EBU Committee First issued Revised Re-issued
党群部门 ................................................................................................................................... 1 党委办公室 ........................................................................................................................... 1 党委组织部、统战部 ........................................................................................................... 1 党委宣传部 ........................................................................................................................... 1 党委学工部(学生处) ....................................................................................................... 1 纪委办公室(监察处) ....................................................................................................... 2 工会 ....................................................................................................................................... 2 团委 ....................................................................................................................................... 2 机关党总支 ........................................................................................................................... 2 后勤党总支 ........................................................................................................................... 3 老干部党总支 ....................................................................................................................... 3
第一位女诗人是:蔡琰(文姬)2. 第一部纪传体通史:史记3. 第一部词典是:尔雅4. 第一部大百科全书是:永乐大典5. 第一部诗歌总集是:诗经6. 第一部文选:昭明文选7. 第一部字典:说文解字8. 第一部神话集:山海经9. 第一部文言志人小说集:世说新语10. 第一部文言志怪小说集:搜神记11. 第一部语录体著作:论语12. 第一部编年体史书是:春秋13. 第一部断代史:汉书14. 第一部兵书:孙子兵法15. 文章西汉两司马:司马迁。
司马相如16. 乐府双璧:木兰词孔雀东南飞,加上《秦妇吟》为乐府三绝17. 史学双璧:史记资治通鉴18. 二拍:初刻拍案惊奇二刻拍案惊奇(凌蒙初)19. 大李杜:李白杜甫小李杜:李商隐杜牧20. 中国现代文坛的双子星座:鲁迅郭沫若21. 三不朽:立德立功立言22. 三代:夏商周23. 《春秋》三传:左传公羊传谷梁传24. 三王:夏禹商汤周公25. 三山:蓬莱方丈瀛洲26. 三教:儒释道27. 三公:周时,司马司徒司空西汉,丞相太尉御史大夫清明,太师太傅太保28. 三曹:曹操曹丕曹植29. 公安三袁:袁宗道袁宏道袁中道30. 江南三大古楼:湖南岳阳楼武昌黄鹤楼南昌滕王阁31. 岁寒三友:松竹梅32. 三辅:左冯翊右扶风京兆尹33. 科考三元:乡试,会试,殿试和自的第一名(解元,会元,状元)34. 殿试三鼎甲:状元榜眼探花35. 中国三大国粹:京剧中医中国画36. 三言:喻世明言警世通言醒世恒言(冯梦龙)37. 儒家经典三礼:周礼仪礼礼记38. 三吏:新安吏石壕吏潼关吏39. 三别:新婚别垂老别无家别40. 郭沫若“女神”三部曲:女神之再生湘果棠棣之花41. 茅盾“蚀”三部曲:幻灭动摇追求农村三部曲:春蚕秋收残冬42. 巴金“爱情”三部曲:雾雨电“激流”三部曲:家春秋43. 第一部国别史:国语44. 第一部记录谋臣策士门客言行的专集:国策战国策45. 第一部专记个人言行的历史散文:晏子春秋46. 第一位伟大的爱国诗人:屈原47. 第一首长篇叙事诗:孔雀东南飞(357句,1785字)48. 第一部文学批评专著:《典论·论文》(曹丕)49. 第一位田园诗人:东晋,陶渊明50. 第一部文学理论和评论专著:南北朝梁人刘勰的《文心雕龙》51. 第一部诗歌理论和评论专著:南北朝梁人钟嵘的《诗品》52. 第一部科普作品,以笔记体写成的综合性学术著作:北宋的沈括的《梦溪笔谈》53. 第一部日记体游记:明代的徐宏祖的《徐霞客游记》54. 第一位女词人,亦称“一代词宗”:李清照1. 我国第一部长篇讽刺小说:儒林外史2. 我国第一部介绍进化论的译作:严复译的赫胥黎的《天演论》,他是一个由不懂外,却成了翻译家的人。
研究生学术英语 罗立胜主编课后翻译最全
Acid rain poisons fish,destroys forests,corrodes buildings.2、我们对环保不能光说不练,我们必须有行动。
We should not just pay lip service to environmental protection,we must act.3、调查发现一些小官僚也参与了“钱权交易”。
Investigation founds that some petty bureaucrats had also been involved in “power for money exchange”.4、我们要加大反腐力度,对贪污腐化的官员严惩不贷。
We must reinforce the momentum of the anticorruption drive and show no mercy to the corrupt officials.5、政府交通部门要严格执法,严惩酒后驾车。
The government’s transportation agencies must execute the law strictly and enforce severe penalties for drunken drivers.6、12月9日被联合国定为全球反腐败日,这为提高公众觉悟,积极打击贪污、抑制腐败提供了一个独特的机会。
December 9 is designated by the UN as International Anticorruption Day,which provides a unique opportunity to enhance public awareness,commitment to combating graft and curbing corruption.7、联合国新近颁布了《反腐公约》,要求签约的成员国制定相关法律,以禁止受贿索贿行为。
什么是美国大学的提前录取?美国大学通常有三种录取方式,即“提前决定”(简称ED),“提前行动”(简称EA)和“常规录取”(简称RD):前两者可统称为“提前录取”,就是美国留学申请常说的ED, EA二具体来说就是:ED即Early Decision,是指具有约束力的提前录取;Ea即Early Action,是指不具约束力的提前录取:名词解释:ED (Early- Decision )当你申请了某所大学的ED,一旦被录取,申请人必须进入这所学校二如果没有被录取,会被直接拒绝或者延迟到RD再做决定。
有些大学的ED在时间上还划分为Early Decision I. Early Decision II.ED工的截止日期一般是11月1日或11月15日,这时候所有申请材料就要寄到学校二这种情况下,TOEFL考试要在1o月份或之前考完,SA T考试不能晚于11月份。
ED II的截止日期在12月一次年1月,2月份左右会得到录取结果。
名词解释:EA (Early Action / Early Admission)EA分为三种:OEA (open EA]. REA(Restricted EA) 和SCEA (Single-Choice EA).1, OEA(Open EA):这个是我们最常见的EA形式:可以选择多所开设EA的大学进行申请,拿到录取结果后可以选择去,也可以选择不去二与ED相比,此类EA并没有强制的约束性。
2. REA(Restricted EA)。
这种EA的形式比较接近于ED,具有一定的约束性:当申请了REA之后就不能同时申请其他任何的提前录取申请,包括ED. OEA. REA等等,但可以申请RD,并且录取后也可以选择不去学校报到注册。
2002年,巴塞罗那峰会通过了“到2010年使欧盟研究总经费占其GDP 3%”的战略目标,其中2/3来自私人投资,1/3由公共部门承担。
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARMONISATION OF TECHNICALREQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF PHARMACEUTICALS FOR HUMAN USEFinal Concept PaperQ3C: Impurities: Guideline for Residual SolventsDated and endorsed by the Steering Committee on 10 March 1994Problem statement/ObjectivesA general policy in limiting residual solvents (organic volatile impurities) qualitatively and quantitatively in drug products and excipient has not been defined globally.Background/Status quoAt the second International Conference on Harmonisation in Orlando in October 1993, the subject of impurities enjoyed substantial interest and debate. The Expert Working Group on Quality is working to create a guideline on impurities and the pharmacopoeias have standards dealing with impurities. Toxicologists also have participated on the subject of impurities, with regard to toxicity of process-related impurities.The issue remaining for resolution with regard to impurities lines in the area of limits on low levels of organic volatile, e.g., residues of solvents. So far, different limits are employed orare being considered among the regulatory agencies and the pharmacopoeias. Agreement on a single set of limits is highly desirable.The pharmacopoeias have begun studies for harmonisation of their approach for the control of residual solvents. However it is preferable that other interested Parties participate in an effortto achieve agreement rather than the ICH Expert Working Group and the Pharmacopoeias reaching independent decisions which will have to be harmonised later through negotiation.ImpactThe list of residual solvents to be limited and the limits tolerated for these solvents in each ofthe regions differs (e.g. case by case decision by the Registration Authorities, different proposals of USP, Ph.Eur, and Japanese Pharmacopoeia). This leads to uncertainty and implies duplication of work for industry.Time frameGiven that the first prospectives have been studied within the Pharmacopoeial Discussion Group it should be feasible to complete the topic and announce the results at the ICH3 Conference in November 1995.Expert GroupThe existing ICH Working Group on impurities composed of chemists and toxicologists would be an appropriate Forum with the addition of the experts of the pharmacopoeial bodies,i.e. the USP Committee of Revision, European Pharmacopoeia Commission and the Committee on the Japanese Pharmacopoeia.-1-。
Unite 3 Doctor’s Dilemma: Treat or Let Die?Abigail Trafford1. Medical advances in wonder drugs, daring surgical procedures, radiation therapies, and intensive-care units have brought new life to thousands of people. Yet to many of them, modern medicine has become a double-edged sword.2. Doctor’s power to treat with an array of space-age techniques has outstripped the body’s capacity to heal. More medical problems can be treated, but for many patients, there is little hope of recovery. Even the fundamental distinction between life and death has been blurred.3. Many Americans are caught in medical limbo, as was the South Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim, who was kept alive by artificial means after he had been knocked unconscious in a fight and his brain ceased to function. With the permission of his family, doctors in Las Vegas disconnected the life-support machines and death quickly followed.4. In the wake of technology’s advances in medicine, a heated debate is taking place in hospitals and nursing homes across the country --- over whether survival or quality of life is the paramount goal of medicine.5. “It gets down to what medicine is all about, ” says Daniel Callahan, director of the Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. “Is it really to save a life? Or is the larger goal the welfare of the patient?”6. Doctors, patients, relatives, and often the courts are being forced to make hard choices in medicine. Most often it is at the two extremes of life that these difficultyethical questions arise --- at the beginning for the very sick newborn and at the end for the dying patient.7. The dilemma posed by modern medical technology has created the growing new discipline or bioethics. Many of the country’s 127 medical s chools now offer courses in medical ethics, a field virtually ignored only a decade ago. Many hospitals have chaplains, philosophers, psychiatrists, and social workers on the staff to help patients make crucial decisions, and one in twenty institutions has a special ethics committee to resolve difficult cases.Death and Dying8. Of all the patients in intensive-care units who are at risk of dying, some 20 percent present difficult ethical choices --- whether to keep trying to save the life or to pull back and let the patient die. In many units, decisions regarding life-sustaining care are made about three times a week.9. Even the definition of death has been changed. Now that the heart-lung machine can take over the functions of breathing and pumping blood, death no longer always comes with the patient’s “last gasp” or when the heart stops beating. Thirty-one states and the District of Columbia have passed brain-death statutes that identify death as when the whole brain ceases to function.10. More than a do zen states recognize “living wills” in which the patients leave instructions to doctors not to prolong life by feeding them intravenously or by other methods if their illness becomes hopeless. A survey of California doctors showed that 20 to 30 percent were following instructions of such wills. Meanwhile, the hospicemovement, which its emphasis on providing comfort --- not cure --- to the dying patient, has gained momentum in many areas.11. Despite progress in society’s understanding of death and dying, t heory issues remain. Example: A woman, 87, afflicted by the nervous-system disorder of Parkinson’s disease, has a massive stroke and is found unconscious by her family. Their choices are to put her in a nursing home until she dies or to send her to a medical center for diagnosis and possible treatment. The family opts for a teaching hospital in New York city. Tests show the woman’s stroke resulted from a blood clot that is curable with surgery. After the operation, she says to her family: “Why did you bring me back to this agony?” Her health continues to worsen, and two years later she dies.12. On the other hand, doctors say prognosis is often uncertain and that patients, just because they are old and disabled, should not be denied life-saving therapy. Ethicists also fear that under the guise of medical decision not to treat certain patients, death may become too easy, pushing the country toward the acceptance of euthanasia.13. For some people, the agony of watching high-technology dying is too great. Earlier this year, Woodrow Wilson Collums, a retired dairyman from Poteet, Texas, was put on probation for the mercy killing of his older brother Jim, who lay hopeless in his bed at a nursing home, a victim of severe senility resul ting from Alzheimer’s disease. After the killing, the victim’s widow said: “I think God, Jim’s out of his misery. I hate to think it had to be done the way it was done, but I understand it. ”Crisis in Newborn Care14. At the other end of the life span, technology has so revolutionized newborn carethat it is no longer clear when human life is viable outside the womb. Newborn care has got huge progress, so it is absolutely clear that human being can survive independently outside the womb. Twenty-five years ago, infants weighting less than three and one-half pounds rarely survived. The current survival rate is 70 percent, and doctors are “salvaging” some babies that weigh only one and one-half pounds. Tremendous progress has been made in treating birth deformities such as spina bifida. Just ten years ago, only 5 percent of infants with transposition of the great arteries --- the congenital heart defect most commonly found in newborns --- survived. Today, 50 percent live.15. Yet, for many infants who owe their lives to new medical advances, survival has come at a price. A significant number emerge with permanent physical and mental handicaps.16. “The question of treatment and nontreatment of seriously ill newborns is not a single one,”says Thomas Murray of the Hastings Center. “But I feel strongly that retardation or the fact that someone is going to be less than perfect is not good grounds for allowing an infant to die.”17. For many parents, however, the experience of having a sick newborn becomes a lingering nightmare. Two years ago, an Atlanta mother gave birth to a baby suffering from Down’s Syndrome, a form of mental retardation; the child also had blocked intestines. The doctors rejected the parents’ plea not to operate, and today the child, severely retarded, still suffers intestinal problems.18. “Every time Melanie has a bowel movement, she cries,” explains her mother.“She’s not able to take care of herself, and we won’t live forever. I wanted to save her from sorrow, pain, and suffering. I don’t understand the emphasis on life at all costs, and I’m very angry at the doctors and the hospital. Who will take care of Melanie after we’re gone? Where will you doctors be then?”Changing Standards19. The choices posed by modern technology have profoundly changed the practice of medicine. Until now, most doctors have been activists, trained to use all the tools in their medical arsenals to treat disease. The current trend is toward nontreatment as doctors grapple with questions not just of who should get care but when to take therapy away.20. Always in the background is the threat of legal action. In August, two California doctors were charged with murdering a comatose patient by allegedly disconnecting the respirator and cutting off food and water. In 1981, a Massachusetts nurse was charged with murdering a cancer patient with massive doses of morphine but was subsequently acquitted.21. Between lawsuits, government regulations, and patients’ rights, many doctors feel they are under siege. Modern technology actually has limited their ability to make choices. More recently, these actions are resolved by committees.Public Policy22. In recent years, the debate on medical ethics has moved to the level of national policy. “It’s just beginning to hit us that we don’t have unlimited resources,” says Washington Hospital Center’s Dr. Lynch. “You can’t talk about ethics without talkingethics without talking about money.”23. Since 1972. Americans have enjoyed unlimited access to a taxpayer-supported, kidney dialysis program that offers life-prolonging therapy to all patients with kidney failure. To a number of police analysts, the program has grown out of control --- to a $1.4billion operation supporting 61,000 patients. The majority are over 50, and about a quarter have other illness, such as cancer or heart disease, conditions that could exclude them from dialysis in other countries.24. Some hospitals are pulling back from certain lifesaving treatment. Massachusetts General Hospital, for example, has decided not perform heart transplants on the ground that the high costs of providing such surgery help too few patients. Burn units --- through extremely effective --- also provide very expensive therapy for very few patients.25. As medical scientists push back the frontiers of therapy, the moral dilemma will continue to grow for doctors and patients alike, making the choice of to treat the basic question in modern medicine.1. 在特效药、风险性手术进程、放疗法以及特护病房方面的医学进展已为数千人带来新生。
当代研究生英语 第七单元 B课文翻译
这些工具包括关键基因的DNA序列,人类、动物植物和一些病毒的基因的部分片段,例如,HIV,克隆细胞,酶,删除基因和用于快速扫描DNA样品的DNA 芯片。
来自安阿伯密歇根大学的法律教授,该工作组的主席Rebecea Eisenberg说,她们的工作组已经听到了好多研究者的抱怨,在它们中有一份由美国联合大学技术管理组提交的重量级的卷宗。
EB119/2006 - EB120/2007/REC/1世界卫生组织 执行委员会第一一九届会议2006年11月6-8日于日内瓦决议第一二O届会议2007年1月22 - 29日于日内瓦决议和决定附件日内瓦二OO七年EB119/2006 - EB120/2007/REC/1世界卫生组织执行委员会第一一九届会议2006年11月6-8日于日内瓦决议日内瓦二OO七年缩写 世界卫生组织文件中使用的缩写如下:ACHR — 卫生研究咨询委员会ASEAN — 东南亚国家联盟CEB — 联合国系统行政首长协调委员会(前行政协调委员会) CIOMS — 国际医学科学组织理事会FAO — 联合国粮食及农业组织IAEA — 国际原子能机构IARC — 国际癌症研究机构ICAO — 国际民用航空组织IFAD — 国际农业发展基金ILO — 国际劳工组织(局)IMF — 国际货币基金组织IMO — 国际海事组织INCB —国际麻醉品管制局ITU — 国际电信联盟OECD — 经济合作与发展组织OIE —国际兽疫局PAHO — 泛美卫生组织UNAIDS — 联合国艾滋病规划署UNCTAD — 联合国贸易和发展会议UNDCP — 联合国国际药物管制规划署UNDP — 联合国开发计划署UNEP — 联合国环境规划署UNESCO — 联合国教育科学及文化组织UNFPA — 联合国人口基金UNHCR — 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处UNICEF — 联合国儿童基金会UNIDO — 联合国工业发展组织UNRWA — 联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济及工程处WFP —世界粮食计划署WIPO — 世界知识产权组织WMO — 世界气象组织WTO —世界贸易组织______________本卷采用的地名和提供的资料,并不反映世界卫生组织秘书处对任何国家、领地、城市或地区或其主管当局的法律地位,或对其国境或边界划定的观点。
如何回复编辑和审稿人 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998专题半月谈 - 如何回复编辑和审稿人作者:QIN 提交日期:2010-12-09 06:25:55 PM | 访问量:713专题半月谈 - 如何回复编辑和审稿人应战友要求,在版主的支持下,本人在此设立一个半月谈专题-如何回复编辑和审稿人实例分析。
