AP Physics 1 Sample Syllabus
AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1 Course OverviewAP® Computer Science A is both a course for potential computer science majors anda foundation course for students planning to study in other technical fields such asengineering, physics, chemistry, and geology. The course emphasizes programmingmethodology, procedural abstraction, and in-depth study of algorithms, data structures,and data abstractions, as well as a structured lab component comprised of a minimumof 20 hours of hands-on lab experiences integrated throughout the course. [CR6]Instruction includes preparation for the AP Computer Science A Exam. In teachingthis course, my reward comes when students can apply the programming tools theyhave learned to real-life examples on their own. Computer science is more than justprogramming. Students should leave my class with a clear understanding of Java and theability to adapt to any new programming language that they are taught in college. I wantthem to have the confidence to tackle any problem-solving obstacles they encounter.Major TextsBergin, Joseph et al. Karel J Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Object-OrientedProgramming in Java. Redwood City, Calif.: Dreamsongs Press, 2005./~bergin/KarelJava2ed/Karel%2B%2BJavaEdition.htmlHorstmann, Cay. Big Java. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2012.Lambert, Ken, and Martin Osborne. Fundamentals of Java: AP Computer Science Essentials.Boston: Course Technology, 2010.Course PlannerThe resources list includes the following text references: Karel J. Robot (KJR), Big Java(BJ), and Fundamentals of Java (FJ).Unit 1 (Weeks 0-3)Karel J. Robot(Introduces objects and inheritance)Topics:• Objects• Classes• Looping• ConditionalsObjectives:• Write and use simple classes with Karel J. Robot• Learn the basics of conditionals and loopingAssessments:[CR1]• Program-specific tasks for Karel• Create a SmartRobot Class to teach Karel more commands: turnRight(), CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.CR6— The course includes a structured lab component comprised of a minimum of 20 hours of hands-on lab experiences.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1 turnAround(), climbStair()• Clear a field of beepers (using loops)• Redistribute a field of beepers (using loops and conditionals)• Run a hurdle race:o Same height and equally spaced;o Same height and unequally spaced; ando Different heights and unequally spaced.Unit 2 (Week 4)Java BasicsTopics:• Computer basics• Java basics• Using the compiler• Input and outputObjectives:• Understand terminology: CPU, system and application software, primary andsecondary memory, LAN, WAN, hard disk, CD-ROM• Understand computer ethics such as acceptable use policies, copyright, intellectualproperty, freeware, shareware, downloading music• Understand how all the different parts of the computer work together• Understand terminology: compiler, IDE, JVM• Edit, compile, and run a simple program in Java• Understand the different compile time errors, runtime errors, and logic errors• Use BufferedReader for input• Use output with System.out using print and println and formatoutput to look niceAssessments: [CR1]• Labs: Triangle, rectangle, square; area; and perimeter program• Get input for the registrar’s office program• Label the parts of the computerStrategies:• To discuss computer ethics, begin by looking at the school’s acceptable use policy, then go to the Web and look at the ACM’s code of ethics. Students will write a small paper in favor of or against something related to computer ethics, such as making copies of a copyrighted program and giving it away for free. [CR7]• Assign a lot of small programs that illustrate different types of input and output—make sure students have used every type of input and displayed it in different ways. Unit 3 (Week 5)CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.CR7— The course teaches students to recognizethe ethical and social implications of computer use.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1 Defining Variables, Arithmetic ExpressionsTopics:• Using and understanding variables• Comments• Arithmetic expressions in Java programs• Representing numbers in different basesObjectives:• Understand terminology: comments, variables, constants, reserved words, literals• Declare and initialize variables and constants in Java• Understand mathematical expressions in Java and their precedence• Understand how to change bases of numbers• Use casting to make their data more accurate• Understand limitations of finite representations of numbers such as the range ofintegers, real, and float• Use the assignment operator correctlyAssessments: [CR1]• Labs:o Paycheck program; have employee information entered and calculate payo Modify the paycheck program to also include any overtime hours in the calculationsStrategies:• Students need practice with how the different types, double and int, relate when they are used in mathematical operations• Present a lot of small program examples in which they have to find the errorsUnit 4 (Weeks 6-7)Introduction to Classes and OOPTopic:• Creating and using classesObjectives:• Understand terminology: constructor, accessor, mutator, instance variable, encapsulation, information hiding, procedural abstraction• Understand the difference between public and private access in a class• Use and comprehend the DecimalFormat class and the Random class• Write classes from scratch, choosing appropriate data representation• Understand how to declare a method and declare parameters in that method• Understand the use of preconditions, postconditions and assertions when designing methods• Understand the difference between OOP development and top-down development CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1 Assessments: [CR1]• Labs: Purse class and StampMachine classStrategies:• Give students classes to complete, in which they are given a description and they must choose appropriate representation for that classUnit 5 (Weeks 8-12)Conditionals and LoopingTopics:• if, if-else, while, forObjectives:• Understand terminology: control statements, counter, infinite loop, iteration, nested loops, logical operators, truth tables• Construct syntactically correct loops and conditional statements• Understand the different errors that may occur with loops and employ helpful debugging techniques such as hand-tracing and extra print statements to figure out errors• Use logical operators to make programs more robust• Construct truth tables• Be able to calculate statement execution counts, e.g., how many times did the loop execute?Assessments: [CR1][CR5]• Labs:o Approximate PI using Leibniz’s methodo Base Conversion: Convert from baseo 10 to base 2o Guess My Number gameo Euclidean algorithm programo Perimeter and area of rectangles using all combinations of certain rangeStrategies:• Students need practice writing different types of loops and conditionalsUnit 6 (Weeks 13-14)The String ClassTopic: [CR5]• String class CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.CR5— The course teaches students to use elements of the standard Java library from the AP Java subsetin Appendix A of the AP Computer Science A Course Description.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1 Objectives:• Instantiate String objects• Understand that Strings are immutable• Use appropriate String methods to solve problemsAssessments:Lab: Magpie[CR1]Strategies:• Work several examples using the substring methodUnit 7 (Weeks 15-17)Array ListTopic: [CR2b][CR5]• Using ArrayList classObjective:• Use the ArrayList methodsAssessments: [CR1]• WordList (2004 AP Computer Science A Exam, Free-Response Question 1, AP Central®)Strategies:• Stress the difference between add and set• Draw pictures of the ArrayList after add, set, and remove have been performedUnit 8 (Week 18)ArraysTopics: [CR2b]• Declaring and initializing arrays• Manipulating arrays with loops• Creating parallel arraysObjectives:• Understand terminology: array, element, index, logical size, physical size, parallel arrays• Declare one-dimensional arrays in Java CR2b— The course teaches students to use commonly-used data structures.CR5— The course teaches students to use elements of the standard Java library from the AP Java subsetin Appendix A of the AP Computer Science A Course Description.CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1• Use initializer lists when declaring arrays• Manipulate arrays using loops and array indices• Use the physical and logical size of an array together to guarantee they do not gobeyond the bounds of their array by identifying the boundary cases and using testdata to verify results• Understand how parallel arrays can be useful when processing certain types of data• Work with arrays of primitive data types as well as arrays of objects whileunderstanding the difference between the two types of data• Understand when to choose an array to represent data instead of an ArrayList[CR3]Assessments:• Lab:o For one-dimensional arrays, read in numbers and place each one in an even,odd, and/or negative list [CR1]Strategies:• Students need practice manipulating loops that work with arrays• Students also need to be reminded about the indexing of arrays beginning at zero Unit 9 (Week 19)Two-dimensional ArraysTopics:• Using 2-D arrays• Introduction to inheritance and interfaces• Class diagramsObjectives:• Understanding that 2-D arrays are stored as arrays of arrays• Understand the meaning of row-major order• Traversing all and part of a two-dimensional arrays• Using nested loops to manipulate objects in a two-dimensional array Assessments:• Lab: [CR1]o Picture and Picture lab activities 1-9o Picture lab extensions: steganography and chromakeyStrategies:• Focus on the order in which Java stores the elements of a two-dimensional array in the computer’s memory.• Learn how to write code that corresponds to a class diagram and learn how to draw a class diagram that describes code.CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.CR3— The course teaches students to select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve problems.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1 Unit 10 (Weeks 20-21)Searching and Sorting ArraysTopic: [CR2a]• Bubble, Selection, Insertion sorts• Sequential and Binary searchesObjectives:• Write a method for searching an array• Perform insertions and deletions at given positions in arrays• Trace through sorting and searching algorithms and understand time constraints ofeach [CR3]• Understand the algorithms behind each of the following searching and sorting techniques: bubble, selection, and insertion sorts; sequential search and binarysearch• Understand the time efficiency of each sort and search and when it is desirable to use each one [CR3]• Identify reusable components from existing code using classes and class libraries • Given different scenarios, students should be able to choose the most appropriate sort or search [CR3]Assessments:• Lab:o Students make their own “utility” class that includes all of these sorts and searches [CR1]Strategies:• Students need practice tracing through sorts and searches and determining the runtime of each• Students also do well with a worksheet that addresses the efficiency of each of the strategies they have learned, efficiency for a sorted versus unsorted list, and “best,”“worst,” and “average” efficiencyUnit 11 (Weeks 22-24)Elevens LabTopics:• Game design and development• Experimenting with a large program• Using classes• Modifying classes• InheritanceObjectives:CR3— The course teaches students to select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve problems.CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.CR2a— The course teaches students to use and implement commonly used algorithms.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1• Design a class that models a deck of cards• Analyze and discuss the efficiency of shuffling algorithms [CR3]• Extend an abstract Board classAssessments:• Lab: ElevensStrategies:• Be familiar with all the classes and interfaces discussed• Focus on the how the classes are related to one another and the reasons forpreferring one algorithm over another [CR3][CR4]Unit 12 (Weeks 25-27)More on Classes, Inheritance, InterfacesTopics:• Classes• Inheritance• Abstract classes• InterfacesObjectives:• Demonstrate inheritance by extending a class• Understand polymorphism and know when it is appropriate to override methods in asuper class• Create and extend an abstract class• Create and extend a class given class specifications with the relationships among theclasses described• Implement an interfaceAssessments: [CR1]• Create an abstract Shape class• Pet Parade (2004 AP Computer Science A Exam: Free-Response Question 2, on AP Central)Strategies: [CR4]• Draw pictures of the inheritance hierarchyUnit 13 (Weeks 28-29)Topic:• Inheritance CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.CR4— The course teaches students to code fluently in an object-oriented paradigm using the programming language Java.CR3— The course teaches students to select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve problems.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1 Objective:• Use inheritance to extend the Critter class by making new types of EmployeesAssessments:• Exercises from the textStrategies:• Have fun with this chapter• Allow the students to be creative after working through the exercises and analysis• Create different kinds Employees[CR4]Unit 14 (Weeks 30-31)Recursion (and Merge Sort)Topics:• Recursion• Merge Sort [CR2a]Objectives:• Create a recursive method to solve a problem• Understand the difference between recursive and iterative solutions to a problem [CR3]• Understand and use the Merge Sort• Understand how to calculate the informal runtime of merge sort and compare it’s running time to the other sorts already learned [CR3]Assessments: [CR1]• Factorial program• Rewrite loop programs with recursionStrategies:• Ask, “What is returned by this method?”Unit 15 (Weeks 32-36)ReviewTopics:• Review AP Computer Science A topicsObjective:• Prepare for the AP Computer Science A Exam by reviewing material and taking practice exams CR3— The course teaches students to select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve problems.CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.CR2a— The course teaches students to use and implement commonly used algorithms.CR4— The course teaches students to code fluently in an object-oriented paradigm using the programming language Java.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1 Assessments:• Practice examsTeaching StrategiesI strive to create a learning environment that is comfortable for all students. Thosewho have never touched a computer should be as at ease in my class as those who havetaught themselves how to program. I aim to foster critical thinking, a lifelong skill, and Iaccomplish this by giving challenging, yet not impossible, assignments. When new topicsare introduced, I use a hands-on approach of having students see and run examples.While the novices ask questions, more experienced students can make changes to theexamples and experiment with different outcomes.Experienced programmers help the novices in a mentoring program after school. Thispromotes student leadership and propels in-class learning.10。
AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1172785v1Course OverviewComputer FacilitiesOur classroom is also our lab—we find this to be very conducive to learning. We have our computers around the outside of the room, with the center set up in a traditional classroom fashion. Our lab and the labs around campus are managed and maintained by a full-time tech staff. They save us countless hours and ensure that we are up and running 100 percent of the time. This course is on a tight schedule; any downtime during lab is extremely detrimental to student learning, as a minimum of 20 hours of course time is dedicated to hands-on labs. [CR6]TextsBergin, Joseph, et al. Karel J. Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Object-Oriented Programming Using Java . Copyright Joseph Bergin./~bergin/KarelJava2ed/Karel++JavaEdition.htmlLitvin, Maria and Litvin, Gary. Java Methods: Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures, Second AP Edition . Skylight Publishing, 2011.Course Outline Unit 1Introduction to the principle concepts in computer science using Karel J. Robot.Objectives/Topics To Be Covered • Computer lab, accounts, and an IDE• Object-oriented programming and top-down design/refinement of individual tasks • Basic class structure including instance variables, local variables, parameter passing, scope, public/private visibility, use of super • Sequence, selection, and iteration • Recursion• Inheritance and polymorphism, overriding methods • ng.Math.random() [CR5]• Analyze, design, code, and test software • Error categorization/correctionTeaching StrategiesI teach computer science concepts so that students have immediate visual feedback— at least in the beginning. They will truly understand what they have done right and wrong because they can see it. Students should not lose sight of computer science as theyexamine the details of the computer language. This undertaking is not too difficult since algorithms that solve a variety of robot tasks are both plentiful and provocative, as are the topics of study associated with them. I place emphasis on having creativity and imagination be their guides. My goal for students is to enjoy computer science at the level that it is most inspiring—the conceptual level.AP ® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1172785v1CR5— The course teachesstudents to use elements of the standard Java library from the AP Java subset in Appendix A of the AP Computer Science A Course Description.CR6— The course includesa structured lab component comprised of a minimum of 20 hours of hands-on lab experiences.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1172785v1 References/ReadingsKarel J. Robot and many other related ideas at the author’s site./~bergin/KarelJava2ed/Karel++JavaEdition.htmlJava Methods, selected readings from Chapters 2, 7, and 8Go to the class website for a sample daily schedule, PowerPoint presentations, homework,labs, and review exercises.Assignments/Labs• Transcribe, compile, and test a program that uses Newton’s method to compute squareroots. [CR1]• Go to the class website for the daily schedule, which includes homework assignments,labs, review exercises, PowerPoint presentations, and tests.Unit 2Java basicsObjectives/Topics To Be Covered• Source, bytecode, compilers, interpreters, Java virtual machine, platformindependence• Computer software and hardware components, operating systems• Assignment statement, primitive data types• Arithmetic operators, ArithmeticException, precedence, casting/promotion• ng.Math (abs, pow, sqrt, random), static methods [CR5]• Parameter passing terminology and concepts• String class, object references, aliasing [CR5]• Selection in more detail• Object is the superclass of all classes• Interfaces• Computer ethics and social implicationsTeaching StrategiesClassroom discussions on topics of processors, peripherals, and system software areongoing throughout the course. Students discuss and identify major components andhow they interact. They will become familiar with the operations of the hardware andsoftware available in our school and be able to distinguish between a single-user systemand a network. It is expected that all students will adhere to the Acceptable Users’ Policygiven by our district. I introduce interfaces by providing one for students and havingthem write a couple of classes that implement the interface. In this manner, I am givingtheir lab/class its basic structure, providing a lab specification, especially if it contains Javadoc. It’s also a way to automate testing their labs. I am guaranteeing that the students’ classes all have the same method signatures, enabling them to easily test all oftheir methods.CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.CR5— The course teaches students to use elements of the standard Java library from the AP Java subsetin Appendix A of the AP Computer Science A Course Description.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1172785v1 I engage my students in a number of activities and discussions focused on the ethical andsocial implications of computer use such as protection of privacy, intellectual property,and public safety. I introduce them to both the ACM and IEEE and their published Codesof Ethics. Dr. Jody Paul has an excellent site listing many resources that we also use tofacilitate discussion and activities focused on computer ethics. [CR7]References/ReadingsJava Methods, Chapters 1, 3, 5, 6,7, 10, and 15Jamtester, JUnit, and unit testing Dr. Jody Paul /SWE/ethics.htmlAssignments/Labs• Students are given a program that draws a sequence of differently colored rectangles and are asked to modify the code so that the result will be a sequence of rectangles that gradually change in color from the color of the first to the color of the last. The algorithm to blend the correct color for each rectangle requires the students to use proportions based on the distance each rectangle is from the first and last rectangles. [CR1]• Magpie Lab (activities 1-5) [CR1] [CR4]• Java Methods, selected exercises and labs from chapters 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, and 15• Polygon lab with unit testing [CR1]Unit 3Elevens LabObjectives/Topics To Be Covered• Intercommunicating objects• Inheritance• Interfaces (Comparable) and Abstract classes• Array basics• Data structure design and selectionTeaching StrategiesWe learn how to evaluate and select algorithms, how to relate classes one to another, and how to debug and test our code.References/ReadingsAP CSA Elevens LabAssignments/LabsElevens Lab with activities and enrichments [CR1] [CR4] CR7— The course teaches students to recognizethe ethical and social implications of computer use.CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.CR4— The course teaches students to code fluently in an object-oriented paradigm using the programming language Java.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1172785v1 Unit 4Arrays and ArrayLists[CR5]Objectives/Topics To Be Covered• Declaring, constructing, initializing, and indexing arrays/ArrayLists [CR2b]• Storing primitives and objects in arrays/ArrayLists[CR2b]• Traversing, inserting, deleting array/ArrayList elements [CR2b]• Passing arrays/ArrayLists to methods• Wrapper classes—Double, Integer[CR5]• Casting, ClassCastException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException • 2-D arrays [CR2b]Teaching StrategiesPractice with arrays and ArrayLists.References/ReadingsJava Methods, selected readings from Chapters 12 and 13Assignments/Labs• Write a program that measures the frequencies with which each letter of the alphabet occurs in a file. [CR1]•Picture Lab with activities and enrichments [CR1] [CR4]• Java Methods, selected exercises and labs in Chapters 12 and 13•Given a program that draws one equilateral triangle, write a program that draws a Sierpinski gasket (a figure that contains nested triangles). [CR1]• Design a class that models a fraction and arithmetic with fractions. [CR1]Unit 5Searching and SortingObjectives/Topics To Be Covered• Insertion and selection sorts [CR2a]• Binary searching versus Sequential [CR2a]• Introduction to Big-Oh [CR3]• Recursion• Mergesort [CR2a]• (optional) java.util.Arrays and java.util.Collections Teaching StrategiesWhile working with the traditional sorts and searches, I introduce some simple Big-Oh concepts and counting. Big-Oh is not part of the AP CSA Exam, but the counting of statements being executed is a part of the Exam. I have students count comparisons done while sorting and then graph the results. We discover why we prefer to measure efficiency by comparing the number of operations to the size of the data set rather than by looking at the program’s execution time. I also use the algorithms that they have studied up to CR5— The course teaches students to use elements of the standard Java library from the AP Java subsetin Appendix A of the AP Computer Science A Course Description.CR2b— The course teaches students to use commonly used data structures.CR1— The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems.CR4— The course teaches students to code fluently in an object-oriented paradigm using the programming language Java.CR2a— The course teaches students to use and implement commonly used algorithms.CR3— The course teaches students to select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve problems.AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1172785v1 now (e.g., reading data, common array algorithms) to explore Big-Oh.This is a good place to work recursion back into the course, since we can explore furtherhow the linear and binary searches can be written both iteratively and recursively.Students will gain additional practice with arrays as they explore the nontrivial task ofmerging two sorted lists. In addition, students will once again see a comparison betweena recursive and non recursive solution to an algorithm. [CR3] Now that the students have had a chance to play with all of the sorts and searches in the AP curriculum, I liketo introduce them to two more powerful and fun classes, java.util.Arrays and java.util.Collections. By this time in the course the students are quite adept at reading an API; this gives them a bit more practice.References/ReadingsJava Methods, Chapters 4 and 14Big-Oh handoutThe xSortLab Applet /TMCM/java/xSortLabAssignments/Labs• Worksheets and sample source code—sorting, searching, recursion,counting iterations, analysis• Java Methods, Chapters 4 and 14 for lab ideasUnit 6ReviewObjectives• Ensure students know what is coming on the AP Exam• Earn a 5 on the AP Exam CR3— The course teaches students to select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve problems.。
The Investigation
The three parts to this investigation involve:
1. A study of one-dimensional accelerated motion of the ball in its direction of motion down the incline 2.A study of constant velocity one-dimensional motion along the horizontal portion of the track 3.A study of two-dimensional motion as the ball leaves the table. 1. S vs t S v 2. v vs t,S vs t S vx 3. v vs t
The scientific argument
The claim 推论、结论、理论
fits Supports
The Evidence 实验数据、现象、实验推论
Justified with Explain
The Rationale 基本原理—Claim & Evidence 的原因
How to effect? For example, a typical reaction time is between 0.1 and 0.25 seconds. Assuming the larger value, if the measurement is only 1.0 second, this represents a 25 percent uncertainty in the timing measurement. However, if the time measurement is 10 seconds, this represents a 2.5 percent uncertainty in the timing measurement and thus the speed measurement. What could you do? One suggestion for reducing uncertainty would be to use a device that does not rely on human reaction time for measurement, such as a photogate, prolong the motion distance……
《大学物理实验》教学大纲(Syllabus of College PhysicsExperiment)Syllabus of College Physics Experiment(for engineering majors)Course number:Course English Name: Physical experiment of CollegeApplicable Specialty: Engineering Department: water conservancy, power, civil engineering, power machinery, medical department (five year) each professionDepartment of information: Surveying and mapping, remote sensing information, computer science, resources and environmental specialtiesSemester: This course takes two semesters (one, two)Class hour: 54 hoursCredits: 1.5Examination: examination scores of the experimental class with grades and final experimental skills examination of two parts: the scores accounted for 70% (including the report and experiment operation examination) accounted for 30% (including experimental operation and experimental results).Lecture room and teaching and research section: Physics Laboratory Center of physical science and Technology College (1), (two)First, the nature, purpose and task of the courseThe university physics experiment in higher school students in basic training of scientific experiment a compulsory basic course, is the beginning to accept system training experimental skills of students entering college, is an important basis for engineering students to conduct scientific experiments and training. It is the practical teaching link that students turn knowledge into ability through their own practice. It plays an important role in cultivating students' ability to observe, discover, analyze and research problems, and ultimately solve problems by means of experiments. Also for students to carry out scientific research independently, the design of experimental programs, selection, use of equipment and put forward new experimental topics; for further study of subsequent experimental courses to lay a good foundation. Its specific tasks are as follows:1, cultivate and improve students' scientific experimental literacy. Asked students to engage in scientific experiments should be conscientious, meticulous and strict working attitude and style of combining theory with practice, study and active exploration spirit, good discipline, unity and cooperation and take good care of public property.2, learn and master the use of experimental principles, methods to study some physical phenomena, conduct specific tests, drawconclusions, deepen the understanding of the principles of physics.3. Cultivate and improve students' ability of scientific experiment:(1) be able to read textbooks and materials, from the purpose of measurement requirements, the correct understanding of the scientific principles on the basis of good preparation before the experiment;(2) the correct selection and use of common instruments and the determination