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Part 3:
(13-14) His dream came to an end, leaving endless sorrow and despair to himself.
Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint
Methought I saw my late espoused saint Brought to me, like Alcestis, from the grave, Whom Jove's great son to her glad husband gave, Rescu'd from death by force, though pale and faint. Mine, as whom wash'd from spot of child-bed taint Purification in the old Law did save, And such as yet once more I trust to have Full sight of her in Heaven without restraint, Came vested all in white, pure as her mind; Her face was veil'd, yet to my fancied sight Love, sweetness, goodness, in her person shin'd So clear as in no face with more delight. But Oh! as to embrace me she inclin'd, I wak'd, she fled, and day brought back my night.
十年生死两茫茫。 不思量, 自难忘。 千里孤坟, 无处话凄凉。 纵使相逢应不识, 尘满面, 鬓如霜。 夜来幽梦忽还乡。 小轩窗, 正梳妆。 相顾无言, 唯有泪千行。 料得年年肠断处, 明月夜, 短松冈。
相同处: 1. 都描写梦境中看见亡妻。 2. 都于诗句中寄托着深厚的感情和悲哀。
梦亡妻 & 江城子
Part 3:
(13-14) His dream came to an end, leaving endless sorrow and despair to himself.
Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint
Methought I saw my late espoused saint Brought to me, like Alcestis, from the grave, Whom Jove's great son to her glad husband gave, Rescu'd from death by force, though pale and faint. Mine, as whom wash'd from spot of child-bed taint Purification in the old Law did save, And such as yet once more I trust to have Full sight of her in Heaven without restraint, Came vested all in white, pure as her mind; Her face was veil'd, yet to my fancied sight Love, sweetness, goodness, in her person shin'd So clear as in no face with more delight. But Oh! as to embrace me she inclin'd, I wak'd, she fled, and day brought back my night.
Thank you !
Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint
梦 亡 妻
我仿佛看见我最近死去的爱妻, 我仿佛看见我最近死去的爱妻, 被送回人间,像当初阿尔刻提斯, 被送回人间,像当初阿尔刻提斯, 被朱比特之子从死亡手里抢回, 被朱比特之子从死亡手里抢回, 欣喜的丈夫 还给他欣喜的丈夫,苍白又无力。 还给他欣喜的丈夫,苍白又无力。 她好像古时洗身礼拯救的妇女, 她好像古时洗身礼拯救的妇女, 已洗净分娩时留下的血污; 已洗净分娩时留下的血污; 她身穿像她心灵那样洁白的衣裳, 洁白的衣裳 她身穿像她心灵那样洁白的衣裳, 正如我相信有一天我会在 见她那样, 天 里 见她那样,无 无 。 她 , 我好像看见 爱 , 她 身 喜, 喜, 人的 。 ,正当她 身 我 , 我 ,人 ,白天 回 我的 。
不同处: 1. 梦亡妻对梦中妻子的描写,注重表现一种圣洁、光明,在梦中,亡妻显 现出一种近似于非人的天使的形象,江城子对亡妻的描写,则更加生活化, 在苏轼的梦中,妻子依然是旧日的倚窗梳妆的人。 2. 梦亡妻采取直抒胸臆的写法,江城子更多地通过景物、环境渲染,来衬托 深厚的感情。 3. 梦亡妻,对梦中的描写是以一种喜悦的情绪,最后一句返回现实的悲哀, 使用了以乐境写哀的手法,以凸显悲哀,但总体上来讲,更加轻盈、具有亮 色。江城子则通篇冠以浓重的悲哀色彩,感情更为收敛、沉滞。 4. 梦亡妻突出的是梦中情境这样一个片段,江城子则通过对今昔的对比,展 示了一个更长时间跨度,悲剧色彩更为浓重。
Rhyme: abbaabbacdcdcd
part 1:
(1-4) the complicated feeling of the author . He saw his beloved wife came back to him.
Part 2:
(5-12) The characters of his wife. His wife is perfect in his eyes.
Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint
----------梦亡妻 John Milton
An English poet, polemicist (辩论家 辩论家) 辩论家 and civil servant(文职人员) (文职人员)
John Milton
Rhyme: abbaabbacdc NhomakorabeacdAnalysis
part 1:
(1-4) the complicated feeling of the author . He saw his beloved wife came back to him.
Part 2:
(5-12) The characters of his wife. His wife is perfect in his eyes.
Rhyme: abbaabbacdcdcd
part 1:
(1-4) the complicated feeling of the author . He saw his beloved wife came back to him.
Part 2:
(5-12) The characters of his wife. His wife is perfect in his eyes.
Part 3:
(13-14) His dream came to an end, leaving endless sorrow and despair to himself.
Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint
Methought I saw my late espoused saint Brought to me, like Alcestis, from the grave, Whom Jove's great son to her glad husband gave, Rescu'd from death by force, though pale and faint. Mine, as whom wash'd from spot of child-bed taint Purification in the old Law did save, And such as yet once more I trust to have Full sight of her in Heaven without restraint, Came vested all in white, pure as her mind; Her face was veil'd, yet to my fancied sight Love, sweetness, goodness, in her person shin'd So clear as in no face with more delight. But Oh! as to embrace me she inclin'd, I wak'd, she fled, and day brought back my night.