15 January 2009 (第一讲)给编辑的回复信论文题目:Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on the antivirus effect s of A (一种中草药) against virus B (一种病毒)所投杂志:Life Sciences投稿结果:这次大修后又经过一次小修,被接受发表编辑信内容(注:有删节):Dear Mr. XXX,Your manuscript has been examined by the editors and qualified refere e. We think the manuscript has merit but requires revision before wecan accept it for publication in the Journal. Careful consideration m ust be given to the points raised in the reviewer comments, which are enclosed below.If you choose to submit a revision of your manuscript, please incorpo rate responses to the reviewer comments into the revised paper. A com plete rebuttal with no manuscript alterations is usually considered i nadequate and may result in lengthy re-review procedures.A letter detailing your revisions point-by-point must accompany the r esubmission.You will be requested to upload this Response to Reviewers as a separ ate file in the Attach Files area.We ask that you resubmit your manuscript within 45 days. After this t ime, your file will be placed on inactive status and a further submis sion will be considered a new manuscript.You will see a menu item called Submission Needing Revision. You will find your submission record there.Yours sincerely,Joseph J. Bahl, PhDEditorLife SciencesFormat Suggestion: Please access the Guide to Authors at our website to check the format of your article. Pay particular attention to our References style.Reviewers' comments:Reviewer #1:XXXXX (略)Reviewer #2:XXXXX (略)Editors note and suggestions:(注:编辑的建议)Title: Re-write the title to read more smoothly in contemporary Engli sh>>>Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of the antiviral effects of A against virus B.Abstract: Re-write the abstract to read more smoothly.A, an alkaloid isolated from C (注:一种中草药), was tested for antiv iral activity against virus B. Both in vitro and in vivo assays along with serum pharmacological experiments showed A to have potent antiv iral activity. The pharmacokinetic profile of A in Sprague/Dawley rat plasma after oral administration was measured by HPLC. Blood samples taken at selected time points were analyzed to study potential chang es in antiviral pharmacodynamics as measured by infectivity of viruse s. From the similarity of the serum concentration profiles and antivi ral activity profiles it is concluded that A it self, rather than a m etabolite, exerted the effect against the virus prior to bioinactivat ion. The need for effective clinical agents against virus B and theseresults suggest the possibility of benefit from further experiments with A.The authors should check to be sure that the terms blood samples, pla sma and serum are always used appropriately throughout the abstract a nd text.Introduction: some sentences can be made less passive. example 1st pa ragraph>>>> A appears to be the most important alkaloid isolated from the pl ant, its structural formula is shown in Fig 1. ... While it produced a general inhibition of antibody production lymphocyte proliferation was stimulated (Xia and Wang, 1997). These pharmacological properties suggest a potential use in the treatment of viral myocarditis agains t virus B that could be studied in experiments in cell culture and an imals.>>>The authors should check the entire manuscript for spelling errors (example given: in your text alkaloid is incorrectly spelled alkaloi d)>>>The authors should read the guidelines to the authors and not incl ude the first name of the authors being cited in the text. In the ref erence section the first name should be abbreviated as shown in the g uideline to authors (thus the earlier text reference should be (Liu e t al., 2003)and the remaining one should be (Chen et al., 2002)>>>>>The authors instead of directly answering the first complex ques tion of reviewer #1 may include the three questions as future researc h aim in the discussion section.>>>>>>Rather than redrawing figure the authors may choose to amend th e wording of the statistical analysis section to state that the resul t of tables are means +-SEM and for figures are +- SD.>>>>> reviewer #1 comment number 8 and reviewer # 2 comment 3 might b e satisfied by inclusion of a representative photo of cells and heart showing CPE. Remember most readers of the journal have never seen wh at you are trying to describe.Joseph Bahl, PhD Editor 2 Life Sciences作者回复信原稿:Dear Dr. Bahl,I’m (注:正式信函不要简写)very appreciate (注:不适合作为给编辑回信的开始,同时有语法错误)for your comments and suggestions.I (注:实际上是学生做的)have conducted in vivo antivirus experiment s again (注:要表明是应审稿人或编辑建议而作). Mice were sacrificed on 15 days and 30 days after infection. Death rate, heart weight to b ody weight ratio (HW/BW), virus titers and pathologic slices (注:用词错误)were calculated(注:用词不当). Production of mRNA of IL-10, IFN-γand TNF-αwere (注:语法错误)measured by RT-PCR.I have revised this manuscript and especially paid much attention to your comments and suggestions. I would like to re-submit it to LIFE S CIENCE. Title of manuscript has been changed to “The antivirus effects of A against virus B and its pharmacokinetic behaviour in SD rats serum” to make it more clear and smooth.Answers to Reviewers’ questions were as follows: (注:可附在给编辑的回复信后)Reviewer #1:XXXXXReviewer #2:XXXXXEditors note and suggestions:Title: Re-write the title to read more smoothly in contemporary Engli shAnswer:I have rewrite the title to “The antivirus effects of A against viru s B and its pharmacokinetic behaviour in SD rats serum” to make it m ore clear and smooth(注:多处语法错误).Abstract: Re-write the abstract to read more smoothly.Answer:I have revise the abstract carefully to make it more smooth and infor mative(注:语法错误).The authors should check to be sure that the terms blood samples, pla sma and serum are always used appropriately throughout the abstract a nd text.Answer:I have paid attention to this question and it is clearer (注:不具体).Introduction:some sentences can be made less passive.Answer:I have revise the whole paper to make sentences less passive and obta ined help of my colleague proficient in English (注:语法错误,句子不通顺).The authors should check the entire manuscript for spelling errors Answer:I’m very sorry to give you so much trouble for those spelling errors (注:不必道歉,按建议修改即可). I have carefully corrected them.The authors should read the guidelines to the authors and not include the first name of the authors being cited in the text. In the refere nce section the first name should be abbreviated as shown in the guid eline to authors (thus the earlier text reference should be (Liu et a l., 2003) and the remaining one should be (Chen et al., 2002)Answer:I changed the style of references.Rather than redrawing figure the authors may choose to amend the word ing of the statistical analysis section to state that the result of t ables are means +-SEM and for figures are +- SD.Answer:(注:作者请编辑公司帮回答)reviewer #1 comment number 8 and reviewer # 2 comment 3 might be sati sfied by inclusion of a representative photo of cells and heart showi ng CPE. Remember: most readers of the journal have never seen what yo u are trying to describe.Answer:Thank you for your suggestions. I have supplemented pictures of cardi ac pathologic slices in the paper (Fig2).I have to apologize for giving you so much trouble because of those m isspelling and confusing statements (注:一般不是延误或人为失误,不必轻易道歉,按建议修改即可). Your comments and suggestions really he lped me a lot. I have put great efforts to this review. I wish it can be satisfactory.If there’s (注:正式信函不要简写)any information I can provide, pl ease don’t hesitate to contact me.Thank you again for your time and patience. Look forward to hear (注:语法错误)from you.Yours SincerelyXxxx Xxxx (通讯作者名)建议修改稿:Dear Dr. Bahl,Thanks you very much for your comments and suggestions.As suggested, we have conducted in vivo antivirus experiments. Mice w ere sacrificed on 15 days and 30 days after infection with virus B. M ortality, heart weight to body weight ratio (HW/BW), virus titers and pathologic scores were determined. In addition, mRNA expression of I L-10, IFN-γ and TNF-α were measured by RT-PCR.We have revised the manuscript, according to the comments and suggest ions of reviewers and editor, and responded, point by point to, the c omments as listed below. Since the paper has been revised significant ly throughout the text, we feel it is better not to highlight the ame ndments in the revised manuscript (正常情况最好表明修改处).The revised manuscript has been edited and proofread by a medical edi ting company in Hong Kong.I would like to re-submit this revised manuscript to Life Sciences, a nd hope it is acceptable for publication in the journal.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.With kindest regards,Yours SincerelyXxxx Xxxx (通讯作者名)Replies to Reviewers and EditorFirst of all, we thank both reviewers and editor for their positive a nd constructive comments and suggestions.Replies to Reviewer #1:Xxxxx (略)Replies to Reviewer #2:Xxxxx (略)Replies to the Editors note and suggestions:Title: Re-write the title to read more smoothly in contmeporary Engli shAnswer:I have rewrite the title to “The antivirus effects of Sophoridine ag ainst Coxsackievirus B3 and its pharmacokine tics in rats” to make it more clear and read more smoothly.Abstract: Re-write the abstract to read more smoothly.Answer:I have rewritten the abstract to make it more informative and read mo re smoothly.The authors should check to be sure that the terms blood samples, pla sma and serum are always used appropriately throughout the abstract a nd text.Answer:I have paid attention to this issue, and they are now used appropriat ely throughout the abstract and text in the revised manuscript.Introduction:some sentences can be made less passive.Answer:I have revised the whole paper to make sentences less passive with th e help of the editing company.The authors should check the entire manuscript for spelling errorsAnswer:This has been done by us as well as the editing company.The authors should read the guidelines to the authors and not include the first name of the authors being cited in the text. In the refere nce section the first name should be abbreviated as shown in the guid eline to authors (thus the earlier text reference should be (Liu et a l., 2003) and the remaining one should be (Chen et al., 2002)Answer:I have changed the style of references according to the journal.Rather than redrawing figure the authors may choose to ament the word ing of the statistical analysis section to state that the result of t ables aremeans +-SEM and for figures are +- SD.Answer:SD has been used throughout the text, and shown in the Figs. 3 and 4 in the revised manuscript.reviewer #1 comment number 8 and reviewer # 2 comment 3 might be sati fied by inclusion of a representative photo of cells and heart showin g CPE. Remember: most readers of the journal have never seen what you are trying to describe.Answer:Thank you very much for the suggestion. I have added pictures of card iac pathologic changes in the revised manuscript (Fig. 2).很好的经验,谢谢分享!31 January 2009 (第二讲)给审稿人的回复信论文题目:Clinical implications of XXXX (一种病理指标) in X cancer所投杂志:BMC Cancer.结果:这次大修后被接受发表(同时编辑在接受信中提出课题是否得到伦理委员会同意的问题。
829-1998_IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation
IEEE Std 829-1998(Revision ofIEEE Std 829-1983) IEEE Standard for Software Test DocumentationSponsorSoftware Engineering Technical Committeeof theIEEE Computer SocietyApproved 16 September 1998IEEE-SA Standards BoardAbstract: A set of basic software test documents is described. This standard speciÞes the form and content of individual test documents. It does not specify the required set of test documents. Keywords: test case specification, test design specification, test incident report, test item transmit-tal report, test log, test plan, test procedure specification, test summary reportIEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinat-ing Committees of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without compensation. They are not necessarily members of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside of IEEE that have expressed an inter-est in participating in the development of the standard.Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is sub-jected to review at least every Þve years for revision or reafÞrmation. When a document is more than Þve years old and has not been reafÞrmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reßect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership afÞliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments.Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to speciÞc applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards rep-resent a consensus of all concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason, IEEE and the members of its societies and Standards Coordinating Committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration.Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board445 Hoes LaneP.O. Box 1331Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331USAAuthorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., provided that the appropriate fee is paid to Copyright Clearance Center. To arrange for payment of licensing fee, please contact Copyright Clearance Center, Customer Service, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; (978) 750-8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for educational class-room use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center.Introduction(This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 829-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation.)PurposeThe purpose of this standard is to describe a set of basic software test documents. A standardized test docu-ment can facilitate communication by providing a common frame of reference (e.g., a customer and a supplier have the same deÞnition for a test plan). The content deÞnition of a standardized test document can serve as a completeness checklist for the associated testing process. A standardized set can also provide a baseline for the evaluation of current test documentation practices. In many organizations, the use of these documents signiÞcantly increases the manageability of testing. Increased manageability results from the greatly increased visibility of each phase of the testing process.This standard speciÞes the form and content of individual test documents. It does not specify the required set of test documents. It is assumed that the required set of test documents will be speciÞed when the standard is applied. Annex B contains an example of such a set speciÞcation.The readers of this standard are referred to Annex C for guidelines for using this standard to meet the requirements of IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997, IEEE/EIA Guide for Information TechnologyÑSoftware life cycle processesÑLife cycle data.OverviewThe documents outlined in this standard cover test planning, test speciÞcation, and test reporting.The test plan prescribes the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of the testing activities. It identiÞes the items to be tested, the features to be tested, the testing tasks to be performed, the personnel responsible for each task, and the risks associated with the plan.Test speciÞcation is covered by three document types:Ñ A test design speciÞcation reÞnes the test approach and identiÞes the features to be covered by the design and its associated tests. It also identiÞes the test cases and test procedures, if any, required to accomplish the testing and speciÞes the feature pass/fail criteria.Ñ A test case speciÞcation documents the actual values used for input along with the anticipated out-puts. A test case also identiÞes constraints on the test procedures resulting from use of that speciÞc test case. Test cases are separated from test designs to allow for use in more than one design and to allow for reuse in other situations.Ñ A test procedure speciÞcation identiÞes all steps required to operate the system and exercise the speciÞed test cases in order to implement the associated test design. Test procedures are separated from test design speciÞcations as they are intended to be followed step by step and should not have extraneous detail.Test reporting is covered by four document types:Ñ A test item transmittal report identiÞes the test items being transmitted for testing in the event that separate development and test groups are involved or in the event that a formal beginning of test exe-cution is desired.Ñ A test log is used by the test team to record what occurred during test execution.Ñ A test incident report describes any event that occurs during the test execution which requires further investigation.