of reasonable experimental procedures can be carried out with the aid of teaching materials and instrument instructions;(3) basic training of experimental skills, familiar with the working principle, structure, performance, adjustment operation, observation, analysis and troubleshooting of common instruments;(4) good at using physics theory, observing the phenomena (general, normal, individual, abnormal) in experiment, and analyzing and judging the experimental phenomena preliminarily;(5) learn the correct recording and processing of experimental data, according to the requirements of drawing curves, the correct expression of the experimental results, writing experiment report qualified and the analysis of experimental methods, measuring instruments, the surrounding environment,the number of measurements and skills to influence the measurement result;(6) the experimental data can be consulted, and the simple design experiment can be done independently.Two, the course before classAdvanced mathematics and general physicsThree, the basic requirements of curriculum teaching1, in experiment teaching and introduces some appropriate physical experiment for students of the historical development, dialectical materialism, the world outlook and methodology of education, to enable students to understand the importance of scientific experiments, clear the course of physical experiment purpose, status, function and task.2, during the experiment, to educate students to develop good habits of experiment, training scientific style, linking theory with practice and realistic serious attitude and take good care of public property, follow the operating rules, abide by the rules of good moral character.3, the experimental introduction class should give students the basic knowledge of measurement error, uncertainty and experimental data processing, requiring students to master and apply in specific experiments,Cultivate students' ability to correctly analyze experimentalerrors and deal with experimental results.4, through the physical experiment system training, require students to do:(1) finish the experiment preparation before the class, write the preview report of the experiment (ask for self made data record form), conduct the experiment operation independently, and write the experiment report after class.(2) master the adjustment and operation technology of common physics experiment instruments. For example: zero calibration; horizontal, vertical balance adjustment; according to the correct circuit wiring diagram is given; the light path and high alignment etc..(3) master the commonly used experimental methods. Such as comparison method, amplification method, conversion measurement method, simulation method, balance method, compensation method, interference method and so on.(4) the measurement of common physical quantities. For example, length (including micro length and its change), angle, mass, time, force, pressure, temperature, heat, current, voltage, electromotive force, resistance, magnetic induction intensity, wavelength, refractive index, etc..(5) familiar with the performance and usage of common instruments. For example: vernier, micrometer, balance, stopwatch, thermometer (including thermocouple), DC voltage meter, current meter, electric meter, flow, pick up thepotentiometer, sliding rheostat, resistance box, universal oscilloscope, low-frequency signal source, reading microscope and telescope, raler reading spectrometer and the common light source (sodium lamp mercury, light and laser) etc..The design of experiments and comprehensive experiments by 5 students to complete a certain amount (including the modern physics experiment, etc.) determined to make students think, in the experimental method of measuring instrument selection and collocation, the measurement conditions by preliminary training.Four, the main content and specific requirements of the curriculumThis course is divided into introduction, basic experiment (60%), comprehensive and modern physics experiment (25%), design experiment four parts (15%). In the specific teaching arrangements, according to the professional situation and the number of hours of the following parts of the appropriate combination of content.Introduction classThe use of multimedia teaching of the introduction lesson form, measurement error and introduces the basic concepts of uncertainty and experimental results, effective digital processing method of uncertainty estimation, the common data, and the basic procedures and requirements. In the first experiment class, teachers divided classes, explained the experimental data, pre processed knowledge and the firstchapter exercises.Part 1 Basic ExperimentsExperiment 1 gravity acceleration measurementBy measuring the acceleration of gravity free fall 2-12-2 the pendulum is used to measure the acceleration of gravityExperiment 2 optical lever method to measure the young's modulus of steel wireMoment of inertia with torsion pendulum test 3 rigid body experimentExperiment 4 Determination of liquid viscosity coefficientThe surface tension coefficient of 5 by adruption measured liquidExperiment 6 Determination of thermal conductivity of poor conductorExperiment 7 sound velocity measurementExperimental 8 volt ampere method for measuring transistor characteristicsExperiment 9 DC bridge and its applicationThe principle and application of experiment 10 oscilloscopeExperiment 11 simulation of electrostatic fieldExperiment 12 alternating current bridgeExperiment 13 resonance of AC circuitExperiment 14 electromagnetic induction method to measure alternating magnetic fieldExperiment 15 Holzer effectExperiment 16 the measurement of the focal length of thin lensThe adjustment and use of spectrometer in experiment 17Application of equal thickness interference in experiment 18Experiment 19 diffraction gratingExperiment 20 analysis of polarized lightThe second part synthesis and modern physics experimentExperiment 21 measuring Young's modulus of metal by dynamic methodExperiment 22 ultrasonic thickness measurementExperiment 23 using nonlinear circuit to study chaoticphenomenaExperiment 24 unbalanced DC bridge and its application Steady state characteristics of RLC circuit in experiment 25 Transient characteristics of RLC circuit in experiment 26Fourier analysis of square wave electrical signals in experiment 27Experiment 28 Michelson interferometerExperiment 29 ultrasonic gratingExperiment 30 holographyExperiment 31 photoelectric effectExperiment 32 Franck Hertz experimentIn experiment 33, Millikan Oil Drop ExperimentExperiment 34 hydrogen atom spectrumThe third part is the design experimentExperiment 35 determination of the density of soluble particles in waterExperiment 36 measuring the volt ampere characteristic curveof small bulbExperiment 37 measuring the resistance of a given resistance wireExperiment 38 measuring resistance with potential difference meterIn experiment 39, the electromotive force and internal resistance of dry cell were measured by potential difference meterExperiment 40 modification and correction of ammeterExperiment 41 measuring the temperature coefficient of metal resistanceExperiment 42 design and manufacture of small power stabilized voltage power supplyExperiment 43 measuring the temperature characteristics of PN junction temperature sensorDesign and manufacture of digital thermometer in experiment 44Experiment 45 measuring the hysteresis loop of ferromagnetic materials by oscilloscopeExperiment 46 using Holzer device to measure the horizontal component of geomagnetic fieldExperiment 47 synthetic measurement of refractive index of optical materialsAssembly of internal focusing telescope in experiment 48 and determination of magnificationExperiment 49 measuring tiny length by Moire fringeFabrication of holographic grating in experiment 50In experiment 51, the light wavelength of sodium was measured by laser speckle photographyExperiment 52 measurement of optical fiber characteristic parametersExperiment 53 fiber optic temperature sensorExperiment 54 the application of computer in physics experimentLaser Doppler frequency shift measurementFive, teaching implementation and main contentEmphasis on experimental methods is a very important means of scientific research, such as comparative methods, amplification method, conversion measurement method, simulation method, compensation method and interference method used in physics experiments. Make the students realize the importance and necessity of the experiment course. In class, we should use questions and speeches, and take the students'independent operation as the main teaching method. In the course of teaching, we should consciously carry out the education of dialectical materialism and scientific methodology, and appropriately introduce some historical materials of physical experiments.The specific approach is strictly three:Good preview. Before class prepare to inform students to do experiment preparation, put forward request, teachers should check the students' Preview report before the students enter the lab, asked a sample preview the degree and effect of some experimental principle, the use of the equipment, operation steps, measurement of the content, check the students for individual students.Seriously guide the experiment. Before the operation, the teacher first teaches the basic principles of the experiment (theory and formula), the operation essentials and the basic requirements in the experiment, and puts forward the matters needing attention. The whole experiment process is the most active and the most important stage for students, and teachers should seize the opportunity to conduct on-the-spot instruction. With the elicitation method, cultivating students' independent thinking, independent operation, independent observation, analysis and problem solving ability; check the students' operation and reading correctly, guide the students to observe the experiment phenomenon of contact theory, make a rational analysis, and requires students to exclude the general fault, teachers do not require students to engage in rigorous acting on their behalf, students should cherisheducation, strict in demands, equipment, comply with laboratory rules, through the experiment, cultivate students' attitude is rigorous, careful, realistic, bold exploration, scientific experiments style of thinking, teacher to student questions to answer patiently. In the experiment, the student's measurement data should be signed by teachers, and the equipment should be cleaned so that they can leave the laboratory.To read the reports. First check whether the original data with the experiment report (by teacher signature, analysis and preview report) discuss the processing accuracy and data seriouslycritiqued experimental results, experimental report requirements of standardization requirements shall be clean and neat handwriting, with test report sheet. Check the ability of students to properly handle the experimental data (such as the effective number of application and operation, error analysis, the correct expression, curve drawing, answer questions or specify teacher questions) according to the comprehensive score, the experiment report no original data to be eligible.In addition to the normal arrangement of experimental extracurricular activities, we also actively create conditions to expand open experimental projects. This will enable students to use their spare time to prepare and prepare for the laboratory. In order to improve students' interest in physics experiments, and be familiar with the equipment and instruments, as well as the surrounding environment.Setting up designing experiment further.According to the equipment condition and teachers' strength in this room, we can set up the design experiment items. First of all, the questions and requirements are put forward by the teacher, and then the experiment is completed by the students themselves (including the principle, the choice of the instrument, the design of the circuit or light path, the means of operation, etc.). The teacher only serves as a supplementary guide. Designing experimental items is of great benefit to the cultivation of students' ability to think independently, to practice and to handle problems by themselves, which is of great benefit to the initiative to explore the spirit.Some experimental questions require students to use the microcomputer to process the data on the spot and exercise the ability of using computers.Six. Distribution of reference hoursIntroduction class (3 hours), basic experiment (30 hours), comprehensive and Modern Physics (12 hours), design experiment (9 hours)Seven, teaching materials and reference booksZhou Dianqing edited the college physics experiment course, Wuhan University press, January 2005Edited by Pan Shouqing, college physics experiment, Dalian Maritime University press, February 1998Ma Qingmao edited the physics experiment course, Wuhan University of Surveying and Mapping Press, January 1999Shen Yuanhua, Lu Shenlong, editor of basic physics experiment, higher education press, March 2003.College of physical science and technology, Wuhan UniversityPhysics Experiment Center2005.2 revisionOne。
AP Physics equation sheet
1.67 10 27 kg 9.11 10 31 kg 6.02 1023 mol-1
8.31 J (mol<K)
1 electron volt, 1 eV
3.00 108 m s
6.67 10 11 m3 kg<s2
9.8 m s2
Boltzmann’s constant, k B
1.66 10 27 kg
6.63 10 34 J <s 1.99 10 25 J <m
பைடு நூலகம்
931 MeV c2
4.14 10 15 eV <s 1.24 10 3 eV < nm
1 4 p�0 m0 m0 4 p
8.85 10 12 C2 N <m 2 9.0 109 N <m 2 C2 4 p 10 7 (T <m) A 10 7 (T <m) A
1.67 10 27 kg
Electron charge magnitude, Speed of light, Universal gravitational constant, Acceleration due to gravity at Earth’s surface,
1.60 10 19 C 1.60 10 19 J
giga mega kilo centi milli micro nano pico
The course design provides opportunities for students to develop understanding of the AP Physics 1 foundational physics principles in the context of the big ideas that organize the curriculum framework. The course design provides opportunities for students to develop understanding of the foundational principles of dynamics in the context of the big ideas that organize the curriculum framework. The syllabus must identify all of the big ideas connected to dynamics. The syllabus must explicitly include Newton’s laws. Big ideas: encompass the core scientific principles, theories, and processes of physics that cut across traditional content boundaries and provide students a broad way of thinking about the physical world. 1. In a list or chart of topics covered, dynamics is included and connected to Big Ideas 1, 2, 3, and 4. Unit: Dynamics (Big Ideas 1, 2, 3, and 4). • Newton’s laws 2. The syllabus indicates instruction in Newton’s laws and connects these to Big Ideas 1, 2, 3, and 4. 3. The laboratory section of the syllabus includes investigative questions related to the relationship between force and motion (Newton’s laws) and connects them to Big Ideas 1, 2, 3, and 4.
