Gauge Independence of the S-Matrix in the Causal Approach


English-Chinese Translation 1

English-Chinese Translation 1
国外语翻译证书考试(NAETI) National Accreditation Examinations for Translators and Interpreters 由教育部考试中心和北京外国语大学合作举办。网址: 和
Anglo-saxon Attitude) 儿戏? 轻而易举 Wall Street is a dog-eat-dog place. 华尔街是一个残酷的地方。

1. 1. 3 Requirements for a translator
② 米勒给切斯特菲尔德夫人画了一副画,画上的她比她本人要好看 些 / 该像之美简直超过了她本人。
(3) Henry Kissinger had slept there before, in July and again in October. 这之前,亨利· 基辛格在7月和10月两度在这里下榻。

Chapter 1 Introduction
1. 1 General issues
1. 1. 1 The nature of translation
1) Translation is a cross-lingual and cross-cultural communication.
2) Translation means to reproduce in the target language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of

He emerged on January 31 to go to Deli for the conference which, however negative from his point of view, at least provided the occasion for his bath in twenty-nine days. 译文1:一月三十一日,史迪威抵达德里。尽 管他对这个会议的态度十分消极,但最少在二 十九天以来,他第一次有了个洗澡的机会。 译文2:一月三十一日,史迪威参加会议。这 次会议在他看来不管有多么消极,至少为他提 供了一个二十九天以来第一次洗澡的机会。

Theories with global gauge anomalies on the lattice

Theories with global gauge anomalies on the lattice

a r X i v :h e p -l a t /0010003v 1 3 O c t 20001Theories with global gauge anomalies on the latticeP.Mitra a∗aSaha Institute of Nuclear Physics,Block AF,Bidhannagar,Calcutta 700064,INDIAA global anomaly in a chiral gauge theory manifests itself in different ways in the continuum and on the lattice.In the continuum case,functional integration of the fermion determinant over the whole space of gauge fields yields zero.In the case of the lattice,it is not even possible to define a fermion measure over the whole space of gauge configurations.However,this is not necessary,and as in the continuum,a reduced functional integral is sufficient for the existence of the theory.Presented at Lattice 2000,Bangalorehep-lat/00100031.IntroductionAnomalies are of two different types.Local or divergence anomalies have been known since 1969[1]:classically conserved symmetry currents cease to be conserved after quantization if there are anomalies of this kind.For example,the the-oryL =¯ψ(i∂/−eA /)ψ−116π2F µνF µν=0.(2)If an anomalous current is associated with a gauged symmetry ,it leads to an apparent problem in quantization because the equations of motion of the gauge fields require the current to be con-served.A treatment of such a theory just like a usual gauge theory shows an inconsistency.This problem can be sorted out by paying proper at-tention to phase space constraints,as suggested by [2].The anomaly itself can be made to vanish in a sense by going to the constrained subman-ifold of classical phase space.However,theories with anomalous gauge currents are to be distin-guished from theories with nonanomalous gauge currents.If a theory is nonanomalous ,it pos-sesses gauge freedom,and is describable in any22.Functional integral in the continuum The full partition function of the gauge theory with fermions may be written asZ= D AZ[A],(3) Z[A]≡e−S eff= D¯ψDψe−S(ψ,¯ψ,A)(4)An anomaly-free theory has Z[A]gauge invariant. If there is a gauge anomaly,Z[A]varies under gauge transformations of A:Z[A g]=e iα(A,g−1)Z[A],(5) whereαmay be regarded as an integral represen-tation of the anomaly.It obeys some consistency conditions(mod2π):α(A,g−12g−11)=α(A,g−11)+α(A g1,g−12)α(A,g−1)=−α(A g,g).(6) The case becomes one of a global anomaly ifαis independent of A,and vanishes for g connected to the identity but not for some g which cannot be continuously connected to the identity.A-independence implies an abelian representation satisfyingα(g2g1)=α(g1)+α(g2).(7) In the SU(2)case,the two components of the gauge group manifest themselves in two possible values of the phase:e iα=±1.In an anomaly-free theory,the partition func-tion factorizes into the volume of the gauge group and the gauge-fixed partition function:Z= D AZ[A]= D AZ[A] D gδ(f(A g))∆f(A)= D g D AZ[A g−1]δ(f(A))∆f(A) = D g D AZ[A]δ(f(A))∆f(A)=( D g)Z f(8)This is the standard Faddeev-Popov argument. Here,δ(f)represents a gauge-fixing operation and∆f is the corresponding Faddeev-Popov de-terminant.This decoupling of gauge degrees of freedom does not occur if a local anomaly is present.For a global anomaly however,the partition function factorizes again:Z= D ge−iα(g) D AZ[A]δ(f(A))∆f(A)(9)As the phase factors form a representation of the gauge group,D ge−iα(g)= D(gh)e−iα(gh)=e−iα(h) D ge−iα(g)(10)where h stands for afixed gauge transformation. If h is not connected to the identity,e−iα(h)=1, and consequently D ge−iα(g)=0,which in turn means that Z=0.Does this mean that the the-ory cannot be defined?Let us look at expectation values of gauge invariant operators.D AZ[A]OD ge−iα(g) D AZ[A]δ(f(A))∆f(A)(11) The expression on the right is of the form0D AZ[A]δ(f(A))∆f(A).(12)The right hand side is precisely what one gets in the canonical approach to quantization where gauge degrees of freedom are removed byfixing the gauge at the classical level and only physi-cal degrees of freedom enter the functional inte-gral.The Faddeev-Popov determinant arises in the canonical approach as the determinant of the matrix of Poisson brackets of what may be called the”second class constraints”,i.e.,the Gauss law3operator and the gaugefixing condition f,which is of course introduced by hand and not really a constraint of the theory.There are both ordinary fields and conjugate momenta,but the latter are easily integrated over.The point is that the full functional integral is not needed in the canonical approach and there is no harm if it vanishes!A trace is left behind by the global anomaly. One may imagine a classification of the gauge-fixing functions f where f,f′are said to belong to the same class if there exists a gauge transfor-mation connected to the identity to go from a con-figuration with f=0to one with f′=0.Then Z f=Z f′.More generally,when such a transfor-mation is not connected to the identity,Z f=e−iα(g0)Z f′,(13) where g0is determined by f,f′.These factors e−iα(g0)occurring in partition functions cancel out in expectation values of gauge invariant oper-ators,so that Green functions of gauge invariant operators are fully gauge independent[4]. There is an assumption in all this:that there is a possibility offixing the gauge.A general the-orem[6]asserts that gauges cannot befixed in a smooth way.For the construction of functional integrals,however,it is sufficient to have piece-wise smooth gauges.It should also be remem-bered that these questions arise even for theories without disconnected gauge groups and are not specific to the context of global anomalies.ttice formulationOn going to the lattice,one starts to use group-valued variables associated with links instead of A defined at points of the continuum.The topol-ogy also changes:the gauge group becomes con-nected on the lattice:it becomes possible to go to any gauge transformation from the identity in a continuous manner.Thus there are no large gauge transformations any more.Does it mean that there is no global anomaly on the lattice? The issue is complicated because chiral symme-try is not straightforward here.Chiral symmetry on the lattice has begun to make more sense in the last few years thanks to the Ginsparg-Wilson relation imposed on D,the euclidean lattice Dirac operator:γ5D+Dγ5=aDγ5D,(14) where a is the lattice spacing.An analogue ofγ5 appears from the above relation:γ5D=−DΓ5,Γ5≡γ5(1−aD).(15) It satisfies(Γ5)2=1,(Γ5)†=Γ5,(16) and can be used to define left-handed projection: P−ψ≡12[1+γ5]=¯ψ.(17) In this way of defining chiral projections,P−,but not P+,depends on the gaugefield configuration. Nontriviality of chirality on the lattice stems from this P−.A fermion measure is defined by specifying a basis of lattice Diracfields v j(x)satisfyingP−v j=v j,(v j,v k)=δjk.(18) One has to integrate over Grassmann-valued ex-pansion coefficients inψ(x)= j a j v j(x).(19)Expansion coefficients also come from the expan-sion of¯ψin terms of¯v j satisfying¯v j P+=¯v j, but these are as usual,i.e.,do not involve gauge fields.Questions of locality and integrability arise be-cause of the gaugefield dependence in P−.Ab-sence of a local anomaly appears to be sufficient to ensure locality[7].Global anomalies are man-ifested as a lack of integrability.Consider,following[5],a closed path in the SU(2)gauge configuration space,with the param-eter t running from0to1.Definef(t)=det[1−P++P+D(t)Q t D(0)†],(20) with D(t)the Dirac operator corresponding to gaugefields at parameter value t,and Q t the uni-tary transport operator for P−(t)defined by∂t Q t=[∂t P−(t),P−(t)]Q t,Q0=1.(21)4Then f(t)is real,positive and satisfiesf(1)=T f(0).(22)HereT=det[1−P−(0)+P−(0)Q1]=±1(23)depending on the topology of the considered path in the gauge configuration space.f changes sign an even or odd number of times along path de-pending on T and while det D(t)is related to f2, det D(t)det D(0)†=f2(t),(24)the chiral fermion determinant det Dχ(t)behaves like f:det Dχ(t)det Dχ(0)†=f(t)W(t)−1, (Dχ)ij≡a4 x¯v i(x)Dv j(x).(25) Here W(t)is a phase factor arising from the gauge field dependence of v j.It is a lattice artifact and may be taken to reduce to unity near the contin-uum limit.Then det Dχchanges sign,i.e.,fails to return to its starting value after transportation along a closed path if the path hasT=−1.(26)Such paths have been shown to exist in the SU(2) theory.A part of such a path lies along a gauge orbit,and a part is non-gauge.2Thus det Dχis multivalued,implying that the fermion measure is not well defined,and hence the functional integral does not make sense.This is roughly similar to the continuum.The Dirac operator is gauge-invariant and its determinant and f can change only on non-gauge portions of the closed path.So the problem of sign change of f occurs once again in non-gauge paths connect-ing gauge-related configurations.However,in the continuum,the sign change occurs between con-figurations which can be connected only by a non-gauge path.On the lattice,the sign change oc-curs when configurations are connected by a non-gauge path,though a connection is also possible。



检讨书,英文,金山篇一:万能英文检讨书Goodgoodstudy,abidebytherulesanddisciplinesiseachofusstuden tsshoulddo,isalsothefinetraditionsoftheChinesenationvirtue,butweasc ontemporarystudentsbutnobetterputitcontinuedown.LikemanyChi neseyoungpeoplealldon'tknowhowthedoubleninthfestival,butsol emnbeentoChristmas.Weareallinignorancelostdiscipline,donotu nderstandtheirownlearningobjective...Takethelovingwatergravity,aninformationclass,noisyboiling,t heteacheryouseveraltimessorrowful,CiChoudifficulttodisappearintheheart,forourignorance,especiallytoyourreview.Firstofall,IasXueWeinoorganizedstudentsquietinclass,causeth eclassmatesspeakseriously.Butthemostdirectreasonisthatourow nbindingsent,theclassroomcontentisfinished,feelnothingtodo; Indirectreasonisthatwewanttodosomethingoutsideoftheirthings ,unavoidablemutualexchanges,voiceunscrupulously,slowlyinfor mationlessonisboiling.Ofcourse,thiscan'tbeZiXiKedon'tabideb ytherulesofthereason.Luxunsaid...Goethesaid...Weonlyhavethe earnestresonsideration,lookingforerrorbehindthedeeproots,to recognizetheessenceoftheproblem,cangivethecollectiveandowna handovertotreat,thustoprogress.Thetopself-studyspeechagainsttheclassgauge,influencethenorm aloperationofthework,thisisnotloyal,asin.AndhavefailedtoliveuptothegreatparentstoIsincerelyhopethat,whatawasteoftimeto studyatschool,butunfilial,twosin.Moreletteacheryouforthisef fort,saddisappointed,thisisheartless,threesin...Inwritingth isreview,Ifeeltheirownignorance,veryregret.Finally,thetroubletheteachertimeconsumingtoreviewwewritesel f-criticism,Inowthoroughlyunderstandtheteachereducationofou rwell-meaning...ZiXiKedon'tabidebytherules,isnotanegligiblethings!Aslongaswebothhaveverygoodconstraintabilit y,independentlearningability,intheZiXiKetherewouldbenoexcus es,noreasonforspeechexculpate!Wehaveonlyconscientiousthinki nglifehavesomuchtodo,somanyburdenstocarry,thereisnoreasonin normalZiXiKeclassthedon'tabidebytherules.Inordertothanktheteacher'schunchunteachings,Iherebyguarante eifthereisanimportantopportunitytoputinmyinfront,IdoIcanmanagementstudents,never lettheteacherdisappointed.Pleaseteacherunderstandingmethiso nemistake!篇二:英语差检讨书英语检讨书100字1、英语检讨书尊敬的老师:这次英语考试,我的成绩很不理想,没有考到老师要求的分数以内,我反省了许多,感到十分愧疚。



