggest that HR as proposed in this paper can address the dog picture as such, since this is specifically a visual problem, and the HR model as presented is not a visual model. Rather, I propose that the feature detection paradigm cannot in principle handle this kind of ambiguity, because the local features do not individually contain the information necessary to distinguish significant from insignificant edges. The solution of the HR approach to visual ambiguity is explained in the paper in the section on "Recognition by Reification" (p. 15-17) in which I propose that recognition is not simply a matter of the identification of features in the input, . by the "lighting up" of a higher level feature node, but it involves a simultaneous abstraction and reification, in which the higher level feature node reifies its particular pattern back at the input level, modulated by the exact pattern of the input. I appeal to the reader to see the reified form of the dog as perceived edges and surfaces that are not present in the input stimulus, as evidence for this reification in perception, which appears at the same time that the recognition occurs. The remarkable property of this reification is that the dog appears not as an image of a canonical, or prototypical dog, but as a dog percept that is warped to the exact posture and configuration allowed by the input, as observed in the subjective experience of the dog picture. This explanation is subject to your criticism in your general comments, that "the author demonstrates more insight than explicitly stated in assumptions and drawn conclusions". I can only say that, in Kuhn's words, sometimes it is only personal and inarticulate aesthetic considerations that can be used to make the case.In the words of Wolfgang Khler: (1961, p. 7)"Human experience in the phenomenological sense cannot yet be treated with our most reliable methods; and when dealing with it, we may be forced to form new concepts which at first, will often be a bit vague."Wolfgang Khler (Khler 1923 p. 64)"Natural sciences continually advance explanatory hyptotheses, which cannot be verified by direct observation at the time when they are formed nor for a long time thereafter. Of such a kind were Ampere's theory of magnetism, the kinetic theory of gases, the electronic theory, the hypothesis of atomic disinte gration in the theory of radioactivity. Some of these assumptions have since been verified by direct obser vation, or have at least come close to such direct verification; others are still far removed from it. But physics and chemistry would have been condemned to a permanent embryonic state had they abstained from such hypotheses; their development seems rather like a continuous effort steadily to shorten the rest of the way to the verification of hypotheses which survive this process"In section (2) (b) of your critique you complain that "there is no serious discussion of possible alternatives", and you mention Neo-Gibsonian approaches, PDP, Grossberg's ART model and Pribram's holographic theory. In the next version of the paper this omission will be corrected, approximately as follows. Gibson's use of the term resonance is really a metaphorical device, since Gibson offers no mechanisms or analogies of perceptual processes, but merely suggests that there is a two-way flow of information (resonance) between behavior and the environment. This is really merely a metaphor, rather than a model.The PDP approach does address the issue of emergence, but since the basiccomputational unit of the neural network model is a hard-wired receptive field, this theory suffers all the limitations of a template theory. The same holds for Grossberg's "Adaptive Resonance Theory", which also uses the word resonance metaphorically to suggest a bottom-up top- down matching, but in Grossberg's model that matching is actually performed by receptive fields, or spatial templates. The ART model demonstrates the limitations of this approach. For the only way that a higher-level detector, or "F2 node", can exhibit generalization to different input patterns, is for it to have synaptic weights to all of the patterns to which it responds. In essence, the pattern of synaptic weights is a superposition or blurring together of all of the possible input patterns to which the F2 node should respond. In top-down priming mode therefore that F2 node would "print" that same blurred pattern back at the lower "F1 node" level, activating all of the possible patterns to which that F2 node is tuned to respond. For example if an ART model were trained to respond to an "X"-shaped feature presented at all possible orientations, top-down priming of this node after training would "print" a pattern of all those X-shaped features at all orientations superimposed, which is simply an amorphous blob. In fact, that same node would respond even better to a blob feature than to any single X feature. In the presence of a partial or ambiguous X-like pattern presented at a particular orientation, the ART model could not complete that pattern specific to its orientation. The HR model on the other hand offers a different and unique principle of representation, in which top-down activation of the higher level node can complete a partial or ambiguous input pattern in the specific orientation at which it appears, but that same priming would complete the pattern differently if it appeared in a different orientation. This generalization in recognition, but specification in completion, is a property that is unique to the harmonic resonance representation.Kuhn observes that the old paradigm can always be reformulated to account for any particular phenomenon addressed by the new paradigm, just as the Ptolomaic earth- centered cosmology could account for the motions of the planets to arbitrary precision, given enough nested cycles and epicycles of the crystal spheres. Similarly, a conventional neural network model can always be contrived to exhibit the same functional behavior of generalized recognition but specific completion described above, but only by postulating an implausible arrangement of spatial receptive fields. In this case that would require specific X-feature templates applied to the input at every possible orientation, any one of which can stimulate a single rotation-invariant X-feature node, to account for bottom-up rotation invariance in recognition. However in order to also account for top-down completion specific to orientation, top-down activation of the higher-level invariant node would have to feed back down to a set of top-down projection nodes, each of which is equipped with an X-shaped projective template at a particular orientation, able