balanced scorecard case study, dissertation
自考06059 心理学研究方法 复习资料
3、观察者间信度(interobserver reliability):指不同的独立的观察者针对同一观察所做记录的一致性程度。
4、便利抽样(convenience sampling):主要根据获得调查对象的容易程度和调查对象参加调查的意愿所进行的。
5、假相关(spurious relationship):如果两个变量间的关系可以通过第三个变量进行解释,那么这种关系就被称之为“假相关”。
6、操作定义(operational definition):指仅根据可观察的程度来解释概念,这个观察程度是来产生和测量概念的。
7、外部效度(external validity):是指研究结果能够一般化和普遍化到样本来自的总体和其他条件、时间、和背景中去的程度。
8、内部效度(internal validity):指实验中的自标量与因变量之间因果关系的明确程度。
9、交互作用(interaction effect):是指一个因子的效应依赖于另一个因子的不同水平,当一个自变量的效应在另一自变量的不同水平上存在差异时,就表示出现了交互作用。
企業 策略 管理 能力
• 平衡計分卡 • 價值基礎管理 • 標竿管理
預算規劃 模擬預測
成本/獲利 分析
• 策略擬定 • “What if “模擬分析 • 作業制預算制度 • 目標成本制度
• 流程/作業制成本制度 • 產品成本與獲利 • 服務成本 • 顧客成本與獲利
重視工作對客戶的價值 策略執行與績效指標之連結 透明化 負責任 注重個人與團隊 溝通 以事實為基礎的管理文化 一致性
績效管理 循環
績效管理 績效管理 基礎建設 文化
績效管理相關教育訓練 主管身體力行績效管理循環 規劃與分配資源的方式與績
平衡計分卡 Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
A very different approach. For very different results.
清楚的 策略計劃
為滿足股東與顧客之需 求與期望,我們必須在 那個流程上保持優勢?
為達成企業遠景,我們該 如何保持學習成長,並進 行必要的變革與改善?
既有及潛在的客戶如何 看待我們,我們如何繼 續提供價值給客戶?
衡量架構應包含“領先”及“ 落後”指標。
當模型處於平衡點時,所有非 財務面衡量指標應能結合並支 持財務面指標 。
達成些許 策略性目標
達成多數 策略性目標
样本类别不平衡的评价指标样本类别不平衡(imbalanced classification)常常是实际分类任务中面临的一个问题。
通常情况下,正例(positive samples)的数量比负例(negative samples)的数量要少很多,如欺诈检测、稀有病诊断、故障预测等。
为了解决样本类别不平衡的问题,可以采用以下评价指标:1.混淆矩阵(Confusion Matrix)混淆矩阵是评价分类模型的一种常用工具,其可以直观地展示不同预测正确与错误的情况。
混淆矩阵的四个基本分类指标如下:真正例(True Positive,TP):模型将正例预测为正例的数量。
假正例(False Positive,FP):模型将负例预测为正例的数量。
假反例(False Negative,FN):模型将正例预测为负例的数量。
真反例(True Negative,TN):模型将负例预测为负例的数量。
3.灵敏度(Sensitivity)灵敏度是评价分类模型对于正例样本分类能力的指标,也称为真正例率(True Positive Rate,TPR)。
case study
Balanced Scorecard Concepts
Top-to-Bottom Approach
Where we want to be?
Strategic Objective Financial Objectives Customer Objectives Measures Lead
Balanced Scorecard Concepts
• Internal Business Process measures – need to identify which internal processes are critical to enable the business unit to • deliver a product that will attract & retain customers • satisfy shareholders expectations of superior financial returns
•0 = 无影响
• 1 = 轻度影响
• 2 = 中度影响
• 3 = 重度影响
將組織的成本削減至低於競爭對手的成本。 將組織的成本削減至低於競爭對手的成本。
低成本策略可以減少浪費。 低成本策略可以減少浪費。 以低成本策略打敗競爭對手的組織, 以低成本策略打敗競爭對手的組織,仍然有利潤 空間。 空間。
就是產品在設計品質或售後服務上, 就是產品在設計品質或售後服務上,與競爭者 有所區別。 有所區別。
Porter 的五力分析圖
替代品的威脅 潛在新的進入者 和買者的議價能力 和供應商的議價能力 競爭者的威脅
策略制訂 是管理者分析公司的現狀及發展策略以達成使命 與目標。 與目標。 SWOT分析 分析 是管理者針對組織的優缺點、 是管理者針對組織的優缺點、環境的機會與威脅 所做的規劃練習。 所做的規劃練習。 優點。例如: 優點。例如:優良的行銷技能 缺點。例如: 缺點。例如:老舊的生產技術 機會。例如: 機會。例如:進入新的相關事業 威脅。例如: 威脅。例如:產業競爭對手增加
Objective 目標 Measures 量度 Initiatives 任務 定義問題的根本 原因及改善品質 Target Performance 目標績效 78% 30天 天 92% Actual Performance 實際績效 79.3% 30天 天 90%
改善製造品質 產出率 及生產力 降低交付 顧客時間 符合特定 運送日期
只服務於整個市場中的一個區隔市場, 只服務於整個市場中的一個區隔市場,同時也 試著成為在該區隔市場最有差異的組織。 試著成為在該區隔市場最有差異的組織。
策略的執行Implementation of Strategy
Management accountants design reports to help managers track progress in implementing strategy.
