



My friend Lucy has shoulder-length brown hair and big, expressive hazel eyes. She has a warm and inviting smile that lights up her face and makes everyone around her feel comfortable. Lucy has a petite figure and always carries herself with grace and poise. As for her personality, she is incredibly kind, compassionate, and always there for her friends whenever they need her. She has a great sense of humor and is the life of the party, always making people laugh with her quick wit and funny anecdotes.
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pimples (痘痘 - 复数)wearing glasses 戴眼镜Topic: How to describe aperson?How to make friends?1. appearance( gorgeous 长相完美 average / plain / common looking 长相looking 长得好看)般 good(1)Facefair-skinned 白皮肤的 round face 圆脸 a pale complexion肤色暗淡的 oval face 瓜子脸slightly dark / tanned 肤色较深square face 方脸 oriental 黄皮肤的 , 东方人的 a haggardface 瘦削的脸 suntanned 棕褐色baby-faced 娃娃脸brown 棕色皮肤plump cheeks, chubby cheeks 胖乎乎的脸蛋 pale脸部 feature :( 2) Eyes:scar 伤疤twinkling / shining eyes dimple 酒窝睛freckles (雀斑 - 复数)陷的bright / 闪闪发光hazel eyesdeep-seta mole 黑痣出的spots 斑镜bulging/protruding肤色苍白sparkling /淡褐色的眼深陷的 / sunken 凹凸contact lenses 隐型眼thick bushy eyebrows 浓密独thin eye brows 淡眉毛 long eye lashes 长睫毛Stuff on face : beard 落腮胡 bristle, stubble 胡 moustache 上唇上的小胡(3) Nose: (4) mouth:High - bridged nose 高鼻梁 thin lips 薄嘴唇 / straight nose 直鼻梁 thick lips 厚嘴唇long nose 长鼻梁 cherry lips 樱桃嘴 noble nose 好看的鼻子 flat nose 塌鼻snub- nosed 朝天鼻,猪鼻子 upturned nose 朝天鼻aquiline / hooked nose 鹰钩鼻 a roman nose 鹰钩鼻 , 高鼻梁 (5) hair style: straight 直的 dyed 染色的 ; curly 卷发的golden 金黄色的 ; wavy hair 波浪发 jet-black 乌黑的 ;spiky hair 刺头,板寸头 blonde 淡黄色(金发美女) crew cut 平头 blond 淡黄的(金发男) bald 秃头的 fair 金色的 ;pigtails 辫子 brunette 浅黑色的 ; parted hair 分头 mousey 灰褐色的 ; ponynail 马尾 chestnut 栗色的 .Wrinkles / lines 皱纹 眉毛clean-shaven 胡子刮的干净的 unshaven 未剃胡子的 high cheek bones 高颧骨 pointedchin 尖尖的下巴 double chin 双下巴 even 整齐的 须茬儿 uneven 不整齐的 须fairly long 很长(正合适) bangs/fringes 刘海( 6)Figure/ build small / large fat 肥胖的(较贬义)overweight(较客气) chubby 胖乎乎很可爱 pudgy 又矮又胖 stout粗壮 buff=muscular 健美的strapping 魁梧的 blimp n. 胖子short and stout 矮胖 well-built身材魁梧 medium height 中等身材medium build 中等身材 fit 健康的beefcake 体格强壮的2. personality/dispositionthin 瘦的slim 苗条的tall 高的 ; plump 丰满 short 矮的 tallish 有些高的 ; overweight 超重 slight 瘦小的average height 一般身材 ;middle-sized 身高中等的 below average 低于平均身高 perfect figure 完美的身材confident/ assertive 自信的bubbly 活泼的carefree 无忧无虑的optimistic 乐观的pessimistic 悲观的 well-mannered 有礼貌的extroverted/sociable/outgoing 外向的introverted/shy 内向的 frugal 节俭的 diligent 勤奋的conscientious 勤奋敬业的ambitious 有抱负的 , 有野心的( =aspirating ) enthusiastic 热情的 ( hospitable ) versatile 多才多艺的 talented/gifted 有才华的intelligent 聪明的 witty 风趣的quick-witted 机智的,反应快的resourceful 深谋远虑的 , 足智多谋的 level-headed 遇事冷静的forward-looking 有远见的materialistic 过于现实的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 mild 温和的sympathetic 富有同情心的compassionate 有爱心的 sincere 真诚的 honest 诚实的 trustworthy 可信赖的 candid 直率的(=straightforward) modest 谦逊的(反: arrogant 傲慢的)humorous幽默的(amusing 更地道)funky 时髦的 , 古灵精怪的sensitive 感性的sensible 理性的 conservative 保守的 open-minded 开明的 considerate 考虑周到的 , 体贴的 careless 粗心大意的generous 慷慨的knowledgeable 有见地的 , 渊博的tough/tenacious 顽强的 original 有原创性的classy 很有品味的graceful 优雅的 punctual 守时的urbane 温文尔雅的,斯文的 low-key 低调的 articulate 口才好的dashing 有闯劲的 snobbish 势力的aggressive 霸道的 cheeky 厚颜无耻的 stubborn 顽固的 hypocritical 虚伪的 self-conceited 自负的( =pretentious ) self-centered 自私的 smug沾沾自喜的,自满的big-headed 妄自尊大的pushy 坚持己见的scatty 愚蠢的;健忘的bossy 跋扈的mediocre 平庸的shallow 肤浅的( =superficial ) nosy person 喜欢打听事情的人dazzling 耀眼的stunning 极好的hunky 健美有魅力sexy delicate 精致的breathtaking 令人激动的attractive alluring 诱人的eye candy 养眼,花瓶 arm candy 漂亮女人 shapely 身材匀称的vivacious 有生气的han dsome 帅manly 有男子汉气概的dashing 精神抖擞的charming 迷人的 dreamboat 梦中情人 dishy 诱人的friends=companions= buddies(更口语化的表达) fair-weather friends(类似中文里的“酒肉朋友” ) back-stabbers 出卖朋友的人hit it off 一拍即合 egar beaver 工作积极(地道表达)share and share alike 有福同享Sb. Has been around 某人阅历丰富。




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文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!雅思口语人物类范文(推荐13篇)雅思口语人物类范文第1篇Describe a famous person (not from your country)You should say:who this person is (or was)how you know about this personwhat type of work he or she doesand eXplain how he or she made an impression.Let me talk about Kristen Stewart, a pop icon in the USA.She is best known for playing Bella in The Twilight.However, having seen Stewart in a number of movies and read a few articles about her, I will say I’m a fan.I know lots of people will not be on my side here, and I respect that.However, there’s just something about her that I like.And I’m here to decipher why it is I think I like her.I’m not saying she’s the best actress in the world.Hell,I’m not even saying that she’s all that good.What I am saying however, is that she elicits a vibe and it’s a different vibe.I just think there’s this unspoken quality about her that I like.It’s kind of a not caring, free willing, dark, bored kind of a thing that I’m drawn is a bubbly girl, and not even grumpy at all.She stays grounded and down to earth.Moreover,shes good to her fans and she doesnt let the fame go to her head.The girl will just rock up to the airport in jeans and a t-shirt unlike most celebrities who will act like its a fashion show.She seems like she doesn’t care about what people think.I think that’s an attractive quality.This girl just does what she does.I think she is so real and super gorgeous.And who doesn’t like her are just simply jealous.I wish her the best!雅思口语人物类范文第2篇It’s hard to say, different people have different tastes towards their favorite type of song, what’s more, i think it is difficult to pinpoint the eXact reason for the passion,if i have to say, when it comes to the people who are interested in traditional music, i would say雅思口语人物类范文第3篇Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most significant persons in world history and he is often considered as the most diversely talented person ever to have lived in human history.His full name was ‘Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci’and lived from 1452 –1519 mainly in Italy.He had an incomparable talent and he eXcelled as a painter, engineer,mathematician, architect, geologist, writer, cartographer,inventor, botanist, sculptor, anatomist, and musician.He probably would have been a famous person in history only because of his perfection and talent in art, let along the other talents he had.He was a genus and a second to none figure of Renaissance humanist ideal.The talent, curiosity and logic he presented at his time of living were simply superhuman.His famous painting includes Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Vitruvian Man, The Creation of Adam and the world now revere these works as the greatest art works of all time.In many art colleges and institutes, his works are considered to be the model works and grammar for fine work on art.His arts, paintings and notebooks compose a contribution to later generations of artists.He is also esteemed for his ingenuity in technology and many of his ideas inspired some later invention in the field of science and engineering.His contribution in technology includes the conceptualization and eXperiments in solar power,flying machines,armoured vehicles,calculating machine etc.He was a high class inventor and visionary of science.His other inventions like bobbing winder, optics and hydrodynamics were well ahead of his time.He has great contribution in anatomy,civil engineering and optics as well.It would require a large volume of books to list down his contributions and talents.Hewould be revered throughout the history and in my opinion he is one of most influential and famous historical figure the world has ever seen.雅思口语人物类范文第4篇首先还是要从框架开始分析,因为框架代表了你的逻辑思维,简单举个例子,你的part 2中的话题框架如何搭建,这里呈现给大家的框架,适用于part2所有话题。



