电大的毕业论文范文 电大论文 电大本科论文【优秀6篇】
关键词:生产计划;空气流量计;主生产计划;物料需求计划Application of Production Planning and Control method in BA Automobile Parts Company Abstract:with the continuing global economic integration in—depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, improve the production efficiency,eliminate waste materials,reduce the cost before managers have become an important problem。
在集中供热系统中, 锅炉房供暖方式占多数。
同时也要感谢严xx老师在使用实验仪器过程中,对我们的默默支持,感谢黄xx、黄xx、廖xx 等老师在实验过程中给予的帮助。
毕业论文范文模板届毕业生毕业论文论新疆农村土地流转法律问题研究学生姓名马某某学号 1234567890 所属学院经济与管理学院专业法学班级法学10-2 指导教师徐某某塔里木大学教务处制目录摘要 ..................................................................... .......... 1 关键词 ..................................................................... ........ 1 1.新疆农村土地流转概况及独特性 ..................................................... 1 1.1新疆农村土地流转概况 ...........................................................1 1.2新疆土地流转的独特性 ........................................................... 1 2.新疆农村土地流转法律制度及其不足 ................................................. 2 2.1我国及新疆土地流转制度相关立法 (2)2.2新疆农村土地流转法律制度中存在的不足 (3)................... 4 3.新疆农村土地流转法律制度的完善 ................................3.1立法上的完善 (4)3.2执法上的完善 ...................................................................5 .3司法监督上的完善 ............................................................... 6 3 结语 ..................................................................... .......... 6 致谢 ..................................................................... .......... 6 参考文献 ..................................................................... (6)塔里木大学毕业论文新疆农村土地流转法律问题研究马某某(塔里木大学经济与管理学院新疆阿拉尔市843300)摘要:新疆土地流转过程中出现了农地流转程序不规范,没有专门的土地流转法,流转的市场化管理制度不完善等一系列问题。
关键词:生产计划;空气流量计;主生产计划;物料需求计划目录中文摘要 (Ⅰ)英文摘要 (Ⅱ)1 绪论 (1)1.1 论文的研究意义 (1)1.2 论文的研究思路 (1)1.3 论文的研究内容 (2)2 生产计划与控制基本理论 (2)2.1 国内外研究的现状 (2)2.2 生产计划与控制理论简介 (3)3 生产计划与控制方法在BA汽配的应用 (5)3.1 企业概况 (5)3.1.1 BA汽配简介 (5)3.1.2 BA汽配生产计划与控制现状 (8)3.1.3 BA汽配生产计划与控制存在的问题 (9)3.2 编制主生产计划 (10)3.2.1 主生产计划概述 (10)3.2.2 制定主生产计划 (10)3.3 编制生产能力计划 (11)3.3.1 产品工艺过程 (11)3.3.2 测定标准工时 (13)3.3.3 产线平衡分析 (15)3.3.4 计算生产能力 (17)3.4 编制物料需求计划 (17)3.4.1 产品结构树 (17)3.4.2 编制物料需求计划表 (19)3.5 实施效果分析 (22)4 结论 (22)致谢 (23)参考文献 (24)1.绪论1.1 论文的研究意义1.2 论文的研究思路1.3 论文的研究内容2. 生产计划与控制基本理论2.1 国内外研究的现状2.2 生产计划与控制理论简介3. 生产计划与控制方法在BA汽配的应用3.1 企业概况3.1.1 BA汽配简介总经技术中人力资财务部营销中外贸部生产中行政中计划部图3 图2 外筒和芯图3-2 汽车空气流3.1.2BA汽配生产计划现状表3-2 设备信息表3.1.3BA汽配生产计划存在的问题3.2 编制主生产计划3.2.1 主生产计划的概述3.2.2 制定企业的主生产计划3.3 测定生产能力3.3.1 产品的工艺过程3.3.2 测定标准工时3.3.2 测定标准工时3.3.3 产线平衡分析3.3.4 计算生产能力3.4 编制物料需求计划3.4.1 产品的结构树物料需求计划表3.5 实施效果分析4 结论致谢。
毕业论文模板篇一:毕业论文模板毕业(论文)报告题目工业云计算平台的研究及应用系别软件与服务外包学院专业班级学生姓名朱静学号100100533指导教师侯海燕2021年 4 月工业云计算平台的研究及应用摘要:本文着重介绍了云计算的基本思想和实现过程中需要解决的基本问题,云计算借助互联网的庞大资源体系,以一种全新的计算模式向用户提供服务,云计算以其自身安全可靠的数据存储和强大的计算能力越来越被广泛关注。
关键词:云计算;工业云;虚拟化;区域经济Industrial cloud computing platform and applicationAbstract:This article focuses on the basic idea of cloud computing and the need to solve the basic problem,cloud computing with the vast resources of the Internet system, a new computing model provides users with services, cloud computing for its own security and reliable data storageincreasingly powerful computing capability is widespread concern. Today, cloud computing platform and cloud computing service model has become a mainstream carrier and mainstream service model of computingservices after the super-computer era, its inherent technological change and innovative service models will profoundly affect the industrial technology innovation and industry competition pattern of development , as well as to accelerate the pace of regional science and technology independent innovation and regional economic structural adjustment. Article into the cloud computing, cloud computing value analysis and cloud computing case studies chapters gradually introduce cloud computing platform to promote the development of the manufacturing industry innovation