



英语主题活动策划方案8篇英语主题活动策划方案1主题:Love小主题:爱这个主题很广泛,我们这次谈论的主要包括Family Love,Friends Love,Lovers Love三个部分时间:12月14日晚8:3一. 地点:汤歌苑二. 参加人员:老师,嘉宾,理事,会员,全校师生三. 会场布置:全体理事于晚7:3集中一起布置会场,不允许请假,这是本学期最后一次大型英语角,策宣部负责好音响之类的器械,秘书部准备好气球,培训部准备好单词(各部长选好负责人清点东西)四. 流程:(确保一切准备就绪)1. 兔子舞(8:2开始,全体在场的成员一起参与,活跃现场气氛,吸引更多来宾,记得配好音乐)2. 8:3英语角正式开始;主持人的开场辞,热烈欢迎到场的所有来宾。


3. 第一个环节:谈论Family Love and Friends Love,请现场的人员积极上台谈自己的看法,对family或friends 之间的爱,我们英语协会的必须首先带动现场的气氛,先有几个代表上去激起大众的兴趣。


4. 游戏环节一:主持人上台宣布游戏规则,一定要宣布好游戏规则后才开始游戏。

(由现场的大众自由报名参与) 游戏规则:该游戏叫踩气球,需三组人参与,每组要三个人。



















三.活动时间:每一节课后有时间就去练习,四.活动地点: 六年级四班附近。













(6) 谈论你的理想。










一、活动主题:更多英语,更多快乐二、活动时间:三、活动口号:More English More Fun四、活动原则:“生动活泼”学英语“想说、敢说、能说”说英语“动口、动脑、动手”用英语五、活动程序:1、宣传发动阶段:A 班主任和英语教师向学生广泛宣传英语节,鼓励学生打招呼和日常交际尽量用英语。

B 悬挂横幅:More English(更多英语) More Fun(更多快乐);2、英语节开幕式3、活动安排:活动(一)经典英文故事、英文歌曲欣赏活动(二)日常英语天天说活动(三)“圣诞节英语贺卡设计”评比活动活动(四)英文头饰、面具制作比赛活动(五)一次节徽制作活动(六)英文单词大比拼活动(七)英文歌曲比赛活动(八)英语基本功—课文录音模仿比赛4、总结表彰阶段(闭幕式)详细活动安排见附录英语主题活动方案2一、活动目的:通过此次活动旨在提高学生学习英语兴趣,锻炼大家的英语口语及实际交流应用能力,丰富学生的课余文化生活,给英语爱好者提供的一个互动交流的平台,促使广大学习英语的朋友达到学以致用的目的。