A Balanced Scorecard framework for R&D
A Balanced Scorecard framework for R&DTeresa Garcı´a-Valderrama,Eva Mulero-Mendigorri and Daniel Revuelta-BordoyFacultad de Ciencias Econo´micas y Empresariales,Departamento de Economı´a de la Empresa,Universidad de Ca ´diz,Ca ´diz,Spain AbstractPurpose –The purpose of this paper is to produce a general Balanced Scorecard (BSC)model that is designed and delimited for managing research and development (R&D)activities.Design/methodology/approach –A methodology based on the validity of content of an instrument of measurement,within the analytical framework of the validation of scales or constructs was employed.Findings –The BSC model for R&D developed in this study has been subject to testing with recognised experts in management and in R&D.It has enabled a proposal to be put forward in respect of those indicators that best define the factors related to organisational effectiveness in the achievement of the strategic objectives set by companies,and to inter-relate them and group them under five broad perspectives of the BSC.Research limitations/implications –The BSC will be validated as a construct in future research.Practical implications –The result is the design of a scale of measurement that ranks the empirical indicators under the perspectives of the BSC;for the measurement of results,this instrument will provide unique values that group all the previous indicators in a single scale of measurement.Originality/value –No studies dealing with the content validation of a BSC have been found in the literature on innovation.Keywords Balanced scorecard,Research and development,Content management,Strategic managementPaper type Research paper 1.IntroductionThe Frascati Manual (OECD,1994,2002)states that scientific and technological innovation can be understood as the transformation of an idea into a new or improved product,a new or improved industrial or commercial process,or a new method by which to serve society.The term “innovation”may take on different meanings in different contexts and the choice of meaning will depend on the specific objectives pursued in its measurement and analysis.The pursuit of innovation also involves a series of scientific,technological,organisational,financial and commercial activities.Research and development (R&D)is only one such activity and may be involved at various stages in the innovation process,not only as the original source of novel ideas,but also as a solution to problems as they are identified.Both the Frascati Manual (OECD,1994,2002)and the Spanish Survey oftechnological innovation in firms,(Instituto Nacional de Estadı´stica,1999)define R&D as:The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at/1460-1060.htmThis research has been financed under project SEJ2004-01330/ECON of the Directorate General of Research of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.Balanced Scorecard framework 241European Journal of Innovation Management Vol.11No.2,2008pp.241-281q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1460-1060DOI 10.1108/14601060810869884[...]creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock ofknowledge,including the knowledge of man,culture and society,and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.The principal objective of this study is to validate the content of a general BSC model for R&D activities.The BSC is an analytical model of strategic information for all types of organisation;it was developed by Kaplan and Norton in 1992and since then hasbeen the subject of many research studies in respect of its possibilities as a tool for strategic management.However,few references have been found to its development and implementation in companies which consider their R&D activities to be of strategic importance.Our principal interest is in providing a solution for one of the problems related to the utilisation of the BSC for this type of activity –specifically,the impossibility of comparing the return or performance achieved between companies through the use of this instrument,when there is enormous heterogeneity in the use of different indicators in each perspective,and the non-existence of databases that could give us such comparative information.Moreover,considering the problems raised in the literature on the management of R&D in respect of measuring the inputs and outputs of this type of activity,there are two reasons why it would be useful to have such a BSC.The first arises from the difficulties found in the employment of some of the indicators traditionally utilised in measuring the success obtained by companies in their R&D activities (Donnelly,2000);the other arises from the lack of consensus in their choice of the dimensions that should be included in reports prepared for the strategic management of this type of activity,as well as from lack of alignment of the measurements of the returns from these activities with the strategy of the company;the BSC is one of the instruments for the measurement of these returns recommended in the literature on management of R&D (Bremser and Barsky,2004;Kerssens-van Drongelen and Cook,1997;Pearson et al.,2000).To this end,the methodology employed in this study is based on the content validity of an instrument of measurement within the general method of validation ofscales or construct.We have used the scale developed by Garcı´a-Valderrama and Mulero-Mendigorri (2005)for measuring the effectiveness of R&D activities and we have adapted it to the financial,customer,innovation,internal processes and learning and growth perspectives of company performance.In our study,the starting point will be an analysis of the four dimensions of the Balanced Scorecard:financial;customers;internal processes;and learning and growth,in order to devise the framework proposed for R&D.In our case,this has been done by means of a review of the bibliography and the judgment of experts (in our case,the heads of R&D of companies with large investments in R&D),academics with expertise in R&D,and two experts in evaluation with the model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)Quality Club.By this approach we expect to obtain a very high degree of consensus on the best way to measure each of the variables included in each dimension of our proposed BSC for R&D.We have structured the paper in two main parts.In the first part,we analyse previous experience in developing the Balanced Scorecard for this type of activity.In the second part,we present the objectives of the study and the methodology employed in the development of the proposed BSC for R&D;in particular,we propose theEJIM 11,2242validation of content of this BSC for R&D activities,within the methodological framework of the validation of st,the results obtained and the conclusions drawn are presented.2.The Balanced Scorecard as an instrument for measuring the performance or output from a company’s R&D activitiesThe implementation of strategies requires integrated systems of measurement that capture changes in bothfinancial and non-financial returns.The basis of such systems of measurement should be the alignment of the organisation’s main processes(R&D, production,marketing and other traditional functional areas)with the corporate strategy;and the factors considered critical in achieving the returns should be utilised as parameters for the measurement of these returns.Traditionally,R&D activities have not formed part of corporate strategies,and this has been one of the biggest difficulties in the choice of instruments of measurement of the returns from this type of activity. Today,R&D is a key strategic topic for many if not most companies,and should therefore be aligned with the corporate strategy and associated management procedures(Pearson et al.,2000).On this point,Kerssens-van Drongelen and Bilderbeek(1999)report that,in the literature on R&D,there are relatively few references to the utility of employing measurement techniques for the returns obtained in this type of activity,and they suggest that the BSC could be employed as an integrated system of measurement of the returns from R&ter Neufeld et al.