
夏洛蒂的作品主要描写贫苦的小资产者的孤独、反抗和奋 斗,属于被马克思称为以狄更斯为首的“出色的一派”。 《简· 爱》是她的处女作,也是代表作。她的其他小说有: 《雪莉》(1849)、《维莱特》(1853)和《教师》 (1857)。其中《维莱特》可以看做是她个人的小说体自传, 与她的人生经历十分相似。这位天生体弱的女作家是十九世 纪英国文坛上一颗璀璨的明珠。
《红与黑》是法国著名作家司汤达的代表 作小说发表后,当时的社会流传“不读《红 与黑》,就无法在政界混”的谚语,而本书 则被许多国家列为禁书。《红与黑》在心理 深度的挖掘上远远超出了同时代作家所能及 的层次。它开创了后世“意识流小说”、 “心理小说”的先河.后来者竞相仿效这种 “司汤达文体”,使小说创作“向内转”, 发展到重心理刻画、重情绪抒发的现代形态。 人们因此称司汤达为“现代小说之父”。
• 《鲁宾逊漂流记》由英国作家丹尼尔. 笛福所著。它是一部家喻户晓的现实主 义回忆录式冒险小说。作者受一个苏格 兰水手海上遇险的经历启发而写成的。 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是一部流传很广,影 响很大的文学名著。它表现了强烈的资 产阶级进取精神和启蒙意识。
鲁滨逊出生于一个比较富裕的家庭,但是他毅然 抛弃安逸舒适的家庭生活,甘愿与海浪为伍,去实现 自己的航海梦想。 他航行到过伦敦,到过非洲,还到过巴西,途中 曾被海盗劫持做过奴隶,但最后终于化险为夷。在一 次去往非洲的航行中,不幸遇上大风暴,全船覆没, 只有鲁滨逊一人幸免于难,飘流 到一个荒无人烟的小 岛上,从此开始了他长达二十八年的孤岛生活。在苍 凉寂寞的荒岛上,鲁滨逊以其勇于冒险,敢于创造的 开拓精神,独自一人与种种困难作斗争,最后终于重 获自由。 在物质严重缺乏的荒岛,鲁滨逊用自己的双手建 立了栖息的房屋,围了蓠芭,自制衣服、器具等生活 必须品。他还把野生的动物圈养起来,自己也种植了许 多农作物。终于,他把原本荒凉的小岛建造得美丽而 富饶,自己非但没有被困境压倒,反而过上了自得其 乐的生活。

****荷马史诗的基本内容***** 《荷马史诗》包括《伊利昂记》和《奥得修记》,它们产生于公元前九至八世纪,是欧洲最早的文学作品,相传为盲人诗人荷马所作《荷马史诗》是以规模宏大的特洛亚战争为背景。



英国文学作品赏析The features of Charles Dickens1. His critical realism: While sticking to the principle of faithful representation of the 18th-century realist novel, he carried the duty to the criticism of the society and the defense of the mass.2. He is a mas ter storyteller. With his first sentence, he engages the reader’s attention and holds it to the end.3. What he writes is mainly the middle and lower-middle class life in London.4. He is a master of language with a large vocabulary and an adeptness with the vernacular.5. He is a great humorist as well as a great painter of pathos. He always mingles the two to make his fictional world realistic.6. His characters are not only true to life but also large than life. There are both individual characters and type characters.II. Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre1. Theme: The novel sharply criticizes the religious hypocrisy of charity institutions like Lowood School, where girls are trained to be humble slaves. It rebukes the social discrimination and false convention about love and marriage. Besides, the novel is a moral fable. It tells us that people have to go through all kinds of physical or moral tests to obtain their final happiness.2. The character analysis of Jane Eyre: Jane Eyre is an orphan child with a fiery spirit and a longing to love and be loved. She is poor and plain, but she dares to love her master, a man superior to her in many ways, as a little governess. She is brave enough to declare to the man her love for him. She cuts a completely new women image. She represents those middle-class working women who are struggling for recognition of their basic rights and equality as a human being. III. Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Height1. The novel is an extraordinary moving love story: the passion between Heathcliff and Catherine is the most intense, beautiful, and the most horrible passions ever found among human beings.2. It is also a work of critical realism. Heathcliff is abused, rejected and distorted by the society only because he is a poor orphan of obscure parents. He suffers all kinds of inhuman treatment after the death of his benefactor. He loves Catherine dearly but forced to be separated from her. So, Heathcliff’s cruel revenge upon his enemies is justified in a way.3. The author makes clear that it is wrong to discriminate on the basis of social status, and it is cruel and destructive to break genuine, natural human passions. Although Catherine and Edgar’s marriage is ideal in the eyes of the whole neighborhood, her love for Heathcliff is hard and everlasting.I. The features of Shaw’s plays:1. Problem plays: He took the modern social issues as his subject with the aim of directing social reforms. Most of his plays are concerned with political, economic, or religious problems.2. In his characterization, he makes the tricks of showing up one character vividly at the expense of another. His characters are the representatives of ideas, which shift and alter during the play.3. The strong sense of comedy in his play are achieved through his witty dialogues, sharp satires, and vivid portrayal of characters.II. The theme of Shaw’s Mrs. Warren’s profession1. The play is not only moral, but also has a strong realistic theme. The guilt for prostitution lies more upon the social system than immoral woman. He shows all human sufferings are consequences of the economic exploitation.2. The play is a spiritual triumph for Vivie who experiences a journey from illusion to reality. At first, she is ignorant