Effects of terazosin therapy on




·103JOURNAL OF RARE AND UNCOMMON DISEASES, FEB. 2024,Vol.31, No.2, Total No.175【第一作者】孙正路,男,住院医师,主要研究方向:消化内科方面。

E-mail:**************【通讯作者】孙正路·论著·介入治疗联合仑伐替尼及信迪利单抗治疗中晚期肝癌效果观察*孙正路1,* 王航宇1 张艳停21.河南大学第一附属医院消化内科 (河南 开封 475000)2.开封市中心医院神经内科(河南 开封 475000)【摘要】目的 探讨介入治疗联合仑伐替尼及信迪利单抗治疗中晚期肝癌效果。

方法 选取2021年1月~2023年4月在本院确诊的中晚期肝癌患者66例。



结果 两组疗效比较,P >0.05;两组白细胞减少、甲状腺功能减低、血小板减少、甲状腺功能减低比较,P >0.05,联合组低蛋白血症发生率低于对照组(P <0.05);随访0周,两组AFP水平比较,P >0.05,随访4~24周,联合组AFP水平均低于对照组(P <0.05)。

结论 介入治疗联合仑伐替尼及信迪利单抗对中晚期肝癌患者具有潜在的治疗优势,可促使AFP水平下降,减少低蛋白血症的发生。

【关键词】中晚期;肝癌;TACE;仑伐替尼;信迪利单抗【中图分类号】R575【文献标识码】A【基金项目】河南省医学科技攻关计划联合共建项目(LHGJ20210564) DOI:Efficacy of Interventional Therapy Combined with Lenvatinib and Sindilizumab in the Treatment of Advanced Liver Cancer*SUN Zheng-lu 1,*, WANG Hang-yu 1, ZHANG Yan-ting 2.1.Department of Gastroenterology, First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University, Kaifeng 475000, Henan Province, China2.Department of Neurology, Kaifeng Central Hospital, Kaifeng 475000, Henan Province, ChinaAbstract: Objective To investigate the effect of interventional therapy combined with Renvatinib and sindilizumab in the treatment of advanced liver cancer .Methods 66 patients with advanced liver cancer diagnosed in our hospital from January 2021 to April 2023 were selected.Patients were divided into different groups according to different treatment methods.30 cases in the control group received TACE interventional therapy first and then targeted therapy combined with immunotherapy,and 36 cases in the combined group received TACE interventional therapy first and then targeted therapy combined with immunotherapy.The efficacy,adverse reactions and AFP levels of the two groups were analyzed. Results The curative effect of the two groups was compared,P >0.05;Leukopenia,hypothyroidism,thrombocytopenia and hypothyroidism were compared between the two groups,P >0.05.The incidence of hypoproteinemia in the combined group was lower than that in the control group(P <0.05). After 0 weeks of follow-up,AFP levels were compared between the two groups(P >0.05).After 4 to 24 weeks of follow-up,AFP levels in the combined group were lower than those in the control group(P <0.05). Conclusion Interventional therapy combined with Renvatinib and sindilizumab has potential therapeutic advantages in patients with advanced liver cancer,which can decrease AFP level and reduce the occurrence of hypoproteinemia.Keywords: Middle and Late Stage; Liver Cancer; TACE; Renvastinib; Sindillimab 肝癌作为最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,在全球范围内都具有较高的发病率和死亡率[1]。