Ñ A test summary report summarizes the testing activities associated with one or more test design spec-iÞcations.Figure 1 shows the relationships of these documents to one another as they are developed and to the testing process they document.Figure 1ÑRelationship of test documents to testing processTerminologyThe words shall, must, and the imperative form identify the mandatory material within this standard. The words should and may identify optional material.AnnexesThe examples found in Annex A are meant to clarify the intent of the document descriptions found in the standard. Some suggestions about implementing and using the standard are in Annex B. Guidelines for compliance with IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997 are provided in Annex C.AudienceThis standard should be of interest to software users and software procurement personnel; to development,test, and maintenance personnel; to operations and acquisition support managers; to software quality assur-ance personnel and auditors; and to participants in the legal system.ParticipantsThis revision was prepared by the Life Cycle Data Harmonization Working Group of the Software Engineer-ing Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society. At the time this standard was approved, the work-ing group consisted of the following members:Leonard L. Tripp, ChairThe following persons were on the balloting committee:Edward ByrnePaul R. CrollPerry DeWeeseRobin FralickMarilyn Ginsberg-FinnerJohn HarauzMark Henley Dennis Lawrence David Maibor Ray Milovanovic James Moore Timothy Niesen Dennis Rilling Terry Rout Richard Schmidt Norman F. Schneidewind David Schultz Basil Sherlund Peter V oldner Ronald WadeSyed AliH. Ronald BerlackRichard E. BiehlSandro BolognaJuris BorzovsAudrey C BrewerKathleen L. BriggsM. Scott BuckMichael CaldwellJames E. CardowJaya R. CarlEnrico A. CarraraLawrence CatchpoleKeith ChanAntonio M. CicuTheo ClarkeSylvain ClermontRosemary ColemanVirgil Lee CooperW. W. Geoff CozensPaul R. CrollPatricia W. DaggettGregory T. Daich Geoffrey Darnton Taz Daughtrey Bostjan K. Derganc Perry R. DeWeese Evelyn S. Dow Carl Einar Dragstedt Charles Droz Sherman Eagles Leo Egan Richard L. Evans William Eventoff Richard E. Fairley John W. Fendrich Jay Forster Kirby Fortenberry Eva Freund Richard C. Fries Roger U. Fujii David Gelperin Adel N. Ghannam Marilyn Ginsberg-Finner John Garth Glynn Julio Gonzalez-Sanz L. M. Gunther David A. Gustafson Jon D. Hagar John Harauz Herbert Hecht Debra Herrmann Umesh P. Hiriyannaiah John W. Horch Jerry Huller Peter L. Hung George Jackelen Frank V . Jorgensen Vladan V . Jovanovic William S. Junk George X. Kambic Ron S. Kenett Judith S. Kerner Robert J. Kierzyk Shaye Koenig Thomas M. Kurihara John B. Lane J. Dennis Lawrence Randal LeavittWhen the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 16 September 1998, it had the following membership:Richard J. Holleman, Chair Donald N. Heirman, Vice ChairJudith Gorman, Secretary*Member EmeritusValerie E. ZelentyIEEE Standards Project EditorFang Ching LimWilliam M. LivelyJohn LordStan MageeDavid MaiborHarold MainsRobert A. MartinMike McAndrewPatrick D. McCraySue McGrathJacques MeekelJames Bret MichaelAlan MillerCelia H. ModellJames W. MoorePavol NavratMyrna L. OlsonIndradeb P. PalAlex PolackPeter T. PoonLawrence S. Przybylski Kenneth R. Ptack Ann E. Reedy Annette D. Reilly Terence P. Rout Andrew P. Sage Helmut Sandmayr Stephen R. Schach Hans Schaefer Norman Schneidewind David J. Schultz Lisa A. Selmon Robert W. Shillato David M. Siefert Carl A. Singer Nancy M. Smith Alfred R. Sorkowitz Donald W. Sova Luca Spotorno Julia Stesney Fred J. Strauss Christine Brown Strysik Sandra Swearingen Toru Takeshita Richard H. Thayer Booker Thomas Patricia Trellue Leonard L. Tripp Theodore J. Urbanowicz Glenn D. Venables Andre Villas-Boas Udo V oges Delores Wallace William M. Walsh John W. Walz Camille S. White-Partain Scott A. Whitmire P. A. Wolfgang Paul R. Work Natalie C. Yopconka Janusz Zalewski Geraldine Zimmerman Peter F. ZollSatish K. Aggarwal Clyde R. Camp James T. Carlo Gary R. Engmann Harold E. Epstein Jay Forster*Thomas F. Garrity Ruben D. GarzonJames H. GurneyJim D. IsaakLowell G. JohnsonRobert KennellyE. G. ÒAlÓ KienerJoseph L. KoepÞnger*Stephen R. LambertJim LogothetisDonald C. Loughry L. Bruce McClung Louis-Fran•ois Pau Ronald C. Petersen Gerald H. Peterson John B. Posey Gary S. Robinson Hans E. Weinrich Donald W. ZipseContents1.Scope (1)2.References (2)3.Definitions (2)4.Test plan (3)4.1Purpose (3)4.2Outline (3)5.Test design specification (6)5.1Purpose (6)5.2Outline (6)6.Test case specification (7)6.1Purpose (7)6.2Outline (7)7.Test procedure specification (9)7.1Purpose (9)7.2Outline (9)8.Test item transmittal report (10)8.1Purpose (10)8.2Outline (11)9.Test log (11)9.1Purpose (11)9.2Outline (12)10.Test incident report (13)10.1Purpose (13)10.2Outline (13)11.Test summary report (14)11.1 Purpose (14)11.2 Outline (14)Annex A (informative) Examples (16)Annex B(informative) Implementation and usage guidelines (40)Annex C(informative) Guidelines for compliance with IEEE/EIA 12207.1-1997 (41)IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation1. ScopeThis standard describes a set of basic test documents that are associated with the dynamic aspects of soft-ware testing (i.e, the execution of procedures and code). The standard deÞnes the purpose, outline, and content of each basic document. While the documents described in the standard focus on dynamic testing, several of them may be applicable to other testing activities (e.g., the test plan and test incident report may be used for design and code reviews).This standard may be applied to commercial, scientiÞc, or military software that runs on any digital computer. Applicability is not restricted by the size, complexity, or criticality of the software. However, the standard does not specify any class of software to which it must be applied. The standard addresses the documentation of both initial development testing and the testing of subsequent software releases. For a particular software release, it may be applied to all phases of testing from module testing through user acceptance. However, since all of the basic test documents may not be useful in each test phase, the particu-lar documents to be used in a phase are not speciÞed. Each organization using the standard will need to spec-ify the classes of software to which it applies and the speciÞc documents required for a particular test phase. The standard does not call for speciÞc testing methodologies, approaches, techniques, facilities, or tools, and does not specify the documentation of their use. Additional test documentation may be required (e.g., code inspection checklists and reports). The standard also does not imply or impose speciÞc methodologies for documentation control, conÞguration management, or quality assurance. Additional documentation (e.g., a quality assurance plan) may be needed depending on the particular methodologies used.Within each standard document, the content of each section (i.e., the text that covers the designated topics) may be tailored to the particular application and the particular testing phase. In addition to tailoring content, additional documents may be added to the basic set, additional sections may be added to any document, and additional content may be added to any section. It may be useful to organize some of the sections into subsections. Some or all of the contents of a section may be contained in another document which is then referenced. Each organization using the standard should specify additional content requirements and conventions in order to reßect their own particular methodologies, approaches, facilities, and tools for test-ing, documentation control, conÞguration management, and quality assurance.This standard applies to documentation on electronic media as well as paper. Paper must be used for docu-ments requiring approval signatures, unless the electronic documentation system has a secure approval anno-tation mechanism and that mechanism is used.IEEEStd 829-1998IEEE ST ANDARD FOR 2. ReferencesThis standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publication.IEEE Std 610.12-1990, IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology.13. DeÞnitionsThis clause contains key terms as they are used in this standard.3.1 design level: The design decomposition of the software item (e.g., system, subsystem, program, or module).3.2 pass/fail criteria: Decision rules used to determine whether a software item or a software feature passes or fails a test.3.3 software feature: A distinguishing characteristic of a software item (e.g., performance, portability, or functionality).3.4 software item: Source code, object code, job control code, control data, or a collection of these items.3.5 test:(A) A set of one or more test cases, or (B) A set of one or more test procedures, or (C) A set of one or more test cases and procedures.3.6 test case speciÞcation: A document specifying inputs, predicted results, and a set of execution condi-tions for a test item.3.7 test design speciÞcation: A document specifying the details of the test approach for a software feature or combination of software features and identifying the associated tests.3.8 test incident report: A document reporting on any event that occurs during the testing process which requires investigation.3.9 testing: The process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions (that is, bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item.3.10 test item: A software item which is an object of testing.3.11 test item transmittal report: A document identifying test items. It contains current status and location information.3.12 test log: A chronological record of relevant details about the execution of tests.3.13 test plan: A document describing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended testing activities. It identiÞes test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, and any risks requiring contingency planning.3.14 test procedure speciÞcation: A document specifying a sequence of actions for the execution of a test.3.15 test summary report: A document summarizing testing activities and results. It also contains an evalu-ation of the corresponding test items.1IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA (/).IEEE SOFTWARE TEST DOCUMENT A TION Std 829-1998 4. Test plan4.1 PurposeTo prescribe the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of the testing activities. To identify the items being tested, the features to be tested, the testing tasks to be performed, the personnel responsible for each task, and the risks associated with this plan.4.2 OutlineA test plan shall have the following structure:a)Test plan identiÞer;b)Introduction;c)Test items;d)Features to be tested;e)Features not to be tested;f)Approach;g)Item pass/fail criteria;h)Suspension criteria and resumption requirements;i)Test deliverables;j)Testing tasks;k)Environmental needs;l)Responsibilities;m)StafÞng and training needs;n)Schedule;o)Risks and contingencies;p)Approvals.The sections shall be ordered in the speciÞed sequence. Additional sections may be included immediately prior to Approvals. If some or all of the content of a section is in another document, then a reference to that material may be listed in place of the corresponding content. The referenced material must be attached to the test plan or available to users of the plan.Details on the content of each section are contained in the following subclauses.4.2.1 Test plan identiÞerSpecify the unique identiÞer assigned to this test plan.4.2.2 IntroductionSummarize the software items and software features to be tested. The need for each item and its history may be included.References to the following documents, when they exist, are required in the highest level test plan:a)Project authorization;b)Project plan;c)Quality assurance plan;d)ConÞguration management plan;e)Relevant policies;f)Relevant standards.IEEEStd 829-1998IEEE ST ANDARD FOR In multilevel test plans, each lower-level plan must reference the next higher-level plan.4.2.3 Test itemsIdentify the test items including their version/revision level. Also specify characteristics of their transmittal media that impact hardware requirements or indicate the need for logical or physical transformations before testing can begin (e.g., programs must be transferred from tape to disk).Supply references to the following test item documentation, if it exists:a)Requirements speciÞcation;b)Design speciÞcation;c)Users guide;d)Operations guide;e)Installation guide.Reference any incident reports relating to the test items.Items that are to be speciÞcally excluded from testing may be identiÞed.4.2.4 Features to be testedIdentify all software features and combinations of software features to be tested. Identify the test design speciÞcation associated with each feature and each combination of features.4.2.5 Features not to be testedIdentify all features and signiÞcant combinations of features that will not be tested and the reasons.4.2.6 ApproachDescribe the overall approach to testing. For each major group of features or feature combinations, specify the approach that will ensure that these feature groups are adequately tested. Specify the major activities, techniques, and tools that are used to test the designated groups of features.The approach should be described in sufÞcient detail to permit identiÞcation of the major testing tasks and estimation of the time required to do each one.Specify the minimum degree of comprehensiveness desired. Identify the techniques that will be used to judge the comprehensiveness of the testing effort (e.g., determining which statements have been executed at least once). Specify any additional completion criteria (e.g., error frequency). The techniques to be used to trace requirements should be speciÞed.Identify signiÞcant constraints on testing such as test item availability, testing resource availability, and deadlines.4.2.7 Item pass/fail criteriaSpecify the criteria to be used to determine whether each test item has passed or failed testing.4.2.8 Suspension criteria and resumption requirementsSpecify the criteria used to suspend all or a portion of the testing activity on the test items associated with this plan. Specify the testing activities that must be repeated, when testing is resumed.IEEE SOFTWARE TEST DOCUMENT A TION Std 829-1998 4.2.9 Test deliverablesIdentify the deliverable documents. The following documents should be included:a)Test plan;b)Test design speciÞcations;c)Test case speciÞcations;d)Test procedure speciÞcations;e)Test item transmittal reports;f)Test logs;g)Test incident reports;h)Test summary reports.Test input data and test output data should be identiÞed as deliverables.Test tools (e.g., module drivers and stubs) may also be included.4.2.10 Testing tasksIdentify the set of tasks necessary to prepare for and perform testing. Identify all intertask dependencies and any special skills required.4.2.11 Environmental needsSpecify both the necessary and desired properties of the test environment. This speciÞcation should contain the physical characteristics of the facilities including the hardware, the communications and system soft-ware, the mode of usage (e.g., stand-alone), and any other software or supplies needed to support the test. Also specify the level of security that must be provided for the test facilities, system software, and propri-etary components such as software, data, and hardware.Identify special test tools needed. Identify any other testing needs (e.g., publications or ofÞce space). Iden-tify the source for all needs that are not currently available to the test group.4.2.12 ResponsibilitiesIdentify the groups responsible for managing, designing, preparing, executing, witnessing, checking, and resolving. In addition, identify the groups responsible for providing the test items identiÞed in 4.2.3 and the environmental needs identiÞed in 4.2.11.These groups may include the developers, testers, operations staff, user representatives, technical support staff, data administration staff, and quality support staff.4.2.13 StafÞng and training needsSpecify test stafÞng needs by skill level. Identify training options for providing necessary skills.4.2.14 ScheduleInclude test milestones identiÞed in the software project schedule as well as all item transmittal events.DeÞne any additional test milestones needed. Estimate the time required to do each testing task. Specify the schedule for each testing task and test milestone. For each testing resource (i.e., facilities, tools, and staff), specify its periods of use.IEEEStd 829-1998IEEE ST ANDARD FOR 4.2.15 Risks and contingenciesIdentify the high-risk assumptions of the test plan. Specify contingency plans for each (e.g., delayed delivery of test items might require increased night shift scheduling to meet the delivery date).4.2.16 ApprovalsSpecify the names and titles of all persons who must approve this plan. Provide space for the signatures and dates.5. Test design speciÞcation5.1 PurposeTo specify reÞnements of the test approach and to identify the features to be tested by this design and its associated tests.5.2 OutlineA test design speciÞcation shall have the following structure:a)Test design speciÞcation identiÞer;b)Features to be tested;c)Approach reÞnements;d)Test identiÞcation;e)Feature pass/fail criteria.The sections shall be ordered in the speciÞed sequence. Additional sections may be included at the end. If some or all of the content of a section is in another document, then a reference to that material may be listed in place of the corresponding content. The referenced material must be attached to the test design speciÞca-tion or available to users of the design speciÞcation.Details on the content of each section are contained in the following subclauses.5.2.1 Test design speciÞcation identiÞerSpecify the unique identiÞer assigned to this test design speciÞcation. Supply a reference to the associated test plan, if it exists.5.2.2 Features to be testedIdentify the test items and describe the features and combinations of features that are the object of this design speciÞcation. Other features may be exercised, but need not be identiÞed.For each feature or feature combination, a reference to its associated requirements in the item requirement speciÞcation or design description should be included.5.2.3 Approach reÞnementsSpecify reÞnements to the approach described in the test plan. Include speciÞc test techniques to be used. The method of analyzing test results should be identiÞed (e.g., comparator programs or visual inspection).IEEE SOFTWARE TEST DOCUMENT A TION Std 829-1998 Specify the results of any analysis that provides a rationale for test case selection. For example, one might specify conditions that permit a determination of error tolerance (e.g., those conditions that distinguish valid inputs from invalid inputs).Summarize the common attributes of any test cases. This may include input constraints that must be true for every input in the set of associated test cases, any shared environmental needs, any shared special procedural requirements, and any shared case dependencies.5.2.4 Test identiÞcationList the identiÞer and a brief description of each test case associated with this design. A particular test case may be identiÞed in more than one test design speciÞcation. List the identiÞer and a brief description of each procedure associated with this test design speciÞcation.5.2.5 Feature pass/fail criteriaSpecify the criteria to be used to determine whether the feature or feature combination has passed or failed.6. Test case speciÞcation6.1 PurposeTo deÞne a test case identiÞed by a test design speciÞcation.6.2 OutlineA test case speciÞcation shall have the following structure:a)Test case speciÞcation identiÞer;b)Test items;c)Input speciÞcations;d)Output speciÞcations;e)Environmental needs;f)Special procedural requirements;g)Intercase dependencies.The sections shall be ordered in the speciÞed sequence. Additional sections may be included at the end. If some or all of the content of a section is in another document, then a reference to that material may be listed in place of the corresponding content. The referenced material must be attached to the test case speciÞcation or available to users of the case speciÞcation.Since a test case may be referenced by several test design speciÞcations used by different groups over a long time period, enough speciÞc information must be included in the test case speciÞcation to permit reuse. Details on the content of each section are contained in the following subclauses.6.2.1 Test case speciÞcation identiÞerSpecify the unique identiÞer assigned to this test case speciÞcation.。