of the evil, and through a series of temptations, she understands the capitalist world better.D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers1. Theme: Sociologically, it is a novel about modern civilization, the “sickness of a whole civilization”. Psychologically, it is a case study of the Oedipus complex theory, for it deals with a son who loves the mother too dearly and hates the father too despisingly. The psychic conflict (between dark self and white self) in human relationships is the central theme of the novel.2. The character analysis of Paul Morel:He is a light, quick, slender boy. From his childhood, he is especially sensitive, artistic and imaginative, and he becomes extraordinarily dependent on his mother. When he gets older, his distorted relationship with his mother prevents him from loving girls as fully as he feels he should. Besides, Paul is also an artist, and a likeable young man adored by many girls.The features of stream of consciousness1. The unspoken thoughts and feelings of their characters are described without resorting to objective description or conventional dialogue.2. The flux of a character’s thoughts, impressions, emotions are often shown without logical sequence or syntax.Wordsworth’ poemWilliam Wordsworth was one of the greatest poets of the ages, who excelled in vivid descriptions of nature and the joy that could be derived from the beauties of nature. For much of his life he lived in the Lake District, near Grasmere Lake in "Dove Cottage".He established his reputation as a poet of great lyricism with his "Poems in Two V olumes" published in 1807; these included his famous "Daffodils" and "Ode: On the Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood". In 1843 he was appointed Poet Laureate. Features of his writings1. Chaacteristic of features of Romantic poetry;2. Nature and ordinary people are normally the subjects of his poems;3. Melodic in rythem;4. Full of passion;5. Lyricism in wording.I. The features of Shaw’s plays:1. Problem plays: He took the modern social issues as his subject with the aim of directing social reforms. Most of his plays are concerned with political, economic, or religious problems.2. In his characterization, he makes the tricks of showing up one character vividly at the expense of another. His characters are the representatives of ideas, which shift and alter during the play.3. The strong sense of comedy in his play are achieved through his witty dialogues, sharp satires, and vivid portrayal of characters.II. The theme of Shaw’s Mrs. Warren’s profession1. The play is not only moral, but also has a strong realistic theme. The guilt for prostitution lies more upon the social system than immoral woman. He shows all human sufferings areconsequences of the economic exploitation.2. The play is a spiritual triumph for Vivie who experiences a journey from illusion to reality. At first, she is ignorant of the evil, and through a series of temptations, she understands the capitalist world better.The Thackeray’s styleHe held the idea that the mission of art was to disclose the regime class, what’s more, he was especially good at rearing the masks wore by the aristocrat and bourgeois. His magnum opus Vanity Fair is a vivid show of an adventuress in the early 19th capital society. The way of narrating stories and cynicism formed an inimitable style.in Vanity Fair, the author makes the narration in the tone of a story-teller. The tone is friendly and casual because he acts as a character in the Vanity Fair to recount what he knows well, and it is also quite natural to insert some comments into the narration. Thackeray was such a good narrator that the narration was vivid, interesting the full of humor. The dialogues are vivid and match the characters’ identities well.Vanity Fair reveals the truth of the politics and society of the capitalist world, that is, the ugliness of the society. To depict the reality, as Thackeray said, is necessarily to expose marry unpleasant truths. He felt that the society was full of those faithless, hopeless and merciless men who were either swindlers or fools with much popularity. Novelists should make people laugh by exposing and making fun of them. Therefore, the novel Vanity Fair aims to reveal all the evils without mercy.Thackeray also pointed out selfless love could turn the coward into brave, the self-conscious into self-confident, the lazy into diligent. He said his aim of writing this gloomy story was to disclose people’s imbecility and awake them by appealingThackeray tended to