to project a complete X-shaped pattern on the input field. But the top-down completion must select only the specific orientation that best matches the pattern present in the input, and complete the pattern only at that best matching orientation. This system therefore requires two complete sets of X-feature receptive fields or templates, one set for bottom-up recognition and the other set for top-down completion, each set containing X-feature templates at every possible orientation, and similar sets of receptive fields would be required for the recognition of other shaped patterns such as "T" and "V" features. This represents a "brute force" approach to achieving invariance, which although perhaps marginally plausible in this specific example, is completely implausible as a general principle of operation of neurocomputation, given the fact that invariance appears to be so fundamentala property of human and animal perception. However, as Kuhn also observes, a factor such as neural plausibility is itself a "personal and inarticulate aesthetic consideration" that cannot be determined unambiguously by the evaluative procedures characteristic of normal science.With regard to Pribram's Holographic theory, the concept of a hologram is closely related to a standing wave model, since it too works by interference of waveforms. The difference is that the hologram is "frozen in time" like a photograph, and therefore does not exhibit the tolerance to elastic deformation of the input, as does the standing wave model. Neither does the hologram exhibit rotation invariance as does the standing wave in a circular- symmetric system. However holograms can in principle be constructed of dynamic standing waves, as Pribram himself suggests, and this concept then becomes a harmonic resonance theory. The present proposal is therefore closely related to Pribram's approach, which will be discussed in the next version of the paper.The discussion of alternative models was indeed a significant omission in the version of the paper you reviewed, the next version will include such a discussion, which in turn will help to clarify the operational principles of the HR theory, and distinguish it from alternative approaches.In section (3) of your critique you propose that "notions like the receptive field concept are approximate descriptions of facts", and you propose a dualistic approach involving two forms of representations in the brain which are of different and complementary nature. While I do not dispute the anatomical facts of the shapes of neuron and the function of synapses, it has never been demonstrated that a neuron actually operates as a spatial template, that theoryarose as an explanation for the neurophysiological response of "feature detector" cells in the cortex. However the noisy stochastic nature of the neural response, and its very broad tuning function seem to argue against this view. My own hunch is that the feature detector behavior is itself a standing wave phenomenon, which is consistent with the fact that the response function of V1 cortical neurons resembles a Gabor function, which is itself a wavelet. However this issue is orthogonal to my main point, which is that whether or not some neurons behave as spatial templates, the limitations of a template theory suggest that the Gestalt properties of perception (emergence, invariance, reification, multistability) cannot be accounted for in that manner, and that some other significant principle of computation must be invoked to account for the Gestalt properties of perception.In section (4) you complain that there is no discussion of the limitations in the scope of HR. For example merely to reflect outside reality does not contribute to the problem of conscious awareness of these objects. However this issue is not unique to HR, it is a general philosophical issue that applies just as well to the alternative Neuron Doctrine model. But the Neuron doctrine itself cannot even plausibly account for the reflection of outside reality in an internal representation, due to the problems of emergence, reification, and invariance, which is why the Neuron Doctrine suggests a more abstracted concept of visual representation, in which the visual experience is encoded in a far more abstracted and abbreviated form. Therefore although HR does not solve the "problem of consciousness" completely, it is one step closer to a solution than the alternative. The philosophical issue of consciousness however is beyond the scope of this paper, which is a theory of neural representation, rather than a philosophical paper. I enclose a copy of my book, "The World In Your Head",which addresses these philosophical issues more extensively.Professor Geissler's ResponseProfessor Geissler kindly responded to my letter in April 2000 to say that he agreed with nearly everything I had said. He then gave me advice about the presentation of the idea. He recommended that I begin by describing the Neuron Doctrine in detail, and then point out the limitations of the idea before presenting the Harmonic Resonance theory as an alternative. I re-wrote the paper following Geissler's advice, and I included some ideas from the above letter in the new version of the paper. However it was too late to resubmit it to Psychological Review since the editor who was handling the paper was leaving. Furthermore, I am becoming convinced that the proper medium for presenting radically new and different theories is the open peer review format of the Behavioral and Brain Sciences journal, which is where I submitted the revised version of this paper.6.Dear Dr. S. Heller,Attached please the revised manuscript " A Group-Decision Approach for Evaluating Educational Web Sites" submitted to computers & Education for possible publication. A file containing the revision summary is also attached. Your acknowledgement will be highly appreciated.Thank you.Sincerely yoursGwo-Jen HwangInformation Management DepartmentNational Chi Nan UniversityPu-Li, Nan-Tou, Taiwan 545,FAX: 8TEL: 8Response to Reviewers and EditorPaper#: SMCC-03-06-0056Title: On the Development of a Computer-Assisted Testing System with Genetic Test Sheet-Generating Approach[Reviewer 1 Comments]:____ The paper should be shortened.[Response to Reviewer 1]:The paper has been shortened to 24 pages by removing some redundant descriptions of genetic models and algorithms; moreover, Sections 3 and 4 have been re-written to condense the entire paper.[Reviewer 2 Comments]:No innovative contribution was found both in the theory of genetic algorithms and in the application of them.