英国高考知识点总结This summary will cover the key knowledge points for some of the most popular A-level subjects, including Mathematics, English Literature, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, and Geography. It will also briefly touch upon the general requirements for the A-levels, such as grading and assessment methods.Mathematics:The A-level Mathematics syllabus typically covers a range of topics, including algebra, calculus, trigonometry, and statistics. Students are expected to have a solid understanding of these topics and be able to apply them to solve complex problems. Some of the key knowledge points include:- Differentiation and integration techniques- Matrices and linear transformations- Probability and statistics- Algebraic manipulation and solving equations- Trigonometric functions and their applicationsEnglish Literature:The A-level English Literature syllabus covers a wide range of literary texts, including plays, novels, poetry, and critical essays. Students are expected to have an in-depth understanding of the texts they study and be able to analyze them in a coherent and insightful manner. Some of the key knowledge points include:- Close reading and analysis of literary texts- Understanding of literary devices and techniques- Historical and cultural context of literary works- Critical perspectives and interpretations of texts- Comparative analysis of different literary worksChemistry:The A-level Chemistry syllabus covers a range of topics related to the study of chemical substances and their properties. Students are expected to have a solid understanding of chemical principles and be able to apply them to solve problems and conduct experiments. Some of the key knowledge points include:- Atomic structure and the periodic table- Chemical bonding and molecular structure- Thermodynamics and chemical energetics- Equilibrium and reaction kinetics- Organic chemistry and its applicationsPhysics:The A-level Physics syllabus covers a range of topics related to the study of matter and energy. Students are expected to have a solid understanding of physical principles and be able to apply them to solve complex problems. Some of the key knowledge points include:- Mechanics and the principles of motion- Electricity and magnetism- Waves and particle physics- Thermal physics and the behavior of gases- Nuclear and particle physicsBiology:The A-level Biology syllabus covers a range of topics related to the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. Students are expected to have a solid understanding of biological principles and be able to apply them to solve problems and conduct experiments. Some of the key knowledge points include:- Cell structure and function- Genetics and inheritance- Physiology and homeostasis- Ecology and environmental biology- Evolution and natural selectionHistory:The A-level History syllabus covers a range of historical periods and events, and students are expected to have a solid understanding of key historical developments and be able to analyze them in a coherent and insightful manner. Some of the key knowledge points include:- Understanding of key historical events and their impact- Analysis of historical sources and interpretations- Understanding of historical concepts and themes- Comparative and contextual studies of different historical periodsGeography:The A-level Geography syllabus covers a range of topics related to the study of the Earth and its physical and human processes. Students are expected to have a solid understanding of geographical principles and be able to apply them to solve problems and conduct fieldwork. Some of the key knowledge points include:- Physical geography and geomorphological processes- Human geography and population dynamics- Environmental issues and sustainability- Geographical techniques and fieldwork skills- Globalization and international developmentIn addition to the subject-specific knowledge, students are also expected to develop general skills such as critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and effective communication. The A-level examinations are typically assessed through a combination of written examinations and coursework, and students are graded on a scale from A* to E based on their performance.In conclusion, the A-level examinations in the UK cover a wide range of subjects and require students to have a deep understanding of subject-specific knowledge and skills. Students are expected to demonstrate a high level of academic achievement and critical thinking, and the examinations are used as a key factor in university admissions. By mastering the key knowledge points for their chosen subjects, students can maximize their chances of success in the A-level examinations and beyond.。
AP® Statistics: Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1058793v1AP® Statistics Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1058793v1Overview of AP StatisticsCourse DesignOne of the greatest differences between teaching statistics and teaching most othermathematics courses is the ease with which a teacher may vary instruction and activi-ties. In the AP Statistics classes, students sit at tables that are pushed together toform clusters containing four to six students. Fostering important classroom discus-sion pertaining to topics such as methodology and inferences is supported by studentsworking together in small groups.Teaching materials for the course come from textbooks, classroom lectures, newspa-pers, journals, medical newsletters, videos, and the World Wide Web. At the start of the school year, students receive a list of formulas and tables from the course description book. These handouts are used throughout the year for homework and tests. Students also have access to a classroom set of TI-83 calculators. Students who do not own a calculator use the ones provided by the school for classwork and then check them out after school for home use. Approximately twice a semester, students float into the Computer Math Lab to complete statistics computer assignments. There is one dem-onstration computer available for use in the classroom. MINITAB statistical software (Minitab) is the software package used for the computer labs. [SC10]ProjectsProjects are also a major part of the course. Students complete three to five projects each semester. Some of these projects are completed during class time, whereas others are completed outside of class. The library has computers for student use that have Minitab installed. These projects require students to design surveys and experiments, gather data, analyze the data numerically and graphically, and apply inferential sta-tistics to draw conclusions for a population. Students write formal reports on their projects using statistical language. [SC6]RemarksThe single thing that stands out in my mind about teaching statistics is how the unexpected always happens. Nothing is predictable in the statistics classroom. I have become more flexible in the classroom and more comfortable with not knowing the an-swers to all of the questions posed by students. I find networking with other teachers or professors and exchanging materials with other teachers the most helpful resource there is. I work harder as a teacher than I have ever worked before, but I find the rewards of this extra work worth the effort.Primary Textbook, References, and Resource Materials(Noted with the following letters in the Course Outline)T = Moore, David S., Bruce Craig, and George P. McCabe. Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, 4th ed. New York: W. H. Freeman, 2002.V = Against All Odds: Inside Statistics. Developed by David S. Moore. Washington, D.C.: The Annenberg/CPB Collection, 1989. 26 videocassettes. Available at http://www. /resources/series65.html.SC10—The course demonstrates the useof computers and/or computer output to enhance the development of statistical understanding through exploring data, analyzing data, and/or assessing models.SC6—The course draws connections between all aspects of the statistical process including design, analysis, and conclusions.AP® Statistics Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1058793v1 C = The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Department of Mathematicsand Computer Science. Contemporary Precalculus through Application, 2nd ed. Chicago:Everyday Learning, 2000.POD = Peck, Roxy, Chris Olsen, and Jay Devore. Introduction to Statistics and DataAnalysis, 2nd ed. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Duxbury, 2004.WK = Rossman, Allan J., and Beth Chance. Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data, 2nded. New York: Key College, 2000.TI = Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus graphing calculator.O = Other resource materials used in the classroom come from articles in newspapers,journals, and the World Wide Web. Students often bring in data sets they collect ordownload from the Web.W = Worksheets for reinforcement, introduction of concepts, or review.HW = Homework problems assigned from the Moore and McCabe textbook. Some of theproblems listed are worked in class as discussion problems.Course Outline and ContentFall SemesterAP ® Statistics Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1058793v1SC10—The coursedemonstrates the use of computers and/or computer output to enhance the development of statistical understanding through exploring data, analyzing data, and/or assessing models.SC1—The course providesinstruction in exploring data.AP ® Statistics Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1058793v1SC2—The course providesinstruction in sampling.SC10—The coursedemonstrates the use of computers and/or computer output to enhance the development of statistical understanding through exploring data, analyzing data, and/or assessing models.SC8—The course teachesstudents how to use graphing calculators to enhance the development of statistical understanding through exploring data, assessing models, and/or analyzing data.SC3—The courseprovides instruction in experimentation.AP ® Statistics Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1058793v1SC9—The course teachesstudents how to use graphing calculators, tables, or computer software to enhance the development of statistical understanding through performing simulations.SC8—The course teachesstudents how to use graphing calculators to enhance the development of statistical understanding through exploring data, assessing models, and/or analyzing data.SC4—The course providesinstruction in anticipating patterns.AP ® Statistics Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1058793v1Spring SemesterSC10—The coursedemonstrates the use of computers and/or computer output to enhance the development of statistical understanding through exploring data, analyzing data, and/or assessing models.SC4—The course providesinstruction in anticipating patterns.SC5—The course providesinstruction in statistical inference.AP® Statistics Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1058793v1SC7—The courseteaches students how tocommunicate methods,results and interpretationsusing the vocabulary ofstatistics.SC10—The coursedemonstrates the useof computers and/or computer output toenhance the developmentof statistical understandingthrough exploring data,analyzing data, and/orassessing models.AP® Statistics Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1058793v1 Notes:• Not all videos listed are shown during class time. Often students take the videoshome to review for class or a test.• The listed textbook homework problems reflect the order in which the problems areassigned in class.• The following topics are not specifically mentioned in the course outline. However,these are integrated into the course as needed:• Census• Observational Study• Cluster Sampling• Treatments• Control Groups• Experimental Units• Placebo Effect• Blinding• Generalizability of Results。
1. 物理学基础知识:力学、电学、光学、热学、波动和相对论等基本概念及其应用。
2. 数学基础知识:微积分、向量、函数和极限等数学知识。
3. 物理学实验技能:包括测量、数据处理、误差分析、仪器操作和实验设计等。
4. 物理学应用:应用物理知识解决实际问题,如机械振动、电路、光学成像、热传导等。
5. 物理学研究方法:物理学研究方法的基本原理和应用,如科学方法、实验设计、数据分析和科学交流等。
6. 物理学历史和哲学:物理学历史和哲学的基本概念,如科学革命、物理学思想的演变、科学家的贡献等。
