


AD860自动固晶机操作指导书1. 对三点一线(镜头.吸嘴.顶针.):首先选择一颗芯片,用鼠标选择设定→焊头与顶针→焊头→卸下吸嘴帽→吸晶高度→按鼠标左键→看镜头、吸嘴、顶针中心点是否在十字架同一直线上,调整完成后,装上吸嘴帽。

2. 做PR及测间距:进入设定→点击选择晶片→放如扩好的晶片→点击开始教读→灯光调整后→点击下一页→使用滑鼠选择晶片框大小→点击确认→选择教读→选是开始自动校正→自动测间距→搜寻范围→要按照晶片大小来调整,即完成。

3. 吸晶与固晶高度调整:进入设定→选择焊头/顶针→点击焊头→吸晶高度→点击自动→自动完成后再加10~20个数字,即完成。


4. 调整顶真高度:进入设定→选择焊头/顶针→点击顶针→顶针上升高度→点击+—调整→按上下键观察顶针高度,取一个蓝光双电极芯片高度,且顶针要与十字线重合,即完成。




进入设定→点击PCB设定→设定模式→矩阵→输入一个料架上有几块PCB→2行→2列→然后用摇杆→移到第一个料架上PCB的左上角→确定→第二点移到第二块PCB的左上角→第三点移到第三块PCB的左上角→点击接受→教读对点→对点数量→对两个点→对一小块 PCB 的对角→开始教读→灯光调整→开始校正→教读对点完成。