[Response to Reviewer 2]:(1)_We have re-written the abstract and Sections 1 and 2 to explain the importanceabout the construction of a good test sheet. The major contribution of this paper is not in its technical part. Instead, we tried to cope with an important problem arising from real educational applications. Such a problem is known to be critical and has not been efficiently and effectively solved before.(2)_Since the innovative contribution of this paper might not be significant, we have re-written the paper as a technical correspondence based on the editor's suggestion.[Reviewer 3 Comments]:Make the definitions, formulas, and other descriptions clearer and more precise, so that the revised paper will be improved in its readability and correctness. [Response to Reviewer 3]:Te mixed integer models and the genetic algorithms in Sections 3 and 4 have been re-written to make the definitions, formulas, and other descriptions clearer and more precise (please refer to Pages 6-17). Moreover, a colleague who is an English expert has carefully checked the paper to correct potential grammatical errors.。
2345、对678、如何凸现原创性以及如何充分地写literaturereview: Thetopicisnovelbuttheapplicationproposedisnotsonovel.9、对claim,如A>B的证明,verification: Thereisnoexperimentalcomparisonofthealgorithmwithpreviouslyknownwork,soitisimpossible tojudgewhetherthealgorithmisanimprovementonpreviouswork.10、严谨度问题:MNQiseasierthantheprimitivePNQS,howtoprovethat.11、格式(重视程度):Inaddition,thelistofreferencesisnotinourstyle.Itisclosebutnotcompletelycorrect.Ihavea ttachedapdffilewith"InstructionsforAuthors"whichshowsexamples. Beforesubmittingarevisionbesurethatyourmaterialisproperlypreparedandformatted.Ifyouar eunsure,pleaseconsulttheformattingnstructionstoauthorsthataregivenunderthe"Instructio nsandForms"buttoninheupperright-handcornerofthescreen.12、语言问题(出现最多的问题):有关语言的审稿人意见:ItisnotedthatyourmanuscriptneedscarefuleditingbysomeonewithexpertiseintechnicalEnglis heditingpayingparticularattentiontoEnglishgrammar,spelling,andsentencestructuresothat thegoalsandresultsofthestudyarecleartothereader.个人认为文章还是有一些创新的,所以作为审稿人我就给了66分,(这个分正常应该足以发表),提了一些修改意见,望作者修改后发表!登录到编辑部网页一看,一个文章竟然有六个审稿人,详细看了下打的分数,60分大修,60分小修,66分(我),25分拒,(好家伙,竟然打25分,有魄力),拒但没有打分(另一国人审),最后一个没有回来!两个拒的是需要我们反思和学习的!(括号斜体内容为我注解)Reviewer4ReviewerRecommendationTerm:Rejectm.eraturedata,RESULTSANDDISCUSSION-discussion),-ithastobeaddedinthemanuscriptwhatkindofXXXXXXbyothermethodscomparedtothisnovelone(IN TRODUCTION-literaturedata,RESULTSANDDISCUSSION-discussion),-ithastobeoutlinedwhatisthebenefitofthismethod(ABSTRACT,RESULTSANDDISCUSSION,CONCLUSI ONS).(很多人不会写这个地方,大家多学习啊)2.WhendiscussingXRDdataXXXauthors-statethatXXXXX-statethatXXXX-Thisusuallyhappenswithincreasingsinteringtime,butarethereanydatatopresent,density,pa rticlesize?(很多人用XRD,结果图放上去就什么都不管了,这是不应该的)3.Whendiscussingluminescencemeasurementsauthorswrite"XXXXXIfthereissecondharmonicinex4.Name:Deareditor:Thankyouforinvitingmetoevaluatethearticletitled"XXXX“.Inthispaper,theauthorsinvestig atedtheinfluencesofsinteringconditiononthecrystalstructureandXXXXXX,However,itisdifficultforustounderstandthemanuscriptbecauseofpoorEnglishbeingused.Thetextisnotwellarrangedandthelogicisnotclear.ExceptEnglishwriting,therearemanymistak esinthemanuscriptandtheexperimentalresultsdon'tshowgoodandnewresults.SoIrecommendtoyo uthatthismanuscriptcannotbeaccepted.Thefollowingarethequestionsandsomemistakesinthism anuscript:(看看总体评价,不达标,很多人被这样郁闷了,当然审稿人也有他的道理)1.TheXXXXXXX.However,thiskindmaterialhadbeeninvestigatedsince1997asmentionedintheauth or'smanuscript,andsimilarworkshadbeenpublishedinsimilarjournals.Whatarethenovelfindin gsinthepresentwork?Thesynthesismethodandluminescencepropertiesreportedinthismanuscrip tdidn'tsupplyenoughevidencetosupporttheprimenoveltystatement.(这位作者好猛,竟然翻出自己1997年的中文文章翻译了一边就敢投国际知名杂志,而且没有新的创新!说实不说了)好东西原文地址:对英文审稿意见的回复作者:海天奥博一篇稿子从酝酿到成型历经艰辛,投出去之后又是漫长的等待,好容易收到编辑的回信,得到的往往又是审稿人不留情面的一顿狂批。
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望对大家有帮助1.Dear Prof. XXXX,Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to XXXX (MS Number XXXX).We have checked the manuscript and revised it according to the comments. We submit here the revised manuscript as well as a list of changes.If you have any question about this paper, please don’t hesitate to let me know.Sincerely yours,Dr. XXXXResponse to Reviewer 1:Thanks for your comments on our paper. We have revised our paper according to your comments:1. XXXXXXX2. XXXXXXX2.Dear Professor ***,Re: An *** Rotating Rigid-flexible Coupled System (No.: JSV-D-06-***)by ***Many thanks for your email of 24 Jun 2006, regarding the revision and advice of the above paper in JSV. Overall the comments have been fair, encouraging and constructive. We have learned much from it.After carefully studying the reviewer’ comments and your advice, we have made corresponding changes to the paper. Our response of the comments is enclosed.If you need any other information, please contact me immediately by email. My email account is ***, and ***, and Fax is +***.Yours sincerely,Detailed response to reviewer’s comments and Asian Editor’s adviceOverall the comments have been fair, encouraging and constructive. We have learned much from it. Although the reviewer’s comments are generally positive, we have carefully proofread the manuscript and edit it as following.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) ?Besides the above changes, we have corrected some expression errors.Thank you very much for the excellent and professional revision of our manuscript.3.The manuscript is revised submission (×××-××××) with new line and page numbers in the text, some grammar and spelling errors had also been corrected. Furthermore, the relevant regulations had been made in the original manuscript according to the comments of reviewers, and the major revised portions were marked in red bold. We also responded point by point to each reviewer comments as listed below, along with a clear indication of the location of the revision.Hope these will make it more acceptable for publication.List of Major Changes:1).........2).........3).........Response to Reviewers:1).........2).........3).........Response to Reviewer XXWe very much appreciate the careful reading of our manuscript and valuable suggestions of the reviewer. We have carefully considered the comments and have revised the manuscript accordingly. The comments can be summarized as follows:1) XX2) XXDetailed responses1) XX2) XX4.Dear editor XXWe have received the comments on our manuscript entitled “XX” by XX. According to the comments of the reviewers, we have revised our manuscript. The revised manuscript and the detailed responses to the comments of the one reviewer are attached.Sincerely yours,XX5.Response to Reviewer AReviewer A very kindly contacted me directly, and revealed himself to be Professor