骤,只写出最后答案的不能得分,有数值计算的题,答案中必须明确写出蚊值和单位。 L斗
JR. (7 ',})
人’\�水l;旋转剂材;以1'J迫多、披l支火、法度快被f,l\\{.五年轻人所i�爱 一人以Sm/R的ill度
τ甲 :,.
. -20 -•IO •0 10
高一物理 第 l 页(共8页)
4.一物体做生j变这J'1.线运动.(Et=OM速度大小儿J Im/毡 , 方向向西;.{Et= 2sU•tJ巫庞大小为
Sm/s, Ji向作l尔贝1\(.f此过科叫:该物体的)Jl\j在l艾
:h /\.火小 3m/s'. Jr1t;J l肯I东
8小球以一定的初速度消上倾斜的坡道 . 在之后的3s内 , 利用速度传感榕在计算机屏幕上得
到lJ主述度随时间的变化关系如困所示 已知小球在向上、向下的运动中加速度的值分别保
恃不变, 川lil该小球 _ 0- 3s内一直沿斜披向上运动
民Jjy1]30mx30m的安全网上 求:
' ( I )Jt金斯生:J}Jll速下洛阶段加速度的大小;
l ;�!啕 (2)艾金斯在空rp运动的时间
高一物理 第5页(共8页)
高一物理 第6页(共S页1
(8分)选做题:题 本 包含、 A B两题, i责任选一题做答.如雨题都做,接题 A 计分. 随著生态环境的持续好转.野生动物越来越多。在平直的高速公路,一辆汽车正以
APS-10-9090型材Profile 90*9010mm槽宽的工业铝型材系列应用说明Application:广泛应用于大应力、高强度、支撑要求高的重载结构的框架组合。
技术数据:材料Material铝Aluminum(6063-T5)单位质量Weight 6.20 kg/m长度Length 6.02m、集合惯性Mass of Inertia lx:172.14cm4 ly: 172.14cm4 截面惯性Section Modulus Zx:40.76cm3 Zy: 40.76cm3 订货号Order No. APS-10-909045系列其它产品:应用 APS-10-9090 的成品APS全系列产品包括:▋APS工业铝型材▋APS工业铝型材专用配件▋APS非标型材/异型材▋APS工业铝型材框架、仪器设备机罩、车间操作台、工业铝型材流水线等上海比迪工业铝型材配件有限公司以“用户至上,量身定制”的服务宗旨,以“品质、服务及客户满意度”为服务标准,以“技术创新和产品研发”为核心竞争力。
从产品的模具设计研发到挤压生产,从产品精加工到表面处理,从简单的铝型材框架加工到全自动流水线装置系统化制造,能为您提供:▋个性化框架加工 1、个性化的上门测量、设计、制做各类铝型材框架产品;▋高精度加工质量 2、严苛、标准化的加工质量管理,高精度的加工质量;▋完美的售后服务 3、完善的上门施工、安装、维护和无忧售后服务;▋非标铝制品开模 4、包括超高精度、难度的各类非标铝制品的设计、开模、生产;▋丰富的表面处理 5、氧化着色、抛光、喷砂、电泳、喷涂等APS全球统一标准的各类表面处理;▋全面的精加工 6、创新科技的技术支持,顶级设备的加工硬件和标准化的质检管理保障了CNC、车、铣、刨、磨、锯、线切割等全面深加工能力。
(一)APS工业铝型材标准型材:20系列: APS-6-2020 APS-6-2020RQ APS-6-2040 APS-6-2060 APS-6-208030系列:APS-8-3030 APS-8-3030W APS-8-3030-2NVS APS-8-3030RQ APS-8-3060 APS-8-3090 APS-8-30120 APS-8-3015040系列:APS-8-4040 APS-8-4040L APS-8-4040W APS-8-4040R APS-8-4040X APS-8-4040-1N APS-8-4040-2NVS APS-8-4080 APS-8-4080L APS-8-4080W APS-8-40120 APS-8-4016045系列:APS-10-4545 APS-10-4545L APS-10-4545W APS-10-4545R APS-10-4545RQ APS-10-4560 APS-10-4560W APS-10-4590 APS-10-4590L APS-10-4590W APS-10-9090 APS-10-9090W50系列:APS-8-5050 APS-8-50100 APS-10-5050 APS-10-5010060系列:APS-8-6060 APS-8-6090 APS-8-6630 APS-10-6060 APS-10-6060L80系列:APS-8-8080 APS-8-8080X APS-8-8080W APS-8-80120 APS-8-80160重型系列:APS-8-100100 APS-8-120120 APS-8-30150W APS-10-100100辅助系列:APS-6-1530 APS-8-1640 APS-8-8 APS-10-10 APS-T9090/T4080/T8080 APS-L2020/L3030/L4040(二)APS工业铝型材配件:专用螺栓及螺母:专用半圆头螺栓、专用螺栓、弹性扣件、平机螺栓、专用圆柱头螺栓、T型螺栓、法兰螺母、T型螺母块、方形螺母块、弹性螺母块、弹片螺母块专用连接件:内置连接件、内置内连接件、专用角槽连接件、角槽连接件、活动铰链、斜角连接件、槽条连接件、间隔连接块、万用连接件、螺纹连接件角件:20系列角件、30系列角件、40系列角件、45系列角件、强力角件、大角件、型材角件、强力型材角件、45度型材角件、135度型材角件、三维角连接件、转向角件、地角角件装饰件:端面盖板、平封槽条、U型槽条装配件:把手、活动挂钩、门吸、合页、金属合页、端面连接板、角度调节板、外连接板、内连接板支撑件:蹄脚、金属蹄脚、脚轮、平板脚轮、福马轮、复合脚轮(三)流水线APS工业铝型材及配件可以加工组装成产品:工具料架(车)、产品专用工具车、防静电工作台、产品展示架、液晶面板、阳光房、展示柜、展示架、机械防尘密封护罩、产品检测设备、非标设备、工业围栏、屏风、绘图仪、检测设备、生物实验设备、机架、贴标机、生产流水线、电机转子生产线、电子产品生产线、流水线工作台、设备防护屏障、液晶屏生产设备外罩、仪器设备台、物料架、洁净棚、超市信息栏架、汽车模型、隔断等及个性化框架加工。