DC2798A 60V双相单输出同步升压控制器带PMBus演示说明书

DC2798A 60V双相单输出同步升压控制器带PMBus演示说明书

1Rev. 0DESCRIPTIONLTC784160V Dual-Phase Single Output SynchronousBoost Controller with PMBusDemonstration circuit 2798A is a high voltage, dual-phase single output boost converter with 10V to 16V input range. The output voltage is adjustable from V IN to 48V. And the output can supply a 10A maximum load current. The demo board has a LTC7841 controller , which is a 60V dual-phase single output boost controller with digital power system management. Please see the LTC7841 data sheet for more detailed information.The DC2798A powers up to default settings and pro-duces power based on the command from the serial bus communication. This allows easy evaluation of the DC/DC converter . To fully explore the extensive power sys-tem management features of the part, download the GUIAll registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.BOARD PHOTOsoftware L TpowerPlay ® onto your PC and use ADI’s I 2C/SMBus/PMBus dongle DC1613A to connect to the board. L TpowerPlay allows the user to reconfigure the part on-the-fly, view telemetry of voltage, current, temperature and fault status.GUI DownloadThe software can be downloaded from: L TpowerPlayFor more details and instructions of L TpowerPlay, please refer to L TpowerPlay GUI for LTC7841 Quick Start Guide.Design files for this circuit board are available .Figure 1. Single-Output LTC7841/DC2798A Demo Circuit2DEMO MANUAL DC2798ARev. 0QUICK START PROCEDUREDemonstration circuit DC2798A is easy to set up to evalu-ate the performance of the LTC7841. Refer to Figure 2 for the proper measurement equipment set-up and follow the procedure below.1. With power off, connect the input power supply to V IN (10V to 16V) and GND (input return).2. Connect the 48V output load between V OUT0 and GND (Initial load: No Load).3. Connect the DVMs to the input and outputs. Set default jumper position: JP1: 100mV (ILIM); JP2: FLOAT; JP3: CCM; JP4: ON.4. Connect the dongle to DC2798A and turn on the input power supply.5. Follow the L TpowerPlay Quick Start Procedure section to set the proper output voltage.6. Once the proper output voltages are established, adjust the loads within the operating range and ob-serve the output voltage regulation, ripple voltage and other parameters.NOTE: When measuring the output or input voltage rip-ple, do not use the long ground lead on the oscilloscope probe. See Figure 3 for the proper scope probe technique. Short, stiff leads need to be soldered to the (+) and (–) terminals of an output capacitor . The probe’s ground ring needs to touch the (–) lead and the probe tip needs to touch the (+) lead.PERFORMANCE SUMMARYSpecifications are at T A = 25°CPARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYPMAX UNITSInput Voltage Range 1016V Output Voltage, V OUTV IN = 10V to 16V, I OUT = 0A to 10A 1648 (Default)V Maximum Output Current, I OUT V IN = 10V to 16V, V OUT = 16V to 48V 10A Typical EfficiencyV IN =12V, V OUT = 48V, I OUT = 10A 97.4 (See Figure 5)%Default Switching Frequency150kHzFigure 2. Proper Measurement Equipment Set-Up3DEMO MANUAL DC2798ARev. 0QUICK START PROCEDUREFigure 3. Measuring Output Voltage RippleFigure 4. Demo Set-Up with PCConnecting a PC to DC2798AYou can use a PC to configure the power management features of the LTC7841 such as: nominal V OUT , marginset points, ON/OFF control. The DC1613A dongle may be plugged when V IN is present.4DEMO MANUAL DC2798A Rev. 0QUICK START PROCEDUREFigure 5. Efficiency vs Load Current at V IN = 12V, f S = 150kHz, V OUT = 48VFigure 6. V OUT Load T ransient Response at V IN = 12V, V OUT = 48V Figure 7. V OUT Voltage Ripple at V IN = 12V, V OUT = 48V, I OUT = 10ALOAD CURRENT (A)E FF I C I E N C Y(%)10091999795939896949290dc2798a F05104826200μs/DIVV OUT 20MHz BW 100mV/DIV0A TO 2.5A LOAD STEP5μs/DIVV OUT 20MHz BW 200mV/DIVFigure 8. Thermal at V IN = 12V, V OUT = 48V, I OUT = 10A, T A = 25°C, No Airflow5DEMO MANUAL DC2798ARev. 0LTPOWERPLAY SOFTWARE GUIFigure 9. L TpowerPlay Main InterfaceL TpowerPlay is a powerful Windows-based development environment that supports Analog Devices power sys-tem management ICs and μModules, including LTM4675, LTM4676, LTM4677, LTM4678, LTM4680, LTM4700, LTM4664, LTC3880, LTC3882, LTC3883, LTC3884, LTC7880 and LTC7841. The software supports a variety of different tasks. You can use L TpowerPlay to evaluate Analog Devices ICs by connecting to a demo board sys-tem. L TpowerPlay provides unprecedented diagnostic and debug features. It becomes a valuable diagnostic tool dur-ing board bring-up to program or tweak the power man-agement scheme in a system, or to diagnose power issues when bringing up rails. L TpowerPlay utilizes the DC1613A USB-to-SMBus controller to communicate with one ofmany potential targets, including LTM4675, LTM4676, LTM4677, LTM4678, LTM4680, LTM4700, LTM4664, LTC3880, LTC3882, LTC3883, LTC3884, LTC7880 and LTC7841’s demo system, or a customer board. The soft-ware also provides an automatic update feature to keep the software current with the latest set of device drivers and documentation. The LTpowerPlay software can be downloaded from: L TpowerPlayTo access technical support documents for L TC Digital Power Products visit the L TpowerPlay Help menu. Online help also available through the LTpowerPlay.6DEMO MANUAL DC2798A Rev. 0LTPOWERPLAY QUICK START PROCEDUREThe following procedure describes how to use L TpowerPlay to monitor and change the settings of LTC7841.1. Download and install the L TPowerPlay GUI: L TpowerPlay2. Launch the L TpowerPlay GUI.a. The GUI should automatically identify the DC2798A. The system tree on the left hand side should look like this:b. A green message box shows for a few seconds in the lower left-hand corner, confirming that LTC7841 is communicating:c. Writing to the MFR_VOUT_COMMAND register via the PMBus allows the adjustment of the V OUT reference from 0% to 100% of the maximum reference of 2.4V. With current demo board setting (R193 = 191k, and R194 = 10k), the V FB /V OUT ratio is about 1/20. Follow Equation 1 to get the correct V OUT . V OUT = 20 • MFR_VOUT_COMMAND (%) • 2.4 (1) If you want to set the output voltage to be 48V. In the Config tab, type in 99.8 in the MFR_VOUT_COMMAND_LTC7841 box, like this:Then, click the “W” (PC to RAM) icon to write these register values to the LTC7841. After finishing this step, the V OUT internal reference voltage is set to ~2.4V.If the write is successful, you will see the following message:7DEMO MANUAL DC2798ARev. 0LTPOWERPLAY QUICK START PROCEDUREd. If you want to set the output voltage to be 24V. In the Config tab, type in 50 in the MFR_VOUT_COMMAND_L TC7841 box. Then the V OUT internal reference voltage is set to ~1.2V.e. In order to turn on the power stage, click the “Apply an operation to all devices” iconf. In the popup “Apply an operation to all devices” dialog box, click the “On” button to turn on the power stageg. After the test, in the popup “Apply an operation to all devices” dialog box, click the “Immediate Off” button to turn off the power stage.8DEMO MANUAL DC2798A Rev. 0PARTS LISTITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTIONMANUFACTURER/PART NUMBER Required Circuit Components14C1, C85-C87CAP ., 470µF, ALUM POL Y HYB, 25V, 20%, 10x10.2mm, G, SMD, RADIAL, AEC-Q200PANASONIC, EEHZK1E471P 23C3, C105, C120CAP ., 4.7µF, X5R, 25V, 10%, 0603MURATA, GRM188R61E475KE15D 32C9, C23CAP ., 0.22µF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0603MURATA, GRM188R71E224KA88D 410C10-C12, C24-C26, C88, C93, C122, C123CAP ., 10µF, X7R, 63V, 10%, 1210SAMSUNG, CL32B106KMVNNWE 52C13, C28CAP ., 0.01µF, X7R, 16V, 10%, 0603AVX, 0603YC103KAT2A 61C18CAP ., 0.01µF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0603, AEC-Q200AVX, 06033C103K4Z2A 71C20CAP ., 100pF, C0G/NP0, 50V, 5%, 0603AVX, 06035A101JAT2A 82C71, C77CAP ., 1000pF, C0G, 100V, 5%, 0805TDK, C2012C0G2A102J060AA 94C94, C95, C115, C116CAP ., 22µF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 1210SAMSUNG, CL32B226KAJNNNE 101C104CAP ., 470pF, X7R, 50V, 10%, 0603AVX, 06035C471KAT2A 112C106, C117CAP ., 0.1µF, X7R, 100V, 10%, 0603AVX, 06031C104KAT2A128C107-C114CAP ., 68µF, ALUM POL Y HYB, 63V, 20%, 10x10.2mm, G, SMD, RADIAL, AEC-Q200PANASONIC, EEHZC1J680P 131C118CAP ., 120pF, C0G/NPO, 100V, 5%, 0603AVX, 06031A121JAT2A141C119CAP ., 1000pF, X7R, 16V, 10%, 0603WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 885012206034151C121CAP ., 390pF, COG/NPO, 50V, 5%, 0603AVX, 06035A391JAT2A 161C124CAP ., 2.2µF, X7S, 16V, 10%, 0603, AEC-Q200TDK, CGA3E1X7S1C225K080AC 172C125, C126CAP ., 1µF, X7S, 100V, 10%, 0805MURATA, GRJ21BC72A105KE11L 182D1, D2DIODE, SCHOTTKY, 100V, 1A, POWERDI-123DIODES INC., DFLS1100-7191D5DIODE, ZENER, 6.8V, 400mW, SOD-323NEXPERIA, PDZ6.8B, 115202L1, L2IND., 6.8µH, POWER SHIELDED WIREWOUND, 10%, 30A, 0.00205Ω, 27.9mm x 27.94mmCOILCRAFT , SER2915H-682KL 214Q1, Q2, Q5, Q6XSTR., MOSFET , N-CH, 60V, 64A, PG-TDSON-8INFINEON, BSC065N06LS5224Q3, Q4, Q7, Q8XSTR., MOSFET , N-CH, 60V, 100A, PG-TDSON-8INFINEON, BSC027N06LS5233R13, R15, R194RES., 10k, 1%, 1/10W, 0603VISHAY, CRCW060310K0FKEC 242R14, R37RES., 0.002Ω, 1%, 3W, 2512, METAL, SENSE, AEC-Q200PANASONIC, ERJMS4SF2M0U 252R21, R44RES., 100Ω, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, AEC-Q200PANASONIC, ERJ3EKF1000V 262R90, R92RES., 1.0Ω, 5%, 1/2W, 0805PANASONIC, ERJ6DQJ1R0V 271R183RES., 5.1k, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, AEC-Q200NIC, NRC06F5101TRF 281R185RES., 470k, 1%, 210mW, 0805, NTC THERMISTOR, AEC-Q200VISHAY, NTCS0805E3474FXT293R192, R198, R199RES., 100k, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW0603100KFKEA 301R193RES., 191k, 1%, 1/10W, 0603VISHAY, CRCW0603191KFKEA 311R200RES., 30k, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, AEC-Q200KOA SPEER, RK73H1JTTD3002F 321R201RES., 38.3k, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, AEC-Q200NIC, NRC06F3832TRF 331R202RES., 150k, 1%, 1/10W, 0603PANASONIC, ERJ3EKF1503V341U1IC, POWER CONTROLLER, QFN-36 (5x6)ANALOG DEVICES., LTC7841EUHE#PBF9DEMO MANUAL DC2798ARev. 0PARTS LISTITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTIONMANUFACTURER/PART NUMBER Additional Demo Board Circuit Components11C5CAP ., 0.1µF, X7R, 50V, 10%, 0603AVX, 06035C104KAT2A20C19, C35CAP ., OPTION, 060331D3LED, GREEN, WATERCLEAR, 1206WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 150120GS7500041D4LED, RED, WATERCLEAR, 1206WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 150120RS7500050D6DIODE, OPTION, SCHOTTKY, POWERDI 12361Q9XSTR., MOSFET N-CH, 60V, 300mA, SOT-23VISHAY, 2N7002K-T1-GE371Q10XSTR., MOSFET , P-CH, 20V, 5.9A, TO-236 (SOT23-3)VISHAY, Si2365EDS-T1-GE380R11, R19, R20, R42, R47, R187, R196RES., OPTION, 060398R12, R17, R22, R38, R43, R184, R186, R188RES., 0Ω, 1/10W, 0603, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW06030000Z0EA 102R16, R197RES., 4.99k, 1%, 1/10W, 0603PANASONIC, ERJ3EKF4991V 111R27RES., 200Ω, 1%, 1/10W, 0603VISHAY, CRCW0603200RFKEA 121R28RES., 127Ω, 1%, 1/10W, 0603, AEC-Q200NIC, NRC06F1270TRF 131U2IC, MEMORY, EEPROM, 2Kb (256x8), TSSOP-8, 400kHz MICROCHIP , 24LC025-I/STHardware For Demo Board Only116E1-E7, E10, E15, E22, E37-E40, E42, E44TEST POINT , TURRET , 0.094" MTG. HOLE, PCB 0.062" THK MILL-MAX, 2501-2-00-80-00-00-07-024J1-J4EVAL BOARD STUD HARDWARE SET , #10-32ANALOG DEVICES, 720-001031J5CONN., HDR, SHROUDED, MALE, 2×6, 2mm, VERT , ST , THT FCI, 98414-G06-12ULF41J6CONN., HDR, FEMALE, 2×4, 2mm, R/A THT SULLINS CONNECTOR SOLUTIONS,NPPN042FJFN-RC 51J7CONN., HDR, MALE, 2×4, 2mm, R/A THT MOLEX, 87760-081662JP1, JP2CONN., HDR, MALE, 1×4, 2mm, VERT , ST , THT SAMTEC, TMM-104-02-L-S 71JP3CONN., HDR., MALE, 2×3, 2mm, VERT , ST , THT WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 6200062112181JP4CONN., HDR, MALE, 1×3, 2mm, VERT , ST , THT WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 6200031112194MP1-MP4STANDOFF , NYLON, SNAP-ON, 0.625 (5/8"), 15.9mm KEYSTONE, 8834104XJP2, XJP7-XJP9CONN., SHUNT , FEMALE, 2-POS, 2mmSAMTEC, 2SN-BK-G10DEMO MANUAL DC2798ARev. 0SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM11DEMO MANUAL DC2798ARev. 0Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However , no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM12DEMO MANUAL DC2798ARev. 0ANALOG DEVICES, INC. 202003/20ESD CautionESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Charged devices and circuit boards can discharge without detection. Although this product features patented or proprietary protection circuitry, damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy ESD. Therefore, proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.Legal Terms and ConditionsBy using the evaluation board discussed herein (together with any tools, components documentation or support materials, the “Evaluation Board”), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below (“Agreement”) unless you have purchased the Evaluation Board, in which case the Analog Devices Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale shall govern. Do not use the Evaluation Board until you have read and agreed to the Agreement. Your use of the Evaluation Board shall signify your acceptance of the Agreement. This Agreement is made by and between you (“Customer”) and Analog Devices, Inc. (“ADI”), with its principal place of business at One Technology Way, Norwood, MA 02062, USA. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, ADI hereby grants to Customer a free, limited, personal, temporary, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to use the Evaluation Board FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONL Y. Customer understands and agrees that the Evaluation Board is provided for the sole and exclusive purpose referenced above, and agrees not to use the Evaluation Board for any other purpose. Furthermore, the license granted is expressly made subject to the following additional limitations: Customer shall not (i) rent, lease, display, sell, transfer , assign, sublicense, or distribute the Evaluation Board; and (ii) permit any Third Party to access the Evaluation Board. As used herein, the term “Third Party” includes any entity other than ADI, Customer , their employees, affiliates and in-house consultants. The Evaluation Board is NOT sold to Customer; all rights not expressly granted herein, including ownership of the Evaluation Board, are reserved by ADI. CONFIDENTIALITY. This Agreement and the Evaluation Board shall all be considered the confidential and proprietary information of ADI. Customer may not disclose or transfer any portion of the Evaluation Board to any other party for any reason. Upon discontinuation of use of the Evaluation Board or termination of this Agreement, Customer agrees to promptly return the Evaluation Board to ADI. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. Customer may not disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer chips on the Evaluation Board. Customer shall inform ADI of any occurred damages or any modifications or alterations it makes to the Evaluation Board, including but not limited to soldering or any other activity that affects the material content of the Evaluation Board. Modifications to the Evaluation Board must comply with applicable law, including but not limited to the RoHS Directive. TERMINATION. ADI may terminate this Agreement at any time upon giving written notice to Customer . Customer agrees to return to ADI the Evaluation Board at that time. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. THE EVALUATION BOARD PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND ADI MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO IT . ADI SPECIFICALL Y DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS, ENDORSEMENTS, GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE EVALUATION BOARD INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT WILL ADI AND ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESUL TING FROM CUSTOMER’S POSSESSION OR USE OF THE EVALUATION BOARD, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, DELAY COSTS, LABOR COSTS OR LOSS OF GOODWILL. ADI’S TOTAL LIABILITY FROM ANY AND ALL CAUSES SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ($100.00). EXPORT . Customer agrees that it will not directly or indirectly export the Evaluation Board to another country, and that it will comply with all applicable United States federal laws and regulations relating to exports. GOVERNING LAW . This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (excluding conflict of law rules). Any legal action regarding this Agreement will be heard in the state or federal courts having jurisdiction in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and Customer hereby submits to the personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement and is expressly disclaimed.。

