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5、 表示某事物的单位,相当于every或per: Take this medicine three times a day. The car is running at a speed of 90 kilometers an hour. We have a music class once a week. 6、 序数词前加不定冠词表示“又一个” Would you like a second cup of tea? Will you please sing the English song a third time for us?
3、 世界上独一无二的人、事物或自然现象前: Man is now studying and using the sun. There are many stars in the sky tonight. The moon the universe the earth 但是in space enjoy nature 4、 用于表示地点、方位、具体的时间的名词前: in the country in the east on the left to the right at the beginning in the middle of in the centre in the northwest in the spring of the year 2008 但是in spring from east to west day by day
12、 用于姓氏的复数前,表示夫妇或一家 人:
The Greens live a happy life. The Smiths the Zhangs the Browns 13、 用于句型“动词+人+介词+the+人体部 位”中:常用动词有take, catch, hit, hold, seize, pull, cut, strike, pat, lead,etc. take somebody by the arm hit somebody in the face lead somebody by the hand pat somebody on the shoulder
3、 指某人或某物: An old cock is sitting under a tall tree. A young man is waiting to see the doctor. He works in a factory. 4、 表示“一”这个数量,没有one强烈: Mr. Smith will come back in a week. I have a mouth, a nose and two eyes. A Mr.Li is asking to see you at the school gate. I remember he came here on a Sunday and left soon.
10、 用于世纪的某个年代前: in the 1980s/1980’s in the middle of the 80s 比较in one’s twenties 11、 用于“越……越……”结构中: The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. The harder you study, the greater progress you will make.
Xisha Islands
the English Channel the
Tianshan Mountains the Taiwan Straits the
Great Wall
the History Museum the
Summer Palace the WTO
West Lake the UK the working class
8、 用于演奏的乐器前: Most people in that village can play the violin. She has learned to play the piano for seven years. I started to learn to play the flute(笛子) at eight. Shall we dance to the guitar? 但 play Erhu play music play jazz
(二)、定冠词的基本用法: 1、 特指某(些)人或某(些)事,与可 数名词单数连用表示一类人或事:
The book on the desk is mine. The telephone was invented by Green Bell. The boys in this school wear blue shirts. The fox may grow grey,but never good. 2、 双方都知道或上文提到的人或事: Give me the book, please. Shut the windows before you leave the lab. Turn on the TV, will you?
6、 用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前, 表示国家、党派、组织机构、报刊、朝代、
the People’s Republic of China
United Nations the Tang Dynasty the
Yellow River
the Pacific Ocean the
5、 用于序数词及形容词最高级前: Math is the most difficult subject,I think. He is always the first to come and the last to leave. Who is the taller of the two brothers? The second question is the easiest.
all of a sudden in a special way at a time keep an eye on take a message for lend sb. a hand etc.
特别提醒:what a /such a /quite a+(adj.)+ 单数可数名词 too /as /so /how /however+adj.+a+单数可数 名词 rather a /a rather +单数可数名词 many a+单数可数名词 such a nice girl such a difficult book
8、 表示“同一”,相当于the same: Birds of a feather (羽毛)flock(聚集) together. The two boys are of an age. Cotton of a kind was stored together in a house.
9、 用于固定词组中: have a swim/look/walk/break/rest/try/bath/good time,etc. take a rest /bath/walk/ride/break/course/shower/look/ glance/drink/deep breath/decision/wash,etc. make a decision/choice/plan/promise/noise/study/ mistake/good impression/living/speech/lecture,etc. after a while once in a while once upon a time as a matter of a fact in a word in a hurry as a result in a sense 从某种意义上说
7、 用于一些抽象名词前,使抽象名词具 体化:
China has a long history of more than 5000 years. The young man received a good education. Nowadays we must have a good knowledge of English and computer. Music is really a great pleasure. He is a success as a singer. The party was a failure.
The island is a world of brilliant(鲜艳的) colors and dramatic(激动人心的) sunsets. I had a bad experience with fireworks once. I would like a coffee and two beers. Mary is a great honor to our class. It’s a comfort to know that she is safe. It’s a regret that he resigned from the company.
9、 用于表示数量的名词前: I pay the rent by the month. Eggs are usually sold by the dozen. They were paid by the hour. Gasoline is sold by the gallon.(加仑) by the pound by the foot by the yard by the hour/day/month/year/week by the thousand,etc.
hit somebody on the head catch somebody by the arm pull somebody by the hand seize somebody by the sleeve(袖子) The policeman caught the thief by the arm. The teacher patted the child on the shoulder and encouraged him to answer. A stone hit me in the face and eye as I walked by the garden.
so beautiful a park too useful a tool
many a student how clever a girl
quite a small house quite a different scene
a rather difficult problem = rather a difficult
7、 用于形容词或过去分词前,表示一类 人:
The poor often went hungry in the old days. The wounded were taken to the nearest hospital. the richLeabharlann Baiduthe black the young the living Fortune favors the brave.命运偏爱勇敢者。 Take care of the wound and the dying. The rich also have their trouble.
英语语法复习 冠词
(一)、不定冠词的用法: 1、 不定冠词分为a和an 两个形式: an honest boy an 800-word composition a university a European country half an hour a word with an F 2、 指人或事物的某一类: A horse is a useful animal. A student must respect his teachers as well as his parents. A square (正方形) has four sides.