英⽂论⽂写作中⼀些可能⽤到的词汇英⽂论⽂写作过程中总是被⾃⼰可怜的词汇量击败, 所以我打算在这⾥记录⼀些在阅读论⽂过程中见到的⼀些⾃⼰不曾见过的词句或⽤法。



形容词1. vanilla: adj. 普通的, 寻常的, 毫⽆特⾊的. ordinary; not special in any way.2. crucial: adj. ⾄关重要的, 关键性的.3. parsimonious:adj. 悭吝的, 吝啬的, ⼩⽓的.e.g. Due to the underlying hyperbolic geometry, this allows us to learn parsimonious representations of symbolic data by simultaneously capturing hierarchy and similarity.4. diverse: adj. 不同的, 相异的, 多种多样的, 形形⾊⾊的.5. intriguing: adj. ⾮常有趣的, 引⼈⼊胜的; 神秘的. *intrigue: v. 激起…的兴趣, 引发…的好奇⼼; 秘密策划(加害他⼈), 密谋.e.g. The results of this paper carry several intriguing implications.6. intimate: adj. 亲密的; 密切的. v.透露; (间接)表⽰, 暗⽰.e.g. The above problems are intimately linked to machine learning on graphs.7. akin: adj. 类似的, 同族的, 相似的.e.g. Akin to GNN, in LOCAL a graph plays a double role: ...8. abundant: adj. ⼤量的, 丰盛的, 充裕的.9. prone: adj. 有做(坏事)的倾向; 易于遭受…的; 俯卧的.e.g. It is thus prone to oversmoothing when convolutions are applied repeatedly.10.concrete: adj. 混凝⼟制的; 确实的, 具体的(⽽⾮想象或猜测的); 有形的; 实在的.e.g. ... as a concrete example ...e.g. More concretely, HGCN applies the Euclidean non-linear activation in...11. plausible: adj. 有道理的; 可信的; 巧⾔令⾊的, 花⾔巧语的.e.g. ... this interpretation may be a plausible explanation of the success of the recently introduced methods.12. ubiquitous: adj. 似乎⽆所不在的;⼗分普遍的.e.g. While these higher-order interac- tions are ubiquitous, an evaluation of the basic properties and organizational principles in such systems is missing.13. disparate: adj. 由不同的⼈(或事物)组成的;迥然不同的;⽆法⽐较的.e.g. These seemingly disparate types of data have something in common: ...14. profound: adj. 巨⼤的; 深切的, 深远的; 知识渊博的; 理解深刻的;深邃的, 艰深的; ⽞奥的.e.g. This has profound consequences for network models of relational data — a cornerstone in the interdisciplinary study of complex systems.15. blurry: adj. 模糊不清的.e.g. When applying these estimators to solve (2), the line between the critic and the encoders g1,g2 can be blurry.16. amenable: adj. 顺从的; 顺服的; 可⽤某种⽅式处理的.e.g. Ou et al. utilize sparse generalized SVD to generate a graph embedding, HOPE, from a similarity matrix amenableto de- composition into two sparse proximity matrices.17. elaborate: adj. 复杂的;详尽的;精⼼制作的 v.详尽阐述;详细描述;详细制订;精⼼制作e.g. Topic Modeling for Graphs also requires elaborate effort, as graphs are relational while documents are indepen- dent samples.18. pivotal: adj. 关键性的;核⼼的e.g. To ensure the stabilities of complex systems is of pivotal significance toward reliable and better service providing.19. eminent: adj. 卓越的,著名的,显赫的;⾮凡的;杰出的e.g. To circumvent those defects, theoretical studies eminently represented by percolation theories appeared.20. indispensable: adj. 不可或缺的;必不可少的 n. 不可缺少的⼈或物e.g. However, little attention is paid to multipartite networks, which are an indispensable part of complex networks.21. post-hoc: adj. 事后的e.g. Post-hoc explainability typically considers the question “Why the GNN predictor made certain prediction?”.22. prevalent: adj. 流⾏的;盛⾏的;普遍存在的e.g. A prevalent solution is building an explainer model to conduct feature attribution23. salient: adj. 最重要的;显著的;突出的. n. 凸⾓;[建]突出部;<军>进攻或防卫阵地的突出部分e.g. It decomposes the prediction into the contributions of the input features, which redistributes the probability of features according to their importance and sample the salient features as an explanatory subgraph.24. rigorous: adj. 严格缜密的;严格的;谨慎的;细致的;彻底的;严厉的e.g. To inspect the OOD effect rigorously, we take a causal look at the evaluation process with a Structural Causal Model.25. substantial: adj. ⼤量的;价值巨⼤的;重⼤的;⼤⽽坚固的;结实的;牢固的. substantially: adv. ⾮常;⼤⼤地;基本上;⼤体上;总的来说26. cogent: adj. 有说服⼒的;令⼈信服的e.g. The explanatory subgraph G s emphasizes tokens like “weak” and relations like “n’t→funny”, which is cogent according to human knowledge.27. succinct: adj. 简练的;简洁的 succinctly: adv. 简⽽⾔之,简明扼要地28. concrete: adj. 混凝⼟制的;确实的,具体的(⽽⾮想象或猜测的);有形的;实在的 concretely: adv. 具体地;具体;具体的;有形地29. predominant:adj. 主要的;主导的;显著的;明显的;盛⾏的;占优势的动词1. mitigate: v. 减轻, 缓和. (反 enforce)e.g. In this work, we focus on mitigating this problem for a certain class of symbolic data.2. corroborate: v. [VN] [often passive] (formal) 证实, 确证.e.g. This is corroborated by our experiments on real-world graph.3. endeavor: n./v. 努⼒, 尽⼒, 企图, 试图.e.g. It encourages us to continue the endeavor in applying principles mathematics and theory in successful deployment of deep learning.4. augment: v. 增加, 提⾼, 扩⼤. n. 增加, 补充物.e.g. We also augment the graph with geographic information (longitude, latitude and altitude), and GDP of the country where the airport belongs to.5. constitute: v. (被认为或看做)是, 被算作; 组成, 构成; (合法或正式地)成⽴, 设⽴.6. abide: v. 接受, 遵照(规则, 决定, 劝告); 逗留, 停留.e.g. Training a graph classifier entails identifying what constitutes a class, i.e., finding properties shared by graphs in one class but not the other, and then deciding whether new graphs abide to said learned properties.7. entail: v. 牵涉; 需要; 使必要. to involve sth that cannot be avoided.e.g. Due to the recursive definition of the Chebyshev polynomials, the computation of the filter gα(Δ)f entails applying the Laplacian r times, resulting cal operator affecting only 1-hop neighbors of a vertex and in O(rn) operations.8. encompass: v. 包含, 包括, 涉及(⼤量事物); 包围, 围绕, 围住.e.g. This model is chosen as it is sufficiently general to encompass several state-of-the-art networks.e.g. The k-cycle detection problem entails determining if G contains a k-cycle.9. reveal: v. 揭⽰, 显⽰, 透露, 显出, 露出, 展⽰.10. bestow: v. 将(…)给予, 授予, 献给.e.g. Aiming to bestow GCNs with theoretical guarantees, one promising research direction is to study graph scattering transforms (GSTs).11. alleviate: v. 减轻, 缓和, 缓解.12. investigate: v. 侦查(某事), 调查(某⼈), 研究, 调查.e.g. The sensitivity of pGST to random and localized noise is also investigated.13. fuse: v. (使)融合, 熔接, 结合; (使)熔化, (使保险丝熔断⽽)停⽌⼯作.e.g. We then fuse the topological embeddings with the initial node features into the initial query representations using a query network f q implemented as a two-layer feed-forward neural network.14. magnify: v. 放⼤, 扩⼤; 增强; 夸⼤(重要性或严重性); 夸张.e.g. ..., adding more layers also leads to more parameters which magnify the potential of overfitting.15. circumvent: v. 设法回避, 规避; 绕过, 绕⾏.e.g. To circumvent the issue and fulfill both goals simultaneously, we can add a negative term...16. excel: v. 擅长, 善于; 突出; 胜过平时.e.g. Nevertheless, these methods have been repeatedly shown to excel in practice.17. exploit: v. 利⽤(…为⾃⼰谋利); 剥削, 压榨; 运⽤, 利⽤; 发挥.e.g. In time series and high-dimensional modeling, approaches that use next step prediction exploit the local smoothness of the signal.18. regulate: v. (⽤规则条例)约束, 控制, 管理; 调节, 控制(速度、压⼒、温度等).e.g. ... where b>0 is a parameter regulating the probability of this event.19. necessitate: v. 使成为必要.e.g. Combinatorial models reproduce many-body interactions, which appear in many systems and necessitate higher-order models that capture information beyond pairwise interactions.20. portray:描绘, 描画, 描写; 将…描写成; 给⼈以某种印象; 表现; 扮演(某⾓⾊).e.g. Considering pairwise interactions, a standard network model would portray the link topology of the underlying system as shown in Fig. 2b.21. warrant: v. 使有必要; 使正当; 使恰当. n. 执⾏令; 授权令; (接受款项、服务等的)凭单, 许可证; (做某事的)正当理由, 依据.e.g. Besides statistical methods that can be used to detect correlations that warrant higher-order models, ... (除了可以⽤来检测⽀持⾼阶模型的相关性的统计⽅法外, ...)22. justify: v. 证明…正确(或正当、有理); 对…作出解释; 为…辩解(或辩护); 调整使全⾏排满; 使每⾏排齐.e.g. ..., they also come with the assumption of transitive, Markovian paths, which is not justified in many real systems.23. hinder:v. 阻碍; 妨碍; 阻挡. (反 foster: v. 促进; 助长; 培养; ⿎励; 代养, 抚育, 照料(他⼈⼦⼥⼀段时间))e.g. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of these matrix operators capture how the topology of a system influences the efficiency of diffusion and propagation processes, whether it enforces or mitigates the stability of dynamical systems, or if it hinders or fosters collective dynamics.24. instantiate:v. 例⽰;⽤具体例⼦说明.e.g. To learn the representation we instantiate (2) and split each input MNIST image into two parts ...25. favor:v. 赞同;喜爱, 偏爱; 有利于, 便于. n. 喜爱, 宠爱, 好感, 赞同; 偏袒, 偏爱; 善⾏, 恩惠.26. attenuate: v. 使减弱; 使降低效⼒.e.g. It therefore seems that the bounds we consider favor hard-to-invert encoders, which heavily attenuate part of the noise, over well conditioned encoders.27. elucidate:v. 阐明; 解释; 说明.e.g. Secondly, it elucidates the importance of appropriately choosing the negative samples, which is indeed a critical component in deep metric learning based on triplet losses.28. violate: v. 违反, 违犯, 违背(法律、协议等); 侵犯(隐私等); 使⼈不得安宁; 搅扰; 亵渎, 污损(神圣之地).e.g. Negative samples are obtained by patches from different images as well as patches from the same image, violating the independence assumption.29. compel:v. 强迫, 迫使; 使必须; 引起(反应).30. gauge: v. 判定, 判断(尤指⼈的感情或态度); (⽤仪器)测量, 估计, 估算. n. 测量仪器(或仪表);计量器;宽度;厚度;(枪管的)⼝径e.g. Yet this hyperparameter-tuned approach raises a cubic worst-case space complexity and compels the user to traverse several feature sets and gauge the one that attains the best performance in the downstream task.31. depict: v. 描绘, 描画; 描写, 描述; 刻画.e.g. As they depict different aspects of a node, it would take elaborate designs of graph convolutions such that each set of features would act as a complement to the other.32. sketch: n. 素描;速写;草图;幽默短剧;⼩品;简报;概述 v. 画素描;画速写;概述;简述e.g. Next we sketch how to apply these insights to learning topic models.33. underscore:v. 在…下⾯划线;强调;着重说明 n.下划线e.g. Moreover, the walk-topic distributions generated by Graph Anchor LDA are indeed sharper than those by ordinary LDA, underscoring the need for selecting anchors.34. disclose: v. 揭露;透露;泄露;使显露;使暴露e.g. Another drawback lies in their unexplainable nature, i.e., they cannot disclose the sciences beneath network dynamics.35. coincide: v. 同时发⽣;相同;相符;极为类似;相接;相交;同位;位置重合;重叠e.g. The simulation results coincide quite well with the theoretical results.36. inspect: v. 检查;查看;审视;视察 to look closely at sth/sb, especially to check that everything is as it should be名词1. capacity: n. 容量, 容积, 容纳能⼒; 领悟(或理解、办事)能⼒; 职位, 职责.e.g. This paper studies theoretically the computational capacity limits of graph neural networks (GNN) falling within the message-passing framework of Gilmer et al. (2017).2. implication: n. 可能的影响(或作⽤、结果); 含意, 暗指; (被)牵连, 牵涉.e.g. Section 4 analyses the implications of restricting the depth d and width w of GNN that do not use a readout function.3. trade-off:(在需要⽽⼜相互对⽴的两者间的)权衡, 协调.e.g. This reveals a direct trade-off between the depth and width of a graph neural network.4. cornerstone:n. 基⽯; 最重要部分; 基础; 柱⽯.5. umbrella: n. 伞; 综合体; 总体, 整体; 保护, 庇护(体系).e.g. Community detection is an umbrella term for a large number of algorithms that group nodes into distinct modules to simplify and highlight essential structures in the network topology.6. folklore:n. 民间传统, 民俗; 民间传说.e.g. It is folklore knowledge that maximizing MI does not necessarily lead to useful representations.7. impediment:n. 妨碍,阻碍,障碍; ⼝吃.e.g. While a recent approach overcomes this impediment, it results in poor quality in prediction tasks due to its linear nature.8. obstacle:n. 障碍;阻碍; 绊脚⽯; 障碍物; 障碍栅栏.e.g. However, several major obstacles stand in our path towards leveraging topic modeling of structural patterns to enhance GCNs.9. vicinity:n. 周围地区; 邻近地区; 附近.e.g. The traits with which they engage are those that are performed in their vicinity.10. demerit: n. 过失,缺点,短处; (学校给学⽣记的)过失分e.g. However, their principal demerit is that their implementations are time-consuming when the studied network is large in size. Another介/副/连词1. notwithstanding:prep. 虽然;尽管 adv. 尽管如此.e.g. Notwithstanding this fundamental problem, the negative sampling strategy is often treated as a design choice.2. albeit: conj. 尽管;虽然e.g. Such methods rely on an implicit, albeit rigid, notion of node neighborhood; yet this one-size-fits-all approach cannot grapple with the diversity of real-world networks and applications.3. Hitherto:adv. 迄今;直到某时e.g. Hitherto, tremendous endeavors have been made by researchers to gauge the robustness of complex networks in face of perturbations.短语 a nutshell: 概括地说, 简⾔之, ⼀⾔以蔽之.e.g. In a nutshell, GNN are shown to be universal if four strong conditions are met: ...2. counter-intuitively: 反直觉地.3. on-the-fly:动态的(地), 运⾏中的(地).4. shed light on/into:揭⽰, 揭露; 阐明; 解释; 将…弄明⽩; 照亮.e.g. These contemporary works shed light into the stability and generalization capabilities of GCNs.e.g. Discovering roles and communities in networks can shed light on numerous graph mining tasks such as ...5. boil down to: 重点是; 将…归结为.e.g. These aforementioned works usually boil down to a general classification task, where the model is learnt on a training set and selected by checking a validation set.6. for the sake of:为了.e.g. The local structures anchored around each node as well as the attributes of nodes therein are jointly encoded with graph convolution for the sake of high-level feature extraction.7. dates back to:追溯到.e.g. The usual problem setup dates back at least to Becker and Hinton (1992).8. carry out:实施, 执⾏, 实⾏.e.g. We carry out extensive ablation studies and sensi- tivity analysis to show the effectiveness of the proposed functional time encoding and TGAT-layer.9. lay beyond the reach of:...能⼒达不到e.g. They provide us with information on higher-order dependencies between the components of a system, which lay beyond the reach of models that exclusively capture pairwise links.10. account for: ( 数量或⽐例上)占; 导致, 解释(某种事实或情况); 解释, 说明(某事); (某⼈)对(⾏动、政策等)负有责任; 将(钱款)列⼊(预算).e.g. Multilayer models account for the fact that many real complex systems exhibit multiple types of interactions.11. along with: 除某物以外; 随同…⼀起, 跟…⼀起.e.g. Along with giving us the ability to reason about topological features including community structures or node centralities, network science enables us to understand how the topology of a system influences dynamical processes, and thus its function.12. dates back to:可追溯到.e.g. The usual problem setup dates back at least to Becker and Hinton (1992) and can conceptually be described as follows: ...13. to this end:为此⽬的;为此计;为了达到这个⽬标.e.g. To this end, we consider a simple setup of learning a representation of the top half of MNIST handwritten digit images.14. Unless stated otherwise:除⾮另有说明.e.g. Unless stated otherwise, we use a bilinear critic f(x,y)=x T Wy, set the batch size to 128 and the learning rate to 10−4.15. As a reference point:作为参照.e.g. As a reference point, the linear classification accuracy from pixels drops to about 84% due to the added noise.16. through the lens of:透过镜头. (以...视⾓)e.g. There are (at least) two immediate benefits of viewing recent representation learning methods based on MI estimators through the lens of metric learning.17. in accordance with:符合;依照;和…⼀致.e.g. The metric learning view seems hence in better accordance with the observations from Section 3.2 than the MI view.It can be shown that the anchors selected by our Graph Anchor LDA are not only indicative of “topics” but are also in accordance with the actual graph structures.18. be akin to:近似, 类似, 类似于.e.g. Thus, our learning model is akin to complex contagion dynamics.19. to name a few:仅举⼏例;举⼏个来说.e.g. Multitasking, multidisciplinary work and multi-authored works, to name a few, are ingrained in the fabric of science culture and certainly multi-multi is expected in order to succeed and move up the scientific ranks.20. a handful of:⼀把;⼀⼩撮;少数e.g. A handful of empirical work has investigated the robustness of complex networks at the community level.21. wreak havoc: 破坏;肆虐;严重破坏;造成破坏;浩劫e.g. Failures on one network could elicit failures on its coupled networks, i.e., networks with which the focal network interacts, and eventually those failures would wreak havoc on the entire network.22. apart from: 除了e.g. We further posit that apart from node a node b has k neighboring nodes.Processing math: 100%。



New Ways To Gauge What Grown-Up Means衡量成年的新方法Twenty-seven-year-old Trish Gallagher is very clear about the milestones that made her think, 'Finally, I'm an adult.' One was paying for her first solo vacation in 2010 to visit a college friend in San Francisco. Another was buying her first dog, a husky-hound puppy, at a shelter and raising him to age 4½, says the Fairbanks, Alaska, cartographer. The third: 'Getting kicked off [her] parents' insurance into the shark-infested waters' of managing her own medical bills.27岁的特里什•加拉格尔(Trish Gallaghe)是阿拉斯加费尔班克斯(Fairbanks)的一名制图师,她非常明确是什么让她认为“我终于是一个成年人了”。




Nowhere on her radar screen are such traditional rites of passage as buying a house or getting married─or even purchasing her own cellphone plan. For her generation, Ms. Gallagher says, 'the milestones are very individualistic.' 买房子或结婚这样的传统成人仪式是不在她考虑范围之内的──甚至也不包括自己购买手机套餐。

Single Variable Calculus_中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年

Single Variable Calculus_中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年

Single Variable Calculus_西北工业大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.If f (x) and g (x) are differentiable on (a, b), 【图片】and f (x) > 0, g (x) > 0,x∈(a, b), then when x∈(a, b), we have答案:2.For what values of a and b will 【图片】be differentiable for all values of x?答案:a=-1/2, b=13.The evaluation of integral【图片】(where x>1) is答案:4.Find the derivative of【图片】答案:5.Find the centroid of a thin, flat plate covering the “triangular” region i n thefirst quadrant bounded by they-axis, the parabola【图片】, and the line【图片】.答案:6.If【图片】, find the limit of g(x) as x approaches the indicated value.答案:7.Find the derivative of the function below at x=0,【图片】答案:8.【图片】is答案:-1/329.If f (x) is continuous and F′(x) = f(x), then答案:10.Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region bounded bythe curve【图片】and the lines【图片】about【图片】.答案:11.The mean value【图片】that satisfies the Rolle’s Theorem on the function【图片】is答案:12.The critical number of 【图片】is ( )答案:0 and 213.Which statement is true?【图片】答案:A14.If【图片】,then【图片】答案:15.Evaluate【图片】.答案:16.The integtral of【图片】is答案:17.When x approaches infinity, the limit of【图片】is答案:18.The evaluation of integral【图片】is答案:19.If【图片】has continuous second-order derivative, and【图片】, then答案:20.Find the length of the enclosed loop【图片】shown here. The loop starts at【图片】and ends at【图片】.【图片】答案:21.The height of a body moving vertically is given by 【图片】, with s in metersand t in se conds. The body’s maximum height is ( )答案:22.If f (x) is increasing and f(x) > 0, then答案:23. A rock climber is about to haul up 100 N of equipment that has been hangingbeneath her on 40 m of rope that weighs 0.8 newton per meter. How much work will it take? (Hint: Solve for the rope and equipment separately, thenadd.)答案:24.The integral of【图片】is答案:25.Expand【图片】by partial function答案:26.Assume that u is a function of x and v is the derivative of u, then thederivative of arcsin(u) is答案:27.Find the center of mass of a thin plate covering the region bounded below bythe parabola 【图片】and above by the line 【图片】, if the density at the point 【图片】is 【图片】.答案:28.Find the limit【图片】答案:-129.Find the length of the curve【图片】, from【图片】 to【图片】.答案:53/630.Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the regions bounded bythe curve 【图片】and line 【图片】about the x-axis.答案:31.Find the total area of the shaded region in the following picture.【图片】答案:4/332.The total area between the region 【图片】and the x-axis is答案:33.Which statement is NOT true?答案:34.Calculate【图片】答案:-135.The second derivative of the function y=secx is ( )答案:36.If gas in a cylinder is maintained at a constant temperature T, the pressure Pis related to the volume V by a formula of the form 【图片】in which a, b, n, and R are constants. Then【图片】答案:37.If【图片】then【图片】.答案:38.Calculate 【图片】The limit is ( )答案:139.Find the tangent to the folium of descartes 【图片】at the point (3,3)答案:x+y=640.Let 【图片】The tangent line to the graph of g(x) at (0,0) is ( ).答案:x-axis41.Find the derivative of the function below at x=0, 【图片】答案:It does not exist42.Find【图片】答案:43.The average value of 【图片】over theinterval [【图片】] is答案:44.Find the average rate of change of the function【图片】over the giveninterval [2,3]答案:1945.For【图片】 find the number【图片】 by using the two steps learned in 2.3.答案:0.0546.The linearization of the function 【图片】at x=1 is ( ).答案:47.If and only if x=ln(y),y=e^x.答案:正确48.Find the derivative of the function【图片】答案:49.Find the derivative of the function 【图片】It is ( )答案:50.If f (x) is an antiderivative of【图片】then【图片】答案:51.If f ′(x ) < 0, f ′′(x ) < 0, x∈(a, b), then the graph of f (x) on (a, b) is答案:decreasing and concave down.52.If【图片】, find【图片】.答案:753.At what points are the function【图片】 continuous?答案:Discontinuous at odd integer multiples of , but continuous at all other x.54.On what interval is the function 【图片】continuous?答案:55.On what interval is the function【图片】continuous?答案:56.【图片】【图片】and【图片】答案:0, 357.Suppose that the functionf(x)is second order continuous differentiable, and【图片】,【图片】. Therefore,【图片】答案:58.When x approaches 0, the limit of【图片】is答案:59.Find the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve 【图片】aboutthe x-axis to generate a solid.答案:60.Find the average rate of change of the function【图片】 over the giveninterval [0,2]答案:161.Find the limit of the function【图片】 and is the function continuous at thepoint being approached?答案:The limit is 0 and the function is continuous at62.The integral of [x/(x^2+1)]dx is答案:1/2[ln(x^2+1)]+C63.When x approaches 0, the limit of (1+3x)^(1/x) is答案:e^364.When x approaches infinity, the limit of x^(1/x) is答案:165.When x approaches infinity, for two functions f(x) and g(x), the limit off(x)/g(x) is infinity, and the limit of g(x)/f(x) is 0, thus a relationship between their growth rates can be said that答案:Function f(x) grouws faster than g(x).66. A function f is called a One-to-One function if it never takes on the same valuetwice.答案:正确67.The integtral of [e^(2x+1)]dx is答案:1/2[e^(2x+1)]+C68. A force of 2 N will stretch a rubber band 2 cm (0.02 m). Assuming thatHooke's Law applies, how far will a 4-N force stretch the rubber band?答案:4 cm69.Find the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve【图片】aboutthey-axis.答案:70.Which statement is true?答案:71.Which statement is false?答案:72.Find the integration formula of the solid volume generated by the curve 【图片】, the x-axis, and the line 【图片】revolved about the x-axis by the shell method.答案:73.Find the integration formula of the area of the region bounded above by thecurve 【图片】, below by the curve 【图片】, on the left by 【图片】, and on the right by 【图片】.答案:74.If 【图片】is continuous on [-1,1] and the average value is 2, then 【图片】答案:475. A cubic function is a polynomial of degree 3; that is, it has the form 【图片】,where a≠0. Then ( ) is false.答案:x=1 is critical number when the cubic function has only one criticalnumber.76.The graph of【图片】has ( )asymptotes.答案:377.If 【图片】then答案:78.The average value of【图片】on【图片】is答案:79.If f (x) is continuous on (−1, 1), and【图片】then答案:80.The derivative of the function【图片】 is答案:81.The function 【图片】has ( )答案:A. neither a local maximum nor a local minimum82.Find the derivative of function【图片】答案:83.Find y' , if【图片】答案:84.The derivative of 【图片】is( )答案:85.Let【图片】,Then【图片】答案:18x(x+1)86.At what points, is the function 【图片】continuous?答案:A. Discontinuous only when x= 3 or x= 187.Find the derivative of x(e^x).答案:e^x(x+1)88.The integral of (1/x)dx is答案:ln|x|+C89.Find the area of the surface generated by revolving the curve 【图片】aboutthe y-axis to generate a solid.答案:90.Find the length of the curve【图片】.答案:7ing the trapezoidal rule to estimate the integralwith n=4 steps【图片】答案:0.70500。