Firstack PM140 数字智能型 IGBT 驱动产品说明书

Firstack PM140 数字智能型 IGBT 驱动产品说明书


PM140驱动产品是以Firstack数字智能型IGBT驱动为基础,针对PrimePACKTM 模块开发的即插即用型驱动。

图1 产品照片目录概述 (1)系统框架图 (3)使用步骤及注意事项 (4)机械尺寸图 (5)引脚定义 (6)状态指示灯说明 (8)驱动参数 (9)主要功能说明 (12)◆短路保护 (12)◆欠压保护 (12)◆软关断 (13)◆温度保护及采样 (13)门极电阻位置指示 (17)订购信息 (19)技术支持 (19)法律免责声明 (19)联系方式 (19)系统框架图数字控制核1D Z1V CC1V EE1软关断电路信号输入1C1级G1级V CC1E1级数字控制核2D Z2V CC2V EE2软关断电路信号输入2C2级G2级V CC2E2级COM1COM2故障指示==V CC1V EE1COM1故障指示电源输入V CE 检测电源检测V CE 检测电源检测故障返回电源V CC2V EE2COM2图2 系统框架图使用步骤及注意事项驱动器简便使用的相关步骤如下:1. 选择合适的驱动器使用驱动器时,应注意该驱动器适配的IGBT模块型号。

对于非指定IGBT 模块无效,使用不当可能会导致驱动和模块失效。

2. 将驱动器安装到IGBT 模块上对IGBT模块或驱动器的任何处理都应遵循国际标准IEC 60747-1第Ⅸ章或欧洲标准EN 100015要求的静电敏感器件保护的一般规范(即工作场所、工具等必须符合这些标准)。


3. 将驱动器连接到控制单元将驱动器接插件(光纤)连接到控制单元,并为驱动器提供合适的供电电压4. 检查驱动器功能检查门极电压:对于关断状态,额定门极电压在相应的数据手册中给出,对于导通状态,该电压为15V。































高通处理器高通公司成立于1985 年 7 月,成立之初主要致力于为无线通讯业提供项目研究、开发服务,以在CDMA 技术方面处于领先地位而闻名。

高通骁龙Snapdragon 处理器是高通集团推出的手机芯片,由于具备处理速度快、功耗低、领先的无线通讯技术以及高集成度的特点,目前已经成为当下市场占有率最大的智能手机芯片组。

高通骁龙 Snapdragon 发展到现在,已经推出了四代产品,性能由低到高依次为S1、S2、S3、S4,每一代新产品的推出都具有更强的性能和更低的功耗。


不得不提的是高通一代的处理器现在依然在用,采用了65nm 工艺并集成Adreno 200图形处理器( GPU),处理器型号包括MSM7627/7227以及 MSM7625/7225,MSM7625A/7225A,高通每个系列都包含两个型号,区别是前者可支持CDMA,而后者不支持。