AP Physics 1 Chapter 1: Units and Dimensions (The following is also useful for G 12 Physics C Mechanics) 1.1 Physical QuantitiesFirst and foremost, Physicists are required to make very careful and accurate observations and measurements. Quantities that can be measured are known as physical quantities. Examples of physical quantities are: length, mass, time, weight, electric current, force, velocity and acceleration amongst others.Two very important items need to be mentioned when stating a physical quantity namely, the numerical value (magnitude) and the associated unit. For instance, if the height of a boy ism, then the physical quantity is the height, the numerical value is and the unit for height is metres (m).1.2 S.I. UnitsTo be able to measure and compare the numerical values of a physical quantity, a standard size of that quantity is required. This standard size is known as the unit for that particular physical quantity. Subsequently, the different magnitudes of the same physical quantity are determined by comparing them to the standard size or the unit of the physical quantity. For example, if the length of a rod is m, the physical quantity is length and the unit for length ismetre (m).Besides the metre (m), there are other units of length such as foot, yards and miles. Although one unit can be converted into another unit by using a conversion factor, scientists familiar with one system of unit find it difficult and time consuming when they encounter other system of units. As such, scientists have agreed to use a common system of units called ‘Le Système International d'Unités’or ‘S. I. Units’ for short. The advantage for using the S. I. system is that a physical quantity has only one unit. Prefixes are used for multiples or submultiples of the unit.Table 1.1: Prefixes used in S.I. Units.1.3 Basic Quantities and Base UnitsLet us a make simple analogy to understand the meanings of basic quantities and base units. The basic materials used in constructing a building may be stone, water, wood, steel or glass. Using some of the basic materials, a door or roof of the building can be made. The building itself consists of doors, walls, windows, floor, roof and stairs which individually are derived from the above-mentioned basic materials.Similarly, Physics involves the use of many physical quantities out of which seven are arbitrarily chosen as physical quantities in S.I. The units for the basic physical quantities are known as base units. Base Quantities are those physical quantities on the basis of which other physical quantities can be expressed. A base unit is a fundamental unit that is defined arbitrarily and not by combinations of other units. Table 1.2 shows the seven basic physical quantities and their associated base units.Table 1.1: Prefixes used in S.I. Units.1.4 Derived Quantities and Derived UnitsPhysical quantities other than the seven basic physical quantities are known as derived quantities. A derived quantity is a combination of various basic quantities (just as the door is derived from basic materials like wood, steel and glass). Units for derived quantities are known as derived units. Likewise a derived unit is one which consists of two or more base units.The derived unit for a derived quantity can be obtained from the relationship between the derived quantity with the basic quantities. Certain derived units have special names. For example, the S.I unit of force is Newton (N). Let us now find a simple way to find the base units of force.From Newton’s Second Law, we know the following relationship:In symbolic forms,If we want to find the base units of force, , square brackets need to be inserted on bothsides of the equation. The scientific notations and show that we are dealing with the base units of the respective physical quantities.Therefore,kg ms-2 = kgms-2Hence, the base units of force is kgms-2. From the above example, we can conclude that each time one has to find the base units of a particular derived physical quantity, the best way is to recall a simple formula connecting the derived quantity and other physical quantities, which may in turn be a combination of basic quantities and other derived quantities.Table 1.3 shows some examples of derived quantities and their units. For each of them, use an appropriate formula to obtain the associated derived unit as listed below.Table 1.3: Derived Quantities and Derived Units.Note that some physical quantities have no units. Examples of these quantities are: relative density, refractive index and strain among others. All real numbers and some mathematical constants such as also have no units. They are sometimes referred to as dimensionless constants.1.5 DimensionsThe dimensions of a physical quantity is the relationship between the physical quantity andthe basic quantities, that is, length (), mass (), time (), electric current (),temperature () and amount of substance ().The dimensions of a physical quantity can be written as [physical quantity].Examples:1.Unit for area = m22.Unit for velocity = ms-13.Unit for acceleration = ms-24.Unit for force = Newton (N) = kgms-25.Unit for work = Joule (J) = kg m2 s-21.6 Uses of Units and Dimensions1.6.1 Checking the homogeneity of physical equationsA physical equation is true irrespective of the system of units used for the physical quantities mentioned in the equation. Each term in the equation has the same dimensions or units. Only quantities with the same dimensions and units can be added, subtracted or equated in an equation. The dimension of an equation is said to be homogeneous if all the terms in the equation have the same dimensions or units. In other words, an equation is said to bedimensionally consistent or homogenous if all each term in the equation has the same base units. It means the same thing if one writes that the base units of all the terms on both sides of the equation are equal.Consider one of the equations of motion:, whereis the displacement, is the initial velocity, is the time taken and is the uniform acceleration within the specific interval of time.We need to check if the above-mentioned equation is homogenous and, consequently, we must find the base units of each term of the equation as illustrated below.Base units of mBase units of ms-1 s = mBase units of ms-2s2 = mNotice that all the three terms of the equation have the same base units, i.e., m. is adimensionless constant (no unit). The equation is therefore dimensionally consistent or dimensionally homogeneous or simply homogeneous.If one wants to be more mathematical in nature, the use of square brackets can be used to show clearly that the base units of the respective terms need to be found. This is means that instead of writing ‘Base units of ’, we can simply write in symbolic forms ‘[]’.Alternative way to show that the aforementioned equation is dimensionally homogeneous:mms-1 s mms-2s-2 = mSince m, the equation is dimensionally consistent or homogenous.Suppose that a student had written the following equation:In terms of base units,mms-1 s2 msms-2 s ms-1We can notice that the base units for the 3 terms in the equation are not the same orhomogeneous. It can be concluded that the equation is wrong.An equation which is not homogeneous must be wrong. On the other hand, if the base units for the various terms in an equation are the same, it does not imply that the equation is physically correct.1.6.3 Cases where an equation can be homogeneous and yet physically incorrect are:1.Incorrect coefficient (s)The correct equation relating , , and for the motion of a body under uniform acceleration is:Look at the equation below which has been written wrongly.Each term in the equation has the same base units but the equation is still wrongbecause the coefficient of the first on the right hand side is instead of and thatof the last term is instead of .2.Missing termsThe relationship between , , and may just be written as:which is incomplete and wrong; although the equation is homogeneous.3.Extra termsConversely, the above correct equation may be wrongly written with an extra term which has the same dimension or unit as other terms in the equation. For example,4.Incorrect sign (s)The above correct equation may still be wrongly written if the signs of the terms are incorrect. For instance,The equation is dimensionally consistent but still physically incorrect because of the wrong sign of the first term on the right hand side of the equation.Note:The correctness of a physical equation is confirmed experimentally where the appropriate terms and associated signs in the equation are properly deduced.1.6.2 Finding the units of unknown quantities in an equationAdditionally, base units are used to find units of unknown quantities in an equation. The units of an unknown quantity in a physical equation can be found by substituting known units into the defining equation.Self-Evaluation Exercise 1.1:1. What are the S.I. units of so that the equation:is dimensionally correct? Give your answer in terms of the base units.2. A sphere of radius moving with a velocity under streamline conditions in aviscous fluid experiences a retarding force given by where is a constant.What are the S.I. units of in terms of the base units?3.The heat capacity of solid can be expressed as function of the absolute temperatureto fit the expression:Find the possible base units of and .4. Using an appropriate equation, find the base units of the specific capacity of asubstance.5. Bernoulli’s equation, which applies to fluid flow, states that:where is pressure, height, density, acceleration due to gravity, velocityand a constant. Show that the equation is dimensionally consistent and state an S.I.unit for .6. For temperatures close to K, the specific heat capacity for a particular solid is givenby , where is its thermodynamic temperature and is a constant. What is the unit of in terms of the base units in S.I. systems?7. The viscous drag between two layers of liquid with surface area of contact in aregion of velocity gradient is given by:where is the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid. Find the base units of .8. The drag coefficient of a car moving with speed through air of density isgiven by:where is the drag force exerted on the car and is the maximum cross-sectionalarea perpendicular to the direction of travel of the car. Show that is dimensionless(i.e., it does not have a unit).When a certain car is travelling at a speed of 20 ms-1, it experiences a drag force of 350 N. What drag force would be expected when the car is travelling at its top speed of 40 ms-1?9. The following equations had been suggested to describe the variation of the pressurewith velocity of a liquid which flows in a horizontal pipe.(a)(b)(c)where , and are non-dimensionless constants; , , and are constants with the same unit as pressure, is the acceleration due to gravity, is the densityof the liquid and is the surface tension of the liquid (unit for is Nm-1). Whichone of the above equations is dimensionally homogenous?10. A famous formula in Physics relates the moving mass to the rest mass of aparticle in terms of the speed and the speed of light . This relation arose as a consequence of the special theory of relativity due to Albert Einstein. A boy recalls the relationship almost correctly but forgets where to put the . He writes the equation as follows:Guess where to put the missing ?11. A book with many printing errors contains four different formulae for thedisplacement of a particle undergoing a certain periodic motion:∙∙∙∙where is the maximum displacement of the particle, is the time taken, is thespeed and is the time period of motion. Using S.I base units, rule out the wrong formulae.12. (a) How would you check the homogeneity of a physical equation? Why this methodof checking does not give definite confirmation that an equation is correct?(b) Express the units of force and charge in terms of the S.I. base units. Hence, withreference to Coulomb’s Law:Express the unit of , the permittivity of vacuum, in terms of the S.I. base units.A unit for , the permeability of vacuum, is kg ms-1 A-2. Use this unit and yourunit for to decide which one of the following relations between , and ,the speed of light in vacuum, is dimensionally consistent.,,,13. (a) Define the work done by a body.(b) Express the Joule in terms of the S.I. base units.(c) The theory of gas flow through small diameter tubes at low pressures is animportant consideration of high volume technique. One equation which occurs in this theory is:where is a dimensionless constant, is the radius of the tube, and arethe pressures at each end of the tube of length , is the molar mass of the gas(unit: kg mol-1), is the molar gas constant (unit: J K-1mol-1) and is thethermodynamic temperature. Use the equation to find the base units of .。
AP Statistics Syllabus
关键词:AP物理;课程;核心思想中图分类号:G633.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-6148(2016)3-0008-51 AP课程及AP物理课程介绍近几年来,有关于出国留学的国际课程和考试制度应运而生,美国AP考试就是其中的一种,AP的全称是Advanced Placement,也叫做美国大学预修课程。
AP课程及考试始于1955年,得益于快出人才的加速教育理念,由美国大学理事会(College Board)主办,为学有余力的优秀高中生提供可以选修大学程度的基础课程,共有22个门类,37个学科。
AP 课程体现了对高中课程学习标准的超越性,极大地增强了大学教育的效率。
AP 课程考试属于标准参照考试,内容全球统一,成绩评定实行5分制。
一般得 3 分(qualified)及以上的成绩为大多数大学接受,可以在以后进入大学时折抵大学的学分。
少数顶尖大学要求 4 分(well qualified)或 5 分(extremely well qualified)才能折抵大学学分。
在国内选修AP课程,一方面有利于学生选择学习其他课程,另一方面可以节约学生选修学分的经济负担(因为美国的大学的一门本科课程平均为 3 个学分,一个学分约为1000 美元,学生选了3门AP 课程并通过考试,就可以获得 9 个学分),并且会更快地完成大学本科的学业,增加获得顶尖大学的录取概率,且更容易获得奖学金。
ap 物理1 Chapter 5 Newton’s Laws
Since Fnet = ma, and m is a positive scalar, the direction of a always matches the direction of Fnet.
You might be asking, “If no net force is needed to keep a car moving at a constant speed, why does the driver need to press down on the gas pedal in order to maintain a constant speed?” There is a big difference between force and net force. As the car moves forward, there is a frictional force (more on that shortly) opposite the direction of motion that would be slowing the car down. The gas supplies energy to the engine to spin the tires to exert a forward force on the car to counteract friction and make the net force zero, which maintains a constant speed. Here’s another way to look at it: Constant velocity means a = 0, so the equation Fnet= ma immediately gives Fnet = 0.
ap physics1 教学策略
ap physics1 教学策略AP物理1是美国高中阶段的一门物理课程,它的教学策略旨在帮助学生深入理解物理学的基本概念和原理,培养他们的实验和分析能力。
alevel物理aqa第一章知识点汇总In AQA A-Level Physics, the first chapter covers several key concepts, including mechanics, motion, forces, energy, and materials. 这一章是物理课程的基础,对于学生来说非常重要。
Understanding these concepts lays the foundation for later chapters and topics in physics. 理解这些基本概念对于学生在后续学习物理课程时起到了很重要的作用。
One of the key areas covered in this chapter is mechanics, which focuses on the study of motion and the forces that cause motion. 这一章重点讲述了力学,它专注于研究物体的运动以及导致这种运动的力。
Students will learn about Newton's laws of motion, the concept of momentum, and circular motion. 学生们需要理解牛顿运动定律、动量的概念以及圆周运动等内容。
These concepts provide a framework for understanding how objects move and interact with one another. 这些概念为学生们提供了分析物体运动和相互作用的框架。
Another important topic in the first chapter is energy, including different forms of energy and the conservation of energy. 另一个重要的主题是能量,包括不同形式的能量以及能量守恒定律。
AP物理灵格斯出国留学3-1(课件)第一章 静电场 1-4
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[先填空] 1.静电力做功的特点 (1)特点:在静电场中移动电荷时,静电力做的功与电荷的
终止位置 有关,与电荷经过的路径 无关 . ___________
【提示】 电场力做功相同,电势能减少了EqL.
[核心点击] 1.电场力做功正负的判定 (1)若电场力是恒力,当电场力方向与电荷位移方向夹角为锐角时,电场力做 正功;夹角为钝角时,电场力做负功;夹角为直角时,电场力不做功. (2)根据电场力和瞬时速度方向的夹角判断.此法常用于判断曲线运动中变化 电场力的做功情况.夹角是锐角时,电场力做正功;夹角是钝角时,电场力做负 功;电场力和瞬时速度方向垂直时,电场力不做功. (3)若物体只受电场力作用,可根据动能的变化情况判断.根据动能定理,若 物体的动能增加,则电场力做正功;若物体的动能减少,则电场力做负功.