Dr. Hans-Georg Geissler of the University of Leipzig. I wrote him a general response to both reviews in January 2000, followed by these responses to specific points, both his own, and those of the other reviewer .Response to Specific PointsWhat follows is a brief and cursory discussion of the various issues raised by yourself and the other reviewer. If you should revise your judgment of the validity of the theory, these points will be addressed at greater length in a new version of the paper that I would resubmit to Psychological Review.Response to Specific Points- Reviewer A:In part (1) of your critique the major complaint is that no theory is presented, which wasdiscussed above. You continue "Regrettably, not much attention is drawn to specific differences between the chosen examples that would be necessary to pinpoint specificities of perception more precisely", and "if perceptual systems, as suggested, hler (Kindeed act on the basis of HR, there must be many more specific constraints involved to ensure special `veridicality' properties of the perceptual outcome", and "the difficult analytic problems of concrete modeling of perception are not even touched". The model as presented is not a model of vision or audition or any other particular modality, but is a general model to confront the alternative neural receptive field paradigm, although examples from visual perception are used to exemplify the principles discussed. The more specific visual model was submitted elsewhere, in the Orientational Harmonic model, where I showed how harmonic resonance accounts for specific visual illusory effects. As discussed above, the attempt here is to propose a general principle of neurocomputation, rather than a specific model of visual, auditory, or any other specific sensory modality. Again, what I am proposing is a paradigm rather than a theory, . an alternative principle of neurocomputation with specific and unique properties, as an alternative to the neuron doctrine paradigm of the spatial receptive field. If this paper is eventually accepted for publication, then I will resubmit my papers on visual illusory phenomena, referring to this paper to justify the use of the unconventional harmonic resonance mechanism.In part (2) (a) of your critique you say "it is not clarified whether the postulated properties of Gestalts actually follow from this definition or partly derive from additional constraints." and "I doubt that any of the reviewed examples for HR can treat just the case of hler: (1961, p. 7) "Human experience in the phenomenological sense cannot yet be treated with our most reliable methods; and when dealing with it, we may be forced to form new concepts which at first, will often be a bit vague." Wolfgang Kthe dog cited to demonstrate `emergence'. For this a hierarchy relation is needed." The principle of emergence in Gestalt theory is a very difficult concept to express in unambiguous terms, and the dog picture was presented to illustrate this rather elusive concept with a concrete example. I do not suggest that HR as proposed in this paper can address the dog picture as such, since this is specifically a visual problem, and the HR model as presented is not a visual model. Rather, I propose that the feature detection paradigm cannot in principle handle this kind of ambiguity, because the local features do not individually contain the information necessary to distinguish significant from insignificant edges. The solution of the HR approach to visual ambiguity is explained in the paper in the section on "Recognition by Reification" (p. 15-17) in which I propose that recognition is not simply a matter of the identification of features in the input, . by the "lighting up" of a higher level feature node, but it involves a simultaneous abstraction and reification, in which the higher level feature node reifies its particular pattern back at the input level, modulated by the exact pattern of the input. I appeal to the reader to see the reified form of the dog as perceived edges and surfaces that are not present in the input stimulus, as evidence for this reification in perception, which appears at the same time that the recognition occurs. The remarkable property of this reification is that the dog appears not as an image of a canonical, or prototypical dog, but as a dog percept that is warped to the exact posture and configuration allowed by the input, as observed in the subjective experience of the dog picture. This explanation is subject to your criticism in your general comments, that "the authordemonstrates more insight than explicitly stated in assumptions and drawn conclusions". I can only say that, in Kuhn's words, sometimes it is only personal and inarticulate aesthetic considerations that can be used to make the case.In the words of Wolfgang K?hler: (1961, p. 7)"Human experience in the phenomenological sense cannot yet be treated with our most reliable methods; and when dealing with it, we may be forced to form new concepts which at first, will often be a bit vague."Wolfgang K?hler (K?hler 1923 p. 64)"Natural sciences continually advance explanatory hyptotheses, which cannot be verified by direct observation at the time when they are formed nor for a long time thereafter. Of such a kind were Ampere's theory of magnetism, the kinetic theory of gases, the electronic theory, the hypothesis of atomic disinte gration in the theory of radioactivity. Some of these assumptions have since been verified by direct obser vation, or have at least come close to such direct verification; others are still far removed from it. But physics and chemistry would have been condemned to a permanent embryonic state had they abstained from such hypotheses; their development seems rather like a continuous effort steadily to shorten the rest of the way to the verification of hypotheses which survive this process"In section (2) (b) of your critique you complain that "there is no serious discussion of possible alternatives", and you mention Neo-Gibsonian approaches, PDP, Grossberg's ART model and Pribram's holographic theory. In the next version of the paper this omission will be corrected, approximately as follows. Gibson's use of the term resonance is really a metaphorical device, since Gibson offers no mechanisms or analogies of perceptual processes, but merely suggests that there is a two-way flow of information (resonance) between behavior and the environment. This is really merely a metaphor, rather than a model.The PDP approach does address the issue of emergence, but since the basic computational unit of the neural network model is a hard-wired receptive field, this theory suffers all the limitations of a template