MSM7627/7227采用的是ARM11和 ARM11( T)架构,主频为600-800MHz。

高通骁龙Snapdragon S1高通骁龙 Snapdragon S1 是针对当今大众市场的智能手机所开发的处理器,是全球首款达到 1GHz主频的移动单核产品。

采用了65nm工艺并集成Adreno 200图形处理器(GPU),代表型号为QSD8650/8250。

QSD8650/8250 采用的是Scorpion核心,主频为1GHz。



以后的S2、S3 都是采用了Scorpion核心。

2012 年,高通推出骁龙S4 组处理器——环蛇。



易用Logic PM2220电力表说明书

易用Logic PM2220电力表说明书

T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsMETSEPM2220EasyLogic PM2220, Power & Energy meter,up to the 15th harmonic, LCD display, RS485,class 1MainRange EasyLogic Product name EasyLogic PM2200Device short name PM2220Product or component typePower meterComplementaryDevice application Power monitoring Sub billingPower quality analysis Total harmonic distortion Up to the 15th harmonicType of measurementApparent power min/max, totalActive and reactive power min/max, total Current min/max, avg Voltage min/max, avg Frequency min/max, avgTotal current harmonic distortion THD (I) per phase Total voltage harmonic distortion THD (U) per phase Power factor min/max, avg Apparent energy totalActive and reactive energy totalMetering typeActive, reactive, apparent energy (signed, four quadrant)Current I, I1, I2, I3Peak demand currentsPeak demand power PM, QM, SM Unbalance currentActive power P, P1, P2, P3Reactive power Q, Q1, Q2, Q3Demand power P, Q, SVoltage U, U21, U32, U13, V, V1, V2, V3Apparent power S, S1, S2, S3Calculated neutral currentAccuracy classClass 1 active energy conforming to IEC 62053-21Class 1 reactive energy conforming to IEC 62053-24Class 5 harmonic distorsion (I THD & U THD)Measurement accuracyApparent power +/- 1 %Active energy +/- 1 %Reactive energy +/- 1 %Active power +/- 1 %Voltage +/- 0.5 %Power factor +/- 0.01Current +/- 0.5 %Frequency +/- 0.05 %Measurement current 5…6000 mAMeasurement voltage35…480 V AC 50/60 Hz between phases20…277 V AC 50/60 Hz between phase and neutral 480…999000 V AC 50/60 Hz with external VT Frequency measurement range 45…65 Hz[Us] rated supply voltage44...277 V AC 45...65 Hz +/- 10 %44...277 V DC +/- 10 %Network frequency50 Hz60 HzRide-through time100 Ms 120 V AC typical400 Ms 230 V AC typical50 ms 125 V DC typicalLine Rated Current1 A5 AMaximum power consumption in VA6 VA 277 V ACMaximum power consumption in W 3.3 W (power lines (AC))2 W at 277 V (power lines (DC))Input impedance Current (impedance <= 0.3 mOhm)Voltage (impedance > 5 MOhm)Tamperproof of settings Protected by access codeDisplay type Backlit LCDDisplay colour MonochromeDisplay resolution128 x 128 pixelsDemand intervals Configurable from 1 to 60 minInformation displayed Demand current (past value)Demand current (present value)Demand power (past value)Demand power (present value)VoltageCurrentFrequencyEnergy consumptionHarmonic distortionPower factorActive powerApparent powerReactive powerUnbalanced in %Harmonic amplitudeControl type 4 x buttonLocal signalling Red LED: output signal 1...9999000 pulse/ k_h (kWh, kVAh, kVARh)Green LED: module operation and integrated communicationNumber of inputs0Number of outputs0Communication port protocol Modbus RTU 4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38.4 Kbps even/odd or none - 2wires 2500 VCommunication port support Screw terminal block: RS485Data recording Time stampingMin/max for 8 parametersFunction available Real time clockSampling rate64 samples/cycleCybersecurity Enable/disable communication portsCommunication service Remote monitoringLanguage SpanishFrenchEnglishRussianPortugueseGermanChineseProduct certifications CE IEC 61010-1CULus UL 61010-1CULus conforming to CSA C22.2 No 61010-1RCMEACC-TickMounting mode Clip-onMounting position VerticalMounting support FrameworkProvided equipment 1 x Installation guideMeasurement category Category III 480 VCategory II 480…600 VElectrical insulation class Double insulationClass IIFlame retardance V-0 conforming to UL 94Connections - terminals Current transformer screw connection bottom) 6Voltage inputs screw connection top) 4Material PolycarbonateWidth 3.78 in (96 mm)Depth Total 3.00 in (76.09 mm)Embedded 2.43 in (61.64 mm)Height 3.78 in (96 mm)Net Weight10.58 oz (300 g)Compatibility code PM2220EnvironmentService life7 year(s)IP degree of protection IP54 front: conforming to IEC 60529Body IP30 IEC 60529Relative humidity5…95 % 122 °F (50 °C)Pollution degree2Ambient air temperature for operation14…140 °F (-10…60 °C)Ambient air temperature for storage-13…158 °F (-25…70 °C)Operating altitude<= 6561.68 ft (2000 m)Electromagnetic compatibility Electrostatic discharge conforming to IEC 61000-4-2Radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity test IEC 61000-4-3Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test conforming to IEC 61000-4-4Surge immunity test IEC 61000-4-5Conducted RF disturbances conforming to IEC 61000-4-6Magnetic field at power frequency conforming to IEC 61000-4-8Voltage dips and interruptions immunity test IEC 61000-4-11Emission tests conforming to FCC part 15 class AOvervoltage category IIIOrdering and shipping detailsGTIN03606480800177Nbr. of units in pkg.1Package weight(Lbs)9.52 oz (270 g)Packing UnitsUnit Type of Package 1PCEPackage 1 Height 3.78 in (9.6 cm)Package 1 width 2.65 in (6.72 cm)Package 1 Length 4.00 in (10.16 cm)Unit Type of Package 2BB1Number of Units in Package 21Package 2 Weight12.80 oz (363 g)Package 2 Height 4.53 in (11.5 cm)Package 2 width 3.43 in (8.7 cm)Package 2 Length 4.72 in (12 cm)Unit Type of Package 3S03Number of Units in Package 318Package 3 Weight15.48 lb(US) (7.02 kg)Package 3 Height11.81 in (30 cm)Package 3 width11.81 in (30 cm)Package 3 Length15.75 in (40 cm)Offer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productREACh Regulation REACh DeclarationEU RoHS Directive Compliant EU RoHS DeclarationMercury free YesRoHS exemption information YesChina RoHS Regulation China RoHS Declaration Circularity Profile End Of Life Information。