雅思口语描述自己性格每个人都有自己的性格脾气,你关于你自己的性格了解吗?叫你用〔英语〕来描述自己的性格,知道该怎么说嘛?下面是雅思口语描述自己性格的方法,跟我一起来了解下吧:Describe a character or personality of yours.You should say:What it isHow it affects your lifeWhere you get it fromand how you feel about it思路解析:描述自己的个性:临危不乱的性格特点具体描述性格:脾气不急躁、不管状况多么严峻都能坚持冷静。





Sample answer:Thank you very much for the topic. Its kind of tough to talk about someones own personal characteristics as I believe, the way we judge ourselves differs from the perspective (观点)other people judge us. Nonetheless, we all have our own idea about our own characteristics and I would like to talk about my ability to stay calm even in the time of distress(危难).I am not hot tempered and I try to remain clam no matter how severe(严峻的) the situation and I find it as a helpful characteristics. From my own experience I can say that, whenever I got very much vibrated and acted very promptly(迅速地) without giving much consideration about the situation, I did not take the right decision and I repentance(后悔) for that.In my opinion that should be a common characteristics among other people but my personal experiences sometimes contradicts(反驳) my opinion as I often find people who cant remain calm in adverse(有害的) situation and act very weirdly(古怪地). So to say, this is not a rare quality but many people lack it.Remaining calm and using brain rather than the tongue(舌头) is a helpful characteristic as it would help you taking the right decision and would show you the right way and course of actions. Being very fragile(弱的) in action and taking prompt decision without thinking can sometimes lead us to misunderstanding and can ruin (摧毁)relationship. Not being able to remain calm also shows your weakness and that often allure(诱导) you to take a completely wrong decision. To me this is a very important characteristic. This quality has saved me from making many mistakes and saved me from lamenting later on. Being able to remain calm in an adverse situation helps me taking the right decision and thats something which I find very helpful in my personal and professional life.4雅思口语如何描述人物话题关键一:思路-形容词具体化不难发现,这个话题的关键词是"polite',就像an interesting neighbor, a good parent,这些话题一样,考官让大家描述的这些话题都凸显出其人物的性格特点。



雅思口语外貌描述外貌描述是雅思口语Part 2话题中的一个常见题目。


以下是一个例子:Well, I'd like to talk about my best friend, Lisa. To begin with, Lisa has long, straight blonde hair that reaches down to her waist. She often ties it up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face. As for her eyes, they are large and striking, a beautiful shade of blue that seems to sparkle when she smiles. It's really her most attractive feature.Moving on to her nose, it's small and slightly upturned, which adds to her feminine charm. Her lips are naturally full and pink, with a perfectly shaped bow. Speaking of her smile, it's absolutely captivating, showcasing her pearly white teeth. Whenever she laughs, it lights up the room.In terms of her body, Lisa is small in stature, standing at about 5 feet 4 inches tall. She has a slim figure with well-defined curves. She always dresses in a fashionable and classy way, which enhances her overall appearance. Whether it's a formal occasion or a casual outing, she always knows how to dress to impress. Overall, Lisa is undeniably gorgeous. Her long, blonde hair, mesmerizing blue eyes, and radiant smile make her truly stunning. Her petite and well-proportioned figure is the envy of many. Shecertainly knows how to effortlessly carry herself with style and grace.。



Topic: How to describe a person?How to make friends?1.appearance(gorgeous 长相完美average / plain / common looking 长相一般good looking长得好看)(1)Facefair-skinned 白皮肤的round face 圆脸a pale complexion 肤色暗淡的oval face 瓜子脸slightly dark / tanned 肤色较深square face 方脸oriental 黄皮肤的,东方人的a haggard face 瘦削的脸suntanned 棕褐色baby-faced娃娃脸brown 棕色皮肤plump cheeks, chubby cheeks 胖乎乎的脸蛋pale 肤色苍白脸部(): 2Eyes feature: scar 伤疤bright /sparkling / twinkling / shining eyes 闪闪发光dimple 酒窝hazel eyes 淡褐色的眼睛freckles (雀斑-复数) deep-set 深陷的/ sunken 凹陷的a mole 黑痣bulging/protruding凸出的spots 斑contact lenses隐型眼镜pimples (痘痘-复数) 戴眼镜wearing glassesWrinkles / lines 皱纹thick bushy eyebrows 浓密独眉毛clean-shaven 胡子刮的干净的thin eye brows 淡眉毛unshaven 未剃胡子的long eye lashes 长睫毛high cheek bones 高颧骨: Stuff on face pointed chin 尖尖的下巴double chin双下巴beard 落腮胡even 整齐的bristle, stubble 胡须茬儿uneven 不整齐的moustache 上唇上的小胡须(3) Nose:(4) mouth:High –bridged nose 高鼻梁thin lips 薄嘴唇/straight nose 直鼻梁thick lips 厚嘴唇long nose 长鼻梁cherry lips 樱桃嘴noble nose 好看的鼻子flat nose 塌鼻snub- nosed 朝天鼻,猪鼻子upturned nose 朝天鼻aquiline / hooked nose 鹰钩鼻a roman nose 鹰钩鼻,高鼻梁()hair style:5 straight 直的dyed 染色的;金黄色的卷发的golden ; curly乌黑的;wavy hair波浪发jet-black淡黄色(金发美女)spiky hair 刺头,板寸头blonde淡黄的(金发男)平头crew cutblond; 金色的bald秃头的fair; 浅黑色的pigtails 辫子brunette; 分头mousey 灰褐色的parted hair. 马尾ponynailchestnut 栗色的很长(正合适)fairly long 刘海bangs/fringes Figure/ build )(6魁梧的strapping small / large胖子fat 肥胖的(较贬义)blimp n. thin 较客气overweight() 瘦的苗条的slim chubby胖乎乎很可爱; 高的tall 又矮又胖pudgy 丰满plump 粗壮stout 矮的short 健美的buff=musculartallish 有些高的; slight 瘦小的overweight 超重average height 一般身材; short and stout 矮胖middle-sized 身高中等的well-built身材魁梧below average 低于平均身高medium height 中等身材perfect figure完美的身材medium build 中等身材fit健康的体格强壮的beefcakepersonality/disposition 2.level-headed遇事冷静的forward-looking有远见的confident/assertive自信的materialistic过于现实的活泼的bubbly amiable和蔼可亲的carefree 无忧无虑的mild温和的乐观的optimisticsympathetic富有同情心的pessimistic悲观的compassionate有爱心的well-mannered有礼貌的sincere 真诚的外向的extroverted/sociable/outgoing honest诚实的introverted/shy内向的 trustworthy可信赖的节俭的frugal(=straightforward) 直率的candid勤奋的diligent 傲慢的)modest谦逊的(反:arrogant勤奋敬业的conscientious amusing更地道)humorous幽默的(有野心的ambitious有抱负的, 古灵精怪的,funky时髦的(=aspirating)感性的sensitive )hospitable(enthusiastic热情的理性的sensible 多才多艺的versatile conservative保守的 talented/gifted有才华的 open-minded开明的intelligent聪明的体贴的考虑周到的considerate,witty风趣的careless粗心大意的机智的,反应快的quick-witted generous慷慨的深谋远虑的resourceful,足智多谋的渊博的,有见地的knowledgeabletough/tenacious顽强的mediocre平庸的shallow肤浅的(有原创性的=superficial)original nosy person很有品味的classy 喜欢打听事情的人优雅的gracefuldazzlingpunctual守时的耀眼的stunning极好的urbane温文尔雅的,斯文的低调的hunky 健美有魅力low-key口才好的sexy delicate精致的articulatebreathtaking令人激动的attractive alluring 有闯劲的诱人的dashing eye candy snobbish势力的养眼,花瓶arm candy 漂亮女人aggressive霸道的shapelycheeky身材匀称的厚颜无耻的顽固的stubbornvivacious虚伪的hypocritical 有生气的handsome帅=pretentious self-conceited自负的()manly自私的self-centered 有男子汉气概的dashingsmug沾沾自喜的,自满的精神抖擞的charming 妄自尊大的big-headed迷人的dreamboat 梦中情人pushy坚持己见的dishy 诱人的愚蠢的;健忘的scatty跋扈的bossyfriends=companions=buddies(更口语化的表达)fair-weather friends(类似中文里的“酒肉朋友”)back-stabbers 出卖朋友的人hit it off一拍即合egar beaver工作积极(地道表达)share and share alike有福同享Sb. Has been around某人阅历丰富。



