( de Gruyter 2003 Finite line-transitive linear spaces parameters and normal point-partitio

1.印度支那 Indochine (1992)导演:雷吉斯瓦格涅Régis Wargnier一段爱情掩盖下的殖民地历史,凯瑟琳德纳芙的表演尤其出色。
2.情人 L'Amant (1992)导演: 让-雅克阿诺Jean-Jacques Annaud文学名著和电影的一次完美结合,那些幽暗的房间、湿湿的街道,晚霞中金黄色的渡口,让人久久难以忘怀。
3.最后一班地铁 Le Dernier métro (1980)导演:弗郎索瓦特吕弗François Truffaut一部没有正面描写二战的二战电影,特吕弗艺术和现实结合的最好的电影。
4.碧海蓝天 Le Grand bleu (1988)导演:吕克贝松 Luc Besson吕克贝松的光影梦幻,一部大海的童话5.浪迹天涯/流浪者 Sans toit ni loi (1985)导演:艾格妮丝瓦尔达Agnès Varda1985年威尼斯电影节最佳影片金狮奖,新浪潮之母瓦尔达最重要作品,描写了一个拒绝任何社会规则的年轻流浪女惨死在荒郊野外的发人深省的悲惨遭遇。
6.冬天里的一颗心/今生情未了 Un coeur en hiver (1992)导演:克劳德索泰(claude sautet)这是一部令人难忘的法国电影,一部充满了幽雅含蓄、自始至终沉浸在拉威尔略带哀伤的奏鸣曲里的电影,它让人沉浸,让人着迷,让人久久的徘徊在男女主角那短暂却深刻细致的感情之中:许多人因此迷恋上法国电影。
7.玛歌皇后 La Reine Margot (1994)导演:帕特里斯夏侯 Patrice Chereau一部气势磅礴的法国历史巨片,它犹如一页历史书中的精美插图,将我们带回1572年的法国。
8.怒火青春/仇恨 La Haine (1995)导演:马修卡索维茨Mathieu Kassovitz影片描绘了这样的一个社会,人们已经不能分辨正与邪的差别,所谓的正邪的斗争和残杀,让每个人心中都充满了仇恨。

演: 拉斯·冯·提尔
编剧: 拉斯·冯·提尔 / 尼尔斯·沃塞尔
主演: 让-马克·巴尔 / 巴巴拉·苏科瓦 / 乌多·奇尔 / Ernst-Hugo Järegård / Erik Mørk / 更多...
类型: 剧情 / 战争
制片国家/地区: 丹麦 / 法国 / 德国 / 瑞典 / 瑞士
语言: 英语 / 德语
上映日期: 1991-05-12
片长: 112分钟
又名: 欧罗巴快车 / 欧罗巴 / 战后余生 / Zentropa

80年代[最后一班地铁] 1980Last Metro导演:弗朗索瓦·特吕弗出品:法国典型的“后新浪潮”作品,与“新浪潮”时期相比。
[法国中尉的女人] 1981The French Lieutenant's Woman导演:卡洛尔·雷兹出品:英国本片改编自英国著名作家约翰·福尔斯的同名小说,故事发生时间是英国“维多利亚黄金时代”中的1867年。