theory. The same holds for Grossberg's "Adaptive Resonance Theory", which also uses the word resonance metaphorically to suggest a bottom-up top- down matching, but in Grossberg's model that matching is actually performed by receptive fields, or spatial templates. The ART model demonstrates the limitations of this approach. For the only way that a higher-level detector, or "F2 node", can exhibit generalization to different input patterns, is for it to have synaptic weights to all of the patterns to which it responds. In essence, the pattern of synaptic weights is a superposition or blurring together of all of the possible input patterns to which the F2 node should respond. In top-down priming mode therefore that F2 node would "print" that same blurred pattern back at the lower "F1 node" level, activating all of the possible patterns to which that F2 node is tuned to respond. For example if an ART model were trained to respond to an "X"-shaped feature presented at all possible orientations, top-down priming of this node after training would "print" a pattern of all those X-shaped features at all orientations superimposed, which is simply an amorphous blob. In fact, that same node would respond even better to a blob feature than to any single X feature. In the presence of a partial or ambiguous X-like pattern presented at a particularorientation, the ART model could not complete that pattern specific to its orientation. The HR model on the other hand offers a different and unique principle of representation, in which top-down activation of the higher level node can complete a partial or ambiguous input pattern in the specific orientation at which it appears, but that same priming would complete the pattern differently if it appeared in a different orientation. This generalization in recognition, but specification in completion, is a property that is unique to the harmonic resonance representation.Kuhn observes that the old paradigm can always be reformulated to account for any particular phenomenon addressed by the new paradigm, just as the Ptolomaic earth- centered cosmology could account for the motions of the planets to arbitrary precision, given enough nested cycles and epicycles of the crystal spheres. Similarly, a conventional neural network model can always be contrived to exhibit the same functional behavior of generalized recognition but specific completion described above, but only by postulating an implausible arrangement of spatial receptive fields. In this case that would require specific X-feature templates applied to the input at every possible orientation, any one of which can stimulate a single rotation-invariant X-feature node, to account for bottom-up rotation invariance in recognition. However in order to also account for top-down completion specific to orientation, top-down activation of the higher-level invariant node would have to feed back down to a set of top-down projection nodes, each of which is equipped with an X-shaped projective template at a particular orientation, able to project a complete X-shaped pattern on the input field. But the top-down completion must select only the specific orientation that best matches the pattern present in the input, and complete the pattern only at that best matching orientation. This system therefore requires two complete sets of X-feature receptive fields or templates, one set for bottom-up recognition and the other set for top-down completion, each set containing X-feature templates at every possible orientation, and similar sets of receptive fields would be required for the recognition of other shaped patterns such as "T" and "V" features. This represents a "brute force" approach to achieving invariance, which although perhaps marginally plausible in this specific example, is completely implausible as a general principle of operation of neurocomputation, given the fact that invariance appears to be so fundamental a property of human and animal perception. However, as Kuhn also observes, a factor such as neural plausibility is itself a "personal and inarticulate aesthetic consideration" that cannot be determined unambiguously by the evaluative procedures characteristic of normal science.With regard to Pribram's Holographic theory, the concept of a hologram is closely related to a standing wave model, since it too works by interference of waveforms. The difference is that the hologram is "frozen in time" like a photograph, and therefore does not exhibit the tolerance to elastic deformation of the input, as does the standing wave model. Neither does the hologram exhibit rotation invariance as does the standing wave in a circular- symmetric system. However holograms can in principle be constructed of dynamic standing waves, as Pribram himself suggests, and this concept then becomes a harmonic resonance theory. The present proposal is therefore closely related to Pribram's approach, which will be discussed in the next version of the paper.The discussion of alternative models was indeed a significant omission in the version of the paper you reviewed, the next version will include such a discussion, which in turn will help to clarify the operational principles of the HR theory, and distinguish it from alternative approaches.In section (3) of your critique you propose that "notions like the receptive field concept are approximate descriptions of facts", and you propose a dualistic approach involving two forms of representations in the brain which are of different and complementary nature. While I do not dispute the anatomical facts of the shapes of neuron and the function of synapses, it has never been demonstrated that a neuron actually operates as a spatial template, that theory arose as an explanation for the neurophysiological response of "feature detector" cells in the cortex. However the noisy stochastic nature of the neural response, and its very broad tuning function seem to argue against this view. My own hunch is that the feature detector behavior is itself a standing wave phenomenon, which is consistent with the fact that the response function of V1 cortical neurons resembles a Gabor function, which is itself a wavelet. However this issue is orthogonal to my main point, which is that whether or not some neurons behave as spatial templates, the limitations of a template theory suggest that the Gestalt properties of perception (emergence, invariance, reification, multistability) cannot be accounted for in that manner, and that some other significant principle of computation must be invoked to account for the Gestalt properties of perception.In section (4) you complain that there is no discussion of the limitations in the scope