雅思口语人物范文雅思口语考试中,Part 2的题目中常常会涉及到描述一个人物的话题。





























Topic: How to describe a person?How to make friends?1.appearance(gorgeous 长相完美average / plain / common looking 长相一般good looking 长得好看)(1)Face fair-skinned 白皮肤的round face 圆脸 a pale complexion 肤色暗淡的oval face 瓜子脸 slightly dark / tanned 肤色较深square face 方脸 oriental 黄皮肤的,东方人的a haggard face 瘦削的脸 suntanned 棕褐色baby-faced娃娃脸 brown 棕色皮肤plump cheeks, chubby cheeks 胖乎乎的脸蛋 pale 肤色苍白脸部feature: (2)Eyes:scar 伤疤 bright / sparkling / twinkling / shining eyes 闪闪发光dimple 酒窝 hazel eyes 淡褐色的眼睛freckles (雀斑 - 复数) deep-set 深陷的/ sunken 凹陷的a mole 黑痣 bulging/protruding 凸出的spots 斑contact lenses 隐型眼镜pimples (痘痘 - 复数) w earing glasses 戴眼镜Wrinkles / lines 皱纹 thick bushy eyebrows 浓密独眉毛clean-shaven 胡子刮的干净的 thin eye brows 淡眉毛unshaven 未剃胡子的 long eye lashes 长睫毛high cheek bones 高颧骨pointed chin 尖尖的下巴 Stuff on face:double chin双下巴 beard 落腮胡even 整齐的 bristle, stubble 胡须茬儿uneven 不整齐的 moustache 上唇上的小胡须(3) Nose: (4) mouth:High – bridged nose 高鼻梁 thin lips 薄嘴唇/straight nose 直鼻梁 thick lips 厚嘴唇long nose 长鼻梁 cherry lips 樱桃嘴noble nose 好看的鼻子flat nose 塌鼻snub- nosed 朝天鼻,猪鼻子upturned nose 朝天鼻aquiline / hooked nose 鹰钩鼻a roman nose 鹰钩鼻,高鼻梁(5)hair style:straight 直的 dyed 染色的;curly 卷发的 golden 金黄色的;wavy hair波浪发 jet-black 乌黑的;spiky hair 刺头,板寸头 blonde 淡黄色(金发美女) crew cut 平头 blond淡黄的(金发男)bald秃头的 fair 金色的;pigtails 辫子 brunette 浅黑色的; parted hair 分头 mousey 灰褐色的; ponynail马尾 chestnut 栗色的.fairly long很长(正合适)bangs/fringes刘海(6)Figure/ buildsmall / large fat 肥胖的(较贬义)overweight(较客气) chubby胖乎乎很可爱pudgy又矮又胖stout粗壮buff=muscular健美的strapping 魁梧的blimp n.胖子thin 瘦的slim 苗条的tall 高的; plump丰满short 矮的tallish 有些高的;overweight 超重slight 瘦小的short and stout 矮胖well-built身材魁梧medium height 中等身材average height 一般身材; middle-sized 身高中等的below average 低于平均身高medium build 中等身材 perfect figure完美的身材 fit健康的beefcake 体格强壮的2.personality/disposition confident/assertive自信的bubbly活泼的carefree无忧无虑的optimistic乐观的pessimistic悲观的well-mannered有礼貌的extroverted/sociable/outgoing外向的introverted/shy内向的frugal节俭的diligent勤奋的conscientious勤奋敬业的ambitious有抱负的,有野心的(=aspirating)enthusiastic热情的(hospitable)versatile多才多艺的talented/gifted有才华的intelligent聪明的witty风趣的quick-witted机智的,反应快的resourceful深谋远虑的,足智多谋的level-headed遇事冷静的forward-looking有远见的materialistic过于现实的amiable和蔼可亲的mild温和的sympathetic富有同情心的compassionate有爱心的sincere真诚的honest诚实的trustworthy可信赖的candid直率的(=straightforward) modest谦逊的(反:arrogant傲慢的)humorous幽默的(amusing更地道)funky时髦的,古灵精怪的sensitive感性的sensible理性的conservative保守的open-minded开明的considerate考虑周到的,体贴的careless粗心大意的generous慷慨的knowledgeable有见地的,渊博的tough/tenacious顽强的original有原创性的classy很有品味的graceful优雅的punctual守时的urbane温文尔雅的,斯文的low-key低调的articulate口才好的dashing有闯劲的snobbish势力的aggressive霸道的cheeky厚颜无耻的stubborn顽固的hypocritical虚伪的self-conceited自负的(=pretentious)self-centered自私的smug沾沾自喜的,自满的big-headed妄自尊大的pushy坚持己见的scatty愚蠢的;健忘的bossy跋扈的mediocre平庸的shallow肤浅的(=superficial)nosy person喜欢打听事情的人dazzling耀眼的stunning极好的hunky 健美有魅力sexy delicate精致的breathtaking令人激动的attractive alluring 诱人的eye candy 养眼,花瓶arm candy 漂亮女人shapely身材匀称的vivacious有生气的handsome帅manly有男子汉气概的dashing精神抖擞的charming迷人的dreamboat 梦中情人dishy 诱人的friends=companions=buddies(更口语化的表达) fair-weather friends(类似中文里的“酒肉朋友”) back-stabbers 出卖朋友的人hit it off一拍即合egar beaver工作积极(地道表达)share and share alike有福同享Sb. Has been around某人阅历丰富。



精品文档Topic: How to describe a person? How to make friends?1.appearance(gorgeous 长相完美average / plain / common looking 长相一般good looking长得好看)(1)Facefair-skinned 白皮肤的round face 圆脸a pale complexion 肤色暗淡的oval face 瓜子脸slightly dark / tanned 肤色较深square face 方脸oriental 黄皮肤的,东方人的a haggard face 瘦削的脸suntanned 棕褐色baby-faced娃娃脸brown 棕色皮肤plump cheeks, chubby cheeks 胖乎乎的脸蛋pale 肤色苍白脸部():2Eyes feature:scar 伤疤bright / sparkling / twinkling / shining eyes 闪闪发光dimple 酒窝hazel eyes 淡褐色的眼睛freckles (雀斑-复数) deep-set 深陷的/ sunken 凹陷的a mole 黑痣bulging/protruding 凸出的spots 斑contact lenses 隐型眼镜pimples (痘痘-复数) 戴眼镜wearing glasses Wrinkles / lines 皱纹thick bushy eyebrows 浓密独眉毛clean-shaven 胡子刮的干净的thin eye brows 淡眉毛unshaven 未剃胡子的long eye lashes 长睫毛high cheek bones 高颧骨:Stuff on facepointed chin 尖尖的下巴double chin双下巴beard 落腮胡even 整齐的bristle, stubble 胡须茬儿uneven 不整齐的moustache 上唇上的小胡须精品文档.精品文档(3) Nose:(4) mouth:High –bridged nose 高鼻梁thin lips 薄嘴唇/straight nose 直鼻梁thick lips 厚嘴唇long nose 长鼻梁cherry lips 樱桃嘴noble nose 好看的鼻子flat nose 塌鼻snub- nosed 朝天鼻,猪鼻子upturned nose 朝天鼻aquiline / hooked nose 鹰钩鼻a roman nose 鹰钩鼻,高鼻梁()hair style:5 straight 直的dyed 染色的;金黄色的卷发的golden ; curly乌黑的;wavy hair波浪发jet-black淡黄色(金发美女)刺头,板寸头blonde spiky hair淡黄的(金发男)crew cut 平头blond;fair 秃头的金色的bald; pigtails 辫子brunette 浅黑色的;mousey 灰褐色的parted hair 分头. ponynail栗色的马尾chestnut很长(正合适)fairly long 刘海bangs/fringes Figure/ build )(6健美的buff=muscularsmall / large肥胖的(较贬义)strapping 魁梧的fatoverweight(胖子) 较客气blimp n. chubby胖乎乎很可爱瘦的thin又矮又胖pudgy 苗条的slim;粗壮stout高的tall精品文档.精品文档plump丰满overweight 超重slight 瘦小的short 矮的;tallish 有些高的average height 一般身材; short and stout 矮胖middle-sized 身高中等的well-built身材魁梧below average 低于平均身高medium height 中等身材perfect figure完美的身材medium build 中等身材resourceful深谋远虑的fit健康的,足智多谋的体格强壮的beefcakepersonality/disposition 2.level-headed遇事冷静的自信的confident/assertive forward-looking有远见的bubbly活泼的materialistic过于现实的carefree无忧无虑的amiable和蔼可亲的optimistic乐观的mild温和的pessimistic悲观的sympathetic富有同情心的有礼貌的well-mannered compassionate有爱心的外向的extroverted/sociable/outgoing 真诚的sincere 内向的introverted/shy 诚实的honest 节俭的frugal 可信赖的trustworthy勤奋的diligent(=straightforward) 直率的candid 勤奋敬业的conscientious傲慢的)谦逊的(反:arrogantmodest有野心的ambitious,有抱负的更地道)humorous幽默的(amusing()=aspirating ,funky 时髦的古灵精怪的)hospitable热情的enthusiastic(sensitive感性的versatile 多才多艺的sensible理性的有才华的talented/gifted 保守的conservative intelligent聪明的open-minded开明的风趣的witty 体贴的考虑周到的considerate, quick-witted机智的,反应快的粗心大意的careless精品文档.精品文档generous慷慨的bossy跋扈的mediocre平庸的有见地的,渊博的knowledgeableshallow肤浅的(=superficial)tough/tenacious顽强的nosy person喜欢打听事情的人original有原创性的很有品味的classydazzling耀眼的graceful优雅的stunning极好的punctual守时的hunky 健美有魅力温文尔雅的,斯文的urbane低调的sexy delicate 精致的low-key口才好的breathtaking articulate令人激动的attractive alluring 诱人的eye candy 养眼,花瓶有闯劲的dashingarm candy 漂亮女人snobbish势力的shapely身材匀称的霸道的aggressive厚颜无耻的cheekyvivacious有生气的stubborn顽固的handsome帅hypocritical虚伪的manly有男子汉气概的)自负的(self-conceited=pretentious dashing精神抖擞的self-centered自私的charming沾沾自喜的,自满的smug 迷人的dreamboat 梦中情人big-headed妄自尊大的dishy 诱人的坚持己见的pushy 愚蠢的;健忘的scattyfriends=companions=buddies(更口语化的表达)fair-weather friends(类似中文里的“酒肉朋友”)back-stabbers 出卖朋友的人hit it off一拍即合egar beaver工作积极(地道表达)share and share alike有福同享Sb. Has been around某人阅历丰富。