/ksvip/ 托福培训封闭班
北京灵格斯新托福培训封闭班 招生对象:适合托福考试或模考成绩75分左右,词汇量4000-5000左右,大学4级左右 课程设置:新托福强化阅读、听力、写作、口语、模拟考试与点评、考前串讲 增值服务: 1.每周周三下午17:15-18:15,由具有专业执教资格和丰富教学经验的外 教主讲趣味英语沙龙,集知识性、实用性、趣味性于一体,旨在培养学员的多元化文化视野,锻炼学员的语言表达能力,寓教于乐,让学生开心学英语; 2.每月一次英文电影俱乐部,讲师耐心引导,让学生鉴赏精选系列英影片学习西方风土人情,领略海外文化背景,学习英语的同时拓展 视野。北京新托福封闭强化班 师资力量:ETS资格认证、灵格斯托福一线资深老师 教学承诺:学前测试,结课后半年内未满90分重读60课时强化课程一期(出勤率未达95%以上者除外) 住宿条件:集中封闭,6-8人学生公寓、浴室、花园校区、校门保安、学生食堂灵格斯托福学校暑 假托福短训住宿班除了包含有基础6分、强化6分、6.5高分、7分冲刺常规课程之外,还特别甄选了11项托福单项精讲课程作为强力补充,以及不定期的外教主题沙龙,让住宿班的学员有更多的时间用于课堂,吸收更多有关英语、出国留学的精髓。因此,无论是北京学员还是外地学员,都可以 报名参加住宿班的培训,在较短周期较密集训练的过程中完成托福。学习之余,学员们可以通过自修和答疑来自主完成知识的巩固和更新。当然,课外活动和外教沙龙也会成为紧张课程之余比较好的调剂。为了确保住宿学生的安全,每个学生宿舍都会由专门的宿管员统一管理,并且向学生和 学生家长开通24小时客服热线。此外,我们会对住宿学员实行班主任责任制管理,督促学生学习,同时及时与家长沟通学生在校的情况。课程设置:第一阶段(强化段):强化阅读、强化听力、强化写作、强化口语、模拟考试与点评、考前串讲第二阶段(冲分段):10小时资深老师VIP1对1, 查漏补缺,快速提分课时设置:4周,40次课课程目标:学前测试,结课后半年内未满100分重读84课时强化课程一期(缺课2次和以上者除外)。开课前后无退费。招生对象:适合高中英语优秀或大学英语中等水平,希望全身心攻读托福,取得110分以上成绩。 教学辅助:自主研发直通教材, 零起点出发,畅学达终点。与考点合作,提供定点报名服务,迅速直接。个性化课程中首创辅导员“陪读”,课后侦查补漏。 学院简介:灵格斯北美考试院由北京市海淀区灵格斯托福培训学校斥资组建,以北美考试(新托福、GRE、SAT)培训为学院主营业务,为全国学子提供高性价比的北美 应试培训。学院集结一批业内资深专家,几十位明星教师,专业教研、教学,开发课程,以学员获取高分为目标,创造大学习价值。中国的精英们正以坚实的步伐迈向全球,享受全世界精英的教育体系,灵格斯北美考试院为中国学子留学北美搭建起留美高速列车! (托福培训封闭班: /ksvip/)北京托福培训封闭班哪家强?对于大部分托福考生来说,在选择培训机构时,最为关心的就是培训课程的学习效果。那么,北京灵格斯托福封闭班的培训效果如何呢?接下来,老师就向大家简单介绍一下。北京灵格斯托福封闭班分为五种班型,分别是基础段、预备段、 强化段、提高段和冲刺段。适用于上班族和考试在即的考生。从课程设计思路上以基础知识学习巩固为主,技巧、技能、经验传递为辅的主基调,在学习过程中启用全封闭式的教学方法。每一种班型针对不同阶段、不同水平、不同学习目标的学员,制定了相应的培训计划,每天8小时高强度、 高质量的学习,正课与指导课都由专业教师进行1对1教学,高效保障授课效果。针对学员的薄弱环节,封闭班采取分项授课的教学方式,通过讲解考试题型,提高学员的学习能力,并对学员的弱点逐一攻破。在校园管理方面,封闭班的住宿地点为封闭式校园,使学员能够在安全、舒心的环境 下踏实地学习。(托福培训封闭班:/ksvip/)咨询直通车:400-0606-220灵格斯一年一度的暑期托福培训封闭班如约来袭!想成为隔壁班的托福满分王,却不知如何下手?也有过以下疑惑:1、参加过无数托福培训班,只听不练,成绩毫无起色;2、申请迫在眉睫,学习基础差, 单词背不下来,听力听不懂,学习提分毫无指望;3、缺乏规划,没头苍蝇般到处乱撞,不知道如何利用科学的学习在最短时间内实现最大幅度提分;4、考前吃不下、睡不着,导致考场发挥失常。报名灵格斯托福封闭培训,提供详细的每天学习规划,让每天的进步看的见。老师一对一给你批 改作文、口语、阅读,手把手教你如何做好听写练习。督学老师全天候在你周围随时解决你的一切问题!托福培训封闭班特色1、30天解决托福、SAT词汇:培训30天掌握托福阅读词频6000,听力词频1400,SAT阅读词频7000。采用“17天背单词方法”轻松突破托福/SAT词汇10000,直击托福 /SAT高分。2、全日制高效提分:授课+学习规划双管齐下,讲练结合,班主任24小时陪读、答疑,细化到每小时的个性化学习方案。3、托福、SAT双保分,直通美国名校,科学的托福、SAT混合备考,事半功倍,高效提分。4灵格斯名师为提分保驾护航,灵格斯名师平均教龄均在5年以上,开拓 托福、SAT提分捷径。为了保证教学质量,本次托福封闭培训最多只招20人,希望大家理解~不建议报名托福封闭培训的同学:1、难以接受每天至少10小时学习的同学;2、不打算申请TOP50的同学;2、不提前写作业、课后不交作业的同学;北京托福培训封闭班课程设置?托福封闭班也叫做住 宿班。针对短期内面临托福考试的、需要提高解题的熟练度和准确度的学员或者是需要解题策略和考试技巧的学员。针对托福机考的特点,以学员能准确快速解答托福考题为目标,以教师讲解、学员进行大量模拟题练习为核心,通过集中密集型的住宿班训练,将学生学习过的解题策略和得分 技巧熟练地运用到托福考试各个项目中,获得托福高分。如果想了解北京更多类型的托福班,给老师留言吧。老师有能力让您拥有更多的选择机会。(托福培训封闭班:/ksvip/)
物理Unit1加拿⼤⾼中⼗⼀年级~~FORCES AND MOTIONMOTION IN OUR LIVESRecall the following terms:Kinematics: the study ofUniform motion: movement at aainNon-uniform motion: movement that involves inor or both,also called motionScalar quantity: quantity that has ( ),notbutVector quantity: quantity that hasboth andBase unit: unit from which other units are derived or made up (e.g. )Derived unit: unit that is stated in terms of the base units(e.g. )Instantaneous speed: speed at a particularAverage speed: total of travel divided by totalof travel.The original metre was defined by the “assumed to be” distance from the equator to the geographic North Pole. A distance was measured by surveyors,then extrapolated to the distance from theto the .This distance was divided by 107 to obtain the length of . Today, the length of one metre is defined as the distance that light travels in of a second in a vacuum.The base unit of time is the second (s). It was defined as1 / () of one Earth rotation. Now, it is defined as the time for 9 192 631 770 cycles of a microwave radiation emitted by a , an unchanging quantity.The kilogram (kg) is the base unit of . The 1-kilogram standard is a block of alloy kept in France. Copies of this kilogram standard are kept around the world. Instantaneous speed is the speed at a particular . Average speed is the total traveled divided by the total of travel.UNIFORM MOTIONPosition: the and of an object from a reference pointDisplacement: in of an objectin a givenVelocity: the of ofAverage velocity: of divided by theinterval for that changeThe equation for average velocity is:thewhere is(or change of position) andΔt is the intervalSample ProblemThe world’s fastest tree climbertakes only 4.88 s to climb 8.99 mup a coconut tree.Calculate the climber’saverage velocity for this motion,assuming that the climbwas vertically upward.The climber’s average velocity is .GRAPHING UNIFORM MOTIONCalculate the slope of the line and state what the slope represents.Now show that the slope of theline from t = 4.0 s to t = 6.0 s is thesame as the slope of the entireline found.The slope represents the .Sample ProblemFind the area of the brown shaded regionin the graph.State what that area represents.SolutionTailgating on HighwaysThe Official Driver’s Handbook states that the minimum safe following distance is the distance a vehicle can travel in at a constant speed. People who fail to follow this basic rule, called “tailgaters,” greatly increase their chances of an accident if an emergency occurs.SUMMARY OF UNIFORM MOTIONA vector quantity has both and . Examples are , , and .The straight line on a position-time graph indicatesand the of the line represents thebetween the two times.The under a line on a velocity-time graph represents the between any two times.TWO-DIMENSIONAL MOTIONFor each of the following: Label the magnitude (size) of each vector. The scale for all six examples is 1 cm = 1 km. Vectors also have a direction. State the direction of each vector:The direction ofthis vector isUse a ruler and a protractor to draw these vectors.For (c), make up a convenient scale.RESULTANT DISPLACEMENT IN TWO DIMENSIONS Resultant displacement:vector sum of the individual displacementsScale: 1.0 cm = 0.2 kmHer resultant displacement isScale 1.0 cm = 1.0 kmShow that the resultant displacement in Sample Problem 1 above remains the same when the vectors are added in a different order.FINDING RESULTANT DISPLACEMENT USING THE PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM AND TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS Sample Problem 2Determine the resultant displacement in Example 1 by applying the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometric ratios.The symbol Δd is used to represent the magnitude of a displacement.The Pythagorean theorem can be used to determine the magnitude of the resultant displacement.is .displacementresultantHerSample Problem 3After leaving the huddle, Scale: 1 cm = 5.0 ma receiver on a football team runs8.5 m [E] waiting for the ball to besnapped, then he turns abruptlyand runs 12.0 m [S],suddenly changes directions,catches a pass, and runs 13.5 m [W]before being tackled. If the entiremotion takes 7.0 s, determine thereceiver’s (a) average speed.(b) Draw a scale diagram anddetermine the average velocity.Solution(a)The receiver’s average speed is .b)The receiver’s average velocity isRELATIVE MOTIONFrame of reference: coordinate system relative to which a motion can be observedRelative velocity: velocity of a body relative to a particular frame of referenceSample Problem 4A passenger in a boat is joggingat a velocity of 3.0 m/s [E]relative to the boat as the boat istraveling at a velocity of5.0 m/s [S] relative to the shore.Draw a scale diagram, with a scale1.0 cm = 1.0 m/sDetermine the jogger’s velocityrelative to the shore.The jogger’s velocity relative to the shore isCheck the magnitude of the v PE using Pythagorean Theorem.A COMPARISON OF AVERAGE SPEEDAND AVERAGE VELOCITYAverage Speed Average Velocity Quantity Type scalar vector-DefinitionSymbolFormulaImportantFactA sample problem: A jogger travels 4 km east and then 3 km south.The entire trip takes 0.5 hours.(a) What is the jogger’s average speed?(b) What is the jogger’s average velocity?CALCULATIONS INVOLVING UNIFORM ACCELERATION Acceleration: rate of of Instantaneous acceleration: acceleration at a particularinstantAverage acceleration: of velocity divided by thetime interval for that changeSample Problem 1 A motorbike starting from restand undergoinguniform accelerationreaches a velocity of21.0 m/s [N]in 8.4 s.Find its averageacceleration.The bike’s average acceleration is . Sample Problem 2A cyclist, traveling initially at 14 m/s [S], brakes smoothly and stops in 4.0 s. What is the cyclist’s average acceleration? SolutionThe cyclist’s average acceleration is .Student AccelerometersVarious designs of an accelerometer, a device used to determine horizontal acceleration, are shown in Figure 6 on Page 29. What would happen in each accelerometer if the object to which it is attached accelerated to the right? Explain why in each case.GRAPHS INVOLVING UNIFORM ACCELERATIONFor uniform acceleration,Average acceleration = of velocity-time graph Consider the following velocity-time graph:Determine the slope of the line.The average acceleration of the object is . Sample Problem 3For the motion shown in Figure 8, determine the average acceleration in segments A, B, and C.SolutionUSING POSITION-TIME GRAPHS TO FIND ACCELERATION Tangent technique: a method of determining velocity on a position-timegraph by drawing a line tangent to the curve andcalculating the slopeTangent: a straight line that touches a curve at a single point and has the same slope as the curve at that point Instantaneous velocity: velocity that occurs at a particular instantThe following graph shows a typical graph for a skier starting from rest and accelerating downhill. Notice the skier’s displacement in each time interval increases as time increases. The tangent technique can be used to find the skier’s velocity at 2.5 seconds.The skier’s velocity at 2.5 seconds is .DESCRIBING GRAPHSReference point : the from which the displacementis measured.When describing graphs, whatever direction is used tois the direction.1. The position-time graph+Above the ‘t’ axis,the object is of thereference point (+)d t On the ‘t’ axis, the object is [right] the reference pointBelow the ‘t’ axis,the object is of thereference point (-)–To find the velocity, take the .t Positive (+) slope = moving [up]t Negative (-) slope = moving [up]d t Zero (0) slope =[up]2. The velocity-time graph‘t’ axis, object is + Abovethe [south]t On ‘t’ axis, object isBelow the ‘t’ axis, object is –Note: 1. As the graph approaches (gets closer to) the ‘t’ axis, object .thev t[right]2. As the graph gets farther from the ‘t’ axis,object .thev t[right]3. If the graph is parallel to the ‘t’ axis,the object is .v t[right]Example 1: Describe the following graph.d t.Note:A –B –C –Example 2: Describe the following graph. v t[↓]ACB.Note:A –B –C –SUMMARY OF GRAPHS。