《疯狂约会美丽都/美丽城三重唱》 2003导演:西维亚·乔迈 Sylvain Chomet类型:动画喜剧《怒火青春》1995导演:马蒂厄卡索维茨 (Mathieu Kassovitz)《悲哀于我》1993导演:Jean-Luc Godard《精疲力尽/穷途末路/断了气/筋疲力尽》1960导演: 让-吕克.戈达尔类型: 黑白片《跳舞无罪/光芒万丈》 2006导演: 弗雷德.加森《渴求甘露/喝一杯》2006导演: 玛希翁.维和奴《新桥之恋(新桥恋人) 》1991导演:Leos Carax《巴黎最后的探戈》1972导演贝纳多·贝托鲁奇 Bernardo Bertolucci 主演马龙·白兰度 Marlon Brando .... Paul27个遗失的吻四百下O女侯爵埃里克·侯麦阿黛尔雨果的故事阿尔伐城爱吵架的美人爱的挽歌爱抚爱丽斯的情人爱情重伤爱上不该爱的人埃里克·侯麦暗流奥尔菲的遗言八音盒巴尔塔扎尔的机遇巴黎的约会埃里克·侯麦巴黎屋檐下巴黎野玫瑰(37度2)巴黎怨曲白色婚礼白衣天使2 白淫梦百合门雷内·克莱尔法国百万法郎雷内·克莱尔法国包和他的兄弟PAU YSU HERMANO 维斯康蒂法国悲惨世界LES MISERABLES法国北方旅店马赛尔·卡尔内法国贝壳与僧侣谢尔曼·杜拉克(实验电影)法国被偷拍的女人LA FEMME/WATCH ME法国碧海蓝天THE BIG BLUE 吕克·贝松JEAN-LUC GODARD法国表兄弟克劳德·夏布罗尔CLAUDE CHABROL法国波拉XPOLA X 雷奥斯·卡拉克斯LEOS CARAX法国驳船阿塔兰特号让·维果JEAN VIGO法国不凋的花阿兰,罗伯—格里时法国不羁的心灵ON THE EDGE法国不知不觉爱上你nenette et boni法国布劳涅森林的妇人罗贝尔·布莱松法国操行零分让·维果JEAN VIGO法国猖妇(母狗) 让·雷诺阿法国长别离亨利·高尔比法国车轮阿贝尔·冈斯法国沉睡的巴黎雷内·克莱尔法国痴恋THE GIRL法国出走GOING PLACES法国初吻LABOUM 克劳德·皮诺特CLAUDE PINOTEAU法国雏妓路易斯·马勒LOUIS MALLE法国吹阔爱天空THE PROMPTER 浩大海牙HIDE HEIER法国雌雄莫辨VICTOR VICTORIA法国翠堤春晓于利恩·杜维威尔法国大幻灭GRAND ILLUSION 让·雷诺阿JEAN RENOIR法国大黎明梅尔维尔法国大西洋城ATLANTIC CITY 路易斯·马勒BYLOUS MALLE法国的士终极杀阵杰哈·毕雷斯法国地平线交响乐维金·艾格林(实验电影)法国地铁/地下铁吕克·贝松JEAN-LUC GODARD法国第5元素the fifth element 吕克·贝松JEAN-LUC GODARD法国第927号唱片(根据肖邦的乐曲摄制)谢尔曼·杜拉克(实验电影)法国第七封印THE SEVENTH SEAL 英格玛·伯格曼INGMAR BERGMAN 法国冬之心法国赌徒鲍伯梅尔维尔法国对角线交响乐维金·艾格林(实验电影)法国对你来说她太美了贝特朗达·布列尔法国夺命太阳下LE MAGNIFIQUE法国俄尔浦斯雷内·克雷芒法国发热BOB LE FLAMBEBR法国梵高里斯·皮亚拉法国芳芳FANFAN 亚历山大·贾丹法国芳名卡门让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD法国绯红色的帷幕亚历山大·阿斯特旅客法国分居LA SEPARATION 克里斯蒂娜·文森特CHRISTIAN VINCENT 法国疯狂的雷伊雷内·克莱尔法国疯狂夜西里尔·科拉尔法国浮宫魅影BELPHEGOR法国感谢你·生活法国革命PACINO 休·好德森HUGH HUDSON法国光芒万丈THE DANCER 吕克·贝松JEAN-LUC GODARD法国广岛之恋(编剧:玛格丽特·杜拉)HIRO SHIMA MON AMOUR 阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS法国逛街SHOPPING法国鬼火路易斯·马勒LOUIS MALLE法国横跨欧洲的特别快车阿兰,罗伯—格里时法国红磨坊的幽灵雷内·克莱尔法国红苹果NIGHT EYES4法国虎口脱险法国花样年华法国激情篇法国华盛顿广场/华府艳闻艾格尼依斯礼·霍兰法国坏女孩迈克尔·维尔霍文法国坏痞子里欧·卡霍LEOS CARAX法国黄太阳玛格丽特·杜拉斯法国毁灭(烈火情人)路易斯·马勒LOUIS MALLE法国机械的舞蹈费尔南德·莱谢尔(实验电影)法国激烈周日弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(楚浮)FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT法国激情维纳斯法国甲胄骑兵[法意]法国街女PRINCESA 赫里克·戈德曼法国筋疲力尽BREATHLESS 让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD法国禁忌游戏雷尼克莱曼法国禁止的游戏雷内·克雷芒法国军中禁恋BEAU TRA V AIL CLAIRE DENIS法国卡宾枪手/枪兵LES CARABINIERS 让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD法国卡车场玛格丽特·杜拉斯法国柯南上尉CAPITAINE CONAN 塔维涅BERTRAND TA VERNIER法国狂热路易·德吕克法国狂人皮埃罗让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD法国朗基先生的犯罪让·雷诺阿法国老调重弹/我们会唱这首歌ON CONNAIT LA CHANSON 阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS法国冷酷祭典克劳德·夏布罗尔CLAUDE CHABROL法国理发师的情人法国恋人(孽恋)路易斯·马勒LOUIS MALLE法国两极天使埃里克·宗卡法国邻家女弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(楚浮)FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT法国零用钱弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(楚浮)FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT法国六个道德故事埃里克·侯麦尔ERIC ROHMER法国吕培卡/马略卡公爵风流夫人REBECCA法国绿芥刑警WASABI 吕克·贝松JEAN-LUC GODARD法国罗马风情画FELLINI·S ROMA 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(楚浮)FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT法国罗塞塔ROSETTA法国裸露的真理JENDER IE THE HEART法国洛丽塔/一树梨花压海棠LOLITA法国马赛曲让·雷诺阿法国玛戈皇后帕特里斯·谢罗法国玛姬丝(路易十四的情妇)法国玛利亚的情人MARIA·S LOVERS法国没有人给他写信的上校EL CORONEL NO TIENE QUIEN LE ESCRIBA法国玫瑰的名子让-雅克·阿诺法国美的过火贝特朗·布利埃法国美丽的毒药PLAY DOLL 克里拉法国美丽诱惑布鲁诺·戈迪朗BRUNO GANTILLON法国美女与野兽(与让·谷克多合作导演并编剧)雷内·克雷芒法国美人与狮子让—雅克贝奈克斯四JEAN JACQUES BEINEIX法国秘密LE SECRET法国秘密花园/神秘的花园艾格尼依斯礼·霍兰法国明月照阴沟让—雅克贝奈克斯四JEAN JACQUES BEINEIX法国末路刑警POLICE MAURICE PIALAT法国木头人BUCHE 德尼埃尔·汤普森DANIELE THOMPSON法国穆里埃尔,或返回的时光(编剧:让·凯洛尔)阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS法国拿破仑传阿贝尔·冈斯法国奈利和阿尔诺先生(真爱情未了克劳德·索泰CLAUDE SAUTET法国男性女性让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD法国难以抗拒的温柔THE NANNY/LA BALIA法国尼基塔/堕落花LA FEMME NIKITA 吕克·贝松JEAN-LUC GODARD 法国尼斯的景象(纪录片) 让·维果JEAN VIGO法国宁静城市罗伯特·圭迪基安法国浓情巧克力CHOCOLAT 莱赛·活儿斯卓姆LASSE HALLSTROM法国怒火青春LA HAINE 马蒂厄·卡索维茨KASSOVITZ导演法国女孩TEH GIRL法国女鹿克劳德·夏布罗尔CLAUDE CHABROL法国女人就是女人/卡拉比尼/轻蔑A WOMAN IS A WOMAN 让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD法国女收藏家(床上故事)埃里克·侯麦尔ERIC ROHMER法国欧罗巴·欧罗巴艾格尼依斯礼·霍兰法国抛开你的手帕GET OUT YOUR HANDKERHIEFS法国皮革下的裸露GIRL ON A MOIORCYCLE 杰克·伽迪夫法国漂亮的塞尔其克劳德·夏布罗尔CLAUDE CHABROL法国企业战士YAMAKASI法国前世今生(人皆有死——波伏瓦原著改编)法国巧克力男孩ADVENTURES OF FELIX法国亲密INTIMITE法国亲亲两颗心THE PARENTRAP法国情毒巧克力MERCI HOUR IE CHOCOLAT 克劳德·夏布罗尔CLAUDE CHABROL法国情感的命运LES DESTINEES SENTIMENTALES 阿赛亚斯OLIVIER ASSAYAS法国情迷伊膝上(克莱尔之膝)埃里克·侯麦尔ERIC ROHMER法国情人the lover* ajean-jacques annaud flim法国情人奴奴LOULOU MAURICE PLALAT法国情杀案中案CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(楚浮)FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT法国情陷夜巴黎安德列·特希纳ANDRE TECHINE法国情欲写真LAFIDELITE法国情证今生雷吉·瓦格涅法国请抽张牌PICK A CARD 朱利·施勒斯法国穷途末路于利恩·杜维威尔法国秋天奏鸣曲AUTUMN SONATA 英格玛·伯格曼INGMAR BERGMAN 法国去了解V A SA VOIR JACQUES RIVETTE法国去年在马里安巴德(编剧:罗布—葛利叶)阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS 法国去年在马里昂巴德阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS&萝卜格里叶法国人·性天堂LA V ALLEE 巴比特·史卡罗迪法国人间有情天/儿子的房间LA STANZA DEL FIGLIO NANNNI MORETTI法国仁啊仁HUMANITY 般奴杜蒙BRUNO DUMONT法国仁义(红圈)梅尔维尔法国日全蚀[法英比]TOTAL ECLIPSE 艾格尼依斯礼·霍兰法国三个男人和一个摇篮柯林娜·塞罗法国三心二意(三分钟恋爱)埃里克·侯麦尔ERIC ROHMER法国瑟堡的雨伞牙科·德米法国杀人的夏天让-贝克法国沙之夏娃UNDER THE SAND法国上帝创造了女人罗杰·瓦迪姆法国少妇安吉娜LA VENEXIANA法国射杀钢琴师弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(楚浮)FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT法国神游天地让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD法国生活是一部小说阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS法国生命以外马鲁安.巴达迪法国圣保罗的钟表匠THE CLOCKMAKER 塔维涅BERTRAND TA VERNIER法国圣女贞德THE MESSENGER 吕克·贝松JEAN-LUC GODARD法国诗人之血让·谷克多法国时间外表TIME OUT 劳伦·坎特CAURENT CANTET法国史塔文斯基STA VISKY 阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS法国死亡转帐MORTEL TRANSFERT 让—雅克贝奈克斯四JEAN JACQUES BEINEIX法国死刑台与电梯(通往绞刑架的电梯)路易斯·马勒LOUIS MALLE 法国苏珊的恋爱短跑埃里克·侯麦尔ERIC ROHMER法国太阳升起马赛尔·卡尔内法国掏出你的手帕贝特朗·布利埃法国逃犯贝贝于利恩·杜维威尔法国逃亡者罗贝尔·布莱松法国桃色情人节DILEMME CHARND法国天国的孩子们马赛尔·卡尔内法国天命阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS法国天使艾蜜丽[法德]AMELIE/LE FABULEUX DESTIN O·AMELIE POULAIN 马蒂厄·卡索维茨KASSOVITZ演出法国铁路上的战斗克雷芒RENE CLEMENT法国同心协力于利恩·杜维威尔法国童年失魂夜THE CITY OF LOST CHILDREN 马可·卡侯MARC CARO法国托尼让·雷诺阿法国驼子le b0ssu 菲利普·德·布罗卡philippe broca法国万雅在42街口路易斯·马勒LOUIS MALLE法国王中王法国旺多姆广场尼科尔·加西亚法国维纳斯美女沙龙VENUS BEAUTY INSTITUTE法国未完的战争LA GUERRE EST FINIE 阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS法国吻感妒火线法国我爱你,我爱你阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS法国我的爱情遗忘在秋天LATE AUGUST EARLY SEPTEMBER 阿赛亚斯OLIVIER ASSAYAS法国我的舅舅雅克·塔蒂法国我的美国舅舅阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS法国我的男人(欲望街情人)贝特朗·布利埃法国我记得,想当年AMARCORD 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(楚浮)FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT法国我略知她一二让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD法国屋顶上的骑兵THE HORSEMAN ON THE ROOF 让-保罗·拉普洛法国五月傻瓜(秘鲁在五月)路易斯·马勒LOUIS MALLE法国午后之爱CHLOE IN THE AFTERNOON 埃里克·侯麦尔ERIC ROHMER法国武士梅尔维尔法国舞会手册于利恩·杜维威尔法国雾码头马赛尔·卡尔内法国西班牙的节日谢尔曼·杜拉克(实验电影)法国西班牙殖民地军团于利恩·杜维威尔法国西哈诺·德·贝尔热拉克/大鼻子情圣cyrano 让-保罗·拉普洛法国喜剧与箴言系列之绿光(难得有情郎)埃里克·侯麦尔ERIC ROHMER 法国喜剧与箴言系列之女朋友的男朋友埃里克·侯麦尔ERIC ROHMER 法国喜剧与箴言系列之沙滩上的宝莲埃里克·侯麦尔ERIC ROHMER法国夏日的诱惑A SUMMER·S TALE 埃里克·侯麦尔ERIC ROHMER法国夏日记事让·鲁什法国夏夜的微笑SMILES OF A SUMMER NIGHT 英格玛·伯格曼INGMAR BERGMAN法国乡村教士日记罗贝尔·布莱松法国乡村星期日贝特朗·塔维尼埃法国项链事件THE AFFAIR OF THE NEXKLACE法国小情人法国版/你的妈妈也一样阿方索·卡隆CUARON法国心动的感觉L·ETADIANTE 克劳德·皮诺特CLAUDE PINOTEAU法国心火FIRELIGHT法国新孤星泪克劳德·莱洛奇法国新基督山伯爵THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO KEVIN REYNOLDS 法国新浪潮让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD法国新桥恋人卡拉克斯LEOS CARAX法国熊让-雅克·阿诺法国雪地里的魅影LACLASSEDE NEIGE法国雪地上的情人THE WIDOW OF SAINT-PINERRE法国雪中的恋人BRIDE OF THE WING/LEBRA LOUNGE法国血婚BODAS DE SANGRE法国扬帆/与船同行AND THE SHIP SAILS ON 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(楚浮)FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT法国阳光普照克雷芒RENE CLEMENT法国野孩子WILD CHILD 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(楚浮)FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT 法国野芦苇WIND REEDS 安德列·特希纳ANDRE TECHINE法国夜与雾阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS法国一个死气沉沉的夏天ETE MEURFRIER JEAN BECKER法国一夜心情(我与幕德的一夜)埃里克·侯麦尔ERIC ROHMER法国意大利草帽雷内·克莱尔法国音乐玛格丽特·杜拉斯法国印度之歌玛格丽特·杜拉斯法国影子部队梅尔维尔法国邮差迈克尔·雷德福法国游戏规则让·雷诺阿法国诱饵(新鲜诱惑)贝特朗·塔维尼埃BERTRAND TA VERNIER法国于洛先生的假日雅克·塔蒂法国欲望巴黎V ATEL 罗兰岳飞法国欲望之翼THE KEY法国圆舞曲女郎贝特朗·布利埃法国缘份的春天法国再见,孩子们路易斯·马勒LOUIS MALLE法国在撒旦的阳光下里斯·皮亚拉法国在一起TOGRETHER 鲁卡斯·牧笛森MICHAEL NYQVIST法国战争结束阿仑·雷乃ALAIN RESNAIS法国战争与和平阿贝尔·冈斯法国找一只丘比特的箭JEANNE AND THE PERFECT GUY法国这个杀手不太冷/杀手雷昂THE PROFESSIONAL LEON 吕克·贝松JEAN-LUC GODARD法国侦探让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD法国真爱未了情/奈丽NELLY 克劳德·索泰CLAUDE SAUTET法国至爱的季节MR FA VORITE SEASON法国中国女人/向玛莉至敬让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD 法国钟点情人THE ESCORT法国周末让-吕克·戈达尔(高达)JEAN-LUC GODARD法国追逐黑暗亚历山大·阿斯特旅客法国坠胎让·雷诺阿法国姊妹情色A MA SOEUR法国自由属于我们雷内·克莱尔法国最后一班地铁THE LAST METRO 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(楚浮)FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT法国最危险的游戏DANGEROUS法国罪恶的天使罗贝尔·布莱松法国爱情的革命齐内卡罗巴克。