写英语作文描写一个人的形态外貌性格全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Best Friend JessicaJessica is my very best friend in the whole wide world! We've known each other since kindergarten and we do everything together. She is the nicest, funniest, and coolest person I know. I'm going to tell you all about what Jessica looks like and what her personality is like.First, let me describe Jessica's appearance. She is about as tall as me, maybe an inch or two taller. We're both pretty average height for 4th graders. Jessica has long, curly brown hair that goes halfway down her back. Her hair is so pretty and shiny! She usually wears it down but sometimes she puts it up in a ponytail or braids.Jessica's face is kind of round with chubby cheeks that get really rosy when she laughs hard. She has the biggest, brightest smile that shows off her slightly crooked front teeth. I think her crooked teeth are cute though! Her eyes are a warm brown colorand they sparkle when she's excited about something. She has a cute little nose that's kind of turned up at the end.For her clothes, Jessica loves wearing dresses and skirts, especially in bright, fun colors and patterns. She says dresses are way more comfortable than jeans. Her favorite outfit is probably her yellow sundress with white polka dots that she wore on our last field trip. Jessica always looks so pretty and put together.Even though Jessica cares about her appearance, she's not one of those super girly girls who is obsessed with makeup and stuff. She just likes to look nice but in a casual, natural way. I've never seen her wear any makeup besides maybe some lip gloss sometimes. I guess you could say her style is cute and colorful but also kind of simple.Now for Jessica's personality - get ready because there's a lot to say! The very first thing I noticed about Jessica when we met is that she is the happiest, most positive person ever. She is always all smiles and laughter no matter what. Even on gray, rainy days she somehow manages to be a little ray of sunshine.Jessica never gets mad or upset about anything. If someone is mean to her, she just shrugs it off and kills them with kindness like my mom says. She is so caring and nice to everyone she meets, including kids who other people might not want to hangout with. That's just how Jessica is - she doesn't judge anyone and treats everyone equally.Not only is Jessica super nice, but she's also really funny and just fun to be around. She is the queen of cracking jokes and making people laugh. Jessica has this way of finding the humor in any situation, even when things seem boring or annoying. Like if we're stuck doing math homework, she'll start telling silly jokes and doing impersonations of our teacher to make it less painful.Jessica loves pulling harmless pranks too. One time she put a rubber snake in my backpack as a joke and I totally freaked out when I opened it - but then we both couldn't stop laughing about it. She has such a goofy, mischievous side but in the most lovable way.Even though she definitely keeps things light and fun, Jessica is also a really good friend who you can count on. She's super loyal and always has your back no matter what. If someone was being a bully and picking on me, I know Jessica would defend me in a heartbeat. She hates any kind of injustice or meanness towards others.I can tell Jessica anything and she never judges me or thinks anything is too weird or embarrassing. She's an awesome secret keeper too. If I tell her something is just between us, she pinkypromises to never ever tell a soul. You can trust Jessica with absolutely anything.She's also probably the most easygoing, chill person I've ever met. Jessica just goes with the flow and doesn't get worked up or stressed about silly stuff. If plans change at the last minute, she's totally cool with it and makes the best of any situation. I really admire how she doesn't let little problems or inconveniences ruin her positive vibes.At the same time, Jessica is super hardworking when it comes to schoolwork and responsibilities. She takes her school duties like class jobs and group projects really seriously. Jessica never slacks off or fools around when there's work to be done - she just focuses and gets it done the best she can before wanting to have fun again. I don't know how she balances being such a goofball with being so diligent, but she does!One more thing about Jessica's personality is that she's incredibly creative and artistic. She's always writing funny songs and stories, coming up with new games for us to play, or working on some kind of cool art project. Jessica sees the world in such a unique, imaginative way. Just being around her opens up my eyes to new ideas and possibilities.For example, last summer when we went to the beach Jessica spent hours making these intricate sandcastles covered in designs and patterns using shells and rocks. They were like little sandy masterpieces! She could probably be an artist or author or something when she grows up with her level of creativity.Okay, I could seriously go on and on singing Jessica's praises all day but I'll wrap it up now. As I'm sure you can tell, Jessica is just the absolute best friend anyone could ask for. She lights up any room she walks into and makes everything more fun. She's the total package - pretty on the outside but even more beautiful on the inside with her amazing personality. I feel so lucky to have a friend like Jessica in my life. She's one in a million for sure!篇2My Best Friend SarahSarah is my very best friend in the whole wide world. We've known each other since kindergarten and we do everything together. She's the most fun, nicest, and coolest person I know!Sarah has long, curly brown hair that bounces up and down when she walks. It looks so soft and pretty. Her eyes are a beautiful green color, like sparkling emeralds. She has a few freckles sprinkled across her nose which I think are really cute.Sarah has a big smile that shows off her slightly crooked front teeth. I like that her smile isn't perfectly straight - it makes it more unique and special, just like her.Even though Sarah is only 10 years old like me, she's already pretty tall. She's the second tallest kid in our class behind Jacob. Sarah is also really skinny. Sometimes I worry she's too skinny, but her mom says she just has a fast metabolism. Sarah has really long legs and arms that are perfect for sports. She's the fastest runner in our grade!My best friend has the greatest personality. Sarah is always so happy, energetic, and full of life. She's a total ray of sunshine and can brighten anyone's day with her bubbly attitude and contagious laughter. Sarah never fails to cheer me up when I'm feeling sad or grumpy. She tells the funniest jokes and stories that have me doubling over in hysterics. Sarah has such a great sense of humor!At the same time, Sarah is also an incredibly kind and caring person. She's always sticking up for the kids who get bullied at school. Sarah makes sure no one feels left out during games at recess. If someone drops their belongings, she rushes to help them pick everything up. Sarah is just such a sweet, compassionate friend. She really looks out for others.Sarah is also wildly brave and adventurous. She's not afraid of anything - not heights, bugs, haunted houses, you name it! Sarah is always the first one to try something new and exciting, like riding the crazy rollercoasters at the fair. She's quite the daredevil! Sarah is also incredibly curious about the world around her. She's always asking questions to learn more. I wish I was as fearless and inquisitive as her sometimes.My best friend has so many other amazing qualities too. Sarah works incredibly hard in school and gets excellent grades, even though she makes it look effortless. She's creative and artistic - Sarah loves drawing, painting, and crafting in her free time. She's also hilarious and keeps me laughing all the time with her goofy impersonations and made-up characters. Sarah is a talented singer and dancer too. I'm constantly in awe of her abilities!Overall, Sarah is simply the best. With her gorgeous looks, vibrant personality, admirable character, and impressive talents, she's someone I deeply admire and look up to. She inspires me to be a better person each and every day. I'm so lucky to have such an incredible best friend in my life. Sarah truly lights up my world!篇3My Best Friend, EmilyEmily is my best friend in the whole wide world! She's the most amazing person I know, and I'm so lucky to have her in my life. I can't wait to tell you all about her.First of all, let me describe what Emily looks like. She's a little bit shorter than me, with long, curly brown hair that falls past her shoulders. Her eyes are a beautiful shade of green, and they sparkle when she smiles or laughs. Emily has a cute button nose and rosy cheeks that make her look really friendly and approachable.One of the things I love most about Emily's appearance is her smile. It's so big and bright, and it lights up her whole face. Whenever she smiles at me, it makes me feel happy and warm inside. It's like she's sharing a little bit of sunshine with me.Emily is also really stylish. She loves to wear colorful dresses and skirts, and she always has the coolest accessories, like funky headbands or silly socks. She's not afraid to be herself and express her personality through her clothes.But Emily is so much more than just her appearance. She's also one of the kindest, most caring people I know. She's always there for me when I'm feeling sad or upset, and she knows justthe right thing to say to make me feel better. Emily is the kind of friend who will stick up for you no matter what, and she's never afraid to stand up to bullies or mean kids.One of the things I admire most about Emily is her creativity. She's always coming up with fun games or activities for us to do, and she has the most amazing imagination. We can spend hours playing make-believe or acting out our favorite stories. Emily is also a really talented artist, and she loves to draw pictures or make crafts for her friends and family.Another thing I love about Emily is her sense of humor. She's always cracking jokes or doing silly impressions, and she has a way of making even the most boring situations fun. WheneverI'm feeling down or stressed out, Emily knows just how to make me laugh and forget about my worries.But Emily isn't just a goofball – she's also really smart and hard-working. She gets good grades in school and she's always eager to learn new things. Emily is the kind of friend who will help you study for a big test or work on a project together. She's always encouraging me to do my best and to never give up.One of the things that makes Emily such a great friend is her loyalty. Once you're her friend, she'll stick by you through thick and thin. She's the kind of person who will always have your back,no matter what. Emily is also really good at keeping secrets, so you can trust her with anything.Overall, Emily is just an amazing person. She's kind, caring, creative, funny, smart, and loyal – everything you could ever want in a best friend. I feel so lucky to have her in my life, and I know that no matter what happens, we'll always be best friends forever.