英语教学主题设计5篇教案是教师为顺利而有效地开展教学活动,根据课程标准,教学大纲和教科书要求及学生的实际情况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法等进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书,包括教材简析和学生分析、教学目的、重难点、教学准备、教学过程及练习设计等,下面是由小编为大家整理的范文模板,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读.英语教学主题设计1TEACHING PROCEDURESI.Warming-upStep one:Let’s the student listen to the tape.And review some adj. aboutweather.Eg:warm,cool,hot,cold.Let the students do actions while listening.Step two:Do an e_ercise.The teacher will ask some questions about the listen test.It s about part B read and write in grade five.Eg:What s yourfavourite ……?II.previewStep one:ask and answerThe teacher is going to ask some questions. (eg:what is the weatherlike?)And show off the different pictures about weather. Guide students toanswer questions by using warm,cool,hot.III.PresentationLet s learnStep one:words studyDraw a trunk on the blackboard,and then add some light green leaves.Askstudents(look!The leaves are green now.What season is it now?) Show off the wordcard season .Teach them season .After that,show off spring .Students readafter the teacher.And describe the weather of spring character depend on theirowe life.(eg:spring is warm in hangzhou/taiwan.) Then point at the main city onthe map,and ask what is the weather like in beijing/shenzhen? Spelltogether.Step two:continute to add deep green leaves on the tree.And say look!Theleaves are becoming more and more.Summer is coming.Teach summer in the sameway.Step three:draw the sun and ligth,and acquit very hot.Ask oh,what is theweather like in summer?Guide students to answer it. It s hot,very very hot.Step four:clean parts of leaves and light,and then colour some leaves intoyellow.Ask look!Now it s cool.What season is it now?Oh.It s fall now.Writingfall on the board.Spell together.Step five:clean parts of leaves,and then add some cloudy andsnow.Say now,the weather is very cold.It is winter now. .Teach winter .Ask andanswer: what is the weather like in winter in ……?Step si_:show off different picture about weather,and ask andanswer.Eg:T:What s the weather like?S:It s windy.T:What season is itnow?S:Spring.ect.Continu to ask a question what s your favourite season? Guidestudents to answer it.Let s startStep one:show off different picture about seasons.Ask what s the weatherlike in this picture?Step two:Play a gameTeacher shows the picture in different seasons.In order to see who cancorrectly say the first word, the winners must give incentives.Step three:Guide students to use patterns of small groups. And finish let sstart .(eg:what s your favourite season?……because it s ……)Consolidation and e_tensionLet student do some e_ercise which is from student e_ercise book. 英语教学主题设计2教学内容:Unit _ I can swim Lesson Four教学目标:1.Vocabulary: Understand listening and saying the words :_-ray , yo-yo,zebra, zoo.2.Structures. What is it? It’s a (yo-yo,).教学目标的检测途径 1.根据老师的提示,指出相应的图片2.阅读反馈.重点难点:1.Learn the words and say the rhyme.2.Make the dialogue.突破教学难点的方法个别学生混淆可能会net与 nest读音和意思,加强两者在因.形.意上的比较.结合他们的观察进行提问.教具准备:图片 PPT教学过程:一.Warm-up1.Sing the Animal song together.2.Greetings.T: Hello, good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, good morning, Miss Liu .T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you.3.Review the names of animals. Respond to with the correct animal movementor imitation. What’s this? Ss:It’s dog, fish, cat, bird, lion, tiger, panda,rabbit, monkey.4.T: What can the elephant do? T: It’s can walk. Walk, walk, an elephantcan walk. ( do action)T: Can you walk?S: Yes, I can. 阅读反馈:让学生在黑板上找出该动作的单词.二.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and e_tension)1.Listen and practice. Look at the pictures of computers. T: This is an_-ray. What’s this? Ss: It’s a yo-yo.2.Replay the procedure as they listen repent the word 〝mouse.〞Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words 〝net and zebra.〞Repeat theprocedure above for the words net and nest .The children to clay their hands oract out while listening.3.Play a game.4.Say the rhyme. Play the tape, the teacher acts out the rhyme whilelistening to it. Try to make children understand the meaning of the rhyme. Thechildren to clay their hands or act out while listening.三.Summary.1.Understand the words , the sentences and song.Check up on every group2.听单词,画画,写单词.四.作业布置Read page46两次.找出不会的单词听录音认读.板书设计:Lesson ThreeWhat’s this? It’s a _-ray , yo-yo, zebra, zoo.I can walk, jump, swim, run, dance.英语教学主题设计3一.教材分析本套教材编写的总思路是以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际目的的语言任务,即话题——功能——结构——任务.本套教材的主要特点是:强调语言运用;注重能力培养;突出兴趣激发;重视双向交流;融合学科内容;重视灵活扩展;实现整体设计;提供立体化配套.这个单元分为A.B.C三大部分,主要让学生学习与生活学习有关的单词及句型.而Unit1是介绍学校的一些场所,Unit3是介绍学生各种颜色的衣着,三个单元都与学生生活密切相关,因此本单元与前后单元都是一脉相承的.本课时内容结合实际,贴近生活,插图生动活泼,体现了教材〝以人为本〞的理念,同时能调动学生的学习兴趣.为此,我将本单元划分为八课时,以下是我第一课时的教学设计.1.情感目标:激发学生的学习兴趣,发展学生自主学习的能力,在学习过程中培养学生良好的学习习惯.2.认知目标:(1)能听懂.会说日常交际用语,并能熟练进行问答:What time is it ?It’s o’clock.It’s time for .(2)能听懂.会说与生活学习相关的单词:breakfast,lunch,dinner,English class,music class,P.E.Class.3.