MSI B460M PRO 产品说明书

MSI B460M PRO 产品说明书

1ContentsContentsSafety Information ...........................................................................................2Specifications ...................................................................................................3Rear I/O Panel .................................................................................................7LAN Port LED Status Table . (7)Overview of Components (8)CPU Socket .................................................................................................................9DIMM Slots................................................................................................................10PCI_E1~3: PCIe Expansion Slots ..............................................................................10JFP1, JFP2: Front Panel Connectors .......................................................................11JAUD1: Front Audio Connector ................................................................................11SATA1~6: SATA 6Gb/s Connectors ...........................................................................12M2_1: M.2 Slot (Key M) .............................................................................................12ATX_PWR1, CPU_PWR1: Power Connectors ...........................................................13JUSB1~2: USB 2.0 Connectors .................................................................................14JUSB3: USB 3.2 Gen 1 5Gbps Connector .................................................................14CPU_FAN1, SYS_FAN1: Fan Connectors .................................................................15JTPM1: TPM Module Connector ...............................................................................15JCI1: Chassis Intrusion Connector ...........................................................................16JCOM1: Serial Port Connector .................................................................................16JBAT1: Clear CMOS (Reset BIOS) Jumper ...............................................................17JRAINBOW1: Addressable RGB LED connector ......................................................17JRGB1: RGB LED connector .....................................................................................18EZ Debug LED ...........................................................................................................18UEFI BIOS . (19)BIOS Setup ................................................................................................................20Entering BIOS Setup .................................................................................................20Resetting BIOS ..........................................................................................................20Updating BIOS...........................................................................................................21Installing OS, Drivers & Utilities . (22)Installing Windows ® 10..............................................................................................22Installing Drivers ......................................................................................................22Installing Utilities .. (22)Thank you for purchasing the MSI ® B460M PRO/ B460M-A PRO motherboard. This User Guide gives information about board layout, component overview, BIOS setup and software installation.Safety Information∙The components included in this package are prone to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). Please adhere to the following instructions to ensure successful computer assembly.∙Ensure that all components are securely connected. Loose connections may cause the computer to not recognize a component or fail to start.∙Hold the motherboard by the edges to avoid touching sensitive components. ∙It is recommended to wear an electrostatic discharge (ESD) wrist strap when handling the motherboard to prevent electrostatic damage. If an ESD wrist strap is not available, discharge yourself of static electricity by touching another metal object before handling the motherboard.∙Store the motherboard in an electrostatic shielding container or on an anti-static pad whenever the motherboard is not installed.∙Before turning on the computer, ensure that there are no loose screws or metal components on the motherboard or anywhere within the computer case.∙Do not boot the computer before installation is completed. This could cause permanent damage to the components as well as injury to the user.∙If you need help during any installation step, please consult a certified computer technician.∙Always turn off the power supply and unplug the power cord from the power outlet before installing or removing any computer component.∙Keep this user guide for future reference.∙Keep this motherboard away from humidity.∙Make sure that your electrical outlet provides the same voltage as is indicated on the PSU, before connecting the PSU to the electrical outlet.∙Place the power cord such a way that people can not step on it. Do not place anything over the power cord.∙All cautions and warnings on the motherboard should be noted.∙If any of the following situations arises, get the motherboard checked by service personnel:▪Liquid has penetrated into the computer.▪The motherboard has been exposed to moisture.▪The motherboard does not work well or you can not get it work according touser guide.▪The motherboard has been dropped and damaged.▪The motherboard has obvious sign of breakage.∙Do not leave this motherboard in an environment above 60°C (140°F), it may damage the motherboard.2Safety Information3Specifications4Specifications5SpecificationsPlease refer to http:///manual/mb/DRAGONCENTER2.pdf formore details.6SpecificationsRear I/O PanelAudio 7.1-channel ConfigurationTo configure 7.1-channel audio, you have to connect front audio I/O module to JAUD1 connector and follow the below steps.1. Click on the Realtek HD Audio Manager > Advanced Settings to open the dialog below.2. Select Mute the rear output device, when a front headphone plugged in.3. Plug your speakers to audio jacks on rear and front I/O panel. When you plug intoa device at an audio jack, a dialogue window will pop up asking you which device is current connected.7Rear I/O PanelOverview of Components* Distance from the center of the CPU to the nearest DIMM slot. 8Overview of Components9Overview of ComponentsImportant∙Always unplug the power cord from the power outlet before installing or removing the CPU.∙Please retain the CPU protective cap after installing the processor. MSI will deal with Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) requests if only the motherboard comes with the protective cap on the CPU socket.∙When installing a CPU, always remember to install a CPU heatsink. A CPU heatsink is necessary to prevent overheating and maintain system stability.∙Confirm that the CPU heatsink has formed a tight seal with the CPU before booting your system.∙Overheating can seriously damage the CPU and motherboard. Always make sure the cooling fans work properly to protect the CPU from overheating. Be sure to apply an even layer of thermal paste (or thermal tape) between the CPU and the heatsink to enhance heat dissipation.∙Whenever the CPU is not installed, always protect the CPU socket pins by covering the socket with the plastic cap.∙If you purchased a separate CPU and heatsink/ cooler, Please refer to the docu-mentation in the heatsink/ cooler package for more details about installation.slot first.∙When adding or removing expansion cards, always turn off the power supply and unplug the power supply power cable from the power outlet. Read the expansion card’s documentation to check for any necessary additional hardware or software changes.∙If you install a large and heavy graphics card, you need to use a tool such as MSI Gaming Series Graphics Card Bolster to support its weight to prevent deformation of the slot.10Overview of ComponentsJFP1, JFP2: Front Panel ConnectorsJAUD1: Front Audio Connector11Overview of Components12Overview of ComponentsSATA1~6: SATA 6Gb/s ConnectorsThese connectors are SATA 6Gb/s interface ports. Each connector can connect to one SATA device.⚠Important∙Please do not fold the SATA cable at a 90-degree angle. Data loss may result during transmission otherwise.∙SATA cables have identical plugs on either sides of the cable. However, it is recommended that the flat connector be connected to the motherboard for space saving purposes.M2_1: M.2 Slot (Key M)Please install the M.2 solid-state drive (SSD) into the M.2 slot as shown below.13StandoffSuppliedATX_PWR1, CPU_PWR1: Power ConnectorsImportantMake sure that all the power cables are securely connected to a proper ATX power supply to ensure stable operation of the motherboard.13Overview of Components14Overview of ComponentsJUSB3: USB 3.2 Gen 1 5Gbps ConnectorImportantNote that the Power and Ground pins must be connected correctly to avoid possible damage.JUSB1~2: USB 2.0 ConnectorsImportant∙Note that the VCC and Ground pins must be connected correctly to avoid possible damage.∙In order to recharge your iPad,iPhone and iPod through USB ports, please install MSI® DRAGON CENTER utility.15Overview of ComponentsCPU_FAN1, SYS_FAN1: Fan ConnectorsPWM Mode fan connectors provide constant 12V output and adjust fan speed with speed control signal. When you plug a 3-pin (Non-PWM) fan to a fan connector in PWM mode, the fan speed will always maintain at 100%, which might create a lot of noise.ImportantYou can adjust fan speed inBIOS > Advanced > Hardware Monitor.JTPM1: TPM Module ConnectorThis connector is for TPM (Trusted Platform Module). Please refer to the TPMJCI1: Chassis Intrusion Connector(default)intrusion event Using chassis intrusion detector1. Connect the JCI1 connector to the chassis intrusion switch/ sensor on thechassis.2. Close the chassis cover.3. Go to BIOS > Security > Chassis Intrusion Configuration.4. Set Chassis Intrusion to Enabled.5. Press F10 to save and exit and then press the Enter key to select Yes.6. Once the chassis cover is opened again, a warning message will be displayed onscreen when the computer is turned on.Resetting the chassis intrusion warning1. Go to BIOS > Security > Chassis Intrusion Configuration.2. Set Chassis Intrusion to Reset.3. Press F10 to save and exit and then press the Enter key to select Yes. JCOM1: Serial Port Connector16Overview of ComponentsJBAT1: Clear CMOS (Reset BIOS) JumperThere is CMOS memory onboard that is external powered from a battery located on the motherboard to save system configuration data. If you want to clear the system(default)Reset BIOSResetting BIOS to default values1. Power off the computer and unplug the power cord.2. Use a jumper cap to short JBAT1 for about 5-10 seconds.3. Remove the jumper cap from JBAT1.4. Plug the power cord and power on the computer. JRAINBOW1: Addressable RGB LED connectorThe JRAINBOW connector allows you to connect the WS2812B Individually Addressable RGB LED strips 5V.CAUTIONDo not connect the wrong type of LED strips. The JRGB connector and the JRAINBOW connector provide different voltages, and connecting the 5V LED strip to the JRGB connector will result in damage to the LED strip.⚠Important∙The JRAINBOW connector supports up to 75 LEDs WS2812B Individually Address-able RGB LED strips (5V/Data/Ground) with the maximum power rating of 3A (5V). In the case of 20% brightness, the connector supports up to 200 LEDs.∙Always turn off the power supply and unplug the power cord from the power outlet before installing or removing the RGB LED strip.∙Please use MSI’s software to control the extended LED strip.17Overview of Components18Overview of ComponentsEZ Debug LEDThese LEDs indicate the status of the motherboard.CPU - indicates CPU is not detected or fail. DRAM - indicates DRAM is not detected or fail. VGA - indicates GPU is not detected or fail. BOOT - indicates booting device is not detected or fail.JRGB1: RGB LED connectorImportant∙The JRGB connector supports up to 2 meters continuous 5050 RGB LED strips (12V/G/R/B) with the maximum power rating of 3A (12V). ∙Always turn off the power supply and unplug the power cord from the power outlet before installing or removing the RGB LED strip.∙Please use MSI’s software to control the extended LED strip.UEFI BIOSMSI UEFI BIOS is compatible with UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) architecture. UEFI has many new functions and advantages that traditional BIOS cannot achieve, and it will completely replace BIOS in the future. The MSI UEFI BIOS uses UEFI as the default boot mode to take full advantage of the new chipset’s capabilities. However, it still has a CSM (Compatibility Support Module) mode to be compatible with older devices. That allows you to replace legacy devices with UEFI compatible devices during the transition.⚠ImportantThe term BIOS in this user guide refers to UEFI BIOS unless otherwise noted. UEFI advantages∙Fast booting - UEFI can directly boot the operating system and save the BIOS self-test process. And also eliminates the time to switch to CSM mode during POST.∙Supports for hard drive partitions larger than 2 TB.∙Supports more than 4 primary partitions with a GUID Partition Table (GPT).∙Supports unlimited number of partitions.∙Supports full capabilities of new devices - new devices may not provide backward compatibility.∙Supports secure startup - UEFI can check the validity of the operating system to ensure that no malware tampers with the startup process.Incompatible UEFI cases∙32-bit Windows operating system - this motherboard supports only 64-bit Windows 10 operating system.∙Older graphics card - the system will detect your graphics card. When display a warning message There is no GOP (Graphics Output protocol) support detected in this graphics card.⚠ImportantWe recommend that you to use a GOP/ UEFI compatible graphics card.How to check the BIOS mode?19UEFI BIOSBIOS SetupThe default settings offer the optimal performance for system stability in normal conditions. You should always keep the default settings to avoid possible system damage or failure booting unless you are familiar with BIOS.⚠Important∙BIOS items are continuous update for better system performance. Therefore, the description may be slightly different from the latest BIOS and should be held for reference only. You could also refer to the HELP information panel for BIOS item description.∙The BIOS items will vary with the processor. Entering BIOS SetupPress Delete key, when the Press DEL key to enter Setup Menu, F11 to enter Boot Menu message appears on the screen during the boot process.Function keyF1: General HelpF2: Add/ Remove a favorite itemF3: Enter Favorites menuF4: Enter CPU Specifications menuF5: Enter Memory-Z menuF6: Load optimized defaultsF7: Switch between Advanced mode and EZ modeF8: Load Overclocking ProfileF9: Save Overclocking ProfileF10: Save Change and Reset*F12: Take a screenshot and save it to USB flash drive (FAT/ FAT32 format only). Ctrl+F: Enter Search page* When you press F10, a confirmation window appears and it provides the modification information. Select between Yes or No to confirm your choice. Resetting BIOSYou might need to restore the default BIOS setting to solve certain problems. There are several ways to reset BIOS:∙Go to BIOS and press F6 to load optimized defaults.∙Short the Clear CMOS jumper on the motherboard.⚠ImportantPlease refer to the Clear CMOS jumper section for resetting BIOS.20UEFI BIOSUpdating BIOSUpdating BIOS with M-FLASHBefore updating:Please download the latest BIOS file that matches your motherboard model from MSI website. And then save the BIOS file into the USB flash drive.Updating BIOS:1. Insert the USB flash drive that contains the update file into the USB port.2. Please refer the following methods to enter flash mode.▪Reboot and press Ctrl + F5 key during POST and click on Yes to reboot the system.▪Reboot and press Del key during POST to enter BIOS. Click the M-FLASH button and click on Yes to reboot the system.3. Select a BIOS file to perform the BIOS update process.4. When prompted click on Yes to start recovering BIOS.5. After the flashing process is 100% completed, the system will reboot automatically.Updating the BIOS with Dragon CenterBefore updating:Make sure the LAN driver is already installed and the internet connection is set properly.Updating BIOS:1. Install and launch MSI DRAGON CENTER and go to Support page.2. Select Live Update and click on Advance button.3. Click on Scan button to search the latest BIOS file.4. Select the BIOS file and click on Download icon to download and install the latest BIOS file.5. Click Next and choose In Windows mode. And then click Next and Start to start updating BIOS.6. After the flashing process is 100% completed, the system will restart automatically.21UEFI BIOSInstalling OS, Drivers & UtilitiesPlease download and update the latest utilities and drivers at Installing Windows® 101. Power on the computer.2. Insert the Windows® 10 installation disc/USB into your computer.3. Press the Restart button on the computer case.4. Press F11 key during the computer POST (Power-On Self Test) to get into BootMenu.5. Select the Windows® 10 installation disc/USB from the Boot Menu.6. Press any key when screen shows Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...message.7. Follow the instructions on the screen to install Windows® 10. Installing Drivers1. Start up your computer in Windows® 10.2. Insert MSI® Driver Disc into your optical drive.3. Click the Select to choose what happens with this disc pop-up notification,then select Run DVDSetup.exe to open the installer. If you turn off the AutoPlayfeature from the Windows Control Panel, you can still manually execute theDVDSetup.exe from the root path of the MSI Driver Disc.4. The installer will find and list all necessary drivers in the Drivers/Software tab.5. Click the Install button in the lower-right corner of the window.6. The drivers installation will then be in progress, after it has finished it will promptyou to restart.7. Click OK button to finish.8. Restart your computer.Installing UtilitiesBefore you install utilities, you must complete drivers installation.1. Open the installer as described above.2. Click the Utilities tab.3. Select the utilities you want to install.4. Click the Install button in the lower-right corner of the window.5. The utilities installation will then be in progress, after it has finished it willprompt you to restart.6. Click OK button to finish.7. Restart your computer.22Installing OS, Drivers & Utilities。