Conferences, workshops and journals
INTELLIGENTTRANSPORTATIONSYSTEMS/itsIEEE ITS SOCIETY NEWSLETTEREditor:Prof.Bart van Arem,b.vanarem@utwente.nl Vol.9,No.2,June2007In This IssueSociety News3Message from the Editor:Bart van Arem (3)Message VP Member Activities:Christoph Stiller (3)Message VP Technical Activities:Daniel Zeng (4)Bookreview:Algirdas Pakstas (6)IEEE Trans.on ITS Report:Alberto Broggi (8)IEEE Transactions on ITS-Index:Simona Bert´e (10)Technical Contributions17Second Generation Controller Interface Device Design,byZhen Li,Michael Kyte,Brian K.Johnson,RichardB.Wells,Ahmed Abdel-Rahim and Darcy Bullock.17Research Programs25Research Review,by Angelos Amditis (25)Conferences,Workshops,Symposia29By Massimo Bertozzi and Alessandra Fascioli (36)THEIEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMSSOCIETY——————————————President2007:................Fei-Yue Wang,CAS,China and U.of Arizona,Tucson,AZ85721,USA President Elect2007:William T.Scherer,University of Virginia,Charlottesville,VA22904-4747,USA Vice President Financial Activities:..........Sudarshan S.Chawathe,University of Maine,Orono,ME04469-5752,USA Vice President for Publication Activities:..........Jason Geng,Rockville,MD20895-2504,USA Vice President for Conference Activities:..Umit Ozguner,Ohio State University,Columbus,OH43210,USA Vice President Technical Activities:..................Daniel Zeng,University of Arizona,Tucson,AZ85721,USA Vice President Administrative Activities:......Daniel J.Daily,University of Washington,Seattle,WA98195,USA Vice President Member Activities:........Christoph Stiller,Universit¨a t Karlsruhe,76131Karlruhe,Germany Transactions Editor:.....................Alberto Broggi,Universit`a di Parma,Parma,I-43100,Italy Newsletter Editor:...Bart van Arem,University of Twente,Enschede,NL-7500AE,The NetherlandsCOMMITTEESAwards Committee:Chip White(Chair):...................................cwhite@ Conferences and Meetings Committee:Umit Ozguner(Chair):..............u.ozguner@ Constitution and Bylaws Committee:Daniel J.Dailey(Chair):...............d.dailey@ Fellow Evaluation Committee:Petros Ioannou(Chair):..........................ioannou@ Finance Committee:Sudarshan S.Chawathe(Chair): History Committee:E.Ryerson Case(Chair):......................................r.case@ Long Range Planning Committee:Pitu B.Mirchandani(Chair):...........pitu@ Member Activities Committee:Christoph Stiller(Chair):......................stiller@a.de Nominations and Appointments Committee:William T.Scherer(Chair):.....w.scherer@ Publications Committee:Jason Geng(Chair):...............................jason.geng@ Standards Committee:Jason Geng(Chair):..................................jason.geng@ Student Activities Committee:Shuming Tang(Chair):..........................sharron@ Technical Activities Committee:Daniel Zeng(Chair):...................zeng@Society NewsFrom the Editorby Bart van AremDear reader of this newsletter,It is my pleasure to present to you the second newsletter of the ITS Society in2007.In this newsletter you willfind the usual content.In particular I would like to ask your attention for the technical activities of the ITS Society:there are now11technical committees covering a wide range of ITS topics and3more committees will be formed.You can learn more about these activities and how you can join in this newsletter.After this newsletter,Charles Herget(c.herget@)will be the new Editor in Chief of the newslet-ter.It has been my pleasure to serve the IEEE ITS Society during the past3years.In these years,the production of the newsletter was organized in a more professional way by setting up an Editorial Board and introducing the book review and research review sections.The user needs survey that we conducted shows that you the newsletter,The number of downloads of the newsletter has been steadily growing from1,000 in2005to about1,500now.I want to thank you as a reader for your appreciation,the ITS Society for their confidence and Dorette Alink-Olthof for the technical production and layout and Rob Quentemeijer for maintaining the e-mail list.I wish you the best!Bart van AremMessage from the VP Member Activitiesby Christoph StillerMessage from the VP of Member Activities by Christoph StillerMeanwhile,the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society(ITSS)has become a well established authority in the ITSfield.Every month,new professionals join us,thus improving their network with inter-disciplinary experts which is a keystone for a successful carreer.Since last year the ITSS promotes young as well as experienced engineers in ITS through its award pro-gramme.The following four ITSS awards will be presented at the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference in Seattle this autumn.1.IEEE ITSS Best Ph.D.Dissertation Award2.IEEE ITSS Best Practice Award for Engineers3.IEEE ITSS Technical Career Achievement Award4.IEEE ITSS Leadership Award for Government,Institutes,and ResearchI am personally looking forward to see the winners of these awards at the ITSC conference in Seattle Sep. 30-Oct.3,2007!IEEE ITSS MEMBERSHIP:OPENING THE WORLD OF ITS TECHNOLOGYRemember to renew Your Membership for2007Join the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society ITSS membership includes the Transactions on ITS:/renewMessage from the VP Technical Activitiesby Daniel ZengDear Colleagues,I would like to take this opportunity to update you about ITSS Technical sub-Committees(TCs).These TCs,organized by ITS subject topics,are a central part of the ITSS Technical Activity Board(TAB).They are expected to promote various areas of ITS research by organizing special sessions at the ITSS-sponsored conferences,editing special sections/issues for the Transactions and the Newsletter,and pursuing other tech-nical activities with partners within or outside of the ITSS.Through efforts in the past couple of years,ITSS has extended the coverage of its TCs significantly.Now it has11TCs:•Mobile Communication Networks•Intelligence and Security Informatics for Transportation Systems•Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation•Logistics and Services•Railroad Systems and Applications•ITS for Air Traffic•Communication Networks•Mechatronic and Embedded Systems in ITS•Port Automation and Management•Vehicle Safety Technologies and Applications•Software Infrastructure in ITSMany TCs have been very active in organizing ITSS events including both ITSS-sponsored conferences and special sessions within ITSS main events.They have also done a superb job reaching out to other profes-sional groups for joint technical activities.These efforts are certainly greatly appreciated by the ITSS and its members!We are continuing the expansion of the TC coverage.In the short term,we are hoping to form3more TCs covering the following critical areas:•Traffic and Travel Management•Public Transportation Management•Intelligent Water Transportation SystemsWe are encouraging established researchers in these areas to take the lead in setting up these TCs and certainly welcome our members to participate actively in these TCs.Please drop me an email atzeng@ if you have an interest.Of course,other suggestions about future ITSS technical activities are always welcome as well.Enjoy your summer!Bookreviewby Algirdas Pakstas London Metropolitan UniversityBook Review:Parking Management Best PracticesBy Todd LitmanReviewed by Dr.Farhi Marir,Knowledge Management Research Group,London Metropolitan Univer-sityThis book is written by Todd Litman who is the executive director ofthe Victoria Transport Policy Institute,an independent research organi-zation dedicated to developing innovative solutions to transport problems.His research is used worldwide in transport planning and policy analy-sis.In this book,Litman puts in writing his experience of best prac-tice in parking management,which is a major issue for a large numberof stake holders of parking space;the car drivers who is not happy whenthere is no parking space,the government which can not afford to main-tain large number of parking space,businesses who are not happy becausethey loose their customers when there is not enough parking space,thelocal communities who are asking for better land use and better environ-ment.The book in its introduction put forward strong arguments to the stakeholders that the solution to this conflict is not about providing abundantand free parking spaces but it is about managing efficiently these parkingspaces instead.The author presents a variety of strategies that encouragemore efficient use of existing parking facilities,improve the quality of serviceprovided to parking facility users and improve parking facility design.He also argues that the strategies put forward can help address a wide range of transportation problems,land use development,economic,and environmental objectives.The author devoted292pages in this book(8Chapters,Glossary and Index)to consolidate his strate-gies and present parking management best practices.Chapter1(Introduction)emphasises that parking is an important component of the transportation system. It presents the benefits of better management of parking space on individual,businesses and communities. It also presents different strategies for parking facilities efficiency and the parking management principles. Then,in Section two,the author emphasises that parking management represents a paradigm shift from the old paradigm which strives to maximise supply and minimise price to the new paradigm which strives to provide optimal parking supply and price.It consolidates these arguments by providing summaries of cost benefit analysis.Based on this paradigm shift and the results of the cost benefit analyses,the third Section redefines the parking problem supported by an extensive comparison of the increased supply against management solutions.Chapter2(How Much is Optimal?)focuses on how to achieve the objective of the new paradigm in terms of optimal parking supply and optimal pricing.In thefirst Section of this Chapter the author highlights the problem of the planner of the parking supply who,instead of using economic theory to determine optimal parking supply to satisfy the consumers,relies on recommended minimum standards published by profes-sional organisations.Although these standards seem rational and efficient,they are developed based onvarious biases that drive towards excessive parking supply.In Section two and three,the author presents conventional standards limitations and the evidence that they lead to excessive parking supply.Then in Section four,the author presents better ways that determine how much parking to supply.He argues that it will be more efficient to use efficiency-based standards that take into account specific needs of each location and its geographic,demographic,and economic factors.He backed this Chapter with16references and information resources.In Chapter3(Factors Affecting Parking Demand and Requirements),the author argues that many parking management strategies use these factors to increase efficiency and reduce the supply of parking needed at a particular location.In Section one,it is discussed how parking demand is affected by parking facility location,type and design and how this compares with other nearby portions.In Section two it is analysed how the geography factor is affecting parking demand.For instance,residents of communities with more diverse transportation systems tend to own fewer cars and take fewer vehicle trips than in more automobile-dependent areas.The third Section is devoted to the demographic factors,which affects vehicle ownership and use where for instance communities composed of students,renters,elderly people with disability tend to own fewer cars.In the last three Sections the author discusses in details how the pricing and regulations, parking mobility management programme and time period affect the parking demands.This Chapter ends with evaluation of multiple factors and33references and information sources used by the author to consoli-date his discussion.In Chapter4(Parking Facility Costs),the author emphasises that the major benefit of parking management is the ability to reduce various parking costs.He states that the magnitude of saving is an important factor when it comes to the evaluation of parking management strategies.In thefirstfive Sections of this Chapter, the author discusses the costs of parking space in terms of land use,construction of above ground parking, operation and maintenance of parking space,transaction such as cost for equipment,signs,attendants and other associated costs.In the Section seven and eight,the author presents the total and the sunk costs for parking and put some arguments that if an efficient parking management is in place it does not only reduce these costs but provides indirect benefits.In the last three Sections,the author presents an extensive comparisons between parking costs with total development costs and other transaction costs and he also highlights the implication of under priced costs.This Chapter ends with18references and information resources.Chapter5(Parking Management Strategies)is the largest Chapter where three strategies are described and evaluated extensively:strategies that increase parking facilities efficiency,strategies that reduce park-ing demand and support strategies.Each strategy is described in details including its impacts on parking demand and requirements,its benefit,costs and consumer impacts,where it could be best applied,how it could be implemented and its lists of useful reference and source of additional information.This Chapter is the core of this book where the author lays out his extensive experience and best practice that could be used by planners to implement an efficient parking management strategy.In this Chapter there are109references and information sources for the strategies that increase parking facilities efficiency,102references and infor-mation resources for strategies that reduce parking demand and76references and information resources for support strategies.Chapter6(Developing an Integrated Parking Plan)provides a clear and concise methodology for developing an integrated parking plan that includes an optimal combination of complementary management strategies. It describes the steps for an efficient planning process,providing leadership for innovation and cost benefits analysis in terms additional income,cost saving and increased benefits to users and community.These steps are enhanced with real world example to support the planner in his decisions.This Chapter ends with15 references and information resources.Chapter7(Evaluating Individual Parking Facilities)equips the planner with tools which can help to evalu-ate specific parking facilities in terms of various parking performance indicators and management strategies. This Chapter is enriched with many examples of well designed and efficiently managed parking facilities in contrast to unattractive and poorly managed parking facilities.This Chapter is another additional incentiveand supports the planner for better innovation when there is a need for planning or designing new parking facilities.This Chapter ends with16references and information resources.Chapter8(Examples)is devoted to description of examples/case studies of the various types