(2001)argued that the BSC offers a“most promising approach”that helps organisations to measure their performance and to achieve their objectives of excellence.According to Kaplan and Norton(1992,p.32)the Balanced Scorecard is:[...]a new framework or structure created for integrating indicators derived from the strategy,that continues to retainfinancial indicators of the past actions,completed with inductors of futurefinancial actions.The inductors,which include the customers,the processes and the perspectives of learning and growth,are derived from an explicit and rigorous translation of the strategy of the organisation into tangible objectives and indicators. The strategies and the lines of action that would enable the company to achieve its strategic vision should be translated into each of the perspectives.The company’s strategies in the perspectives of learning and growth and in internal processes that are important in R&D activities will be those that,in short,help it to meet its strategic objectives related to the satisfaction of its customers and shareholders..Translation of company strategies in thefinancial perspective.The translation of strategies in thefinancial perspective is aligned with the improvement of the company’s situation in the interests of shareholders.Strategies designed to increase market share or to increase productivity should be related to the strategic objective of improving thefinancial situation of the company..Translation of the company strategy according to the customer’s perspective.In this case,the object should be to identify the segments of the market,select those market segments the company aims to satisfy,and identify proposed value to deliver to the segments selected.Customer satisfaction will lead to a higher rate of customer retention and/or the widening of the market,among other objectives.In turn,this will foreseeably generate betterfinancial results for the company.Balanced Scorecard framework243.Translation of the company strategy in the perspective of internal processes.It is in this perspective that we have worked most in the development of the BSC for R&D,the topic of this article.The proposed value to be offered to customers takes material form in the particular attributes and benefits that the supplier company provides,through its products and services,to create satisfaction and loyalty in its customers in the selected market segments.The proposed value is the key concept for understanding how measurements are managed within the groups of indicators of customer satisfaction,increased retention and market share.The satisfaction of both the shareholders and the customers are the consequence or result of the strategy of the company.The company as an organisation executes its strategy through processes that constitute its internal value chain,with special importance being attached to the initial activities of the value chain:R&D activities..Translation of the company strategy in the perspective of growth and learning.The company’s success in the execution of its strategy will be based on the capacity of its organisation to learn,adapt and grow.This capacity also resides in the resources of the organisation allocated to R&D activities,particularly the personnel.Each measurement is part of a chain of cause-and-effect links.There must be a balance between the measurements of results (against financial,market and customer satisfaction goals)and the motors driving those results (proposed value,internal processes,learning and growth in R&D).In his study on measurements of scientific output Newburn (1972)stated that,while there are many studies where only one criterion is used to measure scientific output,it is generally recognised that scientific performance is multidimensional.In other words,as a general rule,after studying the indicators on the efficacy and efficiency of R&D activities proposed in the literature and applied in practice,many authors have concluded that multiple integrated measurements of output need to be utilised,owing to the complexity of the concept to be measured (Tipping et al.,1995;Utunen,2003;Werner and Souder,1997).Integrated measurements have the particular characteristic of combining numerous aspects of a single reality;they make it possible to utilise a series of quantitative-subjective,quantitative-objective and qualitative measurements jointly for the assessment of a single concept or reality.Often,this integration generates more information on the effectiveness of the R&D activities measured than if each measurement or indicator were taken individually (Werner and Souder,1997).The three types of integrated measurements most frequently utilised in the study of the efficacy of R&D activities are:the Technological Value Pyramid (Tipping et al.,1995),Benchmarking (Bean et al.,2000;Krause and Liu,1993;Tipping et al.,1995;Werner and Souder,1997;Sharif,2002)and the Balanced Scorecard (Kerssens-van Drongelen and Bilderbeek,1999;Kerssens-van Drongelen and Cook,1997;Li and Dalton,2003;Neufeld et al.,2001).In this respect,Bremser and Barsky (2004)argue that companies that employ large amounts of resources in R&D can benefit from the key concepts of the BSC,EJIM 11,2244fundamentally for its basic principles,focused on the achievement of strategies.In particular,these authors identify the following advantages from its utilisation: .the company translates its strategy into operational terms using BalancedScorecards and strategic maps;.the BSC aligns the organisation structure with the strategy,by“cascading”from the highest-level scorecard to strategic business units,to support departments and to external partners;.it makes strategy everyone’s job,by allowing initiatives for creating strategic awareness and for using personal scorecards with related incentives;.it makes strategy a continual process by linking budgets to strategy, implementing a process for learning and adapting thefirm’s strategy;and .it mobilises leadership for change in the strategic management system. Deploying the corporate BSC in the functions and departments of R&D helps to achieve the integration of technological planning with the strategy of the corporation. Pearson et al.(2000)review the literature and report on measurements of R&D performance;they advise the joint use of traditional techniques of measurement of returns focused on the cost control of this type of activity,with strategic measurements in the long term and withfinancial objectives.In this process of integration,the application of a BSC is suggested.With respect to the techniques traditionally employed for measuring the returns from R&D,Donnelly(2000)raises the question of whether techniques for monitoring the results of R&D are feasible or not,and of how these can be related to the strategies of the corporation.This author came to the conclusion that around40per cent of new products developed by a company do not achieve the returns desired.Bremser and Barsky(2004)consider that,in the implementation of strategy,the employment of non-financial measurements related directly or indirectly to the R&D plays an extremely important role,both at the level of internal processes and at the corporate level.In companies with long cycles of product design and development,the cycle of innovation is more important than the operating cycle.The process of innovation usually requires a longer period of time for value creation,in which new markets and new customers see their expectations met;R&D activities are critical in the implementation of these expectations(Bremser and Barsky,2004).The pioneering proposal put forward by Kerssens-van Drongelen and Cook(1997)is based on the argument that all the output measurements utilised in the literature and in practice can be placed under one or several of the followingfive high level parameters: cost(efficiency),quality,time,innovatory capacity and contribution to profits,and that these high level parameters can,in turn,be aligned with the four perspectives proposed by Kaplan and Norton(1992,1993,1996).Quality corresponds to the perspective of the customer,cost(efficiency)and time to the perspective of the internal processes,innovatory capacity to the perspective of learning and growth,and contribution to profits to the perspective offinancial results.The model proposed by these authors is represented in Figure1.Neufeld et al.