”(Les Inrockuptibles,1999年12月1日)饶有趣味的是,至少对于我而言,这一说法解释了为何那么多最重要的中国电影关注历史的发现,它们代表了打捞某段失落过往的各种尝试。
恰如我一篇作于2001年的文章的标题--描述的是《阮玲玉》--这有点像是“在流沙中建筑历史”(Building History in Quicksand)。
自从在南北战争(1861-1865)--这是迄今为止,我们国家所承受的最具创伤性的文化危机(部分是因为它结束了奴隶制),有两部最著名的美国电影都对此做了描绘,它们是《一个国家的诞生》(The Birth of a Nation,1915)和《飘》(Gone With the Wind,1939)--中战败,南方人便经常对那个被假想存在于战前的神话般的黄金时代抱有一种渴望的怀旧之情。

解成为一种自我反思 、自我认识的话 , 那么早 期浪漫派 的客观认识在 本质上说是 不可能 的 , 早期浪漫派认为如果没有自我认识 , 就不 存在客观认识 ;而哪里有了自我认识 , 主体和 客体的分离对峙也就同时被扬弃 。 主体与物 之间有着本质的联系 , 参与到其他物的自我
① 此处关于反思的分析主要参考本雅明 :《德国 浪漫 派的艺术批评概 念》 , 载 自《 经验 与贫 乏》 , 王 炳钧 、杨劲 译 (天津:1999), 第 27 — 137 页。
法的特征 , 反思不是空洞的无限反复 , 而是全 部真实内容逐步展现于其中 , 不断增强多意 性 。早期浪漫派与费希特不同还在于 :浪漫 派不像费希特那样区分自我和非我 , 认为全 部真实性都在设定之中 , F.施雷格尔和诺瓦 利斯认为自己 ② 包含一切 , 除此之外一无所 有 , 只有反思是充实的 。 如果除了我之外别 无他物 , 对象被容纳到我当中 , 把整个世界理
② 费希特认为意识是自我(Ich), 而浪漫 主义者认 为 意识是自己(Selbst), 是单纯 的思维 。 参见《德国浪 漫派 的 艺术批评概念》 , 第 45 页 。
③ 同上 , 第 80 页 。 ④ 同上 , 第 84 页 。
· 14 ·
王 歌 德国早期浪漫派的断篇和斯特劳斯的碎片
自行出版断篇 , 同时形成包含一切体裁的“全 构她的生活 。 碎片之间的联接是一种流动 ,
浪漫派认为 , 一个作品不论获得多高的 评价 , 都不可能是一件完整的作品 。“只有不 完整的才能被理解 , 才能让我们前进 。 完整 的只能被欣赏 。 如果我们要理解自然 , 那么 我们必须把它假 定为不完 整的 。” ④ “完 整” 的艺术作品也被假设为不完整的 , 这也是浪 漫派将断篇作为独立作品的理由 。 断篇是否 可以出版与人们对作品的概念理解有关 。当 断篇不被看成作品时 , 自然无法被出版 , 所以 早期浪漫派有自己的出版物《雅典娜神庙》 ,

企鹅古典系列Penguin Classics

1964年企鹅经典丛书的主编E.V. Rieu退休时,自豪地宣称他主编的一系列丛书——以最畅销的《奥德赛》为代表——是“20世纪最有影响的教育资源”。
1935年,时任Bodley Head出版社老板的艾伦·莱恩(Allenlane)因业务关系,陪同著名侦探小说家阿加沙·克里斯蒂来海边小镇Exeter参观访问。