of parking management.The study includes the description of the situation,a discussion on how practically the park-ing management could be applied,and also the list of appropriate parking management strategies best suited for that situation.This Chapter ends with16references and information resources.Glossary contains a rich set of terms related to Parking Management.Additional Chapter of References contains46references and information resources,which are relevant to the whole area considered in this book.The book is ended with Index on7pages.Parking Management Best Practices,By Todd Litman2006,292p.,Hardcover,ISBN:978-1-932364-05-7Publisher’s recommended price:69.95USDReport on IEEE Trans.on Intelligent Transportation Systems by Alberto BroggiTransactions EiC report,updated June1,2007Number of submissions:The number of submissions is increasing:167in2004,157in2005,234in2006,and97in thefirst5 months of2007.Rapid posting:All papers appear on Explore before being printed,thanks to rapid posting.Authors have expressed interest in this way of disseminating their results independently of the actual publication.Please be advised that authors can post their papers on their websites provided they add the specific disclaimer supplied by IEEE.Special Issues:The following special issues are under way:-special issue on On-the-road Mobile Networks-special issue on ITSC06Type of accepted manuscripts:From Jan1,2007,T-ITS accepts the following type of manuscripts:-regular papers-short papers(formerly known as’technical correspondences’)-survey papers(formerly known as’reviews’)-practitioners papersMaximum number of pages:From the2007September issue,the policy on the maximum number of pages will change:regular papers will be allowed10pages,short papers and practitioners papers6,while there will be no limit to survey papers. Current status:The attachedfigure shows:in blue the number of papers submitted in each month from April2003(when we switched to electronic submission),and in red the number of papers still without a decision;this means that either thefirst submission did not come to an end,or that a new revision is currently under evaluation. Thefigure shows that the trend is positive and,a part from isolated cases,all submitted papers receive a notification in a reasonably short time.IEEE Trans.on Intelligent Transportation Systems-Indexby Simona Bert´eWe are happy to present you an extension of this section in which you normally canfind the titles and abstracts of the upcoming issue of our Transactions.To go directly to the online Transactions Table of Contents,click on”Index”above.In addition we will give you the index of the past issue including direct access using a hyperlink.By using this link IEEE ITSS members have full access to the papers.Non-members can browse the abstracts.We hope you will appreciate this new feature.Vol.8,No.2,June2007:this issue is a collection of two special sections(on ITSC05and on ICVES05)•Video and Seismic Sensor-Based Structural Health Monitoring:Framework,Algorithms, and Implementation,by Gandhi,T.,Chang,R.and Trivedi,M.M.Abstract:This paper presents the design and application of novel multisensory testbeds forcollection,synchronization,archival,and analysis of multimodal data for health monitoring oftransportation infrastructures.The framework for data capture from vision and seismic sensorsis described,and the important issue of synchronization between these modalities is addressed.Computer-vision algorithms are used to detect and track vehicles and extract their properties.It isnoted that the video and seismic sensors in the testbed supply complementary information aboutpassing vehicles.Data fusion between features obtained from these modalities is used to per-form vehicle classification.Experimental results of vehicle detection,tracking,and classificationobtained with these testbeds are described.Page(s):169-180Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TITS.2006.888601AbstractPlus—Full Text:PDF(1309KB)Rights and Permissions•Determining Traffic-Flow Characteristics by Definition for Application in ITS,by Ni,D.Abstract:Traffic-flow characteristics such asflow,density,and space mean speed(SMS)arecritical to Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS).For example,flow is a direct measure ofthroughput,density is an ideal indicator of traffic conditions,and SMS is the primary input tocompute travel times.An attractive method to compute traffic-flow characteristics in ITS isexpected to meet the following criteria:1)It should be a one-stop solution,meaning it involvesonly one type of sensor that is able to determineflow,SMS,and density;2)it should be accurate,meaning it determines these characteristics by definition rather than by estimation or by usingsurrogates;3)it should preserve the fundamental relationship amongflow,SMS,and density;and4)it should be compatible with ITS,meaning it uses ITS data and supports online application.Existing methods may be good for one or some of the above criteria,but none satisfies all ofthem.This paper tackles the challenge by formulating a method,called the n−t method,whichaddresses all these criteria.Its accuracy and the fundamental relationship are guaranteed byapplying a generalized definition of traffic-flow characteristics.Inputs to the method are time-stamped traffic counts which happen to be the strength of most ITS systems.Some empiricalexamples are provided to demonstrate the performance of the n−t method.Page(s):181-187Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TITS.2006.888621AbstractPlus—Full Text:PDF(607KB)Rights and Permissions•A Traffic Accident Recording and Reporting Model at Intersections,by Ki,Y.-K.and Lee, D.-Y.Abstract:In this paper,we suggested a vision-based traffic accident detection algorithm and developed a system for automatically detecting,recording,and reporting traffic accidents at inter-sections.A system with these properties would be beneficial in determining the cause of accidents and the features of an intersection that impact safety.This modelfirst extracts the vehicles from the video image of the charge-couple-device camera,tracks the moving vehicles(MVs),and ex-tracts features such as the variation rate of the velocity,position,area,and direction of MVs.The model then makes decisions on the traffic accident based on the extracted features.In afield test,the suggested model achieved a correct detection rate(CDR)of50%and a detection rate of 60%.Considering that a sound-based accident detection system showed a CDR of1%and a DR of66.1%,our result is a remarkable achievement.Page(s):188-194Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TITS.2006.890070AbstractPlus—Full Text:PDF(506KB)Rights and Permissions•Elucidating Vehicle Lateral Dynamics Using a Bifurcation Analysis,by Liaw,D.-C.,Chiang, H.-H.and Lee,T.-T.Abstract:Issues of stability and bifurcation phenomena in vehicle lateral dynamics are pre-sented.Based on the assumption of constant driving speed,a second-order nonlinear lateral dynamics model is obtained.Local stability and existence conditions for saddle-node bifurcation appearing in vehicle dynamics with respect to the variations in front wheel steering angle are then derived via system linearization and local bifurcation analysis.Bifurcation phenomena occurring in vehicle lateral dynamics might result in spin and/or system instability.A perturbation method is employed to solve for an approximation of system equilibrium near the zero value of the front wheel steering angle,which reveals the relationship between sideslip angle and the applied front wheel angle.Numerical simulations from an example model demonstrate the theoretical results. Page(s):195-207Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TITS.2006.888598AbstractPlus—Full Text:PDF(868KB)Rights and Permissions•Conflict Resolution and Train Speed Coordination for Solving Real-Time Timetable Per-turbations,by D’Ariano,A.,Pranzo,M.and Hansen,I.A.Abstract:During rail operations,unforeseen events may cause timetable perturbations,which ask for the capability of traffic management systems to reschedule trains and to restore the timetable feasibility.Based on an accurate monitoring of train positions and speeds,potential conflicting routes can be predicted in advance and resolved in real time.The adjusted targets (locationtimespeed)would be then communicated to the relevant trains by which drivers should be able to anticipate the changed traffic circumstances and adjust the train’s speed accordingly.We adopt a detailed alternative graph model for the train dispatching problem.Conflicts be-tween different trains are effectively detected and solved.Adopting the blocking time model, we ascertain whether a safe distance headway between trains is respected,and we also consider speed coordination issues among consecutive trains.An iterative rescheduling procedure provides an acceptable speed profile for each train over the intended time horizon.After afinite number of iterations,thefinal solution is a conflict-free schedule that respects the signaling and safety constraints.A computational study based on a hourly cyclical timetable of the Schiphol railway network has been carried out.Our automated dispatching system provides better solutions in terms of delay minimization when compared to dispatching rules that can be adopted by a human traffic controller.Page(s):208-222Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TITS.2006.888605AbstractPlus—Full Text:PDF(728KB)Rights and Permissions•Maximum Freedom Last Scheduling Algorithm for Downlinks of DSRC Networks,by Chang,C.-J.,Cheng,R.-G.,Shih,H.-T.and Chen,Y.-S.Abstract:This paper proposes a maximum freedom last(MFL)scheduling algorithm for down-links,from the roadside unit to the onboard unit(OBU),of dedicated short-range communication networks in intelligent transportation systems,to minimize the system handoffrate under the maximum tolerable delay constraint.The MFL scheduling algorithm schedules the service or-dering of OBUs according to their degree of freedom,which is determined by factors such as remaining dwell time of service channel,remaining transmission time,queueing delay,and max-imum tolerable delay.The algorithm gives the smallest chance of service to the OBU with the largest remaining dwell time,the smallest remaining transmission time,and the largest weighting factor,which is a function of the queueing delay and the maximum tolerable delay.Simulation results show that the MFL scheduling algorithm outperforms the traditionalfirst-comefirst-serve and earliest-deadline-first methods in terms of service failure and system handoffrates.Page(s):223-232Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TITS.2006.889440AbstractPlus—Full Text:PDF(621)Rights and Permissions•Collision Avoidance for Vehicle-Following Systems,by Gehrig,S.K.and Stein,F.J.Abstract:The vehicle-following concept has been widely used in several intelligent-vehicle appli-cations.Adaptive cruise control systems,platooning systems,and systems for stop-and-go traffic employ this concept:The ego vehicle follows a leader vehicle at a certain distance.The vehicle-following concept comes to its limitations when obstacles interfere with the path between the ego vehicle and the leader vehicle.We call such situations dynamic driving situations.This paper introduces a planning and decision component to generalize vehicle following to situations with nonautomated interfering vehicles in mixed traffic.As a demonstrator,we employ a car that is able to navigate autonomously through regular traffic that is longitudinally and laterally guided by actuators controlled by a computer.This paper focuses on and limits itself to lateral control for collision avoidance.Previously,this autonomous-driving capability was purely based on the vehicle-following concept using vision.The path of the leader vehicle was tracked.To extend this capability to dynamic driving situations,a dynamic path-planning component is introduced.Several driving situations are identified that necessitate responses to more than the leader vehicle.We borrow an idea from robotics to solve the problem.Treat the path of the leader vehicle as an elastic band that is subjected to repelling forces of obstacles in the surroundings.This elastic-band framework offers the necessary features to cover dynamic driving situations.Simulation results show the power of this approach.Real-world results obtained with our demonstrator validate the simulation results.Page(s):233-244Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TITS.2006.888594AbstractPlus—Full Text:PDF(530KB)Rights and Permissions。
如何回复编辑和审稿人 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998专题半月谈 - 如何回复编辑和审稿人作者:QIN 提交日期:2010-12-09 06:25:55 PM | 访问量:713专题半月谈 - 如何回复编辑和审稿人应战友要求,在版主的支持下,本人在此设立一个半月谈专题-如何回复编辑和审稿人实例分析。
15 January 2009 (第一讲)给编辑的回复信论文题目:Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on the antivirus effect s of A (一种中草药) against virus B (一种病毒)所投杂志:Life Sciences投稿结果:这次大修后又经过一次小修,被接受发表编辑信内容(注:有删节):Dear Mr. XXX,Your manuscript has been examined by the editors and qualified refere e. We think the manuscript has merit but requires revision before wecan accept it for publication in the Journal. Careful consideration m ust be given to the points raised in the reviewer comments, which are enclosed below.If you choose to submit a revision of your manuscript, please incorpo rate responses to the reviewer comments into the revised paper. A com plete rebuttal with no manuscript alterations is usually considered i nadequate and may result in lengthy re-review procedures.A letter detailing your revisions point-by-point must accompany the r esubmission.You will be requested to upload this Response to Reviewers as a separ ate file in the Attach Files area.We ask that you resubmit your manuscript within 45 days. After this t ime, your file will be placed on inactive status and a further submis sion will be considered a new manuscript.You will see a menu item called Submission Needing Revision. You will find your submission record there.Yours sincerely,Joseph J. Bahl, PhDEditorLife SciencesFormat Suggestion: Please access the Guide to Authors at our website to check the format of your article. Pay particular attention to our References style.Reviewers' comments:Reviewer #1:XXXXX (略)Reviewer #2:XXXXX (略)Editors note and suggestions:(注:编辑的建议)Title: Re-write the title to read more smoothly in contemporary Engli sh>>>Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of the antiviral effects of A against virus B.Abstract: Re-write the abstract to read more smoothly.A, an alkaloid isolated from C (注:一种中草药), was tested for antiv iral activity against virus B. Both in vitro and in vivo assays along with serum pharmacological experiments showed A to have potent antiv iral activity. The pharmacokinetic profile of A in Sprague/Dawley rat plasma after oral administration was measured by HPLC. Blood samples taken at selected time points were analyzed to study potential chang es in antiviral pharmacodynamics as measured by infectivity of viruse s. From the similarity of the serum concentration profiles and antivi ral activity profiles it is concluded that A it self, rather than a m etabolite, exerted the effect against the virus prior to bioinactivat ion. The need for effective clinical agents against virus B and theseresults suggest the possibility of benefit from further experiments with A.The authors should check to be sure that the terms blood samples, pla sma and serum are always used appropriately throughout the abstract a nd text.Introduction: some sentences can be made less passive. example 1st pa ragraph>>>> A appears to be the most important alkaloid isolated from the pl ant, its structural formula is shown in Fig 1. ... While it produced a general inhibition of antibody production lymphocyte proliferation was stimulated (Xia and Wang, 1997). These pharmacological properties suggest a potential use in the treatment of viral myocarditis agains t virus B that could be studied in experiments in cell culture and an imals.>>>The authors should check the entire manuscript for spelling errors (example given: in your text alkaloid is incorrectly spelled alkaloi d)>>>The authors should read the guidelines to the authors and not incl ude the first name of the authors being cited in the text. In the ref erence section the first name should be abbreviated as shown in the g uideline to authors (thus the earlier text reference should be (Liu e t al., 2003)and the remaining one should be (Chen et al., 2002)>>>>>The authors instead of directly answering the first complex ques tion of reviewer #1 may include the three questions as future researc h aim in the discussion section.>>>>>>Rather than redrawing figure the authors may choose to amend th e wording of the statistical analysis section to state that the resul t of tables are means +-SEM and for figures are +- SD.