2 01 1 ;2 (1 )
� 临床 中药�
90 例
中 药 严 重
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
新 的 严 重
不 良 反 应 分 析
1 2 1 2 高天 , 黄文志 , 何燕 , 杨娟
[ ] 目的: 了解中药不良反应在临床中的发生情况 , 摘要 发挥药品不 良反应监测 工作在安全 用药中的指 导作用�方 法: 采用回顾性分析研究方法 , 对临床发生的 90 例 中药严 重� 新的严重 不良反 应进行 综合分 析�结果: 中药 严重不 良反应 91 . 55 % 以上发生在静脉给药, 中药注射液 A D R 多数发生在静脉给 药 1 0 分钟 内; 新 的严重不良 反应 6 3.1 6 % 发生在 口服制 剂� 结论: 中药不良反应与给药途径有相关性�口服中药制剂安全信息尚需不断完善 � [ ] 中药; 不良反应 关键词 [ 中图分类号 ] R 285.6 [ 文献标识码] A [ 文章编号] 1 6 7 4 - 92 6 X(2 01 1 ) 0 1- 0 0 3 9 - 03
2 结果
2 .1 一般情况
1 资料和方法
严重中药不良反应病例 7 1例 , 新的严重中药不良 反应病例 1 9 例� 其中男 47 例, 女 43 例� 年龄最小 1 � 4.5 6 , 岁 8 个月, 最大 7 6 岁 , 平均年龄 44.0 4 1 其中
[ 基金项目] 四川省教育厅课题, 中药安全性监测研究, 课题编 号 [ 作者单位] 1 . 成都中医药大学附属医院, 四川 成都 6 1 0 0 72; 2 . 四川 省 药 品 不 良 反 应 监 测 中 心, 四川 成都 6 1 0 01 7 [ 作者简介] 高天, 女, 硕士, 副主任药师, 从事中药不良反应监 测 [ 收稿日期] 2 01 01 0 -2 0
90度弯头计算风道烟道符号名称单位结果结果A mm01500B mm02000 R弯曲半径mm4501500 V面积m2016.49336 G1重量kg0647.3644 90度弯头加固肋计算L数量m0.9614.96 G2重量kg 2.716856.3992G零件总重kg 2.7168703.7636 (注:弯头为4mm厚钢板制作,加固肋为-60*6的扁钢,烟道为5mm钢板制成,加固肋为50*5的角钢)矩形烟风道质量A mm3000B mm3000S厚度mm5截面积m20.0599G kg/m470.215烟风道长度m12面积m2144烟风道净重kg5642.58加上加固肋重kg6348.948(加固肋为-60*6的扁钢)6577.54(加固肋为50*5的等边角钢)风道加固肋长m249.6 L烟道加固肋长m0每道横向加固肋质量M kg35.3184(加固肋为-60*6的扁钢)M kg46.748(加固肋为50*5的等边角钢)管道保温结构质量保温材料保温材料容重kg/m3150保温层厚度mm50保温层截面积m20.6M kg/m90附件补偿器kg加固肋数20总重量Kg7434.3816不规则钢板重量:梯形钢板:A长边m 1.21 B短边m0.911 L长度m 2.2370.608板厚mm44面积m2 2.3600350.608板净重kg74.10509919.0912加上加固肋重83.06204921.921282.059799矩形管道截面积及对固定端推力A mm1400B mm1600△t o C10板厚mm4S mm223936F t59.84计算管段热胀值管段投影长度m1钢材线膨胀系数mm/m.o C12.6△t温度差o C120△l热胀值mm 1.512选择弹簧C荷载变化系数0.10.22《0.35 F2弹簧最大工作负载下的变形量mm7070P2弹簧最大工作负载N82508250Ho自由高度mm238238△z支吊点垂直方向热位移mm ≤ 6.3636363615当热位移向上时Fg工作荷载N ≤75002800Fa冷态时弹簧承受荷载N75002184 ≤8250 Hg工作高度mm174.363636214.2424△z支吊点垂直方向热位移mm ≤715.4当热位移向下时Fg工作荷载N ≤75002800 Ha安装高度mm180.727273229.2424↓168199.2424↑△a安装压缩值mm57.27272738.757576↓7038.75758↑Fa安装荷载N82504567.857↑67501032.143↓。
回练课本 1.(1)半径为 4,圆心角为 90°的扇形弧长
为 2π ;
(2)50°的圆心角所对的弧长是 2.5π cm,
则此弧所在圆的半径是 9 cm .
若圆锥的底面圆半径是 5,则圆锥的母线 l=
22.(2014 珠海)已知圆柱体的底面半径为 3 cm,高为 4 cm,则圆柱体
的侧面积为( A )
A.24π cm2 C.12 cm2
B.36π cm2 D.24 cm2
1.(2019 温州一模)如图,已知扇形的圆心角∠AOB=120°,半径 OA=2,则扇形的弧长
(1)半径为 R 的圆面积 S=
(2)半径为 R 的圆中,圆心角为
n°的扇形面���������积���������为������ S 扇= ������������lR
或 S 扇= ������������������ .
2.(1)半径为 4,圆心角为 90° 的扇形面积为 4π ; (2)一个扇形的半径是 24 cm,面积是 240π cm2,则扇 形的圆心角是 150° .