[收稿日期]㊀2020-11-12[修回日期]㊀2020-12-10[基金项目]㊀四川省医学科研课题计划(S18033)[作者简介]㊀吴世鹏,主治医师,研究方向为精神卫生疾病的诊断与治疗,E-mail 为gbmmk75@㊂DOI :10.15972/ki.43-1509/r.2021.02.020㊃临床医学㊃阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰治疗精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑的疗效及对血清因子的影响吴世鹏,周文芝,赵得晟,明青容(攀枝花市第三人民医院精神科,四川省攀枝花市617000)[关键词]㊀精神分裂症;㊀抑郁;㊀焦虑;㊀阿立哌唑;㊀草酸艾司西酞普兰[摘㊀要]㊀目的㊀分析阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰治疗精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效及对其血清因子的影响㊂方法㊀选取精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者114例,随机分为对照组及观察组㊂对照组口服草酸艾司西酞普兰㊁齐拉西酮胶囊,观察组在上述基础上加用阿立哌唑㊂观察两组患者临床疗效㊁抑郁焦虑症状㊁血清炎症因子与神经功能因子等改变情况㊂结果㊀治疗后观察组有效率为89.47%,高于对照组70.18%(P <0.05);治疗后1月和3月观察组汉密尔顿焦虑量表㊁汉密尔顿抑郁量表评分较治疗前和对照组降低(P <0.05);治疗后观察组血清肿瘤坏死因子-α㊁白细胞介素-2㊁白细胞介素-8㊁神经功能因子髓鞘碱性蛋白(MBP )及S100B 蛋白含量较治疗前和对照组降低(P <0.05);治疗后观察组血清皮质醇㊁同型半胱氨酸含量较治疗前和对照组降低,脑源性神经营养因子㊁5-羟色胺㊁多巴胺含量较治疗前和对照组升高(P <0.05)㊂结论㊀阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可有效提高精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效,降低血清炎症因子含量,改善中枢神经递质分泌㊂[中图分类号]㊀R749.3[文献标识码]㊀AEffect of aripiprazole and escitalopram on schizophrenia combined with depression and anxiety symptoms and influence of serum factorsWU Shipeng,ZHOU Wenzhi,ZHAO Desheng,MING Qingrong(Department of Psychiatry ,the Third People s Hospital of Panzhihua ,Panzhihua ,Sichuan 617000,China )[KEY WORDS ]㊀schizophrenia;㊀depression;㊀anxiety;㊀aripiprazole;㊀escitalopram oxalate[ABSTRACT ]㊀㊀Aim ㊀To analyze the effect of aripiprazole and escitalopram on schizophrenia combined depression and anxiety and influence of serum factors symptoms.㊀㊀Methods ㊀A total of 114patients with schizophrenia combined with depression and anxiety symptoms who were treated were selected.㊀They were randomly divided into the control group by taking escitalopram oxalate and ziprasidone capsules.㊀Aripiprazole was added to the group on the above basis.㊀Ob-serve the patient s clinical efficacy,depression and anxiety symptoms,serum inflammatory factors and neurological function factors.㊀㊀Results ㊀The effective rate in the observation group after treatment was 89.47%,which was higher than70.18%in the control group (P <0.05);the hamilton anxiety scale and hamilton depression scale scores in the observation group in january and march after treatment was lower than before treatment and the control group (P <0.05);After treat-ment,serum tumor necrosis factor-α,interleukin-2,interleukin-8,nerve function factor myelin interstitial protein and S100B protein content of the observation group were lower than before treatment and the control group (P <0.05);After treatment,the serum cortisol and homocysteine levels in the observation group were lower than those before treatment and the control group,while the levels of BDNF,serotonin and dopamine were higher than those before treatment and the con-trol group (P <0.05).㊀㊀Conclusion ㊀Aripiprazole combined with escitalopram can effectively improve the curative effect of patients with schizophrenia combined with depression and anxiety,reduce the content of serum inflammatory fac-tors,and improve the secretion of central neurotransmitters.㊀㊀精神分裂症为临床常见的精神障碍,全球患病率约为1%,是危害人类健康的一大顽疾[1],患者起病缓慢,临床表现为行为㊁情感㊁思维等多方面障碍和神经活动不协调,给患者和家人日常生活与工作带来了严重影响㊂有研究报道,即便经过有效治疗使患者生存质量㊁认知功能与临床症状等显著改善,但多数患者对全面恢复社会功能与工作能力等依然困难,无法独立工作㊁生活,尤其是对患者心理健康有严重影响[2]㊂抑郁㊁焦虑为临床精神分裂症患者多见症状,可发生于精神分裂症任何时期,增大其自杀风险,使患者丧失社会功能[3]㊂因此,单一采用抗精神药物可能无法使此类患者焦虑㊁抑郁症状完全缓解,需联合用药才可促进其康复㊂阿立哌唑为新型非典型抗精神药物,不仅可缓解精神分裂症患者的临床症状,同时对5-羟色胺1A受体亲和力较高,还能够明显改善患者抑郁症状,能够作为抗抑郁药物的增效剂[4]㊂草酸艾司西酞普兰是对抑郁障碍治疗的常用药物之一,临床效果受到了广泛认可[5]㊂本研究分析阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰对精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效及对血清因子的影响,现报道如下㊂1㊀资料和方法1.1㊀病例资料选取2017年11月 2019年11月于本院治疗的精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者114例㊂随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组各57例,其中对照组男30例,女27例,年龄20~58岁,平均(33.19ʃ5.28)岁,精神病病程3周~62月,平均(8.41ʃ3.22)月㊂观察组男31例,女26例,年龄19~59岁,平均(32.85ʃ5.14)岁,精神病病程3周~64月,平均(8.69ʃ3.17)月,两组患者临床资料差异无显著性,具有可比性㊂纳入标准:①符合‘疾病和有关健康问题国际统计分类ICD-10“[6]内关于精神分裂症诊断标准,且阳性与阴性症状量表(positive and negative symptom scale,PANSS)ȡ60分;②汉密尔顿焦虑量表(Hamilton anxiety scale,HAMA)>14分,且汉密尔顿抑郁量表(Hamilton depression scale,HAMD)>24分;③年龄18~60岁;④近2周内未应用抗抑郁㊁抗焦虑药物,抗精神病药物服用剂量相对稳定3月;⑤患者或家属知情并签署同意书㊂排除标准:①既往有自杀史或自杀倾向者;②对本试验药物过敏或高敏体质者;③处于哺乳或妊娠期者;④合并心㊁肝㊁肾等主要器官障碍;⑤治疗依从性较差,无法配合研究者㊂1.2㊀研究方法对照组口服草酸艾司西酞普兰(四川科伦药业股份有限公司,规格100mg/片),起始剂量20mg/天,依据患者病情可增量至40mg/天,为确保患者最低有效剂量,在剂量调节前后对其服药反应密切观察,调节间隔ȡ2天㊂餐后口服齐拉西酮胶囊(江苏恩华药业股份有限公司,规格20mg/片),20mg/次, 2次/天,2周后依据患者病情可增大至60~80mg/次, 2次/天,对其服药反应密切观察㊂观察组在上述基础上采用阿立哌唑(浙江大冢制药有限公司,规格5mg/片),起始剂量为5mg/次, 1次/天,第2周可增大至10mg/次,2周后可依据患者病情增大至15mg/次,但服用总量应低于30 mg/次㊂两组患者均持续治疗3月㊂1.3㊀观察指标①疗效评估:依据患者PANSS评分的减分率拟定,减分率=(治疗前评分-治疗后评分)/(治疗前评分-30)ˑ100%㊂患者减分率ȡ75%为痊愈,50%~ 75%为显效,25%~50%为有效,<25%为无效㊂②治疗前㊁治疗后1月㊁治疗后3月采用HAMA㊁HAMD量表评估患者抑郁㊁焦虑症状变化情况㊂③血清因子指标:采集患者治疗前后空腹静脉血6mL,ELSIA法检测血清炎症因子[肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)㊁白细胞介素-2(interleukin-2,IL-2)㊁白细胞介素-8(IL-8)]㊁神经功能因子[髓鞘碱性蛋白(myelin interstitial protein,MBP)㊁S100B蛋白(S100B protein,S100B)]㊁多巴胺(dopamine,DA)㊁同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,Hcy)㊁脑源性神经营养因子(neu-rotrophic factor,BDNF)含量,电化学发光法检测皮质醇㊁5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)含量㊂④记录患者不良反应情况,包含体质量增加㊁呕吐㊁嗜睡㊁便秘㊁内分泌改变㊁头晕及腹痛等㊂1.4㊀统计学分析采用SPSS21.0统计软件行数据分析,计量资料用xʃs表示,重复测量方差或两独立样本t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2㊀结㊀果2.1㊀两组患者临床治疗效果比较治疗后观察组有效率为89.47%,高于对照组的70.18%(χ2=6.591,P<0.05;表1)㊂表1㊀两组患者临床治疗效果比较单位:例(%)分组n无效有效显效痊愈总有效对照组5717(29.82)21(36.84)14(24.56)5(8.78)40(70.18)观察组576(10.53)15(26.32)26(45.61)10(17.54)51(89.47)a ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与对照组比较㊂2.2㊀两组HAMA㊁HAMD评分的比较治疗后1月㊁3月观察组HAMA㊁HAMD评分较治疗前和对照组降低(P<0.05;表2)㊂2.3㊀两组血清炎症因子与神经功能因子含量的比较治疗后观察组血清TNF-α㊁IL-2㊁IL-8㊁MBP及S100B含量较治疗前㊁对照组降低(P<0.05;表3)㊂2.4㊀两组血清多巴胺㊁Hcy㊁BDNF㊁皮质醇及5-HT 含量的比较治疗后观察组血清皮质醇㊁Hcy含量较治疗前㊁对照组降低,BDNF㊁5-HT㊁多巴胺含量较治疗前㊁较对照组升高(P<0.05;表4)㊂表2㊀两组患者HAMA㊁HAMD评分比较单位:分分组nHAMA评分治疗前治疗后1月治疗后3月HAMD评分治疗前治疗后1月治疗后3月对照组5725.03ʃ3.0615.80ʃ2.35a9.83ʃ2.24a25.19ʃ4.3017.25ʃ3.86a11.95ʃ2.50a 观察组5725.29ʃ3.109.17ʃ2.61ab 5.11ʃ2.01ab24.78ʃ4.1610.92ʃ3.75ab 6.02ʃ2.31ab ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与本组治疗前比较;b为P<0.05,与对照组同时间段比较㊂表3㊀两组患者治疗前后血清炎症因子与神经功能因子含量的比较分组n TNF-α/(ng/L)IL-2/(mg/L)IL-8/(ng/L)MBP/(μg/L)S100B/(μg/L)对照组治疗前5712.05ʃ3.147.35ʃ2.208.86ʃ2.138.10ʃ2.03 2.54ʃ0.65治疗后579.17ʃ2.30a 5.81ʃ1.63a 6.80ʃ1.17a 6.80ʃ1.77a 1.96ʃ0.50a 观察组治疗前5712.18ʃ3.077.41ʃ2.188.81ʃ2.058.15ʃ1.98 2.59ʃ0.63治疗后57 6.96ʃ2.15ab 4.62ʃ1.75ab 5.29ʃ1.04ab 5.38ʃ1.52ab 1.49ʃ0.52ab ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与本组治疗前比较;b为P<0.05,与对照组治疗后比较㊂表4㊀两组患者治疗前后血清多巴胺㊁Hcy㊁BDNF㊁皮质醇及5-HT含量的比较分组n皮质醇/(μg/L)Hcy/(μmol/L)BDNF/(μg/L)5-HT/(μg/L)多巴胺/(ng/L)对照组治疗前57263.19ʃ24.8618.49ʃ3.1220.14ʃ3.5219.98ʃ4.1246.19ʃ6.41治疗后57233.28ʃ19.07a14.89ʃ2.71a24.39ʃ3.66a32.67ʃ5.46a67.33ʃ7.56a 观察组治疗前57264.18ʃ25.7718.61ʃ3.0519.95ʃ3.7719.94ʃ4.8346.42ʃ6.30治疗后57217.52ʃ18.04ab11.98ʃ2.64ab28.27ʃ3.80ab40.01ʃ5.39ab76.73ʃ7.62ab ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与本组治疗前比较;b为P<0.05,与对照组治疗后比较㊂2.5㊀患者不良反应情况治疗期间观察组出现腹痛2例㊁体质量增加1例㊁头晕2例㊁呕吐2例㊁内分泌改变1例㊁便秘2例㊁嗜睡2例,总发生率为21.05%(12/57)㊂对照组出现腹痛1例㊁头晕1例㊁呕吐3例㊁内分泌改变1例㊁便秘1例㊁嗜睡1例,总发生率为14.04%(8/57)㊂不良反应两组间比较差异无统计学意义(χ2= 0.970,P=0.325)㊂3㊀讨㊀论神经分裂症患者临床主要表现是行为㊁情感与思维的分裂及基本个性改变,其病程迁延,易反复发作,伴发抑郁焦虑为患者阴性症状或情感的表现形式,一般在阳性症状缓解后显现出来,临床发病率高[7]㊂草酸艾司西酞普兰为西酞普兰S-异构体代谢产物,有5-HT双重影响,可选择性结合突触前膜5-HT结合位点,还能够结合异构位点,加速释放5-HT并对5-HT再摄取抑制作用加强,同时对去甲肾上腺素影响小,患者无明显耐药性,对社交焦虑障碍㊁抑郁障碍等比较适宜[8-9]㊂阿立哌唑为喹啉铜类衍生物,不仅为5-HT2A拮抗剂,还是5-HT1A 与多巴胺D2部分激动剂,既能够使多巴胺功能亢进状态下调,也可使低兴奋多巴胺功能状态上调,起到改善精神分裂症阳性与阴性症状作用[10-11]㊂抗精神病类与抗抑郁药物对抑郁患者治疗有增效效果,药物的总剂量小,缓解临床症状,同时不良反应较轻[12]㊂本文研究显示,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可有效提高精神分裂症患者疗效,改善其抑郁焦虑症状㊂MBP为髓鞘浆膜面中枢神经系统的髓鞘蛋白质,可保持机体神经功能稳定,表达量越高则提示机体脑受损越严重㊂S100B广泛分布于神经胶质细胞,表达量和机体病情程度为正相关[13-14]㊂IL-2可对免疫系统内白细胞活性调控,IL-8能够加速释放炎症反应细胞内酶,参加病理进程各种反应㊂TNF-α能诱导并激活T㊁B细胞分化,加速形成IL-8,患者体内TNF-α㊁IL-2及IL-8处于高水平会对神经递质产生影响,造成神经分泌失衡,使患者病情加重[15-16]㊂本研究显示,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可抑制炎症因子表达,改善其神经功能㊂Hcy 为机体中枢神经系统受损的敏感标志物,和神经元兴奋联系紧密㊂皮质醇为肾上腺所分泌荷尔蒙,对于应付压力有重要作用㊂BDNF为脑内所合成的蛋白质,能够加速神经元的再生,并保持机体生理功能正常运转和神经元的生长发育㊂在抑郁焦虑症状的出现与发展中中枢神经递质为主要病理物质,多巴胺负责兴奋㊁高兴等信息传递,和抑郁的出现联系紧密,多巴胺含量上升能够使人情绪高涨,精力充沛,而多巴胺含量下降则造成机体丧失兴趣,情绪低落㊂5-HT多存在于神经突触与大脑皮层的抑制性神经递质,对精力㊁记忆和情绪等有调节影响,其含量降低会导致出现抑郁症状[17-19]㊂本文研究显示,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可使患者中枢神经递质分泌改善㊂同时,联合用药后患者不良反应未显著增大,说明该疗法安全性较高㊂综上所述,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可有效提高精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效,降低血清炎症因子含量,改善中枢神经递质分泌㊂[参考文献][1]周素妙,吴逢春,丁文华,等.氧化应激参与精神分裂症认知功能障碍机制的研究进展[J].国际精神病学杂志,2019,46(3):388-391.[2]李四冬,戢汉斌,巫珺,等.棕榈酸帕利哌酮对精神分裂症患者社会功能㊁催乳素及体质量的影响[J].中国新药杂志, 2016,25(10):1145-1148.[3]张蓉,刘小梅,赖玉兰.综合干预对精神分裂症患者亲属抑郁与焦虑情绪的影响[J].临床精神医学杂志,2018,28(4):256-258. 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西洛他唑对急性缺血性脑卒中患者溶栓后的治疗效果及血清PAF 、vWF 水平的影响杨亚峰1,石林1,刘颖娟1,贺琦2西安宝石花长庆医院药械科1、神经内科2,陕西西安710201【摘要】目的探讨西洛他唑对急性缺血性脑卒中患者溶栓后的治疗效果,并观察其对血清血小板活化因子(PAF)、血管性血友病因子(vWF)水平的影响。



比较两组患者治疗2周后的临床疗效和治疗前后血清PAF 、vWF 、红细胞比容(HCT)、纤维蛋白原(FIB)水平及美国国立卫生院卒中量表(NIHSS)评分、改良Rankin 量表(mRS)评分、日常生活能力(Brathel 指数)的变化,并比较两组患者治疗期间出血事件发生情况。

结果治疗后,观察组患者临床疗效总有效率为90.20%,明显高于对照组的72.55%,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);治疗后,观察组患者的血清PAF 、vWF 、HCT 、FIB 分别为(70.23±6.94)ng/L 、(98.06±14.21)μg/L 、(0.40±0.07)%、(3.48±0.63)g/L ,明显低于对照组的(81.04±8.37)ng/L 、(117.83±17.39)μg/L 、(0.48±0.09)%、(4.02±0.71)g/L ,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05);治疗后,观察组患者的NIHSS 评分、mRS 评分分别为(7.35±1.35)分、(1.82±0.28)分,明显低于对照组的(9.08±1.42)分、(2.24±0.35)分,Barthel 指数为(70.03±7.41)分,明显高于对照组的(62.16±6.28)分,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05);观察组患者治疗期间的出血事件总发生率为11.76%,略高于对照组的9.80%,但差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。





结果研究组的总有效率(94.44%)高于参照组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.400,P<0.05);治疗后,研究组的血清中枢神经特异蛋白显著低于参照组,且脑源性神经营养因子明显高于参照组,差异有统计学意义(P均< 0.05);治疗后,研究组的神经功能缺损评估量表评分、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表评分、汉密顿抑郁量表评分、汉密尔顿焦虑量表评分均低于参照组,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05);研究组的超敏C反应蛋白低于参照组,且血管内皮生长因子高于参照组,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。