probe into those characters’ minds when he was describi ng them. His constant acute observation and self analysis enabled him to perceive the moods and emotion of the characters well. He also purposefully portrayed condition that could change a person’s way of life.A good man will not necessarily succeed or do well, while successful men are often regarded as good man in the society. A man will become virtuous once he was money. So what he portrays is not a story of a man, but a panorama of a society.ThemesThe world is shown as full of all kinds of vanity, esp. snobbery, duplicity of social-climbers, and the weakness of human nature.The realistic depiction, the ironic and sarcastic tone and constant comment and criticism of the author make it a masterpiece of social criticism.Special FeaturesHe criticizes the social moral that makes up the societyHis criticism embraces people of all social strata; his social-climbers and snobs and money-grabbers can be found in any class.He always speaks in an ironical, sarcastic and cynical tone of an on-looker.He proves a conscious artist. His works are known for their fine language, careful overall planning, mastery of detail, vast scope of view and a faithfulness to the historyOde to the West Wind" is one of Shelley's best known lyrics. The poet describes vividly the activities of the west wind on the earth, in the sky and on the sea, and then expresses his envy for the boundless freedom of the west wind, and his wish to be free like the wind andto scatter his words among mankind. The ode is a lyric poem of some length, dealing with a lofty theme in a dignified manner and originally intended to be sung. The English odes are generally of three types: (1) the Pindaric ode, following the pattern originated by the ancient Greek poet Pindar,(2) the Cowley-style ode, named after Abraham Cowley, an English poet of the 17th century, and(3) the Horatian ode, named after the ancient Roman poet Horace. Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" is of the Horatian type, i.e., with stanzas of uniform length and arrangement. Here Shelley employed the "terza rima," an Italian measure first used by Dante in his well-known poem La Divina Commedia. Here we find a variant of the original Italian pattern: five 14-lined stanzas of iambic pentameter, each ofthe stanzas containing four tercets and a closing couplet. The rime scheme is aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee.。

希 腊 戏 剧 的 典 范 《 俄 狄 浦 斯 王 》
“ 身 前 完 满 , 身 后 无 憾 ”
“ 戏 剧 艺 术 的 荷 马 ”
( 前 496—
前 406 )
索 福 克 勒 斯
• •“
• •
1、伯罗奔尼撒战争 2、奴隶的逃亡与起义 3、自由民内部的贫富分化与矛盾激化
《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》 一、《伊》取自希腊神话传说“特洛亚 战争”,《伊》描写阿喀琉斯的愤怒和 此后51天内发生的事件,波澜迭起,险 象环生。 二、《奥德赛》的故事发生在紧接着特 洛伊战争之后的十年中
歌颂希腊全民族的光荣史迹,赞美 勇敢、正义、无私、勤劳等善良品德, 讴歌克服一切困难的乐观主义精神,肯 定人与生活的价值。 史诗规模宏大,内容丰富,描绘 了由氏族社会向奴隶社会过渡时期希腊 广阔的社会生活,像一部百科全书。
• 旧约的第二部分是历史书,从《约书亚记》
到《以斯帖记》共12本。 • 旧约的第三部分被称为是诗歌智慧书,它 包括《约伯记》、《诗篇》、《箴言》、 《传道书》和《雅歌》五卷。 • 旧约的最后一部分是“先知书”。“先知 书”以先知名字命名,记录先知的言行或 各种启示,它包括“四大先知书和“十二 小先知书”。
典,圣经中的旧约部分同时也是犹太 教的经典,此外,旧约、新约再加上 一些旁经就合为天主教的经典。一本 书涉及了三大宗教,这也是文明史上 绝无仅有的。历史上,圣经正是藉着 宗教的传播对人类文明产生了巨大的 影响。
• 《新旧约全书》包括旧约39卷和新
约27卷。所以严格地说它不是一 本书,而是一个包含66卷书的集 子。
外国文学名著赏析(Appreciation of foreign literary classics)

外国文学名著赏析(Appreciation of foreign literary classics)This article is contributed by maria2gPpt documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view.Appreciation of foreign literary classics2006 April 2006Introduction: the history of the mind - Introduction: the history of the mind - the development of Western LiteratureTwo sources: (Er Xi) ancient Greek literature two sources: (Er Xi): two and seven (Hebrew culture period: 1, seven of the Renaissance period: Neoclassical neoclassical 3 century 2,18 in eighteenth Century 4, the enlightenment, Romanticism, realism and the 6,20 5 century modernism postmodernism in twentieth Century modernism PostmodernismFirst, the source of Western literature. (1) the source of Western Literature (1)Ancient Greek mythology, ancient Greek tragedyAncient Greek mythologyThe ancient Greeks of the universe, nature and life of the ancient Greeks to the universe, understanding and thinking. The understanding and thinking of God. And people have a free,independent, God and man has free spirited, independent, carnival fun, enjoy the life of the individual consciousness. Carnival fun, enjoy the life of the individual consciousness. Life consciousness, the awareness of the people, the concept of freedom is the life consciousness, humanistic consciousness, basic spirit. The basic spirit.The