测试方法#20A电子连接器耐电压测试方法(摘自EIA建议标准NO.1555,是在EIA P-5.1工作组组织下提出。
3.0 综述测试包括特定时间内﹐在连接器相互绝缘部分或是在绝缘部分与地之间,采用一个高于额定电压的电压值。
EIA-364系列标准EIA-CB18 固體的鉭式電容器儲存期限EIA-364-E 電子連接器/ 插座測試過程包括環境類別EIA-364-01B 加速度電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-02C 空氣滲漏電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-03B 高度浸入電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-05B 接觸插入,釋放,移動迫使電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-06C 接觸電阻電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-07C 與軸向的Concentricity電子連接的測試過程聯繫EIA-364-08B 捲曲抗拉的力量電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-09C 耐久性電子連接和接觸的測試過程EIA-364-10E 流動的浸入電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-11B 電阻到溶劑電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-13D Mating和Unmating 力量電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-14B 臭氧暴露電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-17B 有或沒有電負荷電子連接和插座的測試過程的溫度生命EIA-364-18B 接线盒和插座的外观与尺寸检查的测试流程EIA-364-20D 禁得住電壓電子連接,插座和同軸的接觸的測試過程EIA-364-21D 絕緣電阻電子連接,插座和同軸的接觸的測試過程EIA-364-22B 類比生命電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-23C 低的水準接觸電阻電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-24B 維修使電子連接的測試過程變老EIA-364-25C 探查損壞電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-26B 鹽水霧電子連接器,接觸和插座的測試過程EIA-364-27B 機械震動(指定的脈搏)電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-28D 振動電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-29C 接觸保留電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-31B 濕度電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-32D 熱震(溫度週期變化)電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-35B 插入保留電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-36B DETERMINATION OF GAS-TIGHT CHARACTERISTICS TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS, AND OR CONTACT SYSTEMSEIA-364-37B 接觸約會和分離力量電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-38B 電報拔電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-39B 電子連接器,接觸和插座的液壓靜力測試過程EIA-364-40B 壓壞電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-41C 電報在電子連接的測試過程屈曲EIA-364-42B 影響電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-45A 防火牆火焰電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-46BEIA-364-48AEIA-364-50AEIA-364-53B 氮的Adic 蒸汽測試,金完成電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-54A 有磁性的滲透性電子連接器,接觸和插座的測試過程EIA-364-56D 為了焊接熱電子連接和插座的測試過程的電阻EIA-364-66A EMI 保護效力電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-70BEIA-364-71B 焊接燈芯(波焊接技術)測試過程適合電子連接器和插座EIA-364-75EIA-364-81A 燃燒特性電子連接器住房,連接器會議和插座的測試過程EIA-364-82A 塑膠電子連接和插座住房的測試過程的Corrosivity EIA-364-83 殼牌公司轟炸和轟炸在艙壁測試過程抵抗適合電動汽車連接器EIA-364-89AEIA-364-90 串音比率電子連接,插座,電纜組件的測試過程或者相互連接系統EIA-364 91A 灰塵電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-95 充分的鋪席子和鋪席子穩定電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-99 規格位置和保留電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-100 標明永久為電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-101 Attentuation電子連接器,插座,電報會議或者相互聯繫系統的測試過程EIA 364-102 上升時間墮落電子連接器,插座,電報會議或者相互聯繫系統的測試過程EIA-364-103 傳播延遲電子連接器,插座,電報會議或者相互聯繫系統的測試過程EIA-364 104A 可燃性電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-105A 高度低溫電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-106 駐波比率(SWR)電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-107 眼睛圖案和在電子連接器,插座,電報會議或者相互聯繫系統的測試過程感到緊張EIA-364-108 阻抗,反射系數,返回損失,並且VSWR在時間和頻率領土電子連接器,電報會議或者相互聯繫系統的測試過程測量EIA-364 1000.01 評價電子連接器的性能的環境考試方法學和插座在生意辦公室應用方面使用EIA-364-109 環電感測量電子連接(1 nH 10 nH)的測試過程EIA-364-110。
EIA STANDARD EIA-364-36A電子連接器插座或連接系統氣密性的測量測試程序電子工業協會工程部EIA工程標準和刊物是為服務公眾利益而設計的,目的在于減少生產廠商與用戶購買者之間的誤解,促進產品的替代性與發展,幫助購買者為了自己的需求在最短時間內選擇并獲得合适的產品,EIA標準和刊物的出現,在任何方面都不會妨礙EIA成員或非成員的生產與銷售產品,即使在EIA的標準與刊物不一致,同時也不會妨礙非EIA成員自愿使用這些標準或刊物,無論國內還是國外。
(出自推荐標準No.3302, 在EIACE-2.0國家連接器標準委員會的監視下形成)由電子工業協會工程部1996年出版2500 Wilson BoulevardArlington, V A22201价格:請參考當前的价EIA JEDEC TIA標準與工程出版物目錄或稱全球工程文獻,美國與加拿大(1-800-854-7179)國際(303-397-7956)所有權保留美國印製請不要違法此文獻版權歸EIA所有,不經允許,不得翻印;全球工程文獻15 Inverness Way EactEnglewood, CO 80112-5704或CALL美國與加拿大1-800-854-7179 國際(303)397-7956此標準包括危險的物品,操作與設備1.目標1.1通過估量接触表面的氣密性未制定接触面的完整性,氣密性模擬了接触面阻止粗糙環境深入其中形成氧化或存厚膜-他們將降低連接器的電氣特性的能力,此處描述的這種方法,使用了銷酸氣體被認為是兩者中更嚴密的,此測試方法被推荐來測試,直接露置于外部環境或在不可控制環境條件中的端子或連接器(插座)整個的電氣特性(內部或外部電氣密封);2.樣品準備2.1被測量的樣品應按下列類別進行分類;I類:端子耦合兩部分,沒有組裝到他們的塑料Housing中,僅适用于可移動的端子;Ⅱ類:端子耦合兩部分,組裝到他們的塑膠Housing中;Ⅲ類:鉚合端子不組到塑膠Housing中,但帶有鉚合導體;Ⅳ類:壓合端子組裝到回路電路板上;Ⅴ類:IDC或IPC端子組裝到Housing與導體中;Ⅵ類:IDC或IPC端子組裝到導體中,但不組裝到他們相應的Housing 中,反适用于可移動的端子。
环境 环境
EIA-364-82 EIA-364-91 EIA-364-89
Corrosivity of Plastics Dust Space Application
塑料腐蚀性 灰尘
A B 1988 A A 1989 1990 1998 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1999 1997 1997 R2006 C B E R2006 01 A A B 2006 B B B B B C F B B B A 1993 B D 1987 A A C 1997 2002 A
Rev. E C 2003 D D C A 1990 1983 A A A 1989 B 1999 1996 1995 2000 R2006 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 B A B B B C A E A 1988 B A D C F C B C C B E B