[关键词]脑卒中;抑郁;舍曲林;右佐匹克隆;睡眠质量;神经功能[中图分类号]R4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]2096-1782(2024)02(a)-0123-04Clinical Effect of Sertraline Combined with Eszopiclone in the Treatment of Post-stroke Depression and the Impact on Sleep QualityDUAN Siyu, LIU Xiaokai, ZHAO YanDepartment of Neurology, Chifeng Hospital, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 024000 China[Abstract] Objective To analyze the clinical effect of sertraline combined with dexzopiclone in patients with post-stroke depression, and explore the effect on sleep quality of patients. Methods A total of 72 patients with post-stroke depression admitted to the Department of Neurology of Chifeng Hospital from October 2020 to December 2022 were selected as the study objects. The group was divided into the reference group (n=36) and the study group (n=36) by single-blind grouping method. The reference group was treated with sertralin. The study group used sertraline com⁃bined with dexzopiclone as drug therapy for the patients, and compared the clinical therapeutic effect of the two groups of patients. Results The total effective rate of the study group (94.44%) was higher than that of the reference group, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=6.400, P<0.05). After treatment, the serum central nerve spe⁃cific protein of the study group was significantly lower than that of the reference group, and the brain-derived neuro⁃trophic factor was significantly higher than that of the reference group, and the differences were statistically significant (both P<0.05). After treatment, the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale scores, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scores, Hamilton Depression Scale scores, Hamilton Anxiety Scale scores of the study group were lower than those of the reference group, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). The hypersensitive C-reactive pro⁃tein in the study group was lower than that in the reference group, and the vascular endothelial growth factor was higher than that in the reference group, and the differences were statistically significant (both P<0.05). Conclusion The drug treatment of post-stroke depression patients with sertraline combined with eszopiclone can improve the pa⁃[作者简介] 段思玉(1987-),女,本科,主治医师,研究方向为神经病学。



天冬酰胺合成酶通过促进β-catenin 核转位驱动胆管癌转移*褚珍珍1,2, 周栩萱1,2, 刘力豪1, 张鲍欢3△, 姚楠1,2△(1暨南大学基础医学院病理生理学系,广东 广州 510632;2国家中医药管理局病理生理科研实验室,广东 广州510632;3暨南大学基础医学院形态学实验教学中心,广东 广州 510632)[摘要] 目的:检测天冬酰胺合成酶(ASNS )在胆管癌(CCA )中的表达情况,探讨ASNS 在CCA 转移中的作用及其机制。

方法:通过公共数据库分析各肿瘤组织中ASNS 的mRNA 表达;收集CCA 患者病理组织(n =27),构建硫代乙酰胺诱导的大鼠自发CCA 模型和左中位胆管结扎联合二乙基亚硝胺诱导的小鼠自发CCA 模型,通过免疫组化、Western blot 和免疫荧光法检测ASNS 蛋白表达。

采用CCK8、划痕和Transwell 实验检测ASNS 对人CCA 细胞HuCCT1和HCCC -9810增殖、迁移和侵袭的影响。

构建ASNS 稳定敲减的CCA 细胞株HuCCT1shNC 、HuCCT1shASNS 、HCCC -9810shNC 和HCCC -9810shASNS ,通过肝原位种植和尾静脉注射研究ASNS 对CCA 细胞肝内生长和肺转移的影响。

利用公共数据库富集与ASNS 相关的信号通路,并用免疫荧光和Western blot 验证相关分子机制。

结果:无论在人或动物CCA 组织中,ASNS 表达水平均高于癌旁组织(P <0.01)。

ASNS 以酶活性非依赖性方式促进CCA 细胞HuCCT1和HCCC -9810的增殖、迁移与侵袭。

生物信息学分析显示,β-catenin 在ASNS 高表达的CCA 组织中富集,ASNS 通过促进β-catenin 核转位,启动CCA 细胞上皮-间充质转化(EMT )。

β-catenin 抑制剂XAV -939可显著抑制CCA 细胞的侵袭与迁移。


• Pain assessed using visual analog scale and diclofenac sodium given as rescue analgesia when VAS >4. • Time of first analgesia request and total rescue analgesic used in 24 hours were calculated.
Pain relief after Arthroscopic Knee Surgery: A comparison of intra-articular ropivacaine, fentanyl, and dexmedetomidine: A prospective, double-blinded, randomized controlled study.
南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院麻醉科 顾小萍
镇痛 镇静 精准麻醉 可视化操作
刺激交感系统 增加心肌氧耗 延缓患者自主活动恢复 改变免疫系统 诱发慢性疼痛
右旋美托咪2 A啶go:nDeisxtsm:edCehteommiicdailnSetruct
decreases in heart rate from presurgery baseline at 1, 2, and 4 h after operation were significantly greater in Group D (by a range of 5-7 beats min(-1) respectively).
2. The time to first postoperative analgesic request was longer in the intra-articular group [312.0 (SD 120.7) min] compared with the control group [71.0 (50.1) min] and the i.v. group [102.1 (54.4) min] (P<0.001).



