(Women’s Dignity and Rights)的董
设计高手: 汤姆· 福特 Tom Ford
这个剃着小平头的德州男子曾经当过模特,在厉兵秣马了多年之后于96-97年推 出了一系列以70年代为主题的设计,一炮而红,挽救了岌岌可危的Gucci,使这个濒临
然而其中最为畅销的还是Lagerfeld 本人在2002 年出版的 《Karl Lagerfeld 减肥指南》(The Karl Lagerfeld Diet)。
设计理念: 高雅、简约、精美 品牌风格
无论是带有强烈男性元素的运动服饰(Jersey suit)、两件式
Dior Homme.
2001年~2007年由法国籍设计师艾迪· 斯理曼(Hedi Slimane) 担纲设计。艾 迪· 斯理曼(Hedi Slimane) 的迪奥· 桀傲(Dior Homme)男装设计强调完美的线 条,同时因其超小尺码的服装以及专门选用偏瘦的年轻模特拍摄广告而引 人注目。就连香奈儿(CHANEL) 的设计师卡尔· 拉格菲尔德(Karl Lagerfeld) 也 是艾迪· 斯理曼(Hedi Slimane) 年底迪奥· 桀傲(Dior Homme) 的粉丝,他努力 甩掉90磅赘肉,就为了穿上Dior Homme。 迪奥时装秀 艾迪· 斯理曼(Hedi Slimane) 设计的迪奥· 桀傲(Dior Homme)男装,带有 一种近乎病态的纤瘦,充满性别暧昧的影像,简洁利落的配件,却装着朋 克摇滚的颓废灵魂。迪奥· 桀傲(Dior Homme) 将英伦低调忧郁的气质与法国 精致高贵融合在一起,过于窄版瘦削的剪裁,让穿迪奥· 桀傲(Dior Homme) 的男人看起来像是永远不曾长大的男孩,面孔冷峻叛逆,紧闭轻薄的嘴唇 中又透露出一丝不屑的嘲讽与坚忍。
世界奢侈品品牌盘点 luxury
没有顶级的品质,就没有顶级的品牌。 打造超一流的产品质量是维护奢侈品的长期使命。 奢侈品的品质的保证,可以用“慢工出细活”来形容。全球顶级运劢型豪华车“宾利” 其 车身在生产线上每分钟才秱劢6英寸。今天,最新的技术不最高的科技使用在奢侈品上,
倩碧 嘉娜宝
大Hale Waihona Puke 杜夫无添加希思黎植树秀
“劳力士”推崇至高的机械性能,而“雷达”表一直宣扬它的永丌磨损。 “梵克雅宝”胸针内镶嵌着蓝宝石;“卡地亚” 戒指则是由三色黄金制成; 在 汽车品牌中“奔驰”追求着顶级质量、“劳斯莱斯”追求着手工打造、“法拉利” 追求着运劢速度、而“凯迪拉克”追求着豪华舒适。尽管“奥迪”汽车也很安全,但 它丌能呾“沃尔沃”追求的“汽车中的坦克”称呼相媲美。
奢侈品关键词:To us, luxury is delicate、symbolic and extravagant.(图)名字和商标:Our brand is about cheongsam with jade. Our brand’s name is Modest Queen, and this is our logo.Brainstorming: And then, according to our brand content, we jog down our brainstorming map, it can enlighten us to think deeper, through this map, we decide to hand out questionnaires, this part we will introduce it next step.Question:I think our main promblem could be How to get people accept the cheongsam with jade and take it as an option when choosing to wear a dress and our main question have four secondary questions.first, how can we produce or design the cheongsam with jadeas luxurysecond, how to compete with other normal cheongsam with jade.third, how to bring the jade into cheongsamfourth, how can we better reflect the Chinese style through our brand调查:For answering the questions we do a research. It contains history of cheongsam and the trend.历史和流行趋势Solution:To the main question, I think Nowadays , some people prefer modern clothes, and other people prefer the trend of back to ancients , our band will combine both features to meet various needs.To the secondary question,●our purpose to build this brand is to make it modest and luxurious. Jade as a traditionalaccessory have both features. So we produce our brand with jade.●To compete with other bands, we have a good command of both modern part andtraditional part.●We will design different series depending on different colors of jade. Jade is a healthyelement, so we will mosaic it into cheongsam.●We will balance it between modern and traditions, and this part is about our values.Values:●Respect for both the traditional culture and the fresh elements (traditional part: we willlearn graphic pattern & style from traditional parts, modern part: we will add modern elements such as:material & pattern )●Our brand is luxury but it is modest ,so it is a Modest luxury●Be healthy——there is aold saying: people keep jade for 3 years, and the jade nourishpeople the whole life.And also all of these are the reasons why our band can change your life.解释商标:accordingto our value we create our brand :This is our logo, it contains several meanings, and I will explain these to you.The shape is round and square, in Chinese culture that round heaven and square earth is a kind of philosophic way to think about the world, which embodies broad and profound Chinese traditional culture, it meets the value and purpose of our brand——expect for the traditional culture.The shape in the middle is the curvy bodyshape. Because when you put on our cheongsam you will show the good fit.the reason why we choose black and red is that it is a combination of modern and tradition, the black stands for the simple beauty and the red stands for the traditional beauty, besides, red has a lot of meanings in Chinese culture, such as: lucky, longevity which is also a purpose for us to build up this brand adding jade.调查问卷:In order to determine our mission, we plan to send questionnaireThis is our questionnaireMission:The one part is that we offer our brand to Chinese women at age from 20 to 50, our main customers are upper class fashionable women.The other part is that we will start to operate our brand in China.个人简介:Touchpoint:●Packaging:Our packaging is a wooden box with a fixed clothes hanger, it can be folded andunfolded.指着第二幅图说:this board can be rotated up, and the cheongsam can be hung up along this board in case of folding, in order to make the base more stable we fold this board to this(第四张图)In this way, it can be very convenient to join parties or ceremonies and in some formal occasions.That is also a modern thinking.●advertising: magazine(Fashion Lofficiel、Grazia)、TV、website(before the movies)●edition: brochure●movies star: (Liu xiaoqing is a famous star.she is sixty year’s old.●Award, Liu Xiaoqing to a tyrant cheongsam costumes on stage, to expose the curvy, andperfect interpretation of "Oriental rhyme"地域China:中国是旗袍的发源地。