简称 Abbr. Introduction EIA-364规范介绍 CR 接触电阻 Loop inductance 电感(回路) DWV 耐电压 IR 绝缘电阻 LLCR 接触电阻 Capacitance 电容 Inductance 电感 Ice Resistance 低温阻抗 Magnetic 磁导率 Current 电流 EMI 电磁屏蔽 Inductance 微电感 Temp. Rise vs Current 温升与电流 Shell and Bulkhead Resistance Nanosecond Event Detection Residual Magnetism Attenuation 衰减 Rise time 爬升时间 Propagation Delay 传播延迟 SWR 驻波比 Eye and Jitter 眼图和抖动 Impedance, RL, VSWR 阻抗,反射损耗,电压驻波比 Crosstalk 串音 Acceleration 加速度 Normal Force 正向力 插拔力 Contact axial concentricity 接触轴心度 Crimp tensile strength 拉力 Durability 耐久 Restricted entry 束口 Mating and Unmating Force 匹配 Contact Strength 接触强度 Stripping force 抗剥离力 Visual 文文字 外观尺寸 Torsional insert retention 扭转插入保持力 Probe Damage 探针损伤 Mechanical Shock 机械冲击 Vibration 振动 Contact retention 接触保持力 Insert Retention 插入保持 Contact Engagement and Sparation Force Cable pull-out 电缆拔拉 Crush 挤压 Flexing 摇摆 Impact 摔落冲击
EIA STANDARD TP-36B D ETERMINATION OF GAS-TIGHT CHARACTERISTICS TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS, AND OR CONTACT SYSTEMSEIA/ECA-364-36B(Revision of EIA-364-36A) SEPTEMBER 2006THE ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS SECTOR OF THE ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ALLIANCENOTICEEIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally.Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such action, EIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Standard or Publication.This EIA Standard is considered to have International Standardization implication, but the International Electrotechnical Commission activity has not progressed to the point where a valid comparison between the EIA Standard and the IEC document can be made.This Standard does not purport to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use.(From Standards Proposal No. 5084-A formulated under the cognizance of the CE-2.0 National Connector Standards Committee.Published by:©ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ALLIANCE 2006Technology Strategy & Standards Department2500 Wilson BoulevardArlington, VA 22201PRICE: Please refer to the currentCatalog of EIA Electronic Industries Alliance Standards and Engineering Publications or call Global Engineering Documents, USA and Canada (1-800-854-7179)International (303-397-7956)All rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.PLEASE !DON'T VIOLATETHELAW!This document is copyrighted by the EIA and may not be reproduced without permission.Organizations may obtain permission to reproduce a limited number of copies through entering into a license agreement. For information, contact:Global Engineering Documents15 Inverness Way EastEnglewood, CO 80112-5704 or callUSA and Canada (1-800-854-7179), International (303-397-7956)CONTENTSClause Page (1)1 Introduction (1)1.1 Scope (1)resources2 Test (1)2.1 Equipment (1)2.2 Material3 Test specimen (2) (2)3.1 Description3.2 Preparation (2) (3)procedure4 Test5 Details to be specified (4) (4)6 TestdocumentationTable1 Test specimen classes (2)Annex................................................................................................................ A-1A Informative(This page left blank)EIA-364-36BPage 1TEST PROCEDURE No. 36BDETERMINATION OF GAS-TIGHT CHARACTERISTICS TEST PROCEDUREFORELECTRICAL CONNECTORS, AND OR CONTACT SYSTEMS(From EIA Standards Proposal No. 5084 formulated under the cognizance EIA CE-2.0 Committee on National Connector Standards, and previously published in EIA-364-36A.)1 Introduction1.1 ScopeThis procedure is to determine the integrity of contacting surfaces (at the mating and/or termination areas) by assessment of the gas tight characteristics of the contacting surfaces. The gas tight characteristic simulates the ability of the contacting surfaces to prevent harsh environments from penetrating between them and forming oxides and/or films that will degrade electrical performance. It is recommended for contacts and/or connector (socket) assemblies directly exposed to outside environments or those that are in uncontrolled environments (internal or external to electronic packaging).⎯The method, as described herein, utilizes nitric acid vapors. This CAUTIONprocedure may involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment.This procedure does not purport to address all safety problems associatedwith its use or all applicable regulatory requirements. It is theresponsibility of the user of the standard to establish appropriate safetyand health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatorylimitations before its use.2 Test Resources2.1 Equipment2.1.1 Nonreactive material of applicable size having the capability of being sealed.2.1.2 Test equipment as defined in EIA-364-23, low level contact resistance.2.2 Material2.2.1 Nitric acid, concentrated, AR gradeEIA-364-36BPage 23 Test specimen3.1 DescriptionThe test specimens to be evaluated shall be identified by the test specimen classes indicated in table 1.Table 1 – Test specimen classesClass DescriptionI Mated pair of contacts not assembled to their plastic housing (applies toremovable type contacts only)II Mated pair of contacts assembled to their plastic housing.III Crimp terminations not assembled to their plastic housing, but with applicable conductors crimped in place.IV Press fit terminations (assembled to printed circuit boards).V IDC (Insulation Displacement Contacts) or IPC (Insulation Piercing Contacts) terminations (assembled to housings and conductors).VI IDC or IPC terminations assembled to conductors, but