光电英语词汇(G)光电英语词汇(G)光电英语词汇(G)g-factorg 因数,朗德因释gaas detector 砷化镓探测器gaas infrared emitter 砷化镓红外发射器gaas injection laser 砷化镓注入式激光器gaas laser 砷化镓激光器gaas laser diode 砷化镓激光二极管gaas light source 砷化镓光源gaas p-n junction injection laser 砷化镓p-n结注入式激光器gaas p-n junction ir source 砷化镓p-n结红外光源gaas spontaneous infrared source 砷化镓自发红外光源gaas varactor diode 砷化镓可变电抗二极管gaas-junction light source 砷化镓结光源gabor hologram 伽柏全息图gabor's expansion theorem 伽柏展开原理gabor's method 伽柏法gadolinium (gd)钆gadolinium molybdate 钼酸钆gaertner spectrograph 伽特纳摄谱仪gage (=gauge)(1)规(2)量计(3)测量gaging head 测头gaililean viewfinder 伽利略取景器gaillium antimonide 锑化镓gain 增益gain amplifier 增益放大器gain by one path 单程增益gain cell 增益室gain coefficient of medium 媒质增益系数gain control 增益控制gain crossover 增益窜渡gain curve of medium 媒质增益曲线gain decay characteristic 增益衷减特性gain factor 增益因数gain invertion 增益反转gain margin 增益容限gain of light 光增益gain per pass 单程增益gain spiking 增益巅值gain stage 增益级gain staturation 增益饱和gain-bandwidth product 宽频增益器gain-bandwithd 增益带宽gain-guided laser 增益导引雷射gain-switching amplifier 增益开关放大器gain-switching system 增益开关系统gal 伽galaaxy 银河系galactic irradiance 银河系辐照度galactic noise 银河系噪声galaxy 银河galilean binocular 伽利略双筒望远镜galilean eyepiece 伽利略目镜galilean refracting telescopes 折射望远镜,galilean 望远镜galilean telescope 伽利略望远镜galilent telescope 加利略望远镜galley camera 制版照相机gallium (ga)镓gallium aluminum arsenide (gaaias or aigaas)砷铝化镓gallium antimonite (gasb)锑化镓gallium aresenide injection laser 砷化镓注入式激光器gallium arseide detector 砷化镓探测器gallium arsenide 砷化镓gallium arsenide photphide 磷砷化镓gallium arsenide (gaas) injection laser 砷化镓注入雷射gallium nitride 磷化镓gallium photsphide (gap)加仑gallium-arsenide optical filter 砷化镓滤光片gallon (gal)电流探测galvanic detection 镀锌galvanoluminescence 电流发光galvanometer 电流计galvanometer mirror 电流计镜galvanometer recorder 电流计记录器galvanometer shunt 电流计分流器galvanometer spot project 电流计光点投影器galvanometerh 电流计gamma 加玛gamma camera 加玛射线照像机gamma control r控制gamma correction r校准gamma irradiation r辐射gamma radiography 加玛防线照像术gamma ray r射线gamma ray detector 伽玛射线检测器gamma ray image converter r射线变像管gamma sphere 伽玛射线球gamma value r值gamma-ray astronomy 伽玛射线天文线gamma-ray fluoroscope r射线荧光镜gamma-ray gauge r射线测量计gamma-ray hologram r射线全息图gamma-ray laser r射线激光器gamma-ray meter r射线测计,r剂量计gamma-ray projector r射线投影器gamma-ray spectrograph r射线摄谱仪gamma-ray spectromete r伽玛射线分光计gamma-space r空目gammagraph r照相装置gammagraphy r照相术gamut (1)音阶(2)色移gan 氮化镓gan led 氮化镓发光二极体ganecke projection 甘奈克投影gang capacitor 其轴电容器gang switch 共轴开关gap 磷化镓gap coding 空隙编码gap conunter 间隙计数器gap length 气隙长度gap loss 间隙损失gap-gauge 厚薄尺,塞尺garching iodine laser system 伽斤碘激光系统garment (1)外套,外表(2)外涂层garmnet 石榴石garnet crystal 石榴晶体garnet laser 石榴石激光器gas (1)气体(2)媒气gas absorption cell 气体吸收元件gas active material 气体激光材料gas amplification 气体放大gas analysis 气体分析gas ballast rotary pump 气镇旋转泵gas breakdown 气体击穿gas breakdown threshold 气体击穿阈gas chromatograph 气象色谱gas chromatography 气相色谱gas chromatorgarma 气相色谱gas clean up 气体除净gas current 气体电流gas detector 气体检测器gas diode 气体二极管gas diode phototube 充气光电二极管gas discharge 气体放电gas discharge display 气体放电显示器gas discharge laser 气体放电雷射gas dynamic co-laser 气动-氧化碳激光器gas dynamic laser 气体激光器gas etching technique 气体刻蚀技术充气的gas filled cable 充气电缆gas filled rectifier 充气整流器gas filled tube 充气管gas filter correlation 气体滤器相关gas focusing 气体聚焦gas laser 气体激光高度计gas laser altimeter 气体透镜gas lens 混合气体透镜gas magnification 气体放大gas mixture lens 汽油gas photocell 气体光电池gas recyclers and gas handling equipment 气体再生设备,气体填充设备gas ring laser 不透气的,气密的gas tightness 气体迁移激光器gas tube 气体管gas-ballatsing 气镇gas-discharge 气体放电gas-discharge cell 气体放电元件gas-discharge lamp 气体放电灯gas-discharge laser 气的放电激光器gas-discharge noise 气体放电噪声gas-discharge plasma 气体放电等离子体gas-discharge source 气体放电光源gas-discharge tube 气体放电管gas-filled 充气灯gas-filled lamp 充气激光管gas-filled laser tube 充气光电管gas-filled phototube 充气钨丝灯gas-filled tungsten-filament 气体注入式激光器gas-injection laser (1)衬垫(2)垫圈gas-phase laser 气环形激光器gas-tight 气密性gas-transport laser 充气三极管,闸流管gas-transport laser (gtl)气体输送雷射gasdynamic 气动的gasdynamic mixing laser 气动混合激光器gasdynamic mode 气动模gasdynamic type of chemical laser 气动式化学激光器gaseous 气体的gaseous cascade laser 气体串级激光器gaseous discharge 气体放电gaseous medium 气体媒质gaseous target 气体靶gases for lasers 雷射用气体gases for optical application 光学用气体gasket 气体激光器gasoline 气相激光器gassing 释气gastriode 纤维胃窥镜gastrofiberscope gastroscope 胃镜gastroscope 胃窥镜,胃视镜gate (1)门电路(2)选通脉冲(3)电影放大镜头窗口gate bias 栅偏压gate driver ic 闸极驱动ic gate float 浮动窗框gate mask 孔板gate pulse 选通脉冲,门脉冲gate trigger signal 闸极驱动讯号gate turn off signal 闸极关闭讯号gate value 门阀gate width 选通脉冲宽度gate-controlled switch 闸控开关gated amplifier 选通放大器gated aradiometer 选通辐射计gather 导入,引入gating 选通,开启gating pulse 选通脉冲gating siganl 选通信号gatling gun laser 卡特林机枪雷射(连发式雷射)gauge batr 规杆gauge block 规块gauge caliper 测径规gauge feeler 厚薄规gauge glass 量液玻璃管gauge hole 标准孔gauge outfit 测量头,表头gauge point 标记点gauge pressure 计示压力,表压gauge (=gage)(1)规(2)计(3)测量gauge[-block] interferometer 规块干涉仪gauging error 分度误差,检定误差gauss 高斯gauss beam 高斯光束gauss double type object-lens 双高斯型物镜gauss eyepiece 高斯目镜gauss optics 高斯光学gauss plane 高斯平面gauss point 高斯点gauss points 高斯点gauss theorem 高斯定理gauss transform 高斯变换gauss-condition error 高斯条件误差gauss-invariant co-ordinates 高斯不变坐gaussian band-pass filter 高斯带通滤波器gaussian beam 高斯光束gaussian curvature 高斯曲率gaussian distribution 高斯分布gaussian doublet 高斯型双胶合透镜gaussian elementary beam 高斯基本光束gaussian error 高斯误差gaussian flux law 高斯通量定律gaussian function 高斯函gaussian image 高斯像gaussian laser beam 高斯激光束gaussian lens formula 高斯透镜公式gaussian lineshape 高斯线型gaussian noise 高斯噪声gaussian optics 高斯光学gaussian probability-density function 高斯概率密度函数gaussian pulse 高斯脉冲gaussian reference sphere 高斯参考球gaussian reflectivity 高斯反射率gaussian regaion 高斯区域gaussian wave train 高斯波列gaussmeter 高斯计,磁强计gauze filter 网状滤波器gauze technique 线网技术gaviola test 加维拉检验法ge mesa transistor 锗台式晶体管ge photodiode array camera tube 锗光电二极管阵列摄像管gear (1)齿轮(2)传动装置gear bank 齿轮组gear box (gear case)齿轮箱gear coupling 齿轮联轴节gear drive 齿轮传动gear lead checking machine 齿轮导程检查仪gear lever 变速杆gear mesh 齿轮齿合gear rack 齿轮齿条gear sector 扇形齿轮gear shift 变速,调档gear sprial 螺旋齿轮gear testing machine 齿轮检查仪,测齿仪gear thickness gauge 齿厚规gear tooth venier caliper 厚游标卡尺gear wheel 齿轮gear wheel shaft 齿轮轴gear wheel tester 齿轮检查仪gear-type coupling 齿轮联轴节gearing (1)齿轮装置(2)传动装置gegenschein-zodiacal light photometer 积坚斯因,祖弟卡光线光度计geiger counter 盖革计数器geiger mueller region 盖氏弥勒区域geiger mueller threshold 盖革弥勒阈值geiger-mueller counter 盖革一弥计时器geiger-muller ballast 盖革-弥勒计数管geiger-muller coungter 盖革-弥勒计数管geigerscope 闪烁镜geissler tube 盖斯勒管gel 凝胶gel layer 凝胶层gelatine 明胶gelatine filter 明胶滤光镜gelogy 地质学gemoetrical error 几何误差genal drawing 总图general assembly 总装配general computer 通用计算机general confocal resonator 泛共焦共振腔general isoplanatism theorem 广义等晕定理general radiation scattering 连续辐射散射general view 总图,全视图general wave-beam guide 通用波导general-purpose camera 通用照相机generalized coordinates 广义坐标generalized lagrange invariant 广义拉格朗日不变量generalized projection 广义投影generalized pupil function 广义光瞳函数generalized relative aperture 广义相对孔径generating mark 磨胚痕generation 磨胚generation electric field meter 发电式电场计generation lifetime (1)发生涛命(2)生成寿命generation ⅱwafer tube 第二代晶圆管generation-recombination noise 振荡复合噪声generator (1)振荡器(2)发生器(3)发电机(4)母线generator field control 发电机场控制generatrix 母线genescope 频率特性观测仪genetic engineering 遗传工程学genlock 内锁genmetric concentration 几何传中率genoralized inverse matrix 广义逆矩阵geocenter 地球质量中心geodesic lens 测地镜头geodesic leveling 大地水准测量geodesy 大地测量学geodetic datum 天地基准点geodetic instrument 大地测量仪器geodetic measurement 大地测量geodetic survey 大地测量geodimeter 光电测距仪geodynamic satellite 地球动力卫geodynamics 地球动力学geographic survey 地图测量geographical coordinates 地图坐标,地理坐标geography 地理geoid 大地水准面geological mapping 地质测绘geological survey 地质测量geologit's compass 地质罗盘仪geomagnetic field 地磁场geometrcial transformation 几何变化geometric extent 几何领域geometric metamerism 几何的同差异构性geometric operations 几何作业geometric optics 几何光学geometrical aberration 几何像差geometrical axis 几何轴geometrical broadening 几何展宽geometrical center 几何中心geometrical cross section 几何截面geometrical drawing 几何图geometrical focus 几何焦点geometrical gropression 几何级数geometrical image 几何像geometrical leveling 几何水准测量geometrical optics 几何光学geometrical projection 几何投影法geometrical relationship 几何关系geometrical scanner 几何授描器geometrical shadow 几何阴影geometrical similarity 几何相似性geometry 几何学geomorphology 地貌学,地形学geophysical survey 地球物理测量geophysics 地球物理学georan (geodetie ranger)大地测距仪geoscience 地球科学geostationary satellite 同步卫星geosynchronous orbit 同步轨道geosynchronous satellite 地球同步卫星germainium imaging sensor 锗成像传感器germainium lens 锗透镜germainium-doped optical fibre 掺锗光学纤维german illuminating engineeering society (dltg)德国照明工程协会german silver 德银germanium (ge)锗germanium bolometer 锗测辐射热器germanium detector 锗探测器germanium polarizer 锗偏振器germanium-mosaic image-convertor 锗镶嵌变像管germanium-silicaon alloy 锗硅合金germicidal lamp 杀菌灯germinium-doped silica 掺锗二氧化硅getter (1)吸气剂,收气剂(2)吸杂剂getter bulb 吸气剂管getter material 吸气材料ggg laser crystals 雷射晶体(ggg)ghost effect 寄生效应ghost image 鬼像,幻像ghost line 鬼线ghost peak 假峰ghost prism 鬼棱镜ghost surface 假面ghost-strenght 鬼像强度ghosts 幻影giant optical pulsation 巨光脉冲giant pulse (gp)巨脉冲giant pulse emission 巨脉冲发射giant pulse technique 巨脉冲技术giant resonance 巨共振giant-pulse laser 巨脉冲激光器gib clamp 扁栓制动机构gibbs 吉卜斯gibbs' phenomena 吉卜斯现象giga (g)吉,千兆giga-electron-volt 吉电子伏,千兆电子伏gigabit ethernet network equipment 超高速乙太网路设备gilbert (gb)吉伯gilding (1)镀金(2)镀金术gimbal 常平架,平衡环gimbal lock 常平架锁定gimbal mount 常平架座glaass-sealed 玻璃封接的glan polarizer 格兰起偏振镜glan spectrophotometer 葛兰分光光度计glan-foucault polarizing prism 格兰-傅科偏振棱镜glan-thompson prism 葛兰-汤普生棱镜glan-thomson prism 格兰-汤姆逊棱镜glan-thomson prismsglan-thomson 棱镜glancing angle 掠射角glancing incidence 掠入角gland (1)衬垫压盖(2)密封装置gland nut 压紧螺母glarimeter 光泽计glaring 耀眼的glas laswer 玻璃激光器glass (1)玻璃(2)望远镜(3)显微镜(4)放大镜glass and glass-ceramic mirrors 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜glass annealing furnace 玻璃退火炉glass barium (baryta)钡玻璃glass bead screen 玻璃球屏幕glass beads 玻璃珠glass blowing 吹玻璃glass capacitor 玻璃电容器glass capillary 玻璃毛细管glass cement 玻璃胶glass cement surface 玻璃胶合界面glass ceramic 玻璃陶瓷glass cuter 玻璃刀glass dial 玻璃刻度些glass disk laser 玻璃圆盘激光器glass disk scale 玻璃刻度盘glass dosimeter 玻璃软片板glass electrode 玻璃电极glass fiber 玻璃纤维glass fiber waveguide 玻璃纤维波导glass film plates 玻璃雷射glass filter 滤光镜glass generators 玻璃产生机glass laser 上色墨glass laser targer 玻璃激光靶glass lasers 玻璃雷射glass marking inks 玻璃上色墨glass melting furnace 玻璃熔炉摄谱仪glass mirror 玻璃镜glass plate 玻璃板glass powder 玻璃粉glass precision scale 精密玻璃刻尺glass rod 玻璃棒glass scale 玻璃分划尺glass shot (1)闪光玻璃(2)特技摄影glass sight 光学瞄准具glass slip 玻璃片glass spectrograph 玻璃摄谱仪glass substrate 玻璃基板glass target 玻璃靶glass transition temperature 玻璃软化温度glass-air interface 玻璃-空气分界面glass-beaded 玻璃熔接的glass-engraving 玻璃雕刻glass-fiber cabie 光缆glass-fiber guide 玻璃纤维波导glass-fiber laser 玻璃纤维激光器glass-on-glass ddrawing technique 玻璃拨丝技术glass-path 玻璃光程glass-processing 玻璃加工的glass-shell target 玻璃空心靶glasses 眼镜glassine 玻璃射glassiness 玻璃质glassing machine 抛光机glassite 玻璃抛光分glassy 透明的,玻璃状的glassy chalcogenide 透明硫化物glassy chalcogenide semiconductor 透明硫化物半导体glaucoma 绿内障,青光眼glaze wheel 研磨轮glazebrook prism 格累兹布鲁克棱镜glazer 抛光轮glazing (1)抛光,磨光(2)配玻璃glazing machine 抛光机gleam 发光,闪光glide plane 滑移平面glide reflection 滑移反射glimmer (1)微光,微弱闪光(2)云母glint (1)光反射(2)闪烁glisten (1)反光(2)闪光glitter 闪烁global monitoring 全球监控global radiation 金球辐射globar 碳化硅棒globar element 碳化硅棒元件globar meterial 碳化硅棒材料globar source 碳化硅棒光源globe 球,球体globe lens 球透镜globe photometer 球形光度计globular bulb 球状灯泡globular projection 球面投影globule 小球体globulite 滴晶glory ray 彩色glosgloss meters 光泽计gloss 光泽gloss meter 光泽计glossiness (1)光泽度(2)砖光度glossy paper 光面相纸glossy specimen 光泽样品glow 辉光glow ballast 辉光管glow characteristic 辉光特性曲线glow discharge 辉光放电glow factor 辉光因数glow lamp 辉光放电管,白炽灯glow modulator tube 辉光调制管glow plasma 辉光等离子体glower 炽热体glue line heating 胶线加热gluing 胶合,黏合glyceriin-immerision system 甘油油浸系统go-gauge 通过规go-no-go gauge 过端-不过端量规gobo (1)镜头挡光板(2)吸声板goggles 护目镜,风镜golay cell 高莱探测器gold (au)金gold blackbody 金黑体gold flaser 金激光器gold foil 金箔gold leaf electroscope 金箔验电器gold-doped 掺金的goldberg wedge 戈伯劈gon 百分度gonimeter eyepiece 测角目镜goniometer (1)测角器(2)测向器goniometer eyepiece 测角器目镜goniometry (1)测角术(2)测向术goniophotometer 测角光度计goniophotometric curve 测角光度曲线gonioradiometer 测角轴射计gonioscopic prism 视轴角度棱镜gonometric (1)测角的(2)测向的gotar lens 戈塔镜头grad criteria 等级判据gradation (1)层次(2)分级(3)等级grade (1)等级(2)坡度grade of fit 配合等俏grade-index 递级指数graded coating 等级涂层graded deposit 递级淀积层graded index 陡度折射率graded refractive index 陡度折射率graded-index glass fiber 陡度折射率玻璃纤维graded-index potical fiber 陡度折射率光学纤维graded-index potical waveguide 陡度折射率光学波导gradient 陡度,梯度gradient edge enhancement 梯度边增强gradient neutral density filter 陡度中性密滤光片gradient refractive index 陡度折射率gradient spectrum 陡度光谱gradient vector 梯度向量gradienter 陡度计,测斜度计gradual approximation 渐次近似法gradual cut filter 阶梯式截止滤光片graduated circle 分度圈graduated ring 分度圈graduated scale 分度尺graduation 分度,刻度graduation line 分度线,刻度线graduation mark 分度符号graduator 分度器gradusated filter 分度滤光片grain 粒,晶粒grain isolating diaphragm 晶粒隔离光阑grain noise 颗粒噪声grain refinement 晶粒细化grain size (1)粒度(2)晶粒大小grain structure 颗粒特构graininess (1)粒度(2)颗粒性graininess of the photographic image 相片影像的颗粒度gram 克gram atom 克原gram molecule 克分子gram-rad 克-弧度gramme ring 格阑姆环grandagon 格朗达贡granlte 花岗岩granular 颗粒状的granular structure 颗粒结构granularity (1)颗粒度(2)颗粒性granulation 颗粒化grape jelly 葡萄胶graph 线图graph plotter 制图仪graphechon 阴极射线存储管graphecon 阴极射线储存管graphic 图示的,图解的graphic analysis 图解分析graphic arts 图解艺术graphic arts camera 图解艺术照相机graphic arts equipment 图解艺术设备graphic chart 图表graphic display 图形显示graphic instrument 图解仪graphic language 图像语言graphic meter 自动记录仪graphic method 图示法graphic panel 图示板graphic projection disply 图形投影显示graphic recorder 图形记录器graphic representation 图示,图形表示法graphic scale 图示比例尺graphical construction of image 成像图法graphical design of otpical system 光学系统图解设计graphical integration 图解积分graphical ray tracing 图解光路追踪graphics 图解法,图示学graphite 石墨graphitic carbon 石墨碳graser 伽射graser (gamma-ray laser) r激光器graser rodr 激光棒grasshof number 革拉秀夫数grate 格栅graticule (1)十字线(2)分度镜grating 光栅grating beam-divider 光栅光束分离器grating constant 光栅常数grating coupled 光栅耦合的grating coupler 光栅耦合器grating dip 光栅浸渍grating efficiency 光栅效率grating interferometer 光栅干涉仪grating line 光栅划线grating lobe 光栅波瓣grating monochromator 光栅单色仪grating pair 光栅对grating prism 光栅棱镜grating recombiner 光栅光束重合器grating reflector 栅状反射器grating satellite 光栅伴线grating shearing interferometer 光栅剪切干涉仪grating space 光栅间距grating spectrograph 光栅摄谱仪grating spectrometer 光栅分光计grating spectronmeter 光栅分光计grating spectrum 光栅光谱grating spectrum satellite 光栅光谱伴线grating storage target 栅状信息存储靶grating substrate 光栅衬底grating (chromatic resolving power)光栅(色监别能力)grating-coupled radiation 光栅耦合辐射grating-like hologram 类光栅全息图grating-ruling engine 光栅刻线机gravimeter 重差计gravitational field (1)引力场(2)重力场gravitational force (1)引力(2)重力gravitational imaging 重力造像gravitational method 重力法gravitational red shift 引力红移gravitational waves 重力波gravity 重力gravity interferometer 重力干涉仪gravitycell 重力电池gravure microscope 照相制版用显微镜gray (1)灰色(2)灰色的gray body 灰体gray code 葛莱码gray levels 灰色阶层gray scale 灰色刻度gray scales 灰色标gray-level mask 灰阶光罩gray-scale image 灰色刻度相gray-scale modification 灰色刻度修正grazing angle 掠射角grazing emergence (1)掠射(2)临界出射grazing incidence 掠入射grazing-incidence diffraction 掠入射衍射grazing-incidence grating 掠入射光栅grazing-incidence interferometer 掠入射干涉仪grazing-incidence mounting 掠入射装grease 润滑脂grease-spot photometer 油斑光度计green (1)绿色(2)绿色的green block 绿块green disk 革忍碟green filter 绿色滤光器green laser 绿光激光器green mercury light 汞绿光green radiation 绿辐射green region 绿区green's function 格临函数green's theorem 格临定理green-house effect 温室效应green-twyman interferometer 格临-揣曼干涉仪green-yellow light 黄绿光greenough microscope 革忍欧夫显微镜greenwich meridian 格林尼治子午线greenwich sidereal time 格林尼治恒星时greenwich time 格林尼治时gregorian mirror 格雷果反射镜gregorian telescope 格雷果里望远镜grenz rays 界射线grey (1)灰色(2)灰色的grey body 灰色体grey body radiation 灰色体射grey filter 灰滤色镜grey glass 灰玻璃grey level 灰度级grey photometric wedge 灰色光楔grey scale 灰度标grey surface 灰表面greyness 灰色grid (1)栅极(2)格栅(3)电池铅板grid azimuth 平面方位角grid bias cell 栅偏压电池grid blocking 栅遮断grid control 栅控grid pulsing 栅极脉波法grid-bias 栅偏压grid-leak bias 栅漏偏压grid-voitage 栅压gridistor 隐栅管grill 格栅grin (graded index)陡度折度率grin lenses (graduated refractive index rod) grin 透镜grindability 可磨性grinder (1)磨床(2)磨工grinding 研磨grinding and polishing machinery 研磨与抛光机器grinding material 磨料grinding stone (1)砂轮(2)磨石grinding tool 磨具grindstone 天然磨石grit (1)研磨砂(2)粒度grond photogrammetry 地面摄影测量学grooring 划槽groove (1)槽(2)粒度groove form diffraction grating 槽形衍射光栅grooved pulley 槽轮gross area 总面积gross difference 总差gross tolerance 总公差gross weight 总重,毛重grossmeters 光泽度计ground absorption 地面吸收,大地吸收ground circle 基圆ground coat 底涂层ground colour 底色ground flat 研磨平面ground glass 磨砂玻璃,毛玻璃ground infrared target 地面红外目标ground laser locator designator 地面激光定位指示器ground laser radar 地面激光雷达ground level 基能级ground line 基线ground noise 本底噪声ground object 地面地标ground range 地面距离ground state 基态ground state assignment 基态分布ground state atom 基态原子ground state population 基态粒子数ground state relaxation 基态弛豫ground state speies 基态族ground truth 地表实况ground wire (1)群(2)基,组,族,团ground-based optical receiver 地面光学接收器ground-cathode amplifier 阴极接地放大器ground-echo pattern 地球反射波图样ground-excited level jump 基态激发能级跃迁ground-glass diffuser 毛玻璃漫射器ground-glass finder 毛玻璃寻像器ground-glass screen 毛玻璃屏ground-to-air laser ranging 地对空激光测距ground-to-ground laser ranging 接地线grounded-base amplifier 基极接地放大器grounded-collector amplifier 共集放大器grounded-emitter amplifier 共射放大器grounded-grid amplifier 栅极接地放大器grounded-plate amplifier 屏极接地放大器grounding conductor 接地导体group 群码group code 群延迟时间group delay time 脉冲群振荡器group index 群摄group modulation 群调变group pulse generator 组合振射效group shot 组合系统group system 群摄group theory 组合系统group velocity 郡论growing wave 增长波growith striation 生长辉纹growler 咆哮器grown junction 生长接面grown-junction photocell 生长-接面光电池grub screw 无头螺钉grum recording spectroadiometer 格卢姆自动记录分光辐射谱仪grzig incidence telescope 掠入射望远镜gsgg gsag laser crystals 雷射晶体(gsgg,gsag)guard (1)防护(2)防謢装置guard wire 保护线gudden-pohl effect 卡登-波耳效应guidance (1)制导,导航(2)导槽guidance accuracy 制导准确度guidance beam 制导波束guidance control 制导控制guidance information 制导信息guidance package 制导组件guide (1)导向器(2)导轨(3)导槽guide bar 导杆guide curve 导向曲线guide face 导轨面guide grid 定向栅guide line 导线guide locating 导销guide number 闪光次数guide number letter scale 曝光指数等级guide pin 导销,定位销guide pulley 导轮,压带轮guide rod 导杆guide surface 导轨面guide track 导轨guide wavelength 导波长guide way (1)导轨(2)导向槽guided mode 导引模式guided ray 导向射线guided transmission 波导传输guided wave 导波guiding laser beam 制导激光束guiding microscope 引导显微镜guiding ocular 引导目镜guiding prism 引导棱镜guinier focusing camera 纪尼埃聚焦照相机gum 树胶,树脂gun (1)抢,炮(2)电子枪(3)照相机镜头gun camera 枪炮照相机gun sight 枪炮瞄准镜gun-laying reticle 枪瞄准十字线gun-sight aiming point camera 枪炮瞄准装置gunn effect oscillator 耿氏效应振荡器gunn errer 白恩效应guy wire 拉线gypsum 石膏gyration 回转gyrator 回转器,陀螺gyre 回转,旋转gyro 回转罗盘,陀螺仪gyro black assembly 回转组件gyro frequency 回转频率gyro horizon 回转地平仪gyro magnetic ratio 回磁比gyro sextant 回转六分仪gyro-level 回转水平仪gyrobearing 回转方位gyroclinometer 回转测斜仪gyrocompass 回转罗盘gyromagnetic effect 回磁效应gyromagnetic ratio 回磁比gyromagnetic spin system 回磁自旋系统gyrometer 回转测试仪gyropilot 回转驾驶仪,导航仪gyroscope 回转仪,陀螺gyroscopic camera mount 摄影机回转座gyroscopic clinmeter 回转测斜仪gyroscopic theodolite 回转经纬仪gyrosight 回转瞄准器gyrostabilizer 回转稳定器gyrostat 回转轮gyrosyn 回转感应同步罗盘gyrotron 振动回转器,振动陀螺仪gyrotropi crystal 旋光晶体gyrotropic bi-refringence 旋转变折射gyrotropy (1)旋转回归线(2)旋光性光电英语词汇(G) 相关内容:41。