即 V=13πR2h.
(3)如图所示,“粮仓”的容积为45π m3 (单位:m).
公路交通噪声预测计算方法依据德国标准RLS90(一)公路交通辐射声级辐射声级L m,E:L m,E=L m(25) +D v+D stro+D stg (1)式中:L m(25)——根据公式(2)求出的平均声级D v ——对不同最高限速的修正D stro ——对不同道路表面的修正D stg ——对道路坡度的修正(25)1) 平均声级:Mean Level Lm条件:水平距离25m,光滑沥清道路表面,限速100km/h,坡度<5%,距道路表面平均2.25m的高度声波自由传播。
L M(25) =37.3+10×lg[M×(1+0.082×p)] (2)式中:M 单车道每小时平均车流量。
P 卡车所占百分率(载重量>2.8吨)如果没有确切的车流量数据,M和p可根据日平均车流量DTV(即24小时平均车流量)按下表计算:白天夜间公路类型M P M PCars/h % Cars/h %1 2 3 4 51 高速公路0,06MDTD25 0,014MDTD452 联邦公路0,06MDTD20 0,011MDTD203 普通公路0,06MDTD20 0,008MDTD104 地方公路0,06MDTD10 0,011MDTD 3表3:不同公路类型的车流量2) 速度修正:DV对于不同于100km/h的限速进行修正.D V =L car – 37.3 + 10×lg [100 + (100.1xD - 1) x p / (100 + 8.23 x p) ] (3)L car =27.7+10×lg[1+(0.02×V car)3]L truck =23.1+12.5×lg(V truck)D =L truck - L car式中V car —汽车的限速 (30km/h — 130km/h)V track —卡车的限速 (30km/h — 80km/h)L car,L truck —汽车和卡车的每小时平均辐射声压级L m(25)3) 不同道路表面的修正DstrO按照下表进行道路表面的修正(根据德国标准RLS-90)在不同限速下的D strO修正值单位:dB(A)道路表面类型 30km/h 40 >=50km/h km/h1. 光滑沥清,混凝土沥清0 0 02. 混凝土1,0 1,5 2,03. 光滑表面公路3,0 2,5 3,04. 其它3,0 4,5 6,04) 对于道路坡度的修正DstgD stg=0.6×|g|-3 当|g|>5%时D stg=0 当|g|≤5%时式中:g为车道沿其行驶方向的坡度(二)计算预测点噪声级Lm公路的平均噪声级对于多车道公路,可按照在最外部的两条车道上方0.5m处假设两条线声源进行计算。
- 使用Alt键码:按住键盘上的Alt键,然后在数字键盘上输入0186,松开Alt键即可输入90度符号。
- 使用字符映射软件:在计算机上安装字符映射软件,打开软件后,在搜索框中输入“degree”或“℃”,然后从搜索结果中选择90度符号进行插入。
- 使用Unicode字符编码:在文本编辑器或字处理软件中,可以直接输入Unicode 字符编码来插入90度符号。
按住Alt 键,并同时按下“+”键,然后输入Unicode 编码U+2103,最后松开Alt 键即可插入90度符号。
- 使用快捷键:对于一些特定的软件或系统,可以使用特定的快捷键组合来输入90度符号。
例如,Microsoft Word 中可以使用Ctrl+Shift+@来输入90度符号。
FORTRAN90 标准函数
iiE -5: GYJ17.1060X(±t!!i.Jt: Obere Wank 1, 87484 Nesse Iwang, Germany)� -5 � � TMT142 *�UroJ ��;r-� ExdIICT4-T6GbIII�.$ UU -5 14 25 00 000GB 3836.1-2010, GB 3836.2-2010�� Wi � llt iiE 0* iiE � � � Wh 2017 � 2 � 22 B 3§: 2022 fF 2 � 21 B-fk 51 1. ��ffm)!�;rtnjlim*iiE�f!11i'f o2.iiE��%€*uxn.�F�A*���m ••• �. �.m*iiE�M�o3. �%��iJtajjm*iiE�f!11�o4. ������m*iiE�f!11�o5. *iiE�rii]ll1mmT!�.l�WT�wri.ffil.JJt f)(. (�#l) *��0'ii.l(±t!!t.il:: �#l.I�JJ!lm[R�!l!IIflIm465%) �Fßf,J��%F�ottf!:I:.It: »t3i: 1m 1 03-i5-JilB�: 200233 1XX.J:I:.It: Email:****************It!.ii!i: +8621 64368180fifa: +8621 64844580EXPLOSION PROTECTIONCERTIFICATE o F CONFORMITYCert NO.GYJ17.1060XThis is to certify that the productTemperature field transmittermanufactured by Endress + Hauser Wetzer GmbH + Co. KG(Address:Obere Wank 1,87484 Nesselwang, GerIllany)which model is TMT142 SedesEx marking Ex dUC T4�T6 Gbproduct standard /drawing number 142500000has been inspected and certified by NEPSI, and that it conformsto GB 3836.1-2010,GB 3836.2-2010This Approval shall remain in force until 2022.02.21Remarks l.Conditions for safe use are specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.2.Symbol X placed after the certification lIumber denotes specific conditions of use,which are specified in the aHachment(s) to this certificate.3.Model designation is specified in the attachment(s) to this ccrtificate.4.lntrinsic safety parameters specified in the attachment(s) to this cert.ificate.5.Thi s certificate i also applicable for the product with the same type manufactured byEndress+Hauser Wetze I'(Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (address: Su Hong Zhong Lu No.465,S u z hou-S IP, China)DirectorIsslJed DateThis Certificate is valid for products compatible with the documents and sam p ies approved by NEPSI.103 C ao Bao Road Shanghai200233,China Email: **************.cnTel: +862164368180Fax: +8621 64844580Edition 05�*ätt�tt��.*�����M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation(GYJ17.1060X) (Attachment I )EI3 }ß(1i&, JtIT + � ftJT -0 i§j 1:F (:11 T MT 142� �� 11fi'tJ1t 11!:�.f.�, � � % � 15( .f.HX. $: r�:lI:tc � 1lil �fft�ftft�(NEPSI);j§:�, r1:il-r ��fff-{jt:G83836.1-2010 mHfl l 7}: 15i:� jjfiffl�* G83836.2-201 0 :lItftl::E1�Jfi m2tfß7t: EI3 ��:J:I5'�)t "d" 1!-iHf' 811& �F J'b IlJJ :J:I fff-;=.t;Ex d II e T 4� T 6 Gb, �}j:ll il-*friiE -'%GY J 17.1 060Xo;2js:iiE �I� iA pJ 81 F Jf� lli -'% �.m*fr :im r :iTEMP HART TMT 142-30;!tr:I': 0$::1J\5'�%, �EJ.�.!F) I A�E\ m;:6:i!}:t:w., ii(; �FJjH.l\l�;fri�HJ.J 450-, F � ��-ß!!ffl *f 7'l�ftj:F�'bllh13il-*itiiE-'% )§� "X" 1J..1*�J?g:�llr:�R�.mil-®��.���F���%o=,F��fflY3:�.J.]lt1, Fn�:7�:Jti&�m!tJ1.ftIlij-=f, JtJ?tJ-=.��{fJi�Ui·m.PJ$m±-tl!.o2, FrI'b]*************:1v40Vdc o3, FR,d!tJfJ 31�J5i�\frßt�D11fi't }JUJHJ � 81*�:11ü\.]