取替代( UTE/SUB)
料件基本资料 - 来源码 - 低阶码 Run MRP 前需执行低阶码
采购资料 - 补货策略码
- 采购单位批量 - 最少采购数量 - 采购损耗率

P,M,C,D,T,S..... 料件愈上层, 阶数越低
➢ 采购料件 =>请购单 ➢ 自制料件 =>工单
取消建议(amrr540) MRP版本比较表(amrr570) MRP-PLP与PR数量比较表(amrr580)
a.库存正确与否,实际与账面正确率在 95% 以上 b.生产及采购订单的有效性在 95% 以上 c.BOM准确性在 98% 以上 d.MPS可行性在 95% 以上 e.制程(Routing)准确性在 98% 以上 f.料件基本数据正确性在 98%以上 g.ECN正确反应,实时更新 h.定案检讨批量政策,损耗率,Lead Time
**指定厂牌之管理( abmi310/abmi650)
~主件料号需依客户需求作区分, 组件可指定特定之厂牌
**MPS( Master Production Schedule )之维护
料件数据检视 调整
是否有 取替代料件
是否有指定 厂牌组件
产品结构数据维护作业 工程变异单维护作业 工程变异单维护作业 替代料数据维护作业 一般订单维护作业 订单变更单维护作业 订单结案作业 采购单维护作业 采购单更单维护作业 采购单结案作业 料件基本数据维护-采购 料件基本数据维护-采购 请购单维护作业 请购单结案作业 料件基本数据维护-生管 料件基本数据维护-生管 厂内工单-逐张结案作业 厂内工单-整批结案作业 工单维护作业