Process measurement and control instrument 工业自动化仪表Thermometer 温度计Thermometer element 测温元件Thermometer wire 热电偶丝Measuring junction 测量端Extension wire 补偿端Reference wire 基准点Emf measuring device 热电势测量表Element with double insulators 带双孔绝缘子元件Element with asbestos insulators 带石棉绝缘子元件Connection head 接线盒Angle fitting 弯头Protecting tube 保护管Ceramic insulator 陶瓷绝缘子Terminal block 端子块Conduit 导线管Thermocouple Thermometer 热电偶温度计Resistance thermometer 电阻温度计Resistance winding 电阻绕组Vibration proof tube 防震管Mounting thread 安装螺纹接头Terminal 端子Head cover 接线盒盖Rating plate / name plate铭牌Rubber packing 橡皮垫Water proof plug 防水塞Thermistor 感温元件Lead wire 引线Head mount temperature transmitter 顶装式温度变送器Field mount temperature transmitter 现场安装式温度变送器Rail mount (control room) temperature transmitter 轨道安装式(控制室)温度变送器Head mount (integral) temperature transmitter with LCD meter 顶装式(一体化)带液晶显示表温度变送器Electronics module 电子模块Sanitation type thermo well 卫生型温度计套管Flanged thermo well法兰连接的温度计套管Weleded thermo well 焊接连接的温度计套管Threaded thermo well 螺纹连接的温度计套管Armored sensor (thermocouple or resistance) 铠装感温元件(热电偶或热电阻)Standard extension 标准延长管Nipple -union -nipple extension 活接头和两根短管组成的延长管Spring loaded armored sensor 带弹簧压紧的铠装感温元件(热电偶或热电阻)Terminal block armored sensor 带端子块的铠装感温元件(热电偶或热电阻)Flying lead armored sensor不带端子块的铠装感温元件(热电偶或热电阻)Nipple-union extension 短管和活接头组成的延长管Cover with wiring diagram label 带接线简图的变送器盖Housing with permanent terminal block 带端子块的变送器壳LCD meter 液晶显示表Cover with glass 带玻璃面板的变送器盖Radiation pyrometer 辐射高温计/光学高温计Filled system thermometer 压力式温度计Bimetallic thermometer 双金属温度计Bimetallic sensor双金属感温元件Capillary tubing 毛细管Thermal system bulb温包Filling fluid 充填介质Jam nut 锁紧螺母Housing 表壳Pointer 指针Scale /Dial 刻度盘Bourdon tube 弹簧管Actuating unit传动机构Finned bulb 翅片式温包Short coil bulb 短圈温包Long bulb长圈温包Protect bulb带保护套管温包Wall mounting bulb 壁装温包Instrument case 外壳Sealing ring密封圈Circle nut 圆螺母Male thread connector 外螺纹接头Rotating axis 转轴Protecting tube外保护管Protective sleeve内保护管Adjustment –angle spring 转角弹簧Spindle心轴Pneumatic liquid level controller 气动液位调节器Displacer 浮筒Range spring 量程弹簧Enclosing tube 密封管Magnet 磁极Attraction 吸引球Flapper挡板Cam凸轮Pliot nozzle 先导放大器喷嘴Indictor 指针Zero adjustment 零位调节螺钉Proportional band adjustment 比例带调节螺钉Proportional band spring 比例带弹簧Reset bellows 重定波纹管Exhaust valve 排气阀Orifice 孔板Supply air gauge 供气压力表Filter regulator 过滤器减压阀Actuating lever 作用力杠Set point adjustment 设定点调节螺钉Feed back bellows 反馈波纹管Reset valve 重定阀?Relay 继电器Output gauge 输出压力表Cage 浮筒室Control valve 控制阀Pneumatic displacer liquid level controller气动浮筒液位调节器Pneumatic float boll liquid level controller气动浮球液位调节器Attraction sleeve 吸引套筒Hex nut 六角螺母Stem支杆Stem retaining bracket 支杆室Screw 螺钉Bracket 支架Cotter pin 固定销针Washer垫圈Pivot pin 芯轴Lock washer 锁紧垫圈Float 浮球Body 壳体E-tube gasket 管用E型垫片Scale spans 标度Battery 电池Rheostat变阻器Swatch开关Ammeter 电流表Prisms棱镜Ocular lens 目镜Comparison lamp对比灯Level controller and switches 液位调节器及液位开关External cage-mounted ball float controller 外浮球式液位调节器Controller 调节器Counterweight 平衡重锤Float actuated level valve 浮球驱动液位控制阀Ball float with pilot valve带先导阀的浮球液位调节器Balanced control valve 平衡型控制阀Pilot valve 先导阀Reduction mechanism 变换结构Magnetically actuated displacer switch磁动式浮筒液位开关Magnetic armature衔铁Permanent magnet永久磁铁Tension (return) spring拉力(复位)弹簧Magnetically actuated ball-float switch磁动式浮球液位开关Transmitter变送器Float level transmitter 浮球液位变送器Magnetically coupled displacer unit磁力耦合式浮筒装置Drive magnet驱动磁体Magnet follow随动磁铁Distant indicator远距离指示器Two phase induction motor(reversing)两相感应电动机(可逆电动机)Air pilot 气动放大器Pressure instrument压力测量仪表Pressure gauge with electric connector电接点压力表Pressure switch压力开关Connection接头Adjustment调节柱Spring ring弹簧圈Shaft protecting sleeve 轴套Insulate sheath 绝缘套管Conduct screw 导电螺钉Seal gasket密封垫圈Hexagon socket head screw 圆柱头内六角螺钉Leading cable引入电缆Thin gasket薄垫片Adjustment rod调节杆Bellows波纹管Lever杠杆Micro-switch微动开关Balance spring平衡弹簧Deviation spring差动弹簧Radar electronics module雷达电子模块Operating and display module操作与显示模块HF module高频模块Adopter for housing complete with o-ring带o型圈的表头适配器Flange assembly 法兰组件Locking screw锁紧螺钉Ground terminal接地端子Datum point for measurement 测量基准点Waveguide导波管Alumina氧化铝陶瓷Teflon vapor seal四氟塑料气封SST window ring不绣钢窗环O-ring o型环Process O-ring 工艺连接o型环Spiral-wound gasket(non-wetted)缠绕垫(不接触介质)Process flange工艺连接法兰Bourdon tube pressure gauge 弹簧管(波登管)压力表Process connection工艺过程测量接头Hairspring 游丝Spiral tube pressure gage 螺旋管压力表Stiff diaphragm gage硬质膜片压力表Diaphragm膜片Protecting diaphragm 保护膜片Slack diaphragm pressure gage低程膜片压力表Annular diaphragm环形膜片Pressure inlet压力入口Capsule pressure gage膜盒压力表Corrugated diaphragm波纹膜片Diaphragm stack膜片组High pressure bellows manometer 高压波纹管式压力表Free end自由端Stop限位止挡Flexible metal strip 弹性金属片Micrometer gage微压表Remote pressure gage 遥测压力表Pressure tap取压口Slide wire resister滑线电阻Indicating unit指示装置Absolute pressure bellows indicator波纹管绝对压力计Process bellows测量波纹管Piston活塞Tested gage受验压力表Weight砝码Cover O-ring 盖上0-型密封圈Span and zero adjustment量程和零点调节Electronics board电子板Module O-ring模块上0-型密封圈Sensor module传感器模块Process connector工艺连接Electric connector电气连接Label标签Channel for mounted bolt 安装螺栓槽Lower range value下限值Increase damping增加阻尼Decrease damping减少阻尼Write over interlock写入过量连锁Isolate diaphragm隔离膜片Sensing diaphragm传感膜片Test instrument测试仪表Microprocessor-base electronics基于微处理的电子模块Pressure transmitter 压力变送器Radar level meter雷达液位计Field installed type of pressure indicating and controller 基地式压力指示调节器Set point adjustment knob 设定点调节旋钮Nozzle block喷嘴Resistance unit阻尼部件Proportional reset mechanism 比例积分机构Differential gap mechanism 差动间隙机构Controlled variable被测变量Proportional bellows比例波纹管Over range lever超程杠杆Bourdon plate tension spring 弹簧板拉簧Proportional band adjustment knob比例度调节旋钮Proportional leaf spring比例簧片Flapper挡板Index post screw 整定螺丝Set point scale设定值刻度盘Set point scale alignment screw 设定值标尺调整螺丝Alignment spring 调整弹簧Differential –gap adjustment knob 差动间隙调节旋钮Pilot block放大器组件Exhaust block排气组件Booster relay功率放大器Protecting the gauge against fluctuating压力表阻尼保护Restriction hole节流孔Pressure gauge connection / Gauge coupling压力表接头Snubber减震接头Isolating valve 隔离阀Flanged diaphragm gauge 法兰式膜片压力表Gauge valve 压力表阀门Adaptor 转换接头Gauge cock压力表旋塞阀Tee三通De-pressurizing valve 泄压阀Sealing pot 隔离罐Siphon冷凝弯管Pig tail type siphon回弯冷凝管Pulsation damper缓冲罐Gamma radiometric level meter 伽马射线液位计Source container伽马射线源密封盒Source伽马射线源Detector检测器Detector head检测器头Temperature sensor 温度传感器Photomultiplier光电倍增器Scintillation rod produces flashes when gamma radiation impinges on it当伽马射线照射它时,火花棒就闪烁Outer stainless steel encapsulation不绣钢外套Reference diode参照用的发光二极管Connection to transmitter连接至变送器Measured value display showing level in % at VoHo 在VoHo矩阵点处显示的以百分数表示的液位测量值Bar chart棒图Matrix selection keys 矩阵点选择键Parameter entry keys参数输入键Green communications LED—lights when communication 绿色通讯发光二极管—通讯时灯亮Alarm relay LED—lights on fault condition , relay de-energies Matrix position indicator报警继电器发光二极管—事故时继电器失电,灯亮Limit relay LED –red lit , relay de-energies green lit ,elay energisued 极限继电器发光二极管—继电器失电红灯亮,继电器得电绿灯亮Matrix position indicator 矩阵点位置显示Commulog sokets通讯插口Test sockets for 0/4..20 mA ,analogue output 0/4..20毫安模拟量输出测试插口Coriolis mass flow meter 科氏力质量流量计Coriolis mass flow meter sensor 科氏力质量流量计传感器Supporter支架Measure tube测量管Gasket垫片Plug插头Cable connect电缆接头Electromagnetic phase shift detector 电磁式相位检测仪Exciter励磁系统Torsion mode balanced 自平衡系统Single curved tube单弯管Single straight tube单直管Two straight tubes双直管Two slightly curved tubes双微弯管Terminal area端子室Cover of the transmitter connection housing 变送器接线室盖Power supply cable gland电源电缆密封部件Signal cable gland信号电缆入口密封部件Sensor to transmitter special cable gland 传感器到变送器的专用电缆入口密封部件Remote version transmitter coriolis mass flow meter分体变送器型科氏力质量流量计Transmitter connection housing 变送器接线室Allen screws爱伦螺丝(锁紧螺丝)Cover of the electronics area of the transmitter housing 变送器电子部件室盒盖Mounting screws of display module显示模块装配螺丝Plug of the ribbon cable of display module显示模块带状电缆插头2-pole plug of the power supply cable 电源电缆两极插头Electrode signal cable电极信号电缆Coil current cable励磁线圈电流电缆Transmitter electronics board 变送器电子板Replaceable data module 可替换数据的模块Sensor connection housing传感器接线室Primary flow element 一次测量元件Higher pressure side 高压侧Lower pressure side低压侧Sensing diaphragm 传感膜片Over range diaphragm 过载膜片Measure body测量体User installation flange/gasket用户安装法兰/垫片Measure unit trademark 测量机构标牌Hanger挂钩(浮筒)Control link调节杆Torque tube扭力杆Complete steam jacketing蒸汽夹套式Concentric orifice plate 同心孔板Vent排气孔Drain排掖孔Segmental orifice plate 圆缺孔板Eccentric orifice plate偏心孔板Sharp square edge孔板锐边Flow direction流向Flow nozzle流量喷嘴Venture tube文丘里管Throat文氏管喉口Gentile tube 坚梯耳管Dall tube 道尔管Annubar tube阿牛巴管Sensing probe (upstream tube)上游管检测头Sensing bar (downstream tube)下游管检测头Low-pressure connection低压接头High-pressure connection高压接头Laminar flow element层流元件Filter过滤器Straightening vans 导直管Main matrix metering section 主要列阵计量段Downstream housing 下游壳体Upstream tap上游取压口Downstream tap下游取压口Hose nipple软管接头Elbow taps肘管取压Pressure tap取压接头Pitot tube皮托管Static pressure hole 静压口High-pressure impact hole动压口Flow direction indicator流量指示器Gate valve 闸阀Pitot-venturi tube 文丘里皮托管Gilflo meter诘而福罗流量计Static control member 静压调节件Over range stop超程止挡Measuring orifice at no flow 无流量时的检测孔板位置Measuring orifice at a flow 有流量时的检测孔板位置Differential pressure taps 差压取压点Difference pressure transmitter for flow measurement流量测量用差压变送器Fluid velocity meter 流速式流量计Vortex flow meter 旋涡式流量计Sensor assembly敏感元件组件Vortex shedding element旋涡接头Mechanical connector机械接头Locally mounted direct reading level gauges直读式就地液位指示仪Tubular gauge glass 玻璃管液位计Reflex level gauge反射式液位计Transparent level gauge透光液位计Armored magnetic level gauge金属管磁浮子液位计Magnetic steering device磁导向机构Non-frosting type level gauge防霜式液位计Heating type level gauge加热式液位计Jacket steam pipe夹套蒸汽管Hydrostatic level-measuring system 静压式液位测量系统Condensate pot凝液罐Differential pressure measuring element 差压测量元件Direct hydrostatic head type level gauge直接静压头液位计Air-bubble system hydrostatic head level gauge吹气静压液位计Tape float level gauge 钢带浮标液位计Guide wire导向绳Tape钢带Sheave滚轮Gauge head表头Magnetic-bond float gauge磁力耦合浮子液位计Non-magnetic guide tube非磁性导向管Follower magnet随动磁铁Amp unit 放大单元Pick-off coil 感应线圈Fan type inferential meter 叶轮式流量表Preamp (preamplifier)前置放大器Multi-blade fan叶轮组Vertical helix type inferential meter 垂直螺翼式流量表Horizontal helix inferential meter水平螺翼流量表Turbine meter 涡轮流量计Positive displacement type flow meter 容积式流量计Pipe taps (full flow taps, line taps) 管线取压法Carrier pattern orifice plate环室孔板节流装置Flange taps法兰取压法Vena contract taps缩脉取压法Radius taps (throat taps)径距取压法Corner taps角接取压法Orifice flange孔板法兰Orifice plate孔板Adjacent flange环室孔板法兰Carrier环室孔板Upstream/downstream run上游/下游直管段Straightening vane导直器Miltitube straightening vane 多管导直器Sheet metal tube 薄金属管Pipeline管线Sector type vane 扇形导流叶片Gusset交撑板Differential flow meter in gas service气体差压流量计Differential flow meter in liquid service液体差压流量计Differential flow meter in steam service蒸汽差压流量计Purge system吹洗系统Sealing system隔离系统Orifice top valve孔板取压阀Detecting element 检测元件Three valve manifolds三阀组Flow registering instrument流量记录仪Drain valve排液阀Five valve manifolds五阀组Release valve (vent valve)泄气阀Lagging (insulate)绝热层Purge fluid吹洗流体Regulator减压阀Restricted orifice plate 限流孔板Equalizing valve平衡阀Mechanical mercury meter机械水银压差计Diaphragm transmitter (differential pressure cell)膜式差压变送器Meter lead line 流量计测量引线Reciprocating piston meter (metering pump)计量泵Cylinder活塞缸Rotary valve旋塞阀Nutating disk meter 转盘式流量计Counter gear计数齿轮Nutating disk转盘Disc spindle转盘心轴Radial partition径向分隔件Working chamber工作室Wet gas meter湿式气体流量计Direction of rotation旋塞方向Level gauge液位计Thermometer gauge温度计Manometer 压力计Rotary vane meter旋翼式流量计Duplex rotor meter双转子流量计Lobed rotor meter腰轮流量计Impeller/rotor转子Sliding vane meter滑片式流量计Variable area type flow meter可变面积式流量计Flow sensing cam 流量传感凸轮Metal metering tube金属流量计管Magnet embedded in metering float嵌在流量计浮子中的磁铁Magnetic position converter磁浮子位置转换器Pneumatic transmitter气动变送器Pneumatic cam follower气动凸轮随动件Pointer for direct indication直接指示用指针Relay operating pressure气动放大器操作压力Relay气动放大器Bearing轴承Electronic transmitter 电动变送器Amplifier and relay放大器和继电器Spring return复位弹簧Electro-magnetic flow meter电磁流量计Principle of measurement测量原理Current transmitter电流信号变送器Measuring electrode测量电极Magnetic induction磁场Induced voltage U电势uDistance between electrodes 电极间距Flow velocity流速Volume flow体积流量Pipe cross-section管截面积Reference electrode参考电极Shut-off valve切断阀Thermal mass flow meter 热式质量流量计Flow cell流体腔室Compact sensor electronic housing 一体式电子表头Remote sensor electronic housing 分体式电子表头Calibrated transmitter assembly 校准后的传感器组件Insertion sensor插入式传感器Main sensor terminal board主传感器线路板Display holder显示器座Pre-amplifier circuit board 前置放大器线路板Wafer flow cell夹持连接式流体腔室Flanged flow cell法兰连接式流体腔室Housing seal表头密封圈Transmitter seal变送器密封圈Insertion rod插入棒Process analyzer 过程分析仪表Process gas chromatograph 过程气相色谱仪Control compartment控制组件Pressurizing housing for explosion-proof 正压防暴箱体LCD indication and membrane keyboard 带有可选菜单LCD Analytical compartment分析部件Stata-thermal oven静态恒温炉TCD or FID detectors TCD或 FID检测器Column flow programming and valve with actuator 色谱柱流量编程和切换阀Sample handling compartment 采样处理部件Typical sample handling system典型的采样预处理系统Sample gas in采样气体进入Bypass gas旁路气体Non-dispersive infra-red gas analyzer非色散红外线气体分析仪Infrared source红外光源Chopper切光片Oxygen analyzer氧分析仪Zirconium oxide oxygen analyzer 氧化锆分析仪Zirconium oxide element氧化锆组件Pipe for sample采样气体导流管Heater加热器Reference gas参比气体Paramagnetic oxygen analyzer 吮磁氧分析仪Source lamp光源Dual photocell双光电管Restoring current复位电流Restoring torque复位力矩Displacement torque位移力矩Electrochemical oxygen analyzer 电化学氧分析仪Gas permeable membrane气体渗透薄膜Thin electrolyte layer薄电离层Electrolyte电离Cathode阴极Anode阳极Contact plate接触板Dissolved oxygen analyzer溶解氧分析仪Silver reference electrode银参考电极Electrolyte电解液Gold working electrode (cathode)金工作电极(阴极)Silver counter-electrode银计数电极Membrane薄膜Oxygen in the sample gas采样气体中的氧气Thermal conductivity analyzer热导式分析仪PH analyzer PH分析仪Conductivity analyzer 电导仪Control valve 控制阀Upper/down stem guide 上/下阀杆导向Upper /down stem guide liner上/下阀杆导向衬套Anti-extrusion spacer防挤出压环Bonnet flange stud/nut 上阀盖法兰螺栓/螺母Bonnet gasket上阀盖垫片Lower packing下填料Plug阀芯End flange 法兰连接端Body阀体Half ring半环Seat ring gasket阀座垫片Seat ring阀座Seat retainer阀座夹持器Bonnet上阀盖Packing spacer 填料套Upper packing上填料Gland flange压盖法兰Lifting ring起吊环Adjusting screw gasket 调整螺钉垫片Spring button弹簧压片Actuator stem spacer执行机构输出杆衬套Actuator stem bushing执行机构输出杆套筒Actuator stem o-ring执行机构输出杆o-型环Actuator stem 执行机构输出杆Stroke plate行程标尺Stem bellows阀杆波纹管Adjusting screw调整螺钉Cylinder汽缸Poston活塞Poston o-ring活塞o-型环Yoke o-ring支架o-型环Pneumatic actuator 气动执行机构Direct acting diaphragm actuator正作用薄膜执行机构Reverse acting diaphragm actuator反作用薄膜执行机构Direct acting piston actuator正作用活塞执行机构Reverse acting piston actuator反作用活塞执行机构Air connection气信号接口Diaphragm薄膜Actuator spring 执行机构弹簧Actuator seat执行机构推杆Spring seat弹簧座Spring adjustor弹簧调整器Travel indicator行程指针Stem connector阀杆连接件Indicator scale行程标尺Valve seat 阀杆Piston ring活塞环Electric actuator电动执行机构Linear electric actuator直行程电动执行机构Servo-amplifier伺服放大器Electric actuator电动执行机构Electric loading station电动操作器Position generator位置传送器Servo-motor伺服电动机Angle electric actuator角行程电动执行机构Reducer减速器Shaft输出轴Control valve type 控制阀类型Single-ported globe valve直通单座控制阀Double-ported globe valve直通双座控制阀Angle control valve角型控制阀Three –way control valve三通控制阀Three-way valve for mixing operation三通合流阀Three –way valve for diverting valve三通分流阀Butterfly control valve控制蝶阀Internal bearing内部轴承External bearing外部轴承Disc阀板Packing填料Shaft with linkage轴联动装置Link rod连杆Rotary control valve 偏心旋转控制阀Taper and expansion pins锥形膨胀销钉V-ball control valve v型控制球阀Ball control valve 控制球阀V-ring packing v-型环填料Bonnet上阀盖Bonnet with guardian bellows seal 波纹管密封型上阀盖Cryogenic bonnet低温型上阀盖Self-operated regulator自力式调节阀Temperature regulator自力式温度调节阀Operating element with bellows带波纹管操作元件Key for set point adjustment调整设定点钥匙Set point dial设定点刻度盘Flow regulator自力式流量调节阀Restriction to adjust flow point流量限流设定Positioning spring定位弹簧Differential pressure regulator 自力式差压调节阀Overload protection过载保护Pressure regulator自力式压力调节阀Control line (control pressure) upstream / downstream pressure 上/下游压力控制管线Control valve accessory 控制阀附件Pneumatic positioned气动阀门定位器Pick-up lever反馈杆Solenoid valve电磁阀Diaphragm lever膜片杠杆Measuring spring测量弹簧Measuring Diaphragm 测量膜片Turn board转向板I/P positioner电/气阀门定位器Inductive displacement sensor电感位移传感器Micro-controller微控制器Frequency shift keying signal for communication用于通讯的频率变换键控信号Digital positioner数字阀门定位器On-off valve for supply air供气用开关阀On-off valve for venting air排气用开关阀Forced fail-safe venting action强制故障安全排放装置Field bus positioner现场总线式阀门定位器Micro switch for write protection and simulation mode写保护和模拟样式的微动开关Binary input二进制输入Fieldbus interface module现场总线接口模块Limit switch 限位开关Lever for valve travel 阀行程杠杆Inductive pick-up电感信号检测器Electric switching element电动开关元件Pneumatic switching element气动开关元件Nozzle with switch带开关喷嘴Pneumatic micro switch气动微动开关Inductive limit switch电感限位开关Electric limit switch电动限位开关Pneumatic limit switch气动限位开关Relay with coil带线圈的继电器Pressure limiter限压器Restriction 节流3/2-way valve二位三通阀Control piston控制活塞Air connection for pressure to be switched in the line开关气动信号管线空气连接Position transmitter阀位变送器Solenoid system电磁系统Sensor with temperature sensitive resistor 带热敏电阻的传感器Switch with potentiometer for coarse and fine zero / span adjustment 带电位器的开关,用于零点/量程粗调和微调Constant-current source恒流源Constant-voltage source恒压源Travel阀开度Pneumatic lock-up valve气锁阀Air pressure reducing station空气过滤减压器Filter element过滤器元件Safety relief valve安全泄压阀Spring loaded safety relief valve弹簧式安全泄压阀Blow down ring 增压环Safety barriers for digital (switch) output 用于数字输出的安全栅Safety barrier 安全栅Link for loop disconnecting回路断路链Isolator隔离器2-wire 4/20mA transmitter两线制4/20 mA变送器4/20mA controller4/20 mA控制器Annunciator 报警器Sequence control module顺序控制模块Repeat relay module重复继电器模块Optional integral common service module 可选整体通用模块Panel mounting hardware盘装用硬件Special instrument 特殊仪表Speed measuring instrument 速度测量仪表Speed sensor测速传感器Pulley shaft皮带轮轴Flexible conduit穿线软管Angle iron角铁Speed transmitter 速度变送器Probe测速/振/位移探头Drive驱动器Signal cable信号电缆Remote reset远程设定Transmitter for shaft vibration轴振动变送器Transmitter for thrust position轴位移变送器Digital display unit 数字显示单元Weighing system 称重系统Load cells 负荷传感器Top plate顶板Force guiding piece 离导向部件Base plate底版Pressure plate压力板Self-aligning bolt自调准螺栓Typical weighing system architecture 典型的称重系统机构Weighing terminal称重终端RS232 interface RS232接口Fieldbus interface 现场总线接口Automatic fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统Remote fire alarm controller集中火灾报警控制器Local fire alarm controller区域火灾报警控制器Graphic fire alarm display panel图形式火灾显示盘Fire fighting linkage controller火灾联动控制盘Photoelectric smoke detector光电感烟探测器Rate–of-rice and fixed temperature head detector (电子)差定温感温探测器Optional/heat detector 烟温复合探测器Hydronium smoke detector 离子感烟探测器Ultraviolet flame detector 紫外火焰探测器Linear infrared beam smoke detector 线形红外光束感烟探测器Linear cable heat detector线形缆式感温探测器Manual call point手动报警按钮Alarm bell警铃Visual and acoustic alarm 声光报警器Node module接口模块Control module控制模块Instancy abort/release紧急中止/释放Gas spraying indicator放气指示Terminal node 终端接口Mode node模式接口SLC loop SLC回路80 character LCD show 80字符LCD显示Estate /failure indicator light状态/故障指示灯Cut in label插入式标签Program clavier 编程键盘Erasure memory可擦除存储器Control key-press控制按钮Alternating current power supply 交流电源Direct current power supply直流电源Changeover module转换模块Option node 可选接口RF screen meshwork RF屏蔽网Laser diode激光二极管Circuit board电路板Industry TV scout system 工业电视监视系统Pickup camera of explosion proof type防爆型摄像机Flameproof electricity pan/tilt隔爆型解码控制器Matrix controller矩阵控制器Color monitor彩色监视器Video input/output视频输入/输出Control line控制线Foci switch焦距开关Function switch功能开关Video input node视频输入接口Digital control system 数字控制系统Distributed control system 分散控制系统Typical DCS system architecture典型的DCS系统机构Ethernet以太网Operator /engineering station 操作站/工程师站Closing /opening and on standing type operator station封闭/开放型落地式操作站Control bus控制总线ER bus扩展远程总线Legacy field devices传统的现场设备Typical FCS system architecture典型的现场总线控制系统机构FCS server FCS服务器FCS station FCS操作站Controller net 控制网Controller, fieldbus interface modules and IOMs 控制器,现场总线接口和I/O模块Fieldbus RTPs umpowered 非供电型现场总线远传端子板Fieldbus devices 现场总线设备Fieldbus interface modules and IOMs 现场总线接口和I/O模块Fieldbus RTPs (W/I.S barrier)现场总线远传端子板(带安全栅)Controlnet to more I/O racks控制网到机架Plant resource management system (PMR) 工厂资源管理系统PMR server PMR 服务器PMR station PMR 客户机Field communication server 现场通信服务器Control station 控制站Redundant冗余Terminator终端器Programmable logic controller 可编程控制器Main processors主处理器Communication module 通信模块I/O module I/O模块Power module电源模块DCS bus DCS总线DCS system DCS系统Programming workstation 编程站Host computer主计算机Instrument panel仪表盘。