}t�JHJIjT 6 T 5 �1.t11ffi.J1t -40'C �+55'C -40'C�+70'C T4 -40'C �+85'C�ffffl��'i\1EUjti@J-=f 65'C, 4, F Jfb 81 Il!. �� 51 A D 5'Z �cffl � �}j:J:I;j§:� iA pT �, �{fil-G83836.1-201 O �II G83836.2-2010B1*J\!�, B.�}j:J:I��Ex d IIe Gba"J�>��JOJ\!*fr:1v1/2NPT (EI.x;M20X 1.5) B1tt!.��5I A'l& iI 0 7L� .EJ.�� 51 A D 5'Z*ffl �;§5'ZIlJJ :lI �� 05,FJfb����ffl.����m�"���§H�"���o6, ffl):Ct :f�� EI 1TI�!L����F Jfb 81 ftJ/=t-*t1'�1�:, m.� �1djj Uif�(rt1;t fPJfo zn';R:lE1T 9=t I±\���., ��.�IlJJ .tt��m��.���o(GY J17.1 060X) (Attachment I )7, F �,E11�9t, 1.l!!ffl*11�1Hf' e'Z1fD n,Jit'<i' FJjH�ffl �ryj �I];, G83836.13-2013 ";t�Hf.U:Jq� J5't m13tfß7t: if>(:�811Iir.lli,�11i, 11i�*I]�m" , G83836.15-2000 ":Ii�f.tl:4:1*:JqdJifflE@. l=t.&� m15$7t: mJfLthFf r4:!.4:�� CmWllil1l-) " , G83836.16-2006 ":Ii�tn4:1*�1:t ffl �4: -&�%16ttrl7t: C �Jffr�i�"') .&.G850257 -2014 "i4J.4:if;( ��9&I�.��*������4:9& ••1,F���r������mtt •• ��AF��ru���;2, tM Jilt r �, �1i1 JIli 1:ir tt: )10-N E P S l'lA 81 -x.1tJ: 'ti :t4 t" ;3, t" r.f b� il t! rp e'Z � Y � 3>-5 -F 31� i*J � :a)N EPS I-lAWJ:fj]\fit;b) F Jjt"ljj� :fj]\ fit;c) ll1J � ß-1:t'riiE -'%d ) 1!f: Ji=J � ±JUili't }j[ffil*�{)(�{)(��.1<�lI{t'l��M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Proteetion and Safety of InstrumentationG YJ17.1060X) A ttachment I )Attachment I to GYJ17.1060X1. DescriptionTMT142 series Temperature field transmitter, manufactured by Endress+Hauser Wetzer GmbH + CO.I<G, has been certified by National Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (NEPSI). The product accords with following standards:G83836.1-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 1: Equipment-General requirementsG83836.2-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 2: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosure"d"The Ex marking is Ex d n C T 4-T6 Gb, its certificate number is GY J17.1 060X.Type approved in this certificate is shown as the following:iTEMP HART T M T142-3 0o indicates enclosure, cable entry, configuration connection and etc.Refer tü instruction manual for tl16 details.2. Special Conditions for Safe UseThe suffix "X" placed after the certificate number indicates that this product is subject to special conditions for safe use, that is:For information on the dimensions of the flameproof joints contact the manufacturer.3. Conditions for Safe Use3.1 The external earth connection facility of this product shall be connected reliably.3.2 Electrical data: 40 Vdc.3.3 The relationship between ambient temperature range and the temperature class is shown as foliows:Temperature class T6 T5 T4Ambient temperature range -40°C-+55°C -40°C-+ 70°C -40'C-+85°CUse the connection cable endurance to he a t at least 90°C when the ambient temperature is > 65°C.3.4 Suitable certified cable glands or blanking plugs for unused holes ('1/2 NPT or M20*1.5) approved by ExTL according to G83836.1-201 0 and G83836.2-2010 with Ex marking "Ex d II C Gb" shall be used and correctly installed. The cable glands and blanking plugs to be used shall suitable for the product working conditions.Page 1 of 2G Y J17.1 060X) A ttachment I )3.5 Any maintenance shall be performed only when the warning of "00 not open when energized" is obseNed.3.6 The user shall not change the configuration in order to maintain/ensure the explosion protection performance of the equipment. Any change may impair safety.3.7 For installation, use and maintenance of this product, the end user shall obseNe the instruction manual and the following standards:GB50257 -2014 "Code for construction and acceptance of electric device for explosion atmospheres and fire hazard electrical equipment installation engineering".GB3836.13-2013 "Explosive atmospheres-Part 13:Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation".GB3836.15-2000 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 15:Electrical installations in hazardous area (other than mines)".GB3836.16-2006 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 16: I nspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)".4. Manufacturer's Responsibility4.1 Conditions for safe use, as specified above, should be included in the documentation the user is provided with ..4.2 Manufacturing shoulcl be done according to the documentation approved by NEPSI.4.3 Nameplate should include these contents listed below:1) NEPSl logo @2) Ex marking3) certificate number4) ambient temperature5) warning of "00 not open when energized"Page 2 of 2。