目 次2023 年 7 月 第 9 卷 第 7 期中西医结合脑病护理专栏爱脑护脑,中西医结合护理促健康——“中西医结合脑病护理”专栏第二期导读…………………………………………………………………廖若夷(1)基于“一气周流”理论刮痧干预高血压缺血性脑卒中的疗效观察………刘彬,余艳兰,高子琪,奉水华,杨楠,郭元,廖若夷(2)脐灸联合间歇性导尿在中风后神经源性膀胱患者康复护理中的应用………………………………………邹秋玉,罗红,余艳兰,许静(8)穴位贴敷治疗脑卒中后吞咽障碍的Meta 分析…………………佀惠婕,廖若夷,余艳兰,高子琪,刘彬,郭元(13)基于CiteSpace 的脑卒中后睡眠障碍中医护理研究可视化分析…………………高子琪,廖若夷,余艳兰,佀惠婕,刘彬,郭元(23)经穴推拿联合脐灸治疗1例气虚便秘患者的中医护理体会…………………………………………………葛思楠,王雪送,余艳兰(30)子午流注择时气交灸联合五行音乐治疗1例出血性中风气虚血瘀型患者泄泻的护理体会…………………雷啸阳,陈青,许时来,张占伟,张茜,邓海霞(34)耳穴压豆联合手指点穴干预1例心肾不交型失眠患者的护理体会……………………………………………………………张慧,周运波(38)1 例神经源性膀胱患者的中西医结合护理体会…………………………………………………郑莹芊,许静,邹秋玉(41)1例中风后遗症期痰热瘀结证反复发热患者的中医外治护理体会…………………………………………………罗焕文,周运波,刘才丹(45)1例急性脑梗死并发下消化道出血患者的护理体会……………………………………………………………陈海香,吴敏(49)心理辅导护理联合中医特色疗法治疗丛集性头痛1例的护理体会………………………………………刘才丹,余艳兰,周运波,罗焕文(54)中风重症患者中西医早期康复及影响因素研究进展……………………………………………………………罗红,余艳兰(58)中医护理技术在脑卒中后便秘中的应用进展……………………………张茜,陈偶英,许时来,张占伟,雷啸阳(65)脑卒中后认知障碍的中医特色护理研究进展………………………………………李文雅,肖纯,黄璐,彭晓玲(71)我国中医脑病专科护士培养构思与展望………………………………………梁星星,李欢,邓茜,黄璐(78)中西医结合老年慢病护理及管理专栏聚焦中西医多元融合,构建老年慢病管理创新模式——“中西医结合老年慢病护理及管理”专栏第二期导读………………………………………………………………………杨梅(82)ZHONGXIYI JIEHE HULI主管北京市中医管理局主办中华中西医结合护理学会北京市中医护理能力提升工程办公室编辑《中西医结合护理》编辑部主编 唐 玲主任 黄 磊编辑 尹佳杰 吴银平编辑助理 鄂海燕美术编辑 王 丽地址 南京市龙蟠路155号 联合立方广场3⁃203邮编 210037电话 ************邮箱 bjb@出版中西医结合护理杂志社社长 叶振华电话 ************网刊http ://邮箱 tg@学术传播结合护理(南京)有限公司本刊刊出所有文章不代表编委会以及编辑部的观点ZHONGXIYI JIEHE HULI2023 年 7 月第 9 卷第 7 期新形势下老年慢病管理发展趋势的思考…………………………………………………………………………………………………………杨梅(84)中药塌渍治疗联合超声药物导入治疗老年糖尿病周围神经病变的效果观察……………………………………………………………………………………张圆林,蔡伟伟,李娜(90)变应性鼻炎患者中西医结合护理效果观察……………………………………………………………………………………索翠红,杨梅,刘云霞(95)认知障碍评估对老年2型糖尿病患者低血糖发生率的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘云霞(100)高龄患者经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管时送管困难影响因素及对策…………………………………………………………………………………………………………何英(105)中医护理联合持续雾化吸入在老年气管切开患者护理中的应用效果观察…………………………………………………………………………………………………………黄宁(110)中医护理在老年晚期恶性肿瘤患者中的应用效果观察…………………………………………………………………………………………………………姜珊(114)中医特色护理技术联合健康教育对老年肿瘤患者化疗期间胃肠道反应的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………………………李芳(119)集束化护理预防老年失禁相关性皮炎效果观察……………………………………………………………………………………刘玉辉,张亚萍,郑志兰(123)163例肝病患者抑郁状况调查及护理干预效果分析…………………………………………………………………………望运丹,王伟仙,胡德英,刘义兰(126)中药超声药物透入治疗1例不完全性肠梗阻的护理体会…………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘旭(133)1例尿毒症继发甲状旁腺功能亢进行甲状旁腺全切联合自体前臂移植术的围手术期护理体会…………………………………………………………………………………………………………谢继红(137)1例慢性肾衰竭患者连续性肾脏替代治疗及护理体会………………………………………………………………………………………………许娟,王亚茹(141)耳穴压豆治疗戒烟后失眠1例护理体会…………………………………………曹蕾,孔晓春,刘洋,杨婷,张丽君,鄂海燕,唐玲(144)耳穴压丸治疗1例糖尿病合并肺炎患者的护理体会…………………………………………………………………………………………………………韩精华(147)发热患者分诊系统在新型冠状病毒肺炎急诊预检分诊中的应用效果…………………………………………………………………………………………………………陈曦(150)老年腹腔镜结肠癌术中低体温的影响因素及护理措施研究进展…………………………………………………………………………………………………………朱月华(154)中医穴位贴敷疗法在成人便秘中的应用研究进展……………………………………………………王晓敏,郑乃花,杨冬梅,鄂海燕,张丽君,刘晓柳(158)老年脑卒中患者跌倒原因分析与护理对策研究进展………………………………………………………………………………………………马翠卿,杨梅(164)论著脊柱外科术后患者疼痛管理的证据总结………………………………………向婷婷,郑苏,谢晓敏(170)ZHONGXIYI JIEHE HULI2023 年 7 月第 9 卷第 7 期妊娠期糖尿病产妇出院准备度现状及影响因素研究……………………………………………………………………………………段美美,孙贵豫,黎媛媛(176)肺癌患者化疗期间饮食困扰的质性研究………………………………………………………………………………………………张月瑜,尹媛媛(182)中医特色护理砭石熨摩疗法缓解1例腰椎管狭窄术后患者腹胀的护理体会…………………………………………………………………………………………………………张旭(188)1例肝肿物微创术后并发流注的护理体会…………………………………………………………………………………………………………冯瑞萍(191)技术与方法1例双上腔静脉患者Sherlock 3CG尖端定位下经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管及护理对策………………………………………………………………宋兰娜,王媛,王文萱,王钰,张娜(195)1例持续性房颤伴急性左心衰患者腔内心电图定位下PICC置管的护理………………………………………………………………………………………………廖丽红,施丽华(201)俯卧位通气技术在ICU的应用及护理…………………………………………………………………………代洪然,王华枝,李玉华,马海红(205)全科护理经鼻肠管营养支持联合快速康复外科理念对重症颅脑损伤患者营养状况、并发症及术后恢复的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………………………卢卉欣(209)盆底肌锻炼联合水疗促进直肠癌患者保肛术后康复效果研究………………………………………………………………………………………………黄丽明,吴丽芳(215)护理管理科室设立总护士岗位在新入职护士值班管理中的应用…………………………………………………………………………贺丹丹,朱恒美,杨露,倪媛(219)危机管理在儿童口腔门诊投诉管理中的应用……………………………………………………………………………………周莉娜,罗莎,王雁(224)案例分享1例甲型H1N1流感病毒合并高黏液型肺炎克雷伯菌感染患者俯卧位通气的护理体会………………………………………………………………魏娴,王慧萍,刘璐,李祯,张智舒(229)依奇珠单抗联合血液灌流治疗重度银屑病1例疗效观察……………………………………………………………………………………李静,沈霞,李红仙(234)1例急性心肌梗死后并发室性心律失常电风暴患者的急救护理…………………………………………………………………………………………………………汪碧云(237)综述多发性骨髓瘤并发周围神经病变患者的护理研究进展………………………………………………………………李丽霞,班锦青,梁静林,农珍诊,韦玲(241)Volume 9 Number 7 July 2023Fostering brain health with integrated traditional Chinese and western medi⁃cine nursing ……………………………………………LIAO Ruoyi (1)Effect of scraping on hypertensive ischemic stroke based on " Qi Circula⁃tion" theory ……………………LIU Bin , YU Yanlan , GAO Ziqi , FENG Shuihua , YANG Nan , GUO Yuan , LIAORuoyi (2)Application of umbilical moxibustion combined with intermittent catheter⁃ization in rehabilitation nursing of patients with neurogenic bladder af⁃ter stroke …………ZOU Qiuyu , LUO Hong , YU Yanlan , XU Jing (8)A Meta -analysis of acupoint application in the treatment of dysphagia after stroke ……………………………………SI Huijie , LIAO Ruoyi , YU Yanlan , GAO Ziqi , LIU Bin , GUO Yuan (13)Visual analysis of traditional Chinese medicine nursing research on post -stroke sleep disorders based on CiteSpace …………………………………GAO Ziqi , LIAO Ruoyi , YU Yanlan , SI Huijie , LIU Bin , GUO Yuan (23)Traditional Chinese medicine nursing of a patient with Qi -deficiency type constipation treated by meridian acupoints massage combined with um⁃bilical moxibustion ……GE Sinan , WANG Xuesong , YU Yanlan (30)Qijiao moxibustion based on midnight -noon ebb -flow combined with five -element music therapy and nursing management of diarrhea in a patient with hemorrhagic stroke of Qi -deficiency and blood stasis syndrome …………LEI Xiaoyang , CHEN Qing , XU Shilai , ZHANG Zhanwei , ZHANG Qian , DENG Haixia (34)Nursing of a patient with insomnia of heart -kidney disharmony treated by auricular acupoint pressing and acupoint finger -pressing therapy ………………………………………ZHANG Hui , ZHOU Yunbo (38)Nursing of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine for a patient with neurogenic bladder ………………………ZHENG Yingqian , XU Jing , ZOU Qiuyu (41)Traditional Chinese Medicine external treatment and nursing for a patient with recurrent fever in the sequelae of stroke with phlegm -heat stasis syndrome …………LUO Huanwen , ZHOU Yunbo , LIU Caidan (45)Nursing of a patient with acute cerebral infarction combined with lower gas⁃trointestinal tract bleeding ……………CHEN Haixiang , WU Min (49)Psychological counseling and nursing interventions with Traditional Chi⁃nese Medicine characteristics for a patient with cluster headache………LIU Caidan , YU Yanlan , ZHOU Yunbo , LUO Huanwen (54)Research progress of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine early reha⁃bilitation and its influencing factors in severe stroke patients…………………………………………LUO Hong , YU Yanlan (58)Contents Responsible InstitutionBeijing Administration of Tradi⁃tional Chinese Medicine SponsorAssociation o f I ntegrative N ursingBeijing Traditional Chinese Med⁃icine Nursing Competence Im⁃provement Project OfficeEiditingEditorial Board of Chinese Jour⁃nal of Integrative Nursing Editor-in-ChiefTANG Ling DirectorHUANG Lei EditorsYIN Jiajie WU Yinping Editorial Assistant E Haiyan Art Editor WANG Li Address NO.155, Longpan Road ,Nanjing , China Post Code 210037Tel + 86 - 25 - 85552880E⁃mail : bjb@PublisherIntegrative Nursing Press Founder and CEO YE Zhenhua Tel + 86 - 25 - 85630967Online Publishinghttp : / / E⁃mail : tg@Academic DisseminationIntegrative Nursing (Nanjing )Co.,LtdVolume 9Number 7July 2023Application progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing technology in constipation after stroke ……………………………ZHANG Xi, CHEN Ouying, XU Shilai, ZHANG Zhanwei, LEI Xiaoyang (65)Progress of research on Traditional Chinese Medicine characteristic nursing of patients with cognitive impair⁃ment after stroke………………………………LI Wenya, XIAO Chun, HUANG Lu, PENG Xiaoling (71)Conception and prospect of talent training of Traditional Chinese Medicine encephalopathy nurse specialists …………………………………………………LIANG Xingxing, LI Huan, DENG Qian, HUANG Lu (78)Focusing on the integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine and building an innovative management model for chronic diseases in the elderly……………………………………………………YANG Mei (82)On the thinking of development trend of chronic disease management in the elderly……………YANG Mei (84)Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine collapse stains combined with ultrasound drug penetration therapy in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the elderly………ZHANG Yuanlin, CAI Weiwei, LI Na (90)Effect of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine in nursing of patients with allergic rhinitis …………………………………………………………………SUO Cuihong, YANG Mei, LIU Yunxia (95)Effect of cognitive impairment assessment on the incidence of hypoglycemia in hospitalized elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus……………………………………………………………………LIU Yunxia (100)Influential factors and countermeasures of the difficulty in inserting peripheral inserted central venous catheter among elderly patients…………………………………………………………………………HE Ying (105)Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing combined with continuous nebulization in nursing of elderly pa⁃tients undergoing tracheostomy…………………………………………………………HUANG Ning (110)Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing technology for elderly patients with advanced cancer ……………………………………………………………………………………………JIANG Shan (114)Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine characteristic nursing technology combined with health education on gas⁃trointestinal adverse reactions during chemotherapy in elderly patients with cancer…………LI Fang (119)Effect of care bundles on the prevention of incontinence-associated dermatitis in the elderly…………………………………………………………LIU Yuhui, ZHANG Yaping, ZHENG Zhilan (123)Analysis of depression status and nursing interventions in 163 patients with liver disease……………………………………………WANG Yundan, WANG Weixian, HU Deying, LIU Yilan (126)Nursing of a patient with incomplete intestinal obstruction treated by the ultrasound-enhanced penetration of Tra⁃ditional Chinese Medicine………………………………………………………………………LIU Xu (133)Perioperative nursing of a patient undergoing total parathyroidectomy with subcutaneous autotransplantation for secondary hyperparathyroidism……………………………………………………………XIE Jihong (137)Nursing of a patient undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy for chronic renal failure …………………………………………………………………………………XU Juan, WANG Yaru (141)Auricular acupoint pressing therapy and nursing of a patient with insomnia after quitting smoking ……………………CAO Lei, KONG Xiaochun, LIU Yang, ZHANG Lijun, E Haiyan, TANG Ling (144)Auricular acupoint pressing and nursing of a patient with pneumonia and diabetes mellitus…HAN Jinghua (147)Application of fever triage system in emergency pre-examination and triage of COVID-19 patients ………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Xi (150)Influencing factors and nursing countermeasures of hypothermia in elder patients undergoing laparoscopic resec⁃tion of colon cancer………………………………………………………………………ZHU Yuehua (154)Review on the application of acupoint sticking therapy for constipation in adult patients………WANG Xiaomin, ZHENG Naihua, YANG Dongmei, E Haiyan, ZHANG Lijun, LIU Xiaoliu (158)Research progress on causes and nursing countermeasures of falls in elderly stroke patientsVolume 9Number 7July 2023………………………………………………………………………………MA Cuiqing, YANG Mei (164)An Evidence summary of postoperative pain management in spinal surgery…………………………………………………………XIANG Tingting, ZHENG Su, XIE Xiaomin (170)Discharge readiness and its influencing factors among pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus ……………………………………………………………DUAN Meimei, SUN Guiyu, LI Yuanyuan (176)A qualitative study on dietary distress of lung cancer patients during chemotherapy…………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yueyu, YIN Yuanyuan (182)Application of stone needle ironing therapy in a patient with abdominal distension after surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis……………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Xu (188)Nursing of a patient with deep muscle abscess after minimally invasive surgery for hepatic masses …………………………………………………………………………………………FENG Ruiping (191)Sherlock 3CGtip confirmation system for placement of peripherally inserted central catheters and related nursing countermeasures in a patient with double superior vena cava……………………………SONG Lanna, WANG Yuan, WANG Wenxuan, WANG Yu, ZHANG Na (195)Intracavitary electrocardiography for peripherally inserted central catheters tip location and nursing for a patient with persistent atrial fibrillation and acute left heart failure…………………LIAO Lihong, SHI Lihua (201)Application and nursing of prone ventilation technique in ICU………………………………………………DAI Hongran, WANG Huazhi, LI Yuhua, MA Haihong (205)Influence of enteral nutrition support via nasointestinal tube combined with fast-truck surgery on nutritional sta⁃tus, complications and postoperative rehabilitation of patients with severe head injury……LU Huixin (209)Effect of pelvic floor muscle training combined with hydrotherapy on postoperative rehabilitation of patients un⁃dergoing for sphincter preservation rectal cancer………………………HUANG Liming, WU Lifang (215)Establishment of chief nurse position in training and duty management of newly recruited nurses ……………………………………………………HE Dandan, ZHU Hengmei, YANG Lu, NI Yuan (219)Application of crisis management in patient complaint management in the pediatric dentistry clinic ……………………………………………………………………ZHOU Lina, LUO Sha, WANG Yan (224)Prone position ventilation and nursing management for a patient with influenza A (H1N1)virus infection com⁃bined with hypermucoviscous Klebsiella pneumoniae infection………………………………………WEI Xian, WANG Huiping, LIU Lu, LI Zhen, ZHANG Zhishu (229)Therapeutic effect of Ixekizumab combined with hemoperfusion in a patient with severe psoriasis ………………………………………………………………………LI Jing, SHEN Xia, LI Hongxian (234)Emergency care of a patient with ventricular arrhythmiastorms following acute myocardial infarction ……………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Biyun (237)Research progress in nursing of multiple myeloma complicated by peripheral neuropathy………………………………LI Lixia, BAN Jinchun, LIANG Jinglin, NONG Zhenzhen, WEI Ling (241)。