技能目标:(1)学会表达时间的句子.(2)培养学生观察.记忆.思维.想象及语言运用的能力.本课的重点是English class.What time is it ?It’s o’clock.It’s time for .本课的难点是breakfast,运用所学词汇及句型 It’s o’clock.It’s time for .谈论时间.二.学情分析三年级学生爱游戏.好模仿.好奇.喜欢群体活动,喜欢被称赞.所设计的教学手段及方法符合学生的实际,教学内容基本能面向各层次学生.因为学生好动,在分为三个大组做游戏时,可能会出现一些乱糟糟的.情况.三.教学设计本课为新授课,根据学生情况,为落实以上教学目标,突出重点,突破难点,我设计了如下教学过程:1.课前热身(Warm-up)首先打开录音机听〝Let’s do〞,让学生边听边做,接着唱英语歌〝Ten Little Indian Boys〞.〝ABCsong〞,使学生情绪高涨,快速进入〝角色〞,沉浸在浓厚的英语氛围.让学生具有心理准备和顺应同化新知识的认识准备,学生对这种形式也比较感兴趣.2.导入新课(Lead-in)唱过字母歌后,我背对学生在黑板上写一字母〝C〞,让他们猜是什么字母;接着我又将〝C〞变成〝O〞,让学生猜,再将〝O〞加几笔,成一(clock)的模样,最后以真钟拨点,学习oneo’clock到twelve o’clock,分散教学难点o’clock.这样不仅复习了字母,而且起到了承前启后的作用,从而很自然地引出了今天的教学重点What time isit?及重难点It’s_____o’clock,并且降低了教学难度.3.呈现(Presentation)引出本课的重难点句型,随后通过投影仪上的卡片,引出本课的生词难点breakfast及另一重难点句型It’s time for.并呈现出来.按照认知心理学理论和交际法的要求,在介绍新课时,应注意帮助学生感知并理解新学的知识和技能.4.操练(Drill)这一步都是新授性操练,以帮助学生进一步感知新材料,达到初步熟练程度.主要采用机械操练,通过模仿.跟读.分组分角色读等手段进行.在模仿时,按照听先于说的习得原理和先个别操练再集体操练的原则进行.为了巩固新句型,运用卡片等进行替换性操练,并融合几个新词汇于会话操练中,让学生反复操练重难点句型及重点词汇.5.练习(Practice)通过操练,学生在认知结构中形成较深的印象.但这不是语言教学的最终目的.语言教学的最终目的是培养学生的运用能力,达到这一步就要求学生运用所学内容展开交际活动,拟准备采用游戏活动的方式,任务型的教学模式.(1)Pre-task.它又分解说任务和准备活动.这一步老师指导学生或做一些示范表演.游戏的方法是:每组发十几张时钟卡片,它们上面标有各种时间和活动,同时标有奖品,反过来让每个学生摸,其余学生问,摸的学生答.(2)Task.完成任务阶段.学生在完成任务中运用词语和句型,属巩固性表演.(3)Post-task.通过游戏活动展示所完成的任务.在任务型教学中,在老师指导下,学生通过感知.体验.参与.实践.合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功,在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高.在完成任务中,我以过程评价为主,运用多种评价方式.6.巩固(Consolidation)巩固这一步全面地体现了反馈这一心理因素,恰当的反馈有利于强化学生的内驱力,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣和信心.主要包括要求学生创设情境,课后运用日常用语和词汇,老师进行小结(本课重难点内容,小组比赛成绩,评价本节课内容).7.板书设计说明(略)8.教具配置(略)9.作业布置英语教学主题设计41.设计简述:(简要说明设计的指导思想.理论依据和特色,不超过8_字)本节课教学内容和教学目标及教学重难点的设定都是以英语>为准则,从学生的已有知识水平出发,并以交际法语言教学为理论依据.语言学习的过程是一种发现语言规则并创造性地活用这些规则的过程,任何人类语言的交际活动都离不开一定的语言环境.语言学家布鲁姆指出:〝成功的外语课堂教学,应在课内创造更多真实的生活情景,让学生有机会运用自己学到的语言材料〞.因此,运用交际法进行英语教学,首先要努力创设真实自然的社会语言情景.不仅要借助手式.动作.表情.实物.图片等手段为学生创设贴近教材内容的直观情景,而且要用语言的声调.节奏.情感等描述创设言语情景.在本堂课的设计中也是充分体现了这点.在教授有关疾病的单词时,我就借助绷带,通过绷带绑的不同位置来解决单词.某些绷带无法表示的疾病如cough,cold等就通过形象生动的肢体语言来展示.其次,交际法教学强调〝以任务为本,以学生为中心〞的语言教学实践,要求根据显示生活中对英语的实际需求,模拟各种生活语境,情境,为学生提供综合运用英语语言,进行交际活动的机会,它注重的不仅是语言在形式,语法上的准确性,更强调语言使用的得体性,可行性,交际的技巧性,以及训练学生在交际活动中的应变及解决问题的能力.因此在本堂课中,为了训练目标语言,我设置了各种不同的任务让学生来操练目标语言,并在课堂的最后让学生扮演医生和病人,模拟看病的过程,让学生在交际的同时,体验生活.通过这个活动,把生活中的交际场合搬进课堂,使课堂变为一种具体的社会交往环境,使教学过程成为教师与学生之间的一个交际过程.这大大地增强了学生的兴趣.交际法教学让学生参与,有时伴有情景或模拟场景,这样让学生更能贴近生活,学生成了主角,自然而然地他们就对英语感兴趣,把学英语当作一种乐趣.2.教材分析:(1)根据>,分析本课教学的基本要求(2)分析本课内容的知识体系(地位和作用)(3)分析本课内容与相关知识的区别和联系(4)说明教学内容的调整.整合.解构和补充本课是一堂口语课,学习对象为八年级生.根据>的四级目标,能引出话题并进行几个回合的交谈,如能和他人结对活动询问身体情况;能在教师的指导下参与角色扮演活动,如能利用教师所提供的医疗用具,根据教师的亲身示范,以及课件上所展示的目标语言四人小组扮演医生和病人.本课的话题选自八年级(上)Unit2What’s the matter? SectionA.在学习了身体各部分单词的基础上,要求学生学会谈论自己及他人的健康状况,了解基本的医学常识,懂得常见病的基本处理方式,并能针对健康问题提出自己的建议.有利于提高青少年了解常见的基本卫生知识,促使他们养成良好的卫生习惯,增强自我保护和防范能力.本课的核心语言项目是〝Ask and answer abouthealth〞.学会用〝What’s thematter?〞来询问他人身体状况.通过教师丰富的肢体语言和绷带的使用让学生了解本课的教学重点-疾病的表达方式,从视觉上激起了学生的好奇心和求知欲.通过结对练习,游戏和角色扮演等多种任务的训练巩固所学的基础语言材料:Ihave a…You shoul d/shouldn’t…由于本节课是一节口语课,我们教材内容进行了适当的整合,以使教学内容更加符合学生的需要和贴近学生的实际生活.我们删除了材料中的听力部分,只保留了2a里面关于疾病的和针对相关疾病给出建议的单词.为了体现课堂的完整性和语言的真实性,我们还对教材做了一定的补充如:增加了两个关于疾病的单词:cold和cough.对3a的对话做了少许修改及扩充,从原材料的提一个建议修改为提多个建议,并视学生自己水平进行适当扩充,使其更贴近实际,让学生有更多发挥的空间,创造口语练习的条件. 亮点与反思:我从学生特点出发,根据教学内容,设计了一个与学生生活贴近的任务,让学生在交流中合作完成角色扮演医生和病人的任务.这种亲身体验的方式把学生吸引到语言学习的交流活动中来,引起他们的注重力和学习爱好,因此学生交流参与会比较积极和成功.课堂教学是一个动态过程,根据学生知识的实际需要,随时做出富有创意的调整,将学生的体验有机地融入课堂中,并不断生成创造和加以运用,让学生在互动交流中获得独特的体验,在亲身体验中生成新知识,新经验,在体验中感悟语言.因此在本节课中我们对教材内容做了相应的整合和补充.3.学情分析:(1)分析学生的学习起点,可能遇到的困难和问题及其依据(2)确定促进学生有效学习,解决困难的思路和策略.八年级是学习英语的关键时期,这个阶段的学生活泼.好奇心和求知欲望强.比如像本课所涉及的有关健康的话题是他们之前从未接触过的,因此,他们渴望用英语来表达.另外,八年级学生的心理特点反映在学习英语的能力上,他们模仿和记忆的能力特别强.学生的发音器官很灵敏,耳朵辨音的能力强,口舌也能灵活准确地模仿各种发音.八年级学生的记忆以具体形象记忆为主,并习惯于机械性记忆初中生理解和分析语言的能力相对来说较弱.在知识积累方面,学生已经掌握了一定的词汇和句型,对语言学习的热情也逐步增加.他们更感兴趣的是如何用英语来表述与现实生活息息相关的话题并寻求合理的解决办法.本课通过表述身体的各种不适和谈论个人健康问题,使学生学会关心自身及他人身体健康并且能提出一些建议,同时让学生了解〝ahealthylifestyle〞的重要性.但是由于学生年龄和生活经验的限制,在谈论如何给合适的建议时,会遇到一定的困难.因此,在教学过程中,利用图片.肢体语言,给予学生直观的感受,并灵活运用绷带和白大褂等教具,创设真实的情境.除此之外,教师要给学生适时而恰当的鼓励.学生在课堂上的发言,教师都要尽力加以表扬,鼓励,多运用积极的鼓励性语言,如〝Believeyourself !〞,〝Good〞,〝Welldone!〞等.对于学生在口语练习中出现的错误,不必有错就纠,有错必纠,使学生产生〝跃跃欲试〞的冲动,享受成功的喜悦.亮点与反思:教师对学生的主体意识的尊重尤其重要.教师要把每个学生当作一个具有独特经验和情感态度的人,与学生建立一种真诚平等,信任的相互关系,在教学中关注学生的亲历亲为,实际上是对学生自主性.创造的尊重.对于学生在课堂上的表现教师要时时用积极的语言予以肯定和鼓励,这正是罗森塔尔效应即教师期望效应的有效体现.4.教学目标设计:用具体.明确.可操作的行为语言,描述本课的知识.技能.能力.方法.情感.态度.价值观等方面的教学目标.Objectives:By the end of the session, most students will be better able toacquire the required information. This will be achieved by:1. Knowledge Objectives:1)Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning andspelling of the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache,headache, toothache, cold, cough;2)Be able to learn the e_pressions of giving advice:lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take thismedicine;3)Be able to talk about health problems by using〝What’s the matter? I have a…〞 and give advice by using 〝You should… Youshouldn’t…〞2.Ability Objectives:1)Be able to talk about one’s health problems and giveadvice fluently;2)Be able to role play tor and patient;3.Moral Objectives:1)Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work androle playing2)Care more about yourself and your family members’health.5.