(2001)analysed eight organisations in the USA and Canada that are leaders in scientific research,with the object of identifying the attributes that define quality of management in research units or departments.Their approach was based onBalanced Scorecard framework245the BSC model of Kaplan and Norton since,according to the authors,the BSC is a point of departure for identifying the attributes of organisations with a high research output (see Table I).Li and Dalton (2003)argue that the BSC needs to be implemented in R&D because of the scale of changes that have taken place in recent years.The rate of growth in the size and scope of R&D departments has been spectacular and rapid,to the extent that problems of visibility are being generated.Managers feel that the basic decisions that were taken relatively easily years ago have now become extraordinarily difficult.In the opinion of Li and Dalton (2003),when there is a lack of visibility from the top down,serious problems emerge from the bottom up,since at the operating level it is difficultFigure 1.Balanced Scorecard forR&D proposed byKerssens-van Drongelenand Cook(1997)EJIM 11,2246have a strategic vision of the company and its objectives.This has created problems in R&D activities,where measurements of productivity are passing through a crisis,as demonstrated in the study already mentioned conducted by Berger Consulting (2002)among 60large multinational chemical companies,and in other studies.The response to this crisis is to recognise the need for better management of R&D activities;a need exists for R&D departments to render accounts of their activities,and for their operational objectives to be focused on supporting the strategy of the company,to enable the decision-makers to identify and justify the potential rewards from these activities.As a case study,the way this problem was solved in the company Pharmacia was by the implementation of software to keep a Balanced Scorecard for the R&D activities of the company.Li and Dalton (2003)describe the use of this tool and show the structure of the BSC applied to Pharmacia,which is presented in Figure 2.As can be seen,the four dimensions of Kaplan and Norton have been extended to five,with “Learning and Innovation”being separated into two;at the same time,each dimension comprises four or five operating objectives,making a total of 23.According to Li and Dalton (2003),the implementation of this management tool has resulted in the following benefits for Pharmacia:(1)The system has permitted more transparency for the managers,who have actedthinking of the long-term results.People The management knows that research abilities andother skills are necessary to fulfil the mission,andtherefore the company contracts,develops andretains the appropriate mix of personsThe employees are highly committed to their work,have confidence in the management,and are proudof their organisationLeadership The current and anticipated needs of the personsengaged in the research work are critical for theorganisation and its research programThe employees and other persons engaged in theresearch work share the vision,values and goals ofthe managementThe portfolio of projects represents appropriateresearch work,with sufficient time and resourcesallocated to perform the work appropriatelyManagement of the research The research projects involve significantleading-edge science,the correct persons are engagedin them,they are on course and within budgetThe research projects attract external financingOrganisational knowledge is systematicallycaptured and transformed into tools of workOrganisational performance and outputThe organisation is widely known and respectedThe organisation knows the needs of everyone whodepends on it Source:Neufeld et al.(2001)Table I.Definitions of the ten attributes in the Balanced Scorecard for R&D Balanced Scorecard framework 247(2)This has had an impressive effect in the the last two years,the company has introduced various redesigns of processes highlighted by using the BSC;.the time cycles in the critical paths of clinical tests have been drastically reduced,by between 34per cent and 75per cent;.the costs per patient have been reduced by 5per cent;.the number of patients recruited for clinical research has increased by 34per cent;.all these results have been achieved while maintaining the level of quality;and .the BSC contributes to the global implementation of strategy and to continuous decision making.Figure 2.Model BSC applied to thecompanyPharmaciaEJIM 11,2248Another of the applications analysed is that described by Bremser and Barsky(2004, p.234).These authors present an example of specific measurements of R&D under the structure of a BSC for the company’s R&D department;these are shown in Table II.In particular,the proposal of these authors is based on relating the indicators of strategic character for the company as a whole,with the specific indicators for the R&D department.As can be observed from the review made in this study on the measurement of the returns from R&D and its models,the literature points to the lack of definition of strategy in the planning of these activities,and the BSC is seen as the instrument that would help to achieve this definition.However,we certainlyfind a lack of homogeneity in the consideration of the indicators for R&D,since each company develops them in a different way,making it practically impossible to undertake any type of research that relates the advantages of the use of this technique with other parameters that could be available to the researcher.With the object of resolving this problem,our proposal is to develop a scale or general BSC model for R&D,with the basic objective of obtaining a measurement tool that would give values that are homogeneous across several companies,and that could be adapted to the characteristics of the sector to which it may later be applied.The validation of scale would be employed to help usfind performance values linked to R&D that are comparable between companies;this methodology should enable us to obtain a much more global and reliable multi-indicator(a scale or construct)than could be obtained from the analysis of individual indicators in isolation.3.Validating the content of a Balanced Scorecard for R&DAs stated in the introduction,in our approach we propose to validate the content of a general BSC model for R&D activities.For this we design a measurement instrument, or scale,that includes all the appropriate variables,financial and non-financial,that have been proposed in the literature on the strategic management of R&D,starting from the structure of the“classic”BSC of Kaplan and Norton(1992,1996).To achieve this objective,we have established the following sub-objectives:.Identification of the principal