Package‘dHSIC’October13,2022Type PackageTitle Independence Testing via Hilbert Schmidt Independence CriterionVersion2.1Date2019-01-04Author Niklas Pfister and Jonas PetersMaintainer Niklas Pfister<*****************>Description Contains an implementation of thed-variable Hilbert Schmidt independence criterionand several hypothesis tests based on it,as describedin Pfister et al.(2017)<doi:10.1111/rssb.12235>.License GPL-3Imports Rcpp(>=0.12.18)LinkingTo RcppNeedsCompilation yesRepository CRANDate/Publication2019-01-0413:50:19UTCR topics documented:dHSIC-package (2)dhsic (3)dhsic.test (5)Index812dHSIC-package dHSIC-package Independence Testing via Hilbert Schmidt Independence CriterionDescriptionContains an implementation of the d-variable Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion and severalhypothesis tests based on it,as described in Pfister et al.(2017)<doi:10.1111/rssb.12235>.DetailsThe DESCRIPTIONfile:Package:dHSICType:PackageTitle:Independence Testing via Hilbert Schmidt Independence CriterionVersion: 2.1Date:2019-01-04Author:Niklas Pfister and Jonas PetersMaintainer:Niklas Pfister<pfi**************>Description:Contains an implementation of the d-variable Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion and several hypothesis te License:GPL-3Imports:Rcpp(>=0.12.18)LinkingTo:RcppIndex of help topics:dHSIC-package Independence Testing via Hilbert SchmidtIndependence Criteriondhsic d-variable Hilbert Schmidt independencecriterion-dHSICdhsic.test Independence test based on dHSICAuthor(s)Niklas Pfister and Jonas PetersMaintainer:Niklas Pfister<pfi**************>ReferencesGretton,A.,K.Fukumizu,C.H.Teo,L.Song,B.Sch\"olkopf and A.J.Smola(2007).A kernelstatistical test of independence.In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems(pp.585-592).Pfister,N.,P.B\"uhlmann,B.Sch\"olkopf and J.Peters(2017).Kernel-based Tests for Joint Inde-pendence.To appear in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,Series B.dhsic d-variable Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion-dHSICDescriptionThe d-variable Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion(dHSIC)is a non-parametric measure of dependence between an arbitrary number of variables.In the large sample limit the value of dHSIC is0if the variables are jointly independent and positive if there is a dependence.It is therefore able to detect any type of dependence given a sufficient amount of data.Usagedhsic(X,Y,K,kernel="gaussian",bandwidth=1,matrix.input=FALSE)ArgumentsX either a list of at least two numeric matrices or a single numeric matrix.The rows of a matrix correspond to the observations of a variable.It is always requiredthat there are an equal number of observations for all variables(i.e.all matriceshave to have the same number of rows).If X is a single numeric matrix than onehas to specify the second variable as Y or set matrix.input to"TRUE".Seebelow for more details.Y a numeric matrix if X is also a numeric matrix and omitted if X is a list.K a list of the gram matrices corresponding to each variable.If K specified the other inputs will have no effect on the computations.kernel a vector of character strings specifying the kernels for each variable.There exist two pre-defined kernels:"gaussian"(Gaussian kernel with median heuristic asbandwidth)and"discrete"(discrete kernel).User defined kernels can also beused by passing the function name as a string,which will then be matched the length of kernel is smaller than the number of variables thekernel specified in kernel[1]will be used for all variables.bandwidth a numeric value specifying the size of the bandwidth used for the Gaussian ker-nel.Only used if kernel="gaussian.fixed".matrix.input a boolean.If matrix.input is"TRUE"the input X is assumed to be a matrix in which the columns correspond to the variables.DetailsThe d-variable Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion is a direct extension of the standard Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion(HSIC)from two variables to an arbitrary number of variables.It is0if and only if all the variables are jointly independent.This function computes an estimator of dHSIC,which converges to the actual dHSIC in the large sample limit.It is therefore possible to detect any type of dependence in the large sample limit.If X is a list with d matrices,the function computes dHSIC for the corresponding d random vectors.If X is a matrix and matrix.input is"TRUE"the functions dHSIC for the columns of X.If X is amatrix and matrix.input is"FALSE"then Y needs to be a matrix,too;in this case,the function computes the dHSIC(HSIC)for the corresponding two random vectors.For more details see the references.ValueA list containing the following components:dHSIC the value of the empirical estimator of dHSICtime numeric vector containing computation times.time[1]is time to compute Gram matrix and time[2]is time to compute dHSIC.bandwidth bandwidth used during computations.Only relevant if Gaussian kernel was used.Author(s)Niklas Pfister and Jonas PetersReferencesGretton,A.,K.Fukumizu,C.H.Teo,L.Song,B.Sch\"olkopf and A.J.Smola(2007).A kernel statistical test of independence.In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems(pp.585-592).Pfister,N.,P.B\"uhlmann,B.Sch\"olkopf and J.Peters(2017).Kernel-based Tests for Joint Inde-pendence.To appear in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,Series B.See AlsoIn order to perform hypothesis tests based on dHSIC use the function dhsic.test.Examples###Three different input methodsset.seed(0)x<-matrix(rnorm(200),ncol=2)y<-matrix(rbinom(100,30,0.1),ncol=1)#compute dHSIC of x and y(x is taken as a single variable)dhsic(list(x,y),kernel=c("gaussian","discrete"))$dHSICdhsic(x,y,kernel=c("gaussian","discrete"))$dHSIC#compute dHSIC of x[,1],x[,2]and ydhsic(cbind(x,y),kernel=c("gaussian","discrete"),matrix.input=TRUE)$dHSIC###Using a user-defined kernel(here:sigmoid kernel)set.seed(0)x<-matrix(rnorm(500),ncol=1)y<-x^2+0.02*matrix(rnorm(500),ncol=1)sigmoid<-function(x_1,x_2){return(tanh(sum(x_1*x_2)))}dhsic(x,y,kernel="sigmoid")$dHSICdhsic.test Independence test based on dHSICDescriptionHypothesis test forfinding statistically significant evidence of dependence between several es the d-variable Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion(dHSIC)as measure of depen-dence.Several types of hypothesis tests are included.The null hypothesis(H_0)is that all variables are jointly independent.Usagedhsic.test(X,Y,K,alpha=0.05,method="permutation",kernel="gaussian",B=1000,pairwise=FALSE,bandwidth=1,matrix.input=FALSE)ArgumentsX either a list of at least two numeric matrices or a single numeric matrix.The rows of a matrix correspond to the observations of a variable.It is always requiredthat there are an equal number of observations for all variables(i.e.all matriceshave to have the same number of rows).If X is a single numeric matrix than onehas to specify the second variable as Y or set matrix.input to"TRUE".Seebelow for more details.Y a numeric matrix if X is also a numeric matrix and omitted if X is a list.K a list of the gram matrices corresponding to each variable.If K the following inputs X,Y,kernel,pairwise,bandwidth and matrix.input will be ignored.alpha a numeric value in(0,1)specifying the confidence level of the hypothesis test.method a character string specifying the type of hypothesis test used.The available op-tions are:"gamma"(gamma approximation based test),"permutation"(permuta-tion test(slow)),"bootstrap"(bootstrap test(slow))and"eigenvalue"(eigenvaluebased test).kernel a vector of character strings specifying the kernels for each variable.There exist two pre-defined kernels:"gaussian"(Gaussian kernel with median heuristic asbandwidth)and"discrete"(discrete kernel).User defined kernels can also beused by passing the function name as a string,which will then be matched the length of kernel is smaller than the number of variables thekernel specified in kernel[1]will be used for all variables.B an integer value specifying the number of Monte-Carlo iterations made in thepermutation and bootstrap test.Only relevant if method is set to"permutation"or to"bootstrap".pairwise a logical value indicating whether one should use HSIC with pairwise compar-isons instead of dHSIC.Can only be true if there are more than two variables.bandwidth a numeric value specifying the size of the bandwidth used for the Gaussian ker-nel.Only used if kernel="gaussian.fixed".matrix.input a boolean.If matrix.input is"TRUE"the input X is assumed to be a matrix inwhich the columns correspond to the variables.DetailsThe d-variable Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion is a direct extension of the standard Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion(HSIC)from two variables to an arbitrary number of variables.It is0if and only if the variables are jointly independent.4different statistical hypothesis tests are implemented all with null hypothesis(H_0:X[[1]],...,X[[d]] are jointly independent)and alternative hypothesis(H_A:X[[1]],...,X[[d]]are not jointly inde-pendent):1.Permutation test for dHSIC:exact level,slow2.Bootstrap test for dHSIC:pointwise asymptotic level and pointwise consistent,slow3.Gamma approximation based test for dHSIC: only approximate,fast4.Eigenvalue based test for dHSIC:pointwise asymptotic level and point-wise consistent,mediumThe null hypothesis is rejected if statistic is strictly greater than crit.value.If X is a list with d matrices,the function tests for joint independence of the corresponding d random vectors.If X is a matrix and matrix.input is"TRUE"the functions tests the independence between the columns of X.If X is a matrix and matrix.input is"FALSE"then Y needs to be a matrix,too;in this case,the function tests the(pairwise)independence between the corresponding two random vectors.For more details see the references.ValueA list containing the following components:statistic the value of the test statisticcrit.value critical value of the hypothesis test.The null hypothesis(H_0:joint indepen-dence)is rejected if statistic is greater than crit.value.p.value p-value of the hypothesis test,i.e.the probability that a random version ofthe test statistic is greater than statistic under the calculated null hypothe-sis(H_0:joint independence)based on the data.time numeric vector containing computation times.time[1]is time to computeGram matrix,time[2]is time to compute dHSIC and time[3]is the time tocompute crit.value and p.value.bandwidth bandwidth used during the computation.Only relevant if Gaussian kernel wasused.Author(s)Niklas Pfister and Jonas PetersReferencesGretton,A.,K.Fukumizu,C.H.Teo,L.Song,B.Sch\"olkopf and A.J.Smola(2007).A kernel statistical test of independence.In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems(pp.585-592).Pfister,N.,P.B\"uhlmann,B.Sch\"olkopf and J.Peters(2017).Kernel-based Tests for Joint Inde-pendence.To appear in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,Series B.See AlsoIn order to only compute the test statistic without p-values,use the function dhsic.Examples###pairwise independent but not jointly independent(pairwise HSIC vs dHSIC)set.seed(0)x<-matrix(rbinom(100,1,0.5),ncol=1)y<-matrix(rbinom(100,1,0.5),ncol=1)z<-matrix(as.numeric((x+y)==1)+rnorm(100),ncol=1)X<-list(x,y,z)dhsic.test(X,method="permutation",kernel=c("discrete","discrete","gaussian"),pairwise=TRUE,B=1000)$p.valuedhsic.test(X,method="permutation",kernel=c("discrete","discrete","gaussian"),pairwise=FALSE,B=1000)$p.valueIndex∗htestdhsic.test,5∗nonparametricdhsic,3dhsic.test,5∗packagedHSIC-package,2dHSIC(dHSIC-package),2dhsic,3,7dHSIC-package,2dhsic.test,4,,3,58。



¯ and ψ are Dirac fermions and the mass matrix M is infinite. It has a single zero ψ mode but its adjoint has no zero modes. As long as MM† > 0 this setup is stable under small deformations of the mass matrix implying that radiative corrections will not wash the zero mode away. Kaplan’s domain wall suggests the following realization: M = −∂s − f (s), (2)
where s ∈ (−∞, ∞) and f is fixed at −Λ′ for negative s and at Λ for positive s (Λ′ , Λ > 0. There is no mathematical difficulty associated with the discontinuity at s = 0. The infinite path integral over the fermions is easily “done”: on the positive and negative segments of the real line respectively one has propagation with an s-independent “Hamiltonian”. The infinite extent means that at s = 0 the path integrals produce the overlap (inner product) between the two ground states of the many fermion systems corresponding to each side of the origin in s. The infinite extent also means infinite exponents linearly proportional to the respective energies - these factors are subtracted. One is left 2