重点难点设计:本课的教学重点和教学难点及依据由于本节课的话题是谈论健康,根据教学大纲的要求,学生需掌握有关疾病的单词,并能针对疾病提出合理的建议.因此本节课教学重点设置如下:TheteachingFocus1. Master the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back;stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;2. Master the e_pressions of giving advice: lie down and rest,drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;3.Talk about health problems by using 〝What’s the matter? I havea…〞 and give advice by using 〝You should… You shouldn’t…〞本节课的内容是之前学生没有接触过的,因此他们没有一定的知识储备.让他们在45分钟内掌握较多单词的发音及意思有一定的难度.另外,由于八年级学生年龄和生活经验的限制,在谈论如何给合适的建议时,会遇到一定的困难.因此本节课的教学难点设置如下:TheTeachingDifficulties1. Students may find it difficult to remember all the target newwords in the class;2. Students may find it difficult to give appropriate advice tothe certain disease because of their limited life e_perience.6.教学策略与手段:本课教学中所运用的教学模式.教学策略和教学手段,包括课前准备:(1)学生的学习准备;2.教师的教学准备;3.教学环境的设计与布置;4.教学用具的设计和准备.>明确指出:英语教学提倡体验.实践.参与.交流与合作的学习方式,要使学生尽可能多地从不同渠道,以不同方式接触和学习英语,亲身感受和直接体验语言运用语言.在英语教学中,要关注学生的体验,创设和优化英语教学环境,使学生在互动中交流语言,在体验中生成知识,使语言学习转变成一种创造和运用语言的体验过程.因此本课遵循体验式英语教学模式,使得教师输入和学生输出科学地结合起来,从而实现以学生为中心.培养学生自主学习能力的教学理念和提高学生跨文化交际能力的最终教学目标.此外本课还结合了情景教学模式.即通过灵活运用绷带.听诊器.白大褂等用具营造出医院的真实情景,开展活动,提高学生参与教学活动的兴趣,引导学生在真实的情境以及体验.实践.参与.合作和交流中积极主动运用语言.另外本课还倡导任务型教学方式.任务型教学就是以具体的任务为学习动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习的过程,以展示任务成果的方式来体现教学的成就.在设计任务时,我们还注重发觉学生的童趣童真,讲究教学任务的趣味性和多样性,如男女生PK.结对活动.猜测游戏.角色扮演等多种形式的任务,引导学生在轻松愉快的环境中合作学习语言,培养学生综合运用语言的能力.除此之外,在本节课中,我们还利用了有关疾病的丰富的图片,帮助巩固复习新单词,并以此引入另一话题-提供建议.另外,在配对游戏环节中,我们还需准备两个袋子,分别装有各种疾病和建议的纸条,以供男女比赛使用.英语教学主题设计5一.教学设计学科名称陕旅版小学英语六年级第八册Lesson 1 _i’an is a beautiful city二.班级情况,学生特点分析六年级学生54人,学生步入六年级是以学习句型为主,在学习单词的基础上掌握不同的句型,加强了口语的练习,并掌握如何在现实生活中正确的运用这些句子句型.三.教学内容分析本课谈论的是旅游方面的话题,对话内容侧重于旅游前的准备活动.通过学习使学生乐于并能主动和别人用英语谈论旅游的话题.学生要掌握一些和旅游活动相关的句子和短语,例如Whereare you going? Who will take you there?Are you ready for your trip? havea goodtime.还有学生要会说一些旅游景点的名称.例如,Qinshihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses(兵马俑),theGteat Wall(长城), the Bell Tower(钟楼), the West Lake(西湖).四.教学目标1. 会说会用这些句子:Where are you going ? I’m going to …(名胜古迹名称) Who will take you there?2.能听懂会说会用名胜古迹名称:Qin Shihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses; The BellTower; the Great Wall; the Weat Lake.3.理解会用一般将来时态的两种表达法:I’m going to … I will…4.会说会用常用语:take a picture of… be ready for have a good time.五.教学难点分析(1)学习掌握重点短语和句子,并熟悉对话.(2)能用所学句型和别人做自由对话,并将所学内容灵活运用于实际的情境中.六.教学课时:一课时七.教学过程1. 热身(Warming up)教师通过手偶A和B的对话引出本课所要学习的.重点句型和重点短语.A: What are you doing now?B: I’m buying a train ticket. Why are you here?A: I want to buy a train ticket, too.B: Where are you going?A: I’m going to go to Sichuan.B: Who will take you there?A: My brother. Where are you going?B: Beijing. I’ll visit my grandparents.A: Beijing is a famous city. Do take more photos and have a good time. B: Thank you . The same to you.A: Goodbye.B: Byebye.2.新课展示(New Presentation)教师利用景点图片或是照片讲解本课重点词汇和句型.⑴景点词汇教授.教师让学生感知图片,然后出示各个景点照片一一教授.教师用简单的句型描述一个景点,让学生们猜猜那是什么.e.g It’s very famous and great.It’s in _i’an.It’s about the Qin Dynasty.从而引出秦始皇兵马俑,教师教授英文单词----- Qin Shihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors AndHorses.The Bell Tower 钟楼The West Lake 西湖The Great Wall 长城教法从上.教师可以在教授单词的过程中,引导学生说出这些景点所在的城市,并用形形容词来修饰这些景点.This is the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses.It’s in _i’an.It’s famous and great.This is the Bell Tower.It’s in _i’an.It’s famous and beautiful.This is the West Lake.It’s in HangzhouIt’s famous and nice.⑵ 语言点讲述①教师拿出一张照片,询问 What’s this? 学生回答 It’s a picture.或It’s a photo. 从而引出短语照相 takea picture of some place take a photo of some place . e.g take a picturephoto ofthe Bell Tower课文中在take some pictures 之前加上do, 用来加强语气,可理解为〝一定要〞. For e_ample,Do take somepictures of The Bell Tower when you are in _i’an.② be ready for sth (为…做好准备)例如:Are you ready for English test?③have a good time ( 玩得高兴) 还可以说 have a nicewonderful time.⑶ 语法点讲述教师将语法点进行讲解,一般将来时态是指在将来时间发生的事情和动作.有两种表达法:be going to do something will dosomething教师出示各个景点图片,师生互动,进行问答练习.Where are you going?I’m going to go to Beijing.Who will take you there?My father will take me there.3.小结本课重点学习了景点的名称,要求学生不但要熟练掌握景点名词,并且能用简单的形容词来修饰.4. 听课本录音,学习课文.Listen to the dialogue and then answer the questions.(播放录音)A: What is Robin going to do ?B: He is going to buy the air ticket to _i’an.A: Who will take him there?B: His parents will take him there.A: Which place is the most famous one in _i’an?B: Qin Shihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses八.课堂练习1.I’m going to _i’an.I’ll take some pictures of Qin Shihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors andHorses.2.I’m going to Shandong.I’ll take some pictures of Mount Tain.3.I’m goin gto Hangzhou.I’ll take some pictures of the West Lake.九.作业安排1.听音并背诵对话内容.2.和他人进行对话练习.3.预习下节课所学内容.英语教学主题设计。