dimensions of the BSC:The dimensions are the various perspectives of the BSC.In accordance with the literature,we have considered the indicators related to each of the four perspectives,with the addition in our case of afifth perspective termed Innovation,both in respect of the R&D department and in respect of the company as a whole..Delimitation of the objectives or variables measured by these indicators:The purpose of this phase of the work was to explain clearly these objectives or variables in the interviews held with the experts..Definition of each indicator that comprises the object of measurement (delimitation of the contents of the BSC)and design of a questionnaire(scale) in which each of these Indicators is represented by one or more items.3.1MethodologyIn empirical research on the management of R&D,as in other disciplines,the relationships between relevant variables are examined.However,an initial problem may be encountered:how to measure these variables as accurately and reliably asBalanced Scorecard framework249S t r a t e g i c o b j e c t i v e s d e p a r t m e n t S t r a t e g i c i n d i c a t o r s a t fir m l e v e l S a m p l e m e t r i c s a t t h e R &D l e v e l F i n a n c i a l p e r s p e c t i v e A .R e t u r n o n c a p i t a l e m p l o y e d 1.R &D v a l u e c r e a t i o n a t i n n o v a t i o n s t a g e s 1.4(A ,B ,C )B .C u s t o m e r p r o fit a b i l i t y 2.R &D v a l u e c r e a t i o n i n c o m m e r c i a l i s a t i o n s t a g e s 5&6(A ,B ,C )C .R e v e n u e g r o w t h r a t e 3.P e r c e n t a g e o f s a l e s f r o m n e w p r o d u c t s (D ,E )D .C u s t o m e r r e t e n t i o n r a t e C u s t o m e r p e r s p e c t i v e E .M a r k e t s h a r e 4.P r o d u c t m a r k e t l i f e c y c l e (D ,E ,F )F .C u s t o m e r a c q u i s i t i o n (n u m b e r a n d q u a l i t y )5.C u s t o m e r s a t i s f a c t i o n w i t h n e w p r o d u c t s (D ,E )I nt e r n a lb u s i n e s s p r oc e s s G .N e w p r od u c t p r o fit a b i l i t y f o r s t a ge 5(H )6.N u m b e r of n e w p r o d u c t s a p p r o v e d p e r s p e c t i v e H .R &D e f fic i e n c y (t i m e t o m a r k e t )7.A v e r ag e d e v e l o p m e n t c y c l e t i m e s t a g e s 1.4(H )I .P e r c e n t a g e o f r e s o u r c e s t o s u s t a i n p r o d u c t s t a g e s 1.4(G ,H )8.A v e r a g e d e v e l o p m e n t c o s t p e r e x i s t i n g p r o d u c t s J .O th e r m e t ri c s n o t r e l a t e d t o R &D 9.P e r c e n t a g e o f p r o d u c t i d e a s a p p r o v e d f o r s t a g e 4(H )10.P r i c i n g a n d p r o .t p l a n n i n g a c c u r a c y (G )11.N e w p r o d u c t a c c e p t a n c e r a t e (G )12.S a f e t y i n c i d e n t s (H )L e a r n i ng a n d g r o w t h p e r s p e c t i v e K .E m p l o y e e r e t e n t i o n 13.N u m b e r o f p a t e n t s a w a r d e d (M )L .E m p l o y e e d e v e l o p m e n t 14.S t r a t e g i c s k i l l c o v e r a g e r a t i o b y c o m p e t e n c y c a t e g o r y (K ,M )M .S t r a t e g i c s k i l l c o v e r a g e r a t i o b y c o m p e t e n c y c a t e g o r y 15.R &D c o m p e t e n c y v s .c o m p e t i t o r s (i n n o v a t i o n l e v e l )(M )N .E m p l o y e e s u r v e y m e a s u r e s 16.E m p l o y e e s u r v e y m e a s u r e s (N ,O )O .I n n o v a t i v e c u l t u r e s u r v e y s 17.E m p l o y e e t r a i n i n g (h o u r s )(K ,L )N o te :T h e l e t t e r (s )i n p a r e n t h e s e s i n d i c a t e c a s c a d i n g l i n k a g e s t o t h e fir m -l e v e l m e a s u r e s S ou rce:B r e m s e r a n d B a r s k y (2004,p .235)Table II.Sample metrics at the R&D department level EJIM 11,2250possible (Schwab,1980,p.5).Often,the conclusions obtained in research studies on the behaviour of innovative companies and its consequences are measured by the empirical observations of the researchers,and therefore errors of measurement are likely to occur.Research in this field is characterised by a scarcity of studies on the management of R&D.The complete methodology on the validation of an instrument of measurementcomprises a multiphase process,such as that depicted in Figure 3(Garcı´a-Valderrama and Mulero-Mendigorri,2005,p.315):.First,a group of items (empirical indicators),chosen to measure the construct,must be identified.It is necessary first to demonstrate that the empirical indicators are logical and related to the construct,or scale.This step is referred to as the Validity of the Content (Pedhazur and Schemelkin,1991).Two successive techniques are utilised in this phase:a review of the bibliography,and consulting the opinions of experts..Second,the degree of Reliability and Validity of the instrument of measurement must be established[1].This step requires the application of a series of statistical tests that determine,first,the statistical properties of the empirical indicators (O’Leary-Kelly and Vokurka,1998);second,within the analysis of Validity,the validity of construct must be analysed,which encompasses both convergent and discriminant validity;and third,the validity of criterion must be studied,which encompasses the concurrent validity and the predictive validity of the instrument..Finally,the definitive scale is applied to the company or companies being studied,by means of the questionnaire.The methodology followed in our work is centred on the first phase of the completeprocess of validation of scales:the content validity (Garcı´a-Valderrama and Mulero-Mendigorri,2005).The content validity of an instrument of measurement is defined as the sampling adequacy of the items of a test.In practice,the content validation represents a systematic examination of the content of the test,to determine if a sample is relevant to and representative of the behavioural domain that the researcher intends to measure.The following steps should be followed in the validation of content:.definition of the universe of admissible observations;.identification of experts with knowledge of this universe;Figure 3.Stages in the methodologyfor scalevalidationBalanced Scorecard framework251。
二、平衡自我评估量表的概念与作用平衡自我评估量表(Balance Self-Assessment Scale,简称BSAS)是一种用来评估个体在生活中保持心理平衡能力的量表。
班杜拉学术自我效能量表摘要:一、班杜拉学术自我效能量表的背景与定义1.班杜拉学术自我效能量表的提出2.自我效能感的概念3.学术自我效能量表的作用二、班杜拉学术自我效能量表的内容与结构1.量表的维度2.量表的题目3.量表的评分方式三、班杜拉学术自我效能量表的应用1.教育领域的应用2.职业领域的应用3.个人成长的应用四、班杜拉学术自我效能量表的局限性与改进1.量表的局限性2.量表的改进方向正文:班杜拉学术自我效能量表是由美国心理学家阿尔伯特·班杜拉(Albert Bandura)提出的一种衡量个体学术自我效能感的量表。
二、班杜拉学术自我效能量表的内容与结构班杜拉学术自我效能量表共有10 道题目,涵盖了学习、研究和创新能力等方面。
量表采用7 级记分制,从“完全不同意”到“完全同意”,评估个体在学术领域内的自我效能感。
通过对这10 道题目的回答,可以得到一个总分和四个分维度(学习、研究、创新和综合)的得分。
【关键词】分层选择题学生学业成就诊断性评价分层选择题(Ordered Multiple-Choice,简称OMC )是由美国“伯克利评价和评估研究(Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research,简称BEAR)”评估系统的研究学者布里格斯(Briggs)、阿朗佐(Alonzo)和威尔逊(Wilson)等人于2006年提出的一种新的选择题形式。
[1] 研究者将分层选择题的设计与学生的认知发展联系起来,分层选择题的每一个选项的设计能体现学生理解能力的发展水平,教师或教育研究者根据学生对选项做出的反应,可以对学生的学业水平进行诊断性评价。
在此基础上,威尔逊等人提出了建构图(construct map)的概念。
66、节制使快乐增加并使享受加强。 ——德 谟克利 特 67、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也 是耽误 了。——裴斯 泰洛齐 68、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运 的,只 是一瞬 之间。 ——歌 德 69、懒人无法享受休息之乐。——拉布 克 70、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。——卢梭
平衡计分卡Balanced-Scorecard-详 解分享
1、战鼓一响,法律无声。——英国 2、任何法律的根本;不,不成文法本 身就是 讲道理 ……法 律,也 ----即 明示道 理。— —爱·科 克
3、法律是最保险的头盔。——爱·科 克 4、一个国家如果纲纪不正,其国风一 定颓败 。—— 塞内加 5、法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律 面前人 人是平 等的。 ——波 洛克
学生小组成绩分工法(STAD)[基本概况]学生小组成绩分工法(STAD),英文全称为Student Teams Achievement Division,是由Johns Hopkins University 大学的合作学习专家Robert Slavin及其同事于1986年设计成型的。
[教学程序]其完整的教学程序一般由五个阶段构成:[1] 知识传授(Class Presentation):教师以讲座方式授课,将主要概念传授给全班学生;[2] 小组学习(Team Study):学生按异质分组原则形成若干个4人或5人合作学习小组,以小组合作活动的形式使每个组员都做到完全掌握所教内容;[3] 个人测验(Individual Test):每位学生就所学内容参加个人测验;[4] 得分计算(Individual Improvement Score Calculating):教师将每个学生的得分与其以往的测试得分(基础分)相比较,并计算其个人提高分,接着根据各组的个人提高分总和的平均值,计算出每组的最终小组得分。