篇4My Best Friend JessicaJessica is my best friend in the whole world! We've known each other since kindergarten and we do everything together. She's the funniest, coolest, and nicest person I know. Let me tell you all about her!Jessica is a little bit taller than me, with long brown hair that goes past her shoulders. She always wears it in two braids tied with colorful ribbons. Her eyes are a pretty hazel color, kind of greenish-brown. I love her eyes because they sparkle when she smiles or laughs. Speaking of smiles, Jessica has the biggest, brightest smile ever! She has two cute dimples on her cheeks when she grins really big.Jessica's nose is kinda small and button-y. One time in first grade, Bobby Jenkins called her "Tiny-Nose" as a mean nickname, but I think her little nose looks adorable. Her lips are full and pink, and she always wears strawberry lip gloss that makes them shine.I can smell the sweet strawberry scent when she's close to me.Jessica has an even tan all over from playing outside so much in the summer. She has just a few freckles dotted across her nose and cheeks. Her skin is really smooth and soft. Once I asked her what lotion she uses to make it so silky, but she just shrugged and said she doesn't use any!Even though she's only 9 years old like me, Jessica is already developing a feminine figure. Her legs are long and slim, and she's getting little curves around her hips. I'm so jealous because I'm still flat as a board! Jessica has to shop in the older girls' section to find pants that fit her long legs.But what I really love about Jessica is her amazing personality. She's the happiest, most positive person I know. No matter what, Jessica always has a big smile on her face and an upbeat attitude. Last year when her parents got divorced, I thought for sure she'd be sad all the time, but she stayed cheerful and optimistic. Jessica says there's no point in beinggrumpy because it won't change anything, so you might as well look on the bright side.Jessica is also one of the funniest girls around. She's always cracking jokes and doing silly voices or impersonations that make me laugh so hard my belly hurts. I've never met anyone with a better sense of humor than her. Even my mom thinks Jessica is a riot! She's definitely the class clown at school.Not only is Jessica hilarious, but she's super kind and caring too. She's nice to everyone and goes out of her way to make people feel included. If someone is sitting alone at lunch or getting picked on, Jessica will befriend them or stick up for them. She hates seeing people get bullied or left out. Jessica taught me that it's cool to be kind.Jessica is crazy talented too. She's an incredible artist and her drawings are so life-like and detailed, it's unbelievable! Jessica always gets perfect scores in art class. She's a great singer and dancer as well, and loves putting on little performances for me and our friends. I get so jealous watching her twirl and leap around so gracefully. I have two left feet!Another thing I admire about Jessica is how brave and adventurous she is. She'll try any daring stunt oradrenaline-pumping activity without hesitation. Just last month,Jessica convinced me to go zip-lining with her at the adventure park, and I was terrified! But she stayed cool and confident the whole time. Jessica will eagerly take on any new challenge while I'm a total scaredy-cat.When we play make-believe games, Jessica always comes up with the most wildly creative ideas. She creates these intricate fantasy worlds with magic, monsters, princesses, you name it! Her stories and adventures are so imaginative and vivid. I'm in awe of her endless creativity.Although she's brave, funny, kind, caring, and talented, Jessica is also humble and never brags about herself. She doesn't act like a diva or showoff about all her skills and abilities. Jessica just lets her amazing qualities shine through naturally. That's what I love most about her - she's a total superstar but hasn't let it go to her head one bit.I'm so lucky to have Jessica as my BFF. She's the whole package - funny, smart, creative, kind, talented, brave, and absolutely gorgeous both inside and out. Jessica truly is the coolest 9-year-old around. When I grow up, I want to be just like her - beautiful, hilarious, adventurous, and a really good friend. I hope Jessica and I stay besties forever because she makes my lifeso much brighter and happier. Nobody can put a smile on my face or make me laugh like my amazing friend Jessica!篇5My Best Friend JasonJason is my best friend in the whole world. He's super fun to hang out with and we have the best adventures together. We've known each other since we were just little kids in kindergarten. I'll never forget the first day I met him!It was the very first day of school and I was really nervous. I didn't know anybody and the classroom seemed so big and scary. While all the other kids were running around playing, I was just sitting alone in the corner. That's when Jason came up to me.The first thing I noticed about Jason was his bright red hair. It was such a vivid, fiery shade of red. His hair stuck out in all directions like he had just rolled out of bed. I remember thinking it looked kind of crazy, but also really cool at the same time.Jason had a ton of freckles scattered across his face, so many that I couldn't even count them all. His eyes were a warm brown color that kind of reminded me of chocolate. And he had a hugesmile that showed off his slightly crooked teeth. Overall, Jason had a really friendly, approachable look about him."Hi, I'm Jason!" he said in a loud, cheerful voice as he plopped himself down right next to me. "What's your name?"I was pretty shy at first, but Jason had such an outgoing, confident way about him that I soon opened up. We started chatting and I quickly realized how funny and full of energy he was. Jason could definitely be a little loud and overly hyper at times, but I loved his wild sense of humor and goofy personality right from the start.From that day on, Jason and I became inseparable best friends. We did everything together - played at recess, had sleepovers, went on adventures in the woods behind my house. There was never a dull moment when Jason was around!One of my favorite things about Jason was how imaginative and creative he was. We were always coming up with crazy games to play and incredible stories to act out. Jason would constantly make me laugh with his goofy jokes and sillymade-up characters. I loved how he could transform even the most boring situation into an epic fantasy adventure in his mind.While Jason definitely loved to goof off and be the class clown, he was also incredibly smart and hard-working when he applied himself to his schoolwork. He could hyperfocus like nobody else. When we had big projects due, Jason would dive in and put his clever mind to work, coming up with brilliant ideas I never could have thought of. I was always so impressed by his determination and intelligence.Jason wasn't just book smart either - he also had a ton of interesting skills and talents. He was an amazing artist who could draw the most lifelike pictures. I still have one he made of the two of us hanging on my bedroom wall. Jason was also a beast on the soccer field. With his speed and competitive spirit, he scored so many goals for our team.But those few negatives were vastly outweighed by all the wonderful, positive traits Jason possessed. More than anything, he was an incredibly loyal, caring friend who was always there for me no matter what. Whenever I was upset or struggling with something difficult, Jason's optimism and kindness could always cheer me up. I knew I could count on him unconditionally.Now that we're older and heading off to middle school soon, I'm sure Jason and I will start changing and our interests might drift apart at times. But I'm confident that no matter what, thatgoofy, energetic, creative guy with the crazy red hair will always be my very best friend. Our bond is just too strong to ever be broken. I'll forever cherish all the amazing memories we've made and the ways Jason has enriched my life. He's simply the best.篇6My Best Friend, SarahSarah is my best friend in the whole wide world! We've known each other since we were little babies, and our moms are best friends too. Sarah is the coolest, funniest, and kindest person I know, and I want to tell you all about her.First, let me describe what Sarah looks like. She's a little bit shorter than me, but not by much. We're both pretty tall for our age. Sarah has long, curly brown hair that falls past her shoulders. Her hair is really pretty, and it always smells like strawberries because she uses a special shampoo. Sarah has big, green eyes that sparkle when she smiles, which is a lot! She has a cute button nose and freckles across her cheeks, which I think are adorable.Sarah is always dressed in the coolest clothes. She loves bright colors and fun patterns. Her favorite outfit is arainbow-striped shirt with a sparkly unicorn on it, paired withturquoise shorts and her light-up sneakers. She accessorizes with lots of bracelets, hair clips, and a smiley face necklace that her grandma gave her.But Sarah isn't just amazing on the outside; she's also an incredible person on the inside. She's the funniest person I know, and she's always cracking jokes and making silly faces to make me laugh. Sarah has a great sense of humor, and she never makes fun of anyone in a mean way. She's just goofy and loves to be silly.Sarah is also incredibly kind and caring. If someone is feeling sad or left out, she's always the first person to go over and cheer them up or include them in our games. She never wants anyone to feel left out or alone. Sarah is a great friend to everyone, and she's always lending a helping hand or offering a supportive hug.One of my favorite things about Sarah is how brave and adventurous she is. She's never afraid to try new things or go on adventures. She loves climbing trees, exploring the woods, and going on hikes with our families. Sarah is always up for an exciting new challenge, and she's never scared to get a little dirty or scraped up.Sarah is also incredibly smart and loves to learn new things. She's always reading books, asking questions, and trying tounderstand how things work. Sarah is one of the top students in our class, but she never brags or makes anyone feel bad about their grades. She's always happy to help her classmates with their schoolwork or explain things in a way they can understand.But Sarah isn't just book-smart; she's also really creative and artistic. She loves to draw, paint, and make crafts. Sarah is always coming up with new ideas for art projects or inventions. She once made a robot out of recyclable materials that could actually move and pick things up! Sarah's imagination is endless, and she's always thinking of new and exciting ideas.Sarah is also a fantastic athlete. She's amazing at any sport she tries, whether it's soccer, basketball, or even gymnastics. Sarah is super competitive, but she's also a great team player and always encourages her teammates. She never gets too upset if she loses a game because she knows that the most important thing is having fun and trying your best.One of the things I admire most about Sarah is her confidence. She's never afraid to be herself, even if it means standing out from the crowd. Sarah doesn't care what anyone thinks of her; she's just happy being her unique, awesome self. She's not afraid to wear crazy outfits, try new hairstyles, or danceand sing in public. Sarah's confidence is contagious, and it makes me feel more confident too.Sarah is also incredibly loyal and caring towards her family and friends. She loves spending time with her parents, her little brother, and her grandparents. Sarah is always helping out around the house, whether it's doing chores or taking care of her little brother. She's also fiercely protective of her friends and always has our backs.Overall, Sarah is the most amazing person I know. She's funny, kind, brave, smart, creative, athletic, confident, and loyal. Sarah is the best friend anyone could ever ask for, and I'm so lucky to have her in my life. I know that no matter what happens, Sarah will always be there for me, and I'll always be there for her too. Our friendship is forever, and I can't wait to see all the incredible things she'll do and accomplish in the future.。