1. 开口说英语,自信赢未来!(Pioneer Language, Unleash Tomorrow!)

2. 英语交流,快乐无限!(Communication in English, Happiness Unlimited)

3. 语伴同行,英语路上不孤单!(Language Buddies, No Lonely Way to English)

4. 英语口语,越说越流利!(English Speaking, the More the Merrier)

5. 奇思妙想,英语表达更有趣!(Whimsical Expressions, English Talk More Fun)







二、活动主题Good —— Better —— Best !三、活动要求全员参与自主学习合作交流体验快乐四、活动时间20_年9月14日—— 20_年9月30日五、活动过程1. 9月14日——9月15日:英语节前期准备(制定活动方案等)2. 9月16日英语节开幕式(早操集会时间举行) 张觉校长致词。

3. 9月16日——9月17日:特级教师龚海平老师亲临现场指导青年教师课堂教学。

4. 9月18日——9月25日:全校开展丰富多彩的活动(1) 全校学生在音乐课、英语课上学唱一首英语歌《雪绒花》。

(2) 各班在英语老师的带领下组织相应的活动。

二三年级英文书写比赛(字母、句子) (何郁兰老师负责准备书写材料。

) 四年级“我爱记单词”比赛 ( Do you remember ? )(沈洁老师负责准备单词材料。

)五年级英文小故事表演赛 (计振瑜老师负责准备5则小故事材料。

)六年级英语知识竞赛 (卜芳静老师负责准备知识竞赛材料材料。

)5. 9月24日——9月29日成果展示(地点:演播厅 )9月24日(午自习):二三年级英文书写比赛 (全班参与)9月25日(午自习):四年级“我爱记单词”比赛 (每班5人)9月28日(午自习):五年级英文小故事表演赛 (每班2人)9月29日(午自习):六年级英语知识竞赛 (每班5人)评委:顾丽萍王霞芬方莹新闻报道:何郁兰沈琳卜芳静六、活动奖励以上活动以年级为单位,各项比赛设一、二、三等奖若干名,获奖证书由科教处统一发放。





英文主题创设 - 幼儿园主题教案简介幼儿园英语教学应该以主题为主,通过各种活动引导幼儿积极参与学习,全面发展语言积累和语言能力提升。





以“水果”为例,首先教授幼儿基础的水果单词,如apple, banana, orange等。




以“水果”为例,通过模拟市场购物情境,教师可以让幼儿学习到这样一句话:I want some apples. 句型教学结束后,要使用各种形式的活动让孩子们记住这些句型。









中学 英文 好玩的主题

中学 英文 好玩的主题


以下是一些适合中学英文课程的好玩主题:1. 交通工具:通过学习各种交通工具的英文表达,如car, bus, train, plane等,以及相关的动词和名词,如drive, ride, fly等。

2. 动物世界:介绍不同动物的英文名称,如lion, tiger, elephant, gorilla等,并学习关于动物的行为和栖息地的英文表达。

3. 食物与烹饪:学习各种食物的英文名称,如apple, banana, pizza, hamburger 等,以及烹饪相关的英文词汇和表达。

4. 体育运动:通过学习不同体育项目的英文表达,如soccer, basketball, swimming, running等,了解体育规则和比赛术语。

5. 旅行与探险:介绍旅行中可能遇到的各种情况,如预订酒店、问路、参观景点等,以及探险故事中的英文表达。

6. 英美文化:学习英美的节日、习俗、著名人物和地标等,如Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Statue of Liberty, Big Ben等。