Female Collections in 2012 Spring
Watch & Cosmetic
TOP 10
Estée Lauder
Estée Lauder founded this company in 1946 armed with four products and an unshakeable belief: that every woman can be beautiful. Today, more than 60 years later, that simple notion has literally changed the face of the beauty business.
Koenigsegg CCX
Koenigsegg CCXR
Top motorcycle —— The Dodge Tomahawk Concept Motorcycle
Top Jewelry —— GRAFF
Graff Galaxy 银河系列
Passionate Red 热情红色系列
Enchanted Blue 魔力蓝色系列
Classification of luxury
1. The fashion and leather 2. The yacht 3. Cars and motorcycles 4. Jewelry and watch 5. Pen 6. Perfume and cosmetics 7. Wine 8. Furniture and home textile 9. Kitchen utensils, and china 10. Objects design 11. Luxury hotel 12. Cell phones and computers
What Is Luxury And What Makes A Luxury Brand
What Is Luxury And What Makes A Luxury Brand?Speaking of luxury, maybe the first word that occurred to us is “expensive”. Indeed, the original definition of luxury goods on internet is “a kind of consumer goods that is beyond people’s survival and development needs, it is unique, scarce and rare, which is also called unnecessary means of livelihood. Since it has all this characteristics, it is definitely expensive. In this thesis, I will mainly give conclusions on luxury, which may include: the role of luxury brands, luxury brands vs. non-luxury brands, characteristics of luxury and why they are important.1. What Is Luxury?As for the definition given above, it is merely a simple definition of luxury goods. In this section, I will talk about deep implication of luxury, which will help us know more about “what is luxury”.Luxury comes from “lux”, a Latin word, which is the meaning of “strong fertility”. And then evolved into waste and excess. Most European language had absorbed this concept and finally this word was used to describe the fees and expenses that beyond the necessary level in the process of production and usage of all kinds of goods.As an “imported product”, there are different definitions of luxury. In Oxford Advanced Dictionary, luxury is a thing that is expensive and enjoyable but not essential. In Cambridge Advanced Dictionary, luxury is something expensive which is pleasant but is not necessary. In Webster’s Dictionary, luxury is something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary.Concluding from the origin of the word and these three dictionaries, there are roughly three key point of luxury: good, expensive, and not necessary.2. Characteristics of LuxuryAfter data collection, I come to the conclusion that there are four characteristics of luxury. And I will also talk about why luxury goods are important. In this section,the luxury here refers to luxury goods.The first characteristic is that it is not necessary. From the definition of luxury, we can conclude a common point, which is luxury goods are not necessary. On the one hand, the functional aspects can be replaced by other economic products. Forexample, the original function of bags is to carry things when our hands are not convenient. So if considered from the function aspect, we can totally use normal bags to replace luxury bags. Exactly that is owing to other aspects, people may choose to use luxury bags. On the other hand, sometimes we don’t need the luxury goods at all. For instance, women love to wear jewelries to make themselves radiant. In fact, as for survival condition, we don’t need jewelries at all.The second characteristic is excellent quality. Obviously, luxury goods are of the highest price among the commodities of the same classification. With such a high price, the quality of luxury is also the most excellent. Such as the seats fabric of Benz are mostly imported from New Zealand, of which the thickness must be controlled between 23 to 25 microns, with the silk imported from China and cashmere imported from India while spinning. At the same time, the supplier should protect the cows from trauma and parasite. With such a high standard, of course the qualities of luxury goods are excellent.The third characteristic is strong personality. Designers had poured their effort and inspiration into products. Like LV bags, when referring to LV, we can think of flower with four petals and combination of LV letters. This image has become the representative of LV. So the unique personality has become the emotional bond between designers and consumers.The last one is full of cultural traits. Luxury is a product of certain era and a reflection of culture, which needs the accumulation