of HR. For example merely to reflect outside reality does not contribute to the problem of conscious awareness of these objects. However this issue is not unique to HR, it is a general philosophical issue that applies just as well to the alternative Neuron Doctrine model. But the Neuron doctrine itself cannot even plausibly account for the reflection of outside reality in an internal representation, due to the problems of emergence, reification, and invariance, which is why the Neuron Doctrine suggests a more abstracted concept of visual representation, in which the visual experience is encoded in a far more abstracted and abbreviated form. Therefore although HR does not solve the "problem of consciousness" completely, it is one step closer to a solution than the alternative. The philosophical issue of consciousness however is beyond the scope of this paper, which is a theory of neural representation, rather than a philosophical paper. I enclose a copy of my book, "The World In Your Head", which addresses these philosophical issues more extensively.Professor Geissler's ResponseProfessor Geissler kindly responded to my letter in April 2000 to say that he agreed with nearly everything I had said. He then gave me advice about the presentation of the idea. He recommended that I begin by describing the Neuron Doctrine in detail, and then point out the limitations of the idea before presenting the Harmonic Resonance theory as an alternative. I re-wrote the paper following Geissler's advice, and I included some ideas from the above letter in the new version of the paper. However it was too late to resubmit it to PsychologicalReview since the editor who was handling the paper was leaving. Furthermore, I am becoming convinced that the proper medium for presenting radically new and different theories is the open peer review format of the Behavioral and Brain Sciences journal, which is where I submitted the revised version of this paper.6.Dear Dr. S. Heller,Attached please the revised manuscript " A Group-Decision Approach for Evaluating Educational Web Sites" submitted to computers & Education for possible publication. A file containing the revision summary is also attached. Your acknowledgement will be highly appreciated.Thank you.Sincerely yoursGwo-Jen HwangInformation Management DepartmentNational Chi Nan UniversityPu-Li, Nan-Tou, Taiwan 545,FAX: 8TEL: 8Response to Reviewers and EditorPaper#: SMCC-03-06-0056Title: On the Development of a Computer-Assisted Testing System with Genetic Test Sheet-Generating Approach[Reviewer 1 Comments]:____ The paper should be shortened.[Response to Reviewer 1]:The paper has been shortened to 24 pages by removing some redundant descriptions of genetic models and algorithms; moreover, Sections 3 and 4 have been re-written to condense the entire paper.[Reviewer 2 Comments]:No innovative contribution was found both in the theory of genetic algorithms and in the application of them.[Response to Reviewer 2]:(1)_We have re-written the abstract and Sections 1 and 2 to explain the importance about the construction of a good test sheet. The major contribution of this paper is not in its technical part. Instead, we tried to cope with an important problem arising from real educationalapplications. Such a problem is known to be critical and has not been efficiently and effectively solved before.(2)_Since the innovative contribution of this paper might not be significant, we have re-written the paper as a technical correspondence based on the editor's suggestion.[Reviewer 3 Comments]:Make the definitions, formulas, and other descriptions clearer and more precise, so that the revised paper will be improved in its readability and correctness.[Response to Reviewer 3]:Te mixed integer models and the genetic algorithms in Sections 3 and 4 have been re-written to make the definitions, formulas, and other descriptions clearer and more precise (please refer to Pages 6-17). Moreover, a colleague who is an English expert has carefully checked the paper to correct potential grammatical errors.。
如何回复审稿⼈意见-审稿回复如何回复英⽂论⽂编辑部的修改意见Response to Editor and Reviewer这是我的英⽂修改稿回复信Dear Editor,RE: Man uscri pt IDWe would like to tha nk XXX (n ame of Journ al) for givi ng us the opportunity to revise our manu scri pt.We tha nk the reviewers for their careful read and thoughtful comme nts on prev ious draft.We have carefully take n their comme nts into con siderati on in preparing our revisi on.which has resulted in a paper that is clearer, more comp elli ng, and broader. The followi ng summarizes how we respon ded to reviewer comme nts.Below is our res ponse to their comme nts.Thanks for all the help.Best wishes,Dr. XXXCorres ponding Author下⾯是如何对Reviewer的意见进⾏point by point回答:⼀些习惯⽤语如下:Revision —authors ' responseReviewer #1:Major comme nts4. 5. 6.1. 2. 3. The referee correctly no ted that our Ian guage about XXX was ambiguous.Therefore, we cha nged the text and the figures to emp hasize that ….To further support the concept that, we have an alyzed ….As depi cted in Supp leme ntary Fig. S1…As suggested by the reviewer we have emp hasized our observati ons of XXX in results and discussi on sect ions. We have added new findings (see above point) in Supp leme ntary Fig S. to support … As requested by the reviewer we have added a scheme (Suppl eme ntary Fig.) that summarizes … Minor comme nts 1. 2. 3.4.We have removed the word SUFFICIENT from the title. We have added and impro ved the scale bars in the figure 1 and 2. We have added statistics to Fig 5C. We have corrected the typ escri pt errors in the XXX p aragra ph. Reviewer #2: 1. 2. 3. 4. Because of the reviewer' s request, we have p erformed new exp erime nts to better clarify …The new Fig. shows that …This finding suggests that …As suggested by the reviewer we have added new data of XXX to clarify the point that … We agree with the reviewer that …Because of the reviewer ' s request we have used XXX to confirm that …The new data are depi cted in Supp leme ntary Fig . Because of reviewer ' s request, we have analyzed the efficiency of RNAi by qua ntitative RT-PCR the efficie ncy of RNAi. We have now added the new panel in Supp leme ntary Fig.Reviewer #3: 1. 2. 3. Because of the referee ' s comment, we have moved the panel of Fig. 5 into the new Figure 6 and we have added new exp erime nts to address The new Fig . 