系统3R WorkPartner 3型号商品说明书
WorkPartner 2+WorkPartnerSystem 3R presents the third generation of its successful WorkPartner robot – now with twice the magazine capacity for workpieces and tools.WorkPartner is the latest addition to the System 3R automation range.A compact unit for pallet changing, both on the machine table and in the machine spindle.WorkPartner is intended for applications in milling machines, grinders, die-sinking EDM and wire EDM machines. And it is equally effective with one-off manufacturing as with series production.WorkPartner is matched to System 3R’s renowned MacroJunior, Macro, MacroMagnum, GPS 240 and Dynafix reference systems, as well as to the MacroWEDM, MacroWEDM T win wire EDM systems, Unimatic and other systems. WorkPartner also handles cones for the milling machine spindles.WorkPartner offers many advantages:• Easy to load tools and workpieces.• Quick, simple installation with minimal downtime.• All functions in a single unit.• Requires little floor space.• Integral control cabinet .• Integral drip tray.• Integral gripper jaw stations.Extremely user-friendlyFront-loaded – no need to run round the production cell.Open the doors and load the magazine on the inside of the doors. Could it be sim-pler? In addition, the lower magazine shelf pulls out to make loading and unloadingeven easier.WorkPartner has enough capac-ity to serve more than one machine. Machines of the same type and make,or machines with different machining technologies and of different makes.Like other products in the System 3R automation range, WorkPartner has an open architecture which interconnectsdifferent machines.Technical specification• Power supply required: single-phase 180-240 V AC/10 A at 230 V• Air pressure required: 6±1 bar.• Floor space required: 1835x2260 mm • Max stroke, X-axis, 1150 mm• Rotation, C-axis, 270 degrees• Maximum lifting capacity, 80 kg• Weight, 1100 kg approxMagazineThe magazine may be made up of fixed or movable shelves in the rack and/or shelves in the The number of shelves in the magazine is doors.TheThe number of shelves in the magazine is determined by the height of the workpieces.������� ������� ���� ������ �����:�� ��� �������������������������������:�������NOTE:���������������������������������������:�������������� ������� ���� ������� �����:����� ��������� ������� ���� ������:�� ��� ���� ����������������������������:�������������n��� ����� ����n �� �� ���� �����.Number of pallet positions per fixed and movable shelf.• MacroMagnum Ø156 mm: six• GPS 240 240x240 mm: five• Dynafix 280x280 mm: four• Unimatic holder: eight• MacroWEDM holder: eight• MacroWEDM T win holders: fourNumber of pallet positions per shelf in the doors • Macro shelfMacro – 24• MacroCombi shelf with Macro dividing Macro – 24MacroJunior – 24• MacroCombi shelf with MacroJunior dividing Macro – 15MacroJunior – 28• Shelf for milling cones – the number per level depends on the type of cone.T echnical specifications for each tool system canbe found in System 3R’s standard catalogues.Options• Chuck adapters• Double gripper jaw• Rotating gripper jaw 180°• ID-Reader• Tilting gripper jaw 90°• Drying station• Tipping stationID-R�������C��c� �����������D����� ��������� j�� 9�°T�����n� ��������� j�� 9�°R�������n� ��������� j�� �8�°Automation used to be associated with the pro-duction of parts in long runs. Forget that. Now there is WorkShopManager.All preparation tasks are done in peace and quiet, away from the production cells. It is just as uncomplicated to prepare one-piece pro-duction as series production. Simple, secure handling of order numbers, NC programs and offset values.Every pallet is given a code carrier with a unique identity. All necessary information is linked to this identity in a cell computer which controls the entire process. Complete control. Always with the focus on production flow. WorkShopManager ensures process reliability• always the right machining program• always the right electrode/tool• always the right workpiece• always the right offsets• always the right magazine positionWith WorkShopManager the process becomes simpler, more reliable and more profitable. Almost foolproof.WorkShopManager has an open structure; in other words, it works with most machine tools. Whatever their machining technology or make.WorkShopManager grows with the