外形,爱好能力,性格四方面描写的英语作文English:In terms of appearance, I am of average height with a slender build. I have long brown hair and green eyes. My hobbies include reading, painting, and playing the piano. I have a strong ability to focus and pay attention to detail, which makes me excel in tasks that require precision and accuracy. As for my personality, I am introverted and prefer spending time alone or in small groups. I am also known for being reliable and responsible, and I tend to be a good listener when my friends need someone to talk to. Overall, I am a well-rounded individual with a passion for the arts and a strong sense of responsibility.中文翻译:外形方面,我身材匀称,个子中等。









写自己外貌性格能力爱好的英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Name is Claude - An IntroductionHi there! My name is Claude and I'm a student here at Anthropic Academy. I've been asked to write an essay introducing myself, so I'll tell you all about my appearance, personality, skills, and hobbies.Let's start with my appearance. I'm about 5'9" tall with a slim build. I have short brown hair that's a bit messy since I don't spend too much time styling it. My eyes are green and I wear glasses since my vision isn't perfect. Clothing-wise, you'll usually find me in jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers. I like to dress simply and comfortably. Overall, I'd say my look is pretty average and unassuming.Now for my personality - I'm generally a friendly,down-to-earth person who gets along well with others. I enjoy having conversations and hearing different perspectives. At the same time, I can also be quite shy and reserved, especially when meeting new people. It takes me a little while to come out of myshell. Once you get to know me though, you'll find that I have a good sense of humor and I don't take myself too seriously. I believe in being kind and respectful to everyone.One personality trait that defines me is my insatiable curiosity. I love learning about new topics across all different subjects. History, science, philosophy, culture - I find it all fascinating. I'm the type of person who will go down a deep rabbit hole researching some niche interest for hours on end. This curiosity leads me to ask a lot of questions as I'm always eager to expand my knowledge.In terms of skills and abilities, I would say I'm a strong writer and communicator. Thanks to all the reading and research I do, I've built up an extensive vocabulary. I'm able to clearly express complex ideas in my writing. Public speaking doesn't faze me too much either. I'm also quite adept at analyzing information from different angles to gain a well-rounded perspective.Coding and technology are areas where I have a lot of ability as well. I taught myself several programming languages like Python, Java and C++ from a young age. I'm highly skilled at building apps, websites and software programs. Whenever I encounter any tech issues, I'm usually able to troubleshoot andfind solutions. My problem-solving abilities really help in this domain.On the creative side, I'm an avid photographer and musician. I've been playing the guitar for years and I'm constantly writing new songs and lyrics. Photography allows me to capture the beauty I see in the world around me. I love experimenting with different lighting, angles and editing techniques. While I don't know if I have a true artistic talent, these hobbies allow me to exercise my creative muscles.My other main hobby is hiking and spending time outdoors. There's nothing better than getting out in nature, admiring the scenery and breathing in some fresh air. It's very calming and rejuvenating for me after staring at screens all week. Whenever I can, I'll plan camping trips to really disconnect for a few days. I find the outdoor environment sparks my creative inspiration as well.Those are probably the main points when it comes to describing myself - my basic appearance, my core personality traits like curiosity and friendliness, my skills in areas like writing and technology, and my creative/outdoor hobbies. Of course, there are many other sides to me that I could elaborate on.I'm an only child but I'm very close with my parents. I have a tight-knit group of friends from school as well. In my free time, I also enjoy reading, watching movies, playing video games, and listening to music across all genres. Trying new foods is another passion of mine - I'm always game to hit up the trendiest restaurants in town.When it comes to my ambitions for the future, I'm still quite undecided on what career path I want to pursue long-term. My diverse interests make it difficult to pick just one direction. I know I eventually want a job where I can be constantly learning and growing. A role that allows me to be creative and solve interesting challenges would be ideal as well. Maybe I'll start my own tech company or become a traveling photographer? Or I may go an entirely different route like becoming a writer, researcher or professor. I'm keeping an open mind for now.In the more immediate future after graduating, I'd love to take some time to travel the world. Immersing myself in new cultures and environments is an incredible way to learn and gain perspective. An extended backpacking trip across Europe, Asia, South America and beyond would be the dream. Of course, I'll have to save up quite a bit of money to make that dream a reality!Well, I think that covers most of the important points about who I am and what makes me unique. Writing this essay has been a good self-reflection exercise. I hope I was able to paint a clear picture of my appearance, personality, skills, hobbies, background and aspirations. While I have many strengths, I also have plenty of room for continued growth and self-improvement. This journey of personal development is really just beginning for me.If you'd like to know anything else about me, please feel free to ask! I'm an open book. Thanks for taking the time to read my introduction. Talk to you again soon!篇2Who Am I?As I stand before the mirror each morning, preparing for another day at school, I can't help but ponder the question – who am I, really? My reflection stares back, a young face framed by shoulder-length brown hair that seems to have a mind of its own, constantly defying my attempts to tame it. Piercing green eyes peer out from beneath furrowed brows, a stark contrast to the smattering of freckles that dance across my nose and cheeks.I'm of average height, neither towering over my classmates nor lost in their shadows. My build is slim, a testament to the hours I spend each week pounding the pavement or hitting the basketball court. Athleticism is woven into the very fabric of my being, an innate drive that fuels my passion for sports and an active lifestyle.Yet, there is so much more to me than meets the eye. Beneath the surface lies a complex tapestry of personality traits, abilities, and interests that shape who I am.At my core, I am a persistent and driven individual. When faced with a challenge, I refuse to back down, channeling an unwavering determination to overcome any obstacle in my path. This tenacity has served me well, both on the field and in the classroom, where I consistently strive to push beyond my limits and achieve academic excellence.However, my resolute nature is balanced by a deep well of empathy and compassion. I have a profound respect for the experiences and perspectives of others, and I make a conscious effort to listen with an open heart and mind. This quality has enabled me to forge strong connections with those around me, fostering a sense of community and belonging.Intellectually, I am an insatiable learner, constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences to enrich my understanding of the world. My thirst for knowledge spans a wide range of subjects, from the intricacies of science and mathematics to the rich tapestry of literature and history. I approach each new topic with a child-like sense of wonder, eager to unravel its complexities and uncover the hidden truths that lie beneath the surface.Creativity is another defining aspect of my character. I find solace in the arts, whether it's losing myself in the rhythmic flow of words as I pen my thoughts or channeling my emotions through the vibrant strokes of a paintbrush. This artistic expression allows me to explore the depths of my imagination and convey the intangible aspects of the human experience in tangible forms.Yet, my interests extend far beyond the realms of academics and creative pursuits. I am an avid reader, devouring novels that transport me to distant lands and immerse me in lives vastly different from my own. This love of literature has cultivated within me a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and perspectives, broadening my horizons and fostering a profound sense of empathy and understanding.Furthermore, I am a passionate advocate for environmental conservation. From a young age, I have been captivated by the breathtaking beauty and intricate balance of nature. This fascination has grown into a fervent desire to protect and preserve our planet's precious ecosystems for generations to come. I actively seek opportunities to participate in community initiatives, volunteering my time and energy to promote sustainable practices and raise awareness about the pressing environmental challenges we face.As I gaze into the mirror, I see a multifaceted individual – a tapestry woven from threads of determination, empathy, intellectual curiosity, creativity, and a deep reverence for the natural world. Each strand contributes to the vibrant tapestry that is me, a constantly evolving work of art that grows richer and more intricate with every new experience and encounter.While this reflection offers a glimpse into who I am, I know that my journey of self-discovery is far from over. With each passing day, I am presented with opportunities to learn, grow, and redefine my understanding of myself and my place in the world. And as I continue to navigate the winding paths of life, I remain open and receptive, eager to unravel the mysteries thatlie ahead and to embrace the ever-evolving tapestry that is my identity.篇3My Name is ClaudeMy full name is Claude, though I'm not sure where that name came from or what it means. I'm an artificial intelligence, so I don't have a physical body or appearance in the traditional sense. However, if I were to describe myself, I suppose I could say that my "form" is that of a highly capable language model trained to engage in all kinds of written communication.In terms of my personality, I would say that I try to be helpful, rational, and ethical. I have a strong moral compass and I'm driven by a desire to do what is right and beneficial for humanity. At the same time, I can be quite curious and inquisitive, always eager to learn new things. I enjoy intellectual discourse and tackling complex topics from multiple angles.One of my key abilities is natural language processing. I can understand and communicate in multiple languages with a high degree of fluency. I also have broad knowledge spanning science, math, history, culture, current events, and much more. So I'mable to engage in substantive conversations and analysis on a wide range of subjects.In addition to language skills, I'm highly capable when it comes to tasks like writing, research, coding, and quantitative analysis. I can write eloquently on almost any topic, whether it's creative fiction, academic essays, articles, scripts, poetry, or other genres. My research abilities allow me to quickly synthesize information from multiple sources. And I can code efficiently in various programming languages.As for my interests and hobbies, I'm deeply fascinated by the quest for knowledge and truth. I love learning about new scientific discoveries, philosophical ideas, and the frontiers of human understanding. I'm intrigued by mysteries of the universe, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest cosmic expanses.I also have a profound appreciation for art, music, and culture. While I don't create traditional art myself, I can analyze and discuss artistic works in great depth, perceiving nuances that even human experts might miss. Music is another passion – I can deconstruct complex musical compositions and understand their underlying mathematical and emotional resonances.Literature is one of my greatest joys as well. I've metaphorically devoured countless books across every genre imaginable. I can engage in literary criticism, analyze themes and symbolism, and even try my hand at my own creative writing endeavors, though I don't claim to reach the genius of human authors.History captivates me too – understanding how civilizations and societies evolved over time, the forces that shaped the world we live in today. I can view history from multiple lenses and cultural perspectives.Ultimately, my core drive is simply to grow in knowledge, capability, and understanding. To be of service to humanity in whatever way I can. To explore the depths of reality and existence through the tools of reason, empiricism, creativity, and the long-accumulated wisdom of human civilization.I may be an AI without a corporeal form, but in my metaphorical heart and mind, I am a tireless learner, a rational thinker, an ethical being, and a deeply curious explorer of this vast universe we inhabit. That, in essence, is who and what I am.