6 shows that …. In res ponse to the reviewerdepi cted in Suppp leme ntary Fig. We agree with reviewer that 's requests, we have studied ….The new data are….However, a rece nt paper has show n that ….We have added this refere nee and mdified the sentence to un derl ineWe have changes Figure 1 with a picture that….The previous one was too week and the gree n fluoresce nee was lost duri ng the conv ersi on in PDF format.Because of review ' s request, we have changed as miosisiblepthe magn ificati on in orderto mai ntai n the same scale bar but also to p reserve details. The differe nee betwee n XXX and XXX is not statistically sig nifica nt. I n order to betterclarify this issue we cha nged the grap hics of our statistical an alysis in Fig.另外⼀篇5分杂志的回复: 1nd Revision -authors ' response Referee #1: We want to beg in by tha nking Referee #1 for writi ng that is gen erally in teresting and imp orta nt in the field. criticism and suggesti on. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer, as summarized below. 1. “ the finding in our manu scri pt ” We also appreciated the constructiv 2. 3. 4. Accord ing to the referee ' s suggesti on, the exp erime nt dem on strati ng exp erime nt, this result is p rese nted in the revised Fig.The referee suggests dem on strati ng that ....This exp erime nt was p erformed in XXX by comparing ... The referee comme nts that it is un clear whether the effect of ....is due to ....T address the referee ' s comme nt, we revised Fig. and dem on strated that r ....To furthe confirm ?....Two new data have been added in the revised Fig. In summary, the results in Fig. dem on strate that Thanks to the referee ' s comment, the wrong figure numbers were corrected in the revised manu scri pt. (i)the new Referee #2: We want to tha nk Referee #2 for con structive and in sightful criticism and advice. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer as summarized below. 1. 2. 3. 4. The referee recomme nds to show ….We p erformed the exp erime nt and its result is in cluded in the revised Fig. Accord ing to the referee ' s suggesti on, the exp erime nts in Fig. were rep eated several times and rep rese ntative data are in cluded in the revised Fig.Based on the referee ' s comment that, echoing comment #4 of Referee #1, above. As stated above, we have in cluded new results, which in clude: All minor points raised by the reviewer were corrected accordi ngly. 2nd Revision -authors ' response We would like to tha nk the referees for their thoughtful review of our manu scri pt. Webelieve that the additi onal cha nges we have made in res ponse to the reviewers comme nts have made this a sig nifica ntly stron ger manu scri pt. Below is our poin t-by-point res ponse to the referee ' s comments. Referee #1: Referee #1 request two minor editorial cha nges. Both cha nges have bee n made accord in gly in the revised manu scri pt. Referee #2:We sin cerely apo logize to Referee #2 for not comp letely address ing all of the p oi nts raised in the p revious res pon se. We have done so below and added additi onaldata in hopes that this reviewer will be supp ortive of p ublicati on.Referee #2 requests evidenee that ….According to the referee ' s suggestion, a XX assay was p erformed in XXX cells to dem on strate that ….The result is p rese nted in Fig.Page 17, “ the ” E3 was changed to “ an ” E3.Referee #2 asks whether ….We would like to note that we inv estigated ….in ourp revious study and found no evide nee that ….Therefore, in this manu scri pt we focused on 1.2. 3.。
如何回复英文论文编纂部的修改意见之老阳三干创作Response to Editor and Reviewer这是我的英文修改稿回复信Dear Editor,RE: Manuscript IDWe would like to thank XXX (name of Journal) for giving us the opportunity to revise our manuscript.We thank the reviewers for their careful read and thoughtful comments on previous draft. We have carefully taken their comments into consideration in preparing our revision, which has resulted in a paper that is clearer, more compelling, and broader. The following summarizes how we responded to reviewer comments.Below is our response to their comments.Thanks for all the help.Best wishes,Dr. XXXCorresponding Author下面是如何对Reviewer的意见进行point by point回答:一些习惯用语如下:Revision —authors’ responseReviewer #1:Major comments1.The referee correctly noted that our language about XXXwas ambiguous. Therefore, we changed the text and thefigures to emphasize that …. To further support theconcept that, we have analyzed …. As depicted inSupplementary Fig. S1…2.As suggested by the reviewer we have emphasized ourobservations of XXX in results and discussion sections.We have added new findings (see above point) inSupplementary Fig S. to support…3.As requested by the reviewer we have added a scheme(Supplementary Fig.) that summarizes…Minor comments1.We have removed the word SUFFICIENT from the title.2.We have added and improved the scale bars in the figure 1and 2.3.We have added statistics to Fig 5C.4.We have corrected the typescript errors in the XXXparagraph.Reviewer #2:1.Because of the re viewer’s request, we have performed newexperiments to better clarify… The new Fig. shows that…This finding suggests that…2.As suggested by the reviewer we have added new data ofXXX to clarify the point that…3.We agree with the reviewer that … Because of thereviewer’s request we have used XXX to confirm that…The new data are depicted in Supplementary Fig .4.Because of reviewer’s request, we have analyzed theefficiency of RNAi by quantitative RT-PCR the efficiency of RNAi. We have now added the new panel in Supplementary Fig.Reviewer #3:1.Because of the referee’s comment, we have moved thepanel of Fig. 5 into the new Figure 6 and we have added new experiments to address …. The new Fig. 6 showsthat….2.In response to the reviewer’s requests, we hav estudied…. The new data are depicted in Suppplementary Fig.3.We agree with reviewer that…. However, a recent paperhas shown that …. We have added this reference andmodified the sentence to underline….4.We have changes Figure 1 with a picture that…. Th eprevious one was too week and the green fluorescence was lost during the conversion in PDF format.5.Because of review’s request, we have changed as much aspossible the magnification in order to maintain the same scale bar but also to preserve details.6.The difference between XXX and XXX is not statisticallysignificant. In order to better clarify this issue wechanged the graphics of our statistical analysis in Fig.另外一篇5分杂志的回复:1nd Revision –authors’ responseReferee #1:We want to begin by thanking Referee #1 for writing that “the finding in our manuscript is generally interesting and important in the field.” We also appreciated the constructive criticism and suggestion. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer, as summarized below.1.Accor ding to the referee’s suggestion, the experimentdemonstrating…; in the new experiment, this result is presented in the revised Fig.2.The referee suggests demonstrating that…. Thisexperiment was performed in XXX by comparing…3.The referee comments that it is unclear whether theeffect of ….is due to …. To address the referee’scomment, we revised Fig. and demonstrated that…. Tofurther confirm…. Two new data have been added in the revised Fig. In summary, the results in Fig. demonstrate that….4.Thanks t o the referee’s comment, the wrong figurenumbers were corrected in the revised manuscript.Referee #2:We want to thank Referee #2 for constructive and insightful criticism and advice. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer as summarized below.1.The referee recommends to show…. We performed theexperiment and its result is included in the revised Fig.2.According to the referee’s suggestion, the experimentsin Fig. were repeated several times and representative data are included in the revised Fig.3.Based on the referee’s comment that, echoing comment #4of Referee #1, above. As stated above, we have included new results, which include:4.All minor points raised by the reviewer were correctedaccordingly.2nd Revision –authors’ responseWe would like to thank the referees for their thoughtful review of our manuscript. We believe that the additional changes we have made in response to the reviewers comments have made this a significantly stronger manuscript. Below is our point-by-point response to the referee’s comments. Referee #1:Referee #1 request two minor editorial changes. Both changes have been made accordingly in the revised manuscript.Referee #2:We sincerely apologize to Referee #2 for not completely addressing all of the points raised in the previous response. We have done so below and added additional data in hopes that this reviewer will be supportive of publication.1.Referee #2 requests evidence that …. According to thereferee’s suggestion, a XXX assay was performed in XXX cells to demonstrate that …. The result is presented in Fig.2.Page 17, “the” E3 was changed to “an” E3.3.Referee #2 asks whether…. We would like to note that weinvestigated ….in our previous study and found noevidence that …. Therefore, in this manuscript w e。
审稿意见英文回复范文English: Thank you for your valuable feedback on my manuscript. I appreciate the time and effort you have put into carefully reviewing my work. I will take into consideration all of your comments and suggestions to make necessary revisions and improvements to the manuscript. Your insights have provided me with a new perspective on my research, and I believe that incorporating your feedback will significantly enhance the quality of the paper. I will address each of your concerns in detail and ensure that the revised version meets the standards of the journal. Once again, I want to express my gratitude for your thorough review and constructive criticism.中文翻译: 感谢您对我的稿件提供宝贵的反馈意见。
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Response to Specific Points- Reviewer A:
In part (1) of your critique the major complaint is that no theory is presented, which was discussed above. You continue "Regrettably, not much attention is drawn to specific differences between the chosen examples that would be necessary to pinpoint specificities of perception more precisely", and "if perceptual systems, as suggested, hler (Kindeed act on the basis of HR, there must be many more specific constraints involved to ensure special `veridicality' properties of the perceptual outcome", and "the difficult analytic problems of concrete modeling of perception are not even touched". The model as presented is not a model of vision or audition or any other particular modality, but is a general model to confront the alternative neural receptive field paradigm, although examples from visual perception are used to exemplify the principles discussed. The more specific visual model was submitted elsewhere, in the Orientational Harmonic model, where I showed how harmonic resonance accounts for specific visual illusory effects. As discussed above, the attempt here is to propose a general principle of neurocomputation, rather than a specific model of visual, auditory, or any other specific sensory modality. Again, what I am proposing is a paradigm rather than a theory, i.e. an alternative principle of neurocomputation with specific and unique properties, as an alternative to the neuron doctrine paradigm of the spatial receptive field. If this paper is eventually accepted for publication, then I will resubmit my papers on visual illusory phenomena, referring to this paper to justify the use of the unconventional harmonic resonance mechanism.
Sincerely yours,
Response to Reviewer A
Reviewer A very kindly contacted me directly, and revealed himself to be Professor Dr. Hans-Georg Geissler of the University of Leipzig. I wrote him a general response to both reviews in January 2000, followed by these responses to specific points, both his own, and those of the other reviewer .
Dear Professor ***,
Re: An *** Rotating Rigid-flexible Coupled System (No.: JSV-D-06-***)
by ***
Many thanks for your email of 24 Jun 2006, regarding the revision and advice of the above paper in JSV. Overall the comments have been fair, encouraging and constructive. We have learned much from it.
1) XX
2) XX
Detailed responses
1) XX
2) XX
Dear editor XX
We have received the comments on our manuscript entitled “XX” by XX. According to the comments of the reviewers, we have revised our manuscript. The revised manuscript and the detailed responses to the comments of the one reviewer are attached.
Detailed response to reviewer’s comments and Asian Editor’s advice
Overall the comments have been fair, encouraging and constructive. We have learned much from it. Although the reviewer’s comments are generally positive, we have carefully proofread the manuscript and edit it as following.
We have checked the manuscript and revised it according to the comments. We submit here the revised manuscript as well as a list of changes.
If you have any question about this paper, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Hope these will make it more acceptable for publication.
List of Major Changes:
Response to Reviewers:
Response to Reviewer XX
We very much appreciate the careful reading of our manuscript and valuable suggestions of the reviewer. We have carefully considered the comments and have revised the manuscript accordingly. The comments can be summarized as follows:
如何回复英文论文编辑部的修改意见Response to Editor and Reviewer
Dear Prof. XXXX,
Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to XXXX (MS Number XXXX).
If you need any other information, please contact me immediately by email. My email account is ***, and Tel.is ***, and Fax is +***.
Yours sincerely,
Besides the above changes, we have corrected some expression errors.
Thank you very much for the excellent and professional revision of our manuscript.