>>>>> reviewer #1 comment number 8 and reviewer # 2 comment 3 might b e satisfied by inclusion of a representative photo of cells and heart showing CPE. Remember most readers of the journal have never seen wh at you are trying to describe.Joseph Bahl, PhD Editor 2 Life Sciences作者回复信原稿:Dear Dr. Bahl,I’m (注:正式信函不要简写)very appreciate (注:不适合作为给编辑回信的开始,同时有语法错误)for your comments and suggestions.I (注:实际上是学生做的)have conducted in vivo antivirus experiment s again (注:要表明是应审稿人或编辑建议而作). Mice were sacrificed on 15 days and 30 days after infection. Death rate, heart weight to b ody weight ratio (HW/BW), virus titers and pathologic slices (注:用词错误)were calculated(注:用词不当). Production of mRNA of IL-10, IFN-γand TNF-αwere (注:语法错误)measured by RT-PCR.I have revised this manuscript and especially paid much attention to your comments and suggestions. I would like to re-submit it to LIFE S CIENCE. Title of manuscript has been changed to “The antivirus effects of A against virus B and its pharmacokinetic behaviour in SD rats serum” to make it more clear and smooth.Answers to Reviewers’ questions were as follows: (注:可附在给编辑的回复信后)Reviewer #1:XXXXXReviewer #2:XXXXXEditors note and suggestions:Title: Re-write the title to read more smoothly in contemporary Engli shAnswer:I have rewrite the title to “The antivirus effects of A against viru s B and its pharmacokinetic behaviour in SD rats serum” to make it m ore clear and smooth(注:多处语法错误).Abstract: Re-write the abstract to read more smoothly.Answer:I have revise the abstract carefully to make it more smooth and infor mative(注:语法错误).The authors should check to be sure that the terms blood samples, pla sma and serum are always used appropriately throughout the abstract a nd text.Answer:I have paid attention to this question and it is clearer (注:不具体).Introduction:some sentences can be made less passive.Answer:I have revise the whole paper to make sentences less passive and obta ined help of my colleague proficient in English (注:语法错误,句子不通顺).The authors should check the entire manuscript for spelling errors Answer:I’m very sorry to give you so much trouble for those spelling errors (注:不必道歉,按建议修改即可). I have carefully corrected them.The authors should read the guidelines to the authors and not include the first name of the authors being cited in the text. In the refere nce section the first name should be abbreviated as shown in the guid eline to authors (thus the earlier text reference should be (Liu et a l., 2003) and the remaining one should be (Chen et al., 2002)Answer:I changed the style of references.Rather than redrawing figure the authors may choose to amend the word ing of the statistical analysis section to state that the result of t ables are means +-SEM and for figures are +- SD.Answer:(注:作者请编辑公司帮回答)reviewer #1 comment number 8 and reviewer # 2 comment 3 might be sati sfied by inclusion of a representative photo of cells and heart showi ng CPE. Remember: most readers of the journal have never seen what yo u are trying to describe.Answer:Thank you for your suggestions. I have supplemented pictures of cardi ac pathologic slices in the paper (Fig2).I have to apologize for giving you so much trouble because of those m isspelling and confusing statements (注:一般不是延误或人为失误,不必轻易道歉,按建议修改即可). Your comments and suggestions really he lped me a lot. I have put great efforts to this review. I wish it can be satisfactory.If there’s (注:正式信函不要简写)any information I can provide, pl ease don’t hesitate to contact me.Thank you again for your time and patience. Look forward to hear (注:语法错误)from you.Yours SincerelyXxxx Xxxx (通讯作者名)建议修改稿:Dear Dr. Bahl,Thanks you very much for your comments and suggestions.As suggested, we have conducted in vivo antivirus experiments. Mice w ere sacrificed on 15 days and 30 days after infection with virus B. M ortality, heart weight to body weight ratio (HW/BW), virus titers and pathologic scores were determined. In addition, mRNA expression of I L-10, IFN-γ and TNF-α were measured by RT-PCR.We have revised the manuscript, according to the comments and suggest ions of reviewers and editor, and responded, point by point to, the c omments as listed below. Since the paper has been revised significant ly throughout the text, we feel it is better not to highlight the ame ndments in the revised manuscript (正常情况最好表明修改处).The revised manuscript has been edited and proofread by a medical edi ting company in Hong Kong.I would like to re-submit this revised manuscript to Life Sciences, a nd hope it is acceptable for publication in the journal.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.With kindest regards,Yours SincerelyXxxx Xxxx (通讯作者名)Replies to Reviewers and EditorFirst of all, we thank both reviewers and editor for their positive a nd constructive comments and suggestions.Replies to Reviewer #1:Xxxxx (略)Replies to Reviewer #2:Xxxxx (略)Replies to the Editors note and suggestions:Title: Re-write the title to read more smoothly in contmeporary Engli shAnswer:I have rewrite the title to “The antivirus effects of Sophoridine ag ainst Coxsackievirus B3 and its pharmacokine tics in rats” to make it more clear and read more smoothly.Abstract: Re-write the abstract to read more smoothly.Answer:I have rewritten the abstract to make it more informative and read mo re smoothly.The authors should check to be sure that the terms blood samples, pla sma and serum are always used appropriately throughout the abstract a nd text.Answer:I have paid attention to this issue, and they are now used appropriat ely throughout the abstract and text in the revised manuscript.Introduction:some sentences can be made less passive.Answer:I have revised the whole paper to make sentences less passive with th e help of the editing company.The authors should check the entire manuscript for spelling errorsAnswer:This has been done by us as well as the editing company.The authors should read the guidelines to the authors and not include the first name of the authors being cited in the text. In the refere nce section the first name should be abbreviated as shown in the guid eline to authors (thus the earlier text reference should be (Liu et a l., 2003) and the remaining one should be (Chen et al., 2002)Answer:I have changed the style of references according to the journal.Rather than redrawing figure the authors may choose to ament the word ing of the statistical analysis section to state that the result of t ables aremeans +-SEM and for figures are +- SD.Answer:SD has been used throughout the text, and shown in the Figs. 3 and 4 in the revised manuscript.reviewer #1 comment number 8 and reviewer # 2 comment 3 might be sati fied by inclusion of a representative photo of cells and heart showin g CPE. Remember: most readers of the journal have never seen what you are trying to describe.Answer:Thank you very much for the suggestion. I have added pictures of card iac pathologic changes in the revised manuscript (Fig. 2).很好的经验,谢谢分享!31 January 2009 (第二讲)给审稿人的回复信论文题目:Clinical implications of XXXX (一种病理指标) in X cancer所投杂志:BMC Cancer.结果:这次大修后被接受发表(同时编辑在接受信中提出课题是否得到伦理委员会同意的问题。
国家留学基金委与德国柏林自由大学合作渠道介绍一、简介根据国家留学基金管理委员会与德国柏林自由大学合作协议(China Scholarship Council- Freie Universitaet Berlin Joint Program),国家留学基金管理委员会拟选派具有较大发展潜力的优秀人才赴德国柏林自由大学攻读博士学位,或作为联合培养博士生进行1至2年博士研究生的学习和研究。
二、协议内容1.协议名额:不限2.选派类别及留学期限博士研究生: 留学期限为36-48个月联合培养博士研究生:留学期限为6-24个月3.重点资助学科、专业领域《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》确定的经济重点领域、社会发展重点领域;《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020年)》确定的重点领域、重大专项、前沿技术、基础研究;人文与社会科学领域。
4. 资助内容被录取人员在德国留学期间免交学费;国家留学基金提供规定留学期限内的奖学金生活费和一次往返国际旅费。
4月22日USCIS EB-5移民项目利益相关者会议记录
4月22日USCIS EB-5移民项目利益相关者会议记录2015年4月22日,USCIS举行了一场EB-5利益相关者电话会议。
投资移民项目办公室(IPO)主任Nicholas Colucci先生首先给出了一些关于IPO人事组成和活动的数据:101位工作人员,包括53位审核官、21位经济学家,很快将要再新增5位审核官。
自IPO 成立起第一次,在三月,IPO审核完成了1100份I-526申请,完成数比收件数680份要多。
本财政年上半年(十月至三月):I-526: 收件5250 审核完成4236I-829: 收件1523 审核完成341I-924: 收件170 审核完成135相较于去年同期(该财政年的前两个季度),IPO的526收件增长12%,829收件增长76%,924收件增长34%。
截止二月底的审核时间:I-526 - 14.2 个月I-829 - 12.3个月I-924 - 11.7个月两年前IPO收取了340份I-924A表,针对未能递交924A的区域中心发出了29份有意终止通知书(NOIT)(基本上是由于不作为),并终止了其中8个区域中心。
新提案出炉!EB-5涨价板上钉钉美国时间6月4日,美国参议院委员会司法委员会高级参议员Patrick J.Leahy(民主党代表大佬,EB-5政界最高层铁杆支持者),代表他及主席Charles E. Grassley(共和党代表大佬,某种程度的EB-5反对者)提出了EB-5改革的S1501提案。
EBU – Recommendation R 128Loudness normalisation andpermitted maximum levelof audio signalsStatus: EBU RecommendationGeneva30 August 2010EBU R 128-2010 Audio loudness normalisation & permitted maximum levelLoudness normalisation andpermitted maximum level of audio signalsEBU Committee First Issued Revised Re-issued Technical Committee 2010Keywords: Audio levels, loudness, normalisation, permitted maximum levelThe EBU has studied the needs of audio signal levels in production, distribution and transmission of broadcast programmes. It is of the opinion that an audio-levelling paradigm is needed based on loudness measurement.In addition to the average loudness of a programme (‘Programme Loudness’) the EBU recommends that the descriptors ‘Loudness Range’ and ‘Maximum True Peak Level’ be used for the normalisation of audio signals, and to comply with the technical limits of the complete signal chain as well as the aesthetic needs of each programme/station depending on the genre(s) and the target audience.The EBU, considering;a)that peak normalisation of audio signals has led to considerable loudness differences betweenprogrammes and between broadcast channels;b)that the resulting loudness inconsistencies between programmes and between channels are thecause of the most viewer/listener complaints;c)that, when used to read peaks in the usual way, the QPPM (Quasi-Peak Programme Meter)specified in EBU Tech Doc 3205-E [1] does not reflect the loudness of an audio signal, and that the QPPM is not designed to indicate a long-term average;d)that with the proliferation of digital production, distribution and transmission systems, thepermitted maximum level of an audio signal specified in ITU-R BS.645 [2] is no longerappropriate;e)that an international standard for measuring audio programme loudness has been defined inITU-R BS.1770 [3], introducing the measures LU (Loudness Unit) and LUFS (Loudness Unit,referenced to Full Scale)1;f)that a gated measurement of Programme Loudness (hence measuring ‘Foreground Loudness’) isadvantageous to improve the loudness matching of programmes with a wide loudness range;g)and that the descriptor ‘Loudness Range’ can be used to assess the need for loudness-rangereduction to fit programmes to the tolerance window of the target audience;1 ‘LUFS’ is equivalent to ‘LKFS’ (which is used in ITU-R BS.1770-1). An input document has been submitted to the ITU requesting it to change its nomenclature to ‘LUFS’ (which is compliant with international naming conventions).Audio loudness normalisation & permitted maximum level EBU R 128-2010recommends (see Note):h)that the descriptors Programme Loudness, Loudness Range and Maximum True Peak Levelshall be used to characterise an audio signal;i)that the Programme Loudness Level shall be normalised to a Target Level of -23 LUFS.The permitted deviation from the Target Level shall generally not exceed ±1 LU forprogrammes where an exact normalisation to Target Level is not achievable practically (for example, live programmes);j)that the audio signal shall generally be measured in its entirety, without emphasis on specific elements such as voice, music or sound effects;k)that the measurement shall be made with a loudness meter compliant with both ITU-R BS.1770 and EBU Tech Doc 3341 [4];l)that this measurement shall include a gating method with a relative threshold of 8 LU below the ungated LUFS loudness level as specified in EBU Tech Doc 3341;m)that Loudness Range shall be measured with a meter compliant with EBU Tech Doc 3342 [5]; n)that the Maximum Permitted True Peak Level of a programme during production shall be -1 dBTP (dB True Peak), measured with a meter compliant with both ITU-R BS.1770 andEBU Tech Doc 3341.The EBU further recommendso)that loudness metadata shall be set to indicate -23 LUFS for each programme that has been loudness normalised to the Target Level of -23 LUFS;p)that loudness metadata shall always correctly indicate the actual programme loudness, even if for any reason a programme may not be loudness normalised to -23 LUFS;q)that audio processes, systems and operations concerning production and implementation should be made in compliance with EBU Tech Doc 3343 [6];r)that audio processes, systems and operations concerning distribution should be made in compliance with EBU Tech Doc 3344 [7].EBU R 128-2010 Audio loudness normalisation & permitted maximum levelDefinitions:Programme: An individual, self-contained audio-visual or audio-only item to bepresented in Radio, Television or other electronic media. Anadvertisement (commercial), trailer, promotional item (‘promo’),interstitial or similar item shall be considered to be a programme inthis context;Programme Loudness: The integrated loudness over the duration of a programme -Programme Loudness Level is the value (in LUFS) of ProgrammeLoudness;Loudness Range (LRA): This describes the distribution of loudness within a programme; Maximum True Peak Level: The maximum value of the audio signal waveform of a programme inthe continuous time domain.NoteAt the publication time of this recommendation, measurement instruments compliant with ITU-R BS.1770 [3] and EBU Tech Doc 3341 [4] have only recently become available. As the switch to loudness normalisation is a substantial change in audio signal levelling, aligning procedures as described in the EBU Tech Docs 3343 [6] and 3344 [7] will have an economical and organisational impact. Therefore a transition phase may be necessary by some broadcasters before this recommendation can be fully implemented; Broadcasters should in any case aim to make the transition as quickly as is practically possible.References[1] EBU Tech Doc 3205-E ‘The EBU standard peak-programme meter for the control ofinternational transmissions’[2] ITU-R BS.645 ‘Test signals and metering to be used on international sound programmeconnections’[3] ITU-R BS.1770 ‘Algorithms to measure audio programme loudness and true-peak audio level’[4] EBU Tech Doc 3341 ‘Loudness Metering: ‘EBU Mode’ metering to supplement loudnessnormalisation in accordance with EBU R 128’[5] EBU Tech Doc 3342 ‘Loudness Range: A descriptor to supplement loudness normalisation inaccordance with EBU R 128’[6] EBU Tech Doc 3343 ‘Practical Guidelines for Production and Implementation in accordancewith EBU R 128’[7] EBU Tech Doc 3344 ‘Practical Guidelines for Distribution of Programmes in accordance withEBU R 128’。
犬异位性皮炎 动物过敏性疾病国际委员会(ICADA) 2015 年指南更新
犬异位性皮炎:动物过敏性疾病国际委员会(ICADA)2015年指南更新Thierry Olivry1*, Douglas J. DeBoer2, Claude Favrot3, Hilary A. Jackson4,Ralf S. Mueller5, Tim Nuttall6 and Pascal Prélaud7,for the International Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals1. Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University,Raleigh, North Carolina, USA2. Department of Medical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison,Wisconsin, USA3. Clinic for Small Animal Internal Medicine, Dermatology Department, Vetsuisse Faculty, University ofZürich, Zürich, Switzerland4. Dermatology Referral Services, Glasgow, Scotland, UK5. Medizinische Kleintierklinik, Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilian University,Munich, Germany6. Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, The University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush Campus,Roslin, Scotland, UK7. Clinique Advetia, Paris, France* 通讯作者: tolivry@This translation in Simplified Chinese was done by Drs. Yuchi Chen (Wagga Wagga, Australia) and Jiankang Zhang (Shanghai, P. R. China) and finalized on Feb 7, 2016本简体中文版的翻译由陈宇驰 (沃加沃加, 澳大利亚) 和张建康 (上海, 中国) 完成,定稿日期为2016年2月7日Citation of this paper should be done as follows: Olivry T, DeBoer DJ, Favrot C, Jackson HA, Mueller RS, Nuttall T, Prélaud P and the International Committee for the International Committee of Allergic Diseases of Animals (ICADA). BMC Veterinary Research 2015;11:210. 对本文进行引用的格式建议如下:Olivry T, DeBoer DJ, Favrot C, Jackson HA, Mueller RS, Nuttall T, Prélaud P and the International Committee for the International Committee of Allergic Diseases of Animals (ICADA). BMC Veterinary Research 2015;11:210.摘要背景:在2010年,犬异位性皮炎国际工作组(International Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis)【现在是动物过敏性疾病国际委员会(International Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals,ICADA)】发布了治疗犬异位性皮炎(Atopic Dermatitis,AD)的第一版共识指南。
IMO 出版物