E f fec ts of Na loxon e In j ect ion on cel l a pop tos is an d th e expr ess ion of ca spa se - 3 in d ela yed en cep ha lopa thy ra t m od el of car bon m on ox ide p o ison in g
纳络酮注射液对一氧化碳中毒迟发性脑病大鼠模型 细胞凋亡及Leabharlann Ca spase 23 表达的影响
陕西省人民医院 ( 西安 710068 ) 徐 博 姬新才 吴 华※ 孙 亮 ※ 摘 要 目 的: 探 讨纳 络酮 注射 液对 一氧 化碳 中毒 迟发 性脑 病大 鼠模 型细 胞凋 亡及 C aspase 23 表达的影响。 方法: 将 30 只大鼠随机分为正常对照组、 一氧化碳中毒迟发性脑病大鼠 模型对照组和纳络酮注射液治疗组, 原位末端标记法 (TUN EL ) 检测细胞凋亡, 免疫组化法检测 C aspase 23 的表达。 结果: 治疗组大鼠脑细胞凋亡率及 C asp ase 23 表达较迟发性脑病对照组显著 降低 (P < 0. 05) 。结论: 纳络酮注射液对一氧化碳中毒迟发性脑病的脑保护作用机制可能与干预 脑细胞凋亡相关基因表达并减少神经细胞凋亡有关。 主题词 一氧化碳中毒�并发症 脑损伤 细胞凋亡 @C aspa se 23 动物, 实验 大鼠
陕西医学杂志 2008 年 8 月第 37 卷第 8 期
[ 7 ] B r ine s, M L , G jhezzi, P , Keenan, S, et a l . Erythropo ie tin c ro sses the blood 2 bra in ba rr ier to p rotect aga inst exp er im enta l b ra in injury. P roc N at A cad Sci U SA , 2000, 97: 10526 2 10531. (收稿: 2008201 2 12)



Hospital.Central South University,Changsha 41DOD8,China Corresponding author:Chen Xiang,Email:cxiangl007@126.corn To evaluate the efficacy and safety of double dosage Tamsulosin in treating with III patients type prostatitis.Methods According to the results of prostate secretion(EPS)examination and the national institute health.chronic prostatitis symptom index(NIH—CPSI)questionnaire,120 patients
学意义(P>0.05)。 四、治疗方法及观察指标
单倍剂量组服用坦洛新1片(0.2 mg)+安慰剂 1片,1次/d;双倍剂量组服用坦洛新2片(0.4 mg),
本研究120例,采用随机、双盲、对照方法分为 两组,各60例。单倍剂量组平均年龄(28.2 4-5.4) 岁,平均病程(29.1±6.2)个月;双倍剂量组平均年
【Key words】Type llI
prostatitis;Tamsulosin;Double dosage
慢性前列腺炎(chronic prostatitis,CP)是成年男
误纳入、误诊及全未用药或全无检测记录者予 以剔除,出现下列情况者作为脱落计算:①未按规定 用药者;②因严重不良反应停药者,不计人疗效分 析,归人不良反应统计;③出现无法避免且影响试验 结果判断的因素。本研究经我院伦理委员会批准并








[关键词] 中药;雷公藤多苷;辅助治疗;糖尿病肾病;糖脂代谢;肾功能[中图分类号] R587.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2023)09(a)-0008-04Effects of Adjuvant Therapy with Traditional Chinese Medicine Tripter⁃ygium Glycosides on Glucose-lipid Metabolism and Renal Function in Pa⁃tients with Diabetic NephropathyLUO Jinguo, SU Xiaohui, LIU Fei, LAN Yuanlong, CAI JianshengDepartment of Nephrology, Zhangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Tradi⁃tional Chinese Medicine, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, 363000 China[Abstract] Objective To analyze the effects of adjuvant treatment with traditional Chinese medicine Tripterygium gly⁃cosides on glucose-lipid metabolism and renal function in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Methods A total of 90 diabetic nephropathy patients admitted to Zhangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Fujian University of Chinese Medicine from June 2020 to June 2021 were selected as the study objects, and were divided into observation group (50 cases) by random number table method, treated with tripterygium glycosides combined with irbe⁃sartan tablets and metformin, and reference group (40 cases) treated with irbesartan tablets and metformin. The im⁃provement of blood glucose level, blood lipid level and renal function index before and after treatment were compared between the two groups. Results There was no statistically significant difference in blood glucose level, blood lipid level and renal function index between the two groups before treatment (P>0.05); after treatment, the levels of blood glucose, blood lipid and renal function indexes were significantly improved in both groups, and the improvement of in the observation group was better than that in the reference group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion The Chinese medicine Tripterygium wilfordii polyglycosides assisted treatment of diabetic nephropathy is more beneficial to promote glucose and lipid metabolism and improve renal function indexes.[Key words] Traditional Chinese medicine; Tripterygium glycosides; Adjuvant therapy; Diabetic nephropathy; Glucose-lipid metabolism; Renal function[基金项目]福建中医药大学校管课题项目(XB2019020)。





【关键词】富血小板血浆;膝关节骨性关节炎;半月板损伤;交叉韧带损伤;膝关节滑膜炎【Abstract】Platelet-rich-plasma is a high-concentration platelet plasma obtained by centrifugation with different characteristics of sedimentation coefficients of all components of the whole blood.It is widely used in the field of orthopedics because it is rich in a variety of growth factors to promote tissue repair and is easy to make and use,especially in the treatment of knee diseases in recent years.In this paper,the treatment of knee osteoarthritis,meniscus,cruciate ligament injury and knee synovitis are reviewed to provide reference for clinical treatment of common knee diseases.【Key words】Platelet-rich-plasma;Knee osteoarthritis;Meniscus injury;Cruciate ligament injury;Knee synovitis富血小板血浆(platelet-rich-plasma,PRP)是自体外周血离心而得到以血小板和白细胞为主的血浆,研究发现[1],PRP中含有转化生长因子β(transforming growth factor-β,TGF-β),成纤维细胞生长因子(fibroblast growth factor,FGF),血小板衍化生长因子(platelet-derived growth factor,PDGF),血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)等多种细胞因子和介质,通过PRP注射到受损组织等方式能够促进损伤组织的修复与再生[2]。





·临床荟萃·新辅助治疗对胰腺癌术后并发症的影响观察李治锋[中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九八九医院(原洛阳解放军150医院) 肝胆外科,河南 洛阳 471000]摘要:胰腺癌为临床常见恶性肿瘤,具有病情发展迅速、预后较差等特点。





关键词:新辅助治疗;作用机理;胰腺癌;并发症;病死率中图分类号:R735.9文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096―1278(2020)12―0197―02Effect of Neoadjuvant Therapy on postoperative Complications ofpancreatic CancerLi Zhifeng[Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, The 989th Hospital of the Joint People's Liberation Army Support Force (formerly the 150th Hospital of the PLA of Luoyang), Luoyang Henan 471000, China] ABSTRACT: Pancreatic cancer is a common malignant tumor with rapid progression and poor prognosis. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are the main treatments for the disease. With the development of medical science and technology in recent years, neoadjuvant therapy has become more and more important in the treatment of cancer. However, it is still controversial whether the chemotherapy has an effect on postoperative complications of pancreatic cancer. This article reviews the effect of neoadjuvant therapy on postoperative complications of pancreatic cancer in order to provide reference for clinical treatment.KEYWORDS: neoadjuvant therapy; mechanism of action; pancreatic cancer; complications; mortality胰腺癌是临床常见的一种肿瘤疾病,归属于消化系统疾病,该病的致死率比较高。



(10)申请公布号(43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201510997753.9(22)申请日 2015.12.26A61K 31/517(2006.01)A61P 25/16(2006.01)(71)申请人刘磊地址100871 北京市海淀区颐和园路5号(72)发明人刘磊 李宇红 赵春月(54)发明名称特拉唑嗪治疗帕金森症的用途(57)摘要本发明涉及特拉唑嗪治疗帕金森症的用途。


(51)Int.Cl.(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请权利要求书1页 说明书5页 附图2页CN 105616417 A 2016.06.01C N 105616417A1.特拉唑嗪或其药用盐或其溶剂合物在制备用于治疗或预防帕金森症的药物中的用途。









权 利 要 求 书1/1页CN 105616417 A特拉唑嗪治疗帕金森症的用途技术领域[0001]本发明属于医药技术领域,涉及特拉唑嗪的新制药用途,特别是涉及特拉唑嗪治疗帕金森症的用途。




论著China &Foreign Medical Treatment 中外医疗会阴穴针刺联合内服中药治疗绝经后期阴虚火旺型绝经生殖泌尿综合征的疗效分析赖文君,廖绮琳,赖树珍,管桐梅州市中医医院,广东梅州 514000[摘要] 目的 探讨会阴穴针刺联合内服中药治疗绝经后期阴虚火旺型绝经生殖泌尿综合征的疗效。

方法 随机选取2022年1月—2023年4月梅州市中医医院收治的80例绝经后期阴虚火旺型绝经生殖泌尿综合征患者为研究对象。



比较两组的疗效以及治疗前后改良Kupperman Index 记分的变化情况。

结果 针灸联合中药组的总有效率为90.00%,略高于西药组的80.00%,但差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.569,P >0.05);针灸联合中药组治疗2个月、治疗结束后1个月Kupperman Index 评分均低于西药组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。