7. 科学与技术:了解科学实验、发明创造和最新科技产品的英文表达,如microscope, light bulb, smartphone等。

8. 艺术与音乐:学习关于绘画、雕塑、音乐和舞蹈的英文词汇,如painter, sculptor, musician, dancer等。

9. 电影与戏剧:通过讨论电影和戏剧中的角色、情节和对话,学习相关的英文表达。

10. 日常生活:围绕日常生活中的场景,如学校、家庭、朋友、购物等,学习常用的英文表达和对话。





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学校主题英文活动方案策划1. IntroductionIn today's globalized world, it is essential for students to develop a global mindset and understand the diverse cultures and traditions around the world. To promote cultural exchange and enhance English language learning, our school is planning to organize a theme-based English activity called "Exploring the World: A Global Adventure." This proposal outlines the objectives, activities, and strategies for implementing this enriching program.2. Objectives2.1 To promote multicultural understanding and appreciation among students.2.2 To enhance English language learning in an interactive and engaging manner.2.3 To encourage creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration among students.2.4 To foster global awareness and a sense of curiosity about the world.3. DurationThe "Exploring the World: A Global Adventure" program will be conducted over a span of four weeks during regular school hours. It will involve different activities each week, allowing students to explore a new continent or region of the world.4. Program Activities4.1 Week 1: North America4.1.1 Cultural Display: Each class will be assigned a specific North American country. Students will research and present a cultural display including traditional artifacts, food, clothing, and music.4.1.2 English Language Auction: Students will participate in an auction-style activity where they bid using English phrases they have learned. This activity will encourage them to practice their English language skills in a fun and interactive manner.4.1.3 Virtual Field Trip: Through video conferencing, students will connect with a class in a North American school and engage in a virtual tour of their local area, allowing for cultural exchange and sharing of experiences.4.2 Week 2: Europe4.2.1 Language Café: Students will have the opportunity to socialize in English using discussion topics related to European culture, history, and current affairs. This activity will enhance their speaking and listening skills.4.2.2 Creative Writing Competition: Students will be encouraged to write short stories, poems, or essays about their dream European destinations. The top entries will be published in a school magazine.4.2.3 European Food Fair: Each class will create and present a traditional European dish. Students will explore different recipes, learn about various European ingredients, and present their dishes to the school community.4.3 Week 3: Asia4.3.1 Traditional Costume Parade: Students will research and create traditional Asian costumes and organize a parade, where they will proudly display their creations. This activity will promote cultural understanding and creativity.4.3.2 World Dance Workshop: Professional dancers will conduct workshops introducing Asian traditional dances. Students will have the opportunity to learn and perform a dance routine, celebrating the diversity of Asian cultures.4.3.3 Guest Speaker Series: Experts on Asian culture, history, and traditions will be invited to speak to the students, providing them with firsthand knowledge and motivating them to explore Asia beyond what is covered in textbooks.4.4 Week 4: Africa4.4.1 Art Exhibition: Students will create artwork inspired by African culture and history. Their paintings, sculptures, and traditional craftwork will be displayed in an art exhibition for the school community.4.4.2 African Book Club: Students will be encouraged to read books written by African authors. They will participate in group discussions, book reviews, and storytelling sessions to share their insights and understanding of African literature.4.4.3 Community Service for Africa: Students will engage in fundraising activities to supporta selected charity organization that works towards improving the lives of people in Africa. This will foster a sense of empathy and social responsibility.5. Evaluation and AssessmentTo assess students' progress and the effectiveness of the program, the following measures will be implemented:5.1 Pre- and Post-Activity Surveys: Students, teachers, and parents will be asked to complete surveys to evaluate their expectations and opinions regarding the program.5.2 Rubrics and Criteria: Teachers will develop rubrics and criteria for assessing student performances, presentations, and activities.5.3 Student Portfolio: Each student will maintain a portfolio showcasing their work, including research, artwork, writings, and reflections.6. ConclusionThe "Exploring the World: A Global Adventure" English activity aims to provide students with a platform to discover and appreciate the diversity of the world. Through interactive activities, cultural exchanges, and language learning, students will develop a global mindset, critical thinking skills, and empathy towards different cultures. We believe that an inclusive and globally conscious education will empower our students to become responsible global citizens of the future.。



创客主题英文作文Being a maker is all about creativity and innovation. It's about using your hands and your mind to create something new and exciting. Whether it's building a robot, designing a new app, or crafting a piece of furniture, being a maker means pushing the boundaries of what's possible.Makers come from all walks of life. Some are engineers or programmers, while others are artists or designers. What unites them is their passion for creating and their willingness to take risks. Being a maker means beingwilling to fail and learn from your mistakes, becausethat's how you grow and improve.One of the best things about being a maker is the sense of community. Makers love to share their knowledge and skills with others, whether it's through online forums, maker fairs, or workshops. There's a real sense of camaraderie among makers, and it's inspiring to see howeveryone supports and encourages each other.Being a maker is also about problem-solving. Whetherit's figuring out how to make a circuit work or how tobuild a prototype, makers are always looking for solutions. They're not afraid to think outside the box and try new things, because that's how breakthroughs happen.At its core, being a maker is about embracing curiosity and a love of learning. Makers are always asking questions and seeking out new challenges. They're not content to just accept the status quo – they want to push the boundaries and see what's possible.In the end, being a maker is about taking an idea and turning it into reality. It's about using your skills and creativity to make something that didn't exist before. And that's a pretty amazing feeling.。



英文主题创设主题:Occupation (各行各业)1、名称 Occupation2、目标 Learn all kinds of occupation and know their main busine .3、教学活动内容:单词教学:barber postma doctor shop a istant weathermadancer reporter teacher pilot firemanblack brow blond long hair short hairponytail pigtail curly straight letterpackage stam envelope postcard headachetoothache stomachache food drink fruitrainy su y cloudy windy foggyowy humid sci or shampoo句型教学:(1)What can I do for you ?I want to buy this (bread)!How much?2 yuan!Here you are !Thank you! Bye !(2)What do you want to be when you grow up ?I want to be a when I grow up.(3)It’s your letter/package! Here you are!Thank you !(4)Which hair style do you like ?I like( long curly hair).(5)What’s matter with you ?I have a headache.(6)How is the weather today ?It’s a (su y) day.歌曲教学:Do you know the fireman ?”数来宝教学:What do you want to be when you grow ?数学活动:(1)整理和记录收发信件(2)记录卖出货物数量和计算剩余货物数量(3)做一个月天气的情况统计美术活动:(1)设计明信片并设计制作我们班自己的小信箱(2)绘制我们班美发屋的发型本(3)绘制我们班自己的天气预告展示牌(4)让孩子描绘出“我的理想”社会活动:参观美发屋、消防队、医院、邮局、超市等公共场所,让孩子们直观的了解各个行业的工作人员是怎么工作的。