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3. Case studySince BSC was recognized widely by business circles, a lot of scholars did a large amount of deep researches in implementation of BSC in commercial companies (Kaplan and Nortan 1996). Most of them strongly believe that there is an outweigh benefits than the cost of company for using BSC (Wilson, Hagarty & Gauthier 2003; Chan2004). However, in last years of the twentieth century, there was increasing evidences supports the suitability for government sector using BSC. (Atkinson & McCrindell 1997; Silk, 1998; Irwin, 2002; Kloot & Martin, 2000; Ho& Chan, 2002; Wisniewski & Olafsson, 2004; Chan; 2004) Indeed, there were plenty of experiences of implementing BSC in municipalities, especially, applied BSC to hospital and healthcare services (Chan& Ho 2000; Aidemark 2001; Protti 2002; Amaratunga, Haigh, Sarshar and Baldry 2002;) police services ( Elefalk, 2001) and high education services. (Chang & Chow 199; Stewart & Carpenter-Hubin,2001), however, there are few literatures which focus on the explicit analysis of BSC in the implementation process in public sectors. This chapter presents a discussion of applying BSC to sport services in public sector entities by a case study of the municipal sports agency in Granada (Spain).3.1 Public SectorAt the end of twentieth century, the environment of the public sector underwent a significant change. Perspectives like, decentralization, privatization, outsourcing, performance measuring and a great emphasis on consumer orientation (Aberbach &Christensen, 2005) are the major changes (Hood, 1991; Peters, 1997; Lane, 2000; Barzelay, 2001) These kinds of reforms tend to increase organization’s efficiency and effectiveness. In a fact, performance evaluation is becoming more and more important in public entities’ management control. (Ittner & Larcker, 1998; Pollitt & Bouckaert,2000) Furthermore, the directors pay attention on long-term strategic planning for managing the municipality. (Ter Bogt, 2001) To regard these aims, public sector requires a strategic management tool for planning, controlling and reporting on their performance. Based on this requirement, some academicians have presented kinds of business improvement methodologies and techniques to help public organisations improve their service quality and simulate the effective use of their resources. For example, Business Excellence Model (European Foundation of Quality Management, 1999), Balanced Scorecard (Kaplan and Norton 1992, 1996) and other Total quality Management (Massey 1999; McAdam & Walker ,2003)BSC and Local AuthoritiesSome authors have commented that BSC is an invaluable instrument for public organization when dealing with the quality and efficiency challenges. (Smith, 2000; Quilivan, 2000; Niven, 2003; Chang, 2006) However, some scholars are concerning the traditional BSC (Kaplan and Norton 1992, 1996) may not be directly implemented in public organization, they argue that the external stakeholders to public sector may different from commercial organization (Wisniewski & Olafsson, 2004), other authors believe that it may be more difficult for public organizations measure performance than in commercial organizations (Estis & Hyatt, 1998). However, some authors suggest that public sector entities should reanalyse and redefine the relevant indicators and the four perspectives in order to find a better framework suitable for public entities. (Estis & Hyatt, 1998; Maata & Ojala, 1999, Kaplan & Norton 2001, Wisniewski & Olafsson, 2004)As a result, there are many practises prove that BSC approach is adapted to apply in public entities (Wilson, Hagarty & Gauthier 2003), such as in healthcare services (Baldry, 2002), higher education (Stewart & Carpenter-Hubin, 2001) and police services (Elefalk, 2001). The implementation of BSC in these public entities appearssome similar strengths and barriers as the application in Commercial organizations. For example, as the experience in a public health care organization, the managers presented that BSC promotes initiatives for people making discussion about the organization’s visions and goals in future and developing strategies and measures. (Aidemark, 2001) Furthermore, Johnsen (2001) commented that the BSC can assist public entities to develop, discuss, and determine the major decision- making and performance indicators in a complicated environment such as political bodies. In addition, BSC gives the managers a idea for organization to However, on the other hand, Aidemark (2001) presented that there is high cost of human resources and time for implementing BSC by a top-down control model.The implementation of BSC should be customized according to the particular features and requirements of local authorities because of the complex environment. Wisniewski & Olafsson presented six important considerations for company designing and implementing BSC. (1) Managers should focus on the whole process of developing and implementing BSC rather than simply pay attention on designing BSC, BSC should not only exists on papers or minds. (2) It is essential for organization making a clear strategy map before implementing BSC. (3) The traditional four perspectives may appropriate for the public entity, however it is important for organization re-analysis and re-define the relevant perspectives.(4) BSC is a both time and resources consuming progress for councils, especially in some entities which allocate most of their resources to frontline service delivery rather than back-office activities. (5) BSC as a management tool should be performed like a needle which runs through from the senior managers to junior staffs, link their benefits and goals together, there must be with visible and direct benefits given to those staffs who take part in the BSC approach. (6) The strategic map could help with the coordination of activities from different departments of a council.The paper below would present a case study which describes the whole process of designing and developing the implementation of BSC in a municipal agency inGranada. The learning objectives of this case is that,1) help to understand the explicit process of designing and implementing a BSC in public entities, 2) find the differences while BSC applied in public entities, comparing with its application in commercial organizations.3.3. Characterization of the entity and its contextual situationMunicipal Agency of Sports which short for MAS is accredited a public entity with a legal identity, its financial income depends on the annually grants from Granada City Hall, partly from the receipts of sport services it provided. The main function and responsibility of the organization is that, 1) the management of municipal sport centers and facilities 2) promote and help to create local sport culture in Granada, 3) the promotion of sport associations 4) it is responsible for the maintenance, repair and management of sport infrastructures in Granada.The mainly contradiction of the organization it faced is that the increasing population and increased sporting demands in Granada against the limited financial income of MAS, MAS do not have enough financial resources to provide proportionate level sport service in Granada comparing with its increasing sporting demand of citizens. The figure below which gives the growth rate of population and sport infrastructures in Granada shows the conflict:In this context, the efficient use of limited funds and improving efficiency of sportservice is the strategic focus the MAS, BSC could provide the indicators such as performance drivers (Delay drivers and Lead drivers) that