结论 会阴穴针刺联合内服中药治疗绝经后期阴虚火旺型绝经生殖泌尿综合征疗效显著,能够有效改善患者病情。

[关键词] 绝经生殖泌尿综合征;阴虚火旺型;会阴穴针刺;中药;疗效[中图分类号] R711 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2023)11(a)-0025-04Curative Effect of Perineal Acupuncture Combined with Chinese Herbal Medicine on Menopausal Genitourinary Syndrome of Yin Deficiency and Fire Exuberance in Late MenopauseLAI Wenjun, LIAO Qilin, LAI Shuzhen, GUAN TongMeizhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Meizhou, Guangdong Province, 514000 China[Abstract] Objective To explore the curative effect of perineal acupuncture combined with herbal medicine on meno⁃pausal genitourinary syndrome of Yin deficiency and fire exuberance. Methods A total of 80 postmenopausal patients with genitourinary syndrome of Yin deficiency and fire exuberation, who were admitted to Meizhou Hospital of Tradi⁃tional Chinese Medicine from January 2022 to April 2023 were randomly selected. According to random number table method, they were divided into acupuncture combined with traditional Chinese medicine group and western medicine group, 40 cases in each group. Acupuncture combined with Chinese medicine group was treated with acupuncture at perineal point + Zhibai Dihuang pill, and western medicine group was treated with estradiol valerate tablets/estradiol cyproterone tablets. The curative effect after treatment and the change of modified Kupperman index score before andafter treatment were compared between the two groups. Results The total effective rate of acupuncture combined with Chinese medicine group was 90.00%, which was slightly higher than that of western medicine group (80.00%), butthere was no statistically significant difference (χ2=1.569, P >0.05). The Kupperman index score of acupuncture com⁃bined with Chinese medicine group was lower than that of western medicine group treatment 2-month and 1 month af⁃ter treatment, and the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion Perineal acupuncture combined with Chinese medicine in the treatment of menopausal genitourinary syndrome of Yin deficiency and fire exuberance in the late menopausal period is effective and can effectively improve the patient's condition.[Key words] Menopausal genitourinary syndrome; Yin deficiency and fire exuberance type; Perineal acupuncture; DOI :10.16662/ki.1674-0742.2023.31.025[基金项目] 2022年度梅州市社会发展科技计划(2212111320504070)。



·封面专题·西红花对脑梗死后遗症患者临床症状和血流动力学的影响沙一飞1臧姬1钱卓磊2(1. 上海市静安区北站街道社区卫生服务中心上海 200071;2. 上海市中医医院上海 200072)摘要目的:观察西红花治疗对脑梗死后遗症患者临床症状和血流动力学的影响。




关键词脑梗死 西红花血流动力学临床症状中图分类号:R285.6; R282.71 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2024)01-0012-02引用本文 沙一飞, 臧姬, 钱卓磊. 西红花对脑梗死后遗症患者临床症状和血流动力学的影响[J]. 上海医药, 2024, 45(1): 12-13; 18.Effect of saffron on clinical symptoms and hemodynamics in patientswith sequelae of cerebral infarctionSHA Yifei1, ZANG Ji1, QIAN Zhuolei2(1. North Station Street Community Health Center of Jing’an District, Shanghai 200071, China;2. Shanghai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200072, China)ABSTRACT Objective: To observe the effect of saffron on clinical symptoms and hemodynamic changes in patients with sequelae of cerebral infarction. Methods: A total of 90 patients with sequelae of cerebral infarction were selected and divided intoa control group (treated with conventional therapy) and an observation group (conventional therapy combined with saffron). Thehemodynamic indexes, coagulation function indexes, middle cerebral artery blood flow indexes and clinical symptom scores were observed and compared between the two groups. Results: The indexes and scores mentioned above were better in the observation group than that in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: The combination therapy for the treatment of patients with sequelae of cerebral infarction can improve the hemodynamics and clinical symptoms and promote the recovery of patients.KEY WORDS cerebral infarction; saffron; hemodynamics; clinical symptoms脑梗死的发病率、死亡率都较高,多数患者发病后会出现不同类型的后遗症,直接影响预后。



文章编号:1003 2754(2023)03 0207 05 doi:10.19845/j.cnki.zfysjjbzz.2023.0052θ爆发刺激治疗卒中相关失眠的疗效分析李国华1, 唐吉友2, 任永霞1收稿日期:2022 01 20;修订日期:2023 02 25基金项目:济南市卫生健康委员会科技计划项目(2020 4 38)作者单位:(1.济南市第三人民医院康复医学科,山东济南250132;2.山东省第一医科大学第一附属医院,山东济南250014)通讯作者:李国华,E mail:doctorgogo@163.com 摘 要: 目的 观察连续性θ爆发刺激(cTBS)治疗卒中相关失眠的疗效。

方法 纳入亚急性期脑梗死患者60例,采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)进行测评,以PSQI量表总分>7分作为判断睡眠障碍的标准。


药物治疗组给予唑吡坦10mg口服、联合治疗组给予唑吡坦5mg口服+cTBS模式刺激右侧背外侧前额叶和顶枕区域,分别比较两组患者抗失眠药物停药时间和2周停药率、PSQI减分率、NIH SS评分、HAMD和HAMA评分的变化,以观察cTBS治疗卒中相关失眠的临床疗效。

结果 联合治疗组平均停药时间短于药物治疗组,2周停药率均高于药物治疗组(P<0.05);两组患者NIHSS评分、HAMD及HAMA评分随治疗时间呈现好转趋势,同一随访时间组间比较无明显差异。


结论 cTBS对于卒中相关失眠的治疗具有明显作用,且一定程度上改善了患者的焦虑抑郁状态。

关键词: 连续性θ爆发刺激; 卒中; 失眠; 右侧背外侧前额叶; 顶枕区中图分类号:R338.63 文献标识码:AEfficacyofthetaburststimulationintreatmentofstroke relatedinsomnia LIGuohua,TANGJiyou,RENYongxia.(DepartmentofRehabilitationMedicine,TheThirdHospitalofJinan,Jinan250132,China)Abstract: Objective Toinvestigatethetherapeuticeffectofcontinuousthetaburststimulation(cTBS)forstroke relatedinsomnia.Methods SixtypatientswithsubacutecerebralinfarctionwereevaluatedforsleepdisordersusingthePittsburghSleepQualityIndex(PSQI,globalscore>7indicatingsleepdisturbances).Theyweredividedrandomlyintodrugtherapygroupandcombinedtreatmentgroup.Thedrugtreatmentgroupwasgivenzolpidem10mgorally,andthecom binedtreatmentgroupwasgivenoralzolpidem5mgpluscTBStotherightdorsolateralprefrontallobeandparieto occipitalregion.TheefficacyofcTBSforstroke relatedinsomniawasdeterminedbycomparingthetwogroupsintermsoftimetozol pidemwithdrawal,zolpidemwithdrawalratewithintwoweeks,PSQIscorereductionrate,andthechangesofNationalInstitu tesofHealthStrokeScale(NIHSS)score,HamiltonDepressionScale(HAMD)score,andHamiltonAnxietyScale(HA MA)score.Results Comparedwiththedrugtreatmentgroup,thecombinedtreatmentgroupshowedasignificantlyshortertimetozolpidemwithdrawalandasignificantlyhigherzolpidemwithdrawalratewithintwoweeks(P<0.05).Forbothgroups,NIHSS,HAMD,andHAMAscoresimprovedwiththecourseoftreatment,withoutsignificantdifferencesbetweenthetwogroupsatthesamefollow uptime.However,theinteractionP valuewasstatisticallysignificant,whichindicatedthatHAMDandHAMAscoresofthetwogroupswoulddifferovertime.Conclusion cTBShassignificantbenefitsinthetreat mentofstroke relatedinsomnia,moderatelyimprovingpatients'anxietyanddepression.Keywords: Continuousthetaburststimulation; Stroke; Insomnia; Rightdorsolateralprefrontallobe; Parie to occipitalregion 卒中相关睡眠障碍(strokerelatedsleepdisor ders,SSD)是卒中后常见症状,包括失眠、日间思睡、睡眠呼吸障碍、快速眼动睡眠期行为障碍、不宁腿综合征/睡眠中周期性肢体运动、昼夜节律失调性睡眠觉醒障碍等多种失眠类型。





1资料与方法1.1一般资料资料随机选取2013年6月—2014年6月本院收治的135例RPH患者,均符合《内科学》中肾功能不全诊断标准和WHO 制定的高血压诊断标准[2],按随机数字表法分为研究组68例,对照组67例。






1.3观察指标标准参照中华医学会疗效标准将临床效果分为显效:舒张压(DBP)下降>20mmHg;有效:DBP下降<10mmHg,或DBP下降10~20mmHg,收缩压(SBP)下降>30mmHg;无效:DBP下降<5 mmHg或SBP下降<30mmHg[3]。











[化学名称]【总页数】2页(P106-107)【作者】蒋光祖【作者单位】无【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R972.4【相关文献】1.多沙唑嗪与血清白蛋白的作用及血清中多沙唑嗪含量的荧光测定法研究 [J], 江崇球;王敬政;王洪鉴;贺笑春2.3种动物经消化道给予S-多沙唑嗪甲磺酸盐与S-多沙唑嗪盐酸盐后血药浓度比较 [J], 田河林;卢海刚;王秒;吴志刚;任雷鸣3.抗高血压药多沙唑嗪(Doxazosin) [J], 施佩君4.An open, comparative, multicentre clinical study of combined oral therapy with sildenafil and doxazosin GITS for treating Chinese patients with erectile dysfunction, and lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia [J], Zhe Jin;Zhi-Chao Zhang;Ji-Hong Liu;Jun Lu;Yu-Xin Tang;Xiang-Zhou Sun;Wei-Dong Song;Bing Gao;Ying-Lu Guo;Zhong-Cheng Xin5.Effect of doxazosin on rabbit bladder compliance after partial bladder outlet obstruction [J], 皇甫雪军因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



左卡尼汀抑制NF-κB敏化TRAIL诱导神经胶质瘤细胞凋亡杨秀伟;谢靖;钟凤;韩彦弢【期刊名称】《中国药理学通报》【年(卷),期】2016(32)5【摘要】目的:探讨左卡尼汀作为TRAIL ( tumor necrosis fac-tor-related apoptosis inducing ligand)敏化剂,增强TRAIL对神经胶质瘤细胞诱导凋亡的效果,并对其敏化作用的机制进行研究。

方法以U87为神经胶质瘤细胞模型,通过CCK-8检测细胞活性,Annexin V-FITC/PI染色、caspase-3表达及活性等指标检测细胞凋亡,通过 RT-PCR、Western blot 对 NF-κB( nuclear factor kappa B)和c-FLIP( FLICE抑制蛋白)的转录与表达进行分析,沉默 NF-κB,分析其与 c-FLIP的关系。

结果 TRAIL与左卡尼汀联用,癌细胞存活率明显下降,凋亡明显上升;联用组与对照组相比,c-FLIP的转录和蛋白表达以及NF-κB的转录均有明显降低;沉默NF-κB证明其为c-FLIP上游因子。