inevitability, the final analysis of the the industrial cloud platform architecture and its key technologies and details industrial demand for cloud computing, industrial cloud computing platform architecture and key technologies, architecture, virtualization technology, before and after the interactive technology, reliability, technology, system development and application example.Key Words:Cloud computing; industrial cloud; virtualization; regional economic目录前言 .................................................................1第一章走进云计算 (3)1.1初识云计算 (3)1.2走进云计算 (3)1.2.1相关技术发展历程 (3)1.3云计算的特征 (6)(1)提供多元性的服务 (6)(2)使用的便捷性 (6)(3)服务的安全性 (6)(4)用户端设备成本低廉 (7)1.4云计算的分类 (7)1.5 云计算的价值 (8)1.5.1云计算的价值概述 (8)1.5.2 云计算的发展趋势 (8)第二章工业云计算平台的研究及应用 (11)2.1工业云计算平台体系结构及关键技术 .............................112.1.1体系结构 (11)2.1.2虚拟化技术 (13)2.1.3前后台交互技术 (14)2.1.4可靠性技术 (15)2.2应用实例 .....................................................15第三章云计算的案例分析 (18)3.1国外应用实例 .................................................181、 SALESFORCE和八百客的PaaS平台即服务 (18)2、Amazone的云计算服务 (18)3、谷歌的Google Apps (20)4、微软的软件加服务:Software+Service (21)3.2国内应用实例 .................................................211、国内云计算产业的发展历程 (21)2、恩信企业ERP云服务 (21)3、瑞星的云安全杀毒服务 (22)3.3企业、行业和地区云计算发展现状 ...............................22致谢 (33)参考文献 (34)篇二:毕业论文标准格式及范文标准论文格式一:1、题目。
本科大学毕业论文范文模板 本科生毕业论文模板word下载(优秀3篇)-最新
关键词: XXX理论;XXX;实证分析;对策建议目录:一、引言二、文献综述三、研究方法与数据来源四、实证分析五、结果与讨论六、结论与建议七、参考文献一、引言(一)研究背景随着社会经济的快速发展,XXX现象日益凸显。
主要研究方向包括XXX、XXX 和XXX等。
(三)结果分析根据实证分析结果,本文得出以下结论:1. XXX现象与XXX之间存在XXX关系;2. XXX对XXX现象具有XXX影响;3. XXX因素对XXX现象具有XXX作用。
主要结论如下:1. XXX现象的成因复杂,涉及XXX、XXX和XXX等因素;2. XXX现象对XXX领域的发展具有重要影响;3. XXX对策建议对于解决XXX现象具有实际意义。
1. 就业压力大。
2. 就业能力不足。
3. 就业观念不合理。
1. 教育体制问题。
2. 就业市场结构问题。
3. 就业观念问题。
1. 改革教育体制。
2. 调整就业市场结构。
二、XXX领域的现状分析1. XXX领域的快速发展近年来,我国XXX领域得到了快速发展,主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)政策支持:国家出台了一系列政策,鼓励XXX领域的发展,如《关于促进XXX产业发展的指导意见》等。
2. XXX领域存在的问题(1)产业结构不合理:部分领域产能过剩,产业结构有待优化。
三、XXX领域的发展趋势分析1. 产业升级随着科技的进步,XXX领域将朝着高技术、高附加值的方向发展。
2. 市场拓展随着我国经济的持续增长,XXX领域市场需求将进一步扩大。
3. 产业链整合为了提高竞争力,XXX领域企业将加强产业链整合,实现产业链上下游协同发展。
四、XXX领域存在的问题及对策建议1. 产业结构不合理对策建议:(1)调整产业结构,优化产业布局。
2. 技术创新能力不足对策建议:(1)加大研发投入,提高企业自主创新能力。
3. 人才短缺对策建议:(1)加强人才培养,提高人才素质。
(5) XXXX年XX月中旬组织同学进行毕业论文答辩。
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生产计划与控制方法在BA 汽车零部件有限公司的应用摘要:随着全球经济一体化的不断深入、科学技术的迅猛发展以及贸易阻力的不断减少,企业间的竞争不断加剧。
首先, 本文介绍了生产计划与控制相关理论以及该企业的一些现状, 然后重点分析了BA汽配的主打产品空气流量计的生产工艺过程, 最后制定出了该产品的主生产计划和物料需求计划, 减少了工时浪费, 避免了等待等不合理现象的出现, 从而缩短了交货期, 提高了效率。
关键词: 生产计划;空气流量计;主生产计划;物料需求计划Application of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements PlanningApplication of Production Planning and Controlmethod in BA Automobile Parts CompanyAbstract:with the continuing global economic integration in-depth,the rapid development of technology and the steady decline of barriers to trade in the market environment,the increasing competition between enterprises are become much more fierce.Therefore, how to shorten the cycle of production enterprises, i mprove the production efficiency, eliminate waste materials, reducethe cost before managers have become an important problem. Production plan according to the production managementas the enterprise, has a very important role.In this paper, we introduce the use of the production plan and control theory in wenzhou BA Auto parts Co.Ltd. Firstly, this paper introduces the production planand control and the related theory and some present situation of the enterprise, and then analyzes the status quo of the BA auto air flow flagship of production process, and finally worked out the master production system and material requirements planning, reduce the waste, to avoid the waiting for hours as the unreasonable phenomena, which shortens the delivery time, improve efficiency.Keywords:Production Planning;Air Flow Sensor;Master Production System;Material Requirements Planning。