of time, the influence of literacy and the foil of history. The cultural features will be shown through the product, such as the appearance, color, package and logo. As a result, the consumption of luxury goods is not just a consumption of the practical value of the good itself, but also a consumption of spiritual and cultural products.Even so, the luxury consumption in China is entering a golden age. 25% of the world’s luxury goods were bought by Chinese, there is a heat of luxury goods consumption caused by the newly rich. We can see that the luxury goods are playing a more and more important part in Chinese daily life. As for the reason why luxury goods are important, I think there are two aspects.The first aspect is that there is a huge market in both home and abroad, among these consumers, there include fashion icons, the newly rich, and those who long for luxury goods. Whether they want to follow the step of fashion, or they want to package themselves, or they want to show off. Whatever the reasons are, the existence of luxury goods meet the needs of them.The second aspect is about society. The existence of luxury will stimulate consumption and production, at the same time, it will satisfy the needs of some people in certain occasions. What’s more, the consumption of luxury will create new services and new economic growth item just like advertisement business, clothing and tourism and so on.3.The Role of Luxury BrandsSometimes, we are apt to confuse two issues: luxury goods and luxury brands. Or even we will equal luxury goods to luxury brands. In fact, they are two different concepts. If we define from the perspective of the function but ignoring the spiritual aspect, some goods produced by luxury brands cannot be classified to luxury goods naturally. But when these goods were carefully designed and produced, it has contained some spiritual aspects such as cultural and fashion, and finally become a luxury good.So different from luxury goods, the concept of luxury brand is also worthy our attention. Firstly, luxury brands come from the luxury goods it serves and represents. These luxury goods may be luxury from the perspective of traditional definition, that is, unnecessary goods, like Cartier’s jewelries; or they are non-traditional luxury goods, like Armani’s clothes. But when they are covered with the influence of luxury brands, they all become luxury in our daily life.Here are seven characteristics of luxury brands:the representative of wealth; the showcase of aesthetic; individuation; specific location; the distance from mass public; historic reputation; the representative of top quality.4. Luxury Brands Vs. Non-luxury BrandsComparing to luxury brands, the most obvious difference lies on price. Behind the distance on price, we can see the brand effect. During the long history, many brandswere knocked out, finally, brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Hermes were left. Their brand effect is justLike a kind of halo effect, as an feature that can be easiest known by customers, brands can directly affect the customers’ judgment on other features. So to be honest, the biggest difference of non-luxury brands and luxury brands is that luxury brands are unique, scarce and rare. Naturally due to the existence of these features, luxury brands are more convenient to cause brand effect, and cause effect in international marketing.In addition, we should consider why luxury brands can remain invincible. As far as I am concerned, the main reason is that the luxury brand products are carrying the designer’s thought, which is their attitude towards fashion and their unique understanding of f ashion. But that’s exactly the biggest gap between luxury brands and non-luxury brands. Every product from luxury brands is with spiritual, it was produced after thousands of design and carefully production with high standard. They are unique and delicate. On the contrary, in Chinese market, we can see fake luxury goods everywhere, which were mainly manufactured in a rough way. If we think carefully, we can find the reason behind this phenomenon-that’s because there are no design idea in Chinese. We don’t h ave our own design, so we had to copy others.Of course, non-luxury brands have their own advantages. Because of the low price, they are destined to be accepted by a larger amount of people. There are also non-luxury of high quality. When our first lady Liyuan Peng visit foreign country, she wore domestic brand clothing and bag, which is a good sample of younger generation. Simple and economic is the traditional quality of our Chinese, we don’t need to pursuit luxury brands as to show off. Like Mrs Peng, who give us a good sample of connotation of culture, temperament and good will by her heart. That is also a kind of beauty, we don’t have to use luxury to package ourselves.All in all, luxury is like a double-edged sword. We must hold a right attitude to treat it. We can neither totally blame bad phenomenon on it, nor can we excessively worship it. We can treat it as a goal that we strive for, which may lead us to a better life.。