%Aim To investigate the enhancing effect of L-carnitine as a sensitizer on tumor necrosis factor-re-lated apoptosis inducing ligand ( TRAIL)-induced ap-optosis in glioma cells. Methods Glioma cell U87 was used as model cell line. Cell viability was determined by CCK-8 , and apoptosis was assessed by Annexin&nbsp;V-FITC/PI staining, caspase-3 activity and expres-sion. The expression and transcription of nuclear factor kappa B ( NF-κB ) and FLICE inhibiting pr otein ( c-FLIP) were measured by RT-PCR and Western blot. In addition, NF-κB was knockdown to analyze its regu-lating effect on c-FLIP expression. Results The com-bination treatment with TRAIL and L-carnitine signifi-cantly inhibited cell proliferation and induced apopto-sis. Compared with control, combinationaltreatment&nbsp;significantly suppressed the transcription and expres-sion of c-FLIP as well as translocation of NF-κB. Through silencing NF-κB, NF-κB was found to act as upstream signaling to regulate c-FLIP. Conclusion L-carnitine sensitizes TRAIL-induced tumor cell apoptosis via suppression of NF-κB-dependent c-FLIP expres-sion.【总页数】7页(P664-669,670)【作者】杨秀伟;谢靖;钟凤;韩彦弢【作者单位】青岛大学药学院,山东青岛 266000; 青岛大学附属医院,山东青岛 266000;青岛大学基础医学院,山东青岛 266000;青岛大学口腔医学院,山东青岛 266000;青岛大学基础医学院,山东青岛 266000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R329.25;R730.264;R739.41;R977.4【相关文献】1.左卡尼汀通过抑制钙/钙调素依赖蛋白激酶Ⅱ信号通路抑制过氧化氢诱导的大鼠心肌细胞凋亡 [J], 戴红良;贾桂枝;刘堃;梁春光;张林;张志刚;王洪新2.游离脂肪酸抑制TRAIL诱导的活化肝星状细胞凋亡 [J], 胡彬;王赫;徐会;王钧毅;赵娜;杨俊涛3.干扰素α抑制NF-κB活化增强TNF-α诱导的Hela细胞凋亡 [J], 程大丽;栾南南;乔宠;张淑兰4.芹菜素通过组成性激活JNK敏化TRAIL诱导HeLa细胞凋亡 [J], 刘杰;刘飞;夏红;曹建国;陈忠东5.DEK激活NF-κB信号通路抑制神经胶质瘤细胞凋亡 [J], 童威;谢冬根;乐俊;廖恺因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