story of God and the legend of HeroesThe story of Plo Michel J Jason steal the golden fleece of the story of Hera Claes's storyThe artistic features of Greek mythologyThe imagination is very strong, the imagination is very strong, the story is very strong, the story is very strong. The philosophy is very strong. The philosophy is very strongHomeric epicIn Greek mythology, Dacheng Dacheng, on the Western Anthology of Greek mythology, learn to have a huge impact, learn to have the huge influence, became the first milepost in western literature. The first milepost science. The "Iliad" "Odyssey" Iliad "" Odyssey "" Odyssey "Iliad, IliadDescribing the war of Troy for 10 years, and shaping the war of Troy for 10 years, and shaping a group of flesh and blood hero image, a group of flesh and blood heroic imageThe image of AchillesThe three great tragedies of ancient GreeceAskew Russo Lee PederssophoclesOedipus, king of OedipusKilled his father and married his motherFate tragedyArtistic achievementIt portrays a distinctive character and depicts a distinctive characterThe structure is exquisite and the structure is exquisiteThe source of Western Literature (the source of Western Literature) (two)Christian literature, Christian culture, the Bible, the BibleThe image of MoseEmbodies the basic spirit of Christian culture. They embody the basic spirit of Christian culture. It is an ordinary person, an ordinary man, chosen by God as his agent. The agent is the first national hero. Israel, is Israel's first national hero,the great prophet is the whole of the Old Testament ". The greatest prophet." the Old Testament ".A summary of Renaissance LiteratureIn general, from the beginning of the fourteenth Century to the beginning of the century, from the beginning of fourteenth Century to the beginning of seventeenth Century, from the beginning of the century to the beginning of seventeenth CenturyEstablish a new ideological and cultural system of "bourgeois humanism" based on the establishment of "people" as the center, and the new ideological and cultural systemRepresentative writerPytlak Bio La Berrie Cervantes ShakespeareQuixote "Quixote"The author's creative motivation is the author's creative motivation is "to the world hate absurd romance" knight novel. "Created about 700 different occupation different character created about 700 different occupation of different characters. The characters of Quixote character image analysis.Shakespeare(1564 - 1616) is the European Renaissance giants, 1564 - 1616) is the European Renaissance giant, Dean of the history of theworld drama, the dean of the history of the world drama, one of the greatest writers in the world. One of the creation stages: creation stages: the first period (1590 - 1600) historical dramas. The first period (1590 - 1600) historical drama, comedy and poetry. The creation of Song period. The second period (1601 - 1607) second period (1601 - 1607) peak of tragedy and tragedy and comedy creation period. The peak period, third period (1608 - 1612) romance writing period. The third period (1608 - 1612) romance writing period.Hamlet, HamletIdeological content, Hamlet, character image, artistic achievementEnlightenment literatureRational worship is the ideological basis of the Enlightenment literature. Rational worship is the ideological foundation of the Enlightenment literature. It has successfully molded a series of immortal models, and has successfully molded a series of immortal modelsThe more than 90 works are divided into three parts: "custom research works, philosophical research" study "analysis" philosophic theory research "," research and analysis ". Provides a French society especially the Paris society of extraordinary realistic history. The historical realism of excellence. The representative of" Eugenie Grandet "" high old man "representative" Eugenie Grandet "" high old man "" "high old man."Senior old man", "Gao Lao man"The story happened in the end of 1819 to the story at the end of 1819 to early 1820. Paris Paris at the end of the year to early 1820 in Paris at the beginning of the year. The typical environment: remote block Fugai apartment. The typical environment: remote block Fugai apartment. Typical characters: high old man down; poor students pull typical characters: high old man down; Stine; convict Vidocu; Stine; convict Vidocu; lady Boussain."Senior old man", "Gao Lao man"Analysis of the characters in "Gao man" thought content "Gao old man" -- Gao old man Rusty NeCharlotte Charlotte Bront(1816 - 1855) in nineteenth