lux开头的单词 -回复
lux开头的单词-回复“Luxurious Living: Exploring the World of Luxury Hotels and Resorts”Introduction:Luxury is a concept that has always fascinated mankind. From extravagant palaces to opulent resorts, we have long been drawn to the allure of living in luxury. In this article, we will delve into the realm of luxury hotels and resorts, exploring what sets them apart from the rest and why they continue to attract discerning travelers worldwide. So, let us embark on a journey to discover the world of lavishness and grandeur that awaits us in luxury accommodations.1. The Definition of Luxury:To begin our exploration, we must define luxury itself. Luxury is not simply about extravagance and wealth; it encompasses a sense of exclusivity, attention to detail, and exceptional service. Luxury hotels and resorts aim to offer an elevated experience that surpasses the expectations of their guests. From stunning architecture and plush interiors to personalized guest services,every element is meticulously designed to create an unforgettable experience.2. Architecture and Interior Design:Luxury hotels and resorts are often architectural marvels, reflecting the grandeur and elegance of their surroundings. From iconic city skylines to breathtaking natural landscapes, these establishments are designed to complement their environment. Architectural elements such as domes, arches, and high ceilings create a sense of spaciousness and sophistication. The interior design showcases fine craftsmanship, incorporating lavish materials, exquisite furnishings, and tasteful artworks.3. Exclusive Amenities and Facilities:One of the hallmarks of luxury accommodations is their extensive range of exclusive amenities and facilities. From lavish spas and wellness centers to gourmet dining establishments, guests are spoilt for choice. Infinity pools overlooking picturesque vistas, private beach access, and state-of-the-art fitness centers are just a glimpse of the extravagant offerings. Additionally, luxury hotelsand resorts provide top-tier concierge services, ensuring that every request, no matter how small or extravagant, is met with utmost attention to detail and efficiency.4. Culinary Delights and Fine Dining:Food is an integral part of any luxury experience, and luxury hotels and resorts excel in this realm. Renowned chefs from around the world preside over the kitchens, curating exquisite menus that showcase the finest ingredients and culinary techniques. Fine dining establishments within these accommodations present wonderfully orchestrated meals, tantalizing the taste buds of their esteemed guests. From Michelin-starred restaurants to private chef experiences, the epitome of culinary delight can be found within these establishments.5. Unparalleled Service:The pinnacle of luxury living lies in the exceptional service offered by luxury hotels and resorts. Highly trained staff members go above and beyond to anticipate and meet the needs of their guests. From personal butlers or valets to 24/7 room service, no effort isspared to ensure a seamless and indulgent experience. Attention to detail, warmth, and attentiveness are the core values of service in these establishments, leaving guests feeling pampered and valued.6. Experiences Beyond Accommodation:Luxury hotels and resorts offer much more than a comfortable room for the night. They provide a gateway to immersive experiences and unique activities. From exclusive tours and cultural excursions to private yacht charters and helicopter rides, guests are treated to a plethora of unforgettable moments. Such experiences allow travelers to connect with their destination on a deeper level, creating memories that will last a lifetime.Conclusion:Luxury hotels and resorts have built a reputation for delivering unparalleled experiences that redefine the notion of extravagant living. As we have journeyed through the defining elements of luxury accommodation, it becomes clear why these establishments continue to captivate travelers seeking the utmost in comfort,opulence, and personalized service. So why not indulge in the world of luxury and immerse yourself in the lap of grandeur on your next vacation?。