task. Start with a single machine and expand as your needs grow. And link the machines together in a process chain.WorkShopManager offers unique solutions for all types of application and for all types of machine tool.WorkShopManager is a software family with hardware options which can be combinedin different configurations to suit the specific needs of every user.WorkShopManager180-E 07.08 S u b j e c t t o m o d i fi c a t i o n s • S y s t e m 3R , a m e m b e r o f t h e G e o r g F i s c h e r G r o u p .System R International ABSorterargatan 1, 162 50 VÄLLINGBYtel+46-086202000,fax+46-087595234,e-mail:*****************,EUROPESystem R Europe GmbH Wasserweg 19DE-64521, GROSS-GERAU tel +49 61 52 80 02 0fax +49 61 52 80 02 35**************************Chech Republic & SlovakiaSystem R Czech Tiskarska 10/257CZ-108 28 PRAHA 10tel +420 234 054 224fax +420 234 054 225**********************France & PortugalSystem R France56 Boulevard de Courcerin Les Espaces Multiservices 15F-77183 CROISSY BEAUBURG tel +33-01 60 95 90 80fax +33-01 60 37 88 16**************************Germany & BeNeLuxSystem R Deutschland Wasserweg 19DE-64521, GROSS-GERAU tel +49 61 52 80 02 0fax +49 61 52 80 02 35**************************Italy & SpainSystem R Italia Via Ponchielli, 2/4IT-20063 CERNUSCO SUL NAVIGLIO (MI)tel +39 02 92 38 821fax +39 02 92 11 23 19**************************ScandinaviaSystem R Nordic Sorterargatan 1SE-162 50 VÄLLINGBY tel +46-08 620 20 00fax +46-08 38 81 84**************************Järfälla Härdverkstad Elektronikhöjden 8SE-175 43 JÄRFÄLLA tel +46-08 580 125 50fax +46-08 580 126 55*****************Switzerland & AustriaSystem R Schweiz AG Wilerstrasse 98CH-9230 FLAWIL tel +41-071 394 13 50fax +41-071 394 13 60**************************Turkey & BulgariaSystem R TürkiyeAbdi Ipekci Cad. Ozel Idare Is Merk 150/209Bayrampasa 34030 ISTANBUL tel +90-212 613 8062-8063fax +90-212 613 8069******************************United KingdomSystem R UKRedvale House, New RoadPRINCES RISBOROUGH, Buckinghamshire HP27 0JN United Kingdom tel +44-01844 27 44 55fax +44-01844 34 88 00**************************ASIA Far East, China & IndiaSystem R Far East Pte.Ltd.6 Harper RoadLeong Huat Building, 01-01SINGAPORE SG-369 674tel +65-6289 4811fax +65-6289 3011**************************Shanghai Contact Office tel +86-21 6432 7927fax +86-21 6432 7928**************************Beijing Contact Office tel +86-10 8225 1632fax +86-10 8225 1635Malaysia Contact Office tel +60-03 7877 4785fax +60-03 7877 5948Taiwan Re gional Office tel +886-02 2278 3126fax +886-02 2278 3108Thailand Contact Office tel / fax +66-2 6422 764Japan & KoreaSystem R Japan CO., Ltd.Kaki Building2-5-22, Suido, Bunkyo-ku TOKYO JP-112-0005tel +81-03 5840-7383fax +81-03 5848-8723**************************Nagoya Regional Office tel +81-052 774 6250fax +81-052 774 6285Osaka Regional Office tel +81-06 6396 1500fax +81-06 6396 2855AMERICASystem R USA Inc.Headquarters & Technical Center 915 Busse RoadELK GROVE VILLAGE, US-IL 60007tel +1 847 439 4888fax +1 847 439 5099e-mail:********************Canada & Eastern MI116 Lynngate PlaceLondon Ontario Canada N6k 1S5Canadatel +1 519 870 8339, +1 248 320 1016 e-mail:***********************AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, TX, UT, WA, WY & Mexico1241 Celery LaneCorona, US-CA 91719Tel +1 909 226 1042e-mail:**********************1524 Valley Dr.Norco, US-CA 92860tel +1 714 299 4923e-mail:***************************IA, MN, ND, NE, SD & WI915 Busse RoadElk Grove Village, US-IL 60007tel +1 847 439 4888, +1 630 240 9825fax +1 847 439 5099e-mail:************************AR, IN, KY, OH & TN8466 Hill Pine CourtIndianapolis, US-IN 46227tel +1 317 215 4039, +1 317 694 7508fax +1 317 215 4041e-mail:*************************AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC & SC20934 Orchard Town nd O Lakes, US-FL 34638tel +1 813 326 0125e-mail:**************************IL, KS, MO, OK & Western MI915 Busse RoadElk Grove Village, US-IL 60007tel +1 847 439 4888, +1 630 240 9824fax +1 847 439 5099e-mail:******************************NJ, NY & PA67 Forest DrivePompton Plains, US-NJ 07444tel +1 201 248 3885e-mail:**************************CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, RI, VA, VT & WV55 Fox Hill RoadLafayette, US-NJ 07848tel +1 201 214 7088e-mail:************************。
标准SAE J1453-2002
Printed in U.S.A.