Century, a famous British realist - 1855 nineteenth Century 1816) a famous British realist writer. Female writer. Born in Yorkshire in the north of England. The ho Chillingworth was born in Yorkshire in the north of England's Ho Chillingworth. Writing four novels: the teacher "" "" Jane has written four novel: "teacher" "Jane Eyre" Shelley "" "" "Villette Villette" Xie Li "" Villette. "Bront sistersCharlotte Bronte: Charlotte Bront: "Jane Eyre" Emily Bronte: a famous British novelist in the poet. Emily Bront: a famousBritish novelist in the poet. Eccentric temperament, masterpiece "eccentric temperament be scanty of words, representative, be scanty of words," Wuthering Heights ". Anne Bronte" Egg Jans Grey "Anne Bronte: Representative: representative of" Egg Jans Grey "Jane EyreCharlotte Bront is famous for, is Charlotte Bront's fame, and also her masterpiece. Watch as a governess. Main characters: Jane Eyre; main characters: female tutor Thornfield Manor Jane Rochester; pastor St. manor Rochester pastor in Saint John;Jane EyreThe theme of Jane Eyre -- the characters in Jane Eyre -- an analysis of the artistic features of Jane EyreRussian literature in nineteenth Century and Russian literature in nineteenth CenturyThe emergence of many great writers. Pushkin, Guo Ge emerged many great writers' works. Pushkin, Turgenev, Xue J J Ki, Turgenev, Czerny, Czerny Xue J J Ki, Tolstoy, Jef J Ki. Athos duly Tolstoy, Jef J Ki. Athos properly has a strong self reflection and repentance consciousness. With strong self reflection and repentance consciousness.dostoevsky(1821 - 1881) can be said to be the second half of nineteenthCentury, Russia 1821 - 1881) can be said to be the second half of the nineteenth Century Russian the most gifted, most personality, the most gifted, most personality, a writer but also the most controversial. A writer. Born in an ordinary family of doctors, patients with epilepsy born in an ordinary family doctor, suffering from epilepsy. Works rich: "poor" idiot "," idiot "books:" poor "" idiot "crime and punishment" and "dead house," "the" dead house, "crime and punishment" and "dead house," "brother" zuof Kalamazoo the Karamazov brothers "" insulted and injured "insulted and injured."Crime and punishment in crime and punishmentMaterial source: source material from "contemporary" magazine serialization: from "contemporary" about a French young Lachenay Jef's crime material, about a French young Lachenay Jef who killed the crime material, an elderly woman jailed. He killed an old woman jailed. The main characters: Sikeernikefu, Sonia, Du La Sikeernikefu, main characters: Sonia, NIA, Alena Ivanov Na. NIA, Alena Ivanov Na. The first chapter "the first chapter" crime "; from the second chapter to the end of write" punishment ".Crime and punishment in crime and punishmentThe theme of crime and punishment, crime and punishment, characterization of crime and punishment, crime and punishment, art characteristics of sin and punishment, crime and punishmentLev Lev Tolstoy(1828 - 1910) nineteenth Century Russia most outstanding realistic 1828 - 1910) in nineteenth Century, Russia's most outstanding realistic writer, one of the world's greatest novelist. Righteous writer, one of the world's greatest novelist. Born in a noble family, life did not stop the spirit and the birth of Yu Gui family agency, will explore the way out. Will explore the way out.Work is an autobiographical Trilogy: childhood "works are autobiographical Trilogy:" childhood "Youth" "Youth" "war and peace" "" Youth "" war and peace "juvenile" "Youth" "war and peace" Resurrection "and" Anna Karenina "" Anna "" Resurrection "and" Anna Karenina "a landlord" morning "a landlord morning".Anna, Karenina, Anna, KareninaIs one of the outstanding representatives of Tolstoy. Tolstoy is one of the outstanding representatives. Consisting of two clues. Composed of two clues. The main characters: Anna Karenina; Levin; Ottawa Lun main characters: Anna Karenina; Levin; Minkowski; Karenin. Kandinsky; Ning calle.Title Page"The New Testament" Bible New Testament "vengeance is mine, I will repay. Vengeance is mine, I will repay. The opening of the novel: the opening of the novel: happy families are all alike, all happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy. Is unhappy.Modernist literature in the twentieth CenturyIs a general term for the first half of the twentieth Century in Europe and the United States has many during the first half of twentieth Century against the traditional European and American anti traditional feature of literary genres. All literary genres syndrome. In twentieth Century a representative of the literary thoughts of the 20th century a representative literary trend. Twentieth Century is a representative of the literary trend. The main schools are: Symbolism; expressionism; main genres: Symbolism; expressionism; futurism; surrealism; stream of consciousness novels. Futurism; surrealism; stream of consciousness novels.Ideological characteristicsIt has a strong tendency of cultural criticism and has a strong tendency of cultural criticismHighlight the theme of alienation and highlight the theme of alienationKafka(1883 - 1924) Austria novelist,. 