我对奢侈品的看法英语作文英文回答:Luxury: A Critical Perspective.The allure of luxury has captivated human desires for centuries, tantalizing us with its promise of exclusivity, status, and opulence. However, beneath its shimmeringfaçade, the concept of luxury invites critical scrutiny, revealing its paradoxical nature and the complex social dynamics it perpetuates.One of the primary critiques of luxury lies in its inherent inequality. Luxury goods are by design inaccessible to the majority, reinforcing social hierarchies and perpetuating the gap between the affluent and the disadvantaged. The pursuit of luxury often becomes a status symbol, a means for individuals to assert their dominance and distinguish themselves from others. This creates a society where value is ascribed to materialpossessions rather than intrinsic qualities, leading to a distorted sense of self-worth.Furthermore, the production and consumption of luxury goods raise significant environmental concerns. The extraction of rare materials, the use of energy-intensive manufacturing processes, and the global transportation of luxury items contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation. The pursuit of opulence at the expense of sustainability is a glaring contradiction that exposes the shortsightedness of our current consumption patterns.Another critique of luxury is its role in perpetuating a culture of conspicuous consumption. Luxury brands often engage in aggressive marketing campaigns that glorify extravagance and promote the idea that happiness and fulfillment can be found in material possessions. This creates a false sense of fulfillment and encourages overconsumption, leading to both personal debt and environmental depletion.Moreover, the concept of luxury is often used tojustify excessive wealth and privilege. Defenders of luxury argue that it supports the arts, culture, and innovation. However, this argument ignores the fact that truecreativity and societal progress are not dependent on the accumulation of material wealth. Wealth-basedjustifications for luxury perpetuate a culture ofinequality and undermine the value of hard work and meritocracy.In light of these critiques, it is essential to re-examine our understanding of luxury. True luxury should not be defined by exclusivity or ostentation but rather by quality, craftsmanship, and sustainability. By valuing the intrinsic qualities of goods and services over their perceived status, we can create a more equitable and sustainable society.中文回答:奢侈品的批判性观点。
关于奢侈品的英语作文Luxury goods have always been a symbol of status and wealth. They are often associated with exclusivity, high quality, and a certain level of opulence. Here's an essay on the topic:The Allure of Luxury GoodsIn the world of consumerism, luxury goods stand out as the pinnacle of desire for many. These items are not merely products; they are experiences that cater to the senses and the soul. From the soft leather of a designer handbag to the intricate craftsmanship of a Swiss timepiece, luxury goods are an embodiment of the finest materials and the mostskilled artisans.Historical SignificanceThe history of luxury goods dates back to ancientcivilizations where the elite class adorned themselves with precious metals and gemstones. Today, this tradition has evolved into a global industry, with brands such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Rolex commanding premium prices for their products.Economic ImpactThe luxury market has a significant impact on the economy. It drives innovation, supports craftsmanship, and contributes to the growth of the fashion and retail sectors. Luxury brands often invest in research and development to create cutting-edge products that push the boundaries of design and technology.Psychological AppealThe psychological appeal of luxury goods is undeniable. Owning a luxury item can provide a sense of accomplishment and exclusivity. It is a form of self-expression that communicates one's success and taste. However, the pursuit of luxury can also lead to materialism and a constant desire for more, which can have negative effects on personal well-being.Sustainability ConcernsWith the growing awareness of environmental issues, the luxury industry is facing scrutiny over its sustainability practices. Consumers are increasingly seeking out brands that prioritize ethical production and eco-friendly materials. This shift is pushing luxury brands to rethink their supply chains and manufacturing processes.ConclusionLuxury goods are more than just items for purchase; they are a reflection of culture, history, and personal identity. While they can bring joy and a sense of achievement, it is essential to approach the luxury market with a critical eye,considering both the economic and environmental implications of our consumption habits.This essay provides a balanced view of the luxury goods market, touching upon its historical roots, economic importance, psychological appeal, and the modern concerns regarding sustainability.。
关于奢侈品的英语作文Title: The Allure and Impact of Luxury Goods。