3 世纪的社会动荡,为了更贴近社 会现实,影片将时代背景移到了 20世纪的 20年代。当时第一次世 界大战结束不久,德国经济萧条,面临着世 界性经济危机的威胁。希特勒的纳粹党利 用国内普遍的不满情绪和社会的动荡不安, 发展自己的势力,争夺议席。影片通过为人 师表的教授拉特的堕落,映衬出那个时期 为纳粹提供党徒的德国某些资产阶级阶层 的穷途末路。有评论家认为,这是影片的真 正价值所在。事实上,这种所谓艺术价值是 多年之后才逐渐被人挖掘的。而在电影中, 这些价值基本是蒙蔽其中。人们看到的是, 小说里的多条线索,改编成电影《蓝天使》 之后,被简单化成一个不良教授和一个下 流歌女的肮脏关系。
1娘,或公主下嫁一个勇敢机智的农 夫,这是美丽童话的惯用伎俩。人们 喜欢这样的格局,既赞美王子或公 主屈尊平等的高风亮节,也为灰姑娘或穷 小子从此一步登天地脱贫进驻王宫而庆幸 和欢喜。但如果是一个教授迷恋上了一个 下等歌女,这就要遭到义愤填膺的斥责和 鄙视,更会将双方都一股脑儿地划归为垃 圾系列。为何如此?是人们内心有个道德 评判的潜规则:教授是传播知识、授业解惑 的代表;歌女,尤其是下等酒吧的歌女则是 污秽色情的象征。二者沆瀣一气,等于是双 重的堕落。
P C 有 酒盈 樽 专栏 opular ine ma
《蓝天使》对原作的“二度创作”是将《垃圾 教授》 本身的偏 见再次进行夸张。
文 / 王樽
片名:《蓝天使(》Der Bl aue Engel )
出品时间:1930 年
片长:108 分钟
导演:约瑟夫·演出, 因为没什么事可干,他很快就感到腻烦了。 他变得不修边幅,罗莎越发瞧不起他,两人 常常争吵。后来剧团再回到拉特老家的“蓝 天使”演出,并叫拉特扮演剧中的一个小


卡塔琳娜 舒特勒

01 演艺经历
03 参演作品
02 个人生活
卡塔琳娜·舒特勒(Katharina Schüttler),1979年10月20日生于西德北威州科隆,德国影视女演员 。 主要作品有《心的居所》。
2000年,出演个人银幕处女作《心的居所》,并在片中饰演配角保利娜 。 2011年,在由比尔·斯卡斯加德等人出演的剧情片《橡树男孩》饰演配角伊萨 。 2012年,在由蒂尔·施威格自导自演自制的犯罪动作片《孤胆保镖》饰演小角色餐厅里的女警察 。
与导演、编剧、演员提尔·弗兰岑早已结婚,并养有两个孩子 。
(信息来源: 、 )

铁路浪漫谭人物介绍一、贝尔纳多·贝尔托齐(Bernardo Bertolucci)贝尔纳多·贝尔托齐是意大利著名导演和编剧,他的电影作品《最后的皇帝》中的铁路场景给人留下了深刻的印象。
二、爱德华·霍普(Edward Hopper)爱德华·霍普是美国的著名画家,他的作品中常常出现铁路场景,通过对火车站和列车的描绘,展现出了铁路的浪漫之美。
三、亨利·福特(Henry Ford)亨利·福特是美国汽车工业的先驱者,他的名字与铁路浪漫也有着紧密的联系。
四、阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie)阿加莎·克里斯蒂是英国著名推理小说作家,她的作品中经常出现火车和铁路场景。

贵族时代法国傅华萨(Jean Froissart)《闻见录》(Chronicles)《罗兰之歌》(The Song Of Roland)维永(Francois Montaigne)《诗集》(Poems)蒙田(Michel de Montaigne)《随笔集》(Essays)拉伯雷(Francois Rabelais)《巨人传》(Gargantua and Pantagrue)玛格丽特·德·纳瓦尔(Marguerite de Navarre)《七日谈》(The Heptameron)《杜·贝莱》(Joachim Du Bellay)《悔恨集》(The Regrets)赛弗(Maurice Sceve)《德丽亚》(Delie)龙萨(Pierre de Ronsard)《颂诗》、《挽歌》、《十四行诗》(Odes ,Elegies,Sonnets)柯门斯(Philippe de Conmmynes)《回忆录》(Memoirs)欧比涅(Agrippa d’Aubigne)《悲歌集》(Les Tragiques)卡涅尔(Robert Garnier)《马克·安东尼》(Mark A ntony)《犹太姑娘》(The Jewesses)高乃依(Pierre Corneille)《熙德》(The Cid)《波利耶克特》(Polyeucte)《尼高梅德》(Nicomede)《贺拉斯》(Horace)《西拿》(Cinna)《罗多古娜》(Rodogune)拉罗什富科(Francois de La Rochefoucauld)《箴言录》(Maxims)拉·封丹(Jean de La Fontaine)《寓言诗》(Fables)莫里哀(Moliere)《恨世者》(The Misanthrope)《答尔丢夫》(Tartuffe)《太太学堂》(The School for Wives)《女博士》(The Learned Ladies)《唐璜》(Don Juan )《丈夫学堂》(School for Husbands)《可笑的女才子》(Ridiculous Precieuses)《贵人迷》(The Would Gentleman)《吝啬鬼》(The Miser)《没病找病》(The Iiser)帕斯卡尔(Blaise Pascal)《思想录》(Pensees)博叙埃(Jacques-Benigne Bossuet)《追悼词》(Funerary Orations)布瓦洛(Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux)《诗艺》(The Art of Poetry)《经台吟》(Lutrin)拉辛(Jean Racine)《菲德拉》(Phaedra)《安德罗玛克》(Andromache)《布里塔尼居斯》(Britannicus)《阿达莉》(A thaliah)马里沃(Pierre Carlet de Marivaux)《喜剧七部》(Seven Comedies)卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)《忏悔录》(The Confessions)《爱弥尔》(Emile)《新爱洛绮丝》(La Nouvelle Heloise)伏尔泰(Voltaire)《查第格》(Zadig)《老实人》(Candide)《英国书信》(Letters on England)《里斯本地震》(The Lisbon Earthquake)普雷沃(Abbe Prevost)《曼侬·莱斯戈》(Manon Lescaut)拉法耶特夫人(Madame de La Fayette)《克莱芙王妃》(The Princess of Cleves)塞巴斯蒂安-罗克·尼科拉斯(Sebastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort)《完美文明的产物》(Products of the Perfected Civilization)狄德罗(Denis Diderot)《拉摩的侄儿》(Rameau’s Nephew)拉克洛(Choderlos de Laclos)《危险的交往》(Dangerous Liaisons)德国伊拉斯漠(Erasmus)《愚人颂》(In Praise of Folly)歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe )《浮士德》(Faust)《诗与真》(Dichtung und Wahrheit)《埃格蒙特》(Egmont)《亲和力》(Elective Affinities)《少年维特之烦恼》(The Sorrows of Young Werther)《诗集》(Poems)《威廉·迈斯特的学习时代》(Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship)《威廉·迈斯特的漫游时代》(Wilhelm Meister’s Years of Wandering)《意大利游记》(Italian Journey)《诗剧》和《赫尔曼与窦绿苔》(Verse Plays and Hermann and Dorothea)《罗马哀歌》、《威尼斯铭语》、《西东合集》(Roman Elegies, Venetian Epigrams, West-Eastern Divan)席勒(Friedrich Schiller)《强盗》(The Robbers)《玛丽·斯图亚特》(Mary Stuart)《华伦斯坦》(Wallenstein)《唐·卡洛斯》(Don Carlos)《论素朴诗和感伤诗》(On the Naive and Sentimental in Literature)莱辛(Gotthold Lessing)《拉奥孔》(Laocoon)《智者纳旦》(Nathan the Wise)荷尔德林(Friedrich Holderlin)《赞美诗与片段》(Hymns and Fragments)《诗选》(Selected Poems)克莱斯特(Heinrich von Kleist)《戏剧五部》(Five Plays)《故事集》(Stories)民主时代法国贡斯当(Benjamin Constant)《阿道尔夫》(Adolphe)《红色笔记》(The Red Notebook)夏多布里昂(Francois-Auguste-Rene de Chateaubriand)《阿达拉》(Atala)《勒内》(Rene)《基督教真谛》(The Genius of Christianity)拉马丁(Alphonse de Lamartine)《沉思集》(Meditations)维尼(Alfred de Vigny)《查特顿》(Chatterton)《诗集》(Poems)雨果(Victor Hugo)《光与影:诗选集》(The Distance, The Shadows: Selected Poems)《悲惨世界》(Les Miserables)《巴黎圣母院》(Notre-Dame of Paris)《论莎士比亚》(William Shakespeare)《海上劳工》(The Toilers of Sea)《撒旦的末日》(The End of Satan)《上帝》(God)缪塞(Alfred de Musset)《诗集》(Poems)《罗朗札齐奥》(Lorenzaccio)奈瓦尔(Gerard de Nerval)《幻影》(The Chimeras)《西尔葳》( Sylvie)《奥蕾丽亚》(Aurelia)戈蒂耶(Theophile Gautier)《莫班小姐》(Mademoiselle de Maupin)《珐琅与雕玉》(Enamels and Cameos)巴尔扎克(Honore de Balzac)《金目少女》(The Girl with the Golden Eyes)《路易·朗裴》(Louis Lambert)《驴皮记》(The Wild Ass’s Skin )《高老头》(Old Goriot)《贝姨》(Cousin Bette)《娼妓的奢华与穷因》(A Harlot High and Low)《欧也妮·葛朗台》(Eugenie Grandet)《于许勒·弥鲁蔼》(Ursule Mirouet)司汤达(Stendhal)《论爱情》(On Love)《红与黑》(The Red and the Blank)《巴马修道院》(The Charterhouse of Parma)福楼拜(Gustave Flaubert)《包法利夫人》(Madame Bovary)《情感教育》(Sentimental Education)《萨朗波》(Salammbo)《淳朴的心》(A Sinple Soul)乔治·桑(George Sand)《魔沼》(The Haunted Pool)波德莱尔(Charles Baudelaire)《恶之花》(Flowers of Evil)《巴黎的忧郁》(Paris Spleen)马拉梅(Stephane Mallarme)《诗与散文选集》(Selected Poetry and Prose)魏尔兰(Paul Verlaine)《诗选》(Selected Poems)兰波(Arthur Rimbaud)《全集》(Complete Works)科尔比埃尔(Tristan Corbiere)《黄色的爱》(Les Amours jaunes)拉弗格(Jules Laforgue)《作品选》(Selected Poems)莫泊桑(Guy De Maupassant)《短篇小说选集》(Selected Short Stories)左拉(Emile Zola)《萌芽》(Germinal)《小酒店》(L’Assommoir)《娜娜》(Nana)德国诺瓦利斯(Novalis [Friedrich von Hardenburg]《夜颂》(Hymns to the Night)《格言》(Aphorisms)雅可布与威廉·格林(Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm)《格林童话》(Fairy Tales)默里克(Eduard Morike)《诗选》(Selected Poems)《莫扎特在去布拉格途中》(Mozart on His Way to Pragug)施托姆(Theodor Storm)《茵梦湖》(Immensee)《诗集》(Poems)凯勒(Gottfried Keller)《绿衣亨利》(Green Henry)《故事集》(Tales)霍夫曼(E.T.W.Hoffmann)《魔鬼的长生不老药》(The Devil’s Elixir)《故事集》(Tales)戈特赫尔夫(Jeremias Gotthelf)《黑蜘蛛》(The Black Spider)施蒂弗特(Adalbert Stifter)《晚来的夏天》(Indian Summer)《故事集》(Tales)施莱格尔(Friedrich Schlegel)《批评》与《格言》(Criticism and Aphorisms)毕希纳(Georg Buchner)《丹东之死》(Danton’s Death)《沃伊采克》(Woyzeck)海涅(Heinrich Heine)《诗歌全集》(Complete Poems)瓦格纳(Richard Wagner)《尼伯龙根的指环》(The Ring of the Nibelung)尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)《悲剧的诞生》(The Borth of Tragedy)《在善与恶的彼岸》(Beyond Good And Evil)《论道德的谱系》(On the Genealogy of Morals)《权力意志》(The Will to Power)冯塔纳(Theodor Fontane)《埃菲·布利斯特》(Effi Briest)格奥尔格(Stefan George)《诗选》(Selected Poems)。
法语短文阅读 巴黎的地铁