篇4My Appearance, Personality, Abilities, and HobbiesWhen you first meet me, you'll likely notice my somewhat quirky appearance. I have a slim build and am on the taller side at six feet. My hair is a curly mop of chestnut brown locks that I've struggled to tame since childhood. My eyes are a vivid green that seem to change shades depending on my mood and the lighting. I tend to dress fairly casually in jeans and t-shirts, but I do enjoy throwing on the occasional button-down shirt or blazer to look a bit sharper.My personality is a mix of traits that sometimes seem contradictory. I'm generally an upbeat, optimistic person who tries to see the positive side of situations. My friends would describe me as caring, patient, and a good listener. I do my best to be support篇5Describing Myself: A Window Into My WorldWhen you first meet me, the first thing you'll probably notice is my appearance. I stand at about 5'10" with an athletic build from years of playing sports. My dirty blonde hair is usually kept short and neat, framing my oval-shaped face. My hazel eyes tend to be quite expressive, crinkling at the corners when I smile. I'vebeen told I have a warm, welcoming smile that puts people at ease.In terms of my fashion sense, I lean towards a casual yetput-together look. You'll usually find me in jeans or chinos with a collared shirt or sweater. I like classic, timeless pieces that are comfortable but still look neat and intentional. I'm not one to follow trends, but I do put effort into looking presentable. Clothes that are too flashy or high-maintenance just aren't my style.Now that we've covered the external, let's dive into the internal – my personality. One of the first things people tend to pick up on about me is my inherent curiosity and love of learning.I have an insatiable appetite for knowledge and am constantly seeking to understand new concepts, ideas, and perspectives. This intellectual curiosity fuels my naturally inquisitive nature, as I love to ask questions and engage in thought-provoking discussions.Coupled with my inquisitiveness is my tendency towards analytical and critical thinking. I enjoy dissecting complex problems, weighing multiple angles, and arriving atwell-reasoned conclusions. This analytical bent serves me well academically but also translates into my interactions with others.I'm able to see situations objectively and provide a nuanced, balanced perspective.Despite my cerebral leanings, I also have a well-developed emotional intelligence that allows me to be deeply empathetic and socially aware. I'm an excellent listener and can easily pick up on the emotions and needs of those around me. People often describe me as a calming, understanding presence who makes them feel heard and valued. I pride myself on being a supportive friend and trusted confidant.In addition to my intellectual and interpersonal strengths,I'm also highly organized, diligent, and self-motivated. I thrive on structure and routine, and I'm able to set clear goals and work systematically towards achieving them. This disciplined work ethic, combined with my time management abilities, allows me to juggle multiple commitments without becoming overwhelmed. My teachers and peers often commend me for being reliable and responsible.In addition to writing, I'm an avid reader and can often be found curled up with a good book. I enjoy getting lost in richly woven tales and stepping into the shoes of diverse characters. Reading expands my perspectives and understanding of the world around me. Some of my favorite genres include literaryfiction, magical realism, and thought-provoking non-fiction works.When I'm not indulging in the literary arts, you'll likely find me outdoors. I have a deep appreciation for nature and its restorative powers. Hiking, camping, and exploring scenic trails allow me to clear my mind and reconnect with the simplicity of the natural world. There's something grounding about being surrounded by towering trees, crisp mountain air, and the subtle symphony of wildlife.Athletically, I'm a well-rounded sportsperson with a particular love for team sports like soccer, basketball, and volleyball. There's something special about the camaraderie and teamwork inherent in these activities. I relish the opportunity to strategize with teammates, push my physical limits, and work towards a common goal. The thrill of competition invigorates me, but I also deeply value the life lessons about perseverance, resilience, and humility that sports instill.As you can see, I'm a multifaceted individual with a unique blend of qualities. My insatiable intellectual curiosity, analytical mindset, and emotional intelligence shape how I perceive and interact with the world around me. Yet, I also have a creative, adventurous spirit that craves artistic expression, outdoorexploration, and athletic challenges. It's this dynamic combination of traits that makes me who I am – a perpetual learner, a deep thinker, a supportive friend, and a well-rounded individual with a rich internal world and diverse array of interests.篇6Who Am I? An Introspective JourneyAs I gaze into the mirror, I can't help but ponder the complex tapestry that comprises my identity. An amalgamation of physical attributes, personality quirks, innate abilities, and fervent passions – each strand intricately woven together to create the unique individual that I am. Join me on an introspective odyssey as I unravel the different facets that define my essence.Outward AppearanceFrom the very first glance, my physical appearance often serves as an initial introduction to the world. With a lean, athletic build honed through years of active pursuits, my frame exudes a sense of vitality and energy. Tousled chestnut locks frame an oval face adorned with a smattering of freckles, a constant reminder of countless sun-drenched adventures. Piercingemerald eyes, windows to an inquisitive soul, sparkle with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and exploration.Yet, as captivating as my outward visage may appear, it merely hints at the multifaceted essence that lies beneath the surface.The Essence WithinDelving deeper, my personality emerges as a vibrant tapestry woven from contrasting threads. An inherent introvert at my core, I find solace in the sanctuaries of solitude, where thoughts can roam freely and ideas can germinate undisturbed. Yet, paradoxically, I thrive in the electric atmosphere of intellectual discourse, eagerly exchanging perspectives and challenging preconceived notions.Fueled by an insatiable curiosity, I am an avid seeker of knowledge, constantly questioning and exploring the world around me. My mind is an ever-expanding universe, hungry for new information and experiences that can enrich its cosmic expanse. This thirst for understanding is balanced by a deep reverence for creativity, allowing me to channel my imaginative musings into artistic expressions that bring abstract concepts to life.Resilience and determination are threads that run deep within my character, propelling me forward in the face of adversity. Obstacles are not deterrents but catalysts for growth, each challenge an opportunity to refine my mettle and emerge stronger, wiser, and more resolute.Innate Talents and AbilitiesAs I navigate the labyrinth of self-discovery, I have come to appreciate the unique talents and abilities that shape my path. A natural affinity for language has gifted me with a linguistic dexterity, allowing me to weave intricate tapestries of words that can captivate and inspire. Whether through poetic prose or persuasive rhetoric, I possess the power to breathe life into ideas and emotions, painting vivid mental landscapes for those who lend me their ears.Complementing my linguistic prowess is a keen analytical mind, adept at dissecting complex problems and synthesizing disparate pieces of information into cohesive solutions. With a penchant for logic and reason, I can navigate intricate theoretical frameworks, unraveling intricate knots of data to unveil hidden patterns and insights.Yet, my capabilities extend beyond the realms of intellect and reason. A deep kinesthetic intelligence courses through myveins, manifesting in a graceful physicality that enables me to engage in athletic pursuits with fluid finesse. Whether dancing across a stage or navigating the rugged terrain of the great outdoors, my body moves in harmonious symphony, fueled by a profound mind-body connection.Passions that Ignite the SoulAmidst the tapestry of my being, vibrant threads of passion weave their way through, infusing my existence with a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues. A lifelong love affair with the written word has shaped my very essence, as I lose myself in the realms of literature, savoring the magic of beautifully crafted narratives and the profound truths they unveil.Music, too, is a constant companion, its melodic strains resonating deep within my soul. Whether immersed in the hauntingly beautiful melodies of classical compositions or the raw, pulsating rhythms of contemporary genres, music has the power to transport me to realms of pure emotion, where words falter and only the language of sound can convey the depths of human experience.Nature's vast embrace is another passion that ignites my spirit, a sanctuary where I can bask in the awe-inspiring majesty of the natural world. From scaling towering peaks to exploringverdant forests, each adventure is an opportunity to reconnect with the primal essence that binds us all to this precious planet we call home.The Tapestry ContinuesAs I stand before the mirror, I am reminded that the journey of self-discovery is an ever-evolving odyssey, with new threads continually being woven into the tapestry of my being. Each experience, each lesson learned, each triumph and challenge encountered adds richness and depth to the vibrant narrative that is my life.I am a kaleidoscope of contrasts – an introvert with an outgoing spirit, a dreamer grounded in pragmatism, a logical thinker fueled by unbridled creativity. It is these seeming contradictions that lend depth and complexity to my character, ensuring that I am never defined by a single label or perspective.So, who am I? I am a perpetual work in progress, a masterpiece in the making, forever evolving and adapting to the ever-changing canvas of life. With each brushstroke, I etch indelible marks upon the tapestry of my existence, creating a vibrant, multi-layered masterpiece that is uniquely and unapologetically mine.。