not assembled to their plastic housings (applies to removable type contacts only).NOTES1 For evaluation of mated connectors (sockets), class II shall be specified.2 Class III, IV V, and VI shall be specified when terminations only are to be evaluated.3 Class I shall be specified when unterminated contacts only are to be evaluated.4 Nonremovable type contacts shall be tested as class II or V only.3.2 Preparation3.2.1 Unless otherwise specified in the referencing document, the specimens shall be cleaned prior to exposure. In the event that lubricated contacts are to be tested, they shall be tested in the “as received” condition and cleaning shall not be performed.3.2.2 Cleaning shall be performed by using a solvent that will remove organic films such as lubricants, fingerprints, etc.3.2.3 Material that absorbs vapors (e.g., paper tags, string, tape) shall be removed prior to cleaning and placing specimens into the test chamber3.2.4 The specimens shall be prepared for monitoring of low level contact resistance in such a manner that the mating or termination surfaces being tested shall not be disturbed while measurements are being performed.EIA-364-36BPage 3 3.2.5 In the event of test lead attachment via soldering, all specimens shall be cleaned to remove residual flux prior to exposure, see 3.2.2 and Test specimen may be placed on a suitable holding fixture material as long as the mating or inert portion of the specimen will be directly exposed to the test medium.4 Test procedure4.1 The initial low level contact resistance shall be measured and recorded in accordance with EIA-364-23.4.2 Upon completion of 4.1. the specimens shall be handled in such a manner as not to disturb the mating or termination surfaces until completion of the final measurement.4.3 Prior to and after each test exposure, test chambers and other equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried to remove any contaminate or residue remaining from past use.4.4 Concentrated nitric acid, AR grade, shall be placed in the test chamber of sufficient volume to result in saturation of the test chamber. The conditions shall be room ambient.CAUTION ⎯All exposure shall be performed under an exhaust hood. Chemical goggles completely protecting the eyes shall be worn. Normal precautionsin handling corrosive chemicals shall be observed. It is recommended thatthe exhaust hood be of such a design as to minimize transverse air currentsto prevent purging of the test chamber during the test.4.5 Allow the solution to saturate the test chamber for a minimum of 15 minutes.4.6 The test specimens shall be placed in the test chamber and exposed for 60 minutes ±5 minutes.4.7 The test specimens shall not be closer than 25 millimeters (1 inch) from the wall of the test chamber and not closer than 76 millimeters (3 inches) from the solution surface.4.8 After exposure, the specimens shall be removed from the test chamber and oven dried at 50 °C for a minimum of 1 hour.4.9 Within 60 minutes of drying, the final low level contact resistance shall be measured and recorded in accordance with EIA-364-23 (test specimen temperature shall be at room ambient).EIA-364-36BPage 45 Details to be specifiedThe following details shall be specified in the referencing document:5.1 The number of specimens to be tested and description5.2 Test current and open circuit voltage5.3 Specimen class (see table 1)6 Test documentationDocumentation shall contain the details specified in clause 5, with any exceptions, and the following:6.1 Title of test6.2 Specimen description and quantity6.3 Test equipment used, and date of last and next calibration6.4 If specimens are cleaned or uncleaned6.5 Results including defects and location6.6 Room ambient temperature and humidity6.7 Date of test and name of operatorEIA-364-36BPage A-1AnnexA InformativeA.1 Discoloration of contacts shall not be construed as failure. Determination of pass/fail conditions shall be established by an analysis of the resistance observations.A.2 The environment used should not be construed as typical of operating environments. It is considered an “overkill” environment that is indicative of the gas tight characteristics of contact systems and/or their terminations.A.3 Other test procedures are “under consideration” that evaluate connectors for long-term performance characterization under harsh environments. The tests described herein are indicative of how a connector or contact system may perform in a severe environment.A.4 It is recommended that a 50 millimeters (2 inches) to 76 millimeters (3 inches) length of bare copper wire be placed with the Specimens to serve as an indicator that proper reactions occur (bare copper wire will have a greenish or black discoloration).A.5 The test shall not be performed when room ambient conditions exceed 30 °C and or the relative humidity exceeds 60%.A.6 The test should be preformed in a continuous and uninterrupted manner, within the time constraints as specified in the referencing document.EIA Document Improvement ProposalIf in the review or use of this document, a potential change is made evident for safety, health or technical reasons, please fill in the appropriate information below and mail or FAX to:Electronic Industries AllianceTechnology Strategy & Standards Department – Publications Office2500 Wilson Blvd.Arlington, VA 22201FAX: (703-875-8906)Revision HistoryRevision letter ProjectnumberAdditions, changes and deletionsB SP-5084 Revised, retyped and reformatted.。