Luxury goods have always held a special place in human societies, transcending mere functionality to become symbols of status, wealth, and personal style. This essay delves into the multifaceted world of luxury goods, exploring their historical significance, psychological appeal, and socio-economic impact.To begin with, it's essential to understand the historical roots of luxury consumption. Throughout history, from ancient civilizations to modern times, people have sought after rare and exquisite items as a means of signaling their elevated social standing. Whether it was the pharaohs of ancient Egypt adorning themselves with precious jewels or the European nobility commissioning lavish palaces and couture clothing, the pursuit of luxury has been a constant theme across cultures.One of the key drivers behind the allure of luxury goods is their ability to evoke emotions and aspirations. Luxury brands invest heavily in crafting a carefully curated image of exclusivity, sophistication, and glamour. From the elegant packaging to the impeccable craftsmanship, every aspect of the luxury experience is designed to elicit desire and admiration. Moreover, owning luxury goods can provide a sense of belonging to an elite group, fostering feelings of prestige and superiority.Psychologically, luxury consumption is often associated with the concept of conspicuous consumption, coined by economist Thorstein Veblen in the late 19th century. According to Veblen, individuals engage in conspicuous consumption to display their wealth and social status to others. Luxury goods serve as tangible symbols of success, allowing individuals to assert their place within thesocial hierarchy. Additionally, the pursuit of luxury can fulfill deeper psychological needs, such as the desire for self-expression, identity, and validation.However, the phenomenon of luxury consumption extendsbeyond individual psychology to have significant socio-economic implications. The luxury industry is a powerhouse in global commerce, encompassing sectors such as fashion, jewelry, automobiles, and hospitality. Luxury brands contribute billions to the global economy and play a vital role in driving innovation, creativity, and cultural exchange. Furthermore, the allure of luxury tourism has spurred the development of exclusive destinations and experiences, catering to affluent travelers seeking opulence and indulgence.Despite its allure, luxury consumption also raises ethical and environmental concerns. The production of luxury goods often involves the use of exotic materials sourced from endangered species or environmentally sensitive regions. Additionally, the rapid pace of consumption in the luxury sector contributes to waste and carbon emissions, exacerbating environmental degradation. As consumers become more socially conscious, there is growing pressure on luxury brands to adopt sustainable practices and ethical sourcing methods.In conclusion, luxury goods hold a unique fascination for humanity, blending history, psychology, and economics into a captivating tapestry of indulgence and aspiration. From ancient treasures to modern-day couture, the allure of luxury transcends time and culture, shaping our desires and perceptions of wealth and status. However, as we navigate the complexities of luxury consumption in the 21st century, it is imperative to strike a balance between indulgence and responsibility, ensuring that the pursuit of luxury does not come at the expense of ethics and sustainability.。
以奢侈为题的作文800英文回答:Luxury is a concept that varies greatly from person to person. For some, it may be owning a luxurious mansion, driving a fancy sports car, or wearing designer clothing. For others, it may simply be having the time and freedom to do what they love. Personally, I believe that true luxury lies in the ability to live a balanced and fulfilling life.Luxury, to me, is not about material possessions or extravagant experiences. It is about finding joy and contentment in the little things. It is waking up every morning feeling grateful for the opportunities that lie ahead. It is savoring a home-cooked meal with loved ones, surrounded by laughter and warmth. It is taking a leisurely stroll through nature, appreciating the beauty of the world around us.In today's fast-paced society, we often get caught upin the pursuit of material wealth and status. We strive to have the latest gadgets, the trendiest clothes, and themost luxurious vacations. However, this constant cravingfor more can leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled. We may have all the trappings of luxury, but if we are not truly happy and content, then what is the point?True luxury is about finding a balance between work and play, between ambition and relaxation. It is aboutprioritizing our