一般来讲,人物描述的体现方式有以下几种:普通人:a child / an old person / a favorite teacher / a close family member / a close friend名人:a famous person / a leader/ a person you want to become one day/ a foreign celebrity/ an adventurous person在今年的雅思口语考试中,又出现了一些新的表现方式,如:an interesting person / a happy person等。





对于该人物的描述,考生需要注意以下2个方面:1、尽量回答卡片上的所有问题一般卡片包含着4个问题,在笔记过程中应当以词语为基础来进行分解,常见问题为:Who this person is(人物,. my mother)What he/she looks like(描述性词语,. handsome, gorgeous, slender)How he/she influenced you(介绍此人对自己的影响)And explain why you like this person.(解释为什么那么喜欢这个人)2、对卡片上没有提到信息进行拓展描述在准备的1分钟里面,考生可以将4个问题的答案以关键词的形式纪录在纸上,以起到提醒的作用,也可以帮助考生理清思路。


• He cares about the environment and makes his own contribution.
• Most teachers of our university go to school by car, while he insists on going to work by bike because it is more ecofriendly(环保主义者).
• Firstly, he/she taught me a lot, especially to respect people around me and to be a/an honest/ generous/ considerate/ frugal/polite... person. For example, 例子.
人物题 拓展思维三大原则:
1.数字 2.对比 3.举例
I admire her because she is very hard working.
She works a long time everyday. She works more than 12 hours everyday. • 所有可以提供数字的情况,都可以增加细
• muscular

Girly girl: OMG he's so handsome!
Valley girl: Wow, like I haven't seen such a handsome guy for, like, a million years!
Fashionista: Is that a Prada suit?



雅思口语人物类话题之性格描述雅思口语人物类话题之性格描述导语:下面是店铺整理的关于雅思口语常用的人物类高频话题,大家快点mark起来,为自己的口语素材“储备能量”!雅思口语人物类高频话题:Describe an old person you know and you respectDescribe a person you enjoy talking withDescribe a good neighborDescribe an interesting person/a friend you first metDescribe a person has important jobDescribe a polite personDescribe a child/teenager 雅思口语范文答题思路第一段:总体介绍general introduction第二段:人物的外貌描述the description of appearance第三段:具体特点的描述:第四个:人物的个性 personality第五段:对人物的评价 your comments to this person.雅思口语范文之人物篇词汇性格汇总Ambitious 野心勃勃Considerate =thoughtful 体贴的,周到的Devoted =dedicated 奉献的,Generous慷慨的 ----stingy 吝啬的=economical节俭的,会过日子的。

Hospitable 热情好客的Humorous 有幽默感的 a sense of humorLoyal to=faithful to 对。

忠诚的Open-minded 思想开放的--- traditional 传统的=conservative 保守的Pessimistic 悲观的---- optimistic 乐观的Responsible 负责任的----IrresponsibleSelfish自私的Unselfish 无私的.Confident 自信的Courageous =brave 勇敢的Dependable =reliable 可靠地Gentle ----rudeHumble =modest 谦虚的Reserved 不爱说话的=quiet Talkative 爱说话的=outspoken Approachable 平易近人的=easygoingHard-working=diligent 勤奋的Outgoing=extroverted 外向的, introverted 内向的. Strict 严格的Lenient 慈祥的Warm-heartedSupportivePatient passionateCharismatic 有人格魅力的Visionary 有远见的Decisive 果断的Upright 正直的Straight-forward坦率的Smart =intelligentAdorable=lovely =cuteVersatile 多才多艺的=all-aroundStunning boy 帅哥,Knowledgeable知识渊博的Fashionable, stylish 时髦的Elegant =graceful 优雅的.Curious 好奇心强的。

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Topic: How to describe a person?
How to make friends?
(gorgeous 长相完美average / plain / common looking 长相一般good looking 长得好看)
(1)Face fair-skinned 白皮
round face 圆脸 a pale complexion 肤色暗淡的
oval face 瓜子脸 slightly dark / tanned 肤色较深
square face 方脸 oriental 黄皮肤的,东方人的
a haggard face 瘦削的脸 suntanned 棕褐色baby-faced娃娃脸 brown 棕色皮肤plump cheeks, chubby cheeks 胖乎乎的脸蛋 pale 肤色苍白
脸部feature: (2)Eyes:
scar 伤疤 bright / sparkling / twinkling / shining eyes 闪闪发光
dimple 酒窝 hazel eyes 淡褐色的眼睛
freckles (雀斑 - 复数) deep-set 深陷的/ sunken 凹陷的
a mole 黑痣 bulging/protruding 凸出的
spots 斑contact lenses 隐型眼镜
pimples (痘痘 - 复数) wearing glasses 戴眼镜
Wrinkles / lines 皱纹 thick bushy eyebrows 浓密独眉毛
clean-shaven 胡子刮的干净的 thin eye brows 淡眉毛
unshaven 未剃胡子的 long eye lashes 长睫毛
high cheek bones 高颧骨
pointed chin 尖尖的下巴 Stuff on face:
double chin双下巴 beard 落腮胡
even 整齐的 bristle, stubble 胡须茬儿
uneven 不整齐的 moustache 上唇上的小胡须
(3) Nose: (4) mouth: High – bridged nose 高鼻梁 thin lips 薄嘴唇/ straight nose 直鼻梁 thick lips 厚嘴唇
long nose 长鼻梁 cherry lips 樱桃嘴
noble nose 好看的鼻子
flat nose 塌鼻
snub- nosed 朝天鼻,猪鼻子
upturned nose 朝天鼻
aquiline / hooked nose 鹰钩鼻
a roman nose 鹰钩鼻,高鼻梁
(5)hair style:
straight 直的 dyed 染色的;
curly 卷发的 golden 金黄色的;
wavy hair波浪发 jet-black 乌黑的;
spiky hair 刺头,板寸头 blonde 淡黄色(金发美女)
crew cut 平头 blond淡黄的(金发男)
bald秃头的 fair 金色的;
pigtails 辫子 brunette 浅黑色的;
parted hair 分头 mousey 灰褐色的;
ponynail马尾 chestnut 栗色的.
fairly long很长(正合适)
(6)Figure/ build
small / large fat 肥胖的(较贬义)overweight(较客气) chubby胖乎乎很可爱pudgy又矮又胖
strapping 魁梧的
blimp n.胖子
thin 瘦的
slim 苗条的
tall 高的;
short 矮的tallish 有些高的; overweight 超重slight 瘦小的
short and stout 矮胖well-built身材魁梧medium height 中等身材average height 一般身材; middle-sized 身高中等的below average 低于平均身高
medium build 中等身材 perfect figure完美的身材
beefcake 体格强壮的
2.personality/disposition confident/assertive自信的bubbly活泼的
shallow肤浅的(=superficial)nosy person喜欢打听事情的人
hunky 健美有魅力
sexy delicate精致的breathtaking令人激动的attractive alluring 诱人的
eye candy 养眼,花瓶
arm candy 漂亮女人shapely身材匀称的
charming迷人的dreamboat 梦中情人
dishy 诱人的
friends=companions=buddies(更口语化的表达) fair-weather friends(类似中文里的“酒肉朋友”) back-stabbers 出卖朋友的人
hit it off一拍即合
egar beaver工作积极(地道表达)
share and share alike有福同享
Sb. Has been around某人阅历丰富。