simulate the achievement of the strategic goal of the organization. Thus, BSC is also an efficient managerial tool to reach the statutory objective of MAS, the expectation of BSC applied in MAS is that contribute to providing municipal sport service which are lower in cost, higher in quality.Before implementation of BSC, it is critical to determine the stakeholders of who relate to BSC, in general, these primary users of BSC are the managers and in particular, the top managers and administrators of the organization. Others like professional staff, graduates in law studies or physical education studies are potential users of BSC. BSC is an information system focus on the critical activities that related to the organization’s strategy, the staffs that are taking part in those activities, are all potential users of BSC.3.4. Present status of MAS and SWOT analysisA pre-analysis has been done by the consultants from Granada University with the help of MAS managers in order to diagnosing the current status of MAS, and doing a SWOT analysis of MAS, the pre-analysis contained three key areas that need to be identified before the design and implementation of BSC, which were, financial information, the quality of services, and procedures.Financial information: as the financial report provided by MAS, the MAS annual budget contained investment in sport infrastructures and also include the estimation of the expected revenue for the period, the problem is that most of the annual expense which account for about 65% of the total budgetary expense for 2007 and 2008, is wage paid for their staffs, the investment in new sport infrastructure was only occupying 3% of the total budget for the year 2007 and 2008. The primary revenue of MAS is the funds grants received from the local authorities (Granada City Hall), thosegrants represent around 70% of its total budgetary revenue for the period of 2007 and 2008.The quality of services: obviously, from the previous financial information of MAS, it shows that there is not enough investment in sport infrastructures in Granada, and there is a need for greater equity received from Granada City Hall to cover this situation. Furthermore, MAS lacks of a mature system to measure the quality of the sport service, and also lack of quality control system of their provision. In fact, MAS has not emphasized sport service improvement as their main goal in the past, however, this aspect must be one of the key areas that needed to be controlled.Procedure: the procedures used in MAS seem to be a decentralized system; managers control the organization by diverse procedures. Spreadsheet is used to record such as the users of sport services, the sport activities undertaken and staffing. Computer program takes the main function of monitoring staff, utilization of sport facilities, and the programming of local sport events. The major problem of current digital systems is that they are not interconnected and there are some problems of analysis data and establishing the level of satisfaction of users; furthermore, a complaints system is necessary, but MAS do not own one. The decentralized information system cannot provide an entire view of MAS’s activities, a new centralized information system which shares information across each department could decrease the response time for dealing with customers’ request, to avoid data dispersion, and help to integrate the different activities of the organization to achieve the strategic goal.3.5. SWOT analysisSWOT analysis is a tool used to analyze the strength, weakness, threat and opportunity of the organization, the SWOT in MAS analysis, gives a reference to point out the long-term strategies for MAS, following the SWOT analysis, organization could know their competence, limitations, their potential opportunities,according to the SWOT, MAS could design and produce an organization strategy map by the premise fully understand the current status of the whole organization. The SOWT analysis table is depicted in the following table, the analysis is produced by the managers of the organization.3.6. Establishing MAS goals and strategic objectives. The strategy mapWhile setting the strategic objectives for the different perspectives of BSC and long term strategic goal for or the different perspectives of BSC, it is critical to take into account the SWOT analysis of the company and know its current situation, to think about ‘what is the core competence of the company?’, ‘what is the weakness of the company’. In this case, the managers set their strategic objective as ‘the promotion of high quality sport services, the universalization of sporting practice and the creationof a sport culture in the population of Granada, in order to improve the agency’s financial situation and its economic profitability’, this is somewhat similar with mission, version, objective of commercial companies. Meanwhile strategic line was also designed in accordance with these objectives; also managers launched their guideline for the four perspectives of the BSC, that is, the learning and growth perspective, the internal perspective, the customer perspective and the financial perspective.3.7. The learning and growth perspectiveFor the learning and growth perspective, there are two critical things should be fully considered, first, the continuous improvement of employee training, with the help of experienced trainers and exhaustive pre-study of theory, the training could be on the best performance and enable staff to obtain the best possible qualifications to perform their work. Secondly, based on the past experience of MAS customer survey, the satisfactory of users of MAS service is highly linked with the level of how qualified staffs involved in providing services.In order to continuously improve the professional qualifications of the organization’s personnel, a policy guideline was made based on the following fundamentals:‘-Employee training should be driven to achieve the objectives and to improve the performance of MAS services. All the departments of MAS should define their human resources needs periodically and define the employees’ capabilities and skills, as well as the technology and corporate climate needed to support the organization’s strategy.-The quality of employee training must be a mainstay in employee training policies. Itshould be aimed at the satisfactory performance of MAS services and at encouraging all employees, including managers, to participate in continuous training. Training must reward the efforts made by staff and managers to improve their professional qualification, and thus increase employee satisfaction.– Employee training must be continuous and it must take place in a climate that favours organizational change, innovation and growth. Also, it must ensure the continuous training of all staff and the most effective use of economic resources in employee training programmes.– Evaluation of results and stewardship will provide justification for the programme of continuous employee training in the organization. Evidence of the results achieved will encourage the establishment of future training programmes.