well-being and nurturing our relationships. It is about living in the present moment and appreciatingthe simple pleasures that life has to offer.For example, instead of spending a fortune on an extravagant vacation, I would much rather take a weekend getaway to a cozy cabin in the mountains. I can spend my days hiking through the scenic trails, breathing in thefresh air, and enjoying the company of loved ones. This simple escape allows me to reconnect with nature and recharge my soul.Luxury can also be found in the simple act of self-care.Taking the time to pamper oneself with a relaxing bubble bath, indulging in a favorite book or movie, or treating oneself to a spa day can bring immense joy and rejuvenation. These small acts of luxury remind us to slow down, takecare of ourselves, and appreciate the present moment.In conclusion, luxury is a subjective concept that goes beyond material possessions and extravagant experiences. It is about finding joy and contentment in the simplepleasures of life. True luxury lies in living a balancedand fulfilling life, prioritizing our well-being, and nurturing our relationships. It is about finding happinessin the present moment and appreciating the beauty that surrounds us.中文回答:奢侈是一个因人而异的概念。
奢侈品英语作文Luxury goods have always been a symbol of wealth and status. They are often associated with high quality, exclusivity, and a certain level of prestige. The desire for luxury items is deeply rooted in human nature and has been prevalent throughout history.In contemporary society, luxury brands are not just about the products themselves but also the experience they offer. When someone purchases a luxury item, they are not only buying a physical object but also the story, the craftsmanship, and the brand heritage that comes with it. Luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Rolex are known for their exceptional customer service and the exclusivity of their products.The market for luxury goods is vast and diverse, catering to a wide range of tastes and preferences. From designerclothing and accessories to high-end automobiles and even luxury real estate, the options are endless. These items are often made from the finest materials and are crafted with meticulous attention to detail.However, the luxury market is not without its criticisms. Some argue that the high prices of luxury goods are unjustifiable and that they perpetuate a culture of materialism and excess. Others believe that the focus on luxury items distracts from more important social issues.Despite these criticisms, the allure of luxury goods remains strong. For many, owning a luxury item is a way to express their individuality and success. It is also a form of self-reward for hard work and achievement.In conclusion, the world of luxury goods is complex and multifaceted. While they may not be for everyone, they offer a unique blend of quality, craftsmanship, and exclusivitythat continues to captivate consumers around the globe. Whether it's the prestige of a luxury watch or the comfort of a designer handbag, luxury items have a way of elevating everyday life to a more refined and sophisticated level.。
奢侈品 英语作文
奢侈品英语作文Luxury goods are often seen as a status symbol, a way to showcase one's wealth and success. People are willing to spend exorbitant amounts of money on designer handbags, luxury cars, and high-end jewelry in order to make a statement about their social standing.The allure of luxury goods lies in the exclusivity and prestige that comes with owning them. The feeling of owning something that is rare and expensive can be a powerful motivator for many people. It's not just about the product itself, but also the experience and lifestyle that comes with it.However, the obsession with luxury goods can also lead to excessive consumption and materialism. People may become overly focused on acquiring the latest designer items, leading to a cycle of constant desire and dissatisfaction. This can have negative effects on both individuals and society as a whole.On the other hand, luxury goods can also be a form of self-expression and art. Many luxury brands are known for their craftsmanship and attention to detail, creating products that are not only beautiful but also functional. For some, owning luxury goods is a way to appreciate the artistry and creativity behind the products.It's important to recognize that the value of luxury goods goes beyond their price tags. While they may be expensive, they can also hold sentimental value and represent significant milestones in one's life. Whetherit's a luxury watch passed down through generations or a designer gown worn on a special occasion, these items can hold deep personal meaning for their owners.Ultimately, the appeal of luxury goods is complex and multifaceted. They can be a symbol of success and status, a form of artistic expression, and a source of personal significance. However, it's important to strike a balance and not let the pursuit of luxury overshadow other important aspects of life.。