员工培训外文参考文献译文及原文-如何培训高层主管员工培训外文参考文献译文及原文-如何培训高层主管It is harder to improve coaching and mentoring—inherently informal processes that depend on the chemistry between two people. The formal assignment of mentors can help, especially if a company explains what it expects from the relationship, and an effective performance evaluation process can prod bosses to provide better advice. But it is more effective to build a culture that values coaching and expects it as part of the daily routine.Several McKinsey offices now regularly ask associates which partners they view as mentorsAt McKinsey, for instance, mentoring is regarded as a vital part of the development culture but is still not as common as it should be. To encourage it, several McKinsey offices now ask all associates at regular intervals which partners they view as mentors. Although a small number of partners were named by as many as a dozen associates, most partners were surprised to find that fewer than five had so honored them. These results were monitored for a year and shared openly atpartners' meetings. Attention to mentoring has increased substantially.Five principlesCompanies should take action on five fronts to help executives grow quickly through job experience, the main force that drives executive development.1. Make development a fundamental part of organizational designThe foremost influence on executive development is the way jobs are structured, so the design of an organization determines the extent of its growth opportunities. Some companies are constrained by the narrowness of their portfolios, but even single-business firms can provide highfliers with diverse opportunities.Harley-Davidson, for example, is a single-business company organized around three teams: one to create products, another to create demand, and yet another to provide support services. Each of the company's top 24 executives belongs to one of the teams, which manage themselves and make decisions collectively, thus helping their members broaden their scope, learn more about the company,participate in big decisions, and benefit from feedback from and coaching by teammates.The Home Depot offers individual managers wide degrees of freedom to run their businesses. Unlike other retailers, the company gives store and department managers the freedom to hire their own people, order products, and set prices. "This is my $50 million business," says one manager. "I can double it or run it into the ground. Where else could I get that independence and challenge at 33?"SunTrust, another company that gives many managers rich development opportunities, has resisted the general tendency in thebanking industry to centralize by line of business (mortgages, for example), instead leaving revenue generation, cost control, andtalent management in the hands of local banks. The company believes that big jobs help it attract, keep, and develop strong, broad-gauge executives and teams at the local level.2. Spotlight the besttalentNot surprisingly, the McKinsey survey found that executives regard certain kinds of jobs as better at promoting development than others (Exhibit 2). Since virtually all of the positions that executives regard as most valuable for promoting growth tend to be in limited su原文请找腾讯3249114六-维-论'文;网 pply, the most challenging jobs should go to the most talented people. Of course, a company can't provide a fast track for highfliers if it doesn't know who they are. Since only 14 percent of the executives at medium-performing companies say thatthey can identify their high- and lowfliers, such businesses need to create a more effective system for that purpose.2 First, the whole senior management group should review each of a company's top 200 executives and identify the best 20 percent or so. This won't be easy, and mistakes will be made, but the assessment is likely to be more insightful if it is founded on a candid discussion involving a number of different viewpoints. To promote better feedback, coaching, and mentoring, the discussion should focus on each executive's strengths, weaknesses, and short-term development needs—including what job should come next, and when.3. Broker talent across the organizationImagine the pool of people and jobs across a company's executive ranks. How much development potential is lost if each executive job in a division must be filled only by people who already work for it! Yet this is exactly what happens in many companies: division presidents and department heads fill vacancies by looking solely at inside candidates. Consider also the natural tendency of those same division presidents to hoard their best people, and youget some sense of the scale of the missed opportunities.Sharingtalent across an organization doesn't come naturally and can be risky, but it is possible. The most common (and easiest) approach is the centrally managed one practiced by GE, AlliedSignal, and Arrow Electronics. At GE, staffing decisions for the top 500 jobs begin at the corporate center: HR executives work with the CEO, Jack Welch, to develop a slate of candidates from all parts of the company. Managers with jobs to fill can then choose any candidate they please. At Arrow Electronics, the CEO, Steve Kaufman, says, "The business units have enormous autonomy to make business decisions, but I guide the people decisions."Others companies, such as Hewlett-Packard and Enron, use a kind of "free-market" approach supported by deeply embedded valuesand one or two simple processes. Hewlett-Packard has a tradition ofmoving people across business units to tackle different kinds of challenges. Everyone receives performance ratings from one to five so that managers can find the best people relatively easily. All managers also have access to the names and resumes of the high-potential people chosen for the company's advanced training program. Since there is a job-posting system for every position below the top 100, it is easy for employees to find attractive opportunities.上一页[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页。



天线指向控制 抗积分饱卷+• ? 非周期分解 后验估计?- 近似推理…可扩充性 自动化专业英语词汇(A —E )accelerati on tran sducer力廿速度传感器 … accepta nee testi ng验收测试一 accessibility 可及性 -訐 accumulated error 累积误差繹 AC-DC-AC freque ncy con verter交-直-交变频器 …筄 AC (alternati ng curre nt) electric drive交流电子传动 active attitude stabilizati on主动姿态稳定 澡 actuator 驱动器,执行机构… adali ne 线性适应元 “adaptation layer适应层… adaptive telemeter system 适应遥测系统 -adjoint operator伴随算子“ admissible error 容许误差- aggregati on matrix 集结矩阵AHP (an alytic hierarchy process)层次分析法 amplifyi ng eleme nt 放大环节 …an alog-digital con version模数转换- annun ciator 信号器antenna poin ti ng controlan ti-i ntegral win dupaperiodic decompositi ona posteriori estimateapproximate reas oninga priori estimate 先验估计 - articulated robot 关节型机器人assig nment problem 配置问题,分配问题attractor 吸引子 augme ntability augme ntedsystem automaticman ual stati on automaton 自动机 backlash characteristicsbase coord in ate system增广系统…?自动-手动操作器 间隙特性RX 基座坐标系…associative memory model associatron 联想机…臔 联想记忆模型asymptotic stability atta ined pose drift attitude acquisiti on 渐进稳定性实际位姿漂移 姿态捕获? • AOCS (attritude and orbit con trol system) 姿态轨道控制系统 attitude an gular velocity 姿态角速度 … attitude disturba neeattitude man euver 姿态扰动 姿态机动Bayes classifier 贝叶斯分类器bearing alignment 方位对准biological feedback systemblack box testi ng approachbli nd search 盲目搜索 block diago nalizati on Boltzma n mach ine生物反馈系统 黑箱测试法bottom-up developme ntbou ndary value an alysisbra in storm ing methodbreadth-first searchbutterfly valve 蝶阀块对角化… 玻耳兹曼机 自下而上开发 边界值分析 头脑风暴法” 广度优先搜索&誡 计算机辅助工程& 计算机辅助制造规范化状态变量聚类分析- 粗-精控制 蛛网模型- 系数矩阵- 认知科学… 单调关联系统bellows pressure gauge波纹管压力表 •诹 ben efit-cost an alysis收益成本分析 … bili near system 双线性系统? biocybernetics生物控制论…?CAE (computer aided engin eeri ng)CAM (computer aided man ufacturi ng)Camflex valve 偏心旋转阀 “ canoni cal state variable capacitive displaceme nt tran sducer 电容式位移传感器capsule pressure gauge膜盒压力表 - CARD 计算机辅助研究开发…? Cartesian robot 直角坐标型机器人 … cascade compe nsati on串联补偿••- catastrophe theory 突变论?•• cen trality 集中性?-cha ined aggregati on 链式集结 … chaos 混沌… characteristic locus 特征轨迹-■chemical propulsi on 化学推进- calrity 清晰性 - classical in formation patter n经典信息模式 - classifier 分类器扟郹 cli nical con trol system 临床控制系统 -closed loop pole 闭环极点 •closed loop tra nsfer fun cti on 闭环传递函数cluster an alysiscoarse-fi ne con trol cobweb modelcoefficie nt matrixcog nitive scie neecog nitro n 认知机cohere nt systemcomb in ati on decisi on 组合决策组合爆炸 comb in atorial explosi on comb ined pressure and vacuum gauge comma nd pose 指令位姿压力真空表 compa nion matrix 相伴矩阵 compartme ntal model 房室模型 compatibility 相容性,兼容性 compe nsat ing n etwork 补偿网络 compe nsati on 补偿,矫正 complia nee 柔顺,顺应composite con trol 组合控制computable gen eral equilibrium model con ditio nally in stability 条件不稳定性 组态… 连接机制 可计算一般均衡模型 con figurati on conn ecti onism conn ectivity con servative system con siste ncy —致性 连接性 守恒系统con stra int con diti on con sumpti on fun cti on 约束条件消费函数 con text-free grammar con ti nuous discrete eve nt hybrid system simulation contin uous duty 上下文无关语法 连续离散事件混合系统仿真 con trol accuracy con trol cab inet 连续工作制 控制精度控制柜 con trollability in dex con trollable canoni cal form [con trol] pla nt 可控指数可控规范型 控制对象,被控对象 con troll ing in strume nt 控制仪表 con trol mome nt gyro 控制力矩陀螺 con trol pa nel 控制屏,控制盘control synchro 控制[式]自整角机con trol system syn thesis 控制系统综合控制时程 合作对策 con trol time horiz on cooperative game coordinability condition coord ination strategy coord inator 协调器 可协调条件 协调策略corner freque ncy costate variable 转折频率共态变量 cost-effective ness an alysis coupli ng of orbit and attitudecritical damp ing 临界阻尼 critical stability 临界稳定性费用效益分析轨道和姿态耦合cyli ndrical robot damped oscillati on damper 阻尼器圆柱坐标型机器人阻尼振荡…damp ing ratio data acquisiti on data en crypti on data preprocess ingdata processor 阻尼比数据采集数据加密数据预处理数据处理器cross-over freque ncy 穿越频率,交越频率current source inverter 电流[源]型逆变器cut-off freque ncy 截止频率cybernetics 控制论瀛cyclic remote con trol 循环遥控&櫗'decentralitydece分散随机控制 decisi on support system decompositi on-aggregati on approach decoupli ngparameter 解耦参数 决策支持系统分解集结法deductive-inductive hybrid modeling method delayed telemetry 延时遥测 derivati on tree 导岀树 演绎与归纳混合建模法 derivative feedback微分反馈describ ing fun cti on扌描述函数desired value 希望值 desp determi nistic automat on deviati on 偏差 棛偏差报警器 deviati on alarmDFD 数据流图 diag no 诊断模型diag on ally dominant matrix diaphragm pressure gauge differe neeequation differe ntial pressure level meterdiffere ntial pressure tran smitter 确定性自动机对角主导矩阵膜片压力表差分方程模型微分动力学系统 差压液位计 差压变送器differe ntial tran sformer displaceme nt transducerdiffere ntiati on eleme nt 微分环节差动变压器式位移传感器 DC gen erator-motor set driveD co ntroller微分控制器 直流发电机-电动机组传动digital filer 数字滤波器…digital sig nal process ing 数字信号处理馶digitizati on 数字化鹅逭digitizer 数字化仪湹-dime nsion tra nsducer 尺度传感器direct coord ination 直接协调…disaggregation 解裂<■discoord in ati on 失协调-+•■discrete eve nt dyn amic system 离散事件动态系统…discrete system simulation Ianguage 离散系统仿真语言--discrim inant fun cti on 判别函数…displaceme nt vibrati on amplitude tran sducer 位移振幅传感器效益理论 需求弹性 电动执行机构 electric con ducta nee levelmeter electric drive con trol gear electric hydraulic con verter electric pn eumatic con verter electrohydraulic servo vale electromag netic flow tra nsducer 电导液位计 “ %电动传动控制设备 “电-液转换器-dissipative structure 耗散结构- distributed parameter control system 分布参数控制系统 distrubanee 扰动- disturba nee compe nsati on 扰动补偿•■? diversity 多样性… divisibility 可分性嗾諐 doma in kno wledge 领域知识 • dominant pole 主导极点 … dose-resp onse model 剂量反应模型 - dual modulati on telemeteri ng system 双重调制遥测系统 dual pri nciple 对偶原理•)• dual spin stabilizati on 双自旋稳定 - duty ratio 负载比-■ dyn amic braking 能耗制动 … dyn amic characteristics 动态特性- dyn amic deviati on 动态偏差- dyn amic error coefficie nt 动态误差系数 ”? dyn amic exact ness 动它吻合性 … dyn amic in put-output model 动态投入产岀模型 econo metric model 计量经济模型-鞨 econo mic cyber netics 经济控制论 哤■"- econo mic effective ness 经济效益 … econo mic evaluati on 经济评价■- econo mic in dex 经济指数••- • econo mic in dicator 经济指标- eddy curre nt thick ness meter 电涡流厚度计 effectiveness 有效性恐鮪 effective ness theory elasticity of de ma nd electric actuator electr onic batchi ng scale 电子配料秤 …electr onic belt con veyor scale 电子皮带秤electro nic hopper scale 电子料斗秤 -elevation 仰角-emerge ncy stop 异常停止 緼-empirical distributi on 经验分布 …en doge nous variable 内生变量equilibrium growth 均衡增长L〃equilibrium point 平衡点…equivale nee partiti等价类划分oningerg ono mics 工效学error 误差“error-correcti on parsing 纠错剖析estimate 估计量…estimati on theory 估计理论…evaluati on tech ni que 评价技术 ieve nt cha in 事件链evoluti onary system 进化系统…exoge nous variable 外生变量 -expected characteristics 希望特性■-exter nal disturba nee 外扰accelerati on tran sducer 力口速度传感器accepta nee testi ng 验收测试accessibility 可及性accumulated error 累积误差AC-DC-AC frequency converter 交-直-交变频器AC (alternating current) electric drive 交流电子传动active attitude stabilizati on 主动姿态稳定actuator驱动器,执行机构adali ne线性适应元adaptati on layer 适应层adaptive telemeter system 适应遥测系统adjoint operator 伴随算子admissible error 容许误差aggregati on matrix 集结矩阵AHP (analytic hierarchy process) 层次分析法amplifying element 放大环节analog-digital conversion 模数转换annunciator 信号器antenna pointing control 天线指向控制anti-integral windup 抗积分饱卷aperiodic decomposition 非周期分解 a posteriori estimate 后验估计approximate reasoning 近似推理 a priori estimate 先验估计articulated robot 关节型机器人assignment problem 配置问题,分配问题associative memory model 联想记忆模型associatron 联想机asymptotic stability 渐进稳定性attained pose drift 实际位姿漂移attitude acquisition 姿态捕获AOCS (attritude and orbit control system) 姿态轨道控制系统attitude angular velocity 姿态角速度attitude disturbance 姿态扰动attitude maneuver 姿态机动attractor 吸引子augment ability 可扩充性augmented system 增广系统automatic manual station 自动-手动操作器automaton 自动机backlash characteristics 间隙特性base coord in ate system 基座坐标系Bayes classifier 贝叶斯分类器bearing alignment 方位对准bellows pressure gauge 波纹管压力表benefit-cost analysis 收益成本分析bilinear system 双线性系统biocybernetics 生物控制论biological feedback system 生物反馈系统black box testing approach 黑箱测试法blind search 盲目搜索block diagonalization 块对角化Boltzman machine 玻耳兹曼机bottom-up development 自下而上开发boundary value analysis 边界值分析brainstorming method 头脑风暴法breadth-first search 广度优先搜索butterfly valve 蝶阀CAE (computer aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程CAM (computer aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造Camflex valve 偏心旋转阀canonical state variable 规范化状态变量capacitive displacement transducer 电容式位移传感器capsule pressure gauge膜盒压力表CARD 计算机辅助研究开发Cartesian robot 直角坐标型机器人cascade compe nsati on 串联补偿catastrophe theory 突变论centrality 集中性chained aggregation 链式集结chaos 混沌characteristic locus 特征轨迹chemical propulsion 化学推进calrity 清晰性classical information pattern 经典信息模式classifier 分类器clinical control system 临床控制系统closed loop pole 闭环极点closed loop transfer function 闭环传递函数cluster analysis 聚类分析coarse-fine control 粗-精控制cobweb model 蛛网模型coefficient matrix 系数矩阵cognitive science 认知科学cognitron 认知机coherent system 单调关联系统combination decision 组合决策combinatorial explosion 组合爆炸comb ined pressure and vacuum gauge压力真空表command pose 指令位姿companion matrix 相伴矩阵compartmental model 房室模型compatibility 相容性,兼容性compensating network 补偿网络compensation 补偿,矫正compliance 柔顺,顺应composite control 组合控制computable general equilibrium model 可计算一般均衡模型conditionally instability 条件不稳定性configuration 组态connectionism 连接机制connectivity 连接性conservative system 守恒系统consistency 一致性constraint condition 约束条件consumption function 消费函数context-free grammar 上下文无关语法continuous discrete event hybrid system simulation 连续离散事件混合系统仿真continuous duty 连续工作制control accuracy 控制精度control cabinet 控制柜controllability index 可控指数controllable canonical form 可控规范型[control] plant 控制对象,被控对象controlling instrument 控制仪表control moment gyro 控制力矩陀螺control panel 控制屏,控制盘control synchro 控制[ 式] 自整角机control system synthesis 控制系统综合control time horizon 控制时程cooperative game 合作对策coordinability condition 可协调条件coordination strategy 协调策略coordinator 协调器corner frequency 转折频率costate variable 共态变量cost-effectiveness analysis 费用效益分析coupling of orbit and attitude 轨道和姿态耦合critical damping 临界阻尼critical stability 临界稳定性cross-over frequency 穿越频率,交越频率current source inverter 电流[源]型逆变器cut-off frequency 截止频率cybernetics 控制论cyclic remote control 循环遥控cylindrical robot 圆柱坐标型机器人damped oscillation 阻尼振荡damper 阻尼器damping ratio 阻尼比data acquisition 数据采集data encryption 数据加密data preprocessing 数据预处理data processor 数据处理器DC generator-motor set drive 直流发电机-电动机组传动D controller 微分控制器decentrality 分散性decentralized stochastic control 分散随机控制decision space 决策空间decision support system 决策支持系统decomposition-aggregation approach 分解集结法decoupling parameter 解耦参数deductive-inductive hybrid modeling method 演绎与归纳混合建模法delayed telemetry 延时遥测derivation tree 导出树derivative feedback 微分反馈describing function 描述函数desired value 希望值despinner 消旋体destination 目的站detector 检出器deterministic automaton 确定性自动机deviation 偏差舱deviation alarm 偏差报警器DFD 数据流图diagnostic model 诊断模型diagonally dominant matrix 对角主导矩阵diaphragm pressure gauge 膜片压力表difference equation model 差分方程模型differential dynamical system 微分动力学系统differential game 微分对策differential pressure level meter 差压液位计differential pressure transmitter 差压变送器differential transformer displacement transducer 差动变压器式位移传感器differentiation element 微分环节digital filer 数字滤波器digital signal processing 数字信号处理digitization 数字化digitizer 数字化仪dimension transducer 尺度传感器direct coordination 直接协调disaggregation 解裂discoordination 失协调discrete event dynamic system 离散事件动态系统discrete system simulation language 离散系统仿真语言discriminant function 判别函数displacement vibration amplitude transducer 位移振幅传感器dissipative structure 耗散结构distributed parameter control system 分布参数控制系统distrubance 扰动disturbance compensation 扰动补偿diversity 多样性divisibility 可分性domain knowledge 领域知识dominant pole 主导极点dose-resp onse mode I剂量反应模型dual modulation telemetering system 双重调制遥测系统duaI principIe 对偶原理duaI spin stabiIization 双自旋稳定duty ratio 负载比dynamic braking 能耗制动dynamic characteristics 动态特性dynamic deviation 动态偏差dynamic error coefficient 动态误差系数dynamic exactness 动它吻合性dynamic input-output modeI 动态投入产出模型econometric modeI 计量经济模型economic cybernetics 经济控制论economic effectiveness 经济效益economic evaIuation 经济评价economic index 经济指数economic indicator 经济指标eddy current thickness meter 电涡流厚度计effectiveness 有效性effectiveness theory 效益理论elasticity of demand 需求弹性electric actuator 电动执行机构electric conductance levelmeter 电导液位计electric drive control gear 电动传动控制设备electric hydraulic converter 电-液转换器electric pneumatic converter 电-气转换器electrohydraulic servo vale 电液伺服阀electromagnetic flow transducer电磁流量传感器electronic batching scale 电子配料秤electronic beltconveyor scale 电子皮带秤electronic hopper scale 电子料斗秤elevation 仰角emergency stop 异常停止empirical distribution 经验分布endogenous variable 内生变量equilibrium growth 均衡增长equilibrium point 平衡点equivalence partitioning 等价类划分ergonomics 工效学error 误差error-correction parsing 纠错剖析estimate 估计量estimation theory 估计理论evaluation technique 评价技术event chain 事件链evolutionary system 进化系统exogenous variable 外生变量expected characteristics 希望特性external disturbance 外扰fact base 事实failure diagnosis 故障诊断fast mode 快变模态feasibility study 可行性研究feasible coordination 可行协调feasible region 可行域feature detection 特征检测feature extraction 特征抽取feedback compensation 反馈补偿feedforward path 前馈通路field bus 现场总线finite automaton 有限自动机FIP (factory information protocol) 工厂信息协议first order predicate logic 一阶谓词逻辑fixed sequence manipulator 固定顺序机械手fixed set point control 定值控制FMS (flexible manufacturing system) 柔性制造系统flow sensor/transducer 流量传感器flow transmitter 流量变送器fluctuation 涨落forced oscillation 强迫振荡formal language theory 形式语言理论formal neuron 形式神经元forward path 正向通路forward reasoning 正向推理fractal 分形体,分维体frequency converter 变频器frequency domain model reduction method 频域模型降阶法frequency response 频域响应full order observer 全阶观测器functional decomposition 功能分解FES (functional electrical stimulation) 功能电刺激functional simularity 功能相似fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑game tree 对策树gate valve 闸阀general equilibrium theory 一般均衡理论gen eralized least squares estimation 广义最小二乘估计generation function 生成函数geomagnetic torque 地磁力矩geometric similarity 几何相似gimbaled wheel 框架轮global asymptotic stability 全局渐进稳定性global optimum 全局最优globe valve 球形阀徢goal coordination method 目标协调法grammatical inference 文法推断graphic search 图搜索gravity gradient torque 重力梯度力矩group technology 成组技术guidance system 制导系统gyro drift rate 陀螺漂移率gyrostat 陀螺体Hall displacement transducer 霍尔式位移传感器hardware-in-the-loop simulation 半实物仿真harmonious deviation 和谐偏差harmonious strategy 和谐策略heuristic inference 启发式推理hidden oscillation 隐蔽振荡hierarchical chart 层次结构图hierarchical planning 递阶规划hierarchical control 递阶控制homeostasis 内稳态homomorphic model 同态系统horizontal decomposition 横向分解hormonal control 内分泌控制hydraulic step motor 液压步进马达hypercycle theory 超循环理论I controller 积分控制器identifiability 可辨识性IDSS (intelligent decision support system) 智能决策支持系统image recognition 图像识别impulse 冲量impulse function 冲击函数,脉冲函数inching 点动incompatibility principle 不相容原理incremental motion control 增量运动控制index of merit 品质因数inductive force transducer 电感式位移传感器inductive modeling method 归纳建模法industrial automation 工业自动化inertial attitude sensor 惯性姿态敏感器inertial coordinate system 惯性坐标系inertial wheel 惯性轮inference engine 推理机infinite dimensional system 无穷维系统information acquisition 信息采集infrared gas analyzer 红外线气体分析器inherent nonlinearity 固有非线性inherent regulation 固有调节initial deviation 初始偏差initiator 发起站injection attitude 入轨姿势input-output model 投入产出模型instability 不稳定性instruction level language 指令级语言integral of absolute value of error criterion 绝对误差积分准则integral of squared error criterion 平方误差积分准则integral performance criterion 积分性能准则integration instrument 积算仪器integrity 整体性intelligent terminal 智能终端interacted system 互联系统,关联系统interactive prediction approach 互联预估法,关联预估法interconnection 互联intermittent duty 断续工作制internal disturbance 内扰ISM (interpretive structure modeling) 解释结构建模法invariant embedding principle 不变嵌入原理inventory theory 库伦论inverse Nyquist diagram 逆奈奎斯特图inverter 逆变器investment decision 投资决策isomorphic model 同构模型iterative coordination 迭代协调jet propulsion 喷气推进job-lot control 分批控制joint 关节Kalman-Bucy filer 卡尔曼-布西滤波器knowledge accomodation 知识顺应knowledge acquisition 知识获取knowledge assimilation 知识同化KBMS (knowledge base management system) 知识库管理系统瓢knowledge representation 知识表达ladder diagram 梯形图lag-lead compensation 滞后超前补偿Lagrange duality 拉格朗日对偶性Laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换large scale system 大系统lateral inhibition network 侧抑制网络least cost input 最小成本投入least squares criterion 最小二乘准则level switch 物位开关libration damping 天平动阻尼limit cycle 极限环linearization technique 线性化方法linear motion electric drive 直线运动电气传动linear motion valve 直行程阀linear programming 线性规划LQR (linear quadratic regulator problem) 线性二次调节器问题load cell 称重传感器local asymptotic stability 局部渐近稳定性local optimum 局部最优log magnitude-phase diagram 对数幅相图long term memory 长期记忆lumped parameter model 集总参数模型Lyapunov theorem of asymptotic stability 李雅普诺夫渐近稳定性定理macro-economic system 宏观经济系统magnetic dumping 磁卸载magnetoelastic weighing cell 磁致弹性称重传感器magnitude-frequency characteristic 幅频特性magnitude margin 幅值裕度magnitude scale factor 幅值比例尺manipulator 机械手man-machine coordination 人机协调manual station 手动操作器MAP (manufacturing automation protocol) 制造自动化协议marginal effectiveness 边际效益Mason''s gain formula 梅森增益公式master station 主站matching criterion 匹配准则maximum likelihood estimation 最大似然估计maximum overshoot 最大超调量maximum principle 极大值原理mean-square error criterion 均方误差准则mechanism model 机理模型meta-knowledge 元知识metallurgical automation 冶金自动化minimal realization 最小实现minimum phase system 最小相位系统minimum variance estimation 最小方差估计minor loop 副回路missile-target relative movement simulator 弹体- 目标相对运动仿真器modal aggregation 模态集结modal transformation 模态变换MB (model base) 模型库model confidence 模型置信度model fidelity 模型逼真度model reference adaptive control system 模型参考适应控制系统model verification 模型验证modularization 模块化MEC (most economic control) 最经济控制motion space 可动空间MTBF (mean time between failures) 平均故障间隔时间MTTF (mean time to failures) 平均无故障时间multi-attributive utility function 多属性效用函数multicriteria 多重判据multilevel hierarchical structure 多级递阶结构multiloop control 多回路控制multi-objective decision 多目标决策multistate logic 多态逻辑multistratum hierarchical control 多段递阶控制multivariable control system 多变量控制系统myoelectric control 肌电控制Nash optimality 纳什最优性natural language generation 自然语言生成nearest-neighbor 最近邻necessity measure 必然性侧度negative feedback 负反馈neural assembly 神经集合neural network computer 神经网络计算机Nichols chart 尼科尔斯图noetic science 思维科学noncoherent system 非单调关联系统noncooperative game 非合作博弈nonequilibrium state 非平衡态nonlinear element 非线性环节nonmonotonic logic 非单调逻辑nonparametric training 非参数训练nonreversible electric drive 不可逆电气传动nonsingular perturbation 非奇异摄动non-stationary random process 非平稳随机过程nuclear radiation levelmeter 核辐射物位计nutation sensor 章动敏感器Nyquist stability criterion 奈奎斯特稳定判据objective function 目标函数observability index 可观测指数observable canonical form 可观测规范型on-line assistance 在线帮助on-off control 通断控制open loop pole 开环极点operational research model 运筹学模型optic fiber tachometer 光纤式转速表optimal trajectory 最优轨迹optimization technique 最优化技术orbital rendezvous 轨道交会orbit gyrocompass 轨道陀螺罗盘orbit perturbation 轨道摄动order parameter 序参数orientation control 定向控制originator 始发站oscillating period 振荡周期output prediction method 输出预估法oval wheel flowmeter 椭圆齿轮流量计overall design 总体设计overdamping 过阻尼overlapping decomposition 交叠分解Pade approximation 帕德近似Pareto optimality 帕雷托最优性passive attitude stabilization 被动姿态稳定path repeatability 路径可重复性pattern primitive 模式基元PR (pattern recognition) 模式识别P control 比例控制器peak time 峰值时间penalty function method 罚函数法perceptron 感知器periodic duty 周期工作制perturbation theory 摄动理论pessimistic value 悲观值phase locus 相轨迹phase trajectory 相轨迹phase lead 相位超前photoelectric tachometric transducer 光电式转速传感器phrase-structure grammar 短句结构文法physical symbol system 物理符号系统piezoelectric force transducer 压电式力传感器playback robot 示教再现式机器人PLC (programmable logic controller) 可编程序逻辑控制器plug braking 反接制动plug valve 旋塞阀pneumatic actuator 气动执行机构point-to-point control 点位控制polar robot 极坐标型机器人pole assignment 极点配置pole-zero cancellation 零极点相消polynomial input 多项式输入portfolio theory 投资搭配理论pose overshoot 位姿过调量position measuring instrument 位置测量仪posentiometric displacement transducer 电位器式位移传感器positive feedback 正反馈power system automation 电力系统自动化predicate logic 谓词逻辑pressure gauge with electric contact 电接点压力表pressure transmitter 压力变送器price coordination 价格协调primal coordination 主协调primary frequency zone 主频区PCA (principal component analysis) 主成分分析法principle of turnpike大道原理priority 优先级process-oriented simulation 面向过程的仿真productionbudget 生产预算production rule 产生式规则profit forecast 利润预测PERT (program evaluation and review technique) 计划评审技术program set station 程序设定操作器proportional control 比例控制proportional plus derivative controller 比例微分控制器protocol engineering 协议工程prototype 原型pseudo random seque nee伪随机序歹U pseudo-rate-increment control 伪速率增量控制pulse duration 脉冲持续时间pulse frequeney modulation eontrol system 脉冲调频控制系统pulsewidth modulation eontrol system 脉冲调宽控制系统PWM inverter 脉宽调制逆变器pushdown automaton 下推自动机QC (quality control) 质量管理quadratic performance index 二次型性能指标qualitative physical model 定性物理模型quantized noise 量化噪声quasilinear characteristics 准线性特性queuing theory 排队论radio frequency sensor 射频敏感器ramp function 斜坡函数random disturbance 随机扰动random process 随机过程rate integrating gyro 速率积分陀螺ratio station 比值操作器reachability 可达性reaction wheel control 反作用轮控制realizability 可实现性,能实现性real time telemetry 实时遥测receptive field 感受野rectangular robot 直角坐标型机器人rectifier 整流器recursive estimation 递推估计reduced order observer 降阶观测器redundant information 冗余信息reentry control 再入控制regenerative braking 回馈制动,再生制动regional planning model 区域规划模型regulating device 调节装载regulation 调节relational algebra 关系代数relay characteristic 继电器特性remote manipulator 遥控操作器remote regulating 遥调remote set point adjuster 远程设定点调整器rendezvous and docking 交会和对接reproducibility 再现性resista nee thermometer sen sor热电阻resolution principle 归结原理resouree alloeation 资源分配response eurve 响应曲线returndifferenee matrix 回差矩阵return ratio matrix 回比矩阵reverberation 回响reversible eleetrie drive 可逆电气传动revolute robot 关节型机器人revolution speed transducer 转速传感器rewriting rule 重写规则rigid spacecraft dynamics 刚性航天动力学risk decision 风险分析robotics 机器人学robot programming language 机器人编程语言robust control 鲁棒控制robustness 鲁棒性roll gap measuring instrument 辊缝测量仪root locus 根轨迹roots flowmeter 腰轮流量计rotameter 浮子流量计,转子流量计rotary eccentric plug valve 偏心旋转阀rotary motion valve 角行程阀rotating transformer 旋转变压器Routh approximation method 劳思近似判据routing problem 路径问题sampled-data control system 采样控制系统sampling control system 采样控制系统saturation characteristics 饱和特性scalar Lyapunov function 标量李雅普诺夫函数SCARA (selective compliance assembly robot arm) 平面关节型机器人scenario analysis method 情景分析法scene analysis 物景分析s-domain s 域self-operated controller 自力式控制器self-organizingsystem 自组织系统self-reproducing system 自繁殖系统self-tuningcontrol 自校正控制semantic network 语义网络semi-physicalsimulation 半实物仿真sensing element 敏感元件sensitivity analysis 灵敏度分析sensory control 感觉控制sequential decomposition 顺序分解seque ntial least squares estimation序贯最小二乘估计servo control 伺服控制,随动控制servomotor 伺服马达settling time 过渡时间sextant 六分仪short term planning 短期计划short time horizon coordination 短时程协调signal detection and estimation 信号检测和估计signal reconstruction 信号重构similarity 相似性simulated interrupt 仿真中断simulation block diagram 仿真框图simulation experiment 仿真实验simulation velocity 仿真速度simulator 仿真器single axle table 单轴转台single degree of freedom gyro 单自由度陀螺single level process 单级过程single value nonlinearity 单值非线性singular attractor 奇异吸引子singular perturbation 奇异摄动sink 汇点slaved system 受役系统slower-than-real-time simulation 欠实时仿真slow subsystem 慢变子系统socio-cybernetics 社会控制论socioeconomic system 社会经济系统software psychology 软件心理学solar array pointing control 太阳帆板指向控制solenoid valve 电磁阀source 源点specific impulse 比冲speed control system 调速系统spin axis 自旋轴spinner 自旋体stability criterion 稳定性判据stability limit 稳定极限stabilization 镇定,稳定Stackelberg decision theory 施塔克尔贝格决策理论state equation model 状态方程模型state space description 状态空间描述static characteristics curve 静态特性曲线station accuracy 定点精度stationary random process 平稳随机过程statistical analysis 统计分析statistic pattern recognition 统计模式识别steady state deviation 稳态偏差steady state error coefficient 稳态误差系数step-by-step control 步进控制step function 阶跃函数stepwise refinement 逐步精化stochastic finite automaton 随机有限自动机strain gauge load cell 应变式称重传感器strategic function 策略函数strongly coupled system 强耦合系统subjective probability 主观频率suboptimality 次优性supervised training 监督学习supervisory computer control system 计算机监控系统sustained oscillation 自持振荡swirlmeter 旋进流量计switching point 切换点symbolic processing 符号处理synaptic plasticity 突触可塑性synergetics 协同学syntactic analysis 句法分析system assessme n係统评价systematology 系统学system homomorphism 係统同态system isomorphism 係统同构system engineering 係统工程tachometer 转速表target flow transmitter 靶式流量变送器task cycle 作业周期teaching programming 示教编程telemechanics 远动学telemetering system of frequency division type 频分遥测系统telemetry 遥测teleological system 目的系统teleology 目的论temperature transducer 温度传感器template base 模版库tensiometer 张力计texture 纹理theorem proving 定理证明therapy model 治疗模型thermocouple 热电偶thermometer 温度计thickness meter 厚度计three-axis attitude stabilization 三轴姿态稳定three state controller 三位控制器thrust vector control system 推力矢量控制系统thruster 推力器time constant 时间常数time-invariant system 定常系统,非时变系统time schedule controller 时序控制器time-sharing control 分时控制time-varying parameter 时变参数top-down testing 自上而下测试topological structure 拓扑结构TQC (total quality control) 全面质量管理tracking error 跟踪误差trade-off analysis 权衡分析transfer function matrix 传递函数矩阵transformation grammar 转换文法transient deviation 瞬态偏差transient process 过渡过程transition diagram 转移图tran smissible pressure gauge 电远传压力表transmitter 变送器trend analysis 趋势分析triple modulation telemetering system 三重调制遥测系统turbine flowmeter 涡轮流量计Turing machine 图灵机two-time scale system 双时标系统ultrasonic levelmeter 超声物位计unadjustable speed electric drive 非调速电气传动unbiased estimation 无偏估计underdamping 欠阻尼uniformly asymptotic stability 一致渐近稳定性uninterrupted duty 不间断工作制,长期工作制unit circle 单位圆unit testing 单元测试unsupervised learing 非监督学习upper level problem 上级问题urban planning 城市规划utility function 效用函数value engineering 价值工程variable gain 可变增益,可变放大系数variable structure control system 变结构控制vector Lyapunov function 向量李雅普诺夫函数velocity error coefficient 速度误差系数velocity transducer 速度传感器vertical decomposition 纵向分解vibrating wire force transducer 振弦式力传感器vibrometer 振动计viscous damping 粘性阻尼voltage source inverter 电压源型逆变器vortex precession flowmeter 旋进流量计vortex shedding flowmeter 涡街流量计WB (way base) 方法库weighing cell 称重传感器weighting factor 权因子weighting method 加权法Whittaker-Shannon sampling theorem 惠特克-香农采样定理Wiener filtering 维纳滤波work station for computer aided design 计算机辅助设计工作站w-plane w 平面zero-based budget 零基预算zero-input response 零输入响应zero-state resp onse 零状态响应zero sum game model 零和对策模型z-transform z 变换。