EIA-364系列标准EIA-364系列标准,带目录,总共53个标准,6个压缩包EIA-CB18 固体的钽式电容器储存期限EIA-364 D 电子连接器/ 插座测试过程包括环境类别EIA-364 01B 加速度电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 02C 空气渗漏电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 03B 高度浸入电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 05B 接触插入,释放,移动迫使电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 06B 接触电阻电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 07b 与轴向的Concentricity电子连接的测试过程联系EIA-364 08B 卷曲抗拉的力量电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 09C 耐久性电子连接和接触的测试过程EIA-364 10C 流动的浸入电子连接和插座的测试过程EIA-364 11A 电阻到溶剂电子连接和插座的测试过程EIA-364 13B Mating和Unmating 力量电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 14B 臭氧暴露电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 17B 有或没有电负荷电子连接和插座的测试过程的温度生命EIA-364 20C 禁得住电压电子连接,插座和同轴的接触的测试过程EIA-364 21C 绝缘电阻电子连接,插座和同轴的接触的测试过程EIA-364 22B 类比生命电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 23B 低的水准接触电阻电子连接和插座的测试过程EIA-364 24B 维修使电子连接的测试过程变老EIA-364 25C 探查损坏电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 26B 盐水雾电子连接器,接触和插座的测试过程EIA-364 27B 机械震动(指定的脉搏)电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 28D 振动电子连接和插座的测试过程EIA-364 29B 接触保留电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 31B 湿度电子连接和插座的测试过程EIA-364 32C 热震(温度周期变化)电子连接和插座的测试过程EIA-364 35B 插入保留电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 37B 接触约会和分离力量电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 38B 电报拔电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 39B 电子连接器,接触和插座的液压静力测试过程EIA-364 40B 压坏电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 41C 电报在电子连接的测试过程屈曲EIA-364 42B 影响电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 45A 防火墙火焰电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 53B 氮的Adic 蒸汽测试,金完成电子连接和插座的测试过程EIA-364 54A 有磁性的渗透性电子连接器,接触和插座的测试过程EIA-364 56B 为了焊接热电子连接和插座的测试过程的电阻EIA-364 66A EMI 保护效力电子连接的测试过程EIA-364 71B 焊接灯芯(波焊接技术)测试过程适合电子连接器和插座EIA-364 81A 燃烧特性电子连接器住房,连接器会议和插座的测试过程EIA-364 82A 塑胶电子连接和插座住房的测试过程的CorrosivityEIA 364-83 壳牌公司轰炸和轰炸在舱壁测试过程抵抗适合电动汽车连接器EIA 364-90 串音比率电子连接,插座,电缆组件的测试过程或者相互连接系统EIA-364 91A 灰尘电子连接和插座的测试过程EIA 364-95 充分的铺席子和铺席子稳定电子连接的测试过程EIA 364-99 规格位置和保留电子连接的测试过程EIA 364-100 标明永久为电子连接和插座的测试过程EIA 364-101 Attentuation电子连接器,插座,电报会议或者相互联系系统的测试过程EIA 364-102 上升时间堕落电子连接器,插座,电报会议或者相互联系系统的测试过程EIA 364-103 传播延迟电子连接器,插座,电报会议或者相互联系系统的测试过程EIA-364 104A 可燃性电子连接的测试过程EIA 364-105 高度低温电子连接的测试过程EIA 364-106 驻波比率(SWR)电子连接的测试过程EIA 364-107 眼睛图案和在电子连接器,插座,电报会议或者相互联系系统的测试过程感到紧张EIA 364-108 阻抗,反射系数,返回损失,并且VSWR在时间和频率领土电子连接器,电报会议或者相互联系系统的测试过程测量EIA 364 1000.01 评价电子连接器的性能的环境考试方法学和插座在生意办公室应用方面使用EIA 364-109 环电感测量电子连接(1 nH 10 nH)的测试过程。
Firewall Flame Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
Thermal Shock (Temperature Cycling) Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and Sockets
Insert Retention Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors
Crosstalk Ratio Test Procedures for Electrical Connectors, Sockets, Cable Assemblies or Interconnect Systems
Dust Test Procedure for Electrical Connector and Sockets
Resistance to Soldering Heat Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and Sockets
Full Mating and Mating Stability Test Procedures for Electrical Connectors
EIA-CB18 Solid Tantalum Capacitor Shelf-LifeEIA-364-D Errata Sheet Electrical Connector/Socket Test Procedures Including Environmental ClassificationsEIA-364-01B Acceleration Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-02C Air Leakage Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-03B Altitude Immersion Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-05B Contact Insertion, Release and Removal Force Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-06C Contact Resistance Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-07b Contact Axial Concentricity Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-08B Crimp Tensile Strength Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-09C Durability Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and ContactsEIA-364-10D Fluid Immersion Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-11B Resistance to Solvents Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and SocketsEIA-364-13D Mating and Unmating Forces Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-14B Ozone Exposure Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-17B Temperature Life with or without Electrical Load Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and SocketsEIA-364-18B Visual and Dimensional Inspection Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, and SocketsEIA-364-20C Withstanding V oltage Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Sockets and Coaxial ContactsEIA-364-21C Insulation Resistance Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Sockets, and Coaxial ContactsEIA-364-22B Simulated Life Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-23C