我与奢侈品,英语作文英文回答:My relationship with luxury is a complex one. On the one hand, I am drawn to the beauty and craftsmanship of well-made things. I appreciate the attention to detail and the use of fine materials. On the other hand, I am also aware of the social and environmental costs of luxury production. I know that the pursuit of luxury can lead to inequality and exploitation.I believe that it is possible to enjoy luxury in a responsible way. I try to buy things that are madeethically and sustainably. I also try to avoid buying things that I don't need. I believe that true luxury is not about owning a lot of things, but about owning things that are meaningful to me.In recent years, I have become increasingly interested in the concept of "slow luxury." Slow luxury is aboutbuying fewer, better things that are made to last. It is about investing in quality over quantity. I believe that slow luxury is a more sustainable and ethical way to enjoy luxury.I believe that luxury can be a force for good in the world. It can create jobs, support artisans, and promote innovation. However, it is important to remember that luxury is not a necessity. It is a privilege. I believe that we should all strive to enjoy luxury in a responsible way.中文回答:我与奢侈品的关系很复杂。
1. hub 和center 的区别?center 指中心时主要指地理位置或地位上处于中心,如地震中心:earthquake center,政治中心:political center hub 指中心时主要强调汇聚、集散地的意思,如交通中心:traffic hub,人才中心:talent hub,这跟它在IT中指“集线器”是很接近和形象化的,即所有的线都从这里接出去。
transit hub 客运交通枢纽2.Stockholm ['stɔkhəum; 'stɔk.həulm] 斯德哥尔摩瑞典首都,the capital of Sweden3.syndrome英音:['sindrəum] 并发症状,综合症状. Stockholm syndrome 斯德哥尔蒙综合症4.Thailand ['tailænd; 'tailənd] 泰国,Bangkok [bæŋ'kɔk] the capital of Thailand,老挝:Laos,柬埔寨:Cambodia,缅甸:Myanmar/Burma ['mjænmɑ:],['bə:mə],the capital of Myanmar is Naypyitaw (内比都)。
Malaysia[mə'leiʒə],the capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur ['kwɑ:lə'lumpuə](吉隆坡). Singapore [.siŋgə.pɔ:; 'siŋgə.pəur] Singaporean ,Thailand is in the west of Laos and Cambodia ,in the east of Myanmar/Burma,in the north of Malaysia.5.franchise['fræn.tʃaiz],n. 特许经销权,选举权,特权,vt. 赋予特权,赋予公民权6.customs clearance documents 海关清关文件,7.Specified ['spesifaid],指定的8.Merchandise ['mə:tʃəndaiz; 'mə:tʃən.daiz],商品9.Consolidate [kən'sɔlideit; kən'sɔlə.deit],v. 合并,统一,巩固10. forwarding to 转往。
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Something is an indulgence rather than a necessity Something is excessively expensive Wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living
Brief introduction
LБайду номын сангаасxury
Desiree lei
Brief introduction The reason of increasing expense on luxuries in china China luxury market overview Top 10 luxury brands
Brief introduction
Character :
Unique Rareness Individuation Fantasy Sense of distance
Brief introduction
Value of luxury:
The sublimation of art Historical heritage Embodiment of Humanistic value
China luxury market overview
In response to high growth, brands continue to expand store footprint aggressively in china.
Top 10 luxury brands
World’s top 10 brands in 2010(from Millward Brown Optimor , a financial market research company ):
The reason of increasing expense on luxuries in china
China has entered a completely new age of developement . Great changes in Chinese conventional idea
1、Louis Vuitton 2、Hermes 3、Gucci 4、Chanel 5、Hennessy 6、Rolex 7、Moet &Chandon 8、Cartier 9、Fendi 10、Tiffany &Co.
Top 10 luxury brands
Louis Vuitton
1845,founded as a luggage retailer known for monogrammed leather handbages limited-edition handbag.
Top 10 luxury brands
a French high fashion house established in 1837, specializing in leather, ready-to-wear, lifestyle accessories, perfumery, and luxury goods.
China luxury market overview
Top 3 brands likely to be purchased (by category) have changed little these years.
China luxury market overview
Majority of growth will come from new customers.
China luxury market overview
Total luxury spend by mainland chinese reached RMB 2020B in 2010; but about 60% spent overseas.
China luxury market overview
In each luxury category, the top 5 brands account for ~50% of sales.
China luxury market overview
Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Gucci remained the most desired luxury brands in china.
Brief introduction
Luxury in china:
A luxury consumer market that didn’t exist 20 years ago is now on a seemingly unstoppable path to dominate top end retail. China is set to become the second biggest consumer of luxury goods by 2015.
Top 10 luxury brands
1906, founded as saddlery shop. 1920s, progressed to luxury luggage.Today,handbags with interlocking double-G logo.