IMO PUBLICATION 基本出版物IB001E - Basic Documents: Volume I, 2010 EditionThis edition incorporates amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization up to December 2009.It also includes amendments to the Rules of Procedure of:- the Assembly up to December 2009;- the Council up to July 2009;- the Maritime Safety Committee up to June 2009;- the Legal Committee up to April 2009;- the Marine Environment Protection Committee up to March 2010;- the Technical Co-operation Committee up to June 2005;- the Facilitation Committee up to January 2009; and- Meetings under the London Convention, 1972 and the 1996 Protocol to the London Convention up to November 2006.IA007E - Basic Documents: Volume II, 2003 EditionThis volume is divided into two sections. The first, concerning the status, privileges and immunities of IMO, includes:- Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized agencies;- Agreement between the International Maritime Organization and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Headquarters of the Organization, as amended;- Agreement between the International Maritime Organization and - the Government of Sweden regarding the World Maritime University.The second section contains agreements with intergovernmental organizations, including:- Agreement between the United Nations and the International Maritime Organization and Protocol;- Agreement between the United Nations and the International Maritime Organization for the admission of the International Maritime Organization into the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund;- Special Agreement between the United Nations and the International Maritime Organization extending the competence of the Administrative Tribunal of the United Nations to the International Maritime Organization; - Agreement between the International Maritime Organization and the International Labour Organisation;- Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the International Maritime Organization and Protocol;- Agreement on co-operation between the International Maritime Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;- Agreements of co-operation with other intergovernmental organizations.Included in this edition of Basic Documents, Volume II, is the revised text of Annex XII to the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies and the consolidated text of the Headquarters Agreement, reflecting amendments made to this Agreement by exchange of letters in 1971, 1974, 1982, 1997 and 2002.I026E - 26th Session 2009 (Res 1011 - 1032)The 26th session of the IMO Assembly took place at the Headquarters of the Organization from 23 November to 4 December 2009.This publication contains, amongst others, resolutions pertaining to:- Code on Alerts and Indicators, 2009- Guidelines on implementation of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code- Code for the Construction and Equipmentof Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (MODU) Code- Code of Practice for the Investigation of the Crimes of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships.I025E - 25th Session 2007 (Res 989-1010)The twenty-fifth session of the IMO Assembly, from 19 to 29 November 2007, adopted resolutions that included: - Code for the Implementation of Mandatory IMO Instruments, 2007- Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification, 2007- Guidelines on Voyage Planning for Passenger Ships- Criteria for the provision of mobile satellite communication systems in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)- Amendments to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972.IMO PUBLICATION MARITIME SAFETYIE110E - SOLAS, Consolidated Edition 2009Of all the international conventions dealing with maritime safety, the most important is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, better known as SOLAS , which covers a wide range of measures designed to improve the safety of shipping.The Convention is also one of the oldest of its kind: the first version was adopted in 1914 following the sinking of the Titanic with the loss of more than 1,500 lives. Since then there have been four more versions of SOLAS. The present version was adopted in 1974 and entered into force in 1980.In order to provide an easy reference to all SOLAS requirements applicable from 1 July 2009, this edition presents a consolidated text of the SOLAS Convention, its Protocols of 1978 and 1988 and all amendments in effect from that date.The fully updated 2009 edition features a number of new SOLAS regulations, adopted after the last consolidated edition of the Convention was published. Of these, particular attention is drawn to regulation V/19-1 onlong-range identification and tracking of ships (LRIT), regulation II-1/3-8 on mooring and towing equipment and regulation II-1/35-1 on bilge pumping arrangements. The SOLAS provisions for corrosion protection have been updated and expanded and the new requirements are incorporated in chapter II-1. Furthermore, chapter II-1 was comprehensively revised to include probabilistic requirements for subdivision and damage stability and now also has a new Part F concerning alternative designs and arrangements. The annex to the Convention regarding the SOLAS forms of certificates contains the fully revised safety certificates for nuclear passenger and cargo ships and the list of certificates and documents required to be carried on board ships, as revised, is also added.The SOLAS Consolidated Edition 2009 is an essential reference for maritime administrations, ship manufacturers, owners and operators, shipping companies, education institutes and all others concerned with requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.K176E - e-reader: SOLAS Amendments 2010 - 2011This e-reader file is in EBK format and requires the downloading of our free e-reader software called the 'IMO Bookshelf' to view the file. Once you have purchased this title you must go to 'My Account / Downloads' and then 'E-books, E-reader files & Subscriptions'. You will then be transferred to our Virtual Publications site where you can click on the product hyperlink and follow 3 easy steps to access your title.For detailed instruction please copy and paste this link/Publications/Documents/FAQ/E-reader_instructions_page.pdf. Please be aware that the e-reader software and any purchased titles are locked to a single computer. Only 75% of the text can be printed per day and it cannot be printed as a pdf.The e-reader software is for Windows use and MAC users need to use a Windows emulator (eg Boot Camp or Parallels Desktop) in order to view the files.When purchasing more than one digital copy, a 50% discount applies for each additional copy bought per site (i.e. office, terminal, ship or port) at point of purchase. To receive your multi-licence discount please email sales@.This publication contains the amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974 and to its 1988 Protocol that were adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) in 2010 and 2011.Resolution MSC.290(87) was adopted in May 2010 by the MSC at its eighty-seventh session and contains amendments to SOLAS chapter II-1, regulation 2 in Part A which adds a new definition and also adds, in Part A-1, a new regulation 3-10 on Goal-based ship construction standards for bulk carriers and oil tankers. These amendments were accepted on 1 July 2011 and will enter into force on 1 January 2012.Resolution MSC.291(87) was also adopted by the MSC at its eighty-seventh session and adds a new regulation 3-11 to chapter II-1 in Part A-1 on Corrosion protection of cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers. This resolution also amends, in Part A, chapter II-2, regulation 1 Application and Part B, regulation 4 Probability of ignition. These amendments were accepted on 1 July 2011 and will enter into force on 1 January 2012.Resolution MSC.308(88) was adopted in December 2010 by the MSC at its eighty-eighth session and contains amendments to chapters II-1 and II-2 and adds new regulations to chapter V # Safety of navigation. Further amendments were made to the appendix certificates. These amendments will enter into force on 1 July 2012 pending their acceptance on 1 January 2012.Resolution MSC.309(88) was also adopted by the MSC at its eighty-eighth session and contains amendments to the 1988 Protocol and modifications and additions to the appendix to the Annex to the 1974 SOLAS Convention.These amendments modify the safety certificate forms for passenger and cargo ships. These amendments will enter into force on 1 July 2012 pending their acceptance on 1 January 2012.Resolution MSC.317(89) was adopted in May 2011 by the MSC at its eighty- ninth session and contains anamendment to chapter III, Life-saving appliances and arrangements, regulation 1 which adds a new paragraph on lifeboat on-load release mechanisms. These amendments will enter into force on 1 January 2013, pending their acceptance on 1 July 2012.I114E - Quantification Addendum:International Medical Guide forShipsThis volume contains recommended quantities, indications and dosing for 55 medicines listed in the International Medical Guide for Ships 3rd edition. The quantities are based on three types of ships:- ocean-going ships with crews of 25-40 and no doctor (Category A);- coastal ships with cres of up to 25 that travel no more than 24 hours from a port of call (Category B); and - small boats and private craft with crews of 15 or less, and usually travelling no more than a few hours from a port of call (Category C).These quantities have been updated to reflect the decrease of crew numbers on most ships and calculated voyages on one month.This companion volume to the International Medical Guide for Ships provides essential guidance to all those who are involved in the procurement, purchasing, stock maintenance and use of medicines to promote and protect the health of seafarers worldwide.I115E - International Medical Guide for Ships, Third EditionThe third edition of the International Medical Guide for Ships shows designated first-aid providers how to diagnose, treat, and prevent the health problems of seafarers on board ship.Since its first publication in 1967, the International Medical Guide for Ships has been a standard reference for medical care on board ships. The second edition, written in 1988, was translated into more than 30 languages, and has been used in tens of thousands of ships. This, the third edition, contains fully updated recommendations aimed to promote and protect the health of seafarers, and is consistent with the latest revisions of both the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines and the International Health Regulations.The International Labour Organization's Maritime Labour Convention 2006 stipulates that all ships shall carry a medicine chest, medical equipment and a medical guide. The International Medical Guide for Ships supports a main principal of that convention; to ensure that seafarers are given health protection and medical care as comparable as possible to that which is generally available to workers ashore.By carrying this guide on board ships, and following its instructions, countries can both fulfill their obligations under the terms of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, and ensure the best possible health outcomes for their seafaring population.I116E - ISPS Code, 2003 EditionThis publication is now ONLY available in e-reader file format. Please see below "Related Product" K116E.IA116E - Maritime Security Guide and the ISPS Code, 2012 EditionThis User Guide has been developed to consolidate existing IMO maritime security-related material into an easily read companion guide to SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code in order to assist States in promoting maritime security through development of the requisite legal framework, associated administrative practices, procedures and the necessary material, technical and human resources.It is intended both to assist SOLAS Contracting Governments in the implementation, verification, compliance with, and enforcement of, the provisions of SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code. It should also serve as an aid and reference for those engaged in delivering capacity-building activities in the field of maritime security.IB117E - ISM Code and Guidelines, 2010 EditionWith the entry into force, in 1998, of the 1994 amendments to SOLAS, 1974, which introduced a new chapter IX into the Convention, the ISM Code was made mandatory. The ISM Code's origins go back to the late 1980s, when there was mounting concern about poor management standards in shipping. Its current form was adopted by the Organization in 1993 and amended in 2000, 2004, 2005 and 2008.This new edition of the ISM Code consolidates:- Amendments to the ISM Code from resolution MSC.104(73), which entered into force on 1 July 2002, from resolution MSC.179(79), which entered into force on 1 July 2006, from resolution MSC.195(80), which entered into force on 1 January 2009, and from resolution MSC.273(85), which enters into force on 1 July 2010- New guidelines on implementation of the ISM Code by Administrations, adopted in 2009- SOLAS chapter IX, as amended in 2000 and 2005- Guidelines for the operational implementation of the ISM Code by Companies- Guidance on undertaking the role of the designated person under the provisions of the ISM Code- Guidance on near-miss reporting.This publication is an essential reference for maritime administrations, ship manufacturers, owners and operators, shipping companies, education institutes, engine and equipment manufacturers and others with interest in ensuring safety at sea and avoidance of damage to the environment.I128E - Casualty Investigation Code, 2008 EditionThe MSC adopted a new Code of International Standards and Recommended Practices for a Safety Investigation into a Marine Casualty or Marine Incident (Casualty Investigation Code). Relevant amendments to SOLAS Chapter XI 1 were also adopted, to make parts I and II of the Code mandatory. Part III of the Code contains related guidance and explanatory material.The Code will require a marine safety investigation to be conducted into every very serious marine casualty, defined as a marine casualty involving the total loss of the ship or a death or severe damage to the environment.The Code will also recommend an investigation into other marine casualties and incidents, by the flag State of a ship involved, if it is considered likely that it would provide information that could be used to prevent future accidents.The new regulations expand on SOLAS Regulation I/21, which requires Administrations to undertake to conduct an investigation of any casualty occurring to any of its ships when it judges that such an investigation may assist in determining what changes in the present regulations might be desirable.Please download and print the corrigendum from/Publications/SupplementsAndCDs/Pages/SupplementsInserts.aspx.IA155E - Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code, 2007 EditionThe International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) was adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) at its seventy-third session (December 2000) by resolution MSC.98(73) in order to provide international standards for the fire safety systems and equipment required by chapter II-2 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention. The Code is made mandatory under SOLAS by amendments to the Convention adopted by the MSC at the same session (resolution MSC.99(73)) and entered into force on 1 July 2002.The MSC adopted amendments to chapters 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 of the Code by resolutions MSC.206(81) and MSC.217(82). These new amendments are expected to be accepted on 1 January 2008 and 1 January 2010, as applicable, and enter into force on 1 July 2008 and 1 July 2010, as applicable. The amendments to the aforementioned chapters, as adopted by resolutions MSC.206(81) and MSC.217(82), are contained in pages 351-365 for information purposes only.In order to make this publication as comprehensive as possible for use by equipment and systems manufacturers, shipowners and operators, shipyards, classification societies and Administrations, all related fire safety standards and guidelines adopted by either the Assembly or the MSC and referred to in the FSS Code have been incorporated, as appropriate, in this publication for the guidance and convenience of users. Please always refer to the IMO website for updated circulars.I175E - SOLAS Amendments 2008 and 2009This publication presents amendments to the SOLAS Convention concerning, in part:- emergency towing on tankers (chapter II-1)- the 2008 IS Code (chapter II-1)- protection of vehicle, special category and roro spaces (chapter II-2)- passenger ships safety (chapter II-2)- the IMSBC Code (chapters II-2, VI and VII)- bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS) and electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) (chapter V)- the Casualty Investigation Code (chapter XI-1).IA185E - Int'l High-Speed Craft Code (2000 HSC Code), 2008 EditionThe International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 (2000 HSC Code) is a successor to the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft that was adopted in 1994. The 1994 HSC Code applies to high-speed craft that are involved in international voyages and for which the keels are laid after 1 January 1996.The 2000 HSC Code applies to craft for which the keels are laid, or which are at a similar stage of construction, on or after 1 July 2002. The application of the both HSC Codes is mandatory under chapter X of the SOLAS Convention.The new edition incorporates amendments that were adopted in 2004 and 2006. The 2004 amendments are in force and those that were adopted in 2006 came into force on 1 July 2008.I187E - High-Speed Craft (1994 HSC) Code, 1995 EditionAdopted by the Martime Safety Committee at its sixty-third session (May 1994) by resolution MSC.36(63). The 1994 SOLAS Conference (May 1994) makes the HSC Code mandatory by the addition of a new chapter X.The HSC Code has been developed following a revision of the Code of Safety for Dynamically Supported Craft (resolution A.373(X)) and in recognition of the growth in size and types of high-speed craft.Please download and print the supplement for this title at/Publications/SupplementsAndCDs/Pages/SupplementsInserts.aspx.I190E - Guidelines for ships operating in polar waters, 2010 EditionShips operating in the Arctic and Antarctic environments are exposed to a number of unique risks. Poor weather conditions and the relative lack of good charts, communication systems and other navigational aids pose challenges for mariners. The remoteness of the areas makes rescue or clean-up operations difficult and costly. Cold temperatures may