法语短文阅读:巴黎的地铁Voici de jolies stations de métro à Paris. Dans les grandes stations de métro, il y a des distributeurs automatiques.Voici une carte orange pour le metro, le train ou le bus à Paris. On vend des cartes oranges pour un mois ou pour un an. Si on circule souvent dans la region parisienne, c’est une bonne idée d’acheter une carte orange. Avec une carte orange, il n’est pas nécessaire d’attendre au guichet pour acheter des tickets. Et une carte orange coûte moins cher que les tickets individuels. Un ticket coûte 1,3 euros. Le carnet de 10 tickets coûte 9,3 euros. Le prix d’une carte orange mensuelle de 2 zones est de 46 euros environ. Ce n’est pas cher du tout. Elle est vraiment pratique.Dans le metro, tout le monde est serré, surtout aux heures de pointe, quand tout le monde est pressé de partir ou d’arriver. Comme des sardines en boîte, les Parisiens s’entassent dans les wagons de deuxième classe*.Pour descendre du metro, il faut jouer des coudes:”Pardon, vous descendez?” Cela veut dire:”Moi, je descends, laissez-moi passer!” Je pousse, tu pousse, on pusse. Jamais personne ne vous empêche de sortir du metro, mais il faut dire:”Pardon, vous descendez?” Ouf! Je suis enfin sur le quai. Le metro aux heures de pointe, ce n’est pas recommandé.dans le métro深刻地表现了我上班高峰坐车时候的感受*法国地铁有价格更贵的头等车厢,不过17点以后例外参考译文这些就是引人注目的巴黎地铁站。

1.雅克·塔蒂的喜剧世界\r——以《于洛先生三部曲》为例 [J], 朱玉洁
2.声的显形——雅克·塔蒂电影的声音世界 [J], 冯敬雨;
3.雅克·塔蒂的喜剧世界——以《于洛先生三部曲》为例 [J], 朱玉洁
4.雅克·塔蒂《于洛先生三部曲》的艺术创新 [J], 黄磊
5.雅克·塔蒂及其电影遗产 [J], 布兰特·迈多克;潘丽