Low Level Contact Resistance Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and SocketsEIA-364-24B Maintenance Aging Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-25C Probe Damage Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-26B Salt Spray Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Contacts and SocketsEIA-364-27B Mechanical Shock (Specified Pulse) Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-28E Vibration Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and SocketsEIA-364-29C Contact Retention Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-31B Errata Sheet Humidity Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and SocketsEIA-364-32D Thermal Shock (Temperature Cycling) Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and SocketsEIA-364-35B Insert Retention Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-36B DETERMINA TION OF GAS-TIGHT CHARACTERISTICS TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS, AND OR CONTACT SYSTEMSEIA-364-37B Contact Engagement and Separation Force Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-38B Cable Pull-Out Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-39B Hydrostatic Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Contacts and SocketsEIA-364-40B Crush Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-41C Cable Flexing Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-42B Impact Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-45A Firewall Flame Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-46B MICROSECOND DISCONTINUITY TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS,CONTACTS AND SOCKETSEIA-364-48A Metallic Coating Thickness Measurement of Contacts Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-50A Dust (Fine Sand)Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-53B Nitric Adic Vapor Test, Gold Finish Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and SocketsEIA-364-54A Magnetic Permeability Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Contacts, and SocketsEIA-364-56C Resistance to Soldering Heat Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and Sockets EIA-364-59A LOW TEMPERA TURE TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS AND SOCKETSEIA-364-66A EMI Shielding Effectiveness Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-70B TEMPERA TURE RISE VERSUS CURRENT TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS AND SOCKETSEIA-364-71B Solder Wicking (Wave Solder Technique) Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and SocketsEIA-364-75 LIGHTNING STRIKE TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORSEIA-364-81A Combustion Characteristics Test Procedure for Electrical Connector Housings, Connector Assemblies and SocketsEIA-364-82A Corrosivity of Plastics Test Procedure for Electrical Connector and Socket HousingsEIA-364-83 Shell-to-Shell and Shell-to-Bulkhead Resistance Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-89A Space Application Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and SocketsEIA-364-90 Crosstalk Ratio Test Procedures for Electrical Connectors, Sockets, Cable Assemblies or Interconnect SystemsEIA-364-91A Dust Test Procedure for Electrical Connector and SocketsEIA-364-95 Full Mating and Mating Stability Test Procedures for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-99 Gage Location and Retention Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-100 Marking Permanence Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and SocketsEIA-364-101 Attentuation Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Sockets, Cable Assemblies or Interconnection SystemsEIA-364-102 Rise Time Degradation Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Sockets, Cable Assemblies or Interconnection SystemsEIA-364-103 Propagation Delay Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Sockets, Cable Assemblies or Interconnection SystemsEIA-364-104A Flammability Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-105 Altitude-Low Temperature Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-106 Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) Test Procedure for Electrical ConnectorsEIA-364-107 Eye Pattern and Jitter Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Sockets, Cable Assemblies or Interconnection SystemsEIA-364-108 Impedance, Reflection Coefficient, Return Loss, and VSWR Measured in the Time and Frequency Domain Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors, Cable Assemblies or Interconnection SystemsEIA-364-1000.01A Environmental Test Methodology for Assessing the Performance of Elecrical Connectors and Sockets Used in Controlled Environment ApplicationsEIA-364-109 Loop Inductance Measurement Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors(1 nH – 10 nH)EIA-364-110 THERMAL CYCLING TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS AND SOCKETS。
與正常條件下測試結果做一比較﹐分析每一項數據﹐ 以確認它們是否在的有效范圍內。
5. 溫度循環(熱沖擊)試驗目的:是想知道連接器在高溫及低溫衝擊下,電阻值 是多少﹖并盡可能模擬在儲藏﹑運輸及操作的實際情況
5〃振動試驗測試目的:在決定產品的效果﹐在各種振動及可能在使用過程中遭遇的振動壽命。 6.機械沖擊試驗測試目的:是評估電連接器承受額定機械沖擊程度能力.男中中中中
不同﹐而有不同要求,一般錫鉛表面要求約200g的正向力﹐而 鍍金表面則在100g附近,由此正向力會衍生出與接觸阻抗及 其它參數的關系.