1.absolute acceleration 绝对加速度2.absolute error 绝对误差3.absolute motion 绝对运动4.absolute temperature 绝对温度5.absolute velocity 绝对速度6.absolute zero 绝对零度7.absorption 吸收8.absorptivity 吸收率9.accelerated motion 加速运动10.acceleration of gravity 重力加速度11.acceleration 加速度12.accidental error 偶然误差13.acoustics 声学14.acting force 作用力15.adjustment 调节16.aether 以太17.air pump 抽气机18.air table 气垫桌19.air track 气垫导轨20.alternating current circuit 交流电路21.alternating current generator 交流发电机22.alternating current 交流电23.altimeter 测高仪24.ammeter 安培计25.amperemeter 电流计26.ampere 安培27.Ampere's experiment 安培实验28.Ampere's force 安培力29.Ampere's law 安培定律30.amperemeter 安培计31.amplitude 振幅32.angle of rotation 自转角,转动角33.angular acceleration 角加速度34.angular displacement 角位移35.angular velocity 角速度36.anion 负离子37.anisotropy 各向异性38.annihilation 湮没39.anode 阳极40.antenna 天线41.applied physics 应用物理学42.Archimedes principle 阿基米德原理43.area 面积44.argumentation 论证45.argument 辐角46.astigmatoscope 散光镜47.atomic nucleus 原子核48.atomic physics 原子物理学49.atomic spectrum 原子光谱50.atomic structure 原子结构51.atom 原子52.Atwood ' s machine 阿特伍德机53.average power 平均功率54.average velocity 平均速度55.Avogadro constant 阿伏加德罗常数56.Avogadro law 阿伏加德罗定律57.balance 天平58.ballistic galvanometer 冲击电流计59.band spectrum 带状谱60.barometer 气压计61.basic quantity 基本量62.basic units 基本单位63.battery charger 电池充电器64.battery,accumulator 蓄电池65.battery 电池组66.beam 光束67.betatron 电子感应加速器68.Bohr atom model 玻尔原子模型69.boiling point 沸点70.boiling 沸腾71.bounce 反弹72.bound charge 束缚电荷73.bound electron 束缚电子74.branch circuit 支路75.breakdown 击穿76.brightness 亮度77.buoyancy force 浮力78.calorifics 热学79.camera 照相机80.capacitance 电容81.capacitor 电容器82.capillarity 毛细现象83.cathode ray 阴极射线84.cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管85.cathode 阴极86.cation 正离子87.cell 电池88.Celsius scale 摄氏温标89.centre of gravity 重心90.centre of mass 质心91.centrifugal force 离心力92.centripetal acceleration 向心加速度93.centripetal force 向心力94.chain reaction 链式反应95.chaos 混沌96.characteristic spectrum 特征光谱97.charged body 带电体98.charged particle 带电粒子99.charge 充电100.circular hole diffraction 圆孔衍射101.circular motion 圆周运动102.classical mechanics 经典力学103.classical physics 经典物理学104.cloud chamber 云室105.coefficient of maximum staticfriction 最大静摩摩系数106.coefficient of restitution 恢复系数107.coefficient of sliding friction 滑动摩擦系数108.coefficient 系数109.coherent light 相干光源110.coil 线圈111.collision 碰撞ponent force 分力ponent velocity 分速度position of forces 力的合成position of velocities 速度的合成pression 压缩117.concave lens 凹透镜118.concave mirror 凹面镜119.concurrent force 共点力120.condensation 凝结121.condenser 电容器122.conducting medium 导电介质123.conductor 导体124.conservative force field 保守力场125.conservative force 保守力126.constant force 恒力127.constant 常量128.continuous spectrum 连续谱129.convergent lens 会聚透镜130.convex lens 凸透镜131.convex mirror 凸面镜132.coordinate system 坐标系133.coplanar force 共面力134.Corolis force 科里奥利力135.corpuscular property 粒子性136.corpuscular theory 微粒说137.Coulomb force 库仑力138.coulomb 库仑139.Coulomb's law 库仑定律140.counter 计数器141.creation 产生142.creepage 漏电143.crest 波峰144.critical angle 临界角145.critical resistance 临界电阻146.critical temperature 临界温度147.crystal 晶体148.current density 电流密度149.current element 电流元150.current source 电流源151.current strength 电流强度152.curvilinear motion 曲线运动153.cyclotron 回旋加速器154.damped vibration 阻尼振动155.damping 阻尼156.Daniell cell 丹聂耳电池157.data processing 数据处理158.data 数据159.decay 衰变160.definition of ampere 安培的定义161.defocusing 散集162.density 密度163.derived quantity 导出量164.derived unit 导出单位165.dielectric 电介质166.diffraction pattern 衍射图样167.diffraction 衍射168.diffuse reflection 漫反射169.digital timer 数字计时器170.dimensional exponent 量纲指数171.dimension 量纲172.diode 二级管173.diopter 屈光度174.direct current, DC 直流175.direct impact 正碰176.direct measurement 直接测量177.discharge 放电178.disorder 无序179.dispersion 色散180.displacement 位移181.divergent lens 发散透镜182.Doppler effect 多普勒效应183.double slit diffraction 双缝衍射184.driving force 驱动力185.dry cell 干电池186.echo 回声187.eddy current 涡流188.effective value 有效值189.elastic body 弹性体190.elastic force 弹[性]力191.elasticity 弹性192.electric charge 电荷193.electric circuit 电路194.electric corona 电晕195.electric energy 电能196.electric field 电场197.electric field intensity 电场强度198.electric field line 电场线199.electric flux 电通量200.electric leakage 漏电201.electric neutrality 电中性202.electric potential 电位,电势203.electric potential difference 电位差,电势差204.electric potential energy 电位能205.electric power 电功率206.electric quantity 电量207.electrification 起电208.electrification by friction 摩擦起电209.electrified body 带电体210.electrode 电极211.electrolysis 电解212.electrolyte 电解质213.electromagnetic damping 电磁阻尼214.electromagnetic induction 电磁感应215.electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射216.electromagnetic wave 电磁波217.electromagnetic wave spectrum电磁波谱218.electromagnetism inductionphenomenon 电磁感应现象219.electromagnet 电磁体220.electrometer 静电计221.electromotive force 电动势222.electron 电子223.electron beam 电子束224.electron cloud 电子云225.electron microscope 电子显微镜226.electron volt 电子伏特227.electroscope 验电器228.electrostatic equilibrium 静电平衡229.electrostatic induction 静电感应230.electrostatic screening 静电屏蔽231.elementary charge 基本电荷,元电荷232.energy 能量233.energy level 能级234.equilibrium 平衡235.equilibrium condition 平衡条件236.equilibrium of forces 力的平衡237.equilibrium position 平衡位置238.equilibrium state 平衡态239.equivalent source theorem 等效电源定理240.erect image 正像241.error 误差242.ether 以太243.evaporation 蒸发244.excitation 激发245.excitation state 激发态246.experiment 实验247.experimental physics 实验物理学248.external force 外力249.eyepiece 目镜250.far sight 远视251.Faraday cylinder 法拉第圆筒252.Faraday law of electromagneticinduction 法拉第电磁感应定律253.Faraday's law of electromagneticinduct 法拉第电磁感应定律254.farad 法拉(电容的单位)255.film interference 薄膜干涉256.final velocity 末速度257.first cosmic velocity 第一宇宙速度258.fission 裂变259.fixed-axis rotation 定轴转动260.flotation balance 浮力秤261.fluid 流体262.focal length 焦距263.focusing 调焦,聚焦264.focus 焦点265.force 力266.forced vibration 受迫振动267.fractal 分形268.free charge 自由电荷269.free electron 自由电子270.free period 自由周期271.freezing point 凝固点272.frequency 频率273.friction force 摩擦力274.fusion 聚变275.galvanometer 电流计276.gas 气体277.general physics 普通物理学278.generator 发电机279.good conductor 良导体280.gravitation 引力281.gravity 重力282.gravitational potential energy 重力势能283.gravity field 重力场284.ground earth 接地285.ground state 基态286.ground wire 地线287.hadron 强子288.half life period 半衰期289.heat 热290.heat transfer 传热291.henry 亨利292.hertz 赫兹(频率的单位)293.Hooke law 胡克定律294.humidity 湿度295.hydrogen 氢原子296.hypothesis 假设297.ice point 冰点298.ideal gas 理想气体299.image 像300.image distance 像距301.image height 像高302.imaging 成像303.imperfect inelastic collision 非完全弹性碰撞304.impulse 冲量305.incident angle 入射角306.incident ray 入射线307.indirect measurement 间接测量308.induced electric current 感应电流309.induced electric field 感应电场310.induction current 感应电流311.induction electromotive force 感应电动势312.induction motor 感应电动机313.inertia 惯性314.inertial force 惯性力315.inertial system 惯性系316.infrared ray 红外线317.infrasonic wave 次声波318.initial phase 初位相319.initial velocity 初速度320.input 输入321.instantaneous power 瞬时功率322.instantaneous velocity 瞬时速度323.instrument 仪器324.insulated conductor 绝缘导体325.insulating medium 绝缘介质326.insulator 绝缘体327.intensity of sound 声强328.interference 干涉329.interference fringe 干涉条纹330.interference pattern 干涉图样331.interferometer 干涉仪332.internal energy 内能333.internal force 内力334.internal resistance 内阻335.intonation 声调336.inverted image 倒像337.invisible light 不可见光338.ion beam 离子束339.ionization 电离340.irreversible process 不可逆过程341.isobaric process 等压过程342.isobar 等压线343.isochoric process 等体积过程344.isothermal 等温线345.isothermal process 等温过程346.isotope 同位素347.isotropy 各向同性348.joule 焦耳(功的单位)349.Joule heat 焦耳热350.Joule law 焦耳定律351.Joule' law 焦耳定律352.Kepler law 开普勒定律353.kinematics 运动学354.kinetic energy 动能place's equation 拉普拉斯方程ser 激光,激光器w 定律w of conservation of angularmomentum 角动量守恒定律w of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律w of conservation of mass 质量守恒定律w of conservation ofmechanical energy 机械能守恒定律w of conservation ofmomentum 动量守恒定律w of electric chargeconservation 电荷守恒定律364.Le Système International d ` Unitè s 国际单位制(SI)365.lead 导线366.length 长度367.lens 透镜368.lens formula 透镜公式369.Lenz's law 楞次定律370.lepton 轻子371.Light ray 光线372.light source 光源373.light wave 光波374.lightning rod 避雷针375.light 光376.line spectrum 线状谱377.lines of current 电流线378.lines of force of electric field 电力线379.liquefaction 液化380.liquefaction point 液化点381.liquid 液体382.longitudinal wave 纵波383.loop 回路384.Lorentz force 洛仑兹力385.luminous intensity 发光强度386.magnetic field 磁场387.magnetic field intensity 磁场强度388.magnetic field line 磁场线389.magnetic induction flux 磁感应通量390.magnetic induction 磁感应强度391.magnetic induction line 磁感应线392.magnetic material 磁性材料393.magnetic needle 磁针394.magnetic pole 磁极395.magnetics 磁学396.magnetism 磁学397.magnetization 磁化398.magnet 磁体399.magnification 放大率400.magnifier 放大镜,放大器401.manometer 流体压强计402.mass 质量403.mass defect 质量亏损404.mass-energy equation 质能方程405.matter 物质406.matter wave 物质波407.Maxwell's equations 麦克斯韦方程组408.mean speed 平均速率409.mean velocity 平均速度410.measurement 测量411.mechanical energy 机械能412.mechanical motion 机械运动413.mechanical vibration 机械振动414.mechanics 力学415.medium 介质416.melting fusion 熔化417.melting point 熔点418.metre rule 米尺419.microdetector 灵敏电流计420.micrometer caliper 螺旋测微器421.microscope 显微镜422.microscopic particle 微观粒子423.mirror reflection 镜面反射424.mirror 镜425.mixed unit system 混合单位制426.modern physics 现代物理学427.molar volume 摩尔体积428.molecular spectrum 分子光谱429.molecular structure 分子结构430.moment of force 力矩431.momentum of electromagnetic field 电磁场的动量432.momentum 动量433.motor 电动机434.multimeter 多用[电]表435.musical quality 音色436.N pole 北极437.natural frequency 固有频率438.natural light 自然光439.negative charge 负电荷440.negative crystal 负晶体441.negative ion 负离子442.negative plate 负极板work 网络444.neutralization 中和445.neutron 中子446.newton 牛顿(力的单位)447.Newton first law 牛顿第一定律448.Newton second law 牛顿第二定律449.Newton third law 牛顿第三定律450.nonequilibrium state 非平衡态451.north pole 北极452.nucleus force 核力453.nucleus of condensation 凝结核454.object 物455.object distance 物距456.object height 物高457.objective 物镜458.observation 观察459.Oersted's experiment 