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Adv.Geom.3(2003),469–485Advances in Geometry(de Gruyter2003 Finite line-transitive linear spaces:parameters andnormal point-partitionsAnne Delandtsheer,Alice C.Niemeyer and Cheryl E.Praeger*(Communicated by T.Penttila)Abstract.Until the1990’s the only knownfinite linear spaces admitting line-transitive,point-imprimitive groups of automorphisms were Desarguesian projective planes and two linear spaces with91points and line size6.In1992a new family of467such spaces was constructed, all having729points and line size8.These were shown to be the only linear spaces attaining an upper bound of Delandtsheer and Doyen on the number of points.Projective planes,and the linear spaces just mentioned on91or729points,are the only known examples of such spaces, and in all cases the line-transitive group has a non-trivial normal subgroup intransitive on points.The orbits of this normal subgroup form a partition of the point set called a normal point-partition.We give a systematic analysis offinite line-transitive linear spaces with normal point-partitions.As well as the usual parameters of linear spaces there are extra parameters connected with the normal point-partition that a¤ect the structure of the linear ing this analysis we characterise the line-transitive linear spaces for which the values of various of these parameters are small.In particular we obtain a classification of all imprimitive line-transitive linear spaces that‘nearly attain’the Delandtsheer–Doyen upper bound.Key words.Finite linear space,line-transitive automorphism group,imprimitive permutation group.2000Mathematics Subject Classification.20C051IntroductionAfinite linear space D¼ðP;LÞconsists of afinite set P of points,together with a set L of distinguished subsets of P,called lines,such that any two points lie on exactly one line,and each line contains at least two points.The automorphism group Aut D of D is the subgroup of all permutations of P which leave L invariant.We shall be concerned withfinite linear spaces D for which Aut D acts transitively on L, that is,D is line-transitive.In particular,for such linear spaces,the lines have a con-*This paper forms part of an Australian Research Council funded project of the second and third authors.stant size,k say,and so the linear space is a 2-ðv ;k ;1Þblock design,where v ¼j P j .We assume throughout the paper that D has more than one line,that is k <v .It is well-known that in a 2-ðv ;k ;1Þdesign line-transitivity forces point-transitivity and that the two transitivities imply each other in finite projective planes.Over the last 30years,various su‰cient conditions for point-primitivity of linear spaces have been studied,with the hope that ‘‘most’’line-transitive linear spaces would prove to be point-primitive.Dembowski,in his book ‘‘Finite Geometries’’[11],asked whether a line-primitive collineation group of a finite projective plane is necessarily point-primitive,and it took almost 20years until this question was answered in the a‰r-mative by Kantor [14],using the classification of primitive permutation groups of odd degree (and hence relying on the finite simple group classification).However the question of whether line-primitivity implies point-primitivity for finite linear spaces is still open.Similar problems have been raised in more general contexts,for example,for incidence structures whose incidence matrices have maximal rank (see [19]).Hig-man and McLaughlin [13]proved that (point,line)-flag transitivity also implies point-primitivity in a 2-ðv ;k ;1Þdesign.However line-transitivity alone does not imply point-primitivity for 2-ðv ;k ;1Þde-signs,and in this paper we shall study imprimitive pairs ðD ;G Þ,where D is a 2-ðv ;k ;1Þdesign admitting a line-transitive but point-imprimitive subgroup G of Aut D .Thus G leaves invariant a partition C of the point set with classes of size c ,where 1<c <v ,in the sense that for g A G and a class C A C the image C g ¼f a g j a A C g is also a class of C .Examples of imprimitive pairs are provided by the Desarguesian projec-tive planes on a non-prime number of points,taking the group G to be a cyclic Singer group.The only other known imprimitive pairs involve two 2-ð91;6;1Þdesigns found by Mills [16]and Colbourn &Colbourn [8],and 467examples (up to isomorphism)which are 2-ð729;8;1Þdesigns (see [17]).The line-transitive 2-ð91;6;1Þdesigns were studied in [3];the second one was named after McCalla by its discoverer Colbourn (Charlie Colbourn,private communication).In all these examples v and k are co-prime,and we are tempted to conjecture that this may be true in general.Delandtsheer and Doyen [10]proved that the number of imprimitive pairs is bounded above by a function of the line size k ,by showing that v c k 2ÀÁÀ1ÀÁ2.The 467examples constructed in [17]were proved in [2]and [18]to be the only imprimitive pairs for which v attains this upper bound,and they were found in the course of investigating this extreme case.The methodology involved a detailed group theoretic analysis to identify the possibilities for Aut D ,followed by a sophisticated computer search for the designs.The success of this classification demonstrated the importance of understanding the structure of line-transitive automorphism groups of such designs.The aims of this paper are two-fold.Firstly we investigate some combinatorial con-sequences of having two structures on the point set left invariant by the automor-phism group,namely the set of lines and the point-partition.Secondly we study the structure of the line-transitive,point-imprimitive automorphism group.This enables us to characterise line-transitive linear spaces for which various of these parameters are small,see Theorem 1.2.Throughout the paper we will assume that the following hypothesis and notation hold.Anne Delandtsheer,Alice C.Niemeyer and Cheryl E.Praeger470Hypothesis1.ðD;GÞis an imprimitive pair,that is,D¼ðP;LÞis a2-ðv;k;1Þdesign with point-set P and line-set L,and G c Aut D is transitive on L and is imprimitive on P,leaving invariant a non-trivial point-partition C,where C non-trivial means that both d¼j C j>1and the class size c¼j C j>1,for C A C.We assume that D is non-trivial in the sense that3c k c vÀ3.By[10],the parameters c;d have the fol-lowing formc¼k2ÀÁÀxyand d¼k2ÀÁÀyx;ð1Þwhere x;y are positive integers called the Delandtsheer–Doyen parameters.The integer x is the number of inner pairs on a line L A L,that is,the number of unordered pairs of L which lie in the same class of C.We denote the class of C con-taining a point a by CðaÞ.Ourfirst aim is to investigate some of the rich combinatorial structure on the point set P generated by interactions between the lines of L and the classes of C.We define in Section2several parameters which help to measure these line-class inter-actions.The generic name we give to these parameters is intersection parameters,and we prove two technical propositions about them.These results are then used in Sec-tion3to obtain upper bounds on the sizes of the line-class intersections in terms of c and x.For small c,or small x,it is possible to determine all possibilities for the set I0of non-zero line-class intersection sizes.In Tables2and3we give this information for c c12and x c6respectively.The values taken by the intersection parameters in the known examples of line-transitive,point-imprimitive linear spaces,apart from projective planes,are a small subset of these possible values and are recorded in Table4.In particular,in all the known examples that are not projective planes,the Delandtsheer–Doyen parameter x is at most2,and these tables of possibilities raise the still open question as to whether there may be further imprimitive pairsðD;GÞcorresponding to some of the other entries.Question1.Are there imprimitive pairsðD;GÞcorresponding to any of the parameter values in Table3other than the parameter values in Table4?The elementary arguments in Sections2and3show that min f c;d g d3and that if either c¼3or d¼3,then D must be a projective plane(see Corollary2.2and Cor-ollary2.5).However we do not even know if there exists an imprimitive pair with class size c¼4or with d¼4classes.For such an example one of the Delandtsheer–Doyen parameters must equal1,and it follows from[4,Lemma8]that if c¼4then k;v must satisfy k¼8hþ2,v¼4ð24h2þ9hþ1Þfor some positive integer h.Question2.Is there an imprimitive pairðD;GÞfor which min f c;d g¼4?Our inability to answer this question using elementary methods is rather dis-appointing,but more group-theoretic methods can provide extra information.A Finite line-transitive linear spaces:parameters and normal point-partitions471recent result of Camina and the third author [7]implies that,for an imprimitive pair ðD ;G Þ,if every