4. 插拔耐久性目的:是在評估以連接器經多次配合與分離後﹐是否可達預期的
接觸電阻 分離力
備注:樣品數量:第一組樣品4個(2個用于電阻另2個用于斷訊測試) 第二、五測試組2個樣品﹔第六組:依其它規定
1.低階接觸電阻測試(TP-23A)﹐ 主要適用於傳輸訊號用的連接器。
2.接觸電阻測試(TP-6A)則適用於傳輸電力之連接器﹐ 所通之電流高出甚多。
#EIA-364-35A电子连接器插入保持力测试方法电子连接器插入保持力测试方法公告EIA工程标准和出版物是为公共利益设计的,它是为了消除生产者和购买者之间的误解,促进产品的交流和提高,并帮助购买者在最短时间内挑选到他所需要的满意的产品﹒该标准的提出会促使EIA的成员在生产和销售产品时遵循该标准﹐而它也可以由国内外非EIA成员自愿使用﹒对于推荐标准和出版物中采用的文章﹑材料﹑方法﹐EIA在选取时未考虑其专利内容,故在此过程中EIA对任何专利所有者不承担责任﹐对任何采用该标准的机构也不承担责任﹒EIA标准根据国际标准制定﹐但是国际电工协会还没有提出EIA标准与IEC 标准的有效的对照﹒该标准的提出不是意在安全问题或适用性做硬性规定﹒标准使用者的职责是在使用前建立起一个安全健康的实践体系和确定某些标准的适用性﹒EIA—364---35A电子工业协会测试方法#35A电子连接器插入保持力测试方法此EIA推荐标准是基于国际电子技术委员会(IEC)的技术目录;推荐—512—8, 测试15b, 插入保持(轴向), 1977.它符合此IEC推荐的所有必要方面.EIA—364—35A电子工业协会测试方法#35A电子连接器插入保持力测试方法(摘自EIA建议标准NO.1416,是在EIA TP-5.1国家连接件标准协会的组织下提出的)﹒注﹔本测试程序曾印于EIA建议标准RS-364-3中TP-35.1.0TP-35A插入保持力测试2.0 目的本方法是说明一种估计电子连接器在使用期间插入保持系统承受轴向机械应力的标准方法﹒3.0样品准备测试样品应由一个插头或插座﹐去掉所有相关部件﹐是否使用导线见说明﹒4.0 测试方法4.1 测试仪器4.1.1适当的夹持装置﹒4.1.2满偏量程精度在±2%的测力表﹒4.2 测试步骤测试样品应如详细说明中那样受到两个方向的轴向加载﹒加载速率约为10psi/sec并持续1分钟﹒再有加载应作用于最大的实际插入面积﹒注意﹔在有空气压力的地方﹐插入端或接触端﹐或两者均会受到高速排斥的危险﹗5.0 最终测量当完成以上测试后﹐应目视检查样品插入位置从初始位置进行转6.0细节说明以下细节将在细节说明中说明﹔(a) 测试样品的准备?(b) 样品的安装?(c) 应用力﹒7.0 参考文件(a) 测试题目?(b) 样品描述包括夹具?(c) 所使用的仪器?(d) 测试步骤?(e) 评估和观测?(f) 测试日期和操作者姓名﹒。
eia-364系列标准(EIA-364 series standard)EIA-364 series standard, with directory, a total of 53 standards, 6 compression packagesEIA-CB18 solid tantalum capacitor storage periodThe EIA-364 D electronic connector / socket test process includes environmental categoriesTest procedure of EIA-364 01B acceleration electronic connectionTest procedure for EIA-364 02C air leakage electronic connectionsTest procedure for highly immersed electronic connections of EIA-364 03BEIA-364, 05B contact, insertion, release, movement, forcing, electronic connection, testing processTest procedure for electronic connection of EIA-364 06B contact resistanceThe connection process between the EIA-364 07B and the axial Concentricity electronic connectionTest procedure for EIA-364 08B Crimp Tensile Force electronic connectionsEIA-364 09C durability test procedures for electronicconnections and contactsEIA-364 10C flow test procedures for immersed electronic connections and socketsEIA-364 11A resistance to solvent electronic connections and sockets test processTest procedures for EIA-364, 13B, Mating, and Unmating power electronic connectionsTest procedure for EIA-364 14B ozone exposure electronic connectionsEIA-364 17B has or has no electrical load, electronic connections, and sockets for testing the temperature lifeEIA-364 20C withstand voltage, electronic connections, sockets, and coaxial contact test proceduresEIA-364, 21C, insulation, resistance, electronic connections, sockets and coaxial contact test proceduresThe test process of EIA-364 22B analog life electronic connectionsEIA-364, 23B low level contact resistance, electronic connections and sockets test processEIA-364 24B maintenance keeps the test process of electronic connections getting olderEIA-364 25C examines the test process for damaging electronic connectionsEIA-364 26B brine mist electronic connector, contact and socket test procedureEIA-364 27B mechanical shock (designated pulse) electronic connection test procedureTest procedure for EIA-364 28D vibration electronic connections and socketsEIA-364 29B contact test procedure for retention of electronic connectionsEIA-364, 31B humidity, electronic connections and sockets test processEIA-364, 32C thermal shock (temperature cycle changes), electronic connections and sockets test processThe EIA-364 35B inserts the test process that retains the electronic connectionThe test process for EIA-364 37B engagement, engagement and separation of forces, electronic connectionsThe test process of EIA-364 38B telegraph electronic connectionHydrostatic test procedures for EIA-364 and 39B electronicconnectors, contacts and socketsEIA-364 40B crushed electronic connection testing processEIA-364 41C telegraphy in electronic connection test procedure bucklingEIA-364 42B affects the testing process of electronic connectionsTest process of flame electronic connection of EIA-364 45A firewallEIA-364 53B nitrogen Adic