1883 - 1924) Austria novelist. Born in Prague, parents are of Jewish descent, born in Prague, his parents were Jewish, from his father's strict discipline. Under his father's strict discipline. The three novels "missing" "lawsuit" to "the castle" in three novel "missing" "lawsuit" to "Castle" and "Castle" lawsuit "to" not finished, is representative of the "Metamorphosis" unfinished masterpiece, is a novella "Metamorphosis".Metamorphosis in metamorphosisIt's an absurd and sad story. It's an absurd and sad storyThe people in the modern society due to communication caused by loneliness, indifference and sorrow, caused by loneliness, indifference and sorrow, depicts the people with each other as a heterogeneous alienation. People see each other as a heterogeneous state of alienation.One。

Othello’s Analysis: Cheat and JealousyOthello, perhaps is Shakespeare most impressive tragedy. In Othello, he successfully created many vivid characters and told us the most intricate and regrettable story. After finishing this book, it remains me a lot to think about.Next I will summarize the story part by part, and provide my analysis after each part.Part ISummaryOur title character Othello, a Moor from northern Africa, is very courageous and skillful in battle, and finishes the transformation from a black-skin slave to a great and noble general. His struggling experience and noble character inspire Desdemona deeply, who is a white senator's beautiful daughter. Despite of the racial difference and age gap between Othello and Desdemona, they fall in love with each other very soon and get married in stealthily. But Desdemona's father, the senator Brabantio, disapproves the marriage and thinks his daughter was taken advantage of, but his daughter soon tells him that she is in love with Othello. At this point, there is nothing that Brabantio can do about the arrangement but accept Othello as his daughter's husband.AnalysisFrom this past, we can see that Othello is such a man: brave, brilliant in military, noble and respected. It's all these good characters that attract Desdemona, leading to the marriage between them. However, even though Othello is such an outstanding person, there is a problem that can't be ignored. That is, racial difference. It's mainly because Othello is a Moor, a black man, so even though he's an outstanding general,Desdemona's father still disapproves of their marriage. And also out of this racial difference, I think Othello may more or less feel inferior. He desires to be totally acknowledged by the venetians. And perhaps this is the reason why Iago's tricks could be successfully realized, because Othello is so sensitive to his wife's faithfulness.When analyze Desdemona, she's such an innocent girl, just like an angle. Her love is sincere and fiery. Regardless of her father's disapproval and worldly shackles, she gets married with Othello secretly. Such a good thing should be cautiously protected instead of being destroyed. And this is precisely what makes this tragedy so tragic.Part IISummaryThere is a wealthy venetian named Roderigo who has adored Desdemona for a long time, so he's jealous to Othello and Desdemona's marriage. At the meantime, the main villain in this story come on stage. His name is Iago, the standard bearer of general Othello as well as husband of Emilia. Iago feels that Othello promoted another man(Cassio) to a higher position that should have been his, and dwells on a rumor that Othello slept with his wife. For such reasons, Iago hates Othello's guts, and hunts for a way to ruin Othello. So he makes a series of tricks. First Iago makes Cassio drunk, and after that he instigates Roderigo to have a street fight with Cassio and at the same time he makes a chaos in the city Cyprus stealthily. When Othello comes to spot and hears Iago's exaggerated description, he is very angry and dismisses Cassio from his position on