non-trivial normal subgroup of G is transitive on the points of D ,that is,if G is quasiprimitive on P ,then G is almost simple ,that is T c G c Aut ðT Þfor some non-abelian simple group T .This suggests that it may be useful to consider separately those imprimitive pairs ðD ;G Þfor which G is quasiprimitive on points,from those for which G is not quasiprimitive on points.Apart possibly from pro-jective planes,there are no known imprimitive pairs ðD ;G Þfor which G is point-quasiprimitive,and we have chosen to focus in this paper on the case where G is not point-quasiprimitive.Nevertheless,the question of existence of imprimitive pairs with a point-quasiprimitive group is of great interest and importance.It has recently been shown in [5]that no imprimitive pairs exist in the case where G is quasiprimitive and is a finite alternating or symmetric group.Question 3.Does there exist an imprimitive pair ðD ;G Þ,with D not a projective plane,for which G is point-quasiprimitive (and hence is almost simple)?For any transitive group action,the set of orbits of a normal subgroup is an invariant partition of the point set.Such invariant partitions for the action of a group G are called G-normal partitions ,and it follows from the definition of quasiprimitivity that a permutation group G on a set P is quasiprimitive if and only if the only G -normal partitions are the trivial partitions (that is,the partition consisting of single-tons,and the partition consisting of the single class P ).If ðD ;G Þis an imprimitive pair with G not quasiprimitive on P ,then we may take C to be a non-trivial G -normal partition of P .It turns out that much stronger information can be obtained in this case than in the general case.In Section 4we begin an investigation of the structure of line-transitive groups which preserve a non-trivial normal point-partition.If the partition C in Hypothesis 1is the set of point orbits of a normal subgroup K of G ,then by [6,Theorem 1]we know that K acts faithfully on each of the classes of C .Since K is normal in G and G is line-transitive,all K -orbits in L have the same length,say b K .In Proposition 4.1we make a few observations about b K ,depending on both the form of the set I 0of non-zero line-class intersection numbers (as defined in Section 2),and the relationships between the permutation groups K C induced on the classes C A C .Our results are strongest in the special case where I 0¼f 1;2g .These are given in Theorem 1.1which is proved after Proposition 4.1.We note that,for all the known line-transitive,point-imprimitive linear spaces apart from projective planes,the set I 0has this form (see Table 4).Also,I 0must be f 1;2g if x c 2(see Table 3).Theorem 1.1.Let ðD ;G Þbe an imprimitive pair satisfying Hypothesis 1with C the set of K-orbits and K the kernel of G on C .Suppose also that I 0¼f 1;2g .Then c is odd ,all K-orbits on lines have length c ,and K a ða A P Þis an elementary abelian 2-group with all point orbits of length at most 2.Also ,every minimal normal subgroup of G con-tained in K is elementary abelian of odd order dividing c .Most of the arguments used in the proof have an elementary combinatorial andAnne Delandtsheer,Alice C.Niemeyer and Cheryl E.Praeger472Finite line-transitive linear spaces:parameters and normal point-partitions473Table1.Results for Theorems1.2and1.4x y c d k Comments13375D¼PGð2;4Þ,K¼S3,G¼KÂH,where H¼Z7or Z7ÁZ3 211376Colbourn design,K¼D26,G¼Z91ÁZ e,where e¼6or12. 1127278N2OP2designs[17]127136Colbourn and Mills designs[8],[16]group theoretic basis.However,for the last assertion we need to use the classification by Walter[20]of thefinite simple groups with abelian Sylow2-subgroups.We derive several consequences of this result in the cases where either c or x is small in Theorem 1.2below,the proof of which follows from Lemma4.2.Theorem1.2.LetðD;GÞbe an imprimitive pair satisfying Hypothesis1with C the set of K-orbits and K the kernel of G on C.Then the following all hold.(a)If c c6then either c¼5,K¼Z5and I0¼f1;2g,or c¼3and D is a projectiveplane.(b)If x c2,then either K is elementary abelian of order c¼p a,for some odd prime pand a d1,or D satisfies line1or2of Table1.(c)If x¼1then c¼p a for some odd prime p and integer a d1,and y dðcÀ3Þ=2ifp>3,or y dðcÀ9Þ=18if p¼3.Remark1.3.(1)In Theorem1.2(a),if D is not a projective plane then it follows from Proposition2.4(vi)that D has2v¼10d lines with d odd,and x¼1,y¼ðdÀ1Þ=4. No examples are known.(2)The case x¼1in Part(b)was proved in[18,Theorem1.1].Theorem1.2enables us to obtain a complete classification in the case where x¼1, y c2.This is a generalisation of the classification in[18]for the case x¼y¼1in the case where there is a normal point partition.The proof given below involved an exhaustive computer search and we are grateful to Anton Betten for carrying out this search.Theorem1.4.LetðD;GÞbe an imprimitive pair satisfying Hypothesis1with C the set of K-orbits and K the kernel of G on C.If x¼1and y c2then D satisfies line3or4 of Table1.Proof of Theorem1.4.By Lemma4.2,either D satisfies line3or4of Table1as claimed,or there is one further possibility,namelyðx;y;c;d;kÞ¼ð1;2;27;53;11Þ, the group G has a point-regular normal subgroup R¼Z53ÂZ33,and G has a line-regular normal subgroup RÁZ13of index dividing4.(A permutation group is called regular if it is transitive and the only elementfixing a point is the identity.)More-over a subgroup of order13acts non-trivially on each of the Sylow subgroups ofR .An exhaustive computer search similar to that described in [1]was conducted for line-transitive 2-ð1431;11;1Þdesigns admitting a line-regular group of the formðZ 53ÂZ 33ÞÁZ 13.The search showed that no such designs exist.2Intersection parametersIn this section we introduce several parameters to describe the interaction between the lines of D and the partition C .We refer to these parameters generically as the intersection parameters for D ;G ;C .We denote the number of lines of D by b .For a given point a ,the remaining points P nf a g are partitioned into disjoint sets of size k À1by the lines through a .Thus the number r of lines through each point is ðv À1Þ=ðk À1Þ.Counting incident point-line pairs we have bk ¼vr .These equations,together with the well-known Fisher Inequality,namely b d v ,are the basic relations between the parameters for any 2-ðv ;k ;1Þdesign.We derive further equations related to the G -invariant partition C .Note that since r divides v À1,we have gcd ðr ;v Þ¼1.For an integer n we call n ðr Þ¼gcd ðn ;r Þand n ðv Þ¼gcd ðn ;v Þthe r -part and v -part of n ,respectively.For a line L and a class C we call k L ;C :¼j L V C j the line-class intersection number for C and L and,for 0c i c k ,we say that C and L are i-incident if k L ;C ¼i .The number of classes that are i -incident with some line L isd L ;i ¼d i ¼jf C A C j k L ;C ¼i gj :As G is line-transitive this number is independent of L ,and hence is denoted d i .Similarly the number of lines that are i -incident to some class C isb C ;i ¼b i ¼jf L A L j k L ;C ¼i gj :As G is transitive on C this number also is independent of C .Let I be the set of line-class intersection numbers,that is,I :¼f k L ;C j L A L ;C A C g ð2Þand let I 0¼I nf 0g be the set of all non-zero line-class intersection numbers.Our starting point is the following result which follows implicitly from the proof of Hig-man and McLaughlin in [13](see also [9]).Proposition 2.1(Higman and McLaughlin).For an imprimitive pair ðD ;G Þ,there are at least two distinct non-zero line-class intersection numbers ,that is j I 0j d 2.This proposition has several useful corollaries.Corollary 2.2.If ðD ;G Þis an imprimitive pair ,then(a)a class does not contain a line ;(b)a line does not contain a class ;(c)the class size c d 3.Anne Delandtsheer,Alice C.Niemeyer and Cheryl E.Praeger474Proof.If a line is contained in a class,then I0¼f k g,which contradicts Proposition 2.1.Hence(a)holds.If some line contains a class of C,then every line contains a class of C since G is line-transitive.However each class of C is contained in at most one line as D is a linear space.Hence b c j C j¼d<v,which is a contradiction.In particular,this means that c02.We extend the meaning of i-incidence for lines and classes,by defining a point a and a line L to be i-incident if a A L and k L;CðaÞ¼i,where CðaÞis the class of C containing a.The number of points that are i-incident to some line L can be com-puted asiÁd i¼jf a A P j a A L;k L;CðaÞ¼i gj:The number of lines that are i-incident to the point a is called the i-degree of a and is denoted by r a;i.As G is transitive on P and preserves i-incidence,the number r a;i is independent of a and is usually denoted r i.Thusr a;i¼r i¼jf L A L j a A L;k L;CðaÞ¼i gj;and by convention,r0¼0.The line-size k and the total number of lines b¼vr=k can be factorised into their v and r parts as follows:kðrÞ¼gcdðk;rÞ¼gcdðk;vÀ1Þ;kðvÞ¼gcdðk;vÞ;bðrÞ¼gcdðb;rÞ¼gcdðb;vÀ1Þ;bðvÞ¼gcdðb;vÞ:Then,since bk¼vr and gcdðv;rÞ¼1,k¼kðvÞkðrÞand b¼bðvÞbðrÞ:ð3ÞUsing again gcdðv;rÞ¼1,we deduce from vr¼bk¼bðvÞbðrÞkðvÞkðrÞthatv¼kðvÞbðvÞand r¼kðrÞbðrÞ:ð4ÞNext we record some information about the configuration induced on a class C by i-incidence,where i A I,i d2.Recall that such an i exists by Proposition2.1. Proposition2.3.LetðD;GÞbe an imprimitive pair.Let C A C,and for0c i c k,let SðiÞ¼f C V L j L A L;j C V L j¼i g(SðiÞmay be empty).Then(i)bÁd i¼dÁb i and iÁb i¼cÁr i,and hence bd i i¼vr i.