vapor test, gold complete electronic connection and socket test processThe EIA-364 54A has magnetic permeability electronic connectors, contacts and sockets for the testing processEIA-364 56B in order to weld the resistance of the hot electronic connections and sockets during the test processEIA-364 66A EMI test procedures for protecting the effectiveness of electronic connectionsThe EIA-364 71B welding wick (wave soldering technology) test procedure is suitable for electronic connectors and socketsEIA-364 81A combustion characteristics, electronic connectors, housing, connector, conference and socket test processEIA-364 82A plastic electronic connections and sockets housing test process CorrosivityEIA 364-83, Shell Companies bombing and bombing in bulkhead test procedure resists resistance to electric car connectorEIA 364-90 crosstalk ratios, electronic connections, sockets, test procedures for cable assemblies, or interconnected systemsTest procedure for EIA-364, 91A dust, electronic connections and socketsEIA 364-95 adequate placement of mats and mats to stabilize electronic connections during testingTest procedure for EIA 364-99 specification position and retention of electronic connectionsEIA 364-100 indicates permanent testing procedures for electronic connections and socketsTest procedures for EIA 364-101 Attentuation electronic connectors, sockets, telegraph conferences, or interconnected systemsEIA 364-102 rise time, degradation, electronic connectors, sockets, telegraph conferences, or test procedures for Interconnected SystemsEIA 364-103 propagation delays, electronic connectors, sockets,telegraph conferences, or test procedures for Interconnected SystemsTest procedure for EIA-364 104A flammability electronic connectionsTest procedure for EIA 364-105 high temperature electronic connectionTest procedure for EIA 364-106 standing wave ratio (SWR) electronic connectionEIA 364-107 eye patterns and tension in electronic connectors, sockets, telegraph conferences, or interconnected system testingEIA 364-108 impedance, reflection coefficient, return loss, and VSWR measurements in time and frequency, territory, electronic connectors, telegraph conferences, or interconnected system testing processesEIA 3641000.01 environmental testing methods and sockets for evaluating the performance of electronic connectors are used in business office applicationsTest procedure for EIA 364-109 ring inductance measurement of electronic connections (1, nH, 10, nH)。
EIA-364系列标准EIA-CB18 固體的鉭式電容器儲存期限EIA-364-E 電子連接器/ 插座測試過程包括環境類別EIA-364-01B 加速度電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-02C 空氣滲漏電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-03B 高度浸入電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-05B 接觸插入,釋放,移動迫使電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-06C 接觸電阻電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-07C 與軸向的Concentricity電子連接的測試過程聯繫EIA-364-08B 捲曲抗拉的力量電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-09C 耐久性電子連接和接觸的測試過程EIA-364-10E 流動的浸入電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-11B 電阻到溶劑電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-13D Mating和Unmating 力量電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-14B 臭氧暴露電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-17B 有或沒有電負荷電子連接和插座的測試過程的溫度生命EIA-364-18B 接线盒和插座的外观与尺寸检查的测试流程EIA-364-20D 禁得住電壓電子連接,插座和同軸的接觸的測試過程EIA-364-21D 絕緣電阻電子連接,插座和同軸的接觸的測試過程EIA-364-22B 類比生命電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-23C 低的水準接觸電阻電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-24B 維修使電子連接的測試過程變老EIA-364-25C 探查損壞電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-26B 鹽水霧電子連接器,接觸和插座的測試過程EIA-364-27B 機械震動(指定的脈搏)電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-28D 振動電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-29C 接觸保留電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-31B 濕度電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-32D 熱震(溫度週期變化)電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-35B 插入保留電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-36B DETERMINATION OF GAS-TIGHT CHARACTERISTICS TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS, AND OR CONTACT SYSTEMSEIA-364-37B 接觸約會和分離力量電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-38B 電報拔電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-39B 電子連接器,接觸和插座的液壓靜力測試過程EIA-364-40B 壓壞電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-41C 電報在電子連接的測試過程屈曲EIA-364-42B 影響電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-45A 防火牆火焰電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-46BEIA-364-48AEIA-364-50AEIA-364-53B 氮的Adic 蒸汽測試,金完成電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-54A 有磁性的滲透性電子連接器,接觸和插座的測試過程EIA-364-56D 為了焊接熱電子連接和插座的測試過程的電阻EIA-364-66A EMI 保護效力電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-70BEIA-364-71B 焊接燈芯(波焊接技術)測試過程適合電子連接器和插座EIA-364-75EIA-364-81A 燃燒特性電子連接器住房,連接器會議和插座的測試過程EIA-364-82A 塑膠電子連接和插座住房的測試過程的Corrosivity EIA-364-83 殼牌公司轟炸和轟炸在艙壁測試過程抵抗適合電動汽車連接器EIA-364-89AEIA-364-90 串音比率電子連接,插座,電纜組件的測試過程或者相互連接系統EIA-364 91A 灰塵電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-95 充分的鋪席子和鋪席子穩定電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-99 規格位置和保留電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-100 標明永久為電子連接和插座的測試過程EIA-364-101 Attentuation電子連接器,插座,電報會議或者相互聯繫系統的測試過程EIA 364-102 上升時間墮落電子連接器,插座,電報會議或者相互聯繫系統的測試過程EIA-364-103 傳播延遲電子連接器,插座,電報會議或者相互聯繫系統的測試過程EIA-364 104A 可燃性電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-105A 高度低溫電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-106 駐波比率(SWR)電子連接的測試過程EIA-364-107 眼睛圖案和在電子連接器,插座,電報會議或者相互聯繫系統的測試過程感到緊張EIA-364-108 阻抗,反射系數,返回損失,並且VSWR在時間和頻率領土電子連接器,電報會議或者相互聯繫系統的測試過程測量EIA-364 1000.01 評價電子連接器的性能的環境考試方法學和插座在生意辦公室應用方面使用EIA-364-109 環電感測量電子連接(1 nH 10 nH)的測試過程EIA-364-110。
EIA STANDARD EIA-364-42A電子連接器摔落測試技術電子工業協會工程部NO.42A測試程序電子連接器的摔落測試程序此標準包括國際電工技術委員會的推荐,512-5測試76,機機衝擊強度,1977的主要技術內容,其不同于IEC的關于下落高度,衝擊平面,以及裝置的建議,這些不同意見引起了美國專家委員會對IEC技術委員會TC48,對電子設備的電子技術零部件產生了注意,且這些分岐的解決結果將在未來的SC48B會議上探求。
電子連接器的摔落測試程序TP-42A(出自EIA NO.1651標準建議,在EIA有D-5.1連接器研究團體的監視下形成的)注:此TP-42原來在EIA推荐標準上發表為R3-364-4。
1.0 TP-42摔落:2.0 目的:此測試程序的目的是決定一個連接器是否有承受當它摔到地面時所會遇到的衝擊的能力。
3.0 樣品準備:3.1 一個試樣將包括(1)一個插頭或(一)一個插座,或一個偶合的插頭和插座,按單獨規范里指定的準備。
3.2 測試樣品必須如預的標準設備來連接,且須包括所有零部件。
4.0 測試方法:4.1 測試設備4.1.1 一個同圖1所示一樣的測試夾具將被用到,若是其他特指,此夾具應能被裝配到任何便利的剛性的垂直的高度達兩英尺(0.6m)高的設備上去。
4.1.2 試樣摔落面須為一至少4英寸(0.1m)厚的混凝土地面或混凝土板。
4.2 測試過程:4.2.1 連接樣品的繩纜須(安全地)緊緊地固定在測試夾具上以使繩纜能自由地懸在空中。
4.2.2 若無其他特指,電纜應被伸長到它的應到長度:從測試夾具到表1所規定的下落高度:下落條件應由試樣的設備等級所決定。
3 Test specimen ............................................................................................................ 2
3.1 Description ................................................................................................................ 2 3.2 Preparation ................................................................................................................ 2
5 Details to be specified ............................................................................................... 4
6 Test documentation ................................................................................................... 5
(From EIA Standards Proposal No. 4945, formulated under the cognizance EIA CE-2.0 Committee on National Connector Standards, and was previously published in EIA-364-29B.)
电子连接器插入保持力测试方法公告EIA工程标准和出版物是为公共利益设计的,它是为了消除生产者和购买者之间的误解,促进产品的交流和提高,并帮助购买者在最短时间内挑选到他所需要的满意的产品﹒该标准的提出会促使EIA的成员在生产和销售产品时遵循该标准﹐而它也可以由国内外非EIA成员自愿使用﹒对于推荐标准和出版物中采用的文章﹑材料﹑方法﹐EIA在选取时未考虑其专利内容,故在此过程中EIA对任何专利所有者不承担责任﹐对任何采用该标准的机构也不承担责任﹒EIA标准根据国际标准制定﹐但是国际电工协会还没有提出EIA标准与IEC 标准的有效的对照﹒该标准的提出不是意在安全问题或适用性做硬性规定﹒标准使用者的职责是在使用前建立起一个安全健康的实践体系和确定某些标准的适用性﹒EIA—364---35A电子工业协会测试方法#35A电子连接器插入保持力测试方法此EIA推荐标准是基于国际电子技术委员会(IEC)的技术目录;推荐—512—8, 测试15b, 插入保持(轴向), 1977.它符合此IEC推荐的所有必要方面.EIA—364—35A电子工业协会测试方法#35A电子连接器插入保持力测试方法(摘自EIA建议标准NO.1416,是在EIA TP-5.1国家连接件标准协会的组织下提出的)﹒注﹔本测试程序曾印于EIA建议标准RS-364-3中TP-35.1.0TP-35A插入保持力测试2.0 目的本方法是说明一种估计电子连接器在使用期间插入保持系统承受轴向机械应力的标准方法﹒3.0样品准备测试样品应由一个插头或插座﹐去掉所有相关部件﹐是否使用导线见说明﹒4.0 测试方法4.1 测试仪器4.1.1适当的夹持装置﹒4.1.2满偏量程精度在±2%的测力表﹒4.2 测试步骤测试样品应如详细说明中那样受到两个方向的轴向加载﹒加载速率约为10psi/sec并持续1分钟﹒再有加载应作用于最大的实际插入面积﹒注意﹔在有空气压力的地方﹐插入端或接触端﹐或两者均会受到高速排斥的危险﹗5.0 最终测量当完成以上测试后﹐应目视检查样品插入位置从初始位置进行转6.0细节说明以下细节将在细节说明中说明﹔(a) 测试样品的准备(b) 样品的安装(c) 应用力﹒7.0 参考文件(a) 测试题目(b) 样品描述包括夹具(c) 所使用的仪器(d) 测试步骤(e) 评估和观测(f) 测试日期和操作者姓名﹒。