特点:●LCD中英文显示.●远程/机旁选择控制.●联动/独立选择运行.●对电机具有起停控制.●对空压机进行防逆转保护.●对温度进行检测与控制保护.●对电压进行检测与保护●RS-485通讯功能,支持MODBUS RTU协议。

●对电机具有缺相、过载、不平衡、电压过高、电压过低保护功能.●高度集成,高可靠性,高性价比.目录一、基本操作 (5)1、按键说明 (5)2、指示灯说明 (6)3、状态显示与操作 (6)4、运行参数、菜单 (6)5、用户参数查看及修改 (7)6、用户参数表及功能 (8)7、厂家参数查看及修改 (10)8、厂家参数表及功能 (10)9、调整参数 (11)10、操作权限及密码管理 (12)二、控制器功能及技术参数 (13)三、型号规格 (14)1、型号说明 (14)2、适用电机功率规格表 (14)四、安装 (15)1、机械安装 (15)2、电气安装接线 (17)五、控制过程 (18)1、单机运行 (18)2、联网控制 (18)3、风机运行 (18)六、预警功能 (19)1、空滤器使用时间预警 (19)2、油滤器预警 (19)3、油分器使用时间预警 (19)4、润滑油使用时间预警 (19)5、润滑脂使用时间预警 (19)6、皮带使用时间预警 (19)7、排气温度高预警 (19)七、安全保护 (19)1、对电机的保护 (19)2、排气超温保护 (20)3、空压机防逆转保护 (20)4、供气压力超压保护 (20)5、传感器失灵保护 (20)八、常见故障的处理 (20)1、查看现场故障 (20)2、常见故障及原因 (21)九、联动控制、联网通信 (21)1、联动控制 (21)2、联网通信 (23)十、电气接线图 (24)一、基本操作1、按键说明图1.1.1——启动键:1.空压机处于待机状态时,按此键可启动空压机运行;2.联动模式做主机,通讯地址为1时,按此键启动空压机,同时启动联动控制功能。

EasyLogic PM2200 系列 用户手册说明书

EasyLogic PM2200 系列 用户手册说明书



























------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.技术参数3.控制面板4.输入输出面板5.面板按键和操作UP 键:---------------------------------------------------光标上移键。


ENTER键:----------------------------------------------确认键/ 进入子菜单键。

MIC MENU键(MIC旋钮往下按):--------------进入麦克风相关菜单键。

MUSIC MENU键(MUSIC旋钮往下按):------进入音乐相关菜单键。



对效果模式的操作如下:(1). 调用效果模式:短按一次E1~E4中的一个按键,即可调出对应之效果。



5.8.7 状态切换
用于设定当前状态为调试态或运行态。如当前状态为 1 运行态,运行灯亮,按“-”键更
改为 0(Debug) 调试态,按下“确认”键,输入密码“1233”,更改成功会自动退出“8.7
··28 负序 II 投入
··36 PT 断线投入
··37 正序投入
··07 负序一时间 [ 0.20—20.00 ] 0.50S
··08 负序二电流 [ 0.10—20.00 ]
··18 长启动时间 [ 0.50—99.99 ]
PMA-860 系列微机综合保护测控装置
二○○七 年 一月
PMA-860 系列微机综合保护装置
第一章 PMA-860 型电动机微机综合保护测控装置 ············2 第二章 PMA-860C 型电机差动保护测控装置··················14 第三章 PMA-861 型馈线/母线分段微机综合保护测控装置······21 第四章 PMA-862 型电压互感器微机综合保护测控装置 ········33 第五章 PMA-862C 型并联电压切换装置······················43 第六章 PMA-863 型微机测控装置···························50 第七章 PMA-864 型微机测控装置···························57 第八章 PMA-867 型电容器微机综合保护测控装置·············64 第九章 PMA-868 型变压器微机综合保护测控装置·············75

PADAUK Technology Co. Ltd PMC232 PMS232系列 12位ADC双核

PADAUK Technology Co. Ltd PMC232 PMS232系列 12位ADC双核

PMC232/PMS232系列带12位ADC、采用FPPA TM技术双核心8位单片机数据手册第0.03版2017年3月27日Copyright 2017 by PADAUK Technology Co., Ltd., all rights reserved10F-2, No. 1, Sec. 2, Dong-Da Road, Hsin-Chu 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.重要声明应广科技保留权利在任何时候变更或终止产品,建议客户在使用或下单前与应广科技或代理商联系以取得最新、最正确的产品信息。