英文作文主题推荐模板英文:When it comes to choosing a topic for an English essay, there are countless options. However, it can be difficultto narrow down the choices and find a topic that is both interesting and manageable. Here are a few topicsuggestions to get you started:1. The impact of social media on society: This topic could explore the positive and negative effects of social media on individuals and society as a whole. You could discuss how social media has changed the way we communicate, the rise of cyberbullying, and the potential for addiction.2. The importance of education: This topic could examine the value of education and how it can impact a person's life. You could discuss the benefits of obtaininga college degree, the role of education in reducing poverty, and the impact of education on personal growth anddevelopment.3. The effects of climate change: This topic could explore the causes and consequences of climate change. You could discuss the impact on the environment, the economy, and human health. Additionally, you could discuss ways in which individuals and governments can take action to mitigate the effects of climate change.中文:当涉及到选择英语作文主题时,有无数的选择。



主题背景下的英语游戏Our City作者:张洁小(上海市奉贤区解放路幼儿园)设计意图:主题《我们的城市》已经在班级里轰轰烈烈的展开了。





2、在游戏巩固单词和句型(What do you like ? I like 、、、、、、)3、培养幼儿对英语游戏的兴趣,有集体比赛的荣誉感。



活动提示:一、热身运动英语律动歌曲《One ,two !Open the door》二、Happy English for a minute(快乐英语一分钟!)规则:幼儿大胆的站到中间用常见的英语短句或句型向全班幼儿问,座位上的孩子根据提问进行相应的英文回答。


例如:A幼儿问:“How are you ?”(你好吗?)全班幼儿则回答:“Fine, thank you , and you ?” (我很好,谢谢你的关心。

你好吗?)A幼儿问:“I am fine ,too !”(我也很好)价值取向:1、鼓励孩子用自己熟悉的日常用语和英语短句大胆的提问,激发孩子的自信和表达欲望,同时加强对个别孩子的指导。

三、英语游戏:换位子1、幼儿半圆形排好位置,老师拿出篮内一张卡片(如银行)师问:“ What do you like ?” (你喜欢哪个地方?)生答:“I like bank .”(我喜欢银行)胸前挂有银行卡片的小朋友马上站起来说:然后马上交换不是自己的位子。



环保主题活动方案英文Environmental Protection Theme Activity PlanIntroduction:In recent years, the importance of environmental protection has been increasingly emphasized due to the worsening global environmental issues. To raise awareness and promote sustainable practices, we have designed a series of environmental protection theme activities. These activities aim to engage the community, educate individuals about environmental issues, and encourage everyone to take action to protect our planet.Activity 1: Beach Clean-up DayDescription:Beach Clean-up Day is a hands-on activity that allows participants to directly contribute to the preservation of marine ecosystems. Participants will be provided with gloves, trash bags, and tools to collect and properly dispose of litter found on the beach. This activity not only helps to clean up the beach but also raises awareness about the impact of plastic pollution on marine life.Date: June 5th, 2022Location: Sunny BeachActivity 2: Tree Planting CampaignDescription:The Tree Planting Campaign aims to increase green spaces in urban areas and combat climate change. Participants will have the opportunity to plant trees in designated areas, learning about the importance of trees in absorbing carbon dioxide and providing oxygen. This activity promotes community involvement in environmental conservation and fosters a sense of responsibility towards nature.Date: September 10th, 2022Location: City ParkActivity 3: Eco-friendly WorkshopDescription:The Eco-friendly Workshop is an educational activitythat focuses on sustainable practices and eco-friendly alternatives. Participants will engage in interactive sessions on topics such as waste reduction, energyconservation, and sustainable living. This workshop aims to equip individuals with practical knowledge and skills to make environmentally conscious choices in their daily lives.Date: November 20th, 2022Location: Community CenterActivity 4: Recycling DriveDescription:The Recycling Drive encourages participants to recycle household items such as paper, plastic, glass, and electronics. Participants will be able to drop off their recyclables at designated collection points, where theywill be sorted and sent for recycling. This activity promotes waste reduction and resource conservation, highlighting the importance of recycling in minimizing environmental impact.Date: February 5th, 2023Location: Community Recycling CenterConclusion:Through these environmental protection theme activities, we aim to engage the community in environmental conservation efforts and promote sustainable practices. By raising awareness, educating individuals, and encouraging action, we can collectively work towards a greener and healthier planet for future generations.环保主题活动方案介绍:近年来,由于全球环境问题日益恶化,环保的重要性越来越受到强调。




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元旦活动主题名称创意英文New Beginnings: An Enchanting Celebration of the New Year IntroductionAs we bid farewell to the old year and eagerly welcome the new, let us come together for a grand celebration of new beginnings. Join us for a magical evening filled with joyful festivities, heartwarming experiences, and unforgettable memories. In this article, we present to you an array of captivating activities and carefully crafted themes that will leave you feeling inspired, rejuvenated, and ready to embark on a brand-new journey. Theme 1: A Night Under the StarsStep into a night of wonders as we transform the venue into an ethereal dreamscape. Hundreds of twinkling lights will illuminate the area, creating a serene atmosphere that evokes a sense of calmness and optimism. The décor will include celestial motifs, such as stars, moon, and constellations, enhancing the enchanting ambiance. Guests can mingle amidst this celestial landscape, enjoying live music, delicious delicacies, and engaging conversations. An immersive stargazing experience will be provided, where astronomy experts will guide attendees through the vast wonders of the night sky. This theme encapsulates the idea of going beyond our limits, reaching for the stars, and embracing new opportunities.Theme 2: Enchanted GardenEmbark on a captivating journey through a mystical garden, where beauty and magic come to life. The venue will be adorned with lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and whimsical decorations thattransport guests to an enchanting realm. The garden will be filled with interactive activities, such as treasure hunts, hidden surprises, and photo booths with elaborate backdrops. Fairy lights and lanterns will twinkle overhead, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The aroma of fresh flowers and the sounds of chirping birds will complement the experience, truly immersing attendees in this enchanting setting. This theme captures the essence of growth, renewal, and embracing the beauty of nature.Theme 3: Time Travel ExtravaganzaEmbark on a thrilling journey through time as we celebrate the past, present, and future. The venue will be divided into separate zones, each representing a specific era in history. Guests can dress up in period costumes, indulge in historical cuisines, and partake in activities inspired by different time periods. From ancient civilizations to futuristic utopias, this theme offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich tapestry of human heritage. The highlight of the event will be a dazzling performance showcasing the evolution of dance and music throughout the ages. This theme symbolizes the importance of acknowledging our roots, learning from history, and embracing the endless possibilities that the future holds.ConclusionNew Beginnings: An Enchanting Celebration of the New Year offers a plethora of activities and themes to suit every individual's preference. Whether you prefer stargazing under a starlit sky, exploring an enchanted garden, or journeying through time, this event has something for everyone. As the clock strikes midnight, let us come together, ushering in the New Year with joy,anticipation, and a sense of wonder. Join us in celebrating the magic of new beginnings and create unforgettable memories that will inspire you throughout the year.。