the spot.AnalysisWhat we can infer from this part is that Iago is a narrow-minded, suspicious and vengeful man. Iago has heard rumors that Othello slept with his wife, Emilia. He has no proof, and he never tells us where exactly he heard these rumors. In fact, he seems more interested in picturing his wife cheating than actually trying to discover if the rumors are true or not. With this already in his mind, he takes the advancement of Cassio as the last straw. Cassio is a younger, less experienced man, who has just beenpromoted in the army. Iago feels that he deserves the job, and that it was wrong of Othello to forget him. Just because of these, he makes up his mind to ruin people's lives. Unquestionably, Iago is one of the most conniving and depraved characters I’ve ever read. His cold calculating nature is sociopathic.Part IIISummaryAfterwards, Cassio is seized with remorse, he begs Othello for forgiveness, but Othello just shuts his eyes to Cassio. When Cassio is at a loss, Iago comes to him and comforts him by suggesting he speak with Desdemona who could put in a good word for him with Othello. During Cassio is staying alone with Desdemona, Iago has his wife Emilia ensure Desdemona and Cassio will talk so Othello can see his wife talking with Cassio, allowing Iago to convince Othello that Desdemona is being unfaithful. Iago finds Othello and tells him that Desdemona is having a secret meeting with Cassio at home. Othello goes home vexedly and happens to see Cassio stays alone with Desdemona. Since then on, Iago successfully plants a seed of doubt in Othello's mind about his wife's unfaithfulness, and goes to great lengths to set up an entire story of her alleged affair.AnalysisWhen finish reading this part, we have to admire Iago for his high intelligence, or in other words, tricks. He's really a incomparable double-dealers. Ostensibly, he is an honest, well-meaning man. He offers viable advice and suggestions when someone feels overwhelmed. People around him think him trustworthy. He's an outstanding pretender. But oppositely, when on the sly, he is a controller and director of everything: he sets the plot in motion, manipulates the player’s emotions, controls what happens when, where, how fast, to who, for what reason, and what it means. Firstly directs a conflict between Cassio and Roderigo, which results in Cassio's decapitation. And then advises Cassio to ask Desdemona for help, so that he can give a false impression to Othello that his wife has a rumor with Cassio. All of this is a superlative craftsmanship!Part IVSummaryAnd after that, Iago successfully carries out other tricks. He spreads rumours that Cassio and Desdemona are involved in an affair. So when Desdemona entreats to Othello to reinstate Cassio as lieutenant add to Othello's almost immediate conviction that his wife is unfaithful. Desdemona finds Othello feeling unwell, so she offers him her handkerchief to wrap around his head, but he's rage and just lets it drop to floor. And then the handkerchief is picked by Emilia and she gives it to Iago. Iago is ecstatic when he gets the handkerchief, which he plants in Cassio's room as evidence of his affair with Desdemona. Cassio finds the handkerchief in his room and wonders where it is from. Later he gives the handkerchief to a prostitute named Bianca.AnalysisOnce again we witness Iago's wisdom in controlling everything. Up to now, he successfully transforms Othello from a great general and a considerate husband to a jealous furious boor. He once loved Desdemona with all his heart, but now all love has gone, what remains is merely jealousy, impatience and abomination. Freud[1] distincts jealousy into three grades: normal, projected, and delusional. And Stephen[2] believes now Othello is in third grade: delusional jealousy. It's origin in repressed impulses towards unfaithfulness. It's really a pity for us readers. The poor Desdemona still knows nothing about what has happened.As for Cassio, he's just too young and too simple. One day, he is a handsome, charismatic young ladies man who has just been promoted to a prestigious new title. But the next day, he has been falsely labeled a drunkard and a brawler, is thought to be an adulterer, and has two men scheming out how to murder him. He's handsome but flirtatious, this makes Othello, the black-skin Moor feel somehow jealous. When Othello hears the rumor between Cassio and Desdemona, he's pride and self esteem are destroyed. Cassio never realizes that he has fallen into Iago's trap. He should have keep distance