奥斯特实验460.ohm 欧姆461.Ohm law 欧姆定律462.ohmmeter 欧姆计463.Ohm's law 欧姆定律464.open circuit 开路465.optical bench 光具座466.optical centre of lens 透镜光心467.optical fiber 光导纤维468.optical glass 光学玻璃469.optical instrument 光学仪器470.optical lever 光杠杆471.optical path difference 光程差472.optical path 光程(路)473.optically denser medium 光密介质474.optically thinner medium 光疏介质475.optics 光学476.orbit 轨道477.order 有序478.oscillograph 示波器479.output 输出480.overweight 超重481.parallel connection of condensers电容器的并联482.parallelogram rule 平行四边形定律483.parallel-resonance circuit 并联谐振电路484.parameter 参量485.particle 质点,粒子486.Pascal law 帕斯卡定律487.path 路程488.peak 峰值489.pendulum 摆490.penumbra 半影491.perfect conductor 理想导体492.perfect elastic collision 完全弹性碰撞493.perfect inelastic collision 完全非弹性碰撞494.periodicity 周期性495.period 周期496.periscope 潜望镜497.permanent magnet 永磁体498.permittivity of vacuum 真空介电常数499.permittivity 电容率500.phase 位相501.phenomenon 现象502.photocurrent 光电流503.photoelectric cell 光电管504.photoelectric effect 光电效应505.photoelectron 光电子506.photography 照相术507.photon 光子508.physical balance 物理天平509.physical quantity 物理量510.physics 物理学511.piezometer 压强计512.pitch 音调513.Planck constant 普朗克常量514.plasma 等离子体515.point charge 点电荷516.polarization 偏振517.polarized light 偏振光518.polycrystal 多晶体519.poor conductor 不良导体520.positive charge 正电荷521.positive crystal 正晶体522.positive ion 正离子523.positive plate 正极板524.positron 正电子525.potential energy 势能526.potentiometer 电位差计527.power 功率528.pressure 压强,压力529.primary coil 原线圈530.principle of constancy of lightvelocity 光速不变原理531.prism 棱镜532.projectile 抛体533.projectile motion 抛体运动534.projector 投影仪535.proton 质子536.pulley 滑轮537.pulley block 滑轮组538.quantity of heat 热量539.quantization 量子化540.quantum 量子541.quantum mechanics 量子力学542.quantum number 量子数543.radar 雷达544.radioactive source 放射源545.radius of gyration 回旋半径546.random motion 无规则运动547.range 量程548.rated voltage 额定电压549.reacting force 反作用力550.real image 实像551.real object 实物552.reasoning 推理553.recoil 反冲554.rectilinear motion 直线运动555.reference frame. 参考系,坐标系556.reference system 参考系557.reflected angle 反射角558.reflected ray 反射线559.reflection coefficient 反射系数560.reflection law 反射定律561.reflectivity 反射率562.refracted angle 折射角563.refracted ray 折射线564.refraction law 折射定律565.refraction coefficient 折射系数566.refractive index 折射率567.relative acceleration 相对加速度568.relative error 相对误差569.relative motion 相对运动570.relative velocity 相对速度571.relativity 相对论572.resistance 电阻573.resistance box 电阻箱574.resistivity 电阻率575.resistor 电阻[器]576.resolution of force 力的分解577.resolution of velocity 速度的分解578.resonance 共振,共鸣579.resonant frequency 共振频率580.resultant force 合力581.resultant velocity 合速度582.reversibility of optical path 光路可逆性583.reversible process 可逆过程584.rheostat 变阻器585.right-hand screw rule 右手螺旋定则586.rocker 火箭587.rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场588.rotation 自转,转动589.Rutherford scattering 卢瑟福散射590.Rutherford [α-particlescattering]experiment 卢瑟福[α散射]实验591.S pole 南极592.saturation 饱和593.scalar 标量594.scalar field 标量场595.scanner 扫描器596.second cosmic velocity 第二宇宙速度597.selective absorption 选择吸收598.self-induced electromotive force自感电动势599.self-inductance 自感600.self-induction phenomenon 自感系数601.semiconductor 半导体602.semi-transparent film 半透膜603.sensitive galvanometer 灵敏电流计604.sensitivity 灵敏度605.sensitometer 感光计606.sensor 传感器607.series connection of condensers电容器的串联608.series-resonance circuit 串联谐振电路609.short circuit 短路610.short sight 近视611.shunt resistor 分流电阻612.significant figure 有效数字613.simple harmonic motion (SHM)简谐运动614.simple harmonic wave 简谐波615.simple pendulum 单摆616.single crystal(monocrystal)单晶体617.single slit diffraction 单缝衍射618.sinusoidal alternating current 简谐交流电619.sinusoidal current 正弦式电流620.sliding friction 滑动摩擦621.slit 狭缝622.solar cell 太阳能电池623.solenoid 螺线管624.solidification 凝固625.solidifying point 凝固点626.solid 固体627.solution 溶液628.solvation 溶解629.sonar 声纳630.sound source 声源631.sound velocity 声速632.sound wave 声波633.sound 声[音]634.source 电源635.south pole 南极636.space 空间637.spark discharge 火花放电638.special relativity 狭义相对论639.specific heat capacity 比热容640.spectacles 眼镜641.spectral analysis 光谱分析642.spectral line [光]谱线643.spectrograph 摄谱仪644.spectrography 摄谱学645.spectroscopy 光谱学646.spectrum 光谱647.speed 速率648.spherical mirror 球面镜649.spontaneous radiation 自发辐射650.spring balance 弹簧秤651.stability 稳定性652.stabilized current supply 稳流电源653.stabilized voltage supply 稳压电源654.standard atmospheric pressure 标准大气压655.standard cell 标准电池656.standing wave 驻波657.static friction 静摩擦658.stationary state 定态659.steady current 恒定电流660.steady current source 恒流源661.steady voltage source 恒压源662.steam point 汽点663.stiffness 劲度[系数]664.stimulated radiation 受激辐射665.stop watch 停表666.sublimation 升华667.superconductivity 超导[电]性668.superconductor 超导体669.superposition principle of electricfield 电场强度叠加原理670.superposition theorem 叠加定律671.supersaturation 过度饱和672.supersonic speed 超声速673.supersonic wave 超声波674.supply transformer 电源变压器675.surface resistance 表面电阻676.switch 开关677.system of concurrent forces 共点力系678.system of particles 质点系679.system of units 单位制680.systematic error 系统误差681.telescope 望远镜682.temperature 温度683.tension 张力684.the law of gravity 万有引力定律685.theorem 原理686.theorem of kinetic energy 动能定理687.theorem of momentum 动量定理688.theoretical physics 理论物理学689.theory 理论690.thermal capacity 热容[量]691.thermal equilibrium 热平衡692.thermal motion 热运动693.thermal transmission 传热694.thermodynamic scale [of temperature]热力学温标695.thermodynamic temperature 热力学温度696.thermometer 温度计697.thermometric scale 温标698.thermonuclear reaction 热核反应699.thick lens 厚透镜700.thin lens 薄透镜701.third cosmic velocity 第三宇宙速度702.three-phase alternating current 三相[交变]电流703.time 时间704.timer 定时器,计时器705.torsion balance 扭秤706.total reflection 全反射707.trajectory 轨道708.transformer 变压器709.transistor 晶体管710.transition 跃迁711.translation 平移712.transmission line 传输线713.transmissivity 透射率714.transverse wave 横波715.triboelectrification 摩擦起电716.triode 三极管717.trough 波谷718.tuning fork 音叉719.turbulent flow 湍流720.ultrasound wave 超声波721.ultraviolet ray 紫外线722.umbra 本影723.undulatory property 波动性724.uniform. dielectric 均匀电介质725.uniform. motion 匀速运动726.unit 单位727.unit system 单位制728.universal constant 普适常量729.universal gravitation 万有引力730.universal meter 多用[电]表731.vacuum tube 真空管732.vacuum 真空733.value of amplitude 幅值734.vaporization 汽化735.variable 变量736.vector 矢量737.velocity of light 光速738.velocity 速度739.verification 验证740.vernier 游标741.vernier caliper 游标卡尺742.vibration 振动743.viewing angle 视角744.viewing field 视场745.virtual image 虚像746.virtual object 虚物747.virtual value 有效值748.visibility 可见度749.visible light 可见光750.voltage 电压751.voltage division circuit 分压电路752.voltaic cell 伏打电池753.voltmeter 伏特计754.voltmeter-ammeter method 伏安法755.volt 伏特756.volume 体积757.vortex electric field 涡旋电场758.watt 瓦特759.wave equation 波动方程760.wave theory 波动说761.wavelength 波长762.wave-particle dualism 波粒二象性763.wave 波764.weight 重量765.weightlessness 失重766.white light 白光767.work 功768.work function 逸出功769.X-ray X射线770.Young experiment 杨氏实验771.zero line 零线772.α -decay α衰变773.α -particle α粒子774.α -ray α射线775.β -decay β衰变776.β -ray β射线777.γ -decay γ衰变778.γ -ray γ射线。
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AP® Physics 1 Syllabus
Overview of AP® Physics 1
All the studentsin grade 10 may register for an AP® Physics 1 course. In about 45 weeks we meet twice a week for each 40 minutes and follow Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics and Cracking the AP®Physics 1 Exam (2015 Edition; Princeton Review). We discussed the principle of some phenomena to form the ability of theoreticalanalysis. And in this course, we emphasize function thought, vector thought andexperiment design.
Description of Motion【3 weeks】
Mass point
Reference frame
Coordinate system
Moment and time interval
Position and displacement
Vector algorithm
Velocity and speed
Dotting timer
V-t graph and x-t graph
Analysis of Uniform Variable Rectilinear Motion【3 weeks】Relationship between velocity and time
Relationship between displacement and time
Free-fall motion
Graphical analysis of motion
Interaction【3 weeks】
Basic interaction
Elastic force and Hooke’s law
Frictional force
Composition of forces
Resolution of force
Newton’s Laws of Motion【4 weeks】
Newton’s first law
Newton’s second law
Unit system of mechanics
Newton third law
Application of Newton laws of motion
Overweight and weightlessness
Equilibrium of objects
Curvilinear Motion【8 weeks】
Relative motion
Two-dimensional motion
Horizontally launched projectiles
Projectiles launched at an angle
Circular motion
Centripetal acceleration
Centripetal force
Torque and rotational statics
Universal Gravitation and Spaceflight【3 weeks】Planetary motion
Law of universal gravitation
Gravitational potential energy
Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy【5weeks】Purchase the constant
Potential energy
Elastic potential energy
Kinetic energy
Theorem of kinetic energy
The law of conservation of mechanical energy
Law of Conservation of Momentum【4 weeks】Center of mass
Theorem of momentum
The law of conservation of momentum
Collision models
Electrostatic Field and Steady current【4 weeks】
Electric charge
The law of charge conservation
Coulomb law
Electric current
Power source
Electromotive force
Ohm law
Series circuit and parallel circuit
Power in electric circuits
Law of resistance
Ohm law of a closed circuit
Kirchhoff's law
Oscillations【2 weeks】
Simple harmonic motion
Mass on a spring
Pendulum and other oscillation
Mechanical Waves【6 weeks】
The formation and transmission of waves
The graph of a wave
Wavelength frequency and wave velocity
Diffraction of a wave
Interference of waves
Standing wave
Review【several weeks, as appropriate】
Most of our experiments and the experiments for high school students make little difference. We always make some experiments to help us understanding the theory deeply.
There list some experiments we have finished:
1.Length and time (Verniercaliper, micrometer caliper, Stopwatch)
2.Densities of given solids and liquids (Balance and glass measuring cylinder)
3. Average speed and instantaneous speed (Dotting timer)
4. Determination of acceleration (Dotting timer)
5. Center of mass of flat discs with irregular shapes
6. Make dynamometer (Spring, rubberband)
7. Springs in series and in parallel
8. Conservation of mechanical energy (spring-mass system)
9. Conical pendulum
10. Conservation of linear momentum。