where ai ∈ R. For further details on circulant matrices see Davis [2]. Let R be a ring and Cn be the cyclic group of order n. There exists an isomorphism between RCn and a certain ring of n × n matrices over R given
JOE− 1)ak )(1 − a) + (1 − ak )(1 + (n − 1)a) + (n − 2)(1 − ak )(1 − a) = 1 − a + (n − 1)ak − (n − 1)ak+1 + 1 + (n − 1)a − ak − (n − 1)ak+1 + (n − 2) − (n − 2)a − (n − 2)ak + (n − 2)ak+1 = n + (−2(n − 1) + (n − 2))ak+1 = n + (−2n + 2 + n − 2)ak+1 = n − nak+1 = n(1 − ak+1 ). Therefore Gn k × Gn 1 = nk circ(1 + (n − 1)ak+1 , 1 − ak+1 , . . . , 1 − ak+1 ) = Gn k+1 .
1 0 δ γ−δ 0 = (γ + (n − 1)δ ) δ . . . . . . δ 0 = (γ + (n − 1)δ )(γ − δ )n−1 .

模式识别论文(Pattern recognition)

模式识别论文(Pattern recognition)

模式识别论文(Pattern recognition)Face recognition based on sparse representationImage sparse representation of the image processing in the exergy is very suitable for image sparse representation of the image obtained by decomposition of gaugeThe calculations are enormous. Using MP implementation method based on image sparse decomposition algorithm using genetic algorithm for fast exergy processThe best atom is decomposed at each step.The problem of face recognition is a classical pattern recognition problem. In recent years by the Exergy Theory of compressed sensing based on dilute inspired exergySparse representation of face recognition technology has been extensively studied. Face recognition based on sparse representation is the construction of words using training picturesThe sparse linear combination coefficients and exergy exergy code by solving an underdetermined equation to obtain the test images according to these coefficientsThe image recognition classification.Keywords image processing in the sparse representation of the MP within the genetic algorithm of sparse decompositionFace, recognition, via, sparse, representationAbstract:, sparse, representation, of, images, is, very, suitable,, for, image, processing,But, the, computational, burden, in, sparse, decomposition, process, image, is, huge,, A, newFast, algorithm, was, presented, based, on, Matching, Pursuit (MP), image, sparseDecomposition. At, first, Genetic, Algorithms (GA), was, applied, to, effectively, searchIn, the, dictionary, of, atoms, for, the, best, atom, at, each,, step, of, MPFace, recognition, problem, is, a, classic, problem, of, pattern,, recognition., In, recentYears, inspired, by, the, theory, of, perception, is, compressed, sparseRepresentation-based, face, recognition, technology, has, been, widely, studied., FaceRecognition, based, on, sparse, representation, is, to, take, advantage,, of, the, trainingImages, constructed, dictionary, owed, by, solving, a, the, most,, sparse, linear, combinationCoefficients, given, equation, to, obtain, the, test, images, then, these, coefficients, toIdentify image classification.Key words: image processing; sparse representation; sparse decomposition;Matching Pursuit; Genetic Algorithms0 Introduction the current face recognition technology of rapid development especially the exergy basedStatic face detection and recognition, and face feature extractionMulti face recognition based on multi pose has been achievedA great deal of research. But the exergy exergy in more complex environmentsSuch as facial expression recognition, illumination compensation and Guang ZhaomoThe establishment of the model, the treatment of age changes, and a variety of testing dataThere is a lack of effective methods for fusion.Face recognition includes three steps in face detectionMeasurement, face feature extraction, face recognition and verification. There arePeople on thisExtension of the exergy based on the above three stepsOn Exergy increased early standardization, and correction and later pointsClass and management these two steps.The research of face recognition started in the late 1960sL2]. Has experienced 40 years of development. Roughly divided into threeThree stages:The first stage is the initial stage from 60s to the end of exergyLate 80s. The main technique adopted at that time was baseTo set the structure characteristics of the face recognition method of exergy isAs a general pattern recognition problem is studied. generationThe figures include Bledsoe (Bledsoe) and Gordon Stein(Goldstein), Harmon (Harmon), and Kim Wu Hsiung(KanadeTakeo) et al. At that time almost all were identifiedThe process relies on manual operation and results in no exergy into very important practical applications in not many basically noHave practical application.The second stage is in the exploration stage from 70s to eightThe ten age. During this period, as well as engineers in the smokeLead neuroscientists and psychologists to the fieldResearch. The former is mainly through the perception mechanism of the human brainTo explore the possibility in automatic face recognition while the orderSome theoretical obtained has some defects and partial nature but inEngineering techniques for design and implementation of algorithms and systemsThe personnel have the important theory instructionsignificance.The third stage is the stage of rapid development in the last century from the nineFrom the ten to the present. Computer vision and pattern recognition technologyIn the rapid development of computer image processing technology and drivesThe rapid development of face recognition. Governments are also heavily financedIn the study of face recognition and achieved fruitful results.Among them, Eigenfaee and Fisherface is this momentThe most representative, the most significant achievements of the twoThree kinds of face recognition algorithms have become the base of face recognitionAlgorithms and industrial standards.1 sparse representation of the mathematical form of sparse representation of the face recognition problem is represented mathematicallyF = A X Y is in the m where Y is the dimension of natural channelNo, A is also known from a predefined dictionary based X is a natural increase.The n-dimensional sparse representation of signals under predefined bases. KnownBased on the original signal by solving its in the predefined baseIn the sparse representation is a sparse encoding problem in the following twoSolution method]3-1 [fSparse encoding f sparse regularization constraints K||X|| S.T. ||AX-Y||argmin0?The 22 rate in XThe error constrained sparse encoding exergy in FRate of 220 ||AX-Y|| S.T. ||X||argmin?XType F XIs the original signal Y, under the predefined baseThe sparse representation coefficient of exergy is share error tolerance share K is sparseShare threshold 0||The || said in that the number of columns of 0l norm vector 0Number of elements.Sparse coding and compressed sensing reconstruction of signals haveThat rate and the minimum eight norm can be very goodRestructure。



写作业好处英语作文Certainly! Here's a composition on the benefits of doing homework in English:The Benefits of Doing HomeworkHomework is an integral part of the educational process, and it offers a multitude of benefits that contribute to a student's overall development. Here are some of the advantages of completing homework assignments:1. Enhanced Learning: Homework reinforces the concepts taught in class. By revisiting the material at home, students are able to better understand and remember the information.2. Time Management Skills: Completing homework on time teaches students to manage their time effectively. This skill is crucial not only in school but also in their future professional lives.3. Self-Discipline: The act of doing homework without supervision fosters self-discipline. Students learn to take responsibility for their own education and to stay focused on their tasks.4. Problem-Solving Abilities: Homework often involvesproblem-solving and critical thinking. These skills are essential for tackling complex issues in both academic and real-world settings.5. Consistency in Learning: Regular homework assignments help maintain a consistent learning pace. This consistency is key to building a strong foundation in any subject.6. Preparation for Exams: Homework assignments often mirror the types of questions that might appear on exams. By doing homework, students are better prepared for the rigors of testing.7. Development of Study Habits: Regular homework assignments help students develop good study habits. These habits are beneficial throughout their academic careers and beyond.8. Encourages Independence: Homework encourages students to work independently, which is an important skill for personal growth and self-reliance.9. Feedback on Progress: Teachers can use homework to gauge a student's understanding of the material and provide feedback on areas that need improvement.10. Engagement with the Subject Matter: Homework keeps students engaged with the subject matter even outside of the classroom, which can lead to a deeper appreciation and interest in the subject.In conclusion, homework plays a vital role in a student'seducational journey. It is not just about completing tasks but also about developing lifelong skills that will benefit students in all aspects of their lives.This composition outlines the various benefits of doing homework, focusing on the development of skills that are essential for academic success and personal growth.。