(ii)b0i :¼cd ikðvÞ¼b ibðrÞand r0i:¼id ikðvÞ¼r ibðrÞare integers;moreover,cr0i¼ib0i.(iii)If i A I and i d2,thenðC;SðiÞÞis a1-design admitting G C acting point-transitively,with b i blocks,c points,block size i,and r i blocks on each point.Moreover,Finite line-transitive linear spaces:parameters and normal point-partitions475(a)r i d 2,and if r i ¼2then i ¼2and D is a projective plane ;(b)c d r i ði À1Þþ1,with equality if and only if I 0¼f 1;i g ,which in turn holds ifand only if ðC ;S ði ÞÞis a 2-ðc ;i ;1Þ-design .Proof.Counting the number of i -incident class-line pairs ðC ;L Þin two ways yields b Ád i ¼d Áb i .For a fixed class C counting the number of i -incident point-line pairs ða ;L Þwith a A C yields the second equality of (i).Then using the first equality we have bd i i ¼db i i ¼dcr i ¼vr i .Using Part (i),we have b ðr Þd i ¼ðb =b ðv ÞÞÁðdb i =b Þ¼ðdb i Þ=b ðv Þ¼ðvb i Þ=ðb ðv Þc Þ¼ðk ðv Þb i Þ=c .Hence b ðr Þcd i ¼k ðv Þb i ,and as gcd ðk ðv Þ;b ðr ÞÞ¼1,it follows that b 0i :¼cd i =k ðv Þ¼b i =b ðr Þis an integer.By Part (i),b ðv Þb ðr Þd i i ¼b ðv Þk ðv Þr i and so b ðr Þd i i ¼k ðv Þr i .Since gcd ðk ðv Þ;b ðr ÞÞ¼1,it follows that r 0i :¼id i =k ðv Þ¼r i =b ðr Þis an integer.By defini-tion,cr 0i ¼ib 0i .Thus (ii)is proved.Now suppose that i A I and i d 2.The fact that ðC ;S ði ÞÞis a 1-design follows from the discussion preceding the proposition.Let L A L be such that S :¼C V L A S ði Þ.If r i ¼1then S is a block of imprimitivity for G C in C ,and hence S is also a block of imprimitivity for G in P ,contradicting Corollary 2.2(b).Hence r i d 2.Suppose next that r i ¼2.Then by Part (i),b i ¼2c =i c c .Since L is the unique line containing S ,G S fixes L setwise,and hence G S c G L so b ¼j G :G L j c j G :G S j ¼d j G C :G S j c db i c dc ¼v c b .Hence b ¼v ,and so D is a projective plane.Also we must have b i ¼c ,so i ¼2by (i).Thus (iii)(a)is proved.Let a A C .We count incident point-line pairs ðb ;L Þfor which b A C nf a g .As two points determine a line there are c À1choices for b and 1choice for L .On the other hand,for each h d 1,there are r h choices for lines that contain a and meet C in h À1other points.Hence c À1¼P h r h ðh À1Þ.It follows that c d r i ði À1Þþ1with equality if and only if I J f 0;1;i g .This holds if and only if any line intersecting a class C in at least two points has exactly i points in C ,or equivalently D induces the structure of a 2-ðc ;i ;1Þ-design on C .In the course of the proof above,we proved the equality c À1¼P h r h ðh À1Þ.Westate this formally below,together with other equalities obtained by averaging over the set I .Recall that by convention r 0¼0.Proposition 2.4.Let ðD ;G Þbe an imprimitive pair satisfying Hypothesis 1.(i)k ¼P k i ¼0id i ¼P C A C k L ;C ,for L A L ,and d ¼P k i ¼0d i ;(ii)r ¼P k i ¼0r i and b ¼P k i ¼0b i ;(iii)r Ác ¼P i A I b i i ¼P L A L k L ;C ,for C A C ;(iv)c À1¼P i A I r i ði À1Þ;(v)x ¼P i A I i 2ÀÁd i ¼P i A I ði À1Þ2r 0i k ðv Þ¼ðc À1Þk ðv Þ2b ðr Þ,with r 0i as in Proposition 2.3.(vi)ðd À1Þx ¼ðc À1Þy ,c À1¼2xb =v and d À1¼2yb =v .Proof.The equalities in (i)and (ii)follow from the definitions of the d i ,k L ;C ,r i andAnne Delandtsheer,Alice C.Niemeyer and Cheryl E.Praeger476b i .We obtain (iii)by counting incident point-line pairs ða ;L Þfor a A C .The equality in (iv)was proved in the proof of Proposition 2.3.For (v),the numberx of inner pairs on a line is P i A I i 2ÀÁd i ,which,by Proposition 2.3(ii)is P i A I r 0i k ðv Þði À1Þ=2¼P i A I ði À1Þr i ÀÁk ðv Þ=2b ðr Þ,and by (iv)this equals ðc À1Þk ðv Þ=2b ðr Þ.From Hypothesis 1we haveðd À1Þx ¼k 2ÀÁÀy xÀ1 !x ¼k2ÀÁÀy Àx ¼ðc À1Þy d c À1;which is the first equality in (vi).Since k ðv Þ=b ðr Þ¼v =b ,the second part of (vi)follows from (v).The third part is then immediate.We can use these relationships between the parameters to obtain a lower bound on the number d of classes and on their size c ,and in particular to prove that both c and d are at least 3.Corollary 2.5.Let ðD ;G Þbe an imprimitive pair satisfying Hypothesis 1.Then c and d are both at least 1þ2b =v .In particular ,c d 3,d d 3,and if c ¼3or d ¼3then D is a projective plane .Proof.The first inequalities follow from Proposition 2.4(vi)and the fact that x and y are positive integers.The other assertions are then consequences of Fisher’s Inequal-ity,namely b d v with equality if and only if D is a projective plane.Refinement of the intersection parameters to orbit parameters.Let ðD ;G Þbe an imprimitive pair as in Hypothesis 1.Then there is an equivalence relation on L ÂC such that two pairs ðL ;C Þ;ðL 0;C 0ÞA L ÂC are equivalent whenever j L V C j ¼j L 0V C 0j .The partition of L ÂC determined by this equivalence relation has equi-valence classes indexed by the set I of line-class intersection numbers defined in (2).Moreover the group G fixes each equivalence class setwise,and so this partition is refined by the partition of L ÂC into G -orbits.For each i A I let O ði ;1Þ;O ði ;2Þ;...denote the G -orbits on i -incident line-class pairs,and let I H I ÂN 0denote the set of indices ði ;j Þindexing all G -orbits in L ÂC .For a line L and a class C we let h L ;C :¼ði ;j Þif and only if ðL ;C ÞA O ði ;j Þand we say that C and L are ði ;j Þ-incident if h L ;C ¼ði ;j Þ.Hence I ¼f h L ;C j L A L ;C A C g and we can generalize the above definitions of d i ,b i and r i to d ði ;j Þ,b ði ;j Þand r ði ;j Þ,so thatXj d ði ;j Þ¼d i ;X j b ði ;j Þ¼b i ;X j r ði ;j Þ¼r i :It is then straightforward to refine Propositions 2.3and 2.4using these orbit parameters.We finish this section by examining the orbit lengths of a point stabiliser in its actions on lines and on the partition C .The results below strengthen Proposition 2.3.Finite line-transitive linear spaces:parameters and normal point-partitions 477We denote by G C the permutation group induced by G on the partition C .We note that part of this result can be found in [15,Proposition 3.3and Corollary 3.2].Proposition 2.6.Let ðD ;G Þbe an imprimitive pair satisfying Hypothesis 1,and let a A P .Then the parameter b ðr Þdivides the length of(a)every G a -orbit on the set of lines through a ;(b)every G a -orbit on P nf a g ,and in particular on C ða Þnf a g ;and(c)every G a -orbit on C nf C ða Þg ,and hence also every G C -orbit on C nf C g .Proof.Suppose that a lies on the line L ,and let a be the length of the G a -orbit con-taining L in L .Then va ¼j G :G a j Áj G a :G a ;L j ¼j G :G a ;L j is divisible by j G :G L j ¼b .Since b ðr Þdivides b and is coprime to v ,it follows that b ðr Þdivides a .Thus Part (a)is proved.Let G be a G a -orbit in P nf a g .The lines through a induce a partition of G .Any two lines in the same G a -orbit intersect G in the same number of points,so j G j is divisible by the length of the G a -orbit of any line through a intersecting G .Thus by Part (a),b ðr Þdivides j G j .This holds in particular for the G a -orbits on C ða Þnf a g ,so Part (b)is proved.Let D be a G a -invariant subset of C nf C ða Þg ,let e ¼j D j ,and let P D be the union of the classes of C that are contained in D .We claim that b ðr Þdivides e .Note that Part (c)follows from this claim.Let L D be the subset of L consisting of lines containing a and intersecting some class in D non-trivially.Since D is G a -invariant,so also L D is G a -invariant.Let L 1;...;L t be the G a -orbits in L D .By Part (a),each j L i j is divisible by b ðr Þ.For each i ,choose L i A L i .Note that,for each b A P D ,the unique line con-taining a and b lies in L D .Counting the number of pairs ðb ;L Þwhere b A P D ,L A L D ,and b A L ,we findec ¼Xt i ¼1j L i j Áj L i V P D j :Since b ðr Þdivides each j L i j ,it follows that b ðr Þdivides ec ,and since v ¼cd is coprime to b ðr Þwe conclude that b ðr Þdivides e .3Bounds on line-class intersection numbersLet D ;G ;C be as in Hypothesis 1,and let I be the set of line-class intersection num-bers.Seti max ¼max f i j i A I g :ð5ÞBy Corollary 2.2,i max is strictly less than the class size c .The equalities of Proposi-tion 2.4allow us to reduce this upper bound to approximately ffiffiffic p .Anne Delandtsheer,Alice C.Niemeyer and Cheryl E.Praeger478。