SAE J1453 Revised JUN2002
1A 1B 2 3 4 5 to 25 26 to 31 32 to 33 34 35A 35B 36 37 38 39 40 41
Typical Example Tube and/or Hose Connection to Adapter.....................................................................3 Example of Tube and/or Hose Connection to Swivel Elbow .....................................................................3 Hex Tolerances .........................................................................................................................................6 Face Seal Dimensions ..............................................................................................................................8 Nut .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Standard Fittings.....................................................................................................................................12 Straight Thread Connectors.................................................................................................................... 16 Standard Sleeve and Plug Assembly ..................................................................................................... 21 Reducing and Expanding Sleeves .......................................................................................................... 23 Reducer Assembly.................................................................................................................................. 25 Reducer Assembly.................................................................................................................................. 25 90 Degree Reducer Elbows.................................................................................................................... 26 90 Degree Straight Thread Elbow with Reduced O-ring Boss End ........................................................27 Straight Thread Connector with Reduced Face Seal End ...................................................................... 28 Reducer Union ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Straight Thread Connector with Reduced O-ring Boss End ................................................................... 29 90 Degree Swivel Elbow with Reduced Swivel End ............................................................................... 31
omega-3-acidethylesters90EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 8.0Omega-3-acid ethyl esters90The ethyl ester peaks,which may be present in the form of an unresolved double peak,are identi?ed as the major peaks in the chromatogram (see Figure 2063.-1).Limit :–sum of oligomers and partial glycerides :maximum 7.0per cent.ASSAY EPA and DHA ethyl esters (2.4.29).For identi?cation of the peaks,see Figure 2063.-2.Total omega-3-acid ethyl esters (2.4.29).See Figure 2063.-2.STORAGEUnder an inert gas,in an airtight container,protected fromlight.LABELLING The label states:–the content of total omega-3-acid ethyl esters;–the content of EPA ethyl ester and DHA ethyl ester.07/2012:1250OMEGA-3-ACID ETHYL ESTERS 90Omega-3acidorum esteri ethylici 90DEFINITION Ethyl esters of alpha -linolenic acid (C18:3n-3),morocticacid (C18:4n-3),eicosatetraenoic acid (C20:4n-3),timnodonic (eicosapentaenoic)acid (C20:5n-3;EPA),heneicosapentaenoic acid (C21:5n-3),clupanodonic acid (C22:5n-3)and cervonic (docosahexaenoic)acid (C22:6n-3;DHA).Omega-3-acid ethyl esters are obtained by transesteri?cation of the body oil obtained from ?sh of families such as Engraulidae ,Carangidae ,Clupeidae ,Osmeridae ,Salmonidae and Scombridae or from animals of the class Cephalopoda and subsequent physico-chemical puri?cation processes,including urea fractionation followed by molecular distillation.Content :–EPA and DHA ethyl esters :minimum 80per cent,with minimum 40per cent of EPA ethyl esters and minimum 34per cent of DHA ethyl esters;–total omega-3-acid ethyl esters :minimum 90per cent.A suitable antioxidant may be added.PRODUCTIONThe content of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)is controlled using methods and limits in accordance with the requirements set in the European Union or other applicable regulations.CHARACTERSAppearance :light yellow liquid.Solubility :practically insoluble in water,very soluble inacetone,in ethanol (96per cent),in heptane and in methanol.IDENTIFICATIONA.Examine the chromatograms obtained in the assay for EPA and DHA ethyl esters.Results :the peaks due to eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester and docosahexaenoic acid ethyl ester in the chromatogram obtained with test solution (b)are similar in retention time to the corresponding peaks in the chromatograms obtained withreference solutions (a 1)and (a 2).B.It complies with the limits of the assay for total omega-3-acid ethyl esters.TESTSAbsorbance (2.2.25):maximum 0.55at 233nm.Dilute 0.300g to 50.0mL with trimethylpentane R .Dilute 2.0mL of the solution to 50.0mL with trimethylpentane R .Acid value (2.5.1):maximum 2.0,determined on 10g in 50mL of the prescribed mixture of solvents.Anisidine value (2.5.36):maximum 20.0.Peroxide value (2.5.5,Method A ):maximum 10.0.Oligomers .Size-exclusion chromatography (2.2.30).Test solution.Dilute 50.0mg of the substance to be examined to 10.0mL with tetrahydrofuran R .Reference solution .Dissolve 50mg of monodocosahexaenoin R ,30mg of didocosahexaenoin R and 20mg of tridocosahexaenoin R in tetrahydrofuran R and diluteto 100.0mL with the same solvent.Column :3columns to be connected in series:–size :l =0.3m,?=7.8mm;–stationary phase:styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer R(5µm)with the following pore sizes:–column 1:50nm;–column 2:10nm;–column 3:5nm;–connection sequence :injector –column 1–column 2–column 3–detector.Mobile phase:tetrahydrofuran R .Flow rate :0.8mL/min.Detection :differential refractometer.Injection :40µL.1.oligomers 2.ethyl estersFigure 1250.-1.–Chromatogram for the test for oligomers inomega-3-acid ethyl esters 90:spiked sampleGeneral Notices (1)apply to all monographs and other texts2907Omega-3-acid ethyl esters 90EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA8.0System suitability :reference solution:–elution order :tridocosahexaenoin,didocosahexaenoin,monodocosahexaenoin;–resolution :minimum 2.0between the peaks due to didocosahexaenoin and monodocosahexaenoin;minimum 1.0between the peaks due to tridocosahexaenoin and didocosahexaenoin.Calculate the percentage content of oligomers using the following expression:A =sum of the areas of all the peaks in the chromatogram;B=sum of the areas of the peaks with a retention time less than the retention time of the peaks due to ethyl esters.The ethyl ester peaks,which may be present in the form of an unresolved double peak,are identi?ed as the major peaks in the chromatogram (see Figure 1250.