目录1. 单片机特点 (8)1.1. 系列特点 (8)1.2. 高性能RISC CPU架构 (8)1.3. 系统功能 (8)1.4. 封装信息 (9)2. 系统概述和方框图 (10)3. PMC232系列引脚功能描述 (11)4. PMS232系列引脚功能描述 (12)5. 器件电气特性 (15)5.1. 直流/交流特性 (15)5.2. 最大范围 (17)5.3. ILRC频率与VDD、温度关系的曲线图 (18)5.4. IHRC频率与VDD、温度关系的曲线图 (19)5.5. 工作电流量测值@系统时钟=ILRC÷N (20)5.6. 工作电流量测值@系统时钟=IHRC÷N (20)5.7. 工作电流量测值@系统时钟=4MH Z晶振EOSC÷N (21)5.8. 工作电流量测值@系统时钟=32K H Z晶振EOSC÷N (21)5.9. IO引脚输出驱动电流(I OH)和灌电流(I OL)曲线图 (22)5.10. 测量的IO输入阈值电压(V IH/V IL) (22)5.11. IO引脚拉高阻抗曲线图 (22)5.12. 输出(VDD/2)偏置电压与VDD关系的曲线图 (23)5.13. 开机时序图 (23)6. 功能概述 (24)6.1. 处理单元 (24)6.1.1程序计数器 (25)6.1.2 堆栈指针 (25)6.1.3 一个处理单元工作模式 (26)6.2. OTP程序存储器 (27)6.2.1 程序存储器分配 (27)6.2.2 两个处理单元工作模式下程序存储器分配例子 (27)6.2.3 一个处理单元工作模式下程序存储器分配例子 (28)6.3 程序结构 (29)6.3.1 两个处理单元工作模式下程序结构 (29)6.3.2 一个处理单元工作模式下程序结构 (29)6.4 启动程序 (30)6.5 数据存储器 (31)6.6 算术和逻辑单元 (31)6.7 振荡器和时钟 (32)6.7.1 内部高频振荡器(IHRC)和低频振荡器(ILRC) (32)6.7.2 单片机校准 (32)6.7.3 IHRC频率校准和系统时钟 (32)6.7.4 晶体振荡器 (34)6.7.5 系统时钟和LVR水平 (35)6.7.6 系统时钟切换 (36)6.8 16位定时器(T IMER16) (37)6.9 8位PWM定时器(T IMER2) (39)6.9.1 使用Timer2产生定期波形 (40)6.9.2 使用Timer2产生8位PWM波形 (41)6.9.3 使用Timer2产生6位PWM波形 (43)6.10 看门狗定时器 (44)6.11 中断 (45)6.12 掉电模式 (47)6.12.1 省电模式(stopexe) (47)6.12.2 掉电模式(stopsys) (48)6.12.3 唤醒 (49)6.13 IO端口 (50)6.14 复位和LVR (51)6.14.1 复位 (51)6.14.2 LVR (51)6.15 VDD/2偏置电压 (51)6.16 数字转换(ADC)模块 (52)6.16.1 AD转换的输入要求 (53)6.16.2 ADC分辨率选择 (54)6.16.3 ADC 时钟选择 (54)6.16.4 AD转换 (54)6.16.5 模拟引脚的配置 (54)6.16.6 使用ADC (54)7. IO寄存器 (55)7.1 算术逻辑状态寄存器(FLAG),IO地址=0X00 (55)7.2 FPP单元允许寄存器(FPPEN),IO地址=0X01 (55)7.3 堆栈指针寄存器(SP),IO地址=0X02 (55)7.4 时钟控制寄存器(CLKMD),IO地址=0X03 (56)7.5 中断允许寄存器(INTEN),IO地址=0X04 (56)7.6 中断请求寄存器(INTRQ),IO地址=0X05 (56)7.7 T IMER16控制寄存器(T16M),IO地址=0X06 (57)7.8 通用数据输入/输出寄存器(GDIO),IO地址=0X07 (57)7.9 外部晶体振荡器控制寄存器(EOSCR),IO地址=0X0A (57)7.10 内部高频RC振荡器控制寄存器(IHRCR,只写),IO地址=0X0B (58)7.11 中断边沿选择寄存器(INTEGS,只写),IO地址=0X0C (58)7.12 端口A数字输入禁止寄存器(PADIER,只写),IO地址=0X0D (58)7.13 端口B数字输入禁止寄存器(PBDIER,只写),IO地址=0X0E (59)7.14 端口A数据寄存器(PA),IO地址=0X10 (59)7.15 端口A控制寄存器(PAC),IO地址=0X11 (59)7.16 端口A上拉控制寄存器(PAPH),IO地址=0X12 (59)7.17端口B数据寄存器(PB),IO地址=0X14 (59)7.18端口B控制寄存器(PBC),IO地址=0X15 (59)7.19 端口B上拉控制寄存器(PBPH),IO地址=0X16 (60)7.20 端口C数据寄存器(PC),IO地址=0X17 (60)7.21 端口C控制寄存器(PCC),IO地址=0X18 (60)7.22 端口C上拉控制寄存器(PCPH),IO地址=0X19 (60)7.23 ADC控制寄存器(ADCC),IO地址=0X20 (60)7.24 ADC模式控制寄存器(ADCM,只写),IO地址=0X21 (61)7.25 ADC数据高位寄存器(ADCRH,只读),IO地址=0X22 (61)7.26 ADC数据低位寄存器(ADCRL,只读),IO地址=0X23 (61)7.27 杂项寄存器(MISC),IO地址=0X3B (62)7.28 T IMER2控制寄存器(TM2C),IO地址=0X3C (63)7.29 T IMER2计数寄存器(TM2CT),IO地址=0X3D (63)7.30 T IMER2分频器寄存器(TM2S),IO地址=0X37 (63)7.31 T IMER2上限寄存器(TM2B),IO地址=0X09 (64)8. 指令 (65)8.1 数据传输类指令 (65)8.2 算术运算类指令 (69)8.3 移位运算类指令 (71)8.4 逻辑运算类指令 (72)8.5 位运算类指令 (74)8.6 条件运算类指令 (75)8.7 系统控制类指令 (77)8.8 指令执行周期综述 (79)8.9 指令影响标志的综述 (80)9. 特别注意事项 (81)9.1 警告 (81)9.2 使用IC时 (81)9.2.1 IO使用与设定 (81)9.2.2 中断 (82)9.2.3 切换系统时钟 (82)9.2.4 掉电模式、唤醒以及看门狗 (83)9.2.5 TIMER溢出时间 (84)9.2.6 ADC使用注意事项 (84)9.2.7 LVR (84)9.2.8 IHRC (84)9.2.9 单/双核模式下指令周期差异 (85)9.3 使用ICE时 (85)9.3.1 PMC232/PMS232系列于仿真器PDK3S-I-001/002/003上仿真时 (85)9.3.2 使用PDK3S-I-001/002/003仿真PMC232/PMS232系列功能時注意事項 (86)修订历史:修订日期描述0.01 2015/8/1 初版。

marantz PM8004 PM7004 说明书

marantz PM8004 PM7004 说明书









HDAM-SA3 技术V/I 转换器电路是电流反馈式前置放大器和功率放大器的关键模块,它相当于为更高级别的型号(如 PM-11S2)而开发的 HDAM-SA3 放大模块。

CD 直接缓冲放大器在 CD 输入插孔的旁边安置了一个专用于 CD 的输入缓冲放大器。


增强的瞬间电流供应能力 众所周知,即使放大器具有同样的规格,声音质量也不一定相同。


该设备的功率放大器可以提供 25 A 甚至更高的瞬间供应电流,能够强劲地驱动扬声器。



按钮位于主机和遥控器的两侧 按键名称按键仅位于主机上 <按键名称>按键仅位于遥控器上 [按键名称]本手册中用于指示按键的符号<SPEAKERS A/B><INPUT SELECTOR>VOLUME SOURCE DIRECT <POWER AMP DIRECT>输入指示灯。



目录目录 (1)第1章使用注意事项 (3)第2章认识机顶盒 (5)2.1 前面板 (5)2.2 后面板 (6)2.3 遥控器 (7)第3章首次使用机顶盒 (11)3.1 检查清单 (11)3.2 连接线缆 (12)3.3 设备上电 (14)第4章机顶盒设置 (15)4.1 用户登录 (16)4.2 网络设置 (17)4.2.1网络设置-有线连接 (17)4.2.2网络设置-无线连接 (19)4.3用户配置 (24)4.4恢复参数 (25)4.5系统信息 (26)第5章节目观看指南 (27)5.1 进入主页 (27)5 .2电视频道的观看 (28)5.2.1单个节目观看 (29)5.2.2数字键快速跳转电视频道 (30)5.3节目播放中的控制 (30)5.4选时播放,播放中指定时间点开始播放 (31)5.5 电视频道顺播 (32)5.6电影点播 (32)5.7电视剧点播 (34)5.8节目搜索 (36)5.9我的最爱和帮助 (38)5.9.1把喜欢的节目收藏到【我的最爱】 (38)5.9.2从首页进入我的最爱 (40)5.9.3使用帮助 (40)5.10快捷键 (41)5.11 其他栏目介绍 (41)第6章机顶盒升级介绍 (46)附录一:常见问题及解答 (47)附录二:魅力中国联系方式 (49)注意:本手册所述为基本使用说明。


第1章使用注意事项第2章认识机顶盒2.1 前面板待机键确认键方向左设置键方向右USB接口(暂未使用)方向上遥控接收器方向下LED显示2.2 后面板WIFI 天线接口 S 端子Y-Pb-Pr 输出 S/P DIF 界面右声道输出 UL 认证左声道输出 10/100 Base-T RJ45 界面视频输出 电源插口机顶盒条行码安全信息指示FCC 认证2.3 遥控器图表 1注意:1、在播放直播和轮播节目时不能快进,快退,暂停,定时。









E:搜寻对点,开启搜寻对点外打勾,图形通过分数,PR延迟输入想要值,然后再通过X-X+ Y-Y+再调整搜寻框大小四:固晶点设定:1:设定模式(PCB板点上的固晶点呈矩阵形选择距阵,不是距阵形选择手动),行走路径-左上水平和左上垂直,左下水平-左上水平TRV这几项可选(这几项只对距阵有用),这里选择手动说明。

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AD860/M 全自動固晶機
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AD860/M 預防性維修手冊 目錄
第 1 章 安全指引................................................................................................1-1
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