reduce the effectiveness of numerous components of the ship, ranging from deck machinery and emergency equipment to sea suctions. When ice is present, it can impose additional loads on the hull, propulsion system and appendages.The Guidelines for ships operating in polar waters aim at mitigating the additional risk imposed on shipping in the harsh environmental and climatic conditions that exist in polar waters.This publication should be of interest to maritime administrations, ship manufacturers, shipping companies, cruise and tour operators, education institutes and others concerned with the safe operation of ships in polar waters.Product Area: CARGOESIH200E - IMDG Code, 2010 Edition (inc. Amdt 35-10) 2 volumesThe IMDG Code has undergone many changes over the years, in both formats and content, in order to keep up with the rapid expansion of the shipping industry. Amendment 35-10 includes revisions to various sections of the Code and to transport requirements for specific substances. It was adopted by IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) at its 87th session in May 2010.The MSC had previously agreed that the Code as it was adopted in 2002 would be mandatory as from 1 January 2004. The Code as amended by Amendment 35-10 is mandatory as from 1 January 2012 but may be applied by administrations in whole or in part on a voluntary basis from 1 January 2011.The Code lays down basic principles: detailed recommendations for individual substances, materials and articles, and a number of recommendations for good operational practice, including advice on terminology, packing, labelling, stowage, segregation and handling, and emergency response action.The two-volume Code is divided into seven parts:Volume 1 (parts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Code) contains sections on:- general provisions, definitions, training- classification- packing and tank provisions- consignment procedures- construction and testing of packagings, IBCs, large packagings, portable tanks, MEGCs and road tank vehicles - transport operations.Volume 2 contains part 3 (Dangerous Goods List, special provisions and exceptions), appendix A (generic and N.O.S. Proper Shipping Names), appendix B (Glossary of terms) and an index.IH210E - IMDG Code Supplement, 2010 EditionThe International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code relates to the safe carriage of dangerous goods by sea, but does not include all details of procedures for packing of dangerous goods or actions to take in the event of an emergency or accident involving personnel who handle goods at sea. These aspects are covered bythe publications that are associated with the IMDG Code, which are included in this Supplement.Within a continuing process of revision of publications that are relevant to the IMDG Code, The EmS Guide: Emergency Response Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods was further amended at theeighty-seventh session of MSC in May 2010, and the details are described in MSC.1/Circ.1360. Also at the eighty-seventh session of MSC, Revised Recommendations on the safe use of pesticides in ships and Revised Recommendations on the safe use of pesticides in ships applicable to the fumigation of cargo transport units were approved.The Supplement also includes texts of the Medical First Aid Guide, descriptions of the reporting procedures for incidents involving dangerous goods, harmful substances and/or marine pollutants, the IMO/ILO/UNECE Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units, the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes on board Ships and other appropriate Assembly resolutions, resolutions and circulars of the Maritime Safety Committee and circulars of the Facilitation Committee and of the Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers.Note: The IMO/ILO/UNECE Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units are currently under review and have not yet been updated to reflect, where necessary, recent changes in the IMDG Code. Users of the Guidelines should refer to chapters 5.2 and 5.3 of the IMDG Code for the correct labels, placards, marks and signs.I240E - International Grain Code, 1991 EditionThe Maritime Safety Committee, at its 59th session (May 1991), adopted a new International Grain Code. This replaced the original chapter VI of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, which contained detailed regulations on the carriage of grain in bulk, with more general requirements and placed the detailed provisions on grain in a separate mandatory code.20 September 2012. Price changed to 10 GBP.IE260E - IMSBC Code and Supplement, 2009 EditionPlease note that the new IMSBC Code & Supplement, 2012 Edition (IF260E) is now available for purchase.The primary aim of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code, which replaces the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code), is to facilitate the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes by providing information on the dangers associated with the shipment of certain types of solid bulk cargoes and instructions on the procedures to be adopted when the shipment of solid bulk cargoes is contemplated.The IMSBC Code, may be applied from 1 January 2009 on a voluntary basis, anticipating its envisaged official entry into force on 1 January 2011, from which date it will be mandatory under the provision of the SOLASConvention until 31 December 2012.To keep pace with the expansion and progress of industry, in recent years, the Code has undergone many changes, including:- Fully updated individual schedules for solid bulk cargoes- New individual schedules for such cargoes as spent cathodes and granulated tyre rubber- New provisions about sulphur- References to the most recent SOLAS amendments- Updated information from the 2008 edition of the IMDG CodeThis publication presents additional information that complements the IMSBC Code, such as the Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (BLU Code) and Recommendations on the safe use of pesticides in ships applicable to the fumigation of cargo holds.The IMSBC Code and supplement is recommended to Administrations, shipowners, shippers and masters and all others concerned with the standards to be applied in the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes, excluding grain.IF260E - IMSBC Code and Supplement, 2012 EditionThe primary aim of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code is to facilitate the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes by providing information on the dangers associated with the shipment of certain types of solid bulk cargoes and instructions on the procedures to be adopted when the shipment of solid bulk cargoes is contemplated.The IMSBC Code may be applied from 1 January 2012 on a voluntary basis, anticipatings its envisaged entry into force on 1 January 2013, from which date it will be mandatory under the provisions of the SOLAS Convention.This publication presents additional information that supplements the IMSBC Code, such as the Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (BLU Code). The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code and supplement is commended to Administrations, shipowners, shippers and masters and all others concerned with the standards to be applied in the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes, excluding grain.IA265E - Enhanced Survey Bulk & Oil Tankers, 2008 EditionThe Guidelines became mandatory in 1996, under SOLAS regulation XI/2, which requires that bulk carriers and oil tankers be subject to an enhanced programme of inspections in accordance with the Guidelines. Since their adoption, the Guidelines have been frequently updated and brought in line with regulatory and technological developments as well as with current practice, in particular with the relevant IACS Unified Requirements.In this edition, the Guidelines have been amended as follows:- by the December 2000 amendments, which were adopted by resolution MSC.105(73) and entered into force on 1 July 2002;- by the May 2002 amendments, which were adopted by resolution MSC.125(75) and entered into force on 1 January 2004;- by the June 2003 amendments, which were adopted by resolution MSC.144(77) and entered into force on 1 January 2005;- by the May 2005 amendments, which were adopted by resolution MSC.197(80) and entered into force on 1 January 2007; and- by the May 2008 amendments, which were adopted by resolution MSC.261(84) and are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2010.IA266E - BLU Code (inc. BLU Manual), 2011 EditionBLU Code including BLU Manual contains the Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers, incorporating all amendments up to and including 2010, and the Manual on loading and unloading of solid bulk cargoes for terminal representatives, incorporating all amendments up to and including 2010.Also presented is Additional considerations for the safe loading of bulk carriers (MSC.1/Circ.1357).IA275E - 2011 Timber Deck Cargoes Code, 2012 EditionThe Code of Safe Practice for Ships carrying Timber Deck Cargoes, 2011 (2011 TDC Code) was adopted by resolution A.1048(27) at the twenty-seventh session of IMO's Assembly in November 2011. This Code revises and updates the previous Code adopted in 1991 by resolution A.715(17).The 2011 TDC Code is non-mandatory and applies to all ships of 24 m or more in length carrying a timber deck cargo. The Code aims to ensure that stowage and cargo securing arrangements for timber deck cargoes enable a safe yet rational securing of the cargo so that it is satisfactorily prevented from shifting. 2011 TDC Code also includes alternative design principles, taking into account the acceleration forces cargo may be subjected to throughout the voyage.IB282E - International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), 2012 EditionThe International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), 1972, has two goals: to maintain a high level of safety in the transport and handling of containers by providing generally acceptable test procedures and strength requirements, and to facilitate the international transport of containers by providing uniform international safety regulations. The Convention applies to the great majority of freight containers used internationally, except those designed specifically for carriage by air.I288E - Carriage of Cargoes & Persons by OSV (OSV Code), 2000 EditionThe purpose of this Code was adopted by resolution A.863(20), is to provide, for both operator and contractor, an international Stardard to avoid or reduce to a minimum the hazzards which affect offshore supply vessels in their daily operation of carrying cargoes and persons from and between offshore installations.This standard should be considered when implementing a safety management system within the meaning of paragraph 1.4 of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.Please download and print the supplement for this title at/Publications/SupplementsAndCDs/Pages/SupplementsInserts.aspx.10 September 2012. Price changed to 10 GBP.I289E - Guidelines for LHNS by OSV, 2007 Edition。
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EBU Technical Recommendation R49-1993Page 1 of 3EBU Technical Recommendation R49-1993 Tape alignment leader for the exchange of television programmesEBU Committee First issued Revised Re-issued PMC19881993Keywords:Video recording – B/CAn alignment leader for use on tapes for the exchange of television programmes with monophonic sound is described in ITU-R Recommendation BR.469, Table 2 [1] and ITU-R Recommendation BR.778, Table 1 [2].An alignment leader for use on tapes for the exchange of television programmes with stereophonic sound is described in ITU-R Recommendation BR.469, Table 3 and ITU-R Recommendation BR.778, Table 2.The sound signals on this leader have the following features:-By the use of 3 s of continuous tone, the level of each recorded track can be aligned using normal PPM or VU meters.-The use of interrupted tone on the left track of a stereo pair allows the easy identification of stereophonic programmes from monophonic ones.-The use of coherent tone on both tracks of a stereo pair allows easy checking of the mutual phase.-The signals can be generated manually if only needed occasionally.The EBU recommends that its Members use the appropriate leader described in these ITU-R documents on tapes for the exchange of television programmes containing monophonic and stereophonic sound.For completeness, the information on the leaders given in the tables in ITU-R Recommendation BR. 469 and Recommendation BR.778 is included as Tables 1 and 2 of the appendix to this document.Newer formats of television recorders have more than two audio tracks and it is recognised that many organizations may chose to use the extra tracks or track pairs for special purposes, e.g. multiple languages [3][4]. Because of the varied requirements, it is not possible to lay down a detailed recommendation covering these uses. However in these cases it is permitted to use tones of different frequencies to identify either the different monophonic tracks or stereo pairs used for different purposes. For the MAIN programme track, if monophonic, or tracks, if stereophonic, the frequency of 1 kHz should always be used, conforming to ITU-R Recommendations BR.469 and BR.778. It is very important that details of such use is included on the accompanying documentation when a programme tape is exchanged.Bibliography[1] ITU-R Recommendation BR.469-6: Analogue composite television tape recording. Standards for theinternational exchange of television programmes on magnetic tape.[2] ITU-R Recommendation BR.778: Analogue component television tape recording. Standards for theinternational exchange of television programmes on magnetic tape.[3] EBU Technical Recommendation R38-1992: Allocation of audio channels in analogue tape recordingformats for international exchange of programmes[4] EBU Technical Recommendation R48-1996: Allocation of audio channels on digital television recorders(formats D-1, D-2, D-3, D-5 and Digital Betacam)AppendixTable 1 – Alignment leader extracted from ITU-R Recommendation BR.469-4(applicable to monophonic sound)Tape sectionDuration (s)PictureSound (on any channel carryingprogramme sound)Control tracksignalProtection leader 10(minimum)Blank tapeAlignment leader 60(minimum)Alignment signal(Note 1)1000 Hz at reference level(Note 2)UninterruptedOptional 5(maximum)Blank tapeIdentification leader 15(maximum)Programme identificationSpoken identification preferred, or silences 8Black or cue (Note 4)Silence or cueL e a d e rCue-up leader2Black (Note 4)SilenceUninterruptedProgramme (Note 3)Playing time of programmeProgrammeRun-out trailer30(minimum)Black (Note 4)SilenceUninterruptedNotes:(1) Examples of suitable alignment signals for transverse-track recordings in625-lines/50 field/s systems are givenin ITU-R Recommendation BR.778.(2) See ITU-R Recommendation BR.469-6, Section 3.1(3) When the time-and-control code is recorded on the assigned longitudinal track, the time indication of the startof the programme should be shown on the label and documentation accompanying the tape.(4) In the case of colour recordings the black signal should be colour black. For composite recordings, it is highlydesirable that the colour field sequence (8 fields in PAL, 4 fields in SECAM) is uninterrupted over the programme recording and the leader and run-out sections.Table 2 – Alignment leader for the exchange of recorded television programmes with stereophonic soundon format B and C tapesTape sectionDuration (s)Picture Sound track 1Sound track 2Control tracksignalProtection leader 10(minimum)Blank tapeAlignment leader 60(minimum)Alignment signal (Note 1)1000 Hz at interrupted reference level (Notes 2,3)1000 Hz at referencelevel (Note 3)UninterruptedOptional 5(maximum)Blank Tape Identificatio n leader 15(maximum)Programme identification Spoken identification preferred, or silence Spoken identification preferred, or silence 8Black or cue (Note 4)Silence or cueSilence or cueL e a d e rCue-up leader 2Black (Note 4)SilenceSilenceUninterruptedProgramme (Note 5)Playing time of programmeProgramme Run-out trailer30(minimum)Black (Note 4)SilenceSilence UninterruptedNotes:(1) Examples of suitable alignment signals for transverse-track recordings in 625-lines/50 field/s systems aregiven in ITU-R Recommendation BR.778.(2) The tone should be interrupted for 0.25 s every 3 s to enable the identification of stereophonic recordings.Organization which only very occasionally need to interchange stereophonic video tape recordings may make the interruption without using automatic equipment. Under these circumstances it is recognised that the specified interruption duration and period will not be strictly adhered to.(3) See ITU-R Recommendation BR.469-6, Section 3.1. The tone signals on both tracks must be coherent (i.e.from the same source) and in phase.(4) In the case of colour recordings the black signal should be colour black. For composite recordings, it isdesirable that the colour field sequence (8 fields in PAL, 4 fields in SECAM) is uninterrupted over the programme recording and the leader and run-out sections.(5) When the time-and-control code is recorded on the assigned longitudinal track, the time indication of the startof the programme should be shown on the label and documentation accompanying the tape.。