英文主题教育活动方案Title: Promoting Interactive Learning: An Engaging English Language Education Program1. IntroductionEducation is the key to shaping individuals into responsible and capable citizens of society. To enhance the learning experience and encourage active participation, our proposed theme for an educational activity focuses on interactive learning in English language education. By providing engaging activities and opportunities for students to interact, we aim to create a stimulating environment that fosters a love for learning and language acquisition. The following is a detailed plan for the proposed educational activity.2. Objectives- To create an interactive and engaging learning environment for students.- To develop students' English language skills through practical application.- To foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities among students.- To encourage collaboration and teamwork among students.- To instill a love for learning and motivate students to pursue lifelong learning.3. Duration and Target AudienceThe program will span one week, consisting of daily activities, workshops, and group projects. The target audience includes students in grades 7-9 (ages 13-15) from local schools.4. Day 1: Icebreaker and Team Building Activities (estimated time: 3 hours)- Icebreaker activity: A game of "Two Truths and a Lie" to help students get to know each other and foster a sense of community.- Team building activities: Engaging games like "Back-to-Back Drawing," "Human Knot," and "Pass the Balloon" to encourage teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.- Reflection and discussion: A group discussion on the importance of teamwork and effective communication.5. Day 2: Interactive Language Learning Workshops (estimated time: 3 hours)- Workshop 1: Telling Tales-Telling Stories: An interactive workshop on storytelling techniques in English. Students will learn about story elements, plot development, and effective storytelling techniques through group activities and games.- Workshop 2: Debating Skills: An introduction to the art of debating. Students will learn how to construct arguments, present their viewpoints, and practice their debating skills through mock debates on relevant topics. This activity will enhance critical thinking skills and encourage students to articulate their thoughtsin English.6. Day 3: Hands-on Language Application (estimated time: 4 hours) - Scavenger Hunt: Students will participate in a language-based scavenger hunt within a local market or community. They will use English to interact with vendors, read signs, and complete challenges. This activity will provide real-life language application and boost students' confidence in using English outside theclassroom.- Reflection and discussion: A group reflection session to discuss the challenges faced during the scavenger hunt and share learning experiences.7. Day 4: Cultural Exchange and Art Workshop (estimated time: 4 hours)- Cultural Exchange: In collaboration with a partner school from a different cultural background (e.g., another city or country), students will engage in a virtual cultural exchange session. They will interact with students from the partner school through video calls or online platforms, sharing their culture, traditions, and experiences.- Art Workshop: A hands-on art workshop where students will create collaborative artwork that reflects their cultural exchange experience. This activity will encourage creativity, cultural appreciation, and teamwork.8. Day 5: Project Presentations and Celebration (estimated time: 4 hours)- Project Presentation: Students will work together in small groups to create a final project showcasing their learning throughout the week. This project could take the form of a video presentation, a skit, or a creative performance in English. Each group will present their project to the entire class.- Celebration and Awards: A concluding ceremony to celebrate students' achievements during the program. Certificates will be awarded to recognize their participation and growth.9. ConclusionThe proposed educational activity aims to promote interactive learning in English language education. By incorporating various interactive activities, workshops, and projects, students will be engaged, motivated, and challenged to use English language skills in practical and creative ways. Through collaboration, critical thinking, and hands-on application, this program will provide students with valuable learning experiences and inspire a lifelong love for learning.。

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主题:Occupation (各行各业)
1、名称 Occupation
2、目标 Learn all kinds of occupation and know their main busine .
单词教学:barber postma doctor shop a istant weatherma
dancer reporter teacher pilot fireman
black brow blond long hair short hair
ponytail pigtail curly straight letter
package stam envelope postcard headache
toothache stomachache food drink fruit
rainy su y cloudy windy foggy
owy humid sci or shampoo
句型教学:(1)What can I do for you ?
I want to buy this (bread)!How much?
2 yuan!
Here you are !
Thank you! Bye !
(2)What do you want to be when you grow up ?
I want to be a when I grow up.
(3)It’s your letter/package! Here you are!
Thank you !
(4)Which hair style do you like ?
I like( long curly hair).
(5)What’s matter with you ?
I have a headache.
(6)How is the weather today ?
It’s a (su y) day.
歌曲教学:Do you know the fireman ?”
数来宝教学:What do you want to be when you grow ? 数学活动:(1)整理和记录收发信件


主题墙分为三个展示板块:板块之一是用来展示孩子收集来的各行各业的图片和海报等,供孩子们平时观察;板块之二是用来展示孩子们“我的理想”的美术作品,配上“I want to be a ()”,可以让孩子在有客人或是家长来的时候给大家用英文介绍自己的理想;板块之三也是用来展示,每周定一个职业,然后本周就让孩子收集、折纸、泥塑或是绘画来表现和本职业相关的任何人物、事物和工具等。