Physics 332–Problem Set #2(due Wednesday,April 26)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 11.1.2.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 11.2.3.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 11.3.1Physics 332–Problem Set #3(due Wednesday,May 3)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 12.1.2.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 12.2.You should show that,with this βfunction,the mass m ψof the ψfield satisfies the Callan-Symanzik equation M ∂∂M +∂g m 12(4π)4+(4π)4+Physics 332–Problem Set #4(due Wednesday,May 10)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 12.3.2.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 13.1.1Physics 332–Problem Set #5(due Wednesday,May 17)1.Consider scalar electrodynamics:L =−14(F 6(φ48π224π2(5λ6λ(ϕ 2.Apply the methods of this problem to the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg model of weak interactions.(a)Compute the effective potential for the Higgs field to 1-loop order,ignoring all effects of quark masses but including the contributions of gauge fields.(b)Show that the theory has a first-order phase transition as a function of the renor-malized Higgs mass parameter μ2.(c)Show that this result implies a lower bound on the physical mass of the Higgs boson (the ‘Linde-Weinberg bound’).Compute the bound to leading order in coupling constants.(d)Now add in the contribution of the top quark.Show that,when the top quark mass is sufficiently heavy,the symmetry-breaking effect found in part (b)goes away.However,another pathology develops,in which,when m t is sufficiently large,the effective potential becomes negative at very large field values and causes an instability of the model.Estimate the value of the top quark mass,as a function of the Higgs boson and W boson masses,at which this instability takes place.2Physics 332–Problem Set #6(due Wednesday,May 24)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 17.1.2.In class,I sketched the derivation of the βfunction of a non-Abeliangauge theory from the renormalization counterterms δ1,δ2,and δ3.Work through this calculation in full e the Feynman-‘t Hooft gauge.3.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 16.3.Please note:This is a long calculation.The solution set for this problem set is 50pages long,of which 35pages are devoted to this problem.I do assure you that you will learn a considerable amount about how to calculation in gauge theories by doing this problem to the end.(Of course,it might be true that these are things that you never wanted to know ...)1。



线上学习的弊端英语作文Online Learning: Advantages and DisadvantagesIn recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational institutions around the world to shift towards online learning as a means of ensuring the continuity of education. While this transition has been necessary to maintain academic progress, it has also highlighted both the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. As we navigate this new educational landscape, it is crucial to understand the implications of online learning and how it may impact the overall learning experience.One of the primary advantages of online learning is its accessibility. Students can now access educational resources from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need for physical commutes to and from traditional classroom settings. This flexibility allows individuals from diverse backgrounds and geographic locations to engage in learning opportunities that may have previously been inaccessible. Additionally, online platforms often provide a vast array of digital resources, such as e-books, multimedia presentations, and interactive simulations, which can enhance the learning experience and cater to different learning styles.Furthermore, online learning offers a certain level of autonomy and self-paced learning. Students can often choose when and where to engage with course materials, allowing them to balance their academic responsibilities with other personal or professional commitments. This freedom can foster a sense of independence and responsibility, as students must develop effective time management and self-discipline skills to succeed in an online learning environment.However, the absence of face-to-face interactions and the lack of physical presence can also be a significant drawback of online learning. The lack of in-person communication and collaboration can hinder the development of essential social and interpersonal skills, which are crucial for personal and professional growth. The inability to engage in direct discussions, group activities, and hands-on learning experiences can limit the depth and quality of the learning process.Another potential downside of online learning is the increased risk of distractions and lack of focus. While the convenience of working from home can be appealing, the presence of personal devices, social media, and other digital distractions can make it challenging for students to maintain their concentration and engage fully with the course material. This can lead to decreased productivity, reduced retention of information, and ultimately, poorer academicperformance.Moreover, the technological infrastructure and access to reliable internet connectivity can pose significant challenges for some students, particularly those from underserved or rural communities. The lack of access to high-speed internet or suitable digital devices can create a digital divide, further exacerbating educational inequalities and hindering the effectiveness of online learning.Additionally, the absence of face-to-face interactions can make it more difficult for instructors to provide personalized feedback and support to students. The inability to gauge nonverbal cues and monitor individual progress can limit the ability of educators to identify and address the specific needs of each student, potentially compromising the quality of the educational experience.In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of online learning are multifaceted and complex. While online learning offers increased accessibility, flexibility, and autonomy, it also presents challenges related to social interaction, focus, technological barriers, and personalized support. As educational institutions and policymakers continue to navigate the evolving landscape of online learning, it is crucial to address these concerns and strive to strike a balance that maximizes the benefits while minimizing the drawbacks. By doing so, we can ensure that online learning becomes a more effective andinclusive educational approach that meets the diverse needs of students and prepares them for the demands of the modern world.。



●Atmospheric Dirt ●Rust ●pipescale●Water Vapour ●Condensed Water ●Water Aerosols●Liquid Oil ●Oil Aerosols ●Oil Vapour●Micro – organismsCompressed air is an important source of energy in today’s modern production factories because it isflexible and reliable.1[[Contaminants are ever present in the atmosphere. The compressed air stream typically contains water, oil, dirt and micro-organisms which can contribute to product rejects, lost production time and increased maintenance expenses. For example, small traces of impurities can cause serious sheye blemishing in automotive nishing operations. Water left in air stream can freeze during exposure to cold temperatures, blocking ow or rupturing pipes. Residual compressor oil and water can form an acidic sludge and therefore, compressed air contaminants will eventually, lead to premature component wear, needing repairs or replacements.Most problems experienced by compressed air users derive from contamination that already in the compressed air system.There are typically 10 different contaminants. These are coming from four different sources:Before compressed air can be ef ciently used, these contaminants need to be removed orreduced to acceptable levels.Parker EcoPure Plus compressed air filter● Air flow from 0.6m 3/min to 40m 3/min ●Filter housings from 1/4” BSPP to 3” BSPP connections● Operate at pressures from 1 bar g to 16 bar g ● Technically advanced and proven technology ●Patented, unique element interface for high efficiency filter performance● Filter element performance guaranteed for 12 months * ●Air quality performance tested in accordance with ISO8573* - If used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructionsParker Hanni n, the global leader in motion and control technologies, carries a stable of strong known brands in the eld of compressed air treatment. Parker EcoPure Plus is our latest addition to this family and continues to offer a perfect high value solution to compressed air puri cation.The Parker EcoPure Plus range lter is designed by Parker’s highly trained team of lter experts with advanced and proven compressed air puri cation technology. It combines the key essential elements of Parker’s total ltration knowledge, pooled over decades of lter manufacturing experience to ensure clean compressed air with the minimum of cost.2Compressed air is expensive to produce and must be properly treated in order to limit maintenance costs,downtime and spoilage.[[3Filter PerformanceParker EcoPure Plus - Embodying the The Parker EcoPure Plus series of compressed air lters, inherits many characteristics of Parker’s compressed air ltration technology. Yes, this is Parker EcoPure Plus - an innovation in compressed air ltration, designed with reliability & ef ciency for you.Parker EcoPure Plus amasses decades of Parker's design experience in compressed air lters, drawing out the most perfect high value solution to compressed air puri cation. Most importantly, Parker EcoPure Plus delivers consistent high quality compressed air.In a comparative test of Parker EcoPure Plus lters against ve commonly available alternative lters, the blockage characteristics and the true differential pressure of each lter re ects its superior performance.Essence of Compressed Air Filters4Proven technology means Reliability & EfficiencyMaintaining air quality and energy efficiency through regular maintenanceParker EcoPure Plus lters carry air ow from the inside out; a long understood and proven method. Liquid contaminants are captured in the lter matrix and collect together into larger and larger droplets through collisions with the media. These droplets eventually coalesce on the outside of the lter tube where they collect and are drained away by gravity.The inner element surface acts as a pre- lter to remove large contaminants while the internal pores are trap and to remove aerosols and solids from the air stream. The larger outside pores also allow a smooth air stream to pass freely through the media, minimizing pressure drop.Another important relationship is the gap between the lter element outside diameter and the lter bowl's inner diameter. The spacing between these two surfaces are sized so that air velocity is minimized, thus reducing the possibility of oil or water vapor carryover.It has long been the practice to change lter elements based upon the pressure drop measured across the lter as this directly contributes to increased operational costs. However, one must remember the reason for installing the lter in the rst place, i.e. to achieve high quality compressed air.Filter elements must always be replaced in accordance with the manufacturers instructions to ensure the delivered air quality is never compromised.Parker EcoPure Plus- Feature The zero-loss drain (standard forltration grades GP & HE) features an auto-cleaning protection screen for highest reliability. Simply press the drain to verify its correct operation.As the clean air exits the element, outlet air stabilizers direct the air out of the lter housing with the minimum of turbulence andpressure loss. These also ensure the element is located correctly within the lter bowl.The differential pressureindicator gives a visualindication on the current state of the lter element.(option)To maintain your guaranteed air quality, lter elements must be replaced every year with genuine Parker parts. Throughout its life, the lter element is constantly under bombardment from oily, acidic condensate and high velocity dirt particles, which needs to be removed and retained to protect your compressed air system.5Surface ProtectionAll sizes of housings are built to the highest quality standards, featuring our unique surface protectiontreatment, applied to both the inside and the outside of the lter housing. Thanks to the attention of quality surface treatment, Parker EcoPure Plus can withstand even the toughest industrial conditions and comes with a 5 year guarantee on the lter housings.Filtration MediaModern coalescing lters use a graded porosity lter medium with ne glass bers in the interior and larger bers on both the inside and outside surfaces. Parker EcoPure Plus elements have 8 to 10μm pores on the inner surface, reducing to 0.5 μm pores in the interior of the element, and widening to 40 to 80μm pores on the outer surface.Coalescing ElementsThis coalescing element is made with Parker’s special UNI-CAST construction. Composing an epoxy saturated, borosilicate glass micro- ber media, this media is used in applications requiring the removal of liquid and particulate contamination. The outer synthetic fabric layer allows swift removal of coalesced liquids.6minimum clearanceCompressed Air Standards and ApplicationsFrom aeration in pharmaceutical and chemical processes to pneumatic power systems, the possibilities for applications are endless. Parker has some suggested air cleanliness standards that may fit your needs.International Standard ISO8573-1 has become the industry standard method for specifying compressed air cleanliness. The following diagrams describe various systems in terms of their corresponding ISO classification.The applications are based upon the test result of GP-060-FX, HE-060-FX and AC-060-MX.Product SelectionStated flows are for operation at 7 bar g (100 psi g) with reference to 20°C, 1 bar a, 0% relative water vapour pressure.For flows at other pressures apply the correction factors shown.Correction FactorsFilter Coding ExamplesTo correctly select a filter model, the flow rate of the filter must be adjusted for the minimum operating pressure of the system 1. Obtain the minimum operating pressure and maximum compressed air flow rate at the inlet of the filter.2. Select the correction factor for minimum operating pressure from the CFP table (always round down e.g. for 5.3 bar, use 5 bar correction factor)3. Calculate the minimum filtration capacity Minimum Filtration Capacity = Compressed Air Flow Rate x CFP4. Using the minimum filtration capacity, select a filter model from the flow rate tables above (filter selected must have a flow rate equal to or greater than the minimum filtration capacity)Filtration GradesGrade GP filters are used as pre-filters for Grade HE to remove gross amounts ofparticle, water and oil aerosols.Grade GPGrade HEGrade ACAdsorption Element(removal of vapor and odor)9(Precede with Grade GP filter) Grade HE filters are used when “total removal of particle, water and oil aerosols” is required. Because of its overall performancecharacteristics, this grade is most often recommended.(Precede with Grade HE filter) Grade AC are used to remove oil vapor and odor. It is used to remove smell or taste ofcompressor lube oil, as well as trace amounts of oil vapour in the compressed air stream.Weights and DimensionsAccessories1. Tested per ISO 8573.2.2. Oil vapor removal efficiency is given for AC media.Differential Pressure Gauge Float Drain Manual Drain10Europe domnick hunter IndustrialDukesway, Team Valley Trading Estate Gateshead, Tyne & Wear England NE11 0PZT +44 (0) 191 402 9000, F +44 (0) 191 482 Compressed Air TreatmentParker Gas SeparationsOude Kerkstraat 4P O Box 2584870 AG Etten-Leur, NetherlandsT +31 76 508 5300, F +31 76 508 5333Hiross ZanderPadova Business UnitStrada Zona Industriale 435020 S. Angelo di Piove Padova, Italy T +39 049 9712 111, F +39 049 9701 Hiross ZanderEssen Business UnitZander Aufberaitungstechnik GmbH Im Teelbruch 118D-45219 Essen, GermanyT +49 2054 9340, F +49 2054 934164www.zander.deRacorShaw Cross Business Park Churwel Vale Dewsbury,WF12 7RD England T +44 (0) 1924 487000, F +44 (0) 1924 /rfdeRacor Research & DevelopmentParker Hannifin GmbH & Co KG Inselstrasse 3-570327 Stuttgart Germany T +49 (0) 711 7071 290-0, F +49 (0) 711 7071 /racorHydraulic FilterStieltjesweg 8, 6827 BV P.O. Box 5008 6802 EA Arnhem, HollandT +31 26 3760376, F +31 26 /hfdeUrjala OperationSalmentie 26031700 Urjala as FinlandT +358 20 753 2500, F +358 20 753 /hfdeCondition Monitoring CenterBrunel Way Thetford,Norfolk IP 24 1HP EnglandT +44 1842 763299, F +44 1842 /hfdedomnick hunter ProcessDurham Road, Birtley Co. Durham,DH3 2SF EnglandT +44 (0) 191 410 5121, F +44 (0) 191 410 Engine Filtration & Water PurificationHydraulic FiltrationProcess FiltrationNorth AmericaW o r l d w i d e M a n u f a c t u r i n g L o c a t i o n sParker Hannifin Filtration Products and Systems (Shanghai) Co.,LtdNo.2 Workshop,786 Wangqiao Road,Jinqiao Processing Southem Zone,Shanghai, ChinaTel: +(86)21 5838 3030Fax:+(86)21 5838 2428Parker Hannifin Corporation Filtration GroupGlobal Headquarters 6035 Parkland Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44124-4141T 216 896 3000, F 216 896 Engine Filtration &Water PurificationRacor - Village Marine Tec.2000 West 135th Street Gardena, CA 90249T 310 516 9911, F 310 538 Hydraulic FiltrationHydraulic Filter16810 Fulton County Road #2Metamora, OH 43540-9714T 419 644 4311, F 419 644 /hydraulicfilterProcess FiltrationProcess Advanced Filtration2340, Eastman Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030T 805 604 3400, F 805 604 /processfiltrationFiltration & Separation/Balston242 Neck RoadHaverhill, MA 01835-0723T 978 858 0505, F 978 858 /balston Filtration & Separation/Finite500 Glaspie Street, PO. Box 599Oxford, MI 48371-5132T 248 628 6400, F 248 628 /finitefilterPurification, Dehydration and Filtration Division4087 Walden Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086T 716 685 4040, F 716 685 /pdfSales Office5900-B Northwoods Parkway Charlotte, NC 28269T 704 921 9303, F 704 921 Racor3400 Finch Road, PO Box 3208Modesto, CA 95353T 209 521 7860, F 209 529 /racorChina280 YunQiao RoadJinQiao Export Processing Zone Shanghai 101206 ChinaT +86 21 5031 2525, F +86 21 5834 /chinaIndiaPlot EL 26, MIDC, TTC Industrial Area Mahape, Navi Mumbai 400 709 India T +91 22 5613 7081, 82, 83, 84, 85F +91 22 2768 6618 /indiaJapan626, Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku Yokohama-shi, 244-0003 JapanT +81 45 870 1522, F +81 45 864 /japanKorea1-C Block, Industrial Complex of Jangan,615-1, Geumui-Ri Jangan-Myeon,Hwaseong-City Gyeonggi-Do, Korea T +82 31 359 0771, F +82 31 359 /koreaSingapore11, Fourth Chin Bee Road Singapore 619 702T +65 6887 6300, F +65 6261 /singaporeThailand1023 3rd Floor, TPS Building Pattanakam Road, Suanluang,Bangkok 10250 ThailandT +66 2717 8140, F +66 2717 /thailandLatin AmericaAfricaParker Comercio Ltda.Filtration DivisionEstrada Municipal Joel de Paula 900 Eugenio de Melo,Sao Jose dos Campos CEP 12225-390 SP BrazilT +55 12 4009 3500, F +55 12 4009 /brPan American Division-Miami7400 NW 19th Street, Suite A Miami, FL 33128T 305 470 8800, F 305 470 /panamParker Hannifin Africa Pty LtdParker Place, 10 Berne Avenue,Aeroport Kempton Park,1620 South AfricaT +27 11 9610700, F +27 11 /euAsia PacificAustralia9 Carrington Road, Castle Hill NSW 2154, AustraliaT +61 2 9634 777, F +61 2 9899 /australiaCompressed Air TreatmentFC-2-54A 12/03。


声发射信号能量的测量可以直接与材料的重要物理参数(如声发射事 件的机械能、应变率或形变机制等)直接联系起来,而不需要建立声发 射信号的模型。能量测量同样解决了小幅度连续型声发射信号的测量 问题。
信号峰值幅度和幅度分布是一种可以更多地反映声发射源信息 的处理方法,信号幅度与材料中产生声发射源的强度有直接关 系,幅度分布与材料的形变机制有关。声发射信号幅度的测量 同样受换能器的响应频率、换能器的阻尼特性、结构的阻尼特 性和阈值水平等因素的影响。通过应用对数放大器,既可对声 发射大信号也可对声发射小信号进行精确的峰值幅度测量。
声发射信号经历分析方法通过对声发射信号参数随时间或外变 量变化的情况进行分析,从而得到声发射源的活动情况和发展 趋势。经历图分析方法可用于进行声发射源的活动性评价、费 利西蒂(Felicity)比和凯赛尔(Kaiser)效应评价、恒载声发射评价 和起裂点测量。
Acoustic Emission is unlike most other nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques in two regards.
The first difference pertains to the origin of the signal. Instead of supplying energy to the object under examination, AET simply listens for the energy released by the object. AE tests are often performed on structures while in operation, as this provides adequate loading for propagating defects and triggering acoustic emissions. .



Layman understanding of the age factor

There is a widely-held lay belief that younger L2 learners generally do better than older learners. This is supported by the critical period hypothesis, according to which there is a fixed span of years during which language learning can take place naturally and effortlessly, and after which it is not possible to be completely successful, e.g. The first ten years is sometimes assumed to be the optimal age for L2 acquisition. Initially, this period was equated with the period taken for latealization of the language function to the left side of the brain to be completed. Work on children and adults who had experienced brain injuries or operations indicated that damage to the left hemisphere cased few speech disorders and rapidly repaired in the case of children but not in adults.
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arXiv:hep-th/9710093v1 10 Oct 1997
Abstract The gauge dependence of the time-ordered products for Yang-Mills theories is analysed in perturbation theory by means of the causal method of Epstein and Glaser together with perturbative gauge invariance. This approach allows a simple inductive proof of the gauge independence of the physical S-matrix.
νµ = ∂ ν Aν − ∂ µ Aν is the free field strength tensor and u , u where Fa a ˜a are the (fermionic) ghost a a
fields. The asymptotic free fields satisfy the well-known commutation relations

Work supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
The properties of (quantum) gauge invariance and gauge-parameter independence, which are inherent in all kinds of gauge theories, have always been of great interest. In the calculation of physical observables, i.e. S -matrix elements, the question of gauge parameter independence arises automatically. In the usual Lagrangean approach to quantum field theory, the gauge invariance of the classical Lagrangean has to be broken in order to quantize the theory. Therefore, gauge fixing terms which depend on free gauge parameters are added to the Lagrangean. The theory then still has BRS invariance [1]. The gauge parameters drop out in S -matrix elements between physical states. But Green functions are gauge dependent in general. On the other hand, it can be shown that Green functions of the special class of gauge invariant operators are independent of the method of gauge fixing and then gauge-parameter independent [2]. In fact, the crucial property of gauge theories which allowed to show the gauge independence of physical S -matrix elements by path integral methods is BRS invariance, holding for arbitrary gauge parameters. BRS invariance implies generalized Ward-Takahashi identities first proved by Slavnov and Taylor [3,4]. One considers then the generating functional Wλ (J ) of the theory, where λ is a gauge parameter and J the external source coupled to a physical field (e.g. a gauge or quark field). Changing the gauge parameter λ by an infinitesimal amount dλ and using the Slavnov-Taylor identities, the desired result can easily be derived [5]. The property of gauge parameter independence has recently gained renewed interest also in practical problems. For example, the introduction of running couplings can only be achieved by a resummation of certain subsets of Feynman diagrams [6,7,8], and it is then necessary to define a general procedure for maintaining the gauge independence of the theory. Of course, the significance of such resummed objects is always questionable. Furthermore, the problem has also been discussed in the framework of the background-field model for the electroweak Standard Model [9]. It is the aim of this paper to describe the situation from a totally different point of view for the example of pure Yang-Mills theory, without making reference to path integral methods. Some years ago, some of us [10, 11] began to advocate the causal approach to perturbative quantum field theory, which goes back to a classical paper by H. Epstein and V. Glaser [12]. No ultraviolet divergences and only well-defined objects (no interacting fields) appear in this approach. Meanwhile, the method has been applied successfully to full Yang-Mills and massive theories as the electroweak Standard Model [13]. In the causal approach, the S -matrix is viewed as an operator-valued distribution of the following form: S (g) = 1 + 1 n ! n=1
Gauge independence of the S-matrix in the causal approach
Andreas Aste, G¨ unter Scharf Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik der Universit¨ at Z¨ urich, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057 Z¨ urich, Switzerland Michael D¨ utsch∗ II.Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik, Universit¨ at Hamburg Luruper Chaussee 149, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany September 30, 1997
±) (∓) µν (∓) [A( (x − y ) + i µ (x), Aν (y )] = ig D
1−λ (∂µ ∂ν E )(∓) (x − y ) λ
in the so-called λ-gauges, and {u(±) (x), u ˜(∓) (y )} = −iD(∓) (x − y ), (1.4)
where D and E will be defined below, and all other {anti-}commutators vanish. (For the generalization to the massive case see [14].) The introduction of ghost fields is necessary already at first order to preserve perturbative quantum gauge invariance, which we are going to explain now. It can be written in our case by the help of an appropriately defined gauge charge Q: Q := λ d3 x∂µ Aµ (x) ∂ 0 u(x).