对检测到普伐他汀、辛伐他汀、阿托伐他汀和瑞舒伐他汀的肌痛、 横纹肌溶解症和肌酸激酶水平升高的信号。部分统计数据见下页。尽 管检测到这些他汀类药物的信号,但瑞舒伐他汀与肌痛的关系值得注 意。至于横纹肌溶解症和肌酸激酶水平的增加,统计指标表明辛伐他 汀和瑞舒伐他汀的相关性更强。这四种他汀类药物常见的其他肌肉不 良事件包括乏力、胸痛、四肢疼痛、肌肉痉挛、肌肉无力、肌炎和肌 病,并且发现瑞舒伐他汀的相关性更强(未显示统计数据)。
McKenney JM.Pharmacologic options for aggressive low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering: benefits versus risks.Am J Cardiol. 2005 Aug 22;96(4A):60E-66E.
结果:普伐他汀共有病例53317例,氟伐他汀16527例,洛伐他汀 21345例,辛伐他汀180042例,阿托伐他汀220194例,瑞舒伐他汀 57389例,分别占数据库共有病例的0.242%、0.075%、0.097%、 0.818%、1.000%和0.260%。共提取701,628,490,744,883和619例 不良事件作为他汀类相关的不良事件,分别出现17815、5469、8345、 82028、100133和30356例。氟伐他汀和洛伐他汀的不良事件总数不足 以与不良事件进行比较。
结果:在近10000名服用普伐他汀40 mg/天治疗5年的患者中,共 记录了11例肌病(0.1%)和无横纹肌溶解症(上表)。在接受洛 伐他汀20-40毫克/天治疗的3300例患者中,5年内没有发生肌病, 只有1例横纹肌溶解症(0.03%)。同样,在接受阿托伐他汀10或 80mg /天治疗2-5年的近10000例患者中,有1例患者横纹肌溶解症 (0.01%)。而辛伐他汀是不同的,用这种他汀类药物,肌病和横 纹肌溶解症的发生率呈剂量依赖性增加; 在A至Z试验中服用辛伐他 汀80mg的2年中,患者中肌病的发生率是0.3%和横纹肌溶解的0.1 %。
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EFFECTS OF TERAZOSIN THERAPY ON BLOOD PRESSUREIN MEN WITH BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIACONCURRENTLY TREATED WITH OTHER ANTIHYPERTENSIVE MEDICATIONSFRANKLIN C.LOWE,PEGGY J.OLSON,ANDROBERT J.PADLEYABSTRACTObjectives.To review and assess the cardiovascular safety of the alpha 1-blocker terazosin when used to treat symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)in patients taking concurrent antihypertensive med-ications.Methods.This retrospective analysis focused on blood pressure changes and blood pressure-related side effects in 555of 2084patients randomized to either terazosin or placebo in the Hytrin Community Assessment Trial (HYCAT)study who were following either single or combination antihypertensive regimens (treated patients).We also compared results in normotensive and hypertensive patients,whether treated or not.Results.The addition of terazosin lowered mean systolic blood pressure by 5.3mm Hg for untreated patients and 6.7mm Hg for treated patients.For patients hypertensive on entry,mean reductions in systolic blood pressure in those untreated and treated were 12.1and 11.1mm Hg,respectively.The addition of terazosin to an existing antihypertensive regimen had its greatest impact (a mean reduction of 12.3mm Hg)in those receiving diuretic therapy alone.Diastolic pressure changes followed a similar pattern.The inci-dences of blood pressure-related side effects in patients on terazosin were comparable between untreated (13.5%)and treated patients (14.3%),as were premature withdrawal rates,with 4.2%of untreated patients and 4.5%of treated patients withdrawing due to blood pressure-related side effects.Conclusions.Terazosin can be safely used to treat patients with symptomatic BPH regardless of their blood pressure status and antihypertensive regimen.Terazosin may be safely added to ongoing antihypertensive therapy.UROLOGY 54:81–85,1999.©1999,Elsevier Science Inc.Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)and hyper-tension are prevalent health issues in the older population.1BPH has been reported in autopsies of 88%of men older than 80years of age 2and symp-tomatic BPH occurs in an estimated 50%to 70%of American men older than 50years of age.3Hyper-tension is also prevalent in the older population.In 1993,a survey reported that 50million Americans had a blood pressure greater than 140/90mm Hg.4As with BPH,the prevalence of hypertension in-creases with age;24%of the adult population has hypertension and 53%of those adults are treated with antihypertensive medication.5Estimates that 12%to 25%of men older than 59years may have both BPH and hypertension assume that up to 50%have BPH and 25%to 50%have hypertension.6,7Increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system contributes to both hypertension and the symptoms of BPH.Inhibition of prostatic smooth muscle by alpha-adrenergic blockade increases urinary flow rate and decreases residual bladder volume.8,9Similarly,alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers treat hypertension through vasodilation induced by the blockade of vascular smooth mus-cle.9This study was funded through Abbott Laboratories;Dr.Lowe is a lecturer for the sponsor,Merck and Boehringer-Ingelheim;P.J.Olson and Dr.Padley are employees of the sponsor.This study was presented in part at the American Urological Association Meeting,San Francisco,California,May 1995.From the Department of Urology,St.Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital Center and Columbia University College of Physicians and Sur-geons,New York,New York;and Department of Statistics and Molecular Therapeutics Venture,Abbott Laboratories,Abbott Park,IllinoisReprint requests:Franklin Lowe,M.D.,M.P.H.,425West 59th Street,3A,New York,NY 10019Submitted:October 28,1998,accepted (with revisions):Janu-ary 19,1999ADULT UROLOGYSeveral previous clinical studies have shown that selective alpha-blockers such as doxazosin and terazosin provide safe and effective treatment for both BPH and hypertension,9–17and recent reports have supported the safety of terazosin for normo-tensive patients with BPH.11,12However,the ad-ministration of these drugs to patients with BPH raises the concern that patients who are taking other antihypertensive drugs,as well as those with normal blood pressure,could experience excessive reductions in blood pressure that would cause hy-potensive symptoms.Since terazosin was approved for the treatment of hypertension in 1987and for BPH in 1993,clinical experience with terazosin administration in normotensive,as well as hyper-tensive,patients has now accumulated.The present study analyzed blood pressure and related data collected in the course of the Hytrin Community Assessment Trial (HYCAT),a large multicenter trial involving more than 2000men older than age 54enrolled at 15academic centers and 143community-based private urology prac-tices.17This trial included 555patients who were already receiving antihypertensive medications to which terazosin or placebo was added.Therefore,this trial provided the opportunity to compare the effects of terazosin and placebo treatment in a large group of hypertensive patients with symptomatic BPH who were also receiving concomitant antihy-pertensive therapy.MATERIAL AND METHODSIn brief,the HYCAT protocol included men older than age 54with symptomatic BPH.Blood pressure measurements and assessments of side effects were performed on entry and at weeks 4,8,17,26,39,and 52(the end of the study).Patients were defined as hypertensive if the admission diastolic blood pressure was 90mm Hg or greater;such patients were enrolled only if their blood pressure was clinically considered under control.Exclusion characteristics pertinent to the present study were (a)recent history of cardiovascular or cerebrovas-cular disease and (b)hypotension or a history of fainting spells.Concomitant administration of diuretics,angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors,beta-blockers,and/or calcium channel blockers was allowed,but the protocol did not allow verapamil,alpha-adrenergic antagonists,alpha-agonists,anti-androgen therapy,anticholinergic agents,or androgens.In the HYCAT study,1053men were randomly assigned for 1year to terazosin and 1031to placebo.More than 90%were white;their mean age was 66years.Of the 2084men initially randomized,66were taking al-pha-blockers,and are excluded from this analysis.Of the re-maining 2018men,110did not have both a baseline and a follow-up blood pressure determination.Twelve additional patients were excluded either because they started or discon-tinued antihypertensive therapy during the interval between initial and final blood pressure readings.Therefore,1896men were included in the blood pressure analysis for this study.Baseline mean systolic pressures in the placebo and terazosin groups were 134.9and 134.7mm Hg,respectively;mean changes were decreases of 0.8and 5.5mm Hg,respectively (P Ͻ0.001,analysis of variance).Baseline mean diastolic pressures were 81.1and 80.7mm Hg,respectively;mean de-creases were 1.3and 4.0mm Hg,respectively (P Ͻ0.001).RESULTSTable I shows the initial blood pressure values and changes at follow-up for patients who had been on antihypertensive treatment for at least 1week before administration of the study drug and for all others not receiving a concurrent antihyper-tensive agent.The mean reductions in patients ran-TABLE I.Initial mean values and mean changes in blood pressure stratified by antihypertensivetreatment status and presence or absence of hypertensionPlaceboTerazosin Net Change*P Value †nInitialMean Changen InitialMean ChangeNo antihypertensive treatment Normotensive556547Systolic BP (mm Hg)129.20.5(0.6)128.7Ϫ3.5(0.6)Ϫ4.0Ͻ0.001Diastolic BP (mm Hg)77.10.6(0.4)76.7Ϫ2.4(0.4)Ϫ3.0Ͻ0.001Hypertensive140139Systolic BP (mm Hg)146.2Ϫ5.5(1.4)147.4Ϫ12.1(1.4)Ϫ6.6Ͻ0.001Diastolic BP (mm Hg)93.9Ϫ7.2(0.8)93.4Ϫ10.3(0.8)Ϫ3.10.006Antihypertensive treatment Normotensive183196Systolic BP (mm Hg)136.00.9(1.3)135.5Ϫ5.2(1.2)Ϫ6.0Ͻ0.001Diastolic BP (mm Hg)77.7 1.2(0.7)77.7Ϫ1.8(0.7)Ϫ3.00.004Hypertensive6669Systolic BP (mm Hg)153.7Ϫ5.4(2.4)154.5Ϫ11.1(2.3)Ϫ5.70.09Diastolic BP (mm Hg)96.8Ϫ9.2(1.3)94.6Ϫ9.6(1.3)Ϫ0.50.80K EY :BP ϭblood pressure.Data in parentheses are the standard error of the mean.*Mean change in terazosin group Ϫmean change in placebo group.†Between treatments,based on one-way analysis of variance.domized to terazosin were significantly greater than in those randomized to placebo,but there was not a clinically significant difference between the mean reductions in the terazosin patients being treated and those not being treated for hyperten-sion.Table I also analyzes the population according to presence or absence of treatment and the presence or absence of hypertension at randomization.As expected,mean reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure for participants identified as hyper-tensive were greatest for the139participants with hypertension who were initially untreated and ran-domized to terazosin,12.1mm Hg systolic and 10.3mm Hg diastolic.In terms of net reductions (mean change in the terazosin group minus mean change in the placebo group),mean decreases in systolic and diastolic pressures in all terazosin-treated groups were greater than in the corre-sponding placebo-treated patients,but the net mean changes in normotensive patients,whether treated or not,were modest,ranging from4to6 mm Hg systolic and3mm Hg diastolic.Mean changes in blood pressure according to the class of concomitant antihypertensives received are shown in Table II.The mean decrease in sys-tolic pressure among men taking terazosin in com-bination with beta-blockers or diuretics was statis-tically significantly greater than in the placebo group;for diastolic blood pressure,the difference in mean change was only significant for men taking beta-blockers.The addition of terazosin to the reg-imens of those taking diuretics caused the greatest mean reduction in systolic blood pressure,14.2 mm Hg greater than in the placebo group.How-ever,the mean baseline value of the terazosin group on concurrent diuretics(146.6mm Hg)was much higher than the overall initial mean value of 140.4mm Hg for all patients on concurrent anti-hypertensive therapy,suggesting that this group was initially poorly controlled.B LOOD P RESSURE-R ELATED S IDE E FFECTSAdding terazosin to an existing antihypertensive regimen did not seem to increase the incidence of side effects,which was13.5%in all patients not receiving antihypertensive treatment and14.3%in all patients receiving such treatment.The attribut-able risk was actually lower for those taking anti-hypertensives(5.3%versus7.6%)(Table III).The incidence of withdrawals because of side effects in men taking terazosin and being treated for hyper-tension was4.5%,close to the4.2%in those not treated.Table III also shows these results accord-ing to initial blood pressure status.The highest attributable risks for side effects were in the un-treated normotensive patients(8.7%)and in the treated hypertensive patients(7.4%)—a rate about twice that in the untreated hypertensive patients (3.2%).The attributable risk for withdrawals wasTABLE II.Initial mean values and mean changes in blood pressure in patients on concurrentantihypertensive medicationsMedicationPlacebo TerazosinNetChange§P Value* n InitialMeanChange n InitialMeanChangeSystolic Blood Pressure(mm Hg)ACE inhibitors39139.8Ϫ2.9(2.8)44141.8Ϫ7.7(2.7)Ϫ4.80.23 Beta-blockers33136.9 1.9(2.9)46134.9Ϫ7.3(2.5)Ϫ9.30.02 Calcium antagonists43140.40.8(2.8)50140.3Ϫ5.2(2.6)Ϫ6.00.12 Diuretics30138.5 1.9(3.2)30146.6Ϫ12.3(3.2)Ϫ14.20.003 Combination A†48137.4Ϫ1.5(2.5)44139.0Ϫ2.0(2.6)Ϫ0.50.69 Combination B‡56147.9Ϫ3.0(2.6)51142.1Ϫ7.6(2.7)Ϫ4.60.22 All medications249140.7Ϫ0.8(1.1)265140.4Ϫ6.7(1.1)Ϫ5.9Ͻ0.001 Diastolic Blood Pressure(mm Hg)ACE inhibitors3983.0Ϫ2.0(2.0)4485.6Ϫ5.5(1.9)Ϫ3.50.22 Beta-blockers3382.60.5(1.9)4679.1Ϫ4.9(1.6)Ϫ5.40.03 Calcium antagonists4377.4Ϫ0.5(1.7)5081.1Ϫ1.9(1.6)Ϫ1.40.55 Diuretics3083.90.0(1.7)3081.3Ϫ2.5(1.7)Ϫ2.50.32 Combination A†4881.9Ϫ1.2(1.5)4481.5Ϫ2.7(1.6)Ϫ1.50.50 Combination B‡5686.9Ϫ4.3(1.4)5183.7Ϫ5.0(1.5)Ϫ0.70.74 All medications24982.8Ϫ1.6(0.7)26582.1Ϫ3.8(0.7)Ϫ2.30.02 K EY:ACEϭangiotensin-converting enzyme.Data in parentheses are the standard error of the mean.*Between treatments,based on one-way analysis of variance.†A diuretic and one of the following:ACE inhibitor,beta-blocker,or calcium antagonist.‡Any other combination of two or more antihypertensive medications.§Mean change in terazosin groupϪmean change in placebo group.2.6%in the untreated normotensive patients and Ϫ1.5%in the treated hypertensive patients.COMMENTWe present thefirst in-depth analysis of the con-comitant use of terazosin therapy for BPH in pa-tients receiving ongoing antihypertensive therapy. It is also thefirst detailed analysis of the side effects and withdrawal rates for conditions related to blood pressure in the HYCAT study.The two groups potentially at greatest risk of blood pres-sure-related side effects from the administration of terazosin are persons who are normotensive and patients with hypertension successfully treated with other antihypertensive agents.Previous safety analyses and reviews of terazosin therapy11,12did not perform in-depth subset analyses between treated versus untreated hypertensive patients,be-tween normotensive and hypertensive patients,or according to other concomitant medications.In the1165untreated nonhypertensive patients we studied(583receiving terazosin and582place-bo),terazosin produced a small mean drop in sys-tolic and diastolic pressure below the limit of clinical significance.The subset analysis of con-comitant medications showed that the greatest re-duction in systolic blood pressure occurred in those patients taking diuretics alone,a net decrease over the placebo group of14.2mm Hg.This could have been predicted by the fact that patients taking diuretics had the highest mean baseline blood pressure(146.6mm Hg)—confirming that diuret-ics are the least efficacious form of antihyperten-sive therapy.Thus,terazosin therapy for BPH can have an appropriate and beneficial effect on blood pressure when given to treated(especially diuretic-treated)hypertensive patients.Adding terazosin to an existing antihypertensive regimen had little impact on the rate of side effects. Also,the premature termination rate,which re-flects the significance and severity of side effects, was increased by the addition of terazosin only by an attributable risk of2.2%for untreated and1.9% for treated patients,suggesting that most of the blood pressure-related side effects of terazosin are mild to moderate.Terazosin can be safely used to treat men with symptomatic BPH,irrespective of their blood pressure status and antihypertensive regimens,and may be safely added to ongoing an-tihypertensive regimens.The present study extends our knowledge about the use of terazosin for BPH.In terms of treatment-emergent side effects,in the2084-patient HYCAT study,the rate of myocardial infarction was lower for terazosin-treated patients.In the placebo group,10patients suffered myocardial infarctions compared with only1in the terazosin group dur-ing the1-year trial.This potential cardioprotectiveTABLE III.Incidence of blood pressure-related side effects and withdrawals*Treatment and Blood Pressure StatusPlacebo TerazosinP Value†nIncidence(n)nIncidence(n)AttributableRisk(%)No antihypertensive treatment729734OverallSide effects‡43(5.9)99(13.5)7.6Ͻ0.001 Withdrawals15(2.1)31(4.2) 2.20.02 Normotensive582583Side effects36(6.2)87(14.9)8.7Ͻ0.001 Withdrawals14(2.4)29(5.0) 2.60.028 Hypertensive147151Side effects7(4.8)12(7.9) 3.20.34 Withdrawals1(0.7)2(1.3)0.6 1.0 Antihypertensive treatment268287OverallSide effects24(9.0)41(14.3) 5.30.06 Withdrawals7(2.6)13(4.5) 1.90.26 Normotensive195210Side effects18(9.2)29(13.8) 4.60.17 Withdrawals4(2.1)11(5.2) 3.20.12 Hypertensive7377Side effects6(8.2)12(15.6)7.40.21 Withdrawals3(4.1)2(2.6)Ϫ1.50.68 Numbers in parentheses are percentages.*Patients who began or discontinued antihypertensive medication during the study are included and assigned according to their initial status.†From Fisher’s exact test for comparison between groups.‡Number of patients with a blood pressure-related side effect(dizziness,postural hypotension,vertigo,syncope,or postural dizziness).result had not been identified in previous shorter, smaller studies.Although alpha-blockers have a favorable effect on serum cholesterol(Ϫ5%),tri-glycerides(Ϫ10%),and low-density lipoproteins (Ϫ6%)and increase the ratio of high-density li-poprotein to cholesterol(ϩ5%),11it is unlikely that these were important factors because of the relatively short-term nature of the trial.In fact,the potential cardioprotective effect was probably due to the better control of the patients’blood pressure, especially for those with clinical hypertension. This needs to be confirmed with other longer term studies.CONCLUSIONSTerazosin can be safely used to treat patients with symptomatic BPH irrespective of their blood pressure status and antihypertensive regimen and may also be safely added to ongoing antihyperten-sive regimens.A CKNOWLEDGMENT.To Peter P.Morgan,M.D.for providing editorial assistance and reviewing the manuscript.REFERENCES1.Joint National Committee on Detection,Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure:Sixth Report(JNC VI). Arch Intern Med157:2413–2446,1997.2.Napalkov P,Maisonneuve P,and Boyle P:Worldwide patterns of prevalence and mortality from benign prostatic hyperplasia.Urology46:41–46,1995.3.Boyle P:Epidemiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia: risk factors and concomitance with hypertension.Br J Clin Pract Suppl74:18–22,1994.4.Joint National Committee on Detection,Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure:Fifth Report(JNC V). 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