with Desdemona.Part VSummaryThrough Iago’s machinations, Othello becomes so consumed by jealousy that he falls into a trance and has a fit of epilepsy. As he writhes on the ground, Cassio comes by, and Iago tells him to come back in a few minutes to talk. Once Othello recovers, Iago tells him of the meeting he has planned with Cassio. He instructs Othello to hide nearby and watch as Iago extracts from Cassio the story of his affair with Desdemona. While Othello stands out of earshot, Iago pumps Cassio for information about Bianca, causing Cassio to laugh and confirm Othello’s suspicions. Bianca herself the n enters with Desdemona’s handkerchief, at this time, Othello totally convinces himself that his wife is unfaithful. At the night, Othello enters Desdemona's room and prepares to kill her. Desdemona wakes and attempts to plead with Othello. She asserts her innocence, but Othello smothers her. When the truth comes out from Emilia, Othello is crushed and kills himself with a sword. And the main villain Iago is caught by Lodovico and is sentenced to death.AnalysisFinally and regretfully we come to an end: Othello is dead, Desdemona is dead, Cassio is wounded, Iago is sentenced to death. In this game, there is no winner, everyone is a loser. It seems that all these people are ruined by Iago, while in fact they are all lose to jealousy.The worst part of the whole play is that Othello is in the thralls of newly-wedded happiness. He and his wife Desdemona are so incredibly in love and then he acts as the tool for their own destruction. He is manipulated by someone else, but no one truly forces his hand. He allows himself to be persuaded to believe that worst about his wife and causes his own downfall by his lack of faith and trust. He thought he was killing for justice. What makes me a bit gratifying is that he commits suicide, which proves that true love exists between he and Desdemona.This story causes me to think deeply about ourselves. Shakespeare writes a true psychological drama, exploring the darkest human emotion and motivation. Cheat and jealousy are two themes of this play, and they are also common in our lives. As forcheat, the question is how to trust. The widespread of cheat results in common distrust between people. Many people cheat for interest, even though this would damage other people's interest. As a result, it's high time for us to rebuild trust. As for jealousy, it just like a shadow, easily floats up in our mind. Jealousy may blind our eyes, drive us to do some regrettable things, just like Othello. Jealousy is a devil, we must maintain keen vigilance at all time.Reference[1] Freud S. Certain neurotic mechanisms in jealousy, paranoia and homosexuality[J]. The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1923, 4: 1.[2] Othello's Jealousy, Reid, Stephen. American Imago; Detroit, etc.25.3 (Fall 1968): 274.[3] Bradley A C. Shakespearean Tragedy; Lectures on Hamlet, Othello[M]. Macmillan and Company, limited, 1922.[4] Neill M. Unproper Beds: Race, Adultery, and the Hideous in Othello[J]. Shakespeare Quarterly, 1989, 40(4): 383-412.。

1843年被封为英国“桂冠诗人”.威廉.布雷克To see a world in a grain of sand, 从一粒沙子看到一个世界,And a heaven in a wild flower, 从一朵野花看到一个天堂,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, 把握在你手心里的就是无限,And eternity in an hour. 永恒也就消融于一个时辰。

● 2、
1827-1831年:走 向自由主义。 1827年,雨果发表剧本 《克伦威尔》。剧本因 不符合舞台艺术的要求 而未能演出,但其序言 却成了法国浪漫主义的 宣言书。 在这篇文章里, 雨果提 出了一条新的美学原则: 美丑对照原则。
“丑在美的旁边, 畸形靠近着优美, 丑怪藏在崇高背后, 美与恶并存,光明 与黑暗相共。”
圣迹剧演出的失败意味着什么?为 什么说第一卷是时代风云的画卷?
• 在人欲被压制的时代,文艺附庸于宗教(权威信 仰),而如今,权威已被瓦解,自由思想、市民 阶层、公社力量已经崛起。宗教因此丧失了对人 类心灵的控制力。人们关心的不再是剧本中由权 威所规定的荒唐幼稚的美的归属,那完全脱离他 们的生活。他们关心的是自己真实的世间生活, 关心红衣主教、乞丐和商人,关心政治经济和真 正的艺术,尤其是跟自己相关的苦难生活的艺 术——卡西莫多。但最为激动人心的是,生活中 那梦寐以求的美的幻影——爱斯美拉达。
• “丑就在美的旁边,畸形靠近着 优美,丑怪藏在崇高的背后,恶与善并 存,黑暗与光明相共。”
• 最佳运用作品:《巴黎圣母院》
• 序:巴黎圣母院尖顶钟楼的阴暗角落里刻着古希 腊的几个大写字母ANAΓKH, 意为命运。作者见 此于是深思,是哪一个苦难的灵魂在此深深烙下 这罪恶和灾难的印迹,这其中又隐藏着怎样奇妙 的宿命和悲惨的意义呢 ? • 可见《巴黎圣母院》描述的是一个命运的悲剧。
• 从40年代开始,雨果力图在政治上有所作为。 1841年入选法兰西学士院。 1845年进入上议院, 被封为“法兰西贵族世卿”。 1850年成为贵族 院议员。 • 1846年,雨果从资产阶级自由主义转向资产阶 级共和主义。1848年的法国革命对雨果的思想和 创作的转变起到了决定性作用。他积极参加共和 主义的政治活动。

19世纪30年代在法国、英国兴起,后波 及俄国、美国,成为欧美文学主流。 代表西方文学的最高峰。 具有强烈的社会批判性,因而又称为 “批判现实主义”。
(1799—1850)法国19世纪最重要的作 家,被誉为“法国现代小说之父”。 代表作《人间喜剧》。
诗剧,共分两部,取材于16世纪德国的民间 传说。
浮士德经历了书斋悲剧、爱情悲剧、政治 悲剧、艺术悲剧和事业悲剧。
产生于18世纪末,繁荣于19世纪上半叶。 强调创作的绝对自由。 抨击封建制度和资本主义的罪恶现象。 酷爱描写中世纪和以往的历史。 偏重于描写自然风光。
建立以“人”为中心的资产阶级人文主 义新的思想文化体系。
彼特拉克 薄伽丘 拉伯雷 塞万提斯 莎士比亚
作者的创作动机是“要世人厌恶荒诞的 骑士小说”。
塑造了大约700个不同职业不同性格的 人物形象。 堂吉诃德人物形象分析
艺术成就刻画了鲜明的人物性 Nhomakorabea。
体现了基督文化的基本精神。 是一个普通人,被上帝选定作为自己的 代理人。 是以色列的第一位民族英雄,也是整部 《旧约》中最伟大的先知。