– Employee training must serve as a too l for employees’ professional development and, therefore, be linked with systems of employee promotion. In this regard, the continuous employee-training programme in MAS will be related with processes of internal promotion and administrative career advancement.’Secondly, in order to build a formal strategic management organization and keep monitoring the strategic implementation in the organization, MAS managers considered to assign strategic activities throughout the organization, that makes the personal activities of staff align with the strategic purpose of the organization.MAS managers recommend to design a innovative information system which could monitor the implementation of organization’s strategy, such an information system are expected to integrate all the information required to control the implementation of the strategy, it would replace of the old information system of the organization. The newly information system are required to interpret the cause-and effect relationships and show the daily performance of strategy application. Meanwhile, the financialperspective of a strategic structure should be reformed; the new structure of financial system should distinguish the operative budget and the strategic budget, with respectively linked with organization’s short-term and long-term financial objectives. Employee’s incentive system should also be build based on e mployee’s productivity. This measure would incent employee to achieve their best performance, consequently promote the provision of high quality sport services.3.8. Internal process perspectiveHigh quality sport service provision can support to create positive intangible value for organizations, such as business reputation, increased brand recognition and so on, it not only works in these aspects, moreover it also be active in physical and organizational aspects. Business consultants proposed four main strategic objectives to improve sport service based on the past documentation available and interviews with MAS managers. 1) Actively cooperate with other public administrations for the purpose of holding more sport events, lead to the increased facility utilization. 2) Continuously investment for maintenances and improvement of sport facilities. 3) Synergies among MAS’s current and potential future activities. 4) Continuously improvement for the organization’s management skill f or administrative, technical, cooperative, economic perspective.In this case, the internal process perspective and the learning and growth perspective are considered to be the critical success factors to achieve the excellence sport service provision in Granada. MAS should fully take advantage of this circumstance and implement two strategic lines, on the one hand, it should increase user satisfactions, on the other, it create a positive public image of the organization and help to create the brand in Granada.3.9. Customer perspectiveFor customer perspective, there are basically two main goals: 1) increase the number of sport facility users, by offering high quality sport service; 2) create the image of high quality sport service provided.The foundation of a positive public image of MAS could firm its strategic market position and have a positive effect of increasing the future numbers of athletes coming from other regions, and make a free advertisement of their sport products and services. Moreover, MAS will be able to enlarge their business with the expected future financial growth with the possibility of improving sport facilities and diversifying their new sport activities.3.10. Financial perspectiveIn traditional performance measurement, financial perspective is of course the most important part, but in BSC theory, the performance of sport service in MAS is more important than financial measures. The strategic goal in financial perspective, is aimed at improving the economic profitability of investment and ensure the continuously increase of financial resources for future investment, and funds provision for employee training, for more diversified business activities.Under financial perspective, it is necessary to consider two constituent parts of MAS Budgetary resources, as remarked upon in the section on the learning and growth perspective. One part of the budget should be dedicated to the operating activities of the organization, and thus linked to the short-term strategy. In addition, a strategic budget should be designed and implemented, as an application of the long-term strategy. This strategic budget should be dedicated to the undertakings making up the future strategic planning of the organization.By successfully managing these elements of the objectives of the financial perspective, namely improving economic profitability and increasing financial resources, togetherwith achieving the objectives of the customer perspective, MAS should be able to achieve its strategic goals.3.11. The strategy mapAccording to the above strategic objectives to be achieved for the four perspectives, a strategy map has been designed to provide a bird view of the entire strategic goal, together with the financial resources needed to support it (see Figure 1). From the beginning of the initial proposal for building a strategy map, MAS managers make suggestions and take part in a great deal of meetings. Those suggestions have been fully considered in designing the organization’s strategy map.In the case, it adopted a special model which is different from that many other models pursued in public sector recommended by Kaplan & Norton and other academicians, it put the financial perspective as the upper level, but the learning and growth perspective and the internal perspective in a lower level. The model was considered and designed for the special case of MAS, which is a public organization but one needs to improve their financial situation as the highest priority in agenda setting.Therefore we see that the strategic objectives adopted in the learning and growth perspective and in the internal perspective forming the basis of MAS long-term strategy.(加东西)The expected improvement of the performance of those two perspectives would create substantial benefits in the provision of municipal sport services and enable the achievement of an outstanding degree of excellence.Due to the great achievement of above two perspectives, customer satisfaction will increase and MAS will receive a positive image from public, associated with high quality sport services it provided. The increased satisfaction of customers in the organization’s public image will possibly result in generating increased numbers of customers and the possibility of offering additional beneficial services such as consulting services in medical-sport activities.Increased customer numbers and customer potential, a high quality image of the organization and the offer of additional services will lead to an increase in the financial resources and its economic profitability, which will generate the high utilization of sport facilities and also the efficient use organization’s human resources.Finally, the integration of the financial perspective and the customer perspective will help the organization to achieve its strategic goal which is ‘ The promotion of high quality sport services, the universalization of sport practice, and the creation of a sport culture in the population of Granada, in order to improve entity’s financial situationand its economic profitability’.3.12. Strategic lines and performance indicatorsThe strategic indicators of the balanced scorecard of each perspective is decided by the performance drivers and the interrelationship among them, when MSA manager select the indicators, they have analyzed the cause and effect relation between activities and outcomes, and explored the performance drivers, then creating unique indicators to fit the organization’s strategic goal and activities in line. Finally, performance indicators were established in accordance with the relations of the performance drivers to evaluate the situation of MAS. Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6 depict the strategic objectives, strategic lines, strategic drivers and performance indicators in each perspective. Figure 2 presents the interrelationship among the performance drivers designed with the consensus of the managers.。