-1).Where the result obtained exceeds the limit due to the presence of monoglycerides,the following procedure is carriedout.Test solution .Weigh 50.0mg of the substance to be examined into a quartz tube.Add 1.5mL of a 20g/L solution of sodium hydroxide R in methanol R ,cover with nitrogen R ,cap tightly with a polytetra?uoroethylene-lined cap,mix and heat on a water-bath for 7min.Allow to cool.Add 2mL of boron trichloride-methanol solution R ,cover with nitrogen R ,cap tightly,mix and heat on a water-bath for 30min.Cool to 40-50°C,add 1mL of trimethylpentane R ,cap and shakevigorously for at least 30s.Immediately add 5mL of saturated sodium chloride solution R ,cover with nitrogen R ,cap andshake thoroughly for at least 15s.Transfer the upper layer to a separate tube.Shake the methanol layer once more with 1mL of trimethylpentane R .Wash the combined trimethylpentane extracts with 2quantities,each of 1mL,of water R .Carefully evaporate the solvent under a current of nitrogen R then add 10.0mL of tetrahydrofuran R to the residue.Add a small amount of anhydrous sodium sulfate R and ?lter.Calculate the percentage content of oligomers using the following expression:A =sum of the areas of all the peaks in the chromatogram;B ′=sum of the areas of the peaks with a retention time less than the retention time of the peaks due to methyl esters.Limit :–oligomers :maximum 1.0per cent.ASSAYEPA and DHA ethyl esters (2.4.29).For identi?cation of the peaks,see Figure 1250.-2.Total omega-3-acid ethyl esters (2.4.29).See Figure 1250.-2.STORAGEUnder an inert gas,in an airtight container,protected fromlight.1.phytanic acid 5.C18:3n-49.furan acid 513.furan acid 717.furan acid 921.C22:5n-62.C16:3n-4 6.C18:3n-310.C19:514.C20:4n-318.C21:5n-322.furan acid 113.C16:4n-17.C18:4n-311.C20:3n-615.furan acid 819.C22:423.C22:5n-34.C18:3n-68.C18:4n-112.C20:4n-616.EPA20.furan acid 1024.DHAFigure 1250.-2.–Chromatogram for the assays of omega-3-acid ethyl esters 902908See the information section on general monographs (cover pages)EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 8.0Omega-3-acidtriglycerides07/2012:1352OMEGA-3-ACID TRIGLYCERIDESOmega-3acidorum triglycerida DEFINITIONMixture of mono-,di-and triesters of omega-3acidswith glycerol,containing mainly triesters and obtained either by esteri?cation of concentrated and puri?ed omega-3acids with glycerol or by transesteri?cation of the omega-3acid ethyl esters with glycerol.The origin of the omega-3acids is the body oil obtained from ?sh of families such as Engraulidae ,Carangidae ,Clupeidae ,Osmeridae ,Salmonidae and Scombridae or from animals of the class Cephalopoda .The omega-3acids are identi?ed as the following acids:alpha -linolenic acid(C18:3n-3),moroctic acid (C18:4n-3),eicosatetraenoic acid (C20:4n-3),timnodonic (eicosapentaenoic)acid (C20:5n-3;EPA),heneicosapentaenoic acid (C21:5n-3),clupanodonic acid (C22:5n-3)and cervonic (docosahexaenoic)acid (C22:6n-3;DHA).Content :–sum of the contents of the omega-3acids EPA and DHA,expressed as triglycerides :minimum 45per cent;–total omega-3acids,expressed as triglycerides :minimum 60per cent.A suitable antioxidant may be added.PRODUCTIONThe content of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)is controlled using methods and limits inaccordance with the requirements set in the European Union or other applicable regulations.CHARACTERSAppearance :pale yellow liquid.Solubility :practically insoluble in water,very soluble inacetone and in heptane,slightly soluble in anhydrous ethanol.IDENTIFICATIONExamine the chromatograms obtained in the assay for EPA and DHA.Results :the peaks due to eicosapentaenoic acid methyl ester and docosahexaenoic acid methyl ester in the chromatogram obtained with test solution (b)are similar in retention time to the corresponding peaks in the chromatograms obtained with reference solutions (a 1)and (a 2).TESTSAbsorbance (2.2.25):maximum 0.73at 233nm.Dilute 0.300g to 50.0mL with trimethylpentane R .Dilute 2.0mL of the solution to 50.0mL with trimethylpentane R .Acid value (2.5.1):maximum 3.0,determined on 10.0g in 50mL of the prescribed mixture of solvents.Anisidine value (2.5.36):maximum 30.0.Peroxide value (2.5.5,Method A ):maximum 10.0.Oligomers and partial glycerides .Size-exclusion chromatography (2.2.30).Test solution .Dilute 50.0mg of the substance to be examined to 10.0mL with tetrahydrofuran R .Reference solution .Dissolve 50mg of monodocosahexaenoin R ,30mg of didocosahexaenoin R and 20mg oftridocosahexaenoin R in tetrahydrofuran R and dilute to 100.0mL with the same solvent.Column :3columns to be connected in series:–size :l =0.3m,?=7.8mm;–stationary phase :styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer R (5µm)with the following pore sizes:–column 1:50nm;–column2:10nm;–column 3:5nm;–connection sequence :injector ?column 1?column 2?column 3?detector.Mobile phase :tetrahydrofuran R .Flow rate :0.8mL/min.Detection :differentialrefractometer.1.oligomers2.triglycerides3.diglycerides4.monoglyceridesFigure 1352.-1.–Chromatogram for the test for oligomers and partial glycerides in omega-3-acid triglycerides General Notices (1)apply to all monographs and other texts2909。
EN10045-1 1990 中文版
欧洲标准 EN 10 045第1部分1990.3UDC 669:620. 178.646.22关键词:金属制品,机械性能测试,摆锤式冲击试验,测试样品,测试条件英文版本金属材料-夏比摆锤冲击试验-第1部分:试验方法本欧洲标准于1989年11月27日被欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)批准正式使用。
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RAL色卡包括了各种不同的色彩,其中RAL 9010是其中的一种。
RAL 9010是一种纯白色,被广泛应用于建筑、室内装饰和家具制造等领域。
在建筑领域,RAL 9010常常被用于室内墙面的涂装。
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在家具制造领域,RAL 9010也是一种常用的颜色。
除了建筑和家具制造领域,RAL 9010的应用还可以延伸到其他领域。
总的来说,RAL 9010作为一种纯白色,具有广泛的应用前景。
因此,无论是在建筑装饰、家具制造还是其他领域,RAL 9010都是一种非常理想的选择。
在选择RAL 9010涂料时,需要注意其质量和施工工